#breakdown buck
thebestbooksaround · 1 year
Can you suggest some of your favourite buck breakdown fics?
Ooooo, yes of course!
Tick Tick Boom by ChasetheWindTouchtheSky (@chase-the-windandtouch-the-sky)
30k | Teen
“Did you know if you put a frog in water and slowly bring it to boiling, it won’t hop out?” Chris is chattering as Buck makes a quick dinner while Eddie argues with his gas company on the phone. He can hear the occasional swear word in Spanish as his voice raises. Eddie doesn’t like to raise his voice around Christopher – the very thought makes Buck want to kiss him full on the mouth – so he decided to take it to the living room while Chris sits with his homework in the kitchen and Buck cooks.
“Hmm?” Buck asks, unable to fully pull himself out of Bobby’s baked mac and cheese recipe. It took him years, but he finally convinced the man to write it down. Bobby’s handwriting was juvenile at best on a good day, but this was nearly unreadable. Buck wonders if he did that on purpose. “Frogs?”
“Yeah!” Chris states. “My teacher said that if you put a frog in a pot, you have to make sure it’s not immediately boiling. You put them in water and then slowly raise the temperature and they won’t realize what’s happening. Then once they realize, they have no place to go. They can’t jump out.”
S6 Spec: Buck decides he doesn’t need therapy, reverts to some bad habits, and explodes. Or, the Breakdown Fic
bro·ken by kristen999 (@thekristen999)
32k | Mature
1. having been fractured or damaged and no longer in one piece or in working order.
2. having given up all hope; despairing.
Forced to take shady side jobs to pay his bills, Evan Buckley doesn’t think he’s ever seen such rock bottom. Until he meets Eddie Diaz, a man even more desperate and alone. Season 3 AU
crashing, i'm crashing right into you by himbobuckley (@bumble-of-the-bee)
6k | Teen
Buck gets an unfortunate call while driving and spirals before getting hit by a drunk driver. Surprise, coma!buck is real and can hear the things people (Eddie and Maddie) say while he's unconscious. Follows the struggles Buck deals with while trying to come back and the ones he has to face if he does.
6.07 spec, so the sperm donor issue is a Thing.
shelter my eyes from the sun (and wait for the birds to fly by) by lizzybizzyzzz (@lizzybizzyzzz)
25k | Mature
There’s always been a lingering precedent- Buck was born to save, born to die trying to at the very least. Buck couldn’t save Daniel, could barely save Chris, dragged Eddie across hot pavement under a burning fire truck, couldn't save his sister or his parents from the lifelong heartbreak of losing a child.
Buck was born to save. He’s just not too good at much else.
blue skies by spaceprincessem (@spaceprincessem)
36k | Teen
“Most babies are born as accidents,” She says suddenly, like she’s decided that Buck has passed, that she can trust him with this.
Buck doesn’t really have an answer because that question hits way to fucking close to home. A year or so ago he would have said, yes, I was an accident, so I know how that goes, but Buck knows better now. Knows that he would almost give anything for that answer to still be yes. Evie’s finger works under the seal to rip it open, a stack of important looking papers dumping out onto the table in front of her.
“Not me,” she says without looking up as she organizes them into a neat stack, “I was engineered.”
And Buck’s pretty fucking sure a giant, cataclysmic hole has ripped right open, dragging him down to the earth’s core where he vaporizes into dust.
a leaf falls on loneliness by iimpossible_things
11k | Not Rated
Buck doesn’t think that if he were to say, “I’m in a bad place”, that anyone would turn him away. Really, he doesn’t. The 118 has too many good, kind people for that.
But every time he wants to open his mouth, to say something, to reach out to Eddie or Bobby or Hen or Chim, he hears Eddie yelling, “you’re exhausting.”
—you’re exhausting, you’re exhausting, you’re exhausting—
So each day he does his job and he laughs and he jokes and he pretends he’s the care-free goofball he’s always been. And each day he packs away his bruises and his worries, takes them home to his empty loft with its quiet rooms, and licks his wounds in silence
this is me trying (at least i'm trying) by screaminghalfpastmidnight (@screaminghalfpastmidnight)
15k | Teen
Buck nods against his pillow, remaining silent before Eddie whispers, “Do I have to be worried about you?”
“No.” Buck mumbles. “I’ll be back at work on Thursday. I just needed a day.”
“Do you promise?” Eddie says, and Buck knows he’s not referring to his comment about work.
“Promise.” You don’t have to be worried about me.
burn the straw house down by rarakiplin (@hoediaz)
40k | Mature
“Why the fuck are you even in this loop? This day isn’t about you.”
