#for some reason my hands made his happen and im still shocked
the-gayest-show · 4 months
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Alastor fandom I present to you this
(sry for the low quality if any, the canvas was 750x750 and I regret that now <3)
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fallingstqrss · 7 months
kiss it better
request: can you do a one-shot just like the scene where coryo goes insane because he thinks that the reader left him in the cabin but she didn't and they just go to spend some quality time.
a/n: thank you so much for the request i love this idea!
summary: following the death of Mayflower and Billy Taupe you and coriolanus decide to flee the districts, hoping to avoid the persecution of the peacekeepers. however, when you seem to get lost in the woods coriolanus panics.
warnings: there is a brief description of mayfair's death but it's not detailed. coriolanus might be slightly ooc cause this is my first time writing him but i swear im trying my best.
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Coriolanus had made a huge mistake. he hadn't meant to kill Mayfair, he just panicked. He was just going to let her leave but then you walked in, making you a part of Sejanus' horrible plan.
"What's going on?" You spoke, eyes moving from Coriolanus to the weapons that lay on the table. Coriolanus saw as your eyes widened and he hurried to comfort you. "Corio, what's going on?" You questioned again, clutching onto his bicep, hoping for reassurance.
"Y/n, it's gonna be fine-" Coriolanus started, attempting to soothe you as he ran a hand across your cheek.
"Oh, none of you are going to be fine. I'm gonna tell my Daddy what all of you did and he's gonna string you up!" Mayfair spoke in an almost taunting tone. Her threat casts a chilling shadow over the room. As Mayfair turned to leave Spruce, fueled by tension and adrenaline, raised the gun to her back.
"I can't let you leave," Spruce spoke. Y/n took an unconscious step back, recoiling from the potential for violence. Coriolanus could tell you were scared and he felt horrible for being the reason you were involved in this. His mind was racing, he knew he had to get you out of there.
"She's bluffing, she won't actually do anything." Billy Taupe defended, eager to avoid any harm that might come to his girlfriend and to deescalate the growing tension in the room.
"Really? Was I bluffing at the reaping? Tell me Lucy Gray, how did you like your time in the Capitol?" Mayfair spoke, eyes staring at Lucy Gray, who gasped. Mayfair smiled as she turned to leave. Coriolanus jumped at the opportunity, lunging for the weapon on the ground. In a single second Mayfair had fallen to the ground. You gasped, your eyes fixated on Mayfair's fallen figure. Coriolanus was quick to shield you from the unsettling sight, positioning himself in front of you.
"I need you to go home y/n. I'm going to get this figured out. But you need to go home right now and you can't look like anything is wrong," He spoke, his tone firm and filled with urgency. "y/n, please." Coriolanus spoke again when you didn't move. You had stood still, trying to process the events that had just unfolded in front of you. Finally, you looked up at Coriolanus, a nod of reluctant understanding breaking through your shock. You trusted Coriolanus, he would get you guys out of this.
Coriolanus watched you leave, a mixture of relief and worry painted on his face. Once you were out of sight, he turned back to the remaining people in the room. He was determined, now that your safety was at risk nothing else mattered.
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That's how the two of you ended up here, walking through the woods, in search of life beyond the districts. Despite some attempts at small talk, the weight of the recent events hung heavily in the air. Coriolanus could sense you were struggling to come to terms with the deaths of Mayfair and, more importantly, your shared friend Sejanus.
"I just don't understand what happened. Sejanus' plan was horrible but he seemed like he was being careful," You rambled on, your voice heavy with confusion and grief. You were unaware of Coriolanus' involvement in the death of your friend. You also didn't notice the tension of the captured Coriolanus at the mention of Sejanus.
"He apparently wasn't careful enough," Coriolanus responded, his tone colder than usual, a deliberate attempt to steer away from the conversation surrounding Sejanus. He longed to focus on the two the two of you would spend together, the new life you could start. Coriolanus was taken aback when you came to an abrupt stop, forcing him to backtrack to stand in front of you. You stared up at him, your eyebrows furrowed.
"Do you not mourn for Sejanus at all, Corio?" You spoke, your eyes reflecting the sadness and confusion that weighed you down. Coriolanus felt a pang of guilt for being distant. However, the truth of Sejanus' death was a burden that he couldn't bear to share with you. He knew you would've never forgiven him.
"Of course, I do," Coriolanus spoke, his tone softer now in an attempt to console you. Coriolanus brought a hand to cup your cheek. "But, it was his actions that killed him." You still seemed unsure, offering a careful nod before turning your gaze to the ground. Coriolanus dropped his hand, moving to walk next to you again.
Eventually, the two of you arrived at the cabin shown to you by Lucy Gray and the Covey. Coriolanus couldn't shake the feeling of your silence, finding it unsettling. The two of you walked into the cabin, setting your things down. "We should fish for a while, we're going to need some food for the rest of the trip," Coriolanus suggested.
"Lucy Gray said there should be some poles under the floorboards," You spoke, avoiding eye contact with Coriolanus as you hung your belongings on the hooks by the door.
Coriolanus nodded, moving towards the boards he found to be loose. He lifted the boards, his eyes widening as he lifted the sheet to reveal the guns that had been used to kill Mayfair. You observed from across the room, a twinge of concern gracing your features. "What is it, Corio?" You questioned, his familiar nickname being a small sense of comfort in the moment of the unsettling discovery. He remained silent, picking up the gun as he turned to face you. Your breath caught in your chest as you saw the weapon, your mind flashing back to the violent events.
"It's the guns," Coriolanus stated, his eyes moving between the weapon in his arms and you. "This means we can go home," You hummed, nodding in agreement. The revelations held the promise of an escape. The promise of a way home. But, they also unearthed memories Coriolanus knew you could never fully forget.
"I'm going to see if I can find anything to eat around the lake, maybe that one root Lucy Gray mentioned," You spoke quickly, shaking your head as she grabbed one of the small shovels left near the door.
"Y/n, wait," Coriolanus spoke, sensing the uneasy energy that surrounded you. "It could be dangerous," Coriolanus spoke, his protective nature kicking in. You smiled as you recognized his instinct to protect you.
"Well, it's a good thing I've got this," You spoke, attempting a teasing tone as you held up the shovel. You could tell Coriolanus didn't quite believe you and you hurried out of the door. Coriolanus was worried for you but brushed off the interaction, trusting that you could take care of yourself. He rewrapped the guns, hoping to drop them into the lake, burying the echoes of the past.
Coriolanus stepped outside heading towards the boat. His eyes circled his surroundings, hoping to find you. However, he didn't see you. He looked around again, his breathing becoming more ragged as he called out for you. He was met with the horrifying echo of his own voice, no response from you.
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You had ventured into the forest after finding that Katniss was not ready to be eaten. You had hoped to find some berries, remembering the ones Maude Ivory had collected for you to eat. You attempted to ignore the way the trees seemed to close in on you, the path you thought you knew being erased. You ignored those thought, you had been going in a straight line, there were no place to get lost along the way.
"They should be up here," You whispered to yourself, letting out a sigh as you hoped to break the silence that lay within the forest. The rustling leaves and distant calls of birds engulfed you as you moved throughout the forest.
You had been walking for a while, looking around you realized you have never been in this part of the forest, a sign that you had gone way too far. You turned in various directions, spinning around as you searched for the way you came. Panic began to set in as you quickened your pace, unfortunately leading you to venture deeper and deeper into the forest.
In her disoriented state, you failed to see the root sticking out of the ground. Her foot caught on the root, causing you to stumble forward. Desperation clawed at you as you tried to regain your balance. However, the forest had other plans.
A divot in the ground forced you to the ground as your hands reached out to break your fall. The forest floor met you with a sickening thud, your head colliding with a moss-covered rock. The world around you spun, the pain in your head intensifying with every breath you took. As your consciousness slipped away, the forest seemed to blur into a blend of green and brown, the shadows seeming to dance together in a mesmerizing rhythm.
Back at the cabin Coriolanus grew restless as he awaited your return. The seconds felt like hours as he stared at the tree line, willing you to appear. Finally, Coriolanus was sick of waiting and decided that he would find you himself.
As he ventured into the forest the trees seemed to swallow him. His breaths came out fast, each step propelling him further into the silent forest. Anxiety was clawing at his chest, hundreds of what-ifs raced in his mind.
"Y/n? Did something happen? If something happens we can talk about it!" Coriolanus shouted, pausing as he awaited a response. But he didn't receive one, he only had the rustling leaves to greet him. The silence that surrounded him was deafening.
"Y/n, please say something. I need to know you're okay," He pleaded again. The forest remained silent, offering no hope to comfort his growing concern. Fear painted vivid scenarios in his head, each one darker than the last.
"Please, y/n, if I did something I'm so sorry. We don't even have to talk about it, please just come back with me." Coriolanus pleaded. His pleas became more urgent. His mood shifted from worry to complete despare quickly.
"Please, I can't lose you too." He spoke, this plea much quieter than the previous ones. His voice broke as he spoke, his eyes searching for any clue of you. His steps quickened as he moved around the forest, his handles trembling as he pushed branches out of his way.
"Please, y/n," He called one more time, assuming the worst. He'd come to the conclusion that you left him. It was either that or you were dead, but he couldn't bring himself to grasp the idea that you were dead.
Unbeknownst to Coriolanus, you began to stir on the forest floor. The pain in your head still lingered but the sound of someone's voice distracted you from the pain. You listened more closely as you tried to sit up. Your senses were snapped back into reality when you realized that it was Coriolanus' voice you were hearing. The closer you listened you realized how distressed he sounded and it practically broke your heart. You listened again to his ever-present calls, trying to hear which direction they were coming from, his voice acting as a life-line.
"Corio," you called out weakly, standing as you braced yourself on one of the trees. Coriolanus' head snapped in the direction of your voice. He hurried in that direction, his eyes wide with fear and relief. "Coriolanus," You called out again, wondering if you had imagined him calling for you.
"Hang on y/n! I'm coming," He spoke. Relief washed over him when he finally saw you leaning up against one of the trees, Coriolanus rushed towards you. In your disoriented state you barely even realized he had found you until he engulfed you in his arms. Your senses finally started to come back to you as you reciprocated the embrace, wrapping your arms around his waist.
Coriolanus pulled away for a moment, his eyes scanning your face, he could hardly believe he'd actually found you. He'd thought you were gone for good. Your eyes met his, being met with a vulnerability from Coriolanus you'd never seen before. Coriolanus hated the way you made him felt. He hated how worried he always was for you. But, he also couldn't deny how much he loved you.
"What happened?" Coriolanus finally spoke, brushing your hair out of your face to examine the cut on your forehead.
"I was looking for those berries, the ones Maude Ivory showed us and I got lost, and then I think I tripped," you began to ramble, stopping yourself to take a breath before speaking again, "It's all kind of a blur." Coriolanus nodded as he processed what you said, unraveling his arms from you as he wrapped an arm around your waist to help guide you back to the cabin.
"Well, I think we should get you back to the cabin," Coriolanus spoke and you laughed as you nodded. You'd had enough of the woods.
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Back at the cabin Coriolanus used one of the med-kits you'd brought to clean you up. Your heart swelled at how gentle he was, his hands moving cautiously over your face.
"So, will I survive?" You questioned, a smile gracing your features.
"I think you'll be okay," Coriolanus responded, a smile of his own coming across his face. But, you could tell the smile didn't meet his eyes. You could tell something was still bothering him. The sunlight pouring in from the windows illuminated the worry that was still present in his eyes, a silent acknowledgment of the fear he'd felt when he thought you'd abandoned him in the forest.
When Coriolanus finished cleaning the wound he set the supplies to the side and leaned in, placing a delicate kiss on the spot he'd just tended to. The warmth of his lips lingered on your forehead, a comforting gesture that transcended the physical healing.
"There, kissed it better." Coriolanus whispered as he moved away from you, cleaning up the remaining supplies of the med-kit.
Despite his comforting gesture, you couldn't ignore the concern that was still etched on his face. As he finished putting the med-kit away he turned to look at you, being met with your questioning gaze. "Corio, you've been on edge since we got back. What's wrong?" You questioned him, taking a couple steps closer to him so you could wrap your arms around his waist.
Coriolanus hesitated, his eyes betraying his turmoil of emotions. He opened his mouth to respond but the words got caught in his throat. Tension lingered in the air as you searched his face for clues on what he was feeling.
"It's nothing, y/n. Just a scare, that's all. Everything is fine." Coriolanus spoke. However, despite his attempts to comfort you, you could still sense his unease. You reached upwards, cupping his face to draw his attention.
"Come on, Corio. Talk to me," You spoke. Coriolanus sighed, he was torn between his desire to shield you from his concerns and the intimacy the two of you had always shared. Eventually, he gave in.
