#except Gakuhou because Gakuhou
heyhellohihowareyou · 7 months
Why “Ball Game Tournament Time” is underrated as hell
BASEBALL EPISODE! BASEBALL EPISODE! Any anime that has a baseball episode in it is bound to get Hailey hooked!
And this one is about her Sugi boy! She’s all for him getting more screentime!
Out of context picture
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I’m pretty sure that this was the episode that started the “Jiriki Hongan Revolution” intro (Correct me if I’m wrong) and since it’s tied as my fav AC intro, this episode gets points for starting it!
Baseball fanatic Koro is best Koro!
Anyways, did I mention I love baseball episodes because I love baseball episodes
Found a cute side character with freckles. Appreciate her NOW!
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Two very good boys right here!
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Kimura gets to do something! We must savor this moment while we still can!
Awww a cute Mimura!
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I live for a badass Sugi boy (Even though this one is in Shindo’s head 😅)
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Also, start the count for how many times Shindo looks like he’s about the piss himself
Ain’t this such a great episode! 3-E is succeeding and showing the main campus kids what’s what! Boy I sure hope no one ruins-
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Bitch. Can you please stay out of my feel good sports episodes and not traumatize people at all? You’re bringing down the vibes man 😕
Well the girlies are back at least! Kind of wish we got to see them play though.
Kayano: “It’s just that the other team had huge jiggly boobs! It made me so made that I couldn’t concentrate!” Kaede sweetie you are not beating the allegations 🩷💜💙
Nothing to say except I like Maehara’s bewildered face
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I hate the man but those eyes though
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Irina: “Aha! I think I get it! So you hit a ball with a stick!” Never change Irina. Never change.
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Did I mention that I adore Sugino. Well, I ADORE SUGINO!!!
I swear to god Gakuhou doesn’t have life WHY ARE YOU HERE!?
Also, anyone else felt bad for Shindy this episode? Sure he was sort of a cocky bastard for the first part but man is he put through hell here.
Karmster using his bitch powers to good use (Yes, Karmster is his new name now)
Also this should be a meme template
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I saw the glowing red eyes and my first thought was “Baki?”
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Nothing to say except that I find Isogai’s little sigh cute
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Bewildered Shindy
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Gakuhou: “Crack a skull if need be.” Why aren’t you in jail yet?
We love Karmster’s little bitch face
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Karmster: “Swing like you’re trying to kill us.” My guy is in distress
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Nagisa: “That’s got him pretty shaken up.” Pretty Shaken- MY GUY IS TRAUMATIZED!
Again, poor Shindy. Like seriously get this boy some help.
I’ve caught two bright smiles in one screenshot!
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Sugino: “Didn’t mean for things to get so crazy.” Shindy needs to go to therapy
Juuuust Karmster
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Hadn’t mention before but I love listening to Sugi’s dubbed voice. For someone who shares a voice actor with the loud mouth that is Katsuki Bakugo his voice is nice to listen to
Sugino: “It was about being proud of my new friends. I wanted to show them off.” Sugino I fucking love you.
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Welp that’s it. That was a good ass episode that we as a fandom should talk about more! It’s season 1’s version of leader time to me. In fact it’s part of my top ten favorite episodes of the series (I really need to make a list) I don’t say it that much but Sugino as a character brings me so much serotonin so watching this episode was a joy for me! Combined with the fact that I love baseball this episode was an absolute delight.
I keep forgetting how bad I feel for Shindy boy here. Like, he was just slightly cocky and he ended up getting manipulated left and right. Seriously, I wouldn’t be surprised if he ended up having nightmares about the 3-E students sniping him in his sleep or something.
Anyways, like I said. This is a good episode and we should really discuss it more. We should discuss Sugino more. DISCUSS THE BOY! <—— Barely discusses the boy in question
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luna-loner · 2 years
We've all heard of the classic "Asano gets sent to E class" but have you thought of "Five Virtuosos get sent to E class"?
OF COURSE! A Lot of times actually!
In fact, I remember reading a Wattpad story where they all got sent down to E Class. Sadly, it was incomplete (I think just two chapters?) Not sure if it still exists.
Now, if I had to write a fic like that, I'd say Gakuhou sends them all to E Class as punishment for making and losing a bet with the underdogs, therby humiliating not only themselves, but their classmates as well. And since this is Gakuhou we're talking about, it'll be easy to get A Class to turn on them.
So E Class is in for a surprise next semester; same can be said for the Big Five. And of course, it's Karma who finds it amusing. Already, Gakushuu is not going to like this...
Now, let's see how each are going to be like in E Class:
This guy is Irina's third apprentice. Not really surprising, right?
Much like Yada, he doesn't want to seduce others with his body. He's a womanizer, but he's not lewd.
He also tries flirting with every girl in class. Kataoka practically follows him around to tell him off, especially when he's going after the not-so-assertive ones.
Yukiko is his most frequent target, so he has Sugino on his case, too.
Karasuma also has to keep him in check. He can also be harsh on him during training.
Aside from that, Ren isn't much of a hassle. He's pretty good at something when he puts his mind to it. He's quickly become an exceptional shooter, but not on the Sniper Duo's level, though.
Him and Yada can make a great duo at infiltration, especially if they've got two different targets of the opposite sex.
Since they're both brunets, they can pass off as siblings. Yada maee up this sob story about them being half-siblings and how their dad played favorites and how they didn't meet until recently and whatnot. All to gain some sympathy points.
Back to Yukiko, remember how she's his frequent target? Sooner or later, she's going to have to tell him off herself.
I imagine this happens when she opens up about her past, the Kyoto incident, and how she's learned not to care what others think and be herself. Ren's surprised a seemingly perfect girl such as herself had a rebelious phase and relates. He's had to deal with his fair share of expectations, and it can be quite annoying. Still, he's at least grateful for the overall good relationship he has with his parents.
This serves as an important growth for the two of them. Ren decides to take a page out of her book and be himself and Yukiko becomes even more assetive and vocal. They even beome book buddies and may occassionally play video games.
Ren's still a womanizer though, just less tocuhy and creepy. He also stops chasing after girls after they've rejected him and moves on to the next one instead. (Hey, it's still character development, right? 🤷‍♀️)
May or not be considering Polyamorous relationships because of Maehara. The entire class agree these two together trouble. Gakushuu has considered getting a leash for Ren, and suggested Isogai do the same for Maehara, much to Isogai's bemusement.
Since he doesn't flirt anymore, his relationship with Yada also improves.
I've said this before and I'll say it again: this boy is so damn insecure because he's not special compared to the other B5. In E Class, it's a little worse now that he's comparing himself to those he looked down on not too long ago.
He still looks down on them even if he himself is an underdogas well. Seo does put a lot of effort in training, but he doesn't stand out at anything and it drives him crazy!
The other Virtuosos found their specialty and then there's him...average at everything...doesn't stand out...useless.
That leaves him with his English skills but even that isn't enough to make him feel important.
He really hates it when Nagisa, Rio, or anyone else answers a question relating to the subject with ease. He also gets jealous of Irina whenever someone asks her about a certain word or phrase. Hellooooo, he's right here? Why do these idiots have to bother the teachers with stupid questions?
In short, this boy wants some attention...he's just asking for it the wrong way.
So his jealousy and insecurity gets him on the wrong foot with everyone else. Even the other Virtuosos think he needs to straighten up his act. Terasaka calls him out,
Eventually, he has a heart-to-heart talk with Korosensei, who gets him to be a little more amicable. He also tells Seo that while he may not shine in a particular field, he's still dedicated to assassination and his that work is nothing to scoff at, even if it's not up to Seo's standards.
Seo isn't really satisfied with this "A for effort" crap. He knows the octopus is just trying to make him feel better.
Seo only agrees to be a little nicer after Korosensei promises to take him around the world.
So Korosensei tells him how this dedication makes him flexible at handling any weapon, gun or knife. This in turn, makes Seo perfect for supporting his classmates, which doesn't make the boy feel better in the slightest.
Now that Seo's a bit more friendly, he can hold a conversation with his classmates. He finds himself bonding with Nagisa (and subsequently Karma) over their mutual love for Sonic Ninja. (Gakushuu feels betrayed whenever he sees Seo hanging out with Karma.)
Also, I can see him and Kataoka verbally obliterate others (usually Okajima) for their stupid plans, much to everyone's horror.
Seo still has his sharp tongue, so he has no trouble calling others out on their BS. It's useful for keeping others from getting over their heads, which Korosensei makes certain to praise him for that even if he's a fairly frequent target of Seo's reprimend.
Seo and Itona are another terrifying duo. When they're not roasting others, they're roasting each other. It's a bloody, but funny verbal battle.
This guy is all over Korosenesi in seconds, asking question after question. The octopus feels like a celebrity, even dressing up like one (Much to Karasuma's annoyance)
His inquisitive nature and observation skills make him perfect for gathering intel.
He's a nerd so he immediately clicks with Takebayashi, which means he's joined the Maid cafe squad.
He gets along with Hara due to their love for rom-coms. Also, wants to know who likes who in class.
He frequently goes bug-hunting with Kurahashi. He's curious about the mountain's ecosystem.
May or may not develop a crush on her, and turns into a blushing mess whenever he sees her.
He's also fascinated with Ritsu and never stops asking her questions, raging from Norway, to her programs, to her "older sister"
Araki's pretty good with knives. In addition to Karasuma's training, he's spent hours reading articles and watching videos and practicing in his room.
He's Yada and Ren's informat, supplying them with everything they need to know about their targets. Ristu also helps.
Still pretty jealous of Isogai, but doesn't dare say anything lest he wants the whole class on his case. (It's unspoken rule in E Class that you do NOT hurt the Ikemen)
Imagine Seo of all people telling him to put his jealousy aside and stop comparing himself to others. Korosensei is spying on the boys and weeping with pride at Seo's growth...and Seo trying to shoot him down while muttering a series of insults.
Actively avoids the Terasaka gang and Okuda.
