#fandom // 21 Jump Street
findyourrp · 11 months
Information about me and how I roleplay!
Mackenzie, 22, she/her. Roleplay partners must be 18+ No minors. My maximum post length is 200 words. I do doubling up, and singles! I’m okay with parings, male x male, male x female, female x female!
(Read this closely!!!!!) (For doubling up, I play as your love interest, you play as mine. I do not roleplay my love interests for others. For singles, you only play as my love interest, and I only play as my oc, I don’t play as your love interest for this.)
I roleplay OC x Canon. I would prefer if we roleplay on Discord. I love, love, love to plot and discuss any ideas we have as well as taking ooc, and getting to know my roleplay partner! Communication is very very important! I’ll send you a reminder after a week to see if you’re still interested in our roleplay! Please do the same for me!
Let me know if you’re no longer interested in the role-play! I don’t know how many times I have to repeat this over and over, communication is very important!!! Don’t block me and be mean about it, and don’t ghost me and leave me to ask you if you are interested, only for me to find out i’ve been blocked. Just tell me of your no longer interested, alright? So, please communicate with me!
What I’m looking for
• Marvel’s The Punisher. (My love interest is Billy Russo.)
• Shadow and Bone. (My love interest is Aleksander Morozova/General Kirigan.)
• Marvel’s MoonKnight. (My love interest is Arthur Harrow.)
• Dead Poets Society. (My love interest is Neil Perry.)
• Prison Break. (My love interest is Michael Scofield.)
• The Flash. (My love interest is either Barry Allen, Savitar or Leonard Snart.)
• American Horror Story (My love interest is James Patrick March, Kai Anderson, Kit Walker or Austin Sommers.)
• Penny Dreadful. (My love interest is Dorian Gray.)
• Disney’s Descendants. (My love interest is Ben Beast.) Note: Will not play Carlos De Vil out of respect for Cameron Boyce.
• Once Upon A Time. (My love interest is Peter Pan.)
• Top Gun [1986] (My love interest is Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell.)
• Top Gun: Maverick [2022] (My love interest is either Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell or Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw.)
• 21 Jump Street [TV Series] (My love interest is Tom Hanson.)
• Wayne [a 2019 original series on YouTube and on Prime Video] (love interest is Wayne Mccllough.)
• One Of Us Is Lying [A original peacock tv series] (My love interest is Simon Kelleher)
If you are interested in any of these fandoms, please like this post or comment down below, or send me a message here so I can give you my Discord! I will only give my discord if you’re actually interested in roleplaying!
like & asker will find you!
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goodcryunicorn · 2 years
21 Jump Street // Tom Hanson
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Name: Tom Hanson Age: 24 - 52 Relationship: Single (verse depending) open for ships Sexuality: Heterosexual Job: Detective Residence: New York. New York, U.S Faceclaims: Johnny Depp; Jared Leto Blog written by: @goodcryunicorn3​​
Basically Tom wanted to be a police officer and barely made it out of the police academy. He stated that he did not like high school.
Early Life
His father, Tom Hanson Sr., was a police officer. When he was killed in the line of duty, Hanson Jr. decided to become a police officer to get justice and to help other victims.
Becoming a Police Officer
Tom literally took the job of his father. The partner he was assigned to retired by the end of Season One.
Joining the Jump Street Program
He was a competent police officer. However, he was so reckless that he was going to have to be demoted to Filing Staff or be Transferred. Since everything about Tom is so youthful he was perfect for Jump Street. Tom commented that he loathed High Schools. Even more annoying is that his new Captain and the Station itself were very Slovenly. His Sargent was No Nonsense and did not like him for a while. All the other officers had slightly more experience than Tom. It was necessary for them and Captain Jenko to guide Tom through his many more mistakes, much to Tom's annoyance. During Tom's span at Jump Street he considered quitting since he clearly did not have the temperament needed to be a Police Officer. His time at Jump Street was supposed to last at least 10 years. By Season 4, he appeared in fewer Assignments and by Season 5, zero Assignments. Like many Characters, Tom was not written out of the series.
Tom Hanson and Doug Penhall appointed DEA’s were assigned to a case they worked for five years undercover when the One-Percenters biker gang was involved in a drug sting operation and they pretend to fit in and even forgot they were uncovered but then they meet with new police officers Greg Jenko and Schmidt the newbie’s at the 21 Jump Street police program who also worked uncovered and when Hanson pulled a gun on them he feels guilty that he blows his cover and Penhall they pulled a gun the biker gang and they find out Jenko and Schmidt was part of the same uncovered program they were decades ago and they laugh about it until Hanson and Penhall were shot explaining why they went uncovered to the biker gang and fell to the floor bleeding they bring up their time on Jump Street together but then forgave each other for all the stuff they did and they passed out seemingly like they died on the floor (only to find they were faking their deaths from the biker gang and even the newbies Jenko and Schmidt).
50 years later Hanson is no longer a DEA and he along with Penhall retired from the force and they lived their lives to the fullest and Tom still owned the bowling alley he owns in Pennsylvania and Penhall became a priest and changed his ways and they both still remain close as best friends it unknown if Tom had children or married.
Tom is always strict and he always clean about his work and he often bother when someone gets in his way.
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darkdoverpseeker · 1 year
Information about me and how I roleplay!
Mackenzie, 22, she/her. Roleplay partners must be 18+ No minors. My maximum post length is 200 words. I do doubling up, and singles! I’m okay with parings, male x male, male x female, female x female!
(Read this closely!!!!!) (For doubling up, I play as your love interest, you play as mine. I do not roleplay my love interests for others. For singles, you only play as my love interest, and I only play as my oc, I don’t play as your love interest for this.)
I roleplay OC x Canon. I would prefer if we roleplay on Discord. I love, love, love to plot and discuss any ideas we have as well as taking ooc, and getting to know my roleplay partner! Communication is very very important! I’ll send you a reminder after a week! Please do the same for me!
Let me know if you’re no longer interested in the role-play! I don’t know how many times I have to repeat this over and over, communication is very important!!! Don’t block me and be mean about it, and don’t ghost me and leave me to ask you if you are interested, only for me to find out i’ve been blocked. Just tell me of your no longer interested, alright? So, please communicate with me!
What I’m looking for
• Marvel’s The Punisher. (My love interest is Billy Russo.)
• Shadow and Bone. (My love interest is Aleksander Morozova/General Kirigan.)
• Marvel’s MoonKnight. (My love interest is Arthur Harrow.)
• Dead Poets Society. (My love interest is Neil Perry.)
• Prison Break. (My love interest is Michael Scofield.)
• The Flash. (My love interest is either Barry Allen, Savitar or Leonard Snart.)
• American Horror Story (My love interest is James Patrick March, Kai Anderson, Kit Walker or Austin Sommers.)
• Penny Dreadful. (My love interest is Dorian Gray.)
• Disney’s Descendants. (My love interest is Ben Beast.) Note: Will not play Carlos De Vil out of respect for Cameron Boyce.
• Once Upon A Time. (My love interest is Peter Pan.)
• Top Gun [1986] (My love interest is Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell.)
• Top Gun: Maverick [2022] (My love interest is either Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell or Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw.)
• 21 Jump Street [TV Series] (My love interest is Tom Hanson.)
