#evan buckley has 2 sisters
buckleyreid · 1 month
From this
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To this
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diazevan · 1 year
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I couldn’t stop thinking about this post by @i-know-you-wanna-kiss-me about how young Maddie was when she raised Buck. So, I attempted to create manips for Buck Begins with age accurate Jennifer Love Hewitt 🥺
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tawaifeddiediaz · 2 months
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EVAN BUCKLEY + first queer experience
[ID: ten gifs of Evan Buckley and Tommy Kinard from 911 7.04, "Buck, Bothered and Bewildered." They are in Buck's apartment, standing close together in front of the kitchen island.
GIF 1: Buck looking at Tommy, blinking coyly as he says, "Trying to get your attention has been kind of exhausting."
GIF 2: Tommy's brow creasing in confusion, his gaze darting away for a second before meeting Buck's again. He says, "My attention?"
GIF 3: Buck laughing, looking away for a second before he laughs slightly self-deprecatingly, saying, "Yeah, I guess so. I mean, I...I did maim my best friend."
GIF 4: Tommy smiling slightly at Buck, watching him intensely.
GIF 5: Buck looking down for a second as he continues saying, "My sister says there are better ways to get someone's atten-", cut off by Tommy gripping his chin and pulling him into a kiss.
GIF 6: Buck and Tommy kissing. Tommy has two fingers under Buck's jaw before he lets go. Over Tommy's shoulder, Buck's hand hovers.
GIF 7: A continuation of the previous gif, Buck's hand still hovering over Tommy's shoulder. Tommy presses forward for one moment before they separate slowly, their eyes still closed.
GIF 8: Buck looking up slowly, his eyes hooded and dazed as he pants. His expression is shocked.
GIF 9: Tommy watching Buck, his gaze flickering to Buck's lips as he quietly asks, "Like that?"
GIF 10: Buck, still looking dazed, says, "Yeah, that works."
/end ID]
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megalony · 4 months
Look After You- Part 2
Thank you all for the lovely feedback on the first part of my Buck x reader x Eddie series, I hope you will all like this next part. Any comments are always lovely.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem@sj-thefanthefan@hellsdragon@im-an-adult-ish@crazylittlethingg@allauraleigh@onceuponadetectivedemigod@ceres27@avyannadawn@sleepylunarwolf@coverupps@justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii  @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz
Evan Buckley Masterlist
Part 1
Summary: (Y/n) has to go on restricted duty at the station when she's pregnant. But it's not as easy as it looks, especially when she starts to feel unwell.
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A wide grin spread across Evan's face and he dumped his bag down along with his shoes by the side of the door before he reached his hands out in front of him. He held his arms out and let Chris run into him at full speed, giggling in his ear as he clearly found something very amusing.
"Hey, how was school, did you have a good day?" He leaned back up and pulled Chris with him, holding him against his chest as he took a few steps into the hall.
"Good, look. Look!" The excitement was clear in Chris's voice and he leaned back and held out the photograph in his hand that Evan hadn't noticed a few seconds ago.
He made his way into the living room, holding Chris easily in one arm while he gently took the photo from him and held it up to see what it was. A wave of anticipation and surprise flooded Evan's veins when he realised what the black and white photograph was.
The scan photo.
(Y/n) had today off and Eddie had been on the night shift while Evan was on the early shift today. Their mix-matched shifts meant that Eddie had the time to go to (Y/n)'s scan with her today, whereas Evan had to go to work. He wasn't impressed at missing the scan. Evan wanted to be there, he wanted to see their baby appear on the screen and hear the heartbeat and see for himself and make sure everything was alright.
He didn't care what kind of looks they would get if both he and Eddie turned up at the scan and had to say that this was a poly relationship and this child was both of theirs. But Evan was hoping to go to the next appointment.
"Ah, you got the photo for me. What you reckon, baby brother or sister, hm?" Evan carefully eased Chris down to his feet and watched him slump on the sofa with a grin and turn the tv back on.
"Brother. Dad's not happy."
Unease rattled through Evan as he shrugged his coat off and did a quick glance around. He couldn't see either of his partners. He looked back down at the photo and traced his thumb across the grey image that was his baby.
"Don't know, he slammed the door." Chris brushed his hand against his nose before he reached out for the games control so he could set up the tv to play a game. He couldn't understand why two of his three parents came home unhappy, but he knew his dad wasn't pleased when he slammed the front door and then the bedroom door.
With a nod of his head, Evan ruffled Chris's hair and headed out the living room towards the kitchen. He smiled softly when he noticed another scan photo was pinned on the fridge. That meant this copy was for Evan, he could put it in his wallet later.
"Hi sweetheart," Evan reached his arm out and reeled (Y/n) into his chest when she walked down the hall. He pressed a kiss to her temple and kept her tucked up into his chest as he moved into the kitchen and tugged (Y/n) with him. He felt her arms cocoon around his chest and her face tucked into his chest making him smile against the top of her head.
He tucked the picture in his back pocket and leaned into the fridge to grab a drink while he stayed curled around (Y/n).
"Good shift, baby?"
"Hm, not too bad really. So, how'd it go? Don't keep me in suspense."
Evan leaned his hips back against the counter and placed the beer bottle down behind him before his hands grabbed at (Y/n)'s hips. He slipped his hands into the waistband of her jeans and tugged her between his legs until her hands fell on his chest and she smiled softly.
Her eyes trailed down to her stomach when Evan curved his hand round and pulled the hem of her shirt up so his fingers could dance over her stomach. She didn't quite have a bump yet, but her shape was beginning to change and (Y/n) knew both her boys were just dying to see a bump start to form.
"It was good-"
"Good? You call that appointment good?" Sarcasm dripped from Eddie's voice as he walked into the kitchen and leaned against the counter across from them. He arched his back out and folded his arms over on the side as his brows rose and he looked at (Y/n) with something close to a glare.
Unease washed over Evan and his hands slipped out her jeans and moved to cup her hips again. He darted his eyes between them both, waiting impatiently for someone to tell him what that comment implied. If something bad happened at the appointment, one of them would have called Evan, even if he had been at work.
"What does that mean? Did something happen?" Evan didn't like the silence he was met with, or the way (Y/n) curved her arms around his waist and tilted her head into his chest to hide herself away. "Come on, someone tell me what happened."
Eddie pushed off the counter and cocked a hip to the side, one hand on his waist while the other arm stayed leaning on the counter.
"Do you want the bad news, or the bad news?"
"Eddie!" (Y/n) pressed her cheek into Evan's chest and glared at her partner, scowling as she hissed his name with daggers shooting his way. He couldn't say something like that and panic Evan, it wasn't fair. And she didn't want to have this conversation like this because it wasn't easy. Eddie had barely spoken to her since they came home and now he was taking this conversation into his own hands.
"Since her first appointment, she's started to lose weight instead of putting any on. And her blood pressure is going through the roof."
Adrenaline sparked in (Y/n)'s stomach and her fingers tightened into Evan's back when she felt him stiffen in front of her. His hands squeezed her hips and he leaned back until (Y/n) finally relented and looked up at him through hooded lashes.
"You've lost weight? Baby, you're supposed to do the opposite." Evan's jaw clenched and his lips pursed when (Y/n) looked back down at his chest and leaned her forehead on his sternum.
He could feel her breaths start to run away without her and pant into his shirt and it made his hands tighten around her hips. Evan didn't want her to panic or get upset but this wasn't a good situation to be in. She couldn't start to lose weight when she was supposed to be gaining weight and eating more than this. They both knew (Y/n) still wasn't eating properly because of her morning sickness, but Evan didn't think it was this bad.
"If we can't get her to eat properly within the week, she has to go into hospital for observation."
The way Evan tensed up and let go of (Y/n) made her flinch and she coiled her arms to her chest when Evan moved his hands to grip the counter behind him and he stared down at her. Was she really this ill? Was she really getting bad enough for them to think about admitting her to hospital?
"I'm not that ill-"
"Babe, if you don't manage to eat anything we won't have a choice. You could lose the baby if you keep deteriorating like this-" Eddie stopped talking the moment he saw tears begin to flush down (Y/n)'s face. He watched the way she began to tremble but it was the small, almost silent whimper passing through her wobbling lips that made Eddie flinch.
"I- I can't help it…" (Y/n) couldn't, she wasn't doing this on purpose. She couldn't help the fact that her morning sickness was starting to overtake everything else. Any food started to come back up with vengeance and anything she tried to drink didn't stay down for long.
The midwife said it was dangerous for her to start losing weight like this and with her blood pressure being consistently high and her food and fluid intake being low, she was in the danger zone. She had an appointment for next week and if her levels were still low, she would be admitted onto a ward until she could start to eat consistently and perk back up.
"Mi amor… that's not what I'm saying but we can't carry on like this. You're not telling us when you're throwing up, I didn't know you hadn't eaten for two days straight, you can't hide that from us."
"Two days? Jesus baby- fuck. Baby you have to let us look after you." Evan reached back out for (Y/n) and curled his hands around her hips when she pushed forward into Eddie's chest.
She didn't want either of them to be mad at her. Her hands shook against Eddie's chest which made him feel worse and he curled his arms around her, tightly squeezing her into his chest. His lips pressed to the top of her head but when his eyes locked with Evan, the panic was clear in them. They couldn't let her get any worse than this or she would end up in the hospital which none of them wanted.
"I don't, I don't wanna lose another baby."
"We won't let that happen, mi amor."
Neither Eddie or Evan wanted to think back to that time just over a year ago. They didn't want to remember that night when Eddie went into the bathroom at midnight and found (Y/n) collapsed on the floor. Evan couldn't forget the panicked phone call he got saying Eddie had ferried Chris to his Abuela and taken (Y/n) down to the hospital.
By the time Evan got there, (Y/n) was on a drip and a blood transfusion and he had to be told she'd suffered a miscarriage. None of them knew she had been pregnant.
(Y/n) didn't want to feel that pain again. She didn't want to stay in hospital for a week with an infection and then develop sepsis. She didn't want the pain of going home knowing she'd lost a child she had no idea about. And (Y/n) knew about this baby. She had seen a sonogram and heard the heartbeat, her heart was already attached to this baby. A piece of her and her boys.
She couldn't lose another baby, but she didn't know what to do when she tried so hard and nothing seemed to work.
She tried taking complan shakes but she threw them up. She tried eating fruit or sugary foods and tried to drink as much as she could. Every hour she forced herself to drink a glass of juice or water or pop but nothing stayed down for long.
"Is the baby okay?" Evan kept his voice quiet and directed his question over to Eddie because he could see (Y/n) was starting to shut down. His lips pressed to the back of her head while his hands slowly smoothed up and down (Y/n)'s arms and shoulders.
"Luckily. I'm gonna get a few IVs from inventory and hook her up to them tomorrow. We've been given anti-sickness tablets, vitamins, and high protein and fibre shakes. The cupboards full so we'll have to see if any of them work this week."
Eddie had come home looking like he had robbed the pharmacy. He had two boxes of anti sickness tablets that (Y/n) had to take three times a day so she could try and eat meals. She had vitamins to take every morning, folic acid tablets to have once a day. And some prescribed complan shakes that couldn't be bought over the counter. They were specially made up of fibre and protein and more supplements to try and perk (Y/n) up and make her keep her weight instead of lose any.
If they worked, (Y/n) would have them on prescription every month and she could start to get better. If they didn't, she would be in hospital.
"Come on, you need to start them now before we try and eat." Eddie kissed the top of (Y/n)'s head before he slowly untangled from her and weaved around behind Evan.
They would be eating dinner soon and (Y/n) needed her meds up to an hour before she ate so her stomach could settle and the meds could get in her system. Eddie was praying this worked. He didn't want to think of the alternative if this didn't go well.
"Jesus." Evan's eyes narrowed when he looked over at the bag Eddie got down from the cupboard.
(Y/n) leaned back into Evan's chest when he moved over and pressed his hips back against the counter near the stove. He curved his arms around her waist and held her against his chest with his chin perched on top of her head. Both of them watched Eddie scan through the boxes and try to sort them out. When it came to medicine, they let Eddie organise and sort everything out, it was much easier that way.
"Okay… two anti-sickness tablets, and you can have the vitamins now and start the acid tablets in the morning."
Adrenaline sparked in (Y/n)'s stomach and she clenched her hands down on Evan's wrists when she watched Eddie place the meds into one of Chris's small plastic medicine cups.
Tablets didn't seem to stay down at the moment; nothing (Y/n) tried to take would stay down for very long.
"Can you crush them?" She might have a better chance of keeping them down if they were crushed. Then they would get into her system faster and dissolve quicker so (Y/n) had less chance of throwing them back up and it might make it easier to eat dinner.
But her face dropped when Eddie shook his head. "They're slow release mi amor. Try take them with one of the protein shakes."
Eddie opened one of the bottles and handed it across to (Y/n) with the little cup of tablets. He leaned his hip against the sink and folded his arms over his chest as he and Evan watched her closely. The anticipation was clear on their faces and in the way they took slow, deep breaths. They were hoping this would work. They all were.
Tentatively, (Y/n) sniffed the drink but her throat tensed and her nose crinkled when the smell of strawberry flooded her nose.
It didn't smell appealing.
It tasted better than it smelled, but it didn't go down well. It felt like cooling metal sliding down her stomach and it settled heavy within the first few seconds. Some foods tasted normal to (Y/n) and she tried to eat but even if it was good or smelled appealing, she threw it up anyway because her body wasn't accepting anything and she couldn't understand why or change it around.
She downed another mouthful and had the vitamin first but her foot began tapping against the floor when her stomach rotated.
With a grimace, (Y/n) chugged down the two anti-sickness tablets and a large gulp of the protein shake before she put the bottle down and tried to hold her breath and see if it made her feel better.
"Don't they do the soluble emmetics?" Evan's lips pressed to the back of (Y/n)'s head when he could see she was struggling.
"Not over the counter," Eddie pulled at his lower lip and scratched his hand down his chin. Soluble emmetics were given at the hospital through IVs and monitored closely. They didn't serve them through the pharmacy, not even on prescription. But they were going to have to get something else if (Y/n) couldn't keep these down.
(Y/n) slammed the back of her hand forcefully against her mouth as she gagged and closed her eyes. Tilting her head back into Evan's shoulder to try and stop herself from throwing up.
