#not what other aspect that comes along with being a class e student (eg. disappointment and family pressure and all that)
fumiko-matsubara · 2 years
Rules against Class E students don't work for the most part - A fairly detailed analysis
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So to start this off, let's list out all the cons the kids got for dropping to Class 3-E.
Fairly poor learning environment: old wooden building with no air conditioning and heater for summer and winter season accommodations, located at a mountain top, likely with poor transmissions.
This is fairly bad itself if you look at it in a third party perspective. However, it was never specified in the school rules against 3E students modifying the building themselves in accordance to their comfort.
And as I have stated in the first chapter of my fanfic TARGET ON, although through the perspective of our queen Miki herself:
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In the Gakuhou episode, we've literally seen Class E repairing the partially wrecked school building by themselves, and Gakuhou just let them be. I bet he wouldn't even blink an eye if the kids had installed an air conditioner or heater in their classroom, using their own money. (Karasuma's initial proposal to do the same was rejected because the cost would then be covered by the government).
And with the way the current generation of 3E students are, learning in an old wooden building is the least of their concerns... well, except for the lack of air conditioning and heater, that is, as well as the 1 km distance towards the main building when attending monthly school assemblies during lunch break.
Discrimination - considering this whole thing being like the "worst" that could happen to a 3E student is a tad bit confusing.
Our lovely @/blazardragon had translated this part of the character book, where it specified that majority of the shit-talking 3E students have been receiving are from Class 3-D students, which we have seen plenty of times in the manga.
And it's a fairly realistic scenario, actually. Non geniuses 3A kids are way too busy with keeping up with their studies (aka attending cram school and such) to even waste their time on mocking an irrelevant class.
3B students are booked and busy, maintaining their grades while making sure they're at their best conditions when doing their club activities. Like the sport aces are mostly in that class and as we've seen in the interaction Sugino had with his former baseball teammates, they didn't even bother with talking shit to them lol.
And I highkey feel like that 3C students would tend to forget that they even have the power to discriminate against 3E students however they like. Most likely because they're just... a normal class. Not too high and not too low, just vibing comfortably in the middle. Being in a class like that would reasonably make one forget that there was even a harsh system in that school. For proof, we have the retaliation chapter, where Kaho belatedly realizes that she can actually put the whole blame towards Maehara without being questioned because he's just a mere scummish 3E student.
And as for Class 3-D students:
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Pretty much self-explanatory now, is it?
Aside from the monthly assemblies in which of course everyone would shit on the kids as the dean was literally prompting them to do so, on a usual day, it's just the same 40 students with recycled comments 😭 Actually, maybe not all 40 3-D students. Some reasonable kids could just not bother to specifically approach a 3E kid to talk shit about them.
So unless one is a sensitive soul that gets affected by every damn negative thing said about them, regardless if it's the same old tauntings, I don't think the current generation of 3E students would care so much about the discrimination they faced in school if we're being honest here.
The so-called hierarchy between Class E and the other 3rd years - in which, based on my understanding from Gakuho's brief explanation of the concept, is when 3E students could never talk over any main building student.
Which, let's be real here, is a completely useless rule since 3E students are literally located a whole kilometer away from the main building 3rd years and are never allowed to stay within the main campus, except for the mandatory school assemblies... that occurs monthly.
"But they could still encounter each other whenever they enter/exit the school and outside of the school campus."
You think that the 3E kids wouldn't make the effort to avoid them when they go through the gates, now? Or that they don't make sure they wouldn't encounter any main building student off campus??
Of course they would lol. Who would wanna let themselves be ridiculed on public?? 😂
What happened in the retaliation chapter was just stupidity on Maehara's part lol. He literally called Seo an idiot, the very virtuoso from Class A with anger issues, so what else does he expect?? He dated a bunch of girls after Kaho too, so why the hell did he willingly choose to come back to her life, knowing he's a Class E student with little to no rights against a student from a much higher class?? His choice hence his fault.
3E Students are forbidden to participate in school club activities - another loophole found in this 3E policy lol.
As revealed in the baseball arc, despite being kicked out of the school baseball team, Sugino was still able to join a local baseball team in their town without actually violating the school rule. Then the same would go for the other 3E kids who got kicked out of their old clubs, especially for the athletes who can just easily join a local team.
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Like it was Gakuhou, of all people, who revealed that information and even commended Sugino for working hard despite his disadvantages.
When I tell you that this man DOES NOT CARE about people finding loopholes in his system 😭
Students who are still in 3-E by the end of the 2nd semester will not be permitted to graduate - basically when a 3E student have been failing to rank within the Top 50 until December. Their last chance to rank was the 2nd semester final exams, in which had they succeeded in ranking high, they are allowed to transfer back to their old class and then spend the remaining school year only preparing for their high school entrance exams.
To be honest, this is the only 3E con that is actually a con of being a 3E student.
But then again, our current generation of 3E students pulled a 180° and managed to all rank within the top 50, decided to stay in Class E, and still graduate along with the other 3rd years.
And as for the previous generations of 3E students, maybe not all, but some of them could have just easily brushed off not graduating from Kunugigaoka, transfer to a more normal junior high, and graduate there instead.
Failing to graduate, regardless of what school one is from, could be very hard for a lot of students. But at the same time, there are also students who don't make a big deal out of not graduating, especially from a very academically challenging prestigious school like Kunugigaoka.
So what do we get from this section? The disadvantages of being a Class 3-E student aren't really a disadvantage with the amount of loopholes you can find in the implemented rules.
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