#even if he doesnt answer at all that in and of itself would kinda be a god tier response
clowningaroundmars · 29 days
tbqh on ONE hand....
im like "ohhh no drake responded and it is pure ASS fuuuck 😒"
BUT on the other hand... im lowkey kinda excited to see if kendrick planned ahead a song to release saved into a folder on his desktop labeled "in case drake comes back with a diss that's total asscheeks"
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ganondoodle · 7 days
Will Zelda abolish the monarchy in your TotK rewrite?
she will not turn to the camera and say "i am abolishing monarchy" (since that needs to be said these days ..) but in a way its kinda meant to be like .. the opposite of the canon totk messaging?
like, fictional monarchy in itself isnt like the root of all evil, its the ideology that goes with it? i like fictional monarchy stuff and other races got them too so i wouldnt say its a clear -this is bad- thing
i do want to turn the whole idea of "hyrules royalty and its ruling is always good and just and anyone against it is automatically labeled as evil" upside down .. or more like, let it go further, rauru in the rewrite is .. similar to the canon one, thats kinda the point, hes the good and just king that wants to unite all nations in peace and wants to get rid of any "evil" be it monsters or someone threatening his 'peace'
but then you think about it, his idea of 'peace' is very specific, not everyone might want to be under his control, not everyone might have joined willingly and just bc theres someone opposing him does not have to mean they are some evil demon, all this talk might have been deliberate manipulation of history, he says hes invited a nation to join under his rule? he makes it sound like it was a nice offering like bringing a piece of cake to a neighbour, but it could be anything, he has those magical nuclear power pebbles, multiple, even just having them has an effect on others, he can say he would only use them for good, but that can be a lie, and more importantly, you dont know what his idea of 'good' is he can say he would never use it to hurt people, but what if he declares others to not BE people in his eyes he wants to bring about a world of light with no shadow to be found, rebuild a glorious kingdom of the past, there will be no shadow to hide in, there will be no place he is not, as he is the light, the king of light, and he knows whats best for all in his eternal, holy kingdom of light
.. most of this isnt even non-canon, it just gets presented as he says it, a one note fact, and you are supposed to agree- so really im just rewriting that part to be more overtly how it felt like to ME, and turnign the second half into opposing that bc hey, this might not be cool actually
im really jsut cranking raurus actions and ideals up just a tiny bit, and show more directly that its the behavoir of an imperialist king of all
so really its more like .. teaching her the lesson of how easy it is to fall into that line of thinking, how you need to consider .. maybe blindly following old traditions isnt always good, consider other perspectives, be careful bc she could have gone into that direction too (like she literally does in the canon totk end ..) and in a way she already has, but afterwards (in the rewrite) she can work against that, she could be rauru and has to decide and work against it
i know that isnt a clear answer, this whole idea is a little hmm to me bc TO ME canon totk already reads like that, and i want to work against it, bc in canon it goes unchallenged, and alot of people ... alot of people..., just go along with it seemingly not even beign able to see how its all suspicious-
in the end, i want it to be a careful but hopeful vibe of, zelda as a scientist, a historian, interested in alot of fields, being able to change something, a shift in perspective, like lady eboshi in princess monokoe saying at the end that they will start anew, now building good town- its not garanteed, zelda is still in a position of power, but she doesnt have to rebuild it like it was, people might still refer to her as princess and have high respect for her, but after being so deceived by rauru, being on the opposing side to almost the exact idea they once had, it has humbled them and can pave the way for a better future
ganondorfs spirit at the end moving on after finally being able to take out rauru, even if it meant to help out those hed see as being in the prime spot to become jsut like rauru, over the course of the second half all of them learning of each other, now more confident these younglings of a world thats long changed and not his anymore being able to build something better, and years after the ordeal theres news of a male gerudo having been born
(i know that idea goes agaisnt what made up his character for alot of the other games (though rewrite totk gan is still a different one from the old games), like his eternal problem of not being able to move on and refusing to die, and im sure theres lots of not the bestest thigns in my writing of it all too, but so far, its what i have been imagining, and unfortnately i am a sucker for those types of cliché endings-
it doesnt have to mean the next games would be going up against the gods or soemthing, though i do like that, but i felt like its a nice end for botws world, and much less uncomfortable than the canon totk end, theres no refounding of the kingdom, no swears of fealty, just young people working to rebuild the world into something better after it was almost wiped out, the kingdom already fell in botw, and the world kept on turning, i see no reason why it shouldnt be able to keep doing it)
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corviids · 7 months
Hi! I was hoping you could answer a few questions because I’m a bit confused on Otto using Aemond and Luke’s children to threaten them. Does Otto actually see Aenys as a valid potential future king or is his goal is still Aegon? Rhaenyra, Jace, Laena would all have to die in order for Aenys just to become heir, so then would Otto dispose of Luke as well? I guess I’m just not really make the connection between “Otto reminding Aemond how close Aenys is to the throne” and “Aemond falling back into line.” Could you clarify? Is it that Otto would murder Rhaenyra, Jace, Laena, and Luke if it meant seeing Hightower blood on the throne so “stay loyal to Aegon because that is what I would do”? Could you also clarify what is more important in Otto’s mind at this point: Seeing a male heir or seeing Hightower blood on the throne? Because he could make it so that any of Aemond’s children marries Laena or if Jace does have a male heir see that a daughter marries him.
Otto is an old man at this point and I feel like he’s getting closer to the point where he won’t be able to puppet whatever heir makes itself known to the route he will take. Using Aenys implies that he would go through Rhaenyra’s line which would legitimize her rule, but if he’s only using the idea of the Summerhall children then doesn’t that still imply they are just tools and he still wants Aegon? Because I doubt he will live long enough to control either. Sorry if this is rambling. I’m trying to phrase my questions in ways that you could answer them without giving away spoilers to Otto’s endgame.
okay i’ll try to answer this in the least spoilery way possible cuz tbh i’m happy it’s caused confusion cuz it’s kinda the point that otto is playing a mind game lol
basically, otto’s threat to aemond is a reminder that otto has been playing this game since before aemond was even born and he has the full capability to do whatever he wants with aemond and his family without them even realizing. otto realizes that aemond’s loyalty is to luke + their kids and he’s like “i can use that, aemond, but how is up to you.”
you aren’t wrong: otto is old but getting his blood on the throne is his life’s work and he now has two avenues of doing so: aegon’s line or aemond’s. his “fall in line” comment is him telling aemond that if aemond doesnt do what he wants when the time comes, he can always use his [aemond’s] kids. otto is still a very powerful man and there’s always the chance that he, as hand and aemond’s grandfather, is conspiring while using his great-grand kids as bargaining chips (also consider that most of lucemond’s kids are dragonriders/dragon blood is very valuable to houses)
otto’s end goal isn’t aenys on the throne specifically. he wants his blood on it. not as a consort but as king. his warning is more of a how will he do it.
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luvulyy · 2 years
Hella, can i request a Denji x Male reader, reader is a vocalist on denji's favorite metal band and they meet after a concert so they kinda hit it off from there?
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Denji didn't care much for music or celebrities. They were all irrelevant, something that didn't affect his goals. They were for normal people, those who didn't need to constantly fight for their dreams. Really, he couldn't care less.
But you were different.
From the moment he heard your voice, he was hooked. He'd never even remotely thought he'd be a metal fan but the way you screamed, the absolute energy you radiated was addicting.
It was a secret comfort to him. He'd hum your songs while working, driving everyone else insane as he sang the same ones repeatedly. Your voice was like a warm hug after a long day, always there as he finally lay down to rest.
He'd secretly buy your merch, your cd's, and listen to your band at every possible opportunity. He'd try to be subtle and deny everything with red cheeks whenever Power teased him about it.
It had taken countless attempts of bribery and offers to do the chores to convince her to come to the concert with him. The days leading up he'd been noticably distracted, practically vibrating with excitement.
The concert itself was better than he could even dream. You seemed to glow on stage, like it was where you were born to be. It was hypnotising how confident you were up there, swinging around as you sang, your throaty voice mesmerising. It was over far too soon for Denji's liking, he could listen to you for hours.
He danced and sang along until his voice was hoarse. He'd never felt so at peace, jumping along to the volume. He was out of breath by the end, sweaty but unable to hide his joy.
He was still basking in your sound when the concert had ended and people were milling about, drinking and chatting. The music was still echoing in his head, so absorbed he didn't notice the band coming to mingle in the crowd.
When you walked past Denji's heart skipped a beat. You met his eyes and instantly, he froze.
He didn't believe in love at first sight or anything but seeing you right in front of him, looking at him, after being a fan for so long left him starstruck. Power had wandered off somewhere, probably looking for food so it was just you and him.
'Hey.' You smiled warmly at him and his stomach flipped. He simply gaped at you, unable to believe this was really happening.
You took a step closer, brows lightly furrowed. 'You alright?'
Your voice was even more musical when you spoke, clear but soft as it rang out. He didn't know what to say, as if fanboying was a good answer. 'Yeah, yeah... I am.'
The boy in front of you looked a little off, eyes completely alert. You couldn't help but move closer to him, concerned. It didn't hurt that he was... really cute. He looked your age, and radiated boyish charm. His scruffy blond hair was wild and spiky, it was clear he'd been banging along to the music.
You licked your lips as you watched his reactions. 'Mind telling me a bit about yourself, sweetheart?'
He flushed beautifully, clearly not used to the attention. 'I'm Denji. I'm here with my friend Power... and I'm a Devil Hunter?'
Now it was your eyes that widened as you stepped forward and grabbed his hands excitedly. It was adorable how your eyes lit up. 'Woah, that's so cool! I don't think I've ever spoken to one before. Thank you for your hard work.' You bowed your head as Denji proudly grinned.
Denji was a goner. Absolutely head over heels. You dressed so punk, sang like a fallen angel but your personality? You'd been nothing but postively sweet since you'd started talking. If it was anyone else it would be sickening but with you, your smiles were nothing but natural and enchanting.
As he watched you with puppy eyes you couldn't help but reach into your pockets and pull out a ticket. 'Hey, I hope this doesnt sound conceited but you listen? It's the least I can do.'