She wasn't letting herself get any worse than this. She would keep the tablets down and make herself eat. Somehow. She wasn't going back to hospital.
"Hey Eds, what's up?" Evan turned the radio down and leaned his elbow against the window as he slouched back in the driver's seat. He let his eyes glance to his phone clipped next to the steering wheel where Eddie's icon popped up on the screen.
He couldn't help but smile at Eddie's rather precise timing. Evan had just finished taking Chris out for a drink before he dropped him off at a friend's house for tea.
"Hey, is (Y/n) with you?"
"With me? No. I've just dropped Chris off at Adam's house, she should have left by now." Evan had been out the house for a few hours now, doing odd jobs with Chris and dropping him off. He hadn't seen (Y/n) since he left home and she was on shift this afternoon so she should have already gone by now. She didn't tag along with Evan because she knew she would have to get ready for work.
"No, Buck she's not here, she's late and she isn't answering the phone. Do me a favour and check if she's coming in or not. I can tell Cap she needs another day off if she needs me to."
Evan ran his hand over his face before he clicked the indicator on and turned a sharp right corner. He thought the house would be empty, which was why he had been about to make his way to Maddie's house to see her. Evan didn't like being home by himself.
But he would gladly swing by home and check in on (Y/n). She had cancelled her last shift and Bobby said it was fine if she needed to cancel or swap her shifts around. But she wasn't answering the phone and Eddie didn't know if she was running late or if she had decided not to come in today.
"Alright, I'm almost home I'll ring you back and let you know."
"Thank you."
Evan said a quick goodbye before he ended the call and turned to pull up in the drive.
(Y/n)'s car was still here. She hadn't left yet. Either she was taking the day off or she was just running late, but that didn't settle well with Evan. In the four years he had known (Y/n), he had never known her to be late for work. She turned up early whether there was a raging storm outside or whether she looked like she was on death's door. Being late wasn't something she knew how to do.
He locked the jeep and headed up to the door, jingling his keys as he unlocked the door and headed inside. The tv was playing an old music channel, but when Evan walked through the hall, he couldn't see her.
"Babe? Baby, you okay?" He wandered down the hall towards the bedroom but he paused in front of the bathroom when he noticed the light was on and the door was slightly ajar. "Baby?" He rapped his knuckles on the door before he pushed it open.
His blood ran cold when he stepped inside. Goosebumps prickled on his flesh and a cold shiver ran beneath the surface of his skin when he locked his eyes on (Y/n).
She was curled up on the floor in front of the toilet, both arms slumped around the toilet bowl and her head was limp on her arm. Evan could see tears soaked into her face and as soon as her blurry eyes set on him, he watched her lower lip begin to wobble before she started to whimper.
"Baby what happened?"
Evan let his knees crash down to the tiled floor and he carefully cupped (Y/n)'s face in his hands and lifted her head up so he could look her over. His thumbs smoothed beneath her eyes and wiped away the tremendous tears that started to fall when she looked up at him.
His eyes narrowed and his thumb swiped across her lower lip which he pulled down while he leaned forward. Her lips were chapped and broken. When he moved his hand to press his palm against her forehead, Evan could feel she was burning up and her skin was flushed with sweat.
"T-three drinks, and my m-meds…" (Y/n) nudged her nose against Evan's wrist before she looked over towards the toilet until he understood.
She'd thrown up all the meds she had taken this morning and the drinks she had tried to take to bulk herself up ready for her shift. She thought if she managed to drink something, she might last on shift and be okay until she came home in the morning. But everything she had, she threw up and now she was feeling the effects.
(Y/n) hadn't managed to keep her dinner down or her tea last night. She couldn't stomach breakfast and she had thrown up the slice of toast she tried to have for lunch today.
"Oh baby, just hang in there for a minute, okay?"
Evan kissed her burning temple before he pushed up and moved to the bathroom cabinet. He found the thermometer and blood pressure cuff before he knelt back down beside her and slipped the cuff up her arm. (Y/n) didn't grumble or protest, she just let her head flop back onto her other arm while the band tightened around her bicep until spots danced in front of her eyes.
Her vision blacked out for a few seconds but she could see the colours starting to come back once Evan pressed the thermometer in her ear.
(Y/n) tried to lift herself up but as soon as she was sat up, her head started to spin and the headache behind her eyes got worse. She flopped forward, barely hearing Evan hiss her name as he reached out for her. His hands grappled with her arms and he slumped her body into his chest and tucked his chin on top of her head while he fished his phone out his pocket.
"Hey Buck, is she coming in?"
"Eddie, I'm taking her to the emergency room."
"What? Why?" The panic was evident in his voice and Evan winced at Eddie's pitch. It sounded like he was on speakerphone with how loud he was talking.
"She's dehydrated, like, thrown everything up and all her meds. And her BP's crashing, it's eighty over seventy."
Evan had been expecting a high blood pressure reading, but with everything (Y/n) had thrown up, her body was starting to go into shock. She was trembling horribly against Evan's chest and she was barely conscious. Her blood pressure was dropping fast and if they didn't level it out soon, it would take a toll on her heart.
"Shit. Go and I'll meet you down there. Try and keep her awake and get some water or something down her."
As soon as the call ended, Evan shoved his phone in his pocket and curved his arms around (Y/n) to hoist her up. "Alright baby, up we go." He didn't like the way (Y/n)'s head limply flopped against his shoulder or the shaking that started to make his arms tremble around her.
"I'm s-sorry."
"What're you talking about, baby? I don't wanna hear that, you've got nothing to be sorry about." His lips pressed to her burning forehead as he headed down the hall and made his way out towards the jeep.
There was no reason for (Y/n) to be apologising to him, she hadn't done anything wrong. This wasn't her fault. She hadn't orchestrated this or planned it or prayed for something like this to happen and Evan hated seeing her crying helplessly in his arms like this.
He tried to be careful and ease (Y/n) down into the passenger seat and when her head lolled to the side, Evan gripped her chin and pushed her head back up. He tugged on her chin until she looked over at him through squinted eyes.
"Stay awake, baby or we'll both be in big trouble with Eds, got it?"
(Y/n) hummed and tried to blink to refocus her vision. She let her head slump forward onto Evan's shoulder when he leaned around her to pull her belt across and she felt him kiss her temple before he shut the door and moved to get into the driver's seat.
She barely heard him demand 'drink' while he placed a water bottle in her hand that he had lying around in the door pocket. But two sips had (Y/n) leaning forward, spluttering the water back out. And her hand started to shake so badly water trickled down her wrist and her fingers pinched and crumpled the plastic.
She dumped the bottle down in the cup holder and curved her arms around her stomach, groaning at the pain. Her stomach was tied up in knots, aching and burning, desperate for the sensation of eating something even though her body was going against her. The back of her throat was on fire and the acid burned on her tongue from throwing up everything from water to bile.
A groan tumbled past her lips and she tilted her head forward, binding her arms tighter around her waist as horrid tremors started to tear through her and she began to gag. There was nothing left to throw up but she couldn't stop even as she coughed and gasped for air.
Evan wasn't surprised to see that Eddie had reached the hospital before him. It was closer to the station and Bobby would have sanctioned Eddie leaving his shift early once Eddie explained what was happening.
He could see his partner stood on the side of the pavement, both hands on his hips and one foot tapping madly against the floor like he was drumming a beat and getting rid of the excess energy rattling through his body. The moment Eddie's eyes clocked the familiar jeep, he jogged forward and followed as Evan pulled up in the closest space he could get to the emergency room.
He was barely out the door before Eddie reached the passenger side and flung the door open.
His hands reached in for (Y/n) and he nudged her to sit back up in the seat with his hands clamped down on her neck so he could assess her. Eddie's thumbs pulled down her eyelids so he could look around her eyes before he did the same to her lips, seeing they were pale and discoloured on the inside and her lips were cracking from dehydration.
"Eddie," (Y/n) tried her best to smile and scrunched her fingers into his shirt when she realised it was him leaning over her. She saw the way his worried lips fluttered up into a tight smile and he pecked her cheek before he looped his arms around her waist.
"Come here, mi amor. Let's take you inside," His hands firmly gripped her lower back around her hips and he leaned her weight onto his chest as he slid her down from the seat.
Her legs trembled and buckled but Eddie held her up and shuffled backwards until he was back on the pavement.
"Let me carry you-" His shoulders tensed and he winced when (Y/n) started to cry. She shook her head and he quickly realised she had noticed where they were.
She didn't want to go to hospital. She didn't want to be back here again. (Y/n) only came to the emergency room when they were dropping patients off in the ambulance. (Y/n) didn't want to be back here for herself. The last time she came here was when she had stumbled inside with Eddie wrapped around her, trying to stop her hyperventilating when she started to bleed out in the car.
She came here because she had a miscarriage and (Y/n) didn't want to do that again. She could remember the pain she felt when she came here, and now one of her boys had to stay with her every day because she started to deteriorate.
She got a horrible infection that left her delerious and drowsy and when she got sepsis, her kidneys had started to lose function. (Y/n) had been extremely lucky to recover quickly from sepsis and have her infection clear up before it got any worse.
The last time she went into the emergency room, she didn't come back out for almost two weeks.
"No, E-Eddie p…please, no-" (Y/n) tried to pull out of his arms but she soon realised Eddie was the only thing keeping her upright. And when she pulled back, her knees caved in and she crashed down to the pavement.
Her hands scraped along the gravel as she tried in vain to turn herself around and move back towards the car. She wanted to go home. She wanted someone to look after her at home, not here. Hospital was where she got the infection and lost the baby.
She wanted to stay at home with an IV. That had made her feel so much better last week when she had fluids straight into her system that way and although it wasn't an alternative or a good long term solution, (Y/n) wanted to do that. Just until she got get her morning sickness under control.
"Sorry baby girl, but we have to." Before she could stop him or had chance to shuffle away, Evan reached down and scooped her up. He lifted her up and leaned her on his shoulder with her head slumped down on his back and her knees imbedded into his lower stomach.
His arm locked around the back of her thighs like an iron bar and he swiftly followed Eddie down the path before Eddie reached his arm out towards a paramedic climbing down from an empty ambulance. He knew it looked a lot like they had suddenly kidnapped (Y/n), but they didn't have any other choice. She wasn't helping them and she needed to get seen by a doctor before something bad happened to her.
"Excuse me- we need help."
The woman glanced at them with a very perplexed, worried look until she looked Eddie up and down and realised he was wearing a fire department uniform. That seemed to count for something because she nodded to her partner and waved towards the gurney.
"Baby- no, baby please. We're trying to help you." Evan laid (Y/n) down on the gurney with great difficulty and once she was laid on her back, he grabbed her wrists. He held them as tightly as he could and pinned her arms into his chest while he leaned over the side of the gurney as (Y/n) wriggled and pulled her knees up to her stomach.
"She's fifteen weeks pregnant with severe morning sickness, she's dehydrated and BP's plummeting. She can't even keep anti-emmetics down."
"This way." The paramedics both wheeled the gurney through the ambulance entrance into the emergency room, bypassing the usual reception and waiting room since (Y/n) was now a priority case. They headed down a long corridor with Eddie on one side and Evan on the other, doubled over the gurney like he was trying to climb on top of it with (Y/n)'s arms against his chest.
"It's only immediate family through here, you can wait through there in reception."
Evan's eyes darted up from (Y/n) to Eddie when the other medic pointed at Eddie and motioned towards the corridor leading to reception. They were about to go into a restricted area for emergency consultations and treatment. Not many people were allowed down here and she clearly thought Eddie was on duty and Evan was the loved one since he was holding (Y/n) down on the gurney.
"We're her partners."
"Both of you?" The medic looked between them with an odd glance as she swiped her keycard over the door to open it.
"Yes. Do you have a problem with that?" Evan's tone was as sharp as a razor and his eyes were full of anger. He would fight her if she dared try and tell him one of them had to wait out here. They weren't leaving (Y/n) alone when she needed them both and she didn't like hospitals. They were going to make sure she was okay and got looked after. No one was getting in their way.
"Right this way."
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lyjen · 2 months
Ask for help pt. 2
Evan Buckley x Sister reader
A request by: @shauna-carsley - The request
Summary: As (y/n) and her fiancé get hit by a drunk driver, she loses the love of her life. Her family and best friend are trying to help her whenever and where they possibly can. Until she shuts them out.
9-1-1 masterlist
Taglist: Let me know if you want to be added in the comments or message me! 😊🫶🏽
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(Y/n) is standing in front of the station. Simply just staring at the giant red garage doors. After weeks of physical therapy, and talking to Frank she was back at work. She took one more deep breath, and walked into the firehouse.
With her bag slung over her shoulder, she walked over the threshold into the firehouse and made her way towards the locker room. When she heard a familiar voice calling through the firehouse. “Well if it isn’t my favorite paramedic!” Eddie’s voice spoke as he ran down stairs and across the floor towards his best friend. He opened his arms and pulled her into a hug. “Finally we get to work together again” he spoke as he almost squeezed her to death.
A smile formed on (y/n)’s face, Eddie’s arm patted on her back and he pulled back. Eddie held her shoulders as he scanned her body. She was looking good. She finally was dragged out of that deep dark hole.”I'm so proud of you” he said as he once more pulled her close and pressed a small kiss on the back of her head.
Eddie was happy to see that she actually was getting better.He slung his arm around her shoulder as he walked with her between the trucks, towards the locker room. “Are you ready for your first shift back?” he asked. She sighed, “Yeah.. I think I'm ready to get back out there, and actually do what I love.”
It has been a rough couple of weeks, months. Ever since Eddie came over to her house and confronted her with her problems, they’ve been closer than ever. Which even (y/n) didn’t know that was possible. She has been close to Eddie for years, but to think that this horrible situation actually made them become even closer, filled her heart with love. Eddie had helped (y/n) a lot in these last couple of weeks. If Eddie didn’t show up when he did, she still might have been in her bed, crying over Jay, or maybe she wouldn’t even have made it this far.
She went to therapy, which helped a lot. (Y/n) wasn’t the kind of person to talk to a stranger about her feelings, it made her uncomfortable. But she knew she needed help, so she had to just step out of her comfort zone, and set her standards aside and talk to Frank. What also helped was that she knew she had the entire 118 who had her back. Even if it was only a phone call or a text, it was enough for her. It made her feel like she was being seen.