• Wayne [2019 series on YouTube Premium and on Prime Video] (love interest is Wayne)
If you are interested in any of these fandoms, please like this post or comment down below, or send me a message here so I can give you my Discord! I will only give my discord if you’re actually interested in roleplaying!
interact if interested!
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minibottlescrewcap · 1 year
I thought tiktok was the only social media that still had a johnny depp fandom
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ackermancurse · 6 months
You 🤝 Me
Being new to AoT fandom lol
Also #45 of prompt list for Jean please, thank you! 😙
Modern Jean x Reader
“Can you please stop chewing so loudly, Connie? I can hear you all the way from here,” you shout to your twin brother.
Connie rolls his eyes, “You’re so annoying. I wasn’t even chewing that loudly.”
You continue to type on your laptop. Finishing up the essay you’re working on.
“Well I’m gonna go shower. I’m going out tonight so don’t wait for me to come home tonight. Probably won’t be back till morning,” Connie says while he places his dirty dish in the sink.
Connie walks to his bedroom and shuts the door. You hear the shower kick on and sigh. Finally some peace and quiet.
The peace and quiet you just had is short lived when a loud series of knocks at the front door of yours and Connie’s shared apartment cause you to jump.
“Springer!!! Hurry up and let us in!!” You let out an annoyed sigh.
You march over to the front door to see who could possibly be making all this noise, “There better be a good reason why someone is pounding on my door.”
You open it to see Armin, Eren, and Jean standing at the door with big smiles while laughing.
You give the boys a hug, “Connie didn’t tell me you guys were coming over. You guys going out tonight?” You open the door wide to let the three boys in.
“Yeah, gonna hit a few bars. Maybe hit a club,” Eren says and gives you a side hug.
“Connie wanted to go out. He said you were busy doing schoolwork and was getting a bit annoyed with you,” Armin responds with a grin.
You roll your eyes and that’s when you finally lock eyes with Jean.
You’ve always had a thing for Jean. He has always been your partner in school for projects, always picked you first for sports, sat next to you to talk, and just has always been there for you since the day him and Connie became best friends.
Jean looks older now. His once dark hair now a light ashy brown. His hair is slicked back and is longer than you’re used to. But it looks good. By the looks of it he’s growing out a beard because he has some scruff on his chin.
“Hi Jean,” you say with a small smile.
“How’s my favorite girl doing?” he asks before giving you a full front hug. He lifts you up like he always does while you hang on.
You giggle, “Always better when you’re around.”
He smells like expensive cologne. The kind that would make you turn your head if you walk past him in a crowd. Jean places you back down in the ground and you look up at him.
“I didn’t know you were coming over,” you say and tuck your hair behind your ear.
Connie walks out of his bedroom fully dressed and ready to go out, “Soooo should we take a pregame shot here before we head out?”
Jean looks at you and leans over to whisper, “If I’m being honest I don’t really wanna go out but I’m going just because he’s my best friend.”
You let out a giggle, “Trust me I wouldn’t want to go out drinking with him either. Remember when me and him turned 21 he got absolutely shit-faced. He kept volunteering to sing for karaoke.”
Jean lets out a hearty laugh and Connie turns to face the two of you, “Jean! Sorry, is my annoying sister bugging you??” Connie shoots you a glare practically telling you to beat it.
“Never, Connie. She’s nothing like you in the best way possible,” Jean retorts and shoots you a small grin.
You feel yourself get hot in the face. Connie knew of your crush on Jean so he always tries to keep you away.
Connie rolls his eyes, “Ew gross don’t flirt with my sister, dude. At least not in front of me. There’s a reason I try to keep you apart.”
It was Jean’s turn to get red in the face. Apparently Connie always knew you two would hit it off and didn’t want to see his friend and sister flirt.
“Con, how could you even keep your sister and me apart? I mean we grew up down the street from one another,” Jean questions as Connie opens a kitchen cabinet and grabs 3 shot glasses.
“She’s my sister and I know how you get. I know she’s exactly what you go for dude,” Connie explains and grabs a bottle of tequila from a different cabinet and begins pouring shots.
Jean looks at you wide eyed.
“Let’s just take this shot and head out alright?” Eren suggests as he grabs a shot glass.
Connie, Armin, and Jean grab their shot glasses and lift them high in the air, “To getting laid,” Connie toasts.
“To getting laid,” the boys respond in unison. Jean makes eye contact with you as he responds and proceeds to take a shot.
All the boys make faces as the liquor burns their chests.
Jean walks over to you, “Hey do you wanna join us? It would be cool if we can hang out, you know?”
Connie gasps, “Um dude?”
“It’s your fault for always keeping us apart so now face your consequences,” Jean confidently remarks.
“Well good luck she’s not gonna wanna go out. She never does,” Connie says and pours himself another shot.
You watch as Connie begins to take his second shot, “You know what… I’d love to join Jean. Give me 15 minutes and I’ll be ready.”
Connie chokes on the shot as he hears you, “Really??! You never want to go out when I ask.”
“Yeah well you’re not a cute boy who wants me to join,” you quickly respond back and feel the heat rush back into your face. You look at Jean who has a small grin on his face and he runs his fingers through his long locks.
“Whatever. Well, I don’t want to wait for you so me, Armin, Eren, and Jean are gonna get an Uber from here. I’ll text you where we’re going,” Connie explains and grabs his wallet from the kitchen counter.
Jean quickly looks at you, “Actually I’ll stay. Make sure she gets to the bar safely ya know? I’ll order us an Uber.”
Armin and Eren share a look at each other and snicker, “Alright we’ll see you guys there. Don’t take too long you two,” Armin calls out as Eren helps him push Connie out the front door before you yells at Jean.
The sound of the front door closing echoes throughout your apartment. Now you stand in front of Jean, just the two of you.
“So uh I will um take a rinse off in the shower really quick and change,” you say and look down at your feet. “Feel free to sit at the couch and help yourself to whatever is in the kitchen.”
Jean nods and sits on the beige couch in your living room and you walk into your bedroom.
You exit your bedroom dressed in your best outfit for a night out while holding a necklace in hand, “Do you mind?” You ask while lifting the necklace.
“Not at all,” Jean replies and takes the necklace from your hand gently.
You face away from Jean and lift your hair while his big calloused hands meet at the front of your body. He carefully clasps the necklace together and you turn to face him. You get a more in-depth smell of his cologne. It smells clean with a hint of spice. It reminds you of a fall morning. You look into his hazel eyes and notice the golden flakes that glow perfectly when the light touches them.
“T-The Uber is here,” Jean stutters at the sound of a notification from his phone.
You and Jean finally meet up with the boys at the bar and you feel the urge to grab a drink.
“I’m gonna get a drink,” you lean over to Armin and yell over the loud music.
Armin nods and continues talking with Eren.
You approach the bar and flag down a bartender, “One Lemon Drop Martini please.”
You feel a presence stand next to you, “Now what’s a pretty girl like yourself doing buying her own drink?” A tall man with a full beard and dark brown eyes asks. His cologne smells cheap and his breath wreaks of booze. You’re probably not the only girl he has tried to hit on all night.
