#especially with how Josiah treats him
isfjmel-phleg · 1 month
It has taken me this long to realize that yes, the fact that Tamett is from a country that has been conquered and subjugated and had its culture and language suppressed and been expected to assimilate and to be glad and grateful to be part of--but never truly one with or accepted by--the conquering nation until many of its people conclude that the safest thing they can do is keep silent and keep their heads down and try to appease....that's a parallel for his situation as Josiah's companion.
If I ever write anything thoughtful, it is entirely by accident.
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bubblepopsims · 6 months
Ruby let the bath water out sitting in it until every drop was down the drain leaving the scented flowers draped over and around her before she forced herself up and out cleaning out the tub and grabbing a towel to wrap around her relaxed body.
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“Mmm, should I wear something? I mean I am excepting something to come out of this but then again he doesn’t know that.. Tobias made it clear that we are still friends and I should treat him as such and not just a dog to come to my beck and call when I need some release.. it’s kinda hot how assertive he can be. He knows his worth and he won’t even let me walk all over that.”  She sighed and just decided to call it a day with some leggings and a t-shirt facing the mirror to ponder on how to ask him to get his ass over her.
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“God why is it all of a sudden hard to just ask him to come over.. I mean I used to just say come over and we would hang out and that’s it.. but usually we would talk throughout the day... he would send me some stupid video, or stupid picture.. such an idiot. a cute idiot though…. maybe it was the fact that Josiah said something to him, why the lack of communication. UGH, it’s driving me nuts… especially when I KNOW he will still send me stuff even when I AM the one telling him I don’t want to see him.”
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she groaned “fuck it” and just sent him a voice note.
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“Hey… I know I said I didn’t want to see you, well i didn't but Josiah did.. anyway either way come smoke with me.”  she thought about it, hovering her finger over the send button. Contempating even though she had her mind already set. fuck it. sending it and heading towards the living room.
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ttuesday · 3 years
Hey, how are you? I hope you’re fine.
It’s been a while LOL, but I never stopped following you, and I still love your writing.
So, how do you think the boys would react to the reader asking them to choke her?
I wake up a real horny today LOL.
- B
B! Hope life’s treating you well <3 luv u too
When you ask Arthur, he chuckles and teases you a little bit. He has no idea how to do this, the only time Arthur chokes people is when he’s killing them but he's trying to look confident and as if he knows what he's doing.
Before he chokes you, he makes sure to go through your safe works and little gestures you can do to tell him to stop. As he begins to choke you, Arthur watches out for any signs that signal you're not enjoying it as much as you thought you would.
He practically breaths a sigh of relief when he sees you're enjoying it. Your moans encourage him to go a little tighter and he kisses behind your ear, teasingly nibbling at your skin.
Yeah he could get used to choking you, especially after he sees your reaction.
Dutch raises an eyebrow when he hears your request. It's something he's thought of doing in the past but he wasn't too sure if choking was something you were into. But now that he knows it's something you want too, Dutch can't wait.
The next time y'all get frisky, Dutch wraps his hand around your neck and slowly begins to squeeze.
Dutch keeps his rings on when he chokes you, making sure you can feel them pressing into your skin.
He loves the power dynamic of it and often finds himself smirking as he chokes you. Sometimes he asks you questions while he does it even though he knows you won't be able to respond. Dutch likes to tease you a lot with it.
Charles is open to all kinds of things in the bedroom so he has no problem doing some choking. As long as he isn’t actually causing you any pain then Charles is chill to try it.
He's fairly confident that he knows what he's doing but Charles checks with you anyways to make sure he isn't squeezing too tight.
His hand fits perfectly around your neck and Charles knows exactly when to squeeze. He doesn't choke you every time ye have sex, mainly because it brings out a more feral side to him. 
When he sees his hand around your neck and the look on your face, there's just something about it that makes him go harder and faster.
John needs to know how the hell he's supposed to choke you without killing you. He needs a tutorial.
He's a bit timid at first when you're showing him how exactly you want to be choked but he understands how you can get pleasure from it.
While you're choking him to show him how to do it properly, John starts to choke you too just to make sure he's doing it right. Honestly, I hope Dutch or Arthur doesn't walk by while y'all are doing this cause idk what they’ll think is going on lol.
John gets the hang of it quick. The only thing he's worried about now is that he'll accidentally go too hard. That’s why he always waits for your permission to squeeze your neck that lil bit harder.
C'mon now, I think the real question is when does Micah not choke you as he fucks you?
He adores having his hand on your neck, having that power and control over you is all he needs to finish.
Sometimes Micah puts his hand on your neck but he waits before he starts to choke you. He wants to see if you'll beg for it. Yeah Micah absolutely loves that and of course he teases you about it afterwards.
Honestly though Micah loves to be choked too and that's when you get your payback and if you want some good ol' revenge then you can definitely get him to beg too.
Javier's a little hesitant at first. He's scared of doing it and accidentally squeezing too hard or hurting you in any way. Javier's also a little confused how you could find pleasure in being choked.
Javier carefully places his hand on your neck and looks to you for reassurance. It takes a while for Javier to get comfortable doing it but he can't deny how hot it looks with his hands around your neck.
Hearing your moans and whimpers turns Javier on so goddamn much. No matter what position y’all are in, Javier will keep his hand on your neck.
The more he does it, the more curious he becomes about it and eventually Javier asks you to choke him too.
When you mention it to Sean, he acts like it's nothing. You want a quick choke? Oh yeah, he can do that. He's Sean MacGuire, he can do anything he puts his mind to... most of the time. Does he know what he's doing? Nope but he'll figure it out.
Sean goes full throttle, wrapping both of his hands around your neck and squeezing. It's like he practically rings your neck.
Don't worry, Sean stops the second he sees panic flash across your eyes and he realises he may have gone over the top with it.
You take his hand and show him how to do it properly. It takes him a while to get the hang of it but soon starts to get it and now Sean gets very cocky when he hears you moan as he chokes you.
Trelawny doesn't understand it. You want him to choke you? But not in a murder kinda way? It's something he hasn't really thought of or considered before but if it's something you want to try, then Trelawny is willing to test it out.
This man is so goddamn gentle. He carefully hovers his hand around your next, delicately settling his hand by your throat and... that's as good as it'll get.
Choking you goes against every one of his instincts so he’s very soft and delicate with you.
Afterwards Trelawny asks if he went too hard and if you're ok. You're gonna have to go through it with Josiah over and over again, helping him understand that he's not hurting you per say and that you're getting pleasure from it.
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sleepwellmyprince · 4 years
yeah so one of my friends just dumped me so i’m gonna write some of my faves comforting me about it, hope y’all can maybe relate to it or enjoy it! :’)
Josiah Trelawny, Micah Bell, Charles Smith, and Javier Escuella Comfort G/N Reader
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Josiah Trelawny
Nobody really confides in him, so it’s a first for him, especially when it’s somethin something so hard for you to deal with
When you first come to him, he can sense something is wrong, and ushers you to someplace a bit more private.
You eventually say that your closest friend had practically left you for dead earlier that day in a stagecoach robbery gone wrong.
“I’m deeply sorry, my dear. I always had an off feeling about them.”
He’ll do his best to comfort you, mostly distracting you from it though.
He’ll soothe you first, gently playing with your hair and placing a small smooch on your forehead
After that he’ll show you some little magic tricks, even teaching you some, being extra endearing while he teaches them to you
Of course he’ll be there if you need a shoulder to cry on, and he’ll always treat you fabulously after
A fancy candlelit dinner and a show afterward in San Denis, with his utmost fanciest top hat to go along with it
Josiah doesn’t go after this person, he isn’t the type to do that. But if he ever sees them in person, he’ll certainly tell them off.
He likes to have a bit of class, especially if he’s going to go about threatening someone. He’ll pull out his fancily engraved pistol and point it to their chin.
“If you come near (Y/N) again, I can assure you there will be dire consequences. You best be on your way now, hm?”
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Micah Bell
Micah can tell when you’re upset, mostly because you’re not cheeky with him as you usually are
He asks you what happened, and you explain that your friend abandoned you on a job gone wrong today.
Needless to say, his blood begins to boil. How dare somebody betray you?
He wants to go after them, kill them for nearly killing you, but you barely convince him that it isn’t worth his time.
He’s probably angrier than you are about it, until he realizes that it isn’t about him, and actually tries to comfort you
“Damn bastard.. Shit, darlin’ c’mon. Let’s go do somethin’ fun.”
He’s the kinda guy that feels better with either robberies, or hard alcohol. He lets you choose which, and you end up drinking the next couple nights away.
It actually makes you feel a lot better, as alcohol tends to do that to a person.
He’ll pat his lap and have you sit on him, holding you close, tickling the back of your neck with his mustache
He does that on purpose, just to hear you giggle. He’s not very good at comforting people but he’ll try his damndest.
Micah eases up on the teasing, however once you start (playfully) bickering with him again, he’s back to normal
He actually comes across your friend some time after you two hang out, and boy does he get mad.
His anger comes back to him since you are gone, and ends up shooting them straight between the eyes.
Everyone around him is shocked, and he threatens to kill anyone else that is brave enough to squeal to the cops.
“Y’all better scurry off now, this was very personal business.”
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Charles Smith
Charles immediately senses something is wrong when you’re more quiet around him.
He’ll ask what’s wrong and you explain that you were left for dead on a bad job.
He apologizes first off, saying he knew how close you two were. He doesn’t seem angry though, but it does set off a fire inside of him,
He wonders why anyone would betray you. You’re the sweetest thing, practically an angel in his eyes
He decides to comfort you as best as he can, holding you close and giving gentle kisses to your face.
He asks what you wish to do, and you decide on spending time with him rather than take vengeance.
He takes you out for a ride on his horse, having you sit snuggly behind him. You’ll go on a little camping trip with him for a day or two in the Lavender Fields by Hanging Dog Ranch
You’ll go hunting together, maybe even fishing, and just enjoy nature together. He even makes you a little flower crown
He showers you in affection, little smooches, pet names, everything you could dream of.
He treats you well through the whole trip - of course, he treats you well all the time, but today he makes you feel extra special
“You deserve everything that is good in the world, my flower. I’ll do my best to give you a part of that.”
When you get back to camp, Charles makes sure you are well enough to go out on your own. Once you are he goes into town and ends up crossing paths with your friend
He gets a little angry when he spots them, but manages to hold his composure well.
He first wants to just ignore them, so he goes into the store in search for a present for you. He ends up choosing a little doll that reminds him of you.
Coming out of the store, he bumps into them, so he confronts them
“You better stay out of me and (Y/N)’s way, or else you’ll be the one left behind, friend.”
He doesn’t do much more than that, riding back to camp to give you your present. He doesn’t mention meeting your friend along the way, just wanting you to be happy.
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Javier Escuella
You see Javier back at camp, he’s quite focused on sharpening his knife, playing around with it as well
He greets you cheerfully, but can sense something wrong, so he gestures for you to sit beside him, setting his knife down.
You explain that you’d been abandoned by your friend today, left to die.
Javier is infuriated by this - you both know that loyalty means everything to him.
He asks if you want to go after them, but you decline, just wanting to spend time with him.
You lean your weight onto his side, and he holds you close for a while. Just his warm embrace makes you feel so much better.
“I will always be there for you, mi rosa. Now come, let me spoil you rotten.”
After a moment he whips out his guitar and starts playing some romantic songs for you, a few you know so that you can sing along to them
Once he’s done playing for the time being, he cuddles with you for a while, just reassuring you and whispering sweet nothings into your ear
He plays with your hair, caressing your sides, holding your hands and smooching the backs of them. He really knows how to make you feel special, that’s for damn sure.
He makes sure you’re happy when it’s time for him to leave, and thankfully when he goes into town, he sees your friend there.
As much as he wants to listen to what you said, he can’t help but feel disgusted with your friend.
He doesn’t speak to your friend as he steps up to them, before swiftly shooting them in the foot.
“Next time I’ll shoot you in the head if you even dare to get close to (Y/N). You understand, pal?”
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scarfacemarston · 4 years
Unpopular Opinion: I don’t think Dutch loved John. Thoughts about THAT audio. Ft. Dutch’s treatment of Arthur and Abigail.
TLDR: John is too rebellious and questions him the most. Arthur gets even  more crap when he starts repairing his relationship with John. Abigail also gets it bad because she’s “useless” and with John. Charles and Sadie are also treated different.  This is not a “I hate Dutch post.” It’s an analysis of relationships. These characters are all complex.  Divided into six “mini essay” psychological sections so you can skip what you want!
So I fully believe that Dutch loved Arthur and the camp in a way. I just don’t think it was a healthy way. If you all look at my posts - I wrote about the type of love Dutch has. (The knowingly/unknowingly manipulative type.)  I’ve worked with abused kids form all types of situations and abuse. I’ve had family that has reminded me of Dutch in certain ways. So I’m using psychology, personal experience and canon. 