A smile was spread across Eddie’s face as she said those words. “We’re happy to have you back (y/n), It hasn’t been the same here without you.” he spoke. (Y/n) softly nodded, while she pressed her lips into a thin line, not really knowing what to say.
She was happy to be back at the firehouse, but she was scared for this shift. It has been a while since she gave medical advice. But she knew she had her fellow paramedics to lean on, Eddie, Hen and Chimney would be there every step of the way.
(Y/n) walked into the locker room, following after Eddie. “Well if it isn’t my favorite Buckley sibling!” Bobby said as his eyes spotted her walking into the room. Bobby tied the lace of his boot and made his way towards the female firefighter who just entered the room.
Her brother was right there, just pressing the last button of his shirt. Evan scoffed at Bobby’s words, “Hello? "I'm right here!” he said offended, but Bobby just ignored him. Evan didn't seem too happy with Bobby calling her his favorite Buckley. But, for now he could live with that. He loved his sister, and he was happy to see her back at work again. So if that would mean that she was at the moment Bobby’s favorite, he was okay with that.
Evan felt a hand land on his shoulder, when he looks to the left he sees Eddie just laughing at his comment.
“Welcome back firefighter Buckley, glad to have you back.” Bobby said as he squeezed her shoulder. Her eyes wandered from the hand on her shoulder to Bobby. “Thanks cap, it’s good to be back again.” Bobby’s hand slipped away from her shoulder and he left the locker room.
“Ready for the chaos today, sis?” Evan spoke as (Y/n) let her bag fall onto the bench in front of her locker. “Are you ever really ready?” she asked as she started to peel off the taped on name of the floater who used the locker. Evan smiled at her reaction, that was the kind of reaction he would’ve expected from his sister. He was happy to see this side of her again. This time she wasn’t screaming at him, crying or feeling down. “We’ll leave you to it.” Eddie said as he walked out of the locker room with Evan following close behind him, when Evan stopped as he passed by his sister.
“If there’s anything wrong, just tell me. Okay? I'm here for you.” he spoke as he reassuringly squeezed her upper arm. “I know..” she says as she lays her hand on his and rubs up and down on the back of his hand. Evan gave her a small smile and jogged out of the locker room. “Oh and Buck..” Evan stopped in his tracks and turned around to face his sister once more. “Thank you… for not giving up on me.” she said while she fiddled her uniform shirt in her hands.
The sirens of the trucks and ambulance roared through the streets of Los Angeles. The blue and red lights were lighting up the night sky of Los Angeles, as they raced towards the scene.
The entire day the 118 had been on small calls like: cats that needed rescuing from trees and small kitchen fires. But this one sounded like they were going to be busy for a moment.
The ambulance pulled to a stop as Hen stepped on the brake. “We got this, lets go” Hen gave (y/n) a small peptalk. She trusted her, even though this was her first shift after her accident.
(Y/n) pushed the passenger door of the ambulance open and hopped out. She opened the door of the ambulance and she grabbed the medic bag from the back. But when she turned her face towards the scene, her stomach turned and she got the feeling like she couldn’t breathe.
It was exactly the situation she would’ve been in if she steered one inch to the left or right. She just stood there, like she had turned into a statue. The chaotic sounds on scene became an echo, nothing came through. Everything around her seems to be moving in slow motion.
She wanted to move, she really did. But it felt like her legs were made of stone, and she couldn’t seem to move. “(Y/n)?” An echo of her name sounded through her eardrums, but as soon as she felt a hand on her shoulder, she woke up from her trance. “(Y/n)? Are you coming?” Hen asked her partner. (Y/n) shook off the thought, “Yeah” she whispered, barely audible, and she followed Hen towards the scene.
The car crashed into a concrete wall and had just missed a tree.
Before the team came up with a plan on how to open the driver's door, (y/n) quickly put her index and middle finger on the neck of the victim, checking for his pulse. “He has a pulse but it’s barely there!” she said as she ran towards the other side of the car, which was busted open with a halligan so (Y/n) could enter the car.
Before she could get into the passenger side of the car, she stopped in her tracks as a vague figure stepped forward. “That could’ve been you.” his voice spoke. It was Jay. His voice. His body. The whole picture, it was here.
She felt like she was going to lose it right here, right now. (Y/n) closed her eyes for a second, “He’s not real.” she whispered to herself, and she got in the car. She had to stay focussed, she was going to prove herself and her team that she still could do her job, after all she had been through.
(Y/n) had heard his voice inside her head for weeks. But it looked like, just as everything in her life started to get good again, her mind was telling her no.
She leaned her left leg onto the chair and her right leg was balancing her on the floor of the car as she tried to access the man. The victim's head was leaning against the steering wheel, with lots of blood on the right side of the person's face. His head had hit the windshield. (Y/n) could see his eye rolling to the back of his head as she carefully helped the man to sit up straight so she could put on the neck brace.
The figure she was imagining was now in the back of the car, leaning over to look at what she was doing. “Well, that was too late for me” he said. That was typically what he would’ve said. He was the one with the darkest humor and the sarcasm all over the place.
She shook her head at the reaction of the figure. Maybe it would go away if she just ignored it and stayed focussed on the job. A shiver rolled down her spine as she took a look at the man’s face. It looked so much worse than she thought. “Hen, get me a neck brace!” she called over to her partner, who passed her a neck brace. She carefully slipped on the brace and secured it around her neck.
In the meanwhile Eddie was opening the driver’s door with the jaws so they could easily help the man get out of the car on a backboard.
“Let’s get a backboard!” Eddie yelled at the team, who passed the backboard towards the driver’s side of the car.
“Watch his head” Eddie warned the other firefighters as Eddie and Evan turned the man on his seat and slipped him onto a backboard. Another firefighter already had the gurney waiting on the side “Let’s move it!” Eddie spoke as a bunch of firefighters carried the backboard with the man on it towards the gurney and carefully heaved him over onto the gurney.
When (Y/n) stepped out of the car, and took a few steps back from the vehicle.
“You did a great job.” Jay’s voice sounded proud.
She let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding in, but it sounded more like a cry. Both her hands went into her hair and she let herself fall down on her knees. She felt like she was going to lose her mind all over again. Tears were rolling down her face.
(Y/n) knew she had to step into that ambulance with Hen, but as soon as Bobby saw her there, in the middle of the street. He told Chimney to get in the back of the ambulance and drive with Hen towards the hospital. Bobby knew she needed a minute as soon as he looked at her face.
“Hey hey hey! You okay?” Evan spoke up as he kneeled down beside his sister and slid his hand onto her shoulder, trying to comfort her.
She let her hands slide over her face, to wipe away her tears and to process what the hell just happened. (Y/n) looked silently at her brother, “I think so.. just, some stress I guess.” she whispered as she leaned her forehead against his shoulder.
“Sounds like this call was a little too close to home, Am I right?” Evan asked as he placed his hand on the back of her head, reeling her into his body. He felt her head nod against his shoulder as an answer to his question.
Her hands slipped underneath his arms to reach his back and she turned her head so her ear was now against his chest. They just stayed silent for a bit, hugging each other. That’s what she needed for a long time, someone who would just give her a hug sometimes.
Sure, she would get hugs from Eddie. But right now what she wanted was a hug from her brother, the brother who raised her, the same way Maddie raised Evan. And just tell her that everything was going to be okay. That she would be okay.
She pulled back from the hug and let her hands rest on his forearms. “This all made me think of.. what I’ve been through or what could’ve happened.” she spoke up as she looked down at her knees that were connected with the asphalt.
Evan nodded at her confession, he understood what she meant. This call was almost an exact copy of the situation she was in months ago. He remembered that night, the way his heart dropped at the sight. The way he wished that it wasn’t his sister’s car that crashed into the tree. The way he screamed her name on the top of his lungs.
After a few counts of silence (y/n)’s voice made its way through Evan’s eardrums. “I’ve been seeing him.” she whispered.
Evan’s face morphed into a confused look, he didn’t understand what she said. She has been seeing him? What did she mean by that? “What?” Evan said as he furrowed his eyebrows at his sister.
“Jay. Sometimes I can just see him, and sometimes I can only hear his voice. I know I sound like a crazy person-”
“No, no, no! Not at all. You’re not crazy.” Evan interrupted as he felt like (Y/n) was sounding like she was going to rattle. “You’ve been through a traumatizing event, of course it’s gonna leave its scars. And I do believe that you can hear him or sometimes see him, and that’s fine.” He tries to comfort her.
He moved his hand to the back of her head as he looked into his sister’s eyes.
“To me it sounds like you will never forget Jay the way he was. That you won’t remember him as the Jay you saw when you crashed your car.” Tears were welling into her eyes again as he said those words. She closed her eyes as she looked down to her knees and a tear escaped her eyelids. She pressed her lips into a thin line as she faced Evan once more. “Thank you” she cried. “Always” And he pushed the hand which was resting on the back of her head towards his chest, so she could bury her face into his chest. “I’ll always be there for you.”
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houseofevanbuckley · 3 days
Part 1 : here
Tommy left. Of course he did.
Who would stay when Evan “Buck” Buckley fucks up again, uh?
He’s back in his room now, in his bathroom, getting ready for a shower and he’s wondering if he can avoid cleaning his lips and his birthmark so he can pretend to still feel Tommy’s touch. Tommy’s lips.
What a teenager.
He slams the door of the shower behind him and lets the water drop on his face, visualise it erasing Tommy’s kiss, his touch, like it never happened.
He doesn’t cry. It’s not his first deception. He knows how to deal with it.
He knows !!
Ok, maybe he doesn’t know. It’s been 2 weeks and his eyes still wander around every rooms he goes into. Around every venues.
Maddie has been on his ass as soon as he dropped his mug at the news of Tommy’s leaving.
And everyday she looks at him suspiciously. She even pulled his best friend Eddie and his son to try to have Buck to come out with it, whatever it was.
Her words. And he almost lost it laughing at the “come out” part. If she knew.
Maybe she should.
It’s been 3 more weeks. Five weeks in total and he called Maddie in his room.
“He kissed me.” He blurts as soon as she’s sitting down.
It’s a sign of how close they are that she doesn’t even need anything else to know what and who they’re talking about immediately.
“Did he force you?” she asks serious.
“What? No, no absolutely not! Why would you even think that?”
“I dont know Evan, maybe because you’ve been hurting for five weeks and now you tell me your bodyguards kissed you before running away and-“
“I liked it Maddie, I liked it so much,” he says, and his eyes fill with tears.
She looks at him for a few seconds before her face finally clear. He knows she gets him. He knows she already knows or guessing what he’s not saying yet.
“Oh Evan,” she says before standing from her seat and comes around to hug him.
They stay like that for a while, before she breaks the silence of the room.
“What happened ?”
“He kissed me. He came into my room, I was freaking out because I said “he” during that show. Because I couldn’t stop thinking about him, and he knocked and he came inside. And he kissed me. And when he asked if it was ok I… I just told him that I was sorry. And then he left. And he really left …”
They stay like that for a long time.
“Why did you say no?”
“Please Maddie… it’s been hard enough for us. Yes mom and dad helped a little but we struggled. YOU struggled so I could have my music lessons, my voice training, my recordings. Everything you did for me…. If I come out now? As what? Bi? People will freak… they’ll hate me. And through me you. They’ll destroy what we built together. What we fought for.”
Maddie looks at him and instead of the understanding he thought he’d see on her face he only see sadness, “Evan … do you truly think that your happiness is not my priority? That I wouldn’t drop everything here if it meant that my baby brother could have all he wants?”
“Maddie… you shouldn’t sacrifice anything for me.”
“And I don’t intend to, but I’d do it in a heartbeat. And I’m sure many of your fans would still love you. Yes maybe we would have shows in smaller venues, but you always said that you liked them more, that it gave you a better bond to your fans. Or maybe you’ll be the first bi-icon of country music here and you’ll explode. We don’t know what the future holds. But we know what you always looked for. We know why your eyes always wander around in a room. What if Tommy is that person that will always be here for you ?”
He can feel the tears sliding slowly down his face.
“How was that kiss, Evan?”
“It was like when I first played on my first guitar…” he says looking at his sister, silently pleading for her to understand what’s the significance of it is. And he sees on her face that she gets it. Like she always does.
“Let’s get your man”
It takes some time. They know where Tommy works easily enough but the tour is now in Canada and Tommy is all the way back to California, to Los Angeles where he works apparently for the Rams.
The fact that they’re away and can’t come back ends up working for them as Maddie put a plan together so Buck can talk to Tommy, and convince him for a second chance.
They’re finally hitting a two weeks break in the tour and they’re back in LA. Buck is looking outside to the game being played.
They’re close to the halftime and he’s getting ready. He knows Maddie is around there, texting Chimney consistently while her husband has the job of keeping Tommy focused on him and close to the playfield so he doesn’t try to run away when he realizes who’s singing.
Of course Chimney was made aware of their plans and it was only his love for romance that probably kept him from blurting it all out to Tommy already.
When the halftime is finally announced and they say that a surprise entertainment has been put together Buck leaves the room and goes outside to get on the stand they put together for him.
He knows where Chimney and Tommy are supposed to be. He knows exactly where to watch. And for the first time he’s scarred of what he’ll see if he let his eyes wander around to find Tommy.
But he still does it.
And here he is. Looking back at him.
Even from where Buck stands he can see how tense Tommy look, and he still drowns in his blue eyes.
He hears the music start and the years of training and experience make him act. He grabs his guitar and start to play.
This time when he says “he” it’s not a mistake.
This time when he says “he” it’s with intention.
This time when he says “he” he shouts it.
And he shouts it again. And again. And again.
His voice never wavers. His eyes barely blink, scared of missing any hints of Tommy’s reaction.
When he switches to a second song, a silly little song just to distract the crowd he sees Tommy moving his head a little. Like he did when he took care of Buck at the venues.
He always pretended to not like Buck’s songs. To not like music at all, but Buck saw him enough time mouthing the words of his songs to know it was just an act.
And when he starts the third song, he can see Tommy singing words for words. He only stumbles a little when Buck says “he” again and he smiles. He smiles at Tommy, and he shouts louder. And louder.
