#eh its a bit of a flawed idea
angelamontoo · 1 year
Probably a dumb idea, but what if Dimitrios was a big fan of Leydens detective stories?
Idk I've been toying with this headcanon a lot lately. Ofc it doesnt really make a difference to the story since he never finds out "Mr Smiths" true identity, but I think it'd be kind of fun if the dude that Cornelius had developed a morbid fixation on happened to also be an admirer of his work
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liveontelevision · 12 days
Hello friends,
Sorry about the lack of content recently, I've been running kinda low on energy :,) but I have some little treats, never fear.
Here's a short Vox thing I wrote awhile ago, it's angsty it's kissy, it ends with a cliffhanger. Classic fic by me.
I meant to turn it into a full thing, and I just might later? We'll see
CW: Smoking and smooching
Human | Vox x Reader
You cringe, scrunching up your nose when the familiar scent hits you. You approach the TV-headed demon, who was lounging on the large balcony of the Vees' Penthouse. Or was it lamenting?
"Yuck. You still smoke here?"
"It's Hell, doll. It's not like it'll kill me. Can't even feel the high anymore, actually."
"I guess not.. Then why do you even smoke? If it doesn't affect you?"
"Eh. I don't know. Try not to think too hard into that shit." A comfortable silence falls between the two of you.
"Can I bum one?" With a mocking scoff, he reaches into his pocket to pull out the pack. In a thoughtless decision, you place the cigarette between your teeth, pulling his face in your direction and inching impossibly close to him. He seemed startled by your sudden attack.
You hover just in front of his lips, lighting the end of your cigarette with the cherry of his own.
That was definitely an interesting move for someone with absolutely no history of smoking. As you inhale, you choke up and immediately cough out the rest. Vox is only watching you, a smile tugging at his lips while you cough up a lung. Your eyes water and you let out a whimper before propping your arms against the railing.
"Smooth." He comments.
"W-Watch it." You snap back.
You do manage to draw out a smoother hit, looking down at the city that, ironically, seemed so lively.
All that time went to waste. All those years you'd spent chasing over this CEO, being a part of the paparazzi, stalking the media for any buzz, passing his building when you have the time.. had the time. The fact that he's seemingly replicated his dream headquarters in the center of the underworld seemed like a Hell in itself. Constantly mocking you for never getting your big scoop. For wasting your life on him.
You couldn't help but approach it at first. You reluctantly enter the stores and offices that surround the first floor, inspecting all his products. You didn't recognize him at first. I mean, he has a TV screen for a head. His voice is what gave it away. His charismatic facade and sauve persona he uses on any television program. That's what you recognized. Apparently those are skills that stick with you after death.
He found you eventually. You'd been residing on the barren side of Hell. It was cozy. Not everyone had family members with them, you were just the lucky few. Your sweet grandma was here. Sinners who are visibly older seemed to be avoid by most clear-minded demons. Why bug them? And what kind of decisions did they make to end up here and survive for so long? They probably don't even remember why they're here. But some seemed to remember their lives.
Your grandma recognize you almost immediately. She was quick to take you into a part of hell that seemed to bypass the cities and dangers. It, of course, had its flaws. The Hellborn rodents were bothersome, but it somehow managed to be peaceful on its own.
It didn't last long, though. Extermination Day finally caught up to your little home. You have no idea how you survived, it was a miracle. but you were the only one. You started appreciating your aftlife in another fit of irony. You're nearly immortal, maybe it's time to give the city a try.
"Thanks for taking me in, too. You didn't have to do that."
"I can't leave my favorite stalker on the streets." He nudges you, having to lean down a bit to do so. He was towering. You let out the softest chuckle, leaning into his touch, despite it's teasing motivations. You sigh, taking another drag.
"Wait these aren't Valentino's smokes, are they?" You hold it over the edge, ready to flick it from your fingers, if that's the case.
"Definitely not. I wouldn't give you those if you asked." You hum at his words, releasing a puff of smoke. "But, uh.. let me know if he offers you any, alright?" You let out a little laugh and nod.
Your comfortable silence was broken, with the end of your cigarette. You let it crumble to the ground, stomping it with your nice business shoes. Vox rolls his eyes, shooing you away.
"Don't ruin those, they were expensive." He mutters.
"Well I would've been fine if you didnt essentially set my wardrobe on fire." You scoff.
"Your wardrobe? Was a bunch of country bumpkin dresses with poofy sleeves, doll. Even Vel was ready to get rid of that mess." The silence overcomes again. The breeze coming from the sheer height of the building seemed refreshing. You looked up to Heaven. How cruel of them to put it in sight.
"I really thought that was it. That life was short and then you die. That there was no point in trying to get rich and famous as long you were doing something you liked."
"So you liked stalking me?"
"Fuck off, Vox, you know what I mean." You couldn't help but smile. "How could I have wasted all that time on you? I could've been building my skills. Maybe I wouldn't be mooching off of some big shot like you if I did." You looked away, not willing to make any eye contact while mentioning him.
"Hey, you know I don't mind.. you can't prepare for death." He reaches out, he's not sure why, maybe to offer you some comfort. Maybe he just wanted to see your face, again. You darted away from him unknowingly, making his hand recoil.
"But, I mind! I don't want to rely on you. I should be able to do this by myself, I came here the same way you did, I had the same chance to get to where you are now." You huffed, embarrassment from your confession turning your face red. "But I just.. I didn't. I keep wasting my time..."
A cool touch hit your cheek, and before you know it your head had been turned to face Vox. He kept his claws holding your chin upwards, despite your attempts to pull out of his grasp.
"Stop it. There's nothing but time here. Listen, I know this isn't exactly what you had in mind, but- for the first time in years.. I feel... human, again." You blink slowly at him, not exactly minding his touch at this point. "And that's because of you." You hated getting flustered, but his words alone caused you to tense up. He felt your jaw clenching in his hand, bringing him back to reality. With a quick release, he brings his fist to his mouth and clears his throat.
"So.. yeah. Don't get it in your head that this is some sort of.. sugar daddy thing. You're free to do whatever you want. You can do whatever you want. And- you uh.. you're always welcome back." You stare at him for longer than you'd like to admit. Looking for some kind of excuse for your gaze, you hold your hand out for another cigarette. He gets the memo after awhile.
You place it between your lips and before you get the chance to think, his hands are back on your chin, bringing your face close. He mirrors your actions from before. It startled you, the cigarette falling from your lips and rolling off the balcony floor. Both your eyes follow it for a moment, before looking at eachother and sharing a little laugh.
His own cigarette falls from his lips. And with his hand still on chin you're pulled into an expected kiss. The sight of his dazed eyes when he finally pulls away only leaves you wanting more. But.. you can't. You pull away with a sullen look and step away from balcony. Without a word, you leave him alone. He's lost yet another independent spark. His heart can ache later. For now, he's cursing himself for letting anyone see that side of him, again.
Womp womp
Love the pics where they knew eachother in life 👌
( @vififofum / @thornwolfy235 / @tinywolfiegirl / @chipper-chip / @bat-boness / @misfitgirlwrites / @nayomi247 / @lonelynmisunderstood / @escapistoftherealworld / @b4ts1e / @hamthepan / @kyo-kyo1 / @looking1016 / @polytheatrix / @littledolly2345 / @lillianastuff / @yourlocalcryptidbee /@0strawberrysorbet0 / @themageofblood / @jayyyayaysblog / @floralsightings / @azmosposts / @8har0ley8 / @actuallyspiderwoman / @sirenetheblogger / @christineblood / @kaytemchugh / @cimadreamer / @simpdevil66 / @azmosposts / @m3ow1 / @acrazyartist / @redfoxwritesstuff / @4k1to / @meesachan / @corvusskid / @alientee /@xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx / @alon3lylov3r /@sapphireravensworld / @mjmdragons / @catticora / @the-maladaptivedaydreamer / @carrie0-1 / @shamblezzz / @cassandras-nest )
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freesia-writes · 1 year
I love your Gregor dates fics and not just because I requested them! So I have another idea since they're starting to get more comfortable with one another. They're on an island right? Maybe there needs to be a followup date where they go to the beach and go swimming/spend time in the water enjoying the weather?
Gregor Date #3!
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Summer has arrived on the island with a sudden and oppressive wave of dry heat, and the inhabitants take to the waters to cool off. Gregor invites you to join him after work one day for a sunset swim, and promises to regale you with tales of bravery, all of which he will make up on the spot since he doesn't actually remember any of them. His giggle at the end of the offer seals the deal, and as you drop your work bag in your entryway, you feel a sense of excitement rising. Preparation is fairly quick, although you gripe over your swimsuit selection. They all seemed to look great when you bought them, but now as you try them on in front of the mirror, you find every single nitpicky flaw. Finally settling for a high-waisted two piece with a high neck halter top, you wrap a thin, flowy cover-up over it all and plop a big, floppy hat on your head. 
Gregor is knocking at the door, right on time, and you open it with a huge smile. Each date has left you feeling increasingly comfortable (and increasingly infatuated) with his expressive eyebrows, disarming giggles, and infectious joy for life. He's equipped with a backpack, wearing swim trunks and a tank top, and you're quick to notice his nicely-rounded shoulders and strong arms, remembering how he carried you so effortlessly. 
"Well hellooooo my lady!" he says in greeting, opening his arms for a hug. You've never felt so much of his bare skin, and it radiates heat as you nestle yourself against his chest, catching a delightful whiff of musky soap mixed with a slight bit of sweaty man stank. He releases you, stepping back to look you up and down, and for once you don't feel sheepish or under scrutiny. "You look like a fresh island breeze! Let's go!" he declares, offering you a gentlemanly arm. 
The walk down to the water is a smooth, winding path through the village, and the delicious smells wafting from all the restaurants and food carts makes your mouth water. One street vendor in particular has an eye-catching array of gyros, stuffed with thinly-shaved meat slices, tomatoes, cucumbers, and sauce, and both you and Gregor pull over to check them out. 
Five minutes later, you're on your way, hands full of a warm pita wrapped in blue and white checkered paper, continuing your conversation between bites. The beach stretches out before you; it's one of the more remote ones on the island but the heat has driven almost everyone to the ocean, so there are a handful of people scattered around it. The water is impossibly bright, a glowing blue-green, and you can see the bottom all the way out to sea. 
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The sand is impossibly soft, and its pastel peach color makes it look even more inviting. Finding a snug little spot against a large piece of driftwood, Gregor drops the backpack, tucking his food wrapper in a side pocket, and brings out a large beach blanket, throwing it across the sand and tucking it underneath the wood. 
"Might want to cool off first, eh?" he asks, whipping off his tank top without waiting for an answer, and you're distracted by a sudden urge to touch his broad chest and nestle your fingers in the little tuft of hair in the middle. You shake your head to try to brush the thought aside, which he takes as a response to his question. "Oh, no? No worries!" he continues brightly.