“Well, I die,” Eddie comments idly, not sounding as offended as he maybe should be. “Haven’t you heard? I’m always dying.”
“That’s not funny.”
Eddie shrugs, not really agreeing or disagreeing. It’s a few seconds before he says, eyes still closed, “Maybe I’m here so you’re not alone.”
or, buck gets stuck in time, has a break down and then, relatedly, a break through
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The contradictions in Eddie Diaz have sucked me in, I'll admit. He gives great insightful life and love advice that he takes none of. He's former Texan army with a silver star— an all American hero — but only enlisted to run from his responsibilities. He's a Paramedic who joined Fight Club. A self-sacrificing single father who somehow leads a double life as a high roller. He has to be dragged into any new romance kicking and bitching but once there will pleasantly play house (right up until he does something dramatic to blow it all up). He obviously has commitment issues but has no problem emotionally and legally committing to his best friend. He doesn't believe in religious indoctrination or the supernatural but is very Catholic. He's Latinx and speaks fluent Spanish yet claims to watch Telenovelas for no reason other than to 'practice Spanish'. He's a regular, mentally stable guy. He's the least normal of them all, nor is he anywhere close to mentally stable.
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The reason the fake dating trope works so well for buddie is because even canonically they are both that brand of fucking stupid where they think it’d actually work
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lover-of-mine · 5 months
Yk, I'm obsessed with this scene for many many many reasons and I could go on about it, but like, I'm particularly insane about the way Buck is asking for Eddie to let him in, but Eddie is not letting him, so he's literally never leaving the door. He spends the whole scene holding on to the door because Eddie won't let him step in with him. MADNESS.
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And then he BREAKS A FUCKING DOOR to get in whether Eddie wants that or not.
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chronicowboy · 13 days
still caught up on the back door of it all. (yes i'n turning it into my own heavy handed evan buckley style metaphor so what?). buck getting a side of eddie no one else does, this open and vulnerable and heartbroken man who doesn't have to be anything but himself because he knows buck is safety and certainty and of course. buck being let in in a way no one else is, into the deepest and ugliest parts of eddie that he's tried to hide and polish and fix on his own for so long. eddie opening the door wide for him and being shocked when buck asks if he can come in because buck's the kind of person to knock eddie's door down to get to him, but also knowing that buck will always knock first as an i'm here, i'll be here before he pushes his way inside all of eddie's mess. and the back door opening into the kitchen, into the heart of the home generally, but absolutely the heart of their home, buck comes knocking and eddie lets him into his heart without hesitation, eddie lets him into his heart directly, no hallways to traverse through first, one step and buck's inside because when is he not nestled safely in eddie's heart?
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bidisasterevankinard · 4 months
I really think Buck talks about tsunami with Chris here(as Eddie said it was 3years in 6x7 it can be 4 years anniversary and they need to make smt and Chris decides to use real hero from tsunami because kid might see tsunami differently from Buck cause he was small and he was protected enough. Chris might not understand how awful it was. I mean he's only 13)
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it goes good with water related emergency where Bobby in danger. Which I hope lead to Buck's breakdown
And it then goes good with parallel where Eddie again puts his hand on Buck's shoulder as call back to 3x3 to make him remember that Eddie said that day
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So Buck feels bad(start of his breakdown era I hope) after the talk with Chris before they are called to cruise emergency and Eddie talks with him again, but it doesn't make Buck feel at ease and then they are working on cruise call and maybe Buck need to safe Eddie and the kid who looks like Chris(maybe both), or maybe even Bobby, and his already bad headspace snaps and he breaks
And it's Eddie's turn to be here with him. To "sit" with Buck in his worst
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stil-lindigo · 3 months
scammers are scum of the earth in a time where every dollar counts, so just make sure to block @/esth-care, @/ann-qm as well as any donation link that leads to anah qussim.