His jaw dropped wordlessly as he stared at the slip in your hand hungrily. Could you not feel the absolute awe exuding from him? 'Yeah... yeah I do.'
You grinned as you held it out for him to take, smile only widening as he took it gently, not able to believe it was real.
'It's a VIP for tomorrow's show. I don't think you'll mind hearing it again.' You winked openly at him. 'Plus I'd love to talk to you some more.'
Denji nodded, gobsmacked. Whatever had made the universe be so generous he didnt know, but he sure as hell was going to take the opportunity. 'Sure. Same here.'
You patted him on the head and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek as you walked pass. Electricity ran down his spine at the contact.
'I'll be looking for you!'
It was only as you walked away he realised he never got an autograph. He beamed cheek to cheek as he touched where your lips had ghosted, unable to believe his luck. He'd just have to ask tomorrow.
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therisingdarkness · 2 months
Making my case for Sleeper Agent Crosshair, 'cause even if it doesn't happen, I think it's an interesting idea and I'd happily watch three more seasons just to see it play out.
I just think it was pretty suspicious how events played out Infiltration and Extraction. Something always sat weird with me, the way Crosshair acted about his time on Tantiss, and then when he was faced with the CX clones.
I suppose you could say that the reason Crosshair was tight-lipped about his experiences and his apparent reluctance to speak about it could be chalked up to the torture and trauma he undoubtedly went through, but I don't really buy that. I think it's made clear that he cares about his brothers and Omega far more than he cares about keeping secrets.
But what was really interesting to me was the way he reacted when he came face to face with the captured CX operative in Rex's stronghold. It was the immediate unease, and the way the CX clone teased that they should be asking Crosshair, because he already knows. His taunt was so malicious, like Crosshair was supposed to have all the answers.
But then Crosshair seemed genuinely confused at points. Like he did end up telling them what these operatives were, but it still feels like something is missing. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to deduce that these clones went through some reconditioning program to make them this way. Its a conclusion I think they could have arrived to without Crosshair's input.
But what if Cross is actually a Sleeper Agent? Like, the reconditoning ran so deep that he himself isn't aware, but it shows itself in these weird little tells, like being so nervous to be in the same room as the CX clone. I would even say that in this last episode, maybe that shot he missed was missed on purpose--the reconditoning overriding everything else. Crosshair thinks he missed the shot, but it was actually a latent decision. Another deliberate choice not to show his facial expression throughout this moment, because what might we have seen? Horror, sadness, anger over missing the shot? Oooor...maybe blank indifference as his reconditioning takes over and does whatever needed to be done to complete the mission.
And even in Extraction, when he goes hand-to-hand against the assassin...like no offense, but why Crosshair, when he's the weakest member in close quarter combat? It's almost as if he deliberately outs himself in that position because he feels compelled to.
What if his hand tremor is not just a psychological response, but also the reconditioning at work, trying to keep him from helping his brothers. Like trying to prevent him from aiding them in any meaningful way.
I don't really think anything will come of it, it's honestly just a feeling I have and an idea that I thought sounded kinda cool and angsty. I could write about it.
Anyway, these are my thoughts about Sleeper Agent Crosshair Theory, and if it somehow comes true, ya'll heard it here first XD
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bear-remn · 1 month
— ⋆✮ Deadly Eyes ✮⋆
n/t: finally!! i hae delivered this fic so much better and with a (what i think it is) good narrative, i hope you enjoy and support this fic, i appreciatte every interaction with my page. and btw, i'm chaging the tone of my fic to make it a little more serious and deep, but im keeping the storyline.
tw: this chapter is mention and use of drugs.
sinopsis: second day od school at the academy of kirari and mako, dealing with the sakamakis.
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⋆༺ chapter two ༻⋆
mako was taking notes in her room, from the past day when she skiped classes to discover that ayato was a vampire, she barely sleep since, too scared one of them came into her bedroom and suck her blood while she's asleep, thats why she locks every door she past, her bedroom and bathroom too. she´s lucky one of her classmates let her borrow their notes, she was´nt the best when it comes to grades and really wants to be a good student, kinda hard when you live with six vampires that can kill you anytime.
a knock on her door interrup her hand writing "yes? who is it?" mako ask, but panic invade her instantly, the idea of ayato coming again and suck her blood, play with her like she was nothing, it make's her sick "its me, reiji" mako get up and walked to the door, her hand doubt a little before open it, wondering why did reiji, a vampire, would come to her room at this hour, but she didnt wanted to belive they were all like ayato.
"hey, whats going on?" she ask when she opened the door, looking at the dark haired man, thinking of his elegant way of dressing is, so different from ayato´s, why did she even think of him? reiji looked her up and down and then give her a cold glanze "may i come in? i have an important item to give you" even if he asked for permission, it sounded like an order. mako didnt move but somehow, her body moved aside, but she didnt do it, it was like the air moved her. reiji come into her room and the door closed by itself, mako felt chills.
"i am well inform of the scene ayato made in school, and the reason why you skipped class so no need to treat me like an equal anymore, you should know your position by now" mako was silent for his words, there was something so inhuman about his way of speaking, the way he treated her... so cruel.
"a good master take care of his food, but you´re not just food, you´re a bride so your blood is whorty of keeping it" reiji leave on mako´s desk a juice box of berries "since we all will be drinking from you, i have to assure your blood does not lose its quality, and dont get sick, it´ll be a problem, do you undertand?".
mako was speechless by his words, a bittersweet moment.
"dont make that face, doesnt look good on you" mako wasnt sure what ace reiji was talking about, she was just standing in silence "do you understand? i ask".
"yes... i understand" mako said, remembering that they, as vampires, can kill her at any time.
"dont stay up so late, sleep well miss mako" on a blink, reiji dissapear from mako´s view.
she walked towards her desk and take the box juice, opening it and drinking it, the flavor was sweet and cold, refreshing, but the situation made her nauseous.
she just cotinued taking notes while drinking the box juice.
the next day mako show up at kirari´s room early, she was already dress with the school uniform, her backpack on one shoulder. she knock two times before but she didnt have any replies so she knock again but stronger while asking "kirari-chan? are you up?" no answer until she heard footsteps approaching the door, where finally kirari opens up still in pijamas.
"oh, hey..." kirari looked confused while she rub her eye, like if she just got up "sorry... what time is it?" mako thought kirari was cute, confused all the time "there's still an hour left before classes start so... just wanted to come and hang out a little" kirari smiled instantly and step a side to let mako come in "come here... you" the door close behind mako.
"why you're up so early? we still can nap you know.." kirari ask and sit on the edge of the bed "i dont like sleeping too much" mako responded as she sits on kirari´s desk chair.
"why not? its better sleeping than being with those weirdo´s is innit?" kirari put her hair on a bun and start making her bed and closing some drawers she left opend yesterday.
"you right on that" mako wasnt sure i kirari knew about the sakamaki's being vampires, but she did'nt wanted to tell her yet, at least, she wanted her to discover it by herself.
"anyway..." kirari trow herself on the bed and smiled at mako "you smoke?".
the question surprise mako.
"no..?" mako hesitated wrinkling her nose "i have never tried before, but im not interested".
"damn.. respect" kirari take out some cigarettes under her pillow and take one "do you mind if i smoke here?"
"no, its ok"
while kirari smoke, mako wonder i that was the thing that gave her that unusual smell that reiji always talk about.
"since when you smoke?"
"i dont really remember... probably at the beginning of my adolescence"
as kirari smoked, she was thinkign of some topic to talk about to not get mako bored, kirari is an akward person, she knew it but mako was her only option to have a friend in this house.
"in school, wanna hang out too? people there doesnt talk to me for some reason and... they like... avoid me for some reason?" kirari give mako a weird look, for her, mako looked like a little lamb, lost and cute, she didnt have a bitch resting face, instead she have a nice expression all the time, just as her personality.
"really? i think your company is very pleasant" mako smiled at her comment.
"yeah.. were you able to talk to someone tho?"
"i think so..?" she tried to remember someone, but she didnt talk to them, they talk to her but not on a way people wanted to be friends with her "actually, something really weird happend to me, some girl stop me in the hallway and said some things.."
"what kind of things..?"
"something about me and reiji being together, even when i said that we werent in a relationship she insisted"
"what?" mako was intriged.
"yeah... and some boy wanted to snitch on me for smoking in school"
"did you smoke in school? you could get in trouble"
"oh, dont worry, im very careful" kirari appreciate her concern "but the boy was pretty"
"the one who wanted to snitch on you?"
"if you saw him, you would get it" mako felt curious of kirari´s taste when it comes to a romance.
"what did he look like?".
kirari got up and walked towards the window, smoking there while trying to remember him, but her memory wasnt good when it comes to people.
"he was like... tall and with brown hair" mako make a face to kirari in sign for her to continue talking "i dont remember much, but his voice was good"
"your taste is awfully simple" kirari left out a little laugh.
"ouch, what about you? whats your taste?" mako think about it before answer that question.
"i´d say i like... pretty men"
"what ya mean pretty man? whats pretty for you?" kirari put out the cigarette and throw it out the window to walk towards her wardrobe.
"um.." she tried to find an example of her taste, but the only person that come to her mind was "kanato perhaps" kirari turns to her with the uniform in her hands.
"you know, kanato"
they both looked at each other in silence for a few seconds.
"again, who?"
"kanato sakamaki"
"what?! you like one of these weirdo's? even worst, one of the weirdo's we live with?" kirari mouth was wide open for the surprise.
"nononono i dont like him" she responded fast while turning around so kirari could get dress "i just think he is very pretty physically but i have never talked to him yet"
"damn girl, you like them femenine"
kirari dressed fully and put on a brown sweeter, the weather was geting a little too cold for her.
"im done" she announced to mako so she can turn around again and keep talking.
"dont you think one of these boys we live with are... idk.. cute or something?" kirari keep silent while she put some stuff in her bag.
kirari doesnt really have a type, she only liked one perosn before and it wasnt a boy... so she could'nt tell if the sakamkis were her taste or not, she just liked people for other reason more than just a physical appeal.