"Oh, sorry!" you correct, "No! I was... thinking about something else. No, that sounds great! Just... gotta put some sunscreen on first," you assure him, slowly unwrapping your cover-up and trying not to look at your body with judgment. You've been working on loving yourself just as you are, focusing on all that your body does your you, viewing it through an appreciative eye that's unburdened by unrealistic societal expectations. But it's still a lifelong struggle. Gregor, however, is a delightful assistance in that realm. 
"Look at you!" he exclaims, unabashedly enraptured at the sight of you. His gaze doesn't feel unwelcome, though he doesn't let it linger too long. "Need some help with that?" he asks, without a trace of ulterior motives, as you fix your hair on top of your head, shake the sunscreen bottle, and pour some into your hands. 
"Oh, um... Thanks," you admit, handing him the bottle and turning your back to him. He gently spreads it across your shoulders and up the back of your neck, hands firm and yet incredibly gentle. You try not to shiver visibly at his touch, relishing the sensations. He continues down the outsides of your arms and puts an extra little blob across the middle of your back that pokes out from the high-waisted bottoms. You could swear you hear a self-conscious little giggle as he smooths it back and forth. 
"Your turn," you say, finishing rubbing it into your face, and one of his sharp eyebrows arches in playful delight. He stands before you, lifting his arms out to the sides, and closes his eyes, upturning his face toward the sun as though he is totally at your mercy. This is going quite well. You pour a decent amount onto your hands, rubbing them together before spreading it across his back. You're trying not to enjoy yourself too much as your hands slide down his ribs and across his muscular little waist, and when you rub the sunscreen up the outsides of his arms, his eyes meet yours in a way that makes your heart skip a beat, and you'd very much like to kiss him in that moment. 
"Well that was an unexpected perk! We might need to venture out into the sun more often," he chuckles, waggling his eyebrows suggestively and earning a blushing little chortle from you. "So shall we?" he asks, gently taking your hand in his, giving you a lovely little case of the tingles, and walks toward the water. The two of you wade in, savoring the warm yet refreshing water as it rises to your waists. There's a gentle sea breeze, just enough to brush your hair back from your face, and Gregor gives you another affectionate look. 
"So, you want to hear the tale of the commando droid ambush?" he says conspiratorially, arching an eyebrow with mock intensity. You laugh, wading in a little deeper, and nod. "Excellent!" he continues, "So there we were... on a mission on some planet... and we were charging into a cave... to find... something... or fight someone..." He giggles, swirling the water around him with his arms as a wave gently splashes against his chest. "It was dark, and it had become totally silent... except for the sound of our feet... when all of a sudden... ATTACK!"
The last word is yelled, for dramatic effect, and he leaps suddenly into the water behind you, casting a flurry of water droplets up your back and hair that startles you. His arms find you from behind and wrap you snugly as he rises to his feet, shooting back up out of the water with you in his grasp, holding you slightly up out of the water and turning in a little circle. You laugh at the absolute surprise and ridiculousness of it all, heart thrilling at his closeness and strength. 
"They were all around us! Every direction! We were outnumbered! But never you worry -- I was quick on my feet! Lightning fast, I whipped out not one, but five electromagnetic pulse grenades! I scattered them in every direction, and we dove for cover," his voice increases in volume, getting slightly more squeaky, and you're giggling uncontrollably now. "Then BOOM!"
With perhaps too much enthusiasm, he throws you in the air, and you land in the water with the most ungraceful kerplunk you could have imagined. Momentarily underwater, you burst to the surface, hat floating away, chunks of loose hair escaping your bun and framing your face in a straggled mess. The shock on your face gives him a clue that he may have gone too far, and his excitement is immediately mixed with contrition.
"Ohhhh I'm sorry!" he says with a nervous chuckle, "I got carried away!"
"It's okay," you laugh, pushing your hair out of your eyes and attempting to salvage any sort of put-together look. 
"Well, I guess I should be fair," Gregor squeaks, taking a deep breath and plunging himself under the next wave. He comes back up, slicked-back hair now flat and wet on his forehead, and you never realized you were such an overly-romantic sucker for glistening droplets of water on a strong, manly chest. He catches your gaze, running both hands over his head to push his hair back, and grows slightly serious. 
"Thank you for coming with me," he says, sincerity across his face. 
"Of course! I love our time together!" 
He giggles, a bit sheepishly, and draws closer, eyes darting to the side, and you feel his hand reach your waist, sending an electric shock through your body at the touch of his skin on yours under the water. His eyes come back to yours, a meek inquisitiveness about them, and you smile, taking a step toward him as the small waves rock the two of you back and forth. You put a hand on his forearm, and, feeling emboldened by the bliss on his face, reach the other one up to his chest, giving it a light caress before flattening your palm against it. His other arm wraps around your back, pulling you up against him, and the warmth and touch is intoxicating. 
He holds you close for a moment, gazing into your eyes with a joyful calm, and slowly leans in, causing your heart to pound in your chest. He touches his forehead to yours, tracing his nose gently across yours a time or two, then lifts his head and places an unfathomably tender kiss on your forehead. The gentle lulling motion of the waves, combined with his firm yet soft embrace, blend in with the lingering spark of his lips on your skin, and you suddenly realize why the women on the holo films do that swooning thing. 
He pulls away, slowly, eyes closed as if continuing to savor it, mouth curving into a huge smile. You let out a content sigh, and he opens those honey brown eyes, giving you one last squeeze before releasing you into the ocean. 
"Race you to the shore?" he invites, suddenly grinning with an ambitious spark in his eye, and you laugh, wading as quickly as you can, trundling through the water with arms waving back and forth for momentum and balance. He dives ahead like a dolphin, arms pointed in front of him, and pops up a few feet ahead. The two of you feel like kids again, cackling and pushing toward the sand with absolutely no attempt at graceful movement. He's got you by a few feet, and in a last-ditch effort, you grab an ankle that he foolishly let come too close. You didn't mean to, but your grasp throws him off balance, and he flops onto the sand on his side, letting out a little squawk of surprise.
"Ohhh my bad!" you exclaim worriedly, rushing to bend over him to see if he's alright. On closer inspection, however, he is laughing, and pulls you to the ground next to him. The sand is soft, but immediately sticks to every inch of your wet body, and you let fly a little curse word before you can hold it back. 
"What a mess!" Gregor giggles, rolling closer to brush your hair from your face. You're both lying on your sides, facing each other, with the waves barely tickling your toes. The setting sun beams the last of its warm golden rays, and you find yourself lost in his eyes again, eyes that can somehow be intense yet giddy, soulfully old yet childishly innocent. You sigh at his gentle caress, as the backs of his fingers linger on your cheek before resting on your arm. "I don't think I'm doing all of this right," he admits sheepishly. 
"I wouldn't have it any other way," you say quietly, and his blissful smile grows. 
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ben-the-hyena · 9 months
Trolls (I should really watch the sequel before the 3rd movie comes)
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I will be frank, I expected shit and I had not come see it in theaters for that. But courtesy of @papabirdurskeks who seemed to really like it, I did watch it and despite big flaws I liked ! It is not a great movie but it doesn't deserve the hate it got, jukebox movies usually are my guilty pleasures when either it makes sense or helps the plot and the I See Your True Colors scene is really a proof of it. And Poppy and Branch had a great dynamic and Bridget was cute her own ugly pathetic way. And I liked the plot twist of the yoga friend being a shady dick, it was refreshing AND I ALWAYS SAID PEOPLE WHO ALWAYS TELL OTHERS HOW TO BE GOOD DO IT NOT OUT OF SINCERITY TO HELP BUT JIST FOR THEMSELVES HAHAAA ! SadlyIheardheisforgiveninthetvshowandafriendagainNO!?!?!WHY!?!?!?
Ok most of Poppy's friends were annoying I didn't like them, I think it is resolved a bit too quickly (but eh, jukebox movies usually are not meant to be taken seriously and just be feelgood movies to put our brains on the side a moment), I did the BAD IDEA to watch it in French at first which had the songs translated WHY DO YOU DO THAT NOOO and I still think it is not the best metaphor of depression (you're gonna make me believe a WHOLE species are sad only because they convinced themselves they are sad and never ever knew happiness even when in love or have children or do their dream job or do hobbies becauseyesIknowevendepressedthoseyouloveandthingsyouloveendupnotworkinganymoreBUTyoustillarehappywhenyoumeetthemanddiscoverthosewhilehereitmeanstheywerenoteven and never realized by themselves with how they are happy about the Trollstice before eating trolls AND if indeed depression is that deep and ingrained that they will suddenly be happy just because they are told to with a song !?!)
But over than that I liked. And yes as memey and as much as I agree the sentence "SINGING KILLED MY GRANDMA OK" is clumsy and can feel forced and laughable out of context I still think that it does its work good with how much Branch kept grieving his grandma and feeling guilty and associating singing to that trauma. So yeah, fuck haters, it's a feel good movie when you want to ignore your brain for a moment and just sing along. Plus the animation is gorgeous and smooth, the felt texture of almost everything in the forest is sooo pretty it made me want to touch everything in these scenes
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zuffer-weird-girl · 2 years
Can you do where y/n, chrono, Kai, and pops have dinner together please
Ah yes, before Kai decided to ruin everything I see-*gets smacked*
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"It's been 1 year.. and you're still nervous around him?" He asked with an arched eyebrows as he cleaned the utensils as you yelped at being called out while you were just making sure the seat of the chief of the yakusa was neatly clean and without a flaw.
"I-Its not like that!" You huffed before returning to place the wine glass on its place near his seat "Is just that... I guess I am afraid of screwing this up? I mean, he is your mentor and all... but knowing about all the past he is kinda like your father so.... yes ok I'm still a bit nervous." You sighed in defeat as he chuckled.
"Don't see why though. The old man seems to like you more than myself sometimes." He placed the napkins down carefully as you crossed your arms.
"Sure sure.... whatever you say." You smirked at him staring at you with some sorta of irritation before himself sighed and looked at clock.
"He should be here by any time soon. He went on a meeting with the others gangsters around... " he huffed as you smiled... already knowing what Chisaki was thinking about.
"Hey." You said before gently touching his shoulder "He didn't told you to come along because probably he wanted you to help me out hun."
"Oh sure. Would be a coincidence that we had a discussion yesterday because I gave him one of my ideas and surprise, he shut me down."
"You are a bit radical with those though." You hummed as you fixed his white tie as he stared at you in confusion "Try to ease up, I'm sure he is proud of you for helping him around already. You don't need to do grand gestures just to show him you're grateful."
He widened his eyes at noticing how easily you could read him just as much as he could do with you. Scoffing, he turned his head to everywhere but your face as you giggled at the redness growing on the tip of his ears before lowering down his black face mask to peck his lips quickly.
"My, and here I thought I wouldn't see the day I saw Chisaki allowing someone to touch him so occasionally." You yelped as Kai's eyes widened at the sudden appearance of a smirking elder on the entrance of the dining room.
"I'm so sorry for the inconvenience!" You bowed as Chisaki did as well with a burning face as the older man only chuckled at you both.
