#every time i sit in the park i remember when i was like 16/17
newfeeling77 · 8 months
anyone filming a video on their phone in public i dont care ill walk in the way ill interrupt whatever. unless its teens making skating videos. because i think thats important even if theyre in the way of me getting to the atm.
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girlwiththeobsessions · 5 months
love sick c. f.
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this book has also been published on wattpad. same username as the one on here. i update faster on there.
you and conrad had a secret relationship two summers ago, when you were 15 and he was 16. you broke up with him because your younger sister, belly had liked him, and you were afraid of hurting her. now, flash forward, you were 17, and you thought you had gotten over him, but maybe you haven’t
you are adopted in this! y/n's parents were close with the fishers and conklins but died in a car accident, so laurel adopts y/n
part 2
i. the drive
ME AND MY FAMILY have been coming to cousins since i was a baby, since before i was born.
the tradition was, me and my mom would go to the summer beach house in cousins, along with my moms friends, laurel park and susannah fisher, and laurel's daughter and son, and susannah's two sons.
the beach house felt magical, every summer, i couldn't wait to return each summer.
most of the time, me and belly would tag along with the moms, mostly just my mom.
my mom would take us shopping a lot, and get us frozen yogurt after, then we'd go swimming.
laurel and susannah didn't really like to swim with us. that's what made my mom so special. until both of my parents died. when i was seven. in a car crash.
my parents were my whole world. i miss them everyday.
after that happened, i had to move from north carolina to pennsylvania with the conklin's.
from what i remember, i was pretty shut down for the next two years, and sad all the time, but eventually i got better.
laurel had taken me in with her, john, steven, and belly, and i had my last name changed to l/n-conklin.
i had found hobbies to cope with my parents death. in sixth grade, i had taken up soccer. in eighth grade, i started volleyball. now, as a junior, i was on my schools soccer and volleyball team.
i was pretty smart too, academically. with my grades averaging with a's and b's since freshman year. i wanted to go to college, my dream school was university of southern california, usc.
today though, was the day i returned to cousins for the summer, of course, i was excited. i was in belly's room, packing, with taylor jewel, me and belly were both close friends with her.
"drew's bummed you're missing the beach match with the boys team next weekend." taylor told belly, laying down on the bed, on her phone.
belly turned around. "uh, make sure tell sophie to square up for the block." belly tells taylor, ignoring what she said.
"drew martinez is texting me about you, and you're talking about volleyball?" taylor said with a surprised expression.
"drew doesn't care if i'm there or not, he wants an excuse to text you." belly denied, not really acknowledging the fact that she had a glow up basically. "and you better take this game seriously, i mean, team pride is on the line, taylor."
"please, you know me better than that." taylor looked up. "i would never let a boy beat me at anything."
belly and i laughed. "i thought you came here to help us pack." belly smiled.
"fine.." taylor got up. "i'll help. here's a tip, don't bring that speedo. it doesn't do a thing for your new boobs." taylor said with a a laugh, sitting on belly's bed, flipping through a magazine.
"it's not a speedo." belly defended with a frown looking down at the swimsuit.
"yes it is." i intervene, looking at my phone.
"we're just saying babes, like you need to pack cute things." taylor says flipping a page in the magazine she's reading.
"well, i always buy a new suit when i get there." belly tells us with a smile.
"okay, well, buy one that doesn't look like you're trying out for the swim team." i pressed.
"are you serious y/n?" belly giggled, flopping onto the bed and launching herself onto me.
"girls! were leaving in the next 10 minutes!" laurel shouted from downstairs.
"we got to go." belly said with a frown.
"no, we don't, we still have 10 minutes!" i told the two of them with a smirk.
we started laughing again, but once it stopped, we sat on the bed, belly on the floor, taylor switching to a more serious tone.
"okay, before i let you both go you both have to tell me your summer wishes. like the one thing that you guys want to happen this summer."
"i don't know." belly took a deep sigh.
"you little liar, yes you do." taylor giggled at belly.
"you want a hot make out sesh with conrad fisher, you want his tongue in your mouth, you dirty little slut!" taylor joked.
i shifted uncomfortably, trying to plaster a laugh. "taylor! ew."
"i'm just saying, i mean, you've been in love with him since we were twelve." taylor reminded her as belly got up.
"it doesn't matter what i do, he doesn't see me that way." belly frowned.
"oh, he'll see you." i looked at belly up and down. "whether he wants to or not. you look a lot different than last summer, belly."
taylor laughed, then turned to me. "what about you, y/n?"
i looked away. "what about me?"
"your summer wish." taylor reminded me.
"i don't know yet." i sighed. "i guess go to a lot of parties, and make more friends."
"no boyfriend? no fling?" taylor asked, a little confused. "come on y/n, a whole summer on the beach? no nothing?"
"oh wow, big deal, a seventeen year old that doesn't care about a boyfriend." i sighed again. "i guess i've never really been that interested in getting a boyfriend." i shrugged. "i have other priorities."
i did. i applied for a job as a lifeguard at the country club, to get some money for college. i wanted to apply to ucla, it was my dream school.
i always try to keep myself busy, keep myself doing something productive, and i think the job would help.
"girls, we're leaving now!"
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during the drive, belly got shotgun, steven was driving, and i sat in the backseat with mom, which i didn't really mind.
the song 'can't do better' by kim petras was blasting, while belly sung along from the top of her lungs.
i unbuckled my seatbelt and spread my legs across the backseat.
"uh, can you guys turn it down a little?" laurel asked. "and, y/n, sit right."
i sighed and sat straight, buckling my seatbelt. "i want you guys to be better about helping out this summer." laurel told us.
"don't just leave your dishes, load them into the dishwasher. and, not just your dish either, steven. i want you to be good houseguests." she continued.
"mom, susannah has people who clean, doesn't she?" steven asked, curiously.
laurel flicked steven on the head. "steven!"
"owww!" steven complained. "alright, alright. sorry."
mom is weird about money, the fact that susannah has money, and we don't.
"just.. be considerate, and act like i raised you right. steven, y/n, that means don't stay out too late."
"mommmm!" we both complained.
"i'm too old for a curfew." i frowned.
"wait, what about me? i don't have a curfew either, right?" belly asked from the front seat.
steven started to laugh. "what do you need a curfew for? you don't go anywhere."
"steven!" i threw my phone charger at him. "don't be a jackass."
"what?" steven continued laughing.
"we'll talk about it when it comes up." laurel told belly.
"oh, and y/n, don't forget, you promised you'd take me driving." belly reminded me.
"belly, i told you i'd take you." laurel intervened.
"yeah, but.. you're too judgy." belly quietly said.
me and steven started laughing. "excuse me?" laurel asked.
"yeah, sorry." belly laughed too.
we parked in front of the gas station me, belly, and mom going in.
belly got some cheetos and sour patches. she opened the bag of cheetos and ate a few.
"belly!" i whisper-yelled.
"at least pay for it first."
me and belly looked over at the register, to see a guy staring at us.
"hey." he nodded his head.
i smiled and waved, while belly grabbed a coke, and we brought our snacks up to the register.
"what's up with you, y/n?" jumper said with a smile.
"jumper? i didn't know you work here now." i said in surprise.
he turned to belly. "who's this? are you new this summer?"
belly looked behind her, then back at jumper. "uh, me? no.."
"really?" he smirked, and scanned the snacks. "thought i knew every pretty girl in cousins."
"ew, don't flirt with my little sister, idiot." i warned him.
to be honest, i wasn't really fond with jumper. the way he sort of treated girls like they were objects just wasn't too appealing to me.
he rolled his eyes. "whatever. you both coming to the bonfire tonight? first of the season."
"uh.. maybe." i responded.
"come!" he encouraged us, then turned to belly again with a smile. "i'll introduce you to some of my friends."
"maybe i will." belly smiled back
i gave belly a quick side eye. "maybe she won't." i look back to jumper, trying to protect belly.
laurel walked up to us. "after i get settled in, you wanna go to whale of a tale with me, so i can presign stock for the signing tonight?" she asked belly.
"remember.. when you used to sit on my lap when i used to sign there?" laurel continued
"no, i don't.. remember that." belly chuckled.
"i'll make you a deal." laurel said, as we walked out. "i'll let you pick out tonight's desert if you come in and keep me company."
"see you later." jumped smirked at belly.
"what's later?" laurel asked, curiously.
"nothing." belly responded, a little too quickly.
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matttgirlies · 11 days
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Matt & Me🎀
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
a story heavily based on Priscilla Presley’s Book “Elvis & Me” based in the 1950’s - 1970’s.
fem! reader x singer! matt
disclaimer!! - in no way am i saying matt would ever support or do these kind of things, for the sake of the book certain unethical things do happen at times.
warnings - SA!!,, mentions of divorce - if any of these topics make you uncomfortable the scene involving SA will be outlined and please don’t feel the need to read it, please take care of yourself🩷
y/nn = your nickname for any confusion🩷
Chapter 23
I still loved Matt greatly, but over the next few months I knew I would have to make a crucial decision regarding my destiny. I knew that I must take control of my life. I could not give up these new insights. There was a whole world out there and I had to find my own place in it.
I wished that there was some way for me to share my experience and growth with Matt. From my adolescence, he had fashioned me into the instrument of his will. I lovingly yielded to his influence, trying to satisfy his every desire. And now he wasn’t here.
Accustomed to living in dark rooms, hardly seeing the sun, depending on chemical aids for sleep and wakefulness, surrounded by bodyguards who distanced us from reality, I yearned for the more ordinary pleasures. I began to appreciate the simple things that I would have liked to share with Matt and hadn’t: walks in the park, a candlelight dinner for two, laughter.
Matt must have perceived my new restlessness. A couple of months later in Las Vegas, Amber, Nora Fike, Red’s wife Pat, and I were having dinner in the Italian restaurant at the Hilton between Matt’s shows. The maître d’ came to the table with a message that Matt wanted to see me upstairs in the suite. I remember thinking how unusual this was. Matt rarely went to the suite between shows.
I went upstairs, filled with curiosity, and when I arrived in the suite I found Matt lying in bed, obviously waiting for me. He grabbed me and forcefully made love to me. It was uncomfortable and unlike any other time he’d ever made love to me before, and he explained, “This is how a real man makes love to his woman.” This was not the gentle, understanding man that I grew to love. He was under the influence, and with my personal growth and new realities he had become a stranger to me.
I wept in silence as Matt got up to dress for the show. In order for our marriage to survive, Matt would have had to take down all the artificial barriers restricting our life as a couple. There was too much room for doubt, too many unanswered questions for the mind to play upon. It was difficult for him to come to terms with his role as father and husband. And since neither of us had the ability to sit down and squarely face the issues jeopardizing the family, there seemed to be no hope.
What really hurt was that he was not sensitive to me as a woman and his attempt at a reconciliation had come too late; I had taken possession of my life.
That night I didn’t close my eyes at all, grieving over what I had to tell him. This was my one great love. Looking down at him I thought of all the times I’d traced my fingers over his lips, his nose, brushed my fingers through his hair, always while he slept. And now, I waited for him to wake up, waited for the right moment, if there ever could be one. At this point in our marriage we were so seldom together that I was having difficulty envisaging his reaction to my news; it had seemed so much easier to play it out in my imagination.
It was shortly after 2 p.m. I had already gotten up and started packing my things when Matt awoke fairly alert and asked, “Where are you going?”
“I have to go back.”
“So soon? It’s early. You usually don’t go back this early.”
“I know,” I agreed. “But I have to get back. I have things to do.” I hesitated. “But first I have to tell you something.” I stopped packing and looked at him. “This is probably the most difficult thing I’m ever going to have to say.” I took a long pause, hardly able to get the words out. “I’m leaving.”
Matt sat up and asked. “What do you mean, leaving?”
Never in the entire time of our marriage had I ever suggested walking out on him.
“I mean our marriage.”
“Are you out of your mind? You have everything any woman could want. You can’t mean that, Sattnin. Goddamn,” he said, his voice filled with anguish. “I don’t believe what I’m hearing. You mean I’ve been so blind that I didn’t know what’s going on? I’ve been so wrapped up I didn’t see this coming.”
“We’re living separate lives.”
Finally he asked, “Have I lost you to another man?”
“It’s not that you’ve lost me to another man, you’ve lost me to a life of my own. I’m finding myself for the first time.”
He looked up and stared at me in silence as I stood packing and snapped my suitcase shut. I tried to walk to the door but couldn’t stop myself from running back into his arms. We hugged, tears streaming down our faces. “I have to go,” I said. “If I stay now I’ll never leave.” I broke away, grabbed my suitcase, and headed for the door.
“y/nn,” Matt called. I stopped dead in my tracks. “Maybe another time, another place,” he said slowly.
“Maybe so,” I replied, looking back. “This just isn’t the time.”
And I walked out the door.
My trip to Boston was unexpected and brief and there was only one purpose—to get my belongings. I wanted to spend as little time as possible there. Graceland had been my home, and it was difficult saying goodbye to everyone. The staff, most of whom I’d hired, seemed to know without my telling them that I was leaving for good. No one said a word, but their tearful hugs spoke volumes.
I found Dodger in her room—now downstairs—and sat at her feet as she rocked in her chair. “Oh no,” she said, “don’t tell me that, Honey. You don’t mean it.” Then, realizing I did mean it, she hastened to ask, “You’re gonna call me, aren’t you, and keep in touch?”
“Yes, Dodger. I’ll always be there for you. I’ll come back and visit. We’ll talk just like we always have, and nothing will ever change.”
“You’re like my own,” Dodger said. “It’s not going to be the same here without you. Poor little things. I feel so sorry for both of you.”
Grandma wept as she tried to understand why two people who love each other should part. “I tried to tell him to spend more time with you—you and that baby.”
“It’s nobody’s fault, Grandma. It’s just life. We still love each other. We always will.”
“I believe you’ll get back together again, Hon.” She was wringing her hands. “God knows, you two young’uns love each other enough.”
There was a view of green pastures beyond Grandma’s window—Sun, the old barn, and all the memories that went along with the happiest time of our lives. Thank God it was a beautiful day; I always hated rainy days at Graceland—they reminded me of the lonely winters when he was gone.
In the warmth and sunshine outside, I strolled around the grounds, looking one last time at the front porch where Matt and I had sat on the steps, dreaming of a European trip that would have taken us back to Haptstrasse, where we’d met. Gazing over the lawns and the long circular driveway toward the Music Gates, where the fans always waited, I wondered if I’d ever return. I made my way back between the little craters left over from fireworks wars, and, in the garage, ran my hand over the shiny surface of a go-cart. I couldn’t believe it was over.
Like most couples breaking up, we went through a rough period before we finally accepted the fact that we were separating. We were divorced on October 9, 1973. Although Matt and I had continued to talk regularly, we hadn’t seen each other over the past few months, which had been a period of strain and tension as attorneys attempted to work out details. Eventually Matt and I resolved them ourselves. We were both sensitive enough and still caring enough of each other’s feelings to know that we wanted to avoid bitter accusations and futile attempts to assign blame. Our principal concern was Charlotte, whose custody we agreed would be mutually shared. We remained so close that Matt never bothered to pick up his copy of the divorce papers.
Accompanied by my sister Michelle, I waited in the courthouse in Santa Monica, California, for him to arrive, and when he did, I was shocked by his appearance. His hands and face were swollen and puffy and he was perspiring profusely.
With James and Michelle and our attorneys following, we went into the judge’s chambers. Matt and I sat before the judge and held hands as he put us through the formalities of the divorce proceedings. I hardly heard a word, I was bewildered by Matt’s physical condition and kept running my fingers back and forth across his swollen hands.
I wondered whether Matt’s new girlfriend, Linda Thompson, knew how much love and attention he needed. “Sattnin,” I whispered, “is she takin’ good care of you—watchin’ your weight and your diet, waits for you to fall asleep at night?”
Then the judge was finished. The dream I had had of a perfect union was over. The hope of an ideal marriage, which had consumed all my thoughts and energy since I was fourteen, had ended with the simple stroke of a pen.
As we walked out the courthouse Matt sang to me “I Will Always Love You”. I forever cherish that moment. Feeling a great sense of emptiness, I walked with Michelle to my car. Matt, his father, his attorney, and a few of the guys walked over to his limo. In passing I waved, he winked. The affinity we shared for each other would always be there. We continued to talk frequently, particularly about Charlotte, who we knew would be unhappy. We wanted her to know that she would not, in any way, be deprived of either of us. When we were together it was as if we’d never parted, exchanging loving kisses and sitting arm in arm with her in our laps, and, when we were apart, we never criticized each other.
She’d visit Matt often in both L.A. and Boston. He assured me that he would take good care of her, but his life-style was such that I could not help worrying. I’d call to check on her nearly every night she was away. It was 1 a.m. in Boston when I asked Matt, “Did Char have her bath, and is she in bed yet?”
“Yeah, she’s taken care of,” he said. “She’s in bed, fast asleep.”
Within minutes, Aunt Delta called me and complained that Charlotte wasn’t in bed and she couldn’t get her to take her bath. I talked to Charlotte, who said, “Well, Daddy wanted me to stay up.”
When I called Matt back, I said, “I thought you told me she was in bed.”
“Ah, let her stay up,” he said. “It’s no big deal.”
Her daddy handed everything over to her on the proverbial-silver platter, which created conflict when she’d come home and have to deal with reality. We had a running debate on how she was to be raised. “To hell with values,” Matt would say, joking. I knew that it was essential that Charlotte gain some perspective, but try to explain that to Matt Sturniolo.
As the months passed, Linda Thompson became his constant companion and was good for him, I felt. He began taking trips to Aspen and Hawaii, getting out more, because of Linda’s outgoing personality. When we spoke, he seemed to be in good spirits.
His movie career was at a standstill, and he focused on Vegas appearances and touring. Matt had trouble seeing himself “a forty year-old man still shaking to ‘Hound Dog.’” He had other ambitions. He once talked of producing, even directing, but he never took steps to pursue either.
Then came an offer. Barbra Streisand and Jon Peters approached him to star opposite Barbra in a remake of A Star Is Born. When Matt called me from Vegas, I got the impression he was going to do it. His energy and enthusiasm were electric. It was a film classic and he saw a chance to make a breakthrough into dramatic roles. He was confident he could play Norman Mayne.
“It looks like a sure thing,” he said. “Just the details have to be worked out.” But the project ran aground on those details. It was Jon Peters’s first movie. That he was to direct this film with no credits, no track record, presented a problem in Colonel William’s estimation. Another difficulty was the fact that Matt’s billing would be second to Barbra’ssomething the Colonel wouldn’t hear of. The project was rejected, leaving Matt despondent over the lost opportunity.
