#enjoy the headcanons uwu
djts-arts · 1 year
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"What if Katherine and Corrupted! Shelby fought?"is what my mind said instead of sleeping
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maounosekai · 1 year
Would Mashiro make Hanataro a cute cup too if she found out his birthday is on April 1st just like hers? Hana is her birthday buddy 🥹
She probably will either because Hanataro looks pitiful or not too energetic and giving him one would prolly hype him up, or she will give but ask something from him first :))
And yes, I had to draw this, ehe~
Ichigo (and afaik several characters) says Hanataro's name is weird, so Mashiro might easily forget it. Heck, she might prolly not know that Seinosuke and Hanataro are related, haha! ^^;
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Mashiro: His family must have some weird taste in names. They probably all have weird names! Seinosuke: *clears throat* Mashiro: Hello, Seinosuke! Kensei: ... Kensei: ...I'm gonna tell her. Shuuhei: Captain, no!
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eiiskonigin · 1 year
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I was thinking about that headcanon I posted about how, when in a relationship, Winter will often subconciously match her lingerie sets to her partner and you know what? because I'm filth incarnate, I'm gonna go a little more in-depth for her ships:
SNOWBIRD / WINTER x QROW. Winter's lingerie tends to shift to black pieces, primarily made of lace. A bit more on the strappy side, a little bit more of a display lingerie than functional pieces she could wear out during her day-to-day tasks. Considering how rarely she wears black, it's quite a statement piece on her. A shame they don't seem to last very long...
IRONWINTER / WINTER x JAMES. Usually something with minimal colour, though not in the same blasé gray of her daily wear matching sets. Despite not so much being a colour match to James, there is an attention to detail with these sets. Usually a bit more showy than she would get away with wearing under anything. These pieces also tend to be more intricate: she knows James is the sort who has no problem with taking his time.
TOUGHLUCK / WINTER x CLOVER. Less intricate styles, because there is less of a need to try and impress him. Still, the colour is quite intentional: she subconsciously chooses it to match his eyes, although it's difficult to find the exact shade of seafoam green. They usually wind up more of a teal. ( i don't write this ship super often so this may evolve the more i play with it )
WINTERWITCH / WINTER x SHION. Lavender or another shade of purple and usually with quite a few little details. Much like James, Winter knows that Shion appreciates the effort that goes into her lingerie, and is likely to take just as much time taking it off as putting it on would have taken, so any extra effort is appreciated.
PUPSICLE / WINTER x MARROW. Usually, just a simple, lacy white set. Wait, white? But that doesn't particularly match Marrow's colouring or aesthetics? You're right. That's because Marrow is one of the people who always made Winter feel like she was... simply enough. There was less of a need to try and mesh to fit him. This isn't to say this ship is better than any of the others, but there's a purity to it that I think is subconsciously reflected. She's never felt like she needed to pretend to be something she wasn't.
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tessenkorii · 1 year
on another note to quickly mention before i finish pages!!
in general, though both twins carry rainbow hues, yuuma typically carries cooler tones than dōma's warmer ones--his hair is more gray than blond, his eyes more blues and greens and purples, his fans silver instead of gold, his skin deeper blues
two halves of one single rainbow
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misstooni · 1 month
Asexual headcanons are not the same as infantalizing characters and I really wish people would stop conflating the two. There's a difference between "this character knows what sex is and is asexual because they're just not interested" and "this character is an innocent uwu bean who doesn't even know what sex is" and I'm so tired of people assuming that the latter is what you're saying when you headcanon a character as an abstinent or sex-repulsed asexual.
Over the years I have seen so many posts saying it's bad to headcanon a certain character as ace because they're neurodivergent and it's infantalizing, and as a neurodivergent ace person, I'm sick of it! Nuance exists! A character being ace does not mean they're a precious, innocent baby. Literally all it means is that they're not interested in sex. And yeah, obviously ace and aspec people come in all different flavors and plenty of them do have sex, but we should not have to justify our ace headcanons with "oh but they're the kind of ace that has sex" for them to be a valid adult character.
Do you know how hurtful it is, as an adult ace person with no interest in ever having sex, to be told that headcanoning a character I identify with as being similar to me is infantalizing them? Even now, when most of the big exclusionist talk is behind us, I see these kinds of takes - often from fellow queer people - and it just really hurts. Just like ace people are not stealing resources from other queer people, ace headcanons are not doing anything to hurt your own personal headcanons for a character. Maybe leave the marginalized group enjoying projecting onto characters they relate to alone and just enjoy your own headcanons!!
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missblissy · 7 months
Domestic Astarion x Reader HCs
A/N: UwU just wanted to add to the married life headcanons after the events of the game. Fluffy good stuff below. GN!Tav, no class/race. Enjoy!
Some days always started better than others. But that’s only to say because someone didn’t need as much sleep as you, and had a life time left to learn new skills. One of them being cooking. Sure Astarion can’t taste and it’s a useless skill to him. But you? He would do anything for you. And that includes learning to cook for the sheer simple act of spoiling you with a warm and home made breakfast in bed.
It’s strange to say you two never had a wedding. That’s not to say you two weren’t married. “Oh…?” Astarion isn’t sure how to explain this when someone asks, “Well, you see, my darling little love here found this-” He holds up his hand and wiggles the ring in his finger, “On a rotting old skeleton then found the matching one, get this, on another smelly corpse!” Most people wouldn’t look fondly on something like that. But no, Astarion wasn’t most people. He’d smile and swoon, “And I suppose since then we’ve been married,”
It doesn’t help that back then when you did find those rings, you quite literally told him, “We’re married now,” As a joke. It wasn’t joke….
Astarion has a habit of leaving you poems to find in the most hidden of places. Like little lost treasures. Or maybe he just knows the looting demon you are at heart with your little grabby fingers going for anything they can touch. So it always comes to a surprise to you when you open a book and a poem written years ago flutters out… but the love and truth still rings pure despite the yellowing of the pages.
Crimson sons, vermillion daughters. Quivering maroon, burgundy, cardinal. Short fainting strokes Fester a broken carotid Free from feathers Unbound By the serpent's head no more.
His way of saying thank you for everything you've ever given him. And then some. No matter the message you cherished each treasured poem you would find.
The man had a knack for spoiling you, unconditionally, and most importantly, endlessly. If you saw something out in a shop that caught you eye, but you were just to stubborn to get it for yourself. Surprise, surprise when you get home and find it there with a man beaming proud like a puppy with his bone.
But that didn’t mean affection was off the table either. Astarion spoiled you with kisses, big ones, little ones, some on the back of your hand as he opened a door for you. Others on your cheek, gently but with sorrow as he left for some few weeks for whatever reason. He had his own things to do and sometimes you couldn’t go with him. But that just meant when he got home you could throw your arms around him, breathe him in and share the long awaited kiss of his return.
Married life strangely suited you both, from the little grabbing of hands under tables, the protective placement of an arm, the look of pride when the other did something extraordinary. And Astarion would always be the more boastful in pride when it came to talking about you.
And he couldn’t help but show off, sure he’s loud and arrogant about it. Saying he was best option of course, no one else stood a chance… blah blah blah. But when no one was around he can look you in the eye and practically grovel, “I am so lucky you chose me,”
There were many other things that came with the long life of being married together. The two of you were quite dedicated to learning to… dance. Astarion hadn’t a clue wether his left foot was right, and you may have been no better. It was your idea really. You heart would swoon watching other couples and with an eager voice you pointed a finger and declared, “I want to do that too!”
And so you did, but behind the close doors of your own home. Seeing as Astarion didn’t want to make a fool of himself in front of so many people. Where you both could trip and side step and laugh, giggle and make the most out of learning something new together.
It seemed the two of you had a habit of learning things together. From silly little drawings, to paintings, perhaps an instrument or two. You both always found a way to share your hobbies and passions together.
And it was the mornings, where these happened most often. Naturally Astarion couldn’t be in the sun but that didn’t stop him from enjoying what little light he could. You’d find him in the dusty dusk right before the sun actually broke the horizon.
He had been teaching himself to play the piano, so to wake up in the morning and not hear the soft echos of keys down the halls would be a bad sign. It’d be another bad sign if you didn’t sit down beside him, stroking the keys as the two of you played a song that was always in the process of being made and never done.
Surely soon he’d go off to sleep, sharing kisses and affection. You wouldn’t see him again until the evening, when the sun was starting it decent. Day-phobia was real in vampires no matter how much they loved the sun and he didn’t have a worm anymore to help him fight that. But he managed, enjoying every sun rise and sun set he got to see just as the world of night came and went.
Despite staying up all night sometimes just to be beside him, it was fairly often that Astarion would have to nag you to go to sleep. You’d barely have even one eye open, drifting back and forth between dreams and you’d still tell him, “I’m not tired, I’m just resting my eyes,” All because he was up late in kitchen and you didn’t want to leave his side.
He often compromises though, making deals and barters, “If I go upstairs with you, will you go to sleep?”
