#finger guns. so who wants to meet a large alien bug
splicermisraaks · 2 years
While others in attendance at the large building gathered in the middle of the spacious room, Misraaks opted for hanging to one side, close to the masses of food. Some of them looked quite strange compared to any typical human delicacies. In truth, he had been tempted more than once to try something but that would mean taking off his helmet. He can already imagine the horror it might cause for those who may happen to glance in this direction at that particular moment. Well, only the ones unfamiliar with all manner of creatures and beasts.
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So this whole time, the Eliksni instead chose to simply appear uninterested in the feast well within his reach, grumbling quietly to himself as if he were the victim of being reluctantly dragged along.
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dawnwriterimagines · 4 years
"At least somebody's happy to see me.": Vanya Hargreeves
Summary: When the Umbrella Academy finally reunites in 1963, an amnesiac Vanya reunites with her sisters, happily, especially Number Eight, who Klaus actually makes visible, after her death by Vanya's hand.
Warning(s): Fluff, light angst, etc.
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You could still remember the way Vanya's sound wave had cut straight into your body, slicing messily through your clothes and across your chest. Vanya was dragged away by Leonard, or Harold Jenkins, sobbing and screaming out her frantic apologies when you felt yourself slipping away.
Allison had been next to you, having used your power to block Vanya's accidental attack, but it only caused the energy to bounce off your materialized shield and into you. It cut off, slicing the nape of Allison's neck, she stuttered out a painful "I heard a rumor..." to no avail as Harold Jenkins escaped with Vanya in tow.
Your sister held you tight as your family came to rescue you both, and she didn't let go, even when you quickly passed in Luther's arm's during the frantic car ride home.
Later, Vanya came home, to the Academy but by that time, Luther was fully aware of what his sister could do, but he would soon see for himself. Blinded by loss, he was quick to isolate Vanya until he was sure of what to do with her, in short, it didn't work out.
Meeting the enraged Vanya at her recital theater, with the commission's lackeys on their tails, the group of siblings banded together to take her down. During the battle against gun wielding agents of the commission, Klaus unleashed his hidden power, a magnificent display of his growing abilities.
Luther's eyes were wide in disbelief as you came to view in an ominous blue light as well as Ben Hargreeves, their long deceased brother, having grown up apparently in his ghost form. The siblings couldn't believe their eyes as you and Ben made quick work of taking down the agents, their bullets flying straight through your intangible bodies while you sent them flying and Ben's monsters ripped them apart.
Exchanging a glance with Klaus, you looked away to turn towards Vanya, who's eyes were squeezed shut as she focused deeply on the resonance of her violin, holding tight to the bowl of her instrument as she glowed with a pure white light and the wood draining of color with her clothing. You began to walk down the aisle, towards your sister, your siblings finishing off the agents behind you.
A violent wind consumed the theater as Vanya went on, her music as beautiful as it had always been, tears slowly manifesting along the corners of Vanya's eye's as she remembered her sister, how she had dreamed of seeing you in the audience, embracing you off stage when her performance was finished. The memory of you pulled her to continue, her sorrow pouring into the strings of her violin, the sound growing and energy rising all around her.
At the sound of your voice, Vanya's brows furrowed, her Boe pausing, missing a chord in the song. Was she imagining your voice now?
"You play so beautifully," Vanya felt your hand on her shoulder. She gasped harshly, her eyes bursting open, her tears finally falling like raindrops, she sucks in a breath as she looks over to see you. Her eyes are wide, her core filled with energy she had unconciously built up, the sound of the violin chords still floating through the air despite not a note being played. "You always have," you continue, a soft smile upon your lips.
Vanya stares at you in shock and disbelief, she can see the blue hue to your skin, the ominous light that surrounds you but there is no mistaking your presence, it was you. "(Y-y/n)?" She stutters with a small, fragile voice. Reaching her hand out to touch you, gasping and flinching back as she can feel your hand in hers, so cold, yet as comforting as you had always been.
"It's me," you wrap your arm's around the broken woman, who quickly drops her violin and bow to return it with a desperate embrace.
Vanya releases a choked cry, shaking as her body quickly racks with sobs, the light surrounding her soon begins to diminish. She holds you tight, crying with a stuttered, "I-i'm s-sorry! I'm sorry!" Repeating brokenly while you squeeze her tight to you, feeling Klaus's power fading.
"It's ok," you pull away to wipe away her tears. "It's ok." You smile, leaning forwards and pressing your lips upon her forehead, "Don't worry anymore, Vanya. It's ok."