 John vs the Gang:  I think he cared most for Hosea and then Arthur. But John? Not really because he fights back the most. I think it’s always been that way. Benjamin Byron Davis confirmed that he believes that Dutch loved Arthur. But Arthur and the rest of the gang were always obedient. They felt like they couldn’t criticize him.  John comes across as the rebellious teenager and I think that is one reason why a lot of the gang didn’t like him. (It’s confirmed he’s not well liked in the gang. I can write about how and why if you all want! ) I agree that John is a bit of an ass and very irresponsible but grows up. But John’s comments about Dutch were right. That’s why I say that while Arthur is more booksmart, John is more cunning and socially smart. By this I mean he can see through people’s bull shit. Arthur is really bad at that.  Abigail can also see through bullshit.
John vs Arthur Personality:  When you play as John in stranger missions, he’s more reluctant to take part in some of them - especially the ones that end up poorly. Arthur is a trusting person. He may claim to hate humanity at times - but he clearly doesn’t. I think in some ways, he’s very soft heated and it makes him endearing - but it also screws him over often. I’ve explained why this makes people like Arthur more than John. John doesn’t show this very often except around those he trusts. He’s more guarded. John lived on the streets at a younger age and is more distrustful because of it.John isn’t looking for love or approval  as much because he didn’t have any. Arthur did. Arthur had his mother for years. John didn’t.  Arthur’s father was a monster - but in a different way than John’s. So Arthur was looking for softness. John can’t look for something he doesn’t know. Any softness he was shown would feel foreign and uncomfortable. I know this because I’ve been through it and I’ve worked with kids who’ve been through it. So any possibly ways that Dutch and Hosea could bond with him had to change or maybe didn’t happen like it did with Arthur.  It probably contributes to how he interacts with Abigail later on. I firmly believe Abigail was in a similar situation as John due to her psychological responses. She doesn’t seem to know how to be softer until the epilogue. She’s distrustful as well which I get to later. 
Childhood: I feel like there are a lot of hints of John and Arthur being pit against each other. There seem to be some elements of conditional love - but other times - this doesn’t seem to be the case. It’s harder to control people on - knowingly or unknowingly - when people are untied. That’s why Arthur gets far more abuse whenever he’s supportive of John. Same with Abigail, Charles and Sadie. Mary-beth, Uncle and Josiah for examples tried as hard as possible to keep their heads down and stay neutral. They received very little of direct personal abuse.
Arthur vs John: Arthur complains that John is always treated as the prized pony. But where? Where has that been seen? Bill brings it up as well, but no one else does. I think Dutch may be more forgiving of some of the stupid shit John does, but I haven’t seen any preferential treatment other than that. Nothing even hinted at besides the fact that John was brought back with open arms. 
About Abigail:  
Abigail has been fearful of Dutch losing his shit from the start, too. It’s one of the first things she talks about in chapter 2. She talks to Arthur and Hosea. Hosea literally tells her to leave to save her life and Jack’s.  In chapter 2. Abigail isn’t a threat. She’s viewed as the whiny, bitchy dependent mother of Jack.(NOTE: Everyone knows how much I defend every character. I rp as Abigail so of course, I don’t think she’s this way. She’s a single mother who feels endless guilt for the situation and only wants what’s best for her family.) She helped “Poison” John or maybe it’s because she’s just associated with him. Sadie, Hosea, and Tilly are three of the few people who talk to her. The rest of the camp ignores her until Jack is taken. Abigail feels like she owes everyone since the gang didn’t kick her out after she was pregnant. Some people claim that her only tie was John and he was gone. In the harshest fashion - they are correct. But they did it whether it was out of pity or they truly cared about her.  
When she and John reunite as a couple - she’s then viewed as threat. She is “poisoning” John. In chapters 3 and 4 - Dutch tries to talk to her about philosophy and stuff - Abigail says she doesn’t care about that. Only that her son is hungry and that they’re in danger. This is her actively speaking out against Dutch. Later on, Dutch doesn’t care how much she begs him about saving John. Even later, Dutch leaves Abigail to either be jailed, assaulted or die. He doesn’t seem to give a fuck about what happens to Jack. He just says something along the line of “That’s a shame, son.” Or something like that. 
Hosea and Dutch towards John: Dutch and Hosea spend most of their time telling John to get his shit together. Rightfully so!  Trust me, I know I write a lot in defense of John - but I am well aware and acknowledge he did some shitty things. I only want to know WHY he does what he does to understand him. But, Hosea and Dutch do not praise him for anything. (Maybe because he doesn’t deserve it in their eyes. IDK.) They don’t invite him to the fishing trip or have him do anything exclusive with them. (That we know of.) Hosea and Dutch obviously cared about John and the wolf attack. They probably cared for him as a kid - but like I said, He’s no Arthur for good or for bad. 
About the sound clip: I would argue that outside of Kieran, John gets the worst of Dutch’s anger. I mean, shit! Did you hear that sound clip I posted the other day? I can link it.  At this point, Dutch screamed at everyone at some point - but as far as I remember, he mainly personally yelled at John, Arthur, Abigail, Sadie, Charles I think? I know he spoke to Javier, Bill and a few of the others in a demeaning way - but it wasn’t as terrible as the flat out screaming and insults. Arthur received a lot of personal insults which is horrifying. He was left to die a few times-  but of course, Dutch never admitted it. But for John? He straight up admitted it! TWICE!!! I mean, damn! He also insults John the most followed by Arthur. His insults towards John are far more aggressive and personal. Dutch is aggressive towards Arthur - no doubt - but he’s also more passive aggressive and deceivingly gentle. 
Final: I understand that Dutch had a mental illness. I understand that Dutch probably had a TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) - but that still doesn’t excuse his behavior.
He toys with John in the epilogue and of course, RDR 1, too -but thats another story. 
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love-little-lotte · 4 years
My Ranking of Outlander Season 5 Episodes
Wow. This has been such a great season! It really felt fresh and well-made. It’s like we’re thrown back to earlier seasons, and I love it so much. The writing is a whole lot better; the direction is creative and new – but never to a point that it got dreary and boring; there is a significant amount of change that I really liked. Overall, a brilliant and amazing season. 
I’ve done something like this from the previous season (click here, if you’re interested), and now I guess I’m doing it again! It’s a lot harder, though, because I really liked most of the Season 5 episodes. I even wish it was longer! Twelve episodes seemed so short. I wish we could back to earlier episodes when we have more than fifteen episodes for one season.
So, to start off my Droughtlander (ugh, I cry thinking about Season 6 – it seems so far away), this is my ranking of Outlander Season 5 episodes! Before I begin, let me just say that this is my opinion, so please be polite. No need to tell me that you prefer this over that because obviously, this is my ranking. Also, just so you know, I haven’t read The Fiery Cross. I’ve only read Outlander, Dragonfly in Amber, and the first few chapter of Voyager. So, I may make mistakes about what happened in the books and such, since I only watch the TV show. 
#12: Episode 3 - Free Will
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Technically not a bad episode, but this is the one that I least liked out of all. It was a bit draggy, but definitely not boring. Nothing is boring when Jamie and Claire faces danger together! 
So, in this episode, Josiah revealed that he has a twin named Keziah. They both escaped from the Beardsleys, who apparently abused the both of them. But without their right papers, the twins were not really free. So, of course, Jamie and Claire just had to save the day and take it upon themselves to go to the Beardsleys and pay for their indenture. Also, Jamie left Roger in charge while he’s gone. It’s funny to see Roger try to lead the men. It’s not his fault by all means – after all, this was not his time and he has zero knowledge how to lead these soldiers. 
At the Beardsleys, Jamie and Claire found out that Mr. Beardsley was incredibly injured and at the brink of death, while Mrs. Beardsley was pregnant and admitted that she’s slowly torturing her husband because he used to physically abuse her. Claire helped Mrs. Beardsley give birth, only to find out that the baby was dark-skinned, which meant it wasn’t Mr. Beardsley’s child. The next morning, the missus was out of the house (wow, that recovery!), leaving her newborn baby in Jamie and Claire’s care. Jamie then faced a tough decision to euthanize Mr. Beardsley, who wanted his pain to end. Something tells me that this is going to be an important thing in the future...
#11: Episode 5 - Perpetual Adoration 
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Also not a bad episode, to be honest. In this episode, we get another flashback of Claire’s time in the 60s. This time, she’s seen treating a patient by the name of Graham Menzies. Sounds familiar? I’ve read that it’s a nod to Graham McTavish and Tobias Menzies – two of my favorite actors from the earlier seasons. Loved that reference to them; I also miss seeing them in this show! (But maybe Tobias as Frank because I could not, for the life of me, handle another Black Jack Randall shenanigan, even just in a flashback.) Well, this particular patient was actually Claire’s reason to finally go back to Scotland with Bree. It got a bit philosophical in the flashbacks, too! Also, Claire was able to make penicillin out of 18th century materials. Is there anything that this woman couldn’t do?
Jamie, on the other hand, was catching up with Lieutenant Knox, where the lieutenant told him that he’s going to pardon the Regulators, except Murtagh. This left Jamie no choice but to kill Knox – also because he has a list of Ardsmuir prisoners and as you all know, Jamie’s one of them. Pretty sad about Knox, though. He really trusted Jamie and he seemed like an okay guy. But he had to die! 
Bree and Roger also had some problems in this episode. Roger finally found out about what happened with Stephen Bonnet and Bree before they tried to blew up the jail cell the previous season. Roger obviously (but not understandably hmpf) got mad but eventually changed his mind when Claire reassured him that it’s going to be all right. I’m not a big fan of Roger (let’s just get that out of the way), and his reaction in this particular episode. For the sake of drama, I guess.
Also, a new pet is in town! Adso finally made his first appearance at the end of this episode. He’s such a cute wee thing.
#10: Episode 2 - Between Two Fires
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One of my favorite things in Outlander is when Claire flaunts her medical knowledge to the 18th century people. I love seeing their expressions, especially when they try to mentally calculate if this woman is a genius or a witch. Sadly, in this episode, there’s one patient Claire couldn’t save because it was too late. This seemed to unravel something in her. It’s devastating to lose a patient, especially when he/she could still be saved. But, even though she’s an expert healer, some people wouldn’t listen to her because she’s not an actual physician. So, Claire decided to make up “Dr. Rawlings.”
Also, I love that Claire picked Marsali as an apprentice! I really loved her character even from Season 3, and I was hoping to get more scenes with her in Season 4. But it was only in this season that her character shined brightly. Marsali was weirded out at first, obviously, but with Claire’s guidance, she’s good to go.
All away from Fraser’s Ridge, Jamie and Lieutenant Knox are fighting off Regulators. While confronting three prisoners, Knox lost his temper and accidentally killed one. At nightfall, Jamie helped the other two to escape. I love Jamie whenever he’s trying to be a hero and all, but sometimes, it just worries too much that he’s always stepping it up. Well, he’s the King of Men, I guess.
The ending of this episode was horrifying and intense because we see Stephen Bonnet, fully alive and plotting evil. I hate him so much, but Ed Speelers is an amazing actor. 
#09: Episode 9 - Monsters and Heroes
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Despite having this episode in the bottom part of the list, I just want to say that Sam Heughan was amazing in this episode. His acting was top-notch, and I find myself, once again, questioning the awards committee why they haven’t given him an award. Yes, give me more scenes of him writhing in pain!
This episode was highly intense, but it felt almost too draggy. Jamie and company were out hunting when they decided to split up. Jamie and Roger went together, and Jamie was bitten by a venomous snake. Roger tried to look for the others but to no avail. So they decided to camp for the night, in which Jamie told Roger that if he does not survive, it must be him who’s going to kill Stephen Bonnet for him.
Which absolutely no makes sense! Not the killing of Bonnet, but Jamie not surviving. He survived tons of other crap in his life, and I cannot believe he’s dying from a freaking snake. It just does not makes sense. Can you just imagine if he really died? Like a small snake ended Jamie Fraser’s life? It’s just heartbreaking.
The next day, Roger tried dragging Jamie with him while looking for the others. They were eventually found, and they brought him to Claire so she can fix him up. But not even Claire could even save him. The only thing she needs is her syringe, which was destroyed by friggin Lionel Brown (which, let me tell you, is the worst character to ever come out in this season). When Jamie found out his bite was way serious than he ever imagined, he told Claire to kill him instead of amputating his venom-filled leg, which broke Claire. Also, Caitriona Balfe’s acting during her conversation with Bree by the stairs was top-notch! 
Jamie almost gave up that night, but with some intense body touching, Claire was able to bring him back to life. It was a touching moment, for sure. Get it? Anyway, it was Young Ian who told him to get a grip of himself – it’s just a leg. His father lost a leg and Fergus lost a hand, but they’re still happy and alive.  Which I just want to applause to. 
And when all hope seemed lost, it was our little engineer Bree who saved the day! She was able to form a syringe of her own using the tooth of the snake which bit Jamie. Through this, Claire was able to save Jamie’s leg. Yay!
#08: Episode 10 - Mercy Shall Follow Me
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I know I’ve said I haven’t read The Fiery Cross yet, but I have read in tons of posts that the killing of Stephen Bonnet was not part of the aforementioned book; he actually met his demise in the next book. But whatever the reasons why they sped up the process, I want to thank the producers and writers for putting it here in this season. The Bonnet storyline was kind of losing touch and was getting draggy. I’d rather have them focus on new things in the next season. 