His memorization skills are very useful, so he's partners with Takebayashi, who may or may not bring him to maid cafes.
He's pretty good with knives because it doesn't take him long to memorize Karasuma's moves. (Apparently, this guy's got some good muscle memory, too.)
He also teams up with Nagisa to observe Korosensei for weaknesses.
He's also copied Korosensei's weaknesses from Nagisa so they can have a back-up in case something happens to the original notes.
Much like Seo, he's envies of others who best him in his own field, especially Okuda. He can't even look at her without feels rage boil in the pits of his stomach. Doesn't help that she's seemingly close to Karma, aka the guy who once stole 4th place from him.
This makes Okuda is uncomfortable, so they don't talk. Ever.
As if Korosensei's gonna let animonlsity brew in his class. He gets the bright idea to assign those to create a certain chemical.
The Okuda protection squad (Karma, Megu, Kayano, and Sugino) are watching through the window. Koyama's lost the number of times he's recieved a glare from both Megu and Karma, and even Kayano! ("Who knew that pipesqueak could be scary?" You'd be surprised, Koyama 😏)
It results with Korosensei messing things up until the chemical blows up in his face. Okuda and Koyama agree that he's an idiot, which Korosensei takes as his plan working. They actually AGREED om something!
Doesn't mean they're friends, though, but at least they have no qualms working together now.
Another Virtuoso whom Takebayashi introduced to the lovely world of Maid Cafes. That's how he starts talking with Terasaka again.
This guy...
He's going to get his father back for this.
But first, he needs to kill a certain, annoyingly optimistic, stupidly perverted octopus and a red-headed moron while he's at it
Gakushuu's got some experience with martial arts gives him an edge, so it's no body's surprise that he excels at practically everything. His marksmanship is on par with the Sniper Duo.
Speaking of the Sniper Duo, I can see him hanging out with them due to their quiet nature. Him and Chiba are math prodigies so I can see them geeking out at math equations and geomatry. (Actually, this may be me being so influcened by Hailey's math wiz posts) Gakushuu would also be pretty impressed by Chiba's blueprints. Hayami feels like a third wheel whenever they discuss math.
Then again, Gakushuu feels like a third wheel whenever assassination is brought up.
Lowkey these two are fighting for Chiba's attention
He has a sort of rivalry with Hayami when it comes to books, and when they disagree on something, they're locked in a deadly glaring contest. Now, Chiba's the one who feels like a third wheel.
Ritsu's another student who catches his eye. I can see her, Gakushuu, and Chiba as a trio. (The other Virtuosos are not jealous.)
May or may not use her to prank his dad and hack into his devices.
Maehara tries to join in their little group, but promptly rejected. Gakushuu can only handle one womanizer, he's leaving the other one to Isogai.
Allow me to be self-indulgent and say Gakushuu would also be good friends with Yukiko as well because come on, those two can realate to one another so well! Imagine him begrudgingly accompanying her and Ren to the arcade. He's surprised to find himself amused by Yukiko utterly destroying his best friend. (Ren has never felt such betrayal)
Same thing with Seo, and then Karma. Gakushuu brought popcorn specifically for the latter's virtual demise.
It's all fun and games till Yukiko kicks his ass at a shooting game. This so-called genius actually thought he had a chance at victory just because he was among the top marksmen in their class. Chiba even warned him not to!
And if that wasn't bad enough, you have the redheaded bane of his existance crackling in the corner with popcorn!
Gakushuu: "Okay, how does Kanzaki manage to improve her assassination with video games, then?!!"
Chiba: "Master gamer."
Gakushuu's butted heads with Isogai over their different leadership styles. He's questioned Isogai's descisions more than once, and while he's raised some good points (Like Isogai not stopping the guys from using Itona's tank for pervy reasons) there were other times some of the Virtuosos sided witn Isogai, including Ren!
He once got kidnapped dragged by his friends and Takebayashi to a maid cafe.
Gakushuu was dumbfounded, like he had been slapped in the face. It made him wonder if he was in the wrong, not that he'd ever admit it.
Sooner or later, he's gonna have to swallow up that pride and admit he's wrong, though.
Takebayashi Arc: All five feel a mix of envy and shame. Here you have a former underdog rise up to the ranks of the elites while they got booted down. It was like a cruel joke from the principal, especially for Shuu.
S2 Changes:
They're confused as to why E Class are so desperate to get him back. Sure there's a prize money, but realistically, they don't have a chance to kill Korosensei. More surprising, is Takebayashi willingly returning to E Class. What the hell?! They're still planning to return to the main campus, but they can't deny they're curious as to what's so special about E Class.
Pudding Plan: Araki is impressed with Kayano's plan and fascinated by all the interesting pudding knowledge. Seo thinks it's crazy at first but ends up having fun. He tells Nagisa what would happen if something like this happened in Sonic Ninja. Gakshuu makes it clear he is unimpressed by this plan, much to E Class's annoyance. Nevertheless, he still participates.
Pole-toppling Arc: This one doesn't happen, so I can replace it with an individual arc for the Virtuosos.
Daycare: You that kid who was snuggling up to Yukiko? He's made his life's mission to chase Ren around and bite his ankles. Eventually, Ren has to approach Yukiko, hair disheveled and a shaky smile that says he barely has any composure left, and calmly point down, where a little gremiln is biting his leg, and begs her to take the creature off of him.
Araki and Gakushuu help out with the reconstruction. Seo too because he sucks at dealing with kids. He's also yelled at Korosensei for the absured punishment, but the damn octopus wasn't backing down because "it's important everyone remembers not to get carried away with their strength" (Seo shoots him like crazy)
Koyama had a small role in the play as wizard. Afterwards, he went to help with the contrusction.
Reaper Arc: Time for the Virtuosos to put their assassination skills to good use. This is the first time Gakushuu takes orders from Isogai without complaints.
Finals: They hear about Gakuhou brainwashing A Class and are determined to take the principal down in hopes he'd stop this insanity. Korosensei has Karma and Gakushuu co-tutor everyone and once again, so Gakushuu is forced to swallow his pride for the sake of his old classmates. Karma does so, too, but that doesn't mean he's teasing his rival after finals. They end up tying for first place. The other Virtuosos are in the Top 5 as well. Seo's sixth place and he's actually okay with it!
Some time later, the B5 individually rekindle their relationship with A Class.
Gakuhou vs. Korosensei: Cue the Asano angst
Basically, it's Gakushuu yelling at father for being an idiot of the highest calibar, choosing to forfeit his life for the sake of his damn pride! He lets out years worth of pent-up anger, eyes tearing up a little, aa he hurls insults at his father. The B5 have to calm Gakushuu down while holding him back from jumping back inside the classroom through the window and giving his old man a good kick.
Of course, Gakuhou doesn't die, but the ordeal was too much for Shuu. On the outside, he looks calm, but you can tell from the empty look in his eyes that he's still distressed. Ren offers he sleeps over at his place.
The experience forces Gakushuu to reflect and sort out his feelings. He still hates his father, but after what happened, he realizes he doesn't want the man to die. Seeing Gakuhou willingly choose death like that makes Gakushuu question everything he was taught about strength.
Kayano's reveal: They're shocked like the rest of the class. Araki feels like an idiot for not recognizing her as Mase Haruna...and then he fanboys over the fact he's been classmates with an actress this whole time! (The B5 are not amused)
I don't think the B5 would cause any change since it's Nagisa's big moment. Maybe Ren joins in on the teasing with Rio and Karma.
Civil War: I'm just gonna say which team each Virtuoso joins:
Blue Team:
Gakushuu: The old Shuu would've sided with Red Team based on logic, but after everything he went through this semester, he's learned that sometimes logic alone doesn't cut it, and you need to take. Also, ever since the incident with the principal, he's developed a fear of losing loved ones (whether or not Gakuhou counts as a loved one is still up in the air because this boy is an emotional mess on the inside)
He understands that it would be a waste if their time if they abandon the assassination, but since he's hasn't been in E Class for as long as the others, he doesn't really feel like his time was wasted.
Ren: Yukiko wants Korosensei to continue teaching them, and Yada wants to be honest with herself. Ren agrees with both of them. He also wants Korosensei to live, even if it sounds unreasonable or selfish. That's what he truly wants. Plus, he wants to stand by Gakushuu's side.
Red Team:
Seo: He agrees with Terasaka that it'd be a waste of their time and year if they suddenly choose to abandon the assassination, the one thing that helped them improve, then what was the point of this class?
Araki: Much as he'd like for Korosensei to live, they have to be realistic. Even if there is a way to save him, do they have enough time to find it? He also agrees that abandoning the assassination is an insult to Korosensei's efforts.
Koyama: This guy didn't have a purpose in life up until meeting Gakushuu, so he gets what Terasaka and Nakamura are saying. Of course they're annoyed with this change in plans. Koyama despises wasting time, wasting effort; is this what Korosensei wants?
I won't go into detail on what each Virtuoso does or how they change things up sinxe that requires a lot of thinking and planning, but I'll just say that this is their chance to utilize the skills they've aquired this semester.
Of course, Blue Team still wins.
Space Arc: Araki and Ritsu guide Karma and Nagisa through the space station. Ren's in charge of getting Yada and Hinano out once they finish distracting the workers. He uses the half-siblings sob story to excuse his "sister's" and her friend's reckless actions.
Valentine's Arc:
Ren recieves obligatory chocolates from Yada and Yukiko, and he doesn't flirt.
Seo also recieves some from Yada and Kurahashi (they're going around handing all the unpopular guys chocolates) and one from Nakamura...for some reason.
Arakis recieves some from Kurahashi and he's over the moon.
Koyama recieves one from Hazama for some reason...he quickly throws it away.
Gakushuu jas a whole mountain of chocolate boxes. He's still quite popular among the main campus kids. Normally, he wouldn't care for the occasion until he sees how some of the guys are eying him with envy so he rubs it inbecause he's that letty.