"idk, i mean-" a knock on the door interrumped her sentence and follow by it the door opened showing reiji, well dressed and impecable as always.
"good evening, we'll be waiting for you both in the entrance" reiji looked at them up and down, analizing every part of their uniforms, looking for something to fix "your hair looks better up, keep it like that" he said to kirari who just give him a thump up "we be leaving in five minutes, hurry" and with that said he dissapear from their sight.
they just looked at each other, shrugging their shoulders.
already on their way to school, kirari and mako sat together, chatting and making some jokes about a serie both liked.
"i hate ross, he is the actual villain if you pay close atention to it"
"i dont like him either, he is just... so egothistical, rachel deserved better"
"rachel deserved joey, no one can change my mind and its a universal feeling bc i say so" mako put her hand together in front of her, like if she was praying.
"amen" kirari laugh at this but she got shushed instantly.
"shup up, i can't sleep with this much noise" the girls looked at shu, who was with his earphones on and some music can be heard if your're silent for a moment, which made them confused, how can he hear them if he was listening to music?
"we all can hear your stupid conversation over here, talking as if you both were fucking alone" subaru's voice sounded angry, really pissed, his eyes were closed and his arms and legs crossed.
"ok...sorry we'll keep it down" mako apologized no wanting to make any kind of argument, after all, they were the ones in charge and could, literally, kill them out of anger o just because they wanted. kirari just rolled her eyes, she was so done with them.
they are brothers but they dont talk to each other like normal brothers do, they keep silent and just mind their bussiness ignoring the rest, it was so off putting for kirari and mako.
"before we arrive, drink these now" reiji give stawberry juice boxes to mako and kirari. they both took it, mako directly begin to drink it while kirari just put it on her pocket, reiji notice this and glare at her in disbelief "i asked you to drink it before we arrive the academy"
kirari glare back at him.
"why tho?" reiji's glare became dark and scary, he hated being challenged in any kind of way, and worst, if he was challenged by a human.
"everybody like that juice, even your kind" kirari wasnt sure what he meant by that but she didnt like his tone. so dismissive and unfriendly, she felt like a little girl being ordered around.
"what ya mean my kind?"
"just drink it like i said, it'll keep your mind focus on class" mako was quiet, she knew why he gave them the juices.
"its really good actually" she said to kirari, wanting to evade a posible argument between them. reiji appreciated the support.
"I'm not thirsty"
"i know you dont eat before coming to school and I haven't seen you eat at the academy, so I know you won't eat anything until you get home. drink the juice so you don't pass out in the middle of a class, that would be a problem for you and me, and even worst it may affect you academy record" kirari felt a little intimidated, not only because of his words, she felt a strange sensation because of the way he looked at her, his eyes were deep and a little hypnotizing, as if just with his look he convinced her to do what he asked.
"ok.. dont make a big deal about it" she start drinking her juice box in silence until they arrive school.
the classes were calm for both girls, they met each break and explored some areas of the academy they didn't know and studied together in the library to kill time during a long break. when they separated for their last class, kirari went to the bathroom to take opioids so she can relaz for the rest time in the academy.
but she freaked out a little to see nothing on her little silver box, she was pretty sure she left some for today but maybe she was wrong, or someone took it, it was probably the first explanation. quickly she take her phone of her bag and called her dear dealer so they can meet right after classes.
"hello? who is it?" her dealer anwser her call.
"hey, its me kirari" she could perfectly hear him get excited, she knew he had a crush on her for some reason.
"heeey watcha doing gorgeous?" kirari smiled for his change in his tone, even if she wasnt interested, it was nice to have someone that treat her like that in a respectfull way, he didnt crossed the line and make their relation unconfrotable, she appreciated that "just wanted to say hi" kirari heard a loud laugh, making her laugh as well "you are terrible at lying sweetheart, c'mon, tell papa what you need and i'll make it happen for you" kirari smile wide.
"i need some opioides, or something new it would really help me"
"everything for you, tell me when and i'll go" she tought for a moment, she didnt wanted the sakamaki's to see her buying drugs, so maybe the enter of the school or the mansion wasnt her best option.
"what about the south exit of the city? I leave school in two hours and I think I can get there in 30 minutes if I get a car"
"i can send you a car, you know i'll do anything to give you some good shit"
"thaks buddy, you are the best"
"i know baby, see ya later then"
"yeah, see ya"
kirari sigh and headed to her last class, anxious for the class to end.
and when it came the moment, kirari had many excuses to say if reiji asked why she wasnt going with them to the house, even if he didnt belive her, she didnt wanted him or them to know. and while all of the brothers including mako got into the car, she stayed out, waithin for them to go without noticing her. but no.
"c'mon, dont make us wait for you" reiji spoke, making her nervous.
"i'll stay, i have some stuff to do, im waiting for a classmate" reiji looked at her, as if he was reading her mind or her soul, either way she was creep out.
"i can tell when you're lying, why would you?" she tensed up for his comment, why he was so good making people nervous? or was he just hot?
"ok sorry... im waiting for an old friend, i'll go to the house later so dont wait for me" reiji remaind silent, thinking his next words, kirari hated this kind of silence, so tense and so weird.
"alright, go, but shu will acompany you, he is in the academy and didnt listen to me when i told him we were goin home, make him go with you, i'll expect you two at the manor" kirari was spechless, why that guy of all of them? she couldnt remember his face. "take care" she didnt have the opportunity of saying something and the car just go.
"fuck, which one is shu?"
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green-alien-turdz · 2 months
started autistically vibrating the second i read your answer lmfao. i was thinking cartman or tweek myself tbh, those bitches are both just PRIMED for it imo. i tend to lean towards a lot of abduction experiences being some kind of extreme reaction to other earthly trauma, but that really doesnt seem to fit every account so idk what the fuck is going on. god though dude *puts on homemade MUFON lanyard* i am SO SO SO CURIOUS to hear about your/your fam's weird experiences if you ever wanna share, i saw some questionable shit when i briefly lived out in Ohio myself. gone back and forth on the legitimacy of it all over the years, one of those things that's like, the more you research the less you Know.
Okay bro, I gotchu. I NEVER get to talk about this shit so imma fuckin go wild
Ight, so legit everybody in my mfin family got some shit to say- I tried to pry my brother's experiences outta him, but he is dogshit about answerin questions. Just know that he got some stories from when he would go campin n shit (even though he has funny ass stories from when he was outta his mind fucked up, there's still a lotta sober experiences he's got too)
1st, my dad: his stories are kinda vague too bcuz we don't talk, but from what he has told me in the past, he has 2 moments in his life he was certain was alien activity. Both of these take place in Texas (but when he was still livin in Ohio, he did say he'd seen some weird shit). The first is when he was movin to Oregon, n he was drivin late at night through Texas. Not a soul on the mfin road n he's in buttfuck nowhere. He said that there was this huge fuckin flash of light from above n his truck completely shut off. Like, the mf was still rollin at the same speed, but nothin it was like the car itself just kinda switched off (no engine, no lights, no music, nothin). He's tryin to start it up over n over, not really sure what the hell was goin on- so he's tryna pop the clutch seein as he was still movin. But this shit would NOT turn the fuck over. Until after he was gonna give up, slowly brake n just pull off to the side, but before he even attempted, the truck starts up again n continues on like nothin even happened.
His second experience I don't remember as well, so sorry about that. If I fuckin recall my dad n his band were just finishin up a show n were just chillin behind the bar smokin. One mf points out that there's this weird fuckin plane over some buildings on the horizon. Like, it just wasn't movin right? He said it seemed to be movin in a really slow zig zag pattern (but it wasn't like a drone, this this was way too big n it was the mid-90s). They kinda brush it off bcuz it's late as hell n they're all pretty shitfaced. But he said that it lasted in that area for about 10 more minutes, just movin back n forth until he looked away for a minute n it was just gone.
He's also told me about how on his late night drives in dead places, he's seen a shit load of random light infront of him shootin into the ground, n this is especially fuckin freaky to me bcuz I got a very similar thing that happened not that long ago. It's explained in my individual experience.
My mom n grandma: My gma might have some more, I feel like she had told me somethin. This one is backed by both my mom n my gma (although my uncle was here too, he just doesn't associate w/ the family so maybe he'd have some input). My gma used to drive from across the whole U.S. ALL the fuckin time when my mom was growin up, like they always had these roadtrips bcuz my gpa was an abusive pos n they'd escape back to my greatgrandparents place. So they're in the more of the desert states (like New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, I just can't remember which). My mom is probably about 10 or so. It's full on daylight, unlike every other story I got, this is the only one where it is broad fuckin daylight out. There's nothin but desert for miles, it's just a long beige stretch. So when my mom saw somethin just hoverin in the sky, it stuck out like a sore thumb. My mom calls it out, which causes everyone in the car to just watch it. My gma doesn't stop drivin, but she slowed down quite a bit, n she says that thing just fuckin sat there. Like, no movement whatsoever. It didn't look all that much like a plane, but they couldn't make out defined details. All they knew is that there is this plane adjacent aircraft just hoverin in the middle of the desert. They'd never seen anythin like it, despite all of them bein raised on military bases n seein a lot of kinds of military aircrafts (which is why this was ruled out). They kept drivin off but my mom said she just watched it through the window as it became smaller n smaller until it got too far away to see- but that shit never moved. It just remained hoverin in that same place.
Ight, Imma get into my experiences now, I got two with people n one that's on my own (that one is long as SHIT).
The first one is with me n my sisters (home in Oregon): This is around 2015-2016. It's the middle of the night in late April. We were chillin bcuz it was one of my sisters bdays n we were just talkin n watchin the stars. Now we live right next to an airport, so there are a shit ton of planes that go over, even late at night- but you can always tell those bcuz of the red lights n they're usually not that high up yet. We were just talkin tryin to find constellations bcuz it was a clear ass night. At some point we see these two lights. They're contained in these circular shadows WELL into the sky, but we could still make out a vessel that the light were on. 4 light on each circle. They're goin up n down the night sky back n forth completely parallel, so it seems like they're together. At first we were losin our shit, not able to explain what we were watchin. After some rational thought, we were like 'mfer we see satellites in the sky all the time, that's probably what these are' bcuz they were fuckin zoomin through the sky. We even see satellites pass over, but we kinda notice that they move n look a LOT different than the lights we were watchin. But every satellite's different yknow? That is until these mfs, the completely parallel movin in tandem lights all of a sudden both separate n go fuckin zoomin away from one another in the opposite direction. No longer up n down, but left n right. And then they're just fuckin GONE. Like, they sped off n never returned to the place they'd been for like 20 or so minutes. (Now I am willin to admit, that very well could be satellites, but it's still weird as fuck).