Jamie, Roger, and Young Ian were putting their plot in motion to kill Bonnet through ambushing him when Bonnet himself failed to show up in the said ambush. That’s because he’s at the beach, following Claire and Bree as they were enjoying the ocean breeze. He eventually knocked Claire unconscious and kidnapped Bree.
Bree woke up to find herself in a dingy and shady place, but she was not kept as a prisoner – or so Bonnet tried to tell her. He told her he wanted to change and they even had this strange role play where they eat dinner and Bree told him the story of Moby Dick. We actually get to know Bonnet’s past in this episode. We learn that he’s deathly afraid of water, for one thing. 
It seemed to go all right for Bree until Bonnet told her to kiss him, and when she did, he got the sense that she was faking and lo and behold, he was right. This angered him and even started having sex with a prostitute in front of Bree, which was downright disgusting. Anyway, Ed Speelers is a terrific actor!
Jamie and Claire finally find out where Bonnet’s hiding Bree through that prostitute to whom Bonnet was having sex with. Bonnet, fed up with Bree’s ridiculous antics, decided to sell her to a man. But before anything could happen, Jamie, Claire, Roger, and Young Ian were able to save her. Bree was given the choice to end Bonnet’s life, but she decided to give him a fair trial by the government. Bonnet was sentenced to death by drowning, but before he could even die, Bree shot him through the head in a distance. Roger asked her if this was what she wanted or if was to make sure he’s really dead, but Bree was silent, which leaves us to decide what that meant. 
I’ve said this before: I wasn’t a fan of Sophie Skelton’s acting, but she definitely improved in this season! She was able to show some emotions and depth in her character. She was unable to convince me before, but she truly made an impact in this season. 
#07: Episode 4 - The Company We Keep 
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Were you ready to see Jamie Fraser dancing in this episode? Because I sure as hell was not! It was such a delight to see him trotting about while he and Claire smile at each other. 
But before we got to that scene, we had to watch Roger painfully lead the men to Brownsville (which is totally an insane and ridiculous name for a village – I know this was in the 18th century, but I hope there were poop jokes about them). Not a minute they stepped foot in this place, everything’s gone to chaos. It turns out Isaiah Morton, one of the men, had some problems with one of the guys in Brownsville. Isaiah apparently “disgraced” Lionel Brown’s daughter, Alicia, by sleeping with her, and now she cannot marry this rich guy her father arranged for her. 
Jamie and Claire eventually caught up with them, and were able to free Isaiah by letting him escape and to never show his face there again. Claire finally found a new home for Mrs. Beardsley’s newborn baby in Brownsville, Jamie finally got the Brownsville men to join him in his militia to fight the Regulators, and everyone finally had a good time and partied all night long. 
One of my favorite moments in the season was in this episode wherein Jamie told Claire that she looked happy while taking care of the newborn baby. He told her that she looked great as a mother, and it saddened me that he never got to see her as one. Jamie told her if she’s sure to give the baby away because maybe it’s their last chance to raise a baby together. Claire was like, “No,” but she appreciated the thought of it. They’re too old to have a baby again, and she already liked their life together. Even so, that was such a sweet moment for the both of them!
Isaiah decided to return to whisk Alicia away, and then she revealed she’s pregnant with his child. While this all seemed great for them, Jamie and Roger were not happy with Isaiah’s return because it might stir up some trouble. But Isaiah was able to convince them that he truly loved Alicia and wouldn’t they do the same thing for their wives. And that’s how it’s done!
#06: Episode 8 - Famous Last Words
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A very unique and creative episode. I think I haven’t seen an episode quite like this before, and it’s such a breath of fresh air. I like what the concept of showing the events like a silent film in comparison to what Roger’s facing. 
Richard Rankin was amazing in this episode. I think he really delivered well in showing Roger’s trauma and stress after his horrific ordeal. Roger is actually so beaten up in Outlander; it’s really devastating. Last season, he was taken by the Mohawks, and now this. And to think, he wasn’t a warrior or anything – he’s only an Oxford man. 
Three months after the Battle of Alamance, Roger was still quiet and could not utter a word. Bree was worried about him, and confided to Claire about her roommate’s boyfriend who was shell-shocked after the Vietnam War. Meanwhile, Roger kept reliving his deathly experience in silence. Usually, I’m not a big fan of Roger (as I said earlier) but I feel bad for what his character has gone through. 
Also, Young Ian finally came back in this episode! As someone who haven’t read the books, this took me by surprise. I didn’t know he’s returning, but I am so happy that he is! I really love his character. He’s not the same Young Ian as we’ve seen before, though. He was much more mature and fiercer. There are secrets he’s keeping from his family, which we’ll probably find out more in the next season. 
It was actually Young Ian who made Roger speak up again (quite just like the way how he was the one who set Jamie straight when he was bitten by the snake). Ian was asked to help Roger check out some land, and the two of them bonded. Ian told him how lucky he was to have his wife and child with him, even though he was thoroughly beaten from the battle. Roger was alive with a family, and to Ian, that seemed to be everything. Roger, in return, also saved Ian from killing himself. I’d like to see more of this duo in the future, please.
#05: Episode 6 - Better To Marry Than Burn 
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As soon as the trailer for Season 5 dropped, I’ve heard the words “stable sex” more than once in forums. I didn’t know what it was about – only that involves Jamie and Claire having sex in a stable (obviously). So you could imagine my enthusiasm when I finally see a stable in this episode!
Before that, though, there is a party because Jocasta getting married to some guy who’s not Murtagh. Which is a total loss because I shipped them so hard! We also got to see some flashbacks with Jocasta losing her daughter because of her husband’s cause in the fight against the English long ago. 
While mingling with some of the guests, Claire was approached by this ridiculous-looking man called Phillip Wylie, who’s beyond annoying. He flirted with her shamelessly, and she rejected his actions but was immediately interested when she realized he might be the key to capture Stephen Bonnet. But everything got out of hand when he suddenly tried to kiss her. Thankfully, Jamie arrived on time and was able to save her from this man.
But when Claire told him that he might be the answer to the Bonnet problem, Jamie decided to make a gamble with Wylie. Unfortunately, this involved Claire giving up Frank’s ring, which made her unbelievably mad. Later on, when Claire went back to the stables, Jamie drunkenly walked in. Claire’s still angry with him about the rings, but the anger doubled when she found out he was drunk. Jamie told her that he won the bet, and that they should celebrate. There were some fights, then Claire slapped him, and then they kissed and ta-da: stable sex! 
Unfortunately, I had high hopes with what the stable sex was going to be and that was not it. I was expecting steamier scenes, but okay, I’ll take this one. It was hilarious, still. 
Oh, I almost forgot. Back at Fraser’s Ridge, Bree and Roger fight some some sort of locusts evading the place, just like the ten plagues. But they were able to stop this through some smart science and shit. I couldn’t care less about their plot in this episode; all exciting things happen in River Run at the moment! 
But the most heartbreaking thing that ever happened in this episode was Jocasta and Murtagh. The night before the wedding, Murtagh sneaked in Jocasta’s room and begged her not to marry Innes. This broke Jocasta, but still, she couldn’t just run away with Murtagh. She chose a man with a cause before, and she lost her daughter. This woman couldn’t take any heartbreaks anymore, and Murtagh left, heartbroken. And as you know, that would be their last conversation...
#04: Episode 12 - Never My Love 
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I thought we can go past one season without anyone getting raped, but here we are. I know this was included in the books, but there were so many changes from book to screen in this season – why couldn’t they changed this one? It was too heartbreaking and sad. I don’t know if it’s unnecessary, but I did read one article that said they could’ve just not included that part.
Anyway, this episode was absolutely harrowing and downright terrifying. This show does not shy away from brutal scenes like this, for sure. I am devastated for Claire because she obviously does not deserve that treatment! In her own words, she survived a World War and losing a child. She will not let this one destroy her. But, of course, Claire’s only human and she’s gone through deep trauma in this episode. It’s only fair for her to feel this way. 
Lionel Brown (honestly, I hate this guy more than anyone in this season and that includes Stephen Bonnet) kidnapped Claire out of her own home with the help of some other guys, beat her senseless, and even raped her. This really “shookt” me out of my core. It didn’t ruin me like that season finale in Season 1 (which still haunts me to this day) but I am still horrified. 
Also, this episode was really creative in showing Claire’s ordeal. It had dream sequences of Claire in 1960s with Jamie and their family celebrating Thanksgiving, with the exception of Bree, Roger, and Jemmy. It included a lot of Easter eggs, such as the vase from the pilot episode and the rabbit from Jamie’s dream in the Battle of Culloden (if I’m not mistaken...?) The production design was also very intricate. The attention to details is brilliant!
Jamie and his men were finally able to save Claire, but she felt ruined. They killed every men in the group, but it seemed like Lionel survived. They took him as a prisoner and brought him to Fraser’s Ridge. Claire was still mending her scars, but she found herself in her clinic with Lionel and Marsali. Yes, she took an oath to do no harm to other people, but do you really expect her to save him from his wounds after what he’s done to her? Hell no! It was too much for her to bear and so she left, crying. It was actually Marsali who ended Lionel’s life with her own hand. Ugh, I love Marsali this season! She was beyond amazing and I love how her character has grown. 
This was surely an intense episode, and I love the additional twists of the dream sequence. Caitriona Balfe blew me away in this episode; just give her the Golden Globe and Emmy, please. The final shot of Jamie and Claire is beautiful. One of the best season finales of the show. 
#03: Episode 1 - The Fiery Cross
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Season 5 really started strong with this first episode. We had a wedding, dancing, sex, singing, burning crosses, kilts, babies! I love it so much!
Finally, Bree’s getting married to Roger, and her parents are here to see it! It’s a wonderful moment for everyone. I am in love with Bree’s dress and the pearls she’s wearing (which her mother wore in her honeymoon sex with her father, let me just add). The wedding was sweet and lighthearted. 
But, of course, this is Outlander and we’re not here to have a good time – there’s always something we’re fighting off. In the very first episode, Lord John Grey confided in Jamie that Stephen Bonnet might be alive, which Bree overheard. This was her wedding night, people, give her a rest! Of course, she was visibly shaken, but she kept the information to herself. Also, Tryon was pressuring Jamie to join forces with him and fight for The Crown. 
In addition, there were a love-making montage while the L-O-V-E song was being played in the background. Out of place, for sure, but sweet nonetheless. Murtagh and Jocasta managed to sneak in the woods and have some time for themselves. Jamie and Claire were in charge with Jemmy for the night, but that didn’t stop them from getting some action themselves. And, of course, the married couple Bree and Roger finally had a proper honeymoon. 
Remember when Tryon was pressuring Jamie to gather some men to fight for The Crown? Well, Jamie faced an impossible decision because obviously he does not want to hunt down his godfather Murtagh. But he can’t also betray Tryon because he doesn’t want to lose his land. And so, he finally gave in and lit the fiery cross, calling the men to fight with him. He included Roger, and even gave him the title of “Captain.” Weird flex, but okay. 
This was entirely a good start for a good season. I even watched it twice when it first came out because I was so excited!
#02: Episode 11 - Journeycake 
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One of the best Outlander episodes, and this one totally made me cry. I hate goodbyes, but Outlander does it best. This episode was also written by the original author herself, Diana Gabaldon. My expectations were high, of course, and she definitely did not disappoint! 
Now that Stephen Bonnet is gone and that they have confirmed that Jemmy can travel through the stones, there’s no reason for Bree and Roger to stay any longer. Bree has already delivered the cryptic message to her parents that they will die in the fire. So, she and Roger decided to leave, especially that there’s a Revolutionary War coming on. 
Also, Young Ian finally knows about the truth about Claire, Bree, and Roger – they are time travelers from the future. About time, actually! He deserved to know the truth long time ago. But something’s weird: Ian actually wanted to go through the stones himself, too. I have no idea why, but it’s probably going to be about his time with the Mohawks (which I’m totally looking forward to know about in the next season). 
Also, there’s a hot sex scene with Claire and Jamie in this episode, which totally makes up for that awkward, rushed stable sex from the other episode. It involved Jamie going down on Claire while she’s sitting by the window pane. It’s daring and steamy! Trust Diana Gabaldon to perfect that scene. 
Before Bree and Roger leave, they said their goodbyes to everyone first. Marsali even admitted that she sees Bree as a sister, which breaks my heart, because they totally deserve more screen time together! Lizzie also tearfully said her goodbye to her mistress Bree, and it’s quite heartbreaking because all this time, she thought she’s coming along with them as well. Poor Lizzie. 
Claire also made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches as her last meal for Bree and Roger. I don’t know how she was able to make peanut butter and jelly with 18th century resources, but I do know that it was painstakingly hard so kudos to Claire for her dedication in making the perfect PB&J sandwich! Jamie’s reaction was totally hilarious, too!
When Bree and Roger finally left (but for some reason, they couldn’t go through the stones – more explanation maybe in the next season), Claire and Jamie were finally left alone in Fraser’s Ridge. While Claire and Marsali were tending on a patient, Jamie and some of his men checked out some commotion. However, this was only a ploy for Lionel Brown and his men to kidnap Claire straight from her home. It’s terrifying, and I didn’t like what happened next.
