#french nationality
tarutaruga · 11 months
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please hoyoverse give this man a british accent you don't know how much I NEED this
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lionofchaeronea · 5 months
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The Wind, Félix Vallotton, 1910
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ancientsstudies · 8 months
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Musée du Louvre by expectolibrary.
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hedgehog-moss · 2 years
It’s always funny when anglo writers looking to express a specific idea casually pluck a cool ready-made monosyllabic phrase from their language’s unlimited supply and Romance language translators just curl up in the fœtal position and cry. I'm reading a text in which the American author talks about ‘Haves’ vs ‘Have-Nots’ vs ‘Have-Mosts’ —the poor French translator translated this as ‘ceux-qui-ont’ (the French language: don’t worry I’m just getting warmed up), ‘ceux-qui-n’ont-pas’ (nice we’ve doubled the syllable count but we mustn’t falter), and the beautiful ‘ceux-qui-ont-plus-que-tous-les-autres’ (300% expansion ratio let’s gooo! we did it great work everybody.) From 2 to 8 syllables—the minute I saw that bulky thing I knew it had to be Have-Mosts in the original and I was giggling. The anglo author happily proceeds to use the phrase ‘Have-Mosts’ 5 times per paragraph because why not! it’s so quick and wieldy :) we don’t actually need the word wieldy 'cause it’s just the normal state of our language <3 meanwhile you can feel the French translator’s desperation grow as she is reduced to juggling with “those” and “the latter” to avoid summoning her creature. Eventually she reaches the acceptance stage and uses ceux-qui-ont-plus-que-tous-les-autres again like, it’s my monster. I shouldn’t reject it
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chubbychummy · 2 years
French naturalisation test questions
as shared by someone else in a fb group I'm in
Hi, everbody !
Here are some questions you may have during the interview for the naturalisation. I put the answers but you can change them according to you.
1. Pourquoi voulez-vous devenir français(e) ?
Vous pouvez citer :
· Les valeurs de la France auxquelles vous adhérez :
· Un projet personnel ou professionnel que vous voudriez construire en France.
· Votre mode de vie actuel que vous appréciez beaucoup
· La place de la France sur le paysage mondial : 7ème économie mondiale, leader aéronautique, agroalimentaire, industrie du luxe
· Richesse de la culture en France : sciences, art, littérature…
Ce sont juste des suggestions. Sinon vous pouvez donner des réponses selon vos motivations personnelles.
2. Combien de fois rentrez-vous à votre pays ?
Soyez honnête, car ils peuvent vérifier depuis votre passeport. Il n’y a pas de bonnes ou de mauvaises réponses.
3. Avez-vous ici des liens en France ?
4. Quelles langues parlez-vous au travail ?
5. Faites-vous partie d’une association ?
Malheureusement, le fait d’être juste un donateur ne compte pas. Il faut vraiment participer aux activités de l’association ou avoir un poste.
6. Que fait votre association et où est son siège ?
Soyez sûrs de connaître la réponse en avance.
7. Quelles sont les nationalités des personnes de votre entourage ?
C’est pour voir à quel point vous êtes intégré, alors la réponse est un peu évidente, non ?!
8. Envoyez-vous de l’argent à votre pays d’origine ?
9. Quelles sont les villes de France que vous avez visitées ?
10. Qu’avez-vous en plus en France que vous n’avez pas dans votre pays ?
Difficile de répondre mais il faut bien préparer votre réponse.
Identité et culture de la France
11.Quelle est la devise de la France ?
· Égalité
· Liberté
· Fraternité
12.Peut-on rajouter une quatrième valeur ? Selon vous, se serait laquelle ?
· La laïcité
13.C’est quoi la laïcité ?
La laïcité est régie par trois principes : liberté de conscience, la séparation entre les pouvoirs publics et religieux, et l’égalité devant la loi quel que soit la religion. La France devint laïque en 1905
14.Qu’est-ce que la démocratie ?
C’est un régime politique où le pouvoir est détenu par le peuple sans qu’il n’y ait pas de distinction sociodémographique ou autres … Les démocraties peuvent être indirectes quand le pouvoir est exercé par des représentants élus lors du suffrage universel.
15. Êtes-vous d'accord avec la démocratie ?
Chacun son avis
16.Quels sont les droits et les devoirs du citoyens français ?
· Financement des services publics
· Contribution à la défense nationale
· Accès aux emplois publics, éducation …
17.Quels sont les symboles de la France ?