Excerpt from: "Elvis and Me" by Priscilla Beaulieu Presley. Scribd. This material may be protected by copyright.
a/n - im sorry yall.. if you think this is bad wait till next chapter😬 (next chapters the last chapter im so sad i got attachments to this story) 🎀
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disappointed-queer · 1 year
Thirteen years
You would never consider Spencer Reid, a “normal kid”. He was always different. He was exceptionally smart, with an IQ of 187 and an eidetic memory. This led to him graduating high school at 12 and then for college, finishing his undergraduate degree at 16 and receiving his first doctorate in Mathematics the following year. Then between the ages of 17 and 21, he gets his doctorate in both chemistry and engineering, along with his bachelor’s in psychology and sociology. 
Throughout all of this, spencer always had Ethan Coiro. Ethan is a year older than spencer. People knew the two boys as friends or rivals; some knew them as both. And for a long time, that was the truth, but when spencer was 16 and Ethan 17…something changed. They went from friends to lovers…boyfriends. They planned on going into the FBIi together, but on the first day, Ethan backed out and ended up moving not long after. That was the end of their relationship, the romantic one at least. But he was immediately excepted by the team, especially Derek Morgan. 
Over the years, he had gotten close with the team, and he loved all of them like family, except the love for Derek, was different. He didn’t love him like a friend or family, he loved him as he had once loved Ethan, and that scared Spencer more than anything. It scared him because he saw the way Morgan was with women. It was evident that he was straight, and Reid knew that, but god, was it easy to fall for all of his charms, especially when the older man would call him pretty boy. Spencer assumed it was some stupid crush and that it would eventually go away, but it never really did. It was hard for it to when he saw the man every day, and they had gone through so much together, both good and bad. Spencer always had Derek, and Derek always had him. He remembered how Derek was there for him when Gidien left, when he was dealing with his addiction, when things went down with his dad, and so much more. But he remembered being there for Derek too, when Derek had faced his childhood molester when he finally found his cousin, and even when he found out that…he was going to be a father. He loved the good memories too. The pranks, the talks, the dinners, the baseball game, and so many more. He loved every bit. Every bit but Derek leaving, even if Spencer knew that he had to.  
But it was almost a year ago that Derek Morgan left the bau, and now spencer was sitting in the man's kitchen holding baby Hank Morgan and talking to Savanah as they waited for morgan to return home. “Hey babe, I’m home,” Derek says as he opens the door and walks into the kitchen but stops at what he sees. His wife and his best friend sitting in the kitchen talking with his baby boy. “Hey pretty boy what are you doing here?” he asks without a care in the world and his voice sweet.
“Hey I was just stopping by to see how y’all are doing and hank has grown so much” Spencer responds but looks away when the other two kiss eachother. “Though it seems that you three are doing good so I should get going.” he says as he got up from the chair with Hank in his arms. When morgan turned back to him “really so soon?” he asks as he takes Hank from spencer and handed him to Savanah. 
Spencer just smiled at this “Morgan i have been here for over an hour I really do have to go” He replied with a smile. Morgan sighed “ok well we do need to hang out here soon.” Spencer hugged them goodbye before walking out the door. 
Reid stops once outside and looked in through the window where he sees the three of them as Savanah starts on dinner while Derek kisses Hank before putting him in the high chair and going up behind his wife kissing her neck and cheek.
Spencer now had tears streaming down his face as he finally made it two his car. He drove about two blocks down and parked. It only took a minute, and he completely broke down. His heartbeat picked up, eyes became red and puffy as tears continued to pour down his face. His breathing wasn’t even normal anymore. The man he has loved for 13 years is happy even if it wasn’t with him. Spencer was Happy for Derek, but that didn’t stop him from crying in his car for an hour till he fell asleep. The next day he would have to go back to work and act like it was ok and …. He didn’t know if he could. But that is for tomorrow
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lucero-is-here · 11 months
Headcanons time! Julian Ramis!
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Photos of Julian, when he is 12 and when he is 18
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1 - after Julian got released from the Juvenile detention center, he apologised to anyone who he had made upset or wronged before, include Alden Greene for robbing his mansion with Freddy.
2 - Julian likes making sandcastles. Though sometimes, he makes dirt castles if he can’t go to the beach.
3 - Julian’s dad got him one of those tiny table top sandboxes (yes I think those exist) with kinetic sand, and Julian absolutely adores it.
4 - Julian has a turtle stuffed animal he likes a lot. He hugs it to sleep too. He still has the stuffed animal now.
5 - He has a set of noise-cancelling earphones with him at all times, since he gets a little overwhelmed when things get too loud
6 - he likes English. He does really good in any language classes, especially English.
7 - his weakest subject is geography. He sometimes can’t remember everything, which makes him dislike geography a bit.
8 - Julian does a lot of arts and crafts. He took part in pottery classes with his dad once, and had a lot of fun making some plates and cups. He also does some origami. He’s really good at origami.
9 - Julian really likes art classes too- he never failed art before.
10 - Julian’s favourite colours when he was 12 was red and green. But after growing up to around 15-16, he wasn’t as fond of either those colours, but he still likes them.
11 - Julian has some scars on his arms from his little adventures with Freddy. He calls them his battle scars and is kinda proud of them, since he thinks of them as a way to remember the fun he had back then.
12 - Julian has emotional issues. He struggles to control his emotions and has emotional outbursts every now and then.
13 - Julian is quite restless. He can’t really sit still for long, so he’s usually drumming his fingers against the table, tapping his foot against the floor or just swinging his legs about.
14 - scraped knees. As a kid he would often scrap his knees. He still scrapes his knees now, just less often.
15 - Julian’s favourite drink is cola. He likes it a lot, but water is second favourite.
16 - he can draw really well- he tried drawing his own comic book once and he still keeps it. It’s unfinished and he plans to continue it one day.
17 - he listens to rock music sometimes. It’s not his first choice in music, but it’s on the list of favourites.
18 - Julian can run pretty fast. He definitely isn’t the fastest, but he can still run quite fast. Only sad thing is that he has low stamina and can’t run for too long.
19 - Julian takes walks in a nearby park in his free time. He tries to at least stay a bit healthy, and always goes for a short walk after meals. He’s usually alone, but sometimes lets his dad tag along and they talk while walking.
20 - Julian has a treehouse. He built it with his dad and he absolutely loves that treehouse. Nowadays, he sits in it sometimes to have time to himself. He has a box of crayons and some paper there too for him to draw with sometimes.
21 - he has colouring books. It’s those colouring books with really intricate drawings for you to colour in, and Julian always spends a lot of time colouring them cause he wants them to be really pretty. It usually looks great and he shows it to his dad.
22 - Julian and his dad are pretty close despite the occasional arguments. After Julian got released from the Juvenile Detention Center, his dad took him out for some food. They kind of made an agreement that Julian will avoid doing anything shady again, and his dad should know about the friends Julian makes to prevent anything like this from happening again.
23 - most of Julian’s bags are sling bags. Julian doesn’t like backpacks for some reason. He just prefers how sling bags look, and his favourite is brown messenger bag his dad bought him.
24 - Julian has a lot of beanies- he likes beanies a lot too. He has a yellow beanie, a red beanie, and the usual beanie he wears.
Okay I probably have more headcanons for Julian- so possible part 2?
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
16 - Leesburg, Georgia
Everything Changed At 21
Part 17
Tags @abaker74 @bvbwestfall
Luke gets a week off so he bought plane tickets for the four of us which includes Carter to come along. The only thing he won't tell us is where we are going for the week. Sitting in the row with him on my right side I got the window seat and Chloe was on his other side. Pulling out my notebook I flipped to the current page where I was working on my character meeting Luke's. Tapping the pen against my knees lost in thought he asked leaning to look at what I was doing. "Is this the book about us?" I just made a sound not looking away from the pages so he reaches over grabbing the book from my lap. "Can I read it. I said I would be your judge." I try grabbing it from his grasp but he started reading low under his breath so Chloe could still hear what he was saying but not everyone on the airplane. "Tucker danced around on the stage looking to be having the time of his life. He only wished he had a girl on his arm. That night he looked down in the front row where he would learn that Brittany would change his life. And he would change her life when she turned 21."
"So I'm Tucker huh?" He teased handing me the notebook back. He has a smirk on his face where I throw my head back blushing. "Don't judge me. I'm just starting out. I didn't expect you to read my drafts-" Chloe jumped around in her seat listening in on our conversation now. "Who I am. Who I am?" Luke reached for my notebook again where I try getting it back but he suddenly kissed me distracting me so I'd quit. He broke the kiss seeing me pouting at him while he flipped through the pages reading again. "Let's see Chloe you are...Mandy was dancing around with me singing every single word to the songs. Screaming at the top of her lungs when Tucker hands Brittany a drink from the stage." Poking him in the rib he dropped the book that I shoved in my bag before the plane landed on the ground. Carter had gotten a truck helping Luke put the bags in the back. Climbing in the front passenger seat Luke started driving with me still trying to figure out where he was taking us.
The radio played on country stations until we pulled into a driveway that had a mailbox with the name Bryan on the front of it. Luke puts the truck in park when I spun around in my seat stunned that he brought me to his parents house. "Luke you - we're at your parents. I thought we agreed no more surprises!" Running my hands through my hair my heart started beating faster than I care for. Just like it did the time I sang with him in front of a huge crowd. "Lisen your gonna be fine. And if you remember I said I would give you a heads up for singing on stage. Everything else is fair game." Carter helps my best friend out of the backseat where she pulls out her phone snapping pictures outside his house smiling. Luke comes around to my side opening the door offering me his left hand to help me out. "Y/n, darlin. You're gonna be fine. You have nothing to worry about." He reassured me draping an arm over my shoulder while we walked up to the front door. He rang the doorbell before a older lady with grey hair immediately smiled at the four of us.
"Oh my baby's finally home." She cheered throwing her arms around Luke who hugged her back sharing the same smile. The pair broke away smiling brighter before she turned to me pulling me in for a hug too. Slowly wrapping my arms around her I gave her a light hug still feeling very nervous about this. "I'm LeClaire Bryan. Luke loved talking about meeting you on the phone. And this must be the best friend right. It's nice to meet you both." Chloe removed herself from Carter's arms coming to stand beside me. Running a hand through my hair I waved to his mother still in shock. "Hi yes this is my best friend Chloe. And I'm Y/n. It's nice to meet you Mrs. Bryan." She opened the front door ushering us all inside with our bags showing us the rooms we could stay in for the week. Someone knocked on the door to the spare room that I was sharing with Chloe. Looking over my shoulder I smiled seeing Luke leaning in the doorway smiling at me. "Hey how you holding up?"
Shrugging my shoulders I sit on the foot of the bed he smiled sticking his hand out for me. "I'm fine I guess. My heart was beating out of my chest but your mother is so sweet." He tugged me to my feet into the living room seeing his mother and our friends sitting on the couch. He has me sit in an arm chair with him picking up a guitar sitting on a barstool starting to strum. "So this is a new song I want you all to hear." He sighs slumping his shoulders before starting to sing the song for all of us. "You got me all caught up. The way you look tonight. We could head downtown. Or I can turn around, up here, on the right. Ah, just look at this sky. The rain ain't far from fallin' down. And I wanna get to know you. Better than I know this little town, yes I do. I wanna feel your heart go tic-toc. While the rain from your hair drip-drops. Parked out in the middle of nowhere. There's a place I can get up against your lips. That's where I gotta be with you lookin' like this. Let's get lost somewhere. Anywhere we ain't gotta hold back. If we're gonna go out, baby. Let's go out like that."
"And I'll grab your door. You can take my hand. Hop up on my shoulders and I'll walk us over. Where we can dance. And I'll leave the headlights on. So, I can see your face. Spin you 'round in the mud. Yeah, soak it all up, baby. What'cha say, what'cha say." Luke sang with a grin on his face where I jumped up from my seat grabbing Chloe's hand pulling her up to dance. She laughed as we twirled the other around with Carter and Luke's mom watching us act like kids. "I wanna feel your heart go tic-toc. While the rain from your hair drip-drops. Girl, I'm talkin' country kinda crazy, yeah. Out where I can get up against your lips. That's where I gotta be with you lookin' like this. Let's get lost somewhere. Anywhere we ain't gotta hold back. If we're gonna go out, baby. Let's go out like that." Luke started just playing cords on his guitar watching me smiling and dancing around in his childhood home.
Carter started clapping his hands with my best friend dancing in front of him. Throwing my hands up in the air Luke chuckled with a smirk on his face. It would be a lie if he said that you dancing didn't drive him crazy. "Yeah, I wanna feel your heart go tic-toc. While the rain from your hair drip-drops. Gettin' country kinda crazy in the middle of nowhere. Out where I can get up against your lips. That's where I gotta be with you lookin' like this. Let's get lost somewhere. Anywhere we ain't gotta hold back." Luke's mother watches me when I leaned into his side singing alongside him. She wasn't there the night we sang together so this was her first time hearing me sing with her son. I am not exactly sure if Caroline ever sang with him but I would do it everytime he asked me now. "If we're gonna go out, baby. Let's go out, baby. If we're gonna go out, baby. Let's go out like that." Luke and I stared into each other's eyes lovingly when he finished the song resting his forehead against mine smiling. "Yeah girl, that's where it's at. Let's go out like that." His mother got to her feet hugging the two of us at once. "Oh Luther. I think you found the perfect girl." My face turns red at her words until Chloe interrupts in shock. "Wait his middle name is Luther. How did I not know that?"
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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borggolf · 3 months
Walworth County golf courses, ranked
Unlike Rock County, which only has one or two courses I would consider 'great,' Walworth County (thanks to Illinois tourism) is not only blessed with many good/great courses, four of them are listed in the top 40 in Wisconsin.
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[Hawk statue (R.I.P.), hole 2, Hawk's View]
This ranking is my own subjective view of the courses I've played and how much I would like to replay them. It has little to do with architecture or course design and more to do with how much fun I had playing them as a mid-handicap golfer. I also factor in accessibility (how difficult it is to get a tee time there) and price.
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[Hole 13, Geneva National - Gary Player Course]
Although I’ve only played it once back in 2020, my favorite golf course in Walworth County is the Gary Player course at Geneva National. I’m not a big fan of the other two courses at GN, but the starter that day was apparently in a good mood just before our late November tee time and moved us from our booked Trevino course to the much sought after Player. Maybe it was the fact that I had good fortune that day, but that round ended up being one of the highlights of the year for me. The course was in fantastic shape considering it was 40 degrees when we teed off.
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[Hole 8, Grand Geneva - The Highlands]
The Highlands course at Grand Geneva is a great course with many elevation changes and beautiful views. I don’t consider it a difficult course (which is why I prefer it over The Brute), as long as you play the proper tee box. I was once coerced into playing the back tees and I ended up with a horrible score. Grand Geneva is generally very pricey, but every once in a while they will have a special where you can play for under $100.
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[Hole 17, Hawk's View - Como Crossing, in early March]
Hawk’s View has easily the best public non-resort golf course in the county. I have not played the Barn Hollow course, which is a highly rated 18-hole par 3 course, but I play the championship course (Como Crossings) several times a year. Great views and elevation changes, true greens, and well manicured fairways. Not to mention the food in the clubhouse is fantastic. A round can run very pricey in the summer (over $100), but it’s a must-play for me in the spring and fall.
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[Hole 17, Abbey Springs, overlooking Geneva Lake]
The first time I played Abbey Springs back in 2017, it ate me up and spit me out. At the time it was the most difficult course I’d ever played. I’ve only played there two times since then and didn’t fare much better. But it’s a great woodsy course and I’d love to go back, especially since they've spent $2.5M renovating all of the green complexes recently. Unfortunately, since they did that, their greens fees have more than doubled.
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[Hole 16, Grand Geneva - The Brute, in December]
The only reason I didn’t rank The Brute higher is because it’s well known to be unfairly difficult. The course is actually ranked the highest in Walworth County according to some golf publications, but I rarely have a good round there and that is a bitter taste I remember every time I book it. On more than one occasion an employee asked me how it went - when my response was a defeated one, they respond, “yeah, The Brute can do that.”
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[Hole 16, Geneva National - Lee Trevino Course]
Speaking of difficult courses, let’s talk about Geneva National. I didn’t find the Player course hard at all, but the Palmer and Trevino courses will have you pulling your hair out. Most holes are very strategic with many, many large bunkers. Add on top of that the very high price for the round and I'd often be sitting in the parking lot wishing I’d played almost anywhere else. Don’t get me wrong, the courses are possibly in the best shape of any course in the county, but they’re just too difficult for me to fully enjoy them.
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[Hole 13, Nippersink Golf Resort]
Nippersink is a hidden gem resort course located between Pell Lake and Twin Lakes. Technically the entire course layout is in Kenosha County, but the clubhouse is just on the Walworth County side of the line. It’s a well manicured fun course with quick & true greens, but the weekenders ruin it. I highly suggest playing it on a weekday because it will be a 5 hour round on a Saturday.
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[18th green, Big Foot Country Club]
I played in a drunken scramble once in 2019 at Big Foot Country Club. I was ecstatic to be playing at a private club for the first time, but the course wasn’t very memorable. It was pretty nice, but I’d honestly rather play Hawk’s View, Glen Erin, or even Oak Grove in Illinois. I would play there again, if invited, only for the fact that the opportunities to play it are rare.
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[Hole 18 (from the clubhouse), Geneva National - Arnold Palmer Course]
I mentioned the difficulty of the Trevino and Palmer courses at Geneva National. What I didn’t mention is that the Palmer course is the more difficult of the two. Still, the course is beautiful and you finish holes 16 & 17 along the shoreline of Lake Como. Does it deserve to be higher on the list? Not after I factor in difficulty and price.
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[2nd green (from 3rd tee box), Evergreen - North Course]
While there may be a noticeable dip in quality when going from the Lake Geneva courses to Evergreen, that's not to say it’s a bad course at all. In fact, if it were in Rock County, I’d easily rank it the 2nd best course behind Glen Erin. For several years I’ve participated in two 27-hole scrambles there per season. There are quite a number of risk/reward holes, making it fun for all levels of golfer (I scored 2 of my 3 lifetime eagles on the East course). 
