#faceclaim // Johnny Depp
wankyuniverse · 1 year
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boite-a-idees · 2 years
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brenda-panicstation · 2 years
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goodcryunicorn · 2 years
21 Jump Street // Tom Hanson
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Name: Tom Hanson Age: 24 - 52 Relationship: Single (verse depending) open for ships Sexuality: Heterosexual Job: Detective Residence: New York. New York, U.S Faceclaims: Johnny Depp; Jared Leto Blog written by: @goodcryunicorn3​​
Basically Tom wanted to be a police officer and barely made it out of the police academy. He stated that he did not like high school.
Early Life
His father, Tom Hanson Sr., was a police officer. When he was killed in the line of duty, Hanson Jr. decided to become a police officer to get justice and to help other victims.
Becoming a Police Officer
Tom literally took the job of his father. The partner he was assigned to retired by the end of Season One.
Joining the Jump Street Program
He was a competent police officer. However, he was so reckless that he was going to have to be demoted to Filing Staff or be Transferred. Since everything about Tom is so youthful he was perfect for Jump Street. Tom commented that he loathed High Schools. Even more annoying is that his new Captain and the Station itself were very Slovenly. His Sargent was No Nonsense and did not like him for a while. All the other officers had slightly more experience than Tom. It was necessary for them and Captain Jenko to guide Tom through his many more mistakes, much to Tom's annoyance. During Tom's span at Jump Street he considered quitting since he clearly did not have the temperament needed to be a Police Officer. His time at Jump Street was supposed to last at least 10 years. By Season 4, he appeared in fewer Assignments and by Season 5, zero Assignments. Like many Characters, Tom was not written out of the series.
Tom Hanson and Doug Penhall appointed DEA’s were assigned to a case they worked for five years undercover when the One-Percenters biker gang was involved in a drug sting operation and they pretend to fit in and even forgot they were uncovered but then they meet with new police officers Greg Jenko and Schmidt the newbie’s at the 21 Jump Street police program who also worked uncovered and when Hanson pulled a gun on them he feels guilty that he blows his cover and Penhall they pulled a gun the biker gang and they find out Jenko and Schmidt was part of the same uncovered program they were decades ago and they laugh about it until Hanson and Penhall were shot explaining why they went uncovered to the biker gang and fell to the floor bleeding they bring up their time on Jump Street together but then forgave each other for all the stuff they did and they passed out seemingly like they died on the floor (only to find they were faking their deaths from the biker gang and even the newbies Jenko and Schmidt).
50 years later Hanson is no longer a DEA and he along with Penhall retired from the force and they lived their lives to the fullest and Tom still owned the bowling alley he owns in Pennsylvania and Penhall became a priest and changed his ways and they both still remain close as best friends it unknown if Tom had children or married.
Tom is always strict and he always clean about his work and he often bother when someone gets in his way.
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cherrygorilla · 2 months
Ethan's Basic Info
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Name: Ethan Dombrowski
Ok, I both did and didn't struggle with coming up with potential faceclaims for Ethan. I had no idea where to even start with looking for faceclaims for him for specific decades - I just don't think that I have that broad of a knowledge of actors lol. So, instead, I've split it into actors who I think capture more of how I imagine his physical appearance to be (Heath Ledger & Johnny Depp - both mostly for the hair, let's be real haha), and actors who I think could really capture the lovably chaotic vibe he brings to the table (Matthew Lillard & Milo Manheim). Unconventional - but then again, so is he, so I think it works lmao.
Nicknames: As much as he loves to dish nicknames out to other people, he's never really been given one himself. I mean, his parents didn't even think to give him a middle name - expecting them to be creative enough to come up with a nickname was a bit of a stretch. He would get called his surname in school quite a bit (mostly if he was getting in trouble), but other than that he usually just gets 'Ethan'. If anything, I think his abundance of nicknames for others is just making up for the lack of his own. I like to think he's just waiting for the right person to come along and drop one on him though hehe.
Age: 20
Date of Birth: 4th of April (which is very helpful for him, because 4.4.44 is a ridiculously easy birthday for his pea-sized brain to remember)
Zodiac: Aries
Birthstone: Diamond
Nationality: American and Polish
Sexuality: He doesn't care about labels - he'll sleep with anyone that breathes in his direction...within reason lmao
Birthplace: A rusty trailer home in Tallahassee, Florida
Current Residence: A slightly less rusty trailer home in St Petersburg, Florida
Occupation: Production Assistant and Sound Engineer in the TV & film industry, and the entertainment coordinator for a local bar. He's also (according to Mick) a professional idiot.
Talents/Skills: Playing the guitar, flipping beer mats, putting together flat-pack furniture (because he's the monkey they apparently wrote the instructions for - Miles' words, not mine), doing god-awful impressions, giving inanimate objects personalities, and, despite his deep-rooted clumsiness, he's pretty good on a skateboard.
Birth Order: Youngest of two
Siblings: His older sister, Billie (27)
Parents: Dominik Alfred Dombrowski (deceased) & Nadia Ruth Dombrowski
New Family: Hendrix, his rescue dog, and the closest thing he thinks he'll ever get to a stable family unit. He says he's a black lab for ease, but he only looks like a black lab if you squint and tilt your head; in reality, he's a mutt that the rescue shelter couldn't even pin down to any particular breed - that's part of what made Ethan so drawn to him though: they're both as misunderstood in the world as each other. In terms of human family though, his aunt (Janis) and uncle (Ford) took him in after everything went to shit with his parents - and although he doesn't see much of them anymore, it's comforting to know that he does have some sort of a real support system to count on if he were to need it.
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Height: 5' 7'' (so many of the actors I picked as his faceclaims are tall, so I tried to make it work for a while, but I just couldn't - he's just got such chaotic little-shit/confident short-king energy in my mind lmao)
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Brown
Glasses or contact lenses: He probably needs glasses, but he doesn't care enough to go get an eye test
Distinguishing features: Dimples, a burn scar on his right thumb from messing around with a lighter, a scar on his left wrist he usually hides with a bunch of bracelets/wrist bands, and a lot of really dumb tattoos.
Mannerisms: He's always fidgeting - like always. It doesn't matter if it's with a paper straw wrapper, the end of one of his many wristbands, or the piece of skin next to his nail - he'll even bounce his leg if it comes down to it; he just always needs to be moving in some capacity. He's pretty intense with holding eye contact in conversations too (despite them being half-closed 90% of the time) - and the concept of personal space is totally lost on him.
Health: Mild insomnia and depression. His drug habits also aren't the healthiest, but it's not like he's gonna go to get himself checked out; what he doesn't know can't hurt him.
