#feel free to correct me on any outstanding errors
yazzydream · 10 months
Geto's Massacre Incident Report (EN Translation)
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Jujutsu Technical College Tokyo School
To the Dean and Teachers
September 28, 2007
Assistant Supervisor Misato Shokinji
Investigative Report on the Murder Incident Regarding Our School's Student
I will report about the subject matter as follows.
Subject of Investigation: Tokyo School 3rd Year, Suguru Geto
1. Incident Case Record
Date and Time of Occurrence: September 23, 2007 around 9:00 PM Place of Occurrence: ██ City, ██ Prefecture (former ██ village) Discovery of Occurrence: Discovered due to the assistant manager traveling to the target site when the mission operative (Geto) was late. Five days had passed since Geto was dispatched. Damage Status: Confirmed deaths of 112 residents of former ██ village.
2. Summary of Geto's Mission
Investigate former ██ village  In the village, getting spirited away has been passed down from generation to generation as a folklore.  However, in reality, incidents of strange deaths of villagers frequently occur-- according to the client's information and can otherwise be understood through research. Since it was surmised that 80% of the cases were caused by a Cursed Spirit, Geto was ordered to conduct a more detailed on-site investigation and to exorcise the Cursed Spirit in question.
3. Behavior / Conjecture 
 On September 18, Geto entered the former ██ village alone.  The mission's outline was provided by the assistant manager a week before departure.  There was no prior request regarding this matter from the person himself and it was the Technical College that ordered him to act alone. The reason is, it was judged in deference to Geto's own experience points, and that it was feasible for him to work alone. In addition, the target Curse was surmised to be about a Grade 1; lower than Geto’s. In addition, there is a shortage of jujutsu sorcerers.  Presumably at this time, there were no deviations from a usual mission. He didn't display any behavior at the time that he was scheming something.  9:00 am on the appointed day, we departed from the Tokyo school by car.  Geto and the assistant manager (Shokinji), just the two, moved together.  The target village is a village without any public transportation. It's impossible to approach the village by car, as entry is via a single narrow road. About a kilometer away from the village, near Kamiya intersection, Geto was dropped off and we parted ways.  Around 4:00 p.m., Geto started to act alone.  The duration of completion of the mission this time is from September 18th~September 19th; at most three days. Upon completion, I was supposed to be contacted as usual. (However, it was not a strict promise. Because of that, it's believed the discovery of this incident was delayed. Matters Requiring Improvement)  With the assumption he'll be staying in the village, we'd made arrangements with the client belonging to the fire brigade (Kiyotaka Kagetani, 43 years old, living with mother) to rent a room in his house. However, details such as if he actually lodged with them, remain unknown, as both the client and his mother have died.
 The following is the mission's investigative report that was conveyed by the assistant manager from inside a moving car.  In the village, there is folklore about being "spirited away."  There is even literature that remains. Passed down from the Edo period... It's a common enough legend. However, even aside recent years, It's characterized by how it continues to feel like a natural happening.  There have been five cases in the last ten years.  March 19, 1998, A 26-year-old woman disappeared.  May 7, 2001, A 67-year-old man died abnormally.  July 24, 2002, A 4-year-old girl disappeared.  August 4, 2005, A 57-year-old man and a 46-year-old woman were found to have died abnormally.  September 13, 2007, A 46-year-old man died abnormally. As features,  ・Both disappearances and abnormal deaths occurred within a 50-meter radius of a limestone cave, which is considered to be a sacred area to the village.  ・Young women and children → Disappeared、Middle-aged and older or men → Found died abnormally.  ・The ones who died abnormally have no heads.  From these and other such commonalities, it was conjectured that it is the action of a Cursed Spirit inhabiting the vicinity of the limestone cave. So, in order to confirm the truth from the legend, it is believed Geto investigated from inside the village.  It is estimated that from the time he began to act alone, around 4:00 p.m. on September 18th, he opened the case, investigated, and collected the target Cursed Spirit. However, since all the villagers involved have died, there is no one left to testify.  Only, if this matter was caused by a Cursed Spirit, it is certain Geto achieved destroying--
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[–cut off]
 On September 19th (time unknown), a village massacre incident occurred.  112 Villagers died. In the subsequent arson, 70% of the village was burned down.  (On September 23rd, when the College headed to the site, there was not a single living person left in the village. There is no eyewitness testimony.)  An investigation into the cause of death determined they were all victims of Cursed Spirits.  In addition, according to an inspection of the residuals, it was concluded to be that of Suguru Geto's Curse Manipulation.  It is believed that after killing the villagers, Geto set fire to the village and fled.  Regarding this incident, Geto's motives remain unknown.  Village resident registration information did not reveal anyone who had a blood relation with Geto, nor anyone with personal involvement with him prior to the mission.  Note that, since there is information that there was a lineage of jujutsu sorcerers in this village, it is being further investigated to see if they share any attributes with Geto and whether that had anything to do with his motives.
4. Punishment Here On, etc.
Suguru Geto is even now at large. In accordance to Article 9 of Jujutsu Regulations, he is subject to execution as a Curse User.
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mariusreviews · 11 months
“there must be no barriers to freedom of inquiry. there is no place for dogma in science. the scientist is free, and must be free to ask any question, to doubt any assertion, to seek for any evidence, to correct any errors.”
“oppenheimer”, christopher nolan's astonishing brand new biopic about “the father of the atomic bomb” j. robert oppenheimer is an absurdly immersive three hour cinematic experience, combined with outstanding performances from a star-studded cast. this film is not your normal biopic, but an insane character study taking a deeper look into the life and thoughts of one of the most vital figures in recent history. a monumental story brought to the grandest stage possible, which managed to blow me wholeheartedly away, figuratively and literally. as someone who wasn’t too familiar with oppenheimer prior to watching this I particularly enjoyed the level of detail put into the film meanwhile still upholding a very fast pace, never leaving me feeling bored or disinterested. 
as for standout performances, three actors in particular stood out to me. cillian murphy, emily blunt and robert downey jr all had oscar-worthy performances in my opinion and were the heart and soul of this film. the duality and complexity of the characters was acted out incredibly well by every single person involved emphasising the feeling of you questioning everything you just experienced for days after leaving the cinema.
overall “oppenheimer” is such a ridiculous achievement in filmmaking and chrisopher nolan should be proud to add another masterpiece to his already impressive collection. In the moment It felt like I was experiencing a future-classic and I can’t wait to revisit it.
| 5STARS ***** |
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raspberryparker · 5 years
writing + editing commissions!
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After a long time thinking it over, I’ve decided to open commissions for my writing! I didn’t want to do this but this is an emergency (my bank account is currently in the negative). I’ll also be offering my services as an editor/beta reader for anyone who needs it! Your local English major is here to help!
Commissioning me will help me pay my way through university and help me achieve my dream of getting my teaching degree. Your commissions will go towards paying student loans, buying textbooks, buying groceries, and even paying rent as I live on my own.
If you’d like to commission me, please read through this post thoroughly. I’ll also write some answers to questions you may have at the very end. 
Thank you so so so very much from the bottom of my heart if you decide to commission me for anything, even if it’s just a short blurb or headcanons. I adore you all no matter what ♡
important notes:
please do not send any commission inquiries to my askbox, they will get buried and I don’t take commissions from anonymous sources.
please pm me here on tumblr to commission me.
I accept payment through paypal.
I’m down to write pretty much anything for anyone, but I do have some restrictions. to see what I will and won’t write, go here.
↳ writing commissions!
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My standard rate for written works is $0.01 USD per word. This translates to $1.00 per each 100 words. However, I am flexible depending on the request. See the end of this post for my restrictions. 
In every commission you must: - specify nsfw or sfw - specify your pairing - provide as much detail as you deem necessary, or let me know if you’re giving me free reign over a concept
✧ Blurbs and Headcanons: I have a ko-fi where you can donate a coffee directly to me without being compensated if you so choose, or where I will write a blurb or headcanons for you if you leave your request and (optional) tumblr url in the message with your coffee.  Blurbs will be min. 300 and max. 450 words per coffee (they are $3.00 each so it is discounted from my rate).  You can always message me to commission a blurb if you don’t want to pay through the ko-fi site.
✧ Drabbles: Message me to commission a drabble. They will be a maximum of 1,000 - 1,200 words ($10 - 12) before it becomes a oneshot.  If you’re unsure if your request will be a blurb or a drabble, let me know! I’ll try to keep it as short as I can if you’d rather only pay for a blurb.
✧ Oneshots: Please message me to commission a oneshot. I ask that you allow for a minimum of 1,300 - 2,000 words ($13 - 20) or it likely won’t be long enough to fulfill your request.  If your oneshot gets longer than 3,000 words, I will discount the rate from that point on to $0.0025 per word (this translates to $0.25 per extra hundred words after 3,000).  I will always round down for you if your total includes partial cents. 
✧ Multi-Chapter/Series: If you have an idea for a multi-chapter fic and would like me to write it, please message me and we can work something out. For longer fics, my rate will be much cheaper because I cannot justify charging you that much if it gets too long. This isn’t a definitive number as it can change while we discuss the commission, but $150 for a series that is 35,000 words seems reasonable. I will never make you pay more than $200, even if I make your fic 100,000 words long. That’s a promise.
↳ editing/beta reading
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Here is an excellent example of my more specific and detailed editing/beta work. I am currently in uni to become an English teacher so this is right up my alley. It will be cheaper than writing commissions since you will be doing most of the work and I will just be providing feedback. No matter what tier you commission me for, I will always tell you what you did well and what you can improve. 
✧ Basic Beta $5.00: Correcting spelling and grammatical errors for up to 2,000 words. Additional $0.25 per extra 200 words.
✧ Editorial $15.00: All of the above including my own edits into your work, correcting structure and flow for up to 2,500 words. Additonal $0.25 per extra 150 words. 
✧ Revamp $35.00: Basically exactly what my example was. All of the above including a full breakdown of my thoughts on your story, what you can improve and lessons on story writing where they apply (ex. scene breakdown, paragraph structure, sentence structure, character development, etc.) for up to 3,000 words. Additional $0.50 per extra 150 words.
↳ questions you may have
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Why should we commission blurbs if you host blurb nights for free? Great question! You’re welcome to save your request for a blurb night where, yes, I will write it for free, but I won’t be having them too often and if you commission a blurb from me, it’ll probably end up a lot better. I usually don’t take a lot of time with blurb night requests (I often don’t even capitalize them properly and just spit them out in about 5 minutes) so a commissioned blurb will be much cleaner and an easier read.
