#free spririt
samantabrzozowska · 2 years
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“My fall shape”
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sparksetfire · 2 months
For the character ask thingy:
Tommy 1, 9, 12
(I wasn't sure if I should do more than one character but I will gladly send another ask with another character)
Hello! Thanks for sending these in and feel free to send as many as you like for whichever characters.
I often give more attention to the other characters because of how proportionally underrated they are in comparison to Tommy so I'm sorry that these answers aren't too in depth.
Why do you like or dislike this character?
I do love him because he's one of the most well done 'morally grey' characters if not the best one. Of course I'd say I dislike him for his treatment of women, but pretty much all his other actions have some sort of reasoning or intention that you can understand. I particularly like him for what s2 shows of him - buying houses for Polly and Ada to look after them, his insistence on bringing the family together by finding Michael, and most importantly his sass. I'm going to have to make a gifset on all of his quips etc because I just love him for that, I love seeing him be a little sillier. Another thing I love is how truly accepting and supportive he is. We see the respect he shows to James - the moment he learns he's gay, instead of ignoring him like he would any stranger he meets as usual, he makes a point to shake his hand and show him that he acknowledges him because in that time he would've been greatly denied that and shunned. He does make a conscious effort for people. And in the way he is with Curly. I think Curly does represent as an autistic person sent to do more physical work since being deemed not suited for anythign else. and especially with the way he is better with animals than people, a common stereotype which can have truth in it. But Tommy doesn't see him as less or treat him like he's 'simple'. He respects him for his skill and treats him like any other person where often we see other characters either give him weird looks or tell him to shut up. It makes me happy.
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
Surprisingly I think being Tommy's roommate would be kind of chill. It'd be awkward at first since I'm quiet and probably would hold his opinion of me way too highly lmao, but other than that we'd probably keep ourselves to ourselves. I'd probably try to make jokes with him and he'd just stare at me in disappointment, which would be awkward. And then, it's also likely I'd just never see him because he's always busy, and he doesn't sleep. But he'd definitely be the type who if you're getting shit for something, he'll sort them out for you. So if I had the choice I'd probably go with no, but if I was forced to be his roommate I might not mind terribly.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
I don't have many otherwise so I do have to use the lgbtq headcanons as my scapegoat here. It's particularly cool to see the headcanon of Tommy being transmasc getting quite popular lately, because I've always headcanoned him as such and it fits him super well.
And I don't know how far the notion of tommy x alfie strays into "things that are barely a headcanon anymore because they're so universally agreed upon" but yeah he and alfie are soulmates idk.
I do have a massive notes app document where I throw all my headcanons and fic ideas and there is this one concept that stems from the theory that Alfie does die in s4 and Tommy is talking to his ghost. Except this is the idea that Alfie is alive, but Tommy doesn't know. I think it could work as a fun reading of those scenes - Tommy talking to him like he's a ghost and Alfie thinking well, the man's gone bloody mad in't he. And Tommy thinks about it in contrast with the way Grace appears to him and how she often comes to torment him but Alfie's spririt (which is literally just Alfie) just wants to talk with him normally. And furthermore, Tommy considering that he loves Alfie the same way he loved Grace. I hope this counts as a headcanon, it might just be a fic idea but I don't think it's one I would plan on fleshing out any more.
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Thank you for fulfilling my request so perfectly! And maybe I’m reading too much into this but— if you like that song here’s two others that are just sooooo beautiful !
Ho bha in - lullaby, meant to ward off bad spririts
Einini - another lullaby that lists tiny little birds, on YouTube there’s a really good cover !
Mo ghile mear - ancient song about ‘Bonny prince Charles’ and him returning, it’s got that rebellious theme to it
Casadh an tSugain - a beautiful story about a young man in love, the lyrics tell you of his love for her, and the music tells of his innocence in the matter
Im not trying to impose my taste on you, but if you genuinely like it then natidreddd or Madelyn Monaghan on TikTok do a lot of songs like this and are amazing singers 👌 anyway, rant over, thanks again for my little request and I’ll do my best to be patiently waiting for part two *bounceds up and down in seat* 💜 purple out! 👏
Oh you are so welcome Purple!! Thank you for the reccomendations!! <3
Please feel free to impose your taste on me, because yours is mighty fine my friend!