"No need for that!" He waved his hand dismissively before going inside "I brought a bit of wagoshi to this occasion... which I honestly never thought it would actually happen since Chisaki is... well, Chisaki." He muttered the last words in your ear as you snorted.
Your boyfriend didn't think it was funny though... deadpanning at both of you.
"Saque is good as well right?" Your ears perked up and Kai immediate scowled at the new intrusion.
"Kurono-kun? You're joining us as well?" You asked in confusion as he handed you the saque "If I knew I would have made/order more food..."
"He is not. Get out." Chisaki mumbled as Kurono only chuckled bitterness at his childhood friend demand.
"None of that, I asked for him to come." The elder spoke in seriousness before staring at Chisaki as he took his seat "You two were basically raised together, have some respect in front of your partner at least boy."
Your jaw almost fell as you saw Kurono snorting as Kai took of his gloves while staring at him
"Kai. No." You demanded and the man scoffed at you before reluctantly putting on his gloves and taking a seat next to you.
"My dear (Y/n)." Pops suddenly grabbed your hands and stared at you deep in your soul "Teach me your secrets."
"How do you out this brat on line?"
Chisaki suddenly felt that maybe dinner with pops and you togethers wouldn't be repeated very soon by the way you and Kurono laughed... hard.
"I despise all of you." He groaned while pouring sequer first to Pops and then to himself only to chug down without remorse.
It would be a long, looooong dinner.
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my-mt-heart · 1 year
About JDM. I agree that in a ideal world no one should be talking on behalf of everyone else, show business or not, "normal work place" (ah ah) or not. But we re not in an ideal world, and people are bound to make mistakes in the heat of the moment..people are human and flawed, even tv super stars.
Also, not to blame her because she does what she wants of course, but MMB never spoke herself publicly on the matter so its kind of hard to know what she thinks.
Also again, the pb for me should not be, as i 've read, that he's a man talking on behalf of a woman. Im not saying there isnt mysogyny or sexism in hollywood or "the real world" (ah ah), but as far as im concerned (and im not a man before anyone comes at me for this), he spoke as a collegue abt another collegue . Well, former collegue, now. Also, apparently he's one of NR best friend, so if ur best friend is attacked and u feel its unfair, yeaaah u re gonna publicly defend him.
Mind u: NR didnt speak himself for quite a long time after the inital mess, i think the first thing he said was after a few weeks with an answer to a fan on line who was like "eh norman have u seen whats being said" blablabla, and he answered something like "what did i miss? 😎" in a sort of ironical/cynical way. Correct me if im wrong.
But my point is that i personnally saw a collegue speaking for a collegue, and a friend defending a friend. If it had been Lauren Cohan saying "eh guys your wrong!" Would people have been more kind to her because its ok for a woman to talk on behalf or another woman?
JDM might no be super close to Melissa but last time we checked, they were more than fine with each other (i still think abt this lovely bts picture of both of them for 10.12, yes, its just promo but still).
And he didnt say anything bad abt her. He just said "they love each other, they re both very sad abt the situation and Norman's not the bad guy here". Maybe he knows them better than we do?
Was it clumsy of him? Yes. He might have actually been hurt for Norman and didnt think straight, who knows?
Was it inappropriate? Not his role? Probably. But the argument of him being a man here, while i do in a way understand where its coming from, still cant help but feel uneased by it. I for one think if we are going to be outraged, we should be outraged at whoever is speaking on behalf of Melissa, but im pretty convinced that if Lauren or Danai had defended Norman, nobody would have bat an eye. We are complaining because he's a man, and because he's supposedly the closest to Norman amongst the cast. Feel a bit unfair.
Its ok if u or your followers disagree of course. Again, im not saying that there isnt a pb with men vs woman in hollywood or the world in general, i just think that in this case, this is not the pb.
The idea that Melissa needed a break is inherently sexist because it implies she couldn't keep up with the same workload that her male colleagues had been given. Also, blasting it on Twitter has major ramifications for Melissa because people are far more likely to accept that a woman needs a break vs. a man needing one. You may recall that Andy said himself that being overseas, away from his family, became too difficult, yet no one criticized his fans for demanding Rick back for four years.
Even if contracts allowed a lead actress to back out that way (they don't), even if it was true that Melissa needed a break (-_-), it makes her look flaky and weak to other studios who might consider casting her on another project. Melissa and AMC legally agreed to announce that the location was "untenable" for her, nothing else. That's important. Regardless of whether or not JDM said what he said to defend his friend, it went off script and that's unprofessional.
Do I like that Norman was being cast as the evil villain? No. Do I think he was the evil villain in all of this? Ultimately...no. I'm frustrated because usually when a show is dealing with a controversy, the go-to strategy is to not say anything until the situation is further assessed, yet AMC and one of their male leads acted pretty fast to directly address the backlash in defense of another male lead. Melissa didn't get the same treatment. In fact, she's been dealing with fans saying sexist and ageist things about her and Carol for years without anything being done about it. And for the record, that doesn't have to mean calling out every fan who insults them. It is worth noting though, that the one person who did come to Melissa's defense last April (in an appropriate way) was Laurie Holden, who is no stranger to mistreatment herself. That should tell us something.
So in conclusion, anon, the issue here might not come down to a man speaking for a woman, but there is absolutely a gender bias in this whole mess. JDM's actions have unfortunately changed my perception of him, and while I might be able to support Norman again eventually (provided Melissa does too and provided I don't feel alienated as a Caryl fan), it's probably going to take a lot more than a Narol tweet for me to support JDM again (not that I had much interest in watching the same drama unfold between Negan and Maggie anyway). Every time I see someone insist that Melissa needed a break and try to scold others for "robbing her of her choice," it makes me angry all over again because how can you ever really undo all that damage?
ETA: If a woman had jumped the gun like JDM did, she would've been fired so fast. JDM still has his show.
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surveillance-0011 · 1 year
Looking at Garten of BanBan II… I actually feel kind of optimistic.
This second game feels like it does have more effort put into it- and it’s more genuine, less of a cash grab especially without the merch link right there. I’m not gonna blame the devs for charging money bc it seems they are very low budget, and I’d prefer a game costing money rather than asking you to buy overpriced merch.
There’s a somewhat scarier atmosphere and I think the direction the story is heading could prove to be interesting.
Spoiler alert:
Saw the human experimentation thing coming from a mile away. Not the most original in the mascot-based horror niche, but I’m a sucker for it and am actually kinda interested in seeing why it’s happening in this facility posing as a kindergarten, of all places. Also, BanBan as a possible good guy is very interesting. Yes, Alice and Mommy Long Legs both send you on fetch quests with ulterior motives, but BanBan seems to genuinely care about saving the kids, even if it means he’s not heroic enough to do it himself.
It’s also interesting that he’s apparently not the “major” threat- that’s Stinger Flynn, apparently. Unless BanBan is lying/tricking the MC, which is like a 50/50 chance.
The game also, surprisingly, has a sense of humor. BanBan’s note telling you he’s gonna knock you out, his sheepish apology, NabNab’s misery, and Seline (the snail) reaching the chase scene too late all actually got a chuckle out of me.
However, it’s not exactly the most riveting gameplay. The game still seems kinda slow, glitchy, and like there isn’t as much of an “active” threat. Everything is very … compartmentalized? Until the last chase scene there doesn’t seem to be an active threat chasing you down.
And the story does have some pitfalls and confusing bits. It’s frustrating to me that they are dropping gradual hints in the notes alone- at this point I wish there was more of a why and maybe even more of an admission. BanBan sees himself as human still, yes, but certainly he’s aware everyone else thinks he’s BanBan? And that he’s in a lab? But he never says “yeah they mighta turned me into something I’m not, but deep down I’m human and you can trust me”
And while I like the idea of Stinger Flynn as a major threat I’m surprised NabNab isn’t more of an opposing force. Like they’re literally an obstacle for like the construction section and they peer out as a lil secret when you finish the chase scene and turn back. For someone teased as a big thing, they seem more like a needless red herring and underwhelming extra. It’d be better if they were more present in this chapter.
The … attempt at social commentary in the classroom segment was also just weird? There’s not really a popular kid weird kid bullying hierarchy in kindergarten of all places… and the metaphor is just very bland and fake deep and whatnot. Unless it’s just BanBaleena running the school like she thinks they’re run bc she’s a human experiment with no memory/knowledge of the outside world. Or some sort of commentary on the game community? Eh, it was just weirdly cynical and I didn’t dig it.
And it’s weird that they’re already advertising game 3. It’s a chapter system and it’s bound to happen, but it makes me think they’re rushing it a little.
So it’s not perfect by any means. There’s a couple of glaring issues of disorganization and rougher edges, hell some of the worries concerning it being too “kiddy” still ring true. But it also seems to confirm the game is growing into its own unique self and is a genuine attempt at making a decent game rather than something thrown together to make some money off of children. There’s some heart. It may be small or weak, but it’s there.
I never thought I’d be rooting for the Euphoric Brothers, but I do actually hope they improve from here and actually make something some people can dig. They’re not really some insidious force like people make them out to be, just two people trying in a… pretty flawed way? They gotta work on a lot of stuff, from the game to how they have taken criticism, but they’re not goddawful, the first game was just the worst first impression ever.
And…If anything BanBan’s popularity is inspiring. It’s a good reminder that anyone can make a game- and possibly succeed in getting what they wish.
Tldr: not winning any awards any time soon, but Garten of BanBan is not a total waste. I hope the Devs listen to the criticism they’ve gotten and improve from here, too.
And I. Do like NabNab and Stinger Flynn. And BanBan. I am not immune to silly blob thing.
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💚 from the ask game
💚: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
I'll start with my fav from my 2021 rewatch sokka/ and that is simply that he is gay./gay for zuko . I don't get it I'll never really get it sokka was the staightest boy in the show to me as he.. gets suki/yue/even seems interested in ty lee for 3 seconds/tries to get into good graces with a girls poetry club. He was def not coded gay esp for a 2000s nicktoon. and when i came to tumblr i had hoped to find convos involving how smart /developed he was and it was nothing but zukka everywhere no mention of sokka development it was very discourging . and maybe people think im homphobic but i lean towards jetko/zukaang. zukka i barealy understand.
now lets go with Zuko and I warn people this is gonna be snarky cause i've see so many bad takes since 2020 to well the nows.
this is the BIG ONE people get wrong. because fandom is.. Afraid to acutally Like the real Zuko because the real zuko fits all the problematic scales. from Kidnapping katara/sokka/ /Extortion/Stalking the gaang to capture aang/kidnapping aang/ /sending a man to murder Aang who almost blows up Katara/Toph/ theres a reason zuko is angry at himself eh sent a man to murder Aang.. and he knows it wrong he's not stupid. he's in denial through half of s3 and living in terrible guilt from how he treated iroh/sending combustion man after aang. also Mai never abused zuko....
theres a reason people think im not a zutara shipper its bec i disagree with 99 percent of their takes. including that he was in love wiht katara the whole time Katara was never on his mind Zuko mind was: I must capture the Avatar so I can get back home and have dads love for 90 percent of the show up until the eclipse where his new goal was: Stop Ozai from killing the earth kingdom people /help Avatar he has a very one track mind when it comes to his goals.
fandom gets everything wrong with him.
