#fic: mwpp
kaaaaaaarf · 22 days
Saturday Snippit
So many people have tagged me in wonderful snippits lately! Thank you to @fruityindividual, @lynxindisguise, @quillkiller, @pupmotif, @messrsage,
@hiddenmoonbeam, @squintclover, @emjayeingray, @imsiriuslyreading, @sommerregenjuniluft and anyone else I may have missed!!!
To be honest I haven't really been writing much, but I've been working on my fic for the @marauderswithpalestineproject and I feel pretty good about it so far! My prompt was university, remus and sirius get paired for a project and obviously remus ends up doing the whole project but he doesn’t care bc he’s had a fat crush the whole semester:
Remus opens his notebook to grab a piece of paper for Sirius to write his number on, and immediately turns a shade of crimson never before seen by the human eye—at the top of the page in bright purple pen is MR REMUS BLACK. Panicking, he rips it out and shoves it in his mouth. Sirius watches the proceedings with a mix of shock and amusement—and something else Remus can’t place underneath. “Uh…What’s that you’ve got there, Remus?” “Nrthringk.” he mumbles. “I’m sorry, what was that?” Fuck, fuck, fuck. Remus is either going to have to swallow the paper or spit it out. He isn’t sure which is more mortifying. He starts to chew. Sirius snorts, hiding a smile behind his hand as he reaches out to grab the notebook Remus wordlessly passes to him with the other. Remus watches him scribble what he presumes is his phone number, before closing it and handing it back. “Well, I can honestly say that this has been an absolute delight, but I’ve gotta go—I told James I’d help him with some French homework. I promise to never speak of this again if you promise to help me pass this class?” Remus nods vigorously, relieved, “Mhrmrm.”  Sirius smirks at him, waving as he turns to head out of the classroom, “Perfect. Night, Remus.”  As soon as he saunters into the hall, Remus runs over to the waste bin at the front of the room, gagging as he spits out the now pulped paper.  He takes a long pull from his Nalgene, swirling the water in his mouth in an attempt to rinse out the embarrassment along with the taste of ink. He’s about to finally leave when he thinks to open the notebook to check if The Sirius Black actually gave him his number. He thumbs through the pages and chokes when he sees it. Written in Sirius’ looping, elegant script is, 555-574-4741 MR SIRIUS LUPIN.
np tagging: @kaleidoscopexsighs, @moon-seas, @colgatebluemintygel, @brigid-faye and anyone else who wants to share!! Tag me if you do <3
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nettedtangible · 8 months
No one tells you the hardest part of writing Marauders ff is trying to come up with new pranks all the time. Good god. Surrounded by mind-maps, crying and pulling my hair out.
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bagsysworld · 11 months
When Regulus was little, Bellatrix crucio’d him once for fun. Sirius was livid. Regulus ended up with a stutter because of the nerve damage. Sirius vowed that he wouldn’t let it happen again, and he made it a habit to divert attention from Regulus and take his punishments for him. Walburga hated the stutter (“a Black should speak with proper eloquence”) and it was trained out of him (for the most part) within a couple of years.
Sirius ran away to the Potters’ and didn’t speak with his brother at all when they went back to school. Every time he tried, Regulus gave him the silent treatment. James, with his savior complex, tried to bridge the gap between the brothers, hoping that Regulus would come stay with them as well. The conversation was short, mostly one-sided. James hadn’t spoken to Regulus much before, but when he had, he was always met with smooth speech and a sharp tongue.
So when James returns to the dorms to a pacing Sirius, who asks him,
“Well? How did it go?”
James hesitates. He has to ask.
“… Strange. Has he always had a stutter?”
Sirius goes very pale.
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my-castles-crumbling · 4 months
Free Space! (I'm taking this as like...write what you want. Not an actual prompt. Right?) - @wolfstarmicrofic - word count: 134
He couldn't find it.
He'd searched in his trunk, under his bed, in his wardrobe. Everywhere. "Have you seen my jumper?" He'd asked James. Peter. Marlene. Lily. Mary. "No," was always the sincere reply.
There was only one place left to look.
He found Sirius in the Common Room, curled up in a seat by the window, staring out at the snow.
Wearing his jumper.
"Hey! That's-" But his voice tapered off as Sirius turned around to look at him, eyes bright and sparkling.
He looked beautiful. Hair up in a messy bun, cheeks slightly pink, smile curving up on his lips. Remus's jumper swallowing his lithe frame. It made it look like he was-
"-mine..." Remus whispered, voice tapering off unsurely.
"Yes," Sirius whispered back, like they were thinking the same thing.
