#followers if yalls see this then heyo i live
tatersdoesstuff · 1 year
"Love is the most dangerous force in Exandria"
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yipee after half a year of binging since c1, im caught up with all of cr \o/ drew @quiddie's quote as my first fanart to the fandom ^-^
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How To Court A Cryptid: 101 Chapter 4
C/W: cursing, use of the word f@gg0t
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[A/N: so, I'm not dead. Um, I've been working on this. I've just been busy with personal stuff. So, sorry about that. Hopefully you'll like this chapter]
"[Y/N] come on! You gotta come!" Tommy said looking at me,
I shook my head no, laughing.
"I'm sure your friends wouldn't be down for you bringing a plus one to yalls escapade." I said as I popped a butterscotch disc into my mouth. "And your a big boy, you don't need me with you"
"I know, but come on! It'll be fun, I'm sure everyone wouldn't mind meeting you!" He said giving puppy dog eyes.
I sighed
"Fine, just ask your friends if it's fine. I don't wanna intrude."
"Yes!" Tommy yelled before grabbing his phone, "give me one second to call Wilbur and Phil just to see if they're down with it!" He said before walking off to call them.
I chuckled, before popping another disc into my mouth.
"Oi! You!" Someone yelled, I looked around before noticing a guy. I pointed to myself "yeah you! You faggot" he yelled.
I made a face of disgust, before looking down ignoring him.
"I'm talking to you!" He said walking over to me. "Look, get out of here. There are children around here. And your dressed like a hooker for the devil"
I huffed, still standing my ground. Not giving him attention.
Since, coming out as nonbinary and going for a more androgynous look, many people have been more offended. Some gotten physical in the past, but most often or not ignoring them works.
"Get out of here!" He yelled, I huffed before looking him in his eyes.
"Look pal, I don't tell you how to live your life. So, don't tell me. Also, this is a public area. I'm allowed here if I want. And if fishnets count as being a hooker. Then I don't care. Leave me alone" I said before putting my hands into my jacket and walking away.
"[Y/N]! [Y/N]! Yo! You okay?" Tommy yelled as he caught up to me.
"I'm okay, just some twat. No biggie." I said, while scratching at my wrist.
Tommy took my hand, stopping me from scratching. I looked at him, taking a glance at his eyes before looking away.
"I'm fine. Really. So, what did your pals say anyways?"
"Oh! They said it's fine, so you ready?" He asked putting his hands into his pockets, I smiled.
"Yeah yeah, let's go" I said putting my arm around his shoulder.
"Tom's why you filming? We're only driving?" I asked from the back of the car,
"For like a montage" tommy said embarrassed,
I smiled "okay bud" while chuckling.
When we got to Tubbos house, I smiled seeing the boy. I got out, then tommy pushed past me to hug his friend.
"Hey!" I said nearly loosing my balance, "watch it. I was about to lose a ankle"
Tommy turned around while hugging the brunette, "sorry! But its tubbo!" He said smiling, I shook me head laughing at his antics.
"Heyo tubbo, how you doing my mans?" I asked getting up to them.
He was around my height, since I'm not wearing my platforms for today.
"I am good" he said as he went for a hug, I hugged him back.
"Alright what do we have planned boys?" I asked, looking at the duo.
"We can go to the beach if you'd like" Tubbo said looking at us. I nodded agreeing.
As we walked to the beach Tommy filmed and talked before pointing the camera at me.
"And the Cryptid follows, so pale!" He said laughing
I shook my head,
"If I'm pale what are you big man? Snow?" I said laughing
I wore a black and white striped bathing suit, sun hat and sandles. As I don't get the sun often I'm a pale version of [s/t].
When we got to the beach Tommy and Tubbo fucked around on a water board thingy. Tommy being dramatic and I watched them. I smiled seeing my best friend having fun.
When we got back they ended up doing a whole steam. I stay to the side adding comments now and them.
I stayed out of the camera as I was kinda trashy looking.
After tommy killed the PC they went to the beach as I just rested.
Tomorrow was the big day after all.
Soon, the day came. Meeting everyone, Tommy was very nervous. Slipping on my platforms we got into the car to get to the meet up spot.
"So, you excited big man?" I asked looking at Tommy.
"Yeah, oh! Phil said they're here!" He yelled looking around.
I saw them getting up and waiting for Tommy and his dad.
When we walked up Tommy's dad and Phil talked. Wilbur looked at me and Tommy.
"Well well, feral child and Cryptid here in the flesh!" He said laughing, I smiled.
"Yep, but be careful I might bite you." I said laughing
"No biting anyone, no need to give rabies to the man" Tommy's dad said turning to me.
I gasped,
"Well I never! I am offended!" I said throwing my hands in the air
We ended up breakfast, it was nice getting to know everyone, tommy and Wilbur kept being stupid.
Tommy ended making me take a photo of him wearing Wilbur's glasses.
We ended up going to an arcade. I walked around before noticing at claw machine, it had a frog plushie.
I ended spending around 5 dollars trying,
"You need help there mate?" Phil asked watching me on the verge of vandalizing the machine.
I nodded like a small child, scooting over to watch him play.
Two times, two times it took him. The second time he got the plushie for me.
I sat on the floor in disbelief for a few minute.
"Philza minecraft. I owe you my life now. Cause me and my son are now united" I said jokingly, we both laughed before joining the others.
"Oh! [Y/N] your good at this game. Can you play it?" Tom's asked looking at me. It was skee ball. Nodding I loading the coins and played a coue rounds. Getting him a good few tickets.
"How the hell are you good at that game?" Wilbur asked walking with me and we wandered around. I laughed,
"When I was younger, before coming here. My uh, my dad worked at an arcade. So after school I would go there and play all the games for free. So, I got good at most arcade games. Except claw machines. Damn things" I said laughing
"Oh? Does your dad not work at an arcade anymore?" He asked
"Oh no. Um my dad now works at a university. Well, my biological parents. I'm not sure where they are. I was adopted at like eight years old and moved here to the UK." I said scratching my wrist.
"Oh I'm sorry to hear that" wilbur said looking said, I looked at him and smiled.
"Its all good mate. It worked out in the end. I mean I met Tommy and now y'all. I would say its pretty great!"
"[Y/N], Wilbur come on! I'm gonna get some prizes!" Tommy yelled, as we followed him.
He got a yoyo, some stuff and finally two guns. Toy guns to be exact.
I sighed,
"Oh? What's wrong mate?" Phil asked looking at me.
"The child has a gun. Ah, the havoc will insure. Make a will. Say good bye to your loved ones" I said dramatically.
"I'll shoot you first shut up!" Tommy yelled
"Oh really! Come one let's go!" I yelled wacking him with the frog.
"Ow! Ow!" He said running from me.
I laughed chasing him.
The rest of the trip went smoothly. Tommy "broke" into Wilbur's office and vlogged a bit. I mostly just watched him have fun.
When we left and went home. I flopped on my bed, before my phone buzzed.
Are you the real Cryptid? Wilbur told me legends of you!
I laughed at the message, before responding.
A/N: HAI HAI! I'm not dead ahhh! So, yeah hered chapter 4. I know late and kinda short. Most of the vlog was skipped cause I'm lazy. XP
I hoped y'all enjoined, be kind to yourself and stay hydrated!!
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tenkoscumslut · 3 years
Dabi x reader (part 2 angst)
(Yall r just to adorable.  I love you all, just sdjf lkasjdf lkj sdklfj sld jfkl sdjf lksdjf l)
Btw Y/N is a bad bitch
Months had passed by without contact with your ex lover, you were still trying to move on and get on with your life.  The crisp night air was cool, lowering the temperature in your room.  A small smile was on your face, you had actually found interest in a pro-hero, a pretty popular pro hero.  She was nice, kind, and honestly just so mesmerizing.  Whenever that tiny dot box popped up your stomach swarmed with butterflies.
Seeing her face made your heart leap out of your chest, her lips were so soft, you always wondered what they would feel like pressed against your lips.  Your smile grew at the thought of her, what would her ears feel like under your touch, what does her morning voice sound like, does she like to cuddle?.  A text popped up on your phone, Mirko.
A bright feeling coursed through you and your eyes widened in excitement.  You quickly read the message.
Adorable little bunny:
 “Hey Y/N, mind if I come over??” 
Adorable little bunny:
“Yuss! I’ll be at your door in 10″
You grinned, carrying your phone softly as you read over your short conversation.  You couldn’t get your mind off of her, she reminded you of a crisp winter morning, she made you feel happy again after him.  Your thoughts diverted to Dabi, his yells, the fear you felt whenever he showed up bruised and bloodied, or that blue fire was directed at you.
Ultimately you knew he was a bad person, someone who couldn’t be fixed, someone who didn’t deserve your love, you deserved someone good, someone who made you feel happy and loved, and never made you fear them.  Another text popped up, it was from an unknown number.
You weren’t one to really pick up the phone from strangers or reply to unknown text messages, but something about this was intriguing.  You opened up the text message, it was just a simple hi.  You ignored it and got to cleaning your apartment since it wasn’t to clean, and you wanting your place to look presentable.
You really just put some clean dishes away, put things back in their place, washed the counters and since you basically live off of Ramen and Boba tea there weren’t to many dishes to clean, so you threw them in the dishwasher and struggled to start it.  Once you got it going you moved to the laundry since your hamper was full.  Putting it in the washing machine wasn’t even a struggle since you’ve been doing that for 2 years with twice the load.
The soft humming of the washer in the background, the dishwasher going, and the small clock ticking away as the seconds went by was comforting, the soft purring of your cat which was asleep on your bed was nice.  You were giddy with delight, knowing Mirko would be here any second.
You sat at the counter, almost squealing with delight when your doorbell rang, you rushed to the door, stoping mid tracks.  Something was off, you were scared to near the door, the comforting place where you would return home everyday.  You didn’t understand what was wrong until the tiny intercom in the kitchen crackled slightly.  Mirkos voice came through the speaker, “Heyo, i’m here, whats the code?”. 
Now you knew the person at the door was not Mirko, and who would be knocking at your door at 3 in the fucking morning.  You slowly moved over to the door, carefully not to make any noise that might signal someone was home.  You leaned up to the door, looking through the peephole (poOPhOle).  There was a hooded man or woman standing there, obviously taller than the peephole, there was something about the man or woman that reminded you of someone you did not want to remember.
“Can I help you?”, you asked the person, they didn’t really reply, instead your phone dinged again.  
Open the door
You narrowed your eyes, an uneasy feeling growing in your stomach, “Please go or I will call the cops”, you said, quickly opening up your conversation with Mirko.  
My adorable little bunny:
Heyo i'm here....???
Someones at the door, the code is ***** (i couldn't come up with a bunch of number :/), please come quick
The person started to knock on the door repeatedly, “Your not coming in, I already warned you, now leave!”, you shouted.  The person continued knocking to the point they were basically was pounding on the door, tears were forming at the corner of your eyes.  The cat you had adopted had woken up, and was now meowing and yowling in fear.