The bartender returns and places the glass on the counter, “$9.50”
You kid and begin pulling out your wallet from your purse when the man from earlier puts his hand out, “I-I got it,” He hiccups. He slams his card on the counter and the bartender quickly takes it.
“Thank you,” you quietly mutter.
The bartender returns with the man’s card and continues working his ear down the bar. “You’re welcome. Y’know you can thank me by talking w-with me. Maybe having a few drinks? I can buy you whatever y-you’d like.”
You look him in the eyes, “No thank you. I need to meet up with my friends. I do appreciate the drink though.” When you begin to turn away he grabs your wrist.
“That’s not the proper way to thank someone who just bought you a d-drink. You don’t think I’m h-handsome?” The man questions while still holding your wrist.
“Look I appreciate the gesture but-“ you begin stating but feel another presence behind you.
“Hey buddy she’s here with me, alright?” a deep and hoarse voice that booms over the music.
You turn to see Jean and he wraps his arm around your waist.
Jean towers over not only you but the man who has been bothering you since you stepped foot to the bar counter.
The man’s eyes widen at the sight of Jean, “M-my bad.” He turns and walks the opposite direction.
Jean keeps watching him as he makes his way through the crowd with his arm still around your waist. When he no longer sees the man he removes his arm.
You turn to face him, “Thanks Jean. You really didn’t have to-“
“Save it. I didn’t like how he was acting around you so I came over. Next time you want a drink please let me know so I can come with you or even just go buy you the drink myself,” Jean pleads.
You nod.
“C’mon let’s go find the others,” Jean says and takes a swig of the beer he is holding in his hand.
The night continued on and you did as you were told. Anytime you wanted another drink you told Jean and he’d either follow you to the bar or ask you what you wanted to drink. Always returning with a small cup of water for you to drink in between.
When you all had enough of the drinking you took an Uber back to your apartment.
Connie, Eren, and Armin crashed in the living room. They were sprawled out everywhere. You made sure to give them each 2 aspirins and a glass of water. You even gave them a slice of bread.
“This is the best thing ever. God, you’re the best,” Eren says as he stuffs his face with another slice of bread.
Within 10 minutes, Connie and Armin were asleep on the couch while Eren was on the floor.
After you change into your pajamas you walk into the living room and kitchen area to grab a glass of water for yourself. You see Jean trying to rest in the arm chair in the corner of the living room.
“You can come to my room if you can’t sleep,” you call out in a whisper.
Jean perks up and carefully maneuvers through the boys’ shoes and Eren on the ground. He almost trips over a jacket but catches himself.
You walk into your bedroom and let him in, closing the door behind you. You lay on your bed and watch as he stands awkwardly at your bedroom door, “You can come here you know.”
“I’m okay with the floor, you know. Don’t want to overstep anything,” Jean says.
“If I wasn’t okay with sharing a bed with you I wouldn’t have offered you to come to my room,” you respond with a giggle.
Jean nods and finally sits on the bed.
There was a looming silence for a long time. You sit up and sit cross cross on your bed, “Thank you for helping me earlier tonight. I appreciate it, Jean.”
Jean opens his eyes and gives a sleepy grin, “No problem. You know, I’m always gonna look out for you.”
The two of you stare at each other for what seems like eternity. You look at Jean’s lips and up to his eyes.
“Do you want to kiss me as much as I want to kiss you?” Jean asks.
You nod.
“Oh, thank god,” he replies and puts his hand behind your head and pulls you closer to him.
When your lips collide it feels like a million fireworks explode between the two of you. The way your lips move in sync and long for the other’s whenever you briefly break apart makes you feel like you’re floating.
You run your fingers through Jean’s ash brown locks. He quietly moans when you tug slightly at his hair.
Jean places a hand gently around your neck which causes a gasp to escape your lips. You feel Jean smirk in the kiss and break away. You are both gasping for air.
“It has been so unbelievably hard to contain myself around you. I was really hoping you felt the same about me ,” Jean says while placing a small kiss on your cheek and you giggle.
“It’ll always be you,” You respond and place a gentle kiss on his lips. And nothing felt more true in that moment than that statement.
It always has and will be Jean.
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lizardaggro · 7 months
student 21's villain academia, pt 1
so. not twst bully!au part 4. it's not canceled don't worry; i'm just having a couple health issues at the moment and this one was closer to being done. i've literally been working on it for 5 days, so... it was time.
this one is a bit slow to get started, as in it still hasn't kicked into action yet, but by part 3 or so you'll see my vision. this is an x gn!reader, so anyone can read it, and no, aizawa is NOT one of the love interests. i'd rather die than ship him with a student. i have no idea if this au has been done before; you don't have all the information yet so don't jump to conclusions about me copying so-and-so. this idea has been rattling around in my brain for like a year so i'm super excited to finally get it out! genre: gn!reader, fluff, found family, romance coming eventually, canon-typical angst trigger warnings: reader has a panic attack word count: 2004
You didn’t really consider yourself one of those ‘crazy anime fans.’ No, you were more subdued in your interests. You didn’t own hundreds of dollars’ worth of merchandise, nor did you insist on watching the latest episodes right when they aired. And above all, you would never try to force your passion onto others.
Lately you’d been really into a rather popular action anime by the name of Boku no Hero Academia, or My Hero Academia in English. It wasn’t perfect, but something about the characters just sucked you in. They were just kids, only fifteen years old, and suddenly they were faced with enemies backed by a villain even the strongest hero struggled against. Thus, you couldn’t help but feel little ashamed of yourself as you fell asleep to the ending song of the latest episode.
When you woke up, it was very abrupt. You were certain you’d been asleep on your couch, but suddenly you were standing in the middle of a busy street. Not wanting to be stuck there when the light turned green, you hurried to the other side. Was this a lucid dream? You’d never had one of those before, but there wasn’t another plausible explanation.
Taking in your surroundings, all the signs definitely weren’t in English, but somehow you could understand them. Was that Japanese? Huh, all that anime must be rubbing off on your subconscious. You caught sight of a TV inside an electronics store displaying the news. You didn’t know where you were supposed to be, so maybe that could give you a clue.
“Hinata here, reporting in from Musutafu News,” a young woman announced, “just this morning, up and coming villain Bakugou Katsuki wreaked havoc on a suburban neighborhood, completely destroying 8 homes. Can you believe he’s only 15?! Goodness, what has society come to? Fortunately, there were no casualties, but our experts believe it’s only a matter of time. And now, for the weather forecast…”
You tuned out the rest, in a complete state of shock. Bakugou is a villain? What sort of dream is this? Sure, he’s loud and violent and tells people to die on the regular, but he’s not a criminal! Is this some sort of joke? Is your subconscious playing some kind of trick on you? There’s some sort of nagging feeling in the back of your mind, like you should know something about this situation, but you just can’t recall.
You decide to keep walking, instead of staring blankly at the television like an idiot. Maybe you’ll find someone or something that can explain what’s going on. With luck, it’ll be one of the main characters. If you’re really unfortunate, you’ll find someone from the League. But who knows, maybe they’re the good guys here.
After about 10 minutes, it hits you. This is one of those alternate universe thingies! Your cousin, who’s far more invested in the fandom than you are, was trying to explain them to you at a family gathering, but you were only half listening. Now that was a mistake. Even worse, she seemed convinced that some people actually got transported into the worlds of anime! No wonder you weren’t paying attention. Clearly she had a screw or two loose. Yeah, there was simply no way something like that had happened to you. This was a dream, plain and simple.
