#from the backyard of my theoretical bullshittery factory
art-of-mathematics · 2 years
Evolution of the sciences throughout history
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Yesterday I could finally scribble a rough framework of an observation and concept I had regarding the sciences, and how they emerged from some ancient mysticism pseudoscience stuff, such as astrology and alchemy.
I considered 5 stages:
Primordial stage: Natural philosophy
Early/primitive stage: Alchemy, Math(could also be between primordial and early stage), Astrology
Main stage: Chemistry, Anatomy and Biology, Physics, Astronomy
Early interdisciplinary stage: Biochemistry, microbiology, astrophysics, nuclear and particle physics, cosmology, quantum physics
Complex interdisciplinary stage: Sociology, psychology, neuroscience, cognitive science
... then coming back to logic and linguistics and looping back to philosophy... and a new round begins... (What does this mean in concrete? That one is for another article as it would exceed the margin now. (But it has to to with dynamical iterative rendering processes, to summarize it.))
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What do you do if all your comrades in your head are intellectual dorky super workaholic workaholics - each of them?
Organize a science-math-philosophy-art party and watch the chaos organize itself! (hint and accompanied pun intended)
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art-of-mathematics · 2 years
Same as the "working power" of the brain is not defined by its volume, but merely by its surface area, which relates to the degree of filigree of the brain.
-> The more filligree the brain's structure (the more "quantum foam-like ripples" it offers) the larger the surface area. (Not-so-helpful hint: Use your imagination for that one.)
-> Exaggerated (and ironic) meme format:
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Also: quantum foam:
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art-of-mathematics · 2 years
Thought experiment regarding non-linear causal nets using an analogy of "dynamical chess"
Imagine a flexible chess board where each move of the chess figures alters the board. And each alteration of the board has effects on the figures as well, causing alteration in the behavior of the figures [a.k.a. the rules each figure has as a pre-defined rule]. | (That's entanglement of feedback-loops.) - This leads to chaotic behavior, making predictions even more difficult and "turbulent".
[This sort of chess is like the interaction between spacetime and matter.]
Following a helpful quote by John Wheeler:
"Spacetime tells matter how to move; matter tells spacetime how to curve."
- John Archibald Wheeler, Geons, Black Holes and Quantum Foam: A Life in Physics
Why do I use the neologism "non-linear causal nets"?
There is a kind of idiom-like brabble, called "causal chains". It states a linear string of cause-and-effect. This is often far too simplified for explaining real-life phenomena, because often there are far more causes to an effect than just one. There happen many "causal chains" simultaneously, so to speak. These causal chains are entangled. Multiple of such linear cause-and-effects are entangled, until they are no longer a linear-string or multiple linear strings, but a complex web. Each causal chain alters each other. That is basically a fundamental principle often recognized in quantum mechanics - interference.
It describes conservation of momentum in an analogy-based and merely imagination-based language of knots and loops, similar to some approaches of string theory and (loop) quantum gravity.
Information weaving
"Information weaving" might be the silly name I would use for that collection of conceptions and re-interpretations.
"Information transforms" in this conception are weaving patterns. In concrete, these are interaction patterns like
- replication of interaction pattern (like law of inertia)
- and interference/alteration of interaction pattern (momentum).
These two transforms are the two primary transforms. You can combine them and create all possible sorts of patterns.
Furthermore,... these relate to addition and multiplication of imaginary numbers, resulting in either a translation or a rotation in the complex plane... These might relate to the information transforms stated above.
But the research regarding this is really difficult and curently my mind is too sluggish and too over-crowded to compute it well enough.
It might take some years until it's less mad nonsense.
Spacetime as emergent property of entanglement
I enjoy the project It from Qubit and Polymath Vijay's interpretation that spacetime is emergent due to entanglement.
In my interpretation/analogy of "information weaving" time is a string, and space is the web consisting of that string. Space and time are hence "two aspects of one and the same thing".
This is especially interesting if you consider the difference between a time and a space dimension.
A space dimension has two ways of propagation, so to speak: left-right, top-down, before-behind... (to put it in plain words)
When it comes to the time dimension, I consider it to have only one propagation direction: The future, like in the conception of the arrow of time.
But here it becomes complex. Since time is "mono-directional", say, it has only one direction to propagate towards, it might interact with itself - via feedback-loops. This results in literal entanglement if you consider the arrow of time to be a simple string. Loop, knot and weave that string/arrow with itself and you might have spacetime as a complex result, so to speak.
In regards to quantum entanglement and superposition this interpretation might make sense as well, but I am not far enough with my research about that topic to summarize it coherently.
Furthermore, you can also define quantum gravity as the "degree of clotting": or, say: Let's interpret gravity as a principle of clustering: Areas with more density gain density, and areas with less density lose even more density, to reduce gravity to its primary principle.