Will you share my commission on your blog? Your commission will be only yours for up to a week and a half (10 days) before I post it. When I do post it, I will specify that it was commissioned and make sure everyone knows that piece is yours by tagging you. If you choose to remain anonymous when I post it, I can do that too. 
What do/don’t you write? My list of fandoms/people/au’s I write for and what I won’t write for is right here! If you have any questions, ask me!
Can you write my OC’s? Yes! But be ready to give me adequate details about them (physical appearance, personality traits, backstory, etc.) so I can write them properly. 
Can you write my friend’s OC? As long as I have explicit permission from the other person to write their OC, that’s fine. And the above question applies to this as well.
Can you write another chapter of one your existing stories/blurbs? Of course! If you have an idea for a plot line let me know, but if you just want me to keep going however I want, that’s cool too! If the story you want continued is a commission, we need ask the original commissioner for permission to continue their story.
Do you write NSFW? I do! You’d be surprised just how nasty I can get. As long as it’s not on the restrictions list, assume it’s free reign. 
I’m under 18, can I commission an NSFW story? I’d rather you didn’t. If your age is in your bio and you’re under 18 and you commission anything NSFW, I’ll have to respectfully decline. I have no way of knowing if you don’t tell me, though. So... do with that what you will.
I don’t want to commission you but I wanna help you out, how do I do that? That’s a very sweet thought, thank you. I accept donations through my paypal and ko-fi. Any amount helps.
How does this work? Messaging me here is the easiest way to reach me for a commission. Do not send an ask to commission something. I don’t take commissions from anons and there’s the chance that your ask will get buried. If you’d like to remain anonymous to my audience, I won’t share your information unless you tell me you want it out there. Have a general idea of what you want your fic to be, how long you want it, the plot, etc. when you message me. I need at least 50% payment upfront, I won’t start working on it until I receive that. See my prices for the min. amount per commission. After I finish the commission, you can pay the outstanding balance and I will email it to you, share it via Google Drive, Dropbox, Google Docs—however you want it. After ten days, your commission will be going up on my blog and on my masterlist. For editing commissions, your feedback will be yours and yours alone unless you commission me for the Revamp tier, in which case I’ll post the review after 10 days if you want me to. This helps as reference for others who might want to commission me but it’s optional.
If you have any other questions, please message me or send me an ask (anons are okay but make sure you come back and see if I answered it). 
Again, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart if you decide to commission me for anything. I’m incredibly grateful to all of you and I hope this isn’t too much trouble. Do not feel obligated to commission me just because I’m broke. I’m just offering my services to help me make a living as many artists and writers do.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and for your interest in commissioning me. I love you ♡
- Gabi 
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protecthunter535 · 3 years
Openoffice For Mac Os
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Openoffice For Mac Os X
Openoffice For Mac Free
Openoffice For Mac Os X 10.4.11
Openoffice Mac Os 10.11
Draft : This page aims to create a reviewers guide, mainly maintained by the hard-core devs from the Mac port (but not only). Means the information has been put in random order, and maybe this is completely uggly. Please contribute if you think the outline is not correct, or if you catched an error . or .
Thanks in advance !!
Goal : create a Reviewers Guide for OpenOffice.org Aqua, on Mac OS X
OpenOfficeはWindows・Mac両方のOSで利用可能です。Windowsユーザーでも、Microsoft Officeを持っていない方もOpenOfficeを利用すれば、Microsoft Officeと同等の機能を利用することが可能となりま. Free download OpenOffice.org Impress OpenOffice.org Impress for Mac OS X. OpenOffice.org Impress - IMPRESS is a truly outstanding tool for creating effective multimedia presentations.
The last OpenOffice version supporting Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger), 10.5 (Leopard), 10.6 (Snow Leopard) is OpenOffice 4.0.1. Hardware Requirements ¶ CPU: Intel Processor. Openoffice for mac free download - Apache OpenOffice, WinZip Mac, Avast Free Mac Security, and many more programs.
Aqua Screenshots
Feel free to add others. Better idea: propose little and high resolution of the same shot
Supported Versions and Architectures
Please note:
Mac OS X 10.3 (aka Panther) is no longer maintained after 2.2. version included
There is officialy no Universal Binaries archive provided, and you have to take care of the architecture (mentionned in the archive name)
Software versionPowerPC processorIntel processorOpenOffice.org Aqua (starting 3.0)Works with Mac OS X 10.4, 10.5, and the 10.6pre (aka Snow Leopard)Works with Mac OS X 10.4, 10.5 and the 10.6pre (aka Snow Leopard)OpenOffice.org (starting 2.2 version)Works with Mac OS X 10.4, 10.5Works with Mac OS X 10.4, 10.5OpenOffice.org (until 2.1 version included)Works with Mac OS X 10.3 , 10.4, 10.5 (during 2007)Works with Mac OS X 10.4, 10.5 (during 2007)
New features coming with the Aqua version of OpenOffice.org ( 3.x )
FIXME: add screenshots / links for high resolution images, for every feature
In addition of all the changes of the 3.0 papported to the 2.0 version, the Aqua version of OpenOffice.org brings the following new features (non exhaustive list)
Install by simple drag and drop.
What you see after double clicking the downloaded .dmg :
Simply Drag the OpenOffice.org on Applications folder :
Other possibilities: drag the OpenOffice.org icon (aka the' Bundle ' ) elsewhere is possible. Just do what you prefer, keeping in mind Applications folder is the prefered one
The Aqua version of OpenOffice.org no longer needs X11
NEW Start center
Look and Feel Aqua, using Cocoa API
Many useful extensions available (e.g. PresenterScreen or PDF-Import)
Main Application Menu on the main menu ( on Top of the screen ) ( no more menus in the window frames)
Improved accessibility (Voice Over, Zoom, Contrast . nd so on)
FIXME : Describe accessibility features
Apple System fonts are transparently used (ATS server)
Integrated Mac OS X Address Book
Media Player using QuickTime ( videos and sounds: all QuickTime supported formats are supposed to work inside OpenOffice.org)
Expected:Describe: the feature, the shortcuts, more features ( possible sound/movie file formats ), limitations
Integrated Apple SpellChecker
Expected:Describe: the feature, the shortcuts, what can be done with it, limitations and known issues
Copy Paste
Expected:Maybe a nive movie about DnD ?
Drag and Drop
Expected:Maybe a nive movie about DnD ?
Native Print Dialog box
Cocoa FilePicker
Spotlight Plugin
Expected:Describe: the feature, the shortcuts, what can be done with it
QuickLook plugin (limited to Mac OS X 10.5.x aka Leopard)
Expected:Describe: the feature, the shortcuts, what can be done with it, limitations and known issues
Multi monitors support
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show the feature, how customize, tips
Show the presenter screen in actins
.. complete me (work in progress )
Scheduled features ( 3.1 )
Improved antialiasing FIXME: add a link
Apple Remote in Impress => see Apple Remote Implementation
Proxy Icon implementation => see Proxy Icon Implementation
OpenGL transitions in Impress => see OpenGL transitions in Impress
Truer compatibility with WebDAV-connected file systems => see issue 81536
FIXME: translate .
We suppose you already downloaded an OpenOffice.org Aqua archive ( 3.0 version or superior )
screenshots !!
explain the .dmg
explain how to use it
comment the prefs, where they are located (shortcut)
describe the preferences, and what is important for the Mac user
how to locate/remove them
Click on the links mentioned here, create an account using the signup in the top bar on the GOG.com website and buy the game. So if you haven’t Crossover yet, then sign up and buy the program or if you want to test it first, for the 14 days trial. Or use the Porting Kit alternative.If you don’t own the game yet, get from GOG.com which is DRM free there and runs out of the box. revslider slider41 Game Details:Welcome to the “Worms 2” for Mac game page.This page contains information + tools how to port so you can play it on your Mac just like a normal application using. Mac os for pc torrent.
Mount the archive
A double clic is sufficient. If the archive is valid, and nothing goes wrong, you should obtain
Copy the Bundle in the Install dirC
In the frame, just drag the 'OpenOffice.org' Icon on the 'Applications' Icon : the Bundle will be copied into the Applciations folder.
The next step will start once this one will be finished
Dock the OpenOffice.org icon
What means dock an application ?
Dock an application means put its icon on the dock. This will allow to make the icon always visible, and then, start the application just clicking the icon !
Note: the number of icons you can dock is limited. (say around 40, what is not that bad ;-)
Process to dock the OpenOffice.org icon
1) Go in the Applications folder
2) Drag the OpenOffice.org icon somewhere in the dock (e.g. between two applications)
That's all !!
First launch
At the first launch, you'll be invited to answer a few questions. Please provide us feeedback : this is very important for us to improve the product.
FIXME : screenshots
Change the iconset
menus modifications
FIXME: provide examples+ screenshots
Adobe photoshop free for mac download. How long does it take for download?
Using Webdav
This page is based on Herbert Duerr idea, and an example could be: http://www.opera.com/press/reviews/#sharp
Page created: Ericb 16:54, 10 September 2008 (CEST) https://protecthunter535.tumblr.com/post/652776997882413056/coreldraw-for-mac-crack-download.
Retrieved from 'https://wiki.openoffice.org/w/index.php?title=Mac_OS_X_Porting_Reviewers_Guide_for_OpenOffice.org_Aqua&oldid=92327'
165 MB
Major Components:
Writer – a word processor you can use for anything from writing a quick letter to producing an entire book.
Calc – a powerful spreadsheet with all the tools you need to calculate, analyse, and present your data in numerical reports or sizzling graphics.
Impress – the fastest, most powerful way to create effective multimedia presentations. Vector drawing tool Draw – lets you produce everything from simple diagrams to dynamic 3D illustrations.
Base – lets you manipulate databases seamlessly. Create and modify tables, forms, queries, and reports, all from within OpenOffice.org
Math – lets you create mathematical equations with a graphic user interface or by directly typing your formulas into the equation editor.
Mac OS X Support
With Version 3.0, OpenOffice.org is now able to run on Mac OS X without the need for X11. Thus, OpenOffice.org behaves like any other Aqua application.
ODF 1.2 Support
Openoffice For Mac Os X
OpenOffice.org 3.0 already supports the features of the upcoming version 1.2 of the ISO standard OpenDocument Format (ODF). ODF 1.2 includes a powerful formula language as well as a sophisticated metadata model based on the W3C standards RDF and OWL. ODF is being mandated and adopted in a growing number of countries. In addition; ODF is being implemented by many vendors for many different applications.
