#☆—maskerade festival ball
splicermisraaks · 2 years
While others in attendance at the large building gathered in the middle of the spacious room, Misraaks opted for hanging to one side, close to the masses of food. Some of them looked quite strange compared to any typical human delicacies. In truth, he had been tempted more than once to try something but that would mean taking off his helmet. He can already imagine the horror it might cause for those who may happen to glance in this direction at that particular moment. Well, only the ones unfamiliar with all manner of creatures and beasts.
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So this whole time, the Eliksni instead chose to simply appear uninterested in the feast well within his reach, grumbling quietly to himself as if he were the victim of being reluctantly dragged along.
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reversedpsync · 2 years
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“All things considered, I can’t really say I have any real experience with fancy parties... I don’t really know what to do.”
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ragnvindrdawn · 2 years
The original plan for the night was to work, until that castle appeared. He soon changed his mind with intentions of investigating. That had been the second plan, and as it turns out, another one cast aside. Now he finds himself approaching a familiar Saber once again, a third plan in place — one Diluc is sure to follow through with. “We seem to be finding each other more often.” It’s not a bad thing, far from it. Her company is one of few more enjoyable presences he’s experienced.
Last time they weren’t in plain sight, so perhaps that may change her answer on this occasion, but he intends to ask anyway. There are far more attendees and the size of the ballroom is impressive, as is the layout.
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As if it’s the most natural thing, Diluc lifts an arm, offering his hand. “Would you care to dance again?” If asked, he’d say it’s to test for improvement since the Monster Mash. The real reason is much simpler though: it’s all for her happiness. “It would be a shame to miss another opportunity to help you...” Another excuse he could give should anyone else question his motives. He certainly doesn’t owe anyone a proper explanation regarding his decisions... especially for more personal matters.
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grandsheltknight · 2 years
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He was perfectly fine to pass on the festivities this time around, that is until hearing word of a ball happening. So how could he possibly say no to a little fun? And that leads to now: Pikachu resting on an arm, Rain holding a little paw between his fingers. Sure, it may look a little funny to some but there was no way he could miss taking his little buddy for a dance. “I have an idea! Why don’t we check out the food when you need a break? I spotted some tasty treats you might like.” They could have a small feast and get back to dancing after a short rest.
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douzeepees · 2 years
Hakuno is someone who, for him, is very easy to see — even in a gathering this big. She will always stand out no matter what she wears. Sure, he may not see her as often as he’d like to, but as long as she’s well, that’s what matters the most. Although, he really should stop stalling and just go say hello. Then again, what if she’s waiting for someone else? It wouldn’t be right to take up her attention. No, he’s probably just overthinking...
The Servant does take his time as he walks over though. It’s only to leave enough time for a small pep talk, internally of course. And it’s because of that Hakuno already seems to have noticed. While not how he planned this to go, Charlemagne smiles anyway, picking up the pace a little until he’s in front of her. “We meet again. It’s nice to see you enjoying the event. You are, right?” Why would she be here if not? “Ahh, you know what, forget that. That wasn’t a smart question.” Waving a hand, he dismisses making a fool of himself in record time.
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“...If you’re not expecting anyone right now, do you want to dance for a bit?”
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twilightjudicator · 2 years
the festival alone was unheard of to him, yet he chose to participate anyway. but a ball paired with it? the natural thing to do is investigate; people dancing, conversing, or choosing to remain by the tables of food. Cyno had picked the latter, deciding to observe the attendees from a good angle that allowed a view of most of the room, while also grabbing a few occasional items from various platters. one man appears to be contemplating the same, eyeing up the dishes laid out. it’s normal to be indecisive but he’s been standing there for a few minutes now.
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“if you’re struggling, I would recommend trying these.” he gestures to a stack of round pastries next to him. “but don’t risk too many. I imagine they are likely to be filling.” there’s a joke in there somewhere, if you take a minute to think about it, not one he intended to make but it’s out there now. maybe he’ll even write it down for future use.
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crimsonharvests · 2 years
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tsukiko has chosen to go as a voidsent, specifically one inspired by the succubus enemy type
since she’s not technically herself she’ll probably be more social (well at least as much as anyone will want to interact with a tall, demon woman)
she’s not going to be luring anyone in to consume them, don’t worry
as for events she might visit, she’ll probably just be floating around! even at the ball!
like this for a lil starter!
