#entered the world of pirates and crime
voigtvirremade · 6 months
got the owlcat warhammer game. and i love my cybernetic pirate already
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 3 months
Was reading over the reverie arc tag and saw that you said to re-ask you about Im after what happened is revealed. (I'd provide the link but tumblr won't let me) So, while not much was revealed, thoughts?
what i think is really interesting about imu is how they compare and contrast to the other characters who have been set up for us as endgame villains, those being blackbeard and akainu. compared to both of them, imu is established quite late in the series, and how they will fit into the unrolling narrative and themes of the story is still somewhat unclear.
both blackbeard and akainu are established firmly well before they enter the main story as primary antagonists. we hear about blackbeard as far back as alabasta and meet him in jaya, while akainu is first seen in robin's enies lobby flashback and mentioned even before that. and they each also embody a strong thematic conflict with the main characters that is going to need to be overcome by the end of the story.
blackbeard mirrors luffy in his pursuit of the pirate king's throne, existing in the same lineage of villains as doflamingo and big mom. it seems almost certain that he will be the final and most difficult fellow challenger for the title of pirate king that luffy will need to face, and the eventual showdown between the blackbeards and strawhats has been telegraphed for quite some time. the question this conflict asks is, what does it mean to be a pirate? what does it mean to be a pirate king?
meanwhile, akainu is the embodiment of authoritarianism. he's the law, brutal and indiscriminate; he represents the order that would stifle freedom. he is much more alike to antagonists like rob lucci and cp-9. while i usually try to avoid speculation on this blog, i think akainu's final defeat will probably not be at luffy's hands; i think a showdown with sabo is much more likely. and the reason i think this is because the question that the conflict with akainu asks is, what does real justice look like? this is ultimately the question of the conflict between the marines and the revolutionaries; they are two armies fighting over whether the current order will be maintained or torn down and built anew.
so, then, imu. we meet them quite late in the game, and still know very little about them. however, i do think this is in itself thematically resonant; we see almost no trace of imu anywhere else until we reach mariejois itself, because they have been deliberately erased from the world. imu is tied, specifically and inextricably, to the mystery of the void century, of the erased history, and we will only learn the truth about them when we learn the truth about everything else.
imu's role in the story seems to be specifically to finally provide a direct antagonist to the overarching myth arc of the void century, the forgotten ancient kingdom, and the will of d; the imperial crimes of the world government, shoved endlessly under the rug. can you build a world-spanning kingdom on a lie? will it stand? for how long? there can be no such thing as an immortal empire no matter how much force you might use to make it so. you can't pin the sun in place in the sky.
while it's impossible to really guess this conflict is going to unfold given how much information we still don't have, my top three guesses for who will be primarily involved are robin (for obvious reasons; unraveling the truth of the void century is her dream, and imu stands directly in the way of that), vivi (also obvious; imu is targeting her directly), and law (both because his new goal is to unravel the meaning of the will of d and because it seems significant that imu is likely a previous recipient of the ope-ope no mi's immortality technique).
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salteytakesonmanga · 10 months
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Someone on this site (EDIT: it was this post! Thanks for helping me find it again!) pointed out that this must be TERRIFYING for pirates entering the Grand Line now. You’re about to start your adventure and the first thing you see, before you’ve even touched the waters of the world’s greatest ocean, is the mark of an Emperor. The sort of thing other Emperors put up at the entrance to islands in their territory, but Luffy has put it on the entrance to the Grand Line itself. It’s almost like he’s claiming the entire Grand Line as his.
You look up at this and a list of all of his crimes/accomplishments runs through your head. He put his mark on a fucking island whale! The thing’s covered in horrifying scars! Did he fight this thing? Did he tame it? Is this Emperor Straw Hat Luffy’s fucking PET?! You’re gonna challenge THIS GUY for the One Piece?
I love it
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livingformintyoongi · 27 days
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a/n: A little series that just occurred to me a few hours ago and that I wanted to keep here for the meantime.
A compilation of children's stories with a different ending than the one Disney shows in its movies. A place where you can hear the voices of the villains of these tales, and what would happen if the protagonist decided to take a different path.
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Before The Hook | Peter Pan
Seokjin (Captain Hook) x fem!reader (Tinkerbell)
Before Kim Seokjin became known as the famous pirate called "Captain Hook" he was also an ordinary person. A boy with dreams and hopes, with a zest for life, with a desire to always have the youthful spirit that characterized him so much.
You listened to his wish and went to him, giving him the opportunity to enter Neverland. You never thought that things would end so badly for both of you.
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Under The Hood | Little Red Riding Hood
Yoongi (Werewolf) x fem!reader (Little Red Riding Hood)
What would you do if the people in the town you grew up in for over 25 years turned their backs on you the day someone, or something, murdered your grandmother? Worse yet, what would you do if all those people you trusted so much blamed you for the crime and were willing to take your life for it?
Well, the most logical answer is to run away, right? That's why you grabbed your red hood, your uncle's axe and a basket full of food, ready to find whoever had committed the crime so you could clear your name and let your grandmother rest in peace.
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When You Find My Heart | Alice In Wonderland
Hoseok (King of Hearts) x fem!reader (Alice)
You always believed that reading put you in a kind of trance, because whenever you read you entered a kind of blank moment, time seemed to pass differently, the place around you disappeared and became a completely different one.
That always happened to you when you read about Wonderland. At least until from one day to the next your book changed its order, forcing you to read it backwards.
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Cold As Ice | Snow White
Namjoon (Robin Hood) x fem!reader (The Evil Queen)
Every day of your life you looked in the mirror, and every day you asked the same question. Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful in the kingdom? Is that how the rumors were supposed to go? You were sure of it.
Every day you woke up with a bitter taste in your mouth, wishing those bad rumors would reach someone brave enough to end your life.
That's when Namjoon comes in, ready to do whatever it takes to save his friend Eira's life and that of his people. You were just another corrupt queen, I had nothing to lose, right?
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When I Hear Your Voice | The Little Mermaid
Jimin (Prince Eric) x fem!reader (Ursula's daughter)
For the first time in your whole life you had used the advice your mother had given you since you were a little girl. You had the recipe to be human, you had the recipe to make anyone in the world fall in love with you, you could even become the most beautiful woman on the planet, but none of it would bring your mother back.
At least, you thought, you could still return the favor to that bitch who had taken your mother's life. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, if she took away what you loved most in this life, you would take away what she loved most, Park Jimin, the man for whom she risked the lives of all the inhabitants of the marine kingdom, and for whom you would now do the impossible to steal her
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I See The Light | Tangled
Taehyung/Vante (Eugene) x fem!reader (Rapunzel)
Your job had always been fairly simple. You would stand waiting in your tower until some poor man came in and ran into you. You would offer them a place to sleep and give them food, all so that they would be unconscious and ready for your mother to take them out of the tower and do with them whatever she wanted.
That had been your routine until the arrival of Vante, a criminal who was willing to do whatever it took to escape the tower alive. So you made him a deal.
His freedom for yours.
