#falderal speaks
falderaletcetera · 9 days
You just tagged a post with "#sound off, folks <3" and the comma didn't break the tag! How did you DO that? What are the arcane secrets of your wizardry?
right?? I was here ten years before finally seeing some tip post get passed around, or asking someone else, I really don't remember which.
it's a specific type of comma that doesn't break the tags - you can copy and paste it [ ‚ ] or Alt+0130 on Windows produces it at any time.
it's a little fiddly for regular use but I LIKE talking in tags and I like my arcane commas and I'm very happy now to pass this secret onto you!
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wolves-in-the-world · 24 days
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it's going well, folks.
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wolves-etc · 1 year
if I can make it through ONE show without my inner quinn deciding that someone needs to be murdered—
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lesbiskammerat · 3 years
playlist: the suez crisis
I feel like this is a joke but Imperiet Falder by Magtens Korridorer comes to mind. Other than that I really don’t know how to approach this. I guess the music video for Nobody Speak by DJ Shadow if you want some diplomats beating the shit out of each other?
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almostliving84 · 5 years
I was tagged by @wrapmeupinplastc <3
Rules: post gifs of your 10 favorite TV shows without naming them in no particular order. then tag ten other people to do the same.
Tagging: @glitterghost @leylineparish @gluecookie @slightlytookish @ronans-latin-speaking-trees @little-miss-falderal & everyone else who wants to do this!
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MTVS Epic Rewatch #202
BTVS 7x17 Lies My Parents Told Me
Obligatory Soundtrack
Stray thoughts
1)  Tbh, instead of the Spike or the Ripper spin-off, THIS is the spin-off the Buffyverse needs and deserves…
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We don’t get to see much of Nikki Wood but the little we do, I love. She definitely has Buffy’s sass, spunk, and punning powers. And she can kick ass!! I just think it’s such a wonderful premise to have a black slayer fighting demons in the backdrop of 1970s New York.
It’s also neat to see the interactions between Nikki and Spike and how they mirror Spike’s relationship with Buffy in the early seasons – Spike chasing after her in what looks like foreplay to him while the Slayer only feels hatred and disgust towards him yet they’re still pitted against each other as worthy opponents.
2) I truly feel for Robin in this scene, though.
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I mean, getting his ass saved by his mother’s murderer must be very conflicting, to say the least.
3) This is such a sad yet truthful statement…
Hey, any apocalypse I avert without dying? Yeah, those are the easy ones.
4) Oh, Giles, don’t you ever go changing…
BUFFY Maybe you're right. Maybe everything is fine.
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BUFFY Giles, what's wrong?
GILES Have you seen the new library? There's nothing but computers. There's not a book to be seen. I—I don't know where to begin, Buffy. I mean, who do we speak to?
I just love that amidst all the chaos and end-of-the-world-ness, he’s worried about the school not having a library.
5) I think this scene was kind of meta, don’t you?
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SPIKE Oh, bollocks. With all the rubbish people keep sticking in my head, it's a wonder that there's room for my brain.
GILES I don't think it takes up that much space, do you?
7) The CGI, though, it’s so cringey, looks like they did that with MSPaint.
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8) Oh, and the cringefest continues, yikes…
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I mean, where do I start? First, there’s the poem…
Yet her smell, it doth linger, painting pictures in my mind. Her eyes, balls of honey. Angel's harps her laugh. Oh, lark. Grant a sign if crook'd be Cupid's shaft. Hark, the lark, her name it hath spake. "Cecily" it discharges from twixt its wee beak.
I mean, it’s not necessarily bad, but it’s not… good. “Balls of honey”? Really, William? Really?
Then, there’s the fact that he’s obviously obsessed with Cecily and writing what apparently amounts to be a creepy amount of poems about her with HER ACTUAL NAME in them, and then he goes, “Hmmmm, Who is't is this cecily thee speaketh of? I knoweth not whom thee couldst possibly beest talking about. I has't nev'r hath heard such a name. Cecily, thee sayeth?”
And then there’s this, which is almost as cringey and disturbing as what comes later on between these two…
WOMAN She's lovely. You shouldn't be alone. You need a woman in your life.
WILLIAM I have a woman in my life.
WOMAN But you ne… Oh...
She’s like blushing? They’re flirting? I just…
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9) I get everyone freaking out about Spike’s trigger being activated, but the truth is, the trigger seemed to be dormant until they went messing with his head. What I don’t get is Spike wanting them to unchain him, though. It doesn’t make much sense when he had chained himself before and even asked Buffy to off him a couple of times. Why would he want to be free now that he knows he could still hurt people? I understand they were building up the conflict between Buffy/Spike vs Giles/Robin by having him ask to be released and having Buffy agree with him WHEN IT’S OBVIOUS HE SHOULD BE CHAINED UNTIL THEY FIGURE IT OUT AND IT’S COMPLETELY OOC FOR BOTH HIM AND BUFFY TO ARGUE OTHERWISE.
10) I fucking love Drusilla’s reaction here…
WILLIAM We'll ravage this city together, my pet. Lay waste to all of Europe. The three of us will teach those snobs and elitists with their falderal just what—
WILLIAM You, me, and mother. 
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11) And then he goes and does the most sexual thing a vampire can do with a human BUT he’s surprised when that other thing happens? I’m sorry, but your relationship with your mom was weird way before she made a move on you…
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12) I truly don’t get why they can’t read into The First’s actions and realize that it was manipulating them into doing exactly what they were planning to do. It’s so obvious to me, and I expected more from Giles, tbh. I can understand Robin because he had a personal vendetta against Spike and that’s obviously more important to him than the grand scheme of things. But Giles?
ROBIN Mr. Giles... You got a moment?
GILES What's on your mind?
ROBIN The same thing that's on yours. We got ourselves a problem.
GILES Spike.
ROBIN Yeah, if that trigger is still working, then the First must be waiting for just the right time to use it against us.
GILES It does seem doubtful the First simply forgot it had such a powerful weapon.
ROBIN Yeah, a while back, it slipped up. It told Andrew it wasn't time yet for Spike. So, whatever the First's ultimate plan is, it's obvious that Spike must play an integral part in that. Something needs to be done.
GILES Buffy would never allow it
Robin conveniently leaves out the fact that The First contacted him personally and divulged the fact that Spike had killed his mother. It truly doesn’t get more obvious than that! And I understand why Robin wouldn’t care. It was selfish but totally understandable.