But then the building right next to you caught fire. You were sure there was nothing before, but there was a fire and it was very, very big and very, very hot. Suddenly this all felt too terribly real. Was it a villain attack? Oh no, you were doomed. You were going to die- you’d only just gotten here and you were already going to die-
“It’s going to be okay,” you heard a gruff voice say.  It was probably Japanese, but you could understand it all the same. “Take deep breaths, one at a time. The heroes are already here, they’re apprehending the villain right now,” you heard him say softly. You did your best to follow his advice. In, pause, out, pause. In, pause, out, pause. After a while, it wasn’t so hot, and you could turn to look at the person who had calmed you down. You weren’t one to judge, but he looked like he needed some help- holy cow that’s Aizawa!!
Okay, you were not expecting that. Sure, you were hoping you’d run into a friendly canon character, but you didn’t think it’d happen that easily! You knew you needed to say something though, or this would be painfully awkward. “I, um,” you spluttered, “I’m a huge fan, Eraserhead. Can I get an autograph?”
“A fan, really? I don’t have too many of those.” He looked pleased, but also a bit confused. That was to be expected, considering he’s an underground hero. “Sure, do you have any paper on you?”
Ah. That was a bit of a problem. You searched your pockets, turning up absolutely nothing, not even your phone. “Nope. Nothing. Guess I won’t be getting that autograph, huh?” You were disappointed, of course, but it wasn’t the end of the world. As messed up as this world seemed to be, you were probably better off not meeting any more canon characters unless they were saving your life. This was just a lucky chance.
“Ah, well, that’s too bad. Hey, kid, you don’t seem like you’re from around here. Are you lost?” Aizawa asked. You did a double take, wondering if it was really that obvious. Kid, though? How old were you?
“Um, yeah, I’m pretty lost, I think. I’m not really from around here,” you vaguely expressed. Even you weren’t sure where here was. You were beginning to fear that this might just be your new reality, but naturally you couldn’t just accept that out of the blue. A large part of you was holding out hope that this was just a crazy dream. Because if Bakugou was a villain in this world, then what did that mean for the rest of the characters?
“You think? Did you hit your head or something? I can take you to the hospital to get it looked at,” he offered. You were pretty sure a concussion was the least of your worries, but sticking with Aizawa seemed safer than being alone in a strange place, at least. He did appear a little suspicious of your condition, but you were only telling the truth. You had no idea what was going on either.
“That might be a good idea. Thank you,” you agreed with a nod. While the doctor wasn’t likely to find any brain damage, you could at least see if you had the quirk factor gene thing or not. The odds were next to zero, but if this was a dream, you might just turn out to be super overpowered!
Yeah, right. Even if you did suddenly find yourself being up to par with some of the main characters, there wasn’t much you could do with it. Public quirk usage was illegal, and it’s not like you’d end up in a hero school with zero documents to prove you actually existed.
You and Aizawa walked in silence, presumably to the nearest hospital. You really hoped he wasn’t also a villain in this world. But if he was, then why would he have helped to calm you down? So, you were probably safe. For now, at least. You couldn’t cling to him forever.
When you reached the hospital, Aizawa took you to the emergency room. You didn’t think you were that much of an emergency, but you couldn’t provide much of a counterargument without revealing too much. What were you supposed to say, anyway? “Oh, hey, by the way, you’re just a character from an anime I watched back home, except for some reason the timeline got really messed up and now Bakugou’s a villain?” As if! He’d think you were crazy!
So instead, you went along with it as you were brought back almost immediately. You weren’t sure if it was because they thought you had a head injury, or because you were with a pro hero. Either way, it wasn’t fair to the other people waiting, those who actually needed help. But again, there was nothing you could do.
Several annoying and probably unnecessary tests later, a doctor came back to your room to speak with you. “Well,” she began, sitting down on a stool, “I have good news and bad news. The good news is that all the tests came back normal. The bad news is, well, none of our staff could find any information on you. Are you sure your name is in our system correctly?”
You knew this would happen, unless the universe magically decided to cover for you. “Yes, they’re correct. I just, I don’t really remember anything else. I know that and some basic information but that’s about it. I don’t even know where I come from, just that it’s not here,” you told her, trying to be as calm as possible. You’d had plenty of time to think about what to do while you were waiting on the results, and you figured amnesia was the best option.
It was true, in a sense, that you didn’t know where you came from. You were beginning to be convinced that this was reality, but you didn’t know how. Was this some sort of parallel universe? You didn’t know how all that physics stuff worked, but that sounded the most likely.
The good news about the timeline being messed up was that you didn’t have to worry about your presence messing things up. You were basically free to do whatever you wanted. You were, however, severely limited by the fact that according to the government, you weren’t a real person.
The doctor and Aizawa shared a look. “Well, I’m going to step out and have a chat with the doctor here about what to do next,” Aizawa said in a tone that didn’t betray anything. That made you nervous. Were you in trouble because you’d said you were his fan? Were you going to be interrogated, or worse, sent off to Tartarus, never to see the light of day again?
No, you’d be fine. Everything would be fine. You just had to focus on your breathing, and try not to think about everything that could go wrong. From what you knew about him, Aizawa wouldn’t turn on you so quickly. You hadn’t done anything wrong.
After a surprisingly brief amount of time, Aizawa re-entered the room alone. The doctor must’ve left to go see other patients. “Hey kid, it sounds like you’ve been through a lot. So until we figure out what to do with you, you’re welcome to crash at my place. I’m guessing you don’t have any school to attend?”
“I don’t know, Mr. Aizawa,” you mumbled. What else were you supposed to say, anyway? Who knows, maybe you could go for a career in acting after all this was over. You’d have plenty of practice by then, that’s for sure. You felt guilty for lying to him, of course, but what choice did you have?
“I figured as much. I’ll talk to the principal at the school I teach at and see if we can’t get you enrolled when the new school year starts two weeks from now,” he supplied. You tried not to let your surprise show on your face. You were going to go to UA?! Nezu would still have to agree, but this was beginning to sound like a classic main character development. You didn’t want this hero academia; especially not when everything could be messed up!
“In the meantime, I’m sure you must be exhausted. Come on, let’s go home,” Aizawa said. Home. That was a nice sentiment. Here you were, in a new world all by yourself, unsure of what was the same and what had changed. But at least you had a place to rest your head.
taglist: @bluesherricokes
32 notes · View notes
Dead End
Whumptober 2022: #2. Cornered, 14. Failed Escape, 16. No Way Out, 21. Famous Last Words
Fandom: Star Wars, Poe Dameron, gn!Reader
Word Count: 1092
TW: Angst, Forced to Watch, Helplessness, Mentions of Weapons, Implied Death
Notes: Thank you to @nerdysuperchick for looking this over and for your kind words 🥰
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Poe raced through the barren streets as fast as he could but it seemed no matter how fast he ran or where he turned, he could hear the pounding footsteps of a legion of Stormtroopers hot on his heels. You were panting heavily as you struggled to keep up with his pace yet you continued to match him stride for stride. 