#01: Episode 7 - The Ballad of Roger Mac
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The major highlight of the season! I was ready to get hurt in this episode, but damn, nothing prepared me for what was about to happen. 
The whole episode reminded me of the Prestonpans episode from Season 2. Jamie was fighting with his men in the Battle of Alamance, while Claire was tending the patients. Ah, but before that, let’s celebrate Jamie Fraser’s fiftieth birthday! I don’t know how this guy is 50, but he is. He and Claire *cough* did some celebrating of their own before shit went down in the fight.
While all the others were preparing for the fight, Bree was staying with Aunt Jocasta when she finally realized that the fight was going to take place in Alamance Creek. This made her remember an importance piece of history. The militia will win, and the Regulators will lose. Of course, she took it upon herself to warn her parents. Thankfully, Bree has inherited her mother’s memory cells. 
Roger eventually volunteered to be the one to tell Murtagh and his men that they were doomed to fail, and Jamie let him. This was going on pretty smoothly, and Roger was able to tell Murtagh what he came for. Unfortunately, he ran into someone he knew (that woman he met in the ship from Season 4) and they were caught in a harmless innocent hug by the woman’s husband. The husband was none other than William Mackenzie, played by Graham McTavish! While it’s good to see him in the series again, I am pissed because they beat up Roger. 
Meanwhile, Jamie was forced to wear a redcoat uniform, which was just downright offensive. Jamie’s entire life was dedicated to fighting off redcoats, and now he’s one of them. It truly broke my heart to see him like that. You just know he’s struggling and trying to keep his senses. 
In the battle, Jamie was fighting with some Regulator when Murtagh himself showed up and saved him. There were some smiles; however, it was cut short when Murtagh was shot by one of Jamie’s militia men. Jamie tried to save him, and even dragged Murtagh back to Claire so she could save him, but it was all too late. And I am broken. I was crying when I was watching this episode, and it just broke me. Murtagh was one of my favorite characters, and I was so happy they brought him back last season. But now... I’m just broken. When the fight was over, Jamie took off the redcoat and just smashed it down in front of Tryon. This man was just fed up!
But while this was going on, Bree was worrying about Roger, as he still haven’t showed up after going to the Regulators. So, she, Claire, and Jamie tried looking for him. They finally came upon a tree with three men hanging on a tree with sacks over their heads; they were left to die. Jamie recognized Roger to be one of them because of the white handkerchief on his pocket that he had given to him earlier. 
This was really a good episode, and hats off to Sam Heughan and Caitriona Balfe’s acting. They were superb. Oh, as well as Duncan Lacroix, who I really admired as Murtagh! It’s so sad to see him leave the show!
Well, there you have it! My ranking of Season 5 episodes. I hope you had as much fun as I did with Outlander this season. It was incredibly fun, and a huge improvement from previous season. Tell me what you think!
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offbrand-outlaw · 5 years
Some RDR2 HCs that were lost during the Renaissance
Hosea doesn't have a tent because he can't stand sleeping in one all that much since Bessie died. He just doesn't feel comfortable in a tent any more.
Arthur has tried offering his bed to Hosea but the older man never accepts.
Sometimes, when Hosea is really tired Arthur will just drag him over to the bed and make him sleep in it.
Arthur and John don't understand why Hosea sleeps outside? Or why he never accepts their beds or tents? He just...doesn't.
On the matter of tents, Dutch can not live without his. He likes his luxury and sleeping outside without a bed just upsets him.
When it rains too hard everyone has to pile into the tents and wait it out. No one likes being in the same tent as Uncle because he'll pass gas like crazy.
This has led to everyone just shoving him out.
One time Josiah showed up into camp SCREAMING and everyone was freaking out likes "What's wrong?" "Are you okay?"
This man was being chased by like thirty wasp.
He led them all back to camp and all hell broke loose.
After that, he wasn't allowed back in camp for like a week.
When the camp got Cain it was just super great for Arthur. He loved him and liked to pet him all the time.
Bill especially loved Cain and he likes to think he was Cain's favorite person.
After Jack, he was.
John is kind of afraid of dogs, because they're just tamed wolves, but he deals with it for Jack.
Molly once had a little poodle when she was a kid. She loved to brush him and put bows in his fur. She named him Claudius because she thought it sounded fancy.
Bill likes dogs because they're LOYAL and also because he just loves how affectionate and hyper they are. He's always wanted a little dog so he can carry them around. He would low-key be the kind of guy who gets little booties for his dog and dresses them up for cold weather.
Pearson likes dogs, especially if they're trained. If a dog does a trick for him he's just in so much awe. He'll give them some cuts of meat as a treat. The only thing he doesn't like is if they're around the food too much. He just worries they might get people sick.
The only people in camp who aren't real fans of dogs are Strauss, Micah, John, and kind of Dutch.
Strauss because they're so hyper and he just kind of prefers cats.
Micah because he thinks dogs are annoying and loud.
John for the wolf thing.
Dutch because he does not know how to take care of them. No matter how much Hosea tells him, he still thinks they're just funny looking cats.
Whenever Hosea is really drunk he'll stand up in front of everyone and tell jokes. Except, he never gets the whole joke out because he's laughing so hard about it. Everyone else is so drunk they just sort of laugh anyway.
Some more HCs, because y'all just so awesome.
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aaron-rdr2 · 4 years
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You are beautiful the way you are
Pairing: Hosea Matthews and Josiah Trelawny
Rating: General audience
Tags: Self doubt, two cute handsome man
I hate Hoseas self doubts. He thinks he's ugly and old. Way to ugly and bad for someone so good like me. He always says. We're a couple for three days now. No kissing and no cuddling. It hurts me. It hurts me that Hosea say such things about himself. I think he's beautiful and cute. And he isn't that old! He's 55 c'mon. He's just ten years older than me. And with 55 you aren't that old. If he were 70 or 80 years old okay. But not with 55. Even though that's a long time of living, especially as an outlaw.
I asked 'Sea to come to my Caravan outside of Rhodes today. But he still isn't here. It hurts me. I mean he can't be that busy because they lie low and only have a few problems with the O'Driscoll's left.
I sigh. I waited the whole goddamn day that he shows up. But he didn't. Now we have nine o'clock in the evening. I sadly stand up from my chair on the porch of my Caravan, and get inside. There I sit down on my table. My head rest on the cold wood.
I understand that he has self doubts, especially since he was not treated so well by his last ex boyfriends. He was bullied by them. But it still hurts that he's not here now. I love him so much. And for me he's so beautiful and cute and handsome. I wish he let me show him what love is. Real love. After Bessie things went downhill for him. I mean in his love life. After he got over Bessie, yes he still thinks about her Wich is fine, but he don't start to cry while doing it. He accepted a few males as his partners. He loved them, but they always bullied him and hit him. One raped him.
I'm no killer, but I would love to slit the throats of 'Seas ex boyfriends. I mean why and how could he did this to him? He's way to cute and handsome. And he's so loving and caring about people he loves. And he's tender. I want to kiss him. I want to cuddle with him. But I can't. He won't let me. It's so sad. But I know that he loves me as much as I love him. He's not a liar. Especially when it comes to love, he would never lie. I sit here for another while. Then I decide to go to bed. He will not show up. It makes me sad.
Just as I'm about to get up, I hear steps and the familiar clicking of spurs. A little bit of hope fills me. But I still sit there, head on the table. Then the steps stop close to me.
,,Josiah?" I suddenly hear a familiar soothing voice say.
I look up. I can't hide the surprised look on my face.
,,'Sea?" I say.
He only nods. I can't belive that he actually showed up. I'd love to jump up now and fall around his neck and hug him. But I prefer to leave it. I don't want to loose him. Only because I'm to dumb to control myself. I look away from him again. Cause he seems to notice what I would like to do so much now. I hear how he close the door behind him. Now only the light of the lanterns fill the caravan. I closed all curtains earlier. Did he leave? I hope not.
,,C'mere baby." I suddenly hear him whisper.
,,You sure?" I ask shy.
,,Yes. Come on Jos." He says.
Then I stand up, and carefully and slowly walk towards him. Then opposite him I stop. He lay his arms arround my back. And I don't know what to do.
,,Hug my angel. You can do it." He whispers against my neck.
I do as I was told. And for the first time we have body contact. We're so close. The butterfly's in my stomach go crazy, and due to that my whole body tingles.
,,I love you 'Sea." I whisper against his neck.
,,I love you too Jo." He whispers back.
We stand there maybe for minutes maybe for hours. And then we sepperate. I look him deep into the eyes.
,,Your so cute and beautiful darling." I say.
He blush. But he can't really belive me.
,,I mean it." I whisper.
,,You are beautiful too cutie." He smiles.
I smile back.
,,Thanks." I say.
He then bent over and kiss me. It was so suddenly, that I was to surprised to do something. But he broke the kiss as fast as he started it. So I had no chance to kiss back. He withdraws. I'd love to pull him back to me with my hand on his neck. But I prefer to leave it. I don't want to force him. His lips way so soft. I hope my mustache don't bother him. Two of my ex boyfriends Have put me before the choice. Either they or my mustache. I've stopped. Not because I love my mustache so much, but because I don't let myself be forced into something like that.
,,Wow. I wish I had time to kiss back.." I sigh.
,,Is my mustache bad while kissing?" I whisper after a few moments of silence.
,,No. I tickles a bit but not in a bad way. I somehow liked it." He say honest.
,,Good." I say.
And then he suddenly lift my head with his index finger. Then he kiss me again. I kiss back right away this time. Softly and carefully. After three kisses we separate. Then he takes of his boots. He lay down on my bed.
,,Come here baby." He whispers.
I turn of a few lamps. Only that one at the foot end of the bed I let on. Then I carefully lay down next to him. He kiss me softly. And then he cuddle tidly against me. I pull the blanket over us.
,,I mean it. You're so sweet and beautiful." I whisper.
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isfjmel-phleg · 3 years
Tamett 🌼 🌲 🌈
Ateva 💐 ❄ 💧
Ayra 🌸 🍃 🌲
Josiah 🌸 🌳 🌈
Mikaiah 🌴 🌳 ❄
Rachel 🌲 🌈 🍃
Antavia 🌹 🍁 🌸
Please and thank you :D
Under a cut because this is going to get long.
🌼- What’s your favorite thing about this oc?
That he gets to be the Normal Person in contrast to the dramatically messed up people he’s stuck hanging around. He has his struggles but they’re down-to-earth and he’s never high-drama. He has a fairly normal family and a good relationship with his sisters.
🌲- What is this oc’s greatest strength and weakness?
He’s a stoic. He can put up with a lot (up to a point), adapt to just about anything. He has a level of detached calm that Josiah could only ever dream about.
But consequently he’s rather passive-aggressive. He’ll do nothing about an annoying situation for the longest time and then go berserk and resist a little too much. Being proactive doesn’t come naturally to him; he has to be pushed too far or drawn into something (willingly) by a more overpowering personality. Which is why he shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near Elystan.
🌈- What does this oc like and dislike about themselves?
If you asked him this, his mind would instantly go blank. Kind of like mine right now.
He probably likes his sense of humor. He thinks he’s hilarious, even though most of the time it’s so subtle no one notices.
Being naturally non-confrontational is not a fun experience, especially when you’re surrounded by people who take advantage of that. I don’t know if Tamett’s ready to admit it to himself, but he’s pretty frustrated and resentful about this.
💐- Where is this oc’s favorite place to relax?
On the deck of the family’s yacht, preferably with her favorite officer nearby.
At home, she likes the private balcony in the wing of the palace the family lives in. It used to be her mother’s and then Nyella’s domain, but she’s quietly taken it over.
❄- What is this oc’s favorite and least favorite food?
There’s a kind of Liennese cake that has lots of layers of sponge cake layered with chocolate buttercream and a bit of jam, and that’s usually what she requests on her birthday.
She wishes Ayra would stop sneaking her caviar from dinners with their father. Ayra means it as a gesture of kindness to the only sibling she actually likes, but fish eggs? Really? They’re nasty.
💧- What is this oc most passionate about?
Caring for people who need it. She designated herself as emotional support for Ayra from an early age (not that Ayra wanted her to!). At age thirteen, she took it on upon herself to make up for infant Mikaiah’s not having a mother and more or less considers him “her” baby. Josiah has never been able to break her of the alarming habit of hugging him when she thinks he’s sad. None of the family have figured out that she wants to be treated with just as much affection and care, and she longs for someone who can fill that void.
🌸- What’s this oc’s favorite and least favorite color?
I identify her a lot with pale yellow in keeping with the lemon imagery, but I suspect it’s not her favorite color. Maybe more of a sage green.
Red doesn’t suit her at all, so it might be her least favorite. It also happens to be the color of the uniform of her personal regiment, so she’s stuck wearing it on certain occasions.
🍃- Describe this oc in one word
🌲- What is this oc’s greatest strength and weakness?