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yrluvjane · 1 year
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏 𝒈𝒐𝒍𝒅
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[old money] James x fem!reader
《 Summary - After a coincidental encounter, James takes interest in one of his employees. 》
𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭
Who didn't know the Potters, especially when they owned everything. From banks, houses, and yachts to mansions, planes, and private islands. The family was known for its wealth and power. Almost ten generations have come since their fortune was assigned and now they’ve reached the point in being one of the richest and influential families in Europe. 
And it wasn’t every day James Potter, the only living heir, walked into a diner where he would only be served greasy fries and pizza. His perfectly tailored designer clothes made him stick out like a sore thumb no matter where he sat.
Sat on a table at the far end of the room, with a relaxing book in his hands and a steaming cup of black coffee on the table; James Potter’s eyes wandered from word to word and line to line, finding peace in between the letters. His eyes would raise temporarily every time the hanging door bells jingled to check if his company had arrived.
Despite the loud noise of chatter, the diner was mostly empty, only six tables were taken. The sudden and loud laughs of a group of women disrupted his reading, and James involuntarily swung his head towards them, confusion and curiosity swirling in his eyes. 
There, by the booths, sat a group of five girls all cheering loudly for their friend. James guessed that the woman they were cheering for was engaged, his eyes slightly squinted at the lady as she displayed her hand on the table for everyone to see.
It's not long before he realizes he’s not the only one looking at them; an elderly couple next to him, smiled fondly at the ladies and laughed together after a few short-whispered words. 
“Mr. Potter,” He blinked, refocusing his attention on the voice. He raised his head and found himself facing a young man in a wrinkled suit and skewed slim tie who was staring at him with a disturbingly wide smile. “An honor to have you here, truly.”
 “Thank you.” James responded blankly hoping to return to his book as quickly as possible without attracting unwanted attention from other diners, but it seemed as though the man did not comprehend James’ annoyance and instead decided to invite himself at James’ table. 
“My name is also James,”
The Potter one sent the man a tight-lipped smile. “I own this place, it’s actually my dad’s but I managed to sway him into giving it to me. So, yeah.” At that, the man had finally stopped talking and stared at James as though he was expecting the man to hand him an award and at James awkwardly silent response, the man threw his head back and laughed loudly. 
James narrowed his gaze at the man from behind his glasses and levelled him with a silent look of judgement. Though James did not speak any words his eyes expressed his feelings towards the man perfectly. And this time the man was able to clearly make out James' unpleasant impression of him.  "Not a man of many words, got it.”
“I’ll leave you to it then!” The other James said hesitantly, “If you need anything, and I mean anything I am right here!” The manager stood up and winked at him as he left.  
James sighed tiredly as the man’s voice faded and had finally vanished from his view. It was not that James was rude, it was the fact he did not appreciate people trying to sway him while he was having one of his very rare moments of peace.
His life has always been open to the public, from press conferences and social events to having people stalk him to his home. And though James would have seemed rude he didn’t think the twenty-something year old boy would have anything to say that was worth listening to.
James would rather have this limited time to hear his own thinking without having everyone train their eyes on him and bug him with their opinions of his every thought.
And not a few minutes later, the door swung open once more, ringing the bells and allowing a cold breeze to flow in. James’ eyes followed the jingles as he raised his cup of coffee to his lips and when his eyes trained on the silhouette he was met with a surprising feeling of familiarity. 
His hold on his book loosened, and he gently put the cup back on the saucer. He leaned back on his chair and narrowed his eyes at the woman, trying to make out where he could’ve seen her. By the style and quality of her clothes, he doubted they had worked together. And even if she wore something less normal, there weren’t many acquaintances he knew that would step into anything like this diner.
He let his eyes follow the lady’s figure all the way to the celebrating group of women, all of whom started beckoning her over once they saw her. The closer she was to them the clearer she became. Under the small restaurant’s soft yellow glow, he could finally notice her blue jumper and black trousers. She waved to her friends and walked to them, a black coat hanging from her arm.
Once she took a seat, she scanned the place; freezing once she laid eyes on him. Her eyes widened, blinking owlishly, staring at him with parted lips. She recognized him, yet he still couldn't make sense of who she was. A reporter? An ex? Maybe an assistant? An employee? His mind raced with possibilities and theories trying to guess or at least sense where he’d met her.
As time passes at the speed of a turtle, he can feel the young woman’s gaze at him from afar. Every few minutes or so she turns to him as though she’s expecting something to happen; he doesn’t dare look back but he does catch her eye once. He turns to his side, slightly annoyed and faces her, staring unashamedly. 