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[3rd green, Majestic Oaks at Lake Lawn Resort, overlooking Delavan Lake]
As my “home course,” I’ve played literally hundreds of rounds at Majestic Oaks. For many years I had a membership there and played weekly leagues. From 2018-2019 alone I shot 100 rounds there playing 3-4 days a week, so it’s safe to say I know this course well. With the par 5 hole #3 right on the shoreline of Delavan Lake, you’ll see plenty of wildlife on the course including Canada geese, ducks, deer, and bald eagles nesting on the 18th fairway. The course itself can get a little tight with its namesake’s trees often coming into play (as well as an abundance of bunkers), but it’s relatively short even from the back tees, making it not too difficult. It’s overpriced on the weekend, but during the week it might be the best value in the county. Also membership rates are very reasonable.
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[2nd tee, Delbrook - North Course]
Formerly a municipal course, Delbrook has seen a lot of improvement over the years. They added an additional nine holes in 1999, totaling 27. More recently, $1.668M was bequeathed to the course, which was spent on improving drainage, better sand in the bunkers, cart path improvements, and a large net to prevent slices on the driving range from going into the parking lot. While all three 9’s are par 35, the South and Middle courses both play long; especially the South which has two par 4s that are over 450 yards from the white tees. Despite it being relatively low on my ranking list, I love playing Delbrook and I’ve carded my best ever scores there.
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[9th green (from 8th tee), Country Club Estates]
One of the nicest 9-hole tracks I’ve ever played is in Fontana sitting just outside of Abbey Springs and Big Foot Country Club. Having played league at Country Club Estates, I got a real feel for the course. Definitely some risk/reward, plenty of blind shots, and all kinds of trouble for errant shots. This was the course that inspired me to (ask my wife to) buy my first new golf club set, and I scored my first eagle on hole #5.
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Willow Brook is a quaint 9-hole course, formerly the Whitewater Country Club. It’s a decent budget course, probably more well-known for the fish fry in the clubhouse. The last two holes are deceptive, forcing the golfer to think twice before pulling out the driver.
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[Holes 15 & 16 (from 14th tee), Alpine Valley - The Meadows Course]
When people think of Alpine Valley, they usually think of the concert venue or the ski hill, not the fact that it’s a 27-hole golf resort. Being in the valley, a few of the holes have impressive elevation changes. It’s surprisingly cheap to play there, but some parts of the course have serious drainage issues. The last time I golfed it, only 16 of 27 holes were playable and they told us to “play two holes twice” to make 18. They also sent people off on both nines, which caused a huge delay at the turn. While I can’t recommend the course, it is one of the cheapest in the county.
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[Lake Geneva Country Club (from a Geneva Lake tour boat)]
I haven't played the ultra-exclusive private courses in Lake Geneva (Golden Eye [formerly Lakewood] and Lake Geneva Country Club), but LGCC is on my bucket-list. I’ve also never played rounds at Lake Beulah or Lauderdale Lakes (both 9-hole courses).
Many have asked if I ever played Hillmoor in Lake Geneva. Unfortunately I wasn't able to play it before it closed in 2009. Since then the property has changed hands a few times, but there are still no plans for development.
A golfer living in Walworth County is spoiled with many excellent choices, but most carry a high price tag (especially since the COVID golf-boom). I don't typically play the Lake Geneva resort courses more than once or twice a year, as I'm comfortable saving money playing the mid-level courses like Evergreen, Majestic Oaks, and Delbrook. I also often venture to some nice courses just outside of the county such as Prairie Woods, Broadlands, and Brighton Dale. When I eventually move from here to greener pastures, I will most likely not see the density of great courses this close to my new home.
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firstdegreefangirl · 1 year
May 2023 Reading Wrap-Up
Total books read: 5 
Total pages read: 1,319 
Days read: 22/31 
Average star rating: 3.65/5 
Challenge Prompts Filled: 10 in May; 51 total. Popsugar: 3(17)/40.    Romanceopoly: 3(15)/36. CRAD: 1(5)/12. BTBL: 3(16)/52 
Sink or Sell by Margaret Rose 
A five-star read, without a doubt! I picked this one up – literally – first thing on Indie Bookstore Day while I was browsing the shelves at my local, and decided that when the first thing I picked up on Indie Bookstore Day was a signed first edition of a self-published debut novel from a local author, there’s probably a law that requires me to buy it. Like, there’s not going to be anything more fitting for IBD than that. Lucky for me, the premise looked right up my alley, and even luckier, it WAS. This was a hefty book, and it took me 10 days to get through, but certainly not for lack of interest. I loved all of the characters, I laughed, I cried, there is so much security footage at work of me having to put the book down and get up to walk it off (and/or wandering around with the book in one hand and the other one clapped over my mouth in sheer delight, and at another point saying “oh NO, he’s HORNY!” out loud in a public lobby – mercifully, an empty lobby.). I can tell this is one I’ll love to revisit in the future – the ending was pretty easy to predict, but even the twists there were didn’t try to carry the weight of the whole story. I knew almost right away how things would end, but it’s the journey that’s the best part with books like this. I can’t WAIT for her next book to come out now, and there’s a local author event I’m going to have to work days off around next year, I think. So, so, so, so good, and I’m so glad I gave it a try. 
Prompts Filled: Popsugar – A book you bought from an independent bookstore, CRAD May– More pages than April, Romanceopoly: The Vault/A paranormal book with the main character on the cover 
The Do Over by Suzanne Park 
I was so excited to nab this one on a library trip! It kept popping up in my Facebook ads, and I’d read one of Park’s YA novels last year (The Christmas Clash, for those playing along at home), so this definitely felt like something I would enjoy. And I did! It plays a really nice line between YA/early adult (with the university setting, study hall, midterms drama, etc) and more adult contemporary (MC is in her 30s, dealing with all of the real-world problems of people being in their 30s) in a way that let me get the best parts of both genres. It’s fun, it’s cute, it’s everything a contemporary romance should be, with a side of quarter-life crisis of self-reinvention. The ending, if a smidge predictable (like all the best romance novels are, imo) really stuck with me in the sense of “it’s never too late to do something again and/or for the first time.”  
Prompts Filled: Romanceopoly: Campus Corner/Set in college/university 
American Housewife by Helen Ellis 
The goal here was “something non-romance, fiction, that I already own” trying to knock a prompt off of one of the reading challenges. It ... filled the prompt. Parts of it were really funny, and there are a couple of quotations that I flagged because I liked them. But it’s a collection of essays, and some of the writing styles felt pretty inconsistent. I knocked it out in a single sitting, so it couldn’t have been that bad, but writing this a few days later, not much of it is sticking with me.  
Prompts Filled: Popsugar: A book you bought secondhand; BTBL: Novel in verse, poetry or anthology 
Baby in the Making by Elizabeth Bevarly 
I’ll be honest: this was one of the shortest books on my shelf, and I was running out the wire to hit the five book goal for May. I don’t remember when I bought it, I don’t remember why I bought it, the series name is “The Accidental Heirs,” and that’s not usually a trope I go for.  
All of that said, this was DELIGHTFUL. I cleared it in one evening, because every time I tried to put it down, I picked it right back up. It was lighthearted and engaging and captivating and I don’t want to say too much more, because it’s giving me big AU energy. So I’ll leave it with that I went in with the assumption that I’d read this and put it in my local Little Free Library, but it went right back on my shelf.  
Prompts Filled: BTBL: A character is lost royalty 
Smart Boys and Fast Girls by Stephie Davis 
Another short read, knowing that I had a super busy week and needed a fifth book. This was published in 2005, and that makes sense almost as soon as you start reading. I got mid-2000s Teen Nick vibes, like Degrassi or Zoey 101 or something. VERY cheesy “Jocks vs. Nerds" style love triangle, with a heaping dose of “do my friends hate me?” B-plot. It’s a rough cut from a teen media era I really wasn’t intending to revisit this week, or ever. And yet, I ended up totally invested in the drama, picking sides and cheering people on and waiting to find out how it would all unravel. There are worse ways I could have spent my time, but definitely better books I could have read.  
Prompts Filled: Popsugar: A book about an athlete/sport; Romanceopoly: Free choice; BTBL: An author writing under a pseudonym 
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faintlyof · 1 year
dr tiktok and dr google making me research POTS a bit >>
i mean, i wouldn’t say that omg i definitely have POTS, but i really don’t think it’s normal the barf/get extremely nauseous/get so light-headed and dizzy i have to sit down/pass out after being a little too warm a little too long. ツ
like it’s been like this since i was little. i can literally name every time its happened cuz i actively avoid to things that may make me hot like that.
first one i remember, camping at an rv park when i was like 7 or 8. my family all went in the hot tub, so i did too (yeah i was probably a bit too young anyways but what happened next surprised everyone! xD) but i ended up getting out of the tub after about 2 minutes because i started to feel nauseous. proceeded to spend the rest of the night vomiting. ツ actively avoided hot water for a while. it was also around this time that we had to write diaries for school and in one of my entries i had drawn a picture of a frowny me at a doctor saying “I‘m sick” and the diary entry was something like “I love water! It’s really good! But I don’t like drinking hot water. It makes my tummy hurt.” so yeah, there’s that too.
in high school, my choir went on a trip for a competition, so i was probably 16 or 17. a bunch of the girls wanted to go in the hot tub, so i kind of reluctantly followed them. sat in the hot tub for about a minute before telling my friends i wanted to swim in the pool instead, but actually, i was starting to get that cold sensation of nausea ツ went back to avoiding hot water
at my first job in japan, so i was probably around 23 or so, after many students harped on how awesome it is to take baths, i decided to very very carefully try to take a bath. i drank a big glass of cool water before, filled the tub with lukewarm water and left the bathroom door open so it wouldnt get too hot in the room. sat there for the most stressful 5 minutes of my life. mostly felt anxious i would be barfing for hours, but didnt actually feel too bad. stayed sitting in the tub and let the water drain out around me and only when the tub was nearly empty, i stood up. immediately my vision went grey around the edges and i felt faint and then i passed the fuck out. ツ went back to avoiding hot water but now also avoiding warm water. xD
and the most recent time, which doesnt actually involve water for once! yippee! got on the train to go to work in winter. it had snowed recently and it was quite cold, so i was wearing my winter coat and scarf and the train had the heaters going. maybe a minute or so after the doors closed and we started moving, i began feeling that cold, creeping overheating neasea feeling. i was already standing, so i leaned against the frame of the door so when the door opened, the cool air would hit me and toughed it out, slightly untying my scarf and unbuttoning my coat. when i arrived at my station, i was so light headed, i literally threw myself onto a bench on the platform and took off my scarf and coat and literally just chilled in a short sleeve shirt for like 5 minutes until i felt well enough to go up the stairs and get to work. ツ literally terrified all winter every winter that this will happen again because i do not want to be the person who passes out on the train.
then in general, when i try exercising, i get really sweaty and shaky like really fast. i can do like a low impact cardio workout for like 10 minutes max before i start to get shaky and start feeling a bit queasy. and omg if im watching a funny movie or talking to a friend and getting excited or laughing a lot, my lips go kind of numb and prickly and i cant really control them?? a bit in the fingertips as well. i dont know if thats related but laughing/being excited/whatever is kind of an intense activity soooo
so yeah, that’s why i’m curious about this whole POTS thing cuz the it gets worse in heat thing is a symptom that ive heard about pretty frequently.
or maybe im just weird. xD anyways, 10 minute lukewarm shower life v(n.n;)
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suckitsurveys · 2 years
1.) What was the last strong scent you smelled? I smelled skunk when I walked into work this morning. One must have been in the courtyard. 2.) When was the last time you changed your outfit? This morning. 3.) What did you buy the last time you went shopping for new clothes? Bras and a new shirt. 4.) What is your favorite meal of the day? Dinner.
5.) Do you typically eat breakfast or skip it? I try to eat a little something every day at work.
6.) What was the last thing you took a picture of? Our backyard Sunday night. 7.) Do you have a collection of anything? Some panda and bat knick knacks. 8.) What was the last thing you threw away? I don’t remember. The coffee pod I used this morning probably. 9.) What is the cause of your current emotional state? The fucking United States of America. 10.) What were the last plans you made? How about cancelled? The last plans I made were for a little get together I’m having when my friend Ellen is in town next weekend. I haven’t cancelled plans in a bit. 11.) How did you discover your favorite band? I have lots of favorites and lots of different ways I found them. 12.) Does the weather affect your mood? If so, in what ways? It can, sure. 13.) When are you most likely to be bored? When I am bored? 14.) What was the last big decision you made? Solidifying plans for when Ellen is here. 15.) Where was the last place you traveled to, and what did you do while there? I traveled to a few towns over for work this morning. 16.) What is your favorite thing to go shopping for? Cute shit. 17.) How organized are you? I have my methods. 18.) What were the positives and negatives of your last week? I don’t feel like writing all that. 19.) If applicable, how did you decide what you wanted to study in college/university? Hah. 20.) What was the last thing you received in the mail? A dress. 21.) What is one of your wildest dreams or ambitions? Owning a home, apparently. 22.) When was the last time you performed in front of a group of people? No idea. 23.) Who was the last person to upset you? How about the last person to cheer you up? My sister. My husband. 24.) Is there anything or anyone you’re trying to get over or let go of? Nah. 25.) What was the subject of your last phone conversation? My dad telling me he was alright. He was very close to the Highland Park shooting yesterday. 26.) What are your plans for tomorrow? How about the weekend? No real plans tomorrow, just work and probably go to the gym and store. This weekend I am working Saturday and I might hit the beach with my friend Lori. 27.) When was the last time you were sick? A few months ago. 28.) How close do you have to be with someone before you’ll consider them a friend? Depends on the person. 29.) What did the last jacket you wore look like? I am wearing a Dunder Mifflin hoodie right now. 30.) Name five things you can grab from where you’re sitting. A bowl of cereal, my coffee, a Princess Carolyn Funko Pop, my phone, my iPad for work.
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sunflowerharrington · 2 years
21 hours
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for @langdon-cumslut who requested number 235 on the angst prompt list for dandy mott, “I miss you… I really miss you. I wish I could have saved you.”
buuut i twisted the prompt a little so now it’s; “I’ll miss you… I’ll really miss you. I wish I could have saved you.”
(if you can’t already tell it’s been a hot minute since i watched freakshow and i remember jack shit about the characters and the season) i hope you like this!
warning(s) - death, being drugged, drowning, jimmy darling is the villain here, losing a loved one, weird dreams, nightmare fuel, james patrick march (i remember seeing him on a poster for something during the opening credits for freak show)
notes: references to come as you are by nirvana. also i’m sorry if this is bad, i tried my best!
wc: 1211
21 hours ago your lover was taken away from you, dragged from his bed and into Neverland, somewhere too far for you to reach, somewhere you didn’t know. Rumour has it that it was the Freaks that are holding him captive in some underground secret chamber, but rumours aren’t always true.
20 hours ago you ran into none other than Jimmy Darling in a café on Main Street, and decided to be friendly about the situation. You weren’t doing this to be nice, no, you were doing this to get information on where Dandy was being held. Jimmy said he didn’t know anything but you could tell that son of a bitch was lying.
19 hours ago you were still somehow making small talk with Jimmy, and you started to relax around him, but you were still a person on a mission. He offered to help you make “missing person’’ posters and hang them up around town, though he wouldn’t be much of a help, you said yes though. Never judge a book by its cover, right?
18 hours ago you had finished your drinks and said goodbye to Jimmy before heading home. You didn’t want to be caught dead near him, even though you were talking to him for two hours…
17 hours ago you got into your pyjamas and lay in bed, looking at a photograph of Dandy from the newspaper, caressing the ink with your fingertips. You lay it down next to you and closed your eyes.
16 hours ago you finally drifted off into a broken sleep, tossing and turning in your bed throughout your slumber.
15 hours ago you began dreaming about Dandy and how he made you feel; you were on a picnic date in the park, surrounded by pretty flowers and buzzing bees… and you had the love of your life opposite you.
14 hours ago the dream switched into madness, you were running through many many halls of a hotel while some dude with a knife chased you, and nobody seemed to be helping you.
13 hours ago, thank goodness the dream switched again, this time you were sitting watching the Freaks perform without Dandy next to you. It was his dream to join them, and you couldn’t contain the smile on your face when you saw him on stage.
12 hours ago you were back in the park, but when you reached out for Dandy, his face began morphing into somebody else; the psycho from the hotel dream. You jumped to your feet and began running away from him, but as soon as you turned to look back at him he had turned into Jimmy Darling, running after you with a microphone.
11 hours ago you were getting serenaded by Jimmy Fricking Darling in your dream; the stuff of actual nightmares. Though dream you won’t lie. Dream you found it kinda hot. But real you would have thrown up and jumped off a cliff if Jimmy did that.
10 hours ago you woke up again, rolling over on your side to look at your love. But he wasn’t there. You sighed and got up.
9 hours ago you left your house with the missing poster sign you made last night and hung it up outside the coffee shop you had gone to yesterday evening.
8 hours ago you found yourself wandering aimlessly around town, looking for something, anything to do to take your mind off Dandy. Though you still looked every corner in Jupiter hoping to find him.
7 hours ago you were walking into a bar, not expecting to see that a fight had broken out between Dell Toledo and his son. Oh who am I kidding, of course you expected it. They’re always fighting! You tried to ignore the fight and ordered whatever was cheapest at the bar, you hated spending the Mott’s money, but Dandy insisted on spoiling you. Since you were the love of his life, after all.
6 hours ago you left the bar, slightly tipsy after getting carried away ordering six pints of beer. But that didn’t stop you from getting back on track for your mission.
5 hours ago you were walking up to the tents to ask if anyone had seen Dandy, again, for the fifth time. You were desperate for anything, any kind of closure, you just wanted to know where your boy was. Until Twisty found you first before anybody else could.
4 hours ago Twisty dragged you away and somebody knocked you out with a… whatever it was. A bag was put over your head and you were thrown down into a ditch. Classic Freaks behaviour.
3 hours ago Bette and Dot Tattler found you in the ditch and brought you down into a secret underground chamber, just like the rumours had said Dandy would be. And then you saw him…; battered and bruised, doused in mud, soaked in bleach, as Jimmy Darling wanted him to be.
2 hours ago your restraints were tied, and Jimmy cuffed you to one of the bars on the wall, taking extra time to secure your hands tight, just the way he likes ‘em. You already knew you hated him, but God did this make you hate him even more.
1 hour ago Bette and Dot brought you some water that you swore was laced with poison, or whatever drug they gave to Dandy, but it wasn’t. Pretending to put arsenic in a drink? Another classic.
