#even though sharks don't have fur you can dream
thsc-confessions · 10 months
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"Sven is a furry, 100%. Let's get him a shark fursuit" submitted by anon
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thegnomelord · 5 months
Shark Merperson reader is real gud.
- 🦈
Now Im thinking of a Price x Reader, because shars are the oldest species known to exist. Obviously sharks arent immortal, they've just been on this earth way b4 tress bloody existed.
So Im thinking the readers an eldritch creature, they represent sharks as a whole, as long sharks exsist they exsist. Heck they mights of even of been Prices mentor when he was in his draconic 100s? (Late 20s?).
Imagine Price missing his friend calls him up to see hows hes doing. Reader elated to meet an old friend, accepts the invitation to meets up with him. Reader definitely scolds him for lossing a wing, honestly is pertrified Price lost a piece of himself and thought he was retiring due to it. Cut ahort to him smacking him slap dab on the head when he learns he's lost it a long time ago and didnt tell him.
Cue wholesome interactions th 141 and etc. Heck maybe some romance with Price.
Just a blurb i had yo tell you abt)
Okay, this tickles my eldrich abomination trying to act human itch
CW:SFW, eldritch reader, kissing
Price knows you're there the second he steps onto the old wooden pier, able to smell seaweed and brine and something in the air — what he thinks the bottom of the ocean smells like, old rot of decaying whales and older heat of geothermal vents — the soft wind billowing his hair like the breathing of an elderly beast.
He knows you're watching him, passively at least, washed up mermaid purses dotting the beach to give you a glimpse of the world above the waves through the yolks vital for the pup's survival, able to dream of the warm sun and course sand while you slumber beneath the waves.
"Oi, ser, yer look like a wee lass waiting for her sailor." Soap's sharp voice cuts through the air, the werewolf far too energized for his own good, the sand in his fur not dampening his mood when he can just shake himself off and flick the grains on Simon.
"Hah," Price snorts, "Maybe I am." He tilts his head back to the sea, sharp eyes watching the breaking waves. "Time to wake up old friend." He mutters your mangled name under his breath, mortal lips and vocal cords unable to replicate your own voice.
The young ones in his team lack the sight needed to notice your form slowly rise from the sea like a submarine breaking through the ice, only the visible flicker of air and the receding water keying them in. Price old enough to see you without needing the inner surface of his skull to be dotted with eyes. Though even he sees your real form like a man having a stroke — vaguely familiar at first yet the details are undefinable — flesh and sea melding together without rhyme or reason, long strings of seaweed bearing miniature eyes with pups wriggling inside, cookie cutter sharks boring holes through finless corpses so long eel sharks may form ever reforming sinews, fossilized bone and old rock giving giving support to the massive insult to reality's laws; birth and life wrapped up in death.
You're an affront to logic. And with one sneeze from existence itself you're human standing in front of him.
Eerily human.
Perfectly human.
"What the fuck?" He can faintly hear Gaz's voice, all of them only now noticing you stand where you weren't previously.
Your hand touches his back before he even registers you move, always slightly damp, "When did this happen?" You ask as you trace the spot where his wing used to be. "What did this?"
"And a 'hello' to you too sweetheart." He clasps a hand around your waist, purring softly in greeting as he pulls you closer to his chest. Even if he sees you once every few centuries, even if you don't possess the ability to reciprocate, his love for you is as youthful as it was when he was but a wyrm.
Your facial features remain neutral like the ones of sunken statues, but you blink, and for a few seconds he can see that yawning abyss in your eyes. "Hi." You say, your hand still tracing the bump created by atrophied flight muscles, trying to judge how fresh it is. "Explain."
Your tone sounds like a predator baring it's teeth, but he knows you wouldn't harm him. "In a lil' bit." He snorts, puts pressure on your back until he forces your legs to move. "Come, want you to meet my boys."
The introductions are odd on both ends considering you hadn't spoken with people other than Price since that Icarus of a passenger ship mistook your fin for an iceberg and they've never met an old one like you. But you like them, they compliment Price just like the small scale he gave you makes the pearls and gold offered to you through the ages shine more.
Even if your face is unreadable, somehow they can figure out you're not too amused when you hear he'd lost his wing during a mission. "I told you arrogance would cost you." You at least you can mimic a sigh as you rub your head, "At least you retired." You say,
"We wish!" Soap snorts before he can help it, and the next thing they hear is a horrific crack that has them jumping out of their skin.
Your head had whipped 180 degrees with the rest of your body remained in place, the laws of nature nothing more but blurry guidelines. "You. . .did retire?" You ask, voice like the roar of a whirlpool.
"About that," Price starts, unable to finish his thought as you slap him upside the head as if he's still the whelp who thought he could brave an ocean storm.
"You'll put me in the grave." You growl, holding him by the ear, words spilling from your mouth like seawater filling the empty bowels of a ship. "I swear your scaly hide hasn't learned a single thing-"
"Should we help?" Gaz wonders as they watch you chastise their captain like he's a boy.
"No, this is great entertainment." Ghost chuckles.
"Want me ta grab the popcorn?" Johnny ads, already snacking, tail thumping against Simon's leg and growling playfully when Gaz reaches for the snacks.
Eventually your anger relents, mood changing as swiftly as the tide. You spend the time they have left learning about the men he's chosen as his hoard. Kyle's a bit weary of you just due to his harpy nature, but soon enough you two can be found sitting on the pier and fishing, and if you purposely make the waves flow so a big fish snags on Kyle's line, Price never says anything about it, not when his boy has a smile as big as the sun when he looks at the gigantic fish flopping on his hook.