Microsoft Office 2007 Import Filters
In addition to read and write support for the Microsoft Office binary file formats (.doc; .xls, .ppt, etc.), OpenOffice.org 3.0 is now capable of opening files created with Microsoft Office 2007 or Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac OS X (.docx, .xlsx, .pptx, etc.). Thus, OpenOffice.org users can interact with users still using Microsoft Office. The various filters for the Microsoft Office file formats also make mixed environments possible, so that some users stay on Microsoft Office while others use OpenOffice.org.
OpenOffice.org now also has a solver component which allows solving optimization problems where the optimum value of a particular spreadsheet cell has to be calculated based on constraints provided in other cells. The new solver component should be particularly interesting to Mac users considering that Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac OS X apparently does not include a solver feature anymore.
Chart Enhancements
Many OpenOffice.org users requests support for displaying custom error bars and regression equations. The OpenOffice.org developer community including Sun listened to these users and added these highly desired features to OpenOffice.org 3.0. Thus; now it's possible to draw error bars based on error ranges provided in spreadsheet cells. In addition, it is possible to display regression equations as well as correlation coefficients.
Openoffice For Mac Free
1024 Columns Per Calc Sheet (Instead of 256)
With support for 1024 columns; OpenOffice.org 3.0 can now handle significantly more data than before. Previous versions only supported 256 columns.
Display of Multiple Writer Pages While Editing
When you are writing larger documents; it is often nice to see the current page in a context, i.e. to also see the previous and the next page. With the new zoom slider, it is now easily possible to change the zoom factor. More importantly, OpenOffice.org Writer can now display multiple pages at the same time. This features is particularly handy on large monitors or dual-monitor setups.
New Sidebar
The Sidebar is a major new feature of the user interface in all of the OpenOffice applications.
The Sidebar makes better use of today's widescreen displays than traditional toolbars. The 'Properties' deck is context-sensitive and shows panels with the document properties that are most frequently used for the current editing task.
Different panels expanded or collapsed
Eleven property panels have been migrated from IBM Lotus Symphony: Alignment, Area, Cell Appearance, Graphic, Line, Number Format, Page, Paragraph, Position and Size, Text and Wrap.
Seven panels come from the old Impress tool panel: Available for Use, Custom Animation, Layouts, Recently Used, Slide Transition, Table Design, Used in This Presentation.
Four are non-modal (ie non locking) dialogs: Functions, Gallery, Navigator, Syles and Formatting.
One is new: Insert.
The width of the Sidebar can be adjusted. The controls adapt their size accordingly. If you need more space then it can be undocked — and possibly moved to a second display — or it can be reduced to a thin tab bar. A single click on one of the icons and the sidebar is back.
Interoperability Improvements
Free coding app for mac. Swift is a robust and intuitive programming language created by Apple for building apps for iOS, Mac, Apple TV, and Apple Watch. It’s designed to give developers more freedom than ever. Swift is easy to use and open source, so anyone with an idea can create something incredible.
Fidelity and interoperability improvement is an ongoing goal for Apache OpenOffice. And there are many improvements going in to the new version. Here an overview of some of the major fidelity improvements since the Apache OpenOffice 3.4.1 release, including features, enhancements and defect fixes.
What's New:
Apache OpenOffice 4.0.1 is a maintenance release which fixes critical issues and improves the overall quality of the application. All users of Apache OpenOffice 4.0 or earlier are advised to upgrade.
General areas of improvement include: additional native language translations, bug fixes, performance improvements and Windows 8 compatibility enhancements.
Performance Improvements/Enhancements compared to OpenOffice 4.0.0
The performance for saving XLS files was boosted by more than 230%.
Improvements/Enhancements missing in the OpenOffice 4.0.0 release notes
OpenOffice 4.0 integrated the very popular extensions 'Presenter Screen' and 'Presentation Minimizer' into the core product.
Bug Fixes
Openoffice For Mac Os X 10.4.11
Crash when switching sidebar panes
Crash with certain extensions
Crash on Microsoft Windows with text in complex scripts
Crash when deleting footnotes
Loading *.123 files
Rendering of charts with many data points
Image rendering on Mac OS X
Python compatibility has been improved
Fixes to make C# extensions work
Error on user profile migration regarding updating bundled extensions
Error on opening Microsoft Office documents created in Apple iWork (Pages, Numbers, Keynote)
HTML export losing paragraph formatting
Crashes on PDF export in Writer's Page Preview
Crashes in Writer when deleting content which had been copied to the clipboard
Error/Crashes on importing Microsoft Word documents
No possible keyboard text selection in Writer's text frames
Lost database connection in text documents on save - related to Mail Merge
Errors in Calc's filter functions
Calculation error in IMABS() function
Formatting error of boolean values in Calc
Repaint errors in Calc which showed double lines and white stripes
Various fixes/improvements for SVG files
Fixed and improved visualization of transformed bitmap graphics for Linux
Fix to exporting a bitmap graphic with a given pixel size
Fixed Copy/Paste clipboard handling for transporting bitmap images (e.g. drag & drop or copy/paste from browser)
Fixed Microsoft Windows-specific performance task with very large bitmaps, enhanced buffering for all systems
Repaired some modes of text editing for graphic objects where the text was not always readable
Fix to import of user-defined connector changes
Corrected line width for anchor visualization in Writer
Fixed EMF/WMF reader for some critical cases to enhance the import quality
Openoffice Mac Os 10.11
Popular apps in Office Applications
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0 notes
cocowebdesign · 4 years
Cheap Website Design For Small Business
The majority of us have actually explored a significant range of web sites and web applications having extremely little or no knowledge regarding the web site modern technologies or how the Internet works. This is not an extremely unusual circumstance as well as today a web presence has actually ended up being so essential for any business procedure that even a little endeavor seeks for feature-rich internet sites to market their business. A web site is one of the most effective and economical ways of promoting a small company. The issue is, where and also just how to find the ideal yet cost-efficient site designer that will certainly provide the distinct form to your online presence!
The greatest return originates from the international market if you can market your product successfully. Online marketing not just allows services to get to the external globe the fastest fashion yet additionally plays an important role in building reputation to the consumer's mind generating the leads in turn. The expert web site developers deal with the very same objectives. They ensure that both look and feel and the usability of the website is significantly one-of-a-kind to help you obtain gas mileage from the site. That is the factor why you need to employ an expert web designer for a reliable result.
It is really not so challenging to find quality work within your budget. All you need to do is to just obtain online and make a search with the crucial phrase Cheap Website Design Singapore or Web Design Company. This is because the site design market is pretty less expensive than the various other parts of the world. A lot of web designers supply all types of site design and also programming consisting of however not limited to making use of Flash, Ajax, ASP, PHP, and MySQL, and so on. Nevertheless, you should remain well aware of the fraud website creating business as well.
Your website ought to have outstanding logo designs, graphics, colors, images, and also video clips so as to mesmerize the visitors to your website and also influence them to stay back to your pages. This is why you need to judge the capacities of the internet site designers prior to employing them. It is wise to go through the portfolio pages and also customer testimonials to find trustworthiness. It is additionally recommended to take a quote from even more than one Web Design Company to get a concept concerning the market rate, which will aid you to make a great bargain.
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How Our Best Essay Writers Work With You
How Our Best Essay Writers Work With You Previously, he taught English, reading remediation and the mechanics of writing as an adjunct professor at Palm Beach State College. Royal high quality of writing is on the market on our site 24/7. Rest assured that we all the time have a related writer free to start out working in your task within a matter of minutes. If, for some purpose, the expected outcome fails to transpire, be happy to file a fast on-line request for a refund. As faculty and highschool students navigate the essay writing process, they could make some widespread mistakes. The following are some that our experts warn college students to keep away from. General private statements allow college students to showcase their story in a compelling means. These essays can be used to speak about academic expertise, targets for the longer term, obstacles confronted and the learning classes that got here with them, and accomplishments outdoors of the classroom. Trust us along with your work and get the most effective result without dangers. Nothing can stand in our method of getting the job carried out for you. Not a problem for our experienced essay author with spectacular research abilities. Once the editor’s job is completed, an expert proofreader verifies your paper. After his last examination, an ideal copy is lastly uploaded to your profile. You could have two weeks to assess the received essay writer’s assist and get free limitless amendments of the doc. Should you be dissatisfied with the product completely, we are going to return your payment with out hesitation. We love challenges and besides them with out hesitation! We are the masters of academic writing and might manage any requirement provided by your prof. For personal statements that require a solution to a specific query, students should stay throughout the parameters of the question and, if essential, do research on the topic before writing. High college and school college students could also be required to put in writing a wide range of essays. The following offers an evidence of widespread kinds of essays, in addition to resources where students can discover more info. Kenya McCullum is a contract author with in depth expertise masking subjects similar to schooling, the workplace, health, and legal issues. in Communication and when she worked as a instructing assistant in graduate school, she developed a ardour for serving to college students succeed. So, as the talk on the legality of ordering essays on-line continues, currently it, not illegal to buy an essay on-line, but the ethical question is all the time there relying on the way you view it. The scholar should know the right path to walk down both undertake the essay alone and fail or outsource help online and move. Hard work doesn't necessarily imply you will cross, working smart on the opposite side does. In the tip, taking academic experience into their hand is boost studying, getting ready them for their reality of the real world crammed with stress, struggles, and workload. However, looking for help to perform a special task better additionally allows the student to learn, the same case as finding paper samples from the professor and using them to put in writing a separate essay. Purchase UK finest essays are written for you by experienced and skilled local authors. It’s all the time nice to know that your paper is going to be prepared by a competent author, so there’s no need to repair any grammar or UK spelling. The document you’ll get from us might be a hundred% submission-ready with none work on corrections wanted. In search of essay help in the UK, Royal Essays are the number one alternative when it comes to writing high quality and worth. Our consultants are one of the best within the nation, in a position to cope with any paper sort, matter, issue, and urgency. We only hire writers with verified credentials and double-examine all essays before submitting them in your approval. Here, you'll be able to hire cheap essay writers who charge solely $9 per web page. Feel free to make use of their service anytime you find yourself in a inventive rut. Our writers will perform well above and beyond the call of responsibility to deliver you outstanding academic results. To perfect the work accomplished by your faculty essay author, a chosen editorial staff re-examines the text for faults and plagiarisms. Attentive editors repair spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors, and improve the general text high quality. Besides, they examine the document for plagiarisms to ensure its 100% exclusiveness. I wanted the essay ASAP, however I didn't count on to obtain it in three hours.