Awkard turtletuck/maturedad/ maturer than Aang/ the one to save CinderKatara from abusive aang/an uncaring friend group/really loved his time in uncles tea shop/ never did anything wrong / never colonized anything/
I mean the earth kingdom didnt fall just because of azula Zuko made his choice to help her. . They colonized the both of em Ba Sin Sa. Azula gets woofied too she is def responsible for conquering the city but Zuko did help hes not innocent here but fans will def say everything he did is excused cause and azula fans have done this too. and its so .. tiresom
the idea zuko never meant to harm anyone to achieve his endgame/ He almost burnt suki and sokka had to save her. h was not above kidnapping katara to get what he wants. or knocking her out twice. The idea zuko never had any attention to harm anyone to get to Aang to get home is ludrucious. /this boy wanted to go home for 90 percent of the show.
Zuko is an impulsive teenager with a bit of an ego who looked down on the common folk for a good while thats why he robbed from earth kingdom people he felt they owed him stuff. because he was the prince of the FN. having to live among em is what helped him gain sympathy for their plight to leave the firenation so they wouldn't die.
Zuko arc is learning the fire nation is a cruel ruthless nation and his way of thinking that he's better than people is wrong. I dont think some people can reconsile low self esteem doesnt mean you can't look down on others.. Cause he did from calling katara a pesant in s1 and saying how the people in the earth kingdom should respect them to iroh in s2/ He has to learn sympathy/empathy for people outside the fire nation. . Zuko journey is to learn to be a better man. its like .. a man in his teens/early 20s learning their biggoted beliefs are nothing but bs and having to grown and improve.
. he is not without flaws in the end when he joins avatar he's still grumpy. he's awkward because he trying to befriend the people he us to hunt down so its gonna be awkward. Zuko isn't team dad. He's been adopted into the gaang.
I also disgree with haters saying Zuko should have changed 100percent into mr. calm/collected otherwise his arc is a bust. Zuko is a lot like Iago to me in turns of character changing sides with villian to the good guys. I'd rather they stay themselfs in terms of snark than became a perfect /happy sunshine attitudie character.
i just think fandom is afraid to enjoy Assholes. there i said it. I love jerks so i dont understand it. Think of Spongebob going from a square to a perfect smooth circle and that's how fandom treats Zuko in teh shipping side of things. there's a reason i never felt happy in teh zutara fandom. most people dont talk about him how i see him . but as a teenager i related to zukos anger a lot and i had to work on that anger. how zuko is treated to me feels very.... ableist to me when you try to ignore his flaws. it reads off as he's unlovable if he has any uncomfortable personality traits.
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after watching the trailers of Aang/Katara playing/laughing... having fun.. I'm getting the same gaslighty feelings i got from zutaras who insist it was canon all along and that aang is a horrible abuser
. what with fandom telling me Aang will be serious when hes playing/laughing in trailers, or that Aang never had visions in the show when he DID. thats how he found TOPH.
or that sokka sexism being toned means hes going to be a bland perfect character when he's still a grumpy guss in the trailers .. like he ws in the show at the beginning. sozins comet isn't removed entirely, we literally see it in the trailer. the return of it is just going to be changed but its still use to wipe out the air nomads.
im so glad i don't rely on clickbait articles and actually watch trailers/ listen to the actual interviews that explain things that said Aang/Katara ave a hopefu; childsview of the world. .and Katara being less motherly is fine by me cause id rather see her be a kid anyway. and. the very idea this will be as bad as the movie is laughable the trailer blew that awful movie away in seconds. i saw that movie 2 weeks ago it was boring, trash... how anyone could think its better is no fan of atla.. isaidwhatisaid.
as for bryke.. im 99 percent convinced avatar studios was why they left .. it probably sounded more profitable.
and I Can def belive bryke wanted to change things maybe they wanted a love triangle and netflix said no.. i wouldnt put it pass em after LOK where they added their scrapped love triangle idea. there is zero proof them being there would have improved things.. zero none. zip.. the moment they left i was just oh well.. whatever after lok i have zero faith in em anyway..
hoping for this to bomb after the actors put 3 years of their life into it though.. its kinda lame... its a retelling it doesnt need to be the same exactly.. plus.. atla did have flaws. sukki is very underdeloped/ ozai bascially has no personality outside of Evil. Zuko should have joined a bit sooner in s3. Jet shouldn't die... just some things off the top of my head. atlas a good show but its not... flawless. i acutally prefer sukki bonding over nonbending over sexism.. its feels sweet.. i dont really like how they got together and his sexism was very Western centric anyway.. i think people really blow the whole toned his sexism down out of proportion. Pakku however he should remain sexist.. hmm getting over it so quickly feels kinda of meh to me.. but then again ive heard of transphobes quickly changing tunes when their kid is trans at times so i guess it not too far out of the realm. but it just felt like a copout to me with pakku finding out katara was the grandaughter of his old girlfriend=no longer sexist to katara esp at his age it seems very unlikely he change so quickly but eh thats just my thoughts on it.
anyway thats all i gotta say for now..
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variousqueerthings · 6 months
I didn't take notes during this episode, foolishly
it's Mummy On The Orient Express, and Clara is leaving... after one last hurrah! and there's a Mummy!
sexism rank objectification (female character is ogled/harassed/turned into a sex joke by the doctor and/or a lead we’re supposed to root for and/or the camera): 9/10
sexism rank plot-point (lead female character is only there to serve plot, not to have her emotional interiority explored, or given agency to her emotional interiority): 7/10
interesting complex or pointlessly complex (does the complexity serve the narrative or does it just serve to be confusing as a stand-in for smart, this includes visually): 8/10
furthers character and/or lore and/or plot development (broader question that ties into the previous ones, at least two of these, ideally three should be fulfilled): 8/10
companion matters (the companion doesn’t always have to be there, but if the companion is there, can they function without the doctor– and overall per season how often is the companion the focus or POV of the story): 3/10
the doctor is more than just “godlike” (examines the doctor’s flaws and limitations, doesn’t solve a plot by having it revolve entirely around the doctor’s existence): 6/10
doesn’t look down on previous doctor who (by erasing or mocking its importance, by redoing and “bettering” previous beloved plotpoints or characters, etc.): 6/10
isn’t trying to insert hamfisted sexiness (m*ffat famously talked a lot about how dw should be sexier multiple times, he sucks at writing it): 10/10
internal world has consistency (characters have backgrounds, feel rooted in a place with other people, generally feel like they have Lives): 5/10
Politics (how conservative is the story): 5/10
FULL RATING: 67/100 (if I can count….)
okay okay, we're a little higher, although as mentioned about this era, it feels a little more complicated to rate with this system than s5-7
OBJECTIFICATION: considering Clara's wearing a flapper dress, it's remarkably, refreshingly free from "sexy" commentary
we do forever have Clara's suit in Time Heist to compare to...
PLOT-POINT: this episode is about Clara figuring out her Stuff around the Doctor and yeah, "I'm fully addicted to the power of travelling the universe and affecting events and will allow other facets of my life to be shit in service of this" feels like a strong Character Moment
Clara is giving me a bit of Rose Tyler energy in this idea (not in personality as such but... some things for sure), but I'm going to wait until I've seen it all to get more into that
of course, the actual way the Doctor treats her in this episode isn't... great... but that, I think, is part of it. the Doctor continues to get away with this behaviour, because the upsides still outweigh the downsides
COMPLEXITY: I'm keeping this for now, because I cannot remember if the train computer mastermind Gus comes back to this or is relevant... as it stands it's reeelatively simple on the whole, but with some curveballs in relation to why it matters that they study the Mummy, which we still don't know
I will allow this, it's giving a little teaser for something in the future, potentially.... technically the Mummy going after the weakest first is kind of silly, surely a soldier would be going for the strongest first? or am I showing a lack of understanding in good tactics... eh, I'll allow it
the ending wraps up kind of abruptly though, we're told what happens rather than shown
CHARACTERS/LORE/PLOT: Clara is now going to keep hold of her incompatible parts of life with an iron fist, and keep travelling with the Doctor
there's another mystery with who Gus is and why they gathered people to study the Mummy
the Doctor was respectful to a soldier + there's another one onboard in the main cast, so that tendril is still with us
COMPANIONS MATTER: Clara doesn't actually... do much. which undermines part of the Thing around the power that comes with travelling. M*ffat-era once again is really really weak in giving the companion just... Things To Do in the episode plot, beyond having emotions about things
“GODLIKE” DOCTOR: Ohhhhhhhh the Doctor. is still a dick. there's a speech at the end of this, where the Doctor explains that sometimes there are no good decisions (which is oddly echoing what Science Lady from last episode said in order to justify killing the moon, which the Doctor didn't agree with, so...???) and so he needed to be pragmatic about the situation
but does that explain the sheer dickishness with which the Doctor treats people with a minute to live, who know they're going to die, who are scared?
does it engage with this line, explaining why the Doctor is cold and rude to people who have just seen aforementioned death, and wonder if they could be next?: People with guns to their heads can’t mourn
does it give a good excuse for the Doctor calling everyone around him "idiots" for not knowing what's going on?
now, this is presumably a part of the ongoing exploration of this Doctor's abrasive nature, but I do keep going back to Time Heist, which had the Doctor be abrasive without being cruel. this Doctor is often incredibly cruel, for no reason
character regression continues
PREVIOUS DOCTOR WHO: there's a few little callbacks, nothing special in one way or another
“SEXINESS”: I will say this season seems to be blissfully free of this post-Deep Breath!
INTERNAL WORLD: yeah, I won't think too deeply about this, because it would break immersion a tad. the idea of this train in space. the way it works. the reason it's there. the recreation of a British era of colonialist and classist ideals. the fact that most of the guests turn out to be holograms and nobody onboard realised this. how big is this train? are there other guests elsewhere? why these scientists? what do those characters bring to the table a single time in the episode? why was that woman on there with her grandmother? etcetc. stretched a bit thin for The Bit
POLITICS: aforementioned Orient Express In Space concepts are a bit unthought-out. it's not egregious, it's just there. more soldiers
I'm noticing soldiers, because it wants me to notice soldiers, but what is it telling me about soldiers? on the whole? I'd love it if there was more... Substance in the soldiers being shown. the concept about soldiering
FULL RATING: 67/100 (if I can count….)
I would appreciate it if eventually the soldier Stuff pays off, both narratively and politically, but I'm not convinced M*ffat has enough of a political opinion on the military
would appreciate it if the Doctor's dickishness pays off/is explored, but oh boy are they running with this for over half a season!