Hobbies: Playing the guitar (what he spends the majority of his free time doing), walking Hendrix, making terrible decisions, dragging Miles into those terrible decisions (either to join in, or get him out of trouble), napping anywhere and everywhere, collecting cool lighters, smoking weed, getting spontaneous tattoos, thrifting bizarre items of clothing, eating Mexican food, and losing himself in an album for 45 minutes. and annoying the shit out of Mick
Greatest flaw (in their opinion): Probably his lack of drive. Whilst how laidback and carefree he is about life can be a great thing most of the time, it does make him feel kind of empty sometimes not having a goal to reach, or some kind of direction he wants to take his life in. Yeah, it makes life a lot less stressful just living it day to day - not having any responsibilities, or commitments to obsess over - but without any sense of ambition it can start to feel a little…pointless, I guess. 
Best quality (in their opinion): His ability to find the fun in any situation. He was dealt a pretty shitty hand in life, but he's never let it get him down. Sure, he may not always cope with it in the healthiest way, but he is coping - thriving, in fact. He floats through life without a care in the world, and will happily toss a pool noodle to anyone that needs one so they can join him. He's optimistic, and authentic, and downright stupid sometimes, but it's those qualities that help people see the bright side in hopeless situations; he draws the fun to the surface, and helps you focus on the simple joys life has to offer, without letting the weight of your troubles drag you down.
Biggest fear: Clowns are his big one - and always the answer if anyone asks. But if he's being totally honest (which is almost never when it comes to serious stuff like this), then it's ending up like his parents. He has a handful of fond memories of his family growing up - his older sister probably has more since she was around for more of the good years - but his unplanned arrival stretched the family's already tight budget razor thin, and it didn't take long for things to go to shit as a result. His dad never had a particularly strong resolve (something he's paranoid about having inherited), and so when things got hard, his already established relationship with drugs became less casual, and more heavily reliant. When the tamer stuff didn't cut it anymore, he turned to the harder stuff, and when the harder stuff stopped helping him feel better - he stopped feeling anything at all. Ethan's mom took her husband's accidental overdose hard, but she found being a single mother even harder. And whilst Ethan knew she was struggling, he's still struggling to forgive her for shutting down on her kids in the way she did. Yeah, fine, lose your job and sleep on the couch all day, ignore your children for days on end - whatever you needed to do to get by - but go out to get your latest fix and go down for 15 years for manslaughter? …That's asking a lot. Like it was mentioned earlier, with his parents out of the picture, his aunt and uncle took him and his sister in, and whilst they might not be the greatest role models themselves in terms of addictive vices, they at least showed him how to open his mind in a safe, supervised environment. Yes, numbing his brain to keep out the bad thoughts is an unhealthy coping mechanism, but it's also beautifully freeing - and there's a lot of fun to be had if you know what's safe and what kind of high you're looking for (which, thanks to his aunt's guidance, he always does). He has a great set of friends keeping him on the straight and narrow now, and his lawyer sister clearly turned her equally shitty hand in life around, but that nagging paranoia about screwing his life up like his old folks did still haunts his thoughts in the wee hours of the morning when he can't get his brain to fall asleep… But that's way too deep and depressing, so he'll stick with clowns - or Miles telling him he's found a new best friend 😢
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor (it was between that or Hufflepuff, but I think he's too recklesss and overbearing to be a Hufflepuff haha)
Favourite Ice Cream Flavour: Cookies 'n Cream
Favourite Colour: Green - but he can be very easily swayed; he thinks they're all fun
Favourite Number: 420 babyyyyy 😎🍃🔥💨🤪💯
Favourite Movie: Wayne's World or the live action Scooby Doo - but his Wet Side Story universe pick would be A Bucket of Blood
Favourite Songs: Ok, this is a really tough category for him, because he has a very deep appreciation for a very broad spectrum of music genres. But, a (slightly) narrowed down list would probably look something like: Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen, Creep by Radiohead, Enter Sandman by Metallica, Hotel California by the Eagles, Vienna by Billy Joel, Does Your Mother Know by ABBA, Happy Together by The Turtles, Life Is A Highway by Rascal Flatts, Fight For Your Right by the Beastie Boys, The Muppet Show theme song & Hurricane by Bridgit Mendler
A place they want to visit: Niagara Falls - purely because he wants a souvenir t-shirt
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heghoul · 1 month
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PSA: due to the nature of the show this blog includes topics that touch on radiation, war, cannibalism, body horror, questionable morals, blood, gore, loss of one self, code of honor but easily broken.
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temp rules under the cut:
01ㅤ| ㅤㅤintroductionㅤ : ㅤmy name is CALI (SHE/HER, CST+3) born in 1994, 21+ .welcome to my COOPER HOWARD/THE GHOUL from FALLOUT TV muse blog. this blog is private, selective and mutually exclusive. meaning i won't interact with blogs that are not mutuals with me. [this blog is open to plotting both on discord via tupperbox and tumblr].
02.ㅤ| ㅤㅤactivityㅤ : activity on this blog will be medium to low through the week days. i'm mostly active at nights and from fridays to sundays activity will be higher through the weekends and through tupperbox on discord .best way to reach me will be through discord that can be asked upon request to create a 1x1 server or just to talk. [please don't pressure me for replies or asks. as well, communication is key, i'm not a mind reader so if something is bothering you, asking me is okay.].
03.ㅤ| ㅤthreadsㅤ : ㅤthreads will be dropped and asks will be cleared. we are always welcome to do multi threads at the same time. if i get overwhelmed i will usually drop things to start over. i have a generalized anxiety disorder so that affects my productivity too asks are always welcome to be turned into threads . do not reblog memes from me unless we are mutuals. [and if you want to unfollow me, please softblock. as well, if we are friends, always reach out if you are uncomfortable, i will do my best to improve]
04.ㅤ| ㅤㅤformattingㅤ : ㅤfrom january, 2023 , this blog is forced to have only the BETA EDITOR + TRIM. please keep this in mind while roleplaying with me if you are still using the legacy editor. I no longer use small text as my go-to formatting but i might use it at times. i am still available to use legacy when required but do keep this in mind ㅤ[BETA EDITOR + REGULAR TEXT + DOUBLE SPACE. WILL USE ICONS IRREGULARY.]
05.ㅤ| BANNED FACECLAIMS. elizabeth olsen, scarlett johansson, jeremy renner, amber heard, allison mack, gal gadot, johnny depp.
06.ㅤ| ㅤㅤcreditsㅤ : psd, graphics, promo are all done made by me through my resource blog. some days i will be iconless and others i will use them, mostly when i'm at home. [i write novella, multi-para and single line as well text roleplay via discord/tupperbox and tumblr as well].
