#forces from beyond
aurelion-solar · 2 years
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Kai’Sa & Void Followers LoR Concept Art - Lisha Du
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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Lan Wangji Goes To Lotus Pier AU: Part 1: Dread on Arrival
(Part 2)
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pherre · 5 months
briefly considered an idea where julian's daughter visits the button house hotel before remembering she's literally a green party mp and it's a golf resort. rip julian you will never see your daughter again
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Happy birthday boyo. Your weird family is celebrating about as normally as can be expected.
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trustworthycinnamon · 26 days
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Howdy Ultimate Dirk nation how are we doing today I'm sorry for my evil crimes (or am I)
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fromtheseventhhell · 15 days
One major factor missing from most debates on Arya and Lyanna's beauty is that they're being judged by their society's extremely patriarchal values. In both looks and personality, that context is essential to understanding how others perceive them. George explores the misogyny experienced by non-conforming women, especially with Arya, and it's interesting how he plays with that regarding their physical beauty.
Her mother used to say she could be pretty if she would just wash and brush her hair and take more care with her dress, the way her sister did. (The Blind Girl, ADWD) "You never knew Lyanna as I did, Robert," Ned told him. "You saw her beauty, but not the iron underneath. She would have told you that you have no business in the melee." (Eddard VII, AGOT)
These two quotes offer a nice summation of this idea. With Arya, her supposed lack of beauty is defined by her being a non-conforming wild child. Her hair is messy, her face is dirty, and she's often in "lower class" clothing while engaging in unladylike activities. None of this says anything about her physical beauty but it tells us everything about how she's perceived. Arya could be pretty...If she conforms to society's standards for a highborn Lady. With Lyanna, however, we get the opposite. Where Arya is judged based on her personality, Robert's romanticization of Lyanna is rooted solely in her looks. He doesn't know anything about the person she really was. There is an assumption that, because she looked a certain way, her personality must fit and Robert imagines her much softer and more passive than she actually was.
That Arya isn't pretty or Lyanna wasn't wild are two perceptions that George specifically pushes back against. This is where people miss the brilliance of them being linked as literary mirrors; it is largely about us learning more about Lyanna, but it touches on more than that. The significance of them being written as wild, willful, and with their own beauty is that George isn't writing his female characters around patriarchal expectations. When people debate their beauty, that's often the trapping they fall into. Beauty and non-conformity are treated as mutually exclusive factors when the story itself never makes that point; this is also the logic that leads people to the (incorrect) conclusion that Lyanna and Arya aren't meant to be similar. Arya's self-esteem issues around her looks and being a Lady make this a topic certain to be addressed in the future; George has made it a part of the story. The conclusion shouldn't be that "looks don't matter", but that looks aren't indicative of a character's value, personality, or morality.
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queen0fm0nsterz · 8 months
Why didn’t the lady just turn six into a nome? Is she stupid???
I was gonna tell you I slept with your mom but I actually may have a serious answer to this.
One of the very important things the DLC did to enhance the plot of LN (and the character of the Lady overall) is that is gave us a very precious interaction where comparisons can be drawn: it shows us how the Lady would react to a normal kid VS how she reacts to Six.
When circling around the defenseless Runaway Kid, the Lady takes her time with approaching him. She goes around him thrice, with each approach getting closer and closer until by the last one she's essentially face to face with him. It almost feels like she's studying him, in a way, before she decides what she ultimately wants to do with him.
You'd think she would take the time to kill him instantly, especially since he was unlucky enough to catch her during one of her most vulnerable moments, but instead she opts to turn him into a Nome after she slides directly in front of him and gets a clear view of him. By the looks of it, it really seemed like she was trying to check something.
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(You can watch this video so you can see what I'm talking about. Go to minute 23:58 so you can see what I mean)
When she sees Six, however, she's immediately on the run after her. What's strange is that eventually when Six escapes her the first time and reaches the corridor on the other side, she lets her get the mirror relatively unharmed, and then follows the... "ritual", let's call it that, to a tee. So much so that when she loses, she doesn't retaliate. She accepts defeat. Going as far as to move to make room for Six to bite her neck -- as if she already knew what was going to happen.
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(As you can see, her pose here has changed. She's holding herself up to be right at Six's height with her neck.)
When Six does bite her, the Lady lifts her hand as a reflex, but does not make a motion to grab or push Six away. Regardless of whether she was defeated or not, she is still the larger being. If she was to push Six away - especially now that she's weakened by her hunger - the kid would either fall on the ground or, at worse, bite her hand. Nothing life threatening.
What gets me is that SHE, who is so keen on keeping the Maw alive and who is the reason the whole operation is even still going to begin with, the living heart (figuratively) of the submarine, would let herself be defeated without so much as a complaint... UNLESS this is the way to ensure the Maw's survival.
This Lady dies here, sure, but through this process, the Maw gains an heir. The Maw has lived before her, and with this, it will most likely live after her. So her duty is done, essentially. Obviously, though, because she is human, the Lady does not want to just die and give up without a fight at least -- which is what leads to the non-canonical deaths (a.k.a. every time the player gets caught by her and she instantly kills you) and possibly to the ritual even being structured the way it is when Six comes around.
More than a ritual, it is rite of passage, if you will. "The Lady Circles" does sound very solemn and contained, starting with a lone and low percussion that one could compare to the "starting horn", as in the beginning of the battle.