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purdueowlapa206 · 4 years
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College Paper World
College Paper World Thousands of scholars from all over the world feel the identical way about their studying. However, the smartest of them select to seek our customized essay writing service whenever they get overwhelmed with their schooling. O Check with all the instructors and pupils – it’s essential understand about savings on explicit companies and supplies which can be supplied with reference to time period paper writing. That is particularly true if you end up purchasing newspaper, since within the occasion that you simply aren’t utilizing it proper, then this may not assist to make your job simpler. Due to the complexity of research papers, lots of college students can get confused and consequently commit some frequent research paper mistakes. For this cause, they usually ask for our analysis paper writing help. In 3 hours or less, you will have a brand new essay written as you instructed. All we know is that a writer will go the additional mile to provide you with a prime-high quality paper at an excellent hour. They verify for grammar, punctuation, syntax and formatting type correctness. All in all, they depart no room for poor high quality. After years on this enterprise, we know for sure what a scholar wants from a web-based essay writing service. We have fantastic-tuned our providers to those wants to stay up to the mark. Meet an in depth list of every single feature that makes us distinctive and outstanding. Deadlines differ from a few hours to a few days. If it’s a 50-web page dissertation, then naturally a writer would require a couple of days for positive. But if we speak essays, consultants fulfill high quality compositions in a single day in a few hours. You can attain us through chat on our website or through e-mail. Due to years of hard work and constant improvement, we have been put on the record of the most effective essay writing providers that provide stable ensures. Keep observe of the writing progress from your Personal space. Do it anytime to know what’s the present standing of work. If you've any questions, you can even contact our Customer assist hotline around the clock or drop a line in Live chat. What if it’s not a custom essay however an even bigger paper that you simply want? We imagine that constant interaction between students and knowledgeable essay writing service is a should. That’s why we now have a dependable Customer Support Team, prepared to help 24/7! Spend time with pals, hit textbooks, go for a stroll, stay at residence and loosen up, or get pleasure from a great night time’s sleep. Professional writers will do your essays within the meantime. Our skilled author service presents experts in every highschool and faculty self-discipline. After that, contact your writer if you wish to discuss your paper. When you order a term paper from Academicwritersbureau.com, we guarantee you that we assign it to an expert writer who can write a sample paper with out errors or lose relevance. When you download the paper and discover that it has not totally met the full criteria, inform us instantly. Our on-line essay writers use multiple instruments to ensure that the standard of the paper is high-notch. A Master’s degree-holding author will develop a one hundred% new article living as much as all your individual requirements. Tick the order form boxes and addContent a file with directions. A writer will analyze your calls for and then contribute to a top quality paper. Furthermore, you can review our essay costs before you place your order. While you will notice we don't have free papers, there are extra factors that can make your essay price more or less. Often, it is dependent upon the deadline and the standard of the writer. We do offer our loyal purchasers discounts and the flexibility to trace their orders on-line. Research paper writing could be quite demanding when it comes to effort and time, in addition to by way of abilities and expertise within the given area.
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Outstanding Company To Write My Essay Any Time
Outstanding Company To Write My Essay Any Time Furthermore, English spelling is wildly irregular for some phrases making it easy to overlook the spelling of low-frequency phrases. Any spell checker and even the best of grammar checkers can catch some errors which might be widespread to all writers. Teachers, you'll be able to create free interactive pen pal writing initiatives on the Virtual Writing Tutor, with automated scoring and suggestions on spelling, grammar, and vocabulary. This pen pal system is moderated by academics for their college students. To examine your word count, copy-paste your text into the text space above and click on Word Count. Our AI engine, Grendel, works tirelessly offering feedback you could incorporate into your text before you pass it on for a final grade from a human. You can use our grammar and writing tools any time of the day, any day of the year for! Just upload or copy and paste your text into our on-line proofreader for a free grammar verify with up to 5 ideas, or join EasyBib Plus right now! When you proofread and do a guide spelling examine on work that you just’ve written, you’re extra likely to overlook errors. This is even more probably should you’re pressed for time or making an attempt to finish several different assignments without delay. Academic self-plagiarism happens when a pupil submits the same paper or components of a paper for more than one assignment. When your instructors are grading your papers, they’re assessing your research and writing expertise within the current. When you submit work that you simply accomplished up to now, they're each unable to gauge your present abilities and unaware that you haven’t accomplished the project. Sources can take your analysis and learning to the subsequent degree, too. Readers can find the sources you used.When you’re writing high school or undergraduate papers, your only readers may be your instructors and friends. When exploring the way to check for plagiarism, most students and professionals conclude that together with a checking device in their revision course of is not only useful but needed. When you contemplate the Herculean task of checking each line of your paper in opposition to the textual content of each of your resources, the benefits of a checker are clear. Moreover, this guide strategy would solely warn you to matching text in the sources you’re aware of, in any case, and leaves the sources you haven’t reviewed untouched. If you're feeling afraid of shedding your job to a grammar checker, you don't perceive your job very nicely. Providing corrective feedback on errors may be a huge a part of your workload, but ask your self this. If a machine might catch all the floor errors my students make on their writing, what different aspects of my students' writing would I need to spend more time on? Instead of considering of writing as a grammar test, it is possible for you to to see it as communication. It is all the time a good idea to use a labored instance with students, demonstrating tips on how to remedy problems as a substitute of just fixing problems for them. If you fix their grammar for them like a free proofreader, they may come to anticipate it and will refuse to put in writing anything until the teacher reads and corrects it. So do not be their go-to grammar correction machine correcting grammar all day and evening. Rather show them the way to do an internet grammar sentence examine for themselves. Many teachers and professors use a service to ensure that scholar papers are authentic and include correctly formatted and sourced citations for all reference supplies. For some, this can be a consistent factor of their grading course of, whereas others may make the most of one solely once they really feel there's a purpose to take action. Subscription customers even have the plagiarism checker at their disposal when scanning their papers for fashion and grammar recommendations. Just as with our different writing tools, if you use the device to verify plagiarism, modifications are never made with out your evaluate, so you are always within the driver’s seat. You can evaluation every highlighted area as well as the sources of matching textual content and can always be given a choice to both settle for or ignore each citation and grammar suggestions. Check grammar, punctuation, spelling, paraphrasing, and vocabulary, or outline essays and write hypertext narratives. The best time to obtain feedback is earlier than you flip your assignment in. The word counter may even depend your sentences and calculate your sentence length. For details on what's counted and what is not, see the Word Counter web page. There are tips to help reduce this, corresponding to reading your work aloud to establish poor grammar or reading each sentence backward to seek out spelling errors. When time is of the essence, although, these options aren’t probably the most handy or helpful choices. That’s why many college students seek the help of online instruments that will run a grammar and plagiarism examine on their work. Just addContent your paper to the net proofreader, and in a couple of moments we’ll have your writing and citing suggestions. And, there’s no want to fret about your paper after it’s been scanned. All that is not to say that grammar checkers suited to one group can not assist writers of the other profiles. There are errors that members of all three groups make. When we give attention to our message, we have a tendency to offer less attention to type. Typos and lacking morphology invade the rapidly composed emails of even professional writers.
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How To Choose The Best Essay Writing Service
How To Choose The Best Essay Writing Service All of papers you get at Ewriters.pro are meant for analysis purposes solely. We also examine to see if the corporate offers more than educational writing, in order that we can provide scores for enterprise and profession professionals to see. Before we even conducted our first evaluate of writing websites, we established common standards by which every could be evaluated. This is the only way to fee the companies objectively and to be able to present an actual comparison amongst them. Our objective was to give you the 10 finest essay writing companies from all of our evaluations and supply the information that earned them certainly one of these spots. An intellectual and skilled fanatic who has the experience of writing on the various niches in the given deadline, similar to graduate essays, APA essays, legislation essay and so forth. Want to get help with essays and worrying to break the banks? 6DollarEssay has designed the scholar plans to satisfy your wishes at low cost. If you want to get the best essay from a professional service, you’ll discover an answer here. Deposit funds into your EssayShark steadiness for author to begin on your order. Partner with us and access our low cost essays very quickly. Ever marvel how you would present yourself to the world of unknowns? Simple, straightforward, and engaging introduction is written to explain the story of yourself in the first particular person in order that the reader might think past by becoming on self into it. A lot of brainstorming and capturing the concepts of efficient narrative essay writing may help you in drafting the most effective piece. A truth is known – You are the one one to assess the topic by offering arguments on each side. This is followed by further reductions if you return to order once more and particular presents throughout the year. Sign up to the newsletter to have up to date reductions delivered to your inbox. There can also be a life time low cost provide with which it can save you between 5% and 15% depending on how many pages you order. Along with the privateness, we guarantee you for the distinctiveness as properly. You can belief us to blind folded as we offer you the copywriter of your write-up as properly. So, maintain the worry of sharing your essay or term-finish paper with another student. The best corporations know the importance of perfection. Our writers analyze the background of the topic and give arguments that help the theme and agree with the details which might be past the scope of the given title. We make sure that the arguments are illustrated to provide the informative facet in easy words. They offer you correct information associated to your essay matter. The finest essay writing firm will always proof-read the essay, and ensure it's error-free. Pricing is up-front and either by web page or word count. Be positive to verify each as prices range relying on when you order a 1000-word white paper, 10-page evaluation or a 500-word descriptive text. First up there's a promo code of up to 15% off on your first order. After being double and triple checked, we prepare the completed essay for download via your buyer account. We all the time purpose to deliver your order completely on time and with none outstanding issues. We encourage you to read by way of the essay as quickly as attainable to ensure you’re absolutely pleased and don’t really feel like something has been missed. The collaboration continues after you receive the essay, too. If you need any revisions, clarify how the writer failed to satisfy your expectations and what you’d like them to improve. Make sure to specify the type of project and its area of research. Choose the right parameters, so we will assign a writer with sufficient schooling and experience. Every paper is customized written, which suggests it is 100% original every time.