You attempting to help Soap cook the barbeque, but you're fine motor skills are rusty after all these years of slumber, so the food is slightly burnt but Price loves when his food's basically charcoal and eats it with a smile, especially as it keeps you from telling all the embarrassing stories you have of him, from when he got his ass bit by a squid to when he was so horny he ended up rutting against an extra curvy piece of rock, though the rest have already heard enough dirt to bury him for the next several decades.
Unfortunately for Price, you and Ghost hit it off like a house on fire, and Ghost ends up learning far too many ways to hurt people without killing them that most definitely are against the Geneva conventions but you pull seniority on it. Simon in turn, teaches you how to play cards, which, when you're literally a god that can see almost everything including your opponent's cards, means the shmucks Simon ropes into playing you and Simon end up with empty pockets.
As the sun stars to dip behind the horizon you wind up sitting next to Price by the fire, the others splashing in the water.
You feel his wing spread behind your back to pull you closer to him, "I missed this." He says, knowing you won't comment on the 'I missed you' hidden behind his vellum words.
"Last time we met like this Napoleon was still emperor." You hum, a small yawn escaping you, sharp tips of shark teeth peeking from human gums. "And you had two wings." You can't help but point out, making it clear you've not forgiven him about not informing you.
Price pointedly ignores your later comment, his hand tentatively, almost shyly, reaching down to sit on top of yours. "Afraid I'll forget about you?"
His pulse picks up when you shift your hand to hold his, fingers lacing together when you don't have a tail as a human. "You wait for me." You shrug, holding your free arm up, reality wheezing for a few moments before his scale is suddenly in your hand, shiny and unharmed just as it was when he'd given it to you all those years ago. "And I dream of you."
His eyes widen and heart melts, a purr rumbling in his chest "C'mere sweetheart," He rumbles and pulls you into a kiss, free hand holding your chin stable.
You taste of salt and blood, of chilling cold and boiling heat, of something ancient and familiar and Price drinks it all down like a babe, tongue licking in your mouth and fangs nibbling on your lip, feeling you respond, the touch of hungering god as soft as silk, just to him.
But he knows this won't last.
A shark has no reason to stay on land, and a dragon can't survive underwater regardless of how much he wants. Soon you'll return to slumber, and Price won't know when he'll see you again, if he'll see you again, or if you'll learn of his passing when your waves swallow up his ashes.
He doesn't notice the prickling in his eyes but you do, wiping a stray tear with the pad of your thumb, your other hand still wrapped around his. "Don't worry John," You say, statue features finally cracking into a small smile, "I'll stay for a little while." You say and lead him into another kiss, the other members of TF141 leaving you two to catch up on lost time...
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team-frightfur · 4 months
Imo, Shark vs IV round 1 (where Tron eggs IV on into throwing so he can brainwash Shark) is the peak of Zexal. Great duel, great animation, great characters, great buildup. It also establishes IV as a wet, beat-up, yet rabid and feral kitten. Just the sight of their raggedy fur and watery eyes makes you want to reach out and pet them but, the instant you get close enough, they latch onto your fingers with their teeth and try to kill you.
Shark vs IV round 2, otoh, is pretty bad. It's good in theory, but lacking in execution. Basically, Shark is having an identity crisis over being Nasch vs being Shark, so IV duels him to try and 'bring him back'.
This is actually really good because it makes the duel a redemptive foil to R1. IV was abused but, as Tron's son, was simultaneously deeply dedicated to his abuser. As a result, he was forced to bend himself painfully out of shape to (try and) please Tron. In reality, though, his efforts to please Tron were bad for everyone involved. III, IV, V, and Tron ALL suffered for not standing up to their abuser.
Shark isn't abused, but he IS loyal to his past life's soldiers, kingdom, and the Barian world. OTOH, he also clearly hates the thought of hurting his friends, including IV. As a result, he, too, is bending himself out of shape (and into Nasch). Thus, IV trying to 'bend him back' is his way of thanking Shark.
I love this! In theory! Just a few issues.
First off, IV keeps on talking about friendship. He and Shark are, like, barely friends. They've duelled together Once.
Secondly, it seems like IV lost all his personality traits along with his villainy. This is fair IF you consider his sadism as a coping mechanism (he was lashing out from his father's abuse and trying to feel powerful/in control/ worthwhile) since it would frame his new niceness as healing. Thing is, even if that WAS the case, having IV recover offscreen is extremely underwhelming. Have that shit happen onscreen! Show him struggling with his sadism! Don't Yuri him!
Thirdly, having IV die after failing to reach Shark comes off as more meanspirited than tragic because it wastes IV as a character. This guy had the best duel in all of Zexal, dropped off the face of the earth for 50 eps, came back for (1) tag duel against a Jellyfish Man, and then got killed by Shark. III and V don't even grieve him too heavily, they just pretend to mourn so they can give Yuma a pep talk!
Anyway, Here's Stuff We Needed in Zexal: I Can't Believe They Did IV Like That Edition
1. Shark having his own weird barian flashback dreams of his past as early as Zexal I. This not only matches Rio and foreshadows his past life as Nasch, but also allows the writers to develop his relationship with Dumon, his men, and his kingdom.