· Drapeau
· Hymne national
· Devise de la France
· 14 juillet
· Le coq
· Le faisceau de Licteur
· Le sceau
· Fleur de Lys
18. Citez des fleuves en France
· La Seine
· La Loire
· La Garonne
· Le Rhône
· Le Rhin
19. Énumérez des personnages français connus
· Littérature : Honoré de Balzac, Victor Hugo, Albert Camus...
· Philosophie : Voltaire, Jean-Paul Sartre
· Peinture : Paul Cézanne, Claude Monet...
· Musique: Johnny Halliday, Francis Cabrel, Edith Piaf...
· Science : d'Alembert, Coulomb
. Sport : Zidane, Platini, Richard Virenque, Yannick Noah...
· Guerre : Napoléon, Jeanne d'Arc...
· Architecture : Gustave Eiffel...
20. Qui est la Marianne ?
C'est un des symboles de la France, paysanne au bonnet phrygien qui incarne la République et la valeur de la liberté et de démocratie. Elle existe sur les pièces de monnaie. Elle apparaît sur le tableau de Eugène Delacroix.
21.Quel est l'hymne national de la France ? Qui l’a écrit ? Où a-t-il été écrit ?
C’est la marseillaise, qui est à la base un chant patriotique de la révolution écrit par Rouget de Lisle à Strasbourg en 1792 quand la France a déclaré la guerre à l'Autriche.
22.Quels sont les 3 types de collectivités en France ?
· Commune : 36000
· Département : 101 (96 en France métropolitaine plus 5 outre-mer)
· Région : 18
23.Pouvez-vous citer des départements d'outre-mer ?
· Guadeloupe
· Martinique
· Guyane
· Réunion
· Mayotte
24.Dans quel département habitez-vous ?
Dites le nom de votre département, vous pouvez rajouter le nom du maire de votre commune.
25.Donner des exemples de départements français
· Charente
· Haute Garonne
· Juras
· Paris etc...
26.Donner des noms de grandes villes françaises
· Paris
· Toulouse
· Lyon
· Marseille
· Strasbourg
· Montpellier …
27.Quel est l'emblème de la France et que signifient ses couleurs ?
L'emblème de la France est le drapeau constitué de la couleur rouge, bleue et blanche. Le blanc est la couleur des rois, le bleu est celui de Paris et le rouge fait référence au sang versé pour la libération du peuple.
28.Que fête-t-on le premier mai ?
La fête du travail, c'est un jour férié
29.Citez 3 monuments historiques
· Château de Versailles
· Le Louvre
· Châteaux de la Loire...
30.Citez des chaînes de montagnes en France
· Alpes
· Pyrénées
· Vosges...
31.Quel est le point culminant en France ?
Le Mont Blanc
32.Quels sont les pays frontaliers avec la France ?
· Allemagne
· Belgique
· Espagne
· Luxembourg
· Suisse
· Andorre
· Monaco
· Italie
33.Combien de pays comporte l'Union Européenne ?
Elle comportait 28. Actuellment, elle comporte 27 après le retrait du Royaume-Uni de l’Union Européenne (le brexit) le 31 janvier 2020.
34.Citez une personne naturalisée (ou des personnes)
Marie Curie , Carla Bruni, Manuel Valls, Carlos Ghosn …
35.Donnez le nom de littéraires français et les titres de leurs écrits
· Baudelaire, fleurs du mal
· Émile Zola, l'argent
· Victor Hugo, Les Misérables
36.Quel est l'âge obligatoire de l'école en France ?
C'était de 6 à 16 ans révolus. À présent, l'école est obligatoire dés l'âge de 3 ans depuis 2019.
37.Que représente le jour du 11 novembre ?
C'est l'armistice de 1918, signé le 11 novembre et qui marque la fin de la Première Guerre mondiale
38.Qui est Brigitte Bardot ?
C’est une actrice de cinéma, chanteuse et militante pour la cause animale.
39.C'est quoi l'hôtel de ville ?
C'est le siège des institutions municipales.
40.Qui a écrit les 3 mousquetaires ?
Alexandre Dumas
41.Citez un grand événement sportif français
Le Tour de France, une épreuve cycliste. Roland-Garros, un tournoi de tennis
42.Citez des plats typiques français
· Tartiflette
· Coq au vin
· Quiche Lorraine
· Cassoulet...
43.A-t-on le droit de porter des signes religieux dans les endroits publics ?