The last notes are still resonating when he shouts a thank you to the crowd that applaud. This time he doesn’t care. The show wasn’t for them.
It was for him.
And he leaves the stand and he walks toward Tommy. He walks across half the field. It’s not what he’s supposed to do. It’s not how the artist is supposed to leave. He had an exit. The same that he used to enter the field.
But Maddie is supposed to have cleared that with them. He doesn’t really care to be honest.
Not now that he’s in front of Tommy and he sees Chimney walks quietly away.
“Hey,” answers Tommy, his face inscrutable.
“I’m so sorry,” says Buck, taking the few more steps that separate them. He can feel the heat from Tommy’s body now. “I’m so sorry,” he repeats.
“I made a mistake. It was ok, Tommy. It was so ok. The okayest”
Tommy huffs, his lips quirking up, “the okayest,uh?”
Buck nods, he’s not sure what he should say now. The plan was to sing for Tommy. To meet him again. To tell him that kiss wasn’t a mistake. That he liked it.
But now in front of Tommy, he feels his lips moving but no sounds leave them.
He doesn’t have to. Not when he feels Tommy fingers rub his jaw, retracing the same pattern they did after their kiss. He rubs his face on that hand like a cat, closing his eyes and then he feels it again. Tommy’s lips.
This time the world goes silent. It goes still. Only Tommy is here, Tommy and Buck.
And when they separate to breathe, the first sound he hears is the little exhale from Tommy and he vows to one day be able to recreate it through music. But now he just pulls Tommy closer to kiss him.
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newobsessionweekly · 3 days
Fire and fight
Main masterlist | The Rookie masterlist
Crossover 911 x The Rookie
Tim Bradford x Buckley!firefighter!reader
Evan "Buck" Buckley x sister!reader
Summary: Tim finds out about the illegal fights and the complicity of your brother and Eddie.
Angst to fluff
Warnings: violence, injuries, illegal activities, not proofread yet
A/N: A little crossover, but it's absolutely safe to read it if you didn't watch 911. Had a little time to spear due to my excruciating back pain that forced me to stay in bed for 2 days (I didn't stay in bed, was just an excuse to not study, yesterday I deep cleaned my whole house + cooked)
Requested: no
Words: 3.5k
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You sit at the worn wooden table in the firehouse, the sounds of laughter and friendly banter filling the air around you. Tim's presence beside you is both comforting and electrifying, his rugged charm and unwavering support a constant in your chaotic world.
You steal a glance at him, admiring the way his eyes crinkle at the corners when he laughs, the way his hand brushes against yours in a subtle yet intimate gesture. You can't help but feel a surge of affection for the man who's become such an integral part of your life.
Despite the lively atmosphere, your mind drifts to the weight of the recent calls you've faced, the images of destruction and loss still fresh in your memory.
You've been together for months now, and though he knows you well, there are parts of yourself you've kept hidden, afraid to expose the darkness that sometimes consumes you.
As the team shares stories and jokes over lunch, Tim's eyes linger on you, his gaze filled with a mixture of adoration and concern.
"You seem distant today," he remarks softly, his hand finding yours under the table. "Everything okay?"
You force a smile, not wanting to burden him with the weight of your troubles.
"Just tired," you reply, squeezing his hand in reassurance. "It's been a rough week."
Tim nods understandingly, his thumb tracing soothing circles on the back of your hand.
"Well, if you need anything, you know I'm here for you, right?"
You nod gratefully, feeling a rush of warmth at his words. Despite your best efforts to keep him at arm's length, Tim has a way of breaking down your defenses and seeing straight through to the heart of you. It both terrifies and exhilarates you, this vulnerability you share with him.
Tim leans in closer to you, his lips brushing against your ear.
"Hey, I was thinking," he murmurs, his breath sending shivers down your spine. "Why don't you sleep over tonight? Just the two of us."
Panic grips you, and you cast a desperate glance at Eddie, your close friend and confidant, silently pleading for help. Eddie meets your gaze with a knowing look, nodding subtly as if to say, 'Go ahead, I've got your back.'
Summoning a smile, you turn back to Tim. "I'd love to, but I promised Eddie I'd help him with Christopher tonight," you lie, the words tasting bitter on your tongue.
Eddie, who was sitting across from you, shook his head subtly before joining your lie.
"And I really appreciate it, Y/N. Thank you."
Tim's disappointment is palpable, and you feel a pang of guilt knowing you're the cause. Lately, it feels like you haven't had much time for each other, your duties pulling you in different directions. But you can't bring yourself to tell him the truth, to let him see the vulnerability lurking beneath your facade.
He gives your hand a gentle squeeze under the table, his eyes filled with understanding.
"It's okay," he says softly, "We'll figure this out."
As the lunch break nears its end, Tim's gaze meets yours with an intensity that sends a shiver down your spine. His hand finds its way to your cheek, his touch gentle yet firm, anchoring you in the present moment. There's a raw vulnerability in his eyes, a silent plea for understanding and acceptance.
"Be safe, okay?" he whispers, his voice a soft caress against your skin.
And then, in a moment of unspoken longing, he leans in, his lips brushing against yours with a tenderness that steals your breath away. Time seems to stand still as the world falls away, leaving only the two of you suspended in a bubble of warmth and intimacy.
The kiss is sweet and gentle, yet filled with a depth of emotion that words could never convey. It's a silent exchange of love and reassurance, a promise to weather whatever storms may come your way. In that fleeting moment, you feel a sense of belonging wash over you, as if all the pieces of your fractured soul have finally found their home.
As Tim pulls away, his eyes meet yours with a mixture of tenderness and longing. It's a bittersweet moment, filled with the promise of what could be and the uncertainty of what lies ahead. But in that moment, all that matters is the warmth of his touch and the softness of his lips.
His forehead rests against yours, and you can see the love and concern in his eyes.
"You be safe too," you whisper.
As Tim leaves for patrol again, you watch him go with a heavy heart. The minute he’s out of sight, Eddie and Buck approach you with serious expressions. Eddie's arm is a solid, reassuring presence at your back as they guide you to the lockers, closing the glass door behind them. Their grave looks make your stomach churn.
Eddie is the first to speak, his voice tinged with frustration.
"I don't like this, Y/N. Lying for you, especially to Tim. He deserves to know what's going on."
Buck crosses his arms, his brows furrowed with concern.
"Seriously, you need to stop this. All of it. Think about what will happen when he finds out. I'm not sure which one he'll kill first."
You shake your head, trying to brush off their worries.
"If he finds out. And he will not, trust me."
Eddie steps closer, his eyes searching yours with a mix of anger and concern.
"How long do you think it'll take before he sees the bruises, huh? Dammit, Y/N, I see them."
You swallow hard, feeling a lump form in your throat.
"You see them because you know where to look."
Buck's voice softens, though his frustration is still evident.
"Tim's a cop, sis. A very good one if you didn't notice. He will find out and when he does—"
Before he can finish, the fire alarm blares through the station, cutting off the conversation. The familiar rush of adrenaline surges through you as the call to action drowns out everything else. You all move quickly, your argument momentarily forgotten as you slip into firefighter mode.
Eddie gives you a lingering look, his eyes filled with unspoken words, before he turns to head to the engine. Buck places a reassuring hand on your shoulder, squeezing lightly.
"We'll talk about this later," he says, his tone softer but still firm.
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The end of the shift arrives like a welcome reprieve, but for you, it's just the beginning of another battle. Driving to the location of the illegal fights, your mind races with a mixture of determination and apprehension. The sight of Eddie's and Buck's cars parked nearby only fuels the fire burning within you as you approach them, your steps heavy with pent-up frustration.
"What are you doing here?" you demand, your voice tight with simmering anger as you confront them.
"Making sure you're okay," Eddie meets your gaze and furrows his brows as he speaks. "I don't want to see Bradford angry. He scares the shit out of me when he's happy..."
Your jaw clenches at the mention of Tim, your thoughts momentarily drifting to the repercussions of him discovering your secret. Pushing those thoughts aside, you shake your head stubbornly.
"I'll be fine, don't worry."
Grabbing a beer from a nearby cooler, you plop down on the trunk of a car, Eddie and Buck flanking you on either side. You crack open the beer and take a long sip, the cool liquid doing little to quell the fire burning inside you.
Buck leans in close, his voice a hushed whisper. "You need to quit these fights, Y/N. It's not worth it."
Eddie nods in agreement, "We're worried about you."
You take a long swig of your beer, the liquid burning a path down your throat.
"I can take care of myself," you mutter.
But Buck's frustration is palpable as he reaches out to grasp your hand.
"We know you can, but this isn't the way to prove it. You're risking your life for what?"
You pull away from his touch, your gaze hardening.
"It's none of your business," you retort, your tone sharp with irritation. "I don't need you to babysit me."
As your name echoes on their lips, the crowd erupts into cheers, their voices blending into a deafening roar as you step into the center of the makeshift ring. Surrounded by eager spectators, you feel the weight of their expectations bearing down on you, fueling the fire that burns within.
Your brother and Eddie watch you from the sidelines, their expressions etched with concern as you face off against your opponent, a behemoth of a man twice your size and weight.
Within the perimeter, surrounded by the thunderous cheers of the crowd, you allow your thoughts to drift away, consumed by the adrenaline coursing through your veins. With each stretch of your limbs, the tension in your muscles tightens, fueling your determination to win.
The fight begins, and you move with a fluidity and grace that belies your size. You dodge and weave, your movements swift and precise as you deliver blows with calculated precision. But the man before you is relentless, his attacks coming fast and furious, each strike leaving a mark.
Blood trickles down your face, the metallic taste lingering on your tongue as you fight back with renewed strength. Your fists fly, each punch landing with a satisfying thud as you refuse to back down. The intensity of the battle is palpable, the air crackling with electricity as you and your opponent trade blows.
In the midst of the chaos, a sense of euphoria washes over you, a rush of exhilaration that eclipses the pain. For a fleeting moment, you feel alive, untethered from the burdens that weigh you down. In that moment, there is only the fight, and the sheer joy of testing your limits.
Your brother's concern etches lines of worry across his forehead as he watches the fight unfold, his eyes darting between you and the towering opponent.
"We should stop her," he insists.
But Eddie shakes his head "It's too late now," he replies, "They have to finish the fight."
Buck hesitates, his hand hovering over his phone as he weighs the consequences of calling your boyfriend. "I'll call Tim," he decides finally.
"Wait, Buck. Think about this." Eddie reaches out, his hand closing around Buck's wrist. "She'll hate us."
Buck hesitates for a moment, weighing his options, before relenting. "Tim's the only one who can talk her out of this," he says, determination in his voice as he dials the number. "She'll thank me later."
Tim arrives shortly after Buck's call, his expression a mask of concern and frustration as he rushes to your side. He had been about to clock out and change when Buck's urgent call came through, his mind racing with worst-case scenarios as he drove the streets to reach the location.
When he sees you, battered and bruised, a pang of heartache grips him. He's torn between wanting to hold you close and shake some sense into you. The sight of your pain is unbearable, and he struggles to contain his emotions as he approaches.
You're taking a break, sipping from a beer while Eddie inspects your wounds, his brow furrowed in concern. Though nothing serious, the bruises will leave their marks.
Despite the pain, you're all smiles and pride, reveling in the thrill of the fight. But when you catch sight of Tim, the smile fades from your face, replaced by a look of guilt.
"Tim?" you say, your voice barely above a whisper as you search his eyes. "What are you doing here?"
Tim's heart clenches at the sight of you, the blood and bruises marring your once flawless skin a stark reminder of the danger you willingly put yourself in.
"No, what are you doing here, Y/N?" he retorts,"What are you thinking? How can you be so reckless?"
"I'm not reckless," you protest, "I like it."
"Look at yourself, Y/N," he implores, his gaze softening. "Do you like what you see? Is this really what you want?"
Before you can respond, the break is over, and the announcer calls your names, signaling the start of the fight once more.
"Gotta go."
Tim watches helplessly as you disappear into the crowd, a sinking feeling settling in the pit of his stomach. Despite his love for you, he knows he can't force you to change, can't protect you from the dangers you willingly face. And as he watches you disappear from view, his heart breaks a little more with each step you take away from him.
As you return to the center of the 'ring', determination burns bright in your eyes, fueled by a desperate need to prove to Tim that you're not in over your head. You know what you're doing, and you're determined to show him that you can handle yourself.
The crowd roars with anticipation as the fight resumes, but this time, you're ready. Every movement is calculated, every strike precise as you weave and dodge with a grace that belies your size. You're quicker, sharper, and more focused than ever before, fueled by a burning desire to prove your worth.
Buck's voice breaks through the chaos, his concern evident as he turns to Tim. "Why don't you stop her, man?" he asks, his eyes pleading for action.
But Tim shakes his head, his gaze fixed on you with a mix of pride and worry. "She hates you for calling me," he replies, his voice tinged with resignation. "No need to have her hate me too."
Eddie chuckles at their exchange, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Told you," he remarks, watching Buck with amusement.
As the fight reaches its climax, you find yourself on top, your opponent unable to keep up with your skill and determination. With one final, decisive blow, you send him sprawling to the ground, the crowd erupting into cheers as you emerge victorious.
As you collect your winnings from the bet, you make your way back to the three men, their concern palpable as they guide you to their cars.
Eddie pulls out the first aid kit, his hands gentle as he cleans up your wounds, his gaze soft with sympathy.
But it's Tim who captures your attention, his arms crossed over his chest, his expression unreadable. You meet his gaze, searching for some sign of understanding, of acceptance, but all you find is disappointment.
In that moment, as you stand before him battered and bruised yet still standing tall, Tim's heart aches with a fierce love for you. He knows he can't protect you from every danger, but he'll be damned if he doesn't try. And as he watches you, his resolve only strengthens, determined to be there for you no matter what.
As Tim pulls out his phone and dials Lucy's number, you can't help but feel a sense of dread creeping over you.
"What are you doing?"
Tim ignores you, his focus on the phone call as he speaks in hushed tones. When he finally hangs up, his expression is grave as he turns to Buck and Eddie, who have finished cleaning up your face.
"Chen's taking a night shift. Can you stay here and make sure no one leaves before the cops arrive?" he asks.