On the other hand, Giles’s stance is rather disappointing. Not only because he fails to read between the lines but also because he’s clearly underestimating Buffy’s ability to make the tough calls when push comes to shove. Buffy had always proven that she has what it takes to make sacrifices for the greater good, even if that means dying or killing someone she loves. And at the same time, we know that she finds strength in her emotions and her love for others. So it’s kind of bewildering that Giles doubts her at this point.
There’s also the hypocrisy of him washing his hands clean off her when she needed him the most and was actively asking for his help but trying to dictate her actions and decisions now by deceiving her. I think that’s what gets me angry, really. It’s not his trying to off Spike, as daft a move that was. It’s his lying to her and deceiving her in order to do something he knew she wouldn’t agree to.
13) So, this is for the greater good, Robin? Hmmm…. 
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It looks more like you’re trying to fulfill your revenge fantasy. Or maybe he had a weird crosses fetish?
14) I mean…
ROBIN No, I don't wanna kill you, Spike. I wanna kill the monster who took my mother away from me.
Technically, he could never kill the monster who killed his mother. To begin with, Spike has a soul now and by the show’s standards, he wasn’t the same person who’d killed Nikki. This is the reason why Robin chooses to use the trigger. But the monster that shows up when Spike’s trigger goes off is not the person who’d killed Nikki either. When Spike’s under the influence of the trigger he seems to be a much more primal, instinct-driven, lethal vampire, which is not the pre-soul Spike we’ve known.
15) I really like how the fight is juxtaposed with the scene between Spike and his mom. It’s a really nice way to show how he gets to accept and overcome the burden that makes the trigger work. You can see that he’s beaten not because of Robin’s punches but because of what he’s remembering.
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I mean, who wouldn’t be traumatized…?
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16) I kind of see some of the points both of them make during their final conversation. Spike, as usual, makes some very good observations as regards Robin and his vendetta against him in the sense that he’s trying to put the blame on Spike for getting robbed of his childhood when that’s not really the case. While it’s not true that Nikki “knew what she was signing up for” because being a Slayer is not a career choice or even a calling, she did choose to put her duties as a Slayer before her personal and family life, which is why she ended up getting killed. I think it would be interesting to see how she got that mentality. I can imagine her arriving at the conclusion that she had the chance to make the world a better place for her kid, which makes a lot of sense in my opinion. I can’t help but see her “the mission is what matters” statement as influenced by the Black Power movement, too. The thing is, the fact that Robin grew up without a mom was the result of a number of reasons. That doesn’t take away from the fact that Spike was, indeed, his mom’s murderer, but it feels like Robin was trying to channel his anger into Spike because he couldn’t deal with the fact that he resented his mother for not choosing him over her job. On some level, he must’ve blamed his mother, too. It’s just a very complex issue, and I don’t think Robin would’ve gotten over the whole thing just by killing Spike.
17) I’m not a fan of the resolution, though. The fact that Spike overcomes his trauma by pissing all over Robin’s in the most brutal way feels so wrong and unnecessary, and I don’t understand why the writers made that choice and expected the viewers to see Spike as the hero in that scenario. Of course, I didn’t want him to get killed and I do like how he got rid of the trigger – by being forced to confront what he probably deems his most horrible deed and understanding that what matters about his relationship with his mom is not its ending but everything that came before. But I don’t get why he had to be so brutal with Robin in order to do that? Telling him that his mom didn’t love him and all that? Like, these are all things Robin probably thought himself a million times before, but having someone else spit them out in your face – your mom’s murderer of all people – feels like the ultimate humiliation and I don’t appreciate the writers building up Spike as a “strong/badass” character again by trashing Robin in such a horrible way. I can’t imagine how anyone would cheer for Spike here? It feels wrong to do so.
18) This is the moment you choose to bring this up, Giles? Why wasn’t this an issue before? Why didn’t you question this before?
GILES You want Spike here even after what he's done to you in the past?
It’s such a douche move to bring this up when it suits your purposes instead of showing concern about this because, I don’t know, you’re worried about Buffy reconnecting with her attempted rapist?
BUFFY I'm in the fight of my life.
BUFFY Not you, Richard.
“Not you, Richard” is going to be my new “Take it easy, Joan.” I’m calling it. 
20) I just love how the second Buffy realizes that Giles has been stalling her, she slays the vamp without even looking. It probably was harder for her to not kill him.
21) This also rubs me the wrong way…
BUFFY You try anything again, he'll kill you. More importantly, I'll let him. I have a mission to win this war, to save the world. I don't have time for vendettas. The mission is what matters.
I get that she strongly believes Spike is a warrior they need in this fight, but that doesn’t mean that she shouldn’t stop him from killing Robin, someone who’s also an asset – vendetta or not - but more importantly, an innocent person. This is so unusually cold of Buffy, and I don’t like it at all.
22) I don’t know why Giles assumed that Robin would succeed in killing Spike? If he’d been smart and sneaky about it, of course, but Robin was more concerned about his vendetta and putting on a big show, he was probably the least qualified person to try and kill Spike because of how emotionally involved he was in the whole thing. It’s precisely because of his emotions that he didn’t succeed. And besides, fighter or not, he didn’t stand a chance against William the Bloody, which is the one he wanted to fight. Giles was kind of stupid, tbh. Like, he trusted this guy who he barely even knew with a very important task, one that would cost him his relationship with Buffy. And he didn’t even bother to make sure that Robin would do it in a foolproof way.
23) See the hypocrisy?
BUFFY He's alive. Spike's alive. Wood failed.
GILES Well, that doesn't change anything. What I told you is still true. You need to learn—
24) This is Buffy’s kiss of death, tbh, and I fucking love it, it’s so extra.
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25) I’m kind of torn when it comes to this episode. I feel like it’s a solid episode in the sense that it explores both Robin’s and Spike’s issues with their mothers and Buffy’s relationship with her mentor/father figure. On the other hand, this is an episode that centers around three of my favorite characters in the show – Buffy, Spike, and Giles – and I can’t say that I like any of them in it. I can handle not liking one of them at once, but shaking my head at all of them simultaneously is too much for my poor fangirl heart, you know? I don’t know. They come across as idiotic, brutal, and cold, and it makes me feel uncomfortable. I love these characters, and watching them act so unlike themselves for the sake of the plot… I just get this uncomfortable feeling I can’t shake off. I feel... like second-hand wrongness or something.