Oui, sauf dans les écoles, les collèges et les lycées publics selon la loi de 2004.
Histoire de la France
44.Quel événement de l'histoire de France vous a-t-il marqué ?
Vous pouvez parler de n'importe quel grand événement révolution, coupe du monde, déclaration des droits de l'homme... Il faut juste justifier le choix
45. À quelle date précise a eu la révolution ?
La révolution a eu lieu en 1789
46.Quel est l’événement marquant de la révolution ? Et dans quel contexte elle a émergé ?
Le 14 juillet 1789 a marqué la prise de la prison de la Bastille, événement inaugural du début de la révolution. Elle a eu lieu suite à une crise agricole qui a donné lieu à une grande crise économique et une inflation importante qui se confrontait à des décisions de hausse d'impôts prises par le roi.
47.Qui était le roi pendant la révolution ?
C'était le roi Louis XVI qui a été guillotiné
48.À quoi servait la Bastille avant sa démolition ?
Elle servait comme prison d'état dans laquelle a été emprisonné Voltaire, Sade
49.Qui est Jean Moulin ?
Ce fut un haut fonctionnaire et une icône de la résistance française à l'occupation nazi pendant la 2nde guerre mondiale. Il mourut en gare de Metz suite aux tortures et mauvais traitement subis par les Allemands.
50.Dans quelle époque ont été bâties les cathédrales gothiques ?
Au moyen-âge
51.Quand a eu lieu la 5ème République et quel fait marquant ?
La constitution de la 5ème République a été adoptée en 1958 et a marqué la séparation entre le pouvoir exécutif, législatif et judiciaire.
52.Quand a eu lieu la déclaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen ?
Le 26 août 1789
53.Donnez-moi les dates des 2 guerres mondiales
· Première Guerre : de 1914 au 11 novembre 1918
· 2e guerre : de 1939 au 8 mai 1945
54.Dans quelle République sommes-nous ?
C'est la 5ème République fondée en 1958 par Charles de Gaulle. Charles de Gaulle était un général et chef de la France libre. Il s'est réfugié en Angleterre quand l'Allemagne a attaqué la France pendant la 2nde guerre mondiale.
55.En quelle année fut fondée la première République ?
En 1792
56.Comment appelait-on les soldats français pendant la Première Guerre mondiale ?
Les poilus
57.Qui sont les alliés pendant les 2 guerres mondiales ?
· Première Guerre : France, Angleterre, Russie, US
· 2ème guerre : France, Angleterre, URSS, US
58.Donnez le nom de roi français
Charlemagne, Clovis, Louis XIV
59.Donner le nom de reine de France
· Anne d'Autriche
· Marie Antoinette D’Autriche
· Joséphine de la Pagerie
· Anne de Bretagne...
60.Citez-moi les présidents de la 5ème République dans l'ordre
· Charles de Gaulle (1959 -1969)
· Pompidou (1969 - 1974)
· Giscard d'Estaing (1974 - 1981)
· Mitterrand (1981 - 1995)
· Chirac (1995 - 2007)
· Sarkozy (2007-2012)
· Hollande (2012-2017)
· Macron (mandat en cours)
61.Citez-moi des personnes qui ont marqué l'histoire de la France
Napoléon, De Gaulle, Charlemagne, Jeanne d'Arc...
62.Qui a instauré le code civil en France ?
Napoléon Bonaparte
63.Qui a construit le château de Versailles ?
Louis XIV
64.Qui a construit l'Arc de Triomphe ?
Napoléon premier
65.C'est quoi la guerre des 100 ans ?
Il s'agit d'un conflit entre les rois de France et de l'Angleterre pendant un siècle pendant le Moyen Âge. Cette guerre d'ailleurs a duré 116 ans plutôt !
66.Quelle est la bataille de Verdun ?
Bataille qui s'est déroulée en 1916 entre l'armée française et allemande à Lorraine pendant la Première Guerre mondiale. Elle a fait beaucoup de victimes des 2 camps et le résultat militaire fut nul.
67.La Tour Eiffel a été construite pour quel événement ?
Pour l'exposition universelle de Paris en 1889.
68.À quelle année les femmes ont eu le droit de voter en France ?
69.À quel homme politique se rattachent la création de l'école publique gratuite et obligatoire ?