Also, there's this nice, civil moment between father and son; just Gakuhou trying to fulfill his promise by being a normal, loving (as loving as Gakuhou can be) parent, maybe like a normal conversation, or a game of chess. It's awkward at first, but the two find a way to make the atmosphere more comfortable. It doesn't suddenly erase eveything Gakuhou's done, but Gakushuu feels a little at ease for the first time in quite a while.
He recieves one from Yukiko (shameless Gakuyuki agenda XD) and one from Karma which he promptly rejects. He gets one from Hayami, too.
Final Assassination: Much like the civil war, the guys utilize the skills they've aquired in E Class. And of course they cry like hell after Korosensei's death. For Gakushuu, it's a good opportunity to let out a good chunk of his emotional turmoil. For Seo, he lets himself be vulnrable and allows others to hug him.
And of course, they all get a happy graduation. I imagine when it's Gakushuu turn to get his certificate, the principal gives him a rare, fond smile.
A Class comes to their rescue when reporters hound them again, and it wasn't on Gakushuu's orders.
Seven years later, only Ren and Araki show up at the reunion and they update the others on the remaining Virtuosos' lives. Gakushuu's in America, his business is thriving. Seo's an English teacher at the same school Nagisa's in. And Koyama's popular with the ladies thanks to his plastic surgery.
Also, imagine a scene where Nagisa meets up with Seo after class, who asks how the "assassination" is going.
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ailingwriter · 4 months
I have not focused enough on the 'classroom' part of the Abomination Classroom AU. Let's fix that shall we?
After the 28 kids are rescued, there's one big problem that has to be contended with, namely that the only adults that all of them trust are the 5 that rescued them, that being Karasuma, Aguri, Reaper, Psychopomp, and Irina (who I may have forgot to mention in the original post, oops.) There are exceptions of course. The kids with good family lives trust their families, and Akari doesn't have nearly the same level of trust issues since she was only imprisoned for the least amount of time, but for the most part it's just those 5.
So they need a secure place where people won't explore that's also suitable to help them both get used to their new bodies and to get caught up on their education so they can be reintegrated into society. Thankfully for them Reaper isn't the only one whose character development I'm accelerating, and Gakuhou is actually a decent educator in this AU because honestly these kids have enough to deal with. So all of Old Campus is open to them, with their five rescuers working as teachers and other necessary jobs. (The Akabane, Kanzaki, and Takebayashi families are paying them quite a sum to get them to agree to this. Gakuhou, meanwhile, gets a handsome reimbursement and access to the dorms the government is building after the class is finished reintegrating.
As for who does what?
Aguri teaches Japanese and Science
Reaper teaches Math and Social Studies
Karasuma teaches PE and is the head of the boys dorm
Irina teaches foreign language and is the head of the girls dorm
Psychopomp teaches home ec and works as the groundskeeper.
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fumiko-matsubara · 2 years
Rules against Class E students don't work for the most part - A fairly detailed analysis
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So to start this off, let's list out all the cons the kids got for dropping to Class 3-E.
Fairly poor learning environment: old wooden building with no air conditioning and heater for summer and winter season accommodations, located at a mountain top, likely with poor transmissions.
This is fairly bad itself if you look at it in a third party perspective. However, it was never specified in the school rules against 3E students modifying the building themselves in accordance to their comfort.
And as I have stated in the first chapter of my fanfic TARGET ON, although through the perspective of our queen Miki herself:
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In the Gakuhou episode, we've literally seen Class E repairing the partially wrecked school building by themselves, and Gakuhou just let them be. I bet he wouldn't even blink an eye if the kids had installed an air conditioner or heater in their classroom, using their own money. (Karasuma's initial proposal to do the same was rejected because the cost would then be covered by the government).
And with the way the current generation of 3E students are, learning in an old wooden building is the least of their concerns... well, except for the lack of air conditioning and heater, that is, as well as the 1 km distance towards the main building when attending monthly school assemblies during lunch break.
Discrimination - considering this whole thing being like the "worst" that could happen to a 3E student is a tad bit confusing.
Our lovely @/blazardragon had translated this part of the character book, where it specified that majority of the shit-talking 3E students have been receiving are from Class 3-D students, which we have seen plenty of times in the manga.
And it's a fairly realistic scenario, actually. Non geniuses 3A kids are way too busy with keeping up with their studies (aka attending cram school and such) to even waste their time on mocking an irrelevant class.
3B students are booked and busy, maintaining their grades while making sure they're at their best conditions when doing their club activities. Like the sport aces are mostly in that class and as we've seen in the interaction Sugino had with his former baseball teammates, they didn't even bother with talking shit to them lol.
And I highkey feel like that 3C students would tend to forget that they even have the power to discriminate against 3E students however they like. Most likely because they're just... a normal class. Not too high and not too low, just vibing comfortably in the middle. Being in a class like that would reasonably make one forget that there was even a harsh system in that school. For proof, we have the retaliation chapter, where Kaho belatedly realizes that she can actually put the whole blame towards Maehara without being questioned because he's just a mere scummish 3E student.
And as for Class 3-D students:
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Pretty much self-explanatory now, is it?
Aside from the monthly assemblies in which of course everyone would shit on the kids as the dean was literally prompting them to do so, on a usual day, it's just the same 40 students with recycled comments 😭 Actually, maybe not all 40 3-D students. Some reasonable kids could just not bother to specifically approach a 3E kid to talk shit about them.
So unless one is a sensitive soul that gets affected by every damn negative thing said about them, regardless if it's the same old tauntings, I don't think the current generation of 3E students would care so much about the discrimination they faced in school if we're being honest here.
The so-called hierarchy between Class E and the other 3rd years - in which, based on my understanding from Gakuho's brief explanation of the concept, is when 3E students could never talk over any main building student.
Which, let's be real here, is a completely useless rule since 3E students are literally located a whole kilometer away from the main building 3rd years and are never allowed to stay within the main campus, except for the mandatory school assemblies... that occurs monthly.
"But they could still encounter each other whenever they enter/exit the school and outside of the school campus."
You think that the 3E kids wouldn't make the effort to avoid them when they go through the gates, now? Or that they don't make sure they wouldn't encounter any main building student off campus??
Of course they would lol. Who would wanna let themselves be ridiculed on public?? 😂
What happened in the retaliation chapter was just stupidity on Maehara's part lol. He literally called Seo an idiot, the very virtuoso from Class A with anger issues, so what else does he expect?? He dated a bunch of girls after Kaho too, so why the hell did he willingly choose to come back to her life, knowing he's a Class E student with little to no rights against a student from a much higher class?? His choice hence his fault.
3E Students are forbidden to participate in school club activities - another loophole found in this 3E policy lol.
As revealed in the baseball arc, despite being kicked out of the school baseball team, Sugino was still able to join a local baseball team in their town without actually violating the school rule. Then the same would go for the other 3E kids who got kicked out of their old clubs, especially for the athletes who can just easily join a local team.
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Like it was Gakuhou, of all people, who revealed that information and even commended Sugino for working hard despite his disadvantages.
When I tell you that this man DOES NOT CARE about people finding loopholes in his system 😭
Students who are still in 3-E by the end of the 2nd semester will not be permitted to graduate - basically when a 3E student have been failing to rank within the Top 50 until December. Their last chance to rank was the 2nd semester final exams, in which had they succeeded in ranking high, they are allowed to transfer back to their old class and then spend the remaining school year only preparing for their high school entrance exams.
To be honest, this is the only 3E con that is actually a con of being a 3E student.
But then again, our current generation of 3E students pulled a 180° and managed to all rank within the top 50, decided to stay in Class E, and still graduate along with the other 3rd years.
And as for the previous generations of 3E students, maybe not all, but some of them could have just easily brushed off not graduating from Kunugigaoka, transfer to a more normal junior high, and graduate there instead.
Failing to graduate, regardless of what school one is from, could be very hard for a lot of students. But at the same time, there are also students who don't make a big deal out of not graduating, especially from a very academically challenging prestigious school like Kunugigaoka.
So what do we get from this section? The disadvantages of being a Class 3-E student aren't really a disadvantage with the amount of loopholes you can find in the implemented rules.
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solarsavoy · 2 years
Sunday Ship, Karushuu!
I want to start by saying this is just my analysis and I understand, even encourage, that you have your own opinion on the matter. I love you @tuulikannel, please don't hate me! 😭
After looking into this relationship a bit, I've decided that this is my second favorite ship for Karma. However, I do not believe this is a forever ship. While every relationship has its ups and downs, I feel that the best time for Gakushuu to have this relationship is while he is younger, but as Gakushuu grows and develops into an adult, I just can't see Karma being with him. It is one of those relationships that needs to happen in order for Gakushuu to grow into the person he's meant to be.
Karma is one of the few people in Gakushuu's life that is neither above him, like his father, or below him, like everyone else. This puts Karma in the prime position to be able to reach through Gakushuu's trauma to teach him things and to open his heart.
But we all know Karma. He can be gentle, he can be sweet, but you know he's gonna poke at it with a stick just because he can.
Why I think it isn't a permanent thing.
I fully believe Gakushuu's primary love language is Words, just like Karma, but Karma tends to speak all the other languages except for Words.
To be clear, it is a common misconception that someone is more than one/only one love language and that their primary one is the one they speak. Your primary love language is the one that hits you the deepest, not necessarily the one that you speak. We always speak and accept all of the five love languages, but one tends to reach our hearts the most. And sometimes, life experience can change it, but it isn't so common that you can simply change it every other week. It's something that may or may not happen one or two times in your life.
With that in mind, Gakushuu is Words, and Karma doesn't always speak towards that because Karma. Meanwhile, you have Gakushuu who is fighting his father's very heavy words (a common thing for Words people is that the words others have said will remain with them for a very long time even if the person have changed since then) with the positive reinforcement of the entire student body. It takes hundreds of students' constant appraisal to fend off any one of Gakuhou's past criticisms of imperfection, and now we have Karma who will flippantly use his words to tease, joke, poke fun at, and otherwise insult Gakushuu. Even in good fun, it's not something I would expect Gakushuu to take very well over a long period of time, but like I said, I also think this relationship is absolutely necessary to his growth.