Here's one with me n my dad: This is around 2019. We were out in Utah, middle of the desert. This time it's probably closer to like 10-11pm. We were kinda just doin our own thing, sittin, thinkin about shit. When outta the fuckin blue, we notice this weird ass aircraft. Like, it low flying, large enough to be a fuckin cargo plane (doesn't look like one though), n movin super slow with a BRIGHT fuckin light slowly phasin in n out, illuminatin the craft. We're both losin our shit watchin this bcuz neither of us know what the fuck we're lookin at. Now this this was low enough that, if it were a plane, we would've heard it. But it was movin at the same speed which planes always appear to be when they're thousands of feet into the sky. But this was maybe 200 or less feet up. It was a really thick, aircraft that was slightly triangular in shape, but still pretty bulky. We couldn't see any engine or shit like that. We are legit fuckin shoutin like mad men, chasin this thing. At some point we try to call over the rest of the family, but we're slowly losin our visual on this thing. Everyone else is tryna look in the sky as my dad n I make a mad dash tryna keep an eye on it as it went behind some structure. But the second we got to a place where it should've been seen on the other side, based on its flight path, this thing was fuckin gone. Like, nowhere in the sky. It was like it was never there. To this day not sure what the fuck we were watchin bcuz we followed it for a good while, just for it to vanish.
Okay, now onto my final encounter (warning, this is a LONG mf bcuz it just happened in January, so it's fresh on my mind): I had decided to drive out to Sauvi island at like 1 am because I really wanted to go out and watch the water. But it was like the foggiest night in existence. It was during that period in January where every night was covered in this thick, heavy fog. I wasn't gonna let that stop me though. Even if I could barely see the road and almost crashed like 5 different times, I was determined. The drive itself was kinda ominous, but shit didn't start gettin weird until I actually reached Sauvi's. The second I reach the island, something just feels off instantly. I mean, no one's on the road of course, it's late, it's foggy. But I mean, it was DEAD. There was an alarming amount of roadkill everywhere (like fresh roadkill), and the entire island reeked of fuckin death, skunk, and mold. So I keep fuckin driving and just get the sense that someone was following me, like on my ass tailing me, but there wasn't any other cars or nothing. But I had the window down and swear I could hear some shit close to me. I'm driving and manage to miss my turn off to the beach. Here's where shit genuinely starts getting weird. Lights. Unexplainable lights ALL over. Now if this was a more populated area, I would assume some of this was street lamps, but the island doesn't really have that many (they have them in front of some buildings, but the roads are lightless). I kept seein "headlights" coming around turns that didn't exist. And when I should've been passing them, there was nothing there and the lights were gone. Okay, weird, but maybe it was my headlights reflection on the fog. Then I see fuckin taillights. I get confused because it looks like a car going up a hill, and I brushed it off before realizing that it was a wide open, flat road, and there was no hill or car in sight. I watched the lights turn into nothing and they were gone. At this point, I'm freaked out, but I'm still finding my way back to the beach. I manage to loop back around to the entrance of Sauvi's so I can take the right turn this time. When I tell you that the smell is worse and I even notice more roadkill. I would've seen any other cars on the road, but there was fuckin no one. And I know damn well that I wasn't the one who hit them. But I brush that off because I'm every white person in a horror movie. Not too long after, I saw the final unexplainable light I'd see that night. There was this small-ish, but abnormally bright light just kinda bobbing up and down infront of this post. I assumed it was some weird reflective thing, but as I approached it, it went up and then shot into the ground- the light completely disappearin into the ground. After I saw this, the feelin of bein chased was at a 100%, like I was stressin. I finally took the right turn, and there's this one fuckin shadow in the fog that I'm TELLING you looked like this tall fucking figure walking about. I legit stopped dead in my tracks to watch it, but this feeling of dread came over me, and I sped off. I finally make it to the beach, but I think I stayed for maybe 5 minutes or less? There was an extremely menacing feeling. Like it was THICK. I couldn't see the water it was so fogged out. I mean, it was beautiful. But it truly felt like I was being watched. There was little to no sound until I heard coyotes fucking EVERYWHERE. Like an insane amount. I head back to the car and they seem to shut up. I absolutely dipped the fuck outta there.
Now it is important to note with Sauvi's that there is maybe a supernatural element into that. Seein as Sauvi's, like most of Oregon n the U.S. was home to Native Americans (Chinook Indians specifically) n as we know, mfs just weren't allowed catch a break (to put things lightly). So there is more than likely some unrest in the energies n life of the island.
But yeah, there's a small collection of experiences in my family. I'd LOVE to hear your shit from Ohio. That place has some strange shit goin on there, like genuinely. Everytime I went to vist my dad's mom, that place just feels like somethins goin on there
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thekingofwinterblog · 4 months
There is one detail were I think I need a second opinion on:
So during the manga ending, there is that detail of supposedly Lord Death, with his "madness of order" being able to control everyone on earth - basically being able to solve all crime/evil things from happening.
The fact that he doesnt use this power is presented as a positive thing, basically an indirect way of answering the problem of evil with "actually God gives us free will and thats why evil happens, because denying us the free will would be more evil than anything else"
So ok, what is the sticking point to me? Well Lord Death was kinda hinted as being deeply flawed, and even his death at the end is framed as tragic but as the time necessary and a positive thing, a new generiation taking over creating a better wolrd, ect.
But isn't including such a huge revelation - a revelation that only makes sense with an All Good, kinda absolute God?
Basically, maybe I'm just looking for nitpicks, but to me these two things clash - like the story and Ohkubo couldnt decide between if Lord Death was holding the world back and needed to pass the torch or if he actually was the wacky all knowing force for good all along -
Like if instead it was revealed that Lord Death was pressured to make Kid be an automaton to avoid an Asura situation, but he refused because he didnt sucumb to the despair of failure and had hope in humanity and freedom, it could work as "wow Lord Death had past sins and couldnt steer the world into the future, but here is an action that proved that the flame of his vision was still good and know Kid will be his resurection, like that old NAS song"
Idk, maybe this is all just nonsense to normal people but to me its the best example of Soul Eaters (more the mangas) unwillingness to commit to the "Death is not all good thing" - like the whole WMD's parrelel and shit seems even more out of place and ironically as a way to say "well Bush made mistakes, but American imperialism is a good thing overall!"
(Ok i probably shouldnt have included "politics" here lol)
Anyway I think the anime in the end was better with its more simplistic worldview - cause atleat it didnt break itself - the shadyness of Death was worked into Kids isuess of trust and accepting that he isnt perfect and can place his trust in his partners and is more simmilar to his father in this way etc.
So yeah, if you are still reading and didnt delete it out of boredom, Im interested in a response, cause I'll admit I'm not sure about it 100 percent myself so if you go and say "Nah, thats wrong cause-" I'll probably open to listening
Eh, i'd say that you're looking at this from a wrong perspective.
Shinigami was a good, if very flawed individual, but the thing is that the reason why he could not lead the new age was not because be was flawed... It was because in chasing perfection, he made an error so great that he could never recover from it.
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That error being the way he created his first son, not to create a successor, but instead as a byproduct of ripping his fear out of his own self in order to become a "better" God of order, a desciaion that had enormous consequences in that it laid the groundwork for the first Kishin, but also because it left him utterly incapable of feeling fear, and thus incapable of feeling bravery either, and drastically affecting his descision making.
As such, he was incapable of decisively defeating his son, and had to resort to sealing him away, something that also required him to stay in one place forever afterwards.
The school that he founded afterwards to replace his team of immensely powerfull warriors that Asura and Excalibur was a part of, came as a consequence of his own failures shattering that group, and with him no longer being able to move around, he couldn't even uphold his actual purpose in the world.
And thats withouth taking into account how much getting ridd of his own fear screwed him up as a person. Through the series, shinigami is utterly incapable of showing real, true fear, no matter how dire things get. All of his angry moments happens in the moment, as things are happening around him.
He was incapable of truly feeling any sense of urgency when Asura was about to escape, and only after he is free is he able to confront the very real consequences on an emotional level.
Similarily at the end of the series he isnt actually afraid of the witches betraying them despite thinking this is the likely outcome, but when he thinks they do, he flies off the handle to reveal just how much hate he truly has for them.
Hia philosophy debate with his son near the end of the anime is all about exploring how these two family members are unable to feel fear and by extention understand bravery.
Ultimately what Shinigami came to realise and finally accept, is that as a consequence of chasing utter perfection, he ironically made himself too fundamentally broken to lead the way, both as a person, and as a king/god who should be leading his organization by example, rather than being trapped in his city.
Fundamentally Shinigami was a good person... But by his own actions, while chasing perfection he crossed a line that he was never able to uncross. Very much like his son, he believed that if he was the strongest, withouth "flaws", he would be able to see his vision through. Only where Asura wanted to feel completely out of any possible danger, Shinigami wanted keep the word orderly and safe for the good people of the planet.
A good goal. But as they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
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baylardo · 4 months
idk what all ive written and not written publicly pertaining to my ideas on these cringe naenae lil thangs outside of me n tardi dm’s bc im embarrassed and its still rough and vague hahaha im still exploring things but ive thought a lot about certain aspects and not others. toxic worldbuilding lmao.