"I just... I can't stand the thought of anything happening to you. losing you in the woods, even if it was just for a moment, it terrified me." Coriolanus confessed softly. Your eyes softened at his confession.
"I'm right here, Corio. I'm not going anywhere." You assured, he nodded. "I love you, Coriolanus. Wherever you go, I'm gonna be there." You spoke, his words caught him off guard. The two of you had never used the word love.
"Y/n..." Coriolanus started, his eyes moving away from you. However, your hold on his face forced his attention back onto you. "I've never been good at this, relationships. I'm afraid of losing you, of not being enough." You nodded, you understood Coriolanus' insecurities as he'd previously voiced some of his concerns to you.
"Corio," You took a step closer, "I love you for who you are. I don't need you to be perfect." You assured him. Your words hung in the air, in that moment, leaning into Coriolanus, your lips meeting his in a tender kiss. Coriolanus, having been initially surprised by the kiss, eventually surrenders to the kiss. When the two of you pulled away you spoke again. "I want to go back to the Capitol, Corio."
Coriolanus looked surprised but that was overtaken by a look of happiness. He wanted nothing more than to return to his home and family, and now that you did too there was nothing stopping the two of you. "Wherever you wanna go, I'll follow you." Coriolanus spoke, repeating the words you'd said earlier, you smiled at him.
The decision being made, the two of you faced what leaving the woods meant. Coriolanus worked to dispose of the guns while you packed the remaining items you had at the cabin. As you walked out of the door you saw him pushing the boat back to shore. Coriolanus jumped out of the boat, outstretching his hand for you. You smiled at the gesture, moving to meet him, enclosing his hand with your own.
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thegoldencontracts · 5 days
What Do You Want?
Summary: You try to approach Azul with an offer. His response is- odd, to say the least.
Notes: My heart wants fluff to make up for the angst yesterday... im sorry T_T
The moment you'd first seen Azul, you thought he was pretty. Then, you started noticing other little cool things about him. And before you knew it, you had a crush.
"You're- so stupid!" Ace said with a laugh. "You actually think Azul Ashengrotto would ever like anyone? Best outcome is, he tries to scam you but you barely manage to win."
"I've got a point-card!" You said cheerily. "And I've made a rough outline of what I want my contract to look like."
The 'outline' was only one sentence, but Ace didn't need to know that.
At that moment, though, Ace's eyes widened.
"You're actually gonna do it?" He said, the grin fading from his face.
"Yeah," you said. You were going to try and make a contract with him, see what happened. Maybe it wouldn't work out. But hey, you'd never know if you didn't try!
Besides, you had a plan. And that plan was what brought you to the VIP room, a golden point card in hand.
"Ah, what a pleasant surprise it is to see you here!" Azul said with a salesman's grin that somehow still looked cute. "I was under the impression you couldn't afford point-cards."
You laughed.
"It's lovely what happens when you make people compensate you for your labor," you said. And it was true. Telling people you'd do something for a free meal at the Lounge got you point cards and food witthout any complaints. For some reason, people were more willing to do that than give you the money straight-up, even if the expensive meals usually meant they'd have to pay more. Whatever.
"Oh," Azul said, before quickly changing the topic. "So what exactly is your desire?"
You smirked.
"Azul," you said. "Considering the ranking of the Golden card, that means you have to accept any contract I propose, so long as it doesn't pose direct harm to your mental or physical wellbeing in some way, shape, or form, correct?"
Azul's brows furrowed in confusion.
"Correct, however, you're forgetting-"
"The impact limit, yes," you said. "If the wish in question requires maiming, killing, or mentally scarring any individual, whether or not you agree to grant it becomes a decision entirely at your discretion."
At this point, Azul was looking at you like you'd grown two heads.
"Your point is...?" He asked.
"I won't have to make any other payment for my wish then, correct?" You said. You knew how these exchanges worked, and you did not want to get scammed.
Azul bit his lip.
"Fine, fine, you 'win', I suppose. Just- tell me what exactly it is you desire," he said.
You smiled, handing him a piece of paper with the draft of your contract on it. Azul's eyes widened in shock at its contents.
'Be my friend!' it said.
"Sooooo, what do you think?" You asked.
Azul shot you a glare. Harsh.
"What do you want?"
"I already told you- well, wrote to you, I guess, but-"
"No," Azul said, voice dangerously level. "What do you truly want?"
"Be my friend!" You said, flashing him a thumbs up. But Azul was still angry. Did he just hate you or something?
"I don't appreciate such juvenile attempts at mockery," he said. "If you have no true wish to make, then I shall have you escorted out."
You sighed. Seriously, this was getting annoying. Did he want to avoid you that badly?
"Look," you said. "I already laid it all out - you should try being my friend! And if you don't like it, then you stop! Simple as that, right?"
Azul scoffed.
"That's preposterous," he said. "No one would ever want such a thing-"
"Well, I want it," you said, before sighing. "Look, is it really that big of a deal?"
At that, Azul seemed to malfunction, like he couldn't possibly comprehend what you were saying. That was weird. Why wasn't he happy? Wasn't he going to try and scam you or something?
At long last, Azul shook away the red dusting his cheeks, handing you a pamphlet.
"Take this for now," he said. It was a study guide for Alchemy. "And keep the point card. I'll continue my inquiry tomorrow during lunch, so prepare yourself. Now then, leave."
"Great! See you tomorrow lunch then, Azul."
You took the study guide and headed for the exit. The study guide was pretty good, actually. And there was that little chibi doodle with hearts around it - you didn't know where it came from, but it kind of reminded you of yourself!
So, hey, it seemed like things were going pretty well.
Meanwhile, Azul was in a panic.
"The Prefect's caught on, I'm certain of it!" He said to Floyd and Jade, furiously flipping through his book of contingency plans for any type of social situation gone wrong. "Why else would such an odd request be made of me?"
Floyd rolled his eyes.
"Cause Shrimpy wanted to be your friend?" He said.
"No one would ever desire such a thing!" Azul said. "The Prefect's found out about that foolish little crush of mine, and decided to make a fool out of me. There's no other explanation!"
It was a sensible explanation, wasn't it? Common, too. It had happened to Azul all the time back then. He simply had to make sure he didn't slip, that he established consequences for all those who attempted to mess with him now.
His thoughts were cut off by the sound of Jade's laughter.
"What seems to be the matter, Jade? Do enlighten me," Azul asked dryly.
"You made an error in your panicked frenzy with the Prefect, that's all," Jade said. "The study guide you gave was the one with the doodles."
Azul felt his mouth go dry.
"The one filled with countless doodles of your little crush, surrounded by hearts."
O-Of all the study guides, why that one?
Seven, how he wished to crawl into an octopus pot right now. But for now, all he could settle for was burying his face in his hands, left alone with his thoughts as he tuned Jade and Floyd out entirely.
He hadn't believed it, but- what if you were being sincere? What if you truly did want to grow closer to him? Yes, it was true that such a thing had never occurred in the past, meaning an analysis of past trends would seem such a thing impossible, and this sort of trick had been played on him countless times before but-
You seemed oddly sincere about it. And, frankly, he wanted you to be.
Azul couldn't help but sigh. Though it would likely cause him problems later, for now, he couldn't help but let himself hope.
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lvrcpid · 1 year
reality in motion.
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it’s warm. like a sunny spring day. nothing compared to the pain you once felt. when your eyes open, the bright white light was almost blinding. i’m dead. you thought.
“my child? why are you here? it isn’t your time.”
what was that voice? then it registered. it was the great mother. your creator.
you quickly stood to your feet and bowed. when you lifted your head up you met eyes with the almighty. she was beautiful. the most beautiful woman you have ever seen.
“(y/n)..no..no no no it’s far too early for you to be with me..what happened?” doesn’t eywa see all? how does she not know what happened.
“i would rather not talk about it..you said it wasn’t my time.. what do you mean?” the great mother took pity on you, one of her greatest creations.
“you’re still young..still have so much time..you aren’t supposed to be here with me..not yet” she took her hands in yours and gave you a small smile
“it was great to meet you my child..but you must return..” what did she mean by that?
your world suddenly went black. your eyes snapping open as you felt a burning in your lungs. you looked around and noticed something, you were underwater. at the bottom of the ocean.
you quickly swam up to the surface and took a deep breath, choking up some water as you struggled to keep your head afloat.
just your luck, some divers noticed you emerge from the water and quickly swam over to save you. they recognized you as the child that had gone missing.
your body was weak and frail. your lips were a light blue. signifying that you indeed had died. as your head leaned against the back of the metkayina diver, you raised a shaky hand over your chest to see that your wound was healed.
you blanked out after that. you only really remember bits and pieces of what happened. one minute you were in the care of tsireya, the next minute your family was running in with frantic eyes and puffy faces.
they had been crying for you. tch. i bet those tears were forced.
“(y/n) you’re safe! thank you great mother thank you!!” neytiri dropped beside you and hugged you, not too tight seeing as though you were still fragile.
your mind was all over the place. you had just been brought back from the dead for what seemed like weeks. you looked and felt like hell. and why was your mother hugging you..she’s never done that before.
“this child proclaims to have been dead at the bottom of the ocean..they don’t remember much but they remember seeing their siblings..” ronal looked over to lo’ak and neteyam “ride back to shore on an ilu..”
lo’ak felt his heart drop. that was days ago. he looked over to neteyam who had guilt written all over his face.
neytiri pulled away from her eldest child and looked at their face. she didn’t notice you were gone. she didn’t know you had died. she didn’t know. she didn’t think to check.
“you left them there? i thought you said they were behind you..” jake turned to his sons, his eyebrows furrowed. when they did notice you were missing, the boys were the first ones to speak up , saying that you were behind them.
“well we thought they were..but we didn’t look back to check..” neteyam scratched the back of his neck, tears brimming his eyes as he felt so guilty in that moment.
the whole family stood in shock. they thought you were somewhere far from them this whole time. not dead. and how did you even come back to life..that’s impossible.
“(y/n)..is this true?” kiri spoke up, looking at you being treated by ronal, tonowari close by fuming at the family.
“what reason do i have to lie..” you spoke, voice hoarse. “i was shot” you pointed to the wound on your chest.
the family collectively gasped.
“i took the bullet for neteyam..it was supposed to be for him..considering the face lo’ak made when the ship was mentioned..im gonna assume it’s been days..hasn’t it been lo’ak?” you turned to your youngest brother as he let out a shaky sigh and nod.
“i stand corrected..it’s been days..nobody tried looking for me..” you said sitting up. tsireya was quick to put a hand over yours and grip it tightly.
“days..i’ve been gone for days..and nobody tried-“ you were cut off by your fathers voice “we started a search party!” he frantically said, tears now in his eyes “ and when did you start it ? “ tonowari spoke up, he already knew the answer , he just wanted to hear what the family had to say for themselves.
“we started it 2 days ago..” neteyam spoke. he was now crying. how could he do this to his big sibling. you were nothing but kind to him. to all of them. but this is how they repay you.
“and when were you all on the ship?” ronal asked, looking at lo’ak. he didn’t want to answer, he felt the shame rise in him as he looked at tsireya. she looked so disappointed in him.
“it was about 6 days ago”
the mauri fell silent. you’d been gone for 4 days before the family realized you were gone. that’s all it took for tonowari to dismiss your family, instructing ronal to keep patching you up and tending to you.
“you bring shame to your people..out..before i change my mind on letting you stay here.
you watched as your family quickly moved out of the mauri, not even turning back. you laid back on the floor, the world seeming to move on it’s own around you. you blanked out. you couldn’t feel. you couldn’t think. you couldn’t breathe. you didn’t want to be here.
why was eywa punishing you so?
you were eventually left in the mauri alone, left to rest.
your world was changing right before your eyes.
like reality in motion.
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tags 🏷️: @23victoria @avtprint @bucky12345 @boilingpots @Marcswife21
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mundoperla · 2 years
What about… RZ Michael Myers doing something unholy, like he’s really horny, with his fem friend (also a patient) at the Smith’s Grove? Like in some corridor or smth 👀 Wall sex, whaaat???
Would be grateful and on my knees, thanks 🙏
this got me kicking my feet in the air like a schoolgirl rn
& its my favorite michael??? ofc im abt to tackle this tf😩💜
𝙍𝙕 𝙈𝙞𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙚𝙡 𝙈𝙮𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙭 𝙁𝙚𝙢 𝙋𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
— No matter how many cameras there are, there will always be blind spots.
· ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ꕥ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ ·
you see the title bitties here are the warnings vv
⚠️⚠️cws;; basically public sex, wall sex ofc, michael being HORNY, p in v but i think thats kind of expected, overall that nasty shit (lighthearted)⚠️⚠️
· ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ꕥ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ ·
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Despite his lack of communication, Michael made your stay at Smith’s Grove much more pleasant. He never acted out or caused any type of problems when you first arrived, he’d been relatively calm for quite some time now. Always alone in his room, no sound, no nothing, just him making masks in silence.
