#even if they do choose to respect the op's boundaries
Sometimes I see a post that's like "I'm so sick of all [privileged group I'm part of] people thinking [something it never occurred to me to believe but seems obviously bad] y'all need to unlearn that stuff right now" and I have to try to figure out if
I'm actually an exception to their blanket statement either because I'm from a social context they didn't consider/know about where that belief is not as common or because they're exaggerating and I shouldn't take it so literally
it's so deeply ingrained in me that I can't recognize it when it's pointed out and I really need to unlearn it but I'm gonna need to learn to recognize it in the first place
they just phrased it poorly and I misunderstood and the thing they're actually describing is something I would recognize
Anyway what I do know I need to unlearn is the idea that I'm supposed to just know that and can't ask for clarification.
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juvenillia · 7 months
~ Death of Peace of Mind ~ 15: teasing
Simon 'Ghost' Riley x fem!reader
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photo credits go to very talented @ave661
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a/n: maybe I got a bit too carried away in this one but yeah, let me know what you think
CW/TW: mentions of loss, violence, jealousy, dubcon, touch/assault, use of petnames, guilt, regret
wordcount: 4.3k
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"So, you're doing it?", the female voice rang through the speaker. "It's a mission, of course I'm doing it.", your voice was determined but still a bit shaky. Maybe you were just too exhausted. The sleepless nights sapping on your energy. "We know it's a special operation, so we at least want you to choose your partner yourself.", Price’s voice was soft but still firm. "I'd recommend Riley." Laswell's words instantly let your stomach take a turn. You couldn't choose him for too many reasons. So many you totally wouldn't share with your literal boss. Still Laswell continued. "He would act on it with the most professional interests." - "But the mask." - "Even better. Nobody knows who he actually looks like and if it's an order he wouldn't even hesitate." You felt like throwing up. Price looked concerned at you but tried to keep his face clear.
"No, no way. I respect his boundaries. I'm going with MacTavish.", you answered bluntly and quick before the discussion could go anymore in a direction you didn't want to. "You sure about that?", Price’s voice was a bit surprised, but the situation was a special occasion. Such operations were never easy and never a thing because the 141 handled such situations differently. They had their own ways to get the insider information that was required. Mostly this way was harsh and bone crushing. But now they had an ace up their sleeve. They had you on the team, a woman. And therefore, a really beautiful one. That opened a new door of possibilities. "Alright. So, Sergeant MacTavish it is. I'll arrange everything." The line went dead, and you looked at Price. "You know how this op will go." - "I'm familiar with that kinda thing. Yeah. Gonna talk with him tomorrow." - "Thank you, Skadi." - "No need to thank me, sir. It's my job." Price knew that those missions were nerve-wracking for everyone included, and he swore to himself, that he would only sent you out on it if you were fine with it. "You know what I mean.", he simply added before following you to the common room to be reunited with the rest of the 141.
That was yesterday, and now you found yourself in the shared office, figuring the best way out to tell Johnny about his luck. Your mind was racing. Once for the situation that you again fell asleep in the common room and got carried back to your room by one of the boys. How Beth explained later it was Simon, again. Only the thought of the situation let your stomach ramble. No, we won't call it butterflies, we just don't. For the second reason it was definitely the whole situation you found yourself in. You didn't mind the operation itself nor the fact that Johnny was to be by your side. It was just the fact that you were never the type to enjoy social gatherings that much, especially such big and fancy ones. You hated it back then, the hand shaking, sweet talking and complimenting just to get approval and support from rich people which thought of themselves way too much. Back then you played already a role, but this time would be different and more difficult. Pretending to be a completely different person with a completely other life plus of course your beloved boyfriend, Johnny had to pretend to be. Invading enemy terrain to get intel in nothing more than a fancy dress which would reveal way too much skin. No gun in your hands, no knives strapped to your body. You would be served to them on a silver plate. Those missions were triggering your anxiety more than infiltrating an enemy base the offensive way.
"Slept well?", a deep teasing voice ripped you out of the haze your thoughts were. You blinked utterly confused at the Lieutenant who just placed a cup in front of you. Hot steam leaving it in dancing movements upwards till they vanished. You could see how his mask moved, and how he had to wear a smile beneath it. A deep blush made its way onto your cheeks. Since when was he so cocky with his comments? What did change in the last days? And worse did you do something embarrassing? Hells bells, did you speak during your sleep?
He let out a nearly inaudible chuckle while taking his place at his desk across from yours. Your reaction was enough answer for him, still he wanted to push it. It was only the two of you in the office by now, so he would take advantage of it. "Will ya keep fallin' asleep 'n me? Just out 'f curiosity." His voice was so cocky, so teasing. You wanted the ground to open and swallow you right now.
After Simon's anger about the intruder vanished, he saw a chance of being just a bit more offensive with you. Only jokingly teasing, only the way like you would do with Johnny or Kyle all the time. It wouldn’t change a thing he believed. He wanted to test the waters but seeing you all flustered and overwhelmed did something to him. And maybe there was a chance that you would call him 'darling', just the way you did with him. He didn't know how he would react; he didn't know what it would take you to grow this comfortable around Simon, but he would try to find out. Maybe it would be his doom, but maybe his elysium.
This was the moment Johnny walked through the door. "Good morning everyo..." - "MacTavish, just the guy I was looking for.", you yelled out and before he could react, you jumped up from your place, took the cup of tea Simon brought you in one hand and the other hand grabbed Johnny's wrist while dragging him outside. Shoving Kyle aside while he tried to enter the office and just looked dumbfounded after you two and then at Simon. The taller Brit just shrugged, usually the situation would kind of bug him, but right now, he was too satisfied with your morning encounter and started on the reports. A victorious smile well hidden behind the mask.
"So, yer gonna be my wifey, eh?", Johnny looked with raised brows at you, wearing a cocky smile. You dragged him into one of the empty briefing rooms where you explained everything to him. "Fiancée. And stop the teasing. Bloody hell.", you rolled your eyes while he nudged your foot with his. He stood in front of you, not too far away but also not really close, leaning against one of the tables. "Fiancée.", he repeated mockingly.
"We should talk about boundaries. Lines we shouldn’t cross, things we're fine with and things we're not.", you stated while crossing your arms in front of your chest. Johnny nodded, and suddenly some thoughts flashed his mind. Thoughts he pushed aside for now. Of course, Johnny knew how important that mission was, but he still was a teasing piece of shit. It took you a few to sort things out and to get him to take this talk serious, without any more teasing and jokes. You were professionals after all.
"That's only the emergency exit. Ya hear me?", you looked serious at him while taking the last few sips out of the cup and ending your talk. You did really go through any possibility that could happen. "Got it. And now we're talking about Lt making you, and only you, tea and why you didn't choose him for the fake dating mission. Eh?", he raised his brows once more at you, this cocky grin back at his lips. You felt the heat back on your cheeks and wished you could just throw the cup after him. Instead, you rolled your eyes and raised your hands in a warning gesture. "Already thinking about divorce now.", you laughed, and Johnny pouted jokingly before each of you went after the preparation for this special operation.
It was around six in the evening as Laswell helped you with your hair and makeup. She told you, that she always had to doll up her wife and you had to admit, she did an amazing job. You were standing in the bathroom of the fancy hotel just some blocks away from the benefits gala. Putting the jewelry and dress on, Kate had prepared for you. The jewelry was made to be your decent communication device for the night. It would keep you in contact with Price and Ghost who were arranged as guards for the gala. So, Johnny and you wouldn't be completely out in the open.
You slipped the dress on and cursed to yourself. It was tight just at the right places and hugged your curves perfect. It hadn't a huge cleavage, but a slit up to your leg, nearly too high for your liking. Somehow you were still glad that this fabric was divided there because otherwise you weren't even able to move properly. The silky fabric moved delightful as you took a turn in front of the mirror. It definitely wasn't something you despised wearing, you felt pretty of course, but you'd preferred your cargo pants and a turtleneck. You could say you felt too much like eye candy, but that was what you were supposed to be today. A decoy to attract the hopefully right persons to spill some intel.