Jules Ferry
70. En quelle année a eu lieu l’abolition de l'esclavage en France ?
En 1848
71.Citez des pays qui ont fait partie de l'empire colonial français
· La Tunisie
· L’Algérie
· Côte d'Ivoire
· Mali
· Sénégal
72.Qui est Voltaire ? Qu’a-t-il écrit ?
Voltaire est un écrivain et philosophe français qui a marqué le 18ème siècle appelé siècle des lumières. Il a écrit « Traité sur la tolérance » et « Oedipe »
73.Qu'est-ce que la philosophie des lumières ?
C'est un mouvement philosophique qui a émergé dans le 18ème siècle en Europe ou des philosophes européens avaient pour objectif de combattre l'obscurantisme, l'ignorance et diffuser les connaissances.
74.Citez quelques philosophes français des lumières
Montesquieu, Voltaire, Rousseau, Diderot…
Politique en France
75. Quel est le nom du président actuel et le précédent ?
Le président actuel est Emmanuel Macron et le précédent est François Hollande
76. Donnez le nom de quelques ministres actuels
· Premier ministre :
· Ministre de l'intérieur
· Ministre de l'économie
77. Qu'est-ce que le pouvoir exécutif ?
Le pouvoir exécutif et partagée entre le président de la République (Chef de l'État) Et le gouvernement dirigé par le Premier ministre. Le rôle du pouvoir exécutif et d'exécuter les lois et décisions de justice. Ils érigent la police, la force militaire, l'administration, la diplomatie…
78. Pour combien de temps est élu le président, par quel scrutin et qui a le droit de voter ?
Le président est élu pour 5 ans au suffrage universel direct, par un scrutin à la majorité absolue à deux tours. Ceux qui peuvent voter sont des citoyens français majeurs.
79. Quel est le siège de la présidence ?
C'est l'Élysée
80. Qu'est-ce que le Parlement ?
Le Parlement est composé de 2 chambres : la chambre basse (les députés) et la chambre haute (les sénateurs). Le Parlement détient le pouvoir législatif (vote des lois).
81. Qu'est-ce que l'Assemblée nationale ?
On l'appelle aussi la chambre basse où siègent les 577 députés de l'Assemblée nationale. Ils détiennent le pouvoir législatif avec le Sénat.
82. Pour combien de temps sont élus les députés et par quel scrutin ?
Ils sont élus pour 5 ans au suffrage universel direct uninominal majoritaire à deux tours.
83. Quel est le siège de l'Assemblée nationale ?
Au Palais Bourbon.
84. Quel est le nom du président actuel de l'Assemblée nationale ?
C'est Yaël Braun-Pivet élue présidente le 28 juin 2022
85. Qu'est-ce que le Sénat ?
On l'appelle aussi la chambre haute où siège les 348 sénateurs, ils détiennent une partie du pouvoir législatif avec les députés.
86. Comment sont élus les sénateurs ?
Ils sont élus au suffrage universel indirect par 150000 grands électeurs (maires, conseillers généraux…)
87. Qui a le pouvoir de diriger la France en cas de décès ou d'incapacité du président ?
C'est le président du Sénat.
88. Quel est le nom du président actuel du Sénat ?
C’est Gérard Larcher.
89. Qu'est-ce que la cohabitation ?
C'est quand le président est dans l'obligation de nommer un Premier ministre qui n'appartient pas au même parti politique que lui la situation s'impose quand la majorité des députés ne sont pas de même parti politique que le président. Exemple : Mitterrand/Chirac ou Chirac/ Jospin
90. Comment devient-on ministre ou Premier ministre ?
Le président nomme son Premier ministre, le Premier ministre définit son gouvernement et le suggère au président.
91. Où sont les bureaux du Premier ministre ?
À l'hôtel Matignon.
92. Quels sont les quatre premiers personnages de l'état ?
Le président, le Premier ministre, le président du Sénat et enfin le président de l'Assemblée nationale
93. Comment fonctionnent les élections municipales ?
Pour les communes de plus de 1000 habitants, les conseillers municipaux sont élus au scrutin proportionnel à deux tours.
94. donner le nom d'une personnalité féminine politique
· Simone Veil
· Ségolène Royal
· Martine Aubry...
95.Qu'est-ce que la loi Veil ?
C'est le droit à l'avortement et la Contraception pour les femmes qui a été préparée et défendu par Simone Veil ministre de la santé sous la présidence de Valéry Giscard d'Estaing.
96.Quelles personnes décident de vous octroyer la nationalité française ?
Le Ministre de l'Intérieur.