2. Rio should have been conscious during her first coma (the one IV caused), causing her to develop an emotional dependence on Shark. Since their parents are dead, Shark is her lifeline. Once he gives up on her, she's finished. This explains why she switches to being Merag so easily. For years, 'I go where Shark goes' has been her reality and she needs to unlearn that.
(I know that Rio is implied to switch to being Merag first but, in canon, she has, like, no reason to do that. Which is weak.)
(If you want to make things even rougher, make Shark's chronic class skipping a result of his trying to support Rio. This makes her feel guilty for 'ruining his high school life', further encouraging her to sacrifice her own 'life' as Rio for him.
3. A joke episode after Rio's second coma (from being possessed by Abyss) where IV turns out to be visiting Rio in secret (but only when Shark isn't around). Shark finds out about this 'mystery visitor' and stakes out Rio's room for three whole days. When the inevitable confrontation happens, IV swears to Shark that he'll protect Rio alongside him, causing the boys to form a Rio Protection Squad. This not only leads nicely into their duel with Jellyfish Man, but also provides an opportunity to develop IV, III and V in a 'normal' setting.
Example: Shark gets into a motorbike accident on the way to the hospital. While Shark is fine, his locket breaks in the crash. IV finds it and has it fixed, returning it to Shark shortly afterwards. Then, to pay IV back since "I hate owing favours" Shark offers to spot IV for something.
(Bonus: this makes Shark's act of throwing away his pendant even stronger as, rather than throwing away his past with his parents (who are dead) he's throwing away his past with a living friend.)
IV proceeds to stare blankly. Years of Middle Child Syndrome, Deranged Revenge Schemes, and Severe Parental Abuse have made a 'normal life' feel foreign to him. As a result, he has no hobbies or preferences (aside from the...sadomasochism).
Cue an annoyed, tired, and weary Shark watching IV wander around an amusement park. Somehow, they end up duelling a clown.
Unbeknownst to them, III and V are both stalking the pair . III is happy to see that IV and Shark made up, while V recognises that, in failing to stand up to Tron, he failed III and IV as a brother (and Tron as a son). You know, the big theme of his duel with Kaito in Zexal I (Where Kaito is like 'It's because I still love my Dad that I have to punch him out of all this villain bullshit' and V is like 'you have such wisdom. I wish it wasn't too late to sock my dad...').
Ultimately, IV reveals that he hates amusement parks, causing Shark to push him into oncoming traffic. As a fight breaks out, III admits to V that he wanted to try out the rides with IV. V smiles and says he'll take them both sometime.
The implication is that IV liked the park but wanted something to hold over Shark, nodding to his social awkwardness, communication issues, and lingering sadistic tendencies.
4. A scene where, after IV dies, we see III and V genuinely grieve.
Example: Recall that III and V spent ages separated from V. Recall that, once V and Tron got them back, they were stuck in an abusive situation. Recall that they only escaped that situation like, 3 months ago. One way to communicate the tragedy of this is to have them flashback to happy moments, but all those happy moments are either from when III and IV are VERY young + the last three months. This visually hammers in the tragedy of the situation. V, in his eyes, wasted his time with IV. III, in his eyes, will never get to have a future with IV. IV, in trying to save Shark from going through the same pain as he went through (being bent out of shape) sacrificed the future with his brothers he was fighting for.
As for time, idk. Just. Cut the Tomato guy or someshit. There's so much useless filler in Zexal. if Zexal had HALF the planning power of Arc V they could EASILY have built up this plot.
Sorry, I just. Needed to rant. IV is my favourite character but he got done SO dirty.
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Hold Me Close, Hold Me Tight
Info: Cuddling with the DSMP
Warnings: attempts at tooth-rotting fluff
Notes: can be seen as romantic, but I mainly wrote these as platonic because sometimes you just need some hugs from your homies, yk?
ask and ye shall recieve, basically
pre-Egg Bad loves physical affection and actively seeks it out
post-Egg Bad would not care but would take it anyway
would deffo be the kind to love it when you run your fingers through her hair
most likey a touchy person
very cuddly, will never refuse (except when he's working on a build, but even then he'll pause his work for a bit)
shark noses are sensitive, and totems have fairly large noses, so
soft fur <3
like cuddling a warm blanket
foxes can purr so don't be surprised if he starts making sounds
probably will be embarassed by this, so make sure you reassure him
avoids affection
but accepts his fate when you corner him
just grab him tbh
he might struggle for a bit but he'll eventually come to terms with it
avoid her rose thorns and it'll be fine
very willing to recieve cuddles
also loves to instigate them too
teases you for wanting cuddles for a bit before hugging you
"lmao you want hugs? needy smh"
does not understand why you'd want to cuddle him
is the type to constantly ask "is this okay?"
warm body makes for good hugs
especially in the winter
slightly awkward and stiff when you first ask, but gets used to it
"you want to do what??"
he'd pretend he hates it
but everyone knows he secretly loves it
so enthusiastic, very much so
likes headpats and headbutting
doesn't really mind cuddles
will sing to you if you want
what he sings depends on his mood though
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bluboothalassophile · 4 years
Hey I just reread Something Just Like This and I'm wondering if you have more of the Pillow Talk chapter. The one where Jason and Raven decided to leave everything behind and have a normal life together. I really like that idea and wanted to see more. It's ok if you don't want to though, just letting you know that I love your work and can't get enough.
I’m down for an add on for Pillow Talk! I hope you enjoy the story! And I’m so glad to hear you’ve enjoyed all the other stories, they’re a lot of fun to write! =)
Pillow Talk In Action...