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Zero To Hero | Hercules
Jungkook (Hercules) x fem!reader (Megara)
You met Jungkook when he was just a wimpy, whiny teenager, a lost boy who didn't know where he belonged or what to do with his life.
You gave him a little push, without giving him much importance, without thinking that he would be the same person who would put your life at risk years later, without thinking that your current self was willing to do anything to protect him and his noble heart from the monster that was the person to whom you belonged.
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yaboiyandere · 1 year
Yandere Miguel O’Hara
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Miguel’s POV
-Miguel decided to deal with some anomalies himself, pounding the weaker ones to a pulp helped him burn off some steam. He’d eviscerated about four until he was in your dimension. It was a rarer sight to see pirate ones, but he wasn’t in the mood to look into it. Just messing them up and sending them home.
-the city looked familiar, in a sense that he knew he’d never been there, but a part of him had. Maybe another version of him? Hopefully, he doesn’t run into him. he approaches the anomaly, the map indicating it’s at an elementary school.
-Ever since he tried replacing his murdered self in another universe, he’s felt empty. It’s not every day you see your daughter and spouse disappear into nothingness. It wasn’t even his family though, was it? After all, he didn’t remember meeting this version of you. He didn’t get to experience your first date, your wedding, or your daughter’s first day of school. He missed it all.
-Maybe it was for the best that he missed it all, considering what happened when he appeared. Maybe he’s just the worst version of himself. Maybe he’s not meant to be happy.
-he entered through the hole in the wall, seeing you trying and failing to wrangle the pirate Doc Ock. Just another spider-person. He quickly scratched at and bit the anomaly, causing paralysis. You fall to the floor, the tentacles sagging to the ground.
-he approaches you, pulling up his holo-watch to identify who you are. “I like your mask” you joke, as he approaches you. “Got one just like it at home”. He stifles a chuckle. He’s almost reached your profile when a little girl runs up to you and grips your leg. “Don’t hurt my (parent)! Please” she sobs. He freezes.
-he takes it all in. His screen fades away. Gabriella, his daughter, chokes out a couple of cries against your leg. Your hand protectively rests on her head. Who are you? And why are you keeping his daughter from him? And why does she look so scared of him?
-“…are you scared of me?” He asks. Gabriella nods. He can’t ignore your little nod. Speaking of you. “Who are you?” And what are you doing with his daughter? “Ah, that’s classified” you stammer. “Fine” he grumbles, pulling up his hologram with your profile. (Y/n) (L/n). Canon event, losing your late husband, Miguel O’Hara.
-He looks at your profile, the photo of your smiling face, and back at you. Even through the mask, your fear is evident. He presses a button to reveal his face. Your shock is palpable, as he introduces himself. “My name is Miguel O’Hara, and you probably already knew that.” He smiles, and hugs you. He wasn’t going to lose this, lose you again. It’ll be better this time, he’ll start over with you two, propose, attend Gabriella’s quinceanera, and maybe even make another kid!
-his eyes well up with tears of happiness as he bites your neck, paralyzing you. He hugs your limp body and calls out to your daughter. He hugs you two close. All is right in the world again. “Lyla, let’s bring these two home.” “Can do, boss” he quickly walks through the portal, still careful to not drop his precious cargo.
-it’s been three days, and Gabriella has adjusted well. His loft is much more spacious than the little apartment you two could barely afford. She also reveled in the attention she got from you since you were banned from serving justice. Speaking of you, you’ve been more difficult. Considering the world you left behind, he thought you would be more happy to leave! Constant crime leaves you with sleepless nights, a crummy job, and missing out on your daughter’s life! He’d make it so you don’t have to miss anything and even cut down his work hours to spend more time with his family.
-you’ve said some untrue things about him, and compared him to “your” Miguel, but he knows you just need to adjust. As he hugs you from behind, admiring your daughter’s cute drawing of your new family, and smiles into your neck.
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yellowocaballero · 9 months
ORV Characters Ranked by Least to Most Likely to Commit White Collar Crime
You guys said you wanted my ORV takes, and I try not to say things unsolicited, so I'll drop the good meta-analysis and literary criticism that I'm known for. For comedy purposes please pretend that ORV is American.
Omniscent Reader's Viewpoint characters broken down by likelihood to commit white collar crime, least to most:
Lee Hyeonseong: he's convinced that he's never committed a crime in his life. Intentionally, of course not. Unintentionally, he takes shopping for groceries extremely seriously, and is sometimes so wrapped up in the fruit inspection experience that he'll leave without paying. Due to his innocent face, bulk, and sheer confidence, he's never caught. In an economically thrifty maneuver, KDJ always sends him on snack runs for parties and texts him math problems while he's there. He insists it's like couponing. It's not couponing.
Jeong Huiwon: similarly, of course she would never choose to commit a crime. Also similarly, when KDJ says, 'Hey, wanna commit a crime?' she always participates. Since the crime is normally targeted at rich people, KDJ can usually morally justify it to her. She calls this harm reduction. It's not harm reduction.
Lee Jihye: would love to commit a crime in theory, almost never in practice. She has an idealized image in her mind of the ideal high school experience and it involves grand theft auto. However, the worst she ever gets is breaking & entering and trespassing, mostly because she didn't stop to wonder if the building was abandoned or not. She can't even shoplift from Claire's.
Shin Yuseung: the kind of kid who sets the dissection frogs in the school laboratory free. Looks up illegal exotic animal trading on the deepweb and sighs in longing. But exotic pet trading isn't very Animal Rights of her, so she just leaks information to the CIA and busts the rings. Lee Gilyeong convinces her to track down shady sellers on Craigslist and bust their kneecaps. Neither of them view this as significantly different from the dissection frog liberation. KDJ gets her a rescued exotic cat for her birthday as a reward.
Lee Gilyeong: self-explanatory.
Han Suyeong: she's been pirating media since she was eleven and has never stopped. World-class expert in pirating everything. She's the unsung hero who rips the CDs and games and puts them online. Runs the pirating websites. Has never paid for a webnovel or manwha or manga in her life. Despite this, she insists that pirating books is immoral and that people should support small authors. The FBI knows she exists and has been trying to catch her for years. She brags about this constantly.
Yoo Sangah: has committed tax fraud before, will commit tax fraud tomorrow, is currently committing tax fraud. Embezzles her company's embezzlement. Insists that she's only committing victimless crimes, mainly because she doesn't view business executives as people. Her ability to evade the IRS is mythological and it's how KDJ got a crush on her.
Yoo Junghyeok: does not understand adult life well enough to knowingly commit any sort of white collar crime. He is this high on the list because he enables and helps KDJ in literally everything he does, especially using his clout as an influencer. This is because KDJ has convinced him that these things aren't crimes, and he doesn't understand adult life well enough to figure it out.