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lnameinthe362 · 4 years
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Write My Essay For Me In Three
Write My Essay For Me In Three It shall be written from scratch and checked for plagiarism earlier than we deliver it to you. We use numerous instruments to verify each paper for grammatical correctness and plagiarism. We relentlessly proofread each bit and make sure no errors slip into your piece. Even should you want your paper in three hours, be at liberty to contact us. We’re right here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days every week. Feel free to take a look at the assignments we performed for our customers before. We provide you with 14 days to gauge if the directions of your essay had been followed to the latter. If not, come back to us within 14 days, and we shall revise the work. It is subsequently advisable to contact us for quality work. From Literature to Law – we have MA and Ph.D. experts in virtually any tutorial self-discipline, for any task. We take deadlines very critically and are here to offer you 24-hours essay assist. Check the originality of the paper you obtain with the assistance of our built-in plagiarism checker. Anything can occur, and sometimes you may discover that you simply only have a few hours for an essay. With Grade Miners, you’ll have loads of time for a great nap, in addition to time for hobbies, career, and personal life. Your order particulars and cost information are totally safe. Our website follows all DMCA necessities and is protected by trendy information encryption technologies. Not a giant fan of dishonest, however, hey… We all want a helping hand once in a while. At least with masterpapers I can ensure that not a single individual will discover out about it. We don’t wish to exaggerate something so that you just don’t spend all your vitality ordering content material from us. 30 days previous the order obtain, your paper will be mechanically deleted from our database. You will get a one hundred% authentic, mistake-free paper. You will be capable of select the most appropriate scholar by judging by their scores, success fee, and specialty. We’ll notify you when the finished copy will be out there for download. Once our worker completes the project, our experienced editors will examine to see if all of your instructions have been followed. If not, the writing should be corrected to editors’ satisfaction. Help me do my essay for me course of fast and simple to follow. Every new buyer receives an outstanding Welcome bonus – a chance to spend much less on an essay using a particular promo code that may already be entered on the order web page once you visit it. We use Copyscape to make sure every paper written by our specialists is consistent with the required uniqueness level. Upon request, we are able to offer you an in depth plagiarism report. We talk with our shoppers on a no-name foundation and by no means ask them to specify their personal particulars. We received’t know your full name, the name of your school or city. as a result of they lack data supplies or don’t know tips on how to conduct tutorial analysis. They are obsessive about security measurements and do all that's necessary to make sure buyer`s privacy. We can deliver your paper in as quick as 3 hours, that’s proper, we’re speedy. To ensure it's potential we would have to verify your directions first, but we wouldn’t be afraid of any difficulties.
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Write My Essay For Me Service
Write My Essay For Me Service I will definitely recommend this website to all students who are fighting their writings. They at all times present a quick turnaround and will assist with any college project. Provide us with all necessary details, similar to your educational degree, kind of paper, deadline and number of pages. Facts are substantiated with applicable examples, and citations and reference lists are all the time added. With our companies, you can order essays in the most various, distinctive themes. All you need to provide is an efficient title and detailed information. We supply free revisions of your paper if you would like the writer to improve its quality, correct errors, or add extra info on a sure subject. This will assist us choose probably the most suitable writer for you. Introductions are often the hardest part to put in writing since you’re making an attempt to summarize your entire essay before you’ve even written it yet. Instead, strive writing your introduction final, giving your self the physique of the paper to determine the principle level of your essay. Honestly, all through most of highschool and faculty, I was a mediocre essay writer. We wouldn’t like our customers to feel disenchanted. We don’t need to lose a customer, that’s why we offer a convenient and trustful agency that will help and write my essay in the course of the finding out years. In fact, it has never been really easy to get a accomplished flawless essay paper once ordering it on-line. Any scholar who asks, “write my paper for cheap”, gets right here each affordable costs and excellent content material. This is the best choice to get a reliable on-line assistant who can ship you a flawless and original essay well timed. You should pay nice attention to each the content material and the formatting of the work. The writing course of requires numerous time and effort. If you're operating a deadline, and you don't have a muse or just a desire to do this work, we are able to provide a method out of the situation. You don’t want to spend your cash on an essay you'll be able to’t submit. All the information used by our writers for orders is taken from dependable and truth-checked sources. We have gathered an outstanding team of pros who proved their capability to put in writing good essays and have diplomas and levels within the related fields. When you ask ‘write my essay for me’ you must have a chance to get it improved within the case, you are displeased with the result. In uncommon instances, our prospects have been requested to vary the paper by their school and university professors. We provide a free revision throughout 2 weeks because the supply to make you are feeling certain about our service. When you say ‘write my essay for me’, we can guarantee anti-fraud policy, high-high quality of written papers, and a a refund guarantee that saves you from losing money. I had no time to finish my course requirement so I rapidly turned to Nerdy Writers to write down my essay. If you want your paper to get the highest rating, it should meet all educational standards. Pro essay writers work non-cease to allow you to achieve higher results effortlessly. As evidenced by 1000's of constructive reviews and an overall 98% satisfaction fee, they cope brilliantly with this task. And they will be glad to see your feedback at some point, too. Text us “help me write my paper” and revel in superior text high quality identical to thousands of scholars before you. When the textual content is accomplished, edited, and proofread, it appears on your profile board. What you need is a reliable, legit, and inexpensive essay service. This is a service that writes precisely, initially, and on time.
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Nothing Found For Can Someone Write My Essay For Me Uk
Nothing Found For Can Someone Write My Essay For Me Uk You can see the scores through the use of a corresponding kind on the website. Just select the self-discipline you have an interest in and wait to see the results. Check the originality of the paper you receive with the assistance of our built-in plagiarism checker. Anything can occur, and typically you might discover that you solely have a couple of hours for an essay. With Grade Miners, you’ll have plenty of time for a great nap, in addition to time for hobbies, career, and personal life. as a result of they lack data materials or don’t know the way to conduct academic analysis. Not a big fan of cheating, but, hey… We all want a serving to hand once in a while. At least with masterpapers I can make certain that not a single particular person will discover out about it. They are obsessive about safety measurements and do all that's necessary to ensure customer`s privacy. You won't be capable of create an interesting work if the topic appears very boring or unknown to you. Here is a solution to your “Write my essay” request. Take a couple of minutes to complete the order form, and we will deal with the remainder. You can request a free revision if the paper doesn't match your directions. Your essay must be full of constructive feelings showing the committee how much you want to research there. We are monitoring the shoppers' satisfaction fee by looking at each discipline individually. This is to verify we cover all the disciplines and matters there are so that every student might find the high-quality help at our service. Upon request, we can give you an in depth plagiarism report. From Literature to Law – we've MA and Ph.D. experts in virtually any tutorial discipline, for any task. We’ll notify you when the finished copy might be available for obtain. We communicate with our clients on a no-name basis and never ask them to specify their personal details. We gained’t know your full name, the name of your school or metropolis. Read a pattern of an identical work to know what data you have to put in the essay. If you might be choosing a topic for your essay, attempt to select a subject you have an interest in. You will be able to select probably the most applicable scholar by judging by their ratings, success rate, and specialty. We take deadlines very significantly and are right here to offer you 24-hours essay help. We can ship your paper in as fast as three hours, that’s right, we’re speedy. We relentlessly proofread each bit and make sure no errors slip into your piece. Even when you need your paper in three hours, be at liberty to contact us. Your order particulars and payment information are totally secure. Our web site follows all DMCA requirements and is protected by modern knowledge encryption technologies. Every new buyer receives an outstanding Welcome bonus – a possibility to spend much less on an essay utilizing a particular promo code that can already be entered on the order web page once you go to it. We use Copyscape to ensure every paper written by our consultants is consistent with the required uniqueness level. We’re here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. Our staff is at all times there to unravel any drawback you've. Sources.If there are any specific sources you want us to make use of as a foundation for the essay, add them here, in this part. To ensure it is possible we must examine your instructions first, but we wouldn’t be afraid of any difficulties. Feel free to check out the assignments we carried out for our customers earlier than. We use numerous instruments to examine each paper for grammatical correctness and plagiarism.
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inktuitive-blog · 5 years
The Scientific “Success Lever” That Turns You Into Someone Who WINS At Life
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(Even If You’re Broke, Hopeless, Or Have No Skills)
How do you get the faith and confidence to go for a big new goal... if you’ve never seen yourself do it before?
…if you have no evidence you even can do it?
How can you take the first step to accomplishing your dream... when you have no clue what that step is?
…or if you have no proof it’s even possible?
How can you squelch that nagging voice—that makes you feel like a failure before you even try?
Prior to doing anything new, bold, or exciting... questions like these can haunt you. They can kill your success before you even start…
And those SAME questions have thwarted millions of people from achieving their dreams and changing the world—in ways we’ll never even know.
But listen: Those questions are completely irrelevant! They’re the wrong ones to ask. Because…
They Violate The
Way Your Brain Works.
There’s a “Success Lever” in your brain no one told you about…
If you know how to use it, you can do all kinds of things you never thought possible. You can achieve your wildest dreams. Seriously.
Science has proven it. And when you see it happen in action, there’s NO argument against it!
Anyone who has ever done anything new, defied the odds, or achieved something no one thought they could…
…was using THIS Success Lever!
All the technology that exists around you… including smartphones, the Internet, and the satellites that bring you countless astounding benefits—even the screen you’re reading these words on right now—
…they were ALL conceived of in someone’s head before they existed.
They started as a THOUGHT. Then they were brought into existence. And there’s no doubt you can bring whatever YOU want into existence, too. But you HAVE to use your brain the right way!
So let’s talk about what this success lever is, how YOU can use it, and make any limitation irrelevant in your journey to greatness.
To begin, and help you understand this…
Here’s A True Story:
Experimenters once wanted to test how basketball players learn free throws. So they compiled test subjects from the University basketball team and divided them into three groups:
Group 1: Practiced free throws 20 minutes a day for 20 days.
Group 2: Did not practice at all.
Group 3: Spent 20 minutes a day imagining they were throwing the ball at the basket. When they missed, they would imagine they corrected their aim accordingly.
The results of this experiment? Were AMAZING:
The group that practiced 20 minutes a day improved in scoring by 24%.
The second group—with no practice—showed no improvement.
And the third group, who practiced in their imaginations—improved in scoring by 23%.
That’s only ONE percentage point difference from actual practice.
Obviously, imagination is powerful…
WolfRegular price$129.99 Sale pricefrom $89.0018
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Bag ItRegular price$129.99 Sale pricefrom $89.006
Shop NowBut That’s Only The
Tip Of The Iceberg:
Any real, experienced hypnotist knows—when he tells his hypnotized subject his finger is a red-hot poker…
…the subject will not only wince in pain when the hypnotist touches him. The subject’s skin will also physically turn red, swell up, and even get a blister.
Now, hypnosis is nothing magical—it’s merely bringing the subject into a state where his mind will believe whatever the hypnotist suggests.
And that’s what’s incredible:
The mere BELIEF is what causes the subject’s body to form a blister.
His mind sent signals to his lymphatic system that there’s a hot poker. And it reacts as if extreme heat is there - when it’s not. THAT is how powerful a belief can be!