It was his creativity that sparked your initial interest in him in the first place. His walls were cover from top to bottom in the masks he’d make in his alone time, many ranging from different colors and shapes. Truthfully he never wanted to interact with you whenever you’d make a quick pass by his room to go somewhere on the other side of the hospital, there was a point in time where he found you annoying even.
Yet no matter how much time passed you’d still swing by with a quick ‘hello!’. It escalated to a point where you would linger on the other side of his door and hold up one sided conversations with him, of course him never responding to you verbally. It was alright though, body language is able to tell you enough.
You did all of the talking for the two of you, which all though he never spoke aloud, he appreciated. He hasn’t spoken in years and by the looks of it he wasn’t going to any time soon. Trust me, Dr. Loomis has tried.
You were no threat to Michael to begin with, he had no reason to dismiss you unless he had become tired of your company; which very rarely happened. He was surprisingly as patient as you were with him, perhaps this was his own way of saying ‘thank you’.
The two of you were almost like a joined pair after he had grown slightly more comfortable around you, if you went somewhere—Michael followed, if Michael went somewhere — you would follow. It was shocking to everyone that he’d show even such a small form of attachment to another living being without brutally murdering it. Of course in the early stages of your ‘friendship’ the two of you were heavily monitored before you could be permitted to be in spaces together alone with just a nurse on standby.
“ I’m gonna go ask one of the doctors if I can have another juice, you want one too ? ”
Michael won’t verbally respond, but he will turn his eyes down to the floor at your question.
“ Alright so that’s a no. Sit tight I’ll be right back. ”
He watched you sit up from the table the two of you sat at, disappearing into one of the many hallways. He had originally got up to go and follow you like he always did, but something inside him told him not to, it had told him something else.
He ever so slightly considered you as some kind of companion, but he wanted you as something else. You were very beautiful to him and some of the other patients on your side of the building, it’s normal to think someone is nice looking. Yet he’d catch himself staring a bit too hard when you would do the simplest of things such as drinking some water or even when you stretched and a sliver of your stomach would be exposed. Was it also normal to have these filthy thoughts directed towards a so-called ‘friend’?
The bulge in his pants grew ever so larger the longer he sad and pondered. He needed to ‘fix’ this before you came back and saw. Would you think he was disgusting if you did see him this way? Surely you would.
You had come back to your shared table empty handed only to see that Michael was gone, maybe he’d gone back to his room? He could be tired, nothing wrong with just a quick swing by his door and wish him goodnight.
There were quite a few cameras the closer you got to Michael’s room, just as you turn into the corridor large hands yank you from the entrance to a darker corner of the hall. You’d mentally braced yourself to be strangled by this unknown person, but familiar blonde strands of hair loomed above you, of course the orange mask eased the tension much more.
Michael silently stared down at you, you could just barely see his sky blue eyes behind the paper mask. But now left the following questions, why was he just waiting in the corner? why is he now all of a sudden making actual physical contact with you? Truthfully one could only imagine the worst in the sense of it being correlated with him of all people, but the worst never came.
You’d opened your mouth to speak but you’re immediately silenced by the feeling of his erection pressing itself into your ass. He was rubbing himself against you now, still as silent as ever, showing no sign of satisfaction.
“ Mike- Michael! There’s cameras, we can’t do this here, we could get caught.. ”
Of course he doesn’t give you a verbal response, but this time will give you a slow twirl of his finger, telling you to look around you. There weren’t any cameras that could catch you in their line of sight, and the one camera that was much closer than the rest faced the opposite direction where you had originally been grabbed.
He was telling you it was safe to continue, you were clear to unfold. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t the slightest bit aroused as him, maybe even more. Using his cold hands to slide under your shirt so he could squeeze the soft flesh of your breasts, to then slowly migrate under the fabric of your pants to rub you through your underwear. You’d began to grind back into him, trying to pull down his own pants down as well as your own so the two of you could ease this tension much quicker.
Michael had fantasized about how you would feel around his cock, the way you would squeeze him and the sounds you could make when he started to thrust, he couldn’t live with the possibility of another person pleasuring you instead of him. He needed to be the one to take you, you may not be aware but you’re in fact his and his only. Maybe he liked you alot more than what he initially thought.
Your body trembled as Michael moved your body slightly so you were now fully pressed against the wall with him standing behind you, one hand held you in place by the hip whilst the other began to align himself against your hole, knowing him there will be no auditory warning that he’d be sliding in. You’re not a pussy, you could take him, couldn’t you ?
Both of your hands rested on the white brick walls, truthfully you weren’t even sure he was going to fit inside. He’s taking his sweet time behind you. You’re really about to become his in a dark corner that surveillance could not reach, this could have been much better under different circumstances, but neither of you could chose the have sex in a different location at this time, you’ll take what you can get.
The stretch that followed after an agonizing 15 seconds of the man behind you pondering could be considered as beyond painful, your hand quickly covering your mouth to muffle your whimpers. He can feel your walls clamp around him, gushing uncontrollably by the sudden rush of pleasure. He’s not even halfway inside you yet, but you’ve got his pelvis and a small bit of the floor wet now, clearly you wanted this as much as he did.
You don’t get the luxury of Michael stopping in his tracks to let you breathe before he continues to push himself into you, however you get the honor or him bending himself over enough to cover your mouth with his own hands instead of your own. Now you just had to focus on keeping yourself steady while he takes what’s his.
You’d think he had never hear the word ‘gentle’ in his lifetime. His thrusts were fast yet also powerful, despite his hands covering your mouth small moans still escaped. He had just started yet you felt so fucked out already, your legs trembling, your juices dribbling down your thigh and back down onto the floor.
He fucks you like you’re a fleshlight, dominantly chasing his own high but still trying to get you to come undone as well. He’s intentionally trying to break you as much as possible before the two of you have to eventually wrap up, his hands shy away from your mouth, one to slither down to toy with your clit whilst the other grips onto one of your tits as he continues to pound himself into your cunt like a man possessed. He makes it impossible not to scream but you are aware to still keep your voice down as much as possible.
“ Michael.. Keep moving just like that.. I’m so- Fuck.. ”
Your voice had continued to quiver the longer he kept going, the coil in your belly was about to snap once again. Michael considered finishing inside as some kind of ‘mark’ to leave behind, but he could always wait for another time to have that visual. For right now it was your ass that he had decided on, he’d still get a satisfactory visual of himself on you.
Practically yanking himself out of you just as you had came, his warmth begins to coat your skin. You’re lightheaded and you could feel your legs about to give out as Michael let go of you. Silently admiring his ‘art’, he’d wiped a smudge of his mess off of you with his finger, bringing it up to your lips. It was sweet but also bitter, it was him. He could leave you here to clean yourself up so he could go back to his room, but based off of how you were struggling to keep yourself up, maybe he could just take you back to your own room before departing for the night.
He had taken the time to get you dressed back up as well as himself, pulling you out of the corridor down to the hallway opposite to your own room. Your hand felt so small in his, he was intimidating to many people, but you ? There was an odd sense of security from being this close to Michael. He stood with you for a brief moment after arriving to your room, with him he could have just been there to stare at you a while longer or he was silently examining you to get a clear visual that you were okay to be left on your own now. Could have just been both.
He was exhausted now, but also mildly flustered. So much had just happened and he could barely process it. He’s turned to walk back down to his own room so that you could get some sleep as well, but is quickly stopped buy the force of you clinging yourself onto one of his arms tightly.
“ Goodnight Mikey, we should definitely do that again at some point. ”
You’re hardly standing up straight yet you’ve asked him to.. again, too much to process. But he will take your request into consideration.
┉ˏ͛ ༝̩̩̥͙ ⑅͚˚   ҉  ⑅͚˚ ͛༝̩̩̥͙ ˎ┉
apologies if the ending is messy i have no clue how to properly conclude shit i tried my best
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pamelasmuse · 7 months
The outside
Dean Winchester x fem!reader
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Summary: You recently break up with your long time boyfriend. Dean helps you forget about him.
Warnings: Graphic descriptions of smut, smut, daddy kink… i think thats it.
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“Pay up boys.” You motion to a group of bikers who had just lost their 4th round of pool. He handed you a wad of 20s and you stuffed it in your bra.
You walked back over to the boys, slapping the money on the table. “Next rounds on me.” You announced before sitting down at the table. “You seem to be doing better.” Sam commented. “Winning will do that.”
Just a few days ago your long time, long distance boyfriend had just broken up with you. He had called and told you he couldn’t do this anymore, that he was a man with needs. And you had moped around the motel for the last week. You cried most nights and cried during the day. He was someone you thought was the one, and it was hard to admit it was over.
But then the boys offered to take you out for a fun night. Dean even mentioned you could bring a guy back to forget about Rilee. And so far it was going very well. You had one hundreds of dollars from pool and darts and you felt like a million dollars.
“Well.” Sam started. “I think ill head back, im a little tired.” “Oh Sammy!” you whined. “Maybe im still sad, will you stay?” Sam laughed “No Dean will stay here you’ll be fine.” Sam left and Dean got you another round.
After a few more shots, the sadness had come back. You were swirling your beer in circles when Dean interrupted you’re thoughts. “So what is it?” He asked. “Whats what?” “What is so special about this guy? Ive seen him, he’s not that special.” “I dont know, he was just good.” Dean laughed. “No hes not, remember the nights you cried because he wasn’t there for you, hes not that good.” “Dean.” You start. “Not that kind of good.” You start to blush, trying to not make it so obvious. “No fucking way.” He slapped his hand on the table. “He fucked you that good? God damn.” He laughed so hard. He leaned in closer to you. “So what was it exactly, like what? He was that good?” “I dont know, he just made me feel good.” “But how?” He asked. “Why do you want to know so bad?” “Im good, but fuck, I’ve never got a girl to stay cause the sex was that good.” You hide your face in your hands. “He was one of my first.” You mumble. “No, you, what!” Dean yells pure shock on your face. “I just, we got together in high school.” Dean laughs. “God you need to catch some good dick.” You look around the near empty bar. “Like who? Not most guys, make me…” you trail off. “Cum? I make every girl cum.” Dean does his cocky smirk. “No” you say in disbelief. “Every one?” “Why are you so shocked? I am hot, and good.” You shake your head.
“Do you need me to prove it to you?” He asks. Something took over your body. And even though this was something you wanted to happen for a long time, but would never admit it. But somehow you gained the courage to. “Yes.” It came out so cool and confidante. “Bathroom now.” Dean ordered. And suddenly you were on your feet walking to the bathroom in the back. His hand on your back, guiding you.
As soon as you opened the door, Dean pushed you against the wall. Attacking your mouth. His hands pushed you up and your legs wrapped around his torso.
“How long have you wanted this?” He asked. “A long time.” You mumbled. Soon Dean began moving down your chest. “It was a big reason he broke up with me.” Dean stopped kissing your chest and looked up at you. “Why?” Was all he said. “He could tell, that I liked you, not to mention I may have said your name on night.” Dean shook his head smiling. “Oh baby, you’re going to be saying it a lot tonight.”. His words made your thighs clamp hard together.
Dean works on your chest kissing the tops of your boobs. Soon after he helps you remove your shirt, the your bra. “God damn your beautiful.” Your blush, never having someone say that to you before. “Mmm” is all you can muster.
Somehow Dean moves you so you’re sitting on the sink and he begins to remove his clothes. You hop off the sink to help him. You grab the hem of his shirt pulling up and off him, never breaking eye contact.
Then he starts to unbutton your pants. You slide them off and then his are next. He kisses you and pushes you to the wall. “Dean.” You whimper. “I know baby.” Dean discards your underwear and places a finger in your folds. “Oh baby” he coos. “You’re so wet already, and I havent even touched you.”his hands start to dip into your folds and you moan out. “Oh your so pretty.” He complimented you. His fingers continue to do gods work and you moan out in pleasure. “Tell me how bad you want it.” “Oh dean” you moan. “I-i please” dean dosent make you wait long before he gave your release.
Dean finally removes his pants. You stare at him, your mouth wide. He holds you tight and pushes into you. You begin to moan and he covers your mouth. “ I know baby, shhh.” He coos. this thickness is stretching you out in the most amazingly painful way.
“So how is it?” Dean asks. Your so caught up in your own pleasure that you cannot even muster any words. “Ahh” “Am I better?” You can only nod not being able to say anything.
Dean continues to slam into, turning your brain into mush. “Whats his name?” He slams into you hitting your g spot. You can feel your orgasm soon approaching. “Dean i-im close.” You moan out. “Come on baby, whats his name.” He laughs “oh you cant even remember his name, your so fucked.”