97. Qui gère les relations entre l'état et les institutions religieuse ?
Le ministère du culte, charge du ministre de l'Intérieur
98. C'est quoi la dernière loi qui a marqué l'opinion publique ?
La loi pour une sécurité globale préservant les libertés est un texte législatif français promulgué le 25 mai 2021.
Elle est initiée par les députés Lrem Alice Thourot(Drôme) et Jean-Michel Fauverg(Seine-et-Marne, ancien patron du RAID) et déposée à l'Assemblée nationale le 20 octobre 2020. Elle porte sur le renforcement des pouvoirs de la police municipale, l'accès aux images des caméras-piéttons, la captation d'images par les drones et la diffusion de l'image des policiers.
99. Qui est le chef de l’armée ?
Le président de la République.
Bonne chance à toutes et à tous
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didoofcarthage · 4 months
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Still Life with Flowers in an Alabaster Vase and Fruit by Anne Vallayer-Coster
French, 1783 (exhibited at the Salon of 1783)
oil on canvas
National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
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Louis-Jean-François Lagrenée (1724-1805) "Self-Portrait" (1750-1759) Oil on canvas Rococo Located in the Finnish National Gallery, Helsinki, Finland
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costcopunk · 1 year
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mane 6.... as humans????!
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thepaintedroom · 24 days
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Pierre Bonnard (French, ) • Nude in an Interior • 1935 • National Gallery of Art, Washington
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1eos · 6 months
People will literally be like "I know you are all getting mass murdered right now, but it's the holidays, can't the strike happen in January or smth? Thanks 🥰" unionically and then cry when people call them selfish
and will be DEAD. ASS. SERIOUS. like ive seen so many ppl be on posts abt the strike like 'wait this is so last minute how are we supposed to strike? x y z just happened' bro what part of a blackout don't you understand? these people are being KILLED they don't have the time, means, or frankly, ENERGY to sit around and do shit on YOUR schedule. bitches don't even tryyyyyyyyyyy and then don't understand why everyone is sick of their bullshit! tuh!
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sunclown · 2 years
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Sanji argento real oda told me so
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noxious-fennec · 2 years
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Some lmanburs for your enjoyment (click for the quality tumblr messed up)
Bonus doodle, he fell asleep at his desk
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lionofchaeronea · 8 months
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October, Jules Bastien-Lepage, 1878
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fluorescentfox09 · 1 month
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So basically Sainz' wins were gifted according to the TP of Scuderia Ferrari.
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Fred Vasseur said he asked Leclerc to start on softs, “sacrificing himself” in Singapore, but Leclerc said HE was the one who came up with it on the day. Somebody is cooking with the stove off here.
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p8dri · 1 year
blond, kylian mbappé
summary — breaking up with somebody you know you’ll always love, no matter what, is hard, but what’s worse is the memories that come with the breakup. only question is, are you able to rekindle what you once had? ( wc — 3.2k )
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genre. sad? angst & fluff ig ! parings. mbappé x fem!reader ! tropes. breakup & makeup, flashback blond!kylian ! warnings. cursing, google translated french ! a/n was listening to frank ocean and decided to write this, requests are open, enjoy <3 PLAY MUSIC
AUGUST 28TH 2022 — LET GO. the breakup
going through life, you forever questioned the “ what if? ” such a small question can pack such a great punch. nothing is ever for sure, sooner or later all things come to their untimely end.
what does it mean, though?
what if?
there is no specific meaning, the question can be used in so many different situations, for so many different purposes and intents.
but standing in front of the man you love, you were sure that your ‘what if’ question held a punch able to knock the wind out of somebody.
“ what if we.. went on a break? ”
kylian mbappé, football superstar, the kid with the world at his feet. that same french hero, your boyfriend.
the problem with a boy practically carrying a countries football legacy on his shoulders is that it becomes his main focus. there’s no time for a relationship when you’re so occupied with striving to win your country another world cup.
breaking up with kylian was something you so deeply dreaded, because it’s undeniable that you still love him. but right now, kylian’s love was in the game, not you.