Gravity is hence a re-distribution, a re-ordering of matter, or information, so to speak...
In regards to my information weaving conception, quantum gravity defines the density of information. It also defines how information re-distributes itself over time.
How the clustering happens depends on the patterns of interaction. And the patterns of interaction are affected by clustering as well. (Leading us back to Wheeler's quote above... )
What is "information"?
I regard information as an interaction pattern, a pattern in the web of causal nets, so to speak.
This is all a bit difficult to summarize. I will visualize it once I have summarized the parts of it well enough.
That was my literally chaotic thoughts as of today. It's a bit (/very much) incoherent.
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art-of-mathematics · 1 year
Recursive brain noodle soup - Parody of paradoxes unrevels its transcending character - Uncoiling the contradictions in a dancing pattern
[This post is rather incomprehensible and incoherent gibberish, but I want to share these fragments of trains of thought nevertheless.]
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Truth is neither day nor night. Truth is how day and night are like sine and cosine of the unit helix. Truth is a principle of interactions of all components in a data set. - Welcome to the analogy rollercoaster in the association weaving mill. - Enjoy the mental fuckery. And dont forget to have some fun along the way of getting your brain turned into semi-slimy noodle soup. Remember: "Creativity is intelligence having fun", as Carl Sagan once said it.
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Some days ago I bought this nice orange/yellow hoodie.
I like the "heterogeneous distribution" of the orange and yellow.
Today I attached some patches:
a patch with Euler"s identity/equation
a patch with an ironic dictionary-like explanation of the word Recursion (in german) [Recursion (Latin) see: Recursion]
a patch with the Fibonacci spiral, a patch with the flower of life pattern, a patch with a dodecahedron
AND - At the hood I attached a patch with some lyrics by the somewhat pagan-ish/shamanic-like band Heilung. [It is from their first live album LIFA (Opening ceremony) - Beware that the music by this band might have trance-inducing effects.] - This quote might appear like having a huge religious character. Yet, I don"t interpret it as such. It is an additional interesting plot twist to interpreting all the patches I have attached on that hoodie.
The lyrics on that patch:
"Remember that we all are brothers, All people, And beasts and trees, And stone and wind, We all descend from the one great being, That was always there, Before people lived and named it, Before the first seed sprouted."
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How I interpret these lyrics: I ignore all details and think about the main principle(s) stated. According to that method, I translate these lyrics to:
"We all stem from the same. (->Darwin"s evolution ) We are all connected by the same rules of nature, and we all emerged by the same rules of nature. (This is difficult to explain and summarize... in short, I refer to interactions in dynamical systems and emergence. Rules of nature include laws of physics and all other sciences.
These laws of nature could be imagined as guiding principles for the metaphorical game of life, like a vague instruction how life should uncoil itself. )
These rules of nature already existed before we could discover them (alias "before we named them")"
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art-of-mathematics · 2 years
Where Memory Fragments Are Stored - Neuroscience News
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A rough brain storming idea popped up: (should be taken with a grain of salt, very simpifid idea!)
Pre-frontal cortex, also known as the place in the brain where the personality and important functions related to one's own behavior has its 'main seat'...
dissociation (fragmentation/ dissociation of psychological functions) induced by childhood trauma/prolonged and/or severe trauma relate to a fragmentation of memory.
How I experience Dissociative states/DID in regards to this:
Details like memories of sensory information become shattered all around, not properly/coherently connected.... also scattered, like you have multiple jigsaw puzzles, and then all jigsaw puzzles are also smashed and confusingly mixed. And you neither know which piece belongs to which picture (picture equating entire jigsaw puzzle in that analogy) - every picture is like a 2-dimensional shadow of a 3-dimensional object, say one perspective of the whole.
My memory appears like a jigsaw puzzle whose pieces are entire jigsaw puzzles itself. Like recursion.
And my memories, as well as the sensory information of the "here and now" need to be puzzled together in a sort of metascape - using metacognitive processes.
Metacognitive training is also used as treatment option for schizophrenic people to help them train to spot delusions and hallucinations by using an objective logic as sort of reflection method. (It's not helpful to start this therapy in acute psychotic episodes, as it can worsen delusions, but afterwards it can help prevent and/or reduce severity of psychotic episodes.)
Interestingly, recently/some months ago I read on the helpful effects of metacognitive training as therapy option for BPD and trauma-related disorders. Metacognition, just like meditation may also help to restore healthy connectivity of the brain, which is often distorted/disrupted by psychological trauma.
Metacognitive therapy is merely young and on its rise. As far as I can tell, it appears promising and non-invasive/harmfful.