The moment her hands slip through you, your form suddenly vanishing, she breaks down, clutching her chest painfully, before feeling the build up of energy within her quickly taking shape, she gasps out as Allison behind her, fires off a shot behind her that startles her senses. A large beam of light and paralyzing sound leave Vanya and shot out of the circular window atop the Icarus Theater, hitting the moon and destroying it.
It doesn't take long for the siblings to realize their fucked. Five quickly devising a plan to go back in time to evade the apocalypse.
Obviously, he fucked that up.
The siblings find each other after a year and/or more of being apart, all separated between 1961 to 1963. You and Ben stuck with Klaus, who somehow found himself becoming a cult leader. You had found Diego a while back, having declared himself a psychotic and sent to an asylum for trying to save the president from his future assassination. Klaus found Allison later on, or she found him, she had married and became a civil rights activist. Luther was found by Five, who was last to teleport to 1963, he became a body guard for a big shot mob boss, you were actually pretty surprised to find that out. Vanya...well, you weren't sure where Vanya was, Five did say he saw her, she's supposed to be a nanny now, on a farm?
Five found Klaus and Allison, eager to finally get the group back together, meeting up at the hideout he had with a alien theorist, this family can never even say the word 'normal'.
Vanya sat on the couch, facing Luther and Diego, horrified to find out about the evil deeds of her asshole adopted father. Keeping her drugged up on pills to suppress her powers? Keeping her isolated from her siblings? Jeez, now she really had to meet this guy.
"Hey! Get down here already!" Vanya perked up, upon hearing Five's voice, the three siblings getting to their feet and walking over to the railing to view.
"Is it just me...or did we all get hotter?" Klaus wondered aloud.
Your eye's widened upon seeing Vanya, you smiled to yourself in relief, "Vanya," you hummed to yourself.
"I can't believe I have a sister," Vanya laughed excitedly before skipping down the steps, a smile on her face, looking at Allison. You raised a brow before recalling what Five had told Klaus of Vanya's memory.
"Klaus," you nudged the seance. Klaus looked at you before back at Vanya.
"I mean, won't she maybe, freak out?" Klaus wondered, glancing at Vanya.
She shuffled in front of Allison, recalling how pretty unwelcoming her brothers had seemed when they found her, none of them seemed to had missed her. She hesitated in embracing the only other woman of the many siblings, wasn't she told that she had 2 sisters?
"Vanya," Allison breathed, smiling softly as her sister came waking down the steps to her, brightly. Allison stood there, almost awkwardly, "I missed you." she couldn't help herself when she walked forwards to finally embrace her sister.
"Thank god, somebody did," Vanya joked half heartedly, stiffly welcoming her embrace before relaxing and hugging back, relieved.
Klaus couldn't help himself as he aww'ed at their sisterly reunion, "Aww! This is precious," he wrapped the both of them in his arms before giving a loving kiss to Vanya's forehead, "Finally, Vanya! Where have you been?"
Vanya blushed at the love she was suddenly receiving from her siblings. "Around, I guess."
You frowned, shoving Klaus's arm, "Klaus!" You warned, Klaus flinched lightly before sighing.
"Ok! Ok, I got it!" He raised his hands in defeat. Then, turned to Vanya and Allison, who raised a brow confused. "Hey, um, Vanya, come with me, please."
Klaus dragged Vanya away from Allison, who gave her brother a confused frown, before he pulled Vanya into a corner as everyone began to go upstairs to discuss Five's plan.
"Hurry it up, Klaus," Five sighed as he straightened the collar of his uniform, looking over the balcony before turning to head to the couch.
He waved the old man in a child's body off. "Yeah! Yeah, I got it!" He then turned to a nervous Vanya.
"Did I do something wrong?" She wondered, her fingers pull down on the end of her shirt, anxiety filling her.
Klaus raised a brow. "No, no. Why would you say that?" He then realized what it seemed like, dragging her secretly over from everyone in attempt to have a private conversation that may have to do with telling her off. "Oh, no! Haha! Don't worry, I just wanted to talk to you, Vanya." He smiled, the girl laughed lightly, her shoulders relaxing visibly. "Well, I mean--" he glanced over at you, "Not me. But, another member of the family."
Vanya titled her head to the side, her brows furrowing. "I thought we were the only ones left?"
"Well, yeah...but--she wanted to see you again. She's kind of bugging me about you." Klaus let out a small 'ow' when an invisible force seemed to jab him in the ribs. "Alot."
