#evil wig
corruptedcaps · 4 months
Bad Blonde
This is a repost of as story I made on Wordpress when I migrated over there briefly. Will repost the next parts over the next few days
Lucy and her girlfriend Dora were enjoying a lovely Saturday searching for some unique finds at a variety of thrift stores. Being poor college students this was more of a necessity than anything else but they did get a thrill from finding long forgotten fashions. This didn't get them many friends on campus however as their tastes were mocked for being outdated and weird but they didn't care because they had each other's like minded company.
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It was getting late and Lucy was getting tired but Dora wanted to check out one more store she spotted down an alley off the main street. Lucy didn't like the look of the dark empty alley but didn't want to admit she was scared.
"Don't you have work soon? Do we really have time for another store?" Lucy said to Dora trying to dissuade her.
"I have time as long as I go straight there from here. Come on we might discover a real find!" Dora said excitedly already walking into the alley. Lucy begrudgingly followed her.
The little bell above the shop door clanged as they entered the store finding it to be somehow even darker inside than it was outside. A heavily tattooed woman sat behind the counter not acknowledging their presence. The shelves were filled with odd knick knacks and items and most of the clothes were dark and tight looking. Lucy couldn't see a single thing that fit her style. However something did catch her eye.
In the back amongst a line of black wigs on mannequin heads sat a lone blonde wig. It was incredibly straight and smooth like it was made out of spun gold. The blonde colour was like a beacon to Lucy in the sea of dark shades and she felt drawn over to it. Picking it up it felt somehow even softer than she thought it would be and incredibly real.
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As a lifelong brunette she had always been curious what she would look like with a different colour although strangely never wondered what blonde would look like. She always associated blonde with the mean girls who bullied her in high school or the spoilt sorority girls in college. Even the mannequin head that the wig had been sitting on looked bitchy. Lucy being the kind and gentle woman that she was, never entertained what being blonde could look like but as she held the wig in her hands she suddenly had a great desire to find out.
Slipping it on felt like putting on a snug glove. With a little tuck here and there the seams of the wig completed disappeared along with any visible signs of her brown locks. Finding a mirror she was almost taken aback by how different she looked. It may have been because the mirror was dirty and it was dark in the store but Lucy could have sworn her skin looked clearer and her lips looked fuller. Her postured shifted slightly the more she looked at her reflection.
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With a hand on her hips and her chest sticking out she was suddenly reminded of all the mean blondes she had ever met and it sent a shiver down her spine. Although not out fear but out of pride. She was liking the way she looked.
"You look so good." Said an unfamiliar voice that sounded almost like it was in her head.
"What?" Lucy replied confused.
"I said you look good as a blonde." Dora said, Lucy having failed to realise she had been beside her the whole time. She put the mysterious voice down to Dora and focused on her reflection again.
"I do don't I?" Lucy said stroking the hair as if it were a part of her.
"Go on give me a go." Dora said reaching up to take the wig from her but Lucy reflexively slapped her hand away. A sudden flood of anger surged up in her.
"As if, you'd only ruin it with your big fat head." Lucy hissed at Dora as she looked her up and down like she was disgusted by her very existence. Tears welled up in Dora's eyes and she ran out of the shop. For a fleeting moment Lucy felt triumphant, even pleasure of what she did but then her conscience got the better of her. Ripping off the wig and stuffing it unconsciously into her bag she ran out of the store after Dora. She finally caught up with her girlfriend who was sitting on a bench gently sobbing.
"Honey I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me. You know I didn't mean it right?" Lucy said sitting down beside her. Dora looked up at her wiping her tears from her eyes.
"Yeah, I guess. Sorry you know I am just a little sensitive about my weight. I probably over reacted, I shouldn't have tried to take the wig from your head." Dora said.
"You don't need to apologise, I was the one being a bitch. Look to make it up to you I'll buy tonights dinner and we can have it when you get back from work." Lucy said putting her arm around her but Dora quickly broke from the embrace and stood.