“Dean, please.” “Baby beg for it.” “Dean” “come on” “d-dea daddy please. I-i need it.” That was all dean needed and he pumped into you hard. Your walls squeezed around him and he let his load into you, hot white load coating you.
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itsangelll · 2 months
hello could I get a fic of 2010 Tom x f reader where he’s kinda like a bad boy or whatever and the reader’s like really innocent and stuff but Tom always has a soft spot for her somehow? Like they meet at a club and Tom immediately has an attraction towards and they start hanging out and if his friends ever say anything bad about her they quite literally kick their asses and it’s really sweet
A/n: of course I did change it up a bit but I hope you enjoy!! creds to @cafekitsune for the divider andd @bunniethinks for helping me out with this <33
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Opposites Attract ❤︎︎
pairings:2010 Tom x femreader
warnings:mention of alcohol swearing do not read if you are sensitive with these topics!!
genre:angst to fluff
You’ve never been this nervous before, you came to a party with Tom which you were quite unsure about cause it wasn’t really your scene. When you walked into the house the smell of alcohol and other things filled your nostrils making you feel even more uneasy, “Tom I’m unsure about this I don’t think I fit in here” gripping onto his arm. He chuckled and placed a kiss on your cheek “it’s okay Liebe I promise.”
You smile at him feeling some the nerves ease as he reassures you. He grabs your hand leading you to a quieter part of the house and sits down on the couch next to you. You bounce your leg up and down looking around frantically showing that you still have some nerves, you look downwards as you feel Tom’s hand slide onto your though rubbing small circles against your soft skin. “Schatz you’ve got nothing to worry about I promise” pressing a small kiss to your shoulder then looking at you with a soft gaze. (give me that.) Tom stands up and you look at him confused “I’ll be right back im just gonna get a drink.” he says before he leaves.
Watching Tom walk off you looked around at everyone they looked a lot different than you some people were throwing up and making out. Till someone comes and sits next to you it was one of his friends, “You know Tom shouldn’t be dating you” his words slurred. “Sorry what?” your voice slightly shaky “Look at tom and look at you, I bet you can’t even compete with his standards he deserves someone way better you should leave while you still can.”
Your heart dropped everything his friend was saying could be true maybe you weren’t right for Tom after all you felt like you couldn’t speak everything almost became a blur, without another thought you grabbed your things and ran out of the party not looking back, tears were perking up in the corner of your eyes your vision going fuzzy finally you made it home.
Walking into your bedroom you collapsed onto the floor, you couldn’t take it all of your thoughts were clouding your head you didn’t know what to think. Was it true? did Tom really deserve someone better, After an hour or so you calmed down. You were about to fall asleep until you heard a loud thud right near your window, you looked over and you were shocked, “Tom what the hell?! There’s a door for a reason” you said while kneeling down to help him get up “I’m sorry Princess the door was locked” You looked at him and the sight was awful his hands were bloody and his face was slightly bruised.
You look at him with a worried expression on your face concern etched through your eyes. Holding out a hand to him you place him onto your bed as you look at him with a sad expression a tear dropping from the corner of your eye. Once he’s on the edge of the bed you stand between his legs cupping his face in your hands brushing a thumb under his non hurt eye. “what happened Tom” your voice barely above a whisper he sits in silence for a moment before speaking up. “I was trying to find to you but you weren’t anywhere in the house, then my dickhead of a friend came up to me telling me what he said to you I just lost it I’m sorry Schatzi”. Looking up at you regret written all over his face.
You grab his hand “we’re getting you cleaned up” leading him into the bathroom sitting him on the sink, you grab some cotton pads and alcohol to clean the wounds and his hand “This might sting a little” you carefully dab the wounds not trying to hurt him. Tom looks down at you “You don’t have to do this Princess” you look up at him and continue treating the bruises “well you shouldn’t be getting into fights with your friends.” You say as you finish cleaning up his face.
He gets up from the sink cupping your face in his hands, “You don’t need to listen to them Liebe I love you the way you already are” rubbing his thumb over your bottom lip “you mean that?” he smiles and rests his forehead against yours “You know i do princess opposites do attract.”
A/n: I hope you guys enjoyed im sorry I’ve been so slow with these requests, school is coming up soon and I don’t know when I’ll be able to have time to write mwah bye cuties <33
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Gift for my lovely smut soulmate @hitomisuzuya 🤭
Fatui!Scaramouche x Obsessive Fem reader
⚠Warnings⚠:Aphrodisiac usage, scaramouche being himself, degradion, yandere themes, dub-con
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Scaramouche the 6th Fatui harbinger was a feared man, many horror stories circulated around what he's done and most would stay clear of him, normal people would but that's not you.
You know the risk of approaching him, approaching what's essentially an archon.
Who are you to even think of such activities? You're not much, an adventurer that's found their greatest adventure, the thrilling and exciting attempt to track down this Fatui Harbinger for yourself.
You don't even know what you'll say when you do get to him, that is if you're not killed instantly. Your fascination for this man started when you seen him once when traveling, you heard of him but couldn't believe how incredibly beautiful he was, his voice was even better. However at the time you where not asking for a death wish and made sure he didn't see you as he left with his agents. After planning for a few months you've successfully tracked down where he is and will be, it wasn't easy as he's a very secretive man. You packed what you'll need and headed out, Archons help you from being one shotted the moment he sees you.
After about of week of traveling you could see in the distance a camp in the forest, you stalk closer to see and the agents are a clear sign that a Fatui Harbinger was here, you just had to see which because running into Childe wasn't on your list of to-dos.
After a moment you seen him, Scaramouche. Your heart pounded once more, your body heating up in all the right places, it was like the first time again. He was speaking to some agents, about what you don't know, you could barely hear from the sound of your heart almost beating out of your chest. .. or maybe it was the adrenaline. Whatever it was the only thing you know is that you were going to talk to him, you'll take any chance to get a word in with him, even if it meant you have to get hurt... or die.
You waited for some of the agents to disburse, luckily for you he didn't like have others with him in that rather large tent he had set up for himself. Soon enough the agents slipped up, speaking to each other leaving you some space, a chance to dart to the tent without disturbance. That was what you did.
He turned rather quickly, his hands up ready to defend himself, it seems not many just dart in and he was ready to fight. However noticing you didn't have a weapon on you he didn't attack right away
"Who are you and why are you here? Speak now" he hissed with a harsh glare, you stood in shock in the fact that for one, you actually made it, you're here and two you're not dead yet.
"I-Im Y/N and... " you trailed off some, where you just going to say why you really came here, to fuck his brains out? Really? You didn't really think a lot, seeming your hormones speaking for you before logic.
He watched your body language carefully as he noticed you where far from a threat but still, kept his defense up.
"Don't tell me you came without reason, or maybe you're backing out now that you've gotten to see me? " He said with a snarky attitude, no, you couldn't back down now.
"No! I-Im not backing down, I came to.. " Speaking on your business wasn't going to happen, you was simply too nervous however you noticed with his cocky attitude he slipped on his defense, you took this chance to act, now or never right?
Your hands grabbing his face as your lips connect to his rather fast and harsh, his skin was cold to the touch. Of course he was taken back by this sudden move, sure he figured you would act but not like this, his hands grabbing yours and pushing you off. His breath seemed to have increased, his face blushing a deep pink as well as a bit of saliva on the corner of his mouth.
"What do you think you're doing!? " He was beyond flustered yet it seemed he didn't totally hate it. You couldn't respond with words, at least not easily only taking a step closer, he backed up into a table with papers on it.
"H-Hey! Wait a minute-" your lips once more connecting his as your body pressed against him, you've gotten too far to back down, however if he really didn't want you there you wouldn't be standing still so at least he didn't seem to hate it. This time he didn't push you off right away, kissing back but harsher as he flipped the two of you, your back hitting the wooden table as papers of plans went flying. His hands holding yours down, pinning them as he broke the kiss looking down at you, lust in his eyes.
"You're just some glorified pervert aren't you? Have you been following me, waiting to pounce like the bitch in heat you are" He hissed as he leaned down to you, his hand grabbing your throat "If we are doing anything here I'll be the one in control got it? " he spoke, his breath tickling your neck, all you could do was nod, earning a chuckle from him. His hands let go off you as they went to grab something, soon enough he put something in your mouth and pushed you over onto your back, a gasp escaped your mouth at the impact, he placed his knee in your lower region. A growl leaving his lips. He was enjoying this way too much to be honest.
"Now listen here slut and listen good, I'm not here to play games and I have all I need to make your life a living hell. Do you understand me?" He asked harshly as he used some rope to bind your wrists together before searching your pockets to make sure you truely didn't have anything to harm him with, only for him to pull out a small vile a glowing pink liquid "Aphrodisiacs? Really? " how did he know what it was? Either way you felt embarrassed for getting you even had it. Once your pockets was emptied and deemed not a threat he chuckled a little "You're quite pathetic arent you? How many did you think you where going to get me to consume this? " you were speechless now and he smirked as he pulled your hair to make sure you could see him "Soon you'll see what kind of authority youre challenging you whore" he spat the last word before he completely shredded your clothing, he had a lot more strength then expected for someone of his size, as you tried to cover yourself which was useless with your hands bound, he grabbed your wrists "Come on let's have some fun " his smirk growing, a low rumble left him "Just you wait I won't be gentle"
Your stomach and front side pressed against the rough wooden surface as your back end now out for him to see "Already so wet and ready for me, you really are a whore" he thrusts two slender fingers into your core harshly "I'm only making room for myself so don't get used it bitch" He said harshly as he added a third, not giving you time to really adjust, it was then when he seen a bit of blood he laughed "Oh Archons am I your first? Really you wanted me to be it? At least your have good tastes" pulling his fingers from you, licking the blood mixed with your juices off, his eyes glaring down at you. You could see how much he wanted to dominate you, to fuck you until you begged for mercy. He remembered something as he grabbed vile you had brought with you and took the top off before looking at you with a smirk "This should keep us busy for a while don't you think? I can already tell you're not ready for what you got yourself into" He flipped you onto your back before pushing the vile to your lips, almost forcing you to drink the aphrodisiac. Once done he discarded it to the side as his hands wondered your body, it didn't take long before the effects started to work on you, your body heating up more then ever as your breathing picked up its pace. You however had a small devious idea, an idea that can get you possibly killed but you held a bit of the liquid in your mouth, hidden so when he came in for a harsh you managed to push it into his mouth causing him to swallow it out of surprise, pulling back quickly to wipe his mouth with his sleeve. You could see the anger in his eyes before they softened, he laughed "Oh you dirty little bitch!"
Only a small smirk adorned on your face, now playing his little game, he pushed onto your stomach once more harshly as he he chuckled lowly "You know I thought about going slow at first, sure not for long but giving you some time to adjust.. " you felt his tip press against your core teasingly, you moaned out "But for that.. I'm going to go as harsh as I want to, to use your whore body for myself as my little toy" he said as he slammed himself in fully, bottoming out. You yelped and groaned in slight pain however the aphrodisiac helped numb it into pleasure . Your nails digging into the rope, you closed your eyes.
And he began to pound into you with full force, every stroke feeling as though you'd be ripped apart. Each one bringing you further to your climax, your eyes clenched tightly as he pounded deeper than you've ever felt, it' almost as if his entire being wanted to hurt you, as if he craved to be inside you as he continued to slam into you hard, the sound of a few men outside yelling as they thought he was being attacked only for him to snap at them before they could come in "Take one step in this tent and you'll all see your maker! " They didn't need to be told twice backing away leaving the two of you alone.
His hands gripping your hips as his nails dug into your skin leaving marks, you could feel small shocks of his electro through his finger tips adding more pleasure. His hips moving faster as you cried out, your voice coming out as whimpers, tears pricking you as he pumped in and out of you, each thrust sending chills through you. As he slowed down after a couple minutes and stopped slamming into you, both of your bodies shaking, sweat dripping down your faces.
"S-Scara-" A particularly hard thrusts cut you short of speaking as he growled "Don't fucking call me that like were friends, call me master" he hissed at you as he kept thrusting "I could fucking kill you bitch! Watch your damn words" Another heavy thrust made you moan and babble incoherently against the table
"I.. I didn't mean t..to.. ah... ah.. " you couldn't finish your sentence as he kept pounding into you, you were panting heavily as you tried to catch your breath, your head turning some to look at him, his eyes were filled with lust and anger, his teeth gritted as he continued to pound into you.
You could feel him twitch in you, he was close so close<br />
"Call me master! " he demanded, no ordered you. You whimpered slightly as he gave another violent thrust causing you to scream out loudly as it came "Nnnngghhhh! Master!!!" he slammed into you again as you screamed. both yours and his body trembling and sweating heavily as he released into you, still thrusting but not near as hard, pushing his seed further into you, some dripping down your leg.