Karma would teach Gakushuu to not take things so personally, that there's such a thing as fun and that not all words need to be important forever. I believe this is what would set Gakushuu on his path to self discovery. The anime shows him finally asking someone for help, but I don't think this leads to much self reflection. It causes him to finally question the power he'd always perceived his father to have, but it doesn't cause him to actually look further in and change.
That's what Karma does.
Since Karma is an equal who also understands him at his level, there's a sort of respect and trust that Gakushuu has for him. As a rival, as a friend, as a lover. So, I don't feel it's a good forever ship, but even if they were to get together and mutually decide to split up later, I think they'd remain really good friends.
And that's why this is my second favorite ship. They just have to be together, at least for a time. And even if they aren't always lovers, I do think they'd have an unbreakable bond that'd last a lifetime.
At least on Gakushuu's side. I can see Karma being a dick about this if Gakushuu were to ever tell him this.
Gakushuu, rolling his eyes: You never change.
Karma: Just admit it, you miss me.
Gakushuu: You never change. I've changed plenty.
Karma: So you used to miss me.
Gakushuu: Yup, but I've moved on to someone else.
Karma narrows his eyes.
Gakushuu: Guess you couldn't be number one forever.
Karma: You take that back! You're crazy, I'll always be number one!
Gakushuu: Sorry, but you're just gonna have to get used to second place now.
Both end up laughing.
And that's my analysis of Karushuu. What are your thoughts? Remember, this is just an opinion and I'm always open to discuss other opinions about anything.
If you'd like to hear my thoughts on another ship next Sunday, feel free to send an ask! And if you're not sure if I know the fandom, feel free to message me. Thanks for reading!
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Karma's Syndrome
Karma’s Syndrome by fairybreadfairyfloss
♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎
Karma has had Alice In Wonderland Syndrome for as long as he can remember. It was supposed to go away with age, but, for him, it just got stronger.
Karma refuses to tell anyone because he is embarrassed of it, but when it interferes with his life and the people around him begin to get suspicious, it becomes harder for him to keep it a secret. ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ It gets lowkey hard before it gets better, in a good way ofc, not that hard ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ (basically me venting my struggles and displaying the help I get from school and the people around me, except it's Karma 😈) (Karma is cute, everyone finds how embarrassed he is of his syndrome adorable, and he turns red)
Words: 903, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Assassination Classroom
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Akabane Karma, Akabane Karma's Parents, Akabane Karma's Mother, Akabane Karma's Father, Korosensei, Class 3-E, Class 3-E Teachers, Main Campus Students, The Big Five, Asano Gakushuu, Asano Gakuhou, Karasuma Tadaomi, Irina Jelavić, Shiota Nagisa, Nakamura Rio, Terasaka Ryouma
Relationships: Akabane Karma & Akabane Karma's Parents, Akabane Karma & Class 3-E, Akabane Karma & Korosensei, Akabane Karma & Karasuma Tadaomi, Akabane Karma & Irina Jelavić, Akabane Karma & Shiota Nagisa, Akabane Karma & Asano Gakushuu, Akabane Karma & Kayano Kaede, Akabane Karma & Nakamura Rio, Akabane Karma & Asano Gakuhou
Additional Tags: Akabane Karma is a Little Shit, Akabane Karma Needs a Hug, Soft Akabane Karma, Akabane Karma-centric, Akabane Karma has Alice in Wonderland Syndrome, Alice in Wonderland References, Everyone Loves Akabane Karma, Akabane Karma is Bad at Feelings, Akabane Karma is Embarrassed, Cute Akabane Karma, karma gets special treatment, karma is everyone's favourite, i have aiws and i need to vent the pain and flex the special treatment so karma has it too
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42546516
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ladysunamireads · 2 years
Karma's Syndrome
Karma’s Syndrome by fairybreadfairyfloss
♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎
Karma has had Alice In Wonderland Syndrome for as long as he can remember. It was supposed to go away with age, but, for him, it just got stronger.
Karma refuses to tell anyone because he is embarrassed of it, but when it interferes with his life and the people around him begin to get suspicious, it becomes harder for him to keep it a secret. ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ It gets lowkey hard before it gets better, in a good way ofc, not that hard ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ ♡♣︎♢♠︎ (basically me venting my struggles and displaying the help I get from school and the people around me, except it's Karma 😈) (Karma is cute, everyone finds how embarrassed he is of his syndrome adorable, and he turns red)
Words: 903, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Assassination Classroom
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Akabane Karma, Akabane Karma's Parents, Akabane Karma's Mother, Akabane Karma's Father, Korosensei, Class 3-E, Class 3-E Teachers, Main Campus Students, The Big Five, Asano Gakushuu, Asano Gakuhou, Karasuma Tadaomi, Irina Jelavić, Shiota Nagisa, Nakamura Rio, Terasaka Ryouma
Relationships: Akabane Karma & Akabane Karma's Parents, Akabane Karma & Class 3-E, Akabane Karma & Korosensei, Akabane Karma & Karasuma Tadaomi, Akabane Karma & Irina Jelavić, Akabane Karma & Shiota Nagisa, Akabane Karma & Asano Gakushuu, Akabane Karma & Kayano Kaede, Akabane Karma & Nakamura Rio, Akabane Karma & Asano Gakuhou
Additional Tags: Akabane Karma is a Little Shit, Akabane Karma Needs a Hug, Soft Akabane Karma, Akabane Karma-centric, Akabane Karma has Alice in Wonderland Syndrome, Alice in Wonderland References, Everyone Loves Akabane Karma, Akabane Karma is Bad at Feelings, Akabane Karma is Embarrassed, Cute Akabane Karma, karma gets special treatment, karma is everyone's favourite, i have aiws and i need to vent the pain and flex the special treatment so karma has it too
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42546516
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tuulikannel · 3 years
Asano Gakushuu in the official character book, p. 3-4 translation
Here’s the last two pages about Gakushuu! I don’t know, I might do some other pages some day (like his dad) but now I need a break...This is tough work with my skills. ^^;; (would be easier if I hadn’t let myself forget every second kanji or so that I’ve learned) (...actually I’d be happy if I really remembered every second kanji >_>)
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Because they are father and son, it’s natural that they resemble each other…!? Researching their similarities
In addition to exceptional intelligence, there are various aspects where Gakushuu-kun and chairman Asano resemble each other. The reporter of this publication has been closely following the father and son to independently research their similarities for an extended period of time. The results of that investigation are here!
Their angry face is scary
The two are normally mild-mannered, but their angry face is extremely scary. They also resemble each other in the sense that the reason of their anger isn’t always reasonable.
Their complexion is bad
They have handsome features, but their seemingly constant paleness is what makes them spitting image of each other. Do they sleep enough? [No.]
 Kunugigaoka school’s sun
Gakushuu-kun’s cherished snap compilation 
People outside of the school might not have had chances to witness this; the real face of Kunugigaoka’s sun, Gakushuu-kun, made available to the public in photos taken for this publication. This is a must-see!
[in the bottom right corner] The staring look is too dazzling. Killing with your eyes is also legally a criminal act.
[upper left corner of the bottom half] For touch typing, only one hand is enough. The right hand just lightly supports the cheek.
In front of Gakushuu-kun, any talented person becomes blurred. More of a hindrance, if anything…? *
Gakushuu-kun is also strong in a fight. It is guaranteed that he will give protection during an emergency.
* [I don’t get that latter sentence, but as far as I know, that’s what むしろ邪魔 means. But a random side note: I find it a bit funny that 邪魔, jama, which means hindrance or being in the way, apparently comes from the name of a demon who obstructs people from maintaining moral behavior. I mean, there are demons like that in the Asano family…]
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Things that Gakushuu-kun, similar to the charman*, thought would be better not published… Honestly, this is a shock.
[*reference to Gakuhou’s part which also had info he didn’t want out]
Sparks spreading – confrontation with father
To an outsider’s eye, their parent-child relationship is good, and Gakushuu-kun and the chairman have an ideal family. Their life seems outstanding compared to others, but even being father and son makes no exception to their extraordinary ambitions. [the last two sentences were one big sentence and it slayed me. just fyi. the latter half probably means something like that. or then not.] To show which of them is above the other, at every opportunity there is a collision, and sparks are scattered.
The chairman does not try to hide his antagonism toward his own child and keeps on repeating his provocative attitude. While it is difficult for an ordinary person to understand, this might also be the chairman’s style of education.
 Lively lust for power and hostility toward the E class
Gakushuu-kun has been taught to rule everything as a true strong person. Lenient to the weak who are obedient, he absolutely will not pardon those who strike back. At this moment, his target are all the people of the E class, whose efforts have recently been striking.
(E class in danger...!? Run! E class, ruuun!!)
The aura of evil darkness scattered around is the best proof that the chairman’s demonic blood has been inherited. I pray for the safety of the E class. [no wonder this page was ‘torn off’ XD I pray for the one who wrote this]
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Quirks Do Not Equate to Intelligence
Quirks do not equate to intelligence by FanFiction Artist Prototype
Quirks do not equate to intelligence, Izuku could tell you that. He was an example of it, quirkless and in Kunugigaoka's A-class. A class filled exclusively(bar him) with kids with intelligence enhancement quirks.
And then, third year rolls around and he's dropped from A-class all the way to E-class. But he doesn't care. He'd been shoved down, dragged through the mud and spat on all his life, and he'd always offered a helping hand to E-class before so he doesn't care. Many of his kohai's don't seem to care either.
Once he's in UA he thinks it's time to push Kunugigaoka from his mind, put it into a little box and forget about the comments that hurt more than being called quirkless. Forget about being called a delinquent, a savage, being accused of every bad thing because he and his classmates hadn't fit the right image.
But then, of course, the universe drags him back to his shit hole away from home, and he figures it can't get any worse until he spots the welcome wagon.