Vanya's eye's widened before she began to grin widely. "Wait...I have another sister? Really?!" She questioned, happily. "That's great, no offense, but there's way too many boys in this family," Klaus shrugged his shoulders, nodding at the fact. "So, where is she?"
He looked over at you, "You ready?"
Vanya glanced at the empty spot before assuming he were talking to her. "Yeah?"
You nodded. "Always."
Klaus stepped back alittle, taking a deep breath, shaking his hands out to prepare himself. Vanya pursed her lips, blowing out a low breath, "What're you doing?"
"Just a sec!" His hands begin glowing an ominous blue, that makes Vanya step back in surprise. Klaus leans over into himself, concentrating his ability to conjure up a misty figure beside Vanya, she notices, jumping back to the side with a loud gasp.
"Woah! Hey, what's happe--!" Vanya presses herself against the side wall as the person comes into view, illuminated with the same blue light coming from Klaus's hands. A beautiful woman her age, (h/c) hair and leather pants with a fitted top under a loose jean jacket that steps towards her. "W-what?"
You smile widely, "Vanya!"
The small woman's eyes are wide in disbelief before she pushes herself lightly off of the wall, taking a hesitant step. "W-who are you? Do I know you?" She looks over at Klaus, who's already begun to sweat faintly along his brow. "Is this--is this my sister?"
Klaus grin's, nodding. "Vanya, this is our sister, (Y/n) Hargreeves."
You can't wait any longer and quickly rush up to Vanya, she's shocked when she feels your arm's wrap around her, a warmth she's never felt before enveloping her upon your touch. You held onto her, running a hand down her hair as her hands come up to wrap around your waist. "I've missed you, sis."
Vanya can't help the smile that spreads across her face, she let's her head settle into your chest, she wonders if the heartbeat she hears is from you or her. "I have another sister..." she breathes, you chuckle.
"Yeah, you do," you pull away, keeping your hands on her shoulder's. You then look at her eyes, they're different, "So, you don't remember us, at all? The academy? Me?" Some part of you hoped she would've, when she saw your face.
She shook her head, tilting it down, guiltily. "I was hit by a car, I lost my memory, I don't remember anything..." her eyes then narrowed before she glanced up. "Well...I think I remember something...but I'm not really sure. It's a fragment of a memory if anything," she sighed, alittle frustrated. "It's just a song. Not even a lyric...just the name, I think. But I've never heard of it, and it doesn't exist here, I guess it's one from the future. Our future, I guess."
Your eye's widened, before you asked her. "What...what's the song called?"
Vanya paused, looking at you now, fully. The glow of blue around you reminded her of a black and white movie, she wondered if she could remember the color of your hair if she tried, did you have highlights, maybe two different colored eyes? "...she told me her favorite song was (f/s)...I...it's like listening under water, it's not very clear...but I can still feel a hand around mine throughout the entire thing..." Vanya's lips tug up, recalling all the nights that the memory had comforted her, knowing someone out there was waiting for her to come home.
You would've cried if you could've, but you could only smile, sorrowful and relieved at the same time, "I'm glad to know you still remember...you used to hate that song...so much!" You chuckled at the end, Vanya's eye's drifting upwards, her heart doing flips and her eyes going red as they burned. "But, you put it on the record like clockwork, every Sunday night. We'd lay on the rooftop and watch the stars until the sixth flicker of the low brook street lamp. The city never got that thing fixed," you recalled fondly.
Vanya sniffled softly. "...b-but...but how could---how'd this happen to you? I remember you. I remember you like....like it was so recent. How did you die?"
You shook your head. "It doesn't matter, Van," you rough your hands up to her cheeks, wiping the tears that began to fall down her cheeks. "It doesn't matter. It matters only that, I got to see you again. And I've missed you, so much, Vanya. So much," you brushed her hair to the side cupping the side of her face as Vanya breathed a sad laugh, taking your hand in hers. "I love you, Vanya. Always know that, okay?"
Vanya couldn't speak, biting her lip to hold the sob creeping up her throat, she hasn't heard those words in years, and she could feel every emotion that you carried in that single sentence and it made her want to hold you and never let go as she sobbed her heart out. She nodded, vigorously, "I-i know. I know," she sniffled harshly, she could hardly believe she was breaking down right now. She hardly remembered you, she didn't know why she was crying but a part of her was just falling apart and she didn't know why.
Klaus placed a hand on your shoulder, "(y/n)..." he whispered, softly. Not wanting to break up the two of his sisters, he guiltily spoke, sadly nodding towards the spirit of his dead sister, "I'm sorry, I can't keep going..." he apologized, before you shook your head.