Once it passed you where panting as you laid down staring at the ceiling unable to move or speak, your vision blurring as sleep consumed you.
The first thing you saw was Scaramouche putting something onto your neck, it felt like leather, and hearing a few words he spoke ".. my pet... "
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darling-i-read-it · 2 years
Your Turn
The Grabber (Albert Shaw) x fem!reader
Word Count: 2.6k 
Warnings: i do NOT condone his actions at all in the movies obvi this is fiction and should be treated as such, the reader has some form of stockholm syndrome for sure, the reader is naked but there’s no sexual acts but there’s kind of an undertone, talks about suicide (as an option but not as a serious consideration), kidnapping, uh..al
Author’s Note: *slowly walks into the room* hey…. He is currently everything to me im sorry if you just followed me after stranger things season 4. This is unfortunately. The norm. (ethan hawke as a MURDERERRRR. Why must I write my best and favorite works for murderers. Why can’t I be normal)
Summary: You’ve been kidnapped by the grabber but you were not in his demographic and you have been there for two weeks which for him…is a very long time 
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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The air was stale. It had been stale for what felt like forever. Sometimes, when the door in front of you opened, you would get a rush of cool air. It would circulate. He always left the door open while he was standing there, talking to you. You imagined it was because he needed an out in case you started to get testy. 
You never did. 
He was getting frustrated. 
You began to look forward to the circulation of air. The movement through the room, the breathing in of the cool outside air. You could tell what the day was going to look like through the window but you could never taste the rain or feel the sun.
You were sitting below the phone. The chord had been ripped off. You thought maybe, someone before you had tried to hang themselves with it. It’s what you might’ve thought about, had you been desperate. But for some reason, you weren't desperate yet. 
You hadn’t expected to be a victim of the grabber. He had only been picking up teen boys. You, a young adult girl, never thought you would’ve been next. But here you were, sitting on the dirty mattress, staring at the door, willing it to move. 
Like he had heard you thinking, the door clicked. You perked up, putting your palms flat underneath you. You were hungry and you were tired. He walked inside, unfortunately empty handed. He was wearing a mask that covered his mouth today but not his eyes. That was different. 
“Good morning,” you whispered. Your throat was dry so your voice cracked. He seemed sympathetic to that, head tilting a bit, eyes softening. 
“Did you just wake up?” he questioned quietly, slightly disappointed. He would hate to have missed your sleep. You looked so peaceful when you were dozing, lips slightly parted and face serene. Like nothing wrong could ever happen to you. 
Nevertheless, you shook your head. 
“I thought it was morning by the light,” you said. You moved your knees up to your chest, wrapping your arms around them. You tried to make yourself small so he really had to stare at you to grasp any kind of reaction you had. 
“It isn’t.”
“Must be an odd weather day then,” you said, shrugging. 
You had been here for two weeks yesterday. The longest he had ever kept any single person in the basement alive. He wasn’t sure why he had kept you. You had surely never come up to visit him when he left the door open and he usually got frustrated when it took too long. The papers had printed your face, your name, your family's worries. But still, you stayed. You made no attempt to leave. 
It wasn't’ because you had no will to live. 
Maybe, some sick twisted part of you just liked it. Liked having someone make decisions for you. Bring you food, watch over you while you slept. You felt disgusted every time you thought about it but you were delirious from the lack of light and the shock had worn off a week ago. 
You were here now. 
The two of you stood in silence for a moment, observing each other. You cleared your throat, rubbing your nose with your sleeve. 
“Are you here to kill me?”
“No,” he said, voice gravely but certain. The thought truly hadn’t even crossed his mind when he opened the door. He didn’t really have a reason. He walked down the stairs as he would’ve if he was visiting a friend staying in the basement of his house. It was only when the door opened that he realized he had to have a reason. 
You shifted awkwardly. 
“Can I ask you for something?” you questioned. He raised an eyebrow. You hadn’t actually asked him for anything. You hadn’t demanded to be let go or asked for food or water. 
“Can I have a change of clothes? Any clothes will do.”
You had started to feel like mold was growing in your sleeves, even though you knew that was unrealistic. The sweat and grime of your capture had worn off on your jeans. You could feel the weight of the entire two weeks by the way your shirt rested on your shoulders. 
While he thought of an answer, you admired his face. You usually only saw the bottom half, if anything. You normally didn’t see his hairline at all. You supposed, in another world, you may have found him attractive. 
You supposed, maybe you did in this world too. 
He walked up to you and you made no move to shrink more. He sat on the side of the bed and thought. 
Max wasn’t home. He had gone ‘bowling’, which Al was almost certain was code for buying more drugs. When he went off he usually left for an hour or two. Regardless, he was very loud when he came home. The dog barked, the door slammed shut, Max called into the house about some absurd story he had been making up the entire way home. 
The Grabber wasn’t sure if it was curiosity of you or of his limits but he made his decision then. 
“Follow me.” 
He stood up again and you were almost certain you had just screwed yourself. Any kind of relationship you felt you had with this man would end in your untimely death. 
Warily, you stood. Your feet felt wobbly as you followed him to the door. He didn’t pause when he walked through it but you did. You looked to him for guidance, for reassurance. He turned back once he had walked a few steps up. 
He nodded, gesturing for you to follow. 
“I promise nothing bad will happen to you.” 
Your feet creaked on the steps. You looked around the house. Your mind told you to find things to attack him maybe, to call someone for help, to signal for attention. But you followed him without acting on any of those impulses. You thought of those scary movies where the person always messed it up for themselves. 
What if they just did what they were told?
He led you through a hallway and to a bathroom. There were no windows. It was small, the toilet cramped between the shower and the sink. It was, however, homely. It was something you would find at a friend's house. Foregin but not unwelcome. 
“You can’t bathe alone,” he said, the threat back in his voice. Your breath hitched a bit as he put his hand on your back. “Surely you know that.” 
“Of course.”
You weren’t sure what that included but you didn’t argue. He started the water and you realized you weren’t showering at all, like you had dumbly figured. You were taking a bath. 
You watched his movements. He was wearing a short sleeve shirt today. You could scratch him, people would notice. He knew this. You knew this. 
Testing the waters of trust. 
You moved slowly as you sat on the edge of the bathtub, placing your hand under the water. He put his hand underneath yours and your remnants of the running stream trickled onto his. It was an oddly intimate moment where you both just sat there, feeling at the water got warmer and then stopping when it was perfect. 
He stood up and you cleared your throat, unsure of what exactly he wanted you to do. 
“What are you doing?” you asked, as he moved to the door. 
“Getting you clothes silly.” 
He left the room, leaving the door wide open. You looked back to the water and stuck your hand in it, relishing in the feeling of it under your fingers. You could already feel the crust leaving your skin. 
Al stood beside the door for a moment, watching in the mirror to see what you would do. You didn’t even stare at the door for a second longer than you should’ve. You just looked back to the bath. 
You trusted him, if not somewhat. He wasn’t sure what that made him feel but he grabbed you clothes regardless. He placed some on the counter. The water was rising slowly. 
“Do you have a name I can call you?” you asked, looking up at him.
“It’s not important.”
“But I’ve just been calling you Grabber in my mind. It doesn’t seem like a very realistic name,” you admitted. Extending an olive branch. “You know my name. I told you when you asked.”
You had. You hadn’t lied to him at all in fact, from what he could tell. 
“Let’s play a game,” he said. “While we wait.”
“I ask you a question and you have to answer truthfully. You can ask me a question and I’ll answer truthfully,” he suggested. There were some things about you he was dying to know. A promise of a transaction just might get it out of you. 
“How will you know if I’m lying?”
“I’ll know.” The tone of his voice reminded you once again that this man had kidnapped you. 
“Alright. You start then.”
He sat across from you, resting on the covered toilet seat. You were close, knees almost touching in the cramped space. 
“What is your mothers name?” 
“Y/M/N,” you said, easily. “That’s a silly question.” 
“Say I’m testing the waters.” He knew the answer. It was in the papers. 
“My turn.” You breathed deeply. “What’s your name?” He knew that was going to be it yet he hadn’t prepared for it. He could lie but he had promised honesty. You were giving him honesty after all. 
“Al,” you said, testing the name on your lips. 
“Do you trust me?” 
You paused, pursing your lips. You trusted him not to leave you there to die. You trusted that he would be back. You trusted that he would bring you food before you starved. 
“I think in some way, yes, yes I do Al.” You pointed slowly at the mask over his mouth. “Why do you wear that?”
“I like it,” he said. “Are you going to get undressed for me?”
Your lips parted and you cleared your throat, looking down at the water. It was almost full already. It seemed to be going so slow a moment ago. 
“Yes,” you said. “I did…ask for this after all,” you said, allowed to try and convince yourself. He turned off the water and you took a deep breath. You had a mixture of emotions as you started to discard your shirt. Embarrassment but also relief. You desperately wanted it off you. You cleared your throat with insecurity and put it gently on the counter. He was watching you. He made no attempt to hide it. 
You shimmied off your pants and then were left in your undergarments. You watched him as he gazed at you. You suddenly felt a warmth in your stomach, a familiar pleasant feeling at the behest of his stare. You had his full attention. 
You took off the last pieces of your clothes and without hesitation stepped into the bath. You sunk into it and let out an involuntary breath of relief. The warm water felt amazing on your aching bones. You almost forgot he was there. 
He shifted and you looked back up at him. Previously you were at eye level with him while sitting but you were now far below him. 
“Thank you,” you said and you meant it. He knew you meant it. 
He nodded, adjusting his pants and feeling his mask particularly constricting. You started to get your hair wet but he grabbed your wrist. 
You watched him as he started to gently get your hair wet, pouring water over your head. He was careful not to get it in your beautiful eyes.
“It’s my turn,” you said. “Why me?”
That had been the question he was asking himself as well. He wasn’t sure how to answer. He put some shampoo in his hands and gently put it in your hair. 
“I don’t know,” he said quietly. 
You suddenly became overwhelmed with the feeling to discard his mask and kiss him. Feeling immediately ashamed you looked back down at the water. 
“Why haven’t you left?” he asked. The feeling of his fingers running through your scalp was distracting. They were thick and strong. He must work some sort of construction job maybe? Or moving boxes at least. 
“I think…I think I like you,” you said honestly. “Are you a construction worker?” He scoffed at the quick change in momentum. 
“No.” In fact, he was lightly laughing at it. The sound of his surprise made you laugh a bit too. 
“Your fingers are strong is all,” you explained. 
He nodded and started to rinse your hair out. 
“Finish up and get dressed,” he said, desperately needing a moment to himself. Unless you clawed out the damn wall, you would be okay locked in there while he stood outside the room. You nodded at him and watched him leave. You sat there, practically drowning yourself in the warm water until it got cold. Then you took the towel and washed yourself off, putting on the clothes laid out for you. 
Cardigan and slacks. Comfortable. 
You knocked on the door. He opened it slowly and gestured for you to follow him. You ddi as you were told, walking back down the dreaded basement stairs. The door reopened and you were back. You walked past him onto your mattress. 
“Thank you,” you said again because you didn’t think he really heard you the first time. Overwhelmed with unfamiliar feelings, he nodded. He turned to leave but stopped, turning around. 
“What did you mean by like?”
“I meant like Al,” you said honestly. You snatched up your turn after his question. 
“Will you…will you stay a bit? You don’t have to sit with me but just…sit.” He looked at you. Helpless, at his mercy. Listening to his orders and not kicking up a fuss. 
After a moment he didn’t nod or shake his head, he just shut the door with the both of you inside. You had moved through a lot of trust in a short amount of time. He started to walk to sit against the wall and then detoured. He sat at the foot of the mattress while you sat against the wall. He turned to face you. 
You lightly smiled. 
“It’s your turn Al.”
“Alright honey. Lemme think of a question.”
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sollattes · 8 months
"Its okay"
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Bernie x reader
Bernie trudged his way into your shared apartment. Tonight was not one of his nights at all.
The sound of the door opening quickly caught your attention as it was still too early for bernie to be home.
"Oh, welcom-" you tried greeting him, but he just plopped down to the couch and dragged himself closer to you, still laying face down.
You were shocked with this behaviour coming from bernie since usually he would be very bubbly and excited to tell you about what happened at the club today.
"Hey... what happened?" You talked to bernie softly as you take off his cap and play with his hair since you know that eases or relaxes him.
Bernie did not like feeling this way. He was supposed to be cheery and fun, not boring and quiet, bernie was not used to feeling like this at all, and it frustrated him.
You were shocked and worried when you felt droplets of tears on your lap, you quickly grabbed bernie's face to look at you, and there you confirmed that he was crying, tear marks all over his pretty face.