07.ㅤ| ㅤㅤshippingㅤ : ㅤ it can be hard to ship with the ghoul considering who he is and what he is. at one point in timeline he was married but we learn he was paying alimony, meaning they were divorced. he has been with men and women through the wastelands and can come out as very sexual in his comments. just let me know if you want to ship. i might ship it already.
08.ㅤ| ㅤㅤDNIㅤ : ㅤ due to personal reasons, i won't be roleplaying with characters from the following fandoms. DC'S STARGIRL, PEACEMAKER, MUSES FROM THE BATMAN (2022) AND HORROR MUSES BASED (SELECTIVE), WRESTLING FACECLAIMS. unless we are friends. on my other non ck related muses i don't mind but i have had some bad experiences in the past [personal DNI can be given in privacy, however no name drops will be given here as none of the people are bad and DNI worthy, just uncomfortable].
09.ㅤ| ㅤㅤetiquetteㅤ : ㅤ don't godmod my muse. small things are welcomed. if your muse wants to hurt her psychically, you need to let me know i just want to be given a heads up if you will ever do a thing to hurt them. i assure you, i will not mind if plotted. bare in mind, the ghoul is very much hard to kill and is over 200+ years old. [as well, don't assume ships with me unless we are friends].
10.ㅤ| triggering topics : ㅤ mentions of body horror, radiation, images of body horror, gore, radiation, war, are all topics that will be seen on this blog, please beware of this.
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zobriesdaria · 2 months
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psa: this blog does feature rhaenyra and daemon as a couple. i will do my best to keep it all checked and tagged properly, but I believe their relationship is intricate to one another's backstory and one of the central keys to the civil war. this is the warning about it.
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temporary rules under the cut:
01ㅤ| ㅤㅤintroductionㅤ : ㅤmy name is CALI (SHE/HER, CST+3) born in 1994, 21+ .welcome to my QUEEN RHAENYRA TARGARYEN muse blog. this blog is private, selective and mutually exclusive. meaning i won't interact with blogs that are not mutuals with me. [this blog is open to plotting both on discord via tupperbox and tumblr].
02.ㅤ| ㅤㅤactivityㅤ : activity on this blog will be medium to low through the week days. i'm mostly active at nights and from fridays to sundays activity will be higher through the weekends and through tupperbox on discord .best way to reach me will be through discord that can be asked upon request to create a 1x1 server or just to talk. [please don't pressure me for replies or asks. as well, communication is key, i'm not a mind reader so if something is bothering you, asking me is okay.].
03.ㅤ| ㅤthreadsㅤ : ㅤthreads will be dropped and asks will be cleared. we are always welcome to do multi threads at the same time. if i get overwhelmed i will usually drop things to start over. i have a generalized anxiety disorder so that affects my productivity too asks are always welcome to be turned into threads . do not reblog memes from me unless we are mutuals. [and if you want to unfollow me, please softblock. as well, if we are friends, always reach out if you are uncomfortable, i will do my best to improve]
04.ㅤ| ㅤㅤformattingㅤ : ㅤfrom january, 2023 , this blog is forced to have only the BETA EDITOR + TRIM. please keep this in mind while roleplaying with me if you are still using the legacy editor. I no longer use small text as my go-to formatting but i might use it at times. i am still available to use legacy when required but do keep this in mind ㅤ[BETA EDITOR + REGULAR TEXT + DOUBLE SPACE. WILL USE ICONS IRREGULARY.]
05.ㅤ| BANNED FACECLAIMS. elizabeth olsen, scarlett johansson, jeremy renner, amber heard, allison mack, gal gadot, johnny depp.
06.ㅤ| ㅤㅤcreditsㅤ : psd, graphics, promo are all done made by me through my resource blog. some days i will be iconless and others i will use them, mostly when i'm at home. [i write novella, multi-para and single line as well text roleplay via discord/tupperbox and tumblr as well].
07.ㅤ| ㅤㅤshippingㅤ : ㅤ shipping is wonderful and it's one of my favorite things in the world. the targaryen dynasty is full of incest and all type of toxic relationships that I feel cannot be avoided, so once they are heavely mentioned, they will be tagged. rhaenyra and daemon's relationship will be explored as romantic and as toxic as seen in the show as well but this is a warning that it will feature on this blog. her relationship with harwin strong will also feature.
08.ㅤ| ㅤㅤDNIㅤ : ㅤ due to personal reasons, i won't be roleplaying with characters from the following fandoms. DC'S STARGIRL, PEACEMAKER, MUSES FROM THE BATMAN (2022) AND HORROR MUSES BASED (SELECTIVE), WRESTLING FACECLAIMS. unless we are friends. on my other non ck related muses i don't mind but i have had some bad experiences in the past [personal DNI can be given in privacy, however no name drops will be given here as none of the people are bad and DNI worthy, just uncomfortable].
09.ㅤ| ㅤㅤetiquetteㅤ : ㅤ don't godmod my muse. small things are welcomed. if your muse wants to hurt her psychically, you need to let me know i just want to be given a heads up if you will ever do a thing to hurt them. i assure you, i will not mind if plotted. [as well, don't assume ships with me unless we are friends].
10.ㅤ| a song of ice and fire : ㅤ the world of a song of ice and fire involves death, gore, betrayal, medieval like talks, fantasy talk as well mentions of incest, all will be present so keep this in mind.
11.ㅤ| changes: ㅤhere are a few of the changes regarding my rhaenyra from show and even book. if you don't like, don't follow. and if you do, please respect the choices.
rhaenyra and alicent are not the same age. alicent is older than rhaenyra and she was not against the marriage with her father at first. it wasn't until aegon was born the relationship began to sour.
rhaenyra's claim to the throne is in her mind and the mind of many, solid as viserys word, who they know never backed up. she sees the acts of the greens and aegon as treason and a form of kintrap.
the death of her daughter visenya, losing her due the trauma of losing her throne and her father causes her to consider war. lucerys' attack and death solifies in her mind that this is the only way to regain her right.
mysaria is her unofficial mistress of whispers and does not mind her and daemon's relationship. their dynamic would be one I would love to explore.
an au where she is able to succeed as queen can be done if anyone is interested.
like in the books, the age difference between her and her uncle, while a good amount, is not that noticable. and per targaryen tradition, it was not seen as wrong, except for viserys who did not want daemon close to rhaenyra once she became heir.
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drcanerys · 2 months
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psa: in this blog, both jon and daenerys are azor ahai and the prince that was promised, stated by george, she is the fire and jon is the ice. daenerys focus now in westeros is getting the throne and gathering allies and have a peaceful surrounding. in most threads, she will reside in dragonstone.
promo. carrd.