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hydralisk98 · 1 year
Some static memopad of ‘Servitor’, StaticScripture2
====Personal life====
Klara "Olive" Kér (myself, female and autistic, INTJ-T), Ava (personal Klara interpreter synthetic serf), "Nil" (2nd person aka the observant agent here), Falah Becker (mother), Gustav Hayden (father) being sweet handsome and warm / sensible software developer guy and staying that way with us, Wyatt Hayden (youngest brother born in 4500), Deno "Dino" Hayden (twin brother), bookstore clerk full-time until being hired at Pflaumen/Utalics cooperative agency as an autonomous recurring freelancer, me being born on August 1st 4496, Falah my mother as a super successful linguist, Niniveh DSi, Sega Dreamvast, Niniveh N480 (N64), 4513 Memorex (Tumblr) blog, 4514 HayTango (Linux) home workstation of my very own, eMakh 24" maxed-out, eFuna 12 Mini, Shoshona the black turkish angora house cat, stronger friendgroup including Ulli Eiken (Ulric, a NB artist+gamer+game_master friend of mine) and Tano Hertez (Anthony, a fem ENFP sovietware friend of mine), photographic memory, chronokinesis, true polymorph, electric Volkswagen Beetle, customized bicycle, Shoshoni Union citizenship, moderate Geo-Syndicalist (center-left), Tekla Hankel and Sasha Fekete as workmates too, very welcoming reality shifting staff for my processing and my arrival and my integration to Angora, me staying autistic but properly supported thanks to Ava as my personal interpreter, doctorate in History/Linguistics/Philosophy with some VLSI technological expertise, she/her pronouns, August 1st 4496, Leo astrological sign, 'Lepio' Homestuck alignment, 5'8" tall, 60-64kg weight yet still super healthy because high metabolism, high-middle class but still humane and down-to-earth, sharing a personal constructed language between myself and the female side of my family including my mother, lingua franca= Shoshoni, Samoan, Assyrian, Portuguese, Iranian, Inuit, Mayan, lived in Maskoch but now in a mid-sized city of the Shoshoni Union, favourite color Amber/Gold Yellow, Spring favourite season, ADD (attention deficit disorder) lessened, social skills improved yet keeping full personal integrity, EBM Thinkpad P52 two-in-one, Void Linux AMD desktop computer, handsome and wholesome spirituality-related subliminal community I belong with since late 2014, earpuffs, gloves, gauntlets, headphones, soft grunge dark clothing wardrobe, custom masks, getting and keeping my DR memories & skills back in my CR, my mother doing some cute art scribbles, Constantin "May" Ceyla also as internship classmate into the Utalics branch of Pflaumen, Magali Soler being a lunarpunk lady I shall do shopping with, Micha Becker masc ISFP handsome boy / comrade / friend, Matyas Merkel masc ISTJ creative spririt, Irma Milan fem ENTP rival, Talin Chateau as a childhood mentor, morphological freedoms as a True Polymorph granted I keep a few cards handy, Chronokinesis because that is fun, happy, female bodily sex, data privacy and legal rights always respected, hyper-fast learning and skill-acquisition, really great & handsome cool life scenarios happening to me, entirely safe, free of violence, no strings attached, sweet living standards without any major setbacks, independant & strong mindset;
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gshippy2012 · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 1.7 for.oz. bottle Live Out Loud Women Parfume spray along with a purse size 0.3.