They hadn’t made it to New York for the end game. They had both gone to NYU, but then she had followed Jason. Jason was a man who needed to be a part of something more, he always had been, he needed to be a part of something bigger than himself. After she had carefully contacted Vic, Jason Todd was erased from everywhere in every known database for their fresh start. Jason had become a Marine, and in that time, he had become a Team guy, and from there she had followed Jason. She wasn’t a good example of a Navy wife; Raven had her own dreams and ambitions now that they were free. She wanted to help people, really help people; not stop bad guys, but heal people.
She was a nurse, she liked helping people, and it felt more productive this way than it ever had as a ‘Hero’. Jason had his career going, she had hers, and somewhere in the middle of their messy, high stress, slightly easy relationship, they had gotten married, and it worked.
Oh, the pressures women put upon themselves to be perfect for their man when he was home, to make it so everything was perfect, it wasn’t something Raven had done for herself. She and Jason had grown up in high stress, and they would never escape it, but when they were together, they were together, and everything else didn’t need to be perfect. She didn’t entice him into arguments over their calls, or letters, but she didn’t hesitate though to rebut him when he was teetering on the edge. He needed balance, and they balanced each other out. They were partners, they were not merely boyfriend-girlfriend safe havens for each other, they were fucking partners.
It had been fifteen years since they were twenty and stupid, running off because of pillow talk. They were thirty-five, and not wise, but settled.
They were married, with two kids, their eldest was three, and their youngest was four months old; and today was the first day Jason was getting to meet their youngest. She had made a deal with Destiny for her children to be human, to be mortal, there’d be no demons from her, and in turn she had surrendered her demon half. Surprisingly she had retained her magic and empathy, and her reserves in magic were still growing. Her kids had magic too.
Raven smiled as she held her toddler’s hand, and her baby was carefully cradled in her hold, the guys were coming, and the other wives were here. Raven saw Jason, he was laughing with one of his guys, the dog at his heel, and his pack slung over his shoulders.
“There’s daddy!” Raven smiled as she released their toddler, the little toddler ran for Ace instead of Jason.
“What the hell!? My own dog stealing my kid!?” he sputtered with laughter as she made her way through the crowd to him, Ace was gleefully lapping up the stickiness of whatever Sawyer had discovered between the car and here. She chuckled as his arm wrapped around her and his lips pressed to her head.
“Obviously Ace is better company,” Raven mused.
“Apparently,” he laughed as he caught Sawyer and swung the squealing boy up to his shoulders. Sawyer roared with unrepentant laughter, his black curls and mischievous dark eyes bright, and his freckles made him look angelic and devious. Jason was enamored with their second child, as was Ace who trotted around them while they walked for their car. Amory didn’t even wake in all the excitement; he was out like a light.
Once they were loaded up and heading home, Sawyer conked out, gripping Ace’s fur, as the dog sat between the kids in the back seat.
“They seem good,” Jason said softly.
“They are,” she smiled.
“So how about you?” he asked, entwining their fingers together.
“I’m fine, it was… it was a little touch and go for a bit, but I’m all better now,” she admitted. Amory’s birth had taken a toll on her mentally and emotionally, and physically, and it’d been a big scare when she had hemorrhaged, but they had saved her, and she was good now; physically. The post-partum depression had hurt like a bitch, and she wasn’t all better now, but she felt she was getting somewhere every day, and Sawyer and Amory needed her; Jason needed her. Her husband smiled as he brought their joined hands to his lips and kissed her knuckles.
“I love you,” he murmured.
“You better, or I’d kick your ass,” she snorted.
“You think you could take me!?” he mocked.
“Any time, any place, any way,” she stated with a smile.
“God, I love it when you’re cocky,” he laughed softly.
There was a loud blast ahead, people screaming as chaos erupted, Jason threw himself over her as the front windshield shattered from someone slamming into it, she didn’t get to scream or shout when Amory and Sawyer were awake, wailing in terror, Ace was in full attack mode. She and Jason were already moving, she was pulling herself to the back seat, while Jason and Ace were out of the car, armed, and moving. She tried her best to sooth Amory and Sawyer, while struggling with the buckles of their car seats.
“Jason! Knife!” she shouted, her husband had one in her hand, she sliced Amory out of his seat carefully before passing him to Jason. Sawyer was screaming as she cut him out of his seat. “I got him Rae,” Jason said, his hands grabbing the toddler carefully. She thanked Jason as she clambered through the glass and twisted mangled parts of metal. Cursing her hips as she made it through, rolling on the ground. Jason passed her Sawyer before moving them, Ace was in protect mode, moving around them like a threatening furry shark of teeth and protective fury. They made it to a café where others were, Jason passed her Amory then.
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” she promised her babies, finally getting to examine them carefully, cuts from glass, and minor bruises.
“Rae,” he finally caught her face, examining her.
“I’m good,” she promised him as she soothed Sawyer and Amory. He said nothing, looking out.
“I’m going,” he said.
“I’m coming with,” she said firmly.
“Don’t even!” she warned. Already she was casting protection spells on their children, there was another mom there, hugging her children. “Lady, can you watch them, we’ll be back,” Raven asked the terrified mom. The mom nodded her head.
“If the dog stays,” she admitted hugging her own kid.