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temporary rules under the cut:
01ㅤ| ㅤㅤintroductionㅤ : ㅤmy name is CALI (SHE/HER, CST+3) born in 1994, 21+ .welcome to my DAENERYS TARGARYEN muse blog. this blog is private, selective and mutually exclusive. meaning i won't interact with blogs that are not mutuals with me. [this blog is open to plotting both on discord via tupperbox and tumblr].
02.ㅤ| ㅤㅤactivityㅤ : activity on this blog will be medium to low through the week days. i'm mostly active at nights and from fridays to sundays activity will be higher through the weekends and through tupperbox on discord .best way to reach me will be through discord that can be asked upon request to create a 1x1 server or just to talk. [please don't pressure me for replies or asks. as well, communication is key, i'm not a mind reader so if something is bothering you, asking me is okay.].
03.ㅤ| ㅤthreadsㅤ : ㅤthreads will be dropped and asks will be cleared. we are always welcome to do multi threads at the same time. if i get overwhelmed i will usually drop things to start over. i have a generalized anxiety disorder so that affects my productivity too asks are always welcome to be turned into threads . do not reblog memes from me unless we are mutuals. [and if you want to unfollow me, please softblock. as well, if we are friends, always reach out if you are uncomfortable, i will do my best to improve]
04.ㅤ| ㅤㅤformattingㅤ : ㅤfrom january, 2023 , this blog is forced to have only the BETA EDITOR + TRIM. please keep this in mind while roleplaying with me if you are still using the legacy editor. I no longer use small text as my go-to formatting but i might use it at times. i am still available to use legacy when required but do keep this in mind ㅤ[BETA EDITOR + REGULAR TEXT + DOUBLE SPACE. WILL USE ICONS IRREGULARY.]
05.ㅤ| BANNED FACECLAIMS. elizabeth olsen, scarlett johansson, jeremy renner, amber heard, allison mack, gal gadot, johnny depp.
06.ㅤ| ㅤㅤcreditsㅤ : psd, graphics, promo are all done made by me through my resource blog. some days i will be iconless and others i will use them, mostly when i'm at home. [i write novella, multi-para and single line as well text roleplay via discord/tupperbox and tumblr as well].
07.ㅤ| ㅤㅤshippingㅤ : ㅤ shipping is wonderful and it's one of my favorite things in the world. no jon x daenerys will be explored here. i admit my guilty pleasure ship for her is daenerys and jorah as well robb and daenerys but I'm more than welcome to other dynamics, if we have roleplayed before, you know I love many things. daenerys relationship with khal drogo will not be romantized. mentions of past incest in the targaryen dynasty will be mentioned and referenced.
08.ㅤ| ㅤㅤDNIㅤ : ㅤ due to personal reasons, i won't be roleplaying with characters from the following fandoms. DC'S STARGIRL, PEACEMAKER, MUSES FROM THE BATMAN (2022) AND HORROR MUSES BASED (SELECTIVE), WRESTLING FACECLAIMS. unless we are friends. on my other non ck related muses i don't mind but i have had some bad experiences in the past [personal DNI can be given in privacy, however no name drops will be given here as none of the people are bad and DNI worthy, just uncomfortable].
09.ㅤ| ㅤㅤetiquetteㅤ : ㅤ don't godmod my muse. small things are welcomed. if your muse wants to hurt her psychically, you need to let me know i just want to be given a heads up if you will ever do a thing to hurt them. i assure you, i will not mind if plotted. [as well, don't assume ships with me unless we are friends].
10.ㅤ| a song of ice and fire : ㅤ the world of a song of ice and fire involves death, gore, betrayal, medieval like talks, fantasy talk as well mentions of incest, all will be present so keep this in mind.
11.ㅤ| changes: ㅤhere are a few of the changes regarding my daenerys from show and even book. if you don't like, don't follow. and if you do, please respect the choices.
daenerys is not fireproof. those conditions were made due to the blood magic, in both times she is seen surviving fire in the show. but targaryens are not fireproof, but she does stand heat more than others and runs warmer too.
she resides in dragonstone while travelling in the north to help with the white walkers. her eyes are set in dorne first as well the news of aegon, her supposed nephew's arrival at the stormlands.
she wants a peaceful surrounding of king's landing. while she might use her dragons to attack the keep, there would be no attack to the citizens of king's landing themselves. she is not aware of the wildfire unless she is informed by jaime or others who know.
daenerys can have children, however, pregnancies are difficult to reach to term and she has to be careful, the years of inbred and her own worries about the maegi's curse.
daenerys will give the north it's independence if they support her claim and another pact of ice and fire would be made at this time.
her biggest conflict is at the moment at dorne and their support toward myrcella as well quentyn's death tarnishing a potential alliance.
one of the thing that worries daenerys the most is putting all the effort to regain the throne but unable to produce her own heirs. so she has to stablish a good line of succession if she is unable to have an heir.
mayor divergency, please read:
according to the drafts of the book in 1993 and 1994, the confrontation of drogo and viserys happens, and drogo kills viserys, dany is said to buy her time and eventually, kills drogo herself in revenge, after learning that drogo never intended to give them an army and basically "stole" and abused dany. she is joined in her escape with a few dothraki and her handmaidens and in a cave, she finds the dragon eggs.
I prefer the idea of dany finding the eggs or the eggs, finding her as well than just being gifted. a small change I do is that viserys is not dead, rather, he is alive, exiled, but he was left badly wounded by drogo. she still holds viserys accountable for selling her to drogo but upon seeing drogo's true colors and how he had no desire to help her and viserys go home, she snaps back to reality.
so this is not mad dany this is just dany reclaiming some of her power back and as in a hero's journey, her reward are the dragon eggs. she is found by the dothraki and tried to be burn alive with drogo's body and the eggs hatch at the same time as the book ends. the only difference is that dany doesn't have that many dothraki at her service. which i'm totally fine with.
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keyndom · 2 months
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an exploration of: prophecy girl, history remember the victors, glorified firstborn daughter, knowledge is power, marriage of convenience, the princess becomes an empress, the negociator, the writer.
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temporary rules under the cut.
01ㅤ| ㅤㅤintroductionㅤ : ㅤmy name is CALI (SHE/HER, CST+3) born in 1994, 21+ .welcome to my PRINCESS IRULAN CORRINO muse blog. this blog is private, selective and mutually exclusive. meaning i won't interact with blogs that are not mutuals with me. [this blog is open to plotting both on discord via tupperbox and tumblr].
02.ㅤ| ㅤㅤactivityㅤ : activity on this blog will be medium to low through the week days. i'm mostly active at nights and from fridays to sundays activity will be higher through the weekends and through tupperbox on discord .best way to reach me will be through discord that can be asked upon request to create a 1x1 server or just to talk. [please don't pressure me for replies or asks. as well, communication is key, i'm not a mind reader so if something is bothering you, asking me is okay.].