“ [Y/N], de quoi parles-tu? une pause? i don’t understand. ” ( what are you talking about? a break? )
hearing kylian stumble over his words only managed to break your heart even more. standing in front of the one person you loved, looking him straight in the eyes and telling him that you wanted time away from him hurt you more than anything you’ve ever experienced.
while you were doing this for yourself, you were also doing it for kylian. you would never want to make him feel bad or be a shitty girlfriend due to the way you would act with him during those few moments you had with him, the only reason for your foul mood knowing that the two of you would go maybe a week without talking again.
kylian hadn’t noticed how he was making you feel, and you understood. this upcoming world cup was huge for him and he needed his head in the game, solely on the game. your breakup would hurt him, sure, it was inevitable, considering he loved you just as much as you loved him, but he’d find a way to push through it. he was strong like that and that’s what you admired the most about him.
“ i mean we should take some time away from each other. ”
“ you’re breaking up with me. ” putting it like that made you feel even more like shit as you kissed your teeth, your frown bringing down almost every feature on your face. “ why, mon amour? have i done something? ” ( my love )
“ no kylian, of course not. ” you lied, your heart aching as you looked at the man in front of you, “ it’s just you’re busy, i’m busy, we barley see each other, i think this would be best. ”
furrowing his brows, kylian replied, “ is that why? [Y/N] i can make time for you, we don’t have to break up over it. ”
knowing kylian for so long, you knew he wouldn’t get it. which is why you knew breaking up with him would most likely make you look like an unreasonable bitch to him, but you had to go through with it. still, you hoped the two of you would be able to come together again maybe after the world cup when he wasn’t so distracted and distant.
“ kylian, it’s not that. we just need time away from each other. ”
letting out a scoff, kylian looked down at you unsure of whether or not you were being serious, you breaking up with him seemed so sudden and out of nowhere. looking down with a questioning look that spoke ‘are you serious?’ you nodded, your lip quivering and waterlines becoming evidently wet.
clenching his jaw, he nodded his head a few times all while staring at you and your hurt expression, but kylian just didn’t understand. you were obviously hurt by deciding to break up with him, so why were you doing it? had he done something terribly wrong that he hadn’t realized? why?
with puckered lips and a tight jaw, kylian turned around , grabbing his car keys and slamming the front door shut, all without a glance behind him. which was beneficial, because he wasn’t there to see you completely fall apart.
DECEMBER 4TH 2018 — THIS LOVE. before
“ blond, vraiment? ” ( blond, really? )
“ oui, je pense que j'aurais l'air bien, non? ” ( yes, I think I would look good, right? )
teasingly, you stepped back from the bathroom counter and looked from behind kylian’s large stature, giving him a once over through the mirror in front of the two of you, as if you were genuinely deciding whether or not he would look good. of course you knew no matter what color he made his hair he would continue to be overly attractive, but bruising his ego a little wasn’t out of the jurisdiction.
kylian put his hand on his bare chest as if he had been offended, his mouth slightly agape, causing you to giggle from behind him, your hands clutching on to his strong forearm while watching his reaction in the mirror.
in a second, kylian had turned around, grabbed you by your biceps and picked you up, causing a squeal to leave your throat as he turned you back towards the counter and sat you on it, the cold marble material meeting your bare thighs.
the two of you had woken up not even twenty minutes ago, kylian in boxers and you a nice lingerie set, immediately heading to the bathroom to brush your teeth when kylian had suddenly decided that he wanted to go blond.
sat on the counter, you were finally level with kylian, not having to break your neck to look up at him and finally being eye to eye with him.
“ bien sûr, tu aurais l'air bien, bébé. ” ( of course you’d look good, baby ) you giggled, putting your cold hands on his warm cheeks and pulling him in for a little kiss before pulling back and observing his hair, “ i still have leftover dye from that time neymar tried to bleach his hair here, we could use that? ”
with a nod kylian replied, “ where is it? ” a little shocked, your eyes widened, talk about an impulsive decision.
“ you want to dye it right now? ” again, kylian gave a small nod in response, “ alright, move. ”
kylian took a step back away from the counter, giving you enough room to jump off of it and crouch to be level with the sink cabinet. opening it up, you were met with little toiletries here and there. spotting the leftover box of hair dye, you grabbed it, placing it on the counter above your head along with a tiny hair dying mixing bowl, a brush, and gloves.
standing up and shutting the cabinet doors with your foot, you turned around to look at kylian who had a huge grin on his face. “ you’re sure you want to do this? ”
immediately kylian nodded and walked past you to sit down on the closed toilet seat, grabbing his phone from the sink counter beside him and diluting his attention to his instagram feed, relying on you to begin dyeing his hair and do a good job of it.
you’d only dyed hair once or twice, both times being neymar’s as you and kylian were close friends with him, still you were scared, you didn’t want to fuck it up so bad that kylian went bald or something.
still you put on the transparent gloves, removed the dye from its box and followed the directions on the side until you were met with the correct consistency.
kylian sat completely still as you used the brush to apply the dye to his dark hair, his focus still on his phone.