“Ace will stay, Sawyer, you’re going to be mommy’s big boy and watch Amory,” she said to her sniffling toddler. “Mommy and daddy will be right back,” she promised kissing his head as he hugged Amory then.
“Rae,” Jason called.
“Let’s go,” she said grabbing the offered knife as she shrugged out of her coat and draped it over her boys. Ace was on full alert around the kids, growling lowly.
Jason grabbed her hand and they moved out of the shop, she stayed close to her husband, moving to help people, using magic to move them out of the way. Jason provided cover, as they made their way through the fallen cops and civilians. Raven worked swiftly, she didn’t have much to work with, but she worked her empathy, Jason provided cover, killing three aggressors who fired at her when she made it over to help a cop.
There was a blast, she recognized, and she looked at Jason’s flinch. There were more explosions, she ran for them, her magic tearing through her as she hefted up buildings, kept support, pulled people out of the way, Jason moved to keep them safe, he acted as her guard, until they made it to the center of the fight. She threw a portal beneath Flash’s feet when there was a blast of energy going for him, as Jason picked up a discarded weapon and started firing drawing the attention of the enemy. Raven recognized Klarion.
“Well, well, the Gem, they said you were dead,” the Witch Boy sneered.
“Not quite, Witch Boy,” she snapped.
Klarion threw a flurry of spells at her, she hefted up the shields, Jason ran around, moving for a clean kill shot, she sensed. She pulled her magic, throwing Teekl at him, he fired twice at the unsuspecting cat, there was a howl of pain from the cat and witch boy before they disappeared. Jason stood there in the chaos as the old Titans; now members of the Justice League came to take stock. Jason jogged over to her, grabbing her hand and they ran from there. She threw open a portal as they ran, hearing shouts behind them to wait, she dropped them outside the shop, and jogged in to find the other mom soothing Amory and Sawyer, Ace was growling defensively at the doors; his furs up.
Dick had turned to thank the back up they had had; expecting to see Zatanna or Fate, only to see the back of a large man running into a portal, he was thoroughly confused. Cowl footage showed that the newcomers had moved with a degree of training even military personnel didn’t; they moved like League members. Other League members hadn’t questioned it as they went about helping with cleaning up their mess, taking care of Klarion’s dead cat, and the other thugs of this group. There was a lot of carnage, but it appeared that someone had helped many people already before the aftermath.
Battle footage later revealed him looking at Raven, she had aged, dressed as a civilian, her hair was a thick braid, and her cloths covered in dust, blood and grime, the man with her was unidentifiable with his hat, but movements had Dick believing the man to be a Team man or of a similar skillset.
No one believed him about the girl being Raven, the image was too blurred, and there wasn’t corroborating evidence, all that they had was a single shot of a dark haired woman, performing complex magic shielding and holding it against Klarion, and there was the man. The man moved with the woman.
And after three weeks of digging, Dick found himself in a quiet suburb, driving cautiously for a house where he suspected Raven to live. It was a decent house, white, shudders were painted a vibrant red, well kept, there was an American flag hanging out over the porch, but that seemed to be the only patriotic add. There was a pickup in the driveway. The garage was open, as a man worked in it, there was a giggling toddler in the yard, playing with the dog.
“Careful Sawyer, Ace doesn’t like his ears pulled!” a harsh baritone called out as Dick parked his car outside the house.
“I know daddy!” came the giggle.
“Well if you know, don’t do it,” the man appeared. He had on a ball cap, spun backwards, jeans, a t-shirt, and boots, there was grease on his hands, and a rag in a pocket. There were stray curls peaking out of the cap, and a small beard, black hair, red undertones, and he was big. Big as B had been in his prime, Dick’s breath caught in his throat though seeing Jason’s eyes on the stranger as the man went to the toddler playing with the dog.
“Let’s get some lunch,” them man chuckled as there was a stifling cry then. “Sounds like your brother likes that idea.”
“PBnJ!PBnJ!” the toddler chanted.
“Nah, I’m thinking peanut butter and fluffernutter!” the man bartered.
“Mommy says it too much sugar,” the boy sounded mystified at this change, and Dick smiled a bit.
“Then don’t tell mom,” the man disappeared in the house.
Dick sat there for a bit, thinking over this approach before he settled on looking for an old friend. He got out of the car, wincing at some of his bruises from the last conflict, and made his way up the walkway to the door of the house.
It was one Rachel Roth Peters living here, he knew that much. Most of the information he’d gather from social media and other databases hadn’t offered much. She was married, Jason Peters, who was a Team guy, but most of his information was so thoroughly blacked out or encrypted Dick wasn’t getting it on his own. He didn’t even have a picture of the man. Rachel had two sons, Sawyer Alfred Peters and Amory Victor Peters; Dick had thought the middle names to be odd choices, but then Raven had been close to Alfred and Victor. Perhaps it was her homage to her life as Raven.
Lightly rapping the door Dick nervously waited, hearing the thunderous roar of a dog coming for the door, along with a baby’s cry at the disruption, and a toddler’s shout, there was a curse as a man came to the door. Dick was startled when the door was yanked open, and he found himself staring at Jason. Not Jason Peters, his baby brother Jason.
“Dick?” Jason sputtered.