Buck nods solemnly. "Yeah, man. Sure."
You feel defeated as you watch the exchange, knowing that Tim's disappointment is palpable. "Tim..." you start, your voice trailing off as you search for some way to reach him.
But Tim turns away from you, his heart breaking at the sight of your face. "I'm not talking to you now," he says quietly.
Turning back to Buck and Eddie, he issues his final instructions. "Chen will call you when they're close. You leave this place immediately. Understood?"
Buck and Eddie nod in agreement, their expressions somber as they prepare to carry out Tim's orders. As they make their way back, you remain seated on the trunk, swinging your feet like a child who knows they're in trouble.
Tim closes the distance between you, kneeling before you with a tenderness that breaks your heart all over again. Cupping your cheek with one hand, he leans in and presses a gentle kiss to your forehead.
"Come on, baby," he murmurs, his voice soft with tenderness. "You're coming home with me."
You nod silently, too defeated to argue. Climbing into your car, you follow Tim back to his place.
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Tim closes the door behind you, his expression unreadable as he watches you from across the room. Sitting in the middle of the room, you feel like a child who knows she's in trouble, awaiting her punishment with bated breath.
Tim's hand rests gently at your lower back as he guides you to the couch, his touch both comforting and protective. As you settle onto the cushions, a sense of unease settles over you, your heart heavy with guilt and apprehension.
"Are you mad at me?" you finally muster the courage to ask.
Tim's expression softens as he looks into your eyes, his love for you shining through the worry and frustration.
"No, baby," he replies, his voice gentle. "I'm not mad at you. I'm just worried about you. I don't want to lose you."
He takes a deep breath, his fingers tracing patterns on your skin as he struggles to put his feelings into words.
"I don't want to lose you," he admits, "I fear enough when you're out on calls, taking unnecessary risks with Buck to save lives. I don't need to worry about your safety off-duty, too, especially when you're doing something as dangerous as that."
You listen quietly, absorbing his words as he speaks.
"But why?" he asks, his voice pleading. "Why do you do this?"
You hesitate for a moment, grappling with the weight of his question before finally finding the words to respond.
"It's extra money," you admit, your voice tinged with resignation. "And it helps me. When I'm out there, I don't have to think about anything. No more problems, no more pain. And when I win, it's the best feeling in the world."
Tim's heart aches at your words, the pain of knowing that you're seeking solace in something so dangerous. He reaches out, taking your hand in his, his touch warm and reassuring.
"But, baby," he murmurs, his voice filled with love and concern. "Those fights are not good or fun. And you shouldn't have to risk your life to find peace. I'm here for you. Always."
His words wash over you like a wave of warmth, enveloping you in a cocoon of love and protection. In that moment, you realize just how lucky you are to have him by your side, a constant source of strength and support in a world filled with uncertainty.
Tim's expression softens as he looks at you, his eyes filled with an intensity that sends shivers down your spine.
"If you really want to fight, you can do it with me," he offers, his voice laced with a mixture of playfulness and determination. "I know a thing or two about that. I might even let you win, but only if it means keeping you safe."
His words, though tinged with playful jest, carry a weight of sincerity that fills your heart with warmth. You feel the depth of his love for you in every word, in every touch, and you're overwhelmed by a rush of emotion.
"But seriously, Y/N," he continues, his voice soft but resolute. "You need to stop doing this. I love you, and I can't bear to see you getting hurt again. It kills me to see you like this."
"Wait," you whisper, your voice trembling slightly. "You love me?"
Tim's smile widens as he reaches out to cup your cheeks, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead. "Of course I do, baby," he murmurs, "I love you. Even though you drive me insane and make me worry about you every second."
A smile tugs at your lips as you meet his gaze, a warmth spreading through you at the realization of his feelings. "I love you, Tim," you confess.
"But was it really necessary to call Lucy?"
Tim chuckles, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I am a cop, after all," he replies, his tone playful. "I couldn't just walk away from that. And besides," he adds with a teasing smile, "I didn't have enough cuffs for everyone. Just for you."
You play along, a playful twinkle in your eye. "Oh, you gonna arrest me, Officer Bradford?" you tease, a smirk playing on your lips.
Tim leans in closer, his lips hovering just inches from yours. "I have something else in mind," he whispers, his voice husky with desire. "And cuffs might just help."
His words send a shiver down your spine, and as you lean in to kiss him, you're filled with a sense of warmth and belonging that only he can provide.
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buddierecs · 3 days
mutual pining buddie fics
all explicit rating - 18+ only!!!! make sure to kudos/comment on these amazing works :)
good pretender (highly, highly recommend!!!!!) by: likeshipsonthesea "an au where buck broke up with taylor before 5b, ravi and buck become (actually platonic) friends with benefits, and ravi, eddie, and buck all go on a journey of self-discovery that ends with them all getting what they need" word count: 85k important tags: friends with benefits (buckandravi), casual sex, childhood tramua, healing, feelings realisation, jealous!eddie diaz, ptsd, love confessions, anal sex the best life is the truth (my best mask is my face) by: letmetellyouaboutmyfeels the buckleys are celebrating their 50th anniversary, and maddie and buck are both expected to come. to take the heat off maddie, buck impulsively blurts out that he's seeing someone new. obviously, there's only one solution: bring eddie as his fake boyfriend, pretend to be in love with him, and survive the weekend with minimal bloodshed. no problem, except for the, uh. "pretend" part." word count: 43k important tags: fake dating, idiots to lovers, there was only one bed, eventual smut dance with me by jayjay__884 "buck is at his sister's bachelorette party when he gets dragged to a strip club. despite not liking the place, buck meets a stripper that makes his night surprisingly enjoyable. the connection he has with eddie only intensifies after he pulls buck on stage and gives him a dance that's the start of something perfect." word count: 249k important tags: stripper/exotic dancer au, first meetings, stripper!eddie diaz, lap dance/sex, light angst, lots of smut eddie diaz vs the feelings by: elvensorcess eddie dives into the mysteries of attraction, romantic love, and asexuality because there's a good chance he's fallen in love with his best friend. aka demisexual!eddie figures out he’s demi and finds the happily ever after he’s been longing for" word count: 62k important tags: demisexual!eddie diaz, idiots in love, sexual tension, frottage, hand jobs, anal sex, soft!buddie, slow burn, top!evan buckley, bottom!eddie diaz chafe the skin (you know i like it rough) by: honestlydarkprincess "the stubble fic" word count: 5.9k important tags: beard kink, stubble burn, comeslut!evan buckely, blowjobs, deepthroating, rimming, anal sex, dom!eddie diaz, sub!evan buckley all it took was a backwards baseball cap by: honestlydarkprincess "the one in which eddie loses his shit at buck wearing a backwards baseball cap. seriously, can this man get more attractive? is he trying to kill eddie?" word count: 4.9k important tags: boys in love, workplace sex, sexual tension, getting together, semi-public sex, blow jobs, come play, hand jobs drink the river dry by: rianne "eddie gets shot, breaks up with his girlfriend, and pines like there’s no tomorrow." word count: 32k important tags: injury recovery, unresolved sexual tension, friends to lovers, getting together, anal sex, evan buckley has a praise kink, demisexual!eddie diaz, bottom!evan buckley, top!eddie diaz if i lay here, would you life with me (forget the word) by: browney3dgirl6 "the one where eddie’s in the army, shannon gives up her rights to chris, and eddie needs a babysitter. good thing lena knows buck, the guy having nothing better to do than help babysit until eddie gets back. eddie would come home, and he would leave; it wasn’t like they were going to build some lifetime friendship or anything." word count: 90k important tags: different first meeting au, army!eddie diaz, slow burn, idiots in love, literal sleeping together, long distance relationship, soft!buddie, eventual smut
- pt 2 explicit mutual pining buddie fics - mature rating mutual pining fics - general audience rating mutual pining fics
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6rookie-writer0110 · 1 year
Love Lessons
Evan Buckley x Male Reader.
Request - Evan Buckley x demigod son of Poseidon reader. When the reader and Evan have been boyfriends for 2 months and the reader never tells him about who he actually really is being a demigod son of Poseidon.
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Buck woke up first so he can cook breakfast for you. You wake up because of the smell of the food
“I was about to take you up” Buck smiled.
“The food woke me up. Everything looks good” You smiled.
You and Buck sit down and start to eat together. You slept over at your boyfriend’s loft and he is happy that you stayed the night.
“I thought we should go to the beach and just spend time together,” You said.
“Yeah, I like that idea. We should do it” Buck smiled.
After breakfast, you and Buck started to get ready to go to the beach. Buck starts to drive to the beach.
“Y/n, I was... I was thinking maybe you want to meet my sister and my friends. My friends are like my family and I want everyone to get to know my boyfriend. But if you are not ready then it can wait for” Buck said.
“Can I think about it?” You asked.
“Yeah, you can think about it,” Buck said.
At the beach, you and Buck get in the water. You start to teach him how to swim, and so far he is doing good. Next, you teach him how to breathe underwater and he didn't do well.
“Now, I see you love being in the water,” Buck said.
“Yeah, something like” You nervously smiled.
You haven't told him the complete truth about your background and your abilities. You think that he won't believe you and would assume you are crazy. And you don't want him to break up with you, you care about him.
You and Buck get out of the water and sit on the towels. You start to share the snacks with him. He is telling you funny stories of what happened on the job and you start to laugh. Much later, you and Buck leave the beach and go to a new restaurant instead of the usual place.
You couldn't spend the day with Buck because you are busy. Buck told Eddie that he will babysit Christopher for the day. So, Christopher and Buck spend their time at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk. They are having fun and Christopher asks questions about you.
But the good moment didn't last long, because the tsunami hit the boardwalk. Buck tries to hold onto Christopher but Christopher slipped away. Now, Buck tries to find him and he yells out his name. People are hurt and some trying to find safety.
You are home and you turned on the news. You see what is going on and you start to panic. You called Buck but it went straight to voice mail.
“Dad, what the hell!?” You mumbled.
You didn't think of a plan, you just ran out of your apartment. Buck did tell you what he was going to take Christopher and you're hoping they are doing okay. You swim faster in the water and you just started to swim rapidly.
But you started to help people, you saved two people from drowning. Then helped others get somewhere safe and away from the water. You start to look for Christopher and Buck, it took a while to find them but you eventually found them.
“Y/n,” Buck said.
They are standing on a fire truck. He hugged you tight and you hugged him back, then you hugged Christopher.
“Are you two okay?” You asked.
“Buck got hurt. He is bleeding” Christopher said.
You noticed the blood on his shirt, you lift the shirt up. Buck has a cut on his stomach and he is bleeding fast.
“We won't have time to find help,” you said.
“I’m fine,” Buck said.
“Seriously don't start that. You are slowly bleeding and I don't want you to die before we find a hospital. Stay still, I stop the bleeding” You said.
“How are you going to do that?” Buck asked.
“Umm, it's a long story and I will tell you later. Just stay still” You said.
Buck didn't finish his sentence, he became speechless. He saw you put your hand on his stomach and you started to heal him, within seconds he stopped bleeding.
“That was cool. How did you do that?” Christoper said.
“I healed him. I can heal wounds on people” You said.
You take them to the hospital but Buck has been asking questions about what you did. You didn't tell him anything, for now, you left the hospital and headed to the beach. You were able to stop the waves with all your strength. Your eyes changed colors when you stopped the waves. Your father comes out of the sea and you are angry at him.
“What the hell!?” You yelled.
“Watch your tone, Y/n” Poseidon said.
“Dad, why did you do this? People got hurt and some died” You said.
“I had to teach the humans a lesson,” Poseidon said.
You sighed and you glared at him again.
“Just stop it,” You said and walked away.
“He isn't good enough for you,” Poseidon said.
You didn't say anything and kept walking away.
You went back to the hospital to check up on Buck. You are alone with him in the room and you tell him the truth.
“Wait, your father is the god of the sea!? With the pitchfork!” Buck said.
“It's not a pitchfork it's a trident. His name is Poseidon, yes he is my father. I'm a demigod meaning I'm half-human and half-god. I didn't tell you at first because I thought you wouldn't believe me and think I'm crazy. My father has anger issues and he caused the flood. I'm sorry I didn't tell you” You said.
“This is a lot to process. Wow... I can't believe your dad is Poseidon and you're a half-god...” Buck said.
“Yeah-” Y/n said.
“Wait! Does this mean, Zeus is related to you!?” Buck said.
You nod “Yeah and also the other gods, they are my family”
You and Buck didn't say anything next, he is still in shock. You wait to see what he will say next.
✫ ✯ ✬ ✫
Two Weeks Later... You were going to leave your apartment but Buck is at your door
“Hey Y/n” Buck smiled.
“Hey,” You said.
“Can we talk?” Buck asked.
“Yeah, sure come in,” You said.
You haven't spoken to Buck in two weeks, he didn't know how to process that you are a demigod. You gave him space and you didn't want to pressure him to talk about it.
“Sorry, I haven't spoken to you in two weeks. I was still processing about you and who is your dad. I thought those stories were all myths” Buck said.
“Yeah, a lot of people think that. But I understand. If you want to break up, I understand” You said.
“Y/n, I don't want to break up with you. I still want you to be my boyfriend” Buck smiled.
“Really? I thought you were going to break up with me” You said.
Buck wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer to him. He starts to kiss you and you put your arms around him, he starts to smile and you don't stop kissing him.
“I don't want you to feel that you can't talk to me about anything,” Buck said.
“Means a lot of you saying that. And I want you to feel the same way about me. Do you want to come with me to Camp Half-Blood?” You said.
“Camp Half-Blood?” Buck said.
“It's a camp for people like me. It's like summer camp but different. Maybe you can meet my brother Percy” You said.
“Yeah, I will like to go,” Buck said.
You can't stop smiling. You leave with him and take him to the camp, you explained what goes on at the camp. He is excited about it.
You introduced Percy to Buck, and so far they are getting along. You and Percy gave Buck a tour of the camp. Buck was excited about being at the camp. You and Percy started to teach Buck how to use a sword.
“Dad doesn't like him,” You said
“Dad doesn't like anyone. He still wants you to marry the guy he picked for you” Percy said.
“That won't happen. Buck makes me happy” You said.
“I can tell,” Percy said.