She’s calculating and practical and quietly clever. She can fill whatever role is needed of her (...almost), and she’s willing to put aside personal concerns for the greater good. A very useful, if underappreciated, political tool.
Like Josiah, she’s desperate to please, but in her this takes the form of tangible accomplishments. If she’s useful enough and loyal enough and performs well, maybe she will be worthwhile. In the process I think she’s kind of forgotten how to be a person, and when situations come up that will require her to deal with her humanity--loss and consequences and responsibility to other people--she is going to be at a disadvantage.
🌸- What’s this oc’s favorite and least favorite color?
Slate blue is the color I most associate him with, and I have no reason to think it wouldn’t be his favorite. Least favorite is likely any shade of orange.
🌳- Does this oc collect anything?
Telescopes and other fancy astronomical equipment. Pocket watches. Rare violins. Excellent school reports. Gold pieces awarded for perfect behavior on Children’s Day. Awards and honors and medals in general.
🌈- What does this oc like and dislike about themselves?
He is immensely proud of his flawless behavior, glowing school reports, academic quickness, gift for mathematics, attention to detail, proficiency at not one but two instruments, practical good sense where others become irrational, and his general ability to overachieve and please his father. So, basically everything. At least, that’s what he’d tell you.
Privately though, it’s a different story. He’s deeply frustrated at his inability to fully live up to the ideal held over him. He’s hopelessly nonathletic, nearsighted, and left-handed. He’s not good with people. He has a quick temper and lets his emotions get the better of him too often. Under stress he tends to get self-indulgent. He’s not self-disciplined enough, not trying hard enough. And no one must ever know.
🌴- Who is this oc’s favorite person? (Can be another oc, a fictional character, a celebrity, anyone)
Ateva. No question about it. She’s the only member of the family with any active investment in him, the only one who shows any affection. She understands about the necessity of having fun and doesn’t yell at him for being idle or not practicing his music or letters or numbers.
(...I just realized that if/when Ateva ever gets married off and has to leave, this child is going to be crushed, and I really don’t want to do that to him.)
🌳- Does this oc collect anything?
Elephants! Toy elephants mostly, although he’s sneaked a few valuable elephant figurines out of some of the grand rooms of the palace and has been playing with them, and there’s going to be a terrific row whenever his father finds out.
❄- What is this oc’s favorite and least favorite food?
Liennese biscuits around Christmastime (near his birthday) are to die for in general, but his favorite kind involves almonds and cinnamon and a glaze and are shaped like stars.
Good Liennese boys eat their pickled cabbage and like it. Mikaiah must not be good because he can’t stand the stuff.
🌲- What is this oc’s greatest strength and weakness?
She’s typically a nervous wreck but when there’s a real crisis and especially if she’s responsible for someone else, she is more capable than she realizes of rising to the occasion and resolving it the best way she can. (And then she utterly falls apart afterward.)
But she has significant trust and self-confidence issues, which (especially the former) are going to cause significant problems.
🌈- What does this oc like and dislike about themselves?
Does she like anything about herself? She probably would think that’s conceited. You shouldn’t think well of yourself. Nevertheless, she’s very gratified whenever someone gives her credit for good sense.
And she’d probably tell you that she dislikes everything about herself. She’s a perpetual failure who can’t do anything right and deserves to be scolded. Although oddly enough she probably wouldn’t think to include “wallowing in self-pity” on that list of things she doesn’t like.
🍃- Describe this oc in one word
🌹- What’s this oc’s biggest fear?
That she really was/is just another cog in the works of the system. If she really is just like everyone else, then her choice to leave is no longer a tragic tale of a girl too deeply sensitive to survive the ruthless world of monarchy, but instead an act of irresponsibility, letting down an entire nation. And she’s not willing to deal with the implications of that.
🍁- What’s this oc’s favorite genre of movies/tv shows/books/etc?
Genres are for lowbrow peasants who only read for mindless escapism. She prefers literature that actually means something, that breaks the bonds of genre formulas to deliver the unexpected, something fearless, something honest and thereby shocking. You’ve probably never even heard of any of her favorite books.
🌸- What’s this oc’s favorite and least favorite color?
She’s partial to purple, specifically a deep plum shade. White and pastel colors, mostly pale blue, are strongly associated with her childhood and therefore anathema.
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mileycyprus-hill · 4 years
From @lusus--naturae:
(I hope it's okay I but this in Submission because this is long I'm so sorry)
Hi, could I get a match up? I'm a straight female, I'm 5'8", curvy, long curly sandy blonde hair. My hobbies are drawing, knitting and reading. Personality wise I'd say I'm mature, and generally gravitate towards mature people. Though a little playfulness is always appreciated. I'm confident in my appearance but I doubt if people like me personality wise and often distance myself from people when they get too close because I feel like they're going to realize they fucked up and don't want to be with me.
Anyway, I can be really affectionate, but someways I just need to be alone. If we're begin honest I have high functioning depression so that's fun (spoilers, it really isn't) and I can he judgemental, though I'm not stubborn about the judgements I make. If I'm in bad mood it's probably best to leave me be for a while and just wait for me to speak first. I try to be as helpful and nice as possible but because I'm easy to guilt trip it's not that hard to step over my boundaries unless it's something I'm really, and I mean really, against.
In people I like kindness a patience, and often if they treat others horribly, no matter how they treat me, I won't be interested. Despite the fact I'm easy to guilt trip I don't like people who try to dominante the entire relationship and control me, my actions, or the people I see of befriend. Other things I like is shyness or just a quiet nature in general, because I often don't speak unless it adds something of value. I can be protective of my loved once, and will throw hands if needed be. Unless he ain't into that. Then I will show immense dissapointment.
Lots of good information for me to work with, thank you!
Matchups are open until January 17th!
🎶 Matchmaker, matchmaker. Make me a match! 🎶
I match you with...
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Josiah Trelawny
The man has a way with words, and knows just what to say whenever your spirits are low.
Definitely the most mature out of the gang because he has no desire for petty fights and doesn’t have the stomach to hurt or maim physically.
Trelawny’s a man of wit, and prefers to con people to get his score.
But that doesn’t mean he’ll play you as a pawn for his own selfish desires, oh no.
He admires a smart, affectionate woman like you who’s also independent.
You need your space? No problem. He’ll offer you a carriage ride to somewhere nice where you can be alone with your thoughts in a calm and warm environment. Either to New York City or somewhere rural like Strawberry.
Trelawny always wants to take you home with him, to show you his lavish yet humble house and shower you with gifts. But when you ask to be alone, he’ll oblige and take the opportunity to go out on jobs. He’s not pushy.
Get ready for random magic tricks with hidden gifts, Trelawny is quite the showman.
Spare no expense for the love of his life.
He also loves your gifts and flaunts the cozy scarf you knitted for him.
“Like it? My darling little lady made it especially for me, with the finest wool exclusively shipped from a small village in Nepal. It’s home to a rare breed of yaks that live in the Himalayas. You can’t find quality craftsmanship like this in any old store, no sir!”
Leave it to him to speak in such grandiosity. He’ll trick a fool into buying a black diamond that’s actually a rock.
Trelawny may be a con man who runs with a gang of outlaws, but he’s still very caring to those less fortunate. Especially children.
He’ll perform magic shows for orphanages and sick children in hospitals whenever he has the time. If you agree to be his beautiful assistant, he’ll swoon at the thought of you wearing a sexy glittering corset with a ruffled skirt of thick satin.
You adjust the skirt to lay higher to your hips to be more revealing for adult audiences, and Trelawny has a hard time keeping his attention to his magic and not stare at your gorgeous legs in those black translucent stockings.
A drunk man once got real handsy after he climbed onstage and attempted to flirt with you.
Trelawny tried to calmly talk him offstage, which didn’t work until—SMOKE BOMB!
You successfully slipped offstage behind the colored smoke (thanks to those rehearsals in preparation for something like this). The audience applauded in awe while the drunkard scratched his head and stumbled off angrily.
From then on, he hires Arthur or Charles as your bodyguard at shows to keep the thirsty men away from you.
Hope you enjoy your match!
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CO 1006: Baby Number Two...But Who?
Joe and Kendra enjoy getting to visit Jeremy and Jinger in Laredo, until they are served some unique dishes. Jessa & Ben continue to figure out how to help Henry with his speech. The little Duggars raise an orphaned calf. Finally, Joy and Austin make an announcement at Family Fun Night. 
Quick Note: While there are no mention of miscarriage in this episode, Joy does announce her pregnancy in the last paragraph.
In Laredo, Jeremy and Felicity are working on an art project in the backyard. It will be a gift for Jinger. He is excited to just let her go for it as he sets out paint and rollers. Jeremy is worried about the mess, but he has a blast letting her crawl around on the paint on the campus. He jokes that he is gonna get in trouble from Jinger for this. The artwork is complete, and both Jeremy and Felicity are covered in paint. In a talking head, Jeremy gives the canvas to Jinger. She loves it. The Duggars all guess styles of art it might be- Jessa nails it: finger painting.
At Jessa and Ben's, the pair are preparing for a speech pathologist to come over and evaluate Henry's speech. Since they found out his hearing was ok, they are looking for solutions to the speech issue. Jessa says sometimes it is important to get extra help, and Michelle says they learned that with Josie in particular. Jessa says Mason is saying more words than Henry, which makes her realize he needs help. The speech pathologist has him identify pictures, and he get the first to. Jessa says since Henry has a limited vocabulary, he resorts to screaming when he needs something. This is stressful and draining for his parents. The speech pathologist says he is 6 months delayed and in the 6h percentile for speech at his age. Jessa says that is hard to see as a parent, the speech pathologist tells them to give it 6-8 weeks to see if he picks up more words and if not, start speech therapy.
Jinger and Jeremy have Joe and Kendra visiting to help them prepare to move. Jinger and Kendra start in the kitchen. First they are labelling items to sell, keep or donate. Joe and Jeremy are doing the same in the garage. Michelle says she likes to let things go, JB likes to keep things. Joe says he is the keeper, and Josiah says Lauren is a minimalist. Ben says he is more sentimental, but Jessa says neither of them are packrats. While the pack, the babies play. Jinger says it is crazy to see her kid and Joe's kid playing together. Jinger and Joe were close growing up, the family recounts. Joe and Jeremy move to doing repairs in the house. Joe laughs when asked who is more handy. Back in the kitchen, Kendra and Jinger talk about her pregnancy. Kendra says she is less sick this time. Kendra asks Jinger if they are thinking of having baby #2. Jinger says in their family it is very normal to be asked. Jinger says it is time to treat Joe & Kendra to a nice restaurant.
At the main house, the kids are doing their jurisdictions who have been stepping up with more people out of the house. One of the cows had a calf, and the mother cow passed away, so the kids are raising the calf. Johannah and Jenni feed the calf two times a day. Jenni says she wants more ducks and chickens on the farm. The family has a few cows, ducks, chickens, a rabbit, cats and dogs. The family heads out to collect eggs and feed the calf. Anna is over with her kids to combine the homeschooling effort. The calf is named Paco right now, but it is a girl cow- at first they thought it was a boy. Michelle says they should change the calf's ear tag to be a daisy- maybe make one out of leather. Anna jokes that might offend the cow. Jana says the kids are doing good taking care of the calf.  Jessa says that Anna recently announced that she is expecting baby #6, so she might not be keeping up with the little cow for much longer.
In Laredo, the Vuolos take Joe & Kendra out for dinner. Garrett and Felicity are there as well. Joe says fine dining was not common growing up. Kendra doesn't know what a red snapper is- she says she also never went to fancy restaurants growing up.  Two appetizers are dropped off for them from the chef who is a friend of the Vuolos. Jeremy says he was surprising them with some unusual appetizer- frog legs and something in the taco he'll tell them about later. Kendra looks nervous. After Joe tried the frog leg and likes it, Kendra tries them and likes them-but she only eats one. Next up are the tacos. Jeremy and Jinger try the tacos, and Jinger tells Kendra she is pregnant and doesn't have to try if she doesn't want to.  Joe tries them and likes them, and Kendra ends up taking a bite. Kendra says it isn't bad, crunchy with some spice. Kendra says the texture freaked her out- and the chef comes over to tell them they just tried grasshoppers. Kendra is worried this will set her stomach off. Joe and Kendra say they probably won't try it again, but Jinger and Jeremy finish their tacos.  In talking heads, the Duggars are offered grasshopper tacos; John and Abbie try them as well as Jed and Tyler. John finishes his.
Next, the Vuolos take Joe and Kendra to St. Augustine Square. There is a mariachi band playing in the park.  They are delighted with the band.  Growing up, music was melodious, conservative, and no dancing. Calmer music for calmer kids- harp music in particular was calming. Jana says people's views can change. Josiah says he loves bluegrass, Jinger says classical, Jessa says twinkle twinkle little star is her thing these days. Jeremy says it will hard to say goodbye to Laredo. Joe says that was a great way to finish their trip, and Joe hopes they will be able to visit the Vuolos more often.