03.ㅤ| ㅤthreadsㅤ : ㅤthreads will be dropped and asks will be cleared. we are always welcome to do multi threads at the same time. if i get overwhelmed i will usually drop things to start over. i have a generalized anxiety disorder so that affects my productivity too asks are always welcome to be turned into threads . do not reblog memes from me unless we are mutuals. [and if you want to unfollow me, please softblock. as well, if we are friends, always reach out if you are uncomfortable, i will do my best to improve]
04.ㅤ| ㅤㅤformattingㅤ : ㅤfrom january, 2023 , this blog is forced to have only the BETA EDITOR + TRIM. please keep this in mind while roleplaying with me if you are still using the legacy editor. I no longer use small text as my go-to formatting but i might use it at times. i am still available to use legacy when required but do keep this in mind ㅤ[BETA EDITOR + REGULAR TEXT + DOUBLE SPACE. WILL USE ICONS IRREGULARY.]
05.ㅤ| BANNED FACECLAIMS. elizabeth olsen, scarlett johansson, jeremy renner, amber heard, allison mack, gal gadot, johnny depp.
06.ㅤ| ㅤㅤcreditsㅤ : psd, graphics, promo are all done made by me through my resource blog. some days i will be iconless and others i will use them, mostly when i'm at home. [i write novella, multi-para and single line as well text roleplay via discord/tupperbox and tumblr as well].
07.ㅤ| ㅤㅤshippingㅤ : ㅤ shipping is wonderful and it's one of my favorite things in the world. irulan is canonically going to marry paul as part of the new pact and become empress. i would love to explore their marriage and dynamic but i will not push this, but i believe the movies are going on an interesting note for them. for crossover shisp, all of them all welcome.
08.ㅤ| ㅤㅤDNIㅤ : ㅤ due to personal reasons, i won't be roleplaying with characters from the following fandoms. DC'S STARGIRL, PEACEMAKER, MUSES FROM THE BATMAN (2022) AND HORROR MUSES BASED (SELECTIVE), WRESTLING FACECLAIMS. unless we are friends. on my other non ck related muses i don't mind but i have had some bad experiences in the past [personal DNI can be given in privacy, however no name drops will be given here as none of the people are bad and DNI worthy, just uncomfortable].
09.ㅤ| ㅤㅤetiquetteㅤ : ㅤ don't godmod my muse. small things are welcomed. irulan is a bene gesserit of hidden rank with a few of their abilities trained. she is however, very much human but if your muse wants to hurt her psychically, you need to let me know i just want to be given a heads up if you will ever do a thing to hurt them. i assure you, i will not mind if plotted. [as well, don't assume ships with me unless we are friends].
10.ㅤ| changes: ㅤhere are a few of the changes regarding my irulan as i follow her from the movies and what could be, knowing of a few changes they did to the books.
chani leaving at the end instead of bowing down leaves open for exploration of irulan and paul's relationship, as a political alliance and as a marriage. even odd parallels between leto and jessica.
irulan is trained by the bene gesserit, however, she is told she is weak due to her individuality and not following most of the rules that are set for her.
i believe irulan is fascinated by paul atreides, aware that his mother went against rules to birth a boy when only girls are in the order.
she is a writer and scribe and transcribe stories from one language to another and speaks plenty of them.
regardless of paul, irulan always knew she was meant to be empress.
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phoenixduelist · 8 months
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Name / Alias: Jasmine
Pronouns: she/her
Blog type: single muse | Multi-muse | non selective | semi selective | selective | mutuals only | private | other (specify)
Type of muses: canon | OCs | both | other (specify)
Triggers people MUST tag: None.
Interest tracker / checker: I have it and it's mandatory | I have it, it's not mandatory but I'm more likely to follow back / interact with the people who fill it | I have one and I prefer it if people fill it in | I have it but it's to people whether to fill it or not | I don't have one | other: I don't have one but probably should have because the Véghváryverse has gotten out of hand
Reblog karma: I practise it | I practise it sometimes | I don't practise it | I always reblog memes from the source | indifferent | other: the fuck is that
Rule passwords: I have one and it's mandatory | I have one and it's optional | I don't have one | I send passwords | don't sent passwords | when should I send a password?? If I send it while the other person hasn't followed back I feel like I'm being pushy & almost demanding a follow back. If I don't send it and follow them, then they will think I didn't read the rules.
My blogs are +18 only. I know you feel ready and don't know why is this thing so common; I felt the same way. You will get it when you're older.
Don't use Amber Heard as a faceclaim if you would like to write with me. I don't tolerate Johnny Depp slander either.
Like my characters, my writing style is also intense. Grand storylines, deep emotions, detailed fight scenes, serious conflicts. As @erthlyheavn once called the 'genre' (and I'm still extremely honored): Jasminean tragedy.
Tiny ass icons (less than 100x100) with a distorting psd slapped onto it with a fancy border. I CAN'T SEE SHIT. Let alone make out the character's expression. This isn't a dealbreaker though, I just don't understand the appeal of something so microscopic supposing to convey emotions.
Extreme formatting to the point I have difficulty reading it, despite my eyesight is great.
Haven't really happened, but expecting Rozy (or any of my muses) to be immediately down to have sex with yours. She might feel attraction at first sight, especially if the first meeting is a swordfight, but she's a trauma ridden gray asexual. It will take some time.
That being said, treating OC X Canon ships like it's the fucking 8th deadly sin.
Porn bots duh.
Blogs without displayed +18 age (I am fine with personal blogs if they are +18)
Terfs, racism, homophobia, Amber Heard supporters etc
Anon hate, unless I'm feeling snappy enough to answer.
We all know and put in the no racists etc list in our rules but I haven't seen many 'don't interact if you're anti sex work'. So if I see anyone speaking poorly of sex work in general, sex workers of any kind from full time workers to selling feet pics on Onlyfans; saying they deserve whatever treatment because of their line of work, daddy issues/uneducated/unintelligent jokes, use of slurs: get the fuck out of my sight and be very glad I'm not your neighbor. My blogs are all safe spaces for every kind of sex workers.
Portraying pedophilia/rape/sexual abuse in a positive light. It's not the same as having those in your character's backstory, nor if your character has a warped mindset on it due to what they been through. I am able to tell when the mun themselves write it as a kink instead a character's trauma response.
Being soooooo 'anti callout' that they refuse to heed the 20+ page google docs of evidence and still interact with known abusers in the rpc. And I'm not talking about 'they called my friend stupid and have a similar theme as them' petty shit. I'm talking about grooming, pedophilia, slandering, manipulating, doxxing, harassing, stalking. If you let that fly because their writing is good, they make you graphics or for whatever the sorry attempt of an excuse; what the fuck.