A month later...
Buck is on the roof of his building and he is trying to make it romantic. He set up the lights, and the food on the table and he put on soft romantic music. He takes a deep breath and he is feeling very nervous. Then he sent you a text...
Buck - I got hurt, I'm still on the roof.
You - I'm going up!!!
You rushed to the roof and you are confused.
“You are not hurt,” You said.
“I lied, so I can get you on the roof” Buck smiled.
“Why?” You asked.
He gives you a peck on the lips. Then he gets down on one knee and takes out a ring box.
“Buck...” You said.
He grabbed your hand.
“I love you, Y/n. I only want to be with you and I mean it. I want to marry you because I love you and I don't care if you are a demigod. You make me happy and I love you. Y/n, will you marry me?” Buck said.
“Oh!?! Oh wow...” You said.
“Is that a yes or no?” Buck asked.
“Sorry, you caught me off, guard. But yes!” You said
Buck puts the ring on your finger and he stands up. He put his hands on your cheeks and he starts to kiss you. You or Buck can't stop smiling. Later, he called his sister and you called Percy. Everyone is happy for you and Buck. Later, you and Buck sit down and start to eat the food and talk about what is the next step.
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thebestbooksaround · 1 year
Can you suggest some of your favourite buck breakdown fics?
Ooooo, yes of course!
Tick Tick Boom by ChasetheWindTouchtheSky (@chase-the-windandtouch-the-sky)
30k | Teen
“Did you know if you put a frog in water and slowly bring it to boiling, it won’t hop out?” Chris is chattering as Buck makes a quick dinner while Eddie argues with his gas company on the phone. He can hear the occasional swear word in Spanish as his voice raises. Eddie doesn’t like to raise his voice around Christopher – the very thought makes Buck want to kiss him full on the mouth – so he decided to take it to the living room while Chris sits with his homework in the kitchen and Buck cooks.
“Hmm?” Buck asks, unable to fully pull himself out of Bobby’s baked mac and cheese recipe. It took him years, but he finally convinced the man to write it down. Bobby’s handwriting was juvenile at best on a good day, but this was nearly unreadable. Buck wonders if he did that on purpose. “Frogs?”
“Yeah!” Chris states. “My teacher said that if you put a frog in a pot, you have to make sure it’s not immediately boiling. You put them in water and then slowly raise the temperature and they won’t realize what’s happening. Then once they realize, they have no place to go. They can’t jump out.”
S6 Spec: Buck decides he doesn’t need therapy, reverts to some bad habits, and explodes. Or, the Breakdown Fic
bro·ken by kristen999 (@thekristen999)
32k | Mature
1. having been fractured or damaged and no longer in one piece or in working order.
2. having given up all hope; despairing.
Forced to take shady side jobs to pay his bills, Evan Buckley doesn’t think he’s ever seen such rock bottom. Until he meets Eddie Diaz, a man even more desperate and alone. Season 3 AU
crashing, i'm crashing right into you by himbobuckley (@bumble-of-the-bee)
6k | Teen
Buck gets an unfortunate call while driving and spirals before getting hit by a drunk driver. Surprise, coma!buck is real and can hear the things people (Eddie and Maddie) say while he's unconscious. Follows the struggles Buck deals with while trying to come back and the ones he has to face if he does.
6.07 spec, so the sperm donor issue is a Thing.
shelter my eyes from the sun (and wait for the birds to fly by) by lizzybizzyzzz (@lizzybizzyzzz)
25k | Mature
There’s always been a lingering precedent- Buck was born to save, born to die trying to at the very least. Buck couldn’t save Daniel, could barely save Chris, dragged Eddie across hot pavement under a burning fire truck, couldn't save his sister or his parents from the lifelong heartbreak of losing a child.
Buck was born to save. He’s just not too good at much else.
blue skies by spaceprincessem (@spaceprincessem)
36k | Teen
“Most babies are born as accidents,” She says suddenly, like she’s decided that Buck has passed, that she can trust him with this.
Buck doesn’t really have an answer because that question hits way to fucking close to home. A year or so ago he would have said, yes, I was an accident, so I know how that goes, but Buck knows better now. Knows that he would almost give anything for that answer to still be yes. Evie’s finger works under the seal to rip it open, a stack of important looking papers dumping out onto the table in front of her.
“Not me,” she says without looking up as she organizes them into a neat stack, “I was engineered.”
And Buck’s pretty fucking sure a giant, cataclysmic hole has ripped right open, dragging him down to the earth’s core where he vaporizes into dust.
a leaf falls on loneliness by iimpossible_things
11k | Not Rated
Buck doesn’t think that if he were to say, “I’m in a bad place”, that anyone would turn him away. Really, he doesn’t. The 118 has too many good, kind people for that.
But every time he wants to open his mouth, to say something, to reach out to Eddie or Bobby or Hen or Chim, he hears Eddie yelling, “you’re exhausting.”
—you’re exhausting, you’re exhausting, you’re exhausting—
So each day he does his job and he laughs and he jokes and he pretends he’s the care-free goofball he’s always been. And each day he packs away his bruises and his worries, takes them home to his empty loft with its quiet rooms, and licks his wounds in silence
this is me trying (at least i'm trying) by screaminghalfpastmidnight (@screaminghalfpastmidnight)
15k | Teen
Buck nods against his pillow, remaining silent before Eddie whispers, “Do I have to be worried about you?”
“No.” Buck mumbles. “I’ll be back at work on Thursday. I just needed a day.”
“Do you promise?” Eddie says, and Buck knows he’s not referring to his comment about work.
“Promise.” You don’t have to be worried about me.
burn the straw house down by rarakiplin (@hoediaz)
40k | Mature
“Why the fuck are you even in this loop? This day isn’t about you.”
“Well, I die,” Eddie comments idly, not sounding as offended as he maybe should be. “Haven’t you heard? I’m always dying.”
“That’s not funny.”
Eddie shrugs, not really agreeing or disagreeing. It’s a few seconds before he says, eyes still closed, “Maybe I’m here so you’re not alone.”
or, buck gets stuck in time, has a break down and then, relatedly, a break through
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buckleyreid · 2 months
The thing with buddie fans and the bisexual arc...
Sometimes I look at certain posts and I wonder what show people are watching.
I've always been a hyper realistic person, maybe that's my own flaw, but I genuinely don't understand how someone could watch Buck coming out to Eddie, and their main takeaways being that 1) Buck is disappointed when Eddie says nothing will change between them and 2) Eddie is upset that Buck went on a date with Tommy.
That scene is about so much more than Buddie as a romantic ship, and I guess people who haven't been in Buck's shoes won't understand how nerve-wracking it is to share a part of yourself you're still not 100% confident in with one of the people that matters most to you. It's so incredibly important to see two men who love each other so deeply be there for one another platonically. Seeing people twist and take things out of context just so they fit their own narrative, while ignoring the meaning of such an important storyline is a little disheartening to say the least. If down the line we see Eddie internally conflicted about seeing Buck and Tommy together, and if that leads him down his own journey that's great (I'm a buddie shipper too), but I think it's important to not lose sight of what the show is telling us in the present time.
Buck starts out episode 7x05 nervous, anxious even, about being on a date with a man. He's looking around, he doesn't want anyone to see him and Tommy together like that. Cut to the end of the episode, and he's setting up a date himself, he's smiling and putting his hand on top of Tommy's and he's grown sure enough of himself to ask him to be his date to his sister's wedding (where his parents will be, where his whole team will see them together). That's important, that's the character development we've been looking forward to and unfortunately I feel like I've seen more people focused on making cheating theories and taking Buck and Eddie's interactions out of context instead of celebrating that Evan Buckley, for the first time in a couple of seasons, actually has a decent (monumentally so) storyline. You don't have to ship Buck and Tommy together, but please don't disregard Buck's feelings for Tommy just because you wish Eddie was in his place instead.
TLDR: Buck's arc is his own, it doesn't and shouldn't revolve around anyone but himself, it doesn't revolve around Eddie or Buddie and it doesn't revolve around Tommy either. Bisexuality in media matters, it deserves time and it deserves to be treated with respect.
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flowersfromautumn · 3 months
come back, be here
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5 times Buck hated his name and 1 time he didn’t mind it so much.
tw: use of explicit language. nothing else major i don’t think? like slight mention of parental neglect from bucks parents and mentions of daniel as well as the fire truck incident but other than that i think it’s okay.
Margaret Buckley gave birth to a son on the 19th of August 1991, five years after she thought her family was complete.
For the first two weeks of his life, Buck didn’t have a name. Simply known as “the baby”, almost as though his parents were already trying to separate themselves from his existence.
It was a six year old Daniel who gave him his name, after Margaret and Philip didn’t care enough to decide.
He was christened Evan Daniel Buckley on the 4th of September that same year.
Two weeks later, his older brother was gone, and with him, his mothers perceived warmth and his fathers everlasting patience. With him, any hope Buck ever could’ve had of his parents love. His name, his face, his existence was a reminder of the son they loved but still lost and the son they never wanted but were stuck with.
Eight years later he lost his sister- and the only positive influence in his life- for the first time to university. Three years later he lost her again to marriage.
It was around then his parents stopped calling him his name. Or any name at all.
It was around then that he became a ghost in his home.
It was around then he stopped liking his name.
Stephanie was the best thing to happen to him in Peru. The bartending gig was sweet, yeah, but Stephanie? She was a firecracker full of late nights and early mornings and bottomless Margaritas. Her laugh made Buck think he understood love for the first time.
So when she revealed she’d found a job in Poland that she was going to take, he was fully prepared to start packing before she’d even finished her sentence.
It was when she sent him a small smile with pity shining in her dark eyes that he knew. They weren’t on the same page. Probably weren’t even in the same book.
“Evan.” She began, in a way that made him feel like he was eleven all over again, standing in the kitchen while his mum explains that her and Philip are really busy and can’t make his baseball match and why are you being so selfish? “This has been fun. You’re a great guy, but you’re not someone I’m wanting long-term.”
And wasn’t that the very crux of the matter? He was never someone anyone wanted “long-term”. He hadn’t spoken to his own parents since he left home two years ago without a second glance, hadn’t talked to Maddie since she moved to Boston with Doug (the unanswered postcards didn’t count).
Long-term was, apparently, fantasy for him.
“Take care, Evan.” Steph said, right as she closed the door behind him for the last time.
It was then that he decided he needed a new name. A new life.
His feet landed on the tarmac of LAX Airport at 3pm the next day as he disembarked the plane. He took a deep, steadying breath as a warm breath ruffled his hair and hoped that, if he was lucky, this would be his very last beginning.
It took him 6 months to decide to enrol in the LAFD training academy, and by that time he’d almost burnt through his savings (LA was fucking expensive), but as he clicked ‘submit’ on his online application, he felt a sense of accomplishment that he’d never truly allowed himself to feel.
There were two other Evan’s in his class at the Academy, and by the end of day one Firefighter Zimmerman (their trainer) was already tired of the confusion.
It was at the start of day two, on the 12th of February 2013, that he was christened for the second time at the age of twenty-two.
As though Firefighter Zimmerman literally lifted bricks off of his back, Buck’s shoulders slackened and his chest loosened as the tension left along with his name.
Yeah. Yeah, he could get used to that.
Abby was his first real love. She had sunshine in her smile and made Buck think he could find the secret to happiness in her eyes if he stared at them long enough. She wasn’t his usual type and maybe that was the secret? Buck couldn’t remember ever being this content. Buck, who’d never felt like he truly deserved the life he was living, was constantly waiting for the catch. For the other shoe to drop.
Which is why, of course, it did- so fast and so hard that it uprooted his entire life along with it.
“I bought a plane ticket to go to Dublin.” There was an excited smile on her face and an ease about her that Buck had never seen before. It reminded him of how much he still didn’t know about her.
Buck’s entire mind screeched to a halt, freezing as the meaning settled. “Dublin as in…Dublin, Ireland?”
“Yes, Dublin, Ireland. I’m gonna go…for a while, probably.”
The meaning behind her words settled, his muscles tensing as his mind screamed at him. No. Not her.
“But, Evan—” It was then he should’ve known, because Abby never called him that, she knew what it meant for him, knew that it wasn’t him, not really. That Evan hadn’t been him in a long time. “Evan, me going away? Doesn’t have to mean the end. I’ve…I’ve just got to do this. I need to know who I am…without serving other people.”
And Buck had understood. He had. He’d promised. He’d waited. He’d put up with five minute phone conversations separated by whole weeks of silence that Abby blamed on her shitty cell service, he’d put up with getting updates with the rest of the world through Instagram and Facebook.
And then, Buck eventually stopped understanding, lost hope. Broke his promise and stopped waiting.
His love for Abby could only stretch him so far before it was self-destructive. And he was over being self-destructive.
And he was so over his name.
Ali was the next girl to give him hope. It took him a while to ease the ache in his heart after Abby, but every time she laughed a crack healed, every time the sun shone through her dark hair it felt as though she’d placed a band-aid over every wound. Even after almost dying pinned under a fire engine, with only a small inkling of hope of ever doing the job he loved again, she still had the power to make him smile.
Ali made him feel the most him since Abby.
Then history repeated itself, as it tended to do, and it all came crashing down.
He wasn’t quite sure how the conversation started, how his smile turned into indignation and the crinkles around her dark eyes transformed to tears, but her voice was soft like a melody as she was pleading and his heart clenched as though her fist was squeezing it.
“It’s not like I didn’t know you were in a dangerous line of work. When I met you, y’know, ten stories up a collapsing high rise—”
“—Exactly!” He interrupted, his voice louder, angrier than he intended, not quite understanding what this meant for them. For him. He didn’t like the way she flinched at his tone.
“That was one day, one day of my life, Evan.” His name made his heart stutter to a stop, as though shocking it into a standstill. “It’s every day of yours. I’m just…starting to really understand what that means.”
It’s when he saw fear in her eyes where he used to see his future that he knew how this would end. She could’ve watched him die. She couldn’t watch him die again.
He watched her leave and felt every crack she’d healed break open again.
After Eddie is shot— after Buck watches him get shot— it takes a while for his mind to understand that everything’s okay. Even when Eddie is up and talking, and smiling at him with that smile that makes his eyes sparkle and makes Buck’s heart skip a beat in a way he’d never taken the time to analyse, his mind takes a minute to catch up.