"No, Klaus," you reached out, holding onto his hand, "This was more than enough," you leaned up, placing your lips along her cheek. "Thank you for giving me this time. You can rest now."
Klaus nodded, before letting you go, briefly. Turning to Vanya, who's grip on your hand grew tighter, "Vanya..."
"P-please, just give me...give me alittle more time," she begged. "I don't know why but...I'm just so...I'm so scared to let you go!" She wrapped her arms around you, squeezing you tight as she sucked in a shuddering breath as she sobbed into your chest. "Please, don't leave me."
You closed your eye's, wanting so badly to cry, to shed even a single tear but everything felt so bottled up, thrown into a pit so big it would never be released, it hurt. You hugged her to you, she held you tighter, "I'm always with you, Vanya. I won't ever leave you," you breathed, kissing the top of her head as Klaus's power began to fade, you felt her touch begin to slip, your body be coming intangible once more. "It's ok. I'm right here, for you."
Vanya collapsed to her knees as you slipped through her hands, silently wrapping her arms around herself as Klaus tiredly walked up to her, going to his knees in front of her, he sat there, laying a hand on her back. Before the young woman leaned forwards to wrap her arms around him, her head against his shoulder. Klaus encircled her shoulders, pulling her to his side as she began to slowly calm.
A few days later, Vanya's memory returns. She remembers everything about her family, about you.
And as she stands, walking out of the FBI building, she wipes away a stray tear as she remembers the last time she had seen you. You had forgiven her, loved her unconditionally, embraced her and welcomed her despite what she had done to you.
Today, she'd save the world with her family, for you. And she knew that you would always be by her side through that and the future ahead.
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 6 years
The Path Of Stars
In light of having finished the new Voltron season (spoilers); After parting ways with Zethrid and Ezor, Acxa finds herself on Earth in a rural place where she happens upon a pair of curious kids.
Earth is a quiet place. It’s kind of peaceful, eve if she is there by accident, she decides that it is rather nice. There is a certain haze to the air almost golden, the air is warm. On the corner of the street is a lone mailbox overtaken by different forms of creeping ivy, she cannot name. A few yellow fuzzy looking flowers burst from the ground surrounding the rotting wood, the grass is tall, thick, and overgrown. The paint chipping away depicts some type of Earth avian. She doesn’t know if she should be here, she doesn’t think so. But it seems like a good place to think things over, it looks like it has been long abandoned and she can’t foresee anyone intruding. She finds herself, a few feet from the mailbox, standing in a field of rolling yellow, the same color that the sun seems to paint the air. The grass is long, she plucks a strand of it and holds it up to a gadget to be analyzed. The quick scan identifies it as ‘wheat’. She has never seen wheat before, it looks similar to some grasses from her own galaxy but not quite the same. Their seeds don’t glow.
 Again, she wonders if it is a good idea to stay. But after parting ways with Haggar and then Lotor and then her former friends Ezor and Zethrid, she doesn’t see too many other options. The Galra Empire is much too unstable and she doesn’t have many allies there. Earth though, not much attention is paid to it.
She looks around, it is so open.  Everything is so open and the air is tinged with many scents. No doubt wheat is the most prevalent of the odors. But there is something else. Some kind of flower perhaps? She follows a dirt trail, eventually she should found the house that the mailbox belongs to. She just hopes that it is as abandoned as this road.
 Her wandering leads her to a different type of field; this one grows tall—taller than she—and green. Some type of vehicle, something far less advanced than what she is used to seeing, plows through the field. It is kicking up a fine cloud of dirt. Acxa finds herself coughing on it. In the distance she can hear laughing, childlike and playful. She can’t imagine that they would be taken seriously if they spotted her and told tale of the blue-skinned woman with the purple hair and the horns. But she burrows away into the field parallel to the one being plowed, she supposes it’s better to draw as little attention as possible.
For the first time she considers that seeking refuge here is going to be harder than she thought. The place isn’t so deserted as it initially looked.
 She continues her walk, hidden by the large stalks. The sky is growing darker, a few stars pop up against the now deeper blues that push the oranges and golds down. It reminds her of home, she feels a few pangs in its absence. Parting ways, she decides, isn’t going to be easy in the slightest. Maybe she should seek out Voltron and its paladins. Why not? It is her path after all. Not Lotor’s nor Haggar’s nor anyone else’s. But it has been months and they haven’t been heard from. No, Earth seems somehow safest. She can’t imagine that they’d go looking for her here.  