But you don’t need to be hypnotized for this to happen:
Non-hypnotized, wide-awake college students have been asked to imagine one of their hands is immersed in ice water…
And thermometer readings showed the temperature dropped in the ‘treated’ hand in every student who did it.
Weird, right?
There’s something profound about this phenomenon. It can help you achieve your goals—and it’s more than just “positive thinking”.
Here’s what we mean:
Pretend You’re About To Catch A Baseball—
And You Also Think Of Yourself As An Outstanding Catcher…
When you see the ball flying high in the air… you’re not consciously calculating where the ball is going to land.
You see the ball, then you just run.
Deciding how to run, and why, and how far to run happens automatically, doesn’t it?
You don’t go, “Wow, that ball is coming fast. I need to turn around, and then move my left leg and then my right… and then jump two meters… and reach out with my left arm and catch the ball…”
No—it all happens automatically. It’s not conscious. Something else is doing that for you...
What’s more—if you feel you’re a BAD catcher, you wouldn’t catch the ball at all. Even if you tried.
Because YOU set a GOAL - by thinking of yourself as a bad catcher. Then your body carried out the automatic process to meet it.
Make sure you understand that last sentence. It’s vital to your success.
Once you don’t catch the ball, you’ll take that as more proof that you’re a bad catcher. It reinforces the belief. And the cycle continues.
But if you think of yourself as a GOOD catcher and you don’t catch the ball—you’ll still find ways to see yourself as a good catcher: Maybe there was some wind. Or it was a tough ball. Or you didn’t focus.
Maybe you’ll even improve more by taking those things into account next time—and the idea that you’re a good catcher will be even further reinforced.
How is this different from mere “positive thinking?”
Because it’s about your entire SELF IMAGE. Which is…
The Holy Grail Of
Here’s where it gets REALLY interesting:
Dr. Maxwell Maltz, in his book Psycho-Cybernetics, didn’t think the “unconscious mind” was a “mind” at all…
Instead, he described it as an impersonal goal-striving machine…
The same kind of machine that exists in a guided missile—that adjusts the course of the missile based on its GOAL.
On a missile, the machine’s goal can be to direct it to where heat is, or where an object is on a radar screen…
But the goal-striving machine of your unconscious doesn’t seek heat—it seeks an outcome YOU determine.
American SuccessRegular price$129.99 Sale pricefrom $89.0039
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Head FirstRegular price$129.99 Sale pricefrom $89.006
Shop NowAnd Here’s The
Scary Part…
Your unconscious goal-striving machine can’t tell the difference between what you want and what you don’t want in life!
“What you want” is ignored entirely by your unconscious…
All it takes into account—is what you believe to be true.
Including what you believe to be true about YOURSELF.
Which, as you’ll see in a second, is usually NOT based on reality!
That’s why a faulty self-image is the single biggest limitation you can put on yourself. You literally cannot achieve anything outside of your self-image.
Your unconscious will only let you do, or feel, or BE the things that are in accordance with it!
And, as you saw in our baseball example, your unconscious is doing all the work to get you to your goals. So...
If you want to accomplish exceptional things,
this can be dangerous.
Because—the truth is, most peoples’ mental assumptions about themselves are totally arbitrary.
They’re not based on real “proof”.
Maybe you failed at catching a baseball as a child on the playground, ONE time. Then the other kids humiliated you and said you suck at sports…
That humiliation could have formed a belief inside that you’re not worthy.
And that ONE experience could have solidified your self-image relating to baseball: you suck.
You might even carry that self-image with you for the rest of your life. When objectively—you weren’t any worse at baseball than the other kids were that day they made fun of you. They just wanted to pick on you.
Might sound weird, but that’s exactly how this stuff works.
Your entire self-image—the idea you have about “the type of person you are”—is based on what you picked up from past experiences, what you inferred about those experiences, and what you imagined about yourself.
If you’re like most people, a good portion of your negative self-image was formed based on misconceptions, errors, delusions, or mix-ups that you don’t even remember making!
This is important because it determines…
The Pictures You See:
Every day, your imagination creates mental pictures. Whether you’re trying to or not, it’s always happening.
When you remember the past and think about how things might turn out for you in the future, you’re creating pictures in your mind...
You also use these pictures to “simulate” what your options will look like if you’re presented with a choice.  You make decisions based on the situations you imagined.
Your decisions are NOT based on reality. They’re based on imagined pictures. And not only that…
You can’t separate your self-image from any of the mental pictures you create.
Crazy, right?
Now—your unconscious mind (i.e., your goal-striving machine) accepts ALL of your mental pictures as your goals.
Doesn’t matter if they were good pictures or bad ones…
They could be pictures in the form of worrying, anxiety, regret, or spite—or they could be pictures in the form of excitement, aspiration, hope, or pleasure…
They’ll ALL be accepted and acted upon in the same way. Your unconscious doesn’t judge.
And then...
Behind The Scenes…
Your goal-striving machine works tirelessly to achieve the goals you unknowingly set when you imagined pictures.
Whether those goals are good or bad, whether they’ll help you or hurt you—your subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference!
It JUST works to achieve them.
And once it gets you there, you’ll have more “proof” that whatever you believed was true!
So whatever self-image you have... is strengthened by proof that your unconscious provided.  
Following me? Good.
Game ChangerRegular price$129.99 Sale pricefrom $89.0020
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Scrooge MontanaRegular price$129.99 Sale pricefrom $89.008
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Sometimes, humans like to be right more than they like to be successful. So they don’t even acknowledge this process exists.
But your self-image sets ALL the “boundaries” for what you’re able to accomplish! If you want to change your life and make it thousands of times better, THIS is how!
It is not possible to act in a way that is counter to your self-image. Your unconscious won’t let you.
That means your self-image created every win and every failure you’ve ever had in your life...
And it will also determine your destiny.
Now Here’s The GOOD News!
You can ALWAYS change your self-image. Any time you want.
You’re never too young or too old to do it.
Once the concept of your ‘self’ has been changed...
...other things consistent with your new concept of self will be FAR easier to get…
If you have fear of public speaking… procrastination… problems starting a business… feelings of inadequacy, or if you just want to see yourself as “better” at whatever you do…
You can solve ALL of that by changing your self-image. And it’s not as hard as you think.
Keep reading. Because here’s...
The Biggest ‘Hack’ For
Human Achievement - Revealed:
Read the following sentence TWICE, to make sure you understand it:
Your brain and nervous system cannot tell the difference between an imagined experience and a “real” experience.
Here’s why:
Every experience you’ve ever had is an imagined one anyway!
Not to get all “Matrix” on you—but you aren’t operating directly on reality. None of us are.
Everything you see, hear, touch, think, taste, and feel ALL comes as raw data through your nerves.
Then, it gets artificially “constructed” by your brain... which is working to make sense of the ‘data’ you get from your senses.
Your brain puts together the data from your senses to construct a “map” of the world...
And when you’re going about your life... you’re interacting with the map. Not with reality itself.
This brings us to a quote from a guy named Alfred Korzybski -
“The Map Is
Not The Territory”
Remember that!
Here’s why this is useful for your success: Pretend you’re hiking through the woods. And you see a bear.
But it’s not really a bear—it’s just a tree that looks like a bear in the dark. But when you see it, you have no idea it’s a tree. You 100% believe it’s a bear!
When that happens, you’d react the same way you would if there REALLY were a bear in front of you, right? You’d feel the same adrenaline. Your heart would beat faster. You’d get hyper-focused. You’d probably try to run, too.
All because you imagined the bear to be real.
Your brain built a “map” with a bear in it—when one did not exist in reality.
In the same way, your unconscious can act on what you IMAGINE to be real. Even if they’re counter-productive... Like the idea you’re a bad catcher, or that you’re inadequate at public speaking, or that you’ll never make over $5,000 per month.
They’re things that are in your MAP that are not there in reality.
Now—for the most part, the “pictures” and “maps” in our heads are reasonably accurate…
They help us navigate the world, avoid getting hit by busses, and determine whether a stranger at the bar is attractive.
But remember the college students who imagined their hand in ice water and it got colder? How the human body will give itself a blister if it imagines a hot poker? How an athlete’s free throws can improve with mere visualization?
These are all examples of the body reacting as if something is real... when it’s not:
The MAP was real! So it didn’t matter.
Now our ‘maps’ are usually accurate enough to help us survive and reproduce. But when it comes to achieving financial or career success, or any other success for that matter…
YOU have to create the right map! If it’s not working for you, your map doesn’t align with reality.  
And that’s EASY to fix...
Just realize this:
Rrari DreamsRegular price$129.99 Sale pricefrom $89.0030
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Louis DreamsRegular price$129.99 Sale pricefrom $89.0027
Shop NowWe’re Imagining Our ENTIRE Reality Anyway!
Why Not Imagine A Good One?
If you imagine the reasons you won’t succeed at something when others can…
…your body will produce physical responses that stop you from succeeding. Just like it’ll produce a blister with no heat.
Your body literally will not allow you to succeed if that’s in your self-image.
On the other hand—if you see yourself as ‘able to achieve anything you want’...
...your unconscious mind WILL work to get you there!
If something is possible, and you have enough focus and persistence to do it… your only limitation is in your head.
That goes for anything—a career position, starting a business, public speaking, or excelling at a sport or an instrument.
How do you get a better self-image?
You’ll gain a MASSIVE advantage when you…
Train Your Imagination
For 30 Minutes A Day.
It’s easy. Here’s how:
First, close your eyes.
Imagine taking the actions that will get you the success you want—as VIVIDLY and as DETAILED as possible. Remember, your unconscious ‘goal-striving machine’ responds to PICTURES.
While you’re visualizing, pay attention to the small things—the sights, sounds and the objects…
It’s important to make it as REAL as possible—with bright colors. In 3-D…
See yourself acting and reacting appropriately, successfully, ideally…
Imagine everything as if it were already true…
KEEP experiencing it in front of your mental eyes—and FEEL it, too. Every part of it.
When you make a practice of vividly imagining yourself succeeding at what you want - over and over…
…this will be built into your unconscious. It’ll be stored as positive thoughts and experiences for future reference. And it will be “added” to your self-image. Because your unconscious won’t know it’s not reality.
Do “imagination training sessions” for a BARE MINIMUM of 21 days in a row...
And do NOT expect any results during the initial 21 days—that’s simply how long it takes to program your brain and nervous system to begin automatically moving you toward your goal.
Got it? Good. Now...
Here are the mistakes most people make with this:
1. Imagine End Goals.
You need to have a clear goal or target, and you must conceive of it as already in existence—now.