You went with Kate to the room the boys were put to. Kyle was already on the computers to invade the security cameras, that you could be a step ahead. Just in case. Ghost seated next to him, wearing an all-black suit with a pair of unholy tight pants, and a completely black balaclava. Going through the process over and over again. Price was in the same suit, helping Johnny to adjust his bow tie. He wore a casual and elegant suit, that matched the color of your dress. Simon was the one to open the door for you and Kate as soon as she knocked and how happy he was to wear this god damn mask.
His breath hitched as soon as he laid his eyes on your figure. You just walked past him, trying to ignore the burning feeling inside of you. Your work brain needed to take over now. Kyle only whistled, looking astonished in your direction. You rolled your eyes while pushing your hands in your hips. "Zip it, Garrick!", you glared at him, and he only rose his hands in defense. "If yer saying something against my wifey I'm gonna end yer.", Soap said while slipping a hand around your shoulder. Maybe Johnny was already a bit to comfortable in his role.
Simon stood still in place, frozen, mesmerized by your presence. The only thing that brought him back was Johnny's hand on your shoulder. The shoulder that was stained with a fresh scar of your latest meeting with a bullet and guilt came up his chest. His eyes travelled down to your hips, the place where another nasty scar would stay forever now. Scars were part of the job, nothing special but thinking about how your beautiful body was stained with them.
Just then he realized how perfectly fitted the dress was. Literally nothings were left to the imagination, his imagination. His eyes lingered just there, hoping that his brain would be able to remind him of this picture as often as possible. He’d love to change the picture of your blood-stained body into this one. And he made sure to be as close to your side tonight as possible. "Fiancée. Johnny. Fiancée.", you corrected him annoyed. "Why is that even so important?" - "We need a good story with enough personal information to spill. Because only then people will spare theirs. We have to be convincing." Johnny playfully rolled his eyes at your correction. "Alright ladies. We must go!", Laswell clapped in her hands and Price pulled an identical balaclava, like Simon already wore, over his head.
The start of the evening went off smoother than expected. Johnny didn't leave your side, always having an arm around your waist or on your back. It was quite reassuring, and his constant presence made it easier for you to entertain the people. Johnny did most of the talking and you just had to look pretty. That wasn't hard at all. Plus, you always felt save feeling the intense glance of Ghost on you. No matter where you were, you knew he was close. Sometimes you couldn't even see him, like a real ghost hiding in the shadows. You wore an earpiece on the side that was covered by your hair. So that you could at least got some hints from the boys. No matter if it was from Kyle observing the whole place or your two guards. And it was somehow funny that wherever you looked all the waitresses and securities wore those masks. Of course, you were a bit disappointed when you found out that he gonna keep the mask on even now, still you didn't want to cross his boundaries, that’s why you didn’t choose him for the mission and that is the reason you told Johnny. From time to time, you heard Price's or Gaz' voice over the earpiece, commenting on stuff people said. Simon stayed silence most of the time. Johnny had no earpiece, because he simply had nothing that could hide it, so he had to promise to stay close. At least in the sight of Price.
It was in a moment when Soap and you weren't surrounded by anyone, just then you caught him. Simon standing afar, next to a pillar and staring continuously at you. But something in his glance was different. Was it a hint of jealousy? Your eyes met for a second before a genuine smile flashed over your face. Johnny stood close to you, still an arm around you his eyes searching for your next victim, and you couldn't prevent the words to slip over your lips. "Lieutenant.", you said calm averting your gaze to not make it too obvious. Leaning a bit further into your fake fiancé. He hummed in confirmation over the comms. Still staring at you, not daring to look away. Too scared that it would be a dream and the image in front of him would be gone as soon as he blinked. "You’re staring.", you said with the most teasing voice you could and just then you could see from the corner of your eyes that he abruptly looked away. "Just observing.", he cleared his throat. It led to a sweet and satisfied laugh. The game he started could be played by two.
"Says the lass that shamelessly checked his arse in those tight suit pants out.", Johnny's cocky voice was heard, and you instantly buried your face deeper in his shoulder. You hoped that nobody at the other end of the comms could hear him. He started to laugh and patted your back. "Yer secret's save with me. Dinnea yer worry, bonnie.", he smiled while your face was drowning in embarrassment and you just prayed to everything you hold dear, that Johnny would keep his promise.
The evening became a bit harder when you decided to split up, to get as many people to talk to you as possible. It was after an unpleasant talk with a way too drunken man, that you took a little break excusing yourself to the bathroom. He at least gave a few things away that could help you. Still, you felt a disgusting shadow creeping over your skin. Men were easy to manipulate, still you hated it. You just hoped the night would be over soon and that you could wash yourself clean with a cold shower.
As soon as you stepped out of the bathroom you couldn't help but felt another shiver run down your spine. Another guy seemed to have followed you, because just then you felt an unfamiliar hand creeping around your waist. You immediately tensed and needed to fight the urge to throw him over your shoulder. He lowered his head to your ear that wasn’t covered by your hair. "There is someone who wants to meet you, doll." It made your hair stand to an end, but you needed to suppress it. Whoever wanted to see you could be a very helpful informant. You were lucky that he couldn’t see your face that was coated in sheer disgust. He let his hand wander further down, and the feeling to just break his wrist became stronger and stronger.
But you weren't the only one that had this urge, just to the misery of the poor guy. Ghost snatched his shoulder and yanked him with full force away from you. He nearly growled at him before standing in front of you. Shielding you away. "Leave 'e lady alone. She's already expected.", he hissed through gritted teeth and the douchebag ran away as fast as possible.
You looked in disbelief at him as he turned around to face you properly. Making sure nobody else would watch, you glared at him. "What the hell?! He could have led to important information.", you crossed your arms. "That wasn't appropriate. I needed to intervene!", he only hissed, trying to keep his voice as low as possible. He would never raise his voice at you, still he needed to clarify his point. "I was completely okay... that's how those things work. It's the most efficient way.", you paused for a moment. You didn't want to scold him for something that would be the right thing to do, because indeed it wasn't okay how the man treated you. Still, he interrupted a chance of good information.
"You really need to let myself decide if I'm fine or not." Simon clenched his fist. He knew you were right, but watching how that guy touched you without your consent, without your approval that made him furious. Seeing the discomfort in your eyes. He wouldn't let anything like this happen, to no-one, but especially not to you. You could feel how tense he was; he didn't answer to your outburst. You sighed; one more look around before your arms dropped to your side. "You trust me?", your eyes searched for his and he nodded slowly, not averting his glance. "Let's agree on a sign.", you exhaled not braking eye contact either.
You went back in the main hall, still the burning gaze from Ghost on your back, you moved through the groups of people until you caught a word that completely caught your interest. "He changed since the incident." - "Well, Camilo was his brother." You took a place in the circle, greeting everyone with a sweet smile. Camilo had a brother. "He was his twin! You know how twins have this weird connection..." A twin, that made sense why you thought you saw Camilo running around that chem factory. Price and Simon assured you millions of times that Ghost took him out before he caught that bullet.
People started starring at you, so you took a sip out of the glass in your hand. "I heard from the tragic accident.", you chimed with fake sympathy. "Oh, my dear. That wasn't an accident.", an older man touched your shoulder and left his hand there. Squeezing it softly. "He was taking care of.", you looked faked bewildered at him. And another woman joined. "He even moved the plans back, you know, to grief properly. Even gave him a funeral after finding his body. So, he has a heart after all." You nodded in understanding. Just then you heard a static voice over the comms "We got visitors.", Price announced and soon you could sense a different group of armed men entering over the higher up floor. They also wore balaclavas, but they moved differently.
You looked with a worried face around, searching for Johnny. That's when the hand of the older man started rubbing circles on your shoulder. "Don't worry my dear. They're here to protect us. I believe there is an uninvited guest." He looked at you with those lust blown pupils and it made you sick. If he would call you 'my dear' one more time you needed to throw up. "Those uninvited guests are you. Maybe we should leave.", Kyle's voice rang over the earpiece while he tracked every enemy. "Those Italians are always so impudent, but family is their highest good."-"Aren't they Mexicans?" - "Mexicans, Italians, Brazilians, Spanish. Aren't they all the same?!", the old men next to you chimed and all around started to laugh. You forced a laugh out of your throat as you saw another bunch of armed and masked men approaching the lower level. Your eyes searched for Soap. Kyle was right, you had to leave now. "Excuse me. I'm missing my beloved fiancé. Will be back soon.", you stated before moving through the mass of people. Johnny didn't hear anything the boys said due to the missing earpiece. You needed to find him.
