#earl you're an angel
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meet earl (luke’s coworker from his part-time job) / he’s been stopping by to help luke with the house / earl doesn’t ask questions, just sees a good kid who obviously needs a little help / we love earl :)
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moonstruckme · 10 months
Sincerely Sappy
summary: Sirius is a big fan of pet names. You're not so keen on them, so he needs to convince you.
Sirius Black x fem! reader ♡ 736 words
You let the steam from the two mugs waft warmly over your face, inhaling the sweet, earthy aroma of the tea. Earl grey for Sirius, jasmine for you. You’re careful not to spill as you carry them to the couch, so careful that when you look up and catch Sirius’s gaze, it sends a tiny frision of surprise through you. 
This thing between you is still new, and the effect he has on you hasn’t ebbed; every time he walks into a room, or looks at you a certain way, or gifts you one of his sweet, slow smiles, it feels like your heart stops and starts again.
Sirius deploys one of those smiles now, reaching up to take his mug, but you move past him to set them both on the coffee table.
“Careful,” you say, turning his handle to face him. “Don’t burn yourself.” 
“Thanks, baby.” Sirius lets his hand brush yours appreciatively as he picks it up.
Baby. You laugh, and it comes out nervous and pitchy. “Ew, don’t call me that.” 
He blinks. “Why not? You don’t like it?”
“It—” It’s not that you don’t like it, necessarily. The endearment sends a buzzing from your core all the way to your fingertips that’s not strictly unpleasant, but… “I’m not a baby.” 
Sirius quirks a brow, blowing pensively on his tea. “You’re my baby, though.” 
You moan, letting your knees come up to your chest and hiding your face in your hands. Sirius’s laughter only worsens the warmth spreading across your face like a blight. 
“Okay, okay,” he relents. “You don’t like it. That’s alright, do you prefer angel?”
You lower one of your hands enough to let him view your disbelieving look. 
“No? How about sweetheart? Princess?” Sirius creeps closer, setting down his mug so he can devote his full attention to your torment. “Honey? Dearest?” He drops his voice when his mouth is nearly touching your ear, so it’s low and soft when he says, “Darling?”
“Sirius!” If you don’t stop him, you worry your pants will turn to ash right there on the couch. 
“C’mon,” he takes your wrists, removing them from your face. “Everyone else gets to call you Y/N. I’ve got an ego to feed, so I need something extra-special, just for me. You gotta give me at least one.”
You must look fairly distraught, because Sirius brings your wrists to his chest, tracing patterns on the backs of your hands soothingly. Even when he’s hellbent on teasing you, he’s unbearably sweet. You sigh. “They all just sound so sappy.” 
Sirius squints at you, the bridge of his nose wrinkling, like you’re silly. “Yeah?” he asks. “What do you call this?” He brings your hands, willing captives, to his face, kissing your knuckles. You can only watch, half wariness and half awe at his affection. You’re unsure if it’s theatrics, or if Sirius is being genuine. He certainly seems genuine, but...but. You can’t handle it. It feels like a farce, a trap, to think that someone could treat you so tenderly. “What do you call that?” He points his chin at the two steaming mugs of tea on the coffee table, and you think of how ridiculously pleased he’d been when you started stocking his favorite earl grey for when he came over. 
Preparing for me to become a regular visitor, are we? He’d teased, but there was sincerity in his smile. That’s really thoughtful of you, love.
He smiles at you now, pulling you gently from your reverie. “I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I’m feeling rather sappy about you these days. And those feelings require an outlet, so you’re just going to have to get used to it.” 
You roll your eyes, but he’s succeeded in melting you; you’ve got no fight left. “Fine, call me whatever. But love is my favorite.” 
Sirius grins. “I can do that, love.” Your heart lurches almost painfully, but before you can take it back, he adds, “And you can call me whatever you like too, of course.” 
You perk up, biting back a smile at the idea of the mocking he’ll endure from James and Sirius if you call him “babygirl” the next time you’re all together. Sirius must see the mischief in your face, his brows furrowing in concern, but before he can take it back, you beam at him sweetly. 
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halcyone-of-the-sea · 10 months
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Wow! As the header says, my blog just went past 5k followers - I'd like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who hopped on for this journey; I'm having the time of my life sharing my writing with you all.
In celebration and as a way to have a little fun - I'll be opening my inbox for a day and letting those who want to send in something fill it up!
Now, I know you're probably asking yourself 'Hal, I thought you said requests are going to be closed so you can finish the ones you have and work on the AUs?' And you'd be correct - I did say that. I'm not going to be writing full-length works for this event.
To anyone who sends something in (and follows the rules I have in place on my Request Form (be sure to check it even if you've already read it, I added some more characters and other stuff)) I'll be writing one-to-two page drabbles!
All this being said, after this post is uploaded I'll be opening my inbox up to anyone who would want to participate and closing it exactly one day after!
Thank you again for being the best community ever - I'm incredibly lucky to be surrounded by kind and respectful individuals as well as mutuals who are mind-numbingly sweet. I could not have achieved all of this without you; I think that's beautiful.
This post will also serve as the Masterlist for all of the expected drabbles, so if you'd like to keep updated on what's going to be happening/being written soon, this would be a good place to hang out!
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IMAGES USED: A black retriever in an extensive mountainous landscape by Maud Earl & L'angelo, la morte e il diavolo by Roberto Ferri || TOTAL: 5
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➣The Perfect One
╰┈➤ ❝ [He stares at the rings under the glass with an acute narrowness to his eyes. He inspects every one as if a bomb might go off at any second, not missing a single detail in the metal.] ❞
➣Get In
╰┈➤ ❝ [Coming home with bruises and stitched wounds, you drag him into the bathroom to wash away the memories.] ❞
➣Hum Me A Tune, Blue-Eyes
╰┈➤ ❝ [You listen to his heartbeat as he keeps you to his chest, his breath tickling your hair.] ❞
➣Here Now
╰┈➤ ❝ [He nearly misses one of the most important moments of your lives together.] ❞
➣Burst Veins
╰┈➤ ❝ [He never noticed you weren't behind him.] ❞
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IMAGES USED:  Fallen Angel by Roberto Ferri & Nature of Fear by Nicola Samori || TOTAL: 5
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➣Nervous Eyes
╰┈➤ ❝ [No one understands how you two get along - not when you're so different. It makes you second-guess yourself. He notices.] ❞
➣Blood Like Obsidian
╰┈➤ ❝ [Simon can only fight against so many nurses as they shove him back from your operation room.] ❞
➣Supposed To Happen
╰┈➤ ❝ [You died and left him a child he had no idea existed. How can he even begin to try and understand?] ❞
➣Digging Gaze
╰┈➤ ❝ [You indulge in a one-night-stand after you'd both called it quits, only, it leads to more problems. When he sees you again, how will he react to the swelling of your stomach?] ❞
➣Sole Survivor
╰┈➤ ❝ [Your father died years ago, and so you fall under the stiff, and unyielding, protection of your Uncle Simon. But it's not all bad. He can be funny when he wants to be.] ❞
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IMAGES USED: White and Black by Vadim Gorbatov & Saint Augustine by Philippe de Champaigne || TOTAL: 7
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➣Didn't Mean It
╰┈➤ ❝ [Arguments are rare, certainly ones that leave you in tears.] ❞
➣Him, Her, and the Dog
╰┈➤ ❝ [The woes of pining after a woman whose deadly K9 looks like it hates his guts.] ❞
➣Drunken Sappiness
╰┈➤ ❝ [You can't say you've ever had a boyfriend as perfect as Kyle.] ❞
➣How Do You Listen To That?