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cometform · 2 years
     // @codecasts​  | Maskerade Festival
          “... You goin’ to that ball that showed up, Master?” It was pure coincidence that Master and Servant crossed paths tonight, but it’s clear they’re both dressed up for very different occasions. Hakuno isn’t wearing her usual clothes, but... they don’t really count as being fancy, either— still, he’s got a nagging feeling that it’s part of the festivities going on. As for Rider, well... He’s in his usual outfit, of course— geared up for battle, as always.
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          “Not sure what the idea is behind the getup, but... Looks good on ya all the same, Master.” There’s an approving nod and grin, as Rider follows up while leaning against the nearby wall. “As for me... fancy get-togethers like that aren’t really my thing. Sounds like what the richer, noble folk would do all the time... I’m more of a rowdy party kinda guy— so I was just gonna do more monster hunting. It’s been pretty fun, actually— probably cause I’m not at full strength, so it evens things out.”
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bornofrose · 2 years
The whole world had become even stranger and she had known it for so little time. Her observations while roaming the lands of Isola created many questions and even more curiosity. The creatures would dress up in weird-looking clothes and consume the little… ‘candy’ as it was called, then completely alter their appearance. Some things she had seen were very frightening and she wished that she could disappear entirely.
She took the sheet from her bed to attempt to hide, imitating what she had seen of creatures called ghosts. While running around, she stumbled upon one of these candies and decided to finally try it. Much to her surprise, she did in fact become invisible become one of the ghosts that she was hoping she could be. 
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She found the world much less scary, now that she was free to roam and explore with no fear and could disappear at her whim. Her wanderings had taken her back to the hole where she had come from, except this time there was a massive castle in the middle of it. Her curiosity got the better of her as she entered. 
She was astonished to see so many people here, but with her ghost abilities, she simply became invisible observing the crowds from above. Everyone seemed to have a great time taking and partying the night away. She wasn’t used to being able to participate in such merriment, as likely she was being reprimanded for some sort of chaos she had caused.
Her meandering floatings had taken her to the tables full of strange-looking foods. She hovers near the table to observe what these strange things were. She watched as people would take some of the food, and gasped as the plates refilled themselves. Returned to a corporeal state and picked up a piece of the food.
It reappears as if it never left. She takes another, and the system repeats. She does this for quite a while making a sizable pile for herself of the food. Hardly noticed if anyone was around to notice her little shenanigans.
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douzeepees · 2 years
It’s not that he never expected her to be here, but spotting Ritsuka came as a surprise anyway... a good one though. Careful not to knock anyone flat, he rushes over as quickly as possible while also watching where he steps.
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“Ritsuka, wait!” Saber stops at his Master’s side and gives a little wave. “Finally managed to catch you. Things have been pretty busy, right? Oh but never mind that! Are you having fun?” Everyone else certainly looks like they are, he can only hope it’s the same for her after... everything. Something to take her mind off the outside is no doubt very welcomed. And she’d look much better with a smile on her face.
“Actually, I don’t suppose you’re up for dancing? I mean, this is a ball after all. No worries if not! I’m sure plenty of people have asked and it would be pretty rude to cut in line.” As long as Charlemagne can just have a while to hang out with her, it’s not a big deal. “So how about a chat instead if you have the time?”
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douzeepees · 2 years
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Some Servants may not have any memory of him or their time together, it doesn’t stop him from attempting to befriend them anew though. Jeanne is one such Servant. It only feels like a short time between a shared feast with everyone to now, surrounded by strange faces, even if it has been a while since the Moon Cell. He doesn’t mention it because he knows better. There’s only a slim chance those familiar are from the same time. In spite of that, Charlemagne is still pleased to see the Ruler.
“I’ve already danced so much tonight but there’s still one more person who has managed to escape me so far... I intend to find her later. When I spotted you though, I wanted to come over and say hi. It’s a shame Astolfo isn’t here. He definitely would have wanted to join in and catch up with you.” And of course, the question he intended to ask before getting off topic. “Oh but anyway, the reason I came over — I wondered if you’d like to dance? Promise I won’t steal you for too long!” There are probably others who might want a turn at some point. Not only that, Jeanne may also want to enjoy some of the arranged snacks while opting to relax on the sidelines for a break.
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