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i think the idea has become that philippa is a bit into her captaincy,,,, not fresh into it. her ex-captain sh’Eraz (moid) has been apprehended or killed (idk lol) and shes in command of the Legacy,,,
theres a few ideas im still sitting on like as its been discussed like, the two kids are barely a year apart in age. which means that like her and jj had a one night stand or something and she got knocked up from it but theyre still like not in a relationship,,,,,,, i hesitate bc i kinda like the idea of the alien adopted boy having a few years (or closer to 10 years lol) on their biological daughter so idk. and it all seems REALLY indulgent to keep it all that close. but also,,,,, 😳 im just struggling to keep it dissimilar to my stuff with kathryn and chakotay and this was like, a way that presented itself haha.
and i still don’t know when JJ would re-enlist in starfleet!!! nothing compelling comes to me 😩😩😩😩 *nothing that doesnt seem super simpy like when philippa becomes a captain for example and she conveniently needs a chief engineer. ive thought that like, maybe his mother who’s been abhorrently against starfleet since joe’s death eventually insists he go because he so obviously loves and wants to follow philippa or something and it reminds her of joe I DONT KNOOOOOOW. ive also thought that maybe he joins peppa’s ship she captains LATER, initially as a civilian and very much like philippa’s Side Piece who coparents kids and rejoins later??? idk haha. i dont really like that option either fhfjdkks
anywayyyyy current idea is she finds out shes whoopsy pregnant just before leaving earth to go on an away mission, doesnt say anything to anyone even jace just leaves lol,,,, Legacy comes across this planet-size spaceship inhabited by these batlike aliens, the ship is their planet that theyve made capable of traversing space and survives on orbiting stars for periods of time, ao theyre very used to darkness but also theyre like obsessed with light sources lol. its like super advanced solar powered technology. i figure the planet has either one or a few like, densely populated areas where theres these big beacons of light protruding out of the centers of the cities, and then vast parts of the planet that are completely covered in darkness. the aliens probably have some explanation surrounding it like lack of resources or something. refer to the valleys of darkness on the planet-ship as like "outskirts" or w/e.
philippas down there doing first contact things (insert weird atmosphere inside the giant planet-ship granting philippa a unique access to it in comparison to her peers), the bat aliens are nice and accommodating to starfleet,,,,, i figure they have some mysterious visual to them of like, bearing little carnivorous fangs, but being vegetarian. stuff of that nature. philippa's a little bit sus about it but says nothing past like, maybe asking why they dont eat meat and them answering that theyve evolved past the need to consume meat and it's something that they dont look fondly on from their ancestry.
while shes there idk in some sketchy alleyway or being given a tour of a science facility, maybe philippa has stepped away from a tour to do some snooping of her own, she's a little bit problematic and too suspicious for her own good.
a runaway/criminal/fleeing/dying bat lady gives her this weird either egg/pod (she may not know its an egg at first lol) and she gets frantically told some conspiracy type stuff about their civilization being built on graves or lies or something edgy and that she cant let them have this pod/egg, its their last hope of setting things right. the bat lady looks oddly different to the other bat aliens philippa has seen; dont know visually how to contrast it yet but shes more sickly, less clean and less light-colored, more gray and fitting for a nocturnal species who rarely sees light, ravaged, less prim and proper, probably larger and more apparent fangs, etc. but she either runs off or gets captured or killed.
philippa's left more than a little confused about things but i figure she has an intuitive sense of wrongness and hasn't been vibing something she couldnt quite put her finger on regarding these aliens for a while and that kinda confirms a hunch for her. ummm proceeding to them trying to take the egg/pod away from philippa and shes like "ummmm lol no" so she ends up getting chased and her fleeing the city she's in without backup, they cut off access to her ship and comms so shes like Super Alone fending for herself out in the pitch black. POTENTIALLY she has access to starlight, id imagine the big planet-ship is a closed off dome as it travels but it opens up slits or something along its circumference to take in light from surrounding stars. so she can see but shes not emitting a beacon/torch of her own as not to give herself away.
as shes out there and hiding and trying to figure out what to do, how to contact her ship, figure out what's actually going on here, etc., the egg/pod ends up hatching and being like a weird little alien moth baby that is dissimilar to the bat aliens currently residing on this planet. ((((((my initial CRINGE thought is that like, these eggs/pods respond to like, idk MATERNITY so its been dormant for potentially years, and philippas like, secretly pregnant and it bonds/imprints on her as its mother or w/e. if i dont end up going that indulgent route you can just say that it liked the cut of her gib or something lmao. soul-related,,, ummmm good heart,,,,, etc.))))))
i figure they spend a few days together hiding. i think she'd talk to it to keep herself sane lol. maybe kinda confide a few fears she has regarding motherhood, struggles with her mother lol,,,, talk about delivering her sister's baby maybe,,,, other things too like shes just talking to this baby lmao. was talking to jellybeans about the name Moss for him haha, i think itd be cute if she just literally names him after moss. very uncreative placeholder type name that sticks. anyway baby eventually starts crying, shes worried shes gonna get caught with it, she does lmao, but by some bat aliens living in the outskirts of the planet-ship. these bats are all more visually similar to the frantic one that'd given her the egg. they discover what she has (moth baby lol) and they take her to their hideout/camp where they explain their race's history and that of the lil alien she's now charged with reluctantly taking care of. which iiiis...
the planet-ship was originally that of the moth aliens, a long time ago they took in the bat aliens that were as in need of light for some reason as much as if not more than they were, they cohabitated for a bit but eventually the bats start like overpopulating or something. ITS STILL ROUGH IN MY HEAD. i figure the moth aliens are super smart, but have a moral code that the scrungly bat aliens dont end up vibing all too much. somehow somewhy the bats end up starting to use the moth's DNA/blood, (maybe via infusion?) blending it with their own through unnatural means, in order to like, artificially augment or evolve themselves, get smarter, thus why theyve physically changed so much in appearance is because theyre like, idk living off of their blood or something to maintain their states of mind.
they also tell her that the lil baby is the last of his kind and he'd likely be safer somewhere away from this place where they cant use him anymore. (maybe the eggs are effectively preserved/ageless and supply the bats with longer lasting access to blood idk) they dont know or understand how philippa got it to hatch (maybe she does know but shes not gonna tell them. shes still repressing/ignoring the elephant in the room (pregnant) lmao). but his existence is kinda a big deal bc it proves what theyre saying and the other bats would likely not want that info coming to light or preventing them from joining starfleet or w/e. maybe their planet-ship is becoming less and less sustainable and theyre like Girl Help Lol.
philippa asks the outskirt bats for their help in getting in contact with her ship and off of the planet and they do. im sure its bumpy haha but i havent thought about this part much it just eventually happens and she makes it back to her ship, she confides in her CMO that she's pregnant (maybe) and he knows her well enough to be like "i know," bc she like, didnt get her medical examination out of the way right at the start of their departure or something and kept putting it off so ppl wouldnt know lol. ANYWAY, lil baby is given special treatment to start adapting his lungs to a new atmosphere which is long and arduous and philippa stays by his side through a lot of it. its not like she cares or is worried or anything!!!!!!!!!!!!
eventually gets back to earth, still hasnt really told anyone her news or the fact that shes kinda adoptively taking care of this baby now. i think we'd talk about her showing up to tell Jace and her initially perceiving philippa with a baby and being like 'omg' and then reading peppa's very loud thoughts and being like 'OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' haha. EVEN MORE VAGUE IDEAS WITH JJ LOLLLLLLL, has to do with my big question mark surrounding his starfleet career and everything, but theyre both like "omg we arent even dating lol hi" about it.
*falls asleep*
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joifee · 1 year
Alr, I've been thinking again about my Flower Husbands reicarnation (?) idea.
Scott has been always a flirty person, but especially with Jimmy, he's fun to tease. But like, I imagine that S1 Scott when he gets his memories in S2, he like kind of, isn't himself anymore towards Jimmy. His flirts wouldn't be just teasing anymore but genuine and kind of soft and sweet flirting, basically appreciation towards the guy.
But Jimmy obviously would be suspicious as heck. No one in Empires actually appreciates him, so he would be so suspicious of Scott and try to like to push him away. Especially since for him, it all came out of nowhere. Tho at the same time, he would be desperate for allies, and want his attention bc he lacks it.
At the same time, Scott definitely would give off like faraway feeling, or when he looks at Jimmy like he was a dead man (for Scott he is, but he obv wouldn't know that). I just imagine Jimmy thinking that Scott looks lonely and the both of them would just feel awkward around each other as well bc there's just something unsaid from Scotts side.
I also was thinking that Sausage might realize the fact that S1 and S2 Scott are now the same person, but I heavily doubt Scott would want any help from the guy. S1 Scott obv didn't have a good relationship with him in his own timeline. So I kinda think that Scott would be VERY wary of the guy. Especially when he notices that Sausage also teasing Jimmy with the toy joke. Kinda like a "history repeats itself" kinda vibe. Scott would feel that way at least.
Since it is also heavily implied that Fwhip and Jimmy we're in some kind of queer relationship (for example Jimmy calling Fwhip his ex), I feel like Scott would start to rethink some of the past events as well. Fwhip in S1 really did a lot of mischief, especially directed toward Jimmy, which feels like he just wanted the guy attention.