╰┈➤ ❝ [It was three a.m. when you all got the call to load up, but what's the best way to wake both yourself and the Sergeant up?] ❞
➣Finally Broken
╰┈➤ ❝ [Childhood friends turned lovers. The realization was far more violent and instantaneous than you'd like to admit.] ❞
➣Don't Look At Her
╰┈➤ ❝ [The bomb starts ticking down, rapidly firing to zero. Gaz won't let Price near you. Not after he'd remembered the Captain's actions when they'd first met.] ❞
➣In His Head
╰┈➤ ❝ [Collection of his SFW and NSFW quirks.] ❞
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IMAGES USED: Scene from the Great Flood by Joseph-Désiré Court & Saint Jerome in Prayer by Carlo Dolci || TOTAL: 7
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➣Life Snaps By In Flashes
╰┈➤ ❝ [A collection of memories from the second he laid eyes on you. All flashing past in the soft buzzing of the overhead lights.] ❞
╰┈➤ ❝ [Being a medic wasn't pretty, but when your boyfriend was the subject under your needle you can't help but enjoy his unwavering gaze. Today, he has something to share with you.] ❞
➣From Ten To Twenty & Beyond
╰┈➤ ❝ [You've known him ever since the incident on the playground, and now you can't help but imagine that same boy as you watch him make supper with flour in his hair.] ❞
➣Find Me
╰┈➤ ❝ [You're finally back in One-Four-One's hands, but that doesn't mean you're saved. Johnny tracks you down after a violent episode.] ❞
➣Still The Same Fools
╰┈➤ ❝ [There was always a rivalry between you two - that hasn't changed even if both of you have. Years later, the boiling point is finally met.] ❞
➣Is This Why?
╰┈➤ ❝ [He finally sees why you never introduced him to your parents.] ❞
➣Oblivious Pining
╰┈➤ ❝ [Johnny hangs off you like a silent beast. Not that you would notice, of course.] ❞
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IMAGES USED: King Gustav III of Sweden and His Brothers by Alexander Roslin & Geography lesson by Eduard Karl Gustav Lebrecht Pistorius || TOTAL: 6
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➣Paint The Dawn; Paint My Eyes
╰┈➤ ❝ [In the midst of war and death, there's little time for pleasure. All you had was a ripped-up sketchbook to call your own, its contents littered with the rough face of your comrade.] ❞
➣Hold Her Close
╰┈➤ ❝ [Keegan cares for his young daughter.] ❞
➣When The Fighting Stops & The Silence Sets In
╰┈➤ ❝ [Continuation of (Don't) Go To War: the aftermath of recovery and a budding relationship.] ❞
➣Movies and Stale Popcorn
╰┈➤ ❝ [Oak and Keegan finally get to watch that movie.] ❞
➣To The Boy of My Childhood
╰┈➤ ❝ [Ten years came and went fast, but the memory of the Walker boys stayed. One more than the other. You never got to tell him you loved him.] ❞
➣Keep The Sheets Warm, My Love Is Coming Home
╰┈➤ ❝ [If this wasn't enough to prove that you were the only person for Hesh, you didn't know what did.] ❞
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IMAGES USED: Saint Catherine of Alexandria by Caravaggio & Amor Vincit Omnia by Caravaggio || TOTAL: 17
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➣New Paint
╰┈➤ ❝ [Fighting to forget you, MacTavish finds comfort in whoever he can. Yet, like the layers of paint on the walls, it always peels back to you.] ❞
➣A Song of Gnashing Teeth
╰┈➤ ❝ [There was never a day where the two of you weren't butting heads - everyone was at their wit's end. Of course, you would both be forced to cooperate at some point.] ❞
➣Listen To My Voice
╰┈➤ ❝ [He orders you to focus on him as the sounds outside the cell get closer. He promises nothing will happen to you. You know he's lying.] ❞
➣Look At The Stars; Look At Me
╰┈➤ ❝ [Stargazing in the middle of an overgrown and wild glade.] ❞
➣Alive and Breathing
╰┈➤ ❝ [You're sick. Very sick. John takes drastic action.] ❞
➣I Can See It In Your Eyes
╰┈➤ ❝ [It's finally time to meet the family.] ❞
➣A Green-Eyed Monster
╰┈➤ ❝ [You'd slept together, sure. No strings attached. Then why are you trying to make him jealous? Who cares, the point is that it's working.] ❞
➣Dance With Me Before The Chill Sets In
╰┈➤ ❝ [Tired? Yes, but he's never too tired for you and your loveliness. But maybe you need to remember to lock the door when you're home alone.] ❞
➣Raining Cats and Dogs
╰┈➤ ❝ [Roach has a deep love of storms.] ❞
➣Bright-Eyed History Lesson
╰┈➤ ❝ [A librarian with a fascination for war history and a soldier who loves how her eyes light up. Like a dog, he can't stop himself from coming back; smiling like a fool.] ❞
➣Hold Me Longer
╰┈➤ ❝ [Mornings spent in the sanctity of warm sunlight and bare skin.] ❞
➣A Love Like Ours Makes Us Strong
╰┈➤ ❝ [Rodolfo came back, alive but bruised. How do you explain how terrified you were?] ❞
➣Sleeping On The Porch
╰┈➤ ❝ [As it turns out, your husband never really died. It's safe to say you're not overjoyed.] ❞
➣Love Echoes In Silence
╰┈➤ ❝ [You can feel him watching you, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and a small smile. Humming to yourself, you listen to the birds outside the window.] ❞
➣Ain't Giving Up My Pride
╰┈➤ ❝ [You get on his nerves, partially because you want to. But what happens when he finally snaps?] ❞
➣Count The Hours
╰┈➤ ❝ [Collection of what the One-Four-One do on their down-hours with their Lovers] ❞
➣Wide-Eyed Panic
╰┈➤ ❝ [Why were you behind the couch?] ❞
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tulipsforvin · 7 months
Hello, how are you ?
Can I request Louis ( and Albert if it’s not too much ) with a s/o that so cute, kind and basically an angel that they forget they can and will kill for them ?
Have a nice day ! ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
ᥫ᭡. Louis + Albert x GN!READER
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╰┈⪼ ୨ You'd always been kind and compassionate to the two men, making them forget your darker natures. ୧
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✧ a/n: i'm good!! thank you for asking, anon and i hope you're just as well. have a nice day or night :)
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The two of you were riding a train from London to Durham, returning home after some work back in the capital. Louis had gotten used to your adorable and kind personality, always ready to help him and his colleagues. He'd always been the one to protect you in the relationship, making sure you were never hurt or in any form of trouble.
He'd begin to think that you would be this way throughout your life with him. He didn't know just how wrong he was — especially when a group of nobles began to insult your beloved.
“He's always leeching off of his brothers, isn't he?” One noble says to the other, snickering.
“Who?” The other questions, raising an eyebrow. “The adopted brother in the Moriarty family? Well, of course. That's how commoners are, them and their filthy blood.”
Louis looks down at the floor - exhaling, hearing them speak outside of your cabin.
“Don't worry, Louis!” You tell him with a cheery smile, grasping onto his hand. “Don't listen to what they're saying, they don't—”
“He should have died in the fire along with the late Moriarty's.”
You felt something inside of you snap - a surge of primal rage taking over you. Louis isn't able to fully comprehend of what's happened for the first few seconds when the door slams open, you step out and suddenly one of the nobles is on the ground - their nose breaking at the sheer impact when your fist connected with the noble's face.
“(Name)!” Louis exclaims, rising from his seat. He's holding you back, holding onto your torso and trying to calm you down.
“How dare you—” You shout at the stunned men, frozen in place as more people begin to pool the train's hallways to watch the commotion.
“It's okay! Calm down, love.” Louis tells you, pulling you back into his arms. “I'm okay.”
With a final huff you relax in his grasp, glaring at the men who insulted your other half. “Fine.” You tell Louis flatly. “But if he says anything about you again, I swear he's never going to reach his destination.”
“I-” He sighs, rubbing the bridge of his nose. “Yes.” He concedes, nodding his head.