“…” Surely you aren’t going to say no? “Will you be the big spoon?”
“Of course,” How could he say no to a face like yours? And such a sleepy one too?
He didn’t mind, not really. Some nights he’d stay in bed with you until the morning. Even though nothing would get done, or things he had planned were set aside, he wouldn’t sleep either, he truly really didn’t mind. He could lay there for eternity holding you close and be at peace.
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undeadcannibal · 1 year
Can I have some funny/cute Headcannons with if the 141 men, Konig, Alejandro and Ruby walked into saw their s/o wearing some of their  military gear and checking themselves?
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Summary: Headcanons for how the Task Force 141 crew, Alejandro, Rudy, and Konig would react to catching you wearing some of their gear.
Genre: Headcanons
Warnings: none!
A/N: Thanks for the request, Anon! I hope you enjoy these~ uwu( Gif credit: xxx )
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Ghost ―
He’d be fine with it so long as you don’t touch any of his masks. That’s one of the parts of him that he doesn’t want you connected to in any way.
Instead, you’d try on his thigh holsters and tactical belt, having always enjoyed the way they accentuated his waist and thighs.
You do your best to mimic the pattern you’ve seen him use them in. Strapping them snugly around your hips and thigh, pausing to admire them on your person afterward. You’re so caught up in checking yourself out, you don’t even notice Ghost in the doorway.
He’s been leaning against the door frame, watching you go about trying on some of the safer gear he’s left out here and there.
He’d never thought he’d like the idea of a partner of his wearing his gear, worried it’d bring up some memories he’d hoped to keep buried. Yet, after he checks you out sporting his belt and thigh holster, he can’t help but shaking his head. Laughing softly when you finally catch sight of him and whip around to face him.
“I-I can explain!”
“No need.”
As you’d begin to stammer and try apologize to him, he’d roll his eyes at you before settling a heavy hand on top of your head. Ruffling the hair there till it was a mess and you were pouting up at him.
“They look good on you.” He’d comment, stepping in and looming over you as he reached down to tug at one of the straps around your thigh, delighting in the way it wrapped around your leg. He wouldn’t say it aloud, but now he understood why others had a kink for their gear. Ghost thoroughly enjoys the way the straps accentuate your thighs, ending just below your backside.
May ask you to wear some more of his simple gear more often just to see how good you look in it. Has to will himself out of thinking of you whenever he’s wearing the same pieces you’ve tried on. Knowing he looks nowhere near as good as you do despite what you say.
Soap ―
Johnny’s busy cooking breakfast when your curiosity hits.
Quietly entering the room you share so you can sneak over to the spot you know where he keeps his military gear at. At the ready just in case he ever needs to leave in a hurry.
Your fingers trail over tan polyester and vinyl as you stop to examine his tac vest. Glancing over the numerous pouches and compartments for all sorts of tools he used in situations.
With a quick glance over your shoulder, you carefully pick it up. It’s obviously heavier than you expected, but that doesn’t come as a surprise. Soap mentioned the grueling training they went through to get adjusted to all of the weight they had to carry out in the field.
As your mind continues to wander, you find yourself slipping the vest on your person. Turning and marveling at the sight of yourself in Soap’s own vest as you strike numerous ‘strong man’ poses. Knowing that if you had to carry the same amount he had, you’d probably fall to the ground and need help getting back up. Not that that stops you.
While you’re still busy practicing numerous goofy poses with his vest, you hear a familiar chuckle from behind you. Turning to see Soap grinning at you cheekily.
“Aw, why’d you stop, lass? I was enjoying the show!” He’d joke before mocking you by repeating some of the same poses you were doing earlier.
Gaz ―
He was in the shower when you saw some of his gear on top of the table in the living room.
Most of it was stuff you knew you were better off leaving alone, yet... as soon as your eyes laid their sights on his headgear. His cap was well faded and sporting a UK flag patch on the front, as well as having what looked liked a communication system attached at the sides.
Carefully sneaking the cap on and pulling your hair through the back of it for a more natural look, you turned around and promptly made your way to your bathroom so you could check yourself out properly.
After knocking and letting him know you were entering the bathroom, you stepped in and swiped at the mirror to get a better look at yourself.
Of course, the cap was loose on your head from the size difference of you two, but the more you turned around and admired yourself in it, you couldn’t help but grin. Turning your head when you heard Gaz exiting the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist.
Although his eyes widened in shock seeing you in his cap, he didn’t seem put off in any way. Instead, he laughed softly and stepped closer to get a better look at you sporting his cap.
“How’s it feel?” He asked, grinning at you.
Reaching up to the headset, you pretended to use the comms attached. “Sergeant Garrick reporting for duty!” You exclaimed, offering a mock salute in exchange.
Gaz playfully rolled his eyes at your impression of him.
“Next time Price has us doing drills, I’ll make sure to send you in my place, love.”
Price ―
He’s out picking up more cigars he enjoys when you were cleaning up around the house and noticed a tan scarf and hat you’d seen before. Recognizing it as the same two that John often wore when he was out on the field.
You knew you should have left them alone. Or, at the very least, put them away with the rest of his things, yet... You didn’t. Instead, you glanced around - as if you’d be caught and punished - before grabbing the scarf and hat.
Arranging the Boonie hat on your head before the scarf went around your shoulders, neck, and the bottom of your face, you glanced at yourself in the hallway mirror. Noting that the scarf smelled exactly like him as you admired the dual feelings of familiarity and anonymity of the combination.
You can picture Price in your place... His face shielded from both the wind and sand during his missions. Or, having to resort to using it as a pillow in a pinch in some safe house in the middle of nowhere.
The secret knock he’d informed you about could be heard before the sound of the door unlocking and opening afterwards. “Sweetheart! I’m home!”
When you faced him, Price didn’t look displeased or upset with you for wearing some of his gear. Instead, he walked over to you and dropped his shopping bag at his feet. Leaning down to meet you halfway as you leaned up towards him.
“Playing ‘dress up’, are we?”
You’d nod affirmatively up at him before delivering a swift kiss directly to his lips.
Alejandro ―
 It was the morning of the day Alejandro had to leave for work again.
You were helping him pack when you noticed you’d were holding the black sweater he often wore for casual missions. Noting the worn look of the black material that carried the briefest scent of his cologne and detergent now. Having once smelt like musk, sweat, and gunpowder he’d washed it.
He’d left to take a call not to long ago, so you figured now was the best time to act on your impromptu plan. Unzipping the jacket, you slipped your arms through the sleeves and tucked it closer to your form before closing it, the size difference between you two evident now more than ever as you stood there in his baggy coat.
“Mi amor!”
Guess his call had ended just in time.
Alejandro entered your bedroom, pausing for a moment in the doorway as he took in your appearance. The moment it sank in that you were wearing his jacket, you saw his eyes slowly rake over your body. Clearly admiring the view.
“As much as I love seeing you in my clothing...” Alejandro appeared to have snapped out of his stupor now that he’d walked over to you, reaching down to pull you into his arms with a devious grin. “Unfortunately, I need that for work. Mind if I have it back?”
“Hm...” You hummed softly as you pretended to mull the thought over before you suddenly looked up at him with a devious gleam in your eyes. “Nope! If I keep your jacket, that means you’ve to stay home with me. Hah~”
Giving a little growl in return, you gasped as you found yourself being lifted into the air by Alejandro reaching down and grabbing you, settling his hands right beneath the curvature of your ass.
“We’ll see about that...”
Rodolfo ―
“Rudy,” You questioned, slowly walking your fingers over his chest.
“Si, mi vida?” He replied casually, not evening bothering to open his eyes while he rested beneath you.
As sneakily as you could, you’d reached over to the gloves he’d discarded the moment he’d arrived home. Doing your best to quietly pull them on over your slimmer hands before he was peeking at you through his lashes. Smiling when he’d noticed you grinning down at him with a mischievous smile on your face.
“What’s that look for, huh?”
Miming aiming the sights of a gun down at him with both hands, you giggled as you did your best to fake an intimidating voice. Kinda like the one you’ve heard Alejandro use on occasion.
“Special Forces, hands up!”
Scoffing and shaking his head, Rodolfo slowly raised his hands in mock surrender before he suddenly turning his head towards you. Grinning like a mad man before pouncing. Wrapping his arms around you to pull you in for a sudden kiss that had you squealing in surprise.
König ―
wearing a spare mask of his he has back at home
Sitting on top of the edge of König’s desk, you casually swung your legs, eyes closed since he was busy switching out masks. Having mentioned something about his current one being too worn for daily use ever since his last mission.
You could hear the rustling of fabric before something being tossed onto the desk to your side.
“You can open your eyes now.”
After you’d opened your eyes, you couldn’t help looking over to your side to see that he’d tossed his old mask onto his desk. Glancing over to König, he seemed busy adjusting his new mask to his liking. Too busy to notice you grabbing the old, raggedy mask he’d rid himself of.