The pounding was becoming more and more louder, you jumped away from the door, covering your ears to at least try and drown out the sound.  The pounding stopped a few seconds later followed by shouts, “GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE”, you recognized the voice as Rumis.  
When you heard her voice you quickly scampered to open the door, the manw as far gone by now.  Her tail was twitching furiously, her ears were flat against her hair, she stared in the direction to where the man ran to, she turned around, “Are you ok?”, she asked.  You nodded your head and brought her into a hug, you squeezed her tightly, just happy you were in her presence.
She smiled, her ears rose back up into a more friendly way, and her arms wrapped around you, your face was buried between her shoulder and jaw, she had to tilt her head upward slightly to accommodate you but she was still happy.  “Thank you”, you mumbled softly, “Don’t mention it”, she threw back lazily.
After a few seconds you felt awkward holding her so close to you, you could feel her chest pressed against your own, and her arms wrapped around your lower back.  Your face heated up, butterflies once again swarming in your stomach.  You quickly pulled away with a blushing face and a sheepish smile, she grinned, walking past you and into your apartment, sitting down on the couch.
“Nice place”, she commented”, this was her first time at your house, and she loved it, there were large windows for light to stream in through, your cat, Bunny, was sniffing the tips of her ears.  It tickled slightly, but not enough to make her laugh.
You moved into the kitchen, “C-can I uhh get you a-any thing to eat, o-or maybe d-drink?”, you asked, “A coffee would be nice”, she said.  You quickly scampered to make the drink, right now you were the definition of a hot mess, the blush on your face didn’t leave.
You were brewing the coffee now, the hot steam wafted onto your face, only making you feel hotter.  You felt a light tap on your shoulder, you spun around, seeing Rumi looming over you, a smirk on her face, her ears were slightly tinted a bit pink.  You whimpered slightly, “Whats wrong little carrot?”, she purred, pressing closer against you.
You opened your mouth to answer but all that came out was a tiny squeak, she hummed softly, her hands snacking around your waist and gripping you in place.  She leaned forward and whispered a soft, “Do you have a little crush?~”.(Oh my god I just found out she’s 5′2, pretend she's taller than you, like she can be whatever height you chose, but if you want it to work with the story then make her just a few inches taller than u).
“I-I uhh mmhh”, you stuttered over your words, a heat pooled in the bottom of your stomach, your thighs clenched together to try and create at least some friction to no avail.  “why don’t we go to the bedroom Baby Carrot?”, she mumbled in your ear again, and began to softly nibble at the shelf of your ear.  You nodded your head, letting her take you to the bedroom.
Mx. Y/N decided Mirko is fucking hot and a great partner.  JUst wait for the next part, she gonna d e s t r o y dabi in the next one....
But I still continue to simp hard for Mirko-
(I was writing this on my phone and Dabi kept correcting to Dab e and I kept loosing it.  Also if popped is accidentally spelled poop im so sorry. And omfg I accidentally wrote peephole as poophole and I fucking died )
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cherrybracelets · 4 years
Heat Waves
weed dealer!mgg x reader 
masterlist | requests
word count: 5.5k | warnings: 18+ content! drugs and alcohol mentions and usage. no smut but partying!
summary: your brother has a new roommate, and fuck, you might be in love with him? 
song inspo : heat waves - glass animals 
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an: this gif is how i imagine him in this fic like w glasses but way less nerdy ahahha ok well whatever idk if im gonna continue this or just leave it as is lmk what yall think ok byeee
You stumbled up the steps of the subway, the heavy cardboard box you were holding slipping out of your hands as you made your way above ground. You tried to adjust your grip on it and almost fell backwards, shaking your head in frustration. The box was filled with all the random shit your brother had left at your place over the past few months as he was trying to find a place to live, sleeping on different couches of random friends. It was almost all useless stuff, which made the fact that you had to hand deliver it all to him even more frustrating.
You walked tirelessly down the street, gripping harshly on to the box. You pushed your way through people, not caring at all that you probably looked insane as you yelled for people to move so you could just get there and fucking put this box down. You finally came upon the building, sighing with relief as you set the box on the steps and rang the buzzer.
“I’m here,” you groaned into the speaker, wiping your forehead with the back of your hand.
“Hello!” A cheery voice responded over the intercom. A voice that was definitely not your brothers. “Who exactly is here?”
“Oh, sorry- I might have the wrong apartment. Is this 4B?”
“Yeah! You must be Danny’s sister. Come on up.” The door buzzed loudly as it unlocked, and you grabbed onto the handle quickly, lugging in the box behind you. You were extremely grateful when you saw the elevator, quietly thanking the universe that you didn’t have to walk up four flights of stairs with this thousand pound box.
You took the elevator up to the fourth floor, your body exhausted as you leaned back against the wall and took a deep breath. You closed your eyes, hoping that maybe a five second nap could give you your energy back. But unfortunately, the elevator stopped and opened its doors, urging you to once again pick up the box and be on your way. You dropped your head to the floor and sighed, using the last of your energy to pick up the box and walk down the long hallway to apartment 4B.
Thankfully the apartment wasn’t too far from the elevator, and you only had a short walk until you came upon the door of his new place. You noticed a welcome mat on the floor that read ‘Bachelor Pad’, and you rolled your eyes at the pure douchiness of the thing. God, your brother was a prick. But, nevertheless, you loved him, he was family. Despite being one of the most annoying people you’d ever met.
You knocked slowly on the door, excited to throw the box into someone else’s arms and run home. It was your day off from work, and all you wanted was to throw on some sweats, eat frozen mac and cheese and watch Jeopardy until you fell asleep on the couch. The perfect day.
The door swung open, and the man who was definitely not your brother stood on the other side, a large smile plastered across his picture perfect face. His messy curls hung across his face, and he pushed them away before reaching out to you to grab the box.
“Let me get that for you,” he said quietly, literally lifting the weight off your shoulders as he grabbed it effortlessly. The muscles in his arms protruded as he set the box down on an old dining table they had set up in the kitchen, a cluster of mismatched chairs along with it.
“Thanks,” you said back, your eyes still trailing over his body, watching him closely. “Is, uh, is my brother here?” You stuttered to get your words out, your eyes still locked on the model-like man in front of you.
“No, he just ran out actually. Went to pick up a couch or something.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me. He told me he would be here!” You shook your head in annoyance, crossing your arms over your chest, which pushed out your cleavage slightly. You caught the man glancing at your breasts, and felt your heart start beating a bit faster. He wasn’t even trying to the fact that he was staring at you. “I’m sorry if I’m bothering you. He really was supposed to be here to get this.”
“It’s not a problem at all. He told me you’d be stopping by. I’m Matt, by the way. I’m sure he’s told you about me.” He stuck out his hand, and you reached back and grabbed it. His hands were soft, but the tips of his fingers stained black, the familiar site of a smoker. The air hung the smell of stale pot smoke, so it was pretty easy to put together that he was a heavy weed guy. 
“I’m (Y/N). And, uh, no, actually. He hasn’t told me, like anything about you. Just that he knows you from work and you’re a ‘pretty decent guy’,” you laughed, letting go of his hand but desperately wanting to hold on to it forever. You didn’t really understand why, but something about his touch was so comforting, it made you feel like coming home after a long day.
“Uh, I was just about to smoke a bowl actually, if you’d like to join. Your brother told me you smoke,” Matt said, motioning to the coffee table covered in various paraphernalia.
“I don’t make a habit of smoking with strangers,” you responded sharply, realizing immediately how bitchy you must’ve sounded and wishing you could take it back. You scrunched your face a bit, cringing as you replayed the sentence over and over in your head.
“But I’m not a stranger! I’m Matt! Besides, this is fantastic stuff- I just got it from my guy the other day, knocks your socks off,” he giggled, his eyes wide as he wanted to desperately for you to say yes.
“Well, I guess I really can’t say no to free weed,” you shrugged, following him over to the old couch they had set up in their under furnished living room. It was exactly how you pictured your brothers apartment to look- disappointing and not at all coordinated.
“Sorry about the place, we’re trying to make it look nice but we’re not exactly interior decorators.” He shook his head as he looked around the room, before picking up his freshly packed bowl and lighting it.
“Yeah, it looks pretty frat-housey in here. I would expect more from you, but not from my brother,” you giggled, taking the glass pipe from Matt’s hands and enjoying it yourself.
“Why me?”
“Well... I don’t know...” you stuttered, shaking your head and trying to pull together a sentence. “You just seem to have... more style, I guess. Seem more put together.”
“I appreciate that. I do try extremely hard to not look like a douche.” He smiled kindly at you, his eyes shining with the reflection of the lighter as the two of you continued to share the bowl.
You made small talk for a bit, feeling the calm of the marijuana taking over your body. The old couch suddenly became much more comfortable as you sunk back into it, staring at the patterns on the ceiling. Matt was talking quietly behind you, trying to tell some story about him and your brother; but you were only half listening, losing yourself in your own thoughts of him. Thinking about the softness of his lips as he inhaled and exhaled, watching his hands flex tireless to work the lighter, noticing how his body seemed to relax more and more with each hit.
He tilted his head towards you, flicking the lighter with his thumb and escaping in the flame. He had lost himself in it, a comfortable silence coming down over the room. You watched the flame, too, trying to see whatever beauty he saw in it- but you weren’t feeling anything, and getting pretty antsy. You turned away from him, staring into the kitchen and hoping to see something edible from this distance. You weren’t sure what kind of food two men like this would bring into their home, but you were sure it was nothing good. Your stomach grumbled at the thought of something to eat, and you fell back into the couch with a groan.
“You okay?” Matt whispered, turning his face towards you and staring at your eyes.
“Mhmm,” you responded, not having the energy to respond at the moment.
“You are extremely beautiful,” he mumbled, his eyes exploring your face, finding themselves locked on your lips no matter how hard he tried to look away.
“What?” You snickered, replaying the words in your head, feeling your heart pounding out of your chest.
“Sorry, I don’t mean to be weird. It’s just shocking to me how beautiful you are. Like a piece of art; I can’t take my eyes away.”
“You’re joking.” You rolled your eyes at him and pushed his arm playfully, trying to hide the obvious delight in your face.
“Why do you think I’m joking?”
“I just don’t hear that very often.”
“Well, that’s disappointing.” He frowned, looking down at his hands and playing with his over bitten nails.
“Sorry, I mean, I appreciate it of course. Fuck, sorry, I get so awkward when I’m high. Not very good at holding conversations.”
“Well, now that we’re friends I’ll make sure to remind you how beautiful you are as often as I can.” Matt placed his hand on yours lightly, at first only as a friendly touch, but feeling a comfort in the embrace. His thumb moved slowly, the small movement between your flesh overwhelming you with desire. Your eyes were locked on his, an intoxicating silence overcoming the room. You opened your mouth to speak, not sure exactly what to say, but the sound of the door unlocking breaking you from your daze. You pulled your hand away from his quickly and jumped off the couch, watching as the door opened and your brother walked in.
“Heyo!” Danny, your brother yelled, greeting the two of you with a large smile. “I see you’ve met my sister!”