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poughkeepsies · 1 year
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I keep seeing people say buck has never gotten a breakdown moment and every time I have to reply well what's all this then
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fruitydiaz · 28 days
imagining a scene ala fear of phobia where eddie’s confiding in buck about kim and buck’s like oh my friend is in a deeply bad place right now i must proceed with caution. and then asking to meet her to see if kim is really anything like shannon and then. devastatingly. she is not. and eddie just has Issues
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songbvrd · 27 days
ok but i've been thinking more about eddie cheating arc and it actually makes so much sense (aside from just being fucking hilarious that he's cheating on his ex-nun gf he already avoids for two men with the doppelganger of his dead wife)
but here's the thing. eddie has objectively dated women who he has no reason not to like. they're women who are objectively good for him and for his son. ana was a teacher, who christopher loved, who genuinely seemed good with him, and yet, at the prospect of it becoming too real, he abandoned ship (there's other stuff with her, but the show didn't acknowledge that from eddie's perspective, so i'm not referring to it either). with marisol, despite the actress being just objectively bad, there's no reason for him not to want to be with her. she has been cool w his hot and cold behaviour, she's clearly good with chris, and she clearly likes him. and yet, eddie clearly doesn't want to be with her (as evidenced by him constantly asking her to babysit so he can hang out with tommy or buck or kim lmao, literally anyone else).
like, in universe, these are two women who are beautiful, patient and care about his child.
and yet, eddie can't let go of shannon. because eddie doesn't feel the way he's supposed to feel about these women and there's an easy excuse to explain it. he never got over his son's mother. the problem, of course, being that he wasn't actually happy with her either. they were just kids themselves when shannon got pregnant, and for the majority of their relationship, they were avoiding each other. they were constantly fighting/disagreeing and their last encounter before her death was literally her leaving him again (not shannon bashing, i like her, but it's hard to deny that they were dysfunctional as hell, and not actually happy together, despite the fact that they did actually seem to love each other).
but for eddie, if you're trying to avoid reality, what better way to do it than to hide behind 'the one who got away'. a woman who can never prove his hypothesis wrong because she's gone. whilstever he can explain it away as 'it's because of shannon', he never has to confront the possibility that there's another reason why he doesn't feel what he thinks he should feel for these women.
so then he sees shannon (kim). and shannon is his scapegoat. shannon is the reason he can't make it work. so in theory, seeing her again, in his mind, it should "fix" him, right? except, it can't. because he was never actually happy with shannon, and regardless, this isn't shannon. he says he wants to nest, and i do believe that's true, but he also can't go through with something he doesn't really feel, clearly, so he sabotages it. so he's going to throw himself into it, sabotaging his relationship with marisol at the same time.
and when he tries again with kim, and it still isn't working, eddie's going to break down, because there's another reality he has to address. shannon isn't the reason it isn't working. it was an easy excuse to hide behind, but it isn't about her. eddie breaks down, pushes everyone away, struggles to deal with what tthat means for him.
but the truth is, it isn't working because it isn't what he wants. it's what he THINKS he should want. now, obviously, buddie is what i'm getting at here, but this conversation isn't even necessarily about buck. it's about eddie as a whole, and what he's hiding from.
wham bam, thank you ma'am, gay eddie realisation arc season 8.
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Buck & Eddie: Eddie KNOWS Buck!
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The title of episode 7x5 is "You don't know me" (it could change) and when I read it, all I could think about is something I haven't been able to forget since 6x4 aired. It was Buck’s conversation with Connor and IMO, it was weird and superficial for REASONS I might explain in a future post.
Anyway, Buck's overall arc in Season 6 was about him trying to be at ease while not making the same mistakes (which started at the end of 5x18). In 6x1, he wanted to be interim captain, then he went on to search for happiness in 6x2 followed by his decision to be Connor's sperm donor in 6x4 and that led to the comment included in the scene below, "I know those things about you". But the question is, does Connor really know Buck? 🤔
Reminder, based on the things that were shown in CANON in 4x5, Buck and Connor never really knew each other. They were acquaintances who met while they were in Peru and that was after Buck left Hershey when Maddie told him to "Go and be happy". During their conversation while Buck was bartending, Connor "suggested" Buck move to L.A. with him and the guys he knew because they were "kind of like a family". It's important to note that Connor said it after he stopped listening to Buck while he was trying to explain something to him.
Who always listens to Buck? EDDIE!
Now on to Season 7.
In the recent TCA interview, with regards to Buck’s self-discovery journey, OS commented that Buck’s sperm donation for his friends "hasn't necessarily played in any kind of conscious way so far" within the first 5 episodes (see below).
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So the question is, could Buck tell Connor, "You don't know me!" in a conversation about the baby in 7x5 and it have something to do with Buck’s self-discovery journey? It's possible since as mentioned above, Connor doesn't really know Buck. Let's be real... when Connor reappeared they hadn't seen each other in three years and the attributes Connor mentioned about why he asked him to be his sperm donor instead of him going to a sperm bank aren't necessarily HEREDITARY.
Reminder, Buck likes to make things about himself and he likes to fix things. Therefore, the way things played out in 6A made it seem like he was making things about himself with the sperm donation too.