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"Oh shoot I had forgot about work, I better go otherwise they'll dock my pay. I'll see you at home later. Love you." Dora said quickly hurrying away. Lucy blew her a kiss and headed home herself.
Arriving back a little while later Lucy tiredly went into her bedroom. Throwing her backpack on the bed she slumped beside it exhausted. Closing her eyes she knew she could almost fall asleep there and then but knew she should keep to her promise and get food for when Dora would be back. Opening her eyes she was surprised to see the blonde wig from the shop staring right at her. Sitting up she saw the zipper of her bag open and suddenly she remebered.
"Oh damn I must have stuffed it into my bag during all the drama with Dora. The store will be closed by now so I'll have to drop it back tomorrow. Hopefully they don't think I'm some thief." She said taking the wig in her hands and walking over to her mirror.
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"It is such a wonderful wig though. Now that it's here it would be a shame if I didn't try it on again." She said to herself as her hands were already guiding it onto her head. Once again she marvelled at how fast it slipped snuggly onto her head and how her own hair seemed to vanish.
"God it does look fantastic on me doesn't it. I look kind of sexy as a blonde. Kind of naughty too." She said letting her hand slip into her panties to touch her increasingly wet pussy. Closing her eyes she started to picture how she would look to be a blonde all the time. Doing so turning herself on more. That's where she heard the voice again.
"You know what would be even hotter? If you opened your eyes, took off those glasses of yours and watched yourself finger yourself." The voice whispered. This time Lucy didn't question where the voice was coming from, instead she did as it suggested. Opening her eyes she removed her glasses and watched as she slid her fingers in and out of her pussy slowly. She didn't have to imagine what it would be like to be blonde, she could just watch herself.
"Oh fuck why is this so much hotter?" Lucy said increasing her pace slightly unable to take her eyes off herself.
“Because it’s so dirty! You love how slutty you look with me on your head.” The wig replied clueing Lucy into where the voice was coming from. Lucy nodded in agreement. She should have been concerned that she was hearing an inanimate object suddenly speak to her but its suggestions were hitting all the right spots too much to care. This was something she would never normally do but with the blonde wig on she felt empowered and mischievous. She felt sexually charged knowing how so unlike her this was.
“Oh fuck you’re right! I look so gorgeous and hawt as a blonde! Almost as good as those sorority bitches.” Lucy said, her voice taking on a bratty whine.
“It’s a good start but let’s make some improvements. When I’m done with you those girls won’t even be in your league.” The wig said.
Immediately Lucy felt her body start to twist, shift & change. All the while she continued to pleasure herself.
First to change was her extra flab around her midsection. She watched in awe as it sunk into her belly. Not only that but she felt little pulses rhythmically hit her stomach. Each new pulse tightened her abdomen making it perfectly toned like that of a gym bunny. This extended out to her legs and arms too giving her a peak physique.
She felt instantly arrogant about her new athletic form as she observed it in the mirror and knew other girls would be jealous of her. She loved the thought of others green with envy about her.
“I feel so strong and flexible. God it’s so intoxicating!” Lucy moaned her hands soaking wet with pleasure.
“We’re only getting started my dear.” The wig said with mischief in its tone. No sooner had it said those words that Lucy felt her body start to lightly vibrate. As it did she felt all hair below her neck start to fall off her body giving her a perfectly smooth form. She felt it most immediately around her pussy. She was so distracted by it that she almost failed to register her skin take on a light tan head to toe.
“Mmmm I’m beach ready looking like this. I can see it now, me sitting looking like a million bucks lounging on a deck chair in designer sunglasses. Guys and girls flocking to my side. Oh god I want it now!” Lucy cried out imagining the tight animal print bikini she would wear while continuing to massage her clit.
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“That will be your reality soon just a few more tweaks… oh this one may interrupt you for just a moment.” The wig continued and it certainly did as Lucy felt her nails double in length. She gasped as the fingers inside her suddenly caused extra sensitivity. The gasp quickly turned into a deep cackle. She loved how the new nails felt in and outside of her.