The two of you had infiltrated the First Order base and stolen the information you were after with no problems. After sending it to BB-8 who was waiting back at your ship, you attempted to slip back out. But that’s when your luck ran out. You were spotted by one of the guards on duty and since then, you had been trying to evade capture though it was starting to seem impossible.
You stumbled slightly, and Poe shot his hand out to steady you. Glancing up at him, you pant, “This isn’t working…. We have to split up….. At least then we double our chances…. of one of us getting away.”
Poe nodded reluctantly. This city was a maze of streets and alleys. Splitting up would force the Stormtroopers to either divide their men as well or to focus on only one of them, allowing the other to escape. 
“I'll go left, you go right and we’ll meet back at the ship when we can.” You nod in agreement as Poe cups your face with his hand. “Please be safe, baby.”
Drawing you in, he smashed his lips against yours. The kiss had none of its normal tenderness or teasing. Instead, it was all hunger and desperation and longing. Though neither one of you would admit it, you knew there was a good chance this was goodbye. There were just too many troopers and your weapons had been damaged as you had tried to escape. The chances of both of you getting out of this alive were slim, but you had beaten the odds before.
When he finally tore himself away, you squeezed his hand one last time and whispered, “I love you.” Then you turned and ran down a nearby alley.
Poe stared after you for just a moment before taking off in the opposite direction. He tried to make as many twists and turns as possible to throw off his trail, but he soon realized he had only managed to get himself turned around. The maze-like layout of the city may have been an advantage, but now it had become a hindrance. 
Glancing around, he noticed a palette of crates stacked against the side of one of the buildings, so high that they just about reached the top of the structure. Excitedly, Poe ran over and began climbing them. When he reached the top, he was just shy of reaching the edge of the roof but he was able to leap up and snag it with his fingertips. Hauling himself up, he gazed down at the city below him. From up here, he could see all the twists and turns of the streets as well as a clear path towards his ship.
But where were you? And where were the Stormtroopers? Pow suddenly realized in the time it took him to climb onto the roof, he hadn’t heard even the faintest sign of someone following him. Which could only mean one thing….
He took off running across the rooftop and when he reached the edge he flung himself across to the next one. Over and over he did this, retracing his route to the spot where you had split up. Once he found his way back there, he continued on in the direction you headed, hoping he could stumble upon you eventually.
His legs were burning from the constant running, and now jumping, he had to endure yet he pushed himself to keep going. If he could find you, he could figure out a way to get you up to him and the two of you could escape across the rooftops before the Stormtroopers closed in. 
Yet he was too late. As he jumped to the next roof, he spotted the squadron of Troopers running with renewed vigor and not far in front of them….
You were running as fast as you could, but Poe could see the exhaustion and strain it was taking on you even from here. You stumbled once but remained on your feet and kept going. And just as Poe was starting to close the distance between you, you reached a fork in the road. Your head whipped around wildly as you tried to figure out which way to go. From your position, you couldn’t see where either path led, but Poe could and his heart dropped. 
Frantically, he began chanting under his breath as he picked up speed, “Go right, go right, baby, go right.”
But to his horror, you tore off to the left.
There was nothing he could do as you ran down the alley and the Stormtroopers followed. He landed on top of the building directly above you just as you realized the danger you were in. You had reached a dead end. 
You whirled around, your eyes wildly scanning the area for any way of escape, but there was none. The Troopers were already closing in. And as you glanced up, you caught sight of Poe just above you and a faint smile flickered across your lips. You nodded softly and mouthed the word go before turning your attention back to the squadron in front of you.
Poe had to do something. He couldn’t just stand here and watch this happen. And yet… if he gave his position away, the Troopers would kill him and neither BB-8 nor the information they had stolen would ever make it back to the Resistance. All of this would be in vain and Poe knew you wouldn’t want that. 
So, all he could do was watch as one of the Stormtroopers stepped forward and, in his modulated voice, asked, “Where is the other one?”
You smirked smugly. “He’s already reached our ship and is on the way back to our base. I was just the decoy and you fell for it.”
“Well, we have no use for decoys,” he said. With a wave of his hand, all the other Stormtroopers lifted their blasters and aimed them at you. “Any final words?”
You threw your shoulders back and held your head up high. Your eyes flickered up to meet Poe’s, a defiant gleam shining from even this distance, and you said, “Long live the Resistance.”
135 notes · View notes
Dead End
Whumptober 2022: #2. Cornered, 14. Failed Escape, 16. No Way Out, 21. Famous Last Words
Fandom: Star Wars, Poe Dameron
Word Count: 1092
TW: Angst, Forced to Watch, Helplessness, Mentions of Weapons, Implied Death
Notes: Thank you to @nerdysuperchick for looking this over and for your kind words 🥰
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Poe raced through the barren streets as fast as he could but it seemed no matter how fast he ran or where he turned, he could hear the pounding footsteps of a legion of Stormtroopers hot on his heels. You were panting heavily as you struggled to keep up with his pace yet you continued to match him stride for stride. 
The two of you had infiltrated the First Order base and stolen the information you were after with no problems. After sending it to BB-8 who was waiting back at your ship, you attempted to slip back out. But that’s when your luck ran out. You were spotted by one of the guards on duty and since then, you had been trying to evade capture though it was starting to seem impossible.
You stumbled slightly, and Poe shot his hand out to steady you. Glancing up at him, you pant, “This isn’t working…. We have to split up….. At least then we double our chances…. of one of us getting away.”
Poe nodded reluctantly. This city was a maze of streets and alleys. Splitting up would force the Stormtroopers to either divide their men as well or to focus on only one of them, allowing the other to escape. 
“I'll go left, you go right and we’ll meet back at the ship when we can.” You nod in agreement as Poe cups your face with his hand. “Please be safe, baby.”
Drawing you in, he smashed his lips against yours. The kiss had none of its normal tenderness or teasing. Instead, it was all hunger and desperation and longing. Though neither one of you would admit it, you knew there was a good chance this was goodbye. There were just too many troopers and your weapons had been damaged as you had tried to escape. The chances of both of you getting out of this alive were slim, but you had beaten the odds before.
When he finally tore himself away, you squeezed his hand one last time and whispered, “I love you.” Then you turned and ran down a nearby alley.
Poe stared after you for just a moment before taking off in the opposite direction. He tried to make as many twists and turns as possible to throw off his trail, but he soon realized he had only managed to get himself turned around. The maze-like layout of the city may have been an advantage, but now it had become a hindrance. 
Glancing around, he noticed a palette of crates stacked against the side of one of the buildings, so high that they just about reached the top of the structure. Excitedly, Poe ran over and began climbing them. When he reached the top, he was just shy of reaching the edge of the roof but he was able to leap up and snag it with his fingertips. Hauling himself up, he gazed down at the city below him. From up here, he could see all the twists and turns of the streets as well as a clear path towards his ship.
But where were you? And where were the Stormtroopers? Pow suddenly realized in the time it took him to climb onto the roof, he hadn’t heard even the faintest sign of someone following him. Which could only mean one thing….
He took off running across the rooftop and when he reached the edge he flung himself across to the next one. Over and over he did this, retracing his route to the spot where you had split up. Once he found his way back there, he continued on in the direction you headed, hoping he could stumble upon you eventually.