Metacognition can not just be used as sort of therapy, but also for advanced learning techniques. Aldous Huxley, Einstein and some others used metacognitive methods in their working. (I read an article some time ago, but forgot, sorry.... also, I can't summarize metacognition for now well enough. But perhaps one day I might be able to write a comprehensible article on metacognition / or find a good source I can just share.
Sorry for the thought gibberish. But if the thoughts don't find the way outta my brain in whatever form, it just decays into oblivion... I will come back to it later. I'mma gonna take a short few-minute nap for now. )
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art-of-mathematics · 2 years
My art series "Cubic extraction of the hyper-spherical plane"
(Very surreal and twisted title, I know...)
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I think it's shapeshifting of interpretations/perspectives. (Some thoughts I stated in the grey description boxes are rather silly considerations.)
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art-of-mathematics · 2 years
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Weird surreal art ideas: "Quantum foamies" - 3d jigsaw puzzle pieces as fragments/pieces of quantum foam.
Weird speciality: The jags of the puzzle pieces relate to probabilities - as either 1 (out) or 0 (in).
I want to draw some weird manifolds according to that idea now. On the left of the attached photo I tried to indulge into this mess of thought gibberish, but it exceeded the available space on that piece of paper - and I lost my focus once again.
Plus I had another silly art idea: A box of puzzles with the title "Quantum foamies - Quantum foam puzzles for curios entities (aged 999+)" [referring to some reincarnation jokes here]
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art-of-mathematics · 2 years
My (semi-silly) art project maximalminimalism [Pt. 1]
I could finally edit them into that card style. (This helps me to sort my art projects, as it displays the project name, the title, the artwork, and some random thoughts about it.)
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art-of-mathematics · 2 years
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When thinking about my thoughts and how I present them... feeling embarrassed everytime I am reminded of the brain dump I post here... ahhh
Me, thinking in the metascape and observing the underlying principles: ... creative reasoning processes are iterative and non-linear. .. re-writing generalized nonsense until the nonsense extracts itself to become less nonsensical... well, that does not make sense currently... but this does not mean it will never make sense considering it's an entire collection of chaotic processes... (reminds me of the principle of emergence and self-organisation in complex dynamical systems: patterns emerge in course of time....(i recommend Hermann Haken's work on Synergetics and self-organization here))
Furtherly partially related to that loophole of thoughts: That article in quanta magazine: https://www.quantamagazine.org/pondering-the-bits-that-build-space-time-and-brains-20220420/
Balasabramanuan's words fit here partially:
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In the second screenshot, he is basically describing what John Wheeler described as "quantum foam":
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To visualize quantum foam: (I think that pic was originally in Brian Greene's book Our elegant universe (or I can't remember the exact name now)) in the picture you can see, if you zoom close enough into spacetime, its smoothless disappears more and more. That is the quantum foam John Wheeler described.
Furtherly that quantum foam is just turbulences (navier stokes) in quantum information flows - which is basically the entire concept of quantum gravity
... and well, that is basically how my brain and how my non-linear reasoning works...
and is basically one sort of example of that quanta magazine's article describing exactly the similarity between the brain's machinery and spacetime's machinery...
It has many reasons why I call the brain a biological calabi-yau-manifold...
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art-of-mathematics · 2 years
I am the thing that could not be, and yet, (t)here I am am, because I have pulled myself out of the swamp of shit situation by my own hair, so to speak... This life has turned me into some resilient and tough motherfucker while still remaining soft and squishy in my core.
Stay cool-headed and remain warm-hearted, not the other way around!
It's better to show compassion to others while also staying rational and logical and finding a consensus, than being careless when it comes to the impact of your deeds and words on others and becoming furious when it comes back to you.
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art-of-mathematics · 2 years
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Lol, I tried to google a transparent png calabi-yau-manifold to make a conceptual art piece of that previously mentioned theoretical fuckery book project - and, guess what, I find that artwork of mine in there. (That with the klein bottle - google showed that up, because I titled it biological calabi-yau-manifold, or such...)
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That was the bullshittery text to that artwork...
(I can understand why people might think I might be full-blown psychotic... The non-linearity of associations is incredible, the cryptic pun-like thought gibberish constructions are obscure, so bizarre, the information density is approaching a critical point and goes beyond anything that seems in any means logical or plausible... I have achieved my brain to turn into dough. (I need to find the awful pun I made some months ago about QM turning my mind into slimy brain dough or such....)
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(Oh I found it as screenshot)
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art-of-mathematics · 2 years
These duality word ambigrams are "three sides of one and the same"...
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What do these words have in common?
Processes/function/nurture are emergent and shape the structures which they stem from. They are like transformations, stating how the structures interact, like the process of weaving information. In a semantic interpretation they define the axiomatic rules.