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somewhatdelicious · 2 years
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Swedish saffron buns in bread maker (GF)
In Sweden we for whatever historic celebrate the day of the saint Lucia. This is typically a big deal for kids and parents. It's all about getting up early in the morning and sing for someone, bringing saffron buns and ginger bread. In Norway where I live now, we usually celebrate it in kindergarten only, and then with buns that are just dyed yellow and instead of the beautiful traditional white dress with lights in the hair someone decided that any old white garment would do. Strange. To me it's a bit like a cargo cult, they have kept just enough of a tradition to render it completely ludicrous and meaningless. But I digress. The point was that I have to have my lussekatt (Lucia cat I guess if you have to break it down), or else the pre xmas spririt will not come to me. This year I have been very busy and run down, so I needed a quick fix. All in all very happy with the recipe though off course separate buns are better :)
Gluten free saffron buns
Add in this order, run on basic long program:
180 gr melted butter mixed with 260 ml milk
0.5 gr saffron 3 eggs 150 gr sugar 400 gr gluten free flour 1 tbsp psyllium husk 2 1/2 tsp dry yeast 1 1/1 tsp salt 1 dl raisins at the end of the mixing cycle (my bread maker beeps at this point)
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tomiokai · 3 years
jujutsu kaisen profiles
to help with writing
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navigation <- masterlist found here
[ sfw ] simple guide to the main characters i will be writing about in the jjk universe.
notes: not proofread! feel free to use this guide to freshen up on the characters. credits to Jujustu Kaisen Wiki.
may contain anime spoilers. do not proceed if you have not watched it yet.
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Jujutsu Kaisen
Satoru Gojo - He is a special-grade jujutsu sorcerer and a teacher at Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College. It is said that Gojo is a complex person. He is usually nonchalant and playful to his students, friends and close colleagues. However, to his enemies and the people he dislikes he is very sympathetic and cruel. Gojo is very confident in his abilities and is quite prideful. He is driven by the desire of being the most powerful (which technically he is) and due to this, he can be quite arrogant. He is very determined and smug and this can be seen when he is in battle. But despite all this, he is more human than he appears.
Megumi Fushiguro - He is outwardly stoic and calculating, he aims to help people he deems kind or good. He is a very empathetic person well. Megumi is calm and collected almost all the time. Megumi is a secretive person as well, hesitating to share personal information and his past. (There is literally nothing else on him on his Wiki page- like wtf...)
Yuuji Itadori - Yuuji is a very fair person. Not hesitating to help others no matter how much he knows them. He also hesitates and prefers not to take other humans' lives. He is very outgoing and energetic as is very apparent in the anime. Yuuji is highly passionate, an example is when he stops at nothing to achieve a goal he sets for himself. He is also naive due to his inexperience in the world of jujutsu sorcery and cursed spririts. But he is a quick learner and can adapt to his surroundings easily. He is very well-natured and friendly but he can be easily angered.
Toge Inumaki - Toge is quiet, distant and can come off intimidating. However, he is a very caring and insightful individual. He rarely ever speaks because he is afraid of accidentally cursing someone. He is very intelligent and can stay composed in any sort of situation. He is also proved to be very confident and brave. (There's no more on this baby either. Kinda sad, I love him.)
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sacrilegioussiren · 4 years
Hey! I’m interested in a reading 😊
Hi love! Here’s your general reading for the month. Spirit was super happy you reached out for guidance. There was so much love and encouragement to be felt. It left a smile on my face.
Here we go:
What to know for the month:
Magician reversed clarified by the knight of wands and knight cups - Spririt feels you aren’t trusting yourself enough. They want you to stop doubting yourself as this may cause you to pass up valuable opportunities in the future. You are overflowing with talent and capability and they don’t want you to loose sight of that. Something regarding your present circumstances may be causing you to feel hesitant but be aware that the knight of wands and the knight of cups serve as a reminder that things are working out for your highest good. Don’t act out of impulse. Take a moment, think it through and then go for it. You’ll know what to do when the time comes all you have to do is trust yourself. Spirit says if you are looking for a green light to move forward and do what it is you’ve been meditating on, know that this is your sign.
What to focus on:
The Emperor and Ace of Pentacles - Your aspirations are big and at times it may feel like others expectations of you may plague your thoughts. However, spirit asks you to focus on yourself and not the perception of those around you. Manifest your dreams and push forward. If you approach the situation logically and with confidence, the ace of pentacles reassures you that great things are to come.