Unsure what possessed you to do so, you found yourself slipping the mask over your own head. Positioning the stretched out holes where your own eyes were so you could see out of it. Now that you were wearing it, you couldn’t help but have an odd feeling of déjà vu. Walking over to examine yourself in the same mirror König had been using.
Watching you approach, he stared down at you curiously with bright eyes.
“Is that my old mask, Schatz?”
You nodded in agreement. “Yeah, quick question though, hon...”
Hesitating before asking your next question, you tilted your head to the side curiously. Squinting at him with your reflection in the mirror. “Is your ‘mask’ actually an old t-shirt?”
. . .
“. . . Yes.”
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earthnashes · 1 year
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Since that last episode of Melon’s Adventure isn’t done yet, here’s something to tide ya’ll over a tad! Concept sketches of the giiiiiiiiirls! owo
I originally wanted to do these three AND Pauline, but I never got around to Pauline so I figured I could go ahead and post these. I’ll probably try to make a full sketchdump for Pauline to make up for her lack of being here though. o3o Anyway, some funfacts and thoughts on these:
I really liked how feisty Peach was in the movie so I decided I wanted to mix that in with how I personally see her. I see Peach as a woman who is unapologetically girly, and has a wild, adventurous side. I tried to make show that by filling her out a little more, largely by giving her more angles than I previously had when I drew her. Basically, a bit more box-y and not entirely soft. owo
Then there's Daisy! Since Peach, Pauline, and Rosalina all have long hair, I wanted to contrast that with Daisy by giving her much much shorter hair. I also tried to make her a little more masculine and a tad rough. Finally, her eyes; nearly every character (with the exception of Bowser) in Super Mario has blue eyes. While I've already broken that canon, I decided to try out something a lil extra with Daisy by giving her red eyes instead the original green I gave her. It surprisingly fits! o3o
And of course Rosalina! I really like her base design, as I do for all the characters honestly. But I also wanted to try and make her look far less like Peach than she does in game, so I played with her facial features a little bit. I wanted her to look visually older than either Peach or Daisy; physically around the same age as Pauline, even if she herself is thousands and thousands of years old. Given my headcanon around her, I was hoping to make her look a little... tired. Being an immortal goddess comes with many pitfalls, one of which is her being kinda lonely, and I was hoping to convey that in her design. She's sweet as she can be, but there's always some sort of longing about her, if that makes sense. Good thing she makes friends this time! ;w; I'm not terribly sure about her hair overall, and her side profile gave me so much trouble, but I think it's in a place I can accept it at least.
But ye! Some design headcanon for ya’ll to chew on. uwu I hope you enjoy! More to come soon! :)
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König as a boyfriend headcanons
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tw: nothing I can think of really, just fluff! Gn reader
Nervous all the time but he loves being around you, so he'll be walking and he'll want to hold your hand but he's scared so low-key he'll hold your pinky
Contrary to popular belief tho I think my man got his anxiety treated somewhat so I think he can actually talk to people
(Also he kills ppl for a living AND HES LIKE 6'10 can we stop writing him as an uwu small defenseless bean pls and ty)
so I do think he would come up to you
But he still has anxiety so I do think he stutters a bit and doesn't do a lot of eye contact
When you're dating he's still nervous but not as much
In public he's scared of being too affectionate, he has people out for him
So he refrains from as much affection
In private is a COMPLETELY different story tho
he is not the biggest in physical affection so he's not like always touching u or anything, he's not clingy
(Though he won't complain too much if u are)
He does enjoy it a fair bit so expect him to rest a hand on your shoulder or neck, or to just lean into you, or cuddle up even if you're doing different things
doesn't kiss a lot either but loves stealing little nose kisses, like the soft, chaste, butterfly ones
Loves, loves LOVES giving flowers
Will also do that Victorian flower meaning thing
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pinejayy · 1 year
hii, if you accept request, can you do some headcanons (nsfw or sfw) for kokushibo? <3
sure thing! I hope you enjoy these uwu
sfw and nsfw headcanons of six eye daddy // I really hope I did a decent job because oof I’ve never written for him or read any fics of him so 🥹
Kokushibo Headcanons
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Honestly you should be lucky to be dating him, he’s Upper Moon One and you’re nothing but dirt to him. But he will warm up to you eventually. And when he does he’ll protect you considering how weak he sees you.
He doesn’t trust the other Upper Moons around you. Especially Douma. He’s afraid if he leaves you with him he’s gonna find you dead or that you’ll leave him for him…
And as for the other Upper Moons he would trust Akaza and Nakime the most. Hantengu would probably annoy you with his crying and he sees Gyokko as a creep so that’s a no.
He’s super jealous!! He doesn’t appreciate when you’re talking to a other being. And if you were to smile at someone or let out a giggle he’ll kill that person. But he won’t let you know.
But in reality he’s a quite Demon, he prefers to keep to himself but since you came into his life he loves sharing secrets with you. You guys can talk for hours, enjoying each other’s company.
Please cuddle him, he appreciate it. And as you cuddle him please play with his hair. He melt to your touch.
Also please braid his hair. He’ll love the feeling of it.
When he is around you he has to be careful, he doesn’t want to hurt you with his strength.
He loves to lay down on his bed while you’re laying on top of him. He’ll hold you close, he’s never been this happy and grateful to have a lover considering he’s a ruthless demon.
He’s lucky to have you because he thinks that you deserve better. Why would you choose him? He could literally kill you at any given moment.
He’s also sadden that he’ll out live you, but he could turn you into a demon but he’s afraid that if you do become a demon you’ll forget him.
Long walks in the woods during the night time. Imagine holding his hand. These long walks would consist in him giving you a piggy back ride.
If he’s had a stressful day you either give him his space so he can cool off or you could hold him and talk to him until he’s calm down. Depending on how pissed off he is.
Loves bringing you gifts. He mostly steals them but it’s the thought that counts. Also brings you a lot of flowers.
He hardly says “I love you” but he does love you, it’s just hard for him to show it.
Oh boy! Honestly both Douma and Akaza stress him out with their constant fighting so when he’s pissed off about that he’ll take it on you.
He’s either going to fuck you until you can’t walk for the next week or so. Or he’ll make you get on your knees and take his cock down your throat.
He loves receiving blow jobs from you. He loves the sight of your pretty little mouth wrapped around his cock. “Yeah that’s right take my cock darling!”
And you better swallow unless you prefer swallowing your own blood.
Please dress up in lingerie, it will drive him crazy. He’s gonna rip it up but he’ll love seeing you all dolled up for him.
Loves being the top!! He’ll be bottom for special occasions.
Missionary is his favorite sex position. He wants to watch your eyes roll behind your head. He wants to watch you moan.
He loves eye contact and as he’s pumping his juices inside of you he’ll tell you. “Look at me in the eyes while I fuck you.”
“Which ones!” You would moan out.
He would stop for a moment and look at you. It’s dead quite. You’re lucky that he loves you because if he didn’t he would have snapped your neck.
DIRTY TALK!! “Oh you’re naughty, I can smell how turned on you are.”
He loves teasing you. He loves touching your sensitive areas, and since he knows your body so well he knows how to make you cry out and beg for him to plow you.
He enjoys marking you. So that would consist in hickeys, bite marks and scratch marks. And if you were to show them off and not cover them up he’ll appreciate it. Everyone should know who you belong too.
You should consider in investing into a wheelchair because he’ll fuck the stupid outta of you. And our six eye boi is a big package.
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jazzyblusnowflake · 4 months
do u have any headcanons for Nuzi? sorry if you've already written about this before and I just didn't see it-
Oh boi anyone here into silly headcanons? XD ill put them under the cut just in case cuz i write a loooooooooooot lol
i usually just make headcanons as i go with my fics, its hard to think about for them specifically but here i go trying, hope you enjoy uwu
Some Nuzi Headcanons i got ùwú:
[for the drone universe ofc, some of my human HCs don't work in the drone universe sadly lmao]
considering this is at a time where they would become official or heck maybe the tragedy ends and they are happy together or something:
Uzi loves calling N "Puppy", sometimes she would also call him "Sunshine" or "Angel" but her & Ns fav would be "Puppy". however N usually doesn't call Uzi many nicknames other than "Zi" rarely- and maybe occasionally "Birdie" when they are more lovey dovey- he's more into pet names like "honey - darling - sweetheart - etc" and not much of a tease... although at times when they get a bit more spicy and he DOES want to tease- he could go towards names like "lil biscuit", "baby bat", "my lady" and etc but again, very rarely 6v6;;;;
they both had to download helpful content on how to flirt 🙄 although they caught on pretty quick lol.