30 minutes ago Desiree arrived and began taunting you and Dandy, using a whip to physically hurt Dandy and you were tied up too far away from him to do anything about it, to add to the purple marks already all over his delicate body. So you just had to watch ‘the show’ as Jimmy put it, draping his arm around you as he held your head in his hand, forcing you to look directly at Dandy while Desiree beat him.
1 minute ago you had Dandy in your arms, caressing his cheek with the side of your hand and your fingers, your tears trickling down his face after dropping. You looked up at Jimmy Darling, standing there after lying to you in the coffee shop nineteen hours ago, ladder in his hands.
30 seconds ago Jimmy took Dandy from your helpless arms, the chains restraining you, throwing his unconscious body into the water with the help of Desiree and the twins.
15 seconds ago Dandy woke up, desperate for air as Desiree held his head under water and Jimmy held his body. You sobbed and weeped, trying to move closer to help your lover, but it was too late.
10 seconds ago you whispered; “I’ll miss you… I’ll really miss you. I wish I could have saved you.”
And 1 second ago, it was all over, and a man in a suit walked into the room with a bottle of champagne and popped it, sending the disgusting alcohol spewing out from the bottle. “Marvellous!” He says, a sadistic smirk etched into his face. The man from your dream, the hotel… was your subconscious trying to tell you something?
But this man was wrong, there is absolutely nothing marvellous about the death of the love of your life, Dandy Mott.
taglist - @xxlangdon @sympathyforher @unlivingdreams @quickiesgirl <3
wanna be added or removed? let me know ;)
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chrisevansmaid · 3 years
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Summary: You go to a beach town in search of losing your virginity. The server at dinner is extra cute but it's also young Chris evans.
*this pic is from chris’s twitter*
MUST BE 18+!!!!
I see everyone saying this, so 18+ pleaseeeee. Begoneeeee youngins
Pairing: Chris Evans x female!reader, Young!Chris Evans x minor!reader, (Name inserted but you can switch it to yours)
Word Count: 3393
Perspective: Reader
Warnings: SMUTTT, p in v, mentions of smoking weed / dab pen, oral sex (female receiving), FLUFF AND ANGST, high sex, lowkey rough sex, dirty talk, degrading dirty talk, EXPLICIT sexual content, age gap, minor having sex with non-minor (17F with 20M), 
Authors note: 
FIRST FIC YAY!!!!!! Don't be mean pls <3.
I’m really bad at tenses so if it keeps switching from present to past tense sorry. The only grammar corrector I’m using is grammarly so if something doesn’t make sense oopsie, I’m too lazy from spending a while on this fic to go anal and analyze every sentence for errors. 
Okay so… I’m a pisces which basically means I can never stop daydreaming. Also the backstory is lowkey gonna be my backstory lol. This is how I wished I lost my virginity plus make it Chris evans.
Idk I'm bored and it's summer so I have nothing to do. YES THIS IS ABOUT A MINOR BUT IN MY STATE THE AGE OF CONSENT IS 16 SO CHILL.
So I’m a virgin. Not because I am a prude or anything, but it never worked. I like to self diagnose so my conclusion is I have vaginismus. That is basically rolled into my cervix/vagina clenches up whenever I try to have sex so no dick fits in and if anything does fit it's incredibly painful. It's not a matter of being turned on cus I could have Niagara Falls in my panties and it still wouldn’t work, trust me. Even being fingered was awful and I’ve been fingered like 10 times and none of them were enjoyable. My sister says I’m just really tight. Idk. I can finger myself and it's good-ish, I mean how far up can you reach with your own hand? 
But I’ve had enough of being a virgin and I just want someone to blow my back out. Preferably some sexy older guy. And because I’m sick and tired of having an untapped pussy I’ve devised a plan. I am going to the beach in a week or so and I am going to find the guy who I had my first kiss with and have him fuck me. Or some other hot guy I meet. But to make sure my inhibitions are lowered and my vagina doesn’t clench from nerves I am gonna get a little high before. 
1 week later.
My mom, stepdad, and I arrive at the beach and it is so pretty. I love this beach. It brings back so many good memories. I am rooming with my childhood friend, Sarah, and she knows I want to get fucked. We’ve snuck out before and we are so excited for this week. I take a picture of the beach and put it on my Snapchat story with my location tagged. This will let my first kiss know I’m near him so he can hit me up to fuck me. 
The day goes by kinda slow because all I could think of was walking up and down the boardwalk trolling for hot men. Finally, night comes and all the families that are at the beach go to dinner. I was kinda bored but then our server came. He was something else.
“Hi my name’s Chris and I’ll be your server tonight.” Ugh. Even his voice made my whole body warm up. His greenish blue eyes stared into my soul as he took my order. His dirty blonde hair was perfectly quaffed and the way his black shirt hugged his biceps was absolutely sinful. Okay yes, he was probably in his early twenties but who said I was ageist. If anything an older man would know how to fuck a woman better than any stupid high school senior that I would meet. 
I got up to go to the bathroom and saw Chris on my way. We locked eyes and didn't break contact until I went into the bathroom. As I stepped out of the bathroom I saw him again. It looked like he was waiting for me. His body was leaned up against the wall across from the bathroom I had just exited. He stopped me and said “Call me.” and handed me a piece of paper. Before I had a chance to say anything he turned and I was watching his perfect ass walk away. 
I went back to the table as if nothing happened. I don’t think anyone noticed my uncontrollable smile. Throughout the dinner, I could not tear my eyes away from our sexy server. I think Sarah noticed but I was gonna tell her about it when my parents weren’t right there. We finished dinner and all went back to the beach house. When we got back I told Sarah and she was so shook. We were racking our brains on what I should text Chris. I didn’t want to come off too strong but also I wanted this man to fuck me. So we settled on:
Yes. I know it's lame but he’s older defffffinitely older and I can’t act too young. Ugh, I am so scared of his response it's absolutely killing me. Sarah, two other girls that came to the beach, and I decide to go out for ice cream. At least ice cream would take my mind off waiting for a response. As we wait in line I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. I pull it out and it’s Chris. 
“I thought I told you to call me” His response is very bold but for some reason, it only intrigues you more. Immensely more. I show Sarah and she smiles. 
“Guess who’s getting her wish tonight.”
“Oh my god,” I respond. “What do I say?” I am literally so scared that he will think I’m too young or too much of a child. 
“Um, don’t say anything. Call him.” Sarah says it like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. 
Do I actually call him? I’m literally getting the worst knots in my stomach and now I have to shit and I’m literally so nervous over a phone call. I am not a spontaneous person. AT ALL. 
“Okay, I’m gonna call him.” I say to Sarah after literally pondering this for 5 minutes.
Oh god. This is so scary. I tell Sarah to get me a vanilla ice cream with rainbow sprinkles and I step out of the line. I go to the walkway near the ice cream shop away from the crowd so I can hear better. I dial his number and put the phone to my ear.
It rings like 3 times and he picks up.
“Hey.” He says and his voice is even sexier than I remember. 
“Hey.” I literally didn’t know what to say and I am pacing up and down the sidewalk.
“So you must be the hot girl I gave my number to.”
“And you must be the sexy server.” Some wave of confidence came over me and that was the best response I could come up with.
“So what’s your name?”
“Olivia and if I remember correctly, your name is...” I paused to let him fill in the blank
“Chris, that's right.” I wanted to come off like I didn’t hang onto every word he said and so I played it off like his name wasn’t already filling my fantasies.
“So Liv, when am I gonna see you again?” He asks and this caught me a little off guard that he would jump straight to the point but I guess why prolong the inevitable.
“I don’t know, when are you free?”
“Can I pick you up tonight around 12?” Ugh yes. My plan was filling out nicely.
“Sounds great.” I mean what else am I supposed to say? 
“Send me where you’ll be and I’ll pick you up then.” His assertive tone was a panty fucking dropper. 
“Okay. See you then Chris.” I’ve picked up from my previous male experiences that if you say a guy's name he’ll be more inclined to fuck you. I mean I totally pulled that out of my ass but I wanted to sound like a confident vixen, not some 17 year old virgin. 
“Bye Liv.” The way he made up a nickname for me had me reddening in my cheeks and warming in my core. I say bye and hang up. As soon as the call ends I’m running back to Sarah and telling her every little detail. Okay, I really needed to get back home and shit. 
Sarah, the other girls, and I go back to the house and hang out for like an hour, and then it’s 11 and all the parents are asleep. I need to start preparing. So I take a phat shit and then shower even though I showered before dinner but I need to wash off my nervous sweats. I shave everywhere and when I get out I lotion my entire body, put on my sexy lingerie, and douse myself with perfume. I do my makeup but it’s simple and of course waterproof. I text Chris the address of the beach house but tell him to pick me up a couple houses down. I tell Sarah she needs to sneak out with me so if we get caught I can pretend me and her were just hanging outside the house. Sarah and I sneak out the back and bring her cart. I take a couple hits to calm myself down because god forbid I tense up before he can get his dick in. It's like 11:55. God my stomach is in knots. 
It’s 12. ‘Oh god’ I think to myself. I see a white range rover pull up at the end of the block. I say bye to Sarah and walk to the car. I see his face. Oh, fuck still sexy. I open his car door and jump into the passenger seat. 
“Hey.” I say
“Hey, Liv.” He says back. Him saying that little nickname he gave me is so much hotter in person. So so so much hotter. I think he knows what it does to me because his lips curl into a smirk. “Let’s go for a drive.” Chris says.
“Okay, I’m down.” I say back and kinda rethinking saying ‘I’m down’ because he is definitely rethinking how old I am.
We start driving around and talking and thank god the radio is on to fill any silence there could be. It’s on the country station and him liking country music is literally another added bonus. Then When it Rains it Pours comes on and I say “Omg I love this song.”
“Really?” He says back. “I’ve never met a girl as pretty as you that actually likes country music.” 
“Are you kidding? I love country music.” I say back not noting he just called me pretty. We mindlessly chat for like 20 minutes and Chris pulls the car into an empty parking lot that overlooks the whole beach town. 
“This is so pretty.” I say in awe of the gorgeous view. I can see from the corner of my eye that Chris is just looking at me.
“Not as good as my view.” He says back in a soft tone that has me melting to the floor of the car. I look back at him and we sit in silence just staring into each other's eyes. I glance at his lips and they look so kissable. They are the perfect amount of plump without being too big. When I look back to his eyes he is still staring at me. His lips almost form a smile and he grabs and cheek and kisses me. It’s even better than each and every one of my fantasies. I grab the back of his neck and kiss him even harder back. Before I know it the kiss gets more rushed and Chris is running his hands along the curve of my back. Our lips are crashing into each others with fervor like no other. He pulls me into his lap and he ruts his hips upward. He takes his left hand and moves the seat back and starts kissing down my neck. His lips leave little bite marks and he reaches my bosoms. He pulls my tank top down and pulls my breasts out of my bra and sucks on my right nipple as he pinches the left. Soft mewls leave my lips and he stops to look at me and the rush of cold air sends goosebumps across my skin. He leans up and kisses my neck and leaves marks all the way to my ear lobe and whispers “Before I fuck you until you can’t remember your name, How old are you?” 
Forming words is harder than I imagined so between pants I say back “17.” 
“Perfect” he whispers back while still biting my neck. “Come here” he says as he opens the door. I hop off him and outside the car and see the tent forming in his pants. He picks me up and wraps my legs around him and pins me against the car door. He bites my lip and I can’t imagine anything better than this moment. While still mounted on his he opens the door to the backseat and lays me down. He gets on top of me and shuts the door behind him. He ruts against my core and his jeans rub against the soft fabric of my athletic shorts. Although my mind is completely fixed on his engorged cock a thought forms in my mind. What if he thinks I’ve done this before? What If I’m so bad he doesn’t even speak to me again? These thoughts completely cloud my mind and Chris notices.
“What's wrong?” he says as he pulls away. I glance at his bitten lips and pant trying to form words. 
“Nothing just, I... I’m a virgin.” I blurt out. I am so scared I ruined the moment but his expression only intensifies. 
“Oh well we just can’t have that now can we?” He says back and his lust blown pupils grow darker and he kisses me with such intensity my thoughts completely leave my mind. I could get drunk off the taste of him. Chris breaks the kiss and rips off his shirt showing his perfectly chiseled abs. I felt them through the cotton but seeing them right in front of my eyes makes my mouth open. My lips peak into a smile and he picks me up and places my back closer to the car door. He rips off my shorts and starts kissing down my neck to my navel and I run my fingers through his hair. My chest rises and falls quicker as his lips reach my red lace covered mound. His teeth grab the waistband and he pulls off my panties. 
He inhales and says “So sweet.” His husky voice vibrating against my core. His kisses dance around my thighs. As more sounds leave my mouth Chris bites my skin. His hands hold my legs open as he licks down my folds. His tongue flickers across my clit leaving me trembling. I had never felt this way from anyone ever. My fingers run through his short dirty blonde hair and my nails dig into his scalp leaving crescent shaped indents. He slips his middle finger through my folds as he sucks on my clit. His fingers curl up hitting a spot I never knew existed. A feeling in my stomach starts intensifying and spreading through my entire body and I tremble in euphoria. Chris finger fucks me through my first ever orgasm. I shut my eyes tightly and when I open them Chris is staring right at me. I grab the hair on the nape of his neck and pull him back up to kiss me. I can taste myself still on his tongue as the material of his jeans rubs against my sensitive bud. His fingers pinch my nipples as he slips his tongue between my lips. I reach down and feel his throbbing cock through his pants. As I rub with the palm of my hand, throaty moans leave his mouth. Nothing was stronger than my desire to be fucked raw by this sex god. I pulled away from the kiss and say as I stare deep into his eyes “Fuck me Chris.” My words are efficacious to him. 
He licked his lips like an animal locked onto his prey. “Don’t have to ask me twice.” He pulls down his jeans and takes his cock out of his boxers. I have seen a dick before but never that big. My mouth almost dropped to the floor. He pulled a condom out of the back of the seat and wrapped it around his cock. He pumped his dick a few times before running the head along my sodden folds. “You ready?” I had never been more ready for anything in my entire life. Unable to form words I nodded my head. Chris pushes his cock into me slowly. I gasped at the feeling. I wasn’t as tight as I usually was but it still stung. Each inch stung a little more until he bottomed out into me. He stilled. His breath was hot on my ear as our breathing synced. I gasped again as he pulled his hips back. I reached down and pulled him back into me. 
“Don’t hold back.” I said. I wanted this to be as enjoyable for him as it was for me. Chris pulled out and thrust back into me again. The groans that left this throat made my pussy clench around him. He picks up his pace and pain turns into pleasure. My legs wrap around his thighs and I’m pulling him into me. 
“You dirty little slut. So needy.” He whispered into my ear. The sound that escaped my lips drew him deeper in like a moth to a flame. Chris drives his cock into me faster so that all you can hear is breathy moans and the lewd sounds of skin slapping against skin. Chris moves his hand to my throat and squeezes. I try to moan but they catch in my throat and I look back at Chris. His mouth is agape and he is staring deep into my eyes. He thrusts so deep my eyes roll back and I have to shut them. He grabs my chin and pulls my face to meet his. “Look at me. Don’t look away. I want to see your face as I make you cum on my dick.” His cock is hitting places he didn’t even reach when fingering me. Another orgasm rips through me and my body trembles harder this time. Chris fucks me through my orgasm and just as I regained my mental awareness I could feel another one coming on. Chris squeezes harder on my neck as he sucks on my hardened nipples. He bites my skin and takes his hand from my neck and reaches between our sweaty writhing bodies and pinches my clit. A guttural moan leaves my throat as another excruciatingly intense orgasm takes over my entire body. I can tell Chris isn’t far behind because his thrusts become sporadic and he puts all his body weight into his last thrust and stills. The noises he makes me wish he was still fucking me. He leans down to meet my lips once again but this time it is slower and more gingerly. He pulls his dick out and lays down on top of me. 
We catch our breaths and I say. “Wow, that was.. fuck.”
Chris softly laughs and says “Who knew a 17 year old could have me in the palm of their hand.” 
“Who knew a however-old-you-are would take my virginity.” I say with a smile on my face.
“I’m 20, I probably should have told you earlier.” He says looking a little guilty.
“Don’t worry it would have only turned me on more.” I laugh back and our lips join in a soft kiss. 
Chris and I look at the dashboard and see it's 1:30 am. “Shit I should probably get home before my friend worries too much.” I say looking back at Chris and he nods. We sit up and reach down for our clothes. I reach for my underwear and Chris snatches it from my hands.
“These are mine now.” Chris smirks.
“Fine.” I put on my shorts and pull my top back on. Sadly Chris covers his humongous biceps with his shirt. I lean in and meet Chris with a kiss. We get back into our respective seats and Chris looks at me with a dumb smile.
“Why are you staring at me?” I say with a giggle.
“Oh, nothing.” Chris says and his smile only looks more like a 6 year old who just stole a cookie before dinner. I mean technically he did just steal something but that's beside the point. Chris puts the car back into drive and turns around to back up. 
As he drives me home there's more small talk but then he asks “How long will you be in town?” 
“A week,” I say. Chris’s dumb smile returns. “Okay, what's that smile for?” 
Chris looks at me and says “I’m just excited to fuck you every night this week.” 
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woniepop · 3 years
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➜ sunghoon had never fallen in love with anything the way he did with skating. the wind in his face, the crunch of the ice beneath his feet, it was wonderful. and yet, something about it made your blood boil. you once loved ice skating too, for the same reasons as he, but maybe all you needed was a simple goodbye to understand park sunghoon.
wc: 4.6k
genre: ice skating au, best friends to lovers (ish), angst, fluff, romance, slice of life
content warnings: illness, mentions of medication, mentions of blood, death, mentions of anxiety, mentions of fainting, hospitals, angst, death of a loved one
heavily based off Your Lie in April
tagging: @svnghoonie @unghoon @swanlakesujin​ @heeblr @sweetseung @ferxanda @katberri @usdolans @kisshoons @scintillasofbeomgyu @leemika @qngelhoonie​ 
a/n: hi everyone! this is my first time i’m writing something like this, so i hop eyou guys enjoy it because i’d be super down to write more in the future. 
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Friday, October 16, 2020
The busy sounds of couples, families, and friends fill the air as the cold wind hits your face. Holding hands with your mom, you glide through the ice, laughter filling the entire rink. The bleachers, the other skaters, the floor, it all disappears and the only thing that’s left is you and your mom. Your seven year old self had never felt so alive. 
