#female inqusitor
timelessda · 10 months
Alycia Trevelyan<3
Alycia Trevelyan appreciation because I miss my Inquisitor
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and some funnies because I love these screenshots
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knyazserebryanyy · 7 months
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pinayelf · 1 year
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Since playing immy as Ryder I’ve been wondering how her human version would look vs the og elf. Idt there’d be much lol, she wouldn’t have the ears, have a flatter nose and would have dark brown eyes vs the magic heart eyes. Her name would just be Immy as "Imryll" is an elfy name.
She’d be still v pink lol. No matter what universe
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thewalkingpumpkin · 2 years
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The Warden, The Champion and The Inquisitor
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elgarabelas · 2 years
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AU where my warden Mahariel died and Leliana is all alone until she met Lavellan who looks just like her dead beloved
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whatsgnat · 1 year
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Dragon Age Absolution really brought me back into the DA brainrot so here's my main 4 quizzies
♡ Jacki
♡ Adaline
♡ Leslin
♡ Ostlehn
(Yes I redesigned and remade Ostlehn for the 5th time)
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jae--jack · 1 year
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[...]    Боги були сильні. Боги були могутні, здатні нищити й розділяти світ надвоє. Боги існували до поки у них вірили, але єдине у що беззастережно і палко вірила Росґетиль — це в...
    У їхню спільну справу і майбутнє. У Війну, про яку до цієї самої миті по-справжньому нічого не знала і де не було місця Богам, тільки Народу. Перемагаючи себе кожну секунду, піднімаючись через нестерпний біль, фізичний та моральний. Вони боролися, відстоювали свій шлях, незважаючи на жах, сковуючий тіло і, намертво вчепившись власними пальцями, виривали право на життя. Кожним зітханням, кожним кроком, розпалюючись в серці відвагою, подібно до лави, що рветься з-під землі. Підносячи до неба прапора, зброю, робочі інструменти, голі руки й голоси, об'єднані у єдиному пориві. Щомиті доводили, що не боги творять справжні дива, а вони. Кожен з них.  [...]
Коли-небудь я обов’язково допишу свій фанфік про Адамант, а поки можете подивитися на його неперевершено круті обкладинки та кусманчик самого тексту, який я обожнюю ХД
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mrfoox · 2 years
will i stop playing my dai save for alii again and leave it for another year or two until i continue? probably
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elvenbeard · 11 months
Thanks for your answer on the bi/straight mod question! Very interesting to see your perspective, especially since I myself am straight and feel like that is a topic I'm not qualified to offer my opinions on. Bioware, and Dragon Age in particular is what made me bring it up. I was there for the Dorian drama too and it was messy. I never downloaded that mod, it didnt sit right with me either knowing his story, I just happily romanced him with a male inqusitor and went on my way. But then I think about Mass Effect and characters like Jack, is who definitely bi, and Tali who does seem to flirt with FemShep, they're only romanceable for MShep, so I sometime wonder if there's a grey area there where a mod would be ok? Or like for Kaidan, who is bi but not romanceable by MShep until game 3, It seems like a mod for him in ME1 is acceptable. Idk, I'm rambling, but I guess in my opinion they may be okay for some characters, like Kaidan, but not okay for others, like Dorian. And like you said, maybe that's hypocritical, but that makes the most sense to me in a way? Again, not trying to start anything, just happy to have a civil discussion about it instead of seeing both sides yell at each other while I watch from afar and try to make sense of it.
Always happy to discuss things like this in a civil way, cause that's how you learn and see different perspectives!
I think everything considered, everyone needs to decide for themselves what's okay and what isn't. If I love a character so so much, but I cannot or don't want to romance them with a PC they'd be attracted to given their background and story, then what is it that I love about that character (especially if their sexuality is integral to the story)? Do I really love the character for who they are, or do I just hate being turned down by them, despite always being nice to them (do I feel cheated by the narrative)? What is it that prevents me from enjoying this character's story how it's written (is it bad, or is it just not what I expected, what I know from other media)? Is it internalized homophobia, or does it make me uncomfortable to be adressed as a different gender than my own (what can I learn about myself from this)? Something else, all of the above?
I can answer that for myself in regard to why I personally don't mind headcanoning some straight characters as bi or gay. Most random example: Cassandra from Dragon Age. I didn't play her romance, I know vaguely how it plays out though. It's sweet, it's dorky, it's romantic af. I love Cassandra as the strong leader who also loves cute romance novels - get yourself a girl who can be both! But also, from what I know about it, her romance feels like something I've seen depicted in media 1000 times before. I feel like romancing her with a female Inquisitor could give her story a different vibe entirely, one that I personally could relate more to. I'm not saying that her canon romance and orientation are bad either - it's just something that doesn't grab me as much when here are LIs that are "less conventional" (read: more like myself), with stories I can relate to more.