“You’re alive!” Dick smiled. Dick was startled when Jason grabbed him and threw him in the house, pulling a weapon and the dog going into protect mode, the toddler cried out in shock, and the baby was now screaming with tears.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Jason snarled, Ace backing up, barking, acting as a barrier for the kids’ protection, Dick held his hands up, Jason was in full defense mode. He put himself armed between Dick and the kids, and Dick saw it, Jason was in full fury at this, and on edge. He hadn’t seen his brother in more than twenty years, and this was the greeting he got. Dick had never had the best relationship with Jason though, so despite all the overwhelming love he felt for his little brother now, Jason was ready for killing, not talking.
“Talk!? Did the old man send you!?” Jason snarled, a toddler gripping his leg now, it didn’t make Jason less terrifying. If anything, Jason looked like a furious, overprotective father. Jason looked like a tiger right now, his children were in the presence of the unknown, and his dog was his back up, and Dick had no doubts his baby brother would send that dog to tear his throat out if provoked. So, Dick didn’t make sudden movements, moving slowly as he got back up to his feet, Jason kept his weapon trained on him, and his stance ready to grab the kids and flee.
“No,” he whispered, the absolute righteous fear and fury at Jason’s question on his brother’s face shocked him.
“DADDY!” the toddler cried, big fat tears rolling down his red face.
“Talk! Why the fuck are you here, Dick!?” Jason snarled.
“I… Raven!” he admitted, keeping his movements non-threatening as he backed up a few steps. “It’s been a while, and I mean, we were worried, she just disappeared!”
“Isn’t walking away if you don’t fucking disappear,” his baby brother snarled furiously.
“I just… I wanted to see she was alright.
“She’s fine,” Jason snapped.
“I… how are you, Jay?”
“Not in the mood to be social,” Jason snarled lowly, relaxing enough to bend over and pick up his sobbing toddler, keeping his weapon trained on Dick as he backed up into the kitchen, Ace was by Jason’s legs. Dick moved to keep himself in Jason’s line of sight.
“What happened Jay?”
“We left.”
“You mean Raven…?”
“No, I mean we dickhead,” Jason snapped, putting his weapon away as he soothed the toddler and baby. Dick noted how much the toddler looked like Jason then, curly black hair, freckles, and aquamarine eyes. The toddler was sucking his thumb, all excitement for his sandwich gone; and Dick felt terrible for that as the toddler hid against Jason’s throat. The baby was sniffling in a car seat, there was Chicago Fire playing on the kitchen TV, and the dog was no longer loudly growling, but his fur was up and his attention on Dick.
“None of your fucking business,” Jason snapped as he set the toddler down. “So, what the hell are you doing here if the old fart didn’t send you?”
“I… you… your death broke him, Jay!” Dick snapped hearing the venom in his brother’s question now.
Jason gave a dismissive snort. “Didn’t answer the question Dickhead.”
“Rae vanished, and she was a dear friend, and Vic had no idea where she went, and when I saw the footage, I wanted to make sure she was alright,” he said.
“She’s fine, she’s at work, she’ll be pissed you stopped by,” he snapped.
“Little Wing,” he started.
“You and the old man can go stick, my name is Jason, and if you call me ‘little wing’ ever again I’ll break you in so many ways you’ll be eating out a tube, you are not my brother, you lost that,” Jason snapped furiously as he ran a hand over his toddler’s back.
“We’re fine, Rae’s fine, if she wants to fucking talk to you, she’ll get in touch, you tell anyone about us, and I’ll kill you Dick,” Jason warned lowly.
“I wouldn’t… B would want to know you’re alright,” Dick said.
“No, B wants to throw me in Arkham, and I have three reasons that’s not happening, come after me or my family again, Dick and I’ll annihilate you,” Jason snapped.
Dick surrendered; he didn’t understand his brother’s combative nature about this but he wouldn’t start in on that. He instead politely showed himself out and paused at a picture display of a young Raven and Jason.
Jason was in a Marine’s uniform, and Raven was in a white wedding dress, they looked very young and very happy as they smiled at the camera. He noted that Victor was there by Rae, and a few men he didn’t know were by Jay, it looked… it looked happy.
Bruce stared at the photo Dick had brought back, it was Jason, and neatly tucked into Jason’s side was a pregnant Raven, with a toddler sitting on Jason’s shoulders, and a dog happily sitting between Jason and Raven.
Special Warfare Operator First Class Jason Peters had an unorthodox career. He had write ups for exemplar valor, and commendations for his bravery, he was a SEAL, he was Tier One status. He had a praises from his higher ups and his own teammates, and he had been married for seven years to one Rachel Roth, they had been in a long term relationship all through college and before from the implications on their files. They were close.
The family had a toddler son, Sawyer Alfred Peters, which had had Alfred and him actually tearing up. The boy was bright, he had black curly black hair, bright aquamarine eyes, and many freckles. The other child was Amory Victor Peters, who was a four month old now, there were no documented photos that Bruce or Dick could find; even Barbara couldn’t find anything. Rachel and Jason were not on social media and kept quiet lives, focusing on work and their relationships. That wasn’t true, recon had shown Jason spending a lot of time with his team and Raven spent a lot of time with her own friends, they focused on the kids heavily too.
Bruce sat there staring at the photo, he had it put up in his office.
He would never be able to reclaim Jason as his, Jason and he had too much blood between them, and Bruce acknowledged that he had never handled Jason the best possible way he could, and his sone had found a family of his own. Bruce ached to reach out, to beg for Jason’s forgiveness, but knew it would never happen. Jason was unforgiving and unyielding, and so was Bruce. It didn’t matter that twenty years had passed, Bruce knew they would forever clash and Jason could never, and rightfully would never, forgive him.