Her face of curiosity morphs into one of embarrassment, and James finds himself breaking their little contest when the door swings back open again and his friend walks in, waving at James from across the room. He shoots the girl one last look but this time, it’s her back that’s facing him.
A week later, James is sitting on a lounge chair by the pool, hoping to get some work done. The sun shone brightly above him, and despite there being cool winds breezing by, James’ clothes still stuck to his skin through a layer of sweat.
“Mr. Potter,” Anders, the Potter's head butler, calls. James faces him, scrunching his face against the sun's rays and smiles.
“Yes, Anders?” 
“I have Miss Page on the phone.” He states with a sympathetic smile, handing him the black land phone. James sighed, getting up and taking the phone, he sighs one more time, this time at his assistant’s name on the small screen. “Margret?”
“James! I called six times!” She exclaims, and he can hear the distracting background noises of ringing phones, chattering and pointy heels undoubtedly belonging to the woman on the phone. ”My phone isn’t with me.” James says after shuffling some papers and looking for it. “Why? Why would you not have your phone around you at all times? I mean, what if an emergency happens? Do I have to wait for Anders to pick up the phone after four rings?” 
“Marge? I’m kind of busy here, too.” He says into the phone, stretching his legs by pacing around the large pool. The sun shines on the water so brightly that James has to have on his sunglasses just to not be blinded by the reflecting sparkles of light.
“Well you should thank me. I had the meeting on Tuesday postponed to Thursday, just like you asked. Then, I have Patrick bothering me about Jackson Mills. Things are heavy James, especially now with election season so close.”
“I’ll call Jackson today—”
“Great!” She cuts him off before he can even finish his sentence.
James chuckles softly as she moves on to the next thing on her list. Margret was a wonder truly, but don't be fooled she was direct and pointed as her heels.
“You have dinner at 6:30 on Wednesday with Delilah’s parents,” and for the next few moments the line is silent, “I can always tell them you got into a car crash, if you’d like?” She suggests, her voice much clearer now as the background noises fade out. “No, no, my parents have been pestering me about this for weeks, I might as well get it over with. Marge, the report for the new expansion project is on my desk, have Carter send them to me, please.”
There's a sound of shuffling papers before Margaret's voice appears once more, "It will be with you in 30 minutes."
As she continues, James looks down at his shoes in weariness, sighing, before raising his head up once more; movements by the bushes catch his eyes. He walks over to the end at the end of the pool, where he suspects the gardeners are working, his brows furrowing as he gets closer. 
And when he finally reaches the fence, his lips parted in amusement and chuckles at the scene in front of him. 
“Sorry, Marge, you were saying,” James says, barely listening. His arms are leaned over the black fence that separates the pool from the gardens. There, on the ground, sat the woman from the restaurant. Her uniform was all muddy and stained with dirt and grass, her hair was pushed up in a messy up-do that was somehow being held up with a fork. 
James laughs.
“Marge, I’ll call you later.” He says, cutting her off as he ends the call and stares at the woman. At the sound of his amusement, the young lady faced him with a perplexed expression. “Mr. Potter,” She addresses, eyes wide and strands of hair falling over her face. She huffs and fails to push them back with her arm. ”I’m so sorry for bothering you.” She said, “I can leave if you’d like. I’m done anyway.”
“No, no, there’s no need to leave.” He states, his eyes focus on her uniform, a question forming in his head. “May just ask, why are you working in the gardens if you're supposed to be working in the kitchens?” He asked, and he watched her squint her eyes and shade her view with with her arm. 
“Tony, the usual gardener, his daughter, got in an accident. And since I’m done with my work, l told him I could take over while he went to see her in the hospital. I do hope you don’t mind.”
“No, no. But why not just call another one of the gardeners?”
“I…didn’t think of that.” She said, biting her lips and narrowing her eyes. “Mmmh,” James hummed, “So what is it you're doing exactly?”
“Oh I’m just potting these!” She said, pointing towards a bush of pinkish flowers. “Looks great.” He commented blankly.
“Think so? I’ve never done this before.” She pointed, getting on the ground once more.
“In the end of the day it’s them being judged, not your…limited knowledge in gardening.” He said and studied the woman as she laughed. “Oh you should see the Gardenia’s they've put by the gates! They’re gorgeous!”
“Do you like Gardenia’s?” He asks and takes off his shades as the clouds begin to cage the sun. He runs his fingers through his hair, pushing back loose curls. “They are very pretty.” She notes, and James foresees the incoming 'but'.
“– But not enough to be your favorite?” He finishes and she looks at him and shakes her head smiling. “I can’t pick at all. They’re all so beautiful.”