Kim Dokja: has done every white collar crime under the sun. I can't emphasize enough how much crime he does. He's currently blackmailing SYS's college tuition out of a US Senator. HSY makes the shell companies and launders so much money with him. Alternates between running a pyramid scheme and a ponzi scheme depending on the month. Started a cult that one time but we don't like to talk about that. Runs the betting ring for YJH's esports games. Fixes the games. YJH does not know he does this, but KDJ splits the profits and Yoo Mia also needs a college tuition so he decides not to think about it too hard. Big into crypto and runs every crypto scam you can possibly think of, which is normally where the the ponzi schemes come in. Steals YJH's identity often. Somehow everything he does is technically legal. The only crime he does not commit is pirating. Exclusively targets the wealthy and ultra-wealthy and has never stolen money from a poor person. Sugar daddies all of his friends and pays all college tuitions. Anonymously yet obviously sponsors huge amounts of money to YJH's Twitch streams, mostly in apology for the ID theft. Would really rather be living a quiet life in a big house with all of his friends, but that big house ain't gonna pay for itself.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 8 months
Hi, I'm the anon who sent you Strawhats with Spot!Reader, since you made RoR characters with Spot!Reader I was wondering if you could make Strawhats with Spot!Reader.
-Well now, this was a fine predicament you found yourself in!
-You opened a portal to escape the police and somehow crossed dimensions and you were now in a world where pirates reigned supreme and you had no way of returning to your own dimension.
-You tried turning over a new leaf, using your powers and abilities for good in this new world, but whenever you tried to enter a town, you would be chased by the citizens and by the marines, thinking you were a monster.
-You were able to do your research, as you had heard multiple people saying that you had eaten something called a Devil Fruit, that these were unnatural fruits in this world that gave those who ate them unnatural but breathtaking powers, at the expense of not being able to swim.
-An outcast once more, you realized that a life of crime was all you would be able to accomplish in this world as well, as a pirate. At least you could freak people out about being a ‘devil fruit user’ and being able to swim!
-You earned your bounty pretty quickly, being able to rob banks and other places of wealth with relative ease, and when the government released your bounty poster under Y/N the Spot, you were quite pleased with yourself, seeing such a massive bounty. You even framed it!
-You found your solstice with other pirates, other outcasts and many learned quickly not to cross you, trying to steal what you stole first, or trying to stab you, only for them to fall into a hole to spit them back out elsewhere.
-It was such a group of misfits and weirdos that you found to call your own, the Straw Hat Pirates, after Luffy found you.
-You thought he was just a funny kid, so you impressed him by using your skills to warp a huge pile of food out of the kitchen on a marine’s ship onto his own ship.
-His starry eyed look made you grin, if you could grin, and you liked his vibe and when he told you to join his crew, you immediately accepted.
-His crew was just as funny as him, at least to you, as Zoro immediately tried to charge at you, thinking you were a threat, only for you to open a hole that sent him right back into Sanji, which caused a huge fight.
-Chopper was like a little kid, sticking his hand in the holes on your body, after you said it was okay, and he was delighted to see his hoof, which he put through your hand, coming out of your eye socket.
-Usopp, Brook, and Luffy were quick to join in, having fun until Nami whacked Luffy, Brook, Usopp and you on the head, managing to leave a lump on your head, telling you to knock it off.
-You fit in easily, earning everyone’s respect, as you made transporting cargo so easy! Sanji or Nami could have huge bags of purchases while out in town and you could instantly wrap them back to the ship, leaving their hands free and they didn’t have to lug everything back to the ship.
-Franky loved your abilities too, when there was something mechanical going on, rather than taking everything apart, you would just open a portal so he could easily go through and fix things right then and there.
-Nami was like Luffy, who loved your ability when you were easily able to steal treasure, earning her praise which you teased the others with, especially Sanji.
-Sanji did appreciate your skills with transporting things, but he was disappointed when you told him that while you use your abilities for stealing and things like that, you don’t use them for pervy things, while you easily could.
-Sanji begged you to use your powers for ‘evil’ but you didn’t have to do anything, as Nami was there to handle things instantly.
-Zoro was distrustful of you, like he is with almost any new member, but he found a good sparring partner, as you could easily dodge and send him all around you. It made his reaction time and able to change directions easily on a dime.
-Jinbei wasn’t sure what to think of you, he found you a bit odd, but laughed when you said he was odd when he first told you, as you hadn’t met a fishman before. Jinbei became a mentor to you, kind of like that father figure you not only wanted but needed, and he would always laugh when you would freak others out, mainly marines, when you would jump into the sea and swim away, making them freak out that you were a devil fruit user that could swim.
-Usopp and you were a good team, as you would open portals to get him to a high vantage point, perfect for sniping others, and you offered him a quick escape so he would act real cocky to piss people off, then disappear, leaving only one of his trap plants waiting.
-You and Brook did the same thing, you would open portals so he could crawl out like some sort of vengeful spirit, acting scary which would send your opponents running, leaving the two of you falling over yourselves laughing.
-Robin found your antics amusing, seeing the mischief that you were causing, often just staying back and laughing, wanting to see what you were going to do next. Nami was beside herself when she found out that Robin was the one to suggest you and Brook scaring others, as he had unintentionally scared her.
-You liked this group of weirdos, they were yours, your friends, and you fit in just perfectly with them, and that’s all you ever wanted.
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life-o-n-m4rs · 28 days
guys. i made this dnd character right. he’s a pirate, an energetic, danger loving gunslinger. his bf is a prince. an introverted, autistic prince who’s always been good with chemistry and bombs. they first meet when the prince enters the pirates world of debauchery and crime, using his chemistry skills in combat. are we sensing a theme here?
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mega-punani · 4 months
Hello hello!! I really love your writing and your art sm!! <33 I gotta say I'm all in for the romantic feels asks but platonic dynamics have a special place in my heart so- got any headcanons for the pirate au boys with a little sister medic/healer crewmate? Like the passive sweetie in the background that makes sure everyone's okay and her worry about everyone rivals that of edge yk? Ty! ^w^
Worried Medic Younger Sibling Y/N!:
Sans: Oh great, yet another sibling to spend sleepless nights worrying about... All jokes, Sans loves them to bits, and he is so incredibly grateful that they would go out of their way to fret over him and take care of him. He had just grown so used to hiding his weaknesses, for Pap's sake. But now, he finally had someone who took care of him like he does everyone else. Even if he's gonna crack cringey puns along the way. He'll let out a low chuckle every time they tell him to shut it. Papyrus: He's so touched! As much as he hates to make them worry, a part of him always cries when Y/N rushes up to him with a concerned expression and a medkit. Although Sans practically raised him, he could never feel good actually pouring all his concerns out to his stressed older brother. But his wonderful, amazing, talented sibling is the beam of sunshine he never knew he needed. Blue: NOOOOO NOT ANOTHER EDGE! Blue is sprinting the moment they approach him with a medkit. He always hated the doctor, and you are telling him that his beloved younger sibling is one of those apple-repelled freaks? With great effort, running, screaming, and other crewmates' help, Y/N will be patching up Blue with an iron grip on his skull. He'll whine, but he really is glad that they are willing to put up with his goofs. He will give you a big hug when he's all better and then jump straight into the fray like they didn't just spend 2 hours getting him fixed up.