 The laughter grows louder and she can see the children; a boy and a girl. The girl wears her hair in braids that are becoming un-intertwined. She and the boy are barefoot, their hair is the color of the straw they play on. The girl takes a handful of it and throws it at the boy who makes a face—tongue protruding—and spits it out. As a girl she used to do similar things to her mother, though the grasses she had tossed were pink in color. The boy tugs at his overalls, tips his straw hat, and pouts, “ya got it all ov’r me.”
The girl just giggles.
 Acxa carries onward. As the dusk sets deeper in, she can hear different chirps and buzzes. At first she things that they belong the flickering bugs, but that can’t be right. She reaches a hand out and captures one. In flashes in her hand, carefully she runs a pointer over it. She sees it spread its wings and before she can react it is drifting away and out of reach. She doesn’t know if she likes them very much. There are so many of them dancing in between blades of wheat and stalks of—she finally decides to scan it—corn.
 Finally, she comes to a building. It is not as inviting as the first two cottages she passed. That’s how she knows that it will be her home until she can figure things out in full. The place is falling apart, she is weary of entering as part of the roof is going concave. Other planks of its wooden wall are flapping about as gusts of wind take them. But she’d rather be in there than exposed completely to otherworldly weather. The place is drafty and cluttered. There are holes in various spots in the wall. She takes to picking things off of the ground and inspecting them. Whatever these tools might be they are rusting. She recognizes one as a shovel—her people would have crafted it differently but she knows what it is for. There are other things; different types of blades, saws and pliers. Something that she knows she has the name for but can’t quite place it at the moment. She sets the rusty tools aside and tries to make herself comfy.
 She had been smart enough to bring food—just in case Earth couldn’t provide—water, pillows, and one blanket. She doesn’t have much else though; her gun, a change of clothes, and a pendent Ezor had given her so long before. The rest she’ll have to scavenge.
 She lays the pillows out but knows that sleeping on such hard ground is going to take some getting used to. With her hands behind her head she lays staring through a hole in the roof. She wonders if anyone of those stars is her home planet, if they are even part of her home galaxy. She doesn’t think so.  Just as she is beginning to drift off she is awakened by a rather spooky sort of sound. Her heart quickens as she scans the barn. Her eyes meet large yellow ones. The thing hoots again and she relaxes some, the creature seems harmless enough. But its call is uncanny. She nestles herself back up in the blankets. Since it is clear that she cannot sleep she beings to think again. And thinking isn’t exactly calming it brings a longing for how things were when Narti was alive and well. When their group was still a group and she had a clear direction. For a while she had dreamt of following her own direction, now that she has the freedom she is overwhelmed by it. Daunted, a little frightened maybe.
 Her musings are cut off again by two things, first a hoot and the spreading of wings, and then a figure appearing in the doorframe. She tenses.
 “Woah, cool! See, Maureen, I tol’ ya I saw a alien.” He looked so smug as he cocked his straw hat.
 Her heart beats faster, she could have sworn that she’d been more careful.  She swallows.
 “Are ya gonna take ov’r Earth, Brady says ya will.” Maureen askes.
 “I’m not going to take invade or over anything.” Axca replies. She hopes that they won’t mention her to anyone else, she doesn’t want to be a public spectacle.
 “But yer invading this barn.” Brady observes.
 She lifts a finger and puts it down, he has a point. “Don’t you have somewhere to be?”
“We went ‘n snucks out.” Maureen says gleefully.
 She thinks back to a time when she talked to children, she hadn’t done it very much, so she falls back on a tactic that works on any age group. “I won’t tell your parents that you snuck out if you don’t tell them about me.”
 The pair exchanged looks. “Deal!” Maureen declared.
 “No, no, not deal. Ya also have ta teach us space stuffs.” He puts his hands on his hips boldly and holds his head high.
 Acxa sighs, she supposes it would do her well to have someone to talk to. Despite it all, she never really fancied being alone. “Alright, I’ll tell you all about the Galra and Alteans as long as you keep quiet.”
 “Ken ya take us home?” Brady askes.
 “We kin’a got don’t like the dark.” Maureen adds.
 “Ken we ride in your spaceship?” Brady questions.
 Her spaceship! She groans to herself. She hadn’t thought that one through. It isn’t a large craft but it would be noticed. “No, no spaceship. But I’ll walk you home.” Most of the way, she adds to herself. These children were certainly going to make Earth interesting until she could find her way back to the cosmos.