"Hey hey hey, what's wrong babe?" You asked him in a worried tone, wiping his tears.
Bernie just looked at you with his tear shined eyes in silence because for some reason, he couldn't voice out his feelings to you, even though he knew you would never judge him for feeling this way.
Seeing your worry filled eyes looking at him just made bernie tear up again, the way your eyes were looking at him with nothing but eagerness to make everything right for him, what did he do to deserve you?
Sensing that bernie may not be ready to talk to about it, so you just let him burry his head into your chest and cry his heart out.
Bernie clutched your shirt as if you were gonna disappear if he ever let go of you.
The feeling of your warmth against him, his nose being filled up with nothing but your scent, your hand continuing to stroke his head in attempt to calm him down, there were the only thing that were keeping him sane, you were the only one still keeping him connected to the world.
This was your first time seeing bernie in this kind of state, you didn't know what to do and felt overwhelmed but still you'll do anything in to make bernie feel better, there is little to none that you woudnt do for bernie.
"Hey, how about we take a bath?" You coax him.
A warm bath with you sounded nice to bernie, so he nodded softly against you. You smiled at the response bernie made. You began preparing the bath while still having bernie clinging on to you.
After preparing the bath with all of bernie's favourites, from his favourite scenetd candles to his favourite bath oil, you slowly removed his clothes and let him get into the tub first, then you took off your own clothes and joined him.
In the bathe, bernie once again sat on top of you, and buried his face in your shoulders as he felt the tears pooling in his eyes again, seeking solace and security in your warmth, he clutched onto you again, hugging for his dear life. You felt the hot tear droplets in your shoulders once more and just comforted bernie again.
While comforting bernie, he finally opened up on why he was crying.
"I hate feeling like this baby, im so sorry you ahve to see me like this, I don't feel normal, I feel down, I feel exhausted, I don't feel like myself and I hate it, I feel uncomfortable in my own skin-" bernie coudnt finish his rant as his sobs got a better of him.
"Hey shh it's okay, it's okay to feel like that bern, you dont have to say sorry, you did nothing wrong, its not wrong to feel this way babe, it's okay not to be in the mood every once in a while, it's okay to feel burnt out, and it's definitely okay and normal to feel like this, you're person too babe, a person can be exhausted from time to time, all of us has our breaking point, you don't always need be obligated to be the life of party every time it's just okay to be quiet and boring, like me" you affirmed him, Bernie did not say anything else and just nodded while softly sniffing.
The both of you just spended more cuddling with each other, and you showering bernie with words of affirmation.
You got off the bath first and dried yourself then prepared bernie warm clothes, you dried him off and clothed him, the both of of you just did this in a comfortable silence and only talked in soft, quite tones to each other.
While drying bernie's hair, he broke the silence and asked, "What did I do to deserve you?"
You looked down at bernie, and you saw how his eyes were just filled with pure admiration and sincerity when he asked that.
You kneeled down to bernie's level and looked into his eyes, making sure that he saw the love you were feeling for him through your eyes.
"Oh, bernie, if only you could yourself through myself, you wouldn't question why you deserve me. You deserve so much more, my love." You confessed, softly stroking his cheek and giving him a smile.
"You... you are the only thing that I will ever love, need, want, hope, and yearn for." Bernie confessed.
Your smile only widened with his words, and so you kissed bernie with all the emotions you could ever offer, and bernie kissed back with just same passion that you have.
As soon your lips met bernie's, everything did not matter other than you, bernie did not need to have everything else than you.
Tags: @simpforchuchu
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ofallthingsnasty · 6 months
Urrrgg im such a wuss about physical pain but something about punctured wounds specifically makes me scared more than cuts or bruises. I think it’s something about the “intrusion” that a sharp object does when it stabs you that it doesn’t do when merely cutting you
Suffice to say Crocodile even threatening to give me a “piercing” will scare me into submission. Suddenly I’m throwing out my escape plans because I do not want to be hurt like that 😓 Sir you can spank me however you want but PLS don’t put that hook anywhere near my face
oh goodness anon, you're way too cute 😭💕 he would never ever hurt you because i say so.... but this also made me think...
tw. yandere, violence, a little over-the-top gore (facial), references this post
Now that you mention it - there are two ways he could harm you with his hook in that specific scenario, one more planned and one more impulsive. (To pierce your tongue, he’d need a forceps or at the very least a very steady hand or else he’s going not only cut into your tongue but the floor of your mouth as well - which could lead to severe bleeding and neurological damage, oh my. Your cheeks are a different story - he might still injure a tiny branch of the facial nerve but you’re not going to lose some motor functions.) 
But to be honest - if he does this to you, it’s going to be entirely impulsive because he’d have to be exceptionally mad. Angry beyond belief or reason, so precision and thought aren’t going to be present. (Even if I really want him to get my tongue, ugh 😔) He isn’t even going to threaten it, he’ll just launch forward like a man possessed and puncture your cheek, force his hook through the fat of your face until he hits your teeth, just lashing out, just senselessly hurting you to shut you and your horrid mouth up.  And god help you if you react on instinct and pull away, because that is going to net you an open cheek and a nasty scar.
Will he feel guilty just moments later, as rare as that emotion is for him? Yes. Will it stop your incessant  babbling and shock you into submission? Also yes. Like you said, I can only see this happening once, maybe twice? You’d have to do something so outrageous and disrespectful and keep at it to get this rather calm man to that point - but it’s achievable and a serious escape attempt could do it.  But you being feisty plays a big part in this - because if you aren’t (if you grovel and cry and beg for forgiveness, kiss his feet to soothe that anger, worship him like you’re supposed to), he won’t end up that mad. You’re still going to regret it, no doubt, but he has this pesky little soft spot for you that, if pressed, can mellow him out rather quickly. It really depends on you and your actions.
But if it happens? If the meat of your right cheek suddenly loses tension and flaps around because his hook is too big to control and you instinctively pulled back, away from the pain, the hurt? All that anger is going to evaporate in an instant. He just needs to see your stunned face, pain barely registering because of the adrenaline that is running through you, just needs to see all that exposed fat and muscle to immediately regret it. It’s a grotesque sight; yellow, pink, stark red mixing as your teeth gnash in horror and your thoughts are going a mile a minute trying to register what just happened. Of course, he wastes no time and takes you in for the best care he can find in that moment, intent on keeping both the functional and aesthetic damage to a minimum - but his hook is big and brutish and the wound leaves you with a gnarly scar, no matter how skilled the hands of your surgeon are.
When it’s all said and done, he’ll still feel that little pang of guilt from time to time when he traces the scar with his thumb - but it’s more that feeling of regret a little boy gets when he scratches up a brand new toy, that disappointment that it isn’t shiny and new anymore and not genuine remorse because he inflicted so much pain on you. He can’t feel bad about it for too long when he remembers that you see what disobedience gets you every time you look into the mirror. It might have marred your looks - but it has made you so wonderfully pliant as well, has earned him your respect. 
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xiaosonlybeloved · 1 year
A Soul Shattered~ Xiao
featuring:- Xiao, gn! reader warnings:- blood, character death, angst, hurt/no comfort a/n:- i think im physically incapable of writing fluff bc there aint any fluff in my life. anyways enjoy some more angst word count:- 1k words
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His hands were bloody. His clothes were stained by blood. His spear was bloody. The battlefield he, the lone victor, stood upon, was bloody. 
He turned around and left the battlefield, not giving a single backward glance.
The Archon War was taking a toll on everyone, and Xiao wasn’t spared. Every day, every night, he fought relentlessly, to pay back the debt he owed to his savior, Morax. Every day, every night, his karmic debt grew. Every day, every night, he got less and less time to spend with his lover. You.
He met you shortly after Lord Morax rescued him from his life of slavery by his old master. He didn’t know what was it about you that attracted him to you. Perhaps it was your caring nature. You helped him heal his wounds, both physical and emotional. Perhaps it was that you were one of the first people he saw after his freedom. You never judged him for all the lives he had been unwillingly forced to take. You understood him.
But he still couldn’t believe you became his lover. 
You loved him genuinely, he could see that. And he was ever so grateful for it. You were the reason he made sure to come back alive every day. The thought of you is what sustained him on the battlefield. 
This was a normal day; well, as normal as days could get during the Archon War. He returned to their base camp, a slight excitement stirring inside him at the thought of seeing you again. On the way, something caught his eye. A bunch of Qingxins growing in their natural habitat. White, pristine, untouched. He carefully picked them, planning to give it you. You’d love them for sure.
But as he neared the camp, he was quick to realise that something was wrong. Why was there such a heated clamor in the middle of the night? Why was there such a great mass of moving bodies at this time?
And then he realised with a sinking feeling… 
An ambush.
Their camp had been ambushed.
He ran forward, seeing Morax’s warriors clash with another’s. It was Osial’s army. They were the ones who had succeeded in ambushing their well- hidden base. As he ran through the camp, mercilessly slicing up any of Osial’s soldiers he saw, he saw dead bodies. So many of them… So many from their side.
And then a sudden fear entered his mind. You. What about you? Were you safe at all? Were you fighting too? Had you fallen already? Were you already one of the bodies littering the ground? Were you dead?
No. You couldn’t be. You were an excellent warrior, he’d seen it himself. There was no way you could be dead. He banished the thought from his mind, but he continued to relentlessly run through the camp. Searching for you.
As the battle around grew more and more heated towards the heart of the base, it seemed to happen in slow motion. He saw you, your weapon in hand. You both caught each other’s eye, you smiled at him, he smiled back at you, relieved that you were alive and relatively unharmed, you beckoned over to him, calling out his name.
And then a sword pierced through your chest. 
Your name was on the tip of his tongue, changing from a happy exclamation to a silent scream of pure, unadulterated terror. He raced towards you, as fast as his battered body could allow, but it was too late. You collapsed to your knees, your weapon clattering to the ground as your hands slowly wrapped around the tip of the sword. Your expression was frozen, shocked. He raced towards you, uncaring of whom he pushed by, slicing anyone who came in his path, his mouth still open in a silent scream.
He dropped on his knees in front of you the moment he reached you. Blood was starting to leak out as you both stared at the sword. Xiao’s breath hitched. This… This couldn’t be happening.
 With shaky hands, you pulled the sword out of your chest, but the agony from doing so caused you to double over in pain. You should have known better, you shouldn’t have let your attention wander in the middle of a battle. Xiao instantly caught you. He quickly carried you over to a place where few people were there, where the remnants of battle were present. 
He was desperate. He didn’t want to lose you. There was so much he wanted to still do with you. He was trying his utmost to heal you, help you the way you helped him. He wrapped your wound with bandages to the best of his ability. But no matter what he did, it wasn’t enough. He could see the life fading out of your eyes as you weakly shook your hood. 
“..I’m sorry, Xiao…” You whispered. “Don’t be, I’ll do something, I swear!” He was panicking, but then he felt you grasp his hand. He froze as you rested his hand on your cheek. “Thank you so much, Xiao, for everything. I’m so, so sorry. I love you, Xiao.” A tear trickled down his cheek. Then another. And another, till there were two clear lines of water on both of your faces. “I love you too, [Y/N]” He whispered, voice hitching. “We’ll meet in another life… I promise. Stay strong for me, please?” You said softly, and he nodded, gripping your hand even tighter as he rested your head on his lap. Your grip on his hand loosened, as your eyes stared off, distant and unblinking.
He knew you were gone.
His life, and soul, had both been shattered.
But he’d still do his best to continue, even if he was sure he couldn’t, for you.
He gently slid your eyes shut, silent tears running down his cheeks. Something fell out of his pocket. An audible sob escaped him when he saw what it was. The Qingxins he was going to give you, still just as pristine, white and untouched as they’d first been. 
likes, comments, tags and reblogs are always appreciated :) ps my 100 followers event is ongoing go check it out XD
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wuucchoo · 28 days
‘The real reason why the binding vow penalty didnt trigger (yet)’
a theory. yes 212 is still living in my head rent free coz there is a lot that still needs explaining about that whole incident
First the binding vow
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Sukuna spontaneously planned this binding vow after he got interested in Megumi, coz he’s real plan was letting Yuji die - since he has more fingers around. When sukuna first offered the binding vow, he only had two conditions: he will take over for a minute when he says ‘enchain’ and Yuji will forget the binding vow. I have a lot to say about how the second condition shouldn't even make sense, but that's not what this is about. It's about the third condition that he just added in there without much thought: ‘sukuna won't harm or kill anyone in that one minute’ and how sukuna broke that condition in chapter 212. Im sure that this has been said before but im just trying to get to something.