It was Price’s voice that helped. "He's at the west entry. Gonna make sure you leave save. Ghost take care of the car." You moved as fast as possible without drawing any suspicion to the place Price described and Johnny was there. Discussing eagerly with no one else then the man from your hallway encounter with Ghost. That wouldn't end good.
"Darling, I'm feeling unwell. You think we can go back to the hotel.", you chimed with a cooing tone while your hands searched his. He looked at you and gladly understood immediately. The man looked surprised at you and insisted of you staying a little while longer. Somehow you made your way to the hallway, the only thing that separated you and the SUV that brought you out of here. Price made sure the way was clear and Ghost sat in the car, engine already rumbling low waiting for you to enter the vehicle.
"He's still following you and it seems like he got friends", Kyle declared over the comms. "Shit.", you hissed out while walking in those fancy heels. "We aroused suspicion, especially with our sudden leave.", Johnny said while trailing close behind. A thousand thoughts were rushing through your mind. There was only thing that might help, you sighed. Your eyes found a little corner, and you turned, taking Johnny's wrist, dragging him with you around.
"Yo, Skadi, wrong direction.", you could hear Kyle over the comms. "Emergency exit.", is all you said before muting the earpiece and Johnny immediately understood. That was the first moment he felt uneasy tonight. You pressed yourself against the wall, wrapped your hands around Johnny's neck while bringing him closer to you. His face just a breath away from yours. You looked in his eyes and he nodded, giving silently permission and you closed the gap between you. Your lips brushing over his, a bit stern but still eager, the intense feeling couldn't be denied. His hands were frozen on your waist, till you took one of them and placed it over your thigh. The leg hooking behind his body drawing him impossible closer. It needed to be a good show for them to buy it. Johnny's grip on your bare skin was tight, as his lips moved over yours. It felt nothing like you remembered a kiss, but that wasn't even one of those lust filled actions. It was your emergency exit.
"Bloody hell.", Kyle breathed out in utterly shock, staring at the screen in front of him. "What's happening?!", Ghost nearly barked through the earpiece while the grip around the steering wheel tightened. "Even when I told you, you wouldn't believe me.", Kyle chuckled not daring to blink. Ghost stayed silent, but his heart was pounding.
The man went around the corner and abruptly stopped as soon as he saw the image in front of him. Every suspicion leaving him, as he felt uneasy to watch. To your luck, he had some respect for the privacy and intimacy you just shared. Well, that's at least what you thought. That was the second time tonight he should feel a misfortune. But you couldn’t care. He left you alone and that was all that mattered.
Johnny and you broke away and he looked weird down at you. Somehow his face was full of concern, and regret and at the same time his cheeks burned, and he smiled oddly.  “Keep it steady.”, you punched his chest while turning the earpiece on again and rolling your eyes at the Scot. "Just bought us some time. Sorry. On the way out now.", you said while walking back where you left your path. "Dinnea believe that this actually worked.", Johnny hissed a bit breathless next to you and you could hear Kyle joining with a "Same, you lucky bastard." You just rolled your eyes once more as you climbed into the back seat of the car next to Johnny while Ghost already navigated it to the hotel. You couldn't look at Johnny, so you simply stared out of the window. Johnny just stared into the distance in front of him. You agreed on it, you both did and still it left you in an awkward state of mind.
Simon's eyes trailed to the driving mirror, observant as always, he immediately noticed the stains of the red shade on Johnny's lips. His grip around the steering wheel tightened, letting his knuckles turn white when he had to force his eyes back onto the road.
"Good work!", Price said once more as he pulled off the mask, but all of you in the car stayed silent.
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taglist: open just lmk
@yyiikes @saffronimagines @originaldeerhottub @illuminwtesz @killergoddess97 @kaelaiscool @spiritndrain @anothersimpsblog
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roseglazedlens · 9 months
hehe hi i saw that your requests were open and idk if this is like too much or anything but sobbing head in hands head canons about reader having a dog that just does not get along with their s/o (any character of your choosing), like perhaps not like barking at them, but the dog is definitely playfully biting their toes every time they see them
⦑ 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐄𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐒/𝐎’𝐬 𝐃𝐨𝐠𝐬 ⦒
characters: chris redfield, leon kennedy, claire redfield, piers nivans & jill valentine. a/n: thank you so much for requesting lovely! i don't have any furbabies myself, but one day!!! once again, i apologise for getting carried away with these headcanons, i just love all characters! content: SFW
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He has a German Shepherd at home!! Dog person all his life!
Had considered being a professional dog trainer in his younger years, and did some courses on it, but ultimately did not pursue it.
Gets along with your dog almost instantly - your dog respects Chris.
Would teach your dog all kinds of tricks - honestly helps you out a lot!
Would be annoying and give you unsolicited advice about your dog's diet and training (which you shut him up with a kiss)
Has a YouTube channel about educational dog content with only three videos of him just talking to the camera, that is all posted 7 years ago.
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Leon doesn't mind dogs, but he prefers cats more.
So when Leon visits you, he isn't used to the shower of affection your dog gives.
If your dog were to not get along with him, Leon would put his hands up to show he doesn't mean harm.
Eventually earning your dog's mercy after playing fetch with them!
It's a little tiring for Leon, who is only used to the company of cats.
But he knows your dog is your family and wants to make sure he gets along with them.
Would try to convince you that a cat would be a good addition to your family (so his cat can have a playmate).
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There was only Claire and her brother in the Redfield household, so Chris surprised Claire with a dog for her birthday one time to help with the loneliness. And that cheered Claire up greatly, and made her love dogs!.
No. 1 chihuahua defender - Always trying to break the stereotype that chihuahuas are aggressive, and rants on about how so many people don't know how to respect their boundaries.
Volunteers at a dog shelter!
It is no surprised she would get along with yours, with how big dogs has become in her life.
If she gets bitten playfully, Claire would play dead. And then come back to life when your dog paws at her cheeks. (She can't stop smiling from the cuteness)
Would scream "doggo!" everytime she passed by one.
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He loooves dogs!! And dogs love him!
Piers just radiates 'dog owner energy' - random dogs, including yours, will sniff him and try to be friends if he passes by.
Dogs are just naturally drawn to Piers, and he's not complaining.
Meets your dog once, and your dog already loves him more. You're a little salty about it, but glad that they get along.
Best belly rubs giver!
His dog is friends with Chris' dog, so they go on a walk together every Sunday morning.
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Jill is a dog person, even if I can see her being a cat person too.
I see Jill being super affectionate to her dog, always giving kisses and hugs the moment she returns from an op.
After Arklay Mountains, I can see her dog being concerned at Jill's attitude change. Whining a little to show that they're here for Jill.
When she meets your dog, her expression warms at the sight. I see Jill getting attached to your dog easily, and they get along together well after playing fetch a few times.
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thanks for reading! come check out my other works. ––yours truly, rose. tags: @valsthea @custard0nut © roseglazedlens - please do not repost, plagiarise, or feed to ai.
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creature-wizard · 5 months
"Paganism isn't a Burger King or a Chinese buffet, you can't just pick and choose what you want" is bad rhetoric, and here's why.
I recently got an anon message telling me that paganism isn't like a Burger King or a Chinese buffet; you can't just have things your way or pick and choose what you like, and that "everything was organized a certain way for a reason" and that you "change the system at your own risk."
I pointed out that this is an incredibly historically-uninformed take, because there's never been a time or place in history where paganism was pure and unchanging, and there were many reasons for things being the way things were, most of them just not that deep or mysterious. (For example, politics.)
Anon sent a follow-up message stating that they were talking about cultural appropriation, which... strange if true, given that I hadn't been posting anything about appropriation recently.
In fact, it seems that the post this person was responding to was a post about pop culture witchcraft, given that the OP of that post got an anon message with the words "Chinese buffet analogy" and "pop culture paganism" in the same sentence. (It seems this person doesn't understand the difference between witchcraft and paganism. Common beginner mistake, but also, oof.) Said post wasn't encouraging any kind of appropriative behavior, but go off I guess, anon.