By now her mind was swimming with dirty and bad thoughts. How could it not when she looked every bit the bratty bitch she used to hate. She now knew why hot girls always looked down on her. She felt superior now. She felt herself recoil remembering how she used to look only minutes ago.
There was one thing missing though and somehow Lucy knew the wig wouldn’t give it to her unless she explicitly asked for it.
“I feel like such a hawt little slut now but if I’m to become queen bitch I need one more upgrade and I need it to be big. Make my boobs grow! Give me big perfect tits!” Lucy demanded and the wig obliged.
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Lucy moaned as her chest heaved as her two petit breasts grew substantially bigger. The previous slight sag she had completely erased, replaced by gravity defying perfection. She took a moment from touching herself to massage her new tits lovingly.
“Fuck yes! I am perfection! Pathetic Lucy is gone! The mean uber bitch Lucia has been born.” She moaned sticking her fingers back in her pussy, inching towards climax. She looked upon her new body with vain satisfaction. Smirking she thought about how as Lucy she would shrink into the shadows in the presence of such beauty but as Lucia she would never be in dark anymore. Others would shrink from her.
“When you cum you’ll release enough endorphins to allow me to burrow deep into your head. You’ll make the bitch queen Lucia permanent. No one will stand in your way. You’ll become the meanest, hottest bully in town and your first victim can be that pitiful girlfriend of yours.” The wig said with a long cold laugh inside Lucia’s mind. However something didn’t feel right. She wanted this power so much but could she sacrifice her relationship to have it?
“No Dora can be left out of this, she is weak & ugly but meaningless. I won’t bully her.” Lucia said ever slightly slowing her pace as her conscience started to intrude.
“Don’t you see? She’s holding you back from achieving greatness! No one is above your power and you must embrace that! You have to destroy everything Lucy had if you are to become Lucia. Perhaps a little more incentive is needed.” The wig hissed and Lucia felt her tits grow even more, her waist further clenched and her butt grew out. Lucia moaned as the pleasure became unbelievable.
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“Mmm maybe you’re right, that loser is standing in my way of achieving what I deserve! I need to drop her like the heavy weight that she is. No! What am I saying? She’s the love of my life and you’re evil! You’ve turned me into a cruel and egotistical narcissistic. I have to stop this now!” Lucia yelled reaching up to remove the wig.
The wig increased the changes, her face became steely cold, her nails even longer, it even mustered enough dark magic to change Lucia’s clothes into something tight and form fitting. Lucia smirked at how gorgeous she was, how powerful she had become but it was all in vain as she used all her willpower to rip the wig off.
Once the wig was off her body reverted back to her normal unremarkable form. Lucy had returned. However she instantly felt like she was in withdrawal. The thoughts of being Lucia lingered in her mind like an itch she couldn’t scratch. She needed to get the wig out of there.
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Carefully rolling it up in a garbage bag she stuffed it into their freezer for the time being. As much as she wanted to get rid of it she just couldn’t compel herself to do it. Heading to bed she hoped that by the morning the hunger to wear it would subside…
To be continued…
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mindyvee · 1 year
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There can only be one 👩🏼👩🏼
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According to Vincent Price, this is one of his favorite film performances. I'll admit, he was absolutely wonderful as Witchfinder Matthew Hopkins. His acting was perfection. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it.
Vincent Price as Matthew Hopkins
Witchfinder General/The Conqueror Worm (1968) dir. Michael Reeves
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milkbreadtoast · 9 months
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OC💙🧡 (drops w no context)
edit: ok some context.. it's all the same girl! Her name is 이설/Yi Seol. the long hair is a disguise/fake identity (for plot reasons)... I think I'll make her fake name 김노을/Kim Noeul
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dailydegurechaff · 10 months
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Today's Daily Degurechaff is… clown mode
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theonlyadawong · 5 months
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ada wong without her ada wig
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shinylightblue · 2 years
HotD revealing again what the real tragedy is: Men™
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gloomyjulliette · 6 months
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Who do I have to write a firmly worded letter too because are you kidding me?