“You seem to know a lot about flowers but so little of gardening?”
“When I was younger, my neighbor gave me a flower book. It had the names of the flowers and when they bloomed, and where they bloomed. That's all it said. ” She shares, "I didn't really have much to do as a child, so I took on reading. I enjoyed it for a while."
James squinted his eyes at her. Curiosity blooming in his chest. Taking a step back from the fence, he pointed towards his pool with his thumb. "What would you put here?" He asked.
"I'm sorry?" She asked, confused.
"The pool seems kind of bland, doesn't it? It's all plain and boring. We can do better."
"Oh," she asks and stands back up to look onto his side of the fence. James took the opportunity to clearly look at the woman as she dusted her knees and skirt of grass. She was pretty, that was quite clear. But it didn’t make that much of a difference to James; after all he’s had his share of beautiful women every now and then. 
She walked forward and leaned on the fence, the smell of jasmine reaching his nose. It was a lot more welcoming and relaxing than the smell of chlorine the pool gave off.
His studied her face, her focused eyes, her bitten lips, and even the small hairs failing to be held up. "....You could go for the classics and pick some roses?"
He arched a brow at her, and she pursed her lips in response before facing the pool once more. "Angel's Trumpet?"
"Aren't they poisonous to the touch?" He asked, leaning back on the fence and giving her his most charming smile. "Right, I forgot about that." She mutters, biting the inside of her cheek, James smiles at her embarrassed expression.
She shifts from one foot to the other. James catches her fidgeting fingers and instantly feels bad for making her uncomfortable. He stands up straight as a frown takes on his face. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have put this on you. It's not your job,"
"Oh no, it's fine, really. I... Oh! What about Daylilies?" She asked. James looked at her in thought, "What flower would be on all your top favorites lists?" She tilted her head in thought, her arms falling to lean on the fence as she fixed her gaze on the pool. 
"Jasmine's." She stated as she looked at him. Suddenly aware of how their elbows are touching and how small the space between them is, James's smile turned to a light smirk.
It seemed that she noticed cause soon enough she coughed and took a step back, apologizing. "It's fine." James replied. His eyes wandered over her figure one last time before putting a hand out. "James."
She stared at his hand as though she believed it might bite her. She looked at him, then his hand, and took a step forward, pushing her hand out and introducing herself. “An honor.”
“The honor is all mine.” James says, holding her hand in care as he raised it to his lips and placed a gentle kiss on her knuckles. He watched her face break into a smile before she bit the inside of her cheek and faced James with a raised brow. James only smiled in return.
He wasn’t sure why but this woman had definitely caught his attention. “I should probably get going.” She said and leaned down to grab the leftover equipment and gave a hesitant wave.
“Good Bye” James said, waving back and watched as she disappeared behind the greenery of the gardens.
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The next day you woke up with a striking headache and the usual urge to fall right back into bed. It took at least 10 minutes to finally convince the rest of your body that it would be for the best to get up.
And you eventually did, after having a nice warm shower to soothe your back and warm you against the coldness of your bathroom, you dressed in your everyday clothes and quickly made your way to the local farmer’s market, in hopes of getting there early.
The most distinctive smell was that of Olive oil, it filled the air and the closer you got the easier it was to make out the strong scent of spices. It was 9:15, the farmers were set up and there was a respectful amount of families and people buying fresh groceries. It didn’t take long for you to grab your things, as you’ve been coming here for years you were practically a usual so most of your orders were pre-ordered and all you had to do is pick them up.
By 10 you were outside the large black gates to the estate, a golf car awaited your arrival as to drive to the main doors, you never really understood why there was around a mile from the gates to the Manor. “Thanks, Robert!” You said, grabbing the bags and running up the steps to the front doors of the service enterance. Anders swung the door open just as you reached the last step.
“Morning, Anders.” You greeted me with a smile.
“Good Morning, Miss —” He was cut off with four men entering the large foyer. You trailed your eyes over their uniform, a dirt-stained grey jumpsuit with a green flower logo on their chest. ‘Gardens?’ You mouthed at the older man, he nodded back. “Yes, Mr. Fretman, if you will follow me, please.”
You snickered at Anders' tone of exasperation as he guided the men out. You managed to side-stepped all the priceless furniture that was in your way to the kitchens and it was no easy task. It was more like an obstacle course, especially with your sense of sight being blocked off by overly filled brown paper bags. 
Potter Estate was the definition of over the top. 
The Manor consisted of 16 guestrooms, 24 bathrooms, 2 kitchens, an indoor pool, an indoor sauna and jacuzzi, a music room, 2 library’s, the theatre room, a sewing room, 4 offices, a wine cellar and an attic, with lord knows what in it. 