And yet, here you were, seventeen, staring off into the ice rink as other kids and their mothers ice skated. Ever since you fell in love with the sport it had been the bane of your existence. Mom died, so you stopped. You swore to never go back again, it gave you anxiety. You tried, you really did, but something about being on the ice reminded you so much of the past you wanted to leave behind. It went downhill from then on. 
“Hey, what are you thinking about?” a familiar voice calls out to you. Sunghoon, who had been practicing for his upcoming competition, leans against the side of the rink, talking to you who was sitting on the bleachers. 
“Just my mom again,” you reply. 
“It’s been a while since she passed away, huh. Should we go get some ice cream to cheer you up then?” He says as he skates towards the exit, walking to you. You stand up, bag in hand, and wait for him to change out of his skates. Sunghoon, who had been your best friend since your five year old skating class, had been with you through everything. He always seemed to know just what to say to cheer you up. 
“Hey, y/n. Do you think you’d ever try to skate again?” Sunghoon asks, fully knowing the answer but hoping maybe this time it'll be different. 
“Haha, you really want me to get back into skating that badly?” 
“Well, it’s been a while since you’ve done it. You don’t have to compete with me again, you know. But why don’t you just try it again for fun?” 
You stop in your tracks and think about it. It wouldn’t hurt to try for fun. It was your life at one point. “Fine, tomorrow afternoon. But that’s it.” you say, watching his face light up. 
Saturday, October 17, 2020
“Don’t let go, Sunghoon. I SAID DON’T LET GO.” You shout, as he laughs. 
“Y/n, just relax. You know this. I’m letting go now.” 
“SUNGHOON!” you shout. Your legs bent and you stand in place, too scared to move. You watch as he takes your hand and guides you around the rink. The nostalgia comes rushing back. The wind in your face, the feeling of your feet gliding across the ice like nothing, it had been so long. Before you realize it, you had let go of Sunghoon and gone way ahead of him. Looking back, you find him smiling at you. You remember this feeling, and you loved it. 
You’d definitely got your love of skating from your mom. Being the daughter of a professional skater, it had been your dream to be like her. She was and always will be your role model. When you had quit skating you wondered if she’d be disappointed in you for quitting, but thoughts of her always flooded your mind and you could never focus on the task at hand. You knew your mom would never be disappointed in you, but you were disappointed in you. 
It had been half an hour of skating and an all too familiar voice calls out to you.
“Mom?” you say in response. You look back, no one. Not soon after, your breathing gets heavy, the world starts spinning and the nostalgia of the rink gets washed over by spots of black, your head was pounding. You keep looking. Where was she? Why was this happening? You wanted to hug her. Was she proud of you? Upset that you didn’t skate anymore? Why did she leave you? Before you know it, you could feel Sunghoon holding you on the floor before going unconscious.
Sunday, October 18, 2020
“Y/n, I’m so sorry.” Sunghoon says, clutching your hand while kneeling next to your bed. 
“Sunghoon, I’m fine. It’s not your fault.” 
“BUT IT IS! I asked you to skate with me and now you’re hurt.” 
“I’m not hurt. It’s okay.” you say as you rub the back of his hand with your thumb. You look at the clock. 7pm. It was the next day. “Don’t you have practice? Let’s go.” 
“What do you mean let’s go?!? You just woke up??” Sunghoon utters in a panic.
“Yeah, which means I’m energized. I need to make sure you don’t stay there for too long and hurt yourself too.” you say, standing up to shoo Sunghoon out so you can change. “Wait on the couch,” 
A few moments later you both were out the door and on the bus to the ice rink. 
“I’m not going to stay for long then. I don’t want you to be out for too long.” He decides. 
“That’s fine.” 
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The noise Sunghoon’s skates made as they hit the ice and the chilly air gave you comfort as you watched him run through his routine. Running his fingers through his hair, your eyes follow him wherever he went. He knew you were watching, which was why he was putting on his best performance. The both of you had never felt butterflies for each other like the way you did now. Before you knew it, the two of you were falling hard. 
“Y/n, let’s go now.” Sunghoon says as his chest rises up and down, panting from his last run. 
“Okay, you did good today.” You compliment him as you walk to the bus. His hand accidentally bumps into yours. You desperately wished that he had gone to hold yours, but he was just your best friend. Nothing more. The ride was filled with a comfortable silence. You stared out the window while Sunghoon stared at you. Feeling his gaze on you, you turn to look at him only for him to turn away and pretend like he was looking the other way. Having spent almost everyday for the past ten years with Sunghoon, you guys never needed to talk constantly, having each other there was just enough to have a great day. 
You get off together, but Sunghoon was acting suspiciously jittery. He walks you home, but you see him turn the opposite direction of your house once you’re inside. Weird. 
Alone, Sunghoon gets back on the bus. His home was close enough to walk from your house, though. “What was he doing?”, you thought.
Arriving at his destination, Sunghoon sighs as he puts a hand up to his backpack strap. 
“Name?” the receptionist asks. 
“Park Sunghoon.” 
“Sunghoon! I’m sorry to see you back. You’ve grown so well. The doctor is ready for you in room 306. Good luck!” 
In and out of hospitals ever since the seventh grade, twelve year old Sunghoon stands in the dark hospital hallway, watching his parents cry in the moonlit lobby. He didn’t have much time left, he thought. 
Trudging through the all too familiar hallways, Sunghoon makes a left turn and opens the fourth door to the right. He knew this place like the back of his hand. 
“Hey Sunghoon! Welcome back! Just take a seat over there and I’ll start preparing to run some tests and then we’ll talk about starting your physical therapy.” The doctor says in a way too cheerful voice. 
“That sound’s good. Thank you.” Sunghoon replies. Hearing the sound of the door clicking shut, Sunghoon sat deep in thought. He wanted to skate with you again, but he was worried about your health. Just one more time. That was what he wanted. The glimmer in your eyes, you huge yet adorable smile. He wanted to see it again. 
Next Saturday, October 24, 2020
The day started out hectic but you finally found your seat in the stands. You waited for them to announce Sunghoon. Alas, he came gliding out and the crowd was already cheering. Before he starts his eyes search for you, smile widening when his eyes finally meet with yours. Although he had other passions, like skating, his favorite one would always be you. The music starts and the audience quiets down. You had probably seen this routine over 100 times, but something about the setting, the mood, made it seem like a whole new dance. Every move he made drew you further in. He pushed the audience to the edge of their seats leaving them in awe. It was all for you. Everything about him at that moment was brilliant. Once he ends, the audience roars and Sunghoon, not surprisingly, ends up winning. Of course he won. He was your Sunghoon. 
You make a beeline towards the performers’ hall and jump onto Sunghoon’s back, accidentally hitting his face with the flowers you had purchased a few moments before. 
“Y/n, I told you to stop buying me these. They’re a waste of money.” Sunghoon giggles, happy to see you. You’d had always brushed them off as a pretty reward for a pretty performer, but there had always been a separate meaning behind the red tulips you give him. They would always end up in your home, in the glass vase next to the couch. A gift from your father to your mother, every Friday. Red tulips, the symbol of true love. 
“Alright, I need to go change, wait here.” he says, leaving you behind. 
An hour goes by and you were starting to get a bit worried. You knock on his changing room door. Nothing. Did he leave without you? You knock on the door again, and nothing. Opening the door, your eyes widen and you let out a gasp. Sunghoon had fainted due to exhaustion and the blood from his head injury had stained the floor. 
You call the ambulance and thankfully they arrive quickly. Refusing to leave Sunghoon’s side, you watch as the nurses wrap bandages around his head. This had been the first time you’d seen Sunghoon like this. Was it happening often? Did he not get enough sleep last night? 
“Sunghoon, I’m glad to see you’re awake. You passed out from exhaustion again and we’ve handled your head injury. You’re free to go anytime.” The doctor says. 
“Again?”  you ask. 
“Yeah, but only a long time ago. You don’t need to worry about it.” Sunghoon says. “My parents have been overreacting and making me get routine tests, though.” 
As a kid, you hated going to the hospital, and Sunghoon knew that. It was bland, it was boring, but most of all it’s the place you lost your mother. You hated the hospital. You’d come almost every month, week even, watching them run tests on your mom, prescribe her what seemed to be like hundreds of different medications, it was terrible. Losing your parent to cancer was not fun. No more skating, no more family days, no more cheering at competitions. Your family dinners turning to just you and your dad, and then just you. Referring to your parents as my “parent,”. Learning how to live life without the person you cherished most. It seemed like your life revolved around that retched place you called the hospital. 
The rain poured and thunder boomed through the quiet hospital. He had sent you home before it rained, not wanting you to get wet and sick from the cold. Sunghoon sat still and thought to himself in his bed. “I see, so I’ve passed out again,” he thinks.
Monday, October 26, 2020
The chair screeches across the floor as Sunghoon drags it to your desk. 
“Y/nnnnnnn” he whines, seeing you eat your gummy worms. 
“But I’m hungryyyy” he cries. You roll your eyes, placing one in his hand. You watch as he holds one side close to his mouth as if he was waiting for something. 
“Sunghoon, what are you doing?” you ask. 
“Bite the other side” he says, causing your face to go red. 
“why not?” he says with his best attempt at puppy eyes and a pout. 
“why?” you ask, hoping he hasn’t noticed your tomato red face yet
“cause I want to. we can lady and tramp it.” he says. “you know you want to.” 
“I’m not going to lady and tramp a gummy worm with you. eat it or i’m taking it back.” you argue.
“Fine, but I have a proposal.” he announces. “I want to enter the next competition with you. Just one. Give me one more duet before you quit for good.” 
“no,” you reply. “I’m never skating again.” 
“Why not? You love it” 
“Why do you want me to skate so badly?” you ask. He didn’t know what to say. He couldn’t tell you the real reason. He couldn’t tell you he was dying, that was a huge no. 
“I miss being able to skate with my best friend. I feel so lonely.” he says, puppy eyes resurfacing. 
“I’ll think about it then.” 
“Good. Meet me at the ice rink on Saturday at 10am” he exclaims before getting up to go back to his desk. 
“I haven’t even agreed.” 
“Oops I can’t hear you!” he says as you roll your eyes. 
Saturday, October 31, 2020
Little you steps off the ice as tears threatened to pour out of your eyes. Running out of the rink into the changing room, you latch on to your mother. 
“Mommy, I’m not gonna win,” you say. Her hand comes up to run her fingers through your hair. She coos at you until your breathing has relaxed. 
“Why don’t you think you’d win, honey? I loved watching you out there. You were so beautiful.” she says. 
“I fell on the ice! Winners don’t do that. I wanted to win just like you.” you manage to sniffle out. You feel your mother give you a kiss on the forehead before kneeling and holding both of your hands. 
“Ah, you see, my love, they do! Mommy fell all the time! She still falls! I promise you no winner has never fallen. Mommy only wins because she knows what it’s like to fall! Even if you don’t win, mommy is very proud of you, okay?” she says. 
You bolt up from your sleep. It was just a dream. Scrunching your face, holding back the tears that threatened to spill out, you force yourself to get ready for the day, not giving any time to be sad and reminisce. 
You enter the complex, Sunghoon standing at the entrance of the rink, impatiently waiting for you. He was so excited. This was going to work out for him. You both walk to the bleachers to satrt lacing your skates, Sunghoon practically bouncing off the walls. 
“Aw man, I forgot my hair tie” you complain. Sunghoon pauses lacing his boots and holds his arm out to you. 
“Here” Sunghoon says as you look at the extra hair tie on his wrist. 
“Why do you have these.” you ask. 
“You always forget.” he says, unsurprised.
“Awwww you were thinking of me?” you teased. 
“Of course, idiot. Did you forget? I’m never not thinking of you” Sunghoon argued, wallking away, leaving you dumbfounded and blushing like a tomato. 
Once again you step into the rink. You were stronger this time. Taking a deep breath you start to glide across the ice once again. It was very unsettling, though. Being on the ice, having fainted the last time you were here. Both you and Sunghoon were on edge, but you were determined to help him win this competition. 
The day was filled with talking with your instructor, cleaning up your spins and jumps, and getting back to where you were before. You were getting it and you showed no signs of panic. Sunghoon was so proud of you. YOU were proud of you.
Sunghoon was happy, and he was hopeful. On his walk home all his thoughts were filled with you. Loving you ever since the seventh grade, when he found out he had an illness. He had decided never to tell you, fearing his time would come and leave you alone, but it was too late now. He didn’t want to push you away, you were his ride or die. His heart ached, he didn’t want to say goodbye. He didn’t want you to have to live alone. 
Opening the door to his home, he walks through the hallway, leaning against the wall limping to his room. Every big event Sunghoon would write you a letter, and so tonight he poured his heart out onto this piece of paper, tears staining his face. 
Sunday, November 1, 2020
On Sunday, you show up to his house unexpectedly but not surprisingly. “Sunghoon, get dressed. We’re going to the market.” you say. Without question, he does as you ask and you both head to the market in no time.
Walking down the ice cream aisle, you grab all the flavors you enjoy, filling your whole basket with different ice creams, toppings, fruit, drinks, and even a cake. “You’re quite hungry, aren’t you?” Sunghoon teases, earning him a slap to the arm.
As soon as you get home, you send Sunghoon alone to his bedroom, telling him you need time to prepare everything. You had pulled all the stops, whipping out the cheap snoopy shaved ice maker, birthday party hats, streamers, balloons, and banners. It was no one’s birthday in particular, but the fake birthday party put you in a festive and refreshing mood. You had set up a giant ice cream sundae bar, and had even made lemonade.
Calling Sunghoon to come out of the bedroom, he was not surprised but very impressed. Wanting to make it even more fun, he suggests to make sundaes for one another, which you happily agree to. The day was so fun, and it was hardly possible, but Sunghoon had fallen in love with you even more. 
Sunghoon was so happy that you planned something like this. He was never one to do anything cute for you unless you begged, so this time he wanted to show you how grateful he was to you by giving you one FREE boop on the nose. Scooping some ice cream with his fingertip, he lightly taps your nose, leaving the melted strawberry ice cream to drip off your nose. You turn to look at him in disgust, eventually dipping your finger in the ice cream and starting a war. 
Monday, November 2, 2020
From: Sunghoon (sent at 7:30am) 
From: you
[ where are you ]
From: Sunghoon
[ Oh yeah I forgot to tell you I’m not coming today. ]
From: you
[ what, why? I don’t wanna eat lunch alone like a loser. ]
From: Sunghoon
[ oh yeah. i’m back at the hospital LMAOOOO ]
From: you
[ WHY ]
From: Sunghoon
[ idk i forgot. i just woke up here and they were like “hihi” and i said “hihi” back ]
From: you
[ you are unbelievable. i’m coming after school. ]
From: Sunghoon
[ NO DON’T ] 
From: you
[ why ]
From: Sunghoon 
[ i don’t wanna get yelled at again. only come if you bring me more gummy worms ]
From: you
[ fine. since you’re sick ] 
You acted like you didn’t care, but you were so worried. What could’ve happened? Why couldn’t he remember? Even when bed ridden, he still managed to get you to fall head over heels. 
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That afternoon, you arrive at the hospital, finding Sunghoon playing video games while lying in bed. You chuckled. Even with head bandages and an IV drip, he still managed to be his teenage boyish self. 
“Y/n! Today was so boring. Can we take a walk in the garden, I’m sick of being here.” he asks, to which you reluctantly agreed. 
During your stroll you talked about anything and everything, a common activity you both did. 
“How was school today? Did you miss me?” Sunghoon asks cheekily. 
“I did actually. I didn’t realize how much time I spend with you until today.” you respond. “But, it was okay. I got your gummy worms and some other snacks too. I know you hate hospital food.” 
“Well I missed you too, there was no one but the staff to bother.” He chuckles. “You know, I’m not always going to be around to help you.” 
“I know, but we have time.” 
Before you knew it, the sun was setting and Sunghoon sent you home so you didn’t have to walk alone in the dark. On his walk back to his room, Sunghoon worried. The thing was, you didn’t have time. The fact that you missed him in just a few hours? How would you feel about forever? He never wanted you to have bad days, let alone be the one to cause them. 
Walking through the hallways he trips and falls. Landing on his knees. He tried to get up, but he couldn’t. Why wouldn’t his legs move? He punched his leg. Nothing. Again. It was no use. He had lost feeling in his legs. Tears start pouring out of his eyes. Move, it’s just your leg. Get up. Move. Water droplets fall from his face as he bangs his fist on the floor. Why can’t he move. Eventually he gives up, dragging himself back to his room with his arms. They hurt. His heart hurt. Everything hurt. Was this it?
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
After last night’s events, Sunghoon felt out of it. He wouldn’t be able to go back to school for a while, the nurses claiming that if it happens again the situation can be way worse. He couldn’t skate anymore. He couldn’t see YOU skate anymore. This was it. His illness was getting to him. 
With a knock on the door, Sunghoon falls right out of his daze and watches as you come in with another bag of goodies. 
“I brought you some stuff from the convenience store.” You say, taking out a bottle of green tea and handing it to him. He reaches out to grab it but as soon as you let go the bottle slips out of his hands. 
Ah, so it’s spreading to my arms too, he thinks as he realizes he was too weak to grip the bottle. The doctors told his parents last night that surgery was an option, but it would only give him a little more time, but he wanted to take it. He wanted to be able to skate a little longer. He wanted to make it to the competition. 
“I’m in the mood to watch all the Studio Ghibli movies in one sitting.” Sunghoon says as he leans his head back. 
“Scoot over,” you reply, getting up to sit in his bed with him. “Good thing I brought my laptop.” 
“Are you sure? That’s gonna be like all night.” He asks. 
“Of course, I’m always in the mood for you,” you say as Sunghoon wraps an arm around you, prepared for the whole night of cuddling and movie watching. 
Half way through the marathon you feel Sunghoon nuzzle his face into your neck. His soft snoring tickled you. You bring your hand up to stroke his hair. Park Sunghoon, I am so in love with you, you think.  Your smile. Your eyes. Your lips. Your hair. Your voice. You teasing. The way you say my name. The way you stare at me. The way you talk. The way you smile at me. The way my day isn’t complete without you. I love you. 
Wednesday, November 4, 2020
The next day was supposed to be better. Sunghoon was going to see you and you were gonna get him more gummy worms. Sitting up with him on his bed, you were cuddling, and he seemed to be getting paler and paler by the minute. He seemed really tired, like he was sick to his stomach. 