Stretch: Literally the definition of the annoying older brother. Will come into the medical bay just to knock something off of the table and then turn off the lights, leaving Y/N in the dark. He'll say jokes and puns until someone shoves gauze in his mouth and will not stop bothering you. He has his moments and is a great shoulder to lean on when times are rough. And it's not like the teasing is one-sided! Y/N had seen their fair share of romance poems and songs that Stretch swore he had stashed away. Too bad Cash will do about anything for 3G.
Red: Annoying older brother #2 except he's the type to air punch you and profusely apologize if he accidentally hits you. He rolls his eyelights every time they scold him, sprinkling a few "Who are you, Edge?" and "Big words for such a short guy." He will be relentless when it comes to goofing off. One moment he's your partner in crime, another moment, he is giving you a noogie for being in his business.
Edge: It's like a nagging cycle. Y/N will fret over Edge triggering him to start analyzing you, and then it's just Y/N's sweet concern and Edge's masked care repeated into infinity. Of course, he can't help but cherish the feeling of being so looked after. Even if he feels like it is his duty to look after his younger sibling. He will give them a rare smile, just glad that they love him enough to try, even if he was as stubborn as a mule.
Razz: He's already covering his earholes the moment Y/N enters his navigation status chamber of a room. He groans and grumbles while they place some much-needed food on his desk, blocking his view of his book. But of course, he will never actually yell or rage at his kind younger sibling, although that was the only thing he knew best. He won't say a thank you, but just know that he is so giddy that his sibling is being so thoughtful. You can tell from the warm breeze and the pretty clouds.
Cash: Steals. Everything. He thinks it is the FUNNIEST thing in the world to bother the soul out of his siblings, and his poor younger sibling Y/N. So sweet, so kind, so... EASY TO STEAL FROM! The food they were saving for later? Gone. The little candy jar that they use to give to the crew after checkups? Vanished. Y/N's favorite jacket that doesn't even fit him? Wow, he actually looks really good in it- NO HE'S STRETCHING THE FABRIC. He thinks it's so incredibly rejuvenating when Y/N chases him around. Of course, doesn't last long cause that smoker is already heaving for breath. Bear: Being a sibling is the only way that Bear will not feel nervous about touching Y/N. Of course, he will make sure not to pat to hard or shake them around, but he will be more willing to throw Y/N around if he thinks that they are in danger. He will protect just as fiercely as Y/N would, and he is just so happy to be surrounded by that familial warmth he was never allowed to enjoy. Expect big thank-you meals every time he gets patched up. Cinnamon: He knows that Y/N worries for him sometimes, and he can't help but feel guilty. There are so many things that are wrong with him, and it seems like they visit him every day when he has yet another issue with his eyes or teeth. But every time he is reassured. Perhaps that is why he finds his sibling so wonderful. Because no matter how terrible he feels Y/N will always patch him up and give him a big hug. Having such a caring younger sibling had inspired him to be the best big bro!
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adventure-showdown · 6 months
What is the Greatest Doctor Who story ever told?
and so we enter the final stretch, just 64 competitors remain, the seedings have been finalised and its time to make some even tougher calls. How long will the EU underdogs last and will your favourite be the ultimate victor (probably not)?
Grand Final: The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances vs Midnight
Third Place: World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls vs City of Death
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World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls vs The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances WINNER: The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
City of Death vs Midnight WINNER: Midnight
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World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls vs Heaven Sent
Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead vs The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
Fires of Pompeii vs City of Death
Scherzo vs Midnight
rounds 5-7 under the cut
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Remembrance of the Daleks vs World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls WINNER: World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls
Heaven Sent vs The Three Doctors WINNER: Heaven Sent
Turn Left vs Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead WINNER: Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead
Vincent and the Doctor vs The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances WINNER: The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
Partners in Crime vs Fires of Pompeii WINNER: Fires of Pompeii
Blink vs City of Death WINNER: City of Death
Caerdroia vs Scherzo WINNER: Scherzo
Midnight vs Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways WINNER: Midnight
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Chimes of Midnight vs Remembrance of the Daleks WINNER: Remembrance of the Daleks
World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls vs The Robots of Death vs Children of Earth World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls
Heaven Sent vs Dalek WINNER: Heaven Sent
The Three Doctors vs The Wedding of Sarah-Jane Smith WINNER: The Three Doctors
Alien Bodies vs Turn Left WINNER: Turn Left
Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead vs The Romans WINNER: Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead
Vincent and the Doctor vs Captain Jack Harkness WINNER: Vincent and the Doctor
The Husbands of River Song vs The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances WINNER: The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
The Curse of Fatal Death vs Partners in Crime WINNER: Partners in Crime
The War Games vs Fires of Pompeii WINNER: Fires of Pompeii
The Natural History of Fear vs Blink WINNER: Blink
City of Death vs Doctor Who and the Pirates WINNER: City of Death
Father's Day vs Caerdroia WINNER: Caerdroia
Zagreus vs Scherzo WINNER: Scherzo
Midnight vs Survival WINNER: Midnight
Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways vs Night of the Doctor WINNER: Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways
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The Chimes of Midnight vs Unnatural History WINNER: Chimes of Midnight
Remembrance of the Daleks vs The Curse of Fenric WINNER: Remembrance of the Daleks
World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls vs The Greatest Show in the Galaxy WINNER: World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls
The Robots of Death vs Children of Earth TIE
Heaven Sent vs The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot WINNER: Heaven Sent
The Green Death vs Dalek WINNER: Dalek
The Star Beast vs The Three Doctors WINNER: The Three Doctors
The Marian Conspiracy vs The Wedding of Sarah-Jane Smith WINNER: The Wedding of Sarah-Jane Smith
Time Crash vs Alien Bodies WINNER: Alien Bodies
The Mind Robber vs Turn Left WINNER: Turn Left
Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead vs Solitaire WINNER: Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead
The Romans vs An Adventure in Space and Time WINNER: The Romans
Vincent and the Doctor vs The Five Doctors WINNER: Vincent and the Doctor
The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar vs Captain Jack Harkness WINNER: Captain Jack Harkness
Countrycide vs The Husbands of River Song WINNER: The Husbands of River Song
The Holy Terror vs The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances WINNER: The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
The Curse of Fatal Death vs Human Nature WINNER: Curse of Fatal Death
Partners in Crime vs Lungbarrow WINNER: Partners in Crime
The War Games vs The Daemons WINNER: The War Games
Fires of Pompeii vs The Metaphysical Engine or What Quill Did WINNER: Fires of Pompeii
A Death in the Family vs The Natural History of Fear WINNER: The Natural History of Fear
The Happiness Patrol vs Blink WINNER: Blink
City of Death vs Mummy on the Orient Express WINNER: City of Death
Ghost Light vs Doctor Who and the Pirates WINNER: Doctor Who and the Pirates
Death of the Doctor vs Father's Day WINNER: Father's Day
The Curse of Clyde Langer vs Caerdroia WINNER: Caerdroia
Zagreus vs Genesis of the Daleks WINNER: Zagreus
Pond Life vs Scherzo WINNER: Scherzo
Midnight vs The Time Meddler WINNER: Midnight
Survival vs The Temptation of Sarah-Jane Smith WINNER: Survival
Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways vs The Caves of Androzani WINNER: Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways
Reset vs Night of the Doctor WINNER: Night of the Doctor
38 notes · View notes
Beyond this is the things they added to the 4.2.3 upd of DoL
Please send me an ask if you want me to add something or I missed one
Images/stories I still need
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Masc., Fem., and Andro.