His legs were burning from the constant running, and now jumping, he had to endure yet he pushed himself to keep going. If he could find you, he could figure out a way to get you up to him and the two of you could escape across the rooftops before the Stormtroopers closed in. 
Yet he was too late. As he jumped to the next roof, he spotted the squadron of Troopers running with renewed vigor and not far in front of them….
You were running as fast as you could, but Poe could see the exhaustion and strain it was taking on you even from here. You stumbled once but remained on your feet and kept going. And just as Poe was starting to close the distance between you, you reached a fork in the road. Your head whipped around wildly as you tried to figure out which way to go. From your position, you couldn’t see where either path led, but Poe could and his heart dropped. 
Frantically, he began chanting under his breath as he picked up speed, “Go right, go right, baby, go right.”
But to his horror, you tore off to the left.
There was nothing he could do as you ran down the alley and the Stormtroopers followed. He landed on top of the building directly above you just as you realized the danger you were in. You had reached a dead end. 
You whirled around, your eyes wildly scanning the area for any way of escape, but there was none. The Troopers were already closing in. And as you glanced up, you caught sight of Poe just above you and a faint smile flickered across your lips. You nodded softly and mouthed the word go before turning your attention back to the squadron in front of you.
Poe had to do something. He couldn’t just stand here and watch this happen. And yet… if he gave his position away, the Troopers would kill him and neither BB-8 nor the information they had stolen would ever make it back to the Resistance. All of this would be in vain and Poe knew you wouldn’t want that. 
So, all he could do was watch as one of the Stormtroopers stepped forward and, in his modulated voice, asked, “Where is the other one?”
You smirked smugly. “He’s already reached our ship and is on the way back to our base. I was just the decoy and you fell for it.”
“Well, we have no use for decoys,” he said. With a wave of his hand, all the other Stormtroopers lifted their blasters and aimed them at you. “Any final words?”
You threw your shoulders back and held your head up high. Your eyes flickered up to meet Poe’s, a defiant gleam shining from even this distance, and you said, “Long live the Resistance.”
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Tag List: @loverhymeswith, @11thstreetvigilante, @princessxkenobi, @kesskirata, @sunshineflowerchild789, @merlehs, @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy, @shanimallina87
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sunnydaleherald · 2 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Thursday, April 18
Buffy: So, what's on tap tonight that's so important? Uprising, prophesied ritual, preordained deathfest? Xander: Ah, the old standards! Giles: A medical transport is delivering the monthly supply of blood to the hospital. Buffy: Mm, vampire Meals-On-Wheels.
~~The Dark Age~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Something To Be Proud Of (Buffy, PG) by badly_knitted
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Bad Luck (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by veronyxk84
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She kissed me when I told her I loved her (Buffy/Spike, G) by Humanzoul
You do something to me (Crossover with Sex and the City, G) by Julikobold
Buffy tells Spike (Crossover with Fraiser, G) by Julikobold
Not what it looks like (Crossover with 21 Jump Street, G) by Julikobold
Remember Me (Crossover with Suits, G) by Julikobold
Math (Crossover with Numb3rs, G) by Julikobold
Band Aid (Crossover with Scrubs, G) by Julikobold
Storytelling (Crossover with Home Improvement, G) by Julikobold
Costume Party (Crossover with Boston Legal, G) by Julikobold
Fire (Crossover with Doctor Who, G) by Julikobold
now kiss! (Buffy/Cordelia, G) by belledamn
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The Last Table (Buffy/Spike, AO) by Maxine Eden
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You're Got The Look (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Geliot99
Self-Care (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Maxine Eden
Deadly Diamonds (Buffy/Spike, R) by Maxine Eden
[Chaptered Fiction]
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An odd Couple of grumpy old Brits, Chapter 13 (Buffy/Spike, G) by Julikobold
Love Lives Here, Chapter 50 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Passion4Spike
Truth and Consequences, Chapter 13 (Buffy/Spike, R) by JamesMFan
The Boyfriend Swap, Chapter 8 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Maxine Eden
The Embarrassing Freak Couple Chronicles, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, R) by HappyWhenItRains
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Cross Puproses 4, Chapter 81 (Multiple crossings, FR13) by DianeCastle
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Blood and dust, Chapter 6 (Buffy/Spike, 18+) by Blackoberst
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Coming Through, Chapter 57 (Buffy/Spike, AO) by hulettwyo
What the Drabble? Vol. 2, Chapter 14 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by VeroNyxK84
The Blue Eye of the Storm, Chapter 12 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by MaggieLaFey
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Comic:Not A Date (PG-13) by Grief Counseling and Dusty
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Artwork:Spike by vancruejovi
Artwork:Dawnieeeee by spar1axkilla
Artwork:King of Wands by isevery0nehereverystoned
Gifset:Dead Man's Party by detectivedawnsummers
Gifset:#HER boyfriend #angel wears a tag that says ‘if found return to buffy summers’ by ptieuca
Gifset:4x06 | "Wild at Heart" by clarkgriffon
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Video: Buffy, The Vampire Slayer - At The Beginning by Boo Harder
Video: Buffy and Spike | From the Outside by KcchameleonProdz
Video: Buffy & Spike | Too Sweet by KcchameleonProdz
Video: Buffy Characters in Jojo Style (Part 2) by Hannah Williamson
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Tough Love • S05E19 • TPN's Buffy Guide by Passion of the Nerd
We Get (very) Physical | Buffy the Vampire Slayer 6x9 "Smashed" | The Normies Group Reaction! by The Normies
As You Were: Buffy 6x15 Reaction by Dakara
The Re-Watcher's Council | "Halloween" Buffy the Vampire Slayer S02E06 Spoiler Review by LGRN - Entertainment
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Podcast: Buffy S7E3: Same Time, Same Place by Booze & Buffy
[Community Announcements]
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Call For Banners by Seasonal Spuffy
[Fandom Discussions]
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[How Xander/Cordelia should have ended] by nicnacsnonsense
[On the differing effect of souls] by hersterical
[Darla's evolution] by coraniaid
[Gwendolyn Post AU] by coraniaid
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What If: Angelus had bitten Jenny? by multiple authors
Do Vengence Demons Have Souls? by multiple authors
Does anyone think Willow was forgiven too quickly in something blue? [Cont.] by multiple authors
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Anyone else wish we got to see the show from Willow's point of view? by multiple authors
Who's a minor character you wish had appeared in more episodes/had a different storyline and how would you have done this? by multiple authors
Dos anyone else wonder how hard was it for David Boreanaz to not get a tan while living in CA shooting Buffy and Angel? by multiple authors
Would Buffy see Angel the same way again if she knew about the events that unfolded in season 2? by multiple authors
What are your criticisms of the show? by multiple authors
Season 4~ Connor… annoying? by multiple authors
What’s your favorite bit of continuity in the Buffyverse? by multiple authors
It’s crazy how buffy never fell off, genuinely every season was so good. by multiple authors
Go Fish by multiple authors
Did anyone else feel like Willow's arc was partly to depower her? by multiple authors
What are some double standards in the universe of the show? by multiple authors
I think Robin should be in the running for male slayer with Gunn and Connor by multiple authors
The first is pretty stupid isn't it by multiple authors
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findyourrp · 1 year
Information about me and how I roleplay!