When you two are both back inside the cabin, Louis speaks: “Thank you.” He tells you softly, his voice grateful. “For..standing up for me.”
Your face immediately softens, expression changing back to the little grin you always have. “Of course, Louis! Anytime!”
Louis blinks at the sudden shift in your demeanor, surprised, before admitting with a smile. “I hope I never get on your bad side.”
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Albert's position as an Earl was always tiring — men and women alike flocking to him, asking him for favours, trying to smoodge to him; it was chaos. So whenever he returned home to you, his worries and frustrations would always immediately melt away. You were his lucky charm.
And so, for this reason, he decided to take you along with him to the House of Lords and be besides him for the annual meeting held every couple of months.
“Come to think of it,” A viscountess begins, turning her gaze towards Albert. “I don't think any sort of banquet has been held at the Moriarty residence since the earl passed away. Has the family finally lost it's luster?” The other nobles begin to murmur amongst themselves, nodding in agreement.
Albert, who opens his mouth to retort is cut off by the husband of the viscountess. “My dear, you mustn't make such baseless assumptions. The Moriarty legacy extends far beyond lavish banquets.”
"Oh, yes of course, a noble house has to have the funds to host a banquet in the first place, which I'm sure the Moriarty house doesn't have. The Moriarty name is nothing more than a relic now; forgotten and irrelevant.”
You, who had been watching this back and forth for some time now, finally feel your patience wear thin.
Grabbing the viscountess by the lapels of her dress, you pull her to your eye-level. "The Moriarty name thrives in substance, not in hollow spectacles. It represents intellect, strategic brilliance and an unwavering commitment to justice that far surpasses the superficiality of your world. While you revel in empty displays, the Moriarty shape the very foundations of society."
With a final, chilling glare, you release your grip on the viscountess and took a step back, the room slowly returning to its previous buzz of conversation after a long silence. Albert, on the other hand, kept quiet; feeling his heart drumming in his chest in admiration.
“Well, thank you - for defending our family.” Albert says after the meeting, pulling you aside to a corner. “Although I'm not sure if I found that attractive or scary. Perhaps both?” You sulk, your lips in a puckered frown. Albert pauses, silently watching you in amusement.
“..are you still angry?” He questions, voice soft as he pushes a strand of hair behind your ear. His gaze is gentle, finding you absolutely adorable right now.
“No.” You lie through your teeth. Albert laughs warmly, understanding how you really feel. He looks down at his pocket watch, humming.
“We still have some time before we have to return home. How about I take you out on a date?” He offers, wanting to improve your mood. You're quiet for a moment, weighing your options before finally mumbling out a little “..okay.”
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whorediaries-09 · 1 month
the wound won't close
pairing- sirius black x auror!reader warning(s)- hurt/comfort. a/n- it's about you fell in love with something that loves you back and that my friend is sirius black 🗣️🗣️
little train. series masterlist.
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remus slid a plate of pancakes across the table, along with a big old cup of sirius' personal poison-the earl gray. the cup is brightly maroon, chipped from the edges as it touches his lips. sirius takes a small sip, letting the liquid burn down his throat.
'you still got it.' sirius chuckles. remus bemused, scoffs. he slides his long fingers into his sandy locks before answering.
'eat. put some flesh within your madness.'
'well you'd know all about the madness within the flesh, wouldn't you?' he says.
'you never came, sirius. the letter. i showed up and stayed there for about two hours, waiting for you.' sirius gulps before answering him.
'i ended up into a pub. i don't know why or how, but i did. the question is how did you get here?' remus moves his lips to answer, but when you enter the room, coddling with the little owl perched on your shoulder, he thinks better of it.
'he is asking me how i came here.' the owl nips at your ear before flapping it's wings and sitting beside sirius' plate, taking away little nibbles from his pancakes.
'well... i'm working on trying to justify the prejudice against half-breeds. i can't directly do it since i don't have the position in the ministry to, but for that i need a few statements. remus is the only werewolf i knew so.. well i've been in contact with him. that is basically the root of why me and remus know each other.'
'so you're just an angel from heaven.' sirius replies, taking another bite.
'i don't care who is who, padfoot. i need to know what happened.'
'james made peter the secret-keeper the last moment, upon my wishes. he faked his own death to frame me for the murders he committed. the bastard cut off his own finger-apparently the only thing they found from that night.'
'so you're not to blame?'
'no. you know i'd rather die than kill james! he was my family!' he exclaimed. he dropped the fork onto the plate.
'you know, i suspected you to the spy' he whispered, almost ashamed. you could see blood rush underneath his pale skin as tears welled into his eyes. the thought of getting back an old friend was of great joy to him. the thought of not being lonely again was hauntingly beautiful.
'you look like you're about to pass out, sweetheart.' sirius commented, huffing on your state. your papers were spread across the table, your hands stained with ink as you went through the necessary documents. remus had already left for home, leaving you to nurture for him. sirius had taken a nap after his breakfast, leaving you with enough time to sit alone with your thoughts.
'i know.' you replied. with tired limbs, your stretched your aching body. having sleepless nights wasn't of much absurdity to you. you'd spent endless of sleep less nights practicing your spells to be at the position you were. to be an auror at twenty four wasn't something of a joke, yet you'd managed to do it just the same.
even if that meant losing friends and family.
'what are you doing anyway?' he asked. he walked around the table, sitting in front of you. he was carrying a dark blue cup, steam pouring out the rim.
'i'm looking over the things i require and how many people's shoes i have to lick to change a few laws,' you answered, your eyes averting to his form as you answered. his loose linen white shirt was unbuttoned, revealing an intricate design of tattoos on his chest. black sweatpants hung on narrow hips. you could see tattoos emerging from the expanse of the skin on his legs too.
'are you feeling better now?' you asked, collecting your spread out sheets in an orderly fashion. sirius nodded.
'i am, thanks to you and moony.' you packed your things into your bag, handing him a little piece of paper.
'here's my address, sirius. if you need me, you can write to me. your owl will find me'
'are you leaving now?' he asked, looking at the piece of paper tucked into his palm.
'yes.' you said. a brief moment of sadness flashed on his face before he quipped you with another request.
'stay, you're tired.'
'no, i...i'm not' you answered, trying to stifle a yawn half way through your statement. it leaves your lips anyways. he smiles, in a comforting manner, as he rests his face on his palm.
'you're a pathetic liar,' he states, 'you can rest here as long as you want to. i have a free room down the hall.' nervously, you rub the back of your head, trying to avoid the burning gaze upon you.
'that would be of major inconvenience-i don't think-' before you realize, has his index finger on your lips. how he got up from the chair to be standing in front of you with such fast agility was a mystery.
'it is not of any inconvenience, i assure you. it's an extra room! for guests! you're a guest aren't you?' he said. you couldn't quite meet his eyes, afraid you'd be lost in the depth of them.
'i- uh- you're hungover-'
'sweetheart, look me in the eye and tell me if i'm hungover.' he said, sliding a finger under your jaw. you looked into his eyes, trying not to get lost in them.
'i- okay you win. i'll rest,'
'see, i told you! you should listen to me more often.' that earned a tired laughter out of you.
original idea posted by - @lilwnet
taglist - @reggieisfit @siriuslycaptainofthedawntreader @jamespottergf @eternallybipanicking @fictional-magic @iamgayforyourmom1510
taglist (for series) - @urbansaint
(if you want to be tagged please send a request through my inbox.)
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kirain · 10 months
Saw your comment on a post about Sound of Freedom and I came here to say.....shame on you. Shame. On. You. Since when is child trafficking a political issue? Since when is calling pedophilia bad a political issue? If you have a problem with this movie then maybe YOU'RE the problem. No better than the big Disney fat cats who tried to suppress this movie and keep it shelved. Or theaters messing with the ac and saying seats are sold out when they're empty. Shame on you! God's children are not for sale!