26) If you’ve got this far, thank you for reading! If you enjoy my recaps and my blog, please consider supporting it on ko-fi. Thanks!
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fyrogflamme · 6 years
Hello I’m not on tumblr a lot right now because of exams but @sweetcarlos-bravecarlos tagged me in a thing so I’ve come back from the temporarily dead
nickname: sab mostly height: actually I just applied for a new passport and my official height is 1m69 fav school subject: French in high school!!!!! Right now in uni it’s probably Italian proficiency something i want to learn: post exam projects are Swedish and knitting but there’s so much more fav quote: anything Vanja Radovanović says tbh fav food: pasta!!!!! pizza!!!!!!!!! and the truly perfect enchiladas I make fav place: all pretty empty beaches in the world but mostly those in Denmark except I’m not too into the temperature there so I’m hoping to discover new cool places next semester in Italy what can’t i leave the house without? definitely my phone  last song i listened to: når vi falder by Noah it is awesome identity: does anyone know??? I don’t eye color: hella blue hair color: blonde something i collect: hahahahahahahaha everything (no actually just everything that looks cool / comes from a cool place / autographs of famous people I like) favorite movie: 5ever kick-ass!!! but also moana favorite song: right now???? tror du att han bryr sig by Benjamin Ingrosso & Felix Sandman but this changes like 5 times a day favorite book: uhhhhh le petit prince but also this rad book I read when I was like 14 it was about the Spanish civil war zodiac: sagittarius languages i know: Dutch, English, French and Italian reallyyy well and then all the other languages I studied in the past (I can speak German if I have to?? Bit of Spanish and Danish) full name: I can give you my first and middle name it’s Sabien Janna tattoos/piercings: no piercings!!! not ever!!! The idea grosses me out but I might want cute tattoos in the future
Uhhhh I’m not gonna tag people but do this if u want I guess
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eldbitch-horror · 7 years
Updraft: Dragon Riders
Can also be read here! leave a kudos or/and a comment if you liked it :D 
Adam is a gifted dragon tamer, born to be this way.
Nigel is a nobody, feral and living at the expense of others.
Fate has its ways of bringing unlikely allies together in times of need.
A low rumble shook the ground, disturbing the loose stones on the cave floor. A beast hid deep within, size and might that could scare even the bravest of men. Yet here was a young man, in a simple tunic and cloak approaching. Entering the lair. Another earth shaking noise came from the cave. The man didn’t stop, didn’t flinch. Fearless.
Adam smiled when he saw it. A large dragon with deep blue scales, glistening with tiny crystals embedded in them. They twinkled like stars on a clear night.
“Galaeth, it’s time to wake up.” he whispered, and another earth shaking growl, snore, was interrupted. It rose in pitch to a scratchy whine.
“Galaeth, come on. We have to go to the mountains. Just in case that nest is still abandoned.” It just elicited another raspy whine, but the dragon rolled, pushing his hoard in large waves as he got himself right side up.
“Perhaps we could wait to check nests until the late afternoon?” Galaeth did not speak words, but vibrations from his throat. Adam could understand. He was special.
“It’s going to be hot today, and my britches are already bothering me.” Adam explained.
Adam got the riding saddle ready, nothing like a horse saddle. It was specially made to wrap about the neck, and the very base of the wings to keep it secure. He lined it with sheep hide. If he were a dragon he wouldn’t want the leather rubbing against him all the time.
While he prepared, Galaeth tried to sneak a few more minutes of sleep in. Adam would give him a disapproving huff, and Galaeth, sensitive to his emotions, would stir and sit himself up. He perched, like a grumpy cat. A fifteen ton grumpy cat.
The saddle was prepared, and Adam clambered up his friends legs with help from his head and tail.
“Why are you irritated?” Galaeth asked, thin muzzle tilted back to look directly at Adam with a deep green eye.
“My britches are rubbing my thighs and I don’t like it.” He explained, tugging on the fabric as emphasis, and an attempt to relieve the prickly feeling.
Galaeth was quiet in thought. He didn’t know much about human fashion, but he mused perhaps the fleece that lined his saddle might work for Adam? He knew better than to start poking suggestions at him now though. Instead, he took long strides out into the afternoon sun, making sure not to let Adam get knocked on anything.  
Even more stunning in the sun, Galaeth’s wings shifted iridescently, rainbows dancing like the northern lights across the membrane. These too were flecked with ‘stars’. The little crystals throughout his body glistened and reflected light. When the sun hit just right, small rainbows could be traced along the ground around him.
He could feel Adam shifting on his back, bracing for lift off. He didn’t have to ask if he was ready. He broke out into a run. A dragons run is much like a large cats, lunging motions. Surprisingly smooth, and much faster than other gigantic creatures could. His wings spread, and caught the updraft, and they were off.
The climb was a smooth, but slow process. Humans were sensitive little creatures. He knew Adam’s blood needed time to adjust to the changes in atmosphere. Galaeth still had a chuckle every once in awhile at the thought of it. These itty bitty creatures creating bonds with the only creature that was above them on the food chain. Typical human behavior he supposed. He found Adam to be especially crafty. Like the foxes in the woods, conniving, squirming their way into places they shouldn’t be. Like on the back of a dragon.
“Galaeth?” despite their time together, Adam always seemed timid. Not out of fear of the dragon himself, just of speaking in general. “Don’t forget where the nest was.”
Ever patient, Galaeth nodded his head, the spikes along his neck contracting and then stretching with the action. He banked, body going from parallel to vertical of the ground. Adam hung on, leg muscles accustomed to gripping the saddle, feet tucked into the closed stirrups. He refused to use the leg straps. They rubbed too much.
After their sharp turn, they were within the mountains in minutes. High enough that breathing felt more difficult. An elixer kept Adam’s blood accustomed to the lack of oxygen, despite it costing most of the Vfarda he earned. It was essential for his life now.
The dirt was whipped, small rocks flying as Galaeth brought them down for a smooth landing. He helped Adam down with his tail. Adam adjusted his pants, then began walking along the rocky ledge. It was a few square miles, though for a dragon it seemed like a ‘small’ space.
The nest was just a few hundred feet in, burrowed under a ledge. Galaeth kept his distance, but made sure all was well. It was Adams job to find these lost hatchlings. There were no dragon tracks, or evidence besides their own upturning of the mountain sands.