Here are a few of the comments that have been said to Buck and about him by his family.
In 3x1 and 3x2 (they replayed some of the scene from the end of 3x1 at the beginning of 3x2), Chris said, "You're going to be ok kid" after Buck told him he hopes he finds a job he likes and somethimg that makes him feel like he matters when he grows up. This happened after Buck quit the 118 but before the Tsunami.
In 3x6, Hen told Bobby, "I think Buck makes everything hard on Buck. The boy has two settings... zero and shut up before I smack you". They were discussing Bobby letting Buck work again after the lawsuit.
In 3x9, Eddie said, "So we're making this about you again?" while they were in the kitchen after Buck apologized for the second time following the lawsuit.
In 3x16 Chimney said, "So it's all about you?" when Buck was telling the team about Red.
In 3x16, Maddie said, "So you don't think this business with Red is hitting a little too close to home? A lonely hero firefighter who's pining for his lost love."
In 4x5, Athena said, "You never give up, that's what being Buck means to me" after he stayed in the warehouse fire against orders.
In 5x4, Eddie said, "You're the guy who likes to fix things" after Maddie and Chimney left.
In 6x11, dead Bobby said, "Aww kid, if what matters to you most is the way people see you... then you haven't learned a damn thing" in Buck’s coma dream.
They all know how Buck likes to make things about himself and at various points, they've said it in some form or another. Family won't hesitate to tell the people they love the truth unlike those who want to get what they can then leave like Connor did. And that's one of the reasons why I think Buck didn't talk to anyone about the sperm donation because if he had, they would have told him the truth. He did talk to Hen and even though she didn't discourage him, she did caution him about the possible ramifications of it except he was adamant about doing it and he wouldn't listen to the universe when it kept screaming at him.
Does Connor know Buck? NO!
The person who does know Buck is EDDIE!
Eddie not only knows him, HE SEES HIM! He also listens to him, he takes care of him and he's the one who's been there for him. In 6x1, he helped Buck see another side to Bobby's decision about interim captain. In 6x6, Eddie was the one who reassured him that Karen would be fine without a spleen. The list goes on and on but 9-1-1 made it a point in Season 6 to show the GA that NO ONE knows Buck like Eddie does and that continued even in 6x15 when Buck said that BS about ND seeing him.
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No one believed it and it's possible Buck didn't believe it either.
The point of this post is that Buck’s breakdown may finally happen in Season 7 and it might have something to do with the sperm donation 👀.
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Reminder, he didn't have one in season 6 even though he died and I think all of these things are related and could lead to it.
If Buck does have a breakdown, who's going to be by his side? EDDIE!
The same way Buck was by Eddie’s side after Eddie’s breakdown.
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I said I wasn't going to speculate and I hadn't planned on it but I have so many thoughts about what could trigger Buck’s breakdown and I've been debating whether I'll post them. But I just might now that everything seems to be pointing in that direction.
Will Buck finally breakdown in season 7? Only the showrunner, writers and producers know the answer to that question.
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try-set-me-on-fire · 2 months
what useless tools ourselves
Rated G // 4905 words
After Eddie chokes out what he can of a tragedy nearly a decade in the making, and after they go together to make sure Christopher is okay — the kid's eyes are wide where they meet Buck's over his father's shoulder, Eddie still trembling as he holds him — they sit back down at the kitchen table and Buck cleans Eddie's knuckles.
Buck, between the breakdown and dawn. Written for the BTHB prompt bloody knuckles.
@mysteriouslyyounggalaxy @phdmama @bbbugzzz @leothil @pantsaretherealheroes @giddyupbuck @hobbitnarwhal @kaseysgirl86-blog @thebrofriends @lillathelegend @thewolvesof1998 @devirnis @bigfootsmom @blahblahwoofwoof @lover-of-mine @steadfastsaturnsrings @sunshinediaz @eddiebabygirldiaz @jenniferscraftlife
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suledins · 2 years
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endlessly holding his breath... 
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absolutelybifurious · 1 month
do yall ever think about the time that buck lost his shit so completely over eddie diaz being shot that eddie's 10yo child had to COMFORT HIM
that sure was something that took place!!!!!!!!
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lø spirit, mind of mine
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bidisasterevankinard · 4 months
New discoveries for Buck are gay sex, prostate orgasm and new boyfriend to broke up with next season to date Eddie
But seriously, can Buck just date a guy on the background (no one knows and we just has some little scenes and pointing on it), but nothing too big, only for two last episodes being Buck coming out and Eddie's reaction ?
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