N is subconsciously protective of Uzi, often curling his tail around her without realizing it, or stepping in front of her; but Uzi is consciously protective of N- especially when he's being bullied or degraded- she would cut off anyone's conversation if they were talking about N badly with something like "oh stick a fork in it J-" before changing the subject-
Uzi is actively a smartass sass mouth- she just never really had the confidence for standing up for herself- but with N she's grown to be a bit more confident in herself- and yet N has never seen her be aggressive to HIM lmao- and then when he sees how sometimes she absolutely drags some other drones he has to literally pick Uzi up from the scruff of her coat and tell her to please be nice XD
Uzi and N are absolutely, hopelessly touch and affection starved- this makes them get really cuddly as a way to recharge themselves emotionally. occasionally they just sit next to eachother without words and rub their heads against eachother like cats and sometimes Uzi just sits on his lap and randomly starts prepping his whole face with tini kisses- as if to say mine mine mine- and N is... well just sitting there wagging his tail like an excited puppy :D no words needed between them, just healthy and wholesome touching, cuddling and affection from eachother-...... i mean it could get spicy too- lmao 👀 cuz Uzi really loves taking off Ns hat for more comfort and just threading her hands in his hair- sometimes tugging gently to tilt his head for a more firm and heartfelt kissing and makeout sesh- they rarely get that needy but N happily reciprocates and his grip on Uzi's body/hips tightens pulling her flush against himself more-
at the beginning they are both a flustered mess doing or saying anything romantic but then Uzi started liking teasing and flustering N at any chance she could take. N is just too easy and too smitten for her.
N also occasionally gets the confidence and mood to be more forward and assertive and teasing Uzi over things he knows she's into and Uzi is absolutely into that shit- she's sat 😤
they do share oil sometimes through bites or kisses- but usually that's only when they feel extra frisky lmao-
Uzi gets easily embarrassed during intimate moments and since contact and touching easily discharges their power as sparks, Uzi often uh.... ends up with multiple soft-reboots or powering on and off which kinda overheats her body and CPU alot lmao-
they like drawing and listening to music together- Uzi actually likes watching N draw even if they look amateur and childish- she finds them extremely cute and hangs them up in her room when he draws for her <3
they did NOT start out sleeping next to eachother well. Uzi has nightmares a lot, and even without them she still moves around frantically and is just never in the same position when she wakes up, meanwhile N sleeps like a dead person, he hardly moves and he got used to the pose of crossing his arms on his chest so yeah... dead pose lmao. this made him get kicked alot or shoved in the slot between the bed and wall often- [if he didn't sleep on the other side and just straight up get kicked off the bed anyway]😭. even at times when he decided they could sleep hanging from their tails Uzi often still found herself in the middle of the night hanging haphazardly, limbs and wings in every direction and clothes riding down which made N almost start laughing when he woke up seeing her like this 😭😭😭. in the end one of the ways they ended up making Uzi sleep alot better was cuddling. N would just hold Uzi close, if hanging he would put his wings around them. Uzi would resist and push against him alot at first but slowly after time her nightmares subdued and she felt calmer sleeping at night.... also they put a cork or something on Ns tail when they sleep lol-
All drones, disassembly or worker, can make their cores whirr in a purring noise, its just that its louder for disassemblers, the noise of Ns core helps Uzi relax <3
Uzi can lift N very easily, straight up on her shoulder even.... and somehow N is very turned on by this as she could easily carry him around bridal style if need be- esp if she gets jealous of N interacting with others and just throws him over her shoulder and leaves- or uh.... yknow, if Ns hurt or something, yep 6x6;;;
Uzi is also turned on by the fact that N is so much bigger than her. they be casually sitting and inspecting eachothers hands and Uzi's is smaller and she just blushes fervently imagining all the things she wants his hands and claws to do to her.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND thats about all i can think of atm without spoiling much of my own future ideas lol, hope it wasn't too annoying, but i really enjoyed writing this uwu<3
hope yall enjoyed it too if you made it til here :p
i diiiiid wanna include some nsfw hcs too but im gonna keep this ask as sfw as possible for now. 😇 those would be nsfw specific hcs anyway lmao
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decafdoodlez · 16 days
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RenRina NSFW Headcanons/Dynamics
A short list of self-indulgent NSFW headcanons and dynamics for my TPoF OC and Fox, though I think some of these could be applicable to Fox x Reader scenarios. ❤️‍🩹
a/n: I am cringe™️, but I am free (part 2), but a little spicier~🌶️ To be honest, I’ve drawn plenty of NSFW, but I’ve never actually written it, so apologies if anything sounds a little disjointed, this is my first time writing anything remotely raunchy! (´。• ᵕ •。`)
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word count: 1.1k
warnings/tags: NSFW | written with AFAB OC x Canon in mind, captive/captor themes, toxic dynamic, power imbalance, age difference (both adults are 25+), just lots of fucking headcanons
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Marina was a virgin before meeting Fox. Marina had only ever focused on furthering her career, so relationships and sex (or lack thereof) were very much the lowest on her list of priorities in life. (She would’ve been content e-fucking anime boys for the rest of her life, lmao)
In their second livestream, Fox states that it doesn’t matter to him one way or another if she’s a virgin or just inexperienced, though he can’t help but find it adorable seeing Marina fumble her way through and gagging while giving him a blowjob, or her legs giving out and becoming Jell-O immediately from trying to bounce up and down on his knotted member.
Marina isn’t completely clueless about sex, having played 18+ otome hentai games, but putting what she learns in theory from these games into practice is another story. Fox lavishes in her sweet, sweet ignorance, and ever so “lovingly” teaches her everything he knows to get the two of them to the peak of ecstasy.
Despite being a sadist, Fox isn’t only interested in getting himself off. Fox also derives pleasure from getting Marina off. Seeing her go from the prim and proper picture of untouched innocence into a broken, crying, and filthy whore for him and him alone makes his cock twitch at just the thought of it.
Fox at his core is a versatile switch, enjoying roles as dominant or submissive depending on his partner, but because of Marina’s inexperience and role as “pet,” he performs a dominant top role in the bedroom. Though, he does encourage (force) Marina to top him, just to see her buckle under the pressure of having to perform well enough for him as she grinds her hips against his.
Though he has retired Marina from gore torture streams, he still fucks her on camera occasionally, without going too extreme on her in terms of physical pain with the requests that roll in from the chat. These streams are not as popular as his snuff streams, but they still hold an audience of devoted Fox fans who just enjoy watching their favorite furry DILF fuck pretty and sweet little pets.
Fox is not a tit or ass man, to him, they both have their merits. BUT if he had to choose, his preference is for whichever part of his partner is larger, so in this case, Marina’s breasts are his favorite part of her body.
Speaking of Marina’s breasts, her large nipples are quite sensitive and she gains pleasure from them being teased and toyed with. Fox takes advantage of this fact, and often finds himself suckling on her tits and leaving bleeding marks on her areolas like a leech. >:3
Marina’s bust size is 34F, and Fox will never let her get a reduction. But conversely, he doesn’t need her to get an augmentation either; he likes her big naturals just the way they are.
Fox’s cock is an average length at 5 inches from tip to knot, and 6.25 inches from tip to base. The stretch from his knot is absolutely delicious.
Fox’s pubic hair is a thick white fur that trails down from his navel to the base of his shaft. His fur also cutely runs from his lower back into his ass crack, to around his hole and trailing up to his taint and balls. uwu
Fox’s nicknames for Marina as he fucks her are a far cry from the sweet names he usually purrs out for her. Some of his more raunchy favorites are “Fuck doll,” “breeding bitch,” “fuck bunny,” “cum slut,” and “cocksleeve.” His more standard nicknames are “pet,” “naughty little girl/slut/whore,” “crybaby,” “needy little baby,” “baby/babydoll,” and “my (little) girl/baby.”
Though Fox enjoys fucking as a whole, his favorite position would have to be doggy or prone. (Shocker /s) Having one arm pulled back and her face pressed into the surface she’s being bent over is the most intoxicating position for him. Seeing his cock go in and out of her puffy and slick folds while he has a firm handle on her round and reddened ass as she has no way of escaping him pounding into her drives him animalistic.
Marina’s favorite position is missionary. It’s a bit on the safe side and a more standard position, but it makes her feel loved when Fox looks her in the eyes as he slams his cock into her needy hole and his balls slap against her ass.
Missionary may not be Fox’s favorite position, but he does enjoy how romantic it can be. Plus, he gets to watch her breasts flop around rhythmically as he pounds into her.  
Fucking with Fox can go one of two ways, fast & rough/primal, or soft & slow/passionate. It’s all dependent on how he’s feeling. He’s got beastly and feral qualities for sure, but at his core, he is a bit of a romantic, and likes to display that side of himself on occasion.
Despite his age, Fox has better stamina than one could expect for a man pushing 50. He can keep a steady stroke pace, and usually cum twice or three times in a fuck session.
Marina on the other hand taps out quite easily, and whines and cries as she convulses from the overstimulation, while Fox continues to pump in and out of her, chasing his own high.
Fox is not averse to having Marina pass out as he fucks her, but he will smack her face a bit to wake her up if he sees her falling unconscious. He’d just prefer if she’d stay awake as he ruins her. He wants her to remember the feeling of every inch of his cock and how it stretches her out…and unfortunately, “you can’t do that while sleeping, darling.” uwu
Fox gets very excited when hearing Marina’s shrill whimpers and whines. With each mewl that leaves her pretty little lips, his tail thumps harder and faster, and his grip on her supple flesh becomes tighter and rougher.