Message from Spirit Guides:
10 of pentacles clarified by the 4 of swords and 5 of wands - You long for stability in multiple aspects of your life. A foundation that is lasting. Right now, things feel so close yet so far altogether. Spirit is asking you to see it through and not let your emotions get the best of you. Whenever you feel depleted of mentally drained then spirit wants you to pay attention to your body. Care for yourself and give yourself time to mentally and emotionally recharge. Self care is necessary. Spirit feels at times you neglect this and in turn you end up being the one who pays the price.
Message from higher self:
The Empress - Although approaching things logically and without haste is important - your higher self reminds you not to loose sight of your heart. You have a lot of it to give and your compassion and passionate nature are what will ultimately draw people to you personally and motivate you professionally.
As always, if you have any questions or need further clarification then feel free to let me know! Blessed be✨
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metacarpus · 5 years
Ever since I first read about it I’ve been drawn to Rome, not the sick, luxurious Empire of the TV sagas, but early Rome: the dark, plain Republic, a forum not of marble but of wood and brick, an austere people with a strong sense of duty, order, and justice: farmers who spent half the year in the army, women who ran the farm meanwhile, extended families whose worship was of the fire in their hearth, the food in their granary, the local spring, the spririts of place and earth. Women were not set apart as chattel, and if only for that reason my imagination can be at home in ancient Roman household as it cannot be in any Greek one. They had slaves, as every people did then, but the slaves of the household, the familia, sat at the table with the free. They were coarse, they were brutal, and they were tremendously different from us, but it is hard to feel them as essentially foreign when so much of our cultural heritage comes directly from them, half our language, most of our concept of law... and perhaps also certain homely but delicate values, such as the loyalty, modesty, and reponsibility implicit in Vergil’s idea of a hero.
Ursula K. Le Guin, Lavinia (afterword)
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samantabrzozowska · 2 years
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“What’s your zodiac sign? I’m Gemini!”
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kmp78 · 4 years
Maybe Free Solo was canceled the 1st & 2nd time because NO ONE was interested to begin with! His echees have dropped off. I'm not sure a film of JL naked in the shower would be worthy at this time...Just Sayin'' BAMMMM ☝🏾...JL follow the Wind & he brings his devoted Fanatics allong with him because he thinks he can due to his Messiah Cult Complex . Guess some cult Fanatics are beeing AWAKEN with the HOLY spririt of REALITY CHECK✔ Bless them Heurrt 🖤Amend & Allleleuijer 🙏🏾
I guess a certain fraction of the fandom still does follow him. 🤷🏼‍♀️
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blindkarakul · 5 years
LFRP/Contact - M’yhe Tia
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(Art by Beansnake) 
Hey there! I’m Griffin, and this is my bastard trash goblin. With the datacenter merges getting close, I wanted to reach out again! I’m not necessarily in a drought of RP or RP partners, but I’m always open to more where I can fit them! I really love meeting new people, and I’ll be excited to have a few friends to chill with come the day of the datacenter merges!
M’yhe likes to be slippery. Subjects with a 🔒 next to them are tidbits of information only attainable through RP!
AGE: 25 Summers
RACE: Miqo’te; Seeker of the Sun? (🔒)
MARITAL STATUS: In a Relationship; Polyamorous
SERVER: Coeurl - Crystal / Siren - Aether
HAIR: A sandstone blonde, fluffed and tufted wildly. Longer hair tied into braids dyed scarlet, tips of tail and ears spotted with a sable hue.
EYES: Clouded blue eyes; clearly blind
HEIGHT: Five Fulms and Three Ilms
BUILD: Slightly underweight, though well-toned. Lithe frame, built for hunting.
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Fangs. Various white tattoos, and chalky face paints of the same hue. Seer’s tattoos.