Giving me unwarranted, unwanted, condescending criticism about my writing. This doesn't mean I don't accept criticism, far from it. I also ask for feedback from time to time. I don't care how this will sound: I know I'm a good writer. I researched everything, poured history, psychology, years of development, depth, nuances, despite her strengths/talents she is balanced on the power scale (especially with the latest addition of the necessary recovery after pulling her sword fuckery), just very difficult to deal with. You do not get to dismiss that nor try pull me down because you will only end up pissing me off for eternity. Just say 'Our writing styles don't match' and unfollow. No harm done with that. But giving me an incorrect lecture when I didn't even ask for it is one of the very few things that will get you blocked without a word, because I'm still courteous enough to not leave an essay how you had no right & break down why you're wrong in your inbox before the block. Don't make me tone down my writing style and insult me for it because you don't want to/incapable of matching it.
Writing style and/or preferred topics the other person wants to discover don't or barely overlap with mine.
Shittalking Ocs in the rules like 'canon gave us enough developed characters'. Are we seriously gatekeeping...creativity???
Overly...detailed or harsh isn't a good word for it; but if the rules are like blocking without a word in case of liking too many posts, reblogging a meme instead of the source, sending too many messages etc. Which is fine how you want to curate your space, but I have way too many problems to worry about irl and I don't want to feel like I'm on a minefield where one wrong move is game over forever when I'm supposed to have fun. I'm way too stressed for this.
Even if everything is fine but I don't feel that spark. When I follow, it means I'm very much interested, intrigued in your character, your portrayal and want to throw my psychotic captain & the disaster crew at your muse(s). But there are some cases when I simply can't feel that. And I don't want to disappoint anyone by giving replies without soul in them.
tagged by: fucking stolen what did you expect, this is a pirate focused blog
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nopride · 6 months
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a   study   in:   motherhood,   love   prevails,   when   life   hits   you   you   hit   back,   not   backing   down,   strength   in   family,   found   family,   feminine   rage,   cheating,   the   weight   of   mistakes,   and   soul   healing.
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temporary rules under the cut while i get a carrd.
01ㅤ| ㅤㅤintroductionㅤ : ㅤmy name is CALI (SHE/HER, CST+2) born in 1994, 21+ .welcome to my CAMILA ALVAREZ muse blog. this blog is private, selective and mutually exclusive. meaning i won't interact with blogs that are not mutuals with me. [this blog is open to plotting both on discord via tupperbox and tumblr].
02.ㅤ| ㅤㅤactivityㅤ : activity on this blog will be medium to low through the week days. i'm mostly active at nights and from fridays to sundays activity will be higher through the weekends and through tupperbox on discord .best way to reach me will be through discord that can be asked upon request to create a 1x1 server or just to talk. [please don't pressure me for replies or asks. as well, communication is key, i'm not a mind reader so if something is bothering you, asking me is okay.].
03.ㅤ| ㅤthreadsㅤ : ㅤthreads will be dropped and asks will be cleared. we are always welcome to do multi threads at the same time. if i get overwhelmed i will usually drop things to start over. i have a generalized anxiety disorder so that affects my productivity too asks are always welcome to be turned into threads . do not reblog memes from me unless we are mutuals. [and if you want to unfollow me, please softblock. as well, if we are friends, always reach out if you are uncomfortable, i will do my best to improve]
04.ㅤ| ㅤㅤformattingㅤ : ㅤfrom january, 2023 , this blog is forced to have only the BETA EDITOR + TRIM. please keep this in mind while roleplaying with me if you are still using the legacy editor. I no longer use small text as my go-to formatting but i might use it at times. i am still available to use legacy when required but do keep this in mind ㅤ[BETA EDITOR + REGULAR TEXT + DOUBLE SPACE. WILL USE ICONS IRREGULARY.]
05.ㅤ| BANNED FACECLAIMS. elizabeth olsen, scarlett johansson, jeremy renner, amber heard, allison mack, gal gadot, johnny depp.
06.ㅤ| ㅤㅤcreditsㅤ : psd, graphics, promo are all done made by me through my resource blog. some days i will be iconless and others i will use them, mostly when i'm at home. [i write novella, multi-para and single line as well text roleplay via discord/tupperbox and tumblr as well]. right now all graphics and psds are made by me.
07.ㅤ| ㅤㅤshippingㅤ : ㅤ shipping is wonderful and it's one of my favorite things in the world. i ship billy and camila as well eddie and camila and aware of how complicated and at times toxic both relationships might be. mentions of cheating will be mentioned in this blog and that will be tagged as cheating mention tw. that being said, I will not assume shipping with any eddie or billy unless we speak or agree on it as I know they are not everyone's cup of tea. but mentions of camila and billy's marriage and camila and eddie's one night stand are both mentioned.
08.ㅤ| ㅤㅤDNIㅤ : ㅤ due to personal reasons, i won't be roleplaying with characters from the following fandoms. DC'S STARGIRL, PEACEMAKER, MUSES FROM THE BATMAN (2022) AND HORROR MUSES BASED (SELECTIVE), WRESTLING FACECLAIMS. unless we are friends. on my other non ck related muses i don't mind but i have had some bad experiences in the past [personal DNI can be given in privacy, however no name drops will be given here as none of the people are bad and DNI worthy, just uncomfortable].
09.ㅤ| ㅤㅤetiquetteㅤ : ㅤ don't godmod my muse. small things are welcomed. . [as well, don't assume ships with me unless we are friends].
10.ㅤ| ㅤㅤchangesㅤ : ㅤ just like the actress, camila is argentinan and will be portrayed as such. while not argentinan myself, i'm from uruguay so i will do my best to portray my land neigbours.
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marvelgirl-10 · 6 months
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Cover for ALBWesternAustralia Book: The Heart of the Truest Believer on Wattpad Faceclaims: Kaya Scodelario & Robbie Kay
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Cover for ALBWesternAustralia Book: The New Neverland on Wattpad Faceclaims: Kaya Scodelario & Robbie Kay
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Cover for ALBWesternAustralia Book: Lost Girl on Wattpad Faceclaims: Kaya Scodelario
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Cover for ALBWesternAustralia Book: The Devil Within on Wattpad Faceclaims: Kaya Scodelario & Robbie Kay
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Cover for ALBWesternAustralia Book: Who Are You? on Wattpad Faceclaims: Kaya Scodelario & Robbie Kay
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Cover for ALBWesternAustralia Book: The Black Sea on Wattpad Faceclaims: Kaya Scodelario & Robbie Kay
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Cover for ALBWesternAustralia Book: Greta Mills Never Fails on Wattpad Faceclaims: Kaya Scodelario, Jennifer Morrison, & Jared S. Gilmore
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Cover for ALBWesternAustralia Book: Forever Lost on Wattpad Faceclaims: Emilie de Ravin, Robert Carlyle, Robbie Kay, & Johnny Depp
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ulvblod · 2 months
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PSA: this account follows the R + L equals J, meaning she and Rhaegar are Jon Snow's biological parents. i won't be changing this for the comfort of others as it's vital on how I portray lyanna. people also note that this will follow the show's ages instead of the books.
