yorgunherakles · 2 months
en iyiyi görüyorum, beğeniyorum; fakat en kötüyü yapıyorum.
spinoza - etika
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feargudan · 4 months
171. Divorced Dad Rock Nightcore
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hello-nichya-here · 8 months
You talking about what happened to Michael Jackson made me remember the case of that youtuber called "Etika", which happened a few years ago. Not saying as if it were that much of similar cases, but he was completely turned into a content machine for the internet and his audience, and most people just forgot he was a human being. Not even when he started to show signs that he wasn't well, that he seemed to suffer from some mental illness and how he seemed so disconnected from reality, the vast majority of his audience still continued to treat everything as a big show (Etika himself remained trapped into the character that he was on the internet, even in these situations). I remember when the police had to break into his house and take him by force to a hospital clinic, and many people still treating it as just a meme. Then, sometime after that event, it was reported that he had committed suicide. And only after this, when he died, people stop making jokes about it and treat him like a person.
Jesus Christ, that's terrible.
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cistota · 2 months
Všichni etikové jsou buďto ✨náckové✨ nebo ✨nedokážou vstát z postele✨.
Ne, nebudu eleborovat dále
Nebo jo, budu elaborovat dále.
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impermanent-art · 2 years
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Portrait of Etika by BK Foxx in East Williamsburg.
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imashy13 · 6 months
Hi etika I know you can’t hear me but I just watched the five nights at Freddy movie and it’s was good i think you would of enjoy it. 🖤🤍
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ablado · 9 months
Tidak semestinya seorang murid membenturkan antar guru-gurunya saat mereka berbeda pendapat dengan merendahkan salah satunya atau mengabaikan haknya. Walau si murid punya posisinya.
Lihatlah adabnya Imam Bukhari kepada gurunya Imam Dzuhli yang memusuhinya. Dan bagaimana sikap Imam Muslim dalam bersikap terhadap apa yang terjadi antar kedua gurunya.
Jangankan kata merendahkan, kata pembelaan diri pun tidak ditemukan.
Betullah kalau diam itu emas. Lebih.
Samarinda, 3 Nov 2021
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eadvernon · 11 months
Etika loves minecraft Melobytes
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lale-i-knjige · 2 years
Poslanik, a.s., je donio univerzalnu poruku i u iskustvu ljubavi koju je predstavljao tokom cijelog života i u podsjećanju ljudi na potrebu da se pridržavaju univerzalne etike koja nadilazi podjele, pripadnosti i rigidne identitete. To je bila istinska sloboda — sloboda bića koje voli pravedno i ne dopušta sebi da bude uhvaćeno u strasti proistekle iz rase, nacije ili identiteta. Njegova ljubav koja je obasjavala njegov etički osjećaj učinila ga je dobrim, njegov etički osjećaj koji je vodio njegovu ljubav učinio ga je slobodnim. Krajnje dobar među ljudima i izuzetno slobodan od njih — dva su kvaliteta koja su ashabi prepoznavali u posljednjem Poslaniku. Bio je Božiji miljenik i ljudski primjer. Molio je i promišljao. Volio je i davao. Služio je i transformirao. Poslanik je bio svjetlo koje ka Svjetlu vodi i učeći iz njegovog života vjernici se vraćaju Izvoru života i nalaze Njegovo svjetlo, Njegovu toplinu i Njegovu ljubav. Poslanik, a.s., jeste napustio ljudski svijet, ali nas je naučio da nikada ne zaboravimo Višnje Utočište, Svjedoka, Najbližega. Svjedočenje da nema boga osim Allaha, dž.š., je, ustvari, iskorak ka dubokoj i istinskoj slobodi.
| Tarik Ramadan, Stopama Božijeg Poslanika |
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yorgunherakles · 6 months
varlık var oldukça ölür; ama hep kaçış düşüş halinde ölür. şeylerin yakınlığında durarak ölümden kaçılır.
levinas - ölüm ve zaman
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deontološka etika
ili nit za koju sam se zakačila na svojim predavanjima iz bioetike: prema deontološkoj etici, ličnost/persona nije nešto što nam je dato već nešto što nam je zadato stoga međusobno potvrđujemo slobode - tako se naše ličnosti razvijaju.
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(CW: sui, bigotry)
Real talk: A lot of self-righteous people who think they're infallible would NEVER encourage suicide, but after a certain point of badness that they arbitrarily decide on they believe that Bad People Deserve To Die. Even if they beg for help. Even if they repent. And that point gets a lot closer depending on how minority you are.
"How dare you say we hate black people! We're Good People!" Meanwhile if so many of them were hanging from cliffs and you knew their backstories, EVEN IF IT DIDN'T AFFECT YOU, EVEN IF IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU, you'd step on their fingers or leave, snoot up in the air like Count Frollo, as you just judged them undeserving of life.
I talk a lot about harm prevention. Like, actual harm prevention like murder and manipulation and many things that they target minorities with to encourage death. I've said before that I'd be a fool to help those people that want to kill me. Well guess what, honk honk, I'm a fucking clown. 🤡 I could never look transphobic bigots in the eyes and leave them to die and then feel like God's gift to humanity like SO MANY PEOPLE HERE. People not even victimized or affected. It's what we did to Etika. And though he's a piece of shit human I can't tolerate for the holocaust comments alone, we are 100% trying to drive Kanye West into an early grave. We, the unaffected privileged white people who think we are the fucking arbiter of life.
It's murder, and it's disgusting
Fucking be ashamed, you racist ableist bigoted cunts.
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monkey-network · 2 years
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Been 3 years since we lost a real gamer. May Etika continue resting.
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devifazrinaj · 2 years
Kursus dan Pelatihan
Oktober 2019 - November 2019
Kursus saya laksanakan pada DUTA Komputer sebagai siswa reguler.meski hanya terlaksana satu bulan saja, banyak sekali pemantapan ilmu dalam menjalankan Microsoft Office yang saya dapatkan. Selama ini saya hanya menjalankan aplikasi perkantoran sebatas dasar nya saja.
Menjalankan aplikasi sebatas pemakaian kebutuhan kantor sehari-hari yang dulu saya lakukan. Setelah memjalani pelatihan selama kursus ini saya menjadi lebih mahir menjalankan Microsoft Office.
Oktober 2022
Kursus ini diadakan sebagai bentuk dukungan pemerintah terhadap pemberdayaan masyarakat dan pengembangan sumber daya manusia Indonesia. Bagi masyarakat kurang mampu yang belum memiliki kekampuan atau skilk dalam bekerja bisa mengakses secara gratis. Kursus yang biaya nya diberikan oleh pemerintah ini dapat diakses melalui laman Prakerja Indonesia.
Masyarakat yang telah terdaftar pada kartu prakerja akan mendapatkan deposit sebesar Satu Juta Rupiah Rp.1.000.000,- yang nantinya akan digunaķan untuk membeli kursus yang diminati. Meski tidak dapat dicairkan deposit tersebut sangat berguna untuk membeli kursus yang diminati oleh penerima kartu prakerja.
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cistota · 3 months
Nedávno jsem zahlédl tento naprosto přísnopřísný příspěvek:
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a inspiroval mě k napsání krátkého příběhu, o snaze profesora etiky najít morální argumenty k tomu, aby ho jeho student nepobodal nožem.
Trocha více humora, o hodně méně teologie:
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eljugomundo · 2 years
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