Mackenzie, 22, she/her. Roleplay partners must be 18+ No minors. My maximum post length is 200 words. I do doubling up, and singles! I’m okay with parings, male x male, male x female, female x female!
(Read this closely!!!!!) (For doubling up, I play as your love interest, you play as mine. I do not roleplay my love interests for others. For singles, you only play as my love interest, and I only play as my oc, I don’t play as your love interest for this.)
I roleplay OC x Canon. I would prefer if we roleplay on Discord. I love, love, love to plot and discuss any ideas we have as well as taking ooc, and getting to know my roleplay partner! Communication is very very important! I’ll send you a reminder after a week! Please do the same for me!
Let me know if you’re no longer interested in the role-play! Don’t block me and be mean about it, and don’t ghost me and leave me to ask you if you are interested, only for me to find out i’ve been blocked. Just tell me of your no longer interested, alright? So, please communicate with me!
What I’m looking for
• Marvel’s The Punisher. (My love interest is Billy Russo.)
• Shadow and Bone. (My love interest is Aleksander Morozova/General Kirigan.)
• Marvel’s MoonKnight. (My love interest is Arthur Harrow.)
• Dead Poets Society. (My love interest is Neil Perry.)
• Prison Break. (My love interest is Michael Scofield.)
• The Flash. (My love interest is either Barry Allen, Savitar or Leonard Snart.)
• American Horror Story (My love interest is James Patrick March, Kai Anderson, Kit Walker or Austin Sommers.)
• Penny Dreadful. (My love interest is Dorian Gray.)
• Disney’s Descendants. (My love interest is Ben Beast.) Note: Will not play Carlos De Vil out of respect for Cameron Boyce.
• Once Upon A Time. (My love interest is Peter Pan.)
• Top Gun [1986] (My love interest is Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell.)
• Top Gun: Maverick [2022] (My love interest is either Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell or Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw.)
• 21 Jump Street [TV Series] (My love interest is Tom Hanson.)
If you are interested in any of these fandoms, please like this post or comment down below, or send me a message here so I can give you my Discord! I will only give my discord if you’re actually interested in roleplaying!
like & asker will find you !
0 notes
goodcryunicorn · 2 years
21 Jump Street // Greg Jenko
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Name: Greg Jenko Age: 24 - 37 Relationship: Single (verse depending) open for ships Sexuality: Heterosexual Job: Detective Residence: New York, New York Faceclaims: Channing Tatum Blog written by: @goodcryunicorn3​​
Jenko begins as a popular jock in high school are and seven years later as a 'down on his luck' police officer, whom, along with his partner Schmidt, must work undercover as a high school student to take down a drug ring spreading a brand new drug. Jenko is academically challenged. He failed out of his senior prom and considers a 'C' a grade of success; however, he learns well at hands-on projects. For example while in the car chase, he made a hi deadly bomb from only a bottle of booze, a shotgun bomb shell, and a lithium battery after taking lessons from his chemistry teacher. Jenko and Schmidt, being polar opposites, find that to-get-her they can make up for one another's shortcomings (Jenko's trouble with learning things not of the physical sort and Schmidt's inability to act physically or with confidence). They become fast friends in adulthood, even though they were enemies in their real time spent in high school. While undercover in college with Schmidt, Jenko befriends a football player named Zook, and joins his fraternity where the two become best friends, much to Schmidt's dismay.
Blames the television series Glee for the modern unpopularity of his style of 'cool'.
Jenko has a superpower that allows him to become almost superhuman whilst protecting Schmidt
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findroleplay · 10 months
Information about me and how I roleplay!
Mackenzie, 22, she/her. Roleplay partners must be 18+ No minors. My maximum post length is 200 words. I do doubling up, and singles! I’m okay with parings, male x male, male x female, female x female!
(Read this closely!!!!!) (For doubling up, I play as your love interest, you play as mine. I do not roleplay my love interests for others. For singles, you only play as my love interest, and I only play as my oc, I don’t play as your love interest for this.)
I roleplay OC x Canon. I would prefer if we roleplay on Discord. I love, love, love to plot and discuss any ideas we have as well as taking ooc, and getting to know my roleplay partner! Communication is very very important! I’ll send you a reminder after a week to see if you’re still interested in our roleplay! Please do the same for me!
Let me know if you’re no longer interested in the role-play! I don’t know how many times I have to repeat this over and over, communication is very important!!! Don’t block me and be mean about it, and don’t ghost me and leave me to ask you if you are interested, only for me to find out i’ve been blocked. Just tell me of your no longer interested, alright? So, please communicate with me!
What I’m looking for
• Marvel’s The Punisher. (My love interest is Billy Russo.)
• Shadow and Bone. (My love interest is Aleksander Morozova/General Kirigan.)
• Marvel’s MoonKnight. (My love interest is Arthur Harrow.)
• Dead Poets Society. (My love interest is Neil Perry.)
• Prison Break. (My love interest is Michael Scofield.)
• The Flash. (My love interest is either Barry Allen, Savitar or Leonard Snart.)
• American Horror Story (My love interest is Tate Langdon, James Patrick March, Kai Anderson, Kit Walker or Austin Sommers.)
• Penny Dreadful. (My love interest is Dorian Gray.)
• Disney’s Descendants. (My love interest is Ben Beast.) Note: Will not play Carlos De Vil out of respect for Cameron Boyce.
• Once Upon A Time. (My love interest is Peter Pan.)
• Top Gun [1986] (My love interest is Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell.)
• Top Gun: Maverick [2022] (My love interest is either Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell or Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw.)
• 21 Jump Street [TV Series] (My love interest is Tom Hanson.)
• Wayne [a 2019 original series on YouTube and on Prime Video] (love interest is Wayne Mccllough.)
• One Of Us Is Lying [A original peacock tv series] (My love interest is Simon Kelleher)
If you are interested in any of these fandoms, please like this post or comment down below, or send me a message here so I can give you my Discord! I will only give my discord if you’re actually interested in roleplaying!
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locke-writes · 2 years
Potential New Fandoms
I’ve been wanting to add some new items to the fandoms list so here’s what I’m considering. If you’d like anything from this list officially added, please let me know as I’ll be adding based on overall interest.
Mad Max: Fury Road
My Best Friend’s Girl
Love, Simon
High Fidelity
Kate & Leopold
Trainspotting & T2
Fargo (and the show)
The Outsiders
13 Going on 30
21 Jump Street & 22 Jump Street
Can’t Hardly Wait
A Clockwork Orange
Confessions of a Shopaholic
Dead Ringers
Edward Scissorhands
Encino Man
I Am Number Four (full book series as well)
Me & Earl and the Dying Girl
The Mummy (full trilogy)
The Piano
Repo Men
School of Rock
School Ties
Swing Kids
To Kill A Mockingbird
This Means War
Velvet Goldmine
Wet Hot American Summer (and both Netflix shows)
A Wrinkle in Time (and full book series)
TV Shows:
Boy Meets World
Malcolm in the Middle
The Real O’Neals
Love, Victor
Stay Close
2 Broke Girls
9-1-1 & 9-1-1 Lone Star
The Addams Family (possibly the movies too if there’s interest)
Breaking Bad
Better Call Saul
The Cape
Crazy Ex Girlfriend
The Following
Freaks & Geeks
The Middle
The Night Shift
Ripper Street
Silicon Valley
The Stranger
True Detective
The Bear
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darkdoverpseeker · 1 year
Information about me and how I roleplay!