Edit: Hmm before this gets to making the rounds let me preface this by saying I don't think there was anything racially motivated about the Sheva decision so much as it was laziness, as much as I would've loved to see a Post 5 Sheva, if you all recall Rebecca was utterly useless in Vendetta, a deus ex machina strapped to a bed taking 45 minutes to die while Chris and Leon were riding around in trucks and motorcycles. I don't think Sheva getting nerfed in that way was worth what was essentially a glorified cameo.
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tamerahardy · 2 months
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Hi, I’m Cortana
I have access to security codes, surveillance plans, the works!
But there's gonna be a price.
Name it.
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jesterlaughingstock · 8 months
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Solely posting this rn because im tired of (and getting a little bit cross eyed tbh) looking at it
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corruptedcaps · 4 months
Bad Blonde: Lucy
This is a ‘what if’ follow up to Bad Blonde where Lucy’s willpower fails her.
Lucy had hoped that a good night sleep would have cleared her mind of any further urge to put on the wig but her dreams had made sure to stoke the fire of her desire. Her dreams were filled with images of her as Lucia. She was feared and loved in equal measure and took what she wanted without care for anyone else. It felt liberating. She was filled with such confidence and power in her dream world that when she woke the next morning she felt incredibly deflated.
At breakfast she stared intensely at the fridge freezer knowing what was hidden behind the door. She could almost hear the voice of the wig call out to her, tempting her to open it, rip open the garbage bag and shove the wig on her head. She found herself wet at the mere thought of it as she sat eating her breakfast. She felt on edge and wasn’t sure she could last. She hadn’t even noticed Dora walk in.
“Hey babe, you look like a wreck.” Dora said bluntly. Lucy knew her girlfriend meant it out of worry but the comment made her snap.
“What the hell is that suppose to mean?” Lucy hissed at Dora who seemed taken aback by sudden vitriol.
“I-I just mean you look like you had a bad night sleep is all.” Dora said sheepishly backing away slightly.
“Well I did if you must know but keep your comments to yourself.” Lucy said filling with rage by the second.
“Lucy what’s gotten into you? First it was that nasty comment yesterday then I get home and you didn’t get the food you said you would and now you’re acting like a b-i-t-c-h.” Dora said finding some courage but almost instantly regretting it when she saw the fire in Lucy’s eyes.
Lucy was livid staring at Dora. How dare she be so insolent! Who did she think she was speaking to? Lucy was a goddess compared to Dora.
That’s when it hit Lucy. She wanted the power over Dora, she wanted to be her bully more than she wanted to be her girlfriend. The wig had given her a taste of being a bad bitch and now she wanted it for good. Last night she had been foolish to reject the power in favour of relationship. She would never make that mistake again.
“You think I’m acting like a bitch now? You haven’t seen anything yet!” She roared like a woman possessed, tossing her breakfast to the ground. She threw open the freezer door and pulled out the garbage bag. She ripped it open like a wild animal until she found her prize.
“Come to mama.” She purred putting the wig onto her head while Dora looked on at the bizarre scene taking place which was just about to get weirder.
Lucy threw her head back in ecstasy as the wig got to work changing her quickly. Lucy moaned as her body was recreated in the same form as last night. Big breasted, tight bodied and pure malice. It was so overwhelming that Lucy came multiple times, each one cementing her corruption. Every wave courting her nightgown into a piece of black latex until she was clad head to toe and sealed inside the shiny material.
Each wave of pleasure further pushed the wigs tendrils deep into her head choking out her natural brunette strands and replacing them. Within moments Lucy stood there a picture of pure bitchy evil. Dora looked on in horror.