Chest/breast sprites
Made the breasts have better visibility
Flattest chest size looks flatter on combat sprite
Added breast sprites to lace nightgown, virgin killer, ball gown, evening gown, open shoulder sweater, pink nurse, plastic nurse, skimpy lolita outfits, open shoulder crop top
Tattoo Parlour
Any unlocked bodywriting can be turned into a tattoo, even if it's not on the PC
New Triangle, Square, and Circle tattoos [look at the Island page for more info]
All down
Fishtail braid (left, right, twins)
Ribbon tail sides
Low tail
Thick ponytail
Short air vents
Side pinned
Dreadlocks bun
Emo/Emo Left/Emo Right
Traditional Maid Dress
Victorian Maid Dress
Shrine Maiden Robes
Virgin Killer Dress
Halter Sundress
Leather Dress
Cat hoodie
Ao dai Top
School cardigan
School blouse
Polo shirt
Color block crop top
Band t-shirt
Boxy t-shirt
Remade Serafuku
Classic Serafuku
Ao dai trousers
Plaid school skirt
Plaid school trousers
Plaid school shorts
School pinafore
Plaid school pinafore
Wide leg trousers
Straight leg trousers
Yoga pants
Jean miniskirt
Dolphin shorts
Under outfits
Turtleneck Leotard
Under upper
None 😔
Under lower
Tie Side Bikini Bottoms
Highwaisted microkini bottoms
Sheer Leggings
Stripped kneesocks
Patterned dress socks
Polka dot socks
Sports socks
Rib-knit socks
Rib-knit ankle socks
Canvas Loafers
Hairpins (butterfly + star)
Conical hat
Raccoon cap
Fur cap
Bat beanie
Mini pumpkin
Gas Mask
Doggy Muzzle
Medical Eyepatch
Love Locket
Fur boa
Work gloves
Temple garden, moor, farmlands, temp office, altar, secret path, the churchyard, the dilapidated shop, Eden's cabin, brothel stage [pt1]
Garden plots, stream, gloryhole, park fountain, asylum, sea rocks, waterfall, thicket, Great Hawk's nest, and perch [pt 2]
Rainwater pool, Eden's bed, lake campsite, fishing rock, archaeological field office, Remy's Estate, Great Hawk's tower, Ruins,
Black Dog
Riding a horse, question mark for inquires, searching for pots in lake, excersizing/hobbling in heels, gliding, entering town, searching for a mark, praying, and renting a stall [pt 1]
Getting in/out/refusing rides, trick or treating, sitting on the school stump, diving, descending/ascending in water, leaving water, and fixing Eden's cabin [pt 2]
Digging, showering, practise shooting, undo bindings, daydreaming, tilling, watching TV, chatting, singing, and plundering [pt 3]
Making tops/bottoms out of seaweed, meditating, relaxing
Trial of purity
Patient gown
Milk, breast milk, chicken eggs, truffles, temple pew, dog treat, bronze key, library desk, soap [pt1]
Lichen, cosmetics, small/medium/large/huge exotic/huge decor fish tanks, auto feeder, tank decor, and sewer safe [pt 2]
Antique watch, grass, antique crystal, scrap, stimulants, torch, fertiliser, antique candlestick, rubble, and mud [pt 3]
Spiderwebs [pt 4]
Salves, sink, computer, rug, broom, dustpan, gift boxes, wolf chew toy, padlock [pt 1]
Cash register, Eden's valentine's day gift, Eden's coatstand, condom vending machine [pt 2]
Breast milk
Chicken eggs
"Take all"
Fetish collar icon is updated
Pirate ship
Old Church
Dilapidated Shop
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"Split by Gender Apperance" changed to "Set/Ignore Sexual Orientation
Split into 10 categories; Assault, Coercion, Destruction of Property, Indecent Exposure, Obstruction of Justice, Prostitution, Resisting Arrest, Thievery, Petty Thievery, and Trespassing.
Crimes the PC has commited would be read out before punishment
Can adjust each crime in the cheat menu
Can view the crime stats in the stat menu
Ear Slime
Added an event that prevents PC to wear under lower garments, unless given directly to them
Sleeping event at Alex's farm
Sleeping event if you study at school naked
Alternate abduction event at the dog pound
At Remy's Farm, it would attempt to force you on all fours and eat grass
May force you to have sex with dolphins
Ear slime tasks are now in the Journal menu
Clit Parasite
Alternative masturbation options if PC has a clit parasite
Skip Button
Added a skip button that brings you to the next orgasm
Alex the Farmer
Avaliable pregnancy candidate [+more]
Crossdressing Fame
Can lower fame more if seen as a female are pregnant
Paternity Test
Option to do it at the Hospital
Hide Option
Can now choose to hide unavailable items in the shop
Gilded Spear
Lost World
Face of a Guardian
Wild Monarch
Prehistoric Landscape
The Island
How to enter, how to escape [+more]
Sensitivity values can be viewed in the "Extra Stats" tab under "Characteristics"
Confirmation dialouge appears when you try to exit/refresh the page [is on by default in ironman mode]. Can toggle it in the Advanced tab
Destroy, repair, dry, and drench clothes at once is added
Breast and Cum Values have been replaced with sliders
More additional options for pregnancy cheats
Farmland tp is added
Double Penetration
Unique cum images is added
Improved xray sprites
Lower Underwear
Able to pull it to the side during encounters
"Driving Lesson"
Rimming and Watersports outcomes
Whipping and buttplug outcomes
Rimming outcomes
Rimming outcomes
Car Sex
NPCs will ask if PC needs to be dropped off anywhere after
Prostitution opt. added
Wardrobe Outfit Editor
Added a random color option
Warmth filter is added
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Whitney can upgrade the Loft
Repeatable scene where he unlocks the chastity belt Winter put on you
Untying your bonds before swim class generates slightly random dialouge
Changing Rooms
PCs thoughts of being in the wrong changing room are more diverse, changes based on Crossdressing Rep
PC is no longer rejected immediately when looking like the opposite gender and is given weird stares and comments
Crossdressing Fame/Rep
Chance to lower crossdressing fame after not
Dog Happiness
Added a description of the dogs happiness on the main screen
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Wolf Pack
PC is more comfortable naked around the wolves in the wolf pack
Wolf Cave
You can submit to wolves that advance towards you in the cave
Will now deliver PC to the tutorial person if PC stays at the orphanage for the first whole week
Named NPC that is found during the Disguised Escape option
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Fleshy color option is added to sex toys and strap ons
Fleshy color sidebar renderer is added [no idea what that means]
Plumeria, tendable [view the Island page for more info]
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Can tie cardigan around waist
Able to lower suspenders
41 notes · View notes
atiny-for-life · 4 months
Ateez's Full Storyline Explained - Part 21
Before we begin...