COMMON ACCESSORIES: Mask // Walking Stick // Trophy Necklace
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PROFESSION: Seer and Diviner, Transient, Prostitute (Occasional), Mark Hunter (Occasional)
HOBBIES: Divination // Brawling // Bad Jokes // Drinking // Dancing // Travel // Hunting
LANGUAGES: Common Eorzean, Hunterspeak, Hingan (Broken)
FEARS:  🔒 Some
LOVER: Ninka'ir Tayuun
PARENTS:  🔒 A Hot Mess
SIBLINGS: None… That he knows of
OTHER RELATIVES: 🔒 Catastrophic
BEST FRIEND(S): Marcella Thorsen, Ninka'ir Tayuun, Selahkiir Tyl'vyr, Tetsuro Wulf, Kina Wilhelm, Sarya, Vishumo Gerdhardt, Mi’ke Tia
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Extroverted  ○○✸○○○○○○○ Introverted
Disorganized  ○○○○✸○○○○○ Organized
Close minded  ○○○○○○✸○○○  Open-minded
Calm  ○○○○○✸○○○○ Anxious
Disagreeable ○○○○✸○○○○○ Agreeable
Cautious ○○○○○○○✸○○  Reckless
Patient  ○○○○○○✸○○○ Impatient
Outspoken ○✸○○○○○○○○ Reserved
Leader  ○✸○○○○○○○○ Follower
Empathetic ○○○✸○○○○○○ Unemphatic
Optimistic  ○○○○○○✸○○○ Pessimistic
Traditional ○○○○✸○○○○○ Modern
Hard-Working ○○✸○○○○○○○ Lazy
Cultured ○○○○✸○○○○○ Uncultured
Loyal ○✸○○○○○○○○ Disloyal
Faithful ○○✸○○○○○○○ Unfaithful
SMOKING HABIT: Occasionally
DRUGS: Occasionally
ALCOHOL: Frequently
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LIBERTY OR DEATH // M’yhe is very Gyr Abanian– he served the Resistance for a short stint, and may be easy to remember from his time there. That, or he may be memorable from his tribe’s nomadic days.
WELL-TRAVELED // This miqo’te has seen his fair share of the world. While he can be tight-lipped about a good majority of his past (🔒), he may be recognizable from places like Kugane, La Noscea, Gridania, and Thanalan; especially the latter two. May especially be recognizable for the trouble he causes, too…
DANCE WITH THE STARS OF YOUR FATE // M’yhe makes claim that he’s a particularly skilled diviner, often willing to read Sharlayan Tarot, or perform other methods of divination to scry for answers to any question. While he wanders the sands of Thanalan frequently, oftentimes he may set up shop within Gridania or Ul’dah, scraping by with fortunes for coin.
🔒  ECHO: OMENS // M’yhe unknowingly possesses the echo, though particularly weak and underdeveloped. His echo manifests in omens that can affect any of his five senses; symbolic hints of what may be to come, or what may have already happened. He still struggles to comprehend languages he hasn’t studied, and his ability to be tempered by a primal is likely still in question. If you’d like to set something up regarding this, let me know! [I’d like to stress that I do not use this to God-Mod or Metagame. Everything is discussed.]
Heya!! My name is Griffin, I use He/Him, and this is jackass.
I usually like to schedule my RPs to make sure I’m not overlapping responsibilities, and so I can prepare for them, so feel free to message me and I’ll work something out! I have a lot of free-time, and I stay up late, so I’m pretty damn open.
I typically RP on Discord or In-Game! Until the datacenter merges, we can RP in instances, or through Discord/Tumblr IM! I am also totally open to threads on here, or other websites, but I can’t make any guarantees to how on-my-game I’ll be with em.
Discord: Ala Mhigan Thunderfuck#6149 , just tell me who you are when you add me!
Tumblr: @blindkarakul is my RP blog for Yhe, but @spririte is my personal and it’s full of shit. DM me, send an Ask, write a post and tag me! Whatever you want.
In-Game: M’yhe Tia! Gimme a friend request, and we can figure out what we wanna do!
DO’s and DON’Ts
I’m fine with all types of RP, and mun is 18+ so it’s really where we both draw boundaries! 