Once he was closer however, Adam saw something beside the nest. Tree? Not even the enchanted saplings grew that fast. A few more steps and Adam stopped dead in his tracks.
“Adam, what is it? You are in danger?” Galaeth asked, still at their landing spot. The voice echoed in Adam’s mind, and he shivered from it. It never stopped feeling intrusive, though not completely unwelcome.
“I don’t know, there’s another human- wait!” Adam was ripped out of his frozen state when he saw the figure picking up an egg, and trying to smash it against a rock.
“Hey! Hey! Stop that!” Adam cried in a voice that didn’t even feel like his own. The figure seemed unafraid, but did set the egg down.
“Adam, think before you act.” The warning went unheeded as Adam was already drawing his dagger from his belt.
“Get away from there!” He snarled. Now that he was closer he could make out features. Long blonde hair, sharp cheekbones, and deep eye sockets. Uneven lips pressed in an unreadable expression. Not that Adam could easily read that anyways.
“Get out of here, kid. These have been here for days. Guys gotta eat.” As he spoke, the man picked up an egg to try and smash it.
Adam shrieked, lungs burning as he covered the ground between them. “No no no!” He snarled, now just a few feet away. This man drew a sword in retaliation, and abandoned his egg to get into a blocking position.
He was too out of breath to say much, but he shook his head, “You can’t do that. They’re mine.” Adam hated lying, and that was not a good lie at all.
“You laid these? Now that I have to see.” The gruff man smirked as he spoke, his eyes not leaving Adam. This made Adam wilt. Not only was his lie bad, but he hated being stared at.
“I didn’t mean that. I mean that they’re mine as in I found them…” He had to stop to take a deep breath, “I have to take them back. Or else they’ll die.” This man seemed unphased. Uncaring. It made Adam’s little rage burn up again.
“I really don’t care, kid. These are mine now. I can live off of these for weeks. What are you even going to do with a fucking dragon? Five dragons? They’ll eat you before you have the chance to give them cute little names.” The man left the defensive position, and into an offensive position.
Before he could follow up his threatening body language, or continue talking any kind of venom, Galaeth came charging in. Adam took several paces back, and the beast put himself between Adam and the rude man. He let out a bellow, every sharp tooth bared, spit flying. The man could feel the heat coming from this creatures belly. For the first time in a long time, the man was shaken. Disoriented even. Galaeths sharp ears were pinned back, and though his maw closed, his lips were still curled back to expose teeth. A deep growl shook the earth beneath them.
Adam was just sitting back, watching. He was quite pleased at this display, and glad for a chance to catch his breath.
“Leave the boy alone.” Galaeth snarled, though Adam was the only one able to understand that.
“These your babys?” The man asked worriedly, “Sorry about that, here you go. Just, I’ll just go, darling.”
“They aren’t his.” Adam chimed in, now getting up to take his place beside Galaeth. Adam alone was just a boy, but beside Galaeth he felt like a hero of the old stories.
“Not his? How do you know?” He realized how stupid he sounded after the words came out of his mouth. He couldn’t possibly be looking at a rider. Dragon rider? Just stories. It had to be.
“This is Galaeth, we are Falder.” Falder was the term for a rider and his dragon. A special bond between the two that went deeper than a telepathic connection. The man seemed stunned by this, still trying to get his wits about him. The strange man decided he would be more careful at who he drew his sword to at a later date.
“Who are you?” Adam inquired bluntly. He was certainly in no mood to be friendly now.
“Names Nigel, could you uh. Ask your friend to quit looking at me like I’m lunch?” The following exchange was bizarre gibberish to him. Mostly gurgles from both the dragon and the boy’s throat. Galaeth did however relent, and Nigel was able to take a deep breath. Now for some smooth talking.
“Would you like some help with these eggs then? I could help carry them. Anything really.”
Adam was going to say now, but Galaeth interrupted him,
“Let him help. I would love to give him a fun ride.” His tone was far too giddy, and Adam picked up that his draconic friend was being devious.
“Fine, yes, you may help.” Adam was still curt, but began gathering the large eggs and putting them in a big satchel. Nigel timidly helped, nervously watching Galaeth just in case a Nigel morsel was due for snack time.
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akillerconundrum · 7 years
Suspicious Meats
@partnerasshat @frost-whatcha-need
The GCPD had been busier than usual, with the Akrham breakouts and other falderal buzzing through the streets, Jerome and his continued antics, most other cases had been put on back burner for the most part, but one had stuck in Nygma’s mind. Suspicions and curiosity had bread to outright undeniable proof of misconduct, and no moment seemed like a good moment to bring it up, at least until he had stepped onto that fresh crime scene to take his notes, and the elephant in the room had given a big ol’ trumpet. So to speak. 
Ed had hoped to spot Jim as well as he hurried his way toward Bullock’s desk. Detective Gordon always seemed to have more patience for him than his partner, but it was Bullock at the crux of this mystery, and the one who’s interest was relevant. 
“Detective? I hope I’m not interrupting.” He most likely was, but before Harvey could stop him, he continued pointedly, “I have some interesting developments with your friend Miss Frost that could really use your attention.” He cleared his throat, hoping that was enough.
At least he had the foresight to get to his point without dressing it up with word play. This time. If only to illustrate the seriousness of the situation. 
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vikinglanguage · 7 years
Danish - An introduction pt. 6
I hope you guys are ready to actually DO stuff in Danish, because this time I present to you: VERBS This post is going to be long, so the rest will be under the cut.
Let’s be real, you can’t talk about verbs without talking about conjugation. In this post I am only going to cover infinitive, present, and past, as it otherwise would be WAY too much grammar. I do plan on making an elaborate post on the tense of verbs though. While there are lots and lots of irregular verbs in Danish, I have good news for you; the conjugation is the same for each person within a specific tense.
Infinitive (infinitiv/navneform): Not much to say here. The infinitive of a verb will often end in -e. If you remove that -e you have what I am going to call the root* (in Danish, stammen), which is the most basic form of your verb. Example: to catch - at fange you remove the -e and tadaa “fang-” is the most basic form of your verb.  Like in English, you have to have the word to, which in Danish is at, in front of a verb in infinitive (i.e. “I like to run” → “Jeg kan lidt at løbe”) *my dictionary is not very helpful concerning grammar words
Present tense (præsens/nutid): Regular verbs add -er to stammen in present tense. Example: sentence - I catch dogs to catch - at fange dog - hund, fk. translation - jeg fanger hunde It is also worth noting that Danish rarely uses expanded present tense, and if it does it is usually expressed as sitting/standing/lying and just doing something (i.e. “i am eating” → “i am just sitting and eating” → subejct + present + just + and + present  → “jeg sidder lige og spiser”).