“Yes, uh, yeah. We were just chatting,” Matt said defensively, trying to avoid eye contact with you.
“I was just waiting for you to get back. That’s all.” You responded, nodding your head quickly.
“How sweet! Just in time to help me get the new couch up!”
“Absolutely not. I brought your box, that's all the free labor you are getting out of me.” You laughed awkwardly, looking back at Matt, who was still avoiding you.
“Alright, whatever, but don’t ever ask me for anything ever again.” Danny rolled his eyes, throwing his phone down on the counter and grabbing a beer out of the fridge.
“Well, I should get going. I’ll see you tomorrow night for my party?” You asked, heading towards the door.
“Oh, right! I almost forgot. Is it cool if I bring Matt?” 
You looked at Matt, who finally looked back at you, and you nodded slowly.
“Of course. I’ll see you guys then.” You smiled at the two of them, gave a small wave and left, closing the door loudly behind you. Fuck. What the fuck was that? Was he flirting with you? Or was he just high? You closed your eyes and leaned your head against the wall, trying to compose yourself before heading home.
There was nothing that stressed you out more than when your roommate threw her chaotic ‘get togethers’ every other Friday at your place. It was always an exhausting mess, and now you had to think about Matt coming along as well. You hadn’t stopped thinking about your weird intimate moment together, and the thought of seeing him again made your stomach do backflips.
There was something about him that made you feel so comfortable, so at home. But he’s friends with your brother... he has to be a scumbag. Right? And what kind of guy just walks around telling random girls they’re beautiful. He was definitely just trying to sleep with you. Which of course you wanted to sleep with him too, obviously. But he was the kind of guy that you could find yourself falling for, and getting hurt, badly. He was the kind of guy that would break your heart. You could tell. And you could not let him in, no matter how much you wanted to.
Tonight has to be all about ignoring him. You cannot let him be alone with you, because the moment he’s alone with you and starts calling you beautiful again with his pretty face and intoxicating voice and touching your hand... you were playing a dangerous game. You closed your eyes and let out a deep sigh, trying to push the thoughts of him out of your head when you were interrupted.
“What are you doing? I told you to get the cups set out like 20 minutes ago!” Your roommate rolled her eyes, pushing you to the side and laying out the cups herself.
“Sorry, Callie. Just a bit distracted today.”
“I can tell. What’s going on with you? You were weird all night last night.”
“Just tired I guess. Don’t worry about it. I’ll go set the drinks out.” You walked away quickly, hoping she would be too focused on her party planning to ask any more questions. Whenever you told her about a new guy, she was stupidly optimistic. And you really didn’t need her telling you to go for it when your brain was giving you the exact opposite advice. She just shrugged, turned around and went back to mindlessly setting up. You felt relief wash over you as she looked away, and you could once again get lost in your own thoughts and anxieties.
You mindlessly laid cups and other dumb decorations out, Matt’s face continuously crossing your mind. You found yourself smiling every time you played his words over in your head. His voice like silk as it wrapped around your body, warmth flowing through you as his lips whispered ‘You are extremely beautiful’ over and over again. You felt your heart racing, and you took a deep breath as you were brought back into reality by the vibration of your phone in your pocket.
You grabbed it, only to see you had multiple missed calls from your brother. ‘Fuck’, you thought. He knew, he somehow knew about your little flirt session with Matt. You shook your head in distress, preparing for the oncoming conversation as you reluctantly pressed the answer button and brought the phone to your ear. 
“Hello?” You muttered, squeezing your eyes shut to bear the impending rage from your brother.
“Jesus, I've called you like 18 times? What’s your deal?” He laughed, his voice full of his normal light and cheery tone. You took a sigh of relief after you realized he didn’t know a thing.
“Sorry, uh, helping Callie set everything up. Must’ve put my phone down and forgot it somewhere.”
“Well I need to know what liquor and illegal substances you’d like me to bring tonight- I’ve only got like an hour!” He said urgently.
“Uh, honestly whatever you want. We’ve got a few bottles here but nothing you’d like, probably.”
“You sound distracted, you all good?” You could head the concern in his voice, and you rolled your eyes aggressively.
“Everyone keeps asking me that today and it’s pretty annoying. I’m just trying to set up a party I don’t really want to be involved in and everyone keeps bothering me!”
“Jesus, grumpy pants. Looks like someone needs a nap... or a blunt.” Danny laughed quietly, and you bit your tongue to stop yourself from yelling at him again.
“Sorry. On edge today. Don’t want to talk about it.”
“No worries. I’ll see you later, okay? Try and cheer up a bit by then, I’d like to make a good impression on Matt.” Danny hung up quickly after that, and the word ‘Matt” kept ringing in your head over and over like a church bell. You put your phone down on the table and looked up at Callie, who was adjusting your work on the cups table.
“I need a drink,” you groaned.
“A little pregame shot, I love it!” She squealed, prancing over to the bottles and pouring shots for the two of you. You downed yours quickly, letting the liquor burn through your insides. You were hoping, after enough of it, it would burn through any thoughts you had of him. 
After another shot, the next hour before the guests arrived flew by. Callie put on some music and you danced your worries away, deciding which outfit to wear by rampaging through your closet. You kept fighting the urge to look as sexy as possible, one half of you wanting Matt’s jaw to drop as soon as he saw you, and the other half wanting him to ignore you all night. You couldn’t resist the temptation, though, and chose an extremely well fitting and low cut dress that accentuated all of your best features perfectly.
“God, you are literally the perfect specimen,” Callie giggled as you walked out of your room to show off. “Who the fuck are you trying to impress?”
“No one!” You responded, raising your eyes at her. “Can’t I just look good for myself?”
“Not that good. That is for someone. I know you.” You were saved by the ringing of your doorbell, and you smiled, relieved.
“Whatever you say. Go welcome your guests,” you motioned to the door. Callie just rolled her eyes and walked gleefully over to the entryway to welcome your first partygoers.
A few more groups of people rolled in, and you paid no attention as you were too busy making yourself another strong drink. You poured sloppily into the cup, giggling as splashes of soda and vodka spilled down the sides of your cup.
“You better watch out there, pretty girl. Making quite a mess.”
You turned around quickly, Matt’s voice making you jump in surprise.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.” He smiled brightly, his perfect face begging to be touched, adored, kissed. You looked at every part of him, every beautiful part of him, stuttering to get words out.
“No... you’re... it’s okay. Sorry.” You put the bottle back down on the table and picked up your cup, taking a large swig, and nearly gagging on the taste of the strong liquor.
“Can I get in there and make a drink?” His eyes travelled up and down your body, his lips slightly pursing at the sight of you. You felt your heart pounding through your chest and he eyed you. His eyes finally locked on yours, his gaze paralyzing, your body refusing to move.
“Of course. We have lots of options. Anything you want,” you managed to squeak out, still unable to draw yourself away from his gaze. His eyes didn’t leave yours, and he smiled slightly, reaching his hand out to grab a bottle. For a split second you thought he was reaching out to touch you, and when you thought about the feeling of his skin on yours, you felt yourself melt. Desire and craving washed over your body in a wave that you couldn’t push away even if you tried.
“Thank you. I’ll see you around, (Y/N).” He finally looked away, and began walking back towards the small group of people who had gathered in your living room, including Callie and your brother. You felt relief as you were able to breath again, your body relaxing as he got farther and farther away. You waited a few moments before following him to join the rest of your friends.
“Ah, there you are, my sister!” Danny yelled, wrapping you in his arms so abruptly that you almost spilled your drink everywhere.
“Hey bud!” You hugged him back, grateful to have someone here to take your mind off of Matt.
“We were just about to play a fun little ice breaker game, since Matt is new to the group and all,” Danny motioned to Matt, who smiled and waved awkwardly as everyone stared at him.
“An ice breaker, really? What is this, college orientation?” You joked, taking another swig of your intensely strong drink.
“Shut up. Don’t be such an ass.” Danny rolled his eyes and pointed to an empty seat, and you realized it wasn’t worth fighting him. He loved to play stupid little games like this, that everyone else dreaded. But you have to admit, everyone always ended up having fun at the end of the day.
“What’s the game, Danny boy?” Callie cooed, getting comfy on the couch between a few of your other friends. She always had the biggest crush on him, although you forbid her from ever getting near him. It wasn’t her, you loved her and would love it even more if she was your sister. But he was such a dick, you knew he would break her heart, and you would not stand for that.
“Easy, everyone shares one surprising fact about themselves.”
“Oh god, I don’t think I have any,” someone moaned, and Danny just laughed.
“No worries, plenty of time to think. I can start. Uh.... I slept with my professors wife in college as revenge for him giving me a C- on my final.” Danny smiled proudly and took a long swig of beer. The group around you just groaned in disgust and laughed, but you knew the story. That wasn’t the entirety of it at all, in fact, Danny had fallen desperately in love with this woman and she crushed his heart by choosing her husband over him. But he would never tell all of that, because that doesn’t sound cool. Apparently you weren’t the only one who knew the truth, though, because Matt instinctively turned to you and looked at you in a way that read, ‘This guy is so full of shit.’ Apparently Matt and your brother were closer than you though, if he told him his biggest secret. 
“Hmm, Matt, I think you should be next. Only fair since you’re the new guy.” Danny turned to Matt with an excited face, like a little kid on christmas.
“Oh man, alright. Well, I guess one thing that people have a hard time believing about me is that I am a bit of a hopeless romantic. I believe in soul mates, love at first sight. All of that bullshit. I’m a sucker for it.” Matt looked right at you as the words spilled out of his mouth, not even trying to hide the obviousness of what he was trying to say. You tried your best to look away from him, but you couldn’t pretend his words weren’t entrapping you.
“That’s super corny, bro,” Danny laughed, pushing Matt slightly. He just shrugged, and took a sip of vodka straight from the bottle. Danny bothered a few more people about their secrets, and you listened intently to stories about shoplifting and coke addictions, trying to avoid his obvious gaze. You knew he was staring at you, his eyes burning holes in your body as the liquor started to flow through him. He wanted you, he craved you, in a way he had never experienced before.
Love at first sight had always been a myth to you; something in books and movies. Fiction. Until you heard the words slip from his mouth. Love at first sight, soul mates. It was all impossible. But why couldn’t you stop thinking of him. Why did his state send shivers through your body? Why did it feel like you had been waiting for him your entire life, even though you just met?
“(Y/N)! It’s your turn!” You heard Danny yell, bringing you out of your thoughts once again.
“Uh... what’s going on again?” You murmured, the alcohol overcoming your brain as you tried to remember the dumb activity you were being forced to participate in.
“Alright, you might need to slow down on the drinks girl.” Callie laughed, pointing at the cup in your hand.
“I’m fine. Just lost my train of thought!”
“Tell us a surprising fact about yourself,” Matt chimed in, a flirtatious smile plastered across his face.
“Uh, right. Well... I have a really huge record collection. It’s kind of my hobby.” You shrugged, nodding your head slowly as the group around you seemed let down by the less than flashy secret.