The outside was even grander, there was the stables, the shooting range, the lake yards of grass and fancy gardens, the greenhouse (Which no one really sat in except Mrs. Potter whenever she visited), the outdoor pool, the garage and lastly the old stable house (Which, according to Anders, was turned into a "bat cave" by Mr. Potter Sr. for his son and his friends when they were younger.)
You made your way to the end of the west wing, pushing the large oak door open with your feet and sliding in. The evident silence came as a surprise, you would’ve expected to hear shouting, yelling, arguing, the sounds of slamming cupboards and chopping knives, something. But it was completely silent.
You placed the paper bags on the large kitchen island, which was three times the size of your bed and began sorting the fruits, vegetables and cheeses into the fridge and anything else in a cupboard. Once done, you threw the brown bags into a trash bin before washing your hands.
Your mind wandered away, wondering what might have happened to the rest of the crew. You huffed and wondered if you should look for them or not. Maybe they all got sick? But they were all fine yesterday. They were called somewhere else? Anders would have told you to join them. You took a look around and pushed your hair back with a headband and slipped on a hair net. You took one hesitant look around hoping someone would walk in but after a long and silent minute of you leaning on the marble table, gazing at the overly decorated door, you turned your gaze away from the entrance.
You shuffled from one cupboard, pulling all sorts of ingredients; flour, egg, sugar, vanilla , everything you needed to make a batch of cinnamon buns. And in a few moments you had already begun the first step, humming as you kneaded the dough, gently folding it between your hands and letting it rest for a while after you had declared it ready. You moved to preset the oven and a small red bulb lit up as you twisted the knob, signaling it was on.  
You yawned and your vision blurred as your eyes teared up from sleepiness, you really needed to get a better sleep schedule. Brushing the tears away with your arms, you pushed yourself up, putting aside your weariness and walked back to your cooking station.
It was almost half an hour later, when the doors to the kitchen swung open and you smiled up at Anders as he walked over to you. You were practically done, he had walked in on you smearing the icing on the buns. “They’re fresh out of the oven! Try one!” You offered, cutting him a piece and plating it. “Here, you can top it with whatever you like.” You pointed towards the spread of different sauces and toppings on the table.
“Thank you very much, Miss L/n. And I do appreciate this but sadly I did not come here by my own means.” He says with a soft smile and you unconsciously wipe your hand on a cloth before facing the man with confusion. “Has something happened? Is that why everyone is absent? Does it have something to do with Tony’s daughter? Is she—”
“No, no, no. Mr. Willfard’s daughter is being treated for a broken arm and bruised sides, it’s been confirmed that she will make a full recovery.” He says and you smile gratefully, the worry inside of you lessening, still there but much more eased.
“And about the others, they were given a day off by Mr Potter.” He says and you freeze on the spot. “Oh.”
“Yes, ‘oh.’  and since we are on the topic. Mr. Potter has sent me to inform you that he is expecting you by the pool.” 
Your eyes widened and so did your mouth, silent movements of your lips were targeted at Anders out of shock. “Mr. Potter, Mr. Potter? As in James Potter?”
“Are you acquainted with any other ‘James Potter’s?”
“No.” You answered hastily as you your mind racked to why he would want to speak with you and at the top of your head, and like a blaring siren, yesterday’s events shone. “Was he happy when he asked you to call me? Did he ask it in a ‘I just want to talk’ way  or more of a ‘I’m going to fire you’ tone.” You asked and you instantly felt smaller under the blank and unimpressed expression Anders gave you.
“If you will follow me – What are you doing?” Anders asks, his brows furrowing and lips frowning. “Plating these! They must be served warm or else they’re not as delicious.” You whisper, rushing around just as quick the thoughts in your head.
He sighs and leans his hands on the table, watching as you took your time to gently pick each roll and delicately place them on a large plate.
Once you're done you move the dirty trays to the sink and wonder if you could buy yourself some time as you scrubbed the pans and dishes.
“Leave those and follow me. I’ll assign someone to do them later.” Anders says and you can’t help but butt in, “But everyone took the day off! Except me.” You mutter the last part in a harsh whisper and sigh, accepting defeat. You grabbed one of the pastry-filled tray and angrily hand it to the butler before grabbing the others. 
It almost feels like forever as you followed Anders, your fingers were nervously tapping the silver platter. You took deep breaths and purposely slowed your pace. Anders didn’t even bother to look at you as he led you. You looked around you trying to make out where he’s taking you too. It came as a surprise when you had passed James' office but now you were completely out of the Manor.