"Midoriya, it's lovely to see you. I thought you'd be too embarrassed to ever return."
"That's Midoriya-senpai to you, Asano."
Words 1465, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Assassination Classroom
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Other
Characters: Terasaka Ryouma, Asano Gakushuu, Asano Gakuhou, Shiota Nagisa, Akabane Karma, Kayano Kaede, Chiba Ryuunosuke, Ritsu (Assassination Classroom), Okajima Taiga, Okuda Manami, Irina Jelavić, Karasuma Tadaomi, Korosensei (Assassination Classroom), Sugino Tomohito, Kanzaki Yukiko, Kataoka Megu, Isogai Yuuma, Maehara Hiroto, Okano Hinata, Yada Touka, Kimura Masayoshi, Mimura Kouki, Kurahashi Hinano, Sugaya Sousuke, Takebayashi Koutarou, Nakamura Rio, Hazama Kirara, Hayami Rinka, Hara Sumire, Fuwa Yuzuki, Muramatsu Takuya, Yoshida Taisei, Horibe Itona, Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Uraraka Ochako, Asui Tsuyu, Kaminari Denki, Ashido Mina, Sero Hanta, Kirishima Eijirou, Satou Rikidou, Kouda Kouji, Shouji Mezou, Tokoyami Fumikage, Aoyama Yuuga, Hagakure Tooru, Ojiro Mashirao, Jirou Kyouka, Yaoyorozu Momo, Mineta Minoru, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yagi Toshinori | All Might
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Shiota Nagisa, Akabane Karma & Midoriya Izuku, Class 3-E (Assassination Classroom) & Midoriya Izuku, Kayano Kaede & Midoriya Izuku, Korosensei (Assassination Classroom) & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Ritsu (Assassination Classroom), Midoriya Izuku & Everyone
Additional Tags: Class 3 E (Assassination Classroom), Assassination, Assassination Attempt(s), Worried Class 1-A, BAMF Midoriya Izuku, Protective Midoriya Izuku, Sassy Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku is a Good Friend, Midoriya Izuku Swears, Delinquent, Delinquent Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya was in 3-E, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Midoriya went to Kunigogawka, Junior High, Mistakes were made, Midoriya is loved by all, Midoriya Izuku is a Ray of Sunshine, Senpai-Kouhai Relationship, Midoriya would like to murder a few people, But he won't, Rivalry, Except Korosensei he's happy to kill him, Asano could you not, The Author Regrets Nothing, Everybody but Bakugou be drinking the respect Midoriya juice, what even are tags?, 3-E hate Bakugou, 3-E love Midoriya Izuku, but like, who doesn't?, Can we appreciate the fact that, in the world of seasonal anime, AssClass is old?, There be no BEGONE THOT memes for Ms.Bitch, Ms.Bitch may be a thot, but she's a good thot, Excessive use of the mental image of THE Picachu meme, Memes
Read Here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/21385228
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ankyouweek · 7 years
Second Time Around
Thank you for making it to the end, if you have!
9 - A New Future (+ Story Notes)
The bed was soft, comfortable, familiar. His body on auto-pilot, Karma stumbled out of the covers, struggling to stay upright and make it to the bathroom. Freshening up, he looked in the mirror. He had a vague memory of something slicing his cheek, but there was no mark. Mustn’t have been too deep.
Not five minutes later, he spat out his water, leaving marks over the faux marble kitchen island.
The sun was high in the sky, catching every speck of dust that covered the apartment, a low rumble, cars well below on the ground, could be heard, and birds chirped, signalling a bountiful spring.
He was home.
He’d fallen asleep in front of their old classroom, beaten and bruised and numb inside and out, having watched Sensei die yet again. There was no mark on his cheek because he’d aged to his real self. No aches or pains, no stumbling over limbs that felt too short, no need to make sure he kept up a mask and tread the line between edgy teen and government official. 
There was no need to think when he woke up because this was his apartment, he could navigate it drunk in the dark, even with a cat curling around his ankles, meowing for a second (sometimes third) dinner. His knee didn’t ache and everything felt right, felt like home and his ears felt hot and his face was wet with tears. Karma didn’t know the result of his actions, didn’t know whether he’d saved the world, was a hero, or had fucked everything up further, but for now, this was enough. 
He remembered Karasuma’s message: My wife returned and I have a daughter.
He ignored where Karasuma had lived in his time and went straight back to the place he shared with Irina. A small girl opened the door, perhaps five or six. She blinked up at him and he looked down at her. She was a clone of Irina, no doubt he had the right place. 
He’d always worried that nobody else would remember their past, or perhaps only remember the altered version. He’d neglected to think he wouldn’t necessarily know the changes in the new world. About to ask if he had the right house, or if her parents were home, a shriek interrupted his thoughts. He covered his ears as his stomach took a hit.
Both her parents were home (“It’s Saturday after all!”) and he was welcomed in, Irina fussing (“You’ve been missing for a year, Karma!” When he didn’t reply, shocked at seeing her so loud and boisterous when she’d been dead for years, when the version he was more recently familiar with had less lines around the eyes, still enjoyed dressing that little bit more provocatively, she continued, more indignant, “We’ve been worried sick, you little brat!”) and his ‘niece’ demanded piggy back rides and a tea party and he couldn’t very well say no, could he? 
Karasuma looked better than Karma had seen him in years, clearly the man had been eating more than just convenience store food and was actually sleeping now. Irina was busy calling everyone to come over (“He’s really back! Waltzed up like he hadn’t been missing or something! Barely even an apology, so of course it’s him!”) and the little one was glued to the tv, watching some famous idol prance around on a too bright stage.
The house was large, with a small backyard, perfect for relaxing. Irina brought them tea before leaving them be (she’d only called half the class, and of course they wouldn’t just come and leave; she suspected they’d be here for lunch and wouldn’t leave until well after dinner). Karma was already sitting, staring blankly at the tiny garden, a little out of it, not quite sure what to do now he was back, but Karasuma still stood. Once Irina left, he bowed, deeper than Karma had seen anyone bow before.
His golden eyes were wide, processing what the hell was going on. The older man sat next to him, grinning. (Karma had never seen such a face on Karasuma and it kinda creeped him out.) A hand was on his head, ruffling his hair. “You did well, Karma.”
Heat flushed around his neck and tears pricked at his eyes. The full story could wait for later. Karasuma knew and he was happy and Karma was home.
The public only knew of an attack on Kunigaoka’s campus. Most assumed some type of student crime, perhaps a bitter E Class student, or a crazed parent annoyed their child only got a 90 instead of a 95 on their last test. The public gossiped, but nothing came of it, and the media ignored it after the hype wore off. The main campus knew nothing, except that those idiot E Class kids had caused problems again. Gakuhou kept quiet, still employed at the school (which ran more in his original direction, the type Sensei endorsed instead of the type that encouraged blood baths and nothing but study). 
Karma had been reported as missing for a year. Most assumed it was the pressure of government work and he’d wandered off to commit suicide. Others assumed a life lived alone was the cause (Karma could count the times he saw his parents post junior high graduation on one hand, and it was well known his love life was practically non-existent, despite the press running stories on such an attractive bachelor with good connections). Others still said that his past as a delinquent had come to collect interest.
Karasuma and the others had all been investigated over his disappearance. Thankfully Karasuma knew what was going on (and was the only one who did - Karma didn’t get it, but apparently once you truly learnt about time travel, or have contact with a different time, as he did through Ritsu’s programme, you could never forget? It sounded like bull but Karma was beyond questioning) and had kept everything as he left it. The electricity and water in his apartment still worked and his cat lived with Hazama. Karma didn’t believe he had much of a chance of convincing it to return home, since the fat thing enjoyed nothing more than curling up with people on the couch, and considering the bookworm Hazama was…
There was a shout as a group tumbled through the door, ignoring Irina’s scolding. The tiny garden felt smaller when it was crammed full of overly excited people. Karasuma rescued the still steaming tea and Karma was hugged and pulled and noogied from all directions. 
“Dude! What’s the story!” Karma could see the ring on Sugino’s finger.
Maehara had tears at the corner of his eyes, but he was laughing. “Honestly, I thought you were past your trouble making days!”
Terasaka and his group came together. Karma was sure he would bruise from how hard Terasaka smacked his arm, but the other man wasn’t good with words, and Karma understood that feeling so much right now. He’d give the other a reprieve, just this time. 
Karasuma had filled him in earlier. Karma’s actions had changed things for the better. No monster wars, no missiles (well, a few, but that was life), no mass panic and fear about losing journalists and loved ones in the interests of scientific advancements and human testing. 
Karasuma was the only one who had interacted with Karma’s timeline, apart from the person who had discovered their discussions, leading to Karasuma’s disgraceful exit from the workforce. After Karasuma had lost his job, that person had gone missing. “Family said he was a good man, no problems. Not sure what happened.” Irina was casual, genuinely curious about her husband’s former coworker, since they’d met a few times. 
Karasuma had gone still, kept his eyes locked on the small traditional rock formation at the back of the garden.
To Karma, Karasuma was always a teacher who had once been a soldier. Now he wondered how much of his wife’s skills he’d picked up. It couldn’t be easy living on Irina’s wage alone, and Karasuma never seemed to be the type to want or enjoy an early retirement. 
Karasuma remembered both worlds, though, like Karma, the memories that were new took a while to come with him. For Karma, there would be no issue, people would assume he was stressed or whatever, amnesia ridden due to his disappearance. Karasuma had had it hard, Irina wondering why he bawled at the sight of her and furious that he had no idea who their daughter was. 
Most of the others only remembered one world. Occasionally they had glimpses of the other world, or flashes like deja vu - “hey, I swear I’ve already done something similar!”, but everyone brushed it off as sleep deprivation or general idiocy. They were few and far between, not frequent enough to be concerned about, not contradictory enough to wonder about their sanity. 
The new version, the world Karma had created, was the one everyone remembered.