Chapter 212
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When the moment came for sukuna to take his reward for reviving Yuji in chapter 11, the very first thing he does is break that damn vow. When he got control of Yuji, he first went to Hana/angel (the biggest threat around for him) and put her to sleep. Now, when you forcibly knock someone unconscious, that is harm and I will fight gege on this, i mean look at hana's face 😭. Let's say sukuna had a technique where the person getting knocked out won't feel pain and maybe Hana didn't feel pain, BUT putting someone to sleep like that involves tweaking around with their brain activities which causes harm to a person. Idk, I'm not a doctor. But it should be counted as harm. >:(
Then he goes and turns Yuji’s pinky into a cursed object and cuts it off.
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It is the one thing he considers harm, so for sukuna ‘knocking someone out = not harm’ but ‘cutting off someone’s finger=harm’. He took that risk coz he was ready to die that day just to get inside Megumi, and he threw a party when no penalty was triggered. Of course sukuna is a smart bastard, he had to think of a reason why it didn't trigger. And ever since the beginning, he had always looked down on Yuji so the reason he thought of was ‘it didn't trigger because Yuji is a dumbass who didn't include himself in the people that shouldn't be harmed’.
Now, this is what sukuna thought happened, and we know he has been wrong before. He’s smart, but he isn't always right. He thought gojo made some sort of binding vow at the beginning of their fight coz the purple he threw was at 200% output. When in reality, the purple was as strong as it was because of a buff from a cursed technique sukuna doesn't have knowledge of. What I'm saying is, sukuna’s conclusion on why no penalty triggered shouldn't be trusted coz he doesnt know everything.
AND THEN he goes to Megumi, grabs his hands to stop the summon, grabs his jaw and just jams that cursed (cursed!) finger in there. Now THAT is undoubtedly harm. There's just no way that possessing somebody without their consent is not considered harm. Maybe I'm wrong about Yuji and hana, but what sukuna did to Megumi was harm. Sukuna friggin broke that vow in 212. he harmed every soul in that damned rooftop!
Why it didn't trigger
Sukuna's conclusion on why the penalty didn't trigger will immediately fall apart when it's very clear that he harmed Megumi in that 1min. MAYBE Yuji did not include himself in there, but even if he didnt - sukuna still harmed Megumi. The penalty should've triggered when sukuna shoved that finger down megumi’s throat. But it didn't, because of something we have been told in higuruma vs Yuji in the culling game.
Yuji’s guilt
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In higuruma vs Yuji, we saw Yuji wholeheartedly admit to commiting mass murder even though everyone knows it was sukuna's fault. Yuta tells him ‘its not your fault’ and he just goes ‘you don't understand’. Higurama was shocked when Yuji pleaded guilty to a crime he didn't commit, and at the end of that trial Yuji was still ‘nah, it was my fault coz I'm weak’.  Megumi however knows what to say to Yuji and instead of telling him ‘its not your fault bestie’ Megumi just says ‘its our fault dummy <3’. Yuji’s guilt is a very huge part of his character, its what his whole culling game arc revolved in. And I think it is the reason why the penalty for the binding vow didn't trigger yet. 
For Yuji, sukuna's crimes are his crimes since it was all done using his body. So for Yuji, the one who harmed everyone in that 1 min in chapter 212 was him, not sukuna. and since sukuna's condition said "I wont harm or kill anyone", the penalty didnt trigger coz the binding vow does not recognize those acts as his as long as yuji feels guilty of it.
this whole binding vow business is just making me think a lot, and i just know we havent seen the last of it yet. it will come back and nerf sukuna i think. and since it has been established that no one knows the penalty of breaking a vow that's done between two sorcerers, then the penalty could be just about anything.
(if anyone actually sees and reads this, hello! |ʘ‿ʘ)╯and feel free to debunk it ✧ദ്ദി( ˶^ᗜ^˶ ))
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xayneimagines · 11 months
Fandom: One Piece
Pairing: Monkey D. Luffy x Reader
Genre: Uhhhh adventure ish I guess idk.
TW: None!
Title: Help from a unlikely source
Summary: Luffy finds himself being a captive of a very weird lieutenant.
I didn’t proof read this because I’m just trying to get back into writing. So my bad lol
“So, you’re Monkey D. Luffy? The infamous Strawhat captain?”
The restraints around him were so cold that they nearly burned. When he had first come to, Luffy did his best to break from them but found the effort futile. He didn’t know what they were made of, but he had to get out of here. He had to save his crew! He didn’t know how he ended up as some marine crews captive in the bottom of their ship, but he was going to make them pay and destroy whatever got in his way!
His rage was building to the point where he almost hadn’t heard the voice. He shot up a glare at who he figured must have been the lieutenant of this ship. He hadn’t expected someone like them, but he had been traveling long enough to know looks could be deceiving.
“Let me out or I’ll kill you! I need to save them!” He spat out, already feeling blinded by rage. His blood was boiling at the idea of his friends suffering.
“You’re talking about your crew right?” They asked with a tilt of their head, staring into Luffy’s eyes as if to study him.
“Who the hell else would I be talking about!? Now let me out!” He screamed, trying to kick his legs.
The lieutenant hummed, staring at him for what felt a little too long, but before Luffy could repeat his threats or thrashing, they shrugged.
“Yeah, sure. Hold on, I gotta find the key.” They reached into a pocket and pulled out a collection of keys and Luffy was so caught off guard that his anger faltered. Was it a trick?
With the click of the restraints, Luffy lunged forward and tackled them to the ground. He hadn’t expected the restraints to actually fall, so when he was able to yank them by the collar of their shirt, he was shocked.
What was more shocking was to hear the laughter. It wasn’t a mocking laugh or some kind of evil laugh like he had heard before. It sounded more like when he was playing tag with the others and felt full of warmth.
The lieutenant’s hands came up to grip lightly on the one that held on tightly to the fabric, the laughter turning into small giggles.
“I guess I shouldn’t have done that mid-thrash, huh? My bad.” The smile on their face was almost blinding with joy and Luffy had never felt more confused. He was about to kick their ass but then they just let him out? And now they were giggling?
“You’re…you’re just letting me go?” He asked hesitantly, slowly lowering their back onto the ground.
“Yeah, sure. Why not?” They asked, their expression now matching his own confused one.
“I’m a pirate?” He asked, raising an eyebrow as he now fully sat up. He didn’t feel in danger any more. Granted if they did try to fight him, he was pretty sure he could win. He was still on top of them after all.
They propped themselves up with their elbows, looking up at him and nodding.
“I mean yeah. That’s not a very good reason to keep you locked up though. Your friends are over on that nearby island right? I don’t know if we can dock there, but we can at least get you close enough to be able to fling yourself there.”
It was almost hard for Luffy to register what they were saying. All he could do was nod, wondering what his crew would do in this situation.
“Okay, good. Now let me up so I can tell my crew and we can get moving.” Their smile returned easily and there was a fleeting thought that he liked it. It reminded him of his friends.
Hesitantly, he got up, offering a hand for them to pull themselves up by. Once they were to their feet, Luffy crossed his arms.
“Aren’t you gonna get in trouble for this? Why help me?”
They shrugged at his question and started walking to the stairs, expecting him to follow.
“Maybe I like that you care about others or maybe I just happen to think you’re cute. Does the whys really matter at this point?” They asked, smiling back at him before opening the door to the deck. “Besides, I haven’t gotten in trouble in a few months now. I think it’s long overdue.” They grinned and shut the door behind him as he watched their crew scurry around the deck. The lieutenant spoke with a loud voice, getting all of their attention before telling them where to set the course to and to be fast.
“You’re not like other marine lieutenants...” Luffy couldn't help the comment. So many had tried to kill or had hurt him and the ones he cared about.
“No, suppose I’m not. Doubt I’ll stay one much anyway though.” They crossed their arms and looked out over the sea before pointing. “That shadow in the distance is the island. We’ll get as close as we can, but the reefs are pretty delicate and in danger here I think. Granted, I don’t actually know, I just heard someone on the crew mention it and I’m pretty sure they would be bummed if we messed them up.” They lightly patted Luffy’s arm. “Sorry we had you chained up. After I got you out of the water we had an emergency and since I wasn’t sure what was going on, I didn’t wanna risk you hurting any of them. You’re whole thing is king of the pirates right?”
“I’m gonna be king of the pirates, yeah.”
“Cool! Man, I can’t wait to get to brag about meeting the future king of the pirates. You better not make me a liar.” They grinned at him and Luffy felt his own normal smile begin to spread on his face.
“I won’t! Thank you for your help!”
“Don’t mention it. Just go kick those guys asses. They were literally the worst coworkers you could ever ask for. If they ask how you survived, tell them I sent you!”
“Who are you anyway?”
“Lieutenant ____. Though next time you see me, I won’t have that title anymore.”
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heknowshisherbs · 1 year
alright, yes, i confess, i'm actually in love with dewey finn (NO!) yes indeed
pairing: musical!dewey finn x reader warnings: drinking (and getting sick after), cursing word count: 3,070 author's note: hey y'all! this was the first fic i posted on the og heknowshisherbs, so it only felt fitting that it's the first fic i post on the new blog. i'm getting back into the swing of things so please forgive me if the formatting on my first few posts is a little fucked. i hope you enjoy!
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Y/N: bRIIANNAN briainanan RBIANNA gota teelll u sooemthing Dewey: ? Y/N: brianana in eeed you to ansnwer EM noW Dewey: …U do know ur texting Dewey right? Y/N: hOWEDYOKNOW THAT whaxts im mltkaing abouyt Dewey: Y/N I have no idea what ur saying Y/N: nreedsu oyu toknow that il ove dwey som mocuh. i wanna kissihis satupid faccw Dewey: Are you drunk? Y/N: onnlyly if oyuwo wants me roi 33343333333333…….;;.;.d.d' Dewey: I’m coming to get you.
    That string of texts was the reason Dewey Finn found himself in his car, on his way to a dive bar, at 03:47. Y/N had tried to get him to come that night with her and her friend, Stella, but he told her he was working on music which was half true. He did need to write some songs for the kids, but he mostly tried to avoid the bar because he didn’t want to be there when she inevitably went home with another random guy. As long as she was safe he was happy but it made him incredibly jealous and he didn’t feel like stewing at the bar all night, so he said he wouldn’t go. He hadn’t heard from Y/N at all up until he got those texts; he didn’t need to see her to know that this was probably the drunkest she’s ever been. She was always kind of a lightweight and even at her drunkest she was (for the most part) aware of her surroundings, but these texts made absolutely no sense. He was afraid someone would pick her up and just leave with her because she wouldn’t be able to defend herself or even say no.
    When he pulled up to the Roadhouse it was still pretty packed, which wasn’t all that shocking for a Friday night. He arrived at the nick of time— someone was leaving. He immediately took their spot which, luckily, was right next to the door. He ran inside and started searching for Y/N, praying she was still there.
    Calling out “Y/N!” elicited no response, but once Dewey finally found her it became clear that he got no response because she most likely didn't even know her own name. She was flopping around the bar, babbling nonsense to random people. Some humored her for a bit, while others ignored her; Dewey was just glad nobody had tried to take her home.
    He gently reached out for her hand, and she almost toppled over after attempting to turn around. Y/N collapsed into his arms and looked up at him with a crooked smile, “Plleased to meeetcha!” Even blackout drunk, he thought she looked radiant.
    “Come on, Y/N, we’re going home, okay?” He tries to lead her towards the door, but she messily snatched her hand away.
    “‘M nOT going home with a sTRANGER!”
    People started glancing over at him, and he began to panic; the last thing he needed was to get arrested while on his obligatory best friend wellness check, “Hey, hey, hey! It’s me okay, it’s Dewey.” Her face remained blank, she knew nothing but booze. “Dewdrop? Y/N, I promise I’m not kidnapping you, I’m just gonna put you to bed."
    The word ‘bed’ seemed to help Y/N register what was happening, and she threw her arms up in triumph. “M geTIN LAID!” she cheered, which earned her confused looks from anyone within a seven foot radius. Maybe she didn’t register what was happening after all. Either way, it was enough to make her go with him willingly.
    If anyone else had been working that night there is no way in hell Dewey would’ve been able to leave with her in that state, but their favorite bartender, Kara, was on and she knew that the pair were best buds. Dewey locked eyes with her to confirm that he was taking Y/N home. Kara just shook her head, shouted “good luck!” over the bar, and turned back to the customer she’d been talking to.
    Dewey helped Y/N throw an arm around him so they could walk to his car, but they only made it about twenty feet before it became painfully clear that she couldn’t make it that far. He scooped her up and walked outside; she, all the while, was babbling about something Dewey couldn’t decipher. Her speech was so slurred at this point he wasn’t even sure there were actual words coming out of her mouth.
    He gently laid her in the backseat and buckled her in as best he could. She’d started nodding off at this point, which was probably for the best. It worried him slightly because he wouldn’t be able to check if she was breathing for the whole ride home, but he laid her on her side and hoped that would be enough.