“Anders, where are we going?” You asked, Anders didn’t turn to you but did slow down. “To the pool grounds.”
He was going to fire you. You admitted mentally. Should've kept your mouth shut! It is a known, unspoken rule that you should never share your opinions with rich people.
You should treat them like kids, don’t talk to them, don’t get in their squabbles and don’t tell them the truth cause it will make them pissed and emotional and then you will be forced to deal with their tantrums.
However you completely ignored that rule yesterday, when you shared your opinions with Potter of all people. Before you even reach the pool, you hear loud noises and shouts coming from its direction. One very distinctive voice was that of James Potter.
“Miss L/n.” Anders addressed and motioned for you to step ahead of him. You sighed and masked your face before climbing the short stair in quick steps.
The first person you were met with was James. He stood towering over a large group of men that were scattered across the pool yard. James’ is dressed in similar attire to yesterday’s clothing and you almost smile back when he turns to you with a grin. “Mr. Potter.” You greet with a strained tone, placing the tray of buns on a nearby table with harsh clack. 
“Oh, how lovely. Anders, please pass them to the workers, will you? And please call me James. How’ve you been?” He asks, still smiling and you're not so sure of what to make of the man. 
Anders agrees in his usual formal tone and you watch him with the corner of your eye as he picks up your tray and walks down over to the working men.
“I’m fine?” You reply hesitantly and thankfully he doesn’t notice your questioning tone.
“Well I’m glad. I’m sorry to strip you of your day off, I assure you, you can have tomorrow for yourself.”
Your brows furrowed as you stared at the man, you're quite confused and to add to it you almost feel ridiculous while speaking to him with his sunglasses on. “Take off the shades.” You order in a blank tone and you see James’ posture change as he takes a step back and pulls the accessory off. Before he can get the chance to speak, you cut in, “Are you going to fire me?” You ask, the smile completely wiped off your face. You narrow your eyes at the man and watch as he speaks to you in genuine surprise. “Why would I fire you?”
“Then why am I here?” You asked, your confidence slipping. “I’m not here to fire you,” he laughs, “I just wanted to show you this,” He explains motioning towards the pool. “...I’ve seen the pool before.” You say, this time your confusion is clearly plastered on your face. “I mean this.” He says and he guides to the side of the pool, where three men are potting some Jasmine’s. “You picked Jasmine’s?”
“You said it was one of your favorites, right?” He asked, and you faced him with a look of surprise. “You picked Jasmine’s cause they were one of my favorites?” The older man blushed and he faced you with wide eyes, “No! Yes, but not directly, I just picked them because I guessed they’d have to have been really nice flowers if they were on your favorites list.”
“Okay.” You said, still confused but you sighed and brushed it all away. James watched your face soften as you took a step closer to them. “They are beautiful, aren’t they?” You ask, your eyes trained on the small, delicate, white petals of the flower. “Yeah…and they smell nice too.” You laugh, turning to face him as you lightly throw your head back. “Yeah, that too.” You agree watching a soft smile adorn his face.
“Here,” James says as he walks over behind a table, you watch lean down to grab something and your lips part in awe as he walks over to you with a pot of Jasmine’s. “Mr. Potter, I–” You’re in shock and happiness. They’re is a small sickening feeling in your stomach and you do your best to try and avoid it.
“A thank you,” He says. “And as I said earlier, it’s just James.”
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Tagging: @sssstarstruck @cloudroomblog @ietss
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wolfstarlibrarian · 1 month
A little preview of the next list! There are a LOT of shop fics out there but comment with your fave! The Librarian is always looking for recs. 🥰
And thank you to @imsiriuslyreading for being so supportive and leaving a comment on TIKTOK for me. 🥰❤️
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Regulus "you left because you've been wanting to leave me ever since you met potter, I'm your brother but you've always wanted a different one" Black
Sirius "i left because you gave up on me. you left me before i ever could in a house that hated me so much. I lost you before you lost me and i was grieving you all these years" Black
*wow, i can't seem to stop writing about the black brothers. here, have some more.