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You Go, I Go (Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes)
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Word Count (2,857)
AN: can i just say that i think this is sups fun and I really had no idea how to end it?? also sorry for a late upload my tumblr is bugging out
Alexander Pierce let his hands fall from his waist as he exited your HUB floor (not yours anymore it seemed) and you were left to sink back into your chair and stare at your screen. You couldn’t even begin to process what had just occurred, and not even twenty minutes later, a hand was placed on your shoulder. You jumped slightly, which made none other than Brock Rumlow grip onto your shoulders, almost like in a massage kind of way.
“Woah there, take it easy,” he mumbled down by your ear. You couldn’t help but tense up even more, and glanced back at him.
“Do you need something, Rumlow?”
A grin formed over his lips, his white teeth looked menacing as he patted your back.
“The Director wants to see you, I need you to come with me.”
This was it, you were being taken in for questioning. You nodded your understanding and stood from your chair, grabbing your jacket in the process and pulling your arms through.
Hearing the word ‘director’ come out of his mouth, knowing it wasn’t describing Nick Fury, made your stomach twist in a knot. It was a knot you fought to ignore as you walked slightly adjacent to Brock Rumlow. The elevator ride was silent, as he casually kept glancing your way, and you glanced out the window to see the newly out of service elevator (courtesy of Steve Rogers) pass by as you both ascended.
You curse yourself and looked back to the door. There were so many thoughts running through your mind, mostly along the lines of: Steve Rogers, what in the Hell is happening? Where are you? You stepped alongside Rumlow once more until he stopped by a door you recognised, with Alexander Pierce written plainly on the iced window door. Rumlow pulled the handle down and you pushed the door open yourself.
You walked silently into the room, standing far enough away and crossing your hands behind your back in a power stance. Your eyes were glued to Pierce’s back, as he finished up a meeting with the World Council.
“We've already had it, Mr. Secretary. This council moves to immediately reactivate Project Insight.”
Steve walked alongside Natasha Romanoff, checking over his shoulder every few seconds. Natasha glanced to her side, and rolled her eyes.
“First rule of going on the run is, don't run, walk.”
Steve looked forward again, and with a shrug of his shoulder he slowed his steps and followed Nat through the mall, “If I run in these shoes, they're gonna fall off.”
Natasha smiled, and lightly shook her head, her hoodie falling back just slightly. If you didn’t know who Steve Rogers was, it would be hard to pick him from a crowd in a busy place like this. Which was perfect, because Natasha twiddled the hard drive between er fingers in her jacket pocket. She led them into a Mac store, and walzted over to one of the Macbook’s on display.
“The drive has a level six homing program, so as soon as we boot up SHIELD will know exactly where we are,” she explained, pulling the drive from her pocket. Steve nervously looked around.
“How much time do we have?” he asked while looking over their shoulders.
Natasha pushed the usb out and typed somethng into the laptop, Steve not really catching what it was exactly, “Uh..about nine minutes from,” she pushed the usb into the computer, “now.”
There was a mass alert on everybody’s screen, prompting Agent Sitwell to glance up, and he was already barking orders for Steve’s team to roll out.
Steve walked to the other side of Nat, and watched as she went through some files. She raised a brow, and typed some more things in (again, something Steve couldn’t catch up on).
“Fury was right about that ship, somebody's trying to hide something. This drive is protected by some sort of AI, it keeps rewriting itself to counter my commands,” she told him.
Steve glanced at her, “Can you override it?”
Natasha shrugged slightly, “The person who developed this is slightly smarter than me. Slightly,” she emphasised to Steve. She knew her time was starting to run out, so she hacked further into the SHIELD database, “I'm gonna try running a tracer. This is a program that SHIELD developed to track hostile malware, so if we can't read the file, maybe we can find out where it came from.”
Back at the Triskelion, everyone was sitting and waiting anxiously to hear from any of the STRiKE team, to just hear about what was going on. You had finally returned from Pierce’s office, and you were approached by Sharon Carter, who dropped her voice for only you to hear.
“There’s been a breach in an Apple store, Sitwell sent the STRIKE team there. It’s Steve.”
You stared at her, and then you briskly walked to your desk and grabbed your ear comm to listen into the chatter. You sat at your desk and just rested your face into your hands. All of this, everything.. Was fucked up.
“Give me a floor rundown.” Rumlow said quietly and as agents called negatives on their positions, you could feel your body tense up. Come on guys, get out of there.
You couldn’t relax until you heard Rollins confirm, “Negative at the source.”
You never rushed home quick enough, slamming the door closed and bolting everything shut. You pressed your back against the wooden door and for the first time all day, you let your tears fall freely. You were confused and hurt, and you had no idea what the actual fuck was going on.