“You’re kidding! I collect vinyls too. I have like a thousand,” Mattresponded, his eyes lighting up at the realization that he finally had a way to talk to you.
“You should show him your collection, (Y/N), it’s ridiculously impressive,” Callie said, nodding in excitement. Your heart stopped at her words, hoping that Matt would say ‘Another time!’ and you would forget about the entire interaction. But you knew he would take up any offer to be alone with you; and a part of you was hoping he would.
“I’d love to see it,” Matt said slowly, his voice now a serious tone as he waited nervously for your response.
“Uh... of course. Does anyone else want to see?” You asked, in one final last ditch effort to protect yourself from being alone with him. But the room had already moved on from you, and no one even heard you ask the question. You looked up at Matt, his perfect smile once again showing itself.
“Guess it’s just you and I, pretty girl.” He whispered to you, his hand on your shoulder. He leaned in as he spoke to you, as if to keep the nickname a secret. You looked around in hopes that someone noticed, someone would put a stop to it. But everyone had already moved on, started new conversations, brought themselves deeper into a state of inebriation. No one saw either of you, and you could easily slip away into the night with him. 
You stood up slowly, and motioned for Matt to follow you into your room. He eagerly followed behind, not a single soul in the room even realizing you were leaving. You felt your heart pounding in anticipation and nervousness, not knowing how the next few minutes would play out. You took a few deep breaths to control yourself before opening the door to your room and letting Matt follow.
“Open or closed?” He asked, his hand gripped on the door handle as he awaited your response.
“Closed. I don’t like people seeing my personal space,” you said, moving over to the shelves that held your vinyls. Matt nodded and closed the door lightly, following you over to your collection. 
You walked to the corner of your small, cluttered bedroom. Sat in the corner was multiple shelving units, all packed high and bending under the weight of your numerous records. Next to the shelves was a small desk, which your record player sat beautifully on top of. Your room was overwhelming to a stranger's eye, but every single thing in there had a purpose, to you. It was your sanctuary. And it wasn’t a place you regularly invited strangers. You barely ever let Callie or Danny in there. But seeing him stand there, gazing in fascination at your records, felt very comfortable. You knew that he would respect your space, and not question it. It was a nice feeling to be able to share something so private with someone. 
“Wow... this is amazing (Y/N)... you have fantastic taste in music,” he whispered, running his hands up and down the records.
“Thank you. Some of them I don’t really listen to, they’ve just been collected from garage sales and thrift stores over the years.” You watched him in awe, every feature glowing in the low light of your room. He smiled at certain titles, pulling things out delicately to look at the covers. He was beautiful, perfect. You couldn’t take your eyes off of him.
“Do you wanna smoke a blunt?” He asked, turning to you in excitement as he pulled out a bag of weed from his pocket.
“Of course. Just crack the window,” you responded, your eyes still locked on him.
“Perfect! Let’s listen to something, too. Do you mind rolling so I can pick something out?” He asked, handing you the plastic bag. Your hand touched his as you grabbed it from him, and you felt time freeze as your skin made contact. He was warm, soft, angelic in his touch. You wanted more, you craved more. But you let go, pulling yourself away.
You watched him pull out various records and contemplate what to put on as you carefully rolled a blunt to smoke. His face was focused and concentrated, and the furrow in his brow made you smile. You couldn’t help but smile around him. He finally pulled out an album you immediately recognized as (Y/F/A).
“How did you know?” You asked, watching him as he delicately took the record out and placed it on your player.
“What?” He giggled, biting his lip as he looked up at you.
“That's my favorite album.”
“You’re joking. It’s mine, too.” He looked up at you, your eyes once again meeting. You didn’t need to speak to know what was going through his mind. The two of you were both thinking the same thing. He broke the stare first to start playing the music, his hands gently placing the needle on the record.
The music began quietly, but filled the room around you. You lit up the blunt and began to smoke, a wave of happiness coming over you as you took in your surroundings. A beautiful boy, your favorite music, some fantastic weed. It was paradise. It was pure bliss.
You smoked the blunt in silence, both of you taking in the beauty of the music, no need for words. You watched him, his movements, enthralled by his every move. The light from the blunt lit up his face in an almost angelic way, making your heart race every time he took a puff. The more high you got, the more you wanted to touch him, feel him, kiss him, love him. Love at first sight, it’s bull shit, right? But what if it isn’t? What if it’s sitting right in front of you?
“Dance with me.” Matt said, standing up quickly and reaching out his hand.
“I... what?” You asked, giggling slightly at the man who was standing in front of you.
“Dance with me. You know you want to.” He raises his eyebrows at you, hand still stuck out waiting for you. You rolled your eyes, a small laugh escaping your lips as you grabbed his hand and stood up. He wrapped his other arm around your waist and pulled you close to him. The smell of smoke and mint immediately overtook you, the warmth of his body wrapping you in comfort. Being in his arms, it was the most calming feeling in the world. It was the best feeling in the world.
In that moment, nothing else mattered to you except being with him. You would do anything to hold on to that moment. You reached your hand up to his face and touched it gently, the softened of his skin flowing on your fingertips. You brushed the few stray wisps of hair away from his face before bringing your lips up to his.
There are many different types of kisses in the world. You first kiss, which is awkward and usually terrible. A sad kiss, one where you know it will be your last kiss for a while. A lustful kiss, where you can’t keep your hands off of each other and want nothing more than to rip clothes off. But this kiss... this was a kiss you had never experienced before. It was a kiss that filled your entire body; flooded you with light and calmness, made every bad thing you’ve ever felt disappear into thin air as your lips pressed against his. It was a kiss that you knew was saved especially between two people who were meant to be. A kiss between soul mates.
As your lips worked effortlessly with his, everything else in the world disappeared except for you and him. You melted into each other, two paints seamlessly coming together to create a beautiful piece of art. You never wanted to let go of him. You never would, if it was up to you. But you needed a second, a second to catch your breath, a second to ground yourself back to reality.
You pulled away from him, your hands still locked in his hair and his on your waist. “We should go back out there. We don’t want to look suspicious,” you whispered, suddenly remembering the circumstances that led you in here in the first place.
“Of course, that’s for the best. But I promise you this is not the end of us.” Matt kissed your cheek and winked flirtatiously before heading back out to your living room. You sat quietly for a moment, your heart racing and your breathing unsteady. In that moment, you knew that was it. That was the last first kiss of your life.
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a-libra-writes · 4 years
A Dragon’s Fire - Daenerys x Red Priestess!Reader
heyo! this was requested by an anon who originally wanted an assassin w fire magic, and i compromised w a red priestess who was an assassin but decided not to hurt dany (bc that seems neat!) but ive been in the shit this week so ... i wrote something fluffy instead. I know, im a big fail, lol. I hope yall enjoy it anyway
Summary: Dany has a big gay crush. That’s it, that’s the fic
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“Is she everything you hoped for?”
Y/N did not answer the man behind her. She focused on the flames in front of her, dancing in the brazier into familiar shapes. She had seen them for many years. It’s why she was chosen by the priests, and since the red comet fell from the sky, they whispered if she listened close. Here, in the dragon queen’s palace, she could hear the fire inside the dragons. 
The bear knight’s metal armor and annoyed tone was not enough to distract her. Y/N reached her hand into the fire, it shaped into a dragon that sat in her palm. She didn’t feel the fire, but her red silk sleeve was burning. 
Jorah disliked her silence, but he disliked many things about Y/N. When he first saw her fire tricks, he thought they were illusions, but the heat of them said otherwise. Then there was the first time she set upon Drogon…
He suppressed his shiver and set that memory aside. “The khaleesi wants to see you.”
Y/N closed her palm, and the dragon slivered out, flying back into the brazier. The flames glowed blue for just a fraction of a second. She waved her hand over them, and the fire smothered itself. Smoke rose out of the hot coals, but those too began to rapidly cool. 
She wondered if the knight was still unsettled by her magic. Even the khaleesi had moments of awe and uneasiness, although she was fond of watching. Y/N stood, her silk robes gently scraping the marble floor. Jorah was already walking away, and she made no effort to run to catch up to him. She knew where Daenerys was.
The chambers Daenerys set aside for her council was well-lit and had an impressive, engraved table at the center of it. Its legs used to be harpies made of carved marble and ivory, but she had them removed for dragons made of onyx and rubies. Y/N liked the change, and how they glittered in the light. Perhaps she was biased - her own ruby hung around her neck, although it was far larger and smoother than any gemstone Daenerys had seen before.
The girl’s purple eyes lit up as Y/N entered the room. Y/N couldn’t help but return the sentiment, giving her khaleesi a smile. She was pleased there was no one else in the council room. “You wished to see me, khaleesi?”
“Yes. Jorah, you may leave us.”
Jorah didn’t protest, but he did shoot Y/N a look before he left the room and closed the doors. Y/N noticed there were no Unsullied in the chambers, either.
“I talked to him about what he said the other day,” Daenerys said after a moment of silence. “Ser Barristan, as well. They don’t … In the Seven Kingdoms, your sort of magic is seen as a dream. Unreal.”
“As unreal as dragons?” Y/N tilted her head, and Daenerys tried not to focus on how her hair slid across her bare shoulders. When Y/N first entered her service, she wore modest robes that covered nearly every inch of her. Since then she had adopted a more elegant, free style, at Daenerys’ subtle suggestion. She was pleased with the result. 
Daenerys set her thoughts straight. “True. The reason I called you here was to locate Rhaegal. I haven’t seen him flying overhead in some time.”
“Nor have I.” Y/N touched the ruby that dangled by her collarbone. It was held with a simple gold chain, and anyone could have missed the way it seemed to flicker. It could have been a trick of the light, but Dany knew otherwise. “Would you like me to find him?”
Of course Y/N knew how to do that. She knew how to start and stop fire, how to dream about it, how to see into it. It was only logic that she could find it. She once told Daenerys that the dragons were beings of fire, swirling and living heat. She looked at them like …
… Well, not how others looked at them. It was hard to puzzle out Y/N’s expressions and thoughts. You could ask her something directly, and she’d have some sort of strange answer, or she’d just stay quiet. Daenerys could tell when Y/N was thinking something over, at least. Her pretty eyes would lower, and she’d touch that ruby - was it hot to the touch? It seemed like it - and she would be gone. Sometimes she stayed very still for hours, staring into fire, or staring into nothing.
But she’d always have an answer eventually.
Daenerys’ knights warned against Y/N’s counsel, telling her not to listen too closely to the words of a strange woman of a strange religion. Even Missandei had commented on the followers of Rhllor’s intent to convert King Robert and other places, and the strange magics they could possess. They warned her as if she did not know how to think for herself.
It upset her, but Y/N took such words in stride. She often seemed to know what others thought and said about her, and she did little to stop it. Missandei had warmed to her, Ser Barristan did not think she was any real threat, but Ser Jorah remained unconvinced and wary. Grey Worm did not like talk of magic or priests, but he had no real ill thought of Y/N, and Daario liked to ask her all sorts of ridiculous questions for his own amusement. 