Past tense (imperfektum/datid): Regular verbs add -ede or -te to the infinitive with out ending in past tense. Example: sentence - I caught dogs translation - jeg fangede hunde Also a lot of verbs that are seemingly regular in present tense will betray you and become irregular in past tense. Do regular verbs even exist in Danish? Who knows? (not me)
Now let’s translate some verbs. I will be writing them like this: english - infinitive · present · past 
an alphabetically sorted list of ~100* verbs in Danish arrive - ankomme · ankommer · ankom (remember what I said about betrayal?) ask - spørge · spørger · spurgte be - være · er · var be able to - kunne · kan · kunne / være i stand til · er i stand til · var i stand til become - blive · bliver · blev begin - begynde · begynder · begyndte believe - tro · tror · troede borrow - låne · låner · lånte bring - (med)bringe · (med)bringer · (med)bragte buy - købe · køber · købte can - kunne · kan · kunne change - ændre · ændrer ·ændrede / lave om på · laver om på · lavede om på check - tjekke · tjekker · tjekkede collect - (ind)samle · (ind)samler · (ind)samlede come - komme · kommer · kom continue - fortsætte · fortsætter · fortsatte cry - græde · græder · græd do - gøre · gør · gjorde (please note: when denying things we do not use “do”, instead we place the subject before not, ikke. i.e. “we do not use ‘do’” → “vi bruger ikke ‘do’”) drop - tabe · taber · tabte eat - spise · spiser · spiste fall - falde · falder · faldt feel - føle · føler ·følte find - finde · finder · fandt finish - (af)slutte · (af)slutter · (af)sluttede forget - glemme · glemmer · glemte give - give · giver · gav going to - ville/skulle · vil/skal · ville/skulle have - have · har · havde have to - være nødt til · er nødt til · var nødt til hear - høre · hører · hørte help - hjælpe · hjælper · hjalp hold - holde · holder · holdt hope - håbe · håber · håbede hurt (oneself) - komme til skade · kommer til skade · kom til skade / slå sig · slår sig · slog sig hurt (others) - skade · skader · skadede / gøre [person] ondt · gør [person] ondt · gjorde [person] ondt keep - (be)holde · (be)holder · (be)holdt know (someone) - kende · kender · kendte know (something) - vide · ved · vidste laugh - le/grine · ler/griner · lo/grinte lay - lægge · lægger · lagde learn - lære · lærer · lærte leave - forlade · forlader · forlod / efterlade · efterlader · efterlod lend - (ud)låne · (ud)låner · (ud)lånte let - (til)lade · (til)lader · (til)lod lie - ligge · ligger · lå like - kunne lide - kan lide - kunne lide listen - lytte · lytter · lyttede live (be alive) - leve · lever · levede live (somewhere) - bo · bor · boede look at - kigge på · kigger på · kiggede på look for - lede efter · leder efter · ledte efter lose - tabe · taber · tabte / miste · mister · mistede love - elske · elsker · elskede make - lave · laver · lavede may (permission) - måtte · må · måtte (don’t say “can I go to the bathroom”, that’s so weird, say “may i [...]”) may (possibility) - kunne · kan · kunne mean - mene · mener · mente meet - møde · møder · mødte must - måtte · må · måtte / være nødt til · er nødt til · var nødt til need - have brug for · har brug for · havde brug for obtain - få · får · fik / opnå · opnår · opnåede open - åbne · åbner · åbnede ought to - burde · bør · burde pay - betale · betaler · betalte play (a game) - spille · spiller · spillede play (like children) - lege · leger · legede put - putte · putter · puttede read - læse · læser · læste remember - huske · husker · huskede say - sige · siger · sagde see - se · ser · så sell - sælge · sælger · solgte send - sende · sender · sendte should - skulle/burde · skal/bør · skulle/burde show - vise · viser · viste shut - lukke/smække · lukker/smækker · lukkede/smækkede sing - synge · synger · sang sleep - sove · sover · sov speak - tale · taler · talte stand - stå · står · stod stay - blive · bliver · blev stop - stoppe · stopper · stoppede suggest - foreslå · foreslår · foreslog take - tage · tager · tog talk - snakke/tale · snakker/taler · snakkede/talte teach - lære/undervise · lærer/underviser · lærte/underviste think - tænke/synes · tænker/synes · tænkte/syntes travel - rejse · rejser · rejste try - prøve/forsøge · prøver/forsøger · prøvede/forsøgte understand - forstå · forstår · forstod use - bruge · bruger · brugte used to - pleje · plejer · plejede wait - vente · venter · ventede walk - gå · går · gik want - ville have · vil have · ville have / ønske · ønsker · ønskede watch - se · ser · så / kigge på · kigger på · kiggede på will - ville · vil · ville work (be functional) - virke · virker · virkede work (toil) - arbejde · arbejder · arbejdede worry - være bekymret · er bekymret · var bekymret / bekymre sig · bekymrer sig · bekymrede sig write - skrive · skriver · skrev
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falderaletcetera · 7 months
really all I want is enough money to adopt a butch lesbian doctor, a pair of communist cabbies, an unjustly fired catholic maid, an ex-army butler, a light-fingered street urchin, an honourable detective inspector and his hapless underling, and still be able to go out dancing.
(hat-tip to @trivalentlinks for the inspiration)
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wolves-in-the-world · 2 months
so I'm only maybe tidying an old draft for posting but it's very funny to reach the part of the process where I'm internally going "sure hope I don't offend any real life hitters with inaccuracies" and then pause to stare at the wall about it
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wolves-etc · 1 year
cannot express how jazzed I am to have multiple audio options for dracula daily this year. I've already had a listen to the first installment on each (and the second on re: dracula, which seems to have updated sooner) and they're honestly both pretty slick! they're both conveying mood with music and sound effects in a really nice way, too, which I wasn't expecting. and it's so nice to have a backup option if I ever want to make sure I've properly absorbed an entry.