Steve was no traitor. Something was going on and you had the sneaking feeling that Alexander pierce was somehow behind it. You couldn’t even wrap your mind around the words he had spoken to you earlier.
“It must’ve been a tough call today, to send people after your friend,” he commented to you, setling his remote down on his desk. You swallowed the lump in your throat, and took a deep breath.
“it’s my job, sir,” you said quietly.
He nodded, and you glanced down, “With all do respect sir, is there a reason you called me in here?”
“In fact there is,” he said, and rested against his desk, “your work has been greatly appreciated amongst us in SHIELD, truly,” he started, and you felt a sweat break out on your neck.
“And I know your loyalty lied with Nick.. Which is why I need to know if I can trust you.”
You stared at him, and couldn’t help but raise a brow, “i don’t-”
“It’s simple Agent (Y/L/N). I know you’re loyal to Fury, and even Captain Rogers,” as he spoke he grabbed out some paper and a pen, “but I need you. I need you to help me with Project Insight, and help me keep SHIELD how it is. If not, I need you to resign. Right here. Right now.”
You tapped your head against the door, and gasped for some air. You were tired, your body was exhausted, and you couldn’t even begin to think what Natasha and Steve were going through. You felt your heart rate speed when you watched the footage of them in that store, Steve glancing over his shoulder, Nat typing furiously..
You headed straight to your room, and pulled your jacket off your hot body, and stripped out of your shirt. You desperately fought to make it to your shower, and you turned the water on hot, and pulled the curtain closed behind you. You relaxed under the hot water, and your mind drifted off to your friends. To Steve.
Steve introduced you to the Avengers sometime after aliens had invaded New York (a concept you still tried to wrap your mind around) and you had instantly clicked with Natasha. It was refreshing to have a female friend again, and she’s one of the reasons you had agreed to follow Fury to D.C. to work in the Triskelion.
Breaking the news to Steve was probably the worst part of it all, but Nat reassured you he would support you on it. She’s also the one who forced you to tell him in the worst possible way. It was a clear sunny day, and Tony Stark was throwing a team get together that Steve invited you too.
The large windows were open to let the wind blow in, the sun was out and it was close to being fall - the weather was nice for once. New York either was cold and rainy, or blistering hot. Tony had a delicious lunch ready for everyone, and he cleared his throat, clearly about to make a toast. You shifted your gaze to him, relaxing your chin against your hand.
Natasha smirked into her drink, and Tony went on a spheal of how he was excited to say he wasn’t the only one privitizing world peace, getting the gang together, fighting aliens, and so on. When everyone began to eat, Natasha set her drink down.
“So, (Y/N), how are things going at SHIELD?”
You glanced up from your plate and raised a brow at the woman across from you, and you shrugged slightly, “Good, I guess..?”
“I heard Fury’s leaving for DC soon,” she tried to get out of you, and Steve watched in confusion.
You opened your eyes and turned the water off, and you climbed out of the shower, and started to get ready for bed, an unsettling feeling washing over you.
Hours ago, Alexander Pierce had entered his dark kitchen and was met with the Winter Soldier sitting at his table, a gun placed on the top. He could hear Renata fumble with her spare keys, and call out to him, “I'm going to go, Mr. Pierce. You need anything before I leave?”
“No. Uh.. It’s fine, Renata, you can go home.”
He waited for her to leave, and the Winter Soldier’s eyes never left him, watching as Pierce walked to his fridge and peered inside, “Want some milk?”
There was no answer, of course, so the dorr was closed and the only light disappeared as well. He sat across from him and sighed, relaxing into the chair.
“The timetable has moved. Our window is limited. Two targets, level six. They already cost me Zola,” he paused and pulled out a folded piece of paper, “I need you to take her out.”
He slid the paper over and the soldier’s metal hand caught it between his fingers, pushing the paper into his jacket pocket, waiting for some details. Pierce leaned against his elbows, and nodded his way, “I want confirmed death in ten hours.”
And now, as you turned out your light, he began his stalk into your apartment. An hour had passed, and he knew his unknowing victim would be asleep. Whoever this was, they had everything locked up tight, but he found a window that he could easily pick the lock. Quietly, he slid the window open, and set his feet on the floor.
It was a bedroom, the last light he had seen went out in here, and the soldier pulled out his gun, and cocked the ammo back.
It was a violent way for someone to die, in their sleep and unknowingly about to get a bullet, but it’s how he was instructed to end their life. He neared the bed, the lump of blankets was moving up and down, their breathing quiet and almost unnoticeable. He took a step forward, and the floorboard creaked under his weight and he froze, the body began to shift and rolled over.