It was something he worried about, and it had come true, but it was interesting. He and Kayano had been bitter to each other in that world, he’d always pushed at her, but their relationship now seemed to be like their original one.
“Events are easier to change. Choose option B instead of option A. But bonds are something we build up over a lifetime, they’re much more chemically ingrained in our memories, beliefs and thoughts. I don’t think they’re so easily changed.”
He wasn’t sure how much he could buy into Karasuma’s theory, but considering it was time, and not individuals that had changed, the redhead couldn’t say much against it. So they weren’t the same people he knew, but they weren’t that different either. It would take adjusting to, but he could deal with that. 
In the case of Terasaka’s group, it meant talking to them more than he had previously (he had to admit, some of his fondest memories from the reboot were with this group - after all, most friends wouldn’t help you commit arson). Karma could make an exception for Hazama though (she wore glasses permanently, the damage clear on her eye, thanks to that day, and he’d always feel guilty about it but it could have been so much worse), who shoved her phone at him, the photo application opened to an album called “Kuro Hime”. Fat, black, overbite. That was his baby alright!
People were trying to talk to him, celebrate his return, but he was more interested in the photos. Everything around him had changed. Not enough to be beyond recognition or to feel awkward, but enough that he knew. This fat little creature, with eyes half shut or with the cutest little blep, hadn’t changed. It was still demanding, still fluffy, still his.
The door opened again. “He’s really here?”
Nagisa. Karma turned to look and felt his heart stop. Following the shorter man (Karma may be beyond teasing Nagisa about his feminine appearance, his height was still fair game and Karma grinned, glad it hadn’t changed), was Kayano, clearly rushing from work (seemingly fine, but he was told bikini modelling was impossible and she’d spent a year in hospital, looking like a gladiator, Sugaya, hair covered with paint the colour of vomit, and Okuda.
She beamed, barely kicking off her shoes before she rushed out the back. He smiled back, patting her on the head as she wailed, tears staining his shirt. Takebayashi came not long after and Karma felt a pang in his chest. His family was back together.
This world would take some adjusting to. It was his, yet not his. It was strange, considering he was the one who had shaped it’s very existence. But it wasn’t all bad. He had his cat, his apartment, his family. 
He had a second chance and every opportunity available to him. A chance to right things and start new wonderful things. 
“Did you succeed?”
He nodded, throat tightening as his eyes became clouded with tears. “Yeah. Everything’s good now.”
The world wasn’t perfect. It never would be. Humans are strange creatures that do strange things, so there was no surprise there. The world wasn’t perfect, but it didn’t need to be.
Waiting for them was a good future.
Thank you again for reading <3
-Scrivener’s spell check was being weird, resulting in numerous “Karma-kins” instead of kuns and “Ritzs” instead of Ritsus. Mega replaced Megu, and it took me a while to realise I wasn’t writing about Pokemon lol Let me know if I missed any!
-I apologise if its weird. Trying out a new style and missing out a bunch of scenes (we all know what happens and this is sorta? A character study? Thing?) makes it seem a bit jumpy, but I still kinda like it haha. Also Karma is a brat and talks to such few people…
-Turned out more Karmanami than I thought? This was originally meant to be no ships…
-I feel like some parts I got Karma down well, and others… not so much lol
-Also, some things are probably inaccurate. This is in part due to no research/me not caring (time travel lmao), changes that have come about due to Karma’s actions, and me not watching the show for a while. I used the episode synopsis from wikipedia as my base, so manga only things aren’t involved, same for the extracurricular episodes (though I don’t believe Karma was much involved in those anyway). Speaking of which, non-Karma centric things have been ignored. 
-Also, I’m bad at fight scenes, sorry ;.; But like, when the fate of the world/someone’s life is on the line, I’d like to think middle schoolers would use it as a chance to fight all out. Sure, they’re somewhat trained assassins, but they’re kids who are allowed to beat each other up during class time. Personally I imagine the situation to be much more over the top, due to all the emotions behind it and the fact it’s their first time really going at other people. 
-There’s a line in ‘Change’, about Terasaka not being as aligned with E Class as he should be. I don’t know where I was going with this lmao
-The lab in the forest is based off the lab in the live actions.
-The original plan was to reverse the tentacles in Sensei and make him human again. Whoops.
-The ending is basically the same as the canon epilogue with slight differences. 
-This was meant to be 6k (6 chapters accordingly, all with ‘future’ or ‘past’ in the title), 10k if it got too big. Total word count is just under 22k. 
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kaedekayano · 7 years
hi it's me gakushuu anon here off anon to defend my identity as gakushuu lover #1 wanna scream more? i'm always listening literally bombard me with anything about my son i am waiting also i love your soul you're the pillar of the karushuu community
Wow, I am so flattered thank you so much omg
I’m writing meta (which I have not done in way too long) because I love my son and I love thinking about him and how much I want him to be happy. So here’s an analysis of his relationship with various people. Except it’s really incoherent because it’s late and I wasn’t trying very hard to be articulate, whoops. Have 1.3k of meta.
The Five Virtuosos
Ria @haise-potato and I were discussing them over Skype recently and I’m bringing back this post (http://karushuus.tumblr.com/post/148925252800/on-the-five-virtuosos-and-their-friendship-with), one of the first posts I’ve ever written, because oh boy do the Five Virtuosos fuck me up! People don’t really talk about them or what their relationship w/ Asano is because they are so minor 
But look, okay, they’re just a bunch of teenagers who are irresistibly drawn to Gakushuu because Gakushuu is canonically super charismatic and brilliant and everyone thinks he’s amazing, and they’re no exception, except they in all likelihood (see linked post for evidence) are damn well aware of the insecurities and weaknesses that lie beneath the surface
But God, they’re loyal to him and they love him and they know that they’re not his equals, that he’s too brilliant for everyone, but they care so much about him regardless even if they’re aware they can never really understand him because they aren’t on his level, and they believe in him despite those insecurities, which I think is really valuable, you know?
Dammit Gakushuu appreciate your fucking friends more. The group dynamic isn’t quite healthy but it could be if Gakushuu would just stop and communicate with them and I just — I just love them a lot because the group dynamic is so fascinating, they’re set up to be villains at first but they’re just middle schoolers who don’t quite know how to communicate with each other and that’s so human and understandable.
Also my wish is for all of them to have established character tags on AO3. Gakushuu and Ren already have one but what about the rest, hm
Gakuhou Asano
Heya just a little rant here but I really, really hate depictions of his relationship with his dad as black-and-white. No, Gakuhou wasn’t a good dad, stop portraying him as otherwise just because he started getting a little nicer toward the end of the story and he wasn’t an asshole twelve years ago. But he also wasn’t the devil. When I see fics where he constantly hits or sexually abuses his son I’m like the fuck, where did you get that from. Also wasn’t a pedophile!
Anyway! Fandom rants aside. Something I’m really big on when it comes to abusive relationships is that always, there’s a power imbalance. Yes, the show initially paints it so it seems like they’re competitors, and yeah, they are. Gakushuu is always trying to snatch away his dad’s power and get the better of him. But they weren’t equals, and Gakuhou was really the one in a position of power and authority, and he abused that.
It’s unclear how much of Gakushuu’s personality and ideals are because of his dad, but when Gakushuu tries to deviate from his dad’s principles, Gakuhou does not react well — hypnotizing the Virtuosos + all of Class A, and hitting his son in front of the class when it doesn’t work out for Gakuhou — plus when Gakushuu doesn’t do as well on finals, pole toppling festival, culture festival, etc. and thus isn’t the perfect son anymore, Gakuhou gives him a lot of shit for it. Presumably, a lot of the way Gakushuu is at his introduction — obsessive, manipulative, self-absorbed perfectionist with a notable superiority complex — is because of Gakuhou’s teaching.
Something I don’t see much in fics often: Gakushuu was around three years old when Ikeda died (resulting in Gakuhou’s personality change). While the two probably had an excellent relationship prior to that, it’s unlikely Gakushuu remembers anything from when he was three years old. The Gakushuu we see in-story has only ever known the Gakuhou who emphasizes strength to his students over kindness or compassion. Which is sad and crushing in all kinds of ways, honestly.
Something I really really want to emphasize: Gakuhou and Gakushuu both become noticeably better, kinder, less self-interested people by the end of the story. And that’s great. That’s amazing and impressive. But that doesn’t mean they’re suddenly both saints, especially Gakuhou. Please know that Gakushuu is a 15-year-old boy, aka a teenager, and being a teenager means you have a lot of emotions and you change a lot and you have to figure a lot of stuff out — so honestly, he probably underwent some radical changes, especially morality-wise. But he doesn’t need to forgive his father.
Riiight this is a subject that I cry a lot about but you never need to forgive someone who abused you, and the Asanos had an abusive relationship. Gakuhou was like that for twelve years, impacting the person Gakushuu became to an incredible extent. We don’t know how Gakushuu’s relationship with his dad changed post-canon, but “smooth sailing, everything is perfect now” is highly unlikely to be the answer.
(He did go to study at MIT, far far away from Japan, and so probably sees his dad less. And honestly, knowing that’s canon, I breathe a lot easier for it. Poor kid needs to get some freedom away from his dad.)
Karma Akabane
Yeah, okay, so my ship bias is showing through. Sue me. Anyway, I’m gonna be realistic — they don’t have a lot of interaction, and it’s all rivalry, but it’s not terribly in-depth in terms of mushy romantic stuff so I’m gonna skip shippy things and talk about what these two actually mean for each other. As foils, parallels, etc. they’re really interesting in the narrative choices made.
Gakushuu and Karma look really alike, by the way, as several people have mentioned. I literally thought when I first saw Gakushuu that he was Karma’s cousin or something. Of course, this is deliberate because foils — not gonna go in-depth on this, just thought it’d be nice to mention.
There is a whole lot of parallelism and juxtaposition with these two. Check out some of the gifsets from the anime, y’all. I’m fond of these: (one) (two)
Karma and Gakushuu aren’t polar opposites, not at all. What I’d describe them as is being similar in all the wrong ways, and the same for their differences. This kind of rivalry exists in real-life, just usually not in a shippy way. There’s always a whole lot of clashing because both of you are incredibly smart but you always want to do different things with that.