I know up there it says that M’yhe occasionally takes up prostitution stints, but I’m not looking for him to be a sole ERP character. I’m always willing to set up a pre-established relationship and that’s definitely able to be apart of it, but honestly I’m looking for a bit more out of an RP partner than just dicking down. If RP events lead there, then great! That’s all good by me! But please don’t just come knocking on my door cause you wanna bang. There’s plenty of other catboys willing to do that.
Same goes for romance too. I'm not looking for other romance partners for M'yhe at this time, so don't expect that either. If we RP and its something you'd really like to see, we can talk about it, but I don't want to stack my plate too high with responsibility I can't handle.
Honestly I’m fine with taking IC consequences for things like fights and dumb shit. I also operate by IC =/= OOC so if that’s something you can’t separate then there are probably going to be problems! M’yhe can be a shithead sometimes, but I TRY TO NOT BE.
Things I am not okay with are: Non-Con, Character Death, and probably a lot of other things that I’m currently forgetting. This is deffo subject to change, so honestly just feel free to ask about anything you’re not sure about, and we can communicate like living human persons do my dude.
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(Post Formatting Ideas from x and x)
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crownedcroweprince · 5 years
Mun Meme : Kei
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Tagged by: @hingan-fox
Rules: Tag 20 followers you want to get to know better
Nicknames: Kei.
Gender: Mostly male, sometimes null. ( he/him, they/them )
Astrological sign: Gemini Sun, Scorpio Moon, Aries Rising
Height: 5′3″-5′4″
Sexuality: Demisexual
Hogwarts House: Hat-stall between Ravenclaw and Slytherin.
Favorite animal: Cats, Cheetahs, and Foxes.
The number of blankets: Summer : ONE. Winter: FIVE.
Dream Trip: Going back to Japan to see my friends and host family. I want to go in April/May when the wisteria are in bloom. Go to the fushimi inari shrine again and make it to the top this time instead of dying from pain. Otherwise going to Lymeric, Ireland and the surrounding areas, maybe see family friends in Germany as well.
When I created this blog: 2017 I think? Made it, took a haitus because of funds and school, came back in 2018 when I had funds again, and not crying as a teachers aid that’s allergic to the papers I was grading.
Why I created this blog: So that my main that I follow others through wasn’t my witchcraft blog when I follow people for FFXIV RP and related content. The witch craft blog is connected to all my side blogs created through this blog though for the sake of aesthetics.
Tag you’re it! @xiv-endora, @zenra-ffxiv, @oneilmfruitpunch, @ramblingsofseh, @benes-diction, @nhaamas-chosen, @larkspur-prince, @trollthecarry, @spririte, @grantffxiv, @ahumblewoodcarver, @east-to-the-sea, @captainkurosolaire, @fey-illumination, @thorcatte, @yuki-yukichan, @weaveroftruth, @kitty-candlestick, @bardschmard, and @jarethnunh!
I’m sorry if me tagging you is a bother at all! ; w ; There are so many of you following me now and I chose a little randomly at times since we may be mutuals and have never talked. If it is a bother at all, please feel free to ignore this of course. We’re here for fun! Of course if one has done this ignore my tags, and if you weren’t tagged and wish to do it, go for it! Let me learn a little about you if you do this, and tag me. ; w ;
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Soulties Why and how you should break negative ones!
What are soulties and how do they develop?
There are good and bad (ungodly) soul ties that form when having a close relationship or sex with someone. The best way to explain this, is seeing your soul as a piece of wood that is glued to another one. If you separate them, parts of the other one will remain on the wood. 
Soulties formed with people you are no longer involved with should be cut, seeing as they can have a negative impact on your life. Random flashes of emotion that aren´t yours, a strange sense of attachment to a long gone partner, overall just things you don´t need in your life. 
Breaking or cutting those ties will give you back the pieces of the soul that you left on the other person and vice versa, so it´s benefecial for both parts. It is possible to just cut off the negative energy and bad influence of soul ties, which comes in handy if it´s a bond with a person you want to keep close. 
Soul ties feel different from person to person. Some will feel strong and heavy, others will feel like fine threads connecting you. Some ties are easier to cut then others, depending on the emotional attachment you have to said person and their impact on your life. For example: A relationship that has been over for years, but left you with a lot of emotions will feel like a fine string, that, despite it thickness, is hard to cut. A hookup from last night will be thick but really fragile.