Clara's trajectory is quite interesting
hope the little teasers pay off also
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cl00udyyanan · 1 year
Pisces ♓ and Xiao pls ehe~
i just want everyone to know my suffering as this is like the fifteen millionth xiao request ive gotten, am i still complaining? yes. yes i am. jkjkjk yk i love that adeptus
aries and pisces
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you guys are opposites in the best way, you love the way xiao leads and takes inititive, and xiao appreiciates how you care for him after a long day yk. you're his back bone and he's your anchor, keeping you grounded when you've drifted to far into the clouds. its a sweet, but passionate love although in a different way. just take care of him and he'll do just about anything for you. also (my moot gave me this idea) he's a bird. he'll find shiny things and return them to you, idc how dingy it is. he found it for you so you must cherish no ifs or buts. once xiao is comfortable talking around you, you two can talk eachothers ears off about anything. your love is sweet and real. you both are so loyal to eachother. just so cute tbh.
the only major problem is being able to accept eachoethers flaws. whn you want to stay home and relax, xiao may want to go out and enjoy the liyue air. you need to give xiao a bit more drive and he should be able to be more understanding of your emotions. just small things make the biggest impact
honestly, its a nice relationship, nothing more to be said!
comaptibilty: 84
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islandofsages · 2 years
hi omg tysm for doing my request i loved it!! if it's okay can i request being best friends with childe and venti in high school au this time??
summary: in which you two are best friend, and maybe not just for these three short years.
characters: childe and venti (separate)
tags: gn!reader, platonic, fluff + a bit of crack in venti’s, hc format
warnings: none
author's notes: hi again anon!! im glad you liked it :] also sorry if venti’s doesn’t really sound like a high school au i tried my best LOL i hope you like this one too anon <3
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he’s definitely the most popular kid at school though he has some rivals but he implores you not to mention them without his permission. with his good looks, charisma, athleticism and status as an honors student, he’s got everyone’s attention. and when i say everyone, i mean everyone. not only students and teachers - even the janitors and cooks have taken a liking to the boy. what does he do with all this attention? absolutely nothing. he hangs out with you anyway
if you’re also one of the popular kids then people won’t question your friendship but if you’re more on the down low or, to put it nicely, you barely have any you can genuinely call a friend, being best friends with childe is a bit suffocating. emphasis on a bit - you wouldn’t trade your friendship for anything. a little attention never killed anybody, you know? especially if you get to be best friends with one of the coolest people that’s ever graced this earth, popular kid status aside
he’d help you if you’re struggling with studies by tutoring you! whether it be at the school’s library or either of you two’s house, there is never a dull moment during your study session. even then, your study sessions are never unproductive either. if you beat yourself over how slow you’re progressing, he won’t hesitate to assure you that it’s okay to take baby steps. everyone starts somewhere after all even though your math test is literally tomorrow
“eh? our math exam’s tomorrow? well, that’s all the more reason to grind as much as possible today! c’mon, (y/n), go go go!”
that’s one of his flaws though - he can’t seem to remember any of the dates for any school event. midyears? you mean that’s actually in the middle of the school year? sports day? you’re telling him he’s been practicing track and field this past few days because it’s actually next week? needless to say, it’s great teasing material.
if he doesn’t have any after school activities, he likes hanging out with you at that one cafe after school. you like to joke around with him by saying every teenager likes hanging out at cafes and he shushes you every time by shoving whatever pastry he feels like having that day into your mouth. luckily enough, there’s a reason why he likes that cafe so much - its pastries are all to die for and the baristas are skilled in making latte art. he likes it almost as much as he likes you, which is saying something
one day, he even asked one of the baristas to draw a picture of you in your cup of coffee - and to his delight, the barista happily obliged. you were so flattered you had to take a picture of your drink. and childe couldn’t help taking a picture of your blinding smile too; and he won’t ever delete it. such a memento will stand the ravages of time and be a monument of your everlasting friendship, even after your high school years.
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he asked you to join his “emo band” once. it was…an interesting experience.
“quit your job, (y/n).”
“i don’t even have a job??? how do you know my name anyway???”
“shut up and join my emo band!”
despite what he says, he’s not really the “emo” kind. not always, anyways. he was just scouting potential band members because he was very hung up on the idea of a high school band for some reason. you rejected him at first but he was very persistent so you have no choice but to join even if you have little to no musical prowess whatsoever and you don’t regret making that decision as if you had any say in the matter in the first place
turns out, that was just his way of finding friends - you can’t say that it’s the most efficient way of befriending people but he did rope you in so you can’t really say it’s not efficient either. plus, he does genuinely want to form a band! it’s just that finding members hasn’t been that easy for him. in fact, you’re the only member other than him! so you just offer to do the best you can for him, though you worry how it will affect your studies and overall high school life
safe to say though, befriending venti has spiced things up for you - after all, when you’re in high school, people are always looking to make things interesting and eventually go out with a bang. venti in particular is one of these types of people; although not many tolerate him, those who do (including you, of course) find themselves heavily influenced by his lifestyle. whether that’s a good thing or not depends on the person, though you find it to be a little bit of both
you two like hanging out by busking around town after school it’s not like he’s a member of any clubs anyway. plus, somebody would probably report him to the student council for causing a disturbance. you usually just watch him strum his guitar and dedicate a song or two for his audience but on rare occasions, you’d join in. whether it be singing along or you bring an instrument of your own, you two are always guaranteed applause from whoever bothers listening. one time, a classmate of yours saw you two singing together and suggested to you two to participate in the talent show at school later that week
before you could decide anything, he immediately agreed to it. oh, typical venti, always doing things without waiting for your approval. but you can’t help but feel excited - and you were right to. you two killed it! and when he turned to look at you and offer his biggest smile, you knew your friendship is as timeless as that shining day; and that this whole high school band thing would soon become a regular band thing.
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dominustempori · 1 year
Not every day an actor you admire gets you to watch one of their movies...
Long post, you've been duly warned.
So if you've seen my more recent blogs, I've been obsessing (a bit, healthily, I assure you) over a certain adventure game series. And from there, I'm doing like I usually do when I want to know more about an actor I REALLY like. Finding other stuff they've done, checking out what social media they use here and there, non-profits they support and promote and what have you...
Enter Alexandra Boyd. Actor, writer, director...inspiration.
Podcasts? Check. Her own personal site? Check. Clips from past British shows she had minor AND major roles in? Check.
Finding out her latest film is a documentary about some of the "core extras," including herself, that were in 1997's 'Titanic?' And the trailer for it looks REALLY good?...didn't see that coming.
Truth: until, like, literally now, I NEVER SAW TITANIC.
I was probably the ONLY teenager in AMERICA that had no desire to go watch it, or had a crush on Leo DiCaprio for that matter.
But...granted, I remembered that other actors I've come to REALLY like over time since I was in high school, they were in the movie: Victor Garber, Bernard Hill, Ioan Gruffud, David Warner...you get the idea. I think I prefer Kate Winslet's performance in "Sense and Sensibility" to her Rose but, eh, I'm a little biased.
And, well there's good reasons why 'Titanic' got so many Academy Awards that year...but I'll be real: I was pretty damn excited when "Return of the King" got all of ITS Oscars for 2003.
Few days ago, I took a chance, hoping I didn't come off as too-much-of-an-awkward fangirl, and shot Alexandra a shoutout on Messenger, saying how amazing it was that she came back for her role as Elaine in Return to Monkey Island. And, kind of offhandedly, mentioned how cool the "Ship of Dreams" (her documentary that's releasing soon) looked, and...how I never saw Titanic but now was kind of inspired to after how many years.
She kindly responded to my message (yay!) and highly recommended to watch "Titanic" at the very least to obtain more of and appreciation for 'Ship of Dreams' when it comes out (I've no idea if it'll be in theaters where I live, but then again, I'm going to ask an acquaintance of mine, who just happens to be the director of a local historical theatre with a small modern cinema next to it, if they could possibly get hold of it. Small city living yo.)
Overall...I liked it. I definitely need to watch it again. Full on experience should be more than my library's letterboxed basic edition on my laptop.
Some scenes and lines...I was all "Oh yeah, right. Uh-huh." Dramatic license sort of getting in the way. Strongest dialogue...maybe not so much? Little cornball in places? Mm, well, putting on the romantic plot in an ultimate disaster movie...kind of lends itself to that sort of thing.
But didn't I LOVE to hate (well, strongly dislike) Billy Zane and David Warner's characters. Which of course is the idea. And I was internally cheering on Kate and Leo pretty much the whole way through. Kathy Bates was probably the best of all the first class passengers that got focused on.
Held my breath and tensed up and...closed my eyes for many of the stunt/action shots once the ship hit the iceberg. That music score realllly helped with that. Once it got to that certain high angle and you got more of the screaming...yeah, that broke me. Knew it was coming but still...hit me right in the feels. And didn't Victor look SO SAD when he realized the truth that his ship's design turned out to be SO flawed. Oh he plays that so well.
BUT I didn't get teary until good old (then unknown) Ioan "My Man Hornblower" Gruffud turned his lifeboat around and desperately called out if anyone in the water was still alive.
Yeah, I liked it. More than I thought I would. Surprised me quite a bit, which is usually a good thing. Need to find me more behind-the-scenes stuff. I'm intrigued, and that's always a good sign that I enjoyed a film.
So TL, DR: Alexandra Boyd basically got me to watch 'Titanic.' How cool is that? Thanks, Alexandra, and cheers!
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treesap-blogs · 1 year
Aaa sorry it’s been a while! Here’s my review of The Gilded Ones by Namina Forna!
Hello, Tumblrians!!! It probably hasn’t been that long since my last post haha, but I was supposed to post it earlier (I finished this less than 24 hours after my Firekeeper’s Daughter post, but this is taking a bit to compile). I just ate this book up in the course of a little less than 3 days and had to get to writing my thoughts.
I enjoyed The Gilded Ones about as much as Iron Widow, even with its flaws, which is saying something if you’ve seen my last post!! Everything kicked off right from the first page (not with the inciting incident of course but it wasted no time introducing everything), as a result I didn’t have to go through the Dreaded One-Hundred Pages Of Exposition that appears in some other fantasy novels. From there, I thought that we got a great idea of this story’s world, and all of the different cultures and history part of it (especially because different backgrounds got to be discussed with the incredibly diverse cast of characters)! (I trust we’ll get more specifics on the regions throughout the series.) It’s a unanimous opinion that the first half of the book had the best writing in it, and I agree with that! It’s what hooked me in enough to completely blaze through this book.
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I kind of got thrown around a lot by the amount of plot twists though, Deka had like..three other layers to her origin and heritage to unpack and I can’t say it was revealed slowly because you can notice those plot points when the “quirks” of her abilities are described(she’s just kind of in denial about it a bit so have those “oh that’s what that is??” moments several pages ahead of her), it seems that those parts of the story had more of a divided opinion among the readerbase but I enjoyed it nonetheless. Although, it didn’t really feel like a mystery? Sure, there was a lot that Deka wanted to know about herself, but we didn’t get hit with clues or that much buildup. 
Spoilers when I say this (sorry) but by the end, the deathstrikers felt a little bit like the Hunduns (but if they, yknow, had been given a chance to survive, and existed on the same planet at the same time. Both were written unexpectedly sympathetic by the end).