You got up to go get him a drink from the vending machine, and as you came back nurses and doctors were rushing in and out of your best friend’s room. Your heart feels like it’s going to beat out of it’s chest and you run to his room. Sunghoon was clutching onto the sides of the bed, doctors scrambling to get the defibrillator going. His heart had stopped.
You’d later learn that he had gone into cardiac arrest, and you watched as the nurses wheeled his bed to the ICU. But the surgery didn’t work, and he didn’t survive. You felt numb. Stretching out a trembling arm, you took hold of Sunghoon’s hand. You shut your eyes and squeezed his palm. It was cold. Your  hand trembled harder with each passing second, as if the movement would cause Sunghoon to wake up. Your face buried into the crook of his neck. You nudged the bridge of your nose against the cool skin. Your lips brushed against his collarbone in desperate search of that familiar warmth. Both hands had clasped around Sunghoon’s, quavering without pause. Devastation weighed down on you. It was a surreal feeling, one that you could never in one million years describe. It squeezed you, threatening to crush you from the inside out. The pain seared itself into your soul, hindering him, rendering him speechless to a point where he no longer knew what words were. A sob wretched its way out from your throat. You tried desperately to hold it in. Tried so hard to keep yourself together, but you knew you were too weak to pull such a bluff. Once the second sob had left you, you felt yourself spiraling. There was no hiding it.
The doctor comes to hand you a letter. Weakly reaching out, you read it right away. You were desperate. You needed to hear something from Sunghoon, anything. 
Dear Y/n,
HI BESTIE, I know I write you one of these every big event, but I’m afraid this might be my last. I’m sorry if you’re getting the before the competition. I desperately wanted to skate with you, but I guess if you’re reading this then my time has come. I hope you’re doing okay. I don’t want you to miss me too much. Please keep skating. I love watching you skate, more than anything. You look so happy, so carefree. I want you to live like that always. It’s a lot to ask, I know, but I don’t want you to associate something you love so much with sadness. I’m with your mom now, and we’re rooting for you. Always. 
I know it was pretty obvious, but I love you. Actually, that’s an understatement. I’m so in love with you that my heart hurts when I’m not with you. I’m in love with you. And I love that I’m in love with you. I love the feelings. The happiness when I think of you, the butterflies when you text me, the excitement I get when I know I’ll get to see you. It’s amazing. And you’re amazing, and I love you. And I’m sorry I had to keep so many secrets. I’m sorry I couldn’t make it to the competition. I’m sorry for not telling you about my illness. I didn’t want you to carry this burden with me. You’re the light of my life, Y/n. I love you. 
your bestie, sunghoon. 
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gamerwoo · 3 years
Seventeen: Welcome to Caratland (End)
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Characters: Seventeen x reader (gender neutral)
Genre/warnings: horror/halloween au, choose your own adventure au, horror au, angst, murder, major character death, 
Summary: The night before Halloween, you and your 13 friends decide to go explore the infamous abandoned amusement park: Caratland, where it’s rumored that rides start on their own, empty mascot suits are seen walking around, and people don’t return the same as when they left. Can you and your friends survive the night in Caratland?
a/n: realizing halloween is coming up, i’ve decided to FINALLY finish the au i did last halloween. for those who kept up with it: i’m sorry for discontinuing it. there was hardly any interaction with it so i just lost interest and motivation. and the lack of interaction is why i decided to just put all the choices in this part so you can see all the endings and whatnot. i’m sorry it took so long to wrap things up and there will probably be mistakes so i’m sorry about that, but i hope you all still enjoy it. ALSO LMK WHICH PATH/ENDING YOU GET FIRST TIME AROUND!!!
Tag list: @sadienita @xummie @mingoats @xxbluestrifexx @kwanseo @junhaoshua @allegxdly​ 
Previous | Caratland Masterlist
[NOTE: there will probably be mix-ups with paths and endings because i literally just did all of this in 3 days and posted without anyone proof reading it. i will go through everything later to fix and edit things, so please be patient with me!!!]
»»————-  ————-««
16 -- A
“It’s probably best to go back to the breach, right?” you decided. “We know it’s there so it’s the best way to get back.”
“_____ has a point,” Wonwoo shrugged.
“Alright, everyone head back to the hole -- and don’t get split up,” Seungcheol stated before deciding to take the lead.
“Okay, but if I see one of those glorified Chuck E. Cheese mascots coming toward us, I’m leaving all of you behind,” Seungkwan muttered as he followed with the group.
All of you were glancing around trying to keep an eye out for the animatronics, while also trying to quickly and quietly make your way back to the way you’d gotten into the park. You kept mentally kicking yourself for convincing your friends to come here. If it wasn’t for you, you wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place. You were just lucky everyone was still here...
The gates were starting to come into view, and you felt relief begin to course through you. Your legs were starting to move faster on their own, just wanting to get out of this living nightmare.
Seungcheol shooting his arms out to stop the group was what had you skid to a stop. He whispered loudly for everyone to get down behind the nearby shrubs and two trash bins. The fourteen of you poked your heads around to see what had gotten him to act like this, and your heart sank at what you saw
Serenity was blocking the hole in the fence.
“Fuck,” Jeonghan hissed.
“We’re gonna die here...” Seokmin whispered, but Wonwoo was quick to comfort him.
“What’s the plan now?” Hansol wondered.
“I know it’ll risk us going to jail or something,” Jihoon began, “but I think it’s time we just cave and call someone.”
“No, I’m not going back there!” Seungkwan whispered intensely.
Your eyebrows furrowed as your turned to look at him, “Excuse me?”
“I’d rather get arrested than get murdered,” Mingyu insisted. “At least we know we’ll be safe and alive in jail.”
You made a face, “Will we, though?”
“Listen,” Hansol interrupted as he pulled out his phone, “I’ll just call my parents -- they’re really chill. And worse case scenario, they just lecture us.”
But as he went to make the call, all his phone did was beep at him like the line was busy. He took the phone away from his ear and looked down, furrowing his eyebrows.
“We had service all night, right?” he asked.
“Yeah...?” Joshua replied.
“Well now I don’t for some reason,” he said, turning his phone screen to show his friends.
Mingyu’s eyes widened, “You’re kidding.”
Then everyone, including you, were taking out their phones and checking for service. Just like Hansol, you had no bars.
Unfortunately, everyone else was in the same boat.
Now, Seokmin was on the verge of tears, “We’re going to die here!”
“Don’t get hysterical yet,” Minghao told him. “There’s gotta be a way out of this. Even if we have to wait around until morning, we can probably out-run these hunks of metal.”
“Y’know, I heard a friend of a friend snuck in here once,” Soonyoung began. “Some dude Changkyun knows. He said there’s apparently some sort of underground exit under the food court.”
“At this point, we’ll have to try anything,” Wonwoo sighed.
“So back to the food court?” Seungcheol practically whined.
You took a deep breath, “Unfortunately, yeah.”
[GO TO: 17 -- A]
»»————-  ————-««
16 -- B
“Does anyone even remember where the hole in the fence is?” you asked.
Everyone either gave you blank stares or shook their heads. You let out a sigh.
“Alternate way it is,” Minghao shrugged.
“Let’s just hang here until someone thinks of something,” Seungcheol suggested. “We’re all here, and I think those things are still hanging around wherever we were before. It’ll take a while before we see them again.”
So the fourteen of you hung out at the merry-go-round. Most of you leaned up against the horses or found yourselves sitting down on them. A few of you sat on the two steps of the platform. Chan and Wonwoo were sitting in one of the carriages that most families or parents sat in. All of you were scrolling on your phones or looking at someone else’s phone, trying to research anything about Caratland that might help you find a way out. Maybe a map or a blueprint or something might come up. 
Suddenly, the ride jerked. You almost fell over onto Junhui as the ride began turning slowly, the music trying to play but the wiring was too old and worn that it just sounded demonic at best.
“Ha ha, very funny,” Jihoon scoffed. “Who turned on the ride?”
The question was overlooked by Mingyu’s shriek. Every head who was on his side of the merry-go-round whipped over to see Bongbong sitting on a horse only a few rows away from the tall boy. But another scream from Seungkwan was what brought attention to the answer to Jihoon’s question.
Eight was standing at the controls of the ride, his never-changing smile on his face as he slowly waved.
“Run!” Joshua called, leaping off of the horse he was sitting sideways on.
“Run where?” Seokmin called as he scrambled to get off the ride and jump the short fence.
“Food court!” Soonyoung shouted as he pumped his legs as fast as they would go. “It’s a long shot...but I have an idea!”
“I’d rather know the idea first!” Jeonghan called after him as the group ran together away from the merry-go-round.
“One of Changkyun’s friends apparently broke in before!” he tried to explain between breaths. “He said there’s an underground exit there! Who knows if it’s legit, but...”
But it was the only plan they had.
[GO TO: 17 -- A]
»»————-  ————-««
17 -- A
All of you had to squeeze through the tiny basement windows to get back in after finding the doors to be locked once again.
“How’d those fuckers get out in the first place?” Jeonghan huffed as he landed on the concrete floor of the basement. “The doors have been locked this entire time.”
“We’re being chased by animatronics that haven’t been functioning for years, and they’re out to kill us for some reason, and that’s what you’re going to question?” Soonyoung pointed out.
“Can we focus, please?” Seungcheol whined. “The sooner we find this secret eit, the sooner we’re free.”
“Everyone start searching,” Hansol said, waiving for everyone to scour the basement.
All of you searched every inch you could. The floor, the walls, shelves, behind old cupboards and props -- but there was nothing.
“What if it’s not here?” Chan suggested.
“Yeah? And where else would an underground exit be other than in the basement?” Jeonghan shot back.
The youngest frowned and rolled his eyes, “Soonyoung just said it was underground, he didn’t say under what part of the food court.”
“I mean...Jeonghan has a point,” Seokmin admitted hesitantly. “The basement is underground.”
»»————-  ————-««
18 -- A
“It can’t hurt to check somewhere else,” you spoke up, moving to stand beside Chan. “We’re looked everywhere down here. What if it’s not in the basement? There could be some secret tunnel under a different location and we’re just going to be here wasting our time.”
“I mean...yeah, that makes sense,” Jihoon decided with a shrug. “Alright, we’ll try back upstairs.”
“I don’t wanna go back up there...” Seokmin whined, clinging to the nearest person -- it happened to be Junhui.
“We’re all going,” you reassured him with a soft smile. “Let’s go. Nothing’s going to happen.”
You led the way up the stairs this time, but you found yourself going slow. You strained your ears for any noise on the other side of the basement door but the food court seemed to be quiet. Maybe the animatronics couldn’t get back in since the doors were locked.
You pushed the door open cautiously, poking your head out to glance around. It seemed empty, so you opened the door wider and let everyone else out.
“Is that e--”
All of you jumped back and turned around hearing the basement door slam shut behind the last person out. 
“Fuck this, I want out,” Mingyu stated, shaking his head as he began to quickly walk away from the door.
“Hold up,” Wonwoo reached out and grabbed Mingyu’s wrist to keep him with the group. “We should stick together.”
“It probably just closed from the weight of the door anyway,” Minghao figured before going to pull on the door handle.
It didn’t budge.
“Move out of the way, toothpick,” Seungcheol smoothly pushed Minghao out of the way before trying the door himself.
Still nothing.
“D-did it...lock?” Chan asked slowly.
“Haha, would you look at that?” Seungkwan said, checking his wrist that very clearly didn’t have a watch on it. “I actually have to get the fuck out of here. Bye!”
“Maaaaybe,” Hansol grabbed him by the elbow and dragged him back, “don’t do that.”
“Yeah, nobody goes running off, got it?” Jihoon checked, shining his light at everyone to make sure they agreed to the new rule. “Shit’s too weird to be splitting up.”
“I think our best bet would be to hide in the security room until morning,” you spoke up. “It’s probably the safest place in here.”
“_____’s right,” Wonwoo nodded. “Let’s go -- and stick together.”
As a group, all of you made your way to the security room, with you, Jihoon, and Soonyoung leading the way. All of you had your lights, shining them around to make sure the entire area was safe until you made it to the security room and barricaded the door closed.
“Jesus Christ, I hated that,” Mingyu panted as if he had been holding his breath the entire time you were walking.
“I think I almost shit myself,” Soonyoung admitted.
“Imagine your last words being ‘I think I almost shit myself’,” Junhui snorted.
“Hang on, shut the fuck up,” Seungcheol snapped, holding a hand up as he quickly scanned the group in the room. He was trying to count heads while all of you were talking, and as he quickly recounted, his blood turned to ice. “Why are we one short?”
“One short?” Jeonghan asked.
“Someone’s missing,” he said urgently.
“Alright, let’s run attendance real quick,” Jihoon decided, trying to stay level-headed. He pulled out his phone and went to the group chat. “Obviously I’m here. Soonyoung?”
“Unfortunately here.”
Jihoon looked up from his phone, repeating, “Josh?”
You and your friends looked around, trying to find Joshua’s face in the crowded room. But nobody spoke up, and the silence following Joshua’s name became deafening.
“Oh fuck...” you breathed, trying to not completely lose your shit. “Did we really lose Josh?”
“We have to go back for him,” Jeonghan insisted.
“What? No!” Seungkwan shouted. “That’s suicide!”
Then everyone was bickering. While everyone of course wanted to hope Joshua was safe, half of the group felt that going back out to look for him would mean all of them would get killed. The other half, on the other hand, were willing to risk their lives to go on a rescue mission.
»»————-  ————-««
18 -- B
“I mean...how would it be under anywhere else?” you asked slowly with a shrug. “No offense, Chan. But like, this is kind of the only basement in the place.”
“See?” Jeonghan sneered.
Chan just frowned and rolled his eyes.
“There’s gotta be something we missed,” Soonyoung said, trying to stay calm. “Let’s just sweep the place over again.”
But after more looking, you still came up with nothing.
“At this point, I’m about to just dig through the boxes of old animatronic parts and just hope there’s a portal at the bottom or something,” Joshua sighed, slumped against a wall with Jeonghan beside him.
“Good luck,” Jeonghan scoffed. “I already tried picking one up to move them away from the wall but they’re super fucking heavy. It’s literally impossible.”
You turned your head to look at the large stack of boxes. There were piles of various sizes, but the ones at the back pressed up against the wall went up the highest. It was a long shot, but behind the boxes was the only place nobody checked because it couldn’t be reached. But with everyone giving up hope, it didn’t hurt to try, right?
“Hey, Gyu,” you spoke up before pointing to the boxes. “Think you can move those?”
Mingyu shrugged, “Yeah, probably.”
He walked over to the wall and began lifting boxes one-by-one. He grunted as he picked them up and moved them away until he called everyone over.
“There’s metal behind here!” he called over his shoulder.
“Ooh, is it the door?” Soonyoung asked excitedly, pushing himself off the floor.
“Told you it was better to look down here,” Jeonghan said once more.
Jihoon groaned, “Can you let it go? Leave Chan alone already.”
Seungcheol started assisting in the box-moving until the metal door was accessible. Seungcheol tried to push it open, but it didn’t budge. He tried harder, but still nothing.
“Can I try?” Mingyu asked.
Seungcheol stepped out of the way, gesturing for the tallest to give it a shot.
Mingyu threw his shoulder into the door a few times before it finally swung open, leading to a narrow corridor that looked like it would bring you straight to Hell.
“Okay,” Soonyoung breathed out, “let’s see if this is the way to freedom.”
[GO TO 20 -- A]
»»————-  ————-««
19 -- A
“Why is this an argument?!” you shouted over the bickering. “Our friend could be dead! I don’t care if nobody comes with me, but I’m going to find Josh.”
“I’ll go,” Jeonghan stated.
“Me too,” Hansol volunteered with a slight raise of his hand.
“Plus, I highly doubt an animatronic got him,” Minghao scoffed as he went to join your group as you went to open the door.
“Well...good luck with that,” Seungkwan nodded.
In the end, it was you leading the way, with Jeonghan, Hansol, Minghao, Seokmin, and Seungcheol tagging along -- the latter two clinging to each other as you opened the door and went down the short hallway to the door that read EMPLOYEES ONLY on the other side.
“Why would he split off from the group?” Jeonghan wondered. “If he were trying to prank you guys, he would’ve had me in on it.”
“Maybe he just--”
Your sentence was cut off by a scream -- your own scream. Your eyes saw the scene before you: Joshua’s body laying just in front of the EMPLOYEES ONLY door, a bloodied mess. All you could do was scream.
Standing over him, covered in what you could only assume was your friend’s blood, was Bongbong.
“_____, run!” Minghao shouted, grabbing your arm and yanking you away from the door.
He quickly reached for the door and slammed it closed as you and the others ran back down the short hall. Jihoon had poked his head out the door to see what the noise was, and you crashed right into him, hyperventilating as tears welled in your eyes.
God, that image was going to be burned into your brain forever.
“What happened?” he asked.
“J-J-Josh!” you sobbed.
“Those things are in here,” Minghao panted, closing the door to the security room and pressing his back. “Th-they got Josh.”
“You’re fucking with us,” Seungkwan said quietly and very unsurely.
“Would Minghao fuck with you?!” Jeonghan cried. “If you don’t believe us, why don’t you go out there and check for yourself, Kwan? Go get yourself traumatized!”
“Okay, don’t scream at him, it won’t help anything,” Wonwoo spoke up, trying to somehow keep the group put together.
“Let’s just focus on finding a way out,” Seungcheol decided in a shaky voice. 
“U-um...guys?” Mingyu spoke up, staring into the monitors.
Everyone gathered over to see what he was looking at.
Each room had a camera and a monitor to go with it. In each room, stood an animatronic. Each camera had an animatronic staring into it, as if they all were staring at the group.
They knew where you were.
“We have to get out of here,” Seomin panted, beginning to hyperventilate. “They’re going to come in here and kill us!”
“I get it’s scary, but we have to stay calm and--”
Everyone turned their heads a the sudden exclamation. Chan was standing beside a square metal door in the floor with some dusty boxes and wires he’d moved to find it. He smirked, gesturing to the door.
“While you guys were shitting your pants, I found the underground exit,” he stated.
“Well fuck, kid,” Jihoon whistled under his breath.
“Let’s get the hell outta here,” Soonyoung said as he threw the trapdoor opened and descended the ladder that led to a narrow corridor.
Chan gave Jeonghan a pointed look, “And you thought I was stupid.”
Jeonghan just rolled his eyes, “Whatever.”