Class 3-E as a whole, not Karma specifically, is the first time Gakushuu really and truly tastes defeat, and he improves for it. It’s honestly great for his character development. Karma specifically, however, I think teaches Gakushuu a lot of things and forces him to improve. Karma basically seizes Gakushuu’s throne by three points, and sure, he’s all modest about it to the class, but to Gakushuu Asano’s face, doubtful. And good.
They both start out as these ominous, intimidating, arrogant types but reveal themselves to be so utterly fallible and flawed and okay I’d need a lot more time and a whole separate post for this but it’s really cool, okay. Karma’s arc is about forcing him to work harder because stop thinking you’re invincible, and Gakushuu’s is about him working too hard but he doesn’t need to be invincible. His dad constantly pushes him to be invincible, to be perfect, to never ever lose, and it just messes him up.
Just look at the gifsets. They explain it so much better than I ever could.
tl:dr; I love Gakushuu Asano my son he is so wonderfully complex and amazing and he’s obviously not a very good person but he’s getting there and I am so proud of him.
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kitto-toberu-sa · 7 years
Karushuu Week ‘16 - Cross Dressing
3-A had been divided. The administration had fought against it, but Asano was head strong and Akabane was just as stubborn and they did not want to work together.
Akabane had a ‘secret plan’ to make them earn the most for the school festival (“we’re not selling drugs are we?” “that’s illegal!” “it’s Akabane!” “secret plan? Sounds dodgy…” “Sounds AWESOME! I’m in!”). He was wild and weird, but he was far above the rest of the class, equal only to Asano.
Asano was a leader by nature, a genius by hard work and genetics, and a well proven success story, time and time again (“I’ve heard he had to buy a storage container just to fit all his awards in!” “He’s friends with celebrities! They mention him in tweets!” “Who cares? I heard he flew himself to space over the winter break!” “Is he friends with aliens?!” “Probably - it is Asano, after all!”).
It was a tough choice, yet the class was roughly evenly divided. So the budget was divided between the two teams and preparations were taken out with utmost secrecy. (Okay, maybe a little sabotage and espionage was involved, but that’s neither here nor there.)
The day of the event had the two classes placed at opposite ends of the building. Irina had told Gakushuu that his exotic cafe was boring compared to Karma’s idea. Karasuma much preferred Gakushuu’s - “you get exactly what you expect here. No funny business.”. Gakuhou said nothing, just gave a curt nod as he left (Gakushuu didn’t know what to make of it though he did want to shake the man until he at least said ‘the foods good’, or something generic to at least make him feel better).
Ren tried to sneak off to look but Asano made him get back to work. “It’s too late to stop whatever they’re doing now. We need to work hard and beat them through effort.”
There were no visitors from the other half of the class. Gakushuu had caved towards the end and stuck his head out the door. Of course, he couldn’t see into the classroom, but the other half of the class had a large line waiting to be let in. Asano wasn’t sure if that was poor planning or if they were just that popular. He sulked a little - their line wasn’t as big.
But by the end of the day, they’d made over 200,000 yen. The next closest class was only half of that, A Class had won regardless. Koyama voiced what was on everyone’s mind: “But did we beat Akabane?”
The other half of the class chose that moment to enter their home room. Ren groaned, “I should have visited them!”
Asano was slightly pissed. A maid cafe? Surely Akabane can come up with more than that? So much for his secret plan! While he was irritated that the opposing concept was so basic and cliche, he was slightly worried. Akabane had been hugely confident. Maid cafes weren’t usually enough to win first place. What’s he scheming?
(Asano had been confident in his cafe - around the world in 60 dishes. They’d managed to get three classrooms to themselves, and decorated it with traditional garb and even hire entertainment, such as a popular idol group he was friends with, Indian dancers and more. Tasty, entertaining and educational - an unstoppable trinity. Or so he’d thought.)
Click click click click
“Where’s Akabane?”
Click click click click
The rest of the class realised the demon was absent. Asano thought he understood.
Click click click click
“Don’t tell me…” He had a bad feeling. He wasn’t sure if he was ready for this.
Click click click click
The door burst open again. Akabane appeared, to a mix of laughter and confusion. Asano knew he’d lost. The shit eating grin said it all.
“I thought better of you, Asano. Not even 300,000 yen! I bet dear old dad will have a few words to say about that, hmm?” “How much did you make?” He tried to keep his voice level. Akabane would be at his throat the minute he showed a sign of weakness. “Oh? Well, the exact number doesn’t really matter, but it was a little over 400,000. Not bad, huh?”
Akabane moved closer, and Asano was slightly unnerved. Akabane could act rather well and had probably played his part well today, but seeing his usual demon self dressed up as a maid, complete with thigh highs and a ruffly skirt was just weird.
“We offered pictures to clients. Certain poses cost more, a bigger photo cost more, a cute comment written on the photo cost more. That type of stuff.”
Another boy (thankfully not in a maid outfit, though the boy next to him was decked out in frills too) piped up. “The more photos you bought put you in the chance for winning prizes, donated by our kind sponsors. Also, maids that had lots of people request them became harder to have photos with, obviously, so people wanted to get photos with certain people fast before they got popular or ran out of available photo time.”
Karma took over again. “On top of that, the more popular the maid, the more their photo cost. An excellent business method, don’t you think?” “And how much did your photos cost?” Asano wished he’d kept his mouth shut. “Curious, aren’t we? All photos started at 500 yen. By the end of the day, mine was worth 4,000~ Sad you didn’t get one? It’ll cost you, but we can have one later, if you want? You can even choose the pose! For free! Can’t let you leave today being a complete loser now!”
Their homeroom teacher came to congratulate them, halting any further conversation. They congratulated each other and finished packing up.
“Maids, make sure you put your outfits back in the drama department.” (A few grumbled - “we made these! Why should we have to give them up!”, but rules were rules and the outfits were returned. Except for one, but the teacher gave up on trying to get it back eventually.)
Asano didn’t forget. Akabane did, it seemed, because he forgot to charge him when they took the photos (yes, the plural there is correct - Akabane also seemed to forget he only offered one). But Asano would let the memory failure slide, just this once. After all, they were an excellent second place prize.
(Omake: “You finally got the photo with Akabane then?” “Why is he even keeping that outfit? Weirdo.” “Let’s see then!”
Asano had never run so fast in his life. If anyone sees these, I’m as good as dead!)
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luna-loner · 1 year
Random B5 Headcanons
Gakushuu sleeps on his back. He also has two sleeping mask, one's black and one's dark purple. He uses one when the other needs to be washed. He also can't sleep without them. He's thinking of buying a third one in case both are dirty, ruined, or lost. (He's not sure which color, though...)
Ren absolutely hates multitasking. He can do it when he puts his mind to it, but prefers to handle one thing at a time.
The only exception's when girls are involved, now that's something Ren can juggle with whatever he's currently doing. The B5 constantly tease him for this.
For that reason, he doesn't enjoy singing and playing base simultaneously unless Gakushuu makes him he really has to. That's why Seo's usually the backup singer.
Speaking of, Ren's voice is much more suited for calm, relaxing songs, but it can't handle high notes or fast tempos. Gakushuu's constantly tells him to work on his breathing technique.
Seo's a bit of neat freak. He won't go above and beyond with cleaning until there isn't so much as a speck of dust in his room, but he's serious about organizing and good hygenie. He will never show up to school with bad body odor or his uniform wrinkled.
Still, he hates doing chores. Folding his clothes? Yeah, sure; he's gotta a cool image to keep. Folding everyone's clothes?? Get outta here! He'll even get outta the house just to avoid chores. (He's usually successful because he claims to have a study session with his friends, usually.)
By contrast, Araki's the messiest of the bunch. Organized doesn't exist in his book. The first time Seo came over, he nearly had a heart attack from the sight of Araki's sorry excuse of a bedroom.
Araki tends to hoard books and newspapers, especially old ones. He's also got plenty of notebooks and journals stacked on his desk, nightstand, and on the floor. Boy loves knowledge, okay?
Koyama's a great cook (credits to @/fivesmartfackers-blog for this one) because he would observe his mother cooking and strictly follows reciptes. However, he sometimes messes up due to vague instructions like add a pinch of salt, so he ends up adding too much or too little. He'll mess up other measurements when he's too focused on getting them just right. How? Even he doesn't know.
Even when it states to add a table spoon of an ingredient, he'll question if it's too little and add one or two more table spoons "just in case"
Luckily, these's a few instances as he proudly proclaims his cooking to be great 2 out of 10 times.
Araki has a massive sweet and will readily taste-test Koyama's snacks. Even when it's too sugary, he'll like it.
Gakushuu's not a fan of sweets. He may have the world's 2nd worst sleeping schedule (1st place obviously goes to Gakuhou), he's not so negligant with his eating habits. This boy is strict about having a healthy, balanced diet. He has a habit of checking food labels whenever he goes grocery shopping.
He's also a great cook and even takes over meal preps at home, not because he wants to do something nice for his mom, but because cooking's one of the few skills Gakuhou lacks. Gakushuu makes sure to rub it in during breakfast.
No matter how busy he is, Gakushuu will wake up early in the morning to make breakfast just to mock his dad. That's how petty he is.
Obviously, he doesn't do that when he's got tests. Those early hours of dawn are spent on studying instead. He lets his mom know so she knows what to cook.
Koyama's heavy sleeper. He's had brief moments of lucid dreaming before his consciousness slips away again.
Dragons are his spirit animal, which is why they're also his first choice for profile pics.
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by FanFiction_Artist_Prototype
Quirks do not equate to intelligence, Izuku could tell you that. He was an example of it, quirkless and in Kunugigaoka's A-class. A class filled exclusively(bar him) with kids with intelligence enhancement quirks.