Back at the main house, it is Monday Night Family night. Tonight they are doing a painting class, and Joy is planning on announcing her pregnancy that night. Joy says her due date is November 9.  As the family continues painting, they are enjoying the activity. In the middle of the class, the video cuts to another frame, and the Forsyth announcement pictures pop up. Everyone is still painting, and doesn't notice at first. Some people catch it quickly, but it takes others a minute to figure it out. Finally, Michelle reads it out loud and Joy gives her parents a hug. Jessa says time is flying. Joy says she is due three days after Kendra- meaning Kendra was due Nov. 6. Everyone is delighted, especially Kendra since they have been doing things together. John says it is becoming a weekend tradition that someone announces a pregnancy. There are five babies due in 2019 right now. Joy says she was delighted they were expecting but nervous about going from one to two.
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lonesome--hunter · 4 years
16 beat your muse to a bloody pulp?
Here you go, anon! Special thanks to @simplygrimly for her help and letting me play with the Boones. 
The Devil’s Highway Master List
@special-spicy-chicken​ @untilthepainstarts​ @finder-of-rings @simplygrimly​ @whumpersdelights​ @galaxywhump​  @im-just-here-for-the-whump
cw: blood, broken bones, bruises, face trauma, violence, torture, beaten with brass knuckles, brief implied noncon, intimate whumper, sadistic whumper, captivity, noncon touching (nonsexual), restraints, talk of wound cleaning, open wound mention, threats of violence, knives, brief death mention
Cheyenne’s laughter makes Darlin’ cringe. 
How can someone take so much enjoyment in this?
The pair are posted up together on the porch swing, watching a brutal scene unfold across the yard. Darlin is tangled up in her limbs like a calf roped into submission for sport at a county rodeo. No choice but to lay against her with the layers of duct tape around his arms and mouth keeping him easily controlled and silent. 
She plucks a tiny flower from the basket beside her and places it with the others already in his shoulder length dark hair. The flowers were picked by Songbird especially for Cheyenne while on the way to Josiah’s after leaving church. He wonders if Songbird knows her innocent gift is being used for something so sinisterly invasive.
The boys have Big Boy tied to the big oak tree, his arms are stretched around the tree by coarse rope. Surely tearing open his always irritated wrists. There was never enough antiseptic in the house to treat them and they never healed enough that Darlin’ didn’t worry about infection.
They’re taking turns with Herschel’s new knuckleduster. A birthday present from Josiah he engraved with Herschel’s initials. The ‘H.J.B.’ was etched deep into the metal, the grooves were sure to collect blood and prove impossible to clean entirely. 
The tree is too far away for Darlin to make out what state his only friend is in. All he can make out is the cascade of blood down the front of Big Boy’s body. It was the first punch that broke his nose, causing him to emit a sound like a wild animal in agony before coughing up the blood running down his throat. Now, it was impossible to tell if the blood flowed from his nose, from his busted lip, from somewhere deeper in his mouth or if they’d ruptured something in his stomach with their seemingly endless barrage of punches to the gut. Darlin’ could hear his breath catch with pain, sure that if they landed another hit to the ribs they would puncture a lung. 
“It’s gonna be your turn next you know. I’ve seen ‘em go all night when they get new toys,” Cheyenne says as she looks at the empty basket and pouts. Immediately cheering up when she pulls the knife out she keeps in her boot and begins to twirl it.
Darlin’ shudders against her. He’s very familiar with just how sharp she keeps her weapons. The stainless steel glints in the sunlight, momentarily blinding him as he wonders if she keeps it cleaner than Josiah keeps his. 
“Oh no! Guess you get off easy today, little bunny. Looks like they tired themselves out already.”
He looks back over just in time to see Big Boy released from the tree and dragged by the duo back to the house. His ragged moans carry across the yard, reminiscent of a small animal being toyed with by a hungry wolf. 
A total mess of blood and angry newly forming bruises starting to form, he’s completely limp as they drag him up the small set of wooden stairs. The back of his head smacks each step as they go up. They leave him sprawled out by the back door before wiping off their boots on the mat and entering the house. 
Cheyenne pushes Darlin’ to stand, walking him to follow the men into the house. Leaving Big Boy behind to wheeze and bleed on the weathered wood porch alone. 
Darlin’ is able to look back and catch a glimpse of his battered friend before being shoved inside. 
He looked dead. His hairy blood slicked chest was barely moving. Cheyenne pushes him too fast for him to get a better look, to estimate how badly damaged his ribs and lungs must have been. 
He’d have to beg Josiah to help him. He’d have to get down on his knees and beg for Big Boy’s life again, earning Josiah’s mercy.
Just hold on for me, buddy. Please hold on.
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husbandits · 5 years
instead of working on any of my other projects, my gift to you all today is headcanons about what halloween costumes the gang would wear
no reader this time!
Dutch insists on hosting the party, with almost no pushback. He wanted to do a themed party at first, but then no one could agree on a theme, so he got a little huffy and let it go. He dresses up like a classic vampire with a huge cape and one of his more playful suits, covering his face in white make-up (which he doesn't seal so by the end of the night it's runny, but he looks pretty good at the start of the party) and with a pair of plastic fangs that make him a little hard to understand the entire night.
Arthur, John, Abigail, and Jack are the first to arrive, before the party actually starts, so they can help dutch set up all the decorations and make sure the food is ready. Arthur is dressed like Frankenstein('s Monster), with surpising detail on his make-up and care to the prosthetics; it also gives him an excuse to 'borrow' one of John's jackets, making himself seem even bigger as it's ill-fitting. He also uses the costume as an excuse to not actually dance, when that starts up.
Abigail and Jack are in matching costumes, with her as a witch, complete with faux spiders hanging from her hat, milky white contacts (that susan makes her take out after a few hours when her eyes start getting dry) and emerald green skin. Jack is dressed as her black cat. Inititally the costume had been purely an outfit, as Abigail didn't want to put any make-up on him, but he'd started begging when she put hers on, and he ends up with a pink little nose and black whiskers. He also picks up the habit of meowing at people
John overheard Abigail talking about her and Jack's outifts and decided he wanted to coordinate his costume as well. Unfortunately he misunderstood just what she was going for, and ends going as Harry Potter. Abigail loves it anyway.
Hosea tends to center his costumes around what Jack's interests in recent years, since he usually takes him out for a second trick-or-treating in his and Dutch's neighborhood, and this year he's been noticing all the superhero trends. Namely he ends up as an unintentionally relevant Captain America, and Arthur and Mary-Beth end up tiptoeing around bringing it up all night.
Charles had been characteristically cagey about his costume, deflecting with a shrug or a 'dunno' whenever anyone asked, but when he comes up dressed like a mummy, he doesn't make a big deal about it, like they knew already. He doesn't do the the classic 'just tp around self' thing, but instead has one of those body-suits with a bandage-pattern on, and elaborate costume jewelry. He also has thick eyeliner, flashy blue robes, and the classic king-tut headdress.
Susan shows up to the party towards the beginning in her normal clothes, heading up to Molly's part of the house after she greets everyone, a large bag in hand. When she comes down, dressed like Maleficent with her hair tucked under the headpiece, and a fake crow on her shoulder. Molly helped her with the make-up, as well as the finishing touches on her costume, but mostly she'd just wanted moral support. Brushes off compliments with a huff, and before the end of the party she's taken off most of the make-up, since she'd been getting hot
Molly doesn't come down to join things until an hour or so after they've started (a little after Susan), but when she does, she's dressed in an elaborately crafted costume as the Creature from the Black Lagoon. She'd locked herself upstairs to perfect the make-up, blasting tutorials and jenna marbles videos to help boost her confidence as she had considered, when she wasn't ready 'on time', just giving up and half-assing it, but when she is finally satisfied with the costume she looks camera-ready
Mary-Beth ends up reusing the cosplay for her self-insert-turned-oc lord of the rings character from the sci-fi convention she last attended. She's a little embarrassed at reusing it, and apologizes at first, even though it's stunning, and everyone else insists, when she mentions that it's reused, that it's very apropriate, and stunning
Someone (Sean) promised to do a two part horse costume with Kieran, but then completely forgot and Kieran ended up coming as the back end, alone. He isn't all that upset about it though, and ends up holding the costume up with a borrowed pair of suspenders, turning it into more of a satyr costume instead
Strauss, not having realized that Dutch had already picked his favorite costume, shows up as a vampire as well. He's more of an 'authetic' vampire instead of Dutch's more stereotypical look, which seems more and more cheesy as the night wears on, especially next to Strauss' and his extra ex. His outfit is close to something his canon counterpart would wear, if frillier, and he also has his fangs glued onto his teeth, as opposed to simple plastic fangs, so he's actually understandable
If you thought Simon would show up as anything but a pirate, you're kidding yourself. He does it every year, but he does a different costume instead of just reusing the same one. This year he's an 18th century quartermaster and his saber is real metal, if blunted. He's a little more jolly than usual but gets somewhat cross if people give him grief for using the same concept yet again
Sean made a big deal about not doing anything edgy like in years past, and then showed up dressed exactly like Dutch. Hair slicked back and dyed, faux facial hair and beauty mark, he even 'sneaks' into Dutch's wardrobe to borrow one of his hawaiian shirts. He swears its a compliment, but then whenever Dutch's back is turned, he's doing a bad impression, much to the gang's delight
Karen and Tilly have a more subtle matching outfit concept- Karen dressed as a slutty nurse and Tilly as her zombie patient. Tilly's fake wounds aren't as elaborate as she'd initially wanted, but they last much longer than they would have otherwise, and when she acts the part of the costume, limping and tilting her head to the side, she looks very creepy.
Lenny's costume was originally Dorian Grey, but since there isn't actually a lot of physical components to the outfit, and the story is as much abt the portrait as it is the man, he doesn't really get recognized that much. Halfway through the party he gets Arthur to go out to pick a different comstume, and comes back as Dr Frankenstein! Will spend the rest of the night making obligatory 'Frankenstein-Frankenstein's Monster' jokes and goofing off with Arthur
Sadie wasn't exactly... thrilled about the idea of this part of halloween, just because she's not keen on the idea of a revealing costume from the store or putting together something elaborate (and expensive) that she's only going to wear once. As it is, she shows up a little late to the party in an impromptu lumberjack costume (with real axe!) and everyone ends up lowkey drooling over her anyway
Bill's werewolf costume is similarly half-assed, to... less than impressive results. The tears and fake fur glued to his old flannel aren't exactly as well done as they could be, and the cheap plastic fur starts to itch after a bit, but he's recognizable enough, and he ends up having a lot of fun
Josiah has something of a tradition of showing up in elaborate costumes of obscure characters from something he's become interested in, and not having the gang recognize him, much to his frustration. This year he's dressed up as Cecil Baldwin from Welcome to Nightvale, and gets mistaken for Eridan Ampora, 'someone from harry potter', and like three youtubers.
Swanson had been making on and off comments about dressing up as a demon when asked, but at the last minute chickened out and decided to do an angel instead. Unfortunately, the last-minute planning means that there weren't a lot of options available, and he ended up getting more of a sexy costume than he'd wanted. With a pair of white long john's underneath, the 'dress' doesn't come down to his knees and he feels incredibly awkward, but he sticks close to Strauss and Simon and is more relaxed by the end of the night
Javier doesn't initally come in much of a costume, just more elaborate make-up than usual and a little more black than he would otherwise wear, but when he sees everyone else's costumes he heads upstairs to piece something together from Molly's costume collection. When he comes back down as a sexy vampire, shirt pulled open and a trail of costume blood dripping down his chin, using a pair of glue-on fangs she'd gotten for Dutch (that he refused to use). Dutch is utterly exasperated at this point, and goes off to fume with Micah, but everyone else  applauds him for the quick turn-around.
Micah shows up to the party in a full-on fursuit. He gets upset when Arthur doesn't immediately know its him, and then starts complaining about how hot the costume is about half an hour in. He ends up switching with Uncle halfway through the party though, who forgot to get a costume and hanging out in the kitchen listening to Dutch complain, dripping with sweat. Uncle spends the rest of the party half in the fursuit, napping on the couch
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By the power of Holy Spirit I did my 1st christening this day in 2017
#MsJaque #M3 #TitanJosiah
I remember praying with B and she was like nobody can touch/christen him but you. I didn't understand fully but I knew she was speaking truth because of revelation I received from Holy Spirit telling me the same. When we got to service the preacher was like you have to christen your own baby, Holy Spirit said, I can NOT touch your baby😲.
Now I had seen Holy Spirit do miracles, signs & wonders through this particular pastor(NOT THE LADY ON THE PICTURE)but B kept telling me "that the pastor was jealous of me and wish bad on me and my children although she's anointed, when it comes to you she's a witch & that I needed to leave her ministry etc." Then 2 other people told me the same. I knew the truth I just did not want to be out of line and seem rebellion... It was not until she sent me home crying, someone came to her ministry saying God sent her to bless my baby, she had baby stuff, but the pastor snatched the bag out of me & the lady that God sent hands so Titan would not get non of it ( I went home on tears because I wanted to hurt her from the way she was treating me & my kids not because I was punked lol it was challenging for me not to black out on her) the LORD spoke to me and said, I am disconnecting you from her etc. 👀 she called apologizing etc. but I could not go back! All n ALL I learned from this and parts of my ministry was birthed through pain☺🙌🏾I did my 1st christening and learned how to properly handle kingdom people with love. There is enough goodness and anointing for us all no need to try and hold people back no need to hurt people especially children😣 I'M LEARNING I'M LEARNING I'M LEARNING...