In any case, this kind of restaurant rhetoric isn't even good for safeguarding against cultural appropriation. It doesn't actually explain why cultural appropriation is a problem, and functionally just tells people to stay with what they they've been taught and don't question it. If anything, it reminds me of conservative Christian rhetoric telling people that they can't be Christian and pro-LGBTQ+ because "you can't pick and choose which parts of the Bible to follow." (And I think we can all agree that we're better off when Christians decide to ignore this kind of sentiment.)
And speaking of conservative Christianity, people trying to get away from that kind of crap are generally not the kind of people who appreciate being stuck in shitty little boxes and being told they have to follow the rules Or Else. If you use this line on them, sooner or later they'll probably decide that this whole notion of cultural appropriation is a bunch of xenophobic, dogmatic crap, and they're not going to care anymore.
And if it does work on them? If they do internalize it? Congratulations, you've just taught them that policing people's practices for Not Being Pagan Enough is the way to go. This is how you get people harassing each other and putting each other down over total non-issues. It also means that they're less likely to think critically about their own beliefs and practices, and realize that maybe, just maybe, they're actually kinda shitty.
We should be able to explain to people that being mindful of cultural appropriation is about respecting other people's boundaries, access, and general welfare. We should be able to explain the actual harm that cultural appropriation does. Here are some examples:
The high demand for white sage among neopagans has contributed to overharvesting of white sage for commercial sale. This has resulted in ecological damage and made it more difficult for Natives to access the herb.
Ancient astronaut theorists twist and distort myths and traditions from numerous non-white cultures to make it seem as if they support a pseudohistorical narrative in which aliens supposedly built structures such as the Great Pyramids and Puma Punku. This narrative is linked with far right conspiracy theories in general. Those who speak out against the appropriation of their cultures' myths are regarded as unenlightened or agents of the conspiracy.
Commercializing aspects of marginalized culture to sell to the masses is essentially a form of exploitation; large companies benefit while they get nothing. Basically, if you wouldn't support intellectual property theft, you shouldn't support this kind of thing.
Said commercial products typically reinforce harmful stereotypes and misconceptions about said cultures.
In reality, there's no reason why people shouldn't pick and choose what they want provided they are minding boundaries. If somebody wants to worship Freya and Mercury and ignore other Norse and Roman gods, it literally hurts nobody.
There are many things that paganism is not. Paganism is not an unchanging monolith. Paganism is not decreed to us by an infallible authority. "Paganism" genuinely isn't even a very useful term to talk about Europe's rich tapestry of polytheistic beliefs with. But one thing that it is, is up to us, the living practitioners.
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54bpm · 2 years
Today I have new tips AND a boundary all in one:
A post getting a lot of notes doesn’t mean that OP suddenly has a lot of followers.
DMing someone to ask for promos or reblogs is extremely rude!
I’ve already gotten a few messages from a few people asking for promos and even though I want to see people succeed and enjoy tumblr, that is like 100% not something I’m okay with doing.
I’m not a “Vtuber Supporter” this is my personal blog. It puts me in a very awkward position when you ask this of me and it feels extra bad that people tried to talk to me like they wanted to get to know me only to ask for reblogs because they think I’m clout rich now because of one post.
I didn’t state this boundary and it was more common on twitter so I’m not upset, but moving forward just know this isn’t okay. I’ll reblog who I choose to reblog, please respect that! You’ll find your audience, it’s just gonna take more than like one day.
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nonegenderleftpain · 2 years
I have moved this here to hopefully funnel notifs away from the OP that inspired me to write this, to respect their boundaries.
So here's the thing - the issue that we take with weight loss is not an individual choosing to lose weight, if they're able. The issue we take is it being treated as a choice. For the vast majority of fat people, losing or gaining weight is not a decision we can make, much like I can't make the decision to not have panic attacks, or to not grow facial hair. The act of someone choosing to attempt weight loss is not an indicator that they hate fat people, it's an indicator that they hate fatness. And unfortunately, fat people have fatness.
The issue isn't a black and white one. We understand that for a small subsection of people, weight loss is possible. But we - and I, especially, on a personal level - want people to question where their distaste for fatness comes from. The diet industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, and it funds many nutrition studies. (The 2018 Journal of Nutrition, for example, had 30% of its articles backed by the food industry - see here.) These things absolutely lend bias in research, and that bias makes its way to you, the reader (general you, which I will use for the rest of my reply).
We are able to recognize that the makeup industry affects the way people feel about healthy skin (no acne, blemishes, or large pores on healthy skin, people think, despite this being absurd), and that Hollywood affects the way that people view their bodies (think gym bros believing that being able to see ab definition is healthy, despite it being a sign of intense dehydration and a lack of abdominal fat to cushion organs and prevent hernia). Fat activists like myself want to draw attention to how the diet industry absolutely skews what we think of as healthy - no carbs, no fats, no sugars, etc. All of these things are touted as bad by someone, but these things are absolutely necessary macronutrients, at much higher levels than we are told to consume them.
The things we consider healthy are also affected by the FDA (they knowingly rounded down the required daily caloric intake of the average person from 2350 calories to 2000, despite 2350 calories being less than the average daily energy expenditure for EITHER gender based on DLW testing - link is to an excerpt from Neschiem and Nestle's (no relation) book that explains this in more detail), who have food industry reps on their advisory committees. None of these things are impartial. None of them are solely about our health.
All this to say - yes, there is correlation between certain illnesses and fatness, but there is also a correlation between fatness and poverty. And abuse. And traumatic events. And childbirth. And many, many other conditions, all of which are affected by the same root cause - cortisol disturbance. Stressors cause the body to gain weight. And when your cortisol system is knocked off course, it is nearly impossible to right it, even if you properly manage any condition that might have caused the issue in the first place.
It is always your right to exercise bodily autonomy. What we take exception to is the implication that us existing in our bodies is a risk we are taking on, and not just how we are. Yes, there are exceptions, yes there are people that could lose weight, yes there are unhealthy fat people, but the existence of unhealthy fat people cannot and should not be used as a gotcha, nor as a standard to hold all of us to. There are unhealthy thin people. My sister is 100lbs and she eats worse and lives a more sedentary life than I do - I'm double her weight and several inches shorter. But I have reproductive health issues and PTSD and all MANNER of other issues that contribute to my fatness. Disability aside, I am far healthier than she is. My vitals, diet, and bloodwork come back flawless every time they're drawn (and they are. regularly.). Fatness is not an indicator of health, weight loss is not a choice for the vast majority of fat people, and implying that it is (or that being fat is a "risk" that we are taking) is fatphobia, no matter how you may feel about fat people consciously.
(And while I'm on my soapbox - please don't use the term obese. The term is connected to the BMI index, which has been disproven as faulty science based in racist standards. It's a microaggression. "Fat" is just fine, it's not a dirty word, and it's preferred by every fat person I've ever spoken to in my career.
I also personally take issue with dieting and weight loss because the preoccupation with calorie counting and obsessing over macros when you are not in a medical state to need it is indicative of eating disorders. These ones are just backed by doctors that, yes, are acting through faulty science because fatphobia is as baked into the medical field as it is the food industry.)
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hologramcowboy · 11 months
Just wondering if you have any input/thoughts or have seen/etc on the fandom discourse(re:bullying) that has come/is coming out over the past few days on Twitter; regarding the fan group 'SHAC' and its "BNF" members namely Jaistiel/Valderie/Robin/and a few others in that clique/crew.
Also if you have thoughts/take on the other big discourse right now with some fan trying to ask Misha to essentially 'motorboat' his chest in their photo-op this past con.
I'm not aware of the situation (I don't follow fandom cliques) so I will refrain from commenting but I will say this since someone did send me a screenshot of the intended pose:
Those who thought of that pose, did you, even for a second, stop to consider the emotional wellbeing and comfort level of the actor?
If this is someone that brings you joy on a daily basis, why would you choose a pose that is that violating? Did you ever stop to consider that just as an actor affects you your behaviors also impact them?
Actors are extremely sensitive when it comes to their personal space. That is why, during even the most simple scenes, if any sort of touching is involved it must first be agreed upon by the actors and rehearsed. This is showing respect towards your scene partner and keeping from being violating.