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temporary rules under the cut:
01ㅤ| ㅤㅤintroductionㅤ : ㅤmy name is CALI (SHE/HER, CST+3) born in 1994, 21+ .welcome to my LADY LYANNA STARK muse blog. this blog is private, selective and mutually exclusive. meaning i won't interact with blogs that are not mutuals with me. [this blog is open to plotting both on discord via tupperbox and tumblr].
02.ㅤ| ㅤㅤactivityㅤ : activity on this blog will be medium to low through the week days. i'm mostly active at nights and from fridays to sundays activity will be higher through the weekends and through tupperbox on discord .best way to reach me will be through discord that can be asked upon request to create a 1x1 server or just to talk. [please don't pressure me for replies or asks. as well, communication is key, i'm not a mind reader so if something is bothering you, asking me is okay.].
03.ㅤ| ㅤthreadsㅤ : ㅤthreads will be dropped and asks will be cleared. we are always welcome to do multi threads at the same time. if i get overwhelmed i will usually drop things to start over. i have a generalized anxiety disorder so that affects my productivity too asks are always welcome to be turned into threads . do not reblog memes from me unless we are mutuals. [and if you want to unfollow me, please softblock. as well, if we are friends, always reach out if you are uncomfortable, i will do my best to improve]
04.ㅤ| ㅤㅤformattingㅤ : ㅤfrom january, 2023 , this blog is forced to have only the BETA EDITOR + TRIM. please keep this in mind while roleplaying with me if you are still using the legacy editor. I no longer use small text as my go-to formatting but i might use it at times. i am still available to use legacy when required but do keep this in mind ㅤ[BETA EDITOR + REGULAR TEXT + DOUBLE SPACE. WILL USE ICONS IRREGULARY.]
05.ㅤ| BANNED FACECLAIMS. elizabeth olsen, scarlett johansson, jeremy renner, amber heard, allison mack, gal gadot, johnny depp.
06.ㅤ| ㅤㅤcreditsㅤ : psd, graphics, promo are all done made by me through my resource blog. some days i will be iconless and others i will use them, mostly when i'm at home. [i write novella, multi-para and single line as well text roleplay via discord/tupperbox and tumblr as well].
07.ㅤ| ㅤㅤshippingㅤ : ㅤ shipping is wonderful and it's one of my favorite things in the world. both robert and lyanna and rhaegar and lyanna will be explored as they are central as her two more romantic relationships but I am open to other relationships, I am also interested in arthur and lyanna. and in any survival au, we can talk about other ships. please note that lyanna was aware rhaegar was married but under the impression that a valyrian marriage and a northern marriage count as separate from the faith. jon legitimacy is disputed but they were wed by their own customs.
08.ㅤ| ㅤㅤDNIㅤ : ㅤ due to personal reasons, i won't be roleplaying with characters from the following fandoms. DC'S STARGIRL, PEACEMAKER, MUSES FROM THE BATMAN (2022) AND HORROR MUSES BASED (SELECTIVE), WRESTLING FACECLAIMS. unless we are friends. on my other non ck related muses i don't mind but i have had some bad experiences in the past [personal DNI can be given in privacy, however no name drops will be given here as none of the people are bad and DNI worthy, just uncomfortable].
09.ㅤ| ㅤㅤetiquetteㅤ : ㅤ don't godmod my muse. small things are welcomed. if your muse wants to hurt her psychically, you need to let me know i just want to be given a heads up if you will ever do a thing to hurt them. i assure you, i will not mind if plotted. [as well, don't assume ships with me unless we are friends].
10.ㅤ| a song of ice and fire : ㅤ the world of a song of ice and fire involves death, gore, betrayal, medieval like talks, fantasy talk as well mentions of incest, all will be present so keep this in mind.
11.ㅤ| changes: ㅤhere are a few of the changes regarding my lyanna from show and even book. if you don't like, don't follow. and if you do, please respect the choices.
lyanna was the knight of the laughing tree. rhaegar finds this out.
she does try to avoid rhaegar after she is given the crown of love and beauty but there are magical and otherworldly stakes.
lyanna becomes aware of the prophecy of ice and fire and that there has to be three dragons, and despite her respect for elia, she does fall for rhaegar. despite this the pregnancy surprise her.
he takes her out of winterfell before going to dorne where she spends a whole year and something.
she falls quickly pregnant after that considering a pregnancy period is of nine months.
while she tells need that the child's name is aegon, in honor of the prophecy, she wants him to have a northern name. she never learns what ned names him.
this is more a headcanon of mine, but her tomb is constructed over where vermax, jacaerys velaryon's dragon lay a hatch of eggs. only one of them remains. ned founds it when building her crypt and puts the crown of winter roses, one of rhaegar's rubies and the egg for jon, eventually to find.
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zobriezalarys · 6 months
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exploration due to the book topics of: incest, murder, violence, torture, unreliable narrators, scheming and so much more. / promo.
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temp rules under the cut.
01ㅤ| ㅤㅤintroductionㅤ : ㅤmy name is CALI (SHE/HER, CST+2) born in 1994, 21+ .welcome to my DAEMON TARGARYEN muse blog. this blog is private, selective and mutually exclusive. meaning i won't interact with blogs that are not mutuals with me. [this blog is open to plotting both on discord via tupperbox and tumblr]. 02.ㅤ| ㅤㅤactivityㅤ : activity on this blog will be medium to low through the week days. i'm mostly active at nights and from fridays to sundays activity will be higher through the weekends and through tupperbox on discord .best way to reach me will be through discord that can be asked upon request to create a 1x1 server or just to talk. [please don't pressure me for replies or asks. as well, communication is key, i'm not a mind reader so if something is bothering you, asking me is okay.]. 03.ㅤ| ㅤthreadsㅤ : ㅤthreads will be dropped and asks will be cleared. we are always welcome to do multi threads at the same time. if i get overwhelmed i will usually drop things to start over. i have a generalized anxiety disorder so that affects my productivity too asks are always welcome to be turned into threads . do not reblog memes from me unless we are mutuals. [and if you want to unfollow me, please softblock. as well, if we are friends, always reach out if you are uncomfortable, i will do my best to improve]
04.ㅤ| ㅤㅤformattingㅤ : ㅤfrom january, 2023 , this blog is forced to have only the BETA EDITOR + TRIM. please keep this in mind while roleplaying with me if you are still using the legacy editor. I no longer use small text as my go-to formatting but i might use it at times. i am still available to use legacy when required but do keep this in mind ㅤ[BETA EDITOR + REGULAR TEXT + DOUBLE SPACE. WILL USE ICONS IRREGULARY.]