Mackenzie, 22, she/her. Roleplay partners must be 18+ No minors. My maximum post length is 200 words. I do doubling up, and singles! I’m okay with parings, male x male, male x female, female x female!
(Read this closely!!!!!) (For doubling up, I play as your love interest, you play as mine. I do not roleplay my love interests for others. For singles, you only play as my love interest, and I only play as my oc, I don’t play as your love interest for this.)
I roleplay OC x Canon. I would prefer if we roleplay on Discord. I love, love, love to plot and discuss any ideas we have as well as taking ooc, and getting to know my roleplay partner! Communication is very very important! I’ll send you a reminder after a week! Please do the same for me!
Let me know if you’re no longer interested in the role-play! Don’t block me and be mean about it, and don’t ghost me and leave me to ask you if you are interested, only for me to find out i’ve been blocked. Just tell me of your no longer interested, alright? So, please communicate with me!
What I’m looking for
• Marvel’s The Punisher. (My love interest is Billy Russo.)
• Shadow and Bone. (My love interest is Aleksander Morozova/General Kirigan.)
• Marvel’s MoonKnight. (My love interest is Arthur Harrow.)
• Dead Poets Society. (My love interest is Neil Perry.)
• Prison Break. (My love interest is Michael Scofield.)
• The Flash. (My love interest is either Barry Allen, Savitar or Leonard Snart.)
• American Horror Story (My love interest is James Patrick March.)
• Penny Dreadful. (My love interest is Dorian Gray.)
• Disney’s Descendants. (My love interest is Ben Beast.) Note: Will not play Carlos De Vil out of respect for Cameron Boyce.
• Once Upon A Time. (My love interest is Peter Pan.)
• Top Gun [1986] (My love interest is Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell.)
• Top Gun: Maverick [2022] (My love interest is either Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell or Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw.)
• 21 Jump Street [TV Series] (My love interest is Tom Hanson.)
If you are interested in any of these fandoms, please like this post or comment down below, or send me a message here so I can give you my Discord! I will only give my discord if you’re actually interested in roleplaying!
like if interested!
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Tag Game - Fandom Edition
Thank you @ashesandhackles
Your Name: Cat 🐈
First Fandom: I would say Naruto, it's where I actually interacted with the fandom itself.
Current Fandom: My most invested ones: Harry Potter, Naruto. Ones I'm sort of part of: Once Upon a Time, Fruits Basket, Beastars🐱, Ripper Street, Our Flag Means Death, Greek Myth, Rings of Power, Wheel of Time
How did you first get into fandom? I discovered Naruto fanfiction early on, but only got properly sucked into fandom at 21 when I discovered Tumblr and Once Upon a Time. A combo that almost got me failing exams.
How long have you been engaging in fandom spaces? Recently, since 2019. Before then I was more lurking.
How often do you read fanfic? It comes and goes! It depends on my interest in specific characters.
Top three characters from your current fandom? Lupin, Yamato, Tobirama
Have you ever written a fic for a fandom and if so, shout it out! Cat is writing over here
Have you ever drawn fan art for a fandom? Cat is drawing here!
Share a personal headcanon that you feel strongly about:
Lupin is so disgusted by himself that physical intimacy doesn't come easily to him.
Lupin has spent so many years not feeling fully human, like referring to himself as a creature, that physical intimacy doesn't come easily to him. He feels too disgusted by himself for both being wanted and also fearing letting go of his control.
You’re trying to convince a friend to get into your current fandom(s) with you. what episode, clip, or scene are you showing them? For Naruto, I'm going to sit you down with a bowl of Ramen and we'll start with episode one because who would jump to the middle of a season? Nonsense.
And finally, what does fandom mean to you? Going to agree with Ashes and say community.
@bluethepineapples1 @kald-dal-art @alohaemora @dragonlordette
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sunnydaleherald · 1 year
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, February 8
BUFFY: "Unconfirmed reports of severe trauma to the throats of one or more of the victims." (lowers the paper) Survey says ... vampire.
The Sunnydale Herald is looking for a new editor. Join us if you dare, and fall in love with the fandom anew every week as you unearth the incredible variety of creations and insights worth sharing with your fellow fen, buried among takes you'll never unsee!
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Role Reversal by badly_knitted (Buffy, Giles, Joyce, PG)
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Down the Yellow Brick Road of Consolation and Non-Kosher Food by Diary (21 Jump Street crossover, Faith, T)
Cheeky Little Brat by yvochrali (Spike & Dawn, G)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Bleeding Poetry, Ch. 59 by Dusty (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Queens of Revello, Ch. 3 by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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Merry and Xander, Ch. 7 by calikocat (Merry Gentry crossover, Xander, FR21)
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Bleeding Poetry, Ch. 59 by Dusty (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Queens of Revello, Ch. 3 by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Drawing: Angle and Spik by akioukun (Angel, Spike, worksafe)
redraw of an old picture of mine - a most beloved Buffy the Vampire Slayer headcanon by enigmaticagentalice (Giles/Jenny, worksafe)
Buffy drawings by maryshepherd-sunderland (worksafe)
Spike drawing by new-rosecity (worksafe, cartoon blood, affectionate slut-shaming)
The Zeppo or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb by wolfstrong (Xander, worksafe, mild cartoon blood)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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One Girl in All the World: a super spoilery review [of Kendare Blake's novel] by co-mixed
[Recs & In Search Of]
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beatriceeverytuesday1 seeks Tara/Faith fic recs
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Best Buffy Podcast? by MarzipanPiePlate97
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Fandom Links: a list of Buffy and predominantly Spuffy-related links and resources compiled by sandy_s and the members of Sunnydale After Dark
[Community Announcements]
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More Details About Finishing Months
Valentine's Day event: Satisfaction-athon (for Spuffy ficlets and art in which Buffy gets to be happy)
[Fandom Discussions]
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[Giles leaving is justified character-wise] by disaster-vamp
While I do love Xander and Cordelia as a ship... by kyliafanfiction
Poll: Which is the most [Fanged Four moment]? by somekindofadeviant
Poll: best buffy fashion item part 2 by stellernorth
Re: Kendra by doggirlbuffysummers
Re: the gang getting angry at Buffy for concealing that Angel was alive in season 3 by doggirlbuffysummers
[Buffy as the “goldilocks slayer”] by mollyspeak
Poll: opinions on the plot in As You Were by womanaction
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Who do you think the Shanshu Prophecy is about? hosted by DarkstarX84
Buffy’s college degree by Active_Coconut5000
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Scoobies of the Month interviews with bruskiboo and violettathepiratequeen
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It Wasn’t Our World Anymore (The Wish) by Emily a.k.a. herinsectreflection
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 5: Family Responsibility by Andrew Heard
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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James Marsters to Attend Comic Con Yorkshire 3-4 Jun via dontkillspike
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Charisma Carpenter, David Boreanaz and James Marsters will be at Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo, March. 31st - April 2nd
Submit a link to be included in the newsletter!
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