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wutbju · 5 years
Young evangelicals are questioning the typical ties between evangelicalism and Republican politics. Many said it had caused schisms within their families. And many described a real struggle with an administration they see as hostile to immigrants, Muslims, L.G.B.T.Q. people, and the poor. They feel it reflects a loss of humanity, which conflicts with their spiritual call.
Where are you? 
Remember the falderal over Jason Janz’ Young Fundamentalists research in 2005? Thirteen years have changed us. 
0 notes
boombergnews · 6 years
**Need FOX Information Halftime Report in your inbox on daily basis? Enroll right here.**
On the roster: Nuggets from the passing parade – Centrist Dem: Age of Home management an issue – Audible: want some ice for that burn? – The fox says: 5 stars 
NUGGETS FROM THE PASSING PARADE   We don’t wish to alarm you, however Labor Day is in 17 days. Now take a deep breath and go get some extra candy corn… As you look forward to the water to boil, how about some pre-weekend political nuggets for an appetizer?
– A lot of the overheated evaluation the trial of Paul Manafort on tax evasion and corruption prices has centered on what the potential verdict may imply for the bigger efforts of Particular Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into different Russia-linked skullduggery in American politics. If jurors had been to acquit President Trump’s former marketing campaign chairman on all 18 counts it could actually be a setback for Mueller and would give the president one other speaking level. However a few issues to recollect: The president can end up speaking factors like Dunkin’ does donuts so no matter occurs, he’ll name it a win. And second, Manafort is dealing with probably much more critical peril in his different federal felony trial set to start subsequent month within the District of Columbia. We are saying it so typically that we think about you’re properly and really bored with it, however right here we go once more: Speeding to judgements in issues just like the Mueller probe is strictly a nasty thought. Let the matter play out and do your finest to be fair-minded, skeptical and affected person within the meantime.
– We needed to chortle at phrase that jurors requested to be excused early on Friday from their deliberations as a result of one juror had a earlier engagement. We keep in mind overlaying trials with judges like Jim Stuckey and Irene Berger again in Kanawha County, W. Va. the place such a request in a high-profile trial would have assured the jury a one-way ticket to sequestration for the weekend consuming low cost pizza in a motel room. Sheesh.
– As he left for the weekend, the president appeared fairly happy with what he hath wrought along with his transfer to revoke the safety clearance of former CIA Director John Brennan. And it undoubtedly hits numerous good notes for Trump, because it 1) stokes partisan enmity, 2) causes odd contortions in his detractors and three) offers him a symbolic method to swat on the investigation into his marketing campaign. The query now could be whether or not this shall be like different such Trump gambits, like his ill-fated fee to show proper his declare that he really received the favored vote. On these jobs, Trump does some observe up trolling however principally lets the matter drop. The blowback he’s gotten from critical folks within the intelligence neighborhood would stand as a powerful warning towards additional strikes. One would suppose that the present CIA director and others would reinforce the concept that additional political gamesmanship on nationwide safety is unwelcome.
– Talking of government inspirations that result in administrative hangovers, Trump’s a lot ballyhooed army parade in Washington goes to be postponed till a minimum of subsequent yr citing value overruns. If the Pentagon retains kicking the can on this, they may kick it too near 2020, by which level it could be a $90 million re-election marketing campaign kickoff. The entire enterprise is fairly cringey each time they may do it since there’s no ostensible excuse apart from giving the president the possibility to glory in martial would possibly. However doing so lower than a yr from re-election could be an enormous no-no. 
– A supply mentioned to be near Trump informed the popular vacation spot for White Home whispers, Axios, that Trump’s growing use of government authority isn’t alarming as a result of he’s not inclined “to do something that erodes separation of powers — a minimum of, nothing that exceeds the historic price at which government energy has expanded.” Speak about defining deviancy down for the imperial presidency! That may be like a fats man saying that he received’t eat something to trigger him to realize weight – a minimum of nothing to realize weight quicker than a busload of Weight Watchers refugees at a smorgasbord. If government energy continues to develop on the identical tempo it has for the reason that 1930s, the legislative department shall be a remark field on the finish of the White Home driveway earlier than too lengthy.     – Race watchers say a lot concerning the monitor data of endorsers. Rep. Suzy Creamcheese, D-Pa., misplaced her major in order that should imply that her backer, Sen. Joe Madadatz, exhibits much less clout for 2020 and so forth. And there’s worth in that, to make certain. Plus, candidates can reduce their very own capital by backing losers. Simply take a look at the place the present president has and hasn’t endorsed in latest months. However don’t overlook the true functions of endorsements for the endorsers. First, it may well have constructive clout connotations when proper. It additionally builds a community of allies throughout the nation. However possibly most of all, endorsements ship highly effective messages to activist voters. It could actually communicate far louder than phrases in telling potential supporters who you imply to be. To that finish, we offer you. Sen. Kamala Harris and her choose of Deidre DeJear for Iowa secretary of state. DeJear is African-American, like Harris, sure, however she’s additionally a younger businesswoman. It’s a choose that reinforces Harris’ model but in addition broadens it.  
– Do you keep in mind that time Trump nominated Choose Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court docket? Yeah, the Nats fan. Anywho…  When you’ve been watching all the n-word accusing, clearance stripping, parade cancelling, ostrich jacket photographing, American greatness denying falderal Kavanaugh’s in style help has improved markedly. The newest ballot from Quinnipiac College exhibits help for Kavanaugh’s nomination up 4 factors from final month. A few of that is to be anticipated as Republicans develop extra accustomed to the nominee’s identify, however it’s actually proof that the Democratic effort to color him as some excessive alternative hasn’t drawn a lot water thus far. We’ve mentioned earlier than and say once more: The foremost problem for Democrats shall be discovering a method to climb down from opposition that neither jeopardizes red-state senators nor the ambitions of 2020 aspirants sitting within the Senate now. In baseball, they name it an intentional stroll…
THE RULEBOOK: LOOK AT US NOW “A powerful sense of the worth and blessings of union induced the folks, at a really early interval, to institute a federal authorities to protect and perpetuate it.” – John Jay, Federalist No. 2
TIME OUT: IT’S A GAS Smithsonian: “Armed with the newest expertise of the day and observations made by different Western astrophysicists, [Pierre Jules César Janssen] was decided to pry open the secrets and techniques of the galaxy. On August 18, 1868, Janssen managed to just do that. He turned the primary particular person to watch helium, a component by no means earlier than seen on Earth, within the photo voltaic spectrum. On the time, although, Janssen didn’t know what he’d seen—simply that it was one thing new. The mid-1800s was an thrilling time to see on the heavens. A brand new instrument referred to as a spectroscope was upending the sphere of astronomy. Related in design to a telescope, the spectroscope labored like a super-powered prism, dispersing mild into measurable wavelengths. An early mannequin had allowed physicist Joseph Fraunhofer to watch the solar within the early 1800s, however he was puzzled by black traces interrupting the traditional colours. These black traces had been named for Fraunhofer, regardless that he didn’t perceive what they had been. That information would come a number of many years later, with German researchers Gustav Kirchhoff and Robert Bunsen.” Flag on the play? – E mail us at [email protected] along with your suggestions, feedback or questions.