I'd like to shout out @xuseokgyu's gifset on the MATZ MV since I adore her analysis and I really do think it might just be the real-life message they meant to portray. It was also one of the contributing reasons for my initial belief that the unit MVs were unrelated to the storyline.
MATZ (A-World)
Initially, due to the announcement that this takes place in the A-World, I was going to propose the theory that this MV takes place prior to Fever Part 1 - a flashback to Hongjoong and Seonghwa performing as a rap duo before they met Yunho and the rest and became Ateez, but I just couldn't figure out how all the robed cult-like people fit into this narrative... and then it dawned on me:
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We saw the bluebird at the end of Crazy Form and the shattered Cromer which means the Halazia-squad has been traveling between Worlds and may likely have ended up in the A-World along the way.
I'm not gonna lie: I first thought of this because of Hongjoong's fluffy hat which reminded me of the one he wore in Halazia but once I had it in my brain, I couldn't help but notice various other similarities.
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The abandoned building?
Reminiscent of the abandoned mall we grew all too familiar with during that funky little livestream before the release of Halazia.
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All the chains randomly hanging from the ceiling?
Reminiscent of the ones they were dragging around in Halazia to chain up the orb.
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All the people in robes willingly following them around to commit random crimes like robbing a small store?
Their version of the Black Pirates, aka the robed folks we already saw in Halazia.
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Bro, they even brought back the purple lighting and specifically made fun of me personally because I'm too dumb to figure out the meaning behind these numbers.
(I'm kidding, of course, but it really isn't my fault I'm a dumbass.)
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All this to say: these two are neither Hongjoong and Seonghwa from Ateez, nor the Black Pirates we've come to know and love, but rather the two we've only met briefly during one of the sickest goddamn MVs I've ever seen while they were performing the most spiritually and spacially transcendent songs I've ever head like holy shit, Halazia still slaps so fucking hard, how did they even come up with this.
Anywho - with this in mind, we can watch the video again and gather hints as to what they're up to in the A-World (besides committing minor felonies here and there).
We begin as follows:
They've ordered one of their people to fasten a tracker to the underside of a black car prior to their arrival on the scene.
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Several black-cloaked figures then enter the car and drive away before we cut to the title card.
Matz exit the building and get into the car which is now no longer occupied by at least the two people in the front seats which means there's a small timeskip where we don't know what happened with the car's occupants. I'll get back to this in a moment.
We now see Matz take the front seats right before they get black bags pulled over their heads from the people hidden in the backseat. Clearly, they're not very surprised by this. They knew it would happen. It's part of the plan.
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They get chained up and stuffed in the back and taken to a secondary location. (Take note of the blue-and-earthtone palette we've last seen in Halazia.)
Keep in mind that this is a vehicle their own people are able to track. This tells me it's not just the creeps who are after Matz - Matz are also after these creeps. Now, who would Matz have beef with in the A-World, a world they've never been to before?
That's right: Henry Jo, the leader of Skienslavar, aka A-World's Z whose straight up evilness has led to the brainwashing and mass-murder of a huge amount of people in Z-World and, most likely, also their own world (which we saw go up in smoke in Halazia).
Matz are currently on a mission to take down A-World's Skiensalvar before they can do as much damage as they did back in their own world. And it's this mission that then also leads them, and likely also the rest of their members, to Z-World at the end of Crazy Form.
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Henry Jo last saw Ateez at the museum when they were trying to steal the Cromer to save Yeosang in the Fever Epilogue Diary Entries - hell, he even tried to straight up stab Wooyoung to get his hands on that thing. Naturally, he then also wouldn't shy away from kidnapping any of them to get the current location of the Cromer out of them.
This explains why they're tied to a chair and surrounded by cultists from all angles.
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Right after this shot, we get to see yet another group with black hoods march up into the same building. However, unlike the ankle-length robes of the cultists, they're dressed in black pants and hoodies, leaning more toward techwear
They're the Black Pirates who've been tracking the black car they tagged at the beginning of the MV and they're here to free their two kidnapped leaders
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Specifically, the Black Pirates head out the moment Seonghwa makes eye contact with one of the cultist's camera lenses, which I can only assume means that this messed-up cult is livestreaming their kidnapping of two young men in their mid-twenties
Likely because they're hoping either of them will say something that will reaffirm the cult's beliefs and thus validate them in the eyes of whatever audience they're trying to reach
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Right after this moment, Matz break the chains binding their wrists and jump up from their chairs
We can then see them perform in the same location with some of the other Black Pirates - thus also utilizing the livestreaming equipment that was already set up to, presumably, try to undo whatever harm the preachings of the cult may have done to the current viewership
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After leaving the area, Matz seem to teleport out of the premises which is indicated by a negative frame, followed by some skipped frames to create a nice flowy movement out of frame to the right that feels unnatural but seamless
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Right after, we get another transitional frame from Matz in the outfits they've been wearing all along to just Seonghwa in a more fancy gold and fur get up
Along the way, we also get to see Matz run through an empty parking garage while some of the other Black Pirates are slowly wandering through a little music store
They're simply looking at all the CDs in the shelves - something they've never seen before after they've been denied access to music their entire lives back in their world
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And then Matz arrive and start tearing up the place
But why? I think it might just be in their character
When we saw them in Halazia, they were burning the Black Pirates' uniforms and now we see them tearing up a store selling the music they themselves use as a form of rebellion
Like I theorized back with Halazia: I think they might be struggling with the legacy left behind by the Black Pirates; they might feel angry and abandoned and are now pissed off that, in this world, people have shelves upon shelves full of music while they themselves were denied any form of expression for at least a significant chunk of their lives
And now, they had to come in from another world to stop the same fate from happening to them and the people there will never know how much they did for them
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We already know how different Ateez are from their Z-World counterparts - due to them growing up in A-World, they're more calculated, less provocative, less extreme (Inception vs Thanxx, Guerrilla vs Crazy Form)
Halazia-World's Ateez thus seem to be an even more extreme version of Z-World's Ateez - more volatile, maybe even more aggressive, certainly less open to making new friends from what we've seen so far
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This is certainly also highlighted when we listen to the newscaster reporting on a case of two men who mysteriously disappeared after committing arson
Those two little shits legit set a fire and teleported out of there to not get caught - y'all, after all that fire in Halazia, I legit think these dudes are just serial arsonists hiding behind the guise of a revolutionary cause
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In conclusion: I'm fairly confident in my theory and I think we'll be seeing these crazy guys again very soon; be that with another single or the next Korean mini or full album (though I would also very much appreciate a Japanese comeback tied into the main storyline - they're always underappreciated with any group, it seems).
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bciphergrl · 2 months
A List Of My Sam and Max AUs
It has been a long time, since I posted anything here. I originally was just gonna make only one AU. But, funny enough, I have way more than that now XD
I've made this list, if you're interested in any of the AUs and/or you have any questions about them. I'm more than happy to answer them.