Regarding Jack, Tali, and Kaidan: considering how old Mass Effect 1 is, and how utterly radical it was at the time to have Liara as an LI for both female and male Shepard, I think they really wanted to play it safe with who was canonically available to whom as an LI, and only got braver when ME3 rolled around. It's been too long since I played the games myself, and I only ever played a male Shepard, so I can't comment specifically on Tali's behavior towards Femshep for example. And again, I think it's totally fair to headcanon Tali as bi or lesbian or whatever you want, and get mods that unlock her romance, because it's only relevant to your own game and story and doesn't affect anyone else. It's totally fair to headcanon Kaidan as straight, because if you're only ever playing Femshep, I'm not sure if anything ever comes up that would suggest he's bi, romanced or not (correct me if I'm wrong!). And it's also not gonna take away from me having the ultimate slowburn romance between him and my male Shepard either xD I know there's mods that unlock his romance for male Shep in ME1, too, but I personally do not mind that he's not an LI there. Cause heck... maybe Kaidan didn't realize himself at the time that he is bi, and maybe he realizes only by the time he starts to trust male Shepard again in ME3 "hmm... maybe I'm feeling a little more than just admiration and friendship for this man." I love the M!Shenko romance so much as a slowburn, because sexuality is a shifting thing, and it's never too late to realize that maybe you're not as straight (or cis) as you thought you were.
I don't wanna go into morals or what's okay and what isn't, because in the end, as I said, these characters and their stories are all fictional. Also, good queer representation is by far not as rare anymore as it was by the time of Mass Effect 1 or Dragon Age: Origins, where I kind of accidentally stumbled into Zevran's romance with my male Warden and had my mind blown that it was possible to be gay in a fantasy story. Overall though, there's still too little rep, and if you look around the world rn, at the political climate and the rising tension towards queer people, we need it more than ever, still.
Another reason why I'm personally more "forgiving" towards mods that make canonically straight, cis characters queer, because there's so little gay fantasy knights in shining armour romances, so little dorky space lesbians. The queer characters used to often be the sexually more deviant, morally grey, shady characters (I love you, Zevran, but also.... yeah). They still sometimes are, and not only do we need more, we need more diverse stories. More quiet romantic queers, more serious respectable queers, more evil queers that are evil because they're evil, not because they're queer.
And sometimes you just need a little bit of self-fulfillment in fiction when the real world constantly tells you "no one would ever love you the way you are". I can see why you don't wanna be turned down by your favourite fictional character, and there is no harm in "what if" scenarios that mods allow you to experience. Since being straight is still considered "the norm" in large parts of society and in fiction, I feel like some straight people playing games with diverse queer rep experience being turned down for their gender and orientation for the first time in their lives there. And maybe "make this character straight" mods are a way to cope with that unexpected rejection from their favourites (and again, being turned down by your fave is never fun, and when you have the chance to play out "what if" scenarios in your head or with mods, by all means, go for it! I get it, I really do).
But my guess is as good as any other and still: me understanding it doesn't mean I wanna see it on my dash.
Simultaneously, I get it that female players want to play female characters, cause even female protags are not something that was always just there from the beginning of games. Me personally, I prefer playing male characters when given a choice. And now you have games like Cyberpunk, where you can canonically make V trans (it's not perfect by how it's pulled off, but what in life is perfect?). Having that option alone was another utter *mind blown* moment for me, and I hope more and more games will pick this up in the future and "normalize" it, make it standard, expose people to the existence of queer people at every opportunity xD And now I'm completely off topic so I'll stop here with my rant!
TL,DR: Let people mod what they mod, if they really wanna, they're gonna do it anyway. Everyone needs to decide for themselves what's okay and what isn't, and there are no bigger, all encompassing morals to adhere to. Maybe we're all not that different in our experiences and wishes and daydreams and just need to realize it more. Be kinder and more respectful towards each other. Focus on creating and enjoying the things that you love and share it with people who love it. And, if all else fails... block/mute/blacklist things and people you don't wanna have in your life XD
And there's nothing bad in being a little hypocritical sometimes, hell, I still get mad af at stupid mods and stupid takes XD I'm far from perfect, I'm super petty actually. I've fucked up in the past, and will probably fuck up in the future, too, it's just human. But I still will try to do my best to be respectful and just remove myself from environments and content that gets me mad, and focus on the good things and the cool people and what they do and support them. Help them be louder against bigots as best as I can.
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timelessda · 10 months
Castle On The Hill
This edit was originally made 2 years ago with the intentions of:
1; learning how to use the flycam (this video consisted of one hand on my keyboard and one hand on a Playstation controller I HAD to plug into my PC to film moving shots at all times 😭)
2; Make a edit inspired by scenery game trailers
It certainly isn't perfect by any means, but I'm still proud of what I managed to do on a first try. I think if I were to try again I would be able to do better... maybe...
This video was recently reuploaded onto my Dragon Age YouTube channel as well if you wanna take a look 👀
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knyazserebryanyy · 5 months
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herald-divine-hell · 4 years
Since it's on topic for sinful sunday, how does Alexandra react to a s/o whose not ok with biting or at least a little nervous about it for personal reasons? Either they were never ok with it to begin with or somthing unpleasant happened in their past to turn them off from it
She doesn’t bite at all. If her S/O allows, she’ll pepper kisses instead, while her hands wander over their body, memorizing. She doesn’t do anything if her S/O is uncomfortable.
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mathea-croquis · 2 years
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alexafrantasy · 3 years
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I tried to imitate the artstyle from the Dragon Age Keep :^) It looks better on the paper I swear. Anyway, meet my heroes!  I might open commissions in this style! DM me if you’re interested.
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annoyingcattiger · 2 years
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my Inquisitor Kadash💙🧡
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magxy · 4 years
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Commissions done for @cassandra-pentughasst ❤
My commissions are open!
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