Fox has taught Marina how to squirt. (Or fucked her well enough to squirt, rather.) The first time she squirted was while he was eating her out, sucking and nibbling on her clit until the last bit of composure inside of her just snapped. After coating his face in her fluids, Marina thoroughly apologized to Fox, thinking she had done something wrong and off-putting by making a mess, ultimately thinking she would be punished for it. However, Fox with a predatory gaze licked his lips then continued to work away to Marina’s sensitive clit, over-stimulating her further to the point of her releasing her juices again and again as she shrieked in the pain derived from the pleasure.
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a/n: This list was a bit all over the place, but I feel like I could go on and on, haha. I could certainly do a part two to this! I think I may want to pick a kink and do a one shot for my next writing though. I want to play around with dialogue, hehe. Thank you for reading!~ ❤️‍🩹
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Your Pleasure is Mine (V for Vendetta)
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Pairing: V for Vendetta x AFAB! Reader (no use of gendered pronouns/pet names, no use of Y/N)
 Words: 5.2k
Warning(s): SMUT! Masturbation (Reader), Oral (reader receiving), thigh riding, fingering, vibrator, dildo/strap-on, squirting, overstimulation, V gets a pinch crazy (very very minimal), use of safeword (nothing bad, Reader just knows their limits uwu), blindfold, light choking, V keeps the mask ON (for the most part) fluffy aftercare.
A/N: I am so nervous to post this bc I havent written a reader insert in some time, havent written smut in FOREVER, and I havent watched V for Vendetta for awhile either BUT I REALLY WANTED TO GET THIS DONE. SO HERE. Also, I headcanon V to have almost his whole body burned so, the strap-on warning is not for peggin’, sorry for those who thought that haha. enjoy
Also this post is goin up on my birthday so its like a reward haha
It was a quiet evening in the Shadow Gallery. You did some cleaning for your partner V, and now you were doing some light reading of a book he recommended a couple days ago. It was a short, but very sensual erotic story that was on the banned list of books by the Chancellor. The words and analogies were simply written yet read as beautiful. You could see why V would recommend it. The story was eerily similar to yours and his dynamic; a masked vigilante character and his lover. The vigilante comes to his lover later in the evening and from the worry, they make love.
You almost wondered if he had you reading this on purpose, but you both never made that step your relationship. You understood from all that he has told you, his body was badly burned and he never took off his clothes or disguises. You've only seen his hands and you've felt his lips against yours and your face, but he had you close your eyes for that. You respected that aspect of V, you loved him for him and not for any appearance reason (although you wouldn't deny his typical get up was a major turn on.) Did you have your urges? Sure, but you took care them yourself with tools V stole for you whenever he was out.
Time was lost on you as you kept getting absorb in the short story. You finished the novella with a satisfied huff at its ending and set it aside. You stand up from your's and his bed, stretching your limbs. You glance at the clock and furrowed your brows.
"When did it become almost 11:30pm?" You mumbled and make your way to the kitchen to get some water. It was an hour or so later than when V said he'd be home, an inkling of worry bloomed in your chest. Whenever he went out to stop fingermen or steal supplies he always returned home to you on time, sometimes earlier. What had kept him so late?
You took a sip of water, welcoming the coolness it brought to your slightly dry throat and mouth. You clicked off the light in the kitchen and walked back to the main area of the Shadow Gallery. You yelped and jumped at V suddenly appearing, still in his cape and hat. The water in the glass you held ended up all on the front of you.
"Shit V, you startled me. Usually you announce when you're back." You chuckled, using the back of your hand to wipe water off your chin.
"My apologies, my dear. There were more fingermen than expected." He quickly approached you. His gloved hand takes the glass from your hands, setting it on a nearby table. One of his hands rest at the base of your neck while the one found itself softly cupping your jaw. His thumb swiped away water droplets still on your chin before slowly dragging along your bottom lip. "How was your day, hmm?"
"Wasn't so bad. I cleaned and then read that one book you recommended." You leaned into his touch, taking in a deep breath. You felt a shiver down your spine when you felt his fingers by your neck tap against your skin. With the story fresh on your mind it seemed like your senses were heightened.
"Ah, The Night Unveiled." V tilted his head, his tone indicating he was smirking. "Did you enjoy it?"
"Mhm, but I couldn't help but wonder if you suggested it on purpose, V. A smut story of a masked vigilante and his lover?"
He chuckled. "An idea formed in my head some when I saw the book in my collection. I thought you would enjoy a truly good read and... and would like to try something with me."
"You simply could have asked, V, though I did enjoy the read. The author wrote well."
"It got you in the mood though, did it not?" He tilted his head again, moving his hands to the hem your shirt. He maneuvered them underneath your top to grip your hips. He pulled you flush against him, your hands immediately resting on his chest. "I felt how you reacted to my fingers near your neck."
"What made you want to take this step?"
"I have always wanted you in an intimate matter, but as you know, my body is..." His usually confident tone faltered, his words trailing off. "But, I thought about it and came up with a solution. Come with me, dear." He gently took hold of your hand and lead you down the familiar hallway to your bedroom. You also felt a rush of heat up the back of your neck and to your face at the thought of sex with your beloved partner, something you often fantasize about.
V opened the door and the two of you walk in. He turns to you, his hands cupping your cheeks as he leaned forward, resting the mask's forehead against yours. You heard him take a deep breath and you couldn't help but mimic him.
"If you ever feel uncomfortable, my dear, let me know. We shall learn as we go so please use the light system."
"Got it." You smiled and place a small peck to the lips of his mask. He chuckled pulling away from you.
"I'll be right back,  stay here." You nod,  watching as he ventured into the large closet for a few moments. He came back out holding two boxes, one you recognized. It held the few sex toys you had. You bit your bottom lip at the sight. You were definitely curious to what he has planned. You would be lying if you didn't feel the heat pooling between your legs. Subconsciously you crossed your legs while still standing, watching your partner set the boxes down at the foot of the bed before sitting down on the edge closer to the middle.
"Can you take off your shirt and shorts for me, my love?" His deep voice cut through your brief stupor. You nodded and gripped the hem of your shirt, pulling the fabric up and over your head. You let your top fall to the ground and your shorts quickly followed. All you were left in were your white panties. You felt embarrassment wash over you for just a moment as you stood before him. You had been nude in front of him before. V liked to have days were he'd dedicate his time into pampering you, which meant he often helped bathe you. Yet, for some reason, in this moment you felt like shying away.
You heard V take in a sharp breath of air.
"You look divine my dear, as if Aphrodite crafted you herself. Please, come here."
"If anyone else heard you bring up a Greek God like so Creedy would have your head." You chuckle and heard him laugh as well. Slowly, you walked forward until you were between his legs. His hands, still gloved, were back on your hips.
He slowly dragged them downwards, gliding down your thighs. You felt your body shiver at the contact and he next moved them upwards. You felt his hands get closer to your chest, your breath caught in your throat in anticipation. You bit on your bottom lip as his hands cupped your breasts, squeezing them gently. You let out a content sigh before a small moan escaped; the pad of his thumbs grazed over your perked nipples. V tilted his head at your soft noises and decided to fully cup your tits, kneading and squeezing them.
"Sit." He spoke a simple command. He maneuvered his knee and thigh between your legs. You complied, taking in a sharp breath as your covered heat now against his thick thigh. "Go on, my dear, get yourself off on me."
You nod in response, not trusting your voice. You lazily started rocking your hips, riding his thigh. Your lips parted at the feeling and your hands gripping his shoulders; his own were back on your hips. Soft mewls left your mouth as you grind down, keeping a steady slow pace.
"That's it, darling." You didn't know his voice could get lower and huskier. You felt his fingers press into your skin, gripping your hips tighter but he made no effort to control your movements. "Does that feel good, hmm?"
"Yes-ah..." Your breath came out in pants. You leaned yourself into him to get more pressure and movement focused on your clit. Your roll your hips down and your body twitches. You've found just the right angle. You move faster and and faster, the pleasure making you slowly lose yourself. Your noises leaving your lips were getting louder. You sucked in your bottom lip to try and suppress them, but you felt V's hands grip your hips harder. Your rhythm came to a stop as you moved to look at his mask. There was a very brief moment of dull pain in his grip before he let up.
"Keep going. Do not silence yourself." His words were firm but you could tell by his tone he was adoring you. "I want to hear everything. I want to see everything."
"Don't apologize either." He chuckled and tapped your right ass cheek, signaling for you to continue. You nod, leaning forward again as you grind your hips down on his strong thigh, hoping to find that sweet angle. You slid your arms around his neck, your bare chest pressed against him as you tried to find that sweet spot again. You feel him wrap his arms loosely around your hips while you moved.
You shifted your left him and moaned loudly right by his ear.
"Yes, my love." You felt his chest rumble against yours. "That is it. Are you close?"