Also, I didn't answer before, but you are always welcome to come to my asks and talk about your drafts or headcanons! Anything tbf. I love hearing other people's ideas!
sorry for late reply! omg yes its like an immediate switch from teasing to genuine and nice and jimmy is just confused af and definitly convinced scott is planning something mischievous or is out for trouble. like he is smitten by the compliments, yes, but will take them with a grain of salt. but then he also, like you said, is in need of allies so he cannot really say no despite being suspicious fareaway like in it feels like home but also like a growing distance when he looks at jimmy. like in a way he knows its just what he wants but also fearing it at the same time. and jimmy knows something is on scotts mind but he doesnt know how to ask or if he asks, if he is able to believe it due to his suspicions but then in this season i have the feeling they get along better? i mean sausage grew since then like he did become a better man than the king of mythland. so maybe scott is not really about talking to him at first, but the more time goes on the more he is compelled to talk with sausage about it but doesnt really know how to reveal that he can remember his past life even tho sausage might already know he does. but i dont see sausage as the guy to like push scott to talk to him. maybe that fact of them being exes makes scott also a bit unsure if he should pursue it more. Like thats different from the jimmy he knew. maybe its like still the same fwhip but then he didnt knew fwhip in his past life that well after they had the fallout due to scott accidently freezing gem. i might shoot you an ask then soon^^
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papakhan · 1 day
i think you misunderstood me. i wasn't trying to say you were misinterpreting the character, just that you approach him somewhat differently than i do, in some significant ways, and maybe not even him per se, just "what comes next", so to speak.
i also wasn't saying that boone shouldn't feel remorse about what hes done, because, like, yeah, he really damn should. and unfortunately the bias against the great khans that permeate the games writing rears its ugly head again--i mean, some of the fan favorites call them dirty people who need to be chased out of the mojave, and while that in itself isnt bad writing (characters can be bigoted and biased), it feels like the player is given very little in terms of retaliating against those statements and the games assumed status quo that the ncr supposedly has more legitimacy in its presence than the khans do. i was more getting at where that remorse would take him, because as you said, his storyline is largely concerned with his own feelings while the game gives you no real way to make him snap the hell out of it, stop justifying the atrocities he was a part of as some inevitability he sadly has to bear, and overall stop making it about himself and open his tiny eyes to whats actually happening and what can be done. like, yeah, he could go from suicidal gestures to groveling, and again to be clear he should feel sorry, but i feel like thats still centering his emotional journey.
as for defending bitter springs, like. yes, the refugee camp at bitter springs is in itself an ugly truth of an image of the ncr, revealing it as a force that tramples over people and commits atrocities and then names itself protectors of whats left. terrible protectors too, seeing how poor and understaffed the refugee camp is. i wish that in itself couldve had some sort of impact on the man as well. still, in terms of material consequences, boone protected the refugees, and while once again that doesnt Repay for anything or Make Up for anything, i dont think it was necessarily the ultimate point of the quest. as you pointed out, it wasnt great khans he protected from the legion, it was refugees from arizona and the handful of ncr staff. theres not any kinda neat bow put on it, there's no coming full circle. being denied a selfish "heroic" death in favor of, like, protecting some people he doesnt know, i think its interesting and could serve as a way to pull him out of this spiral. maybe its wishful thinking on my part, but the difference between novac boone and post-independent boone IS that ncr has completely withdrawn from the area and boone took part in the actions that lead to that. but i could just be wishing things had been written differently. oh! and you brought up giving him up to the great khans to judge, its something ive thought about before, and i wish it was something you could do in the game.
anyway... im sorry if i came off as confrontational in my first anon, i saw that you were answering asks about it and i wanted to offer my own perspective. none of it was said to undermine yours.
well first of all I'd like to say I'm sorry for being hostile, it's difficult for me to interpret tone at the best of times and even worse over text so I appreciate you telling me that didnt mean to sound confrontational and i'm sorry for taking it that way
i think its just frustrating to me that like. idk the Joshua Graham dickriding has died down a bit recently because people have finally figured out that despite the game framing him as the good guy hes actually still a terrible person and the writers were wrong for what they did (the racism most of all) but then people still lick Boones/the NCR's boots
but your perspective is refreshing i think youre right yeah, Boone shouldn't really be the centre of the "victims of the bitter springs massacre" because. he's not a victim. he is a perpetrator. on that you have made me realise that yeah even if hes begging for forgiveness even then its still bad for it to centre him at all
And the Khans being one of the power houses of Vegas pre-NCR is woefully underexplored but tbh given how the rest of the Khans are handled I don't even think its a time constrains thing its just a writers thing. i've complained enough about how the Followers treat the Khans in game not really lining up with how they used to work together / can work together in the future but that's a whole other thing
i still think the fight for bitter springs is still the climax of the I Forgot to Remember to Forget questline, its supposed to be what snaps boone out of it and lets the player come to some kind of resolution with him. They're not exactly good or helpful resolutions, because as I have said before he still doesn't respect the Khans and as you have also said this is a problem with the game as a whole. and he's still protecting people he doesnt know for ultimately selfish reasons. It's a step. I guess. and yknow its a video game with only two conclusions for a quest, the rest of those steps are kind of up to interpretation.
its the beauty of fanworks and what have you. like I said my perspective is more one of frustration. Me liking the Khans so much and examining the game from their POV when the game kinda hates them and that feeds into the fanart/writing and looking at Boone is just. I'm just tired
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strawbubbysugar · 9 months
I LOVED THE ENDING SO MUCH thank you for such a wonderful ride these past few months! So(u)l made me so genuinely happy and I want to thank you for all your hard work with it. I am so excited to read all that you’ll write next!
Question about Eclipse and specifically Moon kinda maybe sorta! So when the virus still had a hold on Moon, he was saying “you left us” and “why did you come back” and was violent with y/ngineer, while Sun was really hopeful and sounded confident y/ngineer would return for them. Eclipse said “you came back and that’s all that matters” and I’m wondering when Eclipse said that, was that mostly Sun talking? Or would Moon also have had the same mindset of “they’ll come back for us” if he wasn’t affected by the virus?
Also, has Eclipse/Sun/Moon fully forgiven y/ngineer for turning Sun off all those months ago and then waking up to a ruined pizzaplex and y/ngineer being gone, or is there still a little bit of negative feelings about that happening? Whether that be feelings of betrayal, anguish, disappointment, or even just something they think about and it makes them feel upset even though everything turned out alright in the end?
Okie those are my questions, I hope you’re doing well and have a great day/night!!
Aaah I’m so glad you enjoyed!! :D here are my answers!!
Eclipse doesnt really speak in terms of like. Sun or moon taking the steering wheel. He’s his own person! The best way to think of it is like a fusion in Steven universe. The components of the fusion can take more centre stage and control, but most of the time in a healthy fusion, they’re their own person - like garnet! Eclipse is someone with a lot of optimism, he always chooses to look on the bright side of things- I like to imagine that when he said that, it was with a lot of relief. Less of a confident statement.
They’ve forgiven them! They all know it was something that had to be done, as bad as it was, and they harbour more feelings of resentment towards the virus itself than the y/ngineer. If someone you loved was in pain and acting not like themselves, and you had an option to let them go to sleep peacefully while you fixed it, it’s an option that I feel a good amount of people would take. I know I would!
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ganondoodle · 1 year
this isnt as long as before but i just cannot stop thinking about this, why i dislike story and lore boils down to these main point
--the ending feels unsatisfying as hell even if i ignore everything i dont like about how the game treated zelda and ganondorf, the ending itself just feels, despite being presented as super epic an touching, incredibly empty to me and part of it is that it feels like an unearned return to status quo of course i didnt think zelda would stay a dragon and i actually wanted to help her, which is why i kept trying to hunt down impa since she said shes gonna search for a way for us to help zelda, bc i wanted to!! i was eager to help her!
i fully hoped and kinda expected that thered either be some kind of dragon dungeon (think, the water dragon from okami) tho that would be difficult since you can get items from her so i ended up thinking before going into the end thered be a mission with impa (or at least given to you from her) where she found answers in ancient scripts (that she told you she would look through) and that you need to find a special lil thing that will help zelda undragonfy, like some sort of ultra secret forbidden enigma stone able to reverse dragon transformations kinda deal (golden opportunity to make you go and talk to the yiga bc they might know or even own some ancient texts) that youd keep in your inventory until the very end and after you kill dragondorf (pretty mortal for becoming an immortal dragon huh) you take it out and use it, undragonfying zelda and ending in a similar epic falling and paralel to the beginning way
... and instead impa stays in the house and only has a few repeating dialog boxes and does nothing and you cant do anything bc in the end you just get randomly teleported (and stripped of your clothing AGAIN) into some weird ethereal plane somehow?? with the ghost of long ass dead sonia and apparently not as gone as i thought rauru (seriously i felt sad when he went poof at the end of the tutorial but i guess i shouldnt have) awkwardly blasting dragon zelda with some magic tm and its all reversed no problem (heck me for caring i guess) turns out helping her was killing an evil guy we never really knew and mineru just kinda says lol its bc time and light magic i guess lol as an explanation
like i really wanted to go and help zelda! i was motivated to do it and spent HOURS trying to find impa again but i wasnt allowed to do anything bc zelda gets saved by some deus ex machina bs in the end anyway, what a fool i was, of course killing the evil guy is the solution to everything >:( (and no i dont care if its meant as in uwu sonia and rauru wanted to help one last time uwu bc it doesnt change how unsatisfying it was to watch it all just kinda happen)
--point two is just how much totk feels like its trying to REPLACE botw instead of being a sequel, its not building on anything of it its ripping out the fundation and building its own thing in its place, like i was so excited to see what happened to the titans, and all the sheikah tech what they mabe had done in all that time now that theres a tech enthusiastic girl as the head of the monarchy, maybe even find out more about them and instead its just all ... gone with not explanation? theres isnt even a LAME explanation, its just gone?? you never find out what the ancient energy actually was, and why there were concentrations of it in the regions with the ancient furnace (well heck it didnt even have anything to do with ganondorf actualyl bc that would have been too interesting) bc that was so intrigueing?? like yeah where DID it come from and why is it there ?? and oh suddendly hey look theres an even MORE ancient and even MORE advanced civilization thats way COOLER and BETTER than the ancient sheikah now, they also built stuff everywhere and have been here ALL ALONG cant you see its everywhere!! and its the only thing everyone cares about all of the sudden, all evdidence of the ancient sheikah tech was scraped of the earth so there literally only being some guardian parts on top of the hateno lab feels like an oversight now bc everything lese was to thourohgly wiped of the map- for no reason even?? like im totalls fine with it being useless and not working anymore but .... why remove it like it was wiped from history?? and then they have the gall to mention the happenings of botw like, twice in the entire game but still just give you the most basic summary of it mentioned on a sidenote with again not even a hint what happened to all of it
wouldnt there have been the golden opportunity to use it to access the new parts and map points that changed?? like a shrine thats fallen into the underground, an access to caves and the underground in the broken and collapsed elevator tube of a sheikah srhine?? maybe even a broken interior of an old shrine, like the room you get put into with the puzzle and where the monk once were broken and half overgrown in the udnerground? some left over construction site where you can see oh thats how the ancient sheikah got all that tech underground, bc they all had access to it and built it there to then rise up when its needed? maybe even making use of the old sonau sites since they frequnetly built their srhines within those ruins?? that the ancient sheikah found em and put the ruins to use? to research it and built their own stuff from it? it wouldnt have to have any focus, literally just part of the enviroment even
really everything totk does is like -forget botw ever happend, look how much cooler and better i am, who cares about sheikah stuff sonau are the new cool guys that came out of nowhere but now apparently have been everywhere all along actually-
i LOVE botw and with it feeling much more like its attempting to replace botw instead of building its story and world further every reference to botw i found felt like a slap in the face instead, oh look where the shrine of life used to be isnt even a hint left of sheikah tech somehow, and also right under it is the lake of healing filled with sonau structure bc ACTUALLY they were here FIRST bc they are so cool omg you guys
dare i say it feel a little like they wanted to make an entirely different version of botw basically, but wanted to reuse the map and models so they just said yeah uhhhh its totally a sequel yeah yeha that makes sense, its not erasing botw and doing essentiall the same thing again but bigger cooler and better (tm) its just uuh a ...sequel ye.