Still, Bruce decided he’d keep an eye out for his second son and his family. Jason deserved everything he had, and more, Jason deserved the world. Bruce would see to it that his second son’s life was left undisturbed, and hid the records from the prying eyes of his family. Keeping the only photos he had of Jason close and hidden amongst the myriad of other photos he had of his children.
Jason rolled off his wife, gasping for air, she was spent, he was spent, and good God it felt amazing to be home. His fingers traced her stomach, which was littered in stretch marks and still soft from the birth of their second child. He smiled as he looked at her, she chuckled.
“You’re insatisible,” she panted.
“Only for you,” he promised. “For you,” he smiled as he pulled himself over her and kissed her lightly.
“I’m glad I never asked you to leave,” she whispered as her eyes flicked from his lips to his eyes, and she bit her lips so slightly.
“I’m glad I couldn’t make you leave either, little bird,” he promised as he traced her jaw.
There was a framed note on his nightstand which he saw, and smiled at before he looked back at his wife, time for another round! Kissing her hard as he could he dragged her to him, his hands tracing over her body.
“Never been so fucking glad we got those airplane tickets!” he promised.
“JASON!” she gasped as his mouth moved over her skin. He was never so happy for pillow talk as he had been fifteen years ago.
If you're serious and not just talking to the pillow I'll be at the airport with the tickets, bring my bag. If not, keep the bag, and I wish you the best Red.
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tinyglowingsharks · 6 years
Answer all the asks please. If you don't have the mental spoons for it then that's ok
lmao sure, thanks friend!
moon: what is your astrological sign?
Sagittarius (not avery good one)
gingerbread: your moral alignment
Neutral good
birdseed: family or friends?
Friends,probably.  All the family I have time for are my friends anyway so
sheets: your sexual orientation
Bi if I’m with gaypeople or people who ‘don’t believe in labels’, queer with everyone else.
warm milk: when do you usually fallasleep?
About11:30-midnight, usually.  I do not function well without enough sleep so Ihave to go to bed earlier than I would like, but then it takes me an hour or soto get to sleep anyway. 
pot of honey: your gender identity
oh, it’s [loudnoise from passing truck obscures answer]. Gimme those they/them pronounsthough
snow: what is your favorite time ofyear and why
I like very earlyand very late summer.  I like the end of spring where the days arestretching out and weather starts being consistently (ish, it’s still scotland)not awful, and everything feels optimistic and brighter. And then I like theends of summer when the air starts smelling of bonfires and the days are warmbut the evenings grow cooler and everything feels like snuggling and settlingin
yarn: what are your most enjoyablehobbies?
Love me someknitting, it’s really relaxing and gives me something to do with my hands andalso you get cool stuff out of it.  Also I’m getting more into folkmusic/dancing recently - i was gonna say morris dancing but actually i don’treally like morris dancing as an art form, but I really like playing the musicand I love singing (hit me up for some filthy folk songs) and have gone to afew sessions and such which were really cool. And I really like folk danceslike ceilidh, bal and contra - I like the fact that each time I do it I’m lessshit. I am a bit of a baby on the scene but it’s still good, there’s usuallyalcohol to numb the embarrassment, and the people are really nice.
bicycle: what are you talented at?
Words. I am good atword-ing.  Writing stuff, reading stuff, copy editing, etc.  I am agood person for words.
folktale: what stories remind you ofyour childhood?
I read so much as achild and have so few memories of being a child in general that actually mostof the memories I have are mixed up with reading. But I guess some of thesignificant ones are Harry Potter (of course), Lord of the Rings, the VeryHungry Caterpillar (we did that as a school play and I was a strawberry), we’reall going on a bear hunt, His Dark Materials, the Earthsea trilogy, and Redwall.  Also the Houndsof Morrigan and the myth of Niamh of the Golden Hair.  Also, my dad was ahuge story teller.  He used to do stories more or less on demand - I’dgive him prompts and he would make them up to order.  Notable onesincluded one about a snail whose name I forget, one about the Penalty Fare, afunfair where people who committed civil misdemeanours went for punishment (ina masterful anticipation of Final Destination 3), and an ongoing series calledLittle Miss Good, Little Miss Bad and Little Miss Tries-to-be-good.  Idon’t remember any of them clearly, but they are wound firmly in with memoriesof my dad and my childhood.
woods: where do you feel at peace?
The sea. Always, the sea.  Anywhere quiet outdoors with big skies. GlasgowNecropolis.
chicken feet: what is your emotional“flaw”?
so many
red cheeks: what makes you nervous?
Was gonna say SOMANY but actually, not that much really? I draw a distinction between nerves and anxiety, which I have for daaaayyys(though not badly enough to be a major Thing). Mostly I get nervous about talking to my mum about difficult stuff, honestly.
sunflower: what do you love and cherish?
My friends, my mum, my Victorians, myPhD, my bisexuowls shawl, sharks.
bells: what sounds are your favorite or calm you the most?
The sound of the sea.  The sound of wind chimes.  The sound of the rain and wind.  I struggle to listen to music because itmakes me think too much but repetitive, soothing nature sounds shut my brain upat least a little.
turnip: what is a food you could eat everyday?
Garlic.  Doesgarlic count? it’s more an ingredient than a food but i’d happily eat it inmost things. As a first year in uni I ate so much raw garlic in a few days (cosI worked out how to make bruschetta) that I made myself sick, but these days Iwould garlic differently.  Not just eating clove after close of crushed garlic.
spit: do you get jealous easily?