"Yes, V. Oh my god, yes." Your fingers gripped the clothes on his back as you rolled your hips, your movements getting sloppy as you chased your orgasm. You could feel it creeping up on you, getting closer and closer. V's hands soon found themselves resting on each asscheek yet he still made no effort to control any of your movements. You felt the heat rush up your legs and your body twitches and stills, before you sag against V.
"Did that feel good?" You feel one of his hands rest on the back of your neck while the other softly stroked up and down your lower spine.
"Mmhmm..." You pant, nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck.
"What color are you at right now? I still have many more ideas-"
"Green, Love. I am doing just fine." You chuckle and sit up right, cupping the cheeks of his mask. "Although I have a feeling you will be focusing mostly on me tonight."
"And if I am?" There was playfulness in his tone, the hand at the nape of your neck gently applied pressure.
"I would feel a bit bad."
"Your pleasure is mine, my love. As I mentioned to you previously my body is not in the best state, but I find it enjoyable watching you get lost in pleasure. So please, do not feel bad. I will be enjoying everything." He turned his head to nuzzle his mask into the palm of your hand.
"What else you got in store for me?"
"I am glad you asked." There was a slight growl to his voice. He helped you off his thigh and had you stay at the bed. You watched with curiosity as he went to the corner of the room. Your masked lover dragged over the armchair back to the bed with ease before sitting down. "I would like to see what you do to yourself when I am away."
"Ah, that's why you grabbed my box." You smirked and he nodded. You reached over to your box, still eyeing the other one. You slowly flipped the lid opened and eyed your options. You glanced to V who was still watching you and glanced back at your toys. Biting your bottom lip, you pick up the small bullet vibrator.
You move to the headboard of your bed, back propped up by the plush pillows. You kept your eyes on V as you lifted your hips up to slide off your soaked panties. You spread your legs, your wet cunt on full display for him. You saw him straighten his posture at your actions which had you close to smirking.
You started slowly massaging one of your breasts as your lowered the off vibrator to your pussy. You sucked in a sharp breath as you slowly dragged it up and down, your legs twitching at it grazing over your sensitive clit. Your felt around on the toy with your finger before finally pressing the on botton, the vibrator coming life.
You moaned loudly at the vibration again your clit. Back arching, you stopped playing with your breast and immediately pushed to fingers into your wet hole. You desperately needed to feel filled up. The sounds of the vibrator, your fingers thrusting, and your moans filled the room.
"Ah-Fuck! V..." You almost whined saying his name. You repeatedly chanted his name as your fingered yourself. Your eyes never left his rigged form as he watched you intently. Your toes curled and you could feel another orgasm approaching. "I love you, V-"
Suddenly, V stood up from the chair and walked over to the foot of the bed. He quickly opened his box and grabbed a piece of dark fabric.
"Are you comfortable with being blindfolded?"
"Y-yes." You breathed, removing your fingers but keeping the vibrator against your clit. You lost the sensation of near relief, but knew you loving partner would bring it back. V immediately crawled onto the bed and kneeled between your legs. He carefully leaned in and placed a black, thick silky fabric over your eyes, tying it behind your head. You felt your nerves start to rise and you quickly turned off the vibrator to give yourself a moment to adjust.
"Make sure to tell me when your uncomfortable." His rich voice almost startled you now that you can't see him. "I figure this is your first time being blindfolded, would you like me to walk through what I am going to do?"
"That would be great." You smile, taking in a deep breath. You heard some ruffling comig in front of you and then felt the bed shift.
"I am going to touch your thigh." You noticed two things. One, his voice didn't sound muffled and two, you could feel his hot breath on your skin. You nearly jumped when you felt his scarred fingers gently stroke your inner thigh. "I am going to kiss you. I plan to leave marks there." There was a second pause until you felt his mouth gently kiss your thigh. Next thing you felt were his teeth nipping your skin. V started trailing kisses from what you felt. His mouth started near your knee and was getting closer to your heat.
"Mmm..." You practically feel his breath against your cunt.
"What color?"
"God, green." You couldn't contain your anticipation. He chuckled and slid an arm around to rest on your lower stomach. Your back arched when you felt his warm tongue swipe up your slit before he latched on to your clit.
"F-fuck, V!" You cried out. You wanted to reach down and press his face closer to your cunt but you kept your hands gripping the pillows. You knew he had both his mask and wig off, so you settled for jutting your hips. He chuckled and held you down with his arm.
"There, there." He mumbled, his tongue doing wonders your sensitive pussy. You felt him insert two fingers, they curled and hit the right spot, causing a pleased whimper escapes your lips at the feeling. He continued lapping your juices and gently suckling on your clit in all the right ways.
You're not sure how or why, but V was amazing at eating you out.
"H-how are you so good-Hng!" You whined, tossing your head back. That familiar warmth spread through your body, heat pulling in your stomach. He detatched himself from your pussy and while you couldn't see him, you knew he was smirking.
"I think it is both muscle memory from before Larkhill and from the many movies and books from the banned list I obtained." He hummed, the vibration of his voice felt so good. The blindfold had"Come on my tongue, darling."
"V..." You whimpered when he removed his fingers but then moaned as his tongue delve into your hole. His free fingers circled and played with your clit. "Fuck-fuck!" It felt like fireworks as your second orgasm hit. You threw your head back as you sputtered out a mixture of curse words and his name.
"Divine, darling. Absolutely divine." He moved away you to let you recover from your orgasm. "I am going to kiss you now." He didn't give you time to answer. His lips met yours in a bruising kiss, you could taste yourself. Unlike your gentler, more sensual kisses with V, this one was full of passion and lust. One of his hands rested on your neck and he applied a little pressure to the sides. Your thoughts were scrambled from your post-orgasm high, the hot kiss, and now his hand on your throat.
"Just a moment, dear." He pulled his face and hand away. You hear noises again and you assume he is putting his mask and wig on. A minute passes when he speaks again. "I am taking off the blindfold." You feel his hands trail up your neck and behind your head, untying the silky fabric.
"Ah, shit." You weakly laugh and wince at the light. Your eyes adjusted in time though and now you could see your lover staring down at you.
"You look stunning like this. Dazed from an orgasm on my tongue." He cupped your cheek with his hand and you immediately nuzzled into it. "One more thing, my dear. Are you up for it?"
"I think I have one more in me." You smiley blissfully.
"Good." He leaned forward and had his mask kiss your hairline before getting up. He opened his box again and you watched with half lidded eyes as he seemingly strapped something around his waist. He grabbed something else, what you swore was a dildo but then it was obscured by his body. "This looks quite silly." V laughed.
"Let me see." You giggled. Your lover turned around with his hands on hips and you had to cover your mouth to hide the grin. He was still fully clothed in front of you in his black get up but on his crotch was a realistic looking strap-on but it also was in a clear lavender color. You removed your hand and revealed your grin. "Yeah. It looks a little silly but I am very excited for what's in store."
"Good." V gave a curt nod and walked around the bed, sitting in the other side. "Do you have the energy to ride me?"
"Oh I would love to." You smirked and sat up, feeling energized enough. You threw your leg over his lap, effectively straddling him.
"My, you are stunning, sitting here on my lap like so. Oh how I love you."
"I love you too, V."
"Every time you speak my name I am put further under your spell."
"I'll be saying it plenty more here soon." You pecked the masks lips and reached back for the dildo, grabbing it and lining it to your entrance. You figured you were plenty ready to take it. Slowly you sunk down on the thermoplastic cock and you placed your hands on his chest. V took in a sharp breath as he watched your face show the pleasure you were feeling. His hands gripped your hip.
You set a slow pace to start. You softly moaned as you moved up and down. The strap-on filled you up deliciously. You knew it wasn't the real thing but the moment still felt special. The intense love you already felt for V only deepened now.
You felt V's hands help guide your hips and you could tell he wanted you to go faster. You smile at his masked face and quickened your pace.
"Fuck-This feels... feels good." You rasped. You couldn't tell exactly were he was looking, but you figured he was watching your tits bounce. V removed one of his hands from your hip and reached over to where your vibrator laid. You didn't let him even ask, "Green, V."
"Good. Come undone for me again. I want to see your while your whole face is shown to me this time." He powered on the toy, its buzzing filled the room. You slowed down enough for him to press the vibrator to your clit. You nearly scream in pleasure, your body stilling and twitching.
"Oh fuck!" You hissed at the sudden wave of pleasure. "Move V- Ah-!"
"Of course." There was a smirk to his tone. He started bucking his hips upwards, everything felt so intense yet so good. You felt what seemed like fire pooling in your lower abdomen. Your were getting lost in this immense pleasure and you could tell your third orgasm was going to hit hard. The vibrator against your clit and your lover fucking you had you nearly lost in ecstasy.
Your head started leaning back as your third orgasm was nearly there when suddenly you felt the hand that was gripping your hip fly up to back of your head. V's hand cupped the base of your skull and forced you to keep your face looking directly at the mask.