Itty Bitty: During one of Sam and Max fights against a criminal at the toy factory, Max gets hit by a ray and disappears. It was supposed to teleport him somewhere far away. But nope! Max has been shrunken in size and fell into a toy box that was meant to be delivered to the next city over. Now, it's up to him and his new human friend, Jess, to help him reunite with Sam and get him back to his normal size, while also fighting crime together (and learning about Jess' past) along the way.
Error 305: Sam and Max try to escape their universe as it started to collapsed. But they didn't get out without getting physically and mentally damaged. Max really got the short end of the stick, while Sam is still sort of sane. Now, they live in a white void, while Sam tries to find a way to get both of them back to normal.
Trading Minds: It's basically 'what if Sam and Max switch minds?' The results? Max is a more level headed lagomorph, while Sam is a pretty chaotic dog.
The Monster I've Become: After the Events of the Devil's playhouse, Max somehow survived the explosion and became his normal self. But he doesn't look the same though. He looks partly like an eldritch horror monster and a lagomorph. He kept his identity hidden since then and has made an abandoned subway train station as his new home. Sam sadly has no idea that he's still alive.
The Beast Within The Sea: Sam is the captain of the pirate crew who is after a magical jewel on a mysterious island. He manages to get it successfully and was about to leave the island with it. But then, a huge sea creature emerges from the ocean and attacks the ship. It kills everyone except for Sam. Instead, it keeps him on island and refuses to let him leave. Now, he needs to find a way to escape the place without the beast ever finding out.
The Multiverse Traveling Thief: Nobody has seen face or learned the name of the person who steals the artifacts from different universes and destroys those said universes. He keeps his mask on, while out in public to keep his identity hidden. But this lagomorph is known as "The Multiverse Traveling Thief".
Doodle: Sam and Max are simplified doodles who are alive.
The Circus Of Astral Magic: Deep within the forest, there's a magical circus that lures people there. A small lagomorph finds himself there. He thought it was all fun and games. Until he starts to see the dark truth behind it. This isn't an ordinary circus. This one is ment to keep people there, once they enter it.
Shattered Realities: Darla is a fan of a video game franchise, Sam and Max. She really likes playing it's third and final season to the TellTale's game, Sam and Max: The Devil's Playhouse. However, one night, she deeply wished that she can change Max's fate during his 305, even though it was pointless because he's not real, right? Well, the next morning, she woke up in a bedroom that doesn't belong to her. She quickly scanned the room, which she doesn't recognize at all. She slowly gets out of bed and walks to a nearby phone. However, she froze in her tracks when saw her reflection. Max's reflection to be exact. She has no idea if this is some sort of dream or if it's actually real. But, one things for sure, she needs to change Max's fate before she loses her life in a 305.
Heartstrings: Max is a florist who is so madly in love with his 'soul mate' that he'll do literally anything to make them his. Even if it means to kill as many people as it takes and pull some strings behind the scenes to make that happen.
The Pursuit Of Blissfulness: The world was once full of color, before it faded away from the world. Everyone has long grown used to it being Monochrome since then. Now, a lonely lagomorph tries to figure out the mystery behind it. But will it be worth the price of losing the very person that he believes to hate?
System Override: Sam is a child who got dared by his group of friends to sneaking into an abandoned toy company and bringing back a toy. He was pretty scared. But he managed to find a dusty A.I robot which surprisingly looked like a rabbit. He has no idea how to carry it back home. But yet, it turned on by itself and scanned him for a moment, before happily greeting itself. It really did caught him off guard. It was almost as if it woke up. But that didn't stop him from being amazed by it and taking it out of the building. If he only knew the reason behind the toy company's downfall and the danger behind the robot.
An Elder God In Lagomorph's Clothing: The universe where Junior disguised itself as a Lagomorph named Max on Earth who pretends to be a silly and crazy person who is partners with Sam and they still work together as the freelance police. However, it has a much sinister agenda for the universe.
Human: A universe where Sam and Max are humans. Sam (who goes by Sebastian) works as a detective for the police. Max (who goes by Mathew) makes comics for a comic series 'Sam and Max: Freelance Police'. They're bffs in this universe and hang out together, whenever they're not busy with work.
Driven To Insanity: Sam lives in the world where alot of people were infected by a terrible unknown disease that causes the infected people to suddenly attacked non-infected people. They show signs of discoloration with purple patches on their body and make sounds that sounded like gibberish to any non-infected. Sam is one of many few who aren't sick and has been one his own for a decade now. He ran into Max, who has the disease but he claims to be strangely immune to it. Together, they survive in the zombie-like apocalyptic world.
The Hare And His Lapdog: Sam goes to a seemingly ordinary casino and he has a really good luck streak at poker. This catches the attention and interest of the owner of the building. So, they walk up to him and gives him a deal. If he can beat them at poker, he can walk away with a trillion dollars. However, if he loses, he'll lose all of the winnings and will have to work for them. Sam doesn't see it as much of a challenge and played a game against them. He ends up losing though and had to work for them. However, what he didn't realize that he didn't sign up for the casino. He signed up to work for the Mafia and the owner, who is revealed to be Max, is a the Mafia Boss. Now, Sam is on edge of life or death as he tries to find a way to escape from him.
Tiny Detectives: A universe where a tiny version of Sam and Max somehow ended up in the real world and found their way into my house. Now, I'm taking care of them, while trying to figure out how they ended up here.
I'll most likely update it, if I make more Sam and Max AUs.
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aviculor · 8 months
Another thought just popped into my head. What if all the wacky phenotypes in One Piece are because of devil fruit lineage factors? On top of all the nonhumans like minks and fishmen and mermaids, it's apparently normal for a full-blooded human to be 20+ feet tall or have horns. We've seen devil fruits that make you bigger (like the one San Juan Wolf ate for complete overkill). And as I said in my previous post, Saint Jay Garcia Saturn possibly just opened up a pandora's box for the existence of demon zoans which could explain the likes of Kaidou and Moriah.
What if the Void Century was what happened after devil fruits first came into existence? The original fruit users freely had children, passing on traits given to them by their fruits which caused said children to be born as mutants. The world government covered it all up. They made devil fruits restricted and controlled exclusively by them, and they banished all the mutants they could find to remote islands in the Grand Line. The ones who could never pass as human, that is. The ones that looked like animals, the ones too large to live in cities, the ones with extra body parts. They all had to go. But a pair of small horns here and there, some sharp teeth, growing only a few feet taller than normal...those flew under the radar and remained in the gene pool. That's how we got characters like Shoujou and Merry. What is the difference between Shoujou and an orangutan mink? Or Merry and a sheep mink? Their ancestors weren't Different enough to be banished to Zou 800 years ago. For those who weren't so lucky though, those centuries of isolation caused the inhuman traits to become endemic to their islands- cemented into the populations generation after generation until none of their offspring could ever be human-passing. They became known as the minks, the giants, the long-arms, the long-legs...yes, even the fishmen and mermaids since we know thanks to Kaidou that Fish Fish fruits exist. All of these "races" are freely able to interbreed with humans and eachother, showing that they are still fundamentally the same species. Which is best demonstrated by the Charlotte family where Big Mom basically has a bingo card she's filling out of races she's had children with. And it's no coincidence that so many pirates are people with physical abnormalities; while people like Kaidou and Big Mom and Moriah are Certified Human by pedigree, their differences have nonetheless alienated them from Polite Society (tm), essentially forcing them into lives of crime.