Not really
mushroom:list unique things you like about yourself
This is really hard – especially the ‘unique’ bit.  I like that I’m an excellent speller and thatI have synaesthesia and that I have terrible handwriting. 
cupboard:a good childhood memory
We used to occasionally go to the Snowdon region of Wales as a family, cosmy mum’s best friend at the time had a cottage there so it was free, and weinherited a lot of their traditions, one of which was this hill that the friend’shusband used to race up and down with his friends from a nearby (now long-gone)hostel before breakfast, giving it the name Breakfast Mountain (its actual nameis Brin Brith in case any of you know it, it is a fairly unremarkable hill inall respects except it is cherished of my family).  We used to climb it whenever we visited,though not before breakfast.  I have alot of good memories of climbing it but in particular one time I rememberstanding on the top with my dad and he did that thing where you hold a child bytheir arms and spin so they like fly out, on the edge of the mountin, so Iremember the warmth of the sun and my laughter and my dad’s hands on my wristand the flashing alternation of the estuary, far below, and the mountain top grass,a few feet from my face.  I realise I’m talkingabout my dad a lot but I don’t remember a lot of my childhood and much of whatI do remember that is happy is either books or my dad.
eyebags:what do you think makes a person attractive?
God, it’s such a cliché but confidence can make a person attractive.  Being a nice/good person makes themattractive too.  So does beingfunny. 
fallenlog: something you’ve gotten over that you never thought you would
Coincidentally, I have just accidentally stumbled over an email chain ofthe aftermath of a fairly messy breakup – the end of a major, 3 year, late-teens,unhealthy, rite of passage, heartbreak and drama, serious relationship.  At the time it was a pretty big deal involvinglots of crying and a fair amount of drama, and thinking it would never end and I’d never be over it, but on looking back at the emails, Idon’t remember a lot of the gory details they allude to, and I have no feelingsabout it except relief that I ended it, albeit about two years too late. He’san MRA now so, bullet dodged
dagger:your worst fear
being completely unloved/losing everyone I love
whisper:do you have any secrets?
wildboar: which person do you feel closest to?
I have a small collection of four people who are Very Important. Theyaren’t all friends with each other but they’re all people I’ve met in Glasgowand they are excellent in very distinct ways.  I’m not gonna name them but I like to thinkthey know who they are. The one I feel closest to at any point varies but it isalways one of those people.  
sweet:what candies or cakes are you fond of?
I like chocolate eclairs,  I likelemony things, and I like werther’s originals cos I’m a grandad
footprints:do you remember your past lives?
Not a thing, sorry
fur:name an animal you feel connected to
I feel very connected with rodents. Especially guinea pigs.  (aren’tyou surprised I didn’t say sharks)
vodka:do you drink?
Yeah!  I didn’t really drink regularlytill I got to Glasgow, then after a couple years I mostly stopped cos I was TooSad to drink and didn’t have fun drunk. But then I started again when I joinedMorris dancing because I got over the thing I was sad about and Morris is avery alcohol-oriented sport. The people I hang out with are really fun to drinkwith and it’s drinking as socialising rather than drinking to get drunk which feelslike a Better Choice.
sourcherry: an obscure tradition from your family?
We aren’t a huge family for traditions, honestly, but one that me and mymum do (mostly at my behest honestly) is get a Christmas decoration to remembermy dad every year.  He’s been dead almost20 years and we’ve been doing this consistently for about 15, so eventually thetree is going to be entirely eclectic stuff I’ve picked up over the years formy dad.
pineneedles: what is your favorite scent?
I really like rose, and I really like vanilla.  I am about as boring as can be. I do notcare.
heart-shaped:do you believe in love? are you in love?
I think it’s hard not to believe in love. There are people I love, inlots of different ways
home:where do you dream of living?
Honestly, I want to stay where I am now. While being by the sea or going to the Netherlands appeals, I love mycity and the life I have built here.
spice:list your favorite herbs
I actually tend to prefer spices to herbs – gimme all your paprika andVanilla (is vanilla a spice???) and pepper – but I like basil, rosemary,lavender, lemon balm and sage.
mud:something you’re insecure about but trying to love
My entire self honestly.
tobacco:do you have any addictions?
sock:how would you describe your clothing taste?
Predictable.  Give me a colourfulprint on a mid-thigh or knee length fit and flare or skater dress, and some blackleggings, and that is me happy.  That isalso the entirety of my wardrobe.
cuckooclock: are you a morning, a noon, or an evening person?
Depends on what youwant me for.  I’m best at productivity early in the morning, but terribleat social skills. I’m best at like, physical tasks and walks and stuff in theafternoon when I’m properly awake and feeling restless, and best at socialisingin the evening (but not too late cos my brain falls out at about 10pm).
woodenfence: a favorite memory
When I was in undergrad I fell, predictably, into the DnD crowd, and Ihave lots of really nice memories of that time. Including: sleeping over after dnd, which was basically not sleeping butstaying up talking quietly about the sort of thing you can only talk about onsomeone else’s floor at 4 in the morning, and not sleeping over after DnD, butwalking the 3 miles uphill from the town to the university, again quietlytalking, and if you timed it right you’d get to the top of the hill just atdawn and you’d see the sun rising over campus like a promise,  Seeing dawn from the ‘other’ side, going tobed after it rather than waking up before it, still feels really special to me.
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