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biggiedraws · 6 months
okay so i just finished my first rewatch of soul eater and. sometime after the first time i watched it i heard that the ending was disappointing bc it was different from the manga ending. so i was watching the ending more critically this time and thinking about what it might be lacking so. i wanna talk about it. keep in mind that i havent read the manga, i have no idea what the manga ending is, i dont even know if the manga ending is actually better than the anime ending. im just speculating on what a better ending might look like based on whats in the anime. spoilers ahead!
first of all. extremely odd that black star didnt have a big moment in the kishin fight. kid gets a HUGE power up (which has its own problems- namely it comes out of nowhere, goes largely unexplained, and generally feels a bit rushed) but black star gets NOTHING. kid passes out, black star realizes the kishin is still standing and has a one-liner about surpassing god (classic) and then it cuts to maka and soul. but once maka and soul wake up black star is just already knocked out on the ground. so he got his ass kicked.... off screen???? i know he kinda had his big character moment during the mifune fight, but kid actually had a very similar big character moment, when fetching the final magic tool for his dad, and the kishin fight was an extension of that! kids big conflict was doubting what his dad was up to, and that gets resolved when he finally gets answers. but the kishin fight is a demonstration of that growth - he regrets doubting his dad and wants to live up to his family name by defeating the kishin, so he goes all out. while the arc is technically already complete, this ending scene really ties it up nicely. and it feels like black star should be the same! he makes his definitive declaration about carving his own path, he masters the demon sword, and he defeats mifune, but he doesnt really realize any of that potential the way kid does? he barely even uses the demon sword after apparently mastering it, aside from landing the final blow against mifune. it feels like it should manifest in a big powerup in the final fight, as a demonstration of growth, the same way it did for kid, so i strongly suspect there was originally something there and they cut it for time. maybe they beefed up the mifune fight to make up for it? i really dont know. but either way, having him get defeated off screen during the climax feels like an odd choice.
another thing is maka turning out to be a weapon. i dont think its a bad choice, per se, but the way its implemented just doesnt work very well? it kinda just comes out of nowhere and nothing comes of it. i think it was meant to be a fakeout, but there was already the fakeout with the anti magic wavelength and the way maka just shuts her fear out by going unconscious feels directly contrary to the message of the show. which could be used to reinforce the message, and i suppose having it not work against the kishin does that to a certain extent, but idk it just feels underdeveloped. personally, i would completely remove this bit, but it does have potential! i mean, her dad is a weapon. its not like there isnt a precedent for it. i just wish they explored it more or tied it into the narrative properly
now. in terms of the actual resolution. i think the message itself fits with the rest of the show - it has been well established that makas strength lies in fighting through her fear, and having her face off against someone who is controlled by fear and needs to eliminate everything he fears in order to feel strong is a very strong narrative choice! the bravery vs madness bit is very solid in my opinion. and i like the fakeout with the anti magic wavelength - the concept that madness isnt actually magical, or even evil, is really really cool! especially if you explore the implications of the madness wavelengths or the madness amplifier - something something the kishin being released causes fear and chaos to spread and thats what the madness wavelength represents. however, at this point im doing a lot of the shows work for it. none of this is foreshadowed, or even explored at all until the very end of the show, and it isnt well developed at all. the fakeout itself has potential, but there should be like a full episode of content after that, exploring the actual nature of the kishin and madness and bravery and their opposing relationships to fear. theres some really really good stuff here but none of it is explained well enough to be effective, and as a result the ending feels rushed and the win doesnt feel deserved.
one last thing. i think it was a poor choice for maka to defeat the kishin singlehandedly. i think about the line lord death has about asura, about how back in the day they all wanted to help asura with his anxiety and help give him courage but he couldnt trust them and betrayed his own partner and was consumed by madness etc etc. and asura also kills arachne specifically because he has affection for her and that uncertainty stresses him out. so i think theres a really strong message about, like, the power of friendship here. and yes this is shown by all the people on the sidelines watching maka and believing in her but idk. i think the message would be stronger if she had to rely on them even in the final battle. fighting through the fear is easier when you have a little faith in your friends. that kinda thing. yknow? like maka can still be the key to victory but if her strength is in teamwork and bravery and having the will to keep fighting even when shes scared then like. have her lead her team to victory! have her inspire them to keep fighting! she can land the final blow but emphasize that she couldnt have done it alone by having her NOT do it alone. do you feel me
anyway. i dont hate the ending or anything, i think its pretty good! but i do think its one of the weakest points of the show, so i dont doubt that the manga ending is better. guess now i have to actually read the manga and find out lmao
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trashcanfills · 2 years
Everyone likes to put Zhongli as this calculative, thoughtful and strategic character which is valid but I raise you absent-minded Zhongli.
He is someone who thinks a lot about stuff so much there are rare times he has his head in the clouds. I mean as an immortal he has a lot of time and patience to come up and formulate these thoughts, so I wont be surprised if he stares down going hmmm occasionally like he does in one of the cutscenes preparing the perfume offerings for the statue.
This is canon. You absolutely cannot tell me its not because otherwise I have no other way of justifiying his forgetfulness of bringing mora with him or THOSE DUMBASS DIALOGUES OF HIS THAT I HAD TO SIT AND EXPERIENCE LIKE ONE WHERE PAIMON BASHES HIM ABT NOT THINKING ABT MORA WHEN THEY HAVE TO PAY FOR SHIT AND HE GOES “If one must always consider Mora before acting, then in all things one is bounded by Mora”
like bitch no shit but when it comes to buying stuff uhhh u are SUPPOSED to u know COMPENSATE them proper while keeping to your limit? Oh wait u have no limit because u can make mora as a god wait except U ARENT A GOD NO MORE U JUST FUCKING RETIRED AND ARE BOUND BY MORTAL PROBLEMS AKA MONEY PROBLEMS. HOW DO U NOT REALISE THIS WHEN U THOUGHT OF RETIRING?? I understand if this is because he doesnt understand mortal affairs but like bruh u CREATED the damn currency for them to use in the first placE.
Except no because after paimon gets understandably confused by what hes fucking sayin THIS FUCKER CONTINUES ON WITH “All Mora is currency but not all currency is Mora.” Like uhhh duh no shit why the fuck are u bringing this up all of a sudden we are talking abt your money wasting issue NOT PONDERING ABT THE EXISTENCE OF MONEY ITSELF oh my fucking god. And of course paimon the poor thing is just more confusion and goes “Is this how the rich live???”
No darling trust me even the rich have fucking awareness of money and spending it. Its just that this dude is on a completely higher level aka a god he doesnt have to consider money. Oh wait but hes RETIRED. As a MORTAL. And you think a smart fucker would actually be prepared for that or ask for help with that earlier on.
I shit you not as much as I greatly admire the wealth of knowledge Zhongli has, he is also annoyingly longwinded and beating abt the bush with his dialogue at times which makes me think hes not always like…focused on the matter at hand. Head up in the clouds kinda thing. To be fair I am also like that lol but at least I try to explain my thought process to ppl prob because I learn to uhh communicate properly coughcough.
Then at some point when paimon goes quick zhongli use your high society trivia knowledge to fix this contraption!! And zhongli responds with “hmm you seem to think of me as some sort of bourgeois parasite whose only utility lies in providing quaint pieces of trivia on demand.”
Yes sir that’s exactly how you have appeared to us so far. How else am I supposed to see you.
Hence cultured Zhongli but also dumbass Zhongli. Dear god. As much as I like this character he also frustrates me at times with what he says at times cus HE AINT GETTING TO THE FUCKING POINT IN ANSWERING ME, even tho I can relate to his character a lot. Oh wait is this how my siblings felt when talking to me?? Ok I understand their pain now.
Ok thanks for listening to my rant TedTalk lmao have fun incorporating absentminded zhongli in yall headcanons or sth.
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sigmashuffle · 9 months
I have a question!! So I’m a long-time BSD enjoyer but I haven’t read nearly as much of the manga as I would like. I’ve seen all of the anime though, most of it multiple times through. I didn’t realize until looking at the comments on Danny Motta’s video at how much people fucking hate Fukuchi and his sword. Up until this point I’ve thought it’s cool as hell and he, along with the sword, bring something kinda new and fun to the series.
HOWEVER, I know BSD is FAR from perfect and there’s a lot of dumb shit that faithful manga readers have a better perspective on. Would you mind explaining why Fukuchi and the sword are such a sore point? I hope this isn’t too much to ask. I just really want to know.
Hi anon! Its not too much to ask at all!
Unfortunately the answer to that is best explained in the context of ALL the issues I have with the manga/show so... this is going to be v long... and im done giving this show more credit than it deserves but don't take it that seriously lol I hesitate to even consider my pov to be on par with the average manga reader but ig we'll see how my opinions hold up after i post
And disclaimer: I don't mind answering this but ONLY with the context that this is 100% my opinion (as of late, bsd as a whole has just been REALLY bugging me so im just gonna take this opportunity to explain my gripes since most of them apply to or tie greatly into fukuchi's character/design/motivations/development)
I simply don't want anyone to come for my head bc of anything I say here tho, bc I feel like I may disagree with a large portion of the fanbase but WITH THAT SAID...