SCOREBOARD Trump job efficiency  Common approval: 41.2 % Common disapproval: 52.eight % Internet Rating: -11.6 factors Change from one week in the past: up zero.2 factors [Common consists of: CNN: 44% approve – 53% disapprove; Quinnipiac College: 41% approve – 54% disapprove; Gallup: 39% approve – 56% disapprove; IBD: 41% approve – 50% disapprove; NPR/PBS/Marist: 41% approve – 51% disapprove.]
Management of Home Republican common: 41.four % Democratic common: 48.2 % Benefit: Democrats plus 6.eight factors Change from one week in the past: Democratic benefit up zero.2 factors [Common consists of: CNN: 52% Dems – 41% GOP; Quinnipiac College: 51% Dems – 42% GOP; Pew Analysis Heart: 46% Dems – 39% GOP; IBD: 45% Dems – 45% GOP; NPR/PBS/Marist: 47% Dems – 40% GOP.]
CENTRIST DEM: AGE OF HOUSE LEADERSHIP A PROBLEM Roll Name: “The chairman of the centrist New Democrat Coalition wouldn’t say Friday whether or not he would again Nancy Pelosi for Home Democratic chief however he did vocalize a difficulty with the present management crew. ‘The truth that our high three leaders are of their late 70s — I don’t care who these leaders are — that’s the truth is an issue,’ Connecticut Rep. Jim Himes informed CNN. Pelosi, 78, has mentioned she plans to run for speaker once more if Democrats win the bulk in November. Home Minority Whip Steny H. Hoyer, 79, and Assistant Democratic Chief James E. Clyburn, 78, are concerned about working for speaker ought to Pelosi fail to get the votes. Himes, 52, who chairs the 68-member New Democrat Coalition, declined to say whether or not he’d help Pelosi for speaker. … Nonetheless, Himes famous that Pelosi has a power that latest Republican audio system, together with Paul D. Ryan and John A. Boehner, haven’t demonstrated — a capability to maintain her caucus collectively and cross main laws such because the 2010 well being care regulation.”
Meet the ‘Trump Democrat’ who’s altering the sport – Fox Information: “A Democrat searching for a U.S. Home seat in deep-red West Virginia payments himself as a ‘Trump Democrat’ — regardless that he has claimed the president ‘hasn’t completed s—,’ backs a pathway to citizenship for unlawful immigrants and opposes a border wall. Richard Ojeda, an Military veteran and state senator who’s been branded as a ‘JFK with tattoos and a bench press,’ initially captured consideration after revealing that he voted for Trump within the 2016 presidential election. He’s now working towards Republican Carol Miller in West Virginia’s third Congressional District, which President Trump received by almost 50 factors within the 2016 presidential election. But a ballot from June signifies that Ojeda’s message of populism – together with help for the coal trade and hopes of seeing Trump succeed because the president – has resonated with potential voters, placing him in a 6-point lead towards Miller.”
Nevada Home race a sizzling one – Roll Name: “Republicans are largely on protection this cycle, however a brand new GOP ballot exhibits they’ve a possible pickup alternative in Nevada’s 4th District. Two former lawmakers are dealing with off for the open seat in suburban Las Vegas: Democrat Steven Horsford and Republican Cresent Hardy. The inner ballot for the Hardy marketing campaign and the Nationwide Republican Congressional Committee confirmed Horsford and Hardy in a lifeless warmth. Each candidates had been tied at 41 %, with 17 % of these surveyed undecided, in response to the polling memo supplied first to Roll Name. The ballot solely examined Hardy and Horsford, and never any of the 4 third- or no-party candidates who shall be on the November poll. Horsford received the newly created seat in 2012, however was unseated by Hardy two years later. Hardy, in flip, additionally solely served a time period earlier than dropping in 2016 to Democrat Ruben Kihuen, who’s retiring amid sexual harassment allegations.” Barr goes on assault as previously protected seat threatened – NYT: “[Andy Barr] finds himself in one of many nation’s best midterm races towards a first-time candidate, Amy McGrath, a Democrat and a former Marine fight aviator whose life story made an on the spot reference to voters. That has remodeled the race right into a tossup in a district that Mr. Barr received by 22 share factors solely two years in the past. The incumbent is, by many measures, a very good match for the state’s Sixth Congressional District, shifting seamlessly among the many nation membership and horse trade elite in Lexington and within the extra rural areas that attain Appalachia. ‘The hallmark of my illustration is accessibility,’ mentioned Mr. Barr, 45. However the darkish tones that promoting within the Lexington media market took on final week attest to a special sort of marketing campaign brewing. The adverts are just like ones Republicans have used round america, attempting to color Ms. McGrath, 43, as ‘too liberal’ for the district and a software of Consultant Nancy Pelosi of California, the Home Democratic chief. Mr. Barr’s advert additionally exhibits Ms. McGrath calling herself a ‘feminist’ and saying that she voted for President Barack Obama.”
PLAY-BY-PLAY California GOP gubernatorial nominee Cox clarifies: Ready in line on the DMV shouldn’t be worse than the Holocaust – KXJC
Michigan Home Democrat apologizes for racist slurs towards rival – Detroit Metro Instances
Je t’aime mon Quebecois! N.Y. GOP buys bus ticket to Montreal for Cuomo – CBS Information
Trump poised so as to add new restrictions on Medicaid – Politico
AUDIBLE: NEED SOME ICE FOR THAT BURN? “We’ve the identical variety of tremendous bowl championships as you.” – Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., responding to Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn. Klobuchar tried to mock South Dakota for not having an NFL crew. ANY GIVEN SUNDAY This weekend, Mr. Sunday will sit down with Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., retired Admiral Mike Mullen and White Home Price range Director, Mick Mulvaney. Watch “Fox Information Sunday with Chris Wallace.” Test native listings for broadcast occasions in your space.     #mediabuzz – Host Howard Kurtz has the newest tackle the week’s media protection. Watch #mediabuzz Sundays at 11 a.m. ET.