Impressively, the alaki were still given solid stakes, despite being almost immortal! You could still fear one of your favorites permanently being killed off, there was still that kind of threat there and the tension kept the story going–but I do feel like most of that was undone by the end. I’ll elaborate on it in the spoiler section.
SPOILER SECTION! Parameters listed if you do not wish to trudge through it.
OK ANYWAYS!! So. The alaki reincarnate into deathshrieks right after they die, therefore changing the dynamic of the fighting against them COMPLETELY. That takes away most of the worry of not seeing a character again after they die, because it’s possible, they’ll just…be a little messed up. And have to kill any humans that show fear against them? Obviously, there’s the whole thing of how they’ll likely die again, deathshrieks, if their name wasn’t any indicator, aren’t exactly protected by anyone else other than their kind(they’re meant to be these uncanny creatures). So while the stakes aren’t completely taken away..eh, it’s a thing readers will either hate or be okay with. (I know the readerbase is really divided about this, let me know your thoughts please!!)
I thought the romance between Deka and Keita was alright. I have a feeling it’s due to the kinds of tropes I usually enjoy, and while I thought in retrospect it should’ve had more time(although it was incredibly easy to guess it would happen), I thought they were cute. Keita couldn’t understand the kind of pain Deka’s gone through, but he had an idea of it, and although that kind of frustrated me at times I thought it was sweet that he still tried to help her.
Anyhow. I think that’ll be all I have that’s spoiler-y to say. I’m not in as much of a review-making-space as I usually am, for some reason. 
While I’m a little puzzled as to where the sequel is going to go from here, as the ending left off on a note that seemed like it was opening up for one but it’s..kind of hard to establish another solid and consistent threat(think one mentioned in summary-to-summary) when the plot was flipped on its head(and the ending feels increasingly clunky the more I think about it), you just gotta pull out a new element at that point. Oh well. However, I do think it’d be interesting to see how the alaki process their new life and knowledge, as well as how everything is going to be wrapped up, really??? We unfortunately didn’t get to see a ton of that in the end. It was a little rushed, in the way that the alaki just immediately went along with Deka.
There’s a lot of openings for interpersonal and even political conflict left by the ending. I’m curious to see how Namina Forma adds onto that, or if she addresses it. (I have The Merciless Ones on my TBR and one of my local libraries just ordered it!) (Sidenote, please support your local libraries, readers! It’s less money deducted from your bank account, and with that you can read more books, + it’s just nice to support them! They need it.)
It’s predictable, and feels pretty trope-y(something that I have to admit I didn’t notice as much of due to being someone who just started reading and hasn’t consumed a ton of YA yet), and it gets to be a wild ride towards the end, but, credit where credit is due, it is a very interesting and engaging read (regardless of what direction the plot goes in). It’s a read I recommend, although I understand why others may think differently.
(Also, my rating style’s kind of wack because I choose to rate things based on perceived quality and not my enjoyment. This book’s one of my favorites for sure idc how many stars it is or the amount of plotholes.)
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 Stars
Paz, signing off! ^^
(Book trigger/content warnings: Torture, gore, some experienced racism, PTSD and grief.)
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villains4hire · 1 year
Eve Ruhn’hakarae, Shifter Knight.
1. Rune-hah-car-a is how you pronounce it all together if you need to know how to say it.
2. This verse will have everything from a fantasy, modern and sci-fi verse and use Eve’s already existing icons.
3. This will be using DnD 5e for a base, but I don’t expect to completely adhere to everything and just a general idea. I expect your character from that Universe/Fandom if working with mine or against her to either scale her down in terms of level to be equal to yours or you scaling up. It doesn’t matter if they don’t plan on adventuring, however, though I will say I am open to her being a Teacher of sorts given her nature.
4. Eve for this AU variant will be a lot more chill and using the Changeling Race with my own flare to it, though she will still be eh, I’d say somewhere between Lawful Neutral and Lawful Evil as the DnD alignment system is somewhat flawed inherently. She will also be focusing more on shapeshifting for fighting style, and while I have it based in DnD? I’m just going to give a general idea as to not limit my own descriptions of form shifting, striking while shifting and utilizing those powers, etc.
5. This will be using my homebrew subclass called Shifter Knight which utilizes transforming into monsters and all that entails, however, I have extensively balanced this subclass, going from the ENTIRE CR 0 to CR 8 monster list of DnD 5e to balance all the powers, monsters, etc that this class can become as a Shapeshifter Arcane Warrior, while also not overshadowing Rune Warrior or Moon Druid to give it an identity of its own. I can link the page privately if you desire to see it, but I am adhering to it and the balances, limitations and counters the class has to it compared to something like Rune Knight who doesn’t need verbal or somatic components for example to use its abilities, albeit not counting as spells, so they can’t be counterspelled, but are affected by things such as a Beholder’s Anti-Magic Cone which would force her to stay as normal or stay in the form if standing in it. I say this because this took a lot of work and totals in around 13 pages for this subclass alone.
6. Some monster abilities I will actually roll for as if using a higher level Eve? Some of her forms have petrifying-like abilities or even at lower levels though more similar to that of the Cockatrice. Then remember some abilities are outright nerfed/changed to be once per turn or allowed to make a save at the end of their turn. I say this mechanical stuff to hopefully make an understanding that I’m not using the straight-up stat block and rather my 13 pages of rulings on the subclass.
7. As with the nature of the character? There’s quite a bit of body horror. I’d read her forms and tell me which isn’t ‘comfortable’ to use, if any.
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Eve’s reference, basically only a recolor was needed as her race was originally based off the Changeling to begin with, though I will be keeping my variations and deviants.
Do I want them to die: Eve to some degree I will allow to die. Separate timeline and bad ends are fully fine, however. They just need plotting. Will I have/get icons: I’ve given her icons. Tag: lvl 5, lvl 10, lvl 15, lvl 20, epic lvl - shifting tides (fantasy/modern verse, basically puts her in a DnD like universe or modern universe with a gun as part of her arsenal compared to normal) - shifting space (sci-fi verse) Either within the far future or within the depths of space like Star Wars, Star Trek, Star Finder or even something like Final Space. Age: Several Centuries to thousands of years, depending on what level, but I’d be fine with her advancing at the same pace as yours. Sex: AMAB. Gender: Trans Female, she/him. Eve has no real concept of human gender standards. Race: Quarter Tiefling (Zariel Subrace), Changeling (Base Race and Statline Used) Sexuality: Has no real sexual preference but is active. Personality traits: Silent until she knows you. Blunt. Cruel if pushed to the point of fighting. Can be passionate. Can be loyal. Can be hard to guess. Is somewhat mysterious. Can be extremely loving, but it’s rare. Though is capable of platonic friendships that are deeply intimate as well or motherly. Can be fun, likes adventure and exploring. Has a grim sense of humor, but can be joking. Wise with experience, but had a time where she wasn’t as knowledgeable and is only really skilled in what she’s studied in and battle. Calculating, somewhat cautious at times. She likes to eat people sometimes, but tends to lean toward mostly in battle or just bastards. Pretty relaxed underneath it all. Mental traits: Has an alien mindset and viewpoint to certain topics or things, but has much more humanity than one would guess. Physical traits: She’s around 6′4, has fluffy long flowing hair, and he’s rather muscular, though the definition is hidden by the nature of a Changeling’s body. Though their height can vary when using a Changeling’s ability to around 3′0 to 10′0 depending on what common race she’s disguising herself as at the time. Then her monster form height can widely vary depending on looks. Otherwise, she can rip most people in half even without Storm Giant’s Belt. Has hooves and a tail as part of her quarter Tiefling bloodline.
Powers: statline and skills, racial powers, items, then classes and feats. Keep in mind that this is scaled down significantly the lower lvl she is for her tagline. This is to give a good idea of what she’s capable of and to be able to scale her down.
HP: 240ish at max level or in epic levels. (Average for Fighters is around 170 to 240ish, especially if toughness is taken)
Strength: 18, Belt of the Storm Giant (29 strength) when wearing it at higher lvls.
Dexterity: 10.
Constitution 20.
Intelligence 16.
Wisdom 12.
Charisma 8.
Athletics. Acrobatics. Survival. Perception. (Fighter Class and Background). Persuasion. Intimidation.
Saving Throws:
It vastly depends on what form she currently is using.
Common, Deep Speech, Giant, Elvish. Undercommon.
Racial Powers:
Standard Stats:
Her main power as a Changeling is to Shapeshift into any race or species she knows of that is medium or smaller as an action. She does not gain any benefits from the race doing this, merely acting as it without others assuming her true nature. She often disguises herself as an Elf, though will take the shapes of monsters when dealing with them or passing by if she doesn’t intend to fight them, though sometimes has to tap into her arcane reserves for the more complicated, powerful forms.
Her mixed bloodline even by Changeling standards has made her natural physical traits different compared to the average Changeling.
Eve’s tampering of her own life and form has made her cease aging.
Items: (Keep in mind the more insane things such as the ‘Belt of Storm Giant Strength’ or anything like that in terms of legendary rarity is kept to lvl 15 and above.
Main Equipment: For her armor, it is either none before lvl 10 or Storm Giant’s Bone Full-Plate, an extremely sturdy armor, giving quite the defense when morphing it onto her forms and resistance toward lightning. A magic +3 longsword with a fire enchantment on it. A magic +3 great-axe with a wounding enchantment, designed to cause massive bleeding against targets when used and is her usual main weapon. Then a magic +3 great axe of dragonslaying as a situational weapon. A few magic javelins returning for utility. (They return on throwing them). A backup greataxe of +3 that deals fire damage and a +3 shortsword. Dagger of +3. A bag of holding. A backpack. Butcher’s Kit. Mess Kit. Rations.
Minor Magic Equipment: A ring of slowfall, as to avoid being killed through great heights or teleportation. Potions of flying if dealing with flying enemies, mostly for utility. A few potions of supreme healing, only three or four at the most. Then quite a few superior healing potions, around six to eight. Rope of Climbing.
Major Artifacts that require attunement: Belt of the Storm Giant’s Strength. A Mantle of Spell Resistance. (Both self-explanatory) Ring of Evasion, it’s used when failing dexterity based saving throws.
Classes and Feats: this segment will be starting only with fighter and its subclass.
Fighter (20 levels put into):
Fighting Style: Great Weapon Fighting, an expert in two-handed weaponry to do more brutal strikes with her greataxe or natural attacks.
Unarmed Fighting: Increased Prowess in using her Changeling Claws and forms natural attacks when it comes to physical brutality.
Adrenaline Surge: Tapping in her adrenaline reserves using her arcane shaping? Eve is able to gain a massive burst of energy to strike another four times to a total of eight within around six seconds, or to grapple the enemy.
Changeling Regeneration: tapping into her chaotic ancestry and form’s nature, she may regenerate a certain amount of hp.
Changeling Fluid Strikes: her attacks are as confusing as the perception of her form in the field of battle, swinging with intense speed and unnatural accuracy as she shifts and changes her form. While she may not be faster than some species when not transformed? In any of her forms, along with her true form? Eve’s amount of speed and brutality is near unmatched.