“ it kinda burns. ” he muttered, his face pouting a bit.
“ deal with it. ” you giggled, causing kylian to roll his eyes and smile.
“ feel the water, is it too hot? ”
placing his hand underneath the stream of water coming from the shower spout, kylian shook his head ‘no’ before getting on his knees and placing his head underneath the running water, clenching his eyes shut to avoid any of the toxic substance getting in them. behind him you ran your hands through his hair under the water, attempting to get the majority of the leftover dye out.
after a few minutes, with the water being completely clear, you felt you had gotten it all out as you turned off the water and grabbed the towel from beside you, running it over kylians hair as he stayed kneeled over the tub. once satisfied, you kept towel laying on his head and ushered him up, which he instantly did, groaning at the slight ache in his knees.
with a roll of your eyes and a small smile, you grabbed his biceps and led him to the bathroom mirror, where he was met with the reflection of him and you and the towel covering his new hair.
“ ready.. ” a simple shake of the head was the only answer you needed as you got on your tippy toes and removed the towel from his head in one slick motion, reveling his new hair.
“ it’s not blond blond, more white, but i like it. ” you spoke with a smile, admiring your boyfriend in the mirror.
kylian was in total shock. he’d never really done anything to his hair, always kept it that dark brown, but looking himself now, he fell in love. which sounded very egotistical on the outside, but still.
turning to his left and averting his vision down to you, who was still admiring him in the mirror, he grabbed your cheeks and pulled you into a kiss once again, his eyes closed shut in absolute adore. this one longer and more fierce than the one you had shared earlier.
pulling back a bit, he spoke, “ i love it and i love you. ”
with a giggle you looked up into his eyes and, unavoidably, at his new hair, a large smile spreading across your face as he pulled you in for another kiss.
DECEMBER 20TH 2022 — GODSPEED. after
it has been roughly four months since you had broken up with kylian, since then, no contact has passed between the two of you. lately, you have just been watching his life unfold on instagram.
the world cup had just ended two days ago, the final being france vs argentina and unfortunately, argentina were the ones to take the trophy and glory home.
you had watched every world cup game that france played, just being able to see kylian do what he loved sending a saddening yet proud warmth throughout your body.
watching france loose was what destroyed you, knowing that kylian had put so much of his time and hard work to try and win it for his county and having failed, broke your heart.
of course, kylian hadn’t cried, but kept that same monotone face, displaying how disappointed he was in himself. with three goals in the final, kylian had one the golden boot, the whole little ‘award ceremony’ he didn’t break a smile once.
what made it worse was that his birthday was only two days away, currently today. not only had he lost the most important thing in his football career only two days prior, but he’d also lost the most important person in his life only four months prior.
the striker certainly didn’t feel as if anything was going in his favor as he sat at a fancy restaurant table with some of his french teammates and family as they sung ‘happy birthday.’
“ joyeux anniversaire à vous! ” ( happy birthday to you! ) cameras from almost all angles got the shot of kylian blowing out his 24 birthday candles.
even as people cheered and clapped, kylian couldn’t feel happy. he wished you were there with him, helping him blow out the candles like you did every year, your head leaning on his shoulder as you told him how proud you were of him and that you loved him.
the vibration from his back pocket immediately made him grab the device and open the screen to his notifications, only to be met with utter disappointment. he had wished you would say happy birthday, but he also knew that you didn’t have to, that you had no right to.
kylian had come to the realization of how poorly he was treating you, but unfortunately too late. by then you two had been well been broken up for over a month and he felt like such a prick for making you feel so unimportant and belittled, he felt even more like shit due to the fact he hadn’t realized sooner.
that’s why he hadn’t attempted to reach out as well, he felt as if he didn’t deserve you, but that didn’t make him love you any less.
scrolling through his messages, he saved a photo sent from antoine griezmann of him blowing out his candles and posted it to his instagram, but not before noticing all the kind messages fans had sent him, managing for him to express a small smile.
after titling the post, “ 24 🎉🎂 merci à tous pour vos messages. 🥰 ” ( thanks everyone for your messages. ) he placed his phone on do not disturb and shut the device off, placing it on the table with the screen facing the fancy cloth as he at least tried to enjoy his birthday.
as you scrolled through your instagram, laying in bed with nothing to do with it being so late, you refreshed your feed, only to be met with kylian’s birthday post.
a frown was immediately etched on your face as you read the caption and examined the picture, his expression, outfit, the cake, anything and everything. which only caused you to reminisce the times you had spent with kylian on his birthday, your heart aching in your chest.
without a single thought, you exited the instagram app and opened messages, heading to kylian’s contact which was still pinned, your last conversation still available, a little exchange of “love you’s.” with that, you wrote out a message.