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kaaaaaaarf · 16 days
WIP (it out)
share whatever project you're working on right now, except 'project' is incredibly open ended. It could be fic, original writing, playlists, art, crafts, whatever it is you're doing!
ty for the tags @babblingflowers & @lynxindisguise <3 I'm working on two projects right now, but here is something from the @marauderswithpalestineproject:
Remus is suddenly sweating—not just because the library aircon seems to be broken, or because he has an eleven page paper that's due next week that he's pretty sure he’s getting zero help on. He's sweating because Sirius keeps looking at him like that—smirking at him from under his eyelashes, a feral spark to his eye like he's starving and Remus is a particularly appealing meal. He’s sweating because this gorgeous, frustrating man has just offered to suck him off in the middle of the library and he can’t think of a single reason to say no. He should be able to think of a reason to say no. He’s not gonna say no. “Uh, yes please.” Sirius barks a laugh, “Did you just say yes please to my offer to suck you off?” “....correct?” “Oh, you’re ridiculous. I’m going to wreck you.”
np tagging: @squintclover, @moon-seas, @kaleidoscopexsighs, @fruityindividual, @fxreflyes,
@polaroidcats, @imsiriuslyreading, @quillkiller, @wanderingdonut & @sommerregenjuniluft
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wordsofwilderness · 7 days
I started a my fic for @marauderswithpalestineproject today and I'm already crying about Jegulus, like why did I have to choose a hurt/comfort interpretation of my prompt?? Why did I do this to myself? The angsty bits are not even that bad all things considered
Just,,, *sob* them
Anywho, because I can't stop myself, here's a snippet it some if the sillier bits:
Regulus had expected bumps in the road when moving in with James, like how James had thought putting all his books up onto the shelves in a random order had been anywhere close to a help. Randomly? Who does that? Oh no, mister ‘why sort by last name and not the title’ hadn’t even considered genre, going as far as blending together non-fiction and fiction haphazardly. But it was fine, Regulus could live with it. Books could be resorted. James made him tea as he did so, staying far away from the towering stacks of special editions. He even offered a sheepish smile, as Regulus glared at him from where he was sitting crisscrossed on floor, meticulously sorting.
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"PADS!! Have you seen my drum stick?!"
- James, probably
(close-ups under cut)
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my-castles-crumbling · 4 months
after - @wolfstarmicrofic - word count: 82
Remus was a good student.
Or, he tried to be, at least.
He worked hard to pay attention. To focus. To take notes and listen to the professors.
But when Sirius Black sent him a smirk and a perfectly-penned note that said:
Meet me in the broom closet on the third floor after class as soon as you can. I can't stop thinking about last night. -S
Well, would you be able to think about the finer properties of boomslang skin?
You wouldn't.
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wolfstarshipping · 11 months
June Masterlist (Wolfstar Fic Recs)
Here's another wolfstar fic rec list! I missed 2 days of the daily fic recs in June, but I decided to just include 2 other fic recs in this list as compensation, because 30 fic recs is a much nicer number than 28. Again, these are mostly different kinds of AUs, with a few angsty non-AU fics strewn in!
1. Marauder FM by hollyivydruzy (12.809 words/current WIP, radio AU, muggle AU)
2. The Lab by de_sire (de-sire-blog) (95.450 words, university/scientist AU, muggle AU)
3. sucker punch by moonnixie (5681 words, post Azkaban)
4. lessen my load by moonymoment (73.424 words, university AU, muggle AU)
5. Ullswater by eyra (30.973 words, university AU, musician AU, muggle AU)
6. saccharine by moonymoment (26.447 words, ghost AU, modern AU)
7. Fire Escape by longlostweasley (9418 words, high school AU, muggle AU)
8. The Road Not Taken by mollymarymarie (88.278 words, popstar AU, modern AU, muggle AU)
9. Neither Hide nor Hair by puuvillaa (28.117 words, wizard AU: no Voldemort)
10. everybody else looks like they’ve figured it out by spellingmynamewrong (15.015 words, university AU, muggle AU)
11. Everything's Connected by mizdiz (44.297 words, boarding school AU, magical realism)
12. A Cure For Nightmares [+podfic] by picascribit (36.083 words, boarding school AU, muggle AU)
13. Signs of Affection by KittyCargo (8258 words, modern AU, muggle AU, sign language)
14. I need you (Like I need to breathe) by bookish_changeling (16.745 words, first war AU)
15. Everything is right by de-sire (10.875 words, marauders era, hogwarts)
16. Learning (Dis)Abilities by MakkAttackk (15.824 words, marauders era AU, hogwarts)
17. Dear Your Holiness by mollymarymarie (142.264 words, priest AU, band AU, modern AU, muggle AU)
18. they're just pretty words, my dear by lowhangingfru1t (31.444 words, high school AU, muggle AU)
19. losing my mind, thinking about you by drowsyanddazed (16.265 words, first war, flatmates)
20. Step & Repeat by theresthesnitch (62.744 words, modern AU, celebrity AU, muggle AU, fake dating)
21. (everybody here was) someone else before by mcdynamite (13.163 words, modern AU)
22. It Can't Be Helped by moongnome (9752 words, marauders era, post-prank, hogwarts)
23. It's cold outside by Remustrash (1788 words, post hogwarts, bed sharing)
24. Led by Light of a Star Sweetly Gleaming by wolfpants (53.025 words, 1960s AU, muggle AU)
25. My Dearest Moony [+podfic] by picascribit (581 words, epistolary, post OotP)
26. I'll Be Yours In a Landslide by MoonCat457 (mooncat457writing) (8464 words, Lie Low at Lupin's)
27. Modern Love by enigmaticfish (40.354 words, muggle AU, modern AU, student AU, flatmates)
28. Terms and Conditions by mblematic (6852 words, post hogwarts, flatmates)
29. The Things We'd Do For A Coffee Maker by AllThisAndLoveTooWillRuinUs (6805 words, muggle AU, fake dating)
30. Honey If I'm Not and If You're Gonna by BrigidFaye (75.771 words, wizard AU, post first war)
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wolfstarbingo2024 · 29 days
Wolfstar Bingo 2024 Sign-Up!