I wish people would do a little more research on this topic. If Hollywood and the "powers that be" didn't want this movie being seen, it wouldn't have been released in over 3000 theatres countrywide. It's being shown in major and minor locations all across America and Canada, and the vast majority of those locations aren't having any problems.
Case and point, my own mother and her friend went to see it last week and everything was fine. No issues whatsoever and the seats were packed. The movie isn't being "suppressed". This is all a marketing gimmick from the production company Angel Studios, a Christian streaming service. The movie is jam-packed with lies and only serves to glorify Tim Ballard, the man the movie is based on, and Christianity as a whole. I truly wish this wasn't political, but it is. They made it political.
Tim Ballard has provably exaggerated or fabricated many, if not most of his "rescues", and his organisation, Operation Underground Railroad, has been widely criticised by professional anti-sex trafficking organizations (including other Christian-based ones) for years. He has accumulated millions of dollars for his so-called "non-profit" organisation, and he runs several for profit organisations on the side. Most of this money is presumably pocketed by Ballard and his cohorts, as millions is unaccounted for and only a sliver goes to OUR. It's not about "saving children", it's about money and spreading Ballard's religious ideology.
This is compounded by the fact that Ballard, before he left the CIA, was almost always the last officer to arrive on any scene where child sex trafficking was involved, yet he somehow has hundreds of stories where he's singlehandedly rescued children. In fact, the "true story" the film is based on, where Ballard apparently saved a five year old boy—who, by Ballard's own account, ran up to him, hugged him, and begged to be taken away—didn't even happen. According to court receipts from the arrest and trial of Earl Venton Buchanan (the pedophile in possession of the little boy), Ballard arrived at the scene long after the boy was rescued and taken into custody, and he was barely involved. The documents can easily be found online under the San Diego incident reports.
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Ballard was also caught lying about saving one particular girl named Liliana, the literal poster child for OUR. As it turns out, Liliana rescued herself by escaping her captors when she was seventeen and being trafficked in New York. Even more egregious, every time Ballard told her story, he would lower her age to garner more sympathy ... as if her being seventeen wasn't sad enough. In one instance, he claimed she was 14. In another, he claimed she was 11. Ballard also exploited Liliana's story as a reason for needing stricter border patrols and a better wall, despite the fact that she was being abused in America. There is no evidence to suggest OUR had anything to do with her rescue.
Ballard and his "organisation" have even ruined entire legitimate rescue operations in other countries and put children at risk, like in the Dominican Republic, where he endangered the lives of 26 girls by playing vigilante, being followed around by a camera crew, and causing a shootout that effectively traumatised the children he used as a prop to lure in buyers. His response to the mishap and rightful criticism by the Dominican police was basically, "Well ... you win some, you lose some."
The children were released without receiving any therapy or rehabilitative care, and Anne Gallagher, the leading global expert on the international law on human trafficking, said that OUR has an "alarming lack of understanding about how sophisticated criminal trafficking networks must be approached and dismantled" and went on to call the work of OUR "arrogant, unethical, and illegal". Those children easily could've been shot and killed. This occurred in 2014, but Ballard still insists that his "rescues" be filmed, and he even pitched it as a reality TV show. His reasoning for this, he says, is to "spread awareness", but we all know it's because he loves the spotlight.
Entire law enforcement agencies have actually cut ties with or even condemned OUR, such as Washington State Law Enforcement, as a result of Ballard's proclivity to conflate child sex trafficking with consensual adult sex work. Ballard and OUR regularly set up sting operations and lambasted the men who showed up for kink play, publicly branding them as pedophiles, even though the men in question were under the impression that they were meeting for sex with consenting, adult women. This led to several lawsuits against OUR, all of which they rightfully lost.
Ballard's means of gathering intelligence is also questionable, as he, by his own admission, sometimes consults psychic mediums for information on missing children and asks where they're being held captive. I genuinely wish I was joking about that.
The main actor in Sound of Freedom, Jim Caviezel, also has ties to the Qanon movement, and Caviezel himself is a hardcore conspiracy theorist. He believes that Donald Trump is "the new Moses" and that "liberals [literally] drink the blood of children". This is ironic, considering Caviezel and Ballard both met Trump several times, yet never pressed him for information regarding Epstein's client list. Moreover, Caviezel and Ballard both donate to the Catholic Church, which funds the largest child sex trafficking ring on the southern border and has a history of rampant sexual abuse of children. Even more insane, Caviezel admitted to watching child porn, to apparently "get in character" for the movie. He claimed that if Ballard had to watch it, it only "made sense" that he'd have to watch it, too. To "motivate" him to fight child trafficking.
...Alright, bud.
Surprise, surprise, both men are also outspokenly anti-LGBTQ+, despite the fact that children/teens in that community are statistically more likely to be trafficked. The majority of child trafficking is not the result of random kidnappings, as the movie would have you believe. The majority of children are actually recruited into sexual exploitation by a family member or friend/boss. The majority of those children are also not generally passed around in Mexico, like this racist, white savior-oriented movie would have you believe, but they actually either stay in or end up in America. America is, in fact, the largest consumer of child porn and child sex slaves this side of the globe (and nearly the largest producer), yet the movie depicts almost every pedophile as Mexican or some other non-white race.
At the end of the movie, Ballard comes on screen and asks people to donate/buy tickets for others, so that the movie can spread awareness. This is why so many seats in certain theatres are empty, despite websites saying the seats are sold out. Whether or not Angel Studios is also shadow purchasing tickets to boost sales can't be proven, obviously, but I wouldn't put it past them. These "conspiracies" have all served to market the movie and boost ticket sales.
As for Disney trying to keep the movie shelved, that's also a lie. Yes, Disney did technically shelve the movie when they bought Fox, since it didn't exactly correspond with its family-friendly brand, but they had no problem with the movie being released under a different studio. The actual reason Sound of Freedom was in "production hell" for five years was because Tim Ballard kept trying to milk donations. Despite the fact that filming wrapped up in 2018, he kept asking for more and more and more. He used people's faith and understandably emotional response to something as wicked as pedophilia to rake in millions. That's what Ballard is really about, money and stardom. In the movie, there's even a post-credit message where Jim Caviezel says the movie was held back to "maximize its distribution and raise awareness about child sex trafficking".
Translation: Ballard greedy.
Ballard himself admitted the accuracy of this movie "isn't important", and that he just wanted to get the movie out to "spread the word". By that, he of course means the Christian word—but why should fighting child sex trafficking be tied to religion? At the end of the day, Sound of Freedom is a vanity project, and it spreads incredibly dangerous misinformation. Stranger still, Ballard left the OUR just prior to the debut of Sound of Freedom, a fact he's neglected to mention in every interview regarding the movie. It's not clear why he left, but it seems that he fled after an internal investigation into the organisation began. That's not too suspicious or anything. My guess is authorities are trying to find out were all that missing money went, and Ballard doesn't want to be there when they figure it out.
By the way, that final line you hit me with; "God's children are not for sale", the line from the movie that Ballard claims a fellow agent whispered to him while on a case, as well as the title of the movie, which another agent supposedly said to Ballard after a giant rescue operation—those were lies, too. No agents ever said that to him. The police reports for those cases, as well as the agents Ballard supposedly quoted, all said he was the last to arrive on the scene and those conversations never happened.
Ballard cannot be trusted and Sound of Freedom is based on a lie. It's a scam. Everything he does is a scam. All he cares about is spreading his ideology, making money, and looking like a superhero. And this is only the tip of the iceberg. Look into his other companies, and into the ex-military soldiers and police officers who left OUR because of how poorly trained their people are when it comes to rescue operations.
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Every sane person knows pedophilia and human trafficking is wrong, but giving your money to Qanon-adjacent, right-wing leaning, LGBTQ+-hating, Catholic Church-sympathising, fame-chasing, money-hungry, perpetual liar Tim Ballard isn't going to help.