"Keep your focus on me." V practically growled.
That intensity in his voice, the very steady and strong thrust, and the vibrator had you crying out his name. Your third orgasm hit like a firey explosion. Your walls clenched around the strap-on as your body stilled, jaw hung loose and eyes almost rolling back.
"Yes, that is it." V husked. Your body trembled, feeling overstimulated. Your partner still kept going, seemingly lost in your reaction. You cried out as he kept going, as he moved the vibrators in circles around your sensitive and engorged clit.
"V-!" You whimpered out his name. A part of you wanted to stop, the stimulation practically overwhelming, but your mind and heart kept screaming for him to keep going, to see how much longer you could hold out like this. You wanted to feel completely undone by the man you adored so dearly. Suddenly his thrust came to a full stop. He quickly pulled out of you and switched the position, everything seemed like a blur in your drunken-like state.
You now laid on your back, V having a firm grip on your legs as he maneuvered them for easy access; the vibrator, still in his grasp, buzzed against your leg. He entered you once more, giving you only a moment before his thrusts continued.
"V, fuck!" You choked out. His grip on one of legs left and you nearly saw white; the bullet vibrator was back on your clit. Tears leaked out of your eyes as you stared up at the mask watching you so intently.
"Good, my love. You are taking this so well. So-fucking-well." He grunts. You feel your heart flutter at the use of a curse word, something he hardly ever utters. There was something in the tone telling you he was fulling letting loose now. And you loved it. "Cum one more time for me, alright?"
You simply nodded, unable to coherently speak.
"I asked you a question. I need to hear your voice."
"Y-yes!" You writhe and shuttered. Then your vision nearly faded to black as your fourth orgasm hit, you couldn't make a sound other than his name. You felt sudden wetness around your pussy and V's clothes as his hips languidly rolled against you.
"My, my dear. It seems you made a mess." V chuckled, slowly pulling out but still kept some of the dildo inside of you. You barely manage to lift your head and saw liquid dripping from his pants.
I've never done that before... You hazily thought.
Your tired eyes widened when you felt him push back in and your sweat drenched body twitched with the vibrator on your clit.
"V- red. Red sweetheart." You panted. Immediately, he halted his movement and turned off the vibrator. Carefully he removed both toys from your body and placed a hand on your cheek.
"I am sorry. I lost myself there. Are you hurt? What do you need?" His voice was soft and tender.
"I'm not hurt. I just knew I couldn't handle anymore." You said, nearly breathless as you came down from everything.
"Just relax. I'll start a bath for you while I change into clean clothes. Does that sound fine?"
"Of course." You lazily smile at him as he got off the bed. You close your eyes and hum a soft song while V went into the closet the change. It only took him a few minutes but you nearly lulled yourself to sleep.
"Are you ready?" He asked. You hummed a response and sat up, you swing your legs off the edge but as soon as you attempted to stand your legs gave out. If it V hadn’t had been so close without you realizing you would have met the ground.
"Wow, you really fucked me until I couldn't walk." You couldn't help but laugh. He looped an arm under your knees and used the other to support your back as he lifted you easily into his arms.
"Once again, I sincerely apologize to you. I know this night was supposed to be for us to test-"
"Don't. Everything felt good. Great even. I knew I wanted to keep going as you did for that last one." You stretched your neck to peck the masks cheek. "I don't mind rough either next time, V."
"Well I am glad." His seemingly bashful tone of voice told you enough. You giggle with a simple smile and wrap your arms around his neck as he walked you both in the bathroom. V sat you down on the closed toilet and wrapped one of the fluffy towels around your shoulder. You watched with half lidded eyes aa he got the bath going. The water started filling the porcelain tub and you watched as your partner added soothing oils to the water.
When the water reached the right amount V turned the handle to off. He removed the towel and lifted you up and hovered you over the water. It was routine now after his days of pampering you for him to do this so you could test the temperature with your foot. He lowered you just enough to do so and you hummed in delight.
"Just right, V." You smiled and he gave a single nod, assisting you to stand in the tub before helping you lay back. You sigh contently at the warm water around you before glancing at V. Your eyes widened a bit when you daw him roll up his sleeves. His arms, much like his hands, were severely scarred. Usually he let the water soak his shirts when helping you bathe. Deciding not to comment on it, you simply smile to acknowledge this step in trust.
You didn’t care about what his appearance may have been under his clothes, what you cared about is who he is. He was an essentric person, but kind. He was understanding and driven. And he was someone you loved dearly.
V pulled out the small stool he kept in the bathroom. He lathered up a loofah with the soap you liked and gently took hold of your arm. For the next few minutes he gently washed you, speaking softly to you. When he was done with that he started massaging your limbs, earning him content noises from you. You could fall asleep at any moment now. A whine escaped your lips when his hands left you.
"Sorry, my dear, I have to clean up everything. It shouldn't take me long. Try not to fall asleep."
"No promises." You sleepily smile, watching him as he left the bathroom. You stretch your arms and legs with a small hum. You felt hazy and content in the warm bath after being pleasured and cared for. Your eyes slowly closed with a small smile and you couldn't help but doze off.
You're not sure how much time passed since you closed your eyes. V's deep chuckle stirred you awake. You blinked up at him as he set down a fluffy towel, before he reached into the water to unclog the drain.
"I told you not to fall asleep." He teased and helped you up. With his hands placed on your waist, he easily lifted you out the tub. He grabbed the towel and started drying you off. You smiled contently at how warm it was. He must of thrown it in the dryer for you. Wrapping you in the towel, he lifted you in his arms and back into the bedroom.
You noted the different bedding and felt warmth flush to your cheeks.
"Sorry you had to clean all that by yourself."
"No, I am actually quite proud of myself and you for that." His boastful tone had you feeling more flushed. He sat you down on the bed next to a small stack of clean clothes. "I hope to get you to that point again, dear."
"That was the first time I ever squirted." You smiled. V knelt down while you carefully stood up, removing the fluffy towel. You shivered at the difference in temperature. Your lover unfolded a pair of black panties for you. You placed a hand on his shoulder and step in each hole. V slowly pulled the underwear up and quickly offered you some sleeping shorts, which you repeated the process. He had you sit back down so he could put on a very large shirt over your head. You smiled at how warmed the clothes were on your body.
"Thank you for taking care of me, V." You sigh.
"It is the least I could do for you." His hand cupped your jaw and his thumb stroked your cheek.
"Still, I appreciate it and you. Can you give me a kiss?" You grin getting up to stand.
"Anything for you." You close your eyes as he lifted his mask. His lips pressed against yours softly, the kiss full of love and adoration. He pulled away and you waited until he spoke again to open your eyes, his mask back on. "I love you, forever and always."
"I love you too, V." You smiled, the attempted to stifle a yawn.
"You need rest, my dear."
"Lay and tell me a story until I sleep?"
"Of course." V lead you to your side of the bed and pulled back the covers. He helped you get into bed and tucked you in. He quickly moved around the bed and got on top of the bed. You wasted no time scooting up to him, wrapping your arm around his torso and resting your head on his strong chest.
You sigh, feeling content and happy.  V started speaking, reciting a short story he has memorized and told you before. His rich voice was soft and comforting, and after a few minutes you were lulled into a deep sleep, feeling secured and protected.
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your-local-hoemie · 1 year
I saw your praise nsfw post so may i request it with thoma and zhongli next :p
NS!FW. 18+ ONLY!
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Come and feed, children. The food is ✨spicy✨
Sorry this took so long!! I’m feeling a lot better now so my creative brain juices are flowin’ again uwu.
Summary: Genshin boy’s with a reader who likes to be praised (just incase ya’ll didn’t see the previous request)
Warnings: Ns!fw, soft smut, public spice (Zhongli), Zhongli also gets a ego™️, swearing, established relationship, Gn!reader, not proof-read, I don’t know what else to put hdjfhdj.
Characters: Zhongli, Thoma.
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I headcanon that this man is one of the most innocent about sex.
Like he knows about it and he knows what it’s for but he’s never had the need to look into it before you.
He’s a little confused at first but he got the spirit.
It doesn’t last long though because his godlike ego inFLATES.
When you moan out his name just a little louder after he praises you, my man couldn’t stop.
Instant turn on.
He enjoys being worshiped after all wink wink
Your relationship with zhongli was extremely honest.
There wasn’t a thing about you that the other didn’t know.
At least so he thought.
Little did he know you’d been hiding the fact that whenever he praised you for doing something, Your heartbeat went just a little bit faster.
One night after coming back from a special anniversary date, your conversation changed to a more intimate topic.
You and Zhongli had done the do once or twice before but you were just too busy with your commissions to have much time or energy to get all steamy, which Zhongli; being the gentleman he is, understood!
So when the conversation started about being a little more intimate, you shyly happened to mention that you really, really liked it when he praised you. A switch in him flipped.
He already enjoyed giving his people praise when it was due.
He was used to them almost begging to be acknowledged by the great geo archon!