As fans, can you respect the actor that brought you joy by not violating his space, boundaries and identity? Because that's highly important. Those poses you want to impose on them are violating at times. They might not say anything but, trust me, a little piece of their soul dies when you treat them like a piece of meat or a circus animal. Let me emphasize this again: Actors are extremely sensitive when it comes to their boundaries so please be respectful. If you feel true love towards them and not objectification it should be no problem choosing an appropriate, safe pose.
Lastly, if you ever want to be taken seriously by them in real life then please act professionally. Conventions are for fun, yes, but there is such a thing as being sensitive towards the people involved. The more respectful you are in showing your appreciation the more they will truly feel good around you.
I feel like choosing poses like the one you mentioned is just as bad as forcefully trying to project a sexual identity that does not belong to them unto them. It is extremely violating.
Another bad trend I've noticed is claiming fame by proxy simply by attending cons. Unless the paparazzi are at every doorstep you've entered waiting for you to come out, please take a humble pill and act like a balanced human being. I don't mean you, anon, I mean those SPN "stars" that I have no idea what they do in real life but I hope they adopt bigger, healthier ambitions than being known for liking a show and stalking its actors. Because they risk losing themselves in that and missing out on real achievements. Don't hide behind the comfort of false fame to the detriment of your dreams.
I may seem very harsh and I truly am when it comes to invading boundaries of actors. I know how much soul they put into their performances so it is truly heartbreaking to see people treating them like disposable Ken dolls.
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Hi I currently am working at a pokemon shelter and we just received a bunch of pokemon from some illegal breeding ops. I myself have a shiny linoon named Feli (he jumped out at me when I was visiting hoenn and we’ve been friends ever since) and I’m going to be temporarily homing some galarian zigzagoon and I want to know if there are any difference in taking care of the galarian type. Also would they get along with Feli he’s a friendly mon if I do say so myself but you never know.
Hi! First of all, I love Feli, he sounds like a little rascal!
Secondly! Zigzagoon are generally quite easy to get along with, so long as you're able to match their energy (which you probably already know from having Feli) (you can also see this in the large number of Hoenn youngsters who have Zigzagoons as either their first or one of their first Pokémon - Zigzagoon's are mischievous and have less of a grasp of filters than most "early route" Pokémon, but they are fiercely loyal, protective and loving).
There would be a bit of a difference with Galarian Zigzagoons, mostly due to the added Dark Typing. Galarian Zigzagoons tend to be more restless, and will choose more forest-like biomes if possible (unlike Hoenn Zigzagoons, who tend to opt for grassland biomes). In additional to grassy areas and water sources, I'd try to incorporate some lowly lit hidey-holes (e.g. trees, hollow bushes, little caves). Galarian Zigzagoons are also more picky about their food, from what I've heard (e.g. they're very particular about their tastes and preferences in berries, sandwiches, etc).
Zigzagoons tend to live in small groups in the wild (usually with one or two Linoone), so it shouldn't be too much of an issue for Feli to interact with them! It would probably ease their anxieties to have a Linoone they can communicate with.
Give them time and space to get comfortable in the shelter and comfortable with your presence. Since they were rescued from a breeding farm, they're bound to be more anxious around unfamiliar humans, so make sure to respect that and make it clear you aren't going to approach or do anything without their explicit knowledge and consent. Some of them might have physical reactions (as a defense mechanism), so be careful and just back away if that happens. Make sure they've got comfy places to sleep, always have access to clean water, try to keep some form of Pokémon food accessible to them at all times. All in all, make sure they get lots of TLC (while respecting their boundaries), and I hope they get to have the love and safety they deserve! Good luck!!
Oh! And make sure to get regular health check-ups with Nurse Joy's Home PokéDr Service. Pokémon from breeding farms aren't usually caught up in their vaccinations, for example. Also, the majority of them tend to be underweight and/or injured (most of the time from the humans running the breeding op). Even if the Zigzagoons are too anxious to be handled by people, it's still a good idea to get Nurse Joy to come out and have a look. PokéDr programs include courses on treatment for abused and neglected Pokémon, and how to ensure a safe and healthy recovery for Pokémon in those situations, so Nurse Joy is more than capable.
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maroonfairycherry · 1 year
I wish that transness wasn’t reduced to a “feeling” by white people
pre colonization 2spirit elders would help guide you to figure out your gender/ sexuality and your role in your community and what that meant to you, boundaries existed so that the nuances of gender diversity were always respected by the community , no-op was a lot more common back than because people knew themselves better, and If you didn’t have integrity and were just changing gender / gender roles for all the wrong reasons there was someone there to Correct you. NOT enable you.
NOW white trans people think that preferring the opposite white supremacist gender role is a good enough reason to IMPULSIVELY multilate your body and they often times regret it in the end and make a go-fund-mes guilting people into co-signing their self hatred and instead of doing anything to work on their psyche/personalit, they encourage others even more vulnerable than them to do the same; I’m so SICK of qu*er theory and toxic trans ideologies being so pervasive that they’ve now infiltrated indigenous spaces!!!!!! detransitioning shouldn’t be as common as it is but it’s the reality in a society that hyper fixates on “feelings” rather than honoring who you really are, it’s an obvious indicator of how people in western society habitually care more about how they’re PERCEIVED over unabashedly connecting with your souls truth, and it’s WHY transphobes now think they’re in the right for calling transness a mental illness, because mentally Ill white trans people make their own insecurities everyone else’s effing problem!!!! especially since the modern mainstream trans community is often ANTI no-op , constantly exclude , intersex and non-binary people and is habitually led by white/ toxic AMABS who choose to physically transition in some way BEFORE they mentally or spiritually transition and then accuse afabs of bigotry when we call them out on them taking shortcuts to womanhood without doing the real work of unlearning patriarchy and putting us in danger in the process , Which is SO stupid because no matter what they identify as, they still have sizism and patriarchy working in their favor even if they don’t subscribe to those ideologies they still benefit from it and no-op afabs like myself are always percieved as “privileged” when in reality we’re so not. Sizism is the root of sexism and white supremacy and even trans men who are afab, still are abused by those two systems. The trans rights movement being led by privileged non indigenous people was a mistake and I know we’re regressing because no one is ever allowed to accidentally misgender white trans people anymore without being publicly bullied , or even “canceled “ even though cis people of color are still habitually misgendered, by white trans people, because colonial gender roles was ALWAYS intended to exclude us. That’s why black and brown women can be women and non-binary at the same time! we’re already denied of womanhood for not being pale skinned which is often required to be granted feminity under white supremacy , and even skin color aside our natural attributes such as jawlines, and strong personalities are always read as masculine to y’all , because the (2) gender roles for white supremacy is decorated flesh-light with a womb to make aryan children, or big bodied soldier to enable bigotry. That’s it. It’s why cis people of color get genuine gender dysmorphia, because men of color while they can still be toxic aren’t supposed to be as repressed as they are! White patriarchy considered colors feminine, and things like colors and long hair are inherently non-binary to POC. MOC being so repressed is why they become abusive IE… women of color aren’t supposed to be abused as we are!!! This all not okay and I’m so tired of seeing the weakest links being fake woke and being enabled by everyone to publicly self victimize at the expense of us! I can’t stand it anymore! I hate q*eer theory so much for allowing this to happen, the insanity and the performative transitioning that I was almost peer pressured into just so I wouldn’t get accused of being transphobic in lgbt spaces is SO bad, that I’d rather be in the company of cis-straight people now days , who I’m not truly safe around , but I’d rather take my chances with potential old fashioned bigotry rather than whatever toxic , fake woke , neo-liberal , covert racist BS, y’all have going in the lgbt spaces now a days… I have not once ever felt genuinely safe in lgbt spaces , because for a community that claims care SOooo much , about “ progress” they’d rather PERFORM liberation than live it!
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halocas · 1 year
Oh, you poor stupid soul. I never said he won’t/doesn’t do it. I pointed out that HE SAID destiel shippers ask for poses that make him (AND MISHA) uncomfortable, but he got worn down and gave up saying no because his boundaries weren’t being respected anyway. Like, it’s not even an extrapolation or inference in my part, homeboy SAID IT. So… congrats on effective harassment and abuse, I guess?
p.s. come here, come closer. Ew. Not THAT close. Listen, I don’t actually care, never have. I think that he deserves every weird photo op he does with that dehydrated man and his unwashed, musty trench coated fans. I’ve been saying such for like seven years, bro. Zero sympathy, only cackling laughter.