The best way to help out is learning about the signs of child trafficking. Keep an eye out for any children that might be getting abused. If you suspect something, report it, don't be a silent bystander. Volunteer within your community to make sure the children in your area have food and resources, support LGBTQ+ youth, and watch the other adults around you to ensure they're not acting inappropriately. You can also donate to social programs that create safe spaces for children and even apply for jobs that specialise in these fields. Don't go to see a movie just because it aligns with your religious beliefs, feel sad for a little while, then sit on your ass and let Tim Ballard handle everything.
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avatar-anna · 1 year
it’s not a tik tok prank but you should write y/n calling harry by his name !! i’ve noticed in your writing she always calls him bubba and i’d love to see him all sad because he’s not being called his usual pet name 🥺
“Okay. Earl grey tea for me, and black coffee with a spoonful of sugar and no cream for the lady,” Harry said, setting the two mugs down on the table in front of you.
“Aw, thanks, Harry,” you said.
Harry's head tilted to the side in confusion. You normally didn't call him by his name, as peculiar as that sounded. To you, he was “bubba,” had been since you were officially boyfriend and girlfriend. The only time you called him Harry was when you were having a serious conversation or you were mad at him. He would've even taken H, but Harry? No. Something was amiss.
Before sitting down, he kissed you. “Love you, baby.”
Smiling you said, “I love you too, Harry.”
Harry frowned as he sat down across from you. You were in the backyard enjoying a morning free of any kind of responsibilities. It was going perfectly until you decided to not use your pet name for him.
“What’s wrong? Wh—What’s going on here?” he asked.
You looked at him curiously. “What do you mean? Nothing’s wrong, Harry.”
“You did it again!” he nearly shouted, springing out of his chair. “Why are you doing that?”
You looked at him funnily, like he was the crazy one here. As if calling him by his first name was completely commonplace. “I have no idea what you're talking about. Is everything okay?”
“I—” Did you really not get it? Harry had no idea what he did to deserve this, and so early in the morning too. But if you didn't realize what was wrong, then he didn't want to explain it to you. He shouldn't have had to. So he shook his head and picked up his mug. “Nothing.”
You walked through the house, peeking into different rooms as you went. Harry was nowhere to be found, and apparently nowhere to be heard. After breakfast, you'd gone to your separate corners of the house to work on things. You were about to go out and run a few errands, but you wanted to ask Harry if he wanted to join you first. It was a good way for him to take a break and the two of you to spend time together. If you could find him, of course.
“Harry? Ha—There you are! I've been looking all over for you.”
Harry was outside lounging on the back patio. His acoustic guitar was in his hands as he strummed it idly, looking blankly at the sprawling view of Los Angeles below him.
You knew he heard you, there was no way he hadn't. Yet he still didn't acknowledge you. “Harry?”
Still nothing.
“Oh. So you're ignoring me now. What did I do to deserve this?”
You kind of had an idea as to why he was ignoring you, but you wanted to see if he would admit it now that he was giving you the silent treatment.
This morning had been both very entertaining and very difficult for you. It was hard not to call Harry by his nickname, but you wanted to see what would happen if you just called him by his name. You loved calling him bubba, your bub, any term of endearment, really, and he was pretty much putty in your hands when you did so.
Now Harry just continued to ignore you, not breaking his silence. He was putting up a good front, but that was all it was. You knew how to crack him. He could have a pretty tough exterior if he tried hard enough, but he was about as soft as a warm cookie.
Smiling, you rested your hands on his shoulders, rubbing them affectionately. You ran them over his arms and chest, kissing his cheek and temple. Normally Harry smiled, and you would proceed to kiss his dimple. He would turn into you and motion for you to come around so he could see you, but this time he just shrugged you off. Though by the way it took him a couple seconds, he had a hard time doing so.
“That was mean,” you said, half meaning it half not.
“You started it,” he muttered. Then, just barely under his breath, “Calling me Harry all day. The nerve.”
“Is that not your name?”
His head whipped around and frowned at you. “Not to you it isn’t.”
Laughing, you finally relented. “Okay, okay. You’re right, bubba. Can I have my kiss now?”
“Hm...” Harry pretended to think about it while you came around to sit in his lap. “I suppose that’s fine.”
You leaned in graciously, taking his bottom lip between yours. “Needed that. Thank you, bubba.”
With a roll of his eyes, he said, “Could’ve had that all day had you decided not to play one of your little pranks.”
“They keep us on our toes,” you said, pecking his lips once, twice.
“I’ll get you back one of these days, you know.”
You smiled at his light threat. Harry would never be able to go through with a prank, but it was cute to think that he could. Kissing his cheek, you told him, “We’ll see.”
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a-blind-bat · 2 months
GhostLights Event: Blind Date With a Prompt - @dcxdp-ghostlights
and With the Stars as Our Witness
Edit: I forgot the prompts…
Prompts: Fanasty AU | Gala
Danny wasn’t a fan of these galas. He felt suffocated being in a room with so many people. Royals, legends, and the wealthy all gathered in one place for a celebration. The bustling of conversation along with the low buzz of music coming from a band in the corner mixed together to create one sound that bangs at Danny’s ears.
Sam had dragged him and Tucker along with her. She was forced to attend on account of her parent’s wishes and she would be damned if she had to suffer through it alone. Only seventeen minutes into the party, though, Sam got trapped in a conversation with some earl and Tucker was showing off some of his inventions to potential patrons, leaving Danny to try and entertain himself. Irony is a funny little thing. So here he is, awkwardly standing in a corner and trying to drown out his boredom with extremely expensive wine.
He should’ve made up an excuse, acted like there was a life-threatening emergency to attend to. He would rather be fighting a dragon over experiencing this party for a second longer. Even if it was a Wayne Gala, which was always praised to the high heavens, he found the party to not live up to the legend. The head of the house, Bruce Wayne, was easy to spot. He was always crowded around various wealthy participants, all laughing and chatting their heads off. He did not envy Ser Bruce, seeing as he had to interact with so many people. Even watching the crowd made him tired. The longing warmth of his bed filled his mind as he absentmindedly swirled the red wine around in the glass.
A sharp sound of metal repeatedly hitting glass pierces his ears, and he looks up from the pool of red to see an old man dressed in a black suit befitting those in wealthy circles. He was standing on the stairs and tapping a spoon against a wine glass. The crowd quiets down to a murmur as the old man clears his throat.
“I welcome everyone to our humble estate, we are gathered here to celebrate our newest addition to the Wayne linage. "
Right, the whole reason anyone was even here in the first place. The Wayne family had gained another child. Not through birth, but through adoption. Bruce Wayne was famous for picking unfortunate children off the streets of Gotham and adopting them into his luxurious life. This was his fifth…sixth kid? Danny had lost count. The rich really could afford everything.
“Chosen by Ser Bruce Himself, we welcome Duke Thomas,”
A roar of applause filled the ballroom as a person Danny presumed was Duke came walking down the stairs. Danny didn’t know what the new kid looked like. He was expecting another black-haired, blue-eyed, perfect prince archetype, seeing as the rest of the ones that were adopted were similar. But Duke was different.
The whole crowd was quiet except for the band, who played music to accompany Duke’s descent down to the ground floor. His smile was bright and blinding, and Danny could swear there was this light surrounding him, emitting off of him and surrounding him like the wings of an angel. He was dressed in yellow, gold, and black, his outfit befitting one of a prince. Halfway down, Duke’s gaze met Danny’s. The other boy's eyes turned from brown to golden and Danny had this urge to run towards Duke, to hold him and get to know him. It wasn’t a feeling he had ever felt before; it was terrifying.