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“What the fuck are you looking at loser? You’re acting like you’ve never seen a goddess before. What am I saying, of course you haven’t. You’ve been stuck with that flabby body your whole life.” Lucy said with a cackle. She loved seeing tears well up in Dora’s eyes. It felt so good to be bad.
“L-Lucy what happened to you.” Dora stammered unable to keep in the sobs.
“Lucy’s dead freak, I’m Lucia your new nightmare. God to think I wasted my time being with you. Look at you, you’re pathetic, worthless and ugly. You held me back from being the evil bitch I’ve always wanted to be. My new gorgeous hair made me realize what an anchor you’ve been and freed me. I’m a goddess now!” Lucia hissed at Dora who was now sobbing uncontrollably.
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“You’ve lucky that I want to put a few miles on my sexy new body otherwise I’d stay here humiliating you more. Now move you gross moron I have a new wardrobe of tight slutty clothes to buy. But don’t worry I’ll be back tomorrow, then our fun will begin.” Lucia said pushing Dora to the ground and walking out of their apartment.
That night Lucia made herself known campus wide as a force to be reckoned with. She quickly asserted her dominance over the most popular sorority and became their head within the week. The other girls fell in line obediently and started emulating her fashion and meanness. She loved having a flock of beta bitches at her beck and call.
They were especially useful when it came to bullying Dora when Lucia wanted to party or fuck. Lucia would assign her army different tasks to torture her previous lover. It all became too much for Dora and she dropped out. Lucia couldn’t have that though, she got off the most by picking on Dora. Thankfully the wig let her in on a secret. A power it only shared with true bitchy hosts.
A single strand of Lucia’s hair implanted in someone else would make the recipient subservient to Lucia no matter what. Lucia smirked as the wig filled her in on the delicious power, filling her mind with evil plans. Lucia however had her Guinea pig already picked out.
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Dora woke up groggy in a room she didn’t recognize. What she did recognize was the figure sitting in front of her on a bed. Even for all the torture Lucia had put her through Dora couldn’t deny how attractive she was. She was actually finding it hard to find anything of fault with her kidnapper. The longer she stared at Lucia the more she felt overcome with desire to please her.
“Who do you serve slave?” Lucia said smirking down at Dora. For a moment Lucia could see an ounce of rebellion in her former friends eyes, like there was a part of her fighting the control but then in a flash it was gone replaced by slavish devotion.
“You of course Mistress Lucia.” Dora replied smiling.
“Good girl. Now come over here and service your mistress, I have a lot of planning to do.” Lucia smirked as Dora without hesitation approached her exposed pussy.
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yours-the-author · 2 months
My Immediate Reaction to Sven Crying in the Latest @capturecharlesau Update:
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Sven really thought he could pull the "I'm telling my parents" card at the end there; I can't wait for RHM and Reginald to come in and kick his butt for being a brat.
L + Ratio + No Rizz + No Maidens/Gentlemen
Here's a link to the comic update in question:
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jhsharman · 3 months
super witch, alter ego
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Sabrina, version Filmation cartoon, version last series, faces up against her evil cousin from another dimension, Demeana. We can tell she's bad news visually -- what with low cut shirt, shorter mini-skirt, and knee high boots.
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And the gang's all here. Betty is wholesome, we see, as she has a shirt under her low cut top.
Plot contrivance not terribly original.
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And somewhere in the ABC TGIF line-up, they lost the brunette wig requirement. (Yes I am guessing this shot was probably from the sitcom's wb run.)
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cafe-con-navi · 6 months
special people 💐
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feleon · 2 years
Can I pleeeaseee get a plagas!leon or assassin!leon picture? I love your art sm! 💖
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Here you go! A Plagas!Leon. I would have drawn some assassin gear on him but I got too carried away w his physique
also not pictured: he grows draconic, insect wings he can use to fly/hover short distances
He can unhinge his jaw like a goddamn snake
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outlanderalien · 7 months
Okay I might be insane but I'm starting a Prince Ricky cosplay. He's got drip and I love him. It's that simple.
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