Either in actual or ‘potential’ form…
For example, anytime someone sets out to find a new creative idea or the answer to a scientific problem… they’re only successful when they assume the answer already exists—they just have to find it.
Their unconscious sees they believe it’s a truth—and guides them to it.
Achieving success is no different.
2. Don’t Worry About The “How”
The job of your conscious mind is to give your unconscious the “end result” goals you desire.
But don’t worry if the means to achieving those end results aren’t obvious to you at first.
Figuring out the “means” to getting there is NOT the job of the conscious mind.
That’s the job of your unconscious!
Your conscious mind’s job is to:
Keep finding and giving your unconscious the BEST information relating to your goal—so it has more to work with, and...
Visualizing and supplying your unconscious with the right mental pictures - day, after day, after day. So train your imagination!
Time Is MoneyRegular price$129.99 Sale pricefrom $89.0032
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Take the ChanceRegular price$129.99 Sale pricefrom $89.0021
Shop Now3. Don’t Be Afraid Of Making Mistakes
Your unconscious will figure out how to reach your goal by trial and error—the same way you feel around in the dark to find something.
The worst thing you can do is take the “error” part as proof of your old self-image—the one you want to get away from.
If you make an error, simply realize that’s your unconscious mind “feeling around in the dark” to make you successful. Keep going.
4. Trust Your Unconscious And ACT
Trust your unconscious—or goal-striving machine—to do its work.
Don’t “jam it” by getting too concerned or anxious about whether it will work or not.
“Let it” work, rather than “make it” work. It operates below your consciousness, and you can’t “know” what is going on beneath the surface.
Plus, its nature is to operate spontaneously according to present need.
So you have no guarantees in advance of the situation you’ll need it in! You simply have to dive in with faith.
Your unconscious comes into operation as you act.
NEVER wait to act until you have proof. You won’t get it. Act as if the proof is already there. Your unconscious will reward you for that.
Do the thing—and you will have the power.
5. Supplement Your Imagination
With ACTUAL Success Images
Your unconscious mind thinks in images. It responds best to vivid, striking pictures that provide it with goals about who you want to become…
And these images need to be consistent. Day after day.
So if you only rely on your imagination... the images you just “conjure up” can be inconsistent or vague...
People often have a hard time focusing on the SAME image when they have to imagine it over and over for weeks with no “reference point”.
But if that image changes too much from day to day, it can send mixed signals to your unconscious. It can “jam” your goal-striving machine...
That’s why it’s important to incorporate real life images as well as imagined ones...
It feeds your unconscious mind the same images over and over, consistently.
That makes your goal “take hold” faster. And...
That’s the reason we put so much detail
and vibrant colors into our canvas wall art:
To program your unconscious mind with goals that make you automatically strive for success…
…to wire your conscious mind to create more meaningful, rich, and powerful pictures - as you train your imagination to acquire a new, better reality. A better ‘map’.
...And they simply inspire you daily, too. Not to mention, they’re stunning to look at - and WILL get you compliments from guests!
The truth is...
Our pieces are designed to act as a compass…
They guide you to experience the life you want—and the person you want to become—right now.
When you do that, you’ll give your unconscious “goal-striving machine” all the fuel it needs to get you where you want to be.
And if you’re committed to it, you’ll reach your goal THAT much faster.
So check out our store [here] and find a piece you’re most inspired by! We honestly believe anyone with a goal in life should have artwork like this in their home - whether it’s our artwork or someone else’s… It’s THAT much of an advantage.
But we can only say so much about it here.  In order to understand the advantage you get, you have to see it for yourself. And we get anyone selling artwork can tell you this on a blog post...
That’s why we have a LIFETIME money-back guarantee. If you don’t see the advantage, send it back whenever. Even if it’s in 10 years! We want you to see the results you get from taking in your beautiful masterpiece daily!
Thanks for reading - if you got anything out of this post, feel free to share it with your friends. And we’d LOVE to hear your feedback.
– To Your Success, Inktuitive
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freelancesumandas · 5 years
Preparing for a Divorce in Texas
Tumblr media
Divorce Attorneys in Houston: Is a divorce right for you? That’s probably a question that you’ve asked yourself a time or two recently. After all- you’re reading through blog posts of a family law attorney so you at least have some inkling that you need to consider the option. Whether or not you actually move forward and get the divorce is a different subject altogether, however. The decision to get a divorce may be the most important decision that you ever make- right behind the decision you made to get married. It is a lot easier to get into a marriage than to get out of one and you should consider whether or not this is the best and only option for you to pursue at this point.
Most people speak to their spouse about how they are feeling in regard to the possibility of filing for divorce and I would recommend that you do the same. You owe it to yourself and your spouse to at least attempt to work through the issues that have led you to this point. Obviously an exception would be if you have been the victim of domestic violence or something similar. In those situations your personal safety and that of your children take precedence and you should move to protect yourself as quickly as possible. In other circumstances you can take an opportunity to discuss your options with your spouse.
Have you all attempted to attend counseling or therapy sessions? Often times your place of worship offers counseling with your priest or pastor at no charge. If the thought of talking to another person about your marriage problems gives you shivers then you should consider how, if you file for divorce, your entire life story may be told to not only a judge but any person that is inside the courtroom on the day or a hearing or trial in your case.
The bottom line is that you need to make an effort. Couples divorce only when no other option seems fruitful. If you do not fight to save your marriage the odds are good that it will not be saved. Present yourself as a partner willing to do what it takes to help your marriage stay afloat. If at the end of the day your marriage fails and you need to file for divorce that’s fine. But make an effort today to avoid the difficulties associated with divorce.
One last item I wanted to share: do not think that your divorce is going to allow you to settle a score with your spouse or to address a wrong that you believe has been committed against you. I can almost promise you that it will not. A packed courtroom where you get to expose your spouse for the person that he or she truly is will almost certainly not come into being as a result of you filing for divorce. The more likely scenario is that you all never see the inside of a courtroom and you never even get to address those wrongs directly.
Will your divorce be uncontested?
Family Attorney Houston: This is an important question to ask yourself before filing. If you speak to your spouse about a divorce and eventually agree that you have exhausted all other possible ways to address the problems of your marriage without success, a divorce may be the option you pursue. In filing for divorce you have the option to settle on any issue related to the divorce and thus avoid ever seeing the inside of a courtroom. This is known as an uncontested divorce.
An uncontested divorce is rare seeing as how you all must agree on literally every issue of your case. If you are able to agree upon child custody, visitation, possession, access, support and property division issues then your case may in fact be uncontested. In that case you can file your divorce petition, have your spouse sign a waiver of service agreement and from there have a final order drafted reflecting your agreements in the areas I highlighted above.
I would recommend that you hire an attorney to represent you regardless if your divorce is contested or not. The most important document that comes out of your divorce is the final decree of divorce which provides your and your spouse’s marching orders in regard to property and children. You will want an order that is clear, concise and easy to follow. If you do not get a clear, concise and easy to follow order you run the risk of your spouse violating the order and the judge declaring the order to be unenforceable.
To avoid this, hire an experienced family law attorney who can assist you with negotiating the issues of your case and then drafting an order that reflects the settled agreement between you and your spouse. It will cost you more money to hire an attorney than it would to not hire an attorney, but by doing so you will have an order that is well drafted and one that you will not need to return to court for in a year in order to correct an error. Also, an order will need to be drafted either way- whether you hire an attorney or not. If not the attorney then you will be the one who will need to spend the time drafting the order. Odds are decent that you will spend an inordinate amount of time drafting the order only to find out that you have made mistakes that require revision.
Approach the divorce as a transaction
Divorce Lawyers Houston: It is easy for me to say this since I am not the one going through the divorce, but if you are able to treat your divorce like a business transaction rather than a referendum on your value as a parent or spouse, you will be better off. Essentially you are attempting to negotiate time with your child, child support and a division of the rights and duties associated with your child. On the other side of the ledger, you would like to retain as much of your wealth as you can. It may sound callous to put a divorce into these terms but it is the reality of your case.
As such, do not approach your case as a person with a score to settle. We discussed earlier how you likely will not be given an opportunity to settle this score in the way that you hoped. Do not approach our case as a means to expose your spouse. Rather, approach your case as a means to get out of a bad relationship, provide yourself with some peace of mind and re-establish a loving and strong relationship with your child. These are all achievable goals.
If you allow emotion to enter into the equation to an excessive degree your chances of settling your case decrease dramatically. You will then find yourself staring at a case that needs to go before a judge. Not only does this remove a great amount of any control you could have exerted over the case but it also creates a situation where the costs of your case will skyrocket. Trials in divorce cases are expensive and yours will not be an exception. Consider what you can do to work with your spouse before and during the divorce to settle as many issues as you are able to between yourselves. You all know your family better than anyone and if you are able it is worth it to speak with him or her to resolve any outstanding issues.
Questions on divorce and the steps needed to prepare for one? Contact the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC
Family Lawyer Houston: In the event that you are considering a divorce please contact the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC. We can walk with you through the divorce process and discuss any questions that you may have.
A consultation with one of our licensed family law attorneys is free of charge and are available six days a week. We represent clients across southeast Texas and would be honored to so the same for you and your family. No divorce is easy, but our attorneys will work with you to ensure we can accomplish your goals and provide you the peace of mind that you are seeking ... Continue Reading
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hydrus · 5 years
Version 359
os x
I had an excellent and very full week.
file maintenance
The new file maintenance system now has some nice UI under database->maintenance->review scheduled file maintenance. It has two pages. It is a little advanced, but if you have some hydrus experience, please feel free to have a play around with it.
The first page reviews what is currently scheduled to run. It shows job counts for each type and lets you manually start work on that job type or cancel them.
The second lets you schedule new jobs. It uses the standard file search interface, so you can queue up a thumbnail regen for all webms with a certain tag, say, or recheck file metadata on all pngs (just in case they were truly apngs). There is also an advanced button to run talks on repository update files.
Furthermore, the new file maintenance manager now handles file integrity checks. The old 'file integrity check' entries under the database menu, which would check all files in your system in one go, are gone, now handled on the nicer system that doesn't interrupt work if you force it and will otherwise chip away at any large job in smaller pieces in idle time. Missing files or files will incorrect data will now automatically have any known URLs exported to .txt files, and incorrect files will also be exported, all to an appropriate directory beneath your main db dir.
I would like to add saved file searches within the next month or so, at which point I will attach some recommended jobs here, such as detecting apngs and correcting some webms that were once detected as mkvs.