Duke looked away as he finally reached the ballroom floor. The surrounding guests rushed to greet him and present their own gifts. No doubt a way to buy themselves into the good graces of Duke and Bruce. The old man coughed to gain the attention of the guests once again.
“I know you're all excited to get to know him, and what better way to get to know someone than with a dance!”
The party erupts into a roar as the band starts to play a sweet and romantic melody. Duke is immediately swept into the chaos as the dance floor becomes filled with waltzing couples. Before Danny could think, his feet were carrying him to the dance floor, his eyes fixated on Duke Thomas, who was currently enrolled in a dance with a nice young lady in a peach-pink dress.
As soon as Danny stepped into the dancing crowd, he got pulled into the arms of a young woman in a beautiful red gown. They twirl around a bit and he loses his Duke in the crowd. He looks across the ballroom floor for him as he dances around, eyes darting from one person to the next. He finally spots Duke with a different lady. This one is wearing a glimmering dark green gown, her smile big as they dance around. Duke looks around above the head of the woman and his eyes soften once they meet Danny’s. Duke twirls the lady around with one hand and lets her go, twirling her right into the arms of another lady as he bows to her. Danny lets go of the woman in his arms and bows to her, walking off towards Duke. Duke gets swept up into another dance with a nice gentleman in a fancy blue outfit adorned with jewels. They twirl and twirl before the gentleman spins Duke around with one hand. Once the spin ends, they both bow, leaving Danny an opportunity to finally dance with Duke. Danny felt various tingles shoot up through his arms as his hands interlocked with Duke’s. It was exhilarating. He had never felt this way with anyone before. It was even more strange as he had never seen Duke Thomas before.
Now that Danny is closer, he can get a good look at Duke. Duke’s a little shorter than he expected, maybe an inch or two below Danny. Beauty marks sparsely cover his face and a small scar across his left brow. His brown eyes were no longer brightly golden, but Danny could see tiny gold specks floating around in his dark brown eyes. He was beautiful, and Danny could feel his heart race. His cheeks felt hot and yet he felt as if he was completely at peace.
“Do you ever not stare?” Duke asks, a smile accompanying his question.
Danny laughs. “Don’t act like you weren’t looking for me as well.”
“It’s quite hard to look away from someone who’s glowing green. "
Danny steps back a bit too far and steps on someone’s foot. He quickly apologizes and leans in close to Duke.
“I glow?”
“Do you not know? Your eyes, they shimmer this toxic green sometimes. I was inclined to think you were magic. "
Everyone knows magic users don't receive warm welcomes in the kingdom of Gotham. So being accused of being magic was a big deal. While magic users may not get burned at the stake, there’s still prejudice and if they find out Danny can do magic-.
“I can feel your panic. No need to worry.” Duke’s eyes turn into a shiny golden. “I’m magic as well,”
“Is that why I was so drawn to you?”
“Perhaps, seems like magic souls seek each other out. "
“I just realized you don't know my name. They call me Danny.”
“‘Danny’? I like it, I think it fits you, I’m Duke, you already know that but I still like to introduce myself. "
“It's nice to meet you, Duke. "
They waltz together for what seems like forever. Until Duke speaks up again.
“Do you like stars, Danny?”
“I like the stars, yes,”
“Then I have something to show you if you’ll be so kind as to let me”
Danny nods and Duke slips them both away from the party. He leads the other boy to a balcony, out of immediate sight of the rest of the partygoers. The yellow light of the ballroom pours out onto the balcony, clashing with the dark of the night. The night sky is littered with shimmering stars, the light cast from the bright stars shining down on Duke makes him look like he’s in a romantic painting.
“I rarely like these big parties. When I get overwhelmed, I tend to sneak out here. I thought maybe you would like it. The stars always looked lovely up here. "
Danny loved it, the stars dancing around in the sky. Glowing so bright, so far, yet so close. He looked back at Duke, the stars twinkling in his eyes alongside the golden specks. Duke was lovely.
“You glow as well,”
Duke’s attention switched back to Danny, one eyebrow raised and a worried expression on his face. He looked down at himself, trying to find this glow Danny was talking about.
“I don’t think anyone else can see it. "
“We see in each other what others can not, sounds like a poem to me. "
“You like poems?”
Silence filled the air again, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. It was nice. Danny acknowledged how strange his feelings towards Duke were. They had only just met, not even spending an hour together, and yet he was so drawn to him, like a moth to a flame. It was intoxicating and so free to be in the presence of someone he had never seen before tonight.
“Do you feel it too?”
Duke doesn’t even have to explain. Danny knows what he means. The magnetic pull drew him closer and closer. The glow in Duke’s eyes shows a part of him that no one else knows. The comfort and peace he feels just being near each other. He had never felt anything like this before. It scared him and he wanted to dive headfirst into this feeling. To know more about the magic boy next to him.
"Was afraid you didn't,"
Duke smiled at his answer, and Danny was no longer in a hurry to get home. His bed could wait. And if they shared a kiss that night, the stars would not tell.
Come find me on AO3!
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romirola · 9 months
If you're like me, you are excitedly awaiting the arrival of the Monarchical Summit storyline! Before that storyline is officially explored in the audios, I want to offer a reminder that if the idea of the Shaw Pack and Solaire Clan enjoying a fancy gala interests you, you might enjoy my completed fic, Packed with Love, which features exactly that, along with flashback scenes, wolfpack banter, unlikely friendships, action/adventure, grocery hunts, hurt/comfort, trancey interrogations, and more! All information (including tags, word count, rating, characters, thank-you shoutouts, etc.) can be found at the AO3 link.
IN FACT, I (through Angel) even referenced Sam having the title of Duke and his being wildly embarrassed at that fact. Here's the proof, which is a passage I pulled straight from Chapter 1:
"On behalf of the RMA, thank you for your generosity," Sam acknowledged. "Obviously I can't put in anything for the raffle since it'd look fixed if I ever won.” Between my association with the RMA, and the fact that I’m William’s once-removed progeny, I’ve had to forfeit my chances.” “‘Once-removed progeny,’” Milo curiously echoed. “So if William is your clan’s king, and you’re the progeny of William's progeny, what does that make you?” “Duke?” Angel guessed. “Viscount? Earl?” “More like court jester,” Sam supplied. “William’s not one to care much about titles or bloodlines, thankfully. That kinda stuff can just get to be so silly and antiquated. But he is one to make sure that he could never be accused of nepotism or favoritism among his clan. That’s why I agreed to forgo any raffle ticketing, as did all of us who do work for the RMA during the year. Don’t get me wrong, though. If I could buy tickets, I certainly would. William let Vincent pick out the prizes this year. True to his flashy form, he really went all out." “What’s the prize?” Asher asked as he added more garlic butter to his bread. “An ultra-luxury all-expenses-paid stay at one of those big fancy spa resorts,” Babe supplied. “Everything is included for the week. Travel, lodging, gourmet food, massage services, every amenity you can possibly think of. Doesn't that sound incredible?" Babe squealed. "And the runner-up is a huge basket full of gift cards to all different businesses around Dahlia. Empowered and unempowered. You can go check out all the businesses at the raffle table.” Babe twisted their back and pointed across the room. "Max's Rustic Pizza, the Trance Bureau, Gary's Shifter Grooming Salon, that paintball place in Greenway we've always said we want to try," they listed. "The Psychokinetic Cleaning Company, the Steakhouse, and more!"
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leinco · 2 months
Random idea for an IF that popped into my head
I don't know if I've ever talked about this but my mind tends to wander. While working on Onryō, my mind got distracted as usual. And I ended up coming up with this Idea for an IF that I quite love. Of course, Onryō is my main focus, and I would want to finish that first before seriously beginning work on this, but I just wanted to ensure the idea was out there and to see what people thought.
(Please note, this is all subject to change. I still haven't worked out all the details, but the core idea is set.)
18+ due to violence, sexual implications, and other themes that may be triggering.