“I have found him, khaleesi.”
Daenerys couldn’t believe her thoughts had drifted again. Y/N often had that effect on her. “Where? Can we ride to him?”
“We could. He is in no danger, he is simply occupied with…” A soft smile came to Y/N’s red lips. “Something he has not seen before. That’s why he’s been away.”
“What could possibly interest him for that long? He’s been gone for days.”
“Shall we find out, your grace?”
Ser Barristan and Ser Jorah would warm her against this, ask her to take one of them or the Unsullied on the trip. Grey Worm would ask to escort them, Missandei would worry and send guards after them anyway. Daario would want to come along. Daenerys looked to the open, blue sky. There was still plenty of sun left.
“Let’s be quick,” She said, already giddy even if they hadn’t stepped a foot outside of the palace yet. “Missandei will keep them busy. Do you want to share my horse?”
Y/N was not an adept rider, but she still said, “That is alright, khaleesi. I can ride my own.”
Daenerys tried not to feel disappointed.
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The danger outside the protective walls of Meereen was real, but Daenerys comforted herself with the fact that Drogon and Viserion often flew about these hills, and no one had seen them leave. Y/N said it would not take long, that they’d return toward the end of sunset.
Why do I keep believing her? Daenerys asked herself. She glanced aside, watching the woman reposition her reins. Her normally serene facade was broken everytime she rode a horse. She was not afraid of the creatures, but she had only recently learned to ride, and the beasts weren’t always fond of her.
“If you keep moving like that, you’ll make him nervous,” Daenerys said. “There’s no need to clutch the reins so tightly, either.”
Y/N nodded, and tried to relax her posture. Luckily, she picked an agreeable horse. Daenerys recalled the saddle sores and aches she received when she learned to ride. Her handmaidens gave her a balm to ease the pain. Maybe she could find that for Y/N.
I’ll ask someone to deliver it to her. I couldn’t give it to her myself - no, who says I can’t? But what would she think…
It was hard to tell exactly what Y/N was thinking, but sometimes she slipped, like now. Her brows were slightly furrowed as she righted her posture, and once she was satisfied with it, she kept glancing down at the ground, or at the horse’s ears. Y/N pet his soft neck, then slowly reached up to scratch between his ears. She jerked her hand back as her horse shook his head and made an annoyed sound.
“He didn’t like that,” Daenerys laughed, and it was adorable how Y/N gently laughed, too. She was usually so subdued, so quiet, so … what Daenerys used to be. 
“But his ears are so cute,” Y/N went back to petting his neck, which he much preferred. “Doesn’t it make you think of a cat.”
“No, not at all.” 
“Not even a little? There were some strays I’d feed at the temple. Their ears would twitch when I came by. They could smell the food in my pockets.”
Sometimes Y/N would speak of the temple she grew up in, or the other Free Cities she had travelled to, the friends she had known. Perhaps if she showed this side to the others, they would trust her more, but Daenerys was happy to have it to herself. 
The grass thinned and made way for rocky hills and in the distance, orange and yellow canyons. The sun was beginning its descent, and soon the sky would match those oranges and yellows. Y/N stopped her horse. 
“We can walk from here. Do you hear him?”
Daenerys stopped her own horse and listened. There was the slightest breeze, some distant bird calling, the sound of her horse’s nicker and … 
She shook her head. “If he’s close, we would have heard him by now.”
Y/N dismounted with some inelegance, but she fixed her clothes and just smiled. “Maybe you will when we get closer.”
They tied the horses to one of the few trees in the dry area, and Daenerys followed Y/N’s lead. 
It could be a trap. She could have men waiting there, or there could have been someone following us …
The thought was fleeting, and Daenerys fell in beside her. They both changed to more practical clothing, but Y/N still had a shimmering red cloak tied around her shoulders. As they walked, Daenerys began to hear something strange. It was faint, but as they came closer…
“Water?” She looked at Y/N.
Y/N’s sweet lips curled upward. She often smelled of smoke and spice, and Daenerys wondered if she tasted that way, too. 
They came to the edge of a small canyon, which could be better described as a deep ravine. Water glistened at the bottom of it, and more importantly, the deep green scales of her dear Rhaegal. He lifted his wings high and water spilled on his back.
“What is he doing?” Daenerys asked, but she was answered just a moment later. Water spewed up from the ground in a huge geyser, all at once, and Rhaegal happily opened his mouth and snapped at it. The water fell in thick droplets all around the dragon, the ravine and the two of them.
Y/N pulled her red hood over her head. Daenerys wiped her brow. “You didn’t tell me to pack a hood.”
“Apologies, khaleesi.” Y/N giggled. She peered downward. “If we’re steady, we can walk down to him.”
Rhaegal’s long tail lazily swung back and forth in the water. He was resting, and it only submerged his arms and legs, but he was content. Daenerys noticed all the charred bones scattered around the ravine. She wondered how much was in the water. Her feet found stability, and she carefully followed a natural, steadying path downward. Y/N was just ahead, although she wasn’t as confident in her descent.
They came to a small landing and had to stop there. The rest of the way was simply too steep. Rhaegal seemed to just notice them then, and Daenerys’ heart swelled as her child lifted his head and gazed at her with his sharp eyes. They weren’t merely brown, but bronze, with all the steadiness and strength that metal held. She touched his nose and muzzle, marvelling at how much he had grown. 
His eyes quickly flashed toward Y/N, and Daenerys felt his growl vibrate underneath her hand. She frowned and quickly said, “No.”
She remembered Y/N’s first encounter with Drogon. That was also the day she had taken the strange, beautiful priestess into her court.
Just like with Drogon, Y/N showed no fear. She stepped forward, but she didn’t make an attempt to touch the dragon. She lowered her hood, and Rhaegal’s long, black pupil tightened.
Daenerys felt the heat of his breath as he snorted through his nose. She tensed, forcing herself to stay calm as she repeated her order. “No.”
The geyser blew again, and Daenerys didn’t flinch. Rhaegal watched it rise in the air, then pulled away from his mother to open his jaws at the water again. His black teeth glittered in the setting sun.
Daenerys looked to Y/N. The priestess was so calm and steady, so unaffected … except Dany caught how her shoulders sagged in relief.
“He isn’t like Drogon,” Daenerys said, remembering that day. “He wouldn’t have hurt you.”
Y/N replied simply. “Drogon did not hurt me.” 
Had you been any other woman, he would have killed you. Except ... 
It took days for the servants to remove the char marks on the marble, and some of the melted pillars were still being repaired. Daenerys was half tempted to leave them like that, as a warning to any potential enemies, but it was unsettling to think it may have been Y/N that was burned away.
Except, she didn’t. Her red robes and long hair did, but her necklace and body remained unharmed. Daenerys and her court watched as the fire arced around her, singing away everything but skin and metal, and that ruby she never removed. Y/N looked Drogon straight in the eyes, even as they were obscured by his fire. 
His temper always was the worst. She had done nothing but approach Daenerys too quickly. Jorah was the one who pulled her back behind one of the pillars, and Daenerys remembered how the heat licked her arms as it tried to reach around the marble. Daario had pulled Missandei to cover behind the other pillar. 
Drogon almost never came to the palace, he always wanted to be in the sky, yet he came down on that day. And when the fire cleared and the floor was charred black except for a small circle … He stood back, and Y/N still looked at him. She only trembled slightly. 
She isn’t any other woman.
The geyser blew again, and rained down upon them. The water’s heat didn’t bother her, but all the dust from the ride was stuck to her skin, and the water didn’t clean it off. She had dust in her hair, too, and probably some stray pieces of grass. 
She smiled. It had been some time since she was properly dirty after a ride, and she looked forward to a perfumed bath and brushing her hair when she got back. Daenerys glanced to Y/N, who was occupied with watching Rhaegal. She also had dirt on her cheeks and neck, and some in her hair, and maybe if she wanted a bath afterward, too…
Daenerys reached forward and tried to rub some of the dirt off her cheeks. It didn’t work, but Y/N’s pretty eyes went wide. She didn’t pull away. “Khaleesi?”
Daenerys stepped forward, gently moving her palm so she had Y/N’s whole cheek. Just as she thought - as she dreamed? - the priestess’ skin was flushed and warmer than anyone she’d touched before. 
“You can say my name,” Daenerys said. She tried to tease, but her beating heart and their closeness made her breath catch. She thought Y/N was wearing color on her lips, but perhaps they just always looked like that? 
“Daenerys.” Y/N tried it out, and the dragon queen felt like a girl again, feeling her heart soar at hearing her name on those lips. She leaned in, bringing Y/N closer to her. Their foreheads brushed, and the warmth between them turned to heat.
A piercing roar broke through the sky, and cut straight between them. Daenerys recognized the sound at once, and it distracted her as Y/N jumped away. The woman’s cheeks were as red as her cloak.
Above them, Viserion broke through the clouds and bellowed down at his brother. The first cry was for Daenerys, and the second was probably a command for Rhaegal to move aside. The green dragon made room for his brother, and the water reached the top of the ravine as Viserion splashed straight into it. Y/N pulled Daenerys back before the muddy water could splash all over them.
Daenerys was far too overheated and flustered, and the sight of her children amusing themselves only gave her a little relief. At least Rhaegal was alright. 
Y/N had pulled her hood back down, and it was a shame. At least her lips were still visible through the shadow, although looking wasn’t as good as tasting.
“We’ve been gone for a long time. Let’s ride back.” Daenerys led the way out of the ravine. Y/N said nothing until they were back to the horses, who were understandably spooked from the dragon that flew overhead not fifteen minutes ago. Y/N held her horse’s reins and tried to soothe it, and Daenerys helped, touching the priestess’ hands perhaps more than was needed. 
Y/N didn’t pull away, and that gave Daenerys the courage to kiss her cheek. The soft dyed linen brushed her own cheek, and she caught a whiff of perfume.
The priestess giggled, and it was a better relief than the breeze that was slowly blowing across the hills. “Please, Daenerys. I’m covered in dust.”
“I am, too. Let’s wash up when we ride back - together?”
She caught Y/N’s bright eyes under the hood, and they sparkled as she blushed and tugged the hood further down. “Yes, that would be lovely.”
So it was decided. By the time they reached the gates of Meereen and entered the Great Pyramid, Y/N had dropped her hood and her easy, serene face had returned. She disregarded the suspicious looks, she gave an easy nod to Missandei, who returned a tentative smile. As far as anyone knew, Y/N’s mind was wrapped in her usual visions and prayers.
Until Daenerys brushed her dirty hair aside and smiled at her, then Y/N’s cheeks blushed and her eyes widened in that adorable way. She let the khaleesi take her hand, entwine their fingers, and guide her to the great baths. Y/N’s red cloak fluttered behind her, drawing attention to them. Some Unsullied guards probably saw, and surely others, but Daenerys didn’t care. 
She’s like fire, and I am a dragon - how could she bring any harm to me?
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millennial-ring · 3 years
Can we get more info on 5-7?