Chaotic Endurance: the nature of Eve’s being is truly chaotic, few can outlast a being with such chaotic genetics, further augmented by their own designs. Eve has the ability to overcome or shrug off some of the most horrible effects.
Subclass Shifter Knight: The amount of times she can shift isn’t infinite, but can be devastating if using her abilities to swap to different forms for certain situations or to utilize certain abilities while transforming. It uses the Eldritch Knight’s Spell Table for the amount of ‘Spell Slots’ that count toward Arcane Form Shapes. I will include a power list, a short descriptor of the humanoid characteristics if she’s not using the complete natural form. I have cut some of the forms of course as not all are needed or don’t fit with the theme compared to playing an actual game of DnD for example, so some might be altered to reflect lore strength.
Footnote: you need two hands to swing a great-axe, but nothing in the rules states you can’t do a somatic gesture for a spell with one hand while holding the great-axe in the other. I will also be using a form of ‘altered’ latin for my own spells.
Chosen Monster Typings:
Aberration. Giant. Monstrosity.
Monster Forms and Power List CR 0 to CR 1/2:
( Figura Diaboli Pullus ) Cockatrice (Monstrosity, Small): Dark Vision 60 ft. 40 fly ft. 20 ft. Petrifying Bite (Temporary Petrify). Forms a razor beak and face shape to support it with wings, her skin turns to that of a cockatrice’s in color with glowing yellow eyes with no pupils.
( Figura Magna Canis ) Worg (Monstrosity, Large): Strong Bite with knock prone once per turn. Keen hearing and smell like that of a bloodhound. 50 ft. Dark Vision 60 ft. Her humanoid form she sprouts a large amount of white fur akin to the texture of her hair and its pure white color, then has a long biting snout and often could be mistaken as an unnaturally large Werewolf standing in around 8′9.
Monster Forms and Power List CR 1 to CR 3:
( Figura Hastae Coleoptera ) Ankheg (Monstrosity, Large): Strong, Acidic Bite. Acid Spray Line. Dark Vision 60 ft. Tremorsense 60 ft. 30 ft. Burrow 10 ft. She is around 9′0 in her humanoid form for this and has brown, spiked chitin and mandibles to replace her mouth.
( Figura Basilisci ) Basilisk (Monstrosity, Large): Petrifying Gaze 30 ft. 20 ft. Dark Vision 60 ft. Strong Poison, Strong Bite. She stands around 10′0 as this form grows countless red brownish spikes on her back and tail. She has countless large sharp teeth in a new reptilian maw and scales.
( Figura Faciem Abactor ) Doppelganger (Monstrosity, Medium): Immunity to charm once per turn. Dark Vision 60 ft. 30 ft. Shapechanger (Works like Doppelgangers, not Changeling’s). Ambusher. Surprise Attack. Read Thoughts. Her skin merely goes pure white and she becomes completely smooth on her face, being utterly faceless.
( Figura Cerebrum Tentamenta ) Grell (Aberration, Medium): 10 ft. Fly 30 ft (Hover). Resistance to Lightning. Immune to blind or prone once per turn. Blindsight 60 ft (Blind beyond that radius). Strong Beak. Restraining, Paralyzing Tendrils. Grows a large beak in her humanoid form and has many reddish tendrils sprouting from her back that are constantly reaching and waving. She becomes faceless.
( Figura Avis Leonis ) Griffon (Monstrosity, Large): 30 ft. 80 Fly. Dark Vision 60 ft. Keen Sight. Beak. Strong Claws. She grows massive brown feathered wings in this form with brown feathers on her body as well, then talon hands and feet with a beak for a mouth. Her hair becomes more similar to feather down and her face, neck, and shoulders becomes feathered in a white mane standing in around 8′7.
( Figura Piscium Hominis ) Merrow (Monstrosity, Large): 10 ft. Swim 40 ft. Dark Vision 60 ft. Amphibious. Bite. Somewhat Strong Claws. In this form she’s around 9′0 and grows fish merrow scales, then reddish fins on her back while her hair is also replaced with feathers. Then furthermore: her tail becomes that of a merrow’s tail with red fins every so often going up for the behind of it.
( Figura Tauri Hominis ) Minotaur (Monstrosity, Large): 40 ft. Dark Vision 60 ft. Charge. Labyrinthine Recall. Reckless Attack. Strong Gore. She grows strong minotaur horns and her hair grows a bit longer, her body becomes much more broad and toned, and she stands around 9′5 in this form.
( Figura Spiritus Arachnidis ) Phase Spider (Monstrosity, Large): 30 ft. Climb 30 ft. LIMITED Ethereal Jaunt. Spider Climb. Web Walker. Strong Bite, deadly poison. She is around 8′5 in this form and her skin becomes pure white with a phase spider’s pattern of light blue on it and grows multiple glowing light blue eyes and mandibles to replace the features on her face.
Monster Forms and Power List CR 4 to CR 7:
( Figura Rostri Vermis ) Grick Alpha (Monstrosity, Large): Stone Camouflage. Strong Tail. Strong Beak. Strong Tentacles. Resistance to Piercing, Slashing, and Bludgeoning based on level. 30 ft. 30 climb. Dark Vision 60 ft. Tendrils grow on her back, she grows a beak and is around 8′7 in height.
( Figura Cerebri Comedentis ) Mind Flayer (Aberration, Medium): 30 ft. Dark Vision 120 ft. Magic Resistance once per turn. At will with 6 round cooldown: Detect Thoughts, levitate. Strong Psychic Tentacles. Extract the Brain. Mind Blast. In this form, she is around her same height and the tendrils appear around her wrists, her tongue becomes that of a xenomorph-like mouth and her skin turns purple.
( Figura Cerebrum Visus ) Mind Witness (Aberration, Large): 20 ft fly (hover). Immune to prone once per turn. Dark Vision 120 ft. Telepathic Hub. Brutal Bite. Brutal Psychic Tentacles, can grapple up to large. Eye Rays, roll 1d6. Take action. Multiple tendrils sprout from her back, along with tendrils with eye stalks at the end. Her skin turns red, and she grows a powerful maw on her mouth, and she’s around 9′0. Her eyes and tendril eyes change in a glowing psychedelic arrange of colors when using her eye rays.
( Figura Dentes Petrae ) Roper (Monstrosity, Large): 10 ft. 10 climb. Dark Vision 60 ft. False Appearance (Rocks, Cave Structures). Grasping Tendrils. Spider Climb. Brutal Bite. Tendril 50 ft reach. Reel 25 ft. In this form Eve is around 9′5 and has 20 ft long tendrils sprouting from her back that can stretch to 50 ft, regenerate and so on.
( Figura Petra Hominis ) Stone Giant (Giant, Huge): 40 ft. Stone Camouflage. Rock. Pickup Boulder. Rock Catching. Eve’s skin merely turns gray, and she stands around 15ish feet tall. 10 ft reach. 15 ft reach with a weapon.
( Figura Dentes Bufo ) Banderhobb (Monstrosity, Large): 30 ft. Dark Vision 120 ft. Immune to charm, frighten once per turn. Resonant Connection (allows tracking of a target in one mile if having a possession of theirs). Shadow Stealth. Brutal Grapple Bite. Tongue 15 ft, necrotic damage, bonus action bite. Swallow Whole (Medium or Smaller), restraint, blind, necrotic digestion. Shadow Step. Teleports up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space of dim light or darkness, Eve can see. Cooldown 6 rounds, cannot use attack or bite with this ability. Eve is around 10′0 in this form and has a large, subtle maw to which she can easily consume a target. Her skin turns green, her hair becomes a greenish tint.
Monster Forms and Power List CR 8:
( Figura Serpens Draconis ) Hydra (Monstrosity, Huge): 30 ft. 30 swim. Dark Vision 60 ft. Hold Breath. Multiple Heads. Reactive Heads. Wakeful. Massive Regeneration. Strong Bites. Limited Multi-Head Attacks. She stands around 20ish feet tall with strong light green and dark green scales and fins with strong, powerful jaws. Four hydra heads with long necks sprout from her back in this form. Reach 15 ft.
( Figura Ignis Custos ) Fomorian (Giant, Huge): 30 ft. Dark Vision 120 ft. Odd Physiognomy. Stealthy Hunter. Brutal Fist. Reach 15 ft. Evil Eye, Deals Psychic Damage. Curse of Evil Eye, Deforms Target. Eve is around 17ish foot tall in this form. Her skin turns gray, her glowing eyes fused into a reddish fiery one, think akin to the eye of sauron from lord of the rings. This is one of the few forms she has an actual pupil in, it is a large black slit of the void as its fiery gaze trails to its targets. She has no mouth, lips, or nose in this form and most of the eye takes up her face other than the chin. This is her favored form other than Hydra and then Cloaker in certain situations.
( Figura Dentium Pallium ) Cloaker (Aberration, Large): 10 ft. fly 40 ft. Dark Vision 60 ft. Damage Transfer once per turn against a target that hits her. False Appearance, can disguise herself as a dark leather cloak. Light Sensitivity. Strong Bite. Tail Hit. Restraint Large or Smaller, blinded with advantage. Screech 60 feet, causes fear to single targets. Phantasms, long rest, the cloaker makes 3 duplicates unless in bright light. Roll a 1d4 whether or not an illusion is hit. Eve becomes around 10′0 and has a white underbelly, then a blue back and big maw. Then her arms have a cloak attached to her body and then spikes on her tail.
Shifter Knight Feats:
Shifter Bond: this allows the Shifter Knight’s fighting styles to influence their natural attacks, armor or otherwise depending on what they have chosen. It also gives the Shifter Knight the ability to keep the effects of their equipped items and ability to use them in combat, it also optionally allows the Shifter Knight to use the plate they are wearing to form natural armor on their forms. Along with limited resistances, a large telepathy reach while transformed, monster feats and powers that while not perfectly replicated for all? They are impressive in the arsenal they offer, along with the Shifter Knight’s ability to easily learn new forms from books in a matter of time or instantly upon observing the creature they wish to become.
Shifter Prowess: this allows the Shifter Knight to fight with their equipped weapons that change in size with them, and use their humanoid forms combined with their monster forms and monster size. For Eve's case? She simply adopts the aesthetic of the creature onto herself when deciding to use her weapons, and may equip them seamlessly for the weapon she has equipped prior to transforming. Granted, she is only able to use one of her natural weapons in either or hand for whatever main attack she is making, so either a claw or tendril and so on when wielding her great axe.
Shifter Strike: natural weapon attacks from her claws and transformations other than things such as poison penetrate magical resistance and immunity.
Shifter Enlightenment: this allows the user to expand their typing choice dramatically outside the normal through true genius. The Shifter Knight no longer ages once full maturity is reached, and finds learning new forms through books rather easily.