Structure/form/nature are like the information web as result of the processes of interweaving. In a semantic interpretation they define axiomatic structures. (Axioms, and combinations of axioms as result of axiomatic rules)
Furthermore, a quote by John Wheeler partially also fits here: (On describing gravity of General Relativity): "Spacetime tells matter how to move, and matter tells spacetime how to curve." - how does it relate to the previous trains of thought?
- spacetime is an emergent structure defining how it will "process itself" via matter. (Matter as "dense and active information clot") (also related to my concept of nodus vacui - the metaphorical "self-knotting void knot")
(Also: an older post I made some months ago about the structure-process-complex idea: (that's a rough simplified frame of concept:)
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art-of-mathematics · 2 years
[My thoughts about that exceeding the margin once again.] [Epiphysis dysfunction and elevated bufotenine levels related, as well as a concept of memories being stored as highly compressed mathematical patterns - such turing patterns as raw form of memories - the memory as kind of perfused fractal - associations, analogies and hyperconnectivity - and the brain as literal biological calabi-yau manifold - as highly complex information weaving pattern - related to much of Vijay Balasubramanian's polymathic work ( https://www.quantamagazine.org/pondering-the-bits-that-build-space-time-and-brains-20220420/) and much of my own work regarding non-linear cognition, non-linear axiomatic systems {chaotic processes in axiomatic systems, quantum logic}, information weaving {information (re-)distribution in quantum systems, quantum gravity and how Navier-Stokes relate to that} - all are part of a holistic conception - like each conception/hypothesis is one 2-D shadow of a dynamical 3-D object which is not just moving but also shapeshifting - somehow this netwotk of concepts is like a wavefunction itself, consisting of wavelets and waves... like each puzzle piece is an entire jigsaw puzzle on itself... ]
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art-of-mathematics · 2 years
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So the first pic is a deptiction of the plot below, relating to the Fibonacci sequence.
What is this fuckery?
It might describe 'feedback loops" and self-interference patterns of a regression in dynamical information geometry; a set of information transforms.
The neat aspect is that if you expand the "outside frame" (the overall shell with the varying diameters), then neat 'coincidences' happen: the expanded 'virtual lines' often end or cross exactly at points at the "shell"...
I will play with finding loop sequences, as it's really thrilling.
Furtherly, it might also make sense to describe momentum and position of elementary particles depicting them as "progression of a dynamical information geometry". Plus the conceptions regarding relativistic aspects is in parallel 'production', and interestingly, although I didn't intend to put both aspects of my current work (this one and the relativity conception) together, they are each other's interesting addition. Someahat they "weave each other"... These thought processes are somewhat like the two perfectly symmetric, yet antithetic 'loops' of the first picture here. And it is like, so neat! The chaos literally sorts itself.
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art-of-mathematics · 2 years
What are your thoughts on this?
Interestingly Richard Fenyman remarked the occurence of the Fibonacci sequence and the 'golden angle' (primary part of the fine structure constant) in his work on quantum mechanics. And according to my information progression stuff, yes it wouldn't surprise me that this elementary principle of 'self-replication" might be one of the fundamental underlying patterns.
This is a plain idea I head: dividing the Fibonacci numbers: Larger Fib. number/smaller Fib. number (like 3/2 or 8/5) results in a damped wave alterating around large PHI (1.618...) and smaller number/larger number (like 2/3 or 5/8) results in a damped wave around small phi (0.618...) in the pic I just combined them in a strange axes system - and it's fun to imagine what would happen if you cause torsion and skews upon that visualized model:
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Interestingly, the Fibonacci numbers also exist in a certain interference-diffraction pattern/fourier transform, Fraunhofer diffraction to be more concrete.
Made a post about that some days ago(or was it weeks already?): (Although the stretched x-axis is not really required)
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In concrete, these describe position probabilities of superposed/entangled elementary particles. It is the pattern recognized in the double slit experiement.
Secondly, as the standard distribution also has connections to the concept of Pascal's triangle, in which the pattern of the fibonacci numbers are also omni-present, this would hint even more on the fundamentality of this logical sequence. But what is it concretely interpreted? In a different approach of interpretation, the Fibonacci sequence can be ragarded as a simple replication sequence, of continuing certain progression patterns, somewhat, yes it sounds silly: "Past+Present=Future, and Present=Past+more previous past", although it is far too simplified if taken literally. In a very rough pattern, this might be correct. But the exact details are generated by that same process just interacting with uncountable similar parallel versions of it (these are what i regarded as butterfly clones in my thesis)- chaos theorists might call them "feedback loops", and you can imagine it as a ball of uncountable worms knotting each other...
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