Buck still feels the blood on him, sometimes. Can feel the phantom splatter of it as it landed on his face, sometimes stares at the shirt he was wearing that he really should throw out but somehow can’t find it in himself because it’s stained with Eddie’s blood, and don’t you understand?
The day Eddie’s due to be discharged, the man asks Buck to sit.
A million things run through his head as he perches himself awkwardly next to Eddie on the stiff hospital bed, turning to face the man and desperately trying not to nervously chew his lower lip (he’s mostly successful).
“You might’ve noticed I almost died. Again.” It was the exhaustion in his voice that made Buck desperately want to reassure him, tell him he never would’ve died, that Buck wouldn’t’ve let him, but— he didn’t because he couldn’t lie to Eddie and because Buck almost did. He just stood there, when he was shot. Probably would’ve stood there a lot longer hadn’t it been for Captain Metha. Probably would’ve been shot himself because his body refused to process that Eddie had been shot. Right in front of him. “Yeah, I’ve had a lot of close calls,” Eddie continued, “This one wasn’t even my closest—”
“Just let me finish.” Eddie pleaded. “After the last time—” The well. “When the well collapsed on top of me—”
“—Which you survived.” Buck interrupted again. Couldn’t help himself. Needed to reassure Eddie— reassure himself— that Eddie was still here, still breathing.
Eddie huffed, nodding before continuing, “After that, it, uh, got me thinking. What would happen to Christopher if I hadn’t? So…I went to my attorney and changed my will. Someday, if I, uh, didn’t make it, Christopher would be taken care of. By you.”
“It’s in my will that if I die you become Christopher’s legal guardian.” Eddie stated again, firmly, eyes never leaving Buck’s. Buck squirmed, his mind working overdrive.
“I mean, h-how-how does that even work, don’t you need my consent?”
“My attorney said you could refuse.” Eddie said placatingly.
“But you knew I wouldn’t.”
“But I knew you wouldn’t.” Eddie repeated, smiling smugly, nudging Buck’s knee gently, playfully, with his own.
“But-but he has grandparents. Other family?”
Eddie laughed sarcastically, as though the very idea was ludicrous. “After Shannon died they all tried to guilt me into giving Christopher to them. It’s…not what I wanted then and it’s not what I want now.”
“I-if it came to that, wouldn’t they fight for him?”
Eddie shrugged. “I don’t know, maybe. Probably.” He nodded placatingly, before pausing to look Buck in the eyes seriously. “But no one will ever fight for my son as hard as you. And that is what I want for him.”
“You said you did this last year. Why are you just telling me now?”
“Because, Evan.” Eddie sighed, and instead of the oldness he was expecting, Buck felt his heart fill with warmth at the sound of his name coming from Eddie’s lips in such a way. Almost…loving? “You came in here the other day and you said you thought it would’ve been better if it’d been you who’d been shot. You act like you’re expendable…” Eddie sighs, before raising his hand and placing it over Buck’s, intertwining their fingers. Buck’s heart did somersaults in his chest. “But you’re wrong.”
andie notes: i published this on ao3 too if you’d like to check it out on there instead! here’s the link:
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inawickedlittletown · 1 month
You Can Find Me Where the Skies are Blue (BuckTommy fic) - 2/4
Soulmates are rare. So rare that it's actually incredible that Buck has two soulmate couples in his life. Statistics tell him it's very unlikely for him to meet his soulmate. Of course, then he meets Tommy. Too bad it happens at the worst possible moment.
Canon compliant soulmate AU where Buck is still a mess and Tommy is still very understanding.
Words: 3,932
Part One
Part Two
Tommy didn’t reach out. Then again, neither did Buck. 
It was just that…well, Tommy was his soulmate. He was a guy and he was Buck’s soulmate. Confusion, shock, and so many other things were going through him. In the moment, he had been so surprised that none of it had really sunk in. It hadn’t been until he was walking into his apartment that it actually dawned on him. 
He, Evan Buckley, had a soulmate. 
Prompt, immediate freak out. Tommy was a guy…a very attractive guy, but a guy nonetheless. He was older — Buck really didn’t care about age. He was a pilot and confident and cool and Buck was…well, he was Buck. A hot mess, a bit of a disaster. Tommy was a guy. 
Buck had never entertained the idea of even dating a man and now…well, now there was one that was supposed to be perfect for him. Buck didn’t even know what that meant. He hardly knew Tommy except that he was willing to risk it all to help them rescue Bobby and Athena and he deserved all the praise for it. Not only had he gone against the chief, but he’d doubled down by not listening to orders. He’d flown into a hurricane and landed on a capsized ship and then spent hours working to help get everyone off it to safety. If ever anyone could be called a hero…well, that was Tommy. 
It made absolutely no sense that he could be Buck’s soulmate. 
Logically, Buck knew that things would be clearer once he spoke to Tommy himself, but he was too nervous to take the leap and call. So, when he got a text from Hen asking if it was alright if she passed on his number to Tommy, he answered in the affirmative and figured when Tommy called, he would answer and they would go from there. 
Except, Tommy didn’t reach out. 
Not that first night, and not even the next day, when Buck was far too attentive to his phone. Even the call to the Bachelor’s mansion hadn’t been enough to keep Buck from pulling his phone out to see if he had missed a text or call. Eddie had looked at him strangely when he made up an excuse to not give any of the contestants the idea that Buck was available even though he kinda was. 
By then Buck thought that maybe Tommy wasn’t actually interested, which he supposed he couldn’t blame him for. Maybe he’d gotten some more info about Buck and decided it wasn’t worth it, that Buck wasn’t worth it. The tightness in his chest didn’t seem to want to go away despite everything he tried.
That night, he tossed and turned all night, waking up far too early and completely unsure of what to do. He needed Maddie. 
He made a stop at his usual coffee place first and then drove to Maddie’s. 
“What’s wrong, Buck?” Maddie asked as soon as she’d opened the door and turned on her heel to head back in, grabbing things as she went and stuffing them in her bag. 
“I brought coffee,” Buck said.
“Which saves me a trip. But what’s going on? I know you have a shift. Chim just left to take Jee to daycare. I’m supposed to be heading out too.” 
He knew his sister would drop everything if Buck really did need her. He didn’t think this would require it, but he did need her input. She had a special kind of understanding about soulmates. 
Buck hadn’t known for a long time that when he introduced Chim to Maddie that he was introducing two soulmates. It happened the day Buck asked Chim and Eddie to help move Maddie into her new apartment and then the two of them had started to hang out without telling anyone. It took weeks for Maddie to finally tell him and then right after that Doug showed up to make everything even more complicated. But in the end it had all worked out. She and Chim were amazing together and they had Jee to show for it as well. They were even getting married soon. 
“Um…what if I told you I met someone,” Buck said. 
“If this is about changing your invitation to add a plus one that’s a conversation for you and Chim,” Maddie said. “I gave all control of the seating chart to him.” 
“Ah…no. Well, maybe it’s about that. No…it’s—”
“You met someone,” Maddie said. “You meet people all the time.”
“This is…this is different,” Buck said. 
Maddie stopped and looked directly at him. “This someone is special?” 
“Yeah,” Buck said. “That’s…that’s one way to describe it.”
Maddie said nothing, just lifted her eyebrow at him. Buck was glad he’d brought the coffee along. It gave him something to hold onto. It gave Maddie something of payment for having to deal with Buck. 
Buck took a breath. “Maddie, I…I met my soulmate.” 
As hard as it was, getting the words out freed him. Someone other than him and Tommy knew. Maddie was gapping at him and he could tell that he’d shocked her, which wasn’t exactly easy. When that shock was suddenly gone, and instead she was grinning at him. Her eyes looked so shiny that it was possible she was going to start crying too. 
“Buck, that’s incredible,” she said. “How did it happen? When do I get to meet her?” 
“The night we went to rescue Bobby and Athena,” Buck said. “I haven’t even gotten to properly meet them. Too much was happening and now it’s been two days and I just haven’t heard from them so maybe they’re not interested.” 
Maddie frowned at him and then reached over and gave his arm a slap. “Seriously, Evan. You’ve kept this poor girl waiting for you to call? She’s your soulmate. Call her. And stop being in your head about things. And I want to meet her. I don’t care what Chim says, you have a plus one.” 
Buck didn’t know why he didn’t correct Maddie about the gender of his soulmate. He just didn’t have it in him to explain that aspect, not when she had the exasperated look that only came out when she thought he was being ridiculous. Maybe Buck was being ridiculous. 
“Fine,” Buck said.
“Good. Go on.” 
“Well I can’t do it while you’re staring at me. And I don’t actually have their number.”
Maddie let out a long sigh. “Do you want me to use dispatch resources to get it for you?” 
Buck shook his head at once. He had no doubt that she would find Tommy’s number immediately if he asked. 
“No. No. I just gotta ask Hen.”  
Maddie shook her head, taking a breath. The next time she looked at him, it was gentler. “Evan, I get it. You know how it was for me and Howie, but the thing about soulmates is that there is a deeper understanding. Not a failsafe or something that will prevent you from hurting each other, but a connection that makes being together not effortless, but certainly easier. For the longest time, Howie and I were just friends because that just made more sense. I know you haven’t had the best of luck with dating, but this is different. I am so happy for you. Truly.”
Her words were exactly what he’d needed. When she hugged him, he leaned into it. Growing up, it was Maddie he’d always turned to. Despite losing that for several years, that did remain now that she was back. He wanted nothing but to tell her about Tommy, to explain it wasn’t a girl…that it was a guy and that Buck — well, Buck didn’t know what it meant. He didn’t though…that would be a conversation for another day. 
They both headed out and Maddie gave him a pointed look as she got in her car. 
Buck didn’t call Hen. He figured it’d be pointless if they were both going to be at work. He immediately found her once he got to work and pulled her aside.
“You okay, Buck?”
“You gave Tommy my number, right?” he asked. 
“Uh, should I not have? You said it was fine,” Hen said looking more than a bit bemused. 
Buck saw her pull out her phone, and then laughed. “Actually…I guess it never sent.”
Something like relief went through him. Hen had never given Tommy his number…Tommy hadn’t reached out because he didn’t have Buck’s number. 
“Hen, can I have his number, please?” 
She eyed him suspiciously. “What’s going on, Buck?” 
He knew that she would give him the number if he asked again, that she would respect it if he told her he didn’t want to talk about it. Buck also knew that talking to Hen would make him feel better. It was a bit like how talking to Maddie had made certain aspects of it better. But he hadn’t told Maddie about Tommy despite how much he wanted to. It was bothering him a little that he hadn’t and that instead he’d just let her believe he’d met some woman. It almost felt like lying and Buck hated lying to anyone he really cared about. 
“You can’t tell anyone,” Buck said to begin with. “Especially not Chimney. He’ll just tell Maddie and I want to tell her myself.”  
“That seems a bit extreme, but alright,” Hen said, her face growing more concerned. “Should I be worried?” 
“No. No. It’s — okay, so the night we went to rescue Bobby and Athena, it was the first time I met Tommy.”
“Yeah, I know that.” 
Buck took a breath. “What you don’t know is…well, that Tommy’s my soulmate.” 
Saying out loud like that, with Tommy’s name in the mix, it left him elated. Buck hadn’t known how freeing it would be to voice it outloud, to have someone else hear it. To have someone else know. He knew he was smiling and it wouldn’t be a smile easy to be rid of. Hen was staring at him and then the next thing Buck knew, her arms were around his shoulders and he lifted his to wrap around her too. 
“I’m so happy for you, Buck,” Hen whispered, giving him a squeeze before she let him go.
“Thanks. I…well, clearly I haven’t talked to him since,” Buck said, ducking his head. “I mean…with everything that happened that night, there wasn’t really any time. I didn’t even…Hen, I’ve always liked women. I’ve never even kissed a guy, not ever.”
Hen pursed her lips. “You do have quite the history,” she said. 
Buck snorted. That was putting it nicely. 
“Come to think of it, I don’t know where Tommy would stand on this. Sexuality is not black or white, alright. I guess it comes down to what the both of you are comfortable with and if this a romantic connection or something different. That’s for the two of you to decide.”
“Right,” Buck said, nodding along. “I mean…I’ve always been an ally. And there are men I’ve thought…that I’ve looked at, checked out. That’s normal though, right? People are attractive and I notice things like that.”  
Hen’s mouth fell open, but then she chuckled. “Buck, I can’t tell you where you land on the Kinsey scale. I can tell you that I have never found men attractive past thinking someone is aesthetically pleasing. Wherever you land on that, I’m on your side. One step at a time, alright?” 
With that, she sent Buck Tommy’s number. Buck stared at the numbers on his screen. 
“The first step is calling him. Do it now. I feel bad enough your number didn’t go through to him when he asked for it days ago. He’s a good guy, Buck, just know that.” 
“Yeah,” Buck said. “Maybe I should get changed first just in case there’s a call or—”
“Stop stalling, Buckley,” Hen said, staring him down. “It’s just a phone call.” 
“Right. Yeah…I can — I should—” 
He walked out to his car for privacy, and took several deep breaths before he finally made the call. It rang a few times before it was picked up. 
“Hi,” Buck said. “It’s Evan. Evan Buckley.”
“Evan,” Tommy said, and there was something amazing about how he said his name that for the first time ever, his instinct wasn’t to correct and ask to be called Buck. 
“Hi,” he repeated. 
Tommy had known it was Evan when he saw it wasn’t a saved number because he recognized the number that Chimney had finally sent him way too early that morning. As tempted as he’d been to just call Evan immediately, he’d made the decision to wait for a more normal time so he wasn’t responsible for waking him. 
“I’m so glad you called,” Tommy said. 
“Yeah, me too,” Evan said and after a small pause. “Sorry it took so long.” 
“Don’t be,” Tommy said. “How, um, how are you?” 
“Good. I’m good. You?” 
“Tired,” Tommy said honestly. 
“Well, I won’t keep you long,” Evan said. 
“No…no, that’s not—” 
“I’m actually sitting outside the firehouse because I have a shift in five minutes, but I didn’t want to wait on calling you.” 
“Oh,” Tommy said. 
He heard Evan shifting. “I’d…I’d like to see you.” 