Improved Shifter Bond: the Shifter Knight is capable of delivering a strike in the midst of transforming, whether the natural weapon of the creature or using a one-handed weapon that’s currently equipped. The Shifter Knight is able to tap further into her ability to use her inner arcane augmentation forms to use them more frequently by merging the spell slots of her arcane forms from CR 4 to CR 8 together. Albeit it is not infinite by any means, it is the philosopher's stone of self-augmentation and inner arcane might to be a brutal, abominable dervish of claws, teeth and powers in a grotesque flurry of death and overwhelming strength.
Trained Feats and Stats:
Trained Strength, Intelligence, Constitution: Eve has left herself rather versatile in terms of her trained traits, utilizing her knowledge and items to further the effectiveness of her deadly shapes.
Trained Toughness: through training and arcane augmentation? Eve’s endurance has been increased to supernatural levels.
Great Weapon Master: Eve has specifically trained to be a master when it comes to her brutal strikes.
Grappler: Eve is capable of wrestling and using the sheer advantage to the wrestling ability she has, using tendrils, claws or other odd appendages or even maws to swallow unfortunate foes depending on the form she currently has. Then in general is capable of taking out individuals in take-down techniques.
Motivations: To adventure and increase her physical and mental skills. To eat all kinds of things and people. To have a bit of fun when she can. Otherwise, finding love is always nice either with friends or lovers. Killing things is always fun as well as enhancing, making new forms and studying various artifacts, animals and creatures.
Backstory: Eve’s lineage hails from the mighty Changeling Shapers of the world, born in a mixed bloodline, highly encouraged within her society to ever make their pool of genetics as chaotic as possible. Eve’s morality reflects that of her society, that while she leans toward something neutral? Her willingness to experiment, shape life or contribute to the study of it through self-shaping augmentations? Has left her with a rather questionable sense of right and wrong, leaning somewhere between Lawful Neutral and Lawful Evil, as she is a warrior by nature, her family, friends often indicating it might have to do with her bloodline, though her scholar-like nature and questionably unethical practices and viewpoints to other monsters and people is a direct result of the Shaper Society and its viewpoints when it comes to expanding their power, influence and strengthening their chaotic natures down o the very core of their being.
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jtprojects · 1 year
Snake Game with JavaScript
Blog Post 2 – INTP-362
Hello! If you came here after reading my first blog post (not necessary but it would be funny if u wanted to see my struggle) welcome back! It’s nice to see you again! If you diDN’T read the last blog post (the disloyalty smh /lh) hello! Nice to make your acquaintance!
If you aren’t aware what I’m doing here (tbh same life is definitely,,, A Thing™ for sure), I essentially ventured out to learn about game development in JavaScript (a coding language, often paired with HTML and CSS if you weren’t aware which is completely fair). I have previously had experience with JS in terms of website development but never really for game development. For the sake of this post and the catered audience, I’m just gonna assume that you know JS and HTML and CSS and all that jazz. If you don’t, my sincerest apologies (/s,,, kinda).
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(The title of the game and display of the current score would be what is controlled by html and css while everything in the black box would be controlled in js)
So, first thing I had to figure out which IDE to use. Now this wasn’t too hard of a choice, as I already have multiple different IDEs with options for JS, html, and css (by multiple I mean 2, the accursed netbeans and the modern and sleek vscode). For this project, due to its simplicity and familiarity, I chose vscode (I was gonna give a whole outline as to what vscode is but I’m not getting paid to do that so no thank you).
After getting my IDE decided and figured out, I had to find out what game I wanted to create. Of course, as I am overly ambitious (which I must admit is one of my fatal flaws) My initial idea was “hey, why don’t I make a short, simplified version of pokemon or a fighter game like mortal kombat or smash?” y’know, like a fool. While these goals may have been achievable if I had multiple months to do this and no sense of procrastination, it simply wasn’t possible to pull off unless I wanted to neglect my studies and focus solely on the game.
After hitting that miserable realization, I made up a list of games that I could make in the amount of time given and the amount of motivation I had inside of me (which,,, is not a lot actually). My list eventually came down to these games:
That one offline dino game on google
and Flappy Bird
Now all these games were doable, however, when it came to applying the things that I already knew, I would have to choose snake. As I had learned previously (not in the last blog post tho) how to control the movement of a shape based from keyboard input and object collision and everything of the sort, snake seemed like the easiest option to me.
After creating the project, I immediately created all the files and game them appropriate names (tho they deffo could’ve been better but eH ‘twas a lapse in judgment). First thing after creating all the files was to set up the html page.
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Just like any html page, I included the basic tags. The DOCTYPE, meta tags, title, a link to the css page and a script to the js page, a header with the extremely (/s) original title and a body with a div to show the current score and a canvas to allow me to draw in (canvas being the only new thing that has anything to actually do with my game).
Now I won’t bore you with the css details as most of it iS just setting the font, font colour, centering elements, placing elements side by side, and all that jazz hOWEVER, one thing that ig is really cool even though it’s not my original code bc in no way, shape, or form am I this cRACKED at css, would be the title.
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(It’s the text colour animation effect on https://alvarotrigo.com/blog/css-text-animations/ )
Now here’s where it gets into the fun bit. The first steps to actually be able to do anything would be create the display and context. (Just for a little bit of unnecessary context, the code being presented is not in order of the actual project it’s just been copied and pasted to show you what I want you to see like those illusionists or something)
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First thing we must do is create a grid in our minds. In this imaginary grid, each square is 25 pixels by 25 pixels, which has been assigned to the blockSize. Next we choose the dimensions of the display, I chose 20 blocks x 20 blocks. Then, as I had been taught in the past, we create the variables that are meant to hold the display information which is the width and height of the window and the context of the page just so that we can manipulate the window.
In the update function (the function that reruns every time the setInterval tells it to. This is the thing that I talked about last blog post that allowed for either a higher or lower fps.) we set the background colour as black using fillStyle and we draw the rectangle (square??? a square is a rectangle right?? geometry was rough) using fillRect. The first 2 values are the x and y of the top left corner of the display while the next 2 values are to set the actual size of the window.
Now, you may be like “hey, my guy, respectfully, you talked about display and setting the height and width and context and setInterval and actually drawing the window, but what about all the stuff in the middle? The change direction and foodRando and everything?” and to you, loyal reader, I say hush. It will all be revealed in good time impatient child.
Next, we draw the snake.
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Now just like the display, we get the X and Y of the snake head (obv not hardcoded bc we dO want it to move unlike irl). Next thing we add into the update function (don’t let the screenshot fool you this iS still the same update function as the last one). We also get the colour for the snake (I went fancy for this one and decided to do a hex code instead of just like,,, ‘green’ even though both would’ve produced similar results) and update the x and y of the snake based off of some things that will be talked about later on. We then continue to use fillRect again to draw the head of the snake.
Now the next bit is a bit more complicated then everything else shown previously (but if u know coding then its genuinely not that bad lmAO it just looks a bit spooky). In the for loop, we essentially create the variable i (you’ll see this bad boy a lot) and cycle through all the entries in the snakeBody to draw the rest of the body of the snake that way the snake’s body isn’t a fixed size. And can be increased depending on the entries in snakeBody.
 Next we have the for and if loop that’s placed before the snake display. The for loop is used when the snake is moving. Basically, every time the snake moves (and especially when the snake is turning) it allows the current section of the body to get the placement of the piece in front of it and replace it and moves down to the head which is placed using the if statement right after which is able to move (mostly) freely that way u can get those crisp 90 degree angles when your snake moves.
Finally, the last drawing piece, would be the food.
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Just like all the parts before this, we start with initializing the variables that are to be used when finding the placement of the food. In the update function, we do the same thing we did as before, we set the colour using fillStyle and fillRect to place the food somewhere in the window.
Now finally, for the part that I told you guys to wait for, the meaning of foodRando. What foodRando does is that it finds a random place on the window using Math.floor to ensure that the number chosen is rounded down to a while number and Math.random to find that random place. The for loop is to ensure that the x and y coords of the piece of food isn’t inside the snake otherwise it reruns until it lands in an empty space. This is ran every time a piece of food is eaten and when the website first launches.
And now we talk about the other part of displayScreen that you were (or were not idk I can’t tell… or can I? No I can’t don’t worry you’re safe for now).
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The next thing after being able to draw all these components to the window was to figure out how to actually move the snake. This is there the changeDirection comes into play. Inside displayScreen, we have an event listener which listens for when the user’s finger lifts off of an arrow on the keyboard, specified with ‘keyup’. Once that action takes place, the event listener runs changeDirection which takes in an event. in this event, we determine which key was pressed and move it according to the key that was pressed by changing vX and vY which is just the velocity. -1 in the Y variable means up while 1 means down. In the X variable, -1 is left and 1 means right. For both, 0 means just not moving.
But what is the && for? If you recall from all those years ago (it’s okay grandparent I get it ‘back in your day’ or whatever) the snake can’t  go from going up from going down immediately, same with left and right. This is because, if the snake were able to do that, it would just eat itself (and break its spine which isn’t really the best but who am I to judge) and immediately end the game. The && is meant to prevent that from happening. It’s a check to basically say “if you wanna do this, first we gotta make sure you ain’t doing the forbidden move”.
Lastly (if you’re still here, hOLAY I’m barely even still here lmAO how do you dO it what is the sECRET?), dealing with collisions that cause the game end and keeping and increasing score.
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For this last stretch, we state the variables for keeping score and ending the game, score and gameEnd. If you recall from the very beginning in displayScreen and in the html, there was some part with score in it. document.getElementById(“score”) is taking the variable from the js file and displaying it in the html so the reader gets some sort of validation beyond their snake getting longer (firstly, haha innuendo don’t look too deep into it. secondly, talk ab parental problems or something lmAO just like me frfr).
Next in the update function, we have the first if condition. In this condition we’re just specifying that, if gameEnd, the variable used to tell if the user has lost or not, is true, we end the game and restart using history.go (that’s something new that I learned I am but a tiny child) the page to allow the user to play again. The next if we have is to recognize when the snake has become fed and increase it’s size (like chickens to the slaughter) and increase the score. Once we have done that, we rerun foodRando, generating another piece of food.
 Finally, we enter the game end conditions. The first if statement is used to identify whether the head of the snake has hit the wall (like the tiktok sound or something idk). The for statement after that is recognize that if the head of the snake hits another part of the snake, that means it’s game over. For both, it recognizes game end by changing gameEnd to true and then sending an alert to the user (with a kinda mean message I’m sorry but not really) informing the player that they had lost the game.
In the end, this game was fun to make! I think if I were to go back and restart the game or add additional features, I would include things that I wanted to but was too overwhelmed to add like a menu where you can choose your display settings or maybe just a whole different project as this one seemed a bit simplistic and easy :P. While coding I realized just how similar this is to java or any coding language really. Truthfully, the only difference would be that of drawing the shapes and figuring out logic behind collisions and the syntax but everything else: the if and for statements, the functions, and logic behind everything is still the same. I think that was why I would’ve appreciated if I took on a harder game or task but, in the end, it was pretty fun to play with.
Now since you’ve all stuck with me for so long, here’s your reward: a gif demo of the actual game being used :D (if you want access to the full project, I have my github linked :) pls don't judge my abysmal snake skills).
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