Did he or I say he didn’t have a choice? No. He made a choice. He literally said as much. Doesn’t mean it’s the preferred choice, doesn’t mean he’s secretly now a destiel or cockles shipper. It means he decided money and not getting called a homophobe after every con was easier than having fans who’ve never met a bottle of body wash whine online. We all make choices everyday, for example, you chose to be a moron.
well I think we have a new spam answer. also, it’s pretty obvious who you choose to ship and it’s honestly hilarious. and just, your super gross as an individual thinking you can get a rise outta people being an anon.
You got something to say, say it not in anon, then we can talk.
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anti-transphobia · 2 years
Eventually going to have to go on a rant about how people now think reading through everyone's carrds or about pages or even just descriptions before every minor interaction is normal. It is not. Don't expect that of people
An adult reblogging the post of a minor that has "30+ year olds dni" in their bio is not "being weird around minors". Someone using they/them to refer to the op of a random post they've seen and do not plan on interacting with them again is not misgendering. (Yes you can misgender with they/them pronouns but it's literally not being used to misgender someone if referring to a stranger whose pronouns you don't know). A shipper visiting someone's blog and reblogging a few of their fandom posts without reading their carrd and finding out they say "dni if you like this ship" isn't harassment!
I am not anti DNI, I'm not anti telling a bit about yourself in carrds, I'm not anti establishing boundaries. I'm against the idea that you have to familiarize yourself with thousands of different strangers before you interact with them once or twice. This is not a new problem, but it's a worsening problem. Years ago I got accused of misgendering someone by using they/them for them (it was like 5 years ago I don't remember their pronouns anymore, hence they/them. Incredible how it remains a gender neutral pronoun and not an act of anti trans violence like that). They said their pronouns was on their page. I clicked on it and there were no pronouns. Just a link to an about page that didn't work on mobile (I did not have computer access). And yet I was blamed for not using information not easily made accessible to me
I have plenty of times SEEN people get upset at adults making harmless replies on posts because their bio says "adults dni". I absolutely believe in respecting boundaries, but this is social media. Not respecting boundaries is harassing you. Not respecting a soft block. Trying to evade a hard block. Being directly told their behavior is uncomfortable and refusing to listen to it. NOT a stranger interacting with a post. You may not EXPECT it to leave your circle of friends, but it can. The point of social media is to share posts with others. People do not need your whole backstory before they engage with it
Just like. Remember that while people CAN choose to take a few minutes to read about every person on tumblr, it's ridiculous to expect them to. People using social media as intended is not harassment
#adding on to the misgendering thing: once again yes they/them can be used to misgender#I've seen it used to misgender tons of it/its users! they get the worst of it!#but referring to a blog and saying they/them once or twice isn't bad#if they say 'hey actually i use he/him' to you and you DON'T start using he/him. yes that's misgendering#but if they don't. it's fine#now if talking about that person becomes frequent. learn their pronouns lol#i used they/them for plenty of people who bothered me#then they kept bothering me REPEATEDLY and i talked about them more#so i checked their pronouns so i could use their exact ones now that i spoke about them more frequently#when something is no longer in passing. then learn pronouns. before that just using they/them is normal#it's what people fought for for SO long to be recognized as the default. and now people are fighting against it#I've been misgendered. ACTUALLY MISGENDERED. called he/him. for not having my pronouns in bio on various websites#they said if i didn't want to be called that i should have put my pronouns in bio so there was no assumption#it's supposed to be the gender neutral pronouns when you don't know someone's pronouns. that's why i don't always#put them in my bio. because if you don't know you use they/them. and surprise! those are my pronouns anyway#it would theoretically work out. but it doesn't. because people are DESPERATE to misgender people#i guarantee you 98% of the time when someone refers to someone else in passing with they/them pronouns it's out of respect#bc the people who don't care about respect will literally just say he/him for strangers instead
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saintobio · 3 years
It's hard for me to agree with yn saying she's become worse than gojo. Her INTENT has to be considered. She wanted to protect herself and not suffer anymore from this hell and lie of a marriage.
His intent when he treated yn as a punching bag for his frustrations was spite. A person who didn't know what she was getting into when she married him😞
I still think gojo is the worse one out of the 2. If were placing them on a moral scale then yn is white that can go to gray when pushed there. Gojo is gray going into black and he chooses to walk there.
The only thing that can be judged was her hiding the kid BUUUUTTTT if she didn't would she have had the peace she deserved? Would gojo respect boundaries and leave her alone?
Anonymous said
Not people saying they don’t like y/n anymore after what she went through… like yeah she fucked up keeping sachiro from him, but that was the first selfish thing she did for herself. I know that satoru changed for the better, and that’s amazing, but y/n truly suffered from him being so callous and spiteful towards her, with the cheating and the comments. And the worst part is that he never came clean to her about the stuff with Sera and why he even married her, regardless of if his motivations changed. I think they could’ve had a chance had he came clean from the jump, but he thought he could put a bandaid on the issues their marriage had. Did you guys forget bora bora? And the fact that he literally through their marriage away? Not to say that he didn’t have character development, but think about how that affected y/n and her mindset. Her trust issues were understandable and her heartbreak was absolutely valid. She didn’t handle things in the best way sure, and criticism is totally valid too, but the best place to stay on the situation is neutral bc satoru hurt her to the point where she felt that was all she could do, and she hurt him by hiding his son from him. Both are in the wrong and both need to truly heal.
So Saint, I’m not asking who ends up with who, but I just want to know if the characters, especially gojo and y/n will be okay, like not in their relationships, but will they have sorted through their personal issues in the end? I really just want them to be okay as people and to have peace of mind. I’m glad you’re back and I hope both sides of your pillow are cold!!
Anonymous said
I'll sticky by yn until she does something REALLY fucked up by my standards.
And we have to go back again to the yn controversy both inside and outside the story😩
Here's something to think about.
When does a victim become a bad? Should yn be a self sacrificing person and let gojo see her and her son despite her OWN personal feelings? Her discomfort. The betrayal pain she felt when the truth of their marriage revealed. So now that gojo is the one suffering should what yn went through in their marriage be forgotten to make way to focus on gojo's? Not to devalue gojo's suffering but i honestly can't have that much sympathy for him because of of the things he did at the start of sn😒
This really brings up this gender issue where woman are expected to be self sacrificing and nice in rl and in fiction no matter the abuse they face. We're always expected to be forgiving and give 2nd chances no matter how we feel.
Anonymous said
Idk why people hate on mc, I mean aside from lying i don’t think she did anything wrong. Cheating is pretty serious trauma which I experienced myself. And about toji and her? She at least deserves to be happy, my girl barely was happy for 28 years of her life. I’m sorry but I support her
Anonymous said
The chapter you posted is amazing!
I honestly understand how OP feels at the moment I don’t really understand all the hatred for her rn when mostly all of us were rooting for her to leave Hojo ,
Like I wouldn’t want my child to be raised by a man who cheated on me and hurt me consistently and tried using me for an emergence to then divorce me and Marry his mistress ,
Im not saying what OP did was right either but at the same time Gojos actions are his own doing
Anonymous said
I'll give gojo's mom a pass since she may not know the FULL story but geto, he was there during bora bora. He saw yn almost drown to find the ring and confronted satoru after he was done fucking sera raw after finding the ring or while it was happening.
I get that gojo is his friend and he'll stick by him than our mc yn😒
Tumblr media
i like how one anon pointed out that the best way to view their situation is by staying neutral bc both sides were wrong and it’s not a competition to say who had it worse in order to justify one side more than the other. like nope, they both suffered. both have been selfish, whether they have reasons or not. it’s a matter of finding their common ground minus all the lies and resentment. (so fo answer ur question 2nd anon, yes hopefully they’ll learn to sort things out but i def won’t finish this series with a loose ending this time)
i don’t completely agree with yn’s actions nor do i agree with gojo’s (i gotta stay neutral bc i’m the author 😹) it’s just that i feel like some people are on this ‘hate yn train’ without understanding the depth of the situation. only some, though. others have good enough reasons.