FROM THE BLEACHERS “I simply don’t perceive how this works and the way you give you these numbers. I discover your outcomes very demoralizing. Why would you like President Trump to look unhealthy? Everybody I do know loves President Trump and likes what he’s doing.  He’s the very best president this nation has had in my lifetime. I’m 72 and have an excellent and lengthy reminiscence. Please clear this up for me. PS. I really like seeing what you must say when you find yourself on Fox.” – Esther Keleman Walsh, Saint Johns, Fla.
[Ed. observe: We actually don’t want to demoralize you or anybody else, Ms. Walsh! And residing in such a nice nook of Florida as you do, I’d think about demoralization could be onerous to come back by. However our job right here is to inform it like it’s, or a minimum of as we see it, with out worry or favor. That is going to be a tough yr for Republicans and it’ll take one thing on the order of a miracle for them to avoid wasting the Home. The Senate appears to be like extra promising in your crew, however total the GOP is in a good spot. Events which have unified management in Washington normally face headwinds, and this yr it’s shaping as much as be fairly a gale. The identical president who evokes such deep affection from you and your mates evokes equally deep antipathy from others. It’s a extremely flamable environment. However I promise that no matter occurs, we are going to try to be clear-eyed and neutral in our telling.]  
“I’m positive you’re conscious, however maybe not everyone seems to be, that John Jay was making reference to Brutus chatting with Cassius from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, Act four [Federalist 64 from Wednesday’s note]. The total quote is: ‘There’s a tide within the affairs of males. Which, taken on the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all of the voyage of their life, Is sure in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat, And we should take the present when it serves, Or lose our ventures.’ Brutus is urging Cassius to assault Octavian now whereas their forces are robust, earlier than Octavian can construct up his forces. They waited and finally misplaced to Octavian. Each Brutus and Cassius later dedicated suicide. It’s all the time been one among my favourite Shakespeare quotes. I’m positive there’s a level to be taken right here – I’m simply unsure what it’s.” – Pat Conroy, West Lake Hills, Texas
[Ed. observe: Good present, Mr. Conroy! Perhaps it’s what Geoffrey Chaucer reminded us lengthy earlier than Shakespeare’s day: “Time and tide look forward to no man.”] Share your shade commentary: E mail us at  [email protected] and please ensure to incorporate your identify and hometown. THE FOX SAYS: FIVE STARS  FOX59: “A ‘beloved’ taxidermy fox stolen from a well-liked restaurant in downtown Indianapolis has been returned. Thursday, St. Elmo Steak Home tweeted that Winston the fox arrived alone within the backseat of an Uber, ‘protected and sound!’ Earlier within the night time, the restaurant mentioned the fox was taken from its 1933 Lounge final Friday night time. The restaurant posted surveillance footage that exhibits the perpetrators nabbing the fox. The restaurant even provided a $250 reward card to anybody who supplied data that led to the protected return of the ‘beloved buddy.’ The restaurant mentioned if the perpetrators introduced him again unhurt, no onerous emotions, they’d have a good time his return with a spherical of drinks on the home. Together with surveillance video, St. Elmo additionally jokingly edited a photograph of Winston onto a bottle of its sauce, saying it was ‘actively evaluating all ways’ to help in his protected return.”
AND NOW, A WORD FROM CHARLES… “To be doing on daily basis what you get pleasure from doing is uncommon. Rarer nonetheless is to be doing what you had been meant to do, notably in case you received there by sheer serendipity. Till close to 30, I’d absolutely anticipated to spend my life as a health care provider. My current life was by no means deliberate and even imagined.” – Charles Krauthammer writing within the Nationwide Assessment, December 18, 2009.  
Chris Stirewalt is the politics editor for Fox Information. Brianna McClelland contributed to this report. Need FOX Information Halftime Report in your inbox on daily basis? Enroll right here.
Chris Stirewalt joined Fox Information Channel (FNC) in July of 2010 and serves as politics editor based mostly in Washington, D.C.
The post Nuggets from the passing parade appeared first on BoomBerg News.
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againstivp · 6 years
Global perspective
Men and woman are both abused in a IPV setting. It is more prevalent in women to be abused than men, but that does not mean men are abused. “The dominant discourses surrounding IPV and masculinity have the potential to influence how men who are abused by their female partners seek help from health and social care providers” (Corbally, 2014). Men are abused and this impacts their initiative to seek out professional help. The solution to this can be found later on in the blog but, the main focus is upon women due to their being more cases. “There are high-level global commitments to addressing violence against women and gender inequality, including IPV. The 2013 United Nations Commission on the Status of Women focused on prevention and elimination of all forms of violence against women and girls; the UN Secretary General's UNiTE Campaign focuses on ending violence against women; and Millennium Development Goal 3 aims specifically “to promote gender equality and empower women.” Similarly, many national governments have laws that explicitly criminalize intimate partner violence” (Devries et.al 2013). Majority of the focus upon IPV is for women due to many societies oppressing women, causing a need for change. iPV in different cultures is prevalent and oppressive to women. These cultures show that men are right, superior and the leader. Whereas, in other societies domestic abuse is shunned and frowned upon. I believe all societies should have the notion where domestic abuse is disgusting and should be changed immediately. This change is impactful when society changes and women have the ability to stand up for their rights. There is a need for social norms to accept IPV as a public issue rather than a private matter. Having IPV as a private issue makes the issue unseen and the victim experiencing IPV endure more harm. The ability to speak out is difficult because there can be danger towards themselves and facing the judgement of peers. Nevertheless, having the ability to speak out and seeking help is the first step into happiness. I believe once an individual seeks help the social and health supports would be beneficial to cease the suffering.
Corbally, M. (2014). Accounting for Intimate Partner Violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence,30(17), 3112-3132. doi:10.1177/0886260514554429
Devries, K. M., Mak, J. Y., Garcia-Moreno, C., Petzold, M., Child, J. C., Falder, G., . . . Watts, C. H. (2013). The Global Prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence Against Women. Science, 340(6140).
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