And then, third year rolls around and he's dropped from A-class all the way to E-class. But he doesn't care. He'd been shoved down, dragged through the mud and spat on all his life, and he'd always offered a helping hand to E-class before so he doesn't care. Many of his kohai's don't seem to care either.
Once he's in UA he thinks it's time to push Kunugigaoka from his mind, put it into a little box and forget about the comments that hurt more than being called quirkless. Forget about being called a delinquent, a savage, being accused of every bad thing because he and his classmates hadn't fit the right image.
But then, of course, the universe drags him back to his shit hole away from home, and he figures it can't get any worse until he spots the welcome wagon.
"Midoriya, it's lovely to see you. I thought you'd be too embarrassed to ever return."
"That's Midoriya-senpai to you, Asano."
Words: 1465, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Assassination Classroom
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Other
Characters: Terasaka Ryouma, Asano Gakushuu, Asano Gakuhou, Shiota Nagisa, Akabane Karma, Kayano Kaede, Chiba Ryuunosuke, Ritsu (Assassination Classroom), Okajima Taiga, Okuda Manami, Irina Jelavić, Karasuma Tadaomi, Korosensei (Assassination Classroom), Sugino Tomohito, Kanzaki Yukiko, Kataoka Megu, Isogai Yuuma, Maehara Hiroto, Okano Hinata, Yada Touka, Kimura Masayoshi, Mimura Kouki, Kurahashi Hinano, Sugaya Sousuke, Takebayashi Koutarou, Nakamura Rio, Hazama Kirara, Hayami Rinka, Hara Sumire, Fuwa Yuzuki, Muramatsu Takuya, Yoshida Taisei, Horibe Itona, Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Uraraka Ochako, Asui Tsuyu, Kaminari Denki, Ashido Mina, Sero Hanta, Kirishima Eijirou, Satou Rikidou, Kouda Kouji, Shouji Mezou, Tokoyami Fumikage, Aoyama Yuuga, Hagakure Tooru, Ojiro Mashirao, Jirou Kyouka, Yaoyorozu Momo, Mineta Minoru, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yagi Toshinori | All Might
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Shiota Nagisa, Akabane Karma & Midoriya Izuku, Class 3-E (Assassination Classroom) & Midoriya Izuku, Kayano Kaede & Midoriya Izuku, Korosensei (Assassination Classroom) & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Ritsu (Assassination Classroom), Midoriya Izuku & Everyone
Additional Tags: Class 3 E (Assassination Classroom), Assassination, Assassination Attempt(s), Worried Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), BAMF Midoriya Izuku, Protective Midoriya Izuku, Sassy Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku is a Good Friend, Midoriya Izuku Swears, Delinquent, Delinquent Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya was in 3-E, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Midoriya went to Kunigogawka, Junior High, Mistakes were made, Midoriya is loved by all, Midoriya Izuku is a Ray of Sunshine, Senpai-Kouhai Relationship, Midoriya would like to murder a few people, But he won't, Rivalry, Except Korosensei he's happy to kill him, Asano could you not, The Author Regrets Nothing, Everybody but Bakugou be drinking the respect Midoriya juice, what even are tags?, 3-E hate Bakugou, 3-E love Midoriya Izuku, but like, who doesn't?, Can we appreciate the fact that, in the world of seasonal anime, AssClass is old?, There be no BEGONE THOT memes for Ms.Bitch, Ms.Bitch may be a thot, but she's a good thot, Excessive use of the mental image of THE Picachu meme, Memes
0 notes
fumiko-matsubara · 3 years
List of Multi-talented AssClass Characters
This includes both characters who have actually showcased their many skills and characters who had shown potential to be multi talented.
¤ The teachers, assassins, and Gakuhou won't be included in the list as they are already a given.
Asano Gakushuu
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I mean, do I even have to say anything? He's got the grades, the athleticism, the artistry, the reputation, and even being able to responsibly handle all of these at the same time. Rather than asking what else he can do, the better question is: What CAN'T he do??
This guy is the epitome of multi talented because it's not just him having a lot of skills, but you can really expect him to be good at each and every single one of them. Truly an ace.
Akabane Karma
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This one is just half-assed lol. But let's be real, I can't even expressed how much of a genius this guy is, it's actually terrifying. Like imagine being able to remember the stuffs you've secretly studied for after two weeks of study ban, to the point that you managed to place 2nd in rankings among the entire 3rd years?? He's ridiculous.
I think it's just him being disinterested that's stopping him, because it should be obvious that he'd be the type to easily become scarily good at the skills he just picked up.
Isogai Yuuma
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Being practical is his strongest suit. It probably stemmed from the fact that he's currently the one providing for his family, but I could totally see Isogai picking up plenty of skills just for the sake of making things easier. For all we know, he could've tried applying for different kinds of jobs that required certain skills before he settled on being a waiter.
Then top it all off with his good grades, being athletic, and leading the class well, yeah he's got it good.
Sugino Tomohito
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One day we are going to have a whole discussion about Sugino having many hidden talents (that he's also VERY good at doing). Let's start off with baseball. It has been confirmed by Matsui himself that ever since Sugino had joined a local baseball team in town, along with perfecting his own curved ball pitching technique, it's been assessed that in the technical side of baseball, Sugino should have already surpassed Shindou in most areas.
As stated by Karasuma in the character book, Sugino literally has ZERO flaws in his assassination skills and if you look at his stats, there was not a single category that he was lacking in omg. Sugino had also shown exceptional skills in the art department, specifically in acting and drawing, as repeatedly praised by Korosensei.
Chiba Ryuunosuke
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Being multi-talented isn't just about having as many skills as possible, it's also about being incredibly good at the skills you have even if they aren't that many. Chiba is a great example of this.
Sniping, maths, architecture, and spatial awareness ー those are some of the skills he was explicitly shown to have in canon and there is no denying that he is good at every single of one these. Not just good actually, but exceptional, to the point of being directly praised by actual professionals themselves.
Kayano Kaede
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Being a gifted young actress, it would be no surprise that Kayano would have to have a very wide range of skills in order to be able to tackle any acting role given to her, which is what she was specifically known for.
And who passes the entrance exams of an academically renowned school on their first try at the last minute? She has it all lol.
Kataoka Megu
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I think Megu is the type to find herself picking up skills and become good at them since she is a leader with a natural sense of responsibility. Especially when it's sports, because you're telling me that this ace swimmer with a record for freestyle swimming is also good at basketball, enough to both coach, lead, and carry her team all at the same time?? Damn.
Of course not forgetting the fact that she's also one with exceptional grades and is good at languages, Megu is defintely a well-rounded leader. Wish we could have seen more from her.
Hayami Rinka
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As remarked by Koro-sensei, Hayami is a "jack of all trades but lacks in her own individuality and passion". Because she is said to be skilled enough in so many things, she became a reliable worker who people can depend on no matter what it is for as she can surely tackle them.
Perhaps a little bit too reliable? While there are some skills that she is obviously good at, like her sniping and dancing, I don't think people would really notice how much of an ace she is at first glance, likely because she wasn't being loud about it (as in she was lowkey).
Maehara Hiroto
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Defintely the dress to impress type.
I am adding Maehara to this list because this dude came back 3 years later and suddenly he's good at b-boying!
He's good at sports, dancing, singing, he gets along with people, he dresses well, and for a carefree playboy like him, the last thing you would expect from him is his best subject being Maths, right?
I won't be surprised if plenty of these were just because he wanted to impress the girls he goes on dates with. If anything, it's likely lol. Whatever helps him I guess.
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Bonus: Potentially multi-talented
Yada Touka
Being under the tutelage of Irina, it would be no surprise that Yada would end up wanting to expand her skillset as she'd find it beneficial for her in the future.
Nakamura Rio
Maybe because she's bored or just wants to be funny, but Nakamura had shown skills with... random stuffs (like diassembling gadgets or the ability to make geeky boys flustered with her dirty jokes through the school radio... 😭). As long as it can be funny, I think she can pick up anything she can use to toy with others.
Kurahashi Hinano
Drawing! It's surprising because no one can argue that she is the best at it among the girls, but it wasn't explicitly showcased AT ALL (if it weren't for that skills ranking in the manga extras, we wouldn't have known this). I wonder what else she's really good at that haven't been addressed.
Takebayashi Koutarou
I am adding that joke from the career chapter of Koro q that Takebayashi is apparently good enough at dancing to land a career for it 😂
But yes, he also ranked 4th best artist among the boys for being the "2D master". Being an anime fan does have plenty of perks... I wonder how good his singing is 🤔
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We are the Freaks
We Are The Freaks by Dollars tore
They weren't human; they lived their lives in the shadows for showing their faces to the light was sure to end in disaster. Their very nature branded them as enemies of the government, the same government who they were supposed to be aiding.
Words: 1053, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Assassination Classroom
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: Other
Characters: Shiota Nagisa, Akabane Karma, Kayano Kaede, Horibe Itona, Korosensei, Class 3-E, Karasuma Tadaomi, Irina Jelavić
Relationships: Akabane Karma/Shiota Nagisa
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Tokyo Ghoul AU, ajin au, Ghoul Nagisa, Ajin Nagisa, Ajin Karma, Ghoul Kaede, Ghoul Itona, Blood and Gore, Violence, Character Death, but don't worry, They don't stay dead for long, Except Korosensei, Maybe - Freeform, we'll see, Shiota Nagisa Needs a Hug, Akabane Karma Needs a Hug, Kayano Kaede Needs a Hug, (Why is that not a tag?), Horibe Itona Needs a Hug, (Why is that not a tag? Part 2), Cannibalism, The four of them have the odd feral moment, Korosensei loves his feral children, Nagisa what you got there?, A knife - Freeform, no!, okay i'll stop, Dismemberment, Suicide, Look this is not a happy AU, There will be happy moments, Because AssClass, but still, not a happy AU, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Because unfortunately Hiromi & Gakuhou exist, They won't be appearing much - Freeform, But they still exist so the tag's necessary, Ajins have red eyes
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28714740
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