But now he’s retired. The only person he wants to show that praise and appreciation for, is you.
So now, you were a little surprised to say the least when you found yourself pressed up against his statue while his fingers worked their magic on your sex, while his pretty lips left equally pretty marks on your neck and shoulder.
Something about the way you squirmed and whimpered out his name whenever he did praise you, sent sparks shooting up his body.
“You’re being so good, darling”
“How does it feel to have your archon praise you like this?”
“Such sweet sounds you make, dear. Why don’t you moan a little louder for your god~”
Needless to say that walking home is definitely going to be a challenge.
Good thing your boyfriend is more than happy to carry you back, all while whispering more praises and all the things he has in store for you when you get home~
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Ok ok, hear me out.
I think Thoma has a slightly kinky side to him.
He’s such a sweet, precious boy that he has to have some way he lets out any frustrations that he’s been too kind to bring up to others!
Not to mention, he’s so incredibly in love with you that he’ll do his best to make sure you feel good no matter what!
He also is very much into praising, so if you start doing the same to him while he’s praising you then things will get very spicy, very fast!
You and Thoma were slowly being recognised and Inazuma’s cutest couple.
You worked together as a team almost all the time. Helping people with any problems they had and just generally helping to keep the place as issue free as possible!
That doesn’t mean that I’d was always easy though. Sometimes things would just go wrong for no reason and it left the both of you feeling… frustrated.
And today was one of those days. You had both accidentally over slept leaving not time for your usual morning hugs or kisses before Thoma had to rush off to the Kamisato estate and you had to hurry over to the adventures guild to pick up your daily commissions!
After that things just seemed to go down hill. Not for any particular reason other than you were both just really pent up for some reason and it just kept getting worse.
So you couldn’t really say you were surprised when later that night, Thoma had you sitting on the table, legs around his waste while thrusting his pretty hips into you~
Nothing but both of your moans and curses could be heard throughout your house, along with the soft creaking of the wooden table underneath you while Thoma lovingly nuzzles his face into the crook of you neck.
“Archons, y/n. You feel so good!”
“I needed this so badly, please don’t stop!”
“You look so pretty while I’m inside you, sweetheart!”
After a little while you could help but start giving him praises as well, causing him to rut even more into you while letting out the prettiest of whimpers.
Definitely Inazuma’s cutest couple~
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Bruh I’m taking care of a injured baby bird and it’s so loud, like I’m happy it’s recovering but my dude please chill I’m autistic T-T
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NSFT Alphabet: Infernal Sin!Fool's Gold
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-you have a big storm coming for you meme here-
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He is not a gentle nor kind lover. He is the Lord of the Seven Hells, King of the 72 demons of Goetia, the Lord of Infernal Sin; and if you want a gentle lover then look to Orphan of Goetia, NOT HIM. Aftercare is handled by the Beholder of His Heart (Norton), the love is for the human to give to you and to express when he takes care of you. Loving you, checking on you, giving you the post-sex intimacy you need.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Everything, he is obsessed with you. Obsessed with all that he has claimed on many days and nights
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Hot and glowing cum, he likes to be dirty with it when with you. Making you open your mouth and keep it there before drinking it, making you wear your clothes with his cum still in or on you, cumming on your hair or clothes-- He a nasty mf
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
There are times he possesses the Orphan of Goetia to fuck you in a mortal shell, to feel the difference between skin on skin versus skin on rock. 
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He has fucked a 1000 upon a 1000 of mortals, and few can claim to be his favorite. You are one of them <3
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Again, full nelson
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
Serious, very mean playful
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Literal rocks so no hair
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? The romantic aspect)
There is nothing romantic about this, he fucks to indulge and to mark you as his. This is for him, he just so happens to like you enjoying it too
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Why? He has you, he has his counterpart, he has that worshiper, and he could have another mortal or demon. So he doesn’t need to masturbate when he can grab someone to play with
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Dacryphilia, Bukkake, Forniphilia, Humiliation, Impact Play, Degradation, basically get ready for kink town with him
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He will do it anywhere he damn pleases, sorry you do not get much say in that
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Literally the king of sin, he can be read to go at random moments or because he is bored
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Gentle and do not ask him to be submissive
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He likes doing both giving and receiving but he likes making you cock warm his cock with your mouth
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Fast and rough, slow but deep when he is teasing and edging you
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Quickies are fun to keep you ready for him later
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
A lot of risks with him
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
A lot. Pray, seriously 
T = Toys (do they own toys? Do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
No, only he can touch you
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Painfully unfair
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He can be vocal, will growl, talkative as he reminds you who is fucking you and how you feel amazing
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He sometimes invites that mystic dancer to peg you so he can watch you both
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
12in uwu
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
High sex drive, pray you can handle him
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
He does not sleep because he does not need to sleep lol
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missblissy · 7 months
Little Things! Astarion x Reader HCs
A/n: 😤😤 I’m just gonna say it, ya’ll don’t have enough casual domestic relationship headcanons in these tags. To much smut. Y’all need some water, come up for air or something good god I love y’all but drink some fucking water 😂 So have some HCs of Tav and Astarion in Act 1. GN! Tav with no class/race as always UwU Also thank you so much for all the likes and kind words on my last post! I plan on opening my requests soon so be sure to follow to stay updated on when that happens. 💖☺️ Enjoy!
Was it even possible for someone to be annoyed… and pleased at the same time? Could a contradiction even exist? Yes. It could. And it baffled Astarion. Sure you had a pretty face, a nice laugh, a way with words… A shimmer in your eyes… a crooked grin that barely broke a smirk… The faint and unmissable sound of your heart beat… A smell so signature he could pick it up in the subtle breeze.
Just with the shift of wind and now he was tossing and turning in his tent. Huffing and throwing his blanket over half his face. Thoughts racing with you now, all the way on the other side of camp and no where near him. Not even in his sight. And still you were in his mind.
How annoying. This was just a misguided, maybe even a malicious attempt at forging an alliance. So why did he feel so… bad? His red eyes couldn’t close so he just stared at the fabric wall of his tent. A blank but also bitter stare on his face.
Out of all the books he read, and he read a lot, none of them actually showed him what real was. What was real passion? Not the mask he wore. What was real conviction and adoration? All he knew was what he’s done for centuries. And this was nothing but uncharted and unfamiliar territory.
So why was it your delightful and diluted scent in the wind alone just enough to send him reeling? He couldn’t know, or didn’t dare to wonder.
These little things didn’t stop there. During the day you’d bounce up to him with a skip in your step… that equally would send a skip right into his ribs and tore up his lungs. With big bright eyes you’d show him something random, something you found, something you made… it didn’t matter.
Just the way you beamed with a radiant smile the sun could be jealous of, it was enough for a snide back handed comment that could be confused for a flirt, “Oh darling, for me? You shouldn’t have, you might just be one of my most devoted fans,” Normally a line like this worked. Either it would send the conversation towards the bedroom or someone left standing alone.
Neither happened. You just rolled your eyes, gave a little laugh and said, “A fan? In your dreams,” And go on chatting like before, unfazed by his little remarks. You were an enigma to him.
Especially during times after a battle. It was always such a gentle touch, when you’d place a hand on his shoulder and praise him for his good work and efforts in the battle.
If vampires had blood to blush he would. He didn’t understand why he wanted to hear more of it, “That was a good job you did out there today,” or maybe it was the way you said, “You did amazing,” He could listen to praises all day. He never knew how much he enjoyed them before.
Let’s not forget, he could hear your heartbeat. Not yours alone. Everyone had a different rhythm and rhyme. For instants Shadowheart, her heart was slow, sad, faint but still beating away with life. Astarion could hear it, just the same as Lae’zel who seemingly had no heart beat at all until the surprising thumb of it came every hour or so. He could hear yours too. Rattle away within your bones. And he paid close attention.
Normally these ‘skills’ of listening to hearts were used to hunt out a target for his master. But with no master and a band of fools, he still used these skills unbeknownst to himself.
He’d listen with eyes glued to a book. You’re heart pitter pattered like any other. But sometimes it’d start racing, picking up speed. Not to long ago a racing heart was the first step into picking a target, since the heart never lies and when a fool looked Astarion’s way if their heart sang that song he knew who would be his unfortunate soul.
But no, this time he just peered from over his book and watched you stare off into the distance, into the darkness of the woods. To his surprise there wasn’t a glance his way or even at anyone. Your heart only raced for fear it seemed. Even when you looked at him or shared a conversation, the same steady beat flowed.
It was something little like this, these little things only he knew as they festered in his mind. They ached within him. He hid it well but it wretched at his organs and plucked at his fibers every time. It was annoying. It was… wonderful…
It was terrifying. The way his breathe would catch when you’d ask him to join you. The way he actually felt anger, as petty as it was, when you asked him to stay back at camp.
Or maybe when he’d hear just the sound of your voice, distant on the other side of camp, muffled, not even loud enough to hear what you were saying but just enough to hear your voice. How strange that something so little as that was enough to ease him into sleep.
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