***from this point forward there will be a few spoilers from s5e11***
Here are my gripes with BSD...
1. BSD and its "magic system"?
bsd powers suffer from what i like to call a "lack of scope"
granted this could be due to the fact the story isnt complete HOWEVER im sure any anime fan can tell you this story doesnt feel like it is leading anywhere its just... going... (ill get to the awful pacing later)
for comparison sake im going to also talk about The Case Study of Vanitas since it is the world I have the most experience in
what does BSD not have that VNC does?
simply put, the magic system doesnt reinvent itself character to character
in VNC if you have an ability it is EXCLUSIVELY connected to "manipulations of the world formula" which is essentially elemental control (fire, ice, gravity, etc.) based on a sci fi version of chemistry (alchemy, if you will) and this rule applies to EVERY CHARACTER in VNC
its a structure that starts developing from the beginning
BSD however introduces a WHOLE NEW magic system for each character
some character abilities are similar, yes, and can be classified as such, but many cannot be classified
again a magic system doesnt NEED to have strict rules (its actually more boring that way if the rules are too simple) but it DOES need RULES... and solid ones
otherwise its tempting to use the MAGIC system to fill in PLOT RELATED gaps
and if that system isnt defined, well, to me that looks like lazy/sloppy/illogical writing
if you like the whiplash of not knowing whats gonna happen next, fine, (i did for awhile too!) up until the unpredictability started to come from powers that as a whole look like an authors way of trying to write themselves out of their own plot hole
ie: time travel
specifically time travel that isnt introduced FROM THE BEGINNING...
2. Fukuchi and his "deus ex machina" sword
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time travel is NOTORIOUSLY difficult to pull off and especially by my standards
I have watched Doctor Who since 2008, before I even knew what tumblr was I was doing my own solo fandom stuff (basically just watching a LOT of youtube video essays) but basically I have high standards when it comes to time travel in stories
Amenogozen has the POTENTIAL to be a great weapon if used in a logical context... but theres one thing the sword (and BSD as a whole) does not follow
time travel is TRICKY mostly bc it has consequences... in BSD fukuchi gives nothing in exchange for his powers
lets even toss time travel aside for the moment
what is Fukuchi's innate special ability? Mirror Lion... (read below)
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its essentially an attack multiplier of x100 at CLOSE RANGE
lets say your average untrained human punch is 150psi (pounds per square inch) which is the pressure equivalent of a point 100m below the surface of the ocean...
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with Mirror Lion's multiplier you get 15,000psi which would be 10,000m or 10 kilometers
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a pressure equivalent to the deepest part of the ocean (i dont need to remind you how powerful water is... we all know about oceangate)
dont even get me started on his motivations too
im glad we got backstory for him in ep 11 and im sure we are just supposed to sum up his motivations into "he was willing to pay the high price for world peace" but tbh royally fuck that
dont TELL me thats what he believes
PROVE to me how you made that conclusion
also the only reason he even dies is becasue he wants fukuzawa to kill him... we dont have any sense of accomplishment for stopping his scheme because NOW the scheme has been PLOPPED right into fukuzawa's lap which fukuchi intended to do from the start... apparently
and this seemingly retroactive decision-making is a problem A LOT of bsd characters have, especially the one and only character i hate THE MOST... *drumroll*
3. Osamu fucking Dazai
oh boy...
I have thought long and hard about Dazai... im not going to lie, after ch109 and ep10 I was about to admit Dazai might actually have grown on me BUT
this was all erased after 6 minutes into ep11 when he was confirmed to indeed NOT be dead
Dazai just *knows* everything thats gonna happen
Chuuya was never a vamp... he knew this... and somehow his ENTIRE escape plan was just hinging on that? bc yknow... hE kNeW fRoM tHe bEgiNniNg
His character is paper thin, with motivations that do not translate to his actions
and frankly... im tired of it...
additionally... if sigma doesn't survive, all of Meursault was literally useless... so why pick him for nikolai's prison break game?
even if he does, it means the ONLY thing we get out of the arc is information about fyodor... as to WHAT information, who knows... but regardless, a villain arc that has been going on for TOO GODDAMN LONG (40 chapters?) should have a resolution that isnt "i knew what was gonna happen all along"
we spent the whole time being SHOWN that fyodor and dazai were of equal intelligence levels... or at least higher than what dazai was used to dealing with
if dazai could just predict shit like this from the beginning why was fyodor a villain for so long? makes ZERO sense, dazai would've defeated him AGES ago... what makes THIS time any different?
also... why is he even suicidal? yeah ok the author was... but like... why make it such a present character trait?... so we can fake kill him over and over? idk
can you tell i dislike him?
I am a "show dont tell" girlie
ALL BSD DOES IS "TELL TELL TELL" ...its infuriating
almost every power/special ability has an element of "trust me bro" ok SOME OF THEM DONT but most of them do
ie: atsushi is a tiger (what does that even mean), kenji gets strong when he's angry (ok hulk?), and THIS JUST IN we STILL don't know how fyodor's ability works... and now he's DEAD?... we also dont know almost any detail about sigma's ability and he might ALSO be dead
but thats only regarding abilities...
when it comes to writing stories using people of high intelligence it is VERY difficult to not get into the aforementioned "trust me bro" mindset which BSD does REPEATEDLY
im not listing off every example but off the top of my head is one scene from s4...
ranpo explains his plan for saving yosano loosely involved "replacing the engine [of an armored vehicle] with an electric motor and playing engine sounds over the speakers so no one noticed" ...and only i can pick this claim to shreds lol (i engineer electric vehicles for a living) but this is so wrong on so many levels...
Internal combustion engines and Electric motors are IN NO WAY EQUIVALENT
ranpo would never be able to power a vehicle the size of an armored truck with a motor that he installed an hour before the truck was put to use... he just wouldnt... the vehicle is too big... ugh *facepalm*
and dont even get me started on batteries...
if you want to write some *genius move* at least TRY to do some research to make the action believable
thats like saying "oh yeah i ran out of gas so a threw a couple AA batteries into my gas tank until i could make it to the station"
5. Manga Readers' POV
especially for a monthly released manga
i am relatively new to anime and manga... like late 2020, so I am part of the "new gen" I guess you could say so i know i dont have any right to complain about pacing in comparison to like... the dressrosa arc of One Piece
with that said, not enough in bsd BUILDS on itself
it all feels like a self "one-up"
its been too long since any of my large questions have been answered
honestly its rare that any of my questions are ever answered because the narrative rarely follows logical progression anyway and any scenes thats ARE useful are cut from the anime
characters do not *develop* their powers, they just simply ARE
whatever ability you are born with limits what you can do and thats that... which leads me to...
6. Types of Ability Users
the most coherent thing i think i can speak on so this will be short lol
there are 3 types... i think (excluding lightnovels, i have not read 15, Stormbringer, or any others)
(1) natural abilities (ones that can be nullified by dazai or stolen like in Dead Apple)
(2) human/god fusions (chuuya) -> but this can ALSO be nullified???
(3) when an ability isnt an ability (it CANT be nullified) -> ie: whatever the fuck Lovecraft is
Sigma -> ??? (he could be part of the natural ability category but like... it feels weird to put him there)
but... there is never a comparison between these types so im not even sure of this "list" is exhaustive
this is just another way the story is leaving open ways to dig itself out of a plot hole... which isnt fun... bc now there are no stakes... there are no rules... its disorganized chaos where anything can happen
everyone will always be fine because there is a way out of everything
and thats BORING... and for me, downright infuriating
fukuchi likely falls into the first category... but then again he's also using a tool from another ancient ability user... so does he even fit there?
7. Anime Adaptation
and i know why...
BSD is so thin on STABLE plot the story would feel like its dragging if Bones wasn't animating at the pace they are (see Manga Readers' POV)
so to try and counteract the feeling that nothing is happening they are cutting "irrelevant" scenes BUT ALSO important portions relevant ones (ie: aku's death)
do all the plot points from the manga happen? by definition, yes... but the nuance the manga has is lost almost entirely
Atsushi doesn't physically throw an injured Aku's arm over his shoulders... Aku doesn't smile upon his demise... Aku doesn't reach out through the fog of the fire extinguisher (the adaptation of this scene was personally my last straw)
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and then we have the new anime content...
why did we tack on an additional fight? zero context... didn't even tie up loose ends from fukuchi like...
is sigma alive?
are chuuya/dazai/nikoali still in france? europe?
is fyodor going to return in some way? (we know nothing of his motives, ability, or MOST importantly, what information did he learn from Sigma??? his ability is an EXCHANGE so why even have that happen if they are both dead anyway?) why would you fucking kill off a character like this
WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THIS ENTIRE ARC??? The mere reason I'm asking this question is, in and of itself, unacceptable
we MAY get an answer later... but its been 20 episodes... why the fuck dont we know anything about the arc we just completed? ...ludicrous
Final Thoughts
BSD does not have enough reliable rules in its magic system to form a solid foundation of... anything
Fukuchi is a disjointed character trying to do too many things at once, he doesn't have solid motivations, and his arc provides more questions than it answers
Osamu Dazai is not a character... he is a plot device used like a saving throw in DND
BSD frequently insults my intelligence to cover it's ass in its storytelling
being a manga reader is like taking 30 days to rip off a tiny band aid... the pacing is unbearable
even with the end of fukuchi's arc now known, there was no sense of accomplishment in defeating him bc technically we didnt… he gave himself up... so the sword was just to make him overpowered... it was pointless
the anime adaptation was rushed, scenes cherry picked, and plot narratively thinned into water... there was no depth this season
In my opinion...
There are very few redeeming characteristics about BSD now
The few meaningful scenes we do get in the manga are overwritten by later context that negates any emotion initially associated with the scene
even with the end of fukuchi's arc now known, there was no sense of accomplishment in defeating him bc technically we didnt... he gave himself up
Dazai is the worst written character I have ever read
It is very likely i drop this story entirely
If I seem salty/upset/etc. its because I am. However is NOT directed at you, it is simply a manifestation of my disappointment in this story.
And there you have my opinion... in way too many words... thanks for sticking around if you made it this far im impressed bc i am salty as hell lol
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