[22.34] y/n <3: happy birthday, kylian. i know it’s been a while since we’ve talked, but i hope you’re doing well and i hope you experience 24 with great laughs and endless smiles. i will always love you, there’s no changing that. i wish you all the best in life, any obstacles that come your way — you’ll beat, because that’s how you are. still, ill always be there for you.
with your thumb hovering over the blue send button, you hesitated. rereading the message over and over again, analyzing every sentence and determining whether or not it was too ‘extra’ or crossing a line. deciding to just fuck it, you sent the message, turning off your phone and throwing it on the pillow beside you as you let out a long breath. everything you had wrote was from a place of vulnerability and you hoped kylian saw it as nothing more than honesty and true feelings, other than a lame way to reach out after you had broken up, even though it kinda felt like it was.
after a not so eventful birthday party, kylian twisted the keys to his apartment and opened his door, only to be met with the cold temperature and dark room in front of him.
in that moment all he could think about was the way you would jump into his arms the second he opened the door after every single practice. he missed you, everything about you. your smell, your jokes, your laughs, your simple presence.
sighing, he walked into the hall, closed the door behind him and locked it. heading to the living room of his apartment, he threw his keys on the couch and sat down beside them, throwing his head back and closing his eyes as the windows on his right brought in a breeze and a beautiful view of the center of paris. the sounds of cars and people walking down the street sounded throughout his flat.
the specialized ringtone he had specifically set for you is what caused him to jump up and open his phone, clicking on the notification from you and reading the message.
his heart broke.
reading the message several times and processing the words differently and better each time, he didn’t know how to reply, or if he even had the right to.
he could practically sense your pain through the words on his screen and replying back with a smile ‘thank you’ didn’t feel right, or yet enough.
so, he did something irrational. he grabbed his keys, left his apartment, caught a cab and told the only address he could think of, yours.
you were still in bed, attempting to fall asleep in nothing but the darkness surrounding you when a knock sounded at your apartment door.
a groan left your lips as you sat up and tiredly slung your legs over the side of the mattress. only wearing a pair of a matching tank top and short pajama shorts, you really hoped it wasn’t someone important as you opened the door.
it took you a few seconds to adjust the hallway lights, but once you opened your eyes, you swore you were dreaming.
“ kylian- ”
before you could even process that your ex boyfriend was standing in front of you, you were brought into his warm embrace as he held you close to his chest.
with your head hovering over his heart, you were able to hear the fast beating as he clung onto you. for a few seconds, you were too surprised to actually hug him back, but soon you melted into his touch and wrapped your arms around him.
after a few minuets of you two just hugging, you realized nothing was going to chnage unless you spoke up, “ kylian. ” you pulled back a little as his arms fell from your body and to his sides, “ why are you here? ”
“ because i love you and i was stupid. ” his words were full of honesty as he looked down at you with the most sincere look you think you’ve ever seen from him, “ i treated you like shit and i was too ignorant to notice and i’m so so sorry [Y/N]. your message, it was my wake up call. i should’ve come here sooner, but i was scared, scared you would hate me. ”
“ i could never hate you. ” your voice was on the edge of a whisper as you looked up at the man you loved.
“ good, because i could never not love you. ” with that, he pulled you in for a kiss and it felt like you were exactly where you were supposed to be with the person you were destined to love for the rest of your life. that familiar warmth spreading all the way from your dizzied head to your toes as you stood on them to melt into the kiss more.
you would always love kylian, till the time you die.
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manessha545 · 2 months
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French Valley, Torres del Paine National Park, Chili: The middle portion of the W Trek is best known for hanging glaciers that crack and rumble as you pass through the valley. You may see ice falling from the cliffs in the distance. The end of the valley involves a steep climb to a summit atop a set of boulders offering a 360-degree view, a fitting reward for a challenging day’s work.
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