[GO TO 20 -- A]
»»————-  ————-««
19 -- B
You felt like a shitty person for not wanting to risk your life for Joshua. You felt extremely guilty that you didn’t want to go out and look for your friend, but truthfully, you were afraid to die -- and that’s why half your friends didn’t want to go looking for him. Not everyone was brave enough to be a hero, and while you always told yourself you would be when putting yourself into the shoes of horror movie characters, it just wasn’t the truth.
But in the midst of the argument of whether or not to go out to search for Josh -- the argument that you stayed silent for -- Mingyu spoke up in a shaky voice, “U-uh...g-guys?”
Everyone turned toward him to see he was staring into the monitors. You all gathered over to see what he was looking at.
Each room had a camera and a monitor to go with it. However, the monitors had gone fuzzy so you couldn’t see anything in any of the rooms.
Wonwoo’s eyebrows furrowed, “Why are the cameras suddenly down?”
You wished they stayed that way after seeing what was displayed next. In each room, stood an animatronic. Each camera had an animatronic staring into it, as if they all were staring at the group.
They knew where you were.
Unfortunately, that wasn’t the most disturbing thing.
You could see on one of the monitors, Bongbong was standing in front of the camera holding a familiar body. Joshua was being held up by his neck, and blood was coming out of his mouth, nose, eyes, and even his ears. 
You weren’t the only one to let out a scream and flinch away from the camera, hiding your face as you started panicking and crying.
“We have to get out of here,” Seomin panted, beginning to hyperventilate. “They’re going to come in here and kill us!”
“We have to find the fucking exit!” Seungcheol said in a panic. “Everyone go--”
Everyone turned their heads a the sudden exclamation. Chan was standing beside a square metal door in the floor with some dusty boxes and wires he’d moved to find it. He was just staring at you like he hadn’t just witnessed what all of you did -- and maybe he didn’t because he was too busy searching.
“Way ahead of you,” he stated.
“Thank god,” Jihoon said under his breath.
“Let’s get the hell outta here,” Soonyoung said as he threw the trapdoor opened and descended the ladder that led to a narrow corridor.
Chan gave Jeonghan a pointed look, “And you thought I was stupid.”
Jeonghan just glared at him, “I’m not in the fucking mood.”
And then he went down the ladder.
[GO TO 20 -- A]
»»————-  ————-««
20 -- A
Other than only being wide enough for one person to walk through at a time, it was also very dimly-lit. It definitely looked like something straight out of a horror movie that would 100% lead to the characters’ imminent death.
Needless to say your heart was pounding in your ears.
There was another metal door, but this one was far easier to open. The squeak of it echoed down the corridor as the thirteen of you filed into the room. It seemed to be where they kept the spare mascot suits that actual employees would wear. There were a few of the bodies of the suits hanging up, with heads scattered in corners and on shelves, along with gloves and feet strewn about.
“I hate this,” Jun stated, looking around the room. 
“I know these things are empty, but looking into their empty eyes is somehow worse,” Jihoon mumbled, staring at an Eight head.
At the opposite end of the tiny room in the right corner was another metal door. You were starting to wonder how many more metal doors you’d have to encounter in this place.
To the left of the room, there was a tiny wooden door that seemed like it would lead to a crawlspace. You assumed there was just more storage back there, but nobody cared enough to look back there, anyway. The focus was to get out of this place and get to safety.
“C’mon,” you nodded your head toward the other metal door that you assumed would lead to the exit, “let’s keep going.”
As Seungcheol went for the door, you and your friends heard banging. You all paused, Seungcheol’s hand on the handle. You listened for the banging again, and then looked to where it seemed to be coming from.
“Guys?” Joshua’s voice called from behind the small wooden door. “Guys?! Oh my god, guys! C-can you hear me? Hello?! Help me!”
“Josh?” Jeonghan took a step toward the door.
»»————-  ————-««
21 -- A
“Joshua!” you cried as you ran to the small door.
You knew what your eyes saw, but was it possible none of it was real? How else would you be hearing Joshua’s voice? He must’ve been alive somehow. Anything seemed possible at this point.
You got down on your knees, opened the small door, and crawled your way through. You stood up as your friends tried to get in behind you, but what you saw made your heart fall into your stomach as your hands went to cover your mouth, muffling the loud sob that came out.
Joshua’s body was slumped against the left wall, looking just as you had remembered.
He was still dead.
Your friends had similar reactions to you. Seokmin even threw up. 
Seungcheol shook his head slowly, eyes full of tears while some streaked his cheeks, “We... W-we have to bring his body...”
“He’s right,” Jihoon said solemnly -- his body seemed to be shutting down now, almost uncapable of processing his emotions. “We need evidence of what happened tonight. Nobody will believe us otherwise.”
“I-I hate to say it, b-but...it’ll s-slow us down, though,” Wonwoo interjected through his sniffles. “What if we don’t make it out?”
»»————-  ————-««
21 -- B
You quickly reached out and grabbed Jeonghan to keep him from going any closer to that door. He turned to look at you, a pained expression on his face.
“Jeonghan, that’s not Joshua,” you told him. “You saw what happened to him. Whatever it is, it’s not him.”
“I think _____’s right,” Wonwoo nodded. “We need to keep going.”
You kept your hold on Jeonghan as all of your began filing out of the mascot room into another narrow corridor like the other one. This one, though, had a sharp right turn before leading down a while to another steel door.
But this door didn’t budge.
Soonyoung was at the head of the group, and he groaned in frustration as he tugged at the handle over and over again, “You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me; what’s with these doors?!”
You started to hear a thumping. It slowly got louder and louder...
...Or maybe it was closer and closer.
Junhui walked down the way you’d come and poked his head around the corner, his eyes widening at what he saw. He whipped his head back around and booked it straight back to where your group was trying to open the door, calling, “You might wanna hurry up on that door!”
Coming down the hall were all four animatronics, their eyes lit up as they stomped closer and closer.
“It’s not doing anything!” Soonyoung huffed, trying with all his might to open the door. “Mingyu, get up here!”
Mingyu squeezed between bodies to get to the door, trying to open it as the group just shouted for him to be faster.
“We might have to just...face these things,” Chan said. “Once and for all.”
“Yeah? How?” Wonwoo scoffed. “They’ll crush us in seconds.”
“There’s fou-- thirteen of us, and four of them. We might have a shot.”
“Well hurry up and decide so we can at least put the strongest up against them first,” Junhui called.
»»————-  ————-««
22 -- A
“We can’t just leave him here,” you stated. “Not only for the evidence, but because he doesn’t deserve to rot away here. His family doesn’t deserve to wonder what happened to him.”
“I’ll grab him,” Seungcheol offered, swallowing his fears and stepping forward to scoop up his friend. “Let’s get him home.”
Chan was the last into the tiny room, so he turned to go. But the wooden door was suddenly closed and wouldn’t open back up.
“What the hell?!” he grunted as he continued to try the door.
“Why’d you let it close, dumbass?!” Jeonghan demanded.
“I didn’t!” Chan shouted back. “It was just open!”
“Ugh, leave it to the fucking baby to--”
“G-guys?” Seokmin asked.
“Can you get off my fucking case?!” Chan huffed as he stood up and went to stand toe-to-toe with Jeonghan. “You’re always such a fucking asshole to me! Why can’t you--”
“Guys?” Seokmin tried again, looking between the left and right walls.
“Are you two really going to argue right now?” Jihoon groaned. “We’re literally--”
“Guys!” Seokmin finally shouted over everyone. “The walls!”
“What about the--”
Jihoon’s question died down as soon as all of you began looking at the walls. They were moving in toward each other, which would crush all of you between them.
Everyone was suddenly in a panic. Everyone was throwing themselves at the door, trying to tug it open before the walls could do anything. Some of you -- such as you and Wonwoo -- decided to spread out so you had more room. But some -- like Jeonghan and Chan, who grouped up by the door with a few others -- created a big human-lump that would be crushed faster. You heard their cries and pleas before they were crushed to death with a sound you couldn’t get out of your ears.
It was only a moment later you met the same fate.
»»————-  ————-««
22 -- B
"Nobody wants to be the asshole that says it’s better to leave him behind, but...” you trailed off.
Wonwoo was right. Joshua would more than likely slow you down. Besides, you knew Josh would want all of you to have the best chance of getting out alive as possible.
“Th-then you go ahead,” Seokmin spoke up, almost like he was afraid to.
“What?” Jihoon asked.
“I...” Seokmin looked at Joshua as more tears welled in his eyes. “It makes me sad to think he’d just be down here alone. I don’t care if he’s...gone. He can’t just stay down here.”
“I’m not leaving my best friend down here,” Jeonghan agreed.
“Seokmin, he’s--”
“Look, just go,” Hansol interrupted whatever Jihoon was going to say. “I’ll help them with the body. You guys just go on ahead.”
Minus the three who wanted to collect Joshua’s body, the group turned and left the small room and went back to the mascot room. Soonyoung tugged on the metal door and led the way down another corridor that looked exactly the same as the one that had led into the mascot room. This one, though, had a sharp right turn before leading down a while to another steel door.
But as you were walking down the hallway, you heard the yells and screams of your three friends. All of you turned on a dime and ran back toward the mascot room but the metal door was already closed and wouldn’t re-open for some reason. All of you were yelling and trying to open the door until you heard a sickening crunch, and then silence.
You all fell silent. You didn’t know what to do now.
“We--” Jihoon’s voice cracked so he cleared his throat. “We should just...keep going...”
Following behind Jihoon, you all turned one by one and went back down the hallway. You turned the corner and walked down that long hallway toward another metal door.
But this door didn’t budge.
Jihoon groaned in frustration as he tugged at the handle over and over again, “You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me; what’s with these doors?!”
You started to hear a thumping. It slowly got louder and louder...
...Or maybe it was closer and closer.
Junhui walked down the way you’d come and poked his head around the corner, his eyes widening at what he saw. He whipped his head back around and booked it straight back to where your group was trying to open the door, calling, “You might wanna hurry up on that door!”
Coming down the hall were all four animatronics, their eyes lit up as they stomped closer and closer.
“It’s not doing anything!” Soonyoung huffed, trying with all his might to open the door. “Mingyu, get up here!”
Mingyu squeezed between bodies to get to the door, trying to open it as the group just shouted for him to be faster.
“We might have to just...face these things,” Chan said. “Once and for all.”
“Yeah? How?” Wonwoo scoffed. “They’ll crush us in seconds.”
“There’s fou-- nine of us, and four of them. We might have a shot.”
“Well hurry up and decide so we can at least put the strongest up against them first,” Junhui called.
»»————-  ————-««
23 -- A
“Mingyu, keep trying the door!” you called to him. “We’ll try to hold them back.”
“We?!” Seungkwan repeated.
Mingyu continued to try to pull the door open as the animatronics slowly turned the corner and began walking toward the nine of you. You weren’t sure how to prepare yourself for this at all, but you knew you couldn’t just turn your back and die.
But you should’ve known what would happen. Four giant machines up against eight fleshy humans who were nowhere near as strong. Sure, all of you were faster than them, but how could you dodge or run in such a narrow hallway? You were doomed from the start.
Well, not you specifically.
Seungcheol had shoved you to the back toward Mingyu, promising to keep you safe. So your friends all died in front of you, and all you could do was stand there and watch in horror.
That’s when Bongbong closed in on you.
“I got the--!”
Mingyu’s exclamation of finally getting the door open was cut off by Bongbong’s arm swinging out and clotheslining him into the wall and cutting off his oxygen. 
The attack that was meant for you, but you had ducked underneath.
The light flooded into the corridor, and just like that, the animatronics just shut down. The light turned off in their eyes, and they were frozen with their hands reaching out for you.
Except Bongbong’s arm that was now frozen in place, keeping Mingyu strangled against the wall. 
You could hear Mingyu gasping for air as you slowly opened your eyes that you’d squeezed shut when you ducked. You looked up and saw the animatronics were lifeless now, and then you shot up and turned to try to help Mingyu. You pulled and pulled on Bongbong’s arm while you had to watch Mingyu slowly die. It was like watching a movie in slow motion, the way his body went limp and the life drained from his eyes. Still, you stood there and sobbed and told him you’d free him as you continued to pull uselessly at the animatronic.
When it finally set in that you didn’t stand a chance, you ran out the back parking lot where the door opened to. You ran out of the park and to your car -- which was still parked near the other 3 that belonged to your friends that were no longer with you -- and drove off toward home with tears still streaming down your face.
The clock on your car radio said 6:08am.
»»————-  ————-««
23 -- B
“The door’s useless!” you cried. “We’re not going to just turn our backs and die. That’s not how I wanna go out.”
Nobody had any faith, but they knew you were right. Laying down and dying after all of this wasn’t worth it. If you died, at least you would die fighting.
But you should’ve known what would happen. Four giant machines up against nine fleshy humans who were nowhere near as strong. Sure, all of you were faster than them, but how could you dodge or run in such a narrow hallway? You were doomed from the start.
Seungcheol had shoved you to the back toward the door that wouldn’t open, promising to keep you safe. So your friends all died in front of you, and all you could do was stand there and watch in horror.
That’s when Bongbong closed in on you.
»»————-  ————-««
23 -- C
“The door will work!” you swore “Like the basement, remember? Just keep trying!”
Sure, this was different in the way that you had to pull and not push, but it had to give eventually, right?
You continued to face the animatronics that were now starting to close in on all of you. Seungcheol tried to squeeze in besided Mingyu, grabbing the handle and pulling with him. Jihoon crawled between Mingyu’s legs and stood in between the taller boy’s arms, both of his hands wrapped around the handle and tugging with everything he had.
You moved to put yourself in front of your friends. You got all of them into this mess, so you deserved to be the first to die.
As Bongbong closed in on you, you closed your eyes.
The darkness you saw behind your eyelids suddenly seemed brighter, and you felt a gust of wind from behind you.
There was a couple seconds of silence.
“Holy shit,” Minghao breathed.
You opened one eye just enough to see Bongbong’s face just inches from yours. But...why were the lights in its eyes off?
You opened your eye wider. Then the other one. Its arm was only a hair away from you, but it made no move to actually touch you. There was also light flooding into the corridor from behind you. You whipped your head around to see the door was open, and you looked back at four animatronics. Were they off now?
“Oh my god,” you sighed in a shaky voice, taking a step backward toward the door.
“Let’s get the fuck out of here,” Wonwoo said as he grabbed your hand and all but dragged you out the door.
The door opened to the back of the parking lot. All of you ran as fast as you could toward your cars, only stopping at the hood of the closest one to catch your breath. Seungcheol pulled out his phone.
“It’s 6am,” he reported.
“Maybe that’s why the door didn’t open,” Wonwoo panted, hands on his knees.
“I don’t care to speculate,” Jihoon said as he went to get into one of the four cars. “Take me the fuck home.”
»»————-  ————-««
You weren’t sure what to do about the texts from the group chat when you got home. You swore everyone was dead. You watched them die in front of you.
Soonyoung said he was tripping balls the whole night.
Jeonghan agreed, saying he was sure there was something in the air making them hallucinate.
Even Jihoon was saying something weird had happened that night, because he thought he saw everyone die.
So...maybe they were right?
But when you inevitably went to school Halloween day, something didn’t seem right. Maybe it was because you hadn’t slept all night and you were drained in every sense, or maybe it was because you were convinced all of your friends had died right before your very eyes, but everything felt...off. At least, your friends did. It was their smiles and their voices and their hugs and laughs and promises that everything was fine, but something about it seemed alien to you. 
Maybe it was from how emotionally and mentally drained you were, and the fact you didn’t get any sleep, but you swore there was an odd glow to their eyes that wasn’t just the glimmer of the florescents.
And why did Junhui wink at you?
»»————-  ————-««
Get dressed.
Brush your teeth.
Brush your hair.
Go downstairs and converse with your parents.
Drive to school.
Say hello to your friends.
Laugh at what Soonyoung said.
Promise to walk to class with Seokmin and Seungcheol after you go to the bathroom.
Go into the bathroom.
Use the mirror to fix your outfit.
Use your fingers to brush through your hair one more time.
A light reflects off the mirror.
You are the only one in the bathroom.
»»————-  ————-««
(NOTE: i know some people might’ve only had josh die while other had more people die. so this part will mention multiple people who didn’t make it home but i will only mention josh by name. sorry if it seems kind of confusing)
You didn’t even want to go back home after everything that happened. But you needed to shower and change, so you dropped your friends off before going home. After getting out of the shower, you checked your phone. Your heart dropped and your stomach was doing flips at what it saw.
One series of texts was from a group chat that was all of the people you were positive made it home from Caratland. All of them were wondering what the fuck was going on.
The other was the original group chat, with a text from Joshua asking if everyone made it home okay. It made a shiver go down your spine. How could he be texting? He died.
Those that had died started having a conversation about hallucinating, insisting something weird must’ve been in the air to make everyone trip and see things that didn’t actually happen. Nobody knew if it was possible. Minghao suggested that at this point, anything was possible. But still, why did all of you have the same hallucination?
The group decided it was best to ignore the message.
When Wonwoo offered to give you a ride to school, you said yes.
The two of you walked to homeroom together and saw the usual group of your friends sitting at the left side of the classroom. But seeing the friends you thought had died now just sitting there like nothing happened made your skin crawl. You wanted to turn around and walk out.
Wonwoo squeezed your hand and continued forward.
You sat and chatted with the group, and everyone seemed to be dancing around the fact that things were...weird. Maybe it was because you hadn’t slept all night and you were drained in every sense, or maybe it was because you were convinced all of your friends had died right before your very eyes, but everything felt...off. At least, your friends did. It was their smiles and their voices and their hugs and laughs and promises that everything was fine, but something about it seemed alien to you.
Maybe it was from how emotionally and mentally drained you were, and the fact you didn’t get any sleep, but you swore there was an odd glow to their eyes that wasn’t just the glimmer of the fluorescents.
And why did Joshua wink at you?
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strawberrylemonz · 3 years
Masked Crowns
Part 16
Part 17 [CURRENT]
Part 18
@petrichormeraki @applepie1000 @artistconk @ivorylin @sydneys-sketches @snapdragonfirefly @bargledblocks
“Theo, stop moving around! Clem, stop fucking around and quite biting my ankle! Hey, don’t use that tone with me, young lad- Clementine!”
Fundy appeared half dead as he laid on the couch, exhausted. He watched as both Theo and Clementine hounded Tommy, who was just trying to make adjustments to their formal wear. Groaning as he hoisted himself into a sitting position, Fundy rubbed his eyes as he addressed his uncle.