05.ㅤ| BANNED FACECLAIMS. elizabeth olsen, scarlett johansson, jeremy renner, amber heard, allison mack, gal gadot, johnny depp.
06.ㅤ| ㅤㅤcreditsㅤ : psd, graphics, promo are all done made by me through my resource blog. some days i will be iconless and others i will use them, mostly when i'm at home. [i write novella, multi-para and single line as well text roleplay via discord/tupperbox and tumblr as well]. 07.ㅤ| ㅤㅤshippingㅤ : ㅤ shipping is wonderful and it's one of my favorite things in the world.daemon is portrayed here as closeted bisexual and with a preference for women. mentions of his relationship with rhaenyra will be discussed and mentioned but not explicitally portrayed unless i'm comfortable with the other person. but this is game of thrones and the relationship is important to the second part of the show first season and the second season. in their twisted way, daemon and rhaenyra are twin flames and i would rather not ignore all of the source material .do not push relationships on me based on canonocity. mentions of the targaryens incest will be simply tagged as incest mention tw.
08.ㅤ| ㅤㅤDNIㅤ : ㅤ due to personal reasons, i won't be roleplaying with characters from the following fandoms. DC'S STARGIRL, PEACEMAKER, MUSES FROM THE BATMAN (2022) AND HORROR MUSES BASED (SELECTIVE), WRESTLING FACECLAIMS. unless we are friends. on my other non ck related muses i don't mind but i have had some bad experiences in the past [personal DNI can be given in privacy, however no name drops will be given here as none of the people are bad and DNI worthy, just uncomfortable].
09.ㅤ| ㅤㅤetiquetteㅤ : ㅤ don't godmod my muse. small things are welcomed. daemon is a trained knight and one of the most skilled in the realm by standards, even when he nears his fifties, he is still a formidable foe. he is however, very much human but if your muse wants to hurt him psychically, you need to let me know i just want to be given a heads up if you will ever do a thing to hurt them. i assure you, i will not mind if plotted. [as well, don't assume ships with me unless we are friends].
10.ㅤ| a song of ice and fire : ㅤ the world of a song of ice and fire involves death, gore, betrayal, medieval like talks, fantasy talk as well mentions of incest, all will be present so keep this in mind. the whole targaryen family is a circle, and he is married to his niece.
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sadnesshotline · 1 year
100%: does your character resemble anybody famous?
a lot of my oc's have famous faceclaims cause i'm basic 😏the level of actual 'fame' is based on opinion though for some AHAH
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lots of models and actors sprinkled with some just influencers 🙏
from left to right: roxanne (tina kunakey), jude (hao yun xiang), seven (zelzelzel insta), marlo (theo bignonneau), vegas (johnny depp), paloma (diamond white), milan (river phoenix), poppy (hannah kleit), soheila (donnam_ insta), neo (hasan piker), ether (devon aoiki), simeon (alexandru gorincioi in this specific photo)
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trickstercaptain · 9 months
indie captain jack sparrow, private, plot heavy, low activity, primarily trilogy & tpof based. est. 08/14. rebooted 02/20. written by lottie ( she / her ), gmt, 25+
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my worldbuilding & portrayal are heavily affiliated with : hangtherules / villainmade + thecodekeeper / shadowcovcn + reddhaed + greyjoytm
                          other links :   MEME TAG  ♢  META                              please read the rules below the cut before interacting!
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• This blog is very chilled, selective and low activity, meaning that I only write with mutuals for my own state of mind. I work and have a busy life outside of tumblr which takes priority, so I cannot write with everyone, plus I do practice mains and exclusives — although I am picky about this.
• A couple of notes about my portrayal of Jack: I draw on both movie & book canon, primarily the trilogy and Ann Crispin’s The Price of Freedom, the latter of which concerns Jack’s past, although I do borrow sparingly from other sources across extended canon. He is much more than the witty rogue with a fondness for rum that he is often dismissed as and I have been writing him long enough to develop him far beyond the scope of his canon; I therefore ask that you please respect this and my reasons for being picky when it comes to incorporating certain ‘canon’ established in Dead Men Tell No Tales in particular.
• I have also been around the block when it comes to Jack; I have been writing him for more than nine years now, and in that time I have replied to many, many generic, non-plotted starters where muses approach Jack in a tavern to ask to join his crew/ask him for help etc. These kind of spontaneous threads just do not spark joy or excite Jack's muse any longer and therefore I cannot guarantee that you will receive a prompt response ( or a response at all ) if you throw one my way. So what I am saying effectively is that I am primarily plotting based here — the more you plot with me, even if it's just initially to establish a jumping off point, the more likely Jack's flighty af muse will stick and we can write all of the wonderful things together!
• I do not care to see call out posts or any other kind of drama. I will unfollow and potentially block if I see it on my dash: I am here to write, not to engage in tumblr politics.
• I am multiship and Jack is bisexual, however I tend to be picky about shipping — ic and ooc chemistry is key, and just because Jack is a promiscuous muse, do not assume that means that he will jump into bed or emotionally invest with absolutely anyone. Likewise, just because Jack is a certified flirt, do not take that to mean I am forcing a ship on you or your muse. He flirts with everyone.
• Usual Tumblr etiquette applies. Please don’t godmod, don’t rush me on replies as I am very slow, please make sure meme replies are transferred over to a new post etc etc.
• NSFW may appear from time to time, as well as certain dark topics considering that Jack is a pirate and there are potentially triggering events within his canon, such as child abuse. I do not have any triggers myself, but I will certainly try to tag anything particularly sensitive that may appear on this blog. As for smut, I write it pretty infrequently but only with partners I’m close to on an out of character level.
• If we are mutuals, I absolutely want to write with you! Hitting up my IMs for plotting is likely the easiest way to get something going with me, but sending a meme or liking a starter/interaction call absolutely works too!
• I’m Lottie, she/hers, 25+, GMT timezone. I’ve been writing on tumblr since 2014 and I can also be found on my other blogs if not here:        MULTI + SCOOPS KIDS + EL HOPPER
• I do not have any association with Disney, Pirates of the Caribbean, or Johnny Depp. Any ignorant and uneducated hate towards my faceclaim will gain an instant unfollow from me and, out of respect to him as a human being, as well as for my own personal comfort, I will not write or interact with any blog who uses Amber Heard as a faceclaim.
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