This idea stemmed from me wanting to combine my two favourite genres: Superpowers and Sci-Fi, so here it is:
Working title: Child of Sin
Your father is the Galaxy's most infamous supervillain. He is responsible for many incidents on planets across the Galaxy. You are the youngest child of 4, and while your father does love you dearly, the thing is, he is a supervillain. So naturally, you are expected to be a pawn in his plans.
The first half of the game will involve you accompanying your siblings on expeditions to various planets to train your powers (your powers will be able to be selected from a list of three, of which your Father has them all), and to just generally sow chaos. Saying that, here are the characters: Earl Astatine: Patron of the GAFEE (Galactic Alliance For Evil Enthusiasts.) Your Father, Earl Astatine (real name unknown.) Is the most infamous and powerful supervillain in the galaxy. He is famously hot-headed, yet can back up his words with his immense combat skill. Despite his short temper, he is highly intelligent, and the plans he cooks up have brought many a planet to it's knees. He has the powers of Telepathy, Pyrokinesis, and Telekinesis.
Rose: The gentle and loving oldest sister with thorns.
Your oldest sister, Rose. She inherited telepathy from your father. She is the one who took care of you as you grew up, and as a result is the closest to you. But she treats you like a baby in need of protecting. It's up to you whether you prove her right or wrong.
Despite her gentle nature, when matters do not concern her siblings, she is incredibly cold and calculating. She frequently speaks in metaphors, and sometimes acts as tactical advisor to the GAFEE. However, she is is still skilled with an energy blade. If anyone dares threaten her siblings, especially her beloved youngest sibling, their blood will run in the streets.
Gabriel: The second oldest. An angel of blood and love.
Your only brother, Gabriel. He inherited telekinesis from your father. Backdoor deals, political assassinations, one-night-stands. Gabriel is a diplomat at heart, and is perhaps more ruthless with his words than his powers. On any one occasion, a crowd of love-struck men and women can be seen following after him, proclaiming that he told them "You're the only one for me, sweetheart!". (He told that to all of them.)
But he is no stranger to getting his hands bloody when the situation calls for it. If a backdoor political deal goes wrong or out of his favour, the next day the police might just discover a body crushed by intense force. He is fond of his youngest sibling, but mostly lets Rose coddle you.
Carina: The third oldest. The flame warrior with a heart of fire.
Your second sister, Carina. If there was one of your siblings who inherited your Father's arrogance and hot-headedness, it is most definitely Carina. Combine this with the fact that she inherited his Pyrokinesis, and you have a recipe for destruction the likes of which most planets have never seen.
Along with her axe forged from a dying star, she is without a doubt the strongest fighter of your siblings. Unfortunately, her temper often gets her into arguments with your elder siblings, though she does try and hold back against you. But she is content to let your siblings and father make the plans, so long as she gets to burn something.
I am not sure if I will add romance options at this point, as I want the IF to be a sort of slice-of-life focusing on relationships between siblings in a situation such as the one I have presented, but it is not off the table.
Along the way, you will be able to choose which sibling you are closest to, if you dislike them, etc. You will also be able to decide whether you want to betray your father, or work wholeheartedly with him. Depending on your relationships with your siblings, you might be able to convince them to join you if you choose the former option.
The final half of the game will involve your Father's quote on quote, biggest plan to date, and this is where you will have your right of passage as an official member of the GAFEE. Betray, or serve. What is more important, Family, or Obedience?
I hope you like this idea as much as I do!
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ikranwings · 1 year
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Asking for permission to enter friendly lines. Permission granted?
Want to go outside for some fresh air? You took my breath away.
Do you have a Band-Aid? I scraped my knee falling for you.
I'm learning about important dates in history, wanna be one of them?
Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only 10 I see.
If you and I were socks, we'd make a great pair.
Are you French? Because Eiffel for you.
Do you have a sunburn, or are you just always this hot?
I’m no mathematician, but I’m pretty good with numbers. Tell you what, give me yours and watch what I can do with it.
If I were a cat I'd spend all 9 lives with you.
I was feeling a little off today, but you definitely turned me on.
Excuse me, is your name Earl Grey? Because you look like a hot-tea!
Can I take your picture to prove to all my friends that angels do exist?
I'm not drunk, I'm just intoxicated by YOU.
Are you from Mars because your ass is out of this world.
Do you have any raisins? How about a date?
Do you know how much a polar bear weighs? Enough to break the ice.
Kiss Me If I'm Wrong, But Dinosaurs Still Exist, Right?
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its-me89 · 4 months
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Pov: The young boy Earl Ciel Phantomhive has a rival...namely you...
Story Synopsis: You grew up in a dirty corner of London until a rich wealthy family adopted you but you didn't know that they were trading on the black market. They sold your body to greedy old men for one night... You were 9 and fearful but again you had hatred for these people and so you sold your soul to the devil.
A/n: In this story Ciel turns 18!! And you're 16 here but you're turning 17.
Warnings: Enemys to lovers,Mention of killing and conquering trauma also choking.
Part 1
Ciel slammed his fist on the table "I will destroy this girl! How dare she break off the engagement between me and Elisabeth?!" Sebastian stood across from his master's table. "Sebastian! I want you to find out everything about her every single detail and I want to know why she's after my job!"Ciel was breathing heavily "But my young master, we still have to plan your birthday party.. Her Majesty wants it that way because you're turning 18-" Ciel looked at him sharply "Didn't you hear what I said? Go now Sebastian!" He bowed to him "yes, my young master" he disappeared and Ciel fell back in his chair as he did went through the papers "Y/n L/n... What's your secret?"
Y/n's POV:
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"I think it's so great that we Will be sisters-in-law Elisabeth" Y/n clapped her hand excitedly "My brother is happy to marry such a pretty girl like you" Elisabeth smiled slightly but you could see the sadness in her eyes “Well well, now my pretty Girl, don’t be sad” you lift her chin “Tears don’t suit you” you let go of her chin and took a tissue to wipe your hands "Valentine" you call her in, a young good looking woman came in "Yes my young mistress?" "Take Elisabeth to her room and take Paula with you.. she should help her" Valentin bowed "as you wish, young mistress" and held the door open for Elisabeth. Y/n went to the large window and looked out, her brown hair falling wavy down her back Her collar came loose slightly as she began to laugh. "My Young Mistress"Valentin ties her collar again “you got a letter”
Ciel's POV:
“You really want to invite Y/n young master?” Sebastian looked at Ciel in shock "Yes" he answered lightly and took a sip of tea "if I invite her I will talk to her about her desires and her wishes, maybe we will negotiate but if we not..." Sebastian grinned "I understand, young master"
Y/n's POV:
"He's so stupid" Y/n laughed as she played around with the Phantomhive invitation "he's inviting me even though-" Y/n stopped "It'll be a trap.. Valentine we'll go there" "but young mistress-" Y/n stood up and walked to the door "pack my things for two weeks.. we will be staying longer than planned" Y/n left the room and went to her study to sit at her table "Ciel Phantomhive..." She took the queen from the chess board "Now the game has begun" Y/n pushed the king with her queen.
"Welcome Lady Y/n" The Gray-haired butler helped Y/n out of the carriage, she came out with Valentin "My young mistress would like to go to her room immediately" Valentin said to him "but of course, please follow me" Tanaka bowed and led the way “Valentin search everything here carefully” Y/n whispered and she nodded.Three employees met us in the entrance hall "Welcome... the young Master still had errands to run He hopes that you will forgive him for not being able to be here when you arrive." The maid said. "Of course, it was a long trip anyway and I want to freshen up before I meet the Earl." Y/n smiled and Tanaka walked up the stairs with them "oh- oh yes of course" the maid stuttered "shall we carry the bags up?" "Yes, that would be a big help" Y/n turned around again and smiled down "thank you very much"The three of them blushed as Y/n walked up the stairs "an angel-like...so pretty" Finley looked after her "and her voice.. so soft" Mey-rin touched her face "You two again..." Bart had to hide his red face behind his hand "Come on now, we have to get the bags out of the carriage" he pulled the two of them behind.