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anomaly00-archive · 3 years
– But not really, of course. That’s just to make it sound fancy. This is just a quick list of basic (and maybe not so basic) writeblr rules/etiquette compounded together by myself and other fellow writeblrs. While Tumblr as a whole is a hell-void for everyone to yell into, it’s a hell-void with standards. Please keep these things in mind when you are interacting with others in the writeblr community to create a pleasant environment for everyone involved.
– On Taglist
Taglists are a big part in generating interactions for your posts as it’s the quickest and easiest way to inform people interested in your wip “hey, look guys, I posted a cool thing and wanted to share.” However it is important to remember that taglists should always be opt-in only. As in, someone should explicitly say they want to be on your taglists before you add them. Also an important note: If you have multiple wips on tumblr, you cannot use the same taglist for all of them unless it is a general taglist. Not everyone is going to be interested in all of your wips; please be courteous to your fellow writeblrs and let them choose what content they want to enjoy. There are certain exceptions to this, however. When writing a wip intro you can tag mutuals who you know might be interested to signal boost, but it’s best to only do this once and with permission.
Please don’t abuse your taglist by using it at every little thing related to your wip. Try to keep it to major posts such as: OC introductions, excerpts, WIP updates/announcements, etc. While people do love hearing from you and viewing your content, endless tags can get annoying and will clog up people’s notifications.
A side note: There isn’t a foolproof way of getting people to be on your taglists, but going to people’s inboxes/dms and asking if they want to be in it is definitely not the right way. I would recommend posting an interest check instead to see who is interested. Interest checks are also great if you’re participating in an event and don’t want to spam people with a lot of posts.
– On General Tagging
Make sure to add appropriate tags when posting content. Add all the relevant content warnings, trigger warnings, NSFW and NSFR tags as needed. Nudity and sexual content-- no matter how tasteful-- should be tagged NSFW.
When wanting to interact with another person’s posts, pay attention to the OP’s tags! If they say DNI, do not reblog, etc, then don’t. Definitely do not tag their original work as inspo/prompt/etc. because that’s just plain rude. It can be seen as invalidating, or it diminishes their work as simply inspiration for other people to use instead of something that can stand on its own.
– On Self-Promotion
Accept the facts now: Tumblr clout is fake. However as writers, even if you are a simply doing this as a hobby, we still need to learn how to promote ourselves and our work if we want to gain interaction. The absolute best way to gain interaction– meaningful interaction– is to interact with other people. Tagging a whole bunch of writeblrs asking for a “follow for follow” is going to get you nowhere in the long run, and honestly, is just annoying. If you’re part of a writeblr discord, use that opportunity to make friends and generate meaningful interaction. Don’t just use it as a place to promote your work and just not interact with anyone.
– On Ask/Tag Games
Meet and Greet Monday, Worldbuilding Wednesday, Storyteller Saturday, etc. are fantastic ways to interact with fellow writeblrs and gives a great excuse to talk about details of your wip you normally wouldn’t get to share. Sending asks to other writeblrs is a great way to learn about their wips and to interact with them, but on the other hand, please try to send good or relevant asks. These ask games are as much a way to help writers develop their story as well as sharing fun tidbits. Try to do a little bit of research into a person’s wip before asking, if possible. If you don’t have any good/relevant questions, then it’s ok to skip a week.
If you reblog an ask game from someone, send them an ask as well! It’s quick, easy, polite, and will absolutely make their day.
In relation to tag games: don’t make chain posts. If you’re tagged in something, just make your own separate post. Adding to the OP’s post makes it so that every like, reblog, comment, etc. ends up clogging their notifications which is not fun.
– Miscellaneous
If you like someone’s post, consider reblogging it! Not only does it help other people see their post, it’ll make their day.
In the same vein, try to add something to their post. Whether it’s a reaction gif/pic, a comment, a simple “nice” in the tags, or keysmashing. Writers love hearing from people and it’s just extra incentive to work more. Unsolicited advice, however, is never welcome.
Respect people’s boundaries. Enough said.
If you’re posting a screencap of an excerpt, add a transcript, even if it’s under a “read more.” For graphics, it’s really up to you, but try to add an image description anyway.
Long posts should have a “read more”
Credit your graphic templates/psds
And, while this shouldn’t need to be said, don’t plagiarize.
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kimbobbp · 2 years
momo yaoyorozu for the ask game! :]
ahhhhh tysm for the ask <3 sorry for the late replyyyy
favorite thing: i love her dedication, and that she’s always willing to help others with anything she can. vv sweet caring. would give a forehead kiss and a nose boop
least favorite thing: this isn’t exactly about her exactly, but her sexualization is just. excessive. she’s a literal minor,,,
fav quote: i honestly can’t really choose haha
brOTP: TODOMOMOOOOO. they're those rich gay/lesbian best friends. they honestly give me the “forced relationship but actually best friends who simp over their respective crushes and paint each other’s nails” vibes. if you get what i mean
OTP: absoLUTELY momojirou. i don’t even have to explain. i do also ship momokamijirou,,, my favorite poly ship
nOTP: pretty much momoneta and like,,, bakumomo? idek really
random headcanon: from one of my other posts but she has literally anything in her backpack, and it’s heavy af
unpopular opinion: i feel like her quirk doesn’t have a lot of... boundaries? like, it’s crazy OP and open to so much speculation, so i feel like it should have a couple, like, drawbacks? (not saying that there aren’t any, but it should be more expanded on)
song i associate w them: surface pressure from encanto lmao. but also like, killer queen by mad tsai
favorite pic: i have no idea how to add in photos, it’s not working (i can’t technology) but its the art from one of the character popularity polls when she was 10th,,, she’s wearing headphones and holding a stick behind her head. or the one where she’s wearing bakugou’s suit haha
thanks again for the ask :)
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@ericamzdm I’ve read all three parts of your 5x06 pick apart and I think you made some interesting points. I’m going to respond to all of the posts at once (really just the first two, though) for the sake of clarity, and because a lot of the themes carry over and my remarks on them are more general. I’m doing this in a seperate post to avoid highjacking yours and so I’m not sending a huge ass post onto my followers’ timelines. (But interested readers should check out the original posts here: part 1, part 2, part 3.)
First of all, while I disagree with a number of your conclusions, I want to say thank you for putting into words why this episode (and in particular the fandom’s reaction to it) makes me really uncomfortable. I’m not actually sure how much of the problem is in the episode itself vs. the way people talk about it, but I agree said framing issue is there and the writers could have made it better with a few small changes.
I wouldn’t call Adora’s behavior in this episode abusive, with the possible exceptions of the mattress flip and backing Catra into the corner and pinning her arm. And even with those, you gotta remember that these two have been friends since they were little kids, and scrapping and physical aggression is just part of their relationship (remember Catra scratching Adora in 5x03?). Of course, it used to be playful/childish and now the context is different, so there’s room for disagreement there. Even if it is abusive it’s clearly unintentionally so, but Adora does have a very bad habit (we saw it in Promise too) of getting up in Catra’s face and using her superior size to intimidate, which is super uncomfortable to watch given how many times we have seen Shadow Weaver do the same thing to Catra.
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Really, I think the crux of this matter is that neither Catra nor Adora is abusive towards the other, but they were raised in an abusive environment and picked up a lot of their tools for handling conflict from that environment. Further, I disagree with your assertion that Adora was abusing Catra back in the Horde. However, you are right that she picked up bad habits there and I think in a way Catra feels like Adora abused her because she was part of the system that abused her - while she tried to protect her from Shadow Weaver we know she also did some victim blaming. Adora wasn’t in a position of much influence and was trying to help, but I can understand the resentment there and why Catra felt the need to cut ties earlier in the show.
One thing you’re very right about, though, is that in this episode Adora did loom quite a bit and used intimidating body language that made me (and Catra) uncomfortable as an abuse survivor. I disagree Adora’s holding Catra prisoner but I think to Catra it might feel that way anyway, which is really the issue. As you noted there is a huge power imbalance here with Catra recovering from basically dying and being in her PJs and with no allies. And Adora definitely violates Catra’s boundaries again and again, so set on smoothing things over that she fails to realize her insistence on fixing things is making them worse. As is often the case with her, her intentions are good but she completely misreads what the other person needs from her and barges on with her way instead of listening to them. Adora’s complaint that nothing has changed is her fault as much as Catra’s imo.