How do I cut a soultie?
There are many methods on how to cut them and I have two of the easiest ones for you:
1. With the help of your guardian
Cleanse yourself and your immediate environment with sage or something similar. You don´t want any more negative energy with you than you already have. 
Take a piece of black kyanite or pure obsidian and move it along your aura and chakras. It helps opening you up to the process. 
Now ask your guardian (animal or spririt or etc.) to help you cut the cords with anyone/anything bad or negative attached to you and to send their energy back to them with light and love. (Remember that you are seperating two souls, be as gentle as you can)
Imagine a thick rope comming from your heart, connecting you to something. Pull on it as far as you can and then snap it at the base (don´t feel stupid for acting this one out!).
Now take a selenite and heal the “cut” and thank your guardian for helping you.
2. Meditation
Relax and close your eyes. Imagine yourself going through a forest (can be anywhere you feel comfortable). 
Think about the person you want to cut your ties with and let them step out in front of you. 
Say your intention out loud: “I am cutting my ties with you, to set us free and let you go with love, light and peace”.                                                                          In case you only want to cut of negative things: “I am cutting off everything bad and negative, to set us free and let you go in peace, with love and light”.
Pull the cord out from your heart and snap it, you can take black kyanite or pure obsidian to cut the cord (again,feel free to act it out, as it helps to visualize).
I like to hold the snapped cord in my hand and “blow” it back to the person with good energy, like a kiss.
Now, after completing this process you can make it final by burning the name:
Write down the name of the person (or an emotion or thought you want to get rid off, it can be anything) on a piece of paper and burn it. Set the ashes free in the wind outside. 
I hope this will help some of you! Please message me if you have any questions or something to add!!
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voidiots · 5 years
M'yhe approaches with a head tilted and a curious glimmer alight in his eyes. Murmuring softly, the miqo'te muses, "Norrrmally, I am capable of doing this forrr myself... but I do think anotherrrs insight could be beneficial. Arrre you prrrivy to a Mind, Body, and Spirrrit rrreading, fellow scrrryerrr of fates? I can prrromise I shall make the task worrrth yourrr while." (👻 for IC Tarot! If you're still doing these! If not FEEL FREE TO IGNORE)
Una’to smiles at the Miqo’te across from him. Curious. The man appeared to have the cloudy eyes that indicated blindness, but could tell that Una’to was a teller, he pats the spot across from himself, an indication for the other to sit.
“I’ve no qualms reading other diviners and scryers fates. After all, many of us have cards that differ not only in looks but temperament. Not only that, our sense of intuition is unique to each of us, and how we read the fates. I’ll read your roads the the strings that carry you along them happily. All the more so since you’ve piqued my interest. Mind, body, and spirit is right up my alley, it seems many have had a wish to check in with themselves as of late.”
Una’to picks up a black and gold deck shuffling it in silence for a while. A pleased smile breaks across his face as he stops. Taking the top three cards, he flips them shortly before placing them on the cloth between them. The three cards being placed just so to make a small triangle, the base before him, and the point before the man across from him.
“Now... lets see. All reversed.. We’ll of course start with the state of your mind”, he taps the card farthest from himself, the point. “The card here carries with it lingering resentment, desires to reconcile, and desires to forgive. These are the sorts of things you’ve been thinking of recently, or the state of your mind, the distinction is of course yours to know truly. There was a strife that burdened you, and all parties involved fought violently and ruthlessly. You’ve perhaps found your thoughts to be resentful and waiting for an end to these cycles and strife's. Perhaps through absolving those you have hurt you and reconnecting with them? Though it can be hard to forgive such actions and the people who perpetuated them.”