“I’d like that too,” Tommy said. “Tomorrow?” 
“Yeah,” Evan breathed out. 
Tommy did have to fly out to Vegas with Eddie, and he had to finish out yet another overnight shift before that, but that didn’t mean he didn’t have some time to spare for Evan.  
“Meet at Harbor? I can give you a tour and we can talk. Get to know each other.”
Neither of them used the word. Soulmates. Tommy didn’t mind, he thought that Evan was cute in the way that he was nervous and unsure even over the phone. It was downright adorable. 
“That’s…yeah, that works. I’ll, uh, see you then.” 
“Come around three?”
“Sure. Sure thing.” 
Then, Evan was gone. Tommy set his phone down and then his head fell to his hands. It still didn’t feel real when he had the time to think about it. Soulmates. It was wild to think about the rarity of them and how somehow three members of the 118 and one former member had found and met their soulmates. 
Tommy remembered how shocked he’d been when he’d heard about Hen. Years later it was Chim. Now it was Evan. It was him and Evan. He couldn’t even begin to imagine the kind of conversation it would spark. 
Tommy hadn’t talked to anyone about it, but he was kind of a private guy. It was a habit from when he wasn’t out, when he tried to talk up how nice it was to be single and if pressed about the women that his job as a firefighter impressed. Back then, the only time he was being true to himself was when he hooked up with a guy picked up at a bar whose name he barely caught and who he never gave a real name to and who he had no plans to ever see again. 
Things had changed since then. While he didn’t hide that he was gay anymore, Tommy also just didn’t talk about it or his personal life. His last few relationships hadn’t been kept secret from his coworkers, but Tommy had never gone out of his way to talk about Harry or Matt before him. 
Since breaking up with Harry almost a year earlier, Tommy had gone on a few dates, nothing serious. Nothing that had reason to go further. That just had always seemed his fate. He was never lucky in love, more like prone to being disappointed and hurt because he cared too quickly or got attached before he should have. He was glad for it now, to find himself without any attachment that might complicate everything even more. He had a soulmate. 
Soulmates were something everyone knew about, but it was a thing with no guarantee. A dream. His grandparents on his father’s side were soulmates, and when he was a child he had just assumed that everyone’s grandparents were soulmates even if their parents weren’t just like his. Over time, it had become more and more clear how rare soulmates actually were and more than that, it had cemented that Tommy shouldn’t expect to meet his soulmate. 
He’d never even met Hen’s soulmate, Karen, but he’d heard about her from Chim because Chim claimed responsibility for them meeting in the first place and Tommy remembered a rare phone call because Chim wanted to brag about it. He remembered being thrilled for Hen, knowing that she was absolutely deserving especially after whatever it was that had gone on with the girlfriend she’d had when she first joined the 118. Tommy hadn’t expected it when he heard about Chim finding his soulmate. He would have preferred a phone call from Hen or Chim to inform him, instead of the way that he really found out by walking into the break-room at Harbor and seeing a picture of Chim on the news all because her abusive ex-husband had nearly killed Chim in an effort to get at her. 
As happy as he was for Hen and Chim, he’d never once expected that he would find himself in the situation of knowing his own soulmate. 
For the longest time, he had been sure that he didn’t have one. It was one of the things his mother had said the last time Tommy saw her, when she was yelling other homophobic crap at him. Because despite evidence to the contrary, some people really did still think soulmates were only possible between straight couples. Nevermind that because of the dwindling of soulmate couples it was clear to see that something close to half of the reported soulmate meetings of the last thirty to forty years were queer. 
Somehow, it changed nothing among the bigots who cited their religious beliefs as more important than being a kind and good person, that they were more important than the reality that same sex soulmates existed. It certainly changed nothing when it came to Tommy’s parents. 
He was past it. Hadn’t talked to them in years. Not since he realized that he was internalizing everything they’d said and that it was making him not only an asshole, but absolutely miserable. Cutting them off was probably one of the best things Tommy could have done for himself and the biggest step towards accepting himself. 
Tommy didn’t hear from Evan again, but that didn’t matter considering Evan was on shift. What mattered was that he would be seeing him the next day. Naturally time seemed to slow to crawl, even his overnight shift was slow with very few calls. Tommy spent a big part of it doing some maintenance on the choppers with some of the mechanics. It wasn’t a part of his job, but he loved it. 
He did go out on a med-evac call in between naps. His sleep was uninterrupted after getting back, until morning when something tickled his nose until he awoke. He found Lucy twirling a feather between her fingers with a smirk playing on her lips. 
“Morning, Kinard,” she said. “What’s this I hear about you flying into a hurricane?” 
“That’s why you woke me?” he asked. 
She crossed her arms over her chest. “What, no hello? No, how are you Lucy?” 
“I was sleeping.” 
“I was bored,” Lucy said. “What happened with the hurricane?” 
“Well, you were on leave, someone had to do the reckless thing.”
Lucy smiled easily. “I also heard it was with the 118. Fun bunch, aren’t they?”
“This is the real reason didn’t let me sleep?” Tommy asked. 
She shrugged her shoulders. “Hey, I like those guys. I also brought you coffee and pastries, didn’t want them to get cold.” 
When Lucy transferred to Harbor, Tommy had been sure he wasn’t going to like her. He’d been proven wrong within her first week. Yes, she was a bit impulsive and more than a little reckless, she also knew what she was doing and Tommy couldn’t help but be impressed. 
He’d been less impressed when she hit on him on a night when they had all gone out after a particularly long and harrowing day. That had changed immediately when she took his refusal in stride and then tried to set him up with a male firefighter friend of hers without him ever explaining that he was actually gay. Tommy never did find out if someone else had told her, but he did love how easily she just accepted it and accepted him. Tommy never took her up on the offer to be set up, but he did become her friend. 
“I suppose the coffee will help,” Tommy said. 
“What happened?” 
“Cruise ship lost contact after being boarded by pirates. Hurricane capsized it. Captain Nash and his wife were on it and Hen had a hunch something had gone wrong. When no one listened, she made up paperwork to get a helicopter out there.” 
“Wow,” Lucy said. “Surely it wasn’t that easy?” 
“I don’t think it would have worked if Chim didn’t call me before she got here so I could cover and make it happen,” Tommy admitted. 
“So you flew them out there and then found the ship and became a hero,” Lucy said. “I’m impressed, Kinard. Aside from the whole hurricane thing, anything else happen while I was gone?” 
When he didn’t say anything, her eyebrow shot up. “Something did happen?” 
If there was anyone that Tommy would have wanted to tell, it was Lucy. In some ways, she was his closest friend. Thinking about her that way did a couple of things and one of them was depress him because it was true that he really didn’t have any close friends. Suddenly, the time he’d spent with Eddie and how well they got on, maybe that wasn’t a bad idea. 
“What is it? What happened?” Lucy asked. 
“I met my soulmate,” Tommy said after a sigh. 
Lucy gasped audibly right before she let out a loud squeal. “Holy shit! Kinard! Tell me everything. Who is he? Where did you meet? Have you kissed him yet? This is so exciting.” 
“Nope,” Tommy said. “I told you enough.” 
“I want to meet him. I’m your friend…you introduce your friends to your soulmate.” 
Tommy rolled his eyes. “Look, I’ve barely gotten to talk to him. I’m not letting you at him.” 
Lucy gaped at him. “How are you so calm about this?” 
Internally he wasn’t calm. Internally, he was willing time to go faster so that his shift could officially be over and so that Tommy could finally see Evan again. 
Lucy laughed suddenly, finger poking at his chest. “You’re not calm. You’re freaking out, aren’t you?”
“It’s a good thing, though, isn’t it? I mean…meeting your soulmate—” She trailed off wistfully. “Oh, I know, you should call Hen. Or Chim. They probably know exactly what you’re going through.” 
Tommy shook his head. “Not really an option, I think.”
“Did something else happen on that cruise rescue that you’re not telling me about? Those two owe you one for not only putting your job on the line but your life too. The least they could do is give you advice.” 
“You’ll meet him eventually, okay. Just…leave it alone for now.” 
“Fine,” she said. “But I’m holding you to meeting him when the time is right.” 
Tommy nodded and hoped she wouldn’t be too mad when she found out that she actually already knew him.
Next Part
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glorious-spoon · 5 months
and we are homeward bound [9-1-1 | Buck/Eddie | 2/3]
Rating: Explicit Wordcount: 6000 / chapter; 9400 /total Warnings: None Other tags: Established relationship; Relationship reveal; Domestic fluff; Character study; Insecure Evan Buckley; Fluff and smut; Love confessions
and we are homeward bound (Chapter 2 on AO3)
"Okay, what did you do?" Maddie demands when he shows up on her doorstep with a bottle of wine.
"Who says I did anything?" Buck protests. "I have the evening off, you have the evening off, I wanted to see my sister and my favorite niece—"
"Your only niece." She gives him a shrewd look. "I take it Eddie was busy?"
"He traded shifts with Bennington 'cause her daughter has a dance recital tonight," Buck admits. "Are you gonna let me in, or what?"
"Sure," Maddie says. She stands aside to let him into the house, but she doesn't lose the suspicious look.
The dining room table is scattered with fabric samples and menus from at least seven different Los Angeles catering companies, so after a mostly friendly debate over which restaurant to order takeout from, which Maddie wins, they retreat to the kitchen to eat yakisoba and drink the wine that Buck brought. Jee has a set of training chopsticks with a little owl at the join, and she spends most of the meal intently dissecting her plate of noodles and occasionally eating.
"We're trying," Maddie sighs, in response to his look.
"She's doing great."
"Yeah." Maddie brushes a palm over Jee's wispy head of curls, and Jee ignores her to fish a piece of pork off of her plate and promptly drop it in her lap. "I'm just hoping more of it ends up in her stomach than on the floor. Are you going to tell me why you're here?"
"Um." Buck twists his hands together.
"Wait, did something happen? You said you were waiting on lab results from your last checkup, but I thought that was just routine—they didn't find something, did they?"
"No, no—Maddie, no, nothing like that, it's just." He sets his chopsticks down and clears his throat. There are several angles he could approach this from, and all of them feel unbelievably clumsy. "Uh, I've been seeing someone. Dating, I mean. Not therapy."
Although he could probably use the latter, honestly.
(Continue reading Chapter 2 on AO3)
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tempestaurora · 2 months
hmmmm in an episode all about eddie diaz moving too fast, evan buckley invites a man he has been on .5 of a date with to his sister's wedding when he has only come out to 2 people total. this is obviously fine and is at perfect speed
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mr-and-mr-diaz · 1 year
so i’ve been thinking about it for an additional five minutes and here’s what i’ve got and its kinda blowing my mind. Each person in buck’s life either had a Moment with him either in the coma dream or at his real life bedside, with a few noted exceptions. I’ll explain:
Chimney: coma dream, and MY GOD did they make good use of him here. As the guy who is always first to believe in The Crazy he was PERFECT to be the guy who’s like “yeah alright, one ticket to the crazy train.” I’m sorry but Buck proving that he knew him by knowing why he’s called Chimney had me lollling
Hen: Sceptic. And in the coma dream as the milder voice of reason. Funny, and good at keeping things moving. She and Chimney were also great to have in imaginary land since they are the ones who are the most stable without Buck in their lives, likely because of how much they stabilize each other
Maddie: In the coma dream and IRL, but coma!Maddie is essentially Maddie from season 2. Literally heart breaking. Speaking of, my heart is still not over the way she saw the firefighter at the door and simply said “which one”
Athena and May: Buck’s (let’s face it) step-mom and by association, step sister. They’re in real life because without Bobby there, they don’t ever have much to do with him. They understand clear as day that Buck is Bobby’s other son, and they accepted it ages ago, to the point they find it amusing every step Bobby takes to realize it himself. (Back to Bobby in a moment.)
Eddie and Christopher: They’re of course in IRL because without Buck intervening as he does they wouldn’t have a place in his life or in each other lives (pause so i can SCREEEEEEEEEAM about this) In real life, they’re begging him to come back--or more accurately, Chris is, while Eddie stands silently behind him, barely able to see Buck and crying his eyes out. I think when Eddie wasn’t initially fighting for Chris to see Buck all Hospitalled Up, as it were, is because Eddie didn’t think Chris could handle it. The real truth of the matter is Eddie couldn’t handle it. We saw it ourselves--Chris was shaken, but able to pull himself together enough to say his piece and beg Buck to come back into their lives (insert couch metaphor here, y’all make it fit). Eddie could barely look at the bed, and when he did, his eyes filled with tears and he couldn’t speak. Eddie in the coma dream exists, is mentioned, but he’s lost in his anger, doesn’t have his life-lines to reach out for, is missing the man who has his back, and because of that lost everything. These two men truly are unanchored without each other, and without their son (yeah I said it, sue me), are missing a key element that makes their family a family.
Now Bobby. Bobby is the most notable one who is both there irl and in Buck’s coma dream. The man who entered his second marriage with a son he didn’t fully realize he had, though now he’s definitely realized it. The man who is dead without Buck in his life. Who stayed alive because one pesky kid had the gall to work his pesky way under Bobby’s skin and stressed him out enough to look after him and care and not stop caring until he had a whole goddamn family in his hands, both with Athena and at the 118. I’m still struggling to fully feel all the feels here and btw I think we need to take a moment to give MAD PROPS to Peter Krause for his turn as dead addict Bobby because he was fantastic.
It’s interesting, because for some reason in my head, I expected Buck’s coma dream to actually be really pleasant and happy and the lesson he learns is that life is hard but you gotta do it anyway and you’ll be rewarded for hard work. The coma dream was very different--twisted and, for all that Buck was in it, it was missing him like an open wound. I didn’t realize it right away, but Coma Buck is the Buck that’s born for parts, the Evan Buckley that Buck sees himself as in his own head. 
It’s the Buck that can’t help but reach out to help, that desperately tries over and over again to be the support that he himself is desperate for, that has irrevocably changed lives, with his worn heart out on his sleeve, collecting people that care about it without him really realizing, and in return making them care more about themselves, that makes Buck truly who he is, and makes his actual reality what it is. And that’s goddamn beautiful.
Please add your thoughts to this, my brain is still expanding
@loveyourownsmiilee @blutterlie @matan4il
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