#BlessedHands🙌🏾💥 #TraditionalReligionBroken #TheLORDisMyShepherd
Valentine's Greatest Gift LEARNING...BE ENCOURAGED!! IT'S PURPOSED!! God is delivering you from that Saul spirit.
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rosemary-morgan · 4 years
Josiah Trelawny x F.Reader: You deserve better - Part 5
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(Pictures found on Pinterest)
Good day, dear ones 🌹💗 Here comes the new chapter of “You deserve better” I would like to thank everyone for the feedback and likes. It means a lot to me 🤗💗 
I would like to thank @gangofgunslingers​  at this point! Thank you for helping me and for taking the time to read and edit my text, dear 💗😘
(¯`v´¯)                                                      (¯`v´¯) `*.¸.*´                                                        `*.¸.*´ ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨) (`’·.¸(`’·.¸  ¸.·’´) ¸.·’´)  (¨*•.¸ (¨*•.¸`•.¸ (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•               •`¯¨• ¸¸ `•. `•.¸) `•.¸) `*.¸.*´                                                       `*.¸.*´ 
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 /Part 6
You deserve better - Part 5
"Please, forgive me, Josiah." You were so sorry to have hurt him. He was a wonderful man who didn't deserve this. You just had not the courage to tell him the truth. Neither did you have the right to ask him to listen to your words! You once had your opportunity and you didn't take it. This was your punishment now. Josiah looked at you very sadly before he looked down and bit his jaw firmly. He could hardly stand to look at you. The feeling that you would never be his was awful. He felt like an idiot. He was very much in love with you and it would take him a long time before he could get over you. But he had no choice but to forget you. "Josiah, I'm sorry..." "What are you sorry for, Y/N?" Josiah looked at you and this time it was you who lowered eyes to the ground. You couldn't put into words how much you were ashamed of yourself right now. You wanted him as much as he wanted you, but Henry would never let that happen. "Are you sorry you made a fool of me?" Josiah didn't sound angry, and he didn't speak to you in a strict tone. But on the contrary. He was very calm, but you also saw how hurt and disappointed he was with you. "It wasn't like that, Josiah..." You knew that words couldn´t calm this situation. But you wanted him to know that your feelings for him were real and that you hadn't played with him. "Then tell me how it was, Y/N." Josiah swallowed hard and he shook his head as he looked away from you again. Josiah believed you but you seem to be hiding something from him. The way you stood in front of him - distant, nervous, even scared, confirmed the magician that something was wrong. You took a few steps towards him while you played nervously with your fingers. Your eyes searched for his, but Josiah wasn't looking at you which hurts. But you couldn't blame him for that. "I... I'm married, Josiah." Josiah's heart was torn into a thousand pieces. He swallowed firm, hardly believing what he was hearing. You were a married woman?! This time he frowned at you as he shook his head. "You are married?!" With a silent nod, you confirmed it again - yes, you were a married woman. "Oh, good lord. I wish you would have told me this from the beginning, Y/N!" Now it was too late but you would at least try to explain the situation. If Josiah would listen to you. "I know I made a big mistake and I'm so sorry. But Josiah, I don't love this man." But Josiah no longer knew what to believe, and without a word, he continued to listen to you. "He is...” You stopped and you sighed softly “When you met me in Lakay back then, I..." You startled when you suddenly saw your husband standing on the stairs that led from the ballroom up to the first floor. He seemed to be looking for you, at least you thought so. You had completely forgotten the time. But you also didn't expect your husband to be looking for you. He probably wanted to make sure you weren't having fun with any other man while he would drink and smoke with his great friends from New York. Josiah looked at you a little confused since you had stopped talking to him. Following your gaze, he saw the blond man. A sound of a faint sigh escaped from his lips knowing there was nothing he could do against the bout of jealousy he was feeling right now.
Henry hadn't seen you yet and you thanked God for it. But you had to get out of here immediately. "I- I have to go now, Josiah!" You looked at him apologetically as the magician could see the tears in your eyes. He was confused and he gently reached for your wrist when you were about to run away in panic. "Y/N? Wait!" You looked at Josiah in fear because this was the wrong moment. You were so scared that Henry would see you. "Please let me go, Josiah! Henry could see us! Please!" Not wanting you to beg him, Josiah unwillingly let go of your wrist. You hurried away without words and Josiah seemed confused and worried at the same time. My God, there was so much fear in your eyes that Josiah could only guess how your husband was intimidating you. But he sincerely hoped it wasn't so. The attractive magician tried to get a look at you. When he saw you he immediately noticed that something was wrong. Henry didn't seem to have noticed Josiah at all, especially since Josiah was standing outside on the terrace and he was with you in the house. Josiah couldn’t hear what Henry said to you as the music was too loud but by the facial expression, he could tell that your husband was angry about something. Josiah frowned and he couldn't get rid of the feeling that he should keep an eye on you tonight. And you hoped that Henry wouldn´t cause trouble tonight and that Josiah would stay out of your business - if something would happen. But knowing Henry, he would never touch you in public. At least he had never done that before. "You leave me alone like an idiot? My friends are already making fun of me because I have no control over my wife!" You knew that Henry would punish you later for your offense as his grip on your arm tightened. "I´m sorry, Henry! But I just needed some fresh air. It was so sticking in that room!" Henry sighed annoyed, rolling his eyes. "Come on now! Don´t make me angry even more!" Henry dragged you along before you glanced over your shoulder to see if Josiah could see you both. And he could. Of course... he saw you both very well. You could see the shock in his beautiful eyes. What did Josiah think of you now? Was he wondering why you let your husband treat you like this? Or were you just pitiful? You didn't know and you felt ashamed. Maybe you were to blame for this situation yourself. If you hadn't decided to marry Henry two years ago, you wouldn't have to experience all of this. But nobody could anticipate their own fate...
Henry dragged you down the stairs as you tried to free yourself from his rough grip. "Come on, damn it!" When Josiah saw how this man treated you, he growled deeply. Josiah didn't hesitate long and he hurried after you, but you both had already disappeared into the crowd. "Shit..." Why hadn't he reacted earlier? He stroked through his black hair and some of his strands got messed up, but he didn't care at the moment. "Josiah! There you are!" Dutch appeared out of nowhere and Josiah closed his eyes, sighing annoyed. He had no nerve for Dutch's plan at the moment. A plan that was in vain anyway. So far, no gambling had taken place that evening. At least there was no money involved. Josiah had seen simple, meaningless card games. No more. "Josiah, heard anything?" Josiah sighed softly at the question and he shook his head. "No, Dutch. Nothing." "Shit... Hosea was probably right. But we have time. We just need to be patient." "If you say so, Dutch. But I hardly think anything is going on here. The only thing I can do is make myself useful as a pickpocket." Dutch didn’t like the irony in Josiah’s voice, which Josiah immediately noticed. "Excuse me, Dutch!" Josiah walked past him as Dutch frowned with scrutiny at him. "Josiah! You know what to do, so stick to this goddamn plan! Did you understand me?!" Josiah stopped, looking over his shoulder at Dutch, then nodded silently. Dutch couldn't know what is going on with Josiah right now, so Josiah couldn't blame him. Josiah only wished he had met you in other circumstances tonight. But on the other hand, he was glad to finally know the truth about you.
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´
It was getting late and Dutch finally had to realize that there was no illegal gambling here. He had found some interesting documents related to Leviticus Cornwall, but this was another story...
Josiah and Arthur stood on a terrace, smoking together. Josiah had told Arthur what had happened. Nobody could understand it better how bad Josiah must felt right now than Arthur. His heart was broken many years ago because the woman he loved had chosen another man. The two men smoked silently side by side. This silence felt good - apart from the music. Arthur slowly blew the smoke out of his lungs, watched it rising into the dark sky. Then he glanced at the magician. Josiah was looking down at the crowd and he felt like shit. He was not allowed to spend time with you and he couldn´t handle that. He was worried about you. You hurt his feelings - but he was still the man who loved you! Josiah was angry at the thought of how badly your husband had treated you.   "Try to forget her."Arthur placed his hand on Josiah's shoulder. "You should keep your hands off her. She already belongs to someone else." Josiah blew out the smoke, slowly shaking his head, looking at Arthur. "Arthur, you don't understand! I saw how rough this asshole treated her!" But Josiah didn't know half of what was happened behind closed doors... "I want to keep an eye on her, but I can´t find her!" Josiah sighed heavily and looked down at the laughing people but he didn't feel any satisfaction this evening. "I can't be angry with her, dear boy. She... she means a lot to me and I don't want to forget her." Arthur could understand Josiah's feelings very well. "What are you going to do?", he asked Josiah, smoking the tobacco then slowly blowing it out of his mouth. "I don't want to lose her, Arthur. He didn't deserve Y/N!" You had literally fled from Josiah when you saw your husband. And Josiah wasn't an idiot! A woman who is mistreated by her husband would flee at some point.  "I can't just forget about our time. She is a wonderful woman, Arthur. She is beautiful, intelligent and sweet as honey. She is a little shy, but I love that about her so much."
Arthur had to chuckle softly when he heard that. Josiah seemed to be very in love with you. "Well then, Josiah!" Arthur threw his cigarette to the ground and crushed it under his foot before looking at the magician. "Find her. You have a chance to do something. Don't miss this chance." Josiah nodded and he hoped that he would have the opportunity to speak to you. And Josiah was very anxious about you. He wanted to be sure that you were well. Together with Arthur, he made his way to the ballroom. The guests danced to a famous classical piece of music and seemed to be enjoying themselves. Josiah looked into the dancing crowd and tried to find you among them. It wasn´t that easy since many people had gathered on the dance floor. As he saw you dancing with Henry, he took a deep breath feeling the jealousy blazed like fire in his chest. Arthur noticed Josiah's staring gaze. The only thing Josiah had to do now was waiting for an opportunity. But Josiah's presence was not long hidden from you. You had been looking for him all the time and now when you saw him your heart was beating like crazy. This man had an incredible impression on you. His gaze made your knees tremble and you felt the desire to lie in his arms and let him kiss you passionately. God, you wanted this man so much. Neither you nor Josiah broke eye contact while you danced with Henry. Josiah's eyes burned with desire - He had never looked at you like this before. Josiah's desire for you grew immeasurably. The longer he saw you in Henry's arms, the more Josiah cursed that bastard. HE should dance with you! Not Henry! One of the waiters offered Josiah a glass of champagne, which he gratefully took and while he drank it in peace, his sea-green eyes rested on you. Oh, you just wanted to run away from Henry! Right in Josiah's arms - in front of everyone present. That was a nice dream and that was the only thing you wanted. You saw that this sight was not pleasant for Josiah and you were sorry that he had to go through this. This dance seemed like an eternity and you hoped that the music would end soon. Henry's closeness was unbearable to you and also the fact that he enjoyed breathing in your fragrance and feeling the soft skin of yours. Suddenly, he leaned forward and when you heard the words he whispered in your ear, your body froze in fear. "I should drag you to a corner and tear your dress off your beautiful body." Henry laughed softly after saying that and then kissed your cheek. Your eyes searched for Josiah and he saw your sad face expression. Josiah crossed his arms and bit his jaw sharply as he watched this scene between you and Henry. He frowned and he was waiting for an opportunity to be alone with you. But as long as your husband was with you, Josiah couldn´t approach you. "You have no idea what I'm going to do with you tonight, dear." "Henry, please..." The way he spoke to you was outrageous as always and you felt humiliated by him. And eventually, Henry knew which power he had on you and that you fear him. He spoke to you as he wanted and he treated you like dirt - And he enjoyed it. Feeling that he had power over you gave him strength. "What's the matter, Y/N? Do I have to be rough again?" That was too much for you and you just wanted to get away from this demon. "I - I'm sorry, Henry." God, how much you hated apologizing to him. You knew that there was no reason, but you just told him what he wanted to hear. Fortunately, the music ended and you immediately think of an excuse to get out of here but Henry had other plans for you. He held your wrist tightly and you looked up at him imploringly "Where do you want to go?" "Please... just five minutes. I need fresh air, Henry. I don't feel well!" Henry looked at you closely, still holding you tightly. It was like he didn't want to believe that you were bad and you were just looking for an excuse to not be with him. But finally, Henry let you go. "Only five minutes, Y/N!" "Yes..." You glanced at Josiah before forcing yourself through the crowd into freedom. Josiah looked after you, waiting a few more minutes before leaving this room too. Josiah kept an eye on Henry and when he saw that he was talking to another man the magician took his chance. He left this place and went out into the garden.