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I also agree the part where she is stomping around huffing and kicking things and complaining that Catra is a brat is a sign of her emotional dysregulation and Not Great behavior. Someone asked once if I found that behavior abusive and no I don’t because it’s not directed at Catra, but it is still hard to watch. I agree Adora’s categorization of Catra as a brat while lashing out physically feels a little Shadow Weaver (intentionally or not) and that specific word choice does imply that she looks down on Catra and doesn’t respect her agency/isn’t putting in the effort to understand why she is not being ‘convenient’. It’s not a good look, and it’s not clear enough that she’s in the wrong here. (Catra is in the wrong too, the issue is that Adora’s behavior is also problematic but is not sufficiently framed that way.)
This could have been such a pivotal scene if Glimmer had taken a bit of a different tack with Adora. In fact, I think that was what made the episode just not quite work the way it’s supposed to. Glimmer is a lot like Catra, and she has had a lot of similar conflicts with Adora. If Glimmer had done more to discourage Adora’s overbearing behavior and told her she needs to give Catra space and respect it could have done a lot for Glimmer’s character arc as well as the arc of this episode. Without that, you’re right, the moment when Adora backs off and gives Catra the space to choose lands more like bitterness and giving up as opposed to making a choice to respect Catra’s agency in the way she needs to if she wants Catra to feel safe to open up.
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(Of course she does agree later on to trust Catra’s judgement and let her connect to the hivemind and that also shows development, but as you said it felt a little unearned.)
So yeah I disagree with your assertions that Adora is an abuser and that she’s holding Catra prisoner, but I agree with a number of your observations about the episode itself. I also agree that the framing of the episode made it seem more like it was Catra being the problem rather than Catradora having a hard time renegotiating their relationship and its boundaries. Adora is absolutely being overbearing in this episode and I don’t think it was properly addressed, i.e. it wasn’t clear enough that those problems they were both having were problems on Adora’s end too. And I think a different conversation with Glimmer could have fixed that, just a few lines. The episode showed both of them struggling but I think it does come across like more of the onus is on Catra, like she’s being unreasonable as opposed to being defensive for understandable reasons.
But like I said, some of this is actually more about the fandom’s reaction to the episode. Maybe the writers were hoping to get across that they both needed to work on their bullshit but the fandom has excused Adora because she’s the hero. To be fair, Adora’s mistakes in this episode are very in character for her, in line with her faults/insecurities in general, so maybe they expected us to understand she’s not handling the situation properly.
The fandom reaction to Adora flipping Catra’s mattress and backing her into the corner reminds me of the reactions to DT obliterating Catra with that speech in 4x13. I think on some level we like seeing these drastic actions because watching Catra spiral is frustrating and we want to see something get through to her. It’s satisfying in a way. But on the other hand, both those situations left her with this kind of body language:
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And idk, I’m not sure that’s something we as a fandom should be celebrating. Especially considering that DT’s speech left Catra wanting to die and that this bullish behavior by Adora wasn’t really what flipped the switch. It’s pretty significant that the moment Catra asks Adora to stay is once she backs off and says she won’t force her to give her a place in her life. And I think we the fandom tend to overlook that.
So op, I wish you hadn’t come to some of the conclusions you did with your analysis, but I am grateful to you for starting this conversation. I was having a hard time putting it into words other than “it sets off tons of alarm bells in my head and does no one else hear that??”
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
4 Anti LO Asks
1. Does anyone honestly think Minthe is going to come back? She’s a star witness against them and Persephone just physically disfigured her. I doubt she’s ever going to change her out of her plant form, tbh. Rachel seems cruel enough to have Persephone either destroy the plant all together, or plant her in a tiny garden to be stuck in forever than actually let Minthe be free of the torture Persephone is putting her through. Rachel clearly hated the Minthe centric episodes too (which going off her editor was probably their idea anyway), so the more they just torture and/or ignore Minthe the happier Rachel will be. The only case of Minthe coming back is for some more petty drama, but it’s more likely they’ll just forget about it after all of an hour of being concerned.
2. you know what sucks? apollo was having upward momentum in the past few years of people discovering his queer romances and people begging for apollo/hyacinth retellings and then rachel came in and killed all of it by her nasty, lied about r*pe plot to make persephone's actual r*pist look better and her fans infesting any greek myth tag/group so no one can talk about apollo positively without LO fans ruining it. Thanks for killing growing hope around LGBT+ greek myth content, rachel! thanks a lot!
3. What I don’t get is Rachel claims LO is all about “reclaiming” female sexuality and it’s like ok, where though? Because she shamed women for choosing not to have sex and had them ousted as liars anyway who were totally having sex the whole time and they’re stupid for even thinking they could lie without it (Athena and Hestia, maybe Artemis too), she shamed women for having consensual sex but (gasp) they weren’t married to the man in question! (Aphrodite, Minthe, etc), and though she maybe could have had a point about how cheating is bad, she only condemns Minthe, Thetis, and Leto, but Hera can happy cheat on Zeus all she wants with his brother (who also shows no qualms about it and cheating on Minthe as well) and still frame her as good in it, but everyone else is bad? What?!
And especially with Persephone. She shows some exceedingly conservative, christian views that Persephone can’t even look at any other man other the man she will marry, and any sex she had outside of him must be made into SA because again, why would a story about “reclaiming” female sexuality actually let women actually control their sexuality? Such as having consensual sex outside of the designated love interest? Don’t be silly. She cannot be a young woman who has had experience and a life outside of hades, it just can’t be! More so, as she is now in therapy, Persephone’a main concern is not trying to work through her genuine trauma, it’s only making sure she’s sexually available at all times for him as a wife (a requirement hades quite literally told her! And Persephone felt shame and doubt about!) and that’s it, you know, like a tradwife is concerned about. Persephone doesn’t care about her body as her own nor even considering that she as a woman with autonomy has the right to say NO, she only cares if hades can get off sexually with her and that she doesn’t disappoint HIM. Rachel doesn’t even let her think “hey, maybe Hades, my perfect grandpa of a boyfriend, will understand my boundaries and respect my choices to not have sex when I’m not comfortable”. No, Rachel drills home that Persephone MUST ALWAYS be open to sex with him, and she better get over her very real sexual trauma now or else Persephone will be replaced! Being sexually available is her main purpose as a wife, doesn’t she know? Hades said so! She can’t work out her issues for herself, she has to do it so Hades can have sex with her and Persephone doesn’t fight back or reject it! It’s all incredibly nasty, and frankly a right wing reactionary’s dream of a comic. It’s basically an unintentional psych-op of claiming to be this progressive, feminist piece being given to millions of impressionable young girls to shape their views of relationships and sex when really it’s more conservative and regressive than any conservative school or church gathering they could ever go to.
4. What I find very frustrating about LO is Rachel wrote it that everyone looks down on Persephone for being a “stupid village girl” (which doesn’t make sense given she’s a daughter of a big six traitor and literally an olympus champion in a bunch of competitions as well as the face of her mothers company) but? Rachel made that their society? She’s the one who purposely made ALL of olympus and the underworld (and likely Poseidon’s kingdom too) into modern metropolises with huge emphasis how much better and advanced they are over mortals and Demeter who still rely on the land and are thus “behind”. Even in Persephone “growing up” is not her doing anything she’s comfortable with or bringing nature back to their lives, it’s becoming as minimalist and “modern” as Hades and everyone else. Minus the one tree she grew, she has to entirely forgo who she is and her nature (quite literally) to be “accepted” by everyone else. She cannot be herself, she has to be what she’s expected to be. You can’t frame it theyre bad for judging her for being more nature based, then make a point that she should leave it all behind and she’s better off forgetting it to be modern and devoid of nature entirely? Why even make it a this or that battle anyway? Why can’t they live in harmony? It’s clear she has a positive bias towards modern everything and a negative one towards nature, but this is just ridiculous. Rachel, you’re going to seriously shame farmers and nature itself? Really?? Even hades is myth was a lowkey farmer! He has chickens! Cmon!
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