             5. Dear God
So this one is ANCIENT (2012!!!) and idk why it’s still in my WIPs folder because I do clean it out/reorganize it every few years or so (which is why that unfinished powershipping christmas fic wasn’t on the list, cause I moved it to a different folder). Sadly the title makes it seem more interesting than it actually is - it’s just a few paragraphs and nothing really happens at all. 
Russet eyes were glazed over as they watched the rain pelt the ground, each drop making tiny indents in the dirt, puffs of the still-dry earth floating up with each splash before settling down again, the process repeating over...and over... Rain drummed against the body of a beaten up jeep, the only prominent sound within miles, save to the sound of the rain falling in the grass, and the dirt, and the leather jacket Bakura wore. 
The man blinked as water ran down his face, following the curve of his brow and rolling over the crease of his eyelid, flowing into his eye. The water pooled between his lids, blurring his vision for a few moments until he blinked again, and the water was squeezed out to mingle with the rest on his face, like a single, solitary tear. He inhaled slowly, then let the breath out in a quick huff, turning away from the long stretch of dirt road in front of him. Behind him, another long chunk of drivable desert. He growled under his breath and began to pace, wet sand squishing under his boots, gravel shifting with each step. 
How could be trapped here, in the middle of fucking nowhere, with a flat fucking tire and no spare? 
It was inspired by this Avenged Sevenfold song and I vaguely remember that it was going to be thiefshipping, about the various trials Bakura goes through to get back to Malik after a fight or something but... 🤷
              6. Domestic Disturbance
This one is also super short, more fleshed out in my mind than on paper, and I started writing it after we had to call the cops on our neighbors because they were having a very loud and long argument (like, over an hour of yelling). Inspiration comes from the dumbest places with me, haha, but this is another one of those “why is this still in my wips” documents because I don’t have any intention of finishing it. After writing what I did I kinda had a “maybe these kinds of situations shouldn’t be your inspiration for fanfics, weirdo” moment and I scrapped it. But anyway! 
The story goes that Bakura was playing some Wii game, lost grip on the controller, and accidentally chucked it and broke a vase because he wasn’t wearing the wrist strap. Malik hears the crash and comes around the corner, lecturing him about “how many times have i told you i s2g bakura why are you like this” even as Bakura’s already beginning to clean up the mess. Bakura gruffly tells him to chill out because nothing important was broken anyway, just “that ugly ass vase” and he holds up a piece for Malik to see. The tension thickens immediately and Malik speaks with measured anger instead of the usual screaming, so Bakura knows He Fucked Up. “That was a gift from my sister.” Bakura panics a bit on the inside, but outside he scoffs and he’s all like “even better, tell her she has awful tastes” because ykno. He’s like that. Doesn’t wanna admit he fucked up, doesn’t wanna take responsibility or acknowledge he hurt Malik’s feelings. At this point I’d stopped writing it, but still have the basic outline. The regular bickering becomes a super intense all out screaming match about basically anything and everything, all the tiny little things they’d been burying for as long as they’d lived together finally coming out, start demanding why they ever thought this would work and they’re just about to get to that great crescendo where they're about to break up (”Well then maybe you shouldn’t have brought me back!” “At this point I’m inclined to agree!” Bakura’s shocked. “Well...then is this going where I think it’s going?” “I think it is.” “Then say it.” “...” “Say you want to break up!” “I...Bakura, I...” when someone knocks on the door. Heyo, it’s two cops, saying someone called in a domestic disturbance. Malik snaps that they’re fine, still pissed from the fight, but obviously like no Malik that’s not gonna help. So one officer brings Bakura out into the hall to question him and the other stays with Malik. Cop asks if they’re together, how long, what the fight was about, etc etc, and then if the fight had been physical at all. Bakura recoils in shock and practically screams “No!” “You never hit Malik?” “I would never!” “And Malik wouldn’t hit you?” There’s a few things there, bc I wasn’t sure how I wanted Bakura to respond; make an “only if he asked wink wonk” joke that the cop rolls his eyes at, or stammer that “i mean he’s smacked my head once or twice but it never hurt and i was being super annoying at the time and it was more like playful slapping” but either way the cop asks for a more direct answer or for Bakura to elaborate and Bakura gets pissed, says Malik would cut off his own hand before he hit Bakura because obviously. Cop seems taken aback but nods, and then lectures Bakura a bit about volume, tells him maybe one of them should pack a bag and stay with friends or family for a few days. Their partner comes out soon after and the two cops leave. Bakura goes back inside, where Malik is standing with his arms crossed, looking shaken with red rimmed eyes. They look at each other, feeling awkward, but then they make tea, sit down, and have a calmer “are we really like that?” conversation. they admit a lot of their fights are pointless and stupid and they’re just fighting to fight because it’s Their Thing and aha, aren’t we so cute and quirky, arguing is our foreplay - which it is, but they admit they’ve taken it too far, gotten too used to snapping at each other when something happens, and some of their issues (like Bakura disrespecting Malik’s siblings, and Malik’s control freak attitude) really need to be sat down and talked out, not screamed out. They apologize, foreheads pressed together, and Malik thumbs a tear from Bakura’s cheek. Bakura strokes his fingers through Malik’s hair. Malik makes a “well you know the best part about fighting, right?” and Bakura laughs, and then it ends.
               7. But he came back
So if y’all didn’t know I recently commissioned a(n amazing) fic from @/sitabethel (not properly tagging cause i don’t wanna bother them). In it, Bakura promises Malik he’ll come back after his final showdown with Atem, but ten years pass and Malik gets engaged to Seto. It’s corporate theifshipping and obviously I recommend reading it - but it’s based on an RP I did with a friend of mine years ago. In the RP, Bakura was pissed Malik hadn’t waited for him and does the whole “why did I even bother coming back I literally only came back to be with you?????” and Malik being like “Sorry? But you took a long fucking time and I had to do something to stop the loneliness.” We never finished it, but when we dropped it Bakura was starting to heal and move on and we had plans to end it powershipping and tendershipping - and Bakura catching the bouquet at the wedding and Ryou immediately being like >:) but anyway. The concept stuck with me and I really liked the idea of Bakura coming back to that situation and more so rolling with it - maybe a touch bitter at first, but hey, he’s nothing if not adaptable, and he absolutely invites himself into the relationship in the clunkiest way possible. 
“But he came back” was the start of my own attempt to write something with that kind of plot. When I write a fic, I start with a vague collection of ideas or scenes I want to write, and then when I have enough to work with, I begin organizing them into an outline. This doc is just a very small collection of ideas and dialogue, mixing some things taken from the RP and my own ideas. It’s mostly things like how Malik and Kaiba get to the marriage point, starting with an impromptu kinda tipsy make out session hidden away in the kitchen during a party Yugi’s throwing, and how they navigate each other’s trauma and fumble their way into a genuine romance despite everything. I’ve never managed to sit down and work it out into an outline of any kind, and the way I wanted to explore Malik and Bakura’s relationship before the show down, Malik and Kaiba’s relationship building afterwards, and then the relationship building with all three of them meant 30 chapters, at least (the original rp is over 2,500 pages and again, we had only just started with Bakura wanting to ask Ryou out and going to Malik for advice adjklj, when we dropped it) and well. yall know i’m bad at writing multi fic chapters 
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satoruvt · 5 years
anathema // pt. 4
this is it yall. this is the last part. i’m so fucking excited
pairing → james griffin x reader
word count → 1132
request → Hey! I’m in love with your writing! I’m not sure if you’ve done this, but it would be amazing to see a James Griffin x Reader enemies to lovers trope. Like, full on angst and fluff and all things that destroys and meds hearts 😂😂❤️
song inspo → circles + and, both by eden
part one | part two | part three | part four
James Griffin was your anathema.
Then again, if he was, it wouldn’t have felt so good when he kissed you, right?
It certainly took you by surprise. You hadn’t moved, not at first, stick straight against the wall as James kissed you. It was soft and slow and everything you could have wanted, but before you let yourself really sink into it (which was incredibly hard not to do) you pushed James away and ran the other direction as fast as you could, completely forgetting about your phone in your previous class.
The after-the-semester break the school had given to students was supposed to be a good time for you to relax, but you couldn’t. Not when all you could think about was the smell of James’ cologne, how good it felt to have his lips pressed to yours, and oh, his lashes fluttering against your cheek -
“Heyo!” comes a voice from your door, and you snap out of your trance to see Nadia enter your apartment with a bag in her hand. You quickly recognize a few brands through the plastic and remember that she called about coming to hang out, the promise of snacks being her way to bribe you.
You don’t say anything in response, instead offering up a smile and a quick wave. Nadia sets her bag of bribery on your tiny kitchen counter before sitting down next to you on your too-small sofa.
“What’s wrong?” she asks immediately, and you sigh, because only Nadia would notice something’s up right away. You fall back into your couch, groaning as she looks back at you patiently.
“James and I, we…” you start, and you feel the blush creeping up your neck. “We kissed.”
Nadia pauses, then snickers from her place beside you. A gasp leaves your lips as you playfully hit her, earning an estranged “ow!” in return.
“That’s what’s got you all stressed out? You two kissed?”
“Well,” Nadia says, pushing her glasses further up the bridge of her nose, “do you like him?”
You open your mouth to answer, but then close it. Do you like him? Or is it just a strangely-developed crush from being around him so much? Panic rises in your brain, faintly, because you’ve only ever hated him - despised him, even. The idea of being civil with him was new in itself, but liking him?
“You don’t have to answer now,” Nadia rushes out, sensing your anxiety. “Just… think about it, yeah? And come to this party with me tonight.”
You send her a look.
“C’mon, it’ll help you feel less stressed! Get your mind off of things,” she tries, and you sigh, already knowing it’s a losing battle. You nod, faintly, and see her grin in your peripheral vision. She stands up to get the snacks she brought and then plops back down next to you, handing you your favorite candy as a sort of “feel better” tactic.
The party fucking blows.
You knew most of your class - at least by name - and notice a few classmates as you walk through the too-big, “I’m-a-rich-kid-and-my-parents-are-out-on-vacation-in-the-Virgin-Islands” house, but aside from a kid in your astronomy class you know exactly no one. It’s better than you expected - no one’s screaming or mosh-pitting in the living room - but still not your scene, so you grab a drink and head out back, sitting by whoever’s pool. Nadia never told you who was throwing the party - wait a second, where the hell is Nadia?
Through a window you see her taking a few shots and know she’ll be fine, even with the after-thought of having to take her home later. With a sigh, you sit in a chair, watching as the lights in the pool flicker on. The world is draped in a blue glow, and it’s calming. You notice, vaguely, that there’s no one else out here - surprising, but you appreciate it nonetheless.
You close your eyes, taking a swift sip from your drink and indulging in the sound of quiet. It helps ease your mind - you kissing James doesn’t seem like such a big deal, not anymore. A breeze comes by and you let yourself feel a bit better as your hair follows the wind.
“Hey,” a voice says, and you open your eyes to find someone you can’t decide if you want to see or not.