Six is "off limits". In the sense that she can't be turned into a Nome because of her position in the Maw's system. In the words of Tarsier themselves:
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Beyond Six's control, because she did not want to be on the Maw in the first place -- but beyond the Lady's, too. Because she doesn't want to die and be replaced. But it's part of the cycle taking place in the Maw, as it has been for a long time, so the Lady must accept it, whether she likes it or not.
Now, whether the Maw did actually survive thanks to Six staying or not... that is up in the air, as of now. We'll find out eventually.
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bosooka · 6 months
whenever people say that satine made a huge critical mistake/moral failure by not "compromising" with militant mandalorians i wonder if i was the only person who heard satine say the words "even extremists can be reasoned with" or "concordia is under independent rule and we need to talk to the governor" or "there was a time we weren't enemies, perhaps that time has come again" or "there will be no bloodshed" when she literally surrenders to death watch (a terrorist group btw) because she knows she's lost popular support to them
idk i think there's sort of a satine horseshoe theory going on where people who hate her and people who Nuance Like(TM) her both have selective amnesia about how compassionate, observant, and willing to compromise satine actually is so they can paint her as either a genocidal dictator or an overly-idealistic stubborn bitch #GirlBoss with good intentions and in the end they're 3 centimeters away from each other in terms of how rancid i find their opinion to be
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badolmen · 7 months
On the topic of ‘bad mascot horror video games for kids’ the exception to the rule (or rather, something that understood the assignment) would be My Friendly Neighborhood.
I don’t want to spoil anything if you haven’t booted up the game before, but just…don’t be fooled by jumpscare compilations or the character design. From the opening cutscene this game grabs you by the fucking throat. The mechanics have thought put into them, the voice acting is top notch, and christ the fucking story - a complete story, one that has an end that isn’t promised in future ‘chapters’ or left ambiguous.
Yes, it has jumpscares from goofy muppet monsters, but they’re not cheap tricks. Once you learn how the game works they’re easy to avoid or at the very least anticipate - not to mention they’re survivable with the healing mechanic. And just when you think the scares are done, when you’re well into the game and have all the tools you need to navigate around potential jumpscares, the final act dunks you into the deep-end with the actual horror and nightmare fuel puppets.
I’m not sure how much the game as a whole qualifies as ‘horror,’ but it’s certainly being lumped in with the Whatever-Mascot Horror Game of the Week genre. Which is a shame because My Friendly Neighborhood is leagues ahead of those other games. It has more in common with survival horror than it does with mascot horror in terms of gameplay and tropes. It’s literally just the ‘monster’ designs leading people to assume its another Poppy Playtime clone complete with half baked story and repetitive, unimaginative gameplay loops. And that’s so far from the truth -
My Friendly Neighborhood is like if Sesame Street and Resident Evil had a beautiful muppet baby that opened its eyes to have an existential crisis when confronted with the horrors and apathy of modern capitalism.
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Your spilled milk theory makes so much sense. Plus, how in the small update 'move barnaby' can be taken as like a command for him to move out of the way. (Maybe from the show entirely?) Which would make sense that maybe something will happen to barnaby!
hmmm well That im skeptical on, purely because Wally was following an instruction - the whrp were just asking random things. though. though. i think there could be some merit in it being foreshadowing - storytelling isnt purely on-purpose-in-universe...
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tmascfaggot · 2 months
robot boy with a digital shrine to an ai god. thinking pondering musing
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aurelion-solar · 2 years
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Legends of Runeterra: Forces from Beyond - Level Up Animations
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chicago-geniza · 8 days
Pharmacy is making me download an app to fill my prescriptions and I am once again getting irrationally angry at App Creep. Stop encroaching on the necessities of daily life. I don't want to scan a fucking QR code and I don't want to download an app just to get my allergy medicine or buy a bus pass. I will Kill you
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muninnhuginn · 10 months
li tianchen saying he hated people who pretended to be nice but were secretly jerks the most + the neighbour who saw what was going on but backed off (whether because of his own safety or because liu lan shook her head to get him to go away with the idea that it would stop further escalation). the idea that "jerk pretending to be nice" in this case is represented by an observer seeing something wrong and refusing to intervene.
looking at cheng xiaoshi's repeated interference during dives vs lu guang's mantra to keep the past as it was. to remain an observer deliberately.
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worstloki · 11 months
I like the jotun horn jewelry/decoration thing but i think it wouldnt be like. Gold. Bc where are they getting gold from? Where are they mining it and smelting it and stuff? Idk why. It just doesnt compute in my brain, it doesnt seem to fit their whole thing and mentslly i csnt imagine the place having a ton of gold thst didnt get ripped away when they lost the war. Even though aesthetically i get that it looks nice.
I don’t even mind Jotunheim naturally having a lot of gold *in the past*, (or whenever) I just don’t like the way people use it as an orientalism-vibe literary device. There’s often no explanation given for the gold either, especially in a post-colonised world unless there’s a note on ‘this is ALL the gold Jotunheim had left and LOKI has it bc he needs to look pretty (and like a woman)’
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katabay · 19 days
top 5 fandoms?
oooh, okay! so my top 5 to hang out in (which is not necessarily the same as stuff I draw fan art of, but ones where I’ve gone to group meet ups at conventions, attended watch parties/events for, actively seek out the tags for on twitter, etc) are probably
-Kamen Rider
-the bitter Sam fan side of SPN
-Pacific Rim
-Guardian/Zhen Hun or the Yakuza franchise
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