He immediately searched for you. You stood alone in a beautiful pavilion - away from all the noise and music. Josiah sighed softly as he moved towards you, taking another look at his surroundings to make sure he would be undisturbed with you. "Y/N..." Josiah slowly climbed the three steps to the pavilion, walking towards you. He didn't take his green eyes from you. The concerned expression on his face clearly showed that your tears hurt him a lot. How could he still be mad at you? This whole situation seemed to hurt you the most. You looked up at Josiah uncertainly and you asked yourself how angry he had to be with you. But you saw no trace of anger on his face. "I'm sorry. You shouldn't have learned the truth this way..." "It's okay", he said in a soft voice as he came closer and you felt the warmth of his body. When Josiah smiled softly, you sobbed, and tears ran down your cheeks. "Hey... it´s okay, my dear." The attractive magician took your hands, led them to his mouth to press gentle kisses on your knuckles while his sea-green eyes looked at you with compassion. "You were afraid to tell me the truth about your husband, weren't you?" You nodded silently and your tears just couldn't be stopped. Josiah took a deep breath, feeling a sharp pain in his soul when he saw you crying. He hadn't seen the full extent of Henry's brutality but what he saw right now was enough. Your tears told their own story. "I was afraid to tell you that I´m already married. I was afraid that you wouldn't want to see me anymore. And when we started to meet, it became even more difficult for me to tell you the truth." Your eyes looked directly into his soul mirrors and Josiah listened to you attentively. "I didn't want to lose what I had been looking for years, Josiah." A good man. A man who would make you laugh, one who would give you a good time. A man, like Josiah who treated you with respect. "Y/N..." Your words made Josiah smile - desperately willing to pull you into his arms and kiss you. But the thought to get you in trouble overcome his desire. He didn´t want you to get in trouble. A soft sigh came from his lips as he breathed in your seductive scent and he had to hold back himself not to touch you in public. God, it was so painful and it wasn't easy for you either. You longed for his tenderness and you dreamed of this moment for so long. In the end, you couldn´t resist him. You stepped closer to him. Your feminine body snuggled into his masculine body, causing Josiah to close his eyes for a moment as a lustful sigh came over his lips - followed by yours while your arms were around his neck. Josiah wrapped his arms around your waist and he buried his face in the crook of your neck, breathed in your sensual fragrance. "Y/N..." As beautiful as this moment was, you had to remind yourself that you weren´t alone and that Henry could catch you at any time. "Josiah, we can´t..." "I know..." Josiah placed his hand on your cheek and he gently stroked your skin with his thumb. Your eyes closed and you leaned into his touch. His touches were so delicious, so smooth. It felt so damn good. No man has ever touched you so tenderly and you are enjoying this moment. Your sensual lips were slightly open and Josiah's eyes were fixed on it. "You are so beautiful, Y/N. So beautiful." He admired the tender skin of your shoulders, your flawless neck. Your seductive neckline that had robbed him of his mind. Josiah swallowed nervously as he looked at you. "I'd love to kiss you, Y/N..." His words made you smile and when you opened your eyes you put your hand on his cheek. "I want it to, Josiah. But..."
You slowly broke the embrace to pull Josiah further into the pavilion, into the darkest corner while your heart was pounding like crazy. Josiah was surprised, but he followed you. And when you disappeared far enough in the shadows you placed your hand on Josiah's neck and pulled him down to you. This pavilion was not illuminated and the only light source was the lights of the house - not enough to illuminate the entire garden. And you used this occasion. "Josiah..." You could hardly see each other - but instead, you could perceive this moment more intensely with your other senses. His breath tickled your lips, as your body pressed desperately against his, causing Josiah to come closer. You were caught between him and the jamb behind you. "Kiss me, darling", you whispered on his mouth and when your tongue glides lightly over his lips, the magician gasped with pleasure. He didn't hesitate to kiss you. God, this was so pleasant and you had been longing for this for so long. His kiss was gentle, slow, yet full of pleasure. His mustache tickled you a little while kissing. His lips were delicious, so soft... God, you felt the heat between your thighs, the seductive wetness that made you moan lustily. And Josiah's right hand rested on your hip, while the other hand was on your cheek as he intensified this kiss. His tongue slid over your full lips and you open your sensual mouth to welcome him. The light taste of champagne and mint was on his tongue. Oh, this combination was marvelous. The thought of how this evening should end made you despair because you knew it wasn´t possible to leave this place with Josiah. And this certainty made you feel terrible. Your place was on Josiah's side. Josiah had no idea how much you wanted him. As your mouth slowly loosened from his, Josiah ran his thumb over your soft lips, knowing that you would soon leave. A low gasp was heard from both of you and a last, tender kiss ended your secret game. "I have to go now, Josiah. Henry will be looking for me soon." A soft sigh came from Josiah's lips. How long would he have to be without you? When would he be able to see you again? It was hard for him to let you go. "My love... please tell me... When will we meet again?" His sea-green eyes looked were full of love for you. "I don't want to go either, Josiah... But I have to." Josiah cupped your cheeks, kissed your forehead to be able to spend a few more moments with you. Your stomach tingled, your legs became so weak. "Y/N, your husband... he treats you badly, doesn't he?" A soft sigh came from your lips when you looked down. Josiah didn't want to hurt you with his words and he knew he had to be careful with what he was going to say. Suddenly he heard your soft sobs. Josiah realized that there were many secrets behind your marriage that you didn't want to reveal. It was hard for him to see you like this, but he respected your decision to remain silent. "I don't want to be with him anymore, Josiah..." Josiah slowly wiped the tears from your cheeks. "Then come with me! Now!" "I need some important things. I have money. It's hard-earned money, Josiah and I don't want to give it to him." You worked for a tailor once and you keep this money hidden from Henry. Otherwise, he would have used this for gambling. But Josiah didn't think it was a good idea to let you go back to Henry. "My dear, please! It would be better if you come with me. We'll get your things together. I don't want you to go back to him!" You could see the worry on his face. With a soft smile, you leaned forward and you kissed his cheek. "I'll be with you tomorrow, Josiah. Don't worry. I'll be fine. I promise." Josiah gasped nervously as he looked at you worried. This was a bad idea. "Okay..." "I have to go now." You walked past him in slow steps and you let your hand slide slowly out of his while you gave him an intense look until you turned around, leaving him for Henry. Josiah looked after you and he hoped to see you as soon as possible. "I love you...", Josiah whispered. But you hadn't heard his words. You had already gone back to the mayor's estate. "I love you so much, Y/N."
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delfinqs · 5 years
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i think i just saw DELFINA SERRANO looking down at their phone in the middle of lecture hall . i wonder if they think that will help them get through their MASS COMMUNICATION major . i’m sure professor baker doesn’t mind , though , especially since RONNIE can be so + DEBONAIR . then again , SHE can be a little - VAGUE , so maybe prof b will mind after all . what do you think is catching their attention all of a sudden ? surely it can’t be more pictures of RED CARPET LOOKS . hey , you know , sometimes they really remind me of PRESSING YOUR LIPS AGAINST MIRRORS TO LEAVE YOUR MARK, WEARING SUNGLASSES INDOORS TO HIDE LAST NIGHT’S MISTAKES, DIRTY JOKES AT INAPPROPRIATE TIMES , but maybe that’s just me . oh well . i hope their THIRD year is treating them well !
originally  born  in  manhattan ,  new  york  ,  prycilla  ortega  was  the  healthy  baby girl  to  joselyn  bolivar  &  henry  ortega  ;  two  sixteen  year  olds  who  were  obviously  not  ready  to  take  on  the  responsibility  of  being  parents .  though  as  much  as  joselyn  knew  she  wasn’t  fit  for  the  role  ,  she  still  desired  to  be  a  great  mother  --  to  look  after  her .  henry  on  the  other  hand  knew  that  for  the  sake  of  both  of  them  ,  that  a baby  shouldn’t  be  in  their  lives  .  they  both  had  major  plans  for  the  future  and  didn’t  need  that  changing  because  of  some  child .  so  ,  after  neglecting  the  baby’s  presence  for  2  months  ,  henry  decided  that  he’d  try  and  be  a  good  father  .  so  he  introduced  the  idea  of  daddy - daughter  day  ,  to  get  to  know  her  better .  joselyn  was  reluctant  since  it  was  strange  how  he  suddenly  cared  for  her  ,  but  felt  like  this  was  the  start  of  becoming  a  beautiful  family .  so  she  handed  her  precious  angel  to  him  ,  not  knowing  that  as  soon  as  the  baby  was  in  his  arms  ,  her  name  would  no  longer  be  prycilla  ortega ,  but  DELFINA  SERRANO  ;  the  daughter  of  ceo  josiah  serrano  and  laywer  antonia  del  rios  -  serrano .
how  this  came  about  is  a  wild  tale .  antonia  wasn’t  able  to  reproduce  her  own  children  due  to  complications  within  her  body .  both  her  and  her  husband  wasn’t  their  own  child  ,  so  the  idea  of  adoption  was  currently  racking  both  of  their  minds .  it  was  when  antonia  stumbled  upon  a  conversation  that  henry  was  having  with  a  friend  on  wanting  to  give  the  baby  up .  she  then  found  herself  awing  at  the  baby  photos  he  was  showing  her  and  texting  her  josiah  to  wire  money  to  the  young  man’s  account .  because  once  antonia  del  rios - serrano  has  her  mind  made  up  on  something  ,  there  was  no  turning  back .
when  joselyn  noticed  that  her  child  didn’t  come  back  with  henry  ,  all  hell  broke  loose  .  she  knew  she  shouldn’t  have  trusted  him  with  her  .  so  she  began  to  search  for  her  ,  not  needing  any  help  from  anyone  .  because  at  the  end  of  the  day  ,  HER BABY  was  all  she  needed.
her  life  was  okay .  nothing  too  glamorous  as  mother  dearest  was  constantly  meeting  with  clients  while  being  in  and  out  of  the  courtroom  as  her  father’s  nose  was  stuck  inside  business  deals  and  conferences  halfway  across  the  globe.  so  really  ,  her  childhood  was  fine .  it  was  when  she  got  older  that  made  her  realize  that  maybe  it  wasn’t  all  that  peachy .
once  hitting  the  age  of  9 ,  her  parents  decided  that  it  was  time  for  her  to  start  following  in  their  footsteps .  only  problem  is  that  she  hated  lawyers  and  business  people  because  of  how  she  witness  her  family  be  exhausted  and  angry  24/7.  still ,  she  was  young  and  naive  so  they  thought  her  opinion  was  hella  stupid .
going  into  her  school  life  ,  she  constantly  found  herself  getting  into  things  that  other  people  liked .  did  she  like  them  ?  not  really ,  but  everyone  else  did .  it  made  them  happy  ,  so  maybe  that  could  do  the  same  for  her .
yeah  that  didn’t  work .  delfina  didn’t  find  it  fair  that  everyone  had  something  to  be  happy  for  ;  meanwhile  she  was  stuck  sitting  in  cold  offices  until  the  parent  she  was  at  work  with  would  get  off .
the  only  good  thing  that  came  out  of  this  was  that  her  people’s  skills  was  out  of  this  world .  she  could  literally  hold  a  conversation  with  an  adult  for  hours  on  top  of  hours . quite  sociable  for  a  kid  who  plays  with  the  stapler  and  tape  as  if  they’re  dolls .
this  went  on  for  years ,  up  until  her  senior  year  in  high  school .  she  was  well - known  (  not  popular - 2  different  things )  and  was  surrounded  by  people  who  were  still  trying  to  figure  out  their  lives  .  but  it  was  their  lives  they  were  figuring  out  ,  not  some  make-believe  forced  reality  that  delfina  was  currently  involved  in.
she  spoke  to  her  parents  about  this  and  only  got  into  a  heated  argument  with them  in  result .  they  didn’t  think  she’d  be  successful  anywhere  else  because  she  was  a pro  in  their  line  of  work .  but  that’s  only  because  they  threw  her  into  their  careers  instead  of  letting  her  have  freedom  of  her  own  life .
so  when  she  got  to  powell  ,  she  immediately  said  screw  her  parents  and  decided  to  figure  out  who  exactly  DELFINA  SERRANO  was. 
in  her  freshman  year  in  college  she  was  exposed  to  the  world  of  drugs .  she  soon  found  herself  getting  into  the  pill  scene  (  since  she  didn’t  believe  they  were  that  strong  )  but  proved  herself  wrong  once  trying  out  xanax  for  the  first  time  .  she  felt  as  if  she  was  floating  on  her  cloud  and  everything  just  seemed  so  calm .  she  began  to  grow  a  liking  towards  them  and  only  buys  them  when  necessary .
after  confessing  to  her  parents  that  she  took  the  major  in  mass  comm.  her  mother  started  to  distance  herself  from  the  girl.  her  father  grew  to  accept  the  fact  that  she  wasn’t  like  him  but  her  mom  wasn’t  having  it.
she’s  a  social  butterfly  who  loves  talking  to  new  people  and  getting  to  know  others .  can  be  seen  at  a  sports  game  supporting  the  hell  out  of  her  team .
she  doesn’t  try  to  be  noisy  ,  just  easily  excitable  and  love  hearing  about  how  her  friend’s  day  went  .  it  keeps  her  sane.
okay  i’m  done .  i  would  add  in  more  but  i  really  wanna  get  this  out.  btw , the name’s ocean , i’m 18 and i don’t have a discord but i am making one . peace out !
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