It's time for the fourth annual Wolfstar Bingo to start! Please go to the link below to sign up and get your bingo card! Your card should be given to you within two weeks.
And a big thank you to @/carlav.discusses on the Wolfstar Discord for making this year's banners and icon!
We will be accepting registration/sign up for the bingo event until June 1st so if you are interested please make sure to fill out the form before the deadline. If you have any questions for us, drop them in ⁠asks or in the discord and we'll get to you as soon as we can! We hope you have fun!
https://forms.gle/NYUChhJHRq4pLeRU6 https://discord.gg/GGEW8GwggP
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nettedtangible · 7 months
*Pulls out two bottles of whisky* LET'S GET CANON DIVERGENT UP IN THIS BITCH
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wolfstarlibrarian · 14 days
Hello! I've been loving your tiktoks and I have a somewhat selfish question. I'm wondering if you have posts with links of the fics you've recommended on tiktok? Specifically I'm thinking of a video where you were recommending fics for someone just getting into wolfstar. And while that's not me, lol, I was horrified how many I hadn't read! But didn't have it in me right then to go and find them and mark them all for later. Feel free to tell me that some ao3 searching is good for me ;)
Hello and thank you for supporting me on two channels?! 🥹 And yes, I'll link the fics here for you as well as a list of more fics to get people introduced to Wolfstar as a ship.
And thanks for the feedback! If I grab fics from a list to post on TikTok, I'll start commenting with the link so you can find them easily. Hope that helps and thanks for sending an ask!
Wolfstar Starter Kit WolfstarLibrarian on TikTok
New To Wolfstar Fics
Fics to share with people to get them on board this ship!
Incredible Things orphaned account When Lily Evans agrees to go on a date with James, he panics and seeks comfort from his favourite werewolf who is pining away for his own, secret crush. One thing leads to another, and they discover a few things about themselves.
Nox by bliiinding
The Marauders are starting their fifth year at Hogwarts; Remus is starting with a massive scar across his face - a byproduct of the increasing severity of his furry little problem, which is a definite cause for concern despite his insistence that it it’s fine.
If I May Just Take Your Breath Away by @lovingremus "Sirius making it to the team had brought an unpredicted guest to the stands surrounding the pitch. Remus Lupin’s sudden interest in their Quidditch practices after years of refusing to attend even the matches was odd enough, and at first, Sirius didn’t understand why James was complaining – he was more than happy to have Remus there, to keep him company and for him to stare at."
copycats by @kangandkodos
Sirius is a trend setter. Sirius is a trend setter that doesn’t seem to notice it, or care, or make any comment towards the fact that he wore his hair in a ponytail last week and now half the school have styled their hair in exactly the same way. Remus cares.
I Wouldn't Mind by @omg-someone-actually Your typical Hogwarts get-together including but not limited to: vicious full moon, teenage shenanigans and drama, excessive swearing, one (1) oblivious idiot in love, one (1) not-so-oblivious-but-still-an-idiot in love and some good old pining.
Wet Dog by @lying-like-breathing Sirius is tired of Remus saying he smells like a wet dog, so he bathes himself in amortentia to cover it up. It doesn’t work quite as well as he expected it to…
Share this with your own recs!
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memebijin-love · 3 days
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When I read #TLE2 it's just how I see them inside my head... except for Remus's eyes which in my mind are Hazel/golden.
#debería estar trabajando pero nooo
#wolfstar mi vicio!
Note: i haven't the name of the artist.. I'm sorry! ( But if u know the magnificent artist please tell me❤️) . #ThankU
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