He moves, tapping the card at the base before him, on his left hand side. “Body follows mind as it is the vessel. The card in this place is one of boredom, taking things for granted, and aloofness. You’ve searched for meaning, and instead have ignored potentials given to you. This inner focus has made you lost the way to your goal, and the world is in turn denied. You can’t only dwell within yourself, for that’s only half of your world, the outer one must be accounted for as well. These are the sorts feelings your body has been having, and it’s state. So it would seem that perhaps you’ve paid more heed to your mind and spirit, than taking care of your physical form, despite what goals you had for it. Should you harm the vessel, it in turn can harm the other two.”
On to the final card. He taps it with a sense of finality. “Lastly is your spirit, that which moves the vessel into action. It’s state, and what message it wishes to convey to you. There is coldness, insecurity, and dependence here. Compassion has run out from the river, gone with the cold of winter. Though love once flowed here from a feminine figure, it’s run dry from some sort of over reliance. Independence of some sort must be achieved. Further more, there is a sense of emotional instability with your spirit as told by this card. As I’m sure you’re aware, the figure here doesn’t have to be female specifically, and I’m sure if you’ve someone in mind hearing these things, that’s the person who you have relied on too much, and must gain some sense of independence from for the spirit to recover. Additionally, it may be the thing truly dependent on another through you.”
The cards are collapsed into a neat pile in the center of the cloth, before being returned to the deck. “Overall, it seems things are out of balance generally and that a few aspects of yourself are in turmoil based on my reading. Of course, this sort of reading lacks a conclusion, but should you wish for one, we can always pull more cards in a new spread to receive a diagnosis of sorts.” He leans forward, he elbow resting on his knee, propping his head up as he stares at the man before him. “That is of course, up to you however.”
Awe heck, yeah I’m doing readings still! I guess again is a better way to put it. Thank you for letting me do a reading @blindkarakul/@spririte! I hope it was able to hit home somewhere! 
Cards Drawn : Five of Swords reversed, Four of Cups reversed, and Queen of Cups reversed.
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dragon-glitch · 5 years
8 People I’d Like to Know Better
tagged by: @kiwithedragon (thank you! it took me a while to fill this out bc my morning’s been kind of busy also lolol)
Name: Cassiel ! you can call me Cas! I’m also searching for a cool middle name I could use too hehehhe
Birthday: January 5th!
Zodiac: Capricorn! idk anything specific m not into all that but! goat thingy!
Height: 5’9″ and I wish I was taller ;;;;; My dad’s 6′2 and I’ve always been mad I didn’t reach that height
Hobbies: Everything under the sun akjfjsznvkjsgf I currently know every needle art just about? and how to cast resin jewelry and I scrapbook and memory keep in my spare time! I also play pokemon games religiously as well as a few other games!!
Favorite Colors: PINK pink and more pink! (also light blue and light yellow!!! but mostly PINK)
Favorite Books: I haven’t read much in god, years actually. Wings of fire has been the only thing I’ve really gotten hooked on in forever reading wise so Wings of fire is currently my favourite book series! 
The Last Song I Listened To: Tornado by Mindless self indulgence adkjbfkjdasfk don’t be like me kids, find good music. (I say that with love bc I’ve listened to msi near constantly for 5 years jfvjhgg)
The Last Movie I Watched: Spririted away for the hmmm 30th time dsajfdkjsf I put on ghibli movies when I’m trying to relax.
Inspiration or Muse: I’m inspired by hmmmm, exploring things taken or stereotyped as evil and good and reversing the roles I guess? I like to show all sides of something which I guess is why half my characters are morally grey ehjkhfks.
Dream Job: Being able to make any money off of my artwork or crafts kjsbgkjsk My room is stuffed full of perler art and paintings and such 
Meaning Behind URL: One of the very first things I did upon getting into Wings of fire was make my own fantribe kjsdfbgjks and it’s based off of them!!! They’re a tribe of organic robots!!! they live and  grow and behave as any other dragon would with a few exceptions but they’re machines brought to life with the capability to bring more into the world !!! They’re titled Glitchwings as most interactions with other tribes were from one of them “glitching” and leaving their island home.
i tag!!: No one! sorry! I’m not comfortable tagging anyone ;;; Though if you want to fill this out feel free to tag me and say I tagged you! free pass for form fill outs!!!!
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