A woman with a soft face was facing him, still asleep, and his mind began to race. 
He knew her. How did he know her?
Images pierced his mind and he backed away, back to the window, and knocked into your dresser.
He knew you. He knew that face.
Your body jerked, and you were up like a bolt, met with the eyes of a man in all black, a gun in his hand. You should’ve known he’d send an assassin, but as you both stared at one another, and as you jolted your hand for your gun under your bed and aimed it back to the window - he was gone.
The next morning Steve walked out of the bathroom, his hair still slightly wet, and he was wearing a white tank top. Natasha was drying her hair with a towel, and he leaned against the doorframe, “You okay?”
Nat looked up, obviously caught off guard, “Yeah.”
Steve sat next to her, and didn’t take his eyes off of her. After the last 24 hours, he was getting worried about what was going through her mind. And what was going through yours. 
Did you know? Were you Hydra? You couldn’t be, absolutely not.
“What’s going on?” he asked, and she smiled, not meeting his eyes.
“When I first joined SHIELD, I thought it was going straight. But I guess I just traded in the KGB for HYDRA. I thought I knew whose lies I was telling, but...I guess I can't tell the difference anymore.”
“There's a chance you might be in the wrong business,” Steve joked, and Natasha smiled faintly. She opened her mouth to say something, when a quiet but audible knock rang through the house. Natasha was alert immediately, and Steve stood, holding his arm out for her to stay. He edged to the door and pulled it open silently. Glancing down the hallway, Sam’s eyes locked with his, and he walked around the corner to the front door. Steve edged down the hallway, his body close to the wall, and he stopped far enough away while Sam opened the door.
“Hello?” Sam asked, his body protecting the small crack he made. Steve heard shuffling, and he struggled to hear the person speak.
“Hi.. I was wondering if you could maybe help me?”
Steve was at the door in a split second, and he put his hand on Sam’s shoulder, and nodded to him. Sam opened the door a bit more, and Steve felt the weight fall off his shoulder, because there you were, in something casual, a hat pulled low over your eyes and you looked away from Sam.
You threw your arms around Steve’s neck, and his arms moved around your body, lifting you into the air. You wanted to cry, feeling tears sting your eyes, and Sam closed the door behind you, and looked down the hall towards Natasha, “I’m assuming they know each other.”
You laughed, and Steve set you down on the ground and looked at your teary eyes. Instinctively, his thumb rubbed your cheek, and shook his head, “What are you doing here?”
You sighed and looked down to the ground, “I got a call at one am about New Jersey and I just.. I couldn’t believe it,” you glanced to Natasha, who was staring at the ground.
Steve looked back to Natasha, and his hands left your face and turned you to the kitchen, “We should talk..”
Steve sat you down, and told you everything. From start to finish. About how the STRIKE team took him all by one on the elevator, how SHIELD recruited Zola, how Hydra has been waiting for an opportunity to take over, and also about the Winter Soldier.
Natasha was sitting beside you, and sat back in her chair, “So, the question is: who in SHIELD could launch a domestic missile strike?��
“The same man who sent that Winter Soldier to kill me last night,” you mumbled, and Steve narrowed his eyes, “Pierce.”
“Who happens to be sitting on top of the most secure building in the world,” Nat observed, and you shuddered at the thought.
Steve couldn’t take his eyes off of you for some reason, after the last 24 hours, he was realising Natasha was right. When your eyes met his, he was knocked out of his trance, “But he's not working alone, Zola's algorithm was on the Lemurian Star.”
“So was Jasper Sitwell..” you added, and Steve nodded.
“So, the real question is: how do the two most wanted people in Washington kidnap a SHIELD officer in broad daylight?“
You and Sam exchanged a look, and you crossed your arms, “We can start with where he’s going to be, and that’s lunch with Senator Stern.”
Steve shook his head, “I can’t ask you to drag yourself into this.”
“Steve-” Natasha started, and Steve shot her a look. Sam stepped forward, and put a file down on the table, “And I’d like to give my resume.”
Steve shook his head, “I can’t ask you to do this Sam. Or you (Y/N).”
“You always stand up for what’s right, Steve. Pierce. Hydra? That isn’t right,” you stated, and you reached out, grabbing his hand in yours, “we have your backs,” you looked at Natasha as well, “both of you.”
Steve let your words sink in and he looked at your hand that was on his. He closed his eyes and mumbled to everyone, “This shouldn’t be a problem.”
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