    It was only a short ride to his apartment and, in that time, all he could do was pray she didn’t vomit until they made it inside. He lived on the third floor and knew there was no way in hell Y/N was making it up the stairs, even with help, so he had no choice but to carry her again. It was difficult to maneuver the narrow hallway and, while she didn’t feel all that heavy to him, he’d definitely gotten his workout for the next month out of the way.
    He stumbled through the door, almost dropping Y/N in the process. He quickly got her upright, and before either of them had time to register what was happening, she’d vomited all over her dress and the floor.
    Fuck. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck. Dewey really wanted to keep her in her clothes; they were best friends and she’d seen him in his underwear loads of times but this was different. Dewey gently sat her down on the ground before running into his room to rummage through his drawers and find a pair of pajama pants and an old shirt.
    When he made it back to the kitchen, Y/N was passed out on the floor, and she’d thrown up again from the looks of it. He closed his eyes, let out a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding, and made his way over to her. Once he was sure she was still breathing, he tried to slip the dress off as gently as possible. It wasn’t too difficult to do, and once it was entirely off he was grateful she chose to wear that leather dress that always made his heart stop; as disgusting as it sounded, her vomit wasn’t able to seep through the fabric so her bra and panties remained clean. He felt much better about helping her change now, and it was only a matter of time before she donned Dewey’s slightly too big clothes.
    He cleaned the mess, ran over her face with a wet rag to get any remaining vomit off, and sat on the floor with her for a moment to gather his thoughts. She looked so peaceful. He ran a hand through her hair and smiled to himself. 
    Dewey had loved her for a while, and he’d always wanted to tell her how he felt, but things just weren’t that simple. What they had going was good, he couldn’t let his feelings get in the way. He’d resorted to pining from afar and supporting her romantic endeavors endlessly, no matter how much it hurt.
    “Nngh…” she mumbled a bit in her sleep, before her eyes slowly opened. “Don’t feel good. Doooooo not.”
    “Are you gonna be sick again?”
    “Mmmmm…. I dunno.”
    'I dunno' was not a good enough answer for Dewey to consciously let her sleep in his bed. Even with a bucket next to her, there was no guarantee her aim would be spot on, and he didn’t want to take the chance. Cleaning your best friend's vomit off tile flooring was one thing, but cleaning a vomit soaked carpet was another thing; even Dewey Finn has limits.
    He helped lead her to the bathroom and sat her next to the toilet, silently thanking whatever deity had given him the motivation to clean his bathroom that afternoon. Upon sitting down again, she immediately vomited, and all Dewey could do was sit behind her, hold her hair, and wish he could make her feel better.
    After about an hour she’d finally stopped being sick, and an hour after that it was almost 08:00 and he could feel drowsiness overtaking him. She’d been asleep on his chest for quite some time and he hated moving her because he knew he’d never get this opportunity again. He bunched up a clean towel and put it on the floor for her to use as a pillow before leaving the bathroom. In an ideal world, he would’ve stayed with her but his bathroom room was far too small for that.
    Then again, in an ideal world they’d be together.
    He laid in bed for about ten minutes before he decided he’d feel better if he was closer to her in case she needed anything. He took a pillow and blanket, and laid himself down on the floor right outside the bathroom door and let the sound of Y/N's soft snoring lull him to sleep.
    When Y/N woke up, her eyes were practically glued together with a layer of crust and makeup from the night before. Her head was pounding, and the first thing she did once her eyes were fully open is stick her head right back in the toilet and vomit. Once she's convinced there’s nothing more to puke up she disregarded any logic or sense of cleanliness and pressed her head against the cool toilet seat. It’s only then that the fog clears— just slightly, but enough for her to register where she is. She recognized the unusual, mismatched tiling on the floor to be Dewey’s, but had absolutely no idea how she ended up on the floor of his bathroom. He wasn’t even at the Roadhouse last night.
    She wracks her brain for what could have possibly happened the night before but her mind is entirely blank. She remembered leaving her apartment, taking two shots, and then the rest of the night is a blur. How did she get to Dewey’s place? Did Stella drop her off? She noticed her phone sitting on the counter and shakily reached for it, hoping it could give her some answers. It was 14:37, and the only notification she had was an unanswered text from Stella, who asked where the hell she went last night. Evidently, she hadn't dropped Y/N off at Dewey's place. She quickly responded with “i’m fine, lyk later. puking” before checking her conversation with Dewey. 
    She couldn’t decipher a single text message she sent him, and from the looks of it, he’d been in the same boat. All she was able to gather is that she trying to reach Brianna; it wasn’t until she reached the jumbled message reading "il ove dwey som mocuh” that she realized what she’d done. This brought on a whole new wave of nausea and she quickly found herself, again, retching into the toilet. 
    She decided then and there she needed to leave as soon as she could. She was still a bit drunk so driving was definitely out of the question (she didn’t even know where the hell her car was), but she didn’t live too far and assuming she could stand up she just might be able to walk back home without Dewey ever knowing. She’d leave him a note. Using the edge of the bathtub for support, she shakily stood up. It took a while, and the nausea came back and slapped her in the face as soon as she did, but she remained standing without vomiting for a few moments. Y/N decided it would be okay to try to leave. She made a break for it and opened the door as carefully as she could hoping that Dewey wouldn’t hear it when all of a sudden-
    Y/N froze. Looking down from the crack in the door, she could see the top of Dewey’s head— he had been right outside the door all night. If her situation hadn’t been such shit, she’d have found it endearing, but right now all she was worried about was their inevitable confrontation and the potential concussion she just gave him. She slammed the door shut.
    “Uh, I’m out of the way now if you wanna come out...” She wanted nothing more than to remain hidden in the bathroom but he knew she was awake, and there was nothing to do now but go out and face him. 
    Once the door was open, she finally got a good look at him. His hair is sticking out in more directions than she can count and the bags under his eyes are dark. Y/N can only imagine what he went through last night trying to get her here. He was wearing his favorite AC/DC shirt and sweats, which clued her into the fact that she wasn't wearing the dress you left home in last night. She fiddled with the fabric at the hem of the shirt before looking up at him “Dewey, did we-?” 
    She didn’t want to imply anything, but she had no other logical explanation for where her clothes could have gone. Her voice sounds gravelly and her throat feels like sandpaper but that’s something he’ll just have to get past. 
    Dewey's eyes widened in panic, and he ran a hand through his hair “No, no! God, no!” He nodded towards a plastic grocery bag tied up by the door, “You didn’t even know who I was when I picked you up, I would never… I was just gonna let you sleep it off in my bed but when we got here you threw up all over yourself. I-I didn’t see anything, I promise. I just couldn’t let you sit in your own puke all night… sorry.”
    “No, oh my God, Dewey, don’t apologize!” Y/N felt awful, she must have put him through hell last night. Sure, he was her best friend, but that went far beyond what she’d ever have expected him to do for her, “I’m so sorry you were stuck dealing with me last night, you can literally pick the movie for every movie night we have ever again. I’ll help you clean up once my headache dies down a little.”
    He smiled a little bit, “There’s nothing to clean up, it’s okay. You should eat.”
    “I’m not hungry.”
    “I know, but you should still eat,” he made his way towards the fridge and took out a carton of orange juice, “You can have some of this and I’ll make you toast. I’ll make you more food if you’re hungry later but for now we should see if you can even keep that down.”
    “Yeah,” she mumbled. “Thanks.”
    As he’s getting the glasses for their orange juice, she felt her panic start to rise. She knew they needed to talk about the text, but he hadn’t brought it up.
    The silence is deafening, and it all but consumes Y/N as she watches the orange juice fill the glass, and before she knows it, there’s toast in front of her. She knew she wouldn’t be able to even consider eating without vomiting until she got this over with. “ImsorryIdrunktextedyou.”
    “’s okay,” he mumbled between bites of toast, “You could barely function as a human being, I didn’t really take anything you said to heart. I’m not entirely convinced you knew who I was. ‘M just glad you’re okay.” Dewey smiles up at her, eyes twinkling, and her heart melts.
    “Dewey, I-”
    “Y/N, I’m not kidding. Don’t beat yourself up about it. You’re my best friend, I promise I didn’t take any of it seriously.” Dewey could all but hear his heart shatter, and he just prayed she couldn’t hear it too.
    She bit her lip. Jesus fuck, she just wanted him to understand without having to say it out loud. “I um… I know you don’t think I knew what I was saying and uh... for the most part I didn’t, but that text, um, t-the text was um. I feel like that when I’m sober too.” 
    Y/N struggled getting her words out, and although she knew Dewey was trying his hardest to keep his reaction hidden, his nostrils flared. He never notices he’s doing it but she always did— it's a nervous tick of his. Normally it’s really cute, but right now it just made her want to curl up in a ball and never face him again. "N-Nothing has to change, it’s just… I don’t know. Fuck!” 
    With a loud groan, her head was in her hands, blocking out the light (and Dewey), “I just. Don’t want to lose you as a friend.”
    No response.
    “D-Dewey? Are you gonna say something?”
    “I-” he faltered and she prepared herself for the worst. “How long have you felt this way?”
    “O-Oh, uh… a year. M-Maybe longer.” Y/N finally looked up at him and he was just staring at her, mouth slightly agape and eyes wide. She scooted herself away from the counter and mumbles a quick “thanks for taking care of me last night” before making her second break for the door.
    She only got halfway through the kitchen before she was whipped around and found herself in Dewey’s arms. Shit. He was practically crushing her, and she genuinely couldn't tell if everything felt more intense because she was so hungover or if he was really using that much force. It was probably a bit of both.
    “I love you too,” he mumbled into her hair. 
    Wait. What? 
    “Fuck, Y/N, I’ve loved you for so long and I thought I didn’t stand a chance. And then I got that text and I just— Jesus, when I got to the Roadhouse and saw how trashed you were I didn’t think there was any way you could’ve known what you were saying but… you mean it?”
    She inhaled deeply, forehead still pressed into his chest, “Of course I do, you doofus. How could I not?”
    He squeezed her just a little bit tighter before placing the gentlest of kisses on the top of her head, “I’m really glad you got drunk last night.”
    She laughed quietly, a short huff of air out of her nose that warmed Dewey’s chest through his shirt, “Me too."
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lunajay33 · 1 year
Don’t Leave
Summary: You’re new to the glade and the first girl, obviously you’re scared knowing nothing but for some reason you felt comfort around the glades tough guy
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I woke up in a caged box seemingly travelling higher and higher, I was terrified and confused not knowing what the hell was going on, the top was getting closer and closer until it stopped abruptly
Alarms were blaring so I moved behind the many boxes and sat in the corner, the doors opened and the light from above beamed in
I covered my eyes and curled into myself as I heard many voices from above then the cage shock meaning someone came in
“It’s a girl!” I looked up to see a quiet cute boy
He held his hand out to me and I wasn’t scared to take it as he helped me out of the cage and up with the others, and almost instantly they surrounded me, touching my hair and picking at my clothes and it overwhelmed me
I pushed through looking for the boy that helped me out, I saw him standing next to a skinnier guy so I quickly made my way to him hiding behind him
He seemed confused but looked back to see all the guys ogoling me
“Come we will show you around” he said as he and the boy next to him walked me around showing me everything the glade had to offer, that’s what they called it
“By the way I’m Newt and this here is Gally” the skinny boy explained
“Do you remember anything?” Gally asked
I shook my head no, still to scared to speak a word
“Don’t worry it’ll come around, now tonight we will have a celebration for you as our new member just try to have fun and relax” he said then they both left leaving me alone
I wasn’t sure what to do so I kind of just walked around seeing there were woods I ventured in curious if they had made anything in here
It was quiet pretty, the trees were green and the little birds sounded beautiful that was until I heard walked near by
I looked behind me to see one of the guys walking quickly towards be with a menacing look, I tried to run but he caught be throwing me to the ground, i clawed and kicked until I finally got loose and ran
“HELP!” I screamed hoping someone would come to my rescue
I searched frantically for Gally and when I spotted him running towards me I threw myself into his arms, looking back I saw newt and some others holding my attacker down
“What the hell happened?” Gally asked
“He…he pinned me down and wouldn’t let me go” I cried holding onto him tighter
“Bring him to the dig out he’ll stay there for the night” Alby said
“Are you okay?” Gally asked looking down at me
“Im fine I think”
“Gally bring her to the spare hut, I thinks it’s best she stays there instead of in hammocks with the boys around” alby said
Gally took my hand and showed me my new sleeping area
“You will be fine here” he said as he was about to leave
“Please don’t leave me” I said quickly
“Why would you want me to stay”
“You make me feel safe, I trust you for some reason, so please stay”
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