The thumbnail right-click menu now lets you reset or undo file relationships! If a file has duplicates, you can remove it from that group, and if it has alternates, you can pull it from that. You can also completely 'dissolve' the groups and clear out false positive relationships. It gives you little yes/no explanatory dialogs for each action, if you aren't quite sure what you mean to do.
I expect to add commands to apply these sorts of operations to entire selections in the next few weeks.
The duplicates storage overhaul is coming to a close. I have a few more cleanup jobs like this, some filter interaction improvements, and some proper help to write. We are getting there!
ipfs nocopy
I have added an advanced and experimental 'nocopy' IPFS pin mode to the client. This permits IPFS to share files straight from your hydrus file store, without having to make a copy. If you are not familiar with this, I recommend you not try. I would like feedback on this from the users who are enthusiastic about it so I can iterate on it and make it easier for regular users in future.
Essentially, the IPFS review/manage services panels now have a bit of nicer UI to talk to the daemon. You can check that 'nocopy' is turned on and enable it under manage services. Unfortunately, nocopy will only work on any file that is beneath the parent of the main ipfs conf directory, which is typically your USERDIR, so if your hydrus client_files folder is above that, or on another drive entirely, you will need to remap the locations with some symlinks(!) before it will work. The manage services panel has some help on it, but please feel free to ask me if you need some more.
I tested this, and it appears to work, but I am not a big IPFS user, so I would appreciate anyone who is giving this a proper shake-down and letting me know what you think. I'd love to add some easier plug-n-play IPFS sharing ability to the client, but we'll need to get over some hurdles first.
I expect to write a new IPFS downloader or similar that will pull multihash data from public http gateways so users can get into this more without having to set up a daemon.
deviant art
Deviant Art seem to be rolling out a complete site redesign that breaks the existing login script and gallery & file page parsers. Much like a recent Pixiv rollout, not all users are being affected at the same time--it looks like users who remain logged in from a previous session are not seeing the update as quickly.
I have written completely new objects for DA for this update. There is a new login script and parsers, and now there is a new downloader just for tags. Unfortunately, I think you need to be logged in--or otherwise have some particular cookies established from previous activity--to access the new download searches, or else you will get 404. If you are logged in and get this 404, try resetting your login and then logging back in. Dragging file page URLs straight on to hydrus seems to work fine, it is just this gallery search step that needs a 'new' session set up before it works.
I am afraid I have also had some CloudFlare 500 server error results with the new search. I suspect DA hasn't completely rolled out their new tech yet or something weirder is happening. These gallery 500s can pause the downloader hydrus-side annoyingly, so I will write some ui next week to let you try again quicker. In any case, the new downloaders I am putting out today are an improvement on 'it doesn't work at all', but they may not be everything we need. If you are a keen DA user, please let me know how you get on.
the rest
I fixed the 'file lookup script' GET problem. I apologise for the inconvenience.
I am also rolling out an improvement to the shimmie parser this week that pulls source time and md5 hash.
full list
ipfs nocopy:
wrote a new panel to better show ipfs daemon status and added it to the review and manage ipfs service panels
added nocopy config review and enable status and buttons to this new panel
added an EXPERIMENTAL 'use nocopy' checkbox to the ipfs manage services panel
added accompanying WEWLAD path translation ui to enable nocopy when your hydrus media storage paths are inaccessible to the ipfs daemon for nocopy purposes. a help button explains this more--it currently needs some symlinking, so non-advanced users should stay away
if everything is set up, ipfs nocopy seems to work! I am not totally happy about the setup required here, so feedback from advanced ipfs-fluent users would be appreciated and we can iterate on this
improved stability of ipfs daemon/version checking code
file maintenance:
wrote some proper file maintenance ui under database->maintain->review scheduled file maintenance!
for existing work, the new file maintenance ui shows how much work is scheduled for each job type and lets you cancel that work or run it manually
for new work, the new file maintenance ui lets you queue up work of any type for files you select with the standard tag autocomplete search interface! you can schedule all pngs to be rescanned in case they are truly apngs, or regen thumbs for all files imported before a certain date, or whatever you wish. you can also queue up repository update files
the file maintenance manager can now deal with repository update files when it does a complete file metadata regen
the file maintenance manager now takes responsibility for checking file presence and file integrity. the old 'check file integrity' options under database->maintenance, which did all files in one go, are now gone
file integrity checks will now always export broken files and missing/broken files' known urls to .txt files to your db_dir/missing_and_invalid_files. appropriate popups and log data will be sent as well. also, the known urls will be both exported on a per-file .txt basis and appended to one unified .txt
if a file now fails to parse on a metadata reparse, it is now automatically checked for file data integrity
if a repository encounters a missing, invalid, or incorrect filetype update during update processing, it now schedules all updates in the repo to be appropriately rescanned by the file maintenance manager
if the storage subdirectory directory does not exist on a client file path request or thumbnail-add attempt, a special error will now be raised with instructions to reconnect the location or shut the client down immediately
cleaned up some ffmpeg mime-detection logspam
added several single-file thumbnail right-click dissolve/reset duplicate actions:
- reset search status
- remove from duplicate group (if in one and not the king)
- dissolve duplicate group (if in a group)
- remove from alternate group (if in one)
- dissolve alternate group (if in one)
- clear false-positive relations (if it has some)
added some new code to deal with dissolution and member extraction at the db level
when a member is extracted from alternate group, its constituent files are now requeued for potential search
multi-selection duplicate right-click actions are now available to non-advanced-mode users
wrote some unit tests for the new dissolve/reset actions
cleaned up some misc duplicates code
the rest:
fixed a recent bug in the file lookup script GET call--I apologise for the mistake
the main gui page tab menu now lets you sort page tabs by the number of files they have
deviant art seem to be rolling out a new page format. this week hydrus introduces completely new deviant art downloader objects that, fingers crossed, will update any existing users smoothly and also provide new tag search functionality. users who are still logged in may still be getting the old page format. if this is you, and this update does not work (although I _think_ it should, even so), please try clearing your existing login and logging in again
new deviant art login script, artist + tag GUGs, gallery url classes, file and gallery parsers
updated the shimmie file page parser to pull source time and md5
improved the 'process now' advanced button to only focus on actual specific outstanding processing. previously, it was also checking for new metadata when due, which, when the server was not available, could seemingly idle for a time before actually processing updates due to the new delaying connection retry code
wrote a new 'file import report mode' mode to help->debug->report modes
fixed a progress display issue with the janitorial petitions processing page
improved accuracy of sibling and parent petition counts, and properly capped them at 1000
mapping petitions are now grouped by namespace, and will come in more manageable chunks
fixed the server launch-and-init test debug code
misc string-to-string control improvements to support the new ipfs edit ui
removed the old 'continual tag archive sync' legacy code from tag services, which has been semi/non-functional for a long time
cleaned up the annoying separator hanging on the end of certain tag right-click menus
cleared out the 'Exception ignored in' spam that is often printed after the log closes
next week
I pushed it a bit hard this week, so I will take it easier as I catch up on a variety of smaller jobs. I also need to catch up on my messages.
0 notes
hkparkandplay · 6 years
The Fundamentals of Scholarship Essay Examples Revealed
For instance, some scholarships will request you submit an essay totally free of name while some others are likely to request that you simply just include your own name along with contact information within the essay paper. Different scholarships might ask you to include letters of recommendation with a composition while some only require an essay writing. Later on, students might have to learn about to compose an expository essay so as to accomplish certain homework, together with evaluations given to them.
Judges will probably assume this in the event that you never learn how to compose a scholarship article accurately you will perhaps not have exactly what it requires to be successful at their university. When it is possible browse the newspapers of those prior winners.
Alas, the amount of students who produce monetary desire essays is very large, and you are likely to be writing your essay together side a number of different candidates. Together with all our fast correct essay assistance you’ll receive your scholarship free of trouble. Tailor your reply to this pupil that it complies together with all the review committee.
For composing your scholarship article, the very first thing is to create a wonderful outline. Making sure your essay isn’t any single error is just a significant allure to your sponsor. Should you not have some clue where to start when attempting to win a scholarship, then you might feel reassured after taking a look at lots of sample essays.
The exact first sentence of your scholarship article has come to be the main sentence you are ever going to write. At the event that you experienced the ability to compose a wonderful essay you will standout from the crowd and raise your likelihood of receiving a scholarship and you also don’t require any outstanding GPA score or instructional abilities to achieve it. Never use that https://24writer.com/assignment/ phrase in the event that you’d like to gain some scholarship!
An article features a certain structure. It’s by far the most essential section of your scholarship software, which means you wish to guarantee to offer the optimal/optimally impression you are able to. Outlining your composition is a great technique to organize your ideas and flesh out your essay topic.
Life, Death and Scholarship Essay Examples
Dispatch is the most direct alternate for career entry, giving me exactly the most best option to go after my own fantasy career. Additionally, a single is a 500-word answer and one other one is a 1,000-word Re Action. You might have take under consideration the headline you are very most likely to print.
The vital thing point would be to handle the most vital problems and diluting the overall price of those tasks. You can find more than just a thousand ways of find an effortless pupil but nevertheless a great deal of people truly do not understand exactly what they are. Make clear why you imagine the guy is acceptable for the scholarship.
Individuals who’ll choose whether they desire to offer you their own scholarship! A good offer of people are denied, because they may earn a lot of money . Students should create the method by which they execute their theoretical understanding into technical life to be able to reach good results.
Getting the Best Scholarship Essay Examples
Get a backup of Financial Aid Sense so you’re well informed during the monetary support process. Psychotherapy is some thing which you’re given instead of the acceptance of one’s work. Scholarships can provide you a better possiblity to obtain the crucial sum of funds with out the responsibility to provide it back.
Somebody handles health. Prove why you’re committed to public support. It will be possible for you to get rid of with a supply to supply more info, if demanded.
Superb quality of writing is just another beneficial factor of You should not be concerned with the caliber on your essay after you get from since they’ve professional group of authors. Im not certain what sort of thesis to include. When composting your letters, then you are going to wish to decide on a expert format.
Use additional information ( such as examples and stats ) to make it appear professional. If you’re not prepared, the entire sum of advice you can be given there with only a effortless look for can leave you with added inquiries than you ever experienced before. It really is really beneficial touse exclusive info, which isn’t readily available for everyone such as for instance data or stats.
You will find various writing fashions which may fit several themes and subjects. There is an assortment of data investigation methods along with processes. Both examples handle the identical theme ( ailing father or mother ) but employ many approaches.
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