Which actually reminds me...while we all know Big Mom is a 28 foot tall cannibal that enters dissociative feeding frenzies, another unusual thing about her is that when you work out the timeline for her menagerie of children (which thankfully someone else did on the wiki), you'll notice she gave birth every year for 42 consecutive years. That is not just strange, it's so physically implausible that I would also consider that to be evidence of of devil fruit lineage. An invisible mutation from a paramecia user centuries ago in her family tree. This idea explains everything, all the superhuman feats from "ordinary" people we see in the series. Maybe even haki. And the world government doesn't want anyone to know.
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d0lly5 · 10 months
July 2023 - BTS Fic Recs - Yoongi/Jimin
** Favourite
in your eyes (it's where i wanna be) by bonnia Word count: 5,562 Summary: Jimin accidentally starts a nickname war with the cute blonde who likes his coffee way too bitter. (Coffee Shop AU)
The Pink Envelope by zoeeemin Word Count: 12,016 Summary: When Jimin is sending love letters to his crush via locker but fails because it is Yoongi's locker. (Highschool AU)
**The Songbird and the Sea by maia_archives Word Count: 255,878 Summary: In a world where the dominance of the sea is an endless battle between pirates and mariners, Park Jimin is content living in his little village on a small, uninteresting island by the eastern mainland. But when his island is attacked by pirates, Jimin will have no other choice than to do as they command and leave all thoughts of peace behind in favour of boarding the Agust, a pirate ship captained by the infamous Min Yoongi, Black Fox of the East. (A Pirate/Magic AU) If you take anything from this list - read this one. It's ART and the second most liked yoonmin fic for a reason.
I just want to be your fantasy, and maybe you could be mine by Imperatritsa Word Count: 55,723 Summary: Jimin was a sex worker who received from one of his clients the proposition of a lifetime. (Pretty Woman AU)
**The Red Light Sector (All Dressed-Up) by laykive (littleheichou) Word Count: 186,559 Summary: Yoongi’s been through robberies, kidnappings, murders, torture, set-ups and betrayals without feeling a thing. Not even in his worst nightmares had he ever expected to be finally broken down, so swiftly, by a stunning boy with a hot silver tongue and diamond smile. Yoongi’s dangerous, but Park Jimin is fatal. (Gangster AU)
Only breathing by Sharleena Word Count: 26,461 Summary: Gangster AU where drug lord yoongi breaks the unspoken rule: you don't fall in love with a customer's whore. (No one writes gangster au's like Sharleena, I recommend all her work).
**light side of the moon by themelonlord Word Count: 80,883 Summary: Jimin's always been an outsider, content to do his own thing. Moving in to a new high school, a new town, he's resigned to do the same. It's not until an excitable Kim Taehyung enters the picture that his future starts to change - a.k.a. jimin just wants to graduate but he's taken in by six weirdos that make him all too happy to enjoy life as it comes. (Wolf AU/Highschool AU)
**Conflicting Arrangement by PrettyBoyKiller Word Count: 162,552 Summary: A College AU where namjoon sets yoongi up to be Jimin's pretend boyfriend so Jimin can come out to his family at Chuseok. (Fake boyfriend AU, Yoongi STRUGGLES in this)
**spring day by Bangtanbananas Word Count: 70,901 Summary: Even when he was a pup, Park Jimin never even dreamed that he would find his soulmate. Thoughts like that were better left to his hopelessly romantic best friend and partner in crime, Kim Taehyung. It's a one in a million chance, but a twist of fate brings a strange wolf into Jimin's life and it changes things forever. (ABO AU - don't judge I love me a good abo fic and this is beautifully written)
Kiss It Better by mintsoda Word Count: 9,545 Summary: When Jimin goes into his first heat, Yoongi and Jeongguk are there to help. (ABO Smut galore)
Helpless by spookyjkk (Untested_Waters) Word Count: 11,910 Summary: Yoongi goes into his rut and Jimin helps him through it for the first time. (aka they have gross, messy sex non-stop for a few days) (More ABO filth I am so sorry)
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Once I get enough into One Piece I wanna create Oc based of this Legend of Runeterra character.
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I just did a brief Googling and I can't help myself I'm sorry
Lariette grew up in Demacia, where she first developed her ironclad sense of justice. No criminal too tough, no crime too great to take on. She grew tired of the prospects Demacia had to offer, setting sight toward the hotbed of criminal activity in Bilgewater.[1]
In lawless Bilgewater, she’s become a vigilante whose work rounding up scum from the Bounty Board is never done. She’s taken on the daunting task of cleaning up Bilgewater and making a name for herself—or at least, die trying.[2]
You have absolutely no obligation to accept my interpretation, I know nothing more about her than what is quoted above, I just love her character design and wanted to give an interpretation.
Just thinking/typing out loud now.
Replacing Bilgewater with Loguetown, the town at the entrance to the Grand Line. The town of beginnings and ends, where Gol D. Roger was both born and executed.
Bounty hunter. Takes pride in bringing pirates to justice before they can enter the Grand Line and expand their enterprise.
Her methods aren't always within the confines of legality, but she's efficient and clean in her methods, and ensures that no innocents are harmed; andshe's also fierce enough that the local Marines don't bother (or honestly even dare) to interfere with her activities, so long as she keeps taking care of bounties without disturbing the peace.
Main question is why she's so bent on justice.
Maybe some deep-seated trauma involving pirates?
Maybe raised into bounty hunting.
Going with the latter, her main caregiver in her youth was a bounty hunter.
Mixing it up a bit, her parent(s)/guardian(s) were killed by pirates when she was young, maybe even her whole town was raided and left in ruin, and she was taken in by the bounty hunter that was tracking them, out of sympathy. Said bounty hunter raised her and trained her to be able to fend for herself in a world wrought with violence and injustice.
So she was raised into the trade, raised to detest pirates, hates them eternally because they took her home and family, and became a force to be reckoned with as a result.
Patrols the streets of Loguetown on horseback daily, watching and waiting.
Knows all the locals, and they know her—as a woman of few words, a woman of strength and peace, with the sole intention of ensuring that peace is kept.
The so-called "Golden Age of Piracy" to her is the dawn of the end of the world. It's an excuse for outlaws to run amock, to disturb the peace, to raid and pillage and destroy towns and nations and families much like her own was destroyed, and she will do anything in her power to see it muted.
Pirates from all across the East Blue seeking the One Piece have come to know her name, to fear her as one of the greatest obstacles between themselves and the Grand Line.
Lariette the Scourge, Lariette the Ruthless.
Lariette, the Reaper.
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