“Give it up, Tommy, they aren’t gonna sit still. Wilbur gave them candy this morning.”
“I know, Fundy. Jesus, what the fuck was Wil thinking?!”
“Look at the bright side, you were able to quickly make adjustments to the bot-boys.”
“Only because Grumbot and Jrumbot are saints. I swear, Grian is a better father than I am at times. Don’t fucking tell him I said that- Clementine! What the fuck?!”
Both Fundy and Tommy looked down to the two children, who both appeared to be offended. Clementine huffed as she stomped her kicking foot on the ground, her arms crossed as she glared at her father. Theo did his best to match his cousin’s level of intimidating energy, giving an annoyed looks at his father and great uncle.
“No what?”
“Ender- Clem, I can’t understand what's wrong when you throw fits, okay? Take a deep breath, collect yourself, then tell me what’s wrong.”
Tommy frowned as he stared at the younger girl, who seemed to grow more irritated by the second. He knew her, though, could read her body language perfectly. She wasn’t angry or irritated, she was hurt and upset. Kneeling down, he held his hands out to his daughter, who glared at them in fury. After realizing her father’s hands weren’t going to combust, she sighed as she placed her tiny hands in Tommy’s bigger ones. Slumping her shoulders in defeat, she frowned down at her feet. Giving a frown of his own, Tommy lowered his head to try and make eye contact with Clementine, to no avail.
“Hey, look at me. Please?”
He watched with slight appeasement as she tilted her head up, her eyes slowly meeting Tommy’s. He gave her a hesitant smile, gently rubbing her tiny hands in a comforting manner as he did so.
“What’s wrong, little moth?”
Clementine didn’t talk much, opting to use her growls and grunts to communicate. This, however, wasn’t a situation where that form of communication would help things run smoothly. Moving her eyes from her dad’s face down to their joined hands, she frowned as her bottom lip began to quiver.
“I’m bad.”
“No good. Bad. Not nice. Not calm.”
As he stared at the sad expression resting on the girl’s face, Tommy suddenly felt small once again. He felt the same way he did when his father complained about him, not realizing his youngest was listening. He remembered the self doubt he felt and the hurt in his chest when his dad would compare him to his older brothers. It had fucking hurt when he was a kid, and it still did. And now? Now he was doing the same to his daughter. He was the fucking worst.
“No-Clementine, that isn’t true. Fuck, I- That’s not what I- Listen-”
Tommy sat down completely as he leaned forward, peering into the sad eyes of his daughter. Fuck, who knew being a parent would hurt his heart so fucking much? He was in his fucking feels at the moment, and it was all because of the toddler that stood before him. He was so scared of hurting her, of giving her reasons to despise and disown him as her father. He had to fix this, he needed to.
“The day I found you, I felt a piece of me return. It’s okay that you’re not like your cousins. You know what? I’m glad you’re not like them. You’re you, and you are being the best you there is. You’re not bad, Clementine, you’re fucking lovely. Don’t ever doubt yourself, okay? You’re a fucking badass, a brilliant one, too. I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t mean to compare you to your cousins.”
The small smile that graced Clementine’s lips was enough to fill Tommy with relief. Pulling her into a hug, he smiled as he felt her cling onto his shirt for comfort. Looking to the side, he hummed as he motioned for his great nephew to join in on the hug. Theo, who was quietly watching it all, happily ran into the hug, pulling his father along with him. So much had happened in such little time that Tommy forgot that kids were easily overwhelmed. From discovering new family, the park’s opening, house renovations, and then personal schedules, it was too much for the two to handle. They got along and enjoyed their cousins, but Tommy and Fundy had forgotten that they needed more than just that. They needed reassurance that they were enough.
“Now, can you two please let Tommy make final adjustments to your outfits? We have a ball to attend to, after all.”
Attending the ball was truly a blast from the past. Tommy snickered as Kristin gushed about the matching outfits her grandbabies and youngest son were wearing, alongside with her own. Most of the members from the Dream SMP just gawked in silence as Lani, who was matching with both Drista and Tubbo, twirled and bragged about how wonderful of a designer and tailor Tommy was.
“Tommy made those?”
“Yup! He sure did!”
“But they’re so...elegant.”
“Oi! Fuck you!”
Laughter erupted from the group as the music played in the background. As the group conversed among one another, pairs began to break off to dance.
Tommy peered down at Clementine, who held her hands up expectedly. Letting out a laugh, he scooped her up into his arms, smiling as she giggled with every bounce her father caused with his laughter. She smiled brightly at him as he fixed the tiara on her head. She laid her head on his shoulder as he swayed along to the music, both content. After a moment, Tommy felt his daughter’s head lift from his shoulder.
He turned to follow her line of sight to see Theo, Grumbot and Jrumbot all waving at him, their suits and hair fixed appropriately for the occasion. Returning the wave, he smiled at his daughter, setting her down with a nod.
“Yeah, you four go dance and have fun. Be careful.”
He couldn’t help but smile as her curls bounced as she squealed in excitement. Giving Tommy a hug, she quickly grabbed a hold of her cousins and rushed to the dance floor, smiling as her cousins argued as to which pair should dance with who. As he watched his only child scurry away with her cousins, he couldn’t help but sigh. The feeling of a hand on his forearm caught his attention. Turning to the side, he saw Tubbo smile at him, Lani and Drista right behind him.
“C’mon, let’s go dance.”
Tommy and Lani were doing their best to not disrupt their dancing with silent wheezes of laughter, they really were. It’s not their fault, everyone was making it so hard for them!
“It’s like he’s dancing with Mount Everest!”
“Holy shit, this is hilarious.”
The pair watched in amusement as Tubbo bossed an awkward, but happy, Ranboo around the dance floor. The height difference in itself was enough to make the sight laughable.
“Tommy, over there.”
Following Lani’s line of sight, Tommy damn near belted out laughter as a grumpy Drista was stuck paired with one of the park’s guests, who would not shut up about her relation to Dream.
“Poor girl, losing her sanity.”
“She’s about to break, it’s fucking hilarious. Should have given her a fork.”
“We’re here to dance, Tommy, not commit a felony.”
“Rich coming from a girl with multiple knife pockets installed into her dress.”
“You installed them!”
“You commissioned them!”
The two began to bicker like the besties they were as their friends and family danced around them. Phil and Kristin danced and twirled as they shared whispers to each other, their smiles brighter than ever. Wilbur and Techno were awkwardly dancing with one another, their empty insults to one another growing louder the longer the brothers were with each other. Grian was teaching Grumbot the proper way to waltz, Bad and Skeppy goofingly twirling around them. Clementine and Jrumbot happily danced off beat, no one even daring to teach them the proper moves. Quackity, Karl and Sapnap laughed as they spun around together, the three pulling George in from the sidelines. Just as Tommy was about to make a comment, a sharp elbow jabbed his side.
“Ow! Lani, what the fuc-”
“Shh! Look!”
“What are you-”
“Just look, it’s important!”
And important it was. There, standing at the food tables, was Fundy. He wasn’t alone, though, not at all. There, making the hybrid blush and stutter, stood a guy. Lani and Tommy exchanged knowingly looks, before dashing over to the nearest hiding spot.
“Move over!”
“No, you!”
“Shh, listen!”
“Go away.”
Theo frowned as the words left his mouth. He crossed his arms as he glared up at the emotionless mask before him, the face behind it hidden well. That didn’t stop Theo from being able to read body language, and the vibes he was getting weren’t necessarily hostile, but they weren’t welcoming as well.
“I just wanted to get a good look at you, to know you. Makes sense, doesn’t it? You are my son after all.”
The word sounded so wrong coming out of the unseen mouth. Son. As far as Theo was concerned, Dream was no father to him. His only dad was Fundy, and Fundy was all he needed for a parent.
“Your crown looks very nice, did you design it yourself? And I like your suit. I noticed that it matches Fundy’s perfectly. In fact, both of your crowns match perfectly with one another.”
Theo wasn’t planning on responding to any of the comments, not that he’d have to try. Dream just didn’t seem to catch the child’s drift, continuing to talk despite the boy not responding. 
“You have my hair color, it looks good on you. You’re obviously a shapeshift, like Fundy. Have you tried shifting to your more humanoid form? Oh, your eyes. You have-”
“My eyes.”
He may have been young, but Theo wasn’t daft. He knew that Dream (he would not call him father) was the reason for him having to live in the burrows up until then. He didn’t know what all Dream did, but he knew that it was enough to make his papa and uncle Tommy hurt very badly. He wasn’t going to let Dream see him with his guard down, not around him. He just stood and glared at the older man, who seemed to not have taken a hint to the child’s body language. Theo just confidently stood his ground as he watched Dream kneel before him, reaching over to gently pat his head, not seeming to care about pushing the crown around. Theo was quick to catch his crown, which fell off his head the moment Dream pushed it off. Much to Theo’s relief, the unwelcomed form of affection didn’t last long.
“Dickhead! Dickhead!”
Dream pulled his arm back as Theo hid a laugh behind his hand. Standing in confidence was Clementine, who had just bitten Dream’s hand. She just growled and hissed at Dream, taking a protective stance in front of Theo as Grumbot and Jrumbot stood by his side, ready to defend their cousin. Dream just rubbed his hand, before pointing at the emerald jewel dangling from the girl’s necklace.
“I only know one person with an emerald cut exactly like that. You must be Tommy’s brat. What did he name ya again? Clementine? Figured. I guess it’s true after all, trouble attracts trouble. Don’t tell me that you’re just as problematic as your dad-”
“Shut up!”
Theo huffed as he yelled at Dream, who wasn’t expecting such an outburst from the quiet child. Grumbot narrowed his eyes as the man, pulling Theo behind him as he did so. Jrumbot, on the other hand, just mocked the masked warrior.
“-meanie mask man!”
“Fine! We’ll talk once you’ve all calmed down. I’ll see you around, Theo.”
Dream let out an annoyed huff as he walked off, giving a half-wave to Theo. Once he was completely out of sight, Theo was mobbed by his concerned cousins, who were quick to assess him. Clementine began to sniff for any off scents while Jrumbot clung onto his arm, whines escaping his artificial mouth as his older brother inspected Theo. Whilst checking for any possible injuries, Grumbot began to question the younger boy.
“Were you hurt?”
“Did he threaten you?”
“Nuh uh.”
“Well, is he as big of a jerk as Uncle Tommy said he was?”
Theo blinked a few times before laughing, causing the worried faces of his cousins to morph into confusion. After a moment, an amused look graced Grumbot’s features. Clementine and Jrumbot only continued to watch in confusion. Finally calming down, Theo responded with a nod.
“Yeah, he is. He tried acting like he was my dad.”
“We should tell your dad.”
“Are you kidding me?! He’s talking to a potential dad! Let’s just go bother Uncle Tommy.”
“No! Spy. Uncle Grian!”
“I’m sure dad won’t mind us bothering him. Let’s get going.”
Making sure they all had their belongings, the four children scurried off towards Grian. As they happily spoke with the father of the bot boys, Theo felt a chill down his spine. Turning around to peer behind him, he noticed a familiar white mask. If he clung onto his uncle a bit tighter than usual, Grian didn’t mention.
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kining-the-evil · 3 years
Coming out
Ransom Drysdale x daughter!reader lesbian!reader
Summary: Jacob finds out your gay, and decides to spill it to the whole family at dinner.
Warning ⚠️: Please be aware that this contains forced coming out, and the use of the F slur. I monetize it, and blurb the word so it’s not technically there but it’s obvious what the word was. IF THIS TRIGGERS YOU PLEASE DONT READ!!!
"How about we go to an early diner, then the 5 o'clock showing?" Lily offered. I was laying on my bed while on the phone.
"That should work, you know I'm always free."
"Will your dad know where you are?" She asked making me role my eyes.
"I'll tell him I'm meeting some friends." My dad was hardly ever home with me anyways.
"You know at some point you will have to tell him right?" She asked making me sigh. I could not for the life of me figure out how he would react if I came out to him. He was an asshole, and certain parts of the family definitely would not support, but at the same time we hardly ever stuck around for the political argument.
"I will, but I've told you about my family. I just want to wait until I have a backup plan. We graduate in a year anyways. Then I'll take you far far away and treat you like a queen." I explained, thinking about what our life could be after high school.
"You already treat me like one." She chuckled. "And you know I will support you with whenever you decide to."
"I'm gonna go let my dad know I'm leaving then I'll be over to pick you up. Sound good?" She hummed in agreement and we both said goodbye before hanging up. I pulled some shoes on, and made sure I looked presentable before heading downstairs. I could hear my dad moving around in the kitchen as I pulled in a light sweater.
"Dad, I'm hanging out with some friends tonight." I called out walking towards the door.
"No your not!" He called back making me freeze. I turned around to see him standing in the doorway, leaning against it.
"Family dinner tonight." He explained making me role my eyes.
"Do I really have to go? The only people I talk to are you and great grandpa, and I see you both all the time."
"Don't be dramatic. I'm sure you talk to the rest of them." He said rolling his eyes.
"Oh really? Grandma and grandpa barely tolerate me, Donna, Walt, and Jacob hate me, Joni does that weird mix of trying to be a mother figure and guilt tripping me, and Meg hates me for the simple fact of being your daughter. The only other person who's sort of ok is Marta, but she doesn't work tonight." I counted each person on my fingers as I spoke making him chuckle and shake his head.
"You know there will be a fight and we will leave early, and nothing is happening tomorrow. Just go out with your friends after diner." He explained, waving his hand as though say that's the end of it.
I sighed but pulled my phone out send a text to Lily letting her know what happened. She agreed to meet me latter tonight, saying that there is a latter showing of the movie we want to see.
"The favorite great grandchild is here!" I called out as we walked into the house. I could hear a few groans from the other room, and as I pulled my jacket off some walked over to greet us.
"Nice to see you Ransom." My great grandfather said greeting my dad. "And hello dear!" He said walking over to me, giving me a side hug. "We gonna play a game of Go later?"
"Only if you want to be beat old man."
"Oh! We will see about that!" He said chuckling as we made our way towards the main room. I could hear people arguing, so my dad must be in there already.
No one paid me any attention as I sat down next to my dad. Meg was practically screaming at my dad while he just sat there smirking.
"Meg, please sit down, Ransom, do you really need to start this already?" My grandmother finally said, trying to calm everyone.
"I didn't do anything! Just sat down." My dad claimed throwing his arms up. I chuckled at all the commotion, knowing damn well that my dad had said something to piss Meg off.
"What are you laughing at f&$#*" I felt everyone in the room freeze when they heard that. I turned my head slowly to the side to see Jacob looking up at me.
"W-what?" I whispered, still in shock of what happened.
"You heard exactly what is said. I asked what you were laughing at f&$#*" He stated.
"Jacob what the hell?!" Meg asked, all her anger from a moment pointed at him now.
"What?! It's true, I saw her kissing some girl at the park the other day."
"Come on." My dad mumbled grabbing me by the arm and pulling me to my feet.
"Ransom just wait a moment, give Jacob a chance to explain himself. I'm sure-"
"Walt, if I 'give him a mom to explain himself' I will end up punching a child." He snapped turning to look at Walt.
"I mean, give him the benefit of the doubt. She shouldn't hide stuff like that, and F&$-"
"If you say, that GOD DAMN WORD ABOUT MY DAUGHTER AGAIN YOU WILL REGRET IT!" He yelled stepping closer to Walt. "And wether she's gay or not, it's non of your fucking business. She's 17, almost an adult, and can make her own decisions. Also, if she likes girls, I get it. I like pussy to. Now we are gonna leave, and if I find out you, your wife, or your son try to contact her, you will be sorry." He took a step away from Walt so he could look at the rest of them. "If any of you contact her before she's ready, you will be sorry."
Once he was done he stormed off towards the door and I followed behind. He only stoped to let me put my jacket on, and as I did my great grandfather squeezed my shoulder a bit. "Have a good night dear." He whispered before going back to the rest of the family.
The car ride home was silent, and I had chosen to sit in the back so I wouldn't have to look my dad in the face. His hands were tightly gripping the steering wheel, and he was driving significantly over the speed limit. Once him he didn't say a word to me or wait for me before heading inside. I stayed in the car for a moment, laying my head on the seat in front of me. Why, out of everyone did it have to be Jacob who saw me with Lily?
After almost 10 minutes I made my way into the house. Sad was sitting on the couch, and I tried to sneak past him but he heard me anyways. "Y/n, come here please." He said the moment my foot touched one of the stairs.
Silently I made my way over to the couch, and sat down. Nether of us spoke for a few moments.
"Was Jacob telling the truth?" He asked finally looking over at me. I felt like I was going to die right then and there, I didn't want to tell him, but I couldn't lie at this point ether.
"Ya, he was." I whispered.
"Do you have a girlfriend?"
"That's who you've been hanging out with?"
"How long have you known?"
"I don't know." I sighed, getting a bit irritated. “Some time in middle school maybe.” He was silent for a few minutes, witch just caused my anxiety to worsen.
“You know I cried when I first held you.” I looked over at him surprised, I had never seen him cry. “I was 16 and Terrified, your mother planed to move away within days after you were born. I was so scared I wouldn’t be a good dad, that I would fuck you up. But t he moment I held you in my arms I knew i loved more then every member of our fucked up family combined.” He pauses for a second, reaching up to wipe away the tear that had somehow escaped.
“I’m sorry that Jacob did that. I plan to try and talk with Walt and Donna, he had no right to act like that.”
“Don’t, you know it will only lead to more drama.” I said. “So your not mad I didn’t tell you?”
“Of course not, that was your choice on when that was supposed to come out.” He explained, wrapping an arm around me. “Now, was that friend you were going to hang out with the girl?”
I smiled a bit, glad to know he really didn’t seem to care. “Ya, we were gonna see a movie.”
“Your welcome to go now, I’m sure being with her is a bit more relaxing then being with me.” He smiled a bit before standing up. My dad was almost never soft like that, and decided to do my best to remember that smile.
“Thank you so much.” I said, a real smile on my face.
“You’ll have to bring her around some time. Don’t think she won’t still get the talk like with any boys you would have brought home. What’s her name anyways?”
“Lily.” I said pulling my phone out to send her a quick message.
“Wait your friend lily? The one that you stay over at her house all the time?”
“I’ve got to go dad, I’ll let you know when I’m home.” I said running out the door. I could here him telling for me but I just chuckled as I drove away. I guess I won’t be having anymore ‘sleep overs’ with Lily.
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