James looks nervous as he stands in front of you, shifting his weight between his feet. You’ve never seen him like this - always the epitome of confidence, especially in front of you. He meets your eyes, tentatively, and you immediately stand up, moving before your brain even registers what’s going on.
“I’m leaving,” you murmur, trying to get past James. You manage to, but he follows you.
“Y/N, please -”
“Are we gonna talk about what happened?”
You try to pretend that his voice doesn’t sound amazing saying your name, and turn around to face him. You find his eyes and make sure to make it obvious that you’re serious. “Nothing happened. Nothing.”
Something changes in his eyes. Sorrow to anger, shame to defense.
“Something happened, babe,” he says, and his eyes match yours in intensity. “We kissed. And you’re acting like it’s nothing.”
“Why did you, huh?” You yell in response, throwing your arms up. “You have hated me for years. What the hell compelled you to kiss me?”
The air goes still, quiet as James softens. He shoves his hands in his pockets, looking down at his feet with a timid scoff. He looks up at you, again, and you realize.
“I never really hated you,” he says softly. “You were impressive, just intimidating. I didn’t know how to deal with it, so I just acted like I hated you, because I thought it’d be easier. I agreed to help you because I thought it’d be a good way to get closer to you - to show you that I’m not… just that guy you hate.”
You hear your heart pounding in your ears. “What are you saying?” You ask, swallowing thickly.
“I’m saying I love you.”
You don’t even have time to think.
Before you know it you’re stepping closer to him, tracing his jawline with your fingers, feeling up his arms and chest and then leaning up to kiss him, this time. It’s better than the last one you shared, smoother and reciprocated. You don’t know why - something in you tells you to just keep going, that you need to.
You break away from the kiss slowly, trying to find words to explain your emotions. None come to mind, none that make sense, but when you look at James you see that he understands - maybe not how you feel, but he understands that it’s confusing.
You lean forward to kiss him again.
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shiningliive · 5 years
Hi friend! Just saw the tags about your asks. Personally, I love to hear from blogs I follow and the more content, the better. Especially if it's interacting with the community. I'd say go for it. Also, you have very clear tags on your posts and many users have XKIT or other ways to minimize your appearance on their dash if it's a little too much for them. You could also queue the asks? Just my two cents, but at the end of the day it's your blog and you should post what you like!
Heyo! Using a queue when I have heaps of asks is something I’m going to test out for today. It might take me a while ot get used to the settings, but I’ll try it. I love interacting with yall, but I get worried about spamming dashes, so dont mind me while I test using a queue for a little bit. 
It can be a bit hard for me to find a balance, because if I answer a lot of asks at once, people see that I’m active and I just get more asks that replace them instantly, but if I put them off and answer them slowly then people have to wait for a long time to get answers. I have also turned off anon temporarily before to give me a chance to catch up, so I guess thats an option too. I do absolutely love the interaction, but I also want to keep this blog at least 80% Shining Live centric, so as fun as some tangents are I have to cut them off at some point. 
I try to use very clear tags whenever I can, so thank you for noticing! xkit really is a lifesavor for this goddamn website, so I recommend everyone downloads it if they havent already. I always tag asks as ‘ask’ so if you only want to see official content feel free to block the tag or use xkits “Limit People” function which will still allow you to see my posts but won’t clog up your dash.
Thanks for the suggestions! I’m going to test the queue a bit more today for some asks while I try to clear out my inbox.
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ladyvivienneloyola · 6 years
Challenge #4.25
Alternately Titled: A Call-ming Effect
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((a/n: heyo heyo heyo! anya here to bring yall another trilogy of birthday fics, and this is a very short first installment! This features an interaction between Viv and a very special person in her life. Yeap, it’s her dad! Since it’s her birthday, I thought it was important to highlight Viv and Leon’s relationship so yeah. This isn’t a super important fic but it’s just a nice little break from huge Selection storylines... for now. Hope you enjoy! ))
My phone is abuzz with texts today. Not really, but it’s more than the usual number of texts I get on a daily basis. I’m not complaining that much though since it’s a bunch of texts from Francis the caretaker, Duke- my brother, my mom, my sorta stepdad, Paula and Rikka, cousins from dad’s side of the family. I’ve been replying with a thousand and one variants of ‘Thank you’ that I could type those words out with my eyes closed. The birthday greetings aren’t limited to my phone either- somehow my maids had caught wind that it was my birthday and well, you don’t need twitter in the palace. All you need is a maid who can fill you in on everything in the palace and guess what?
They spread that news like it was peanut butter on my morning toast. I didn’t mind the influx of greetings from the occasional staff member or one of the other Selected girls. Felt kind of nice for people to at least remember that it was my birthday.
But there was only one person’s greeting that mattered to me most, and in the afternoon I had to slip away from from the Women’s Room.
I fall back against my bed as my phone dialed down my dad’s number.
“Dad,” I grin as I held my phone to my ear and sat up from my bed. “Feeling better today?”
I’ve been talking to my dad on the phone everyday, a small reassurance that he’s still alive and well enough to talk to me, a small reassurance on his part that the only family he had left didn’t leave him to live in a palace.
“Better than yesterday- only because it’s my girl’s nineteenth birthday.” he replies his weaker voice carrying some forced joy. He was trying to sound okay. “I wish I was there.”
“I wish I was there.” I wish my voice didn’t crack too.  
He hums a little as his tone goes a little dry. “Now why would you want to be stuck with this old sick guy when you’re off hanging around royalty?”
“Oh I don’t know, maybe because he’s the old sick guy who raised me on his own for 10 years.” I reply with the same dry humor.
A broken laugh escapes him, followed by words slowly said- his breath seemingly difficult to catch in a moment like this.
“And I thought-” he takes another labored breath that made me shut my eyes and made me want to pretend that it wasn’t painful to hear, “I thought I had already gotten rid of you when I put you on that plane to Angeles.”
“Nope,” I make a popping sound at the p. “This bird isn’t quite ready to leave the nest just yet.”
“Besides” I continue as I shift slightly on top of my covers. “someone’s got to take care of you while you recover from the transplant.”
There’s dead silence on the other side of the line for a moment before my dad speaks up again. “Viv.”
“Surpriiiiiiise.” I interrupt as I break the news to him. “We’ve got more than enough to get you that surgery now. And I made sure to book you a surgery with Doctor Grey within the next two weeks.”
His stumbles over his words for a moment. “You know we’ve got better use for that money, Viv.”
“We’ve talked about it, dad. That surgery is gonna save your life, what’s better than that?”
I know what’s he going to say next, only because we’ve had a conversation like this so many times before. A part of me hopes that he’s too tired to give me a lecture and my birthday wish seems to come true after a long silence from him.
“I’ll coordinate with Francis to arrange the details of that surgery. Alright?” I knew that I couldn’t really talk to him for long. “Now go get some rest.”
“Before I go though,” he says before a yawn seems to escape him. “Did you get yourself a Happy Meal now?”
A smile creeps up my lips as I shake my head and press my phone closer to my ear. “I was going to head out and grab myself one. How could I forget the tradition?”
“Good. Happy Birthday, Viv. Talk to you tomorrow. Say hi to the prince for me.” He says as he quickly  teases before he ends the call. I sigh, sometimes your parents can act like such children sometimes.
“See you, dad.” I say just as the line goes dead and I fall back against my bed and close my eyes for a few moments. Needed to rest a little before I snuck out.
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original requests can be found here 
based on SF9 as: Mafia au found here  
6 pages and nearly 3.1k words later here yall go; i hope yall enjoyed this! 
+ admin L
    “liberosis—n. the desire to care less about things—to loosen your grip on your life, to stop glancing behind you every few steps, afraid that someone will snatch it from you before you reach the end zone—rather to hold your life loosely and playfully, like a volleyball, keeping it in the air, with only quick fleeting interventions, bouncing freely in the hands of trusted friends, always in play.”
    Zuho sighed as he exited another shop, stuffing small bags into his backpack. It was his job to collect payments, goods, and debts at least once a month, and while often times it’s exciting, tonight was proving to be dry. There were no late payments, and shop owners were paying off their debts and then some. Usually he’d have Rowoon, Hwiyoung, or Taeyang accompanying him, but said boys were all busy with a negotiation with an arms dealer tonight.
    Looking down at his phone, Zuho was relieved to know that he only had one more shop on this street to collect from. He still had to make his rounds in the night market, but he would save that for tomorrow when one of the others could go with him. Fights were always plentiful in the market and while Zuho is skilled in close combat, he didn’t have eyes on the back of his head.
    Slipping his phone back into his bag, Zuho recounted the paper packets and cloth bags in his backpack to make sure he still had all of it. Eight paper packets with all the won still inside, and five cloth bags filled with coins, jewelry, and other forms of payment were all accounted for. Satisfied, he’d been about to zip his bag shut when his phone rang. He pressed a button on the bluetooth earpiece he wore.
    “How are your rounds going?” The sound of typing echoed from the other side.
    “Boring. You know the night market is always the most interesting Inseong.”
    “True.” The typing paused, then resumed seconds later. “Well looks like you’re going to get some action tonight after all. I’m looking at a live video feed right now from one of the cameras, but it looks like someone else is trying to collect from Mr. Lee. Head to the watch shop and take care of it, I’ll let Youngbin know.”
    The watch shop was Zuho’s last stop, and he was both excited and wary. “Any idea who the idiot is?”
    “Nope. Doesn’t look like Seven Star or Hwan Song, but they’re definitely not rookies. Rough ‘em up and find out what you can.” The line cut and Zuho was left with the eerie silence surrounding him, save for the occasional car in the distance.
    Zuho swung his bag over his shoulder, and after glancing around, stuffed his hands in his pockets and made his way towards the watch shop. Every so often he would pause to look around, his mind wandering off to his brothers. While Zuho is strong physically, emotionally he is guarded. He’s been in this messy business with his brothers for almost seven years now, but even then he can’t help but look over his shoulder every other minute, afraid that something is going to end them. He knows that very few can face the Red Dragons and walk away unscathed, but even so a small part of his mind is always worrying; what if that one bullet that hit Chani two years ago had just been a little more to the right, or what if Youngbin hadn’t survived the knife wound from nine months ago?
    It’s his past that’s made him like this he knows, and even though his brothers constantly reassure him, he worries. It’s why he trains for hours upon hours each day, because he has to be ready for anything, including sacrificing his own life for his brothers. Passing a ramen shop (his favorite ramen shop truth be told) he paused to look inside. The owner was sitting at a table with a young girl, gesturing wildly as she spoke. The girl smiled and nodded along enthusiastically to whatever was being said. Zuho smiled as he observed them. That girl had been eating there for nearly as long as Zuho has, and Zuho knew the owner was secretly trying to get them together. But a girl like her didn’t belong in a life like his, where she could die at any given moment. He would never bring this lifestyle upon anyone if he could help it.
    Turning away, Zuho took a deep breath and continued, just as the girl got up from her table. He had been so engrossed in his thoughts that despite looking over his shoulder, he hadn’t noticed that one of the paper packets had fallen out of his still partly unzipped bag, fluttering to the ground.
    He certainly hadn’t noticed the girl stepping out of the ramen shop behind him, nor did he notice the girl picking up the packet, hurrying after him.
    You thanked the owner for a wonderful meal, promising that you would be back soon. As you exited her shop, you nearly ran into a boy hurrying past with his head down. Surprised, you realized it was the same boy you often saw in the ramen shop (the owner insisted the two of you should get together) and watched as he paused, looked around, then kept going, something falling out of his backpack. Walking over, you bent over to pick up the small package, it’s red color reminding you of those money filled packets during Lunar New Year.
    Looking up you decided you had better return the package to the boy, Zuho, as the owner called him, figuring it was most likely something important. Clutching the package to your chest, you hurried, trying to close the distance between the two of you. You tried calling out his name but he didn’t respond, either too absorbed in his thoughts, too focused on where he was heading, or both.
    Turning a corner, you saw him entering a watch shop rather quickly, the sound of breaking glass following soon after. You froze, debating whether you should be getting yourself involved or not. The shop owner’s words echoed in your mind though. He’s a good boy at heart, and he cares deeply about his brothers, but poor thing doesn’t have anyone else. You wondered about this boy, and the scars that were no doubt covering his heart.
    Against your better judgement you followed, shouting now resonating from within the store. Peering in through the glass you gasped as a man threw a punch that landed on Zuho’s jaw, sending him stumbling backwards and into a glass case. The owner was cowering in the opposite corner, arms over his head. The man turned towards him, pulling out a switchblade as he walked towards the owner, who began begging for his life.
   Frozen in your spot, you watched helplessly as Zuho got up. He wiped the blood from his lip and tackled the other man, sending them both to the floor. For moment everything stopped, the sound of broken glass shifting the only audible thing. Groaning, Zuho kicked the guy off him, struggling to sit upright as a bright red stain soaked his shirt. Blood.
    The knife was protruding from his lower abdomen and you knew with a wound like that he would die soon if he didn’t get help. The other man slowly got to his feet, wiping blood from a cut on his cheek, presumably from the glass.
    What do I do? You panicked, looking around you for some sort of blunt object. Seeing nothing but broken pieces of cement from a construction job around a sewer on the other side of the street, you ran, grabbing the biggest one you could find and ran back to the shop, bursting through the door as the bell rung wildly overhead.
    All three men paused to look at you and for a second you had a fleeting thought of Why the hell did I do this before throwing the rock with all your strength. It hit the man’s head, sending him to the floor in a heap. Stepping over his body, you hurried over to Zuho, crouching down next to him.
    “Holy shit.” You breathed, staring at the knife still lodged in his abdomen.
    “Ra-ramen shop girl.” Zuho chuckled.
    “You recognize me?” You looked at him incredulously.
    “Lady...lady says I should talk to you. At least you have good taste in ramen shops.” He smiled, coughing up blood.
    “Oh god you’re bleeding really bad what should I do? I need to call the po-” You cut off as his hand grabbed onto your arm.
    “No cops.” He said firmly, his grip on your arm tightening. “My phone...get my phone from my bag.”
    Looking around you realized the bag was near where the other man lay, and you carefully stepped over, reaching for the bag slowly. The man was knocked out for the time being, and with a sigh of relief you snatched the bag and hurried back to Zuho. You took the time to slip the packet into a side pocket, making a mental note to explain that to Zuho later. Rummaging through the bag you finally pulled out his phone and watched as he entered his passcode with a bloody finger.
    “Open my call log...and dial the first number. His name’s Inseong, he’s the only one who knows I’m here,” Zuho paused to cough, “He can help.”
    You nodded, and did as you were told, praying that this Inseong guy would answer quickly. Inseong did not disappoint as he answered after the first ring. “Hey Zuho! How’d the job go? Get any useful information from that guy?”
    “Zuho’s dying!” You blurted, urgency in your voice.
    “Who is this.” Inseong’s tone changed, all the light heartedness vanishing within a second.
    “My name’s [Y/N]. Listen Zuho has a knife in his abdomen and the guy who stabbed him is unconscious a few feet from us but I don’t know long before he wakes up or how long before Zuho bleeds out. Please send help!” You begged.
    “Okay I’m sending some guys over.” Inseong said, typing furiously. “[Y/N] was it? Listen I’m going to need you to pull the knife out.”
    “Are you crazy?!”
    “Listen, having a knife stuck in you while you’re still breathing is highly uncomfortable, and it risks further injury to his organs if you just leave it in there”
    You looked at Zuho, who nodded. “I’m sorry!” You winced as you pulled the knife out, Zuho trying his best not to show his pain. Shrugging off your jacket, you rolled it up into a ball and put it on the open wound, putting the phone on speaker as you pressed onto your jacket with both hands.
    “Nice job on applying pressure to the wound. The boys are ten minutes away, please make sure he stays awake.”
    “How did you know-”
    “Cameras. Don’t worry I’m keeping an eye out for anyone heading to you guys.”
    “Are you his brother?” You asked suddenly, remembering the ramen lady’s words. There was a pause, and for a moment you thought he hung up on you.
    “Yeah. I’m his older brother, so please, don’t leave his side.”
    You looked up at the camera, and it was almost as if you could feel Inseong watching you through the small device. “I won’t”
    A groan caught your attention and your breath caught in your throat as you realized the other man is coming to. “Inseong-”
    “Shit they’re still a few minutes away.” Inseong cursed.
    Six minutes was a lot of time, and you knew Zuho was growing weaker. The shop owner, an elderly man, had fainted from shock already so it was just you and this dangerous person. You looked back at Zuho and your eyes locked. All of those conversations you’ve ever had with the old lady, all those times Zuho ate alone, Inseong’s plea to you, all of these things ran through your mind and you knew what you had to do.
    It seemed as if Zuho knew as well, because his hand slid from your arm into your hand, holding on tightly. “Don’t-”
    “Inseong I’m sorry but I’m going to have to leave Zuho for a quick minute.” You said, standing up and gripping the knife in one hand.
    “[Y/N] what are you doing?!” Inseong shouted.
    “Honestly I have absolutely no idea.” You replied. “But I saw your brother take a knife to the gut for the watch guy. He’s a good person, I’m not gonna let some asshole get away with it.”
    Admittedly you knew nothing about combat, except for what you’ve seen in movies and TV shows. Tightening your grip, you charged at the man just as he got up, thrusting the knife into his back. The man screamed as you pulled the knife out, and he grabbed your wrist just as you went to stab him again, squeezing so tight the weapon dropped from your hand.
    “You bitch!” He growled, lifting you up and throwing you onto a nearby glass case filled with watches. You whimpered as you rolled off and landed on the floor, bits of broken glass covering your body. A scream tore from your lips as a kick was placed to your abdomen, pain spreading throughout your body like wildfire.
    “Stop!” Zuho called out. “Your fight’s with me shithead.”
    “Don’t worry.” The man chuckled as he watched Zuho struggle to get up. “I’ll kill you after I kill her.”
    “I think the fuck not.” Another voice said, and the man spun around at the same time the owner of the voice swung his aluminum bat, rendering the man unconscious once more.
    “About time.” Inseong sighed in relief. “See you guys back at the house.”
    The line went dead and Zuho sank back down to the floor as a boy ran over to him with a medical kit. Two more boys came in and between the two of them, dragged the unconscious man out to their SUV. You were struggling to get up just as the one with the bat came over, slipping an arm around your waist and pulling your arm over his shoulders.
    “Can you walk?” He asked gently.
    “Yeah I’m fine. What about Zuho?”
    “He’ll be fine. Jaeyoon will fix him like usual. Trust me he’s taken worse hits than this.” The boy chuckled, walking you out to the van. “I’m Taeyang. Inseong showed us the live feed from the cameras while we were heading over here. Thank you, for protecting him.”
    “The ramen shop lady told me all he has are his brothers and no one else. I guess I wanted to be that someone else for him.” You said quietly, looking back over your shoulder as Jaeyoon stitched up his wound.
    “Well I’m pretty sure you’re more than that to him.” Taeyang murmured as he observed you, noting how as you looked away, Zuho looked at you.
    “Hm?” You asked.
    “Ah, it’s nothing. Let’s get you back to our place and Jaeyoon can take care of your injuries there. In the meantime, you can fill all of us in on how you met our Zuho.”
    Two months have passed since that night, and during that time you and Zuho had grown considerably closer, seeing as how you were the only one who could force him to stay in bed and get some rest until his wound healed over. You’d met his brothers and they had all welcomed you with open arms, impressed and thankful for what you did for Zuho.
    It didn’t take long for the two of you to become a thing, given how one day while you were helping Zuho sit up in bed he had pulled you in for a kiss. You were over the moon with knowing that he cared about you just as much as you cared about him, and you knew that given the chance, you would save his life time and time again, just as he would save yours, despite knowing who he and his brothers were.
    The two of you were heading to the ramen shop, both of you craving the delicious noodles after having been away for two months. The owner had been more than thrilled to see the two of you walking in hand in hand, and insisted that your meals would be on the house to celebrate such wonderful news. Smiling happily, she disappeared into the back to prepare the food.
    “So, have you guys learned anything useful from that prick?” You asked, thinking about how the boys have been constantly ‘interrogating’ the man on and off for the past two months.
    “No. All he’s mentioned is the Sun Yee On, which doesn’t help us much.” Zuho lied, not wanting you to worry too much. Truth was, the Sun Yee On was something to worry about, but until Inseong could find out more there wasn’t anything any of them could do.
    “Hm, well what are you going to do with him now?” You asked, though you already had a small idea of what was going to happen.
    “Clean up.” Zuho said. He reached for your hand, his thumb rubbing circles on the back of your palm. “Don’t worry about it.”
    You smiled and squeezed his hand in reply as the food came out, excitement filling your eyes. Zuho chuckled as you began eating, swatting your hand away as you tried to feed him. Being with you made him feel at ease. With you, he didn’t feel afraid or worried that something was going to happen. He could enjoy the here and now, with people he trusted with his life.
    For as long as Zuho could remember he’s always had this desire to be free, to worry less about things he couldn’t control. Now though, Zuho knows that there are more important things to focus on, and he knows he’ll never have to look over his shoulder ever again. You brought light and joy to his life again, you filled him with so much love, even his brothers could see the difference. Zuho knew he would always have his brothers till the day he died, but now, as you smiled at him with cheeks full of noodles, he knew something else.
    As long as he looked forward you would always be there, and Zuho swears that he would always be there protect you from harm, just as how you had protected him that fateful night.
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audioinfinity · 7 years
Heyo, I LIVE!!! And I have posted my RWBY Big Bang fic! Now that this is finally done, I will be returning to working on Could A Goat Change Our Lives which means I will continue to be a bit inactive here. I will be doing a couple chapters before the next update to make up for my absence, so if you haven’t read it yet, I would love it if you dropped by my FanFiction.net or my AO3 and read my fic and maybe leave some feedback! Thanks, and thank you all for following in my absence, I see the notifications and it means a lot! Till the next time, stay bumble yall lol
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