"Was that really necessary, young mistress? I could also carry the bags." Valentin stood next to the bed as Y/n sat on it "Play figures don't move by themselves Valentine... you need charm to make them move... I tell you that so often" Valentin had to hold back a laugh. “Should I run a bath for you?” Y/n rolled over on her stomach, bored. “Yes, I want to look good for the young Earl Phanthomhive,” she laughed.
Valentin was tightening the corset as Y/n held on to the bed "I think corsets should be banned for children" she coughed as Valentin was tying the corset "You're 16, a young lady like you should always wear one thanks to your status" y/n rolled her eyes and grabbed her collar "thanks to my status.." Y/n's thoughts were interrupted from Tanaka who knocked on the door "Lady Y/n the food will be served in 15 minutes" he said through the door "Valentin quick, get me my light pink dress"
But to Y/n's surprise, Ciel and his black-clad butler were still not there His servants stood there while Y/n ate and Valentin poured her a glass of wine. "Hey Bart.. can the young lady Y/n drink wine yet?"Mei-rin whispered "Apparently yes... because of her high nobility and since her parents are wine makers, she is apparently allowed to." "You don't have to whisper.." Y/n played with her food and Mei-rin stood up straight "Please talk to me" she smiled at Mei-rin "I can't eat when it's so quiet so please tell me something"
And so it was a great evening
When the night arrived and everyone was already asleep, Y/n went into Ciel's study and sat down on the big chair she turned to the window and looked at the big moon and suddenly the door opened "Bring me some tea Sebastian" a boy's voice sounded "and a red wine" Ciel was startled as Y/n turned around "Good evening dear Earl" “Lady Y/n, what are you doing here in my study?” Y/n stood up, she was in her night dress which was a bit transparent because of the moon "Please don't come so close" Ciel blushed and looked away "Dear Ciel, it's really cheeky that you left me alone while eating.. that's not appropriate for a young man.. and you will soon turn 18 what kind of decency do you actually have?" Ciel kept her at a distance "Y/n, I won't fall for your games" her look became more serious "It's a shame.. although I like to see you get nervous If you are in a room with a young lady like me..." She went closer "aren't you... you virgin" she whispers in his ear It was interrupted by a knock. "Young master, I'll bring you and Lady Y/n some tea." Y/n sat down on the leather couch “Pff, I wanted to have a wine” she complained as Sebastian put the tea in front of her “my deepest apologies Lady Y/n but I think you should drink something calming at such a late hour." "Yeah.. I think you're right Sebastian.. thank you very much" he bowed "I'll go now then" he left the room and Ciel took a sip "it wasn't my plan to keep you waiting that long but since you came earlier I had no other choice" She smelled the tea and wrinkled her nose “It can happen sometimes,” she put the cup back down"And where were you?" "In downtown London, the Queen summoned me" Y/n looked into his one bright blue eye "I have to tell you that Elisabeth unfortunately won't be honoring us on your birthday. She had to go away with my brother at short notice." "Tss" Ciel clicked his tongue “What did you mean by breaking off the engagement?” "Actually, I would have thought that you would be devastated, but somehow it didn't help." Ciel had to laugh "That's because Elisabeth was supposed to marry my twin brother, but since he died I had to take over And that's why I could never really develop feelings for her." “oh no, my heart is bleeding so much” Y/n giggled “but without a decent woman of high standard the queen will not allow you to marry So you won't get an heir and with that the name Phanthomhive will crumble to dust.. except.." Y/n stood up and stood in front of Ciel "you're marrying me" he choked on his tea "excuse me what?" "You heard me," she stroked his hair, "I'm not engaged yet because my parents died recently, but my uncle... He'll probably get me engaged to my horrible cousin very soon" Ciel looked at her "together we can achieve a lot... We will become the most powerful people and-" "enough" Ciel slapped her hand away "I know exactly what your games are Y/n! You're like a snake... you quietly sneak up on your prey..." Ciel grabbed her wrist and turned her onto the couch so that he was on top. "After you catch your prey You Play With it and after you get bored you cut off your prey's air more and more" his hand went around her neck and squeezed. Y/n opened her mouth and let out a startled breath "After death you play with their lifeless bodies to gain power and then in the end you devour them" The air is being cut off more and more and in Y/n' eyes formed tears. Ciel let go of her and sat next to her, you could only hear Y/n's breathing "Wow, I didn't know you were so kinky, dear Earl" Y/n giggled as she quickly tied her collar tighter "You stupid girl"
"It's too deeply hurtful what you think of me... But you're a watchdog... How many deaths have you already eaten mh?" Ciel's hand twitched "I work under the Queen's orders" "Everyone has mommy issues... So... I think it's hot if you listen to me" "Will never happen" Y/n crossed her arms "You play hard to get Ciel" "and you like it that way" "you know me" both had to smile.
“Well then, I’ll see you at breakfast” Y/n went to the door "Oh Ciel..." She turned around "what?" "Let's play chess together tomorrow... but according to my rules" Ciel had to tilt his head "rules inside? I'll think about it" She left the room.
"Yes Ciel.. my rules" your smile disappeared as you walked into your room "Valentine" you called out "Yes young mistress" you tore off your collar "I want you to pass Sebastian tomorrow! He should be distracted. You know he's a devil right?" Valentin nodded "then show him what you can do" she knelt in front of you and your devil's mark glowed red on your neck "as you wish young mistress"
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shiroganeryo · 2 months
I don't know if you've answered this before but what do you predict will be the ending for DGrayman? I think we all think that Kanda (my boy's got literal death flags everywhere) and Allen will die, but what about everyone else? How will the world be saved?
I really apologize for taking so long to get to this ask, but I've been actually thinking the matter over and over. My answer is probably a little off the chart regarding to the actual question, but this is all I can muster with the current information we have (up to chapter 250). This will be a tad long but I'll try to keep it brief.
But the thing is: it's impossible for me to make a prediction. The beauty in Hoshino's writing is that, while she scatters little details for us to catch and plants seeds very early on, helping us find out certain reveals ahead of time (Allen being the 14th's host, Mana being the Earl; there were very early signs for things like these, things of the sort), knowing such information still isn't enough to give us a definite outline of how the story itself will play out.
That's masterfully done writing right there, and I admire her so because of it; not many shounen/seinen mangaka nowadays can pull this off with the same grace as she does.
Back to your question, much like the majority of the fandom, I believe Kanda will die at the end and there are two reasons for that: one is that it's been hinted at (we could even call it foreshadowing) since Kanda claims he wouldn't be able to die in peace without returning the favor to Allen - not to say he means anything other than "one day I'll die and then I'd take this regret with me to the grave", but we can only get the feeling he has dwelled on the thought (and also possibility) of dying, sooner than expected, especially with the weakened state of his seal.
The other reason is that this would be the most gratifying ending for Kanda, as he would be able to reunite with Alma. He lived his entire life searching for that person and longing to reunite, so that would be the most logical route to take - as well as the best, happiest ending possible for Kanda. After all the horrors the Seconds went through, they both deserve eternal peace.
As for Allen... call me crazy, but I believe there is a chance, albeit slim, that he makes it out alive. I'll need to bring up some things from Chapter 250 to be able to elaborate on this, so here's your warning not to click the Read More if you're avoiding spoilers.
One thing I've observed is that Hoshino plays a lot on word meanings (which unfortunately translation can't convey efficiently) as well as red herrings. Ever since we found out Allen's the 14th's host, he's been considered doomed to get erased so we're playing a clock-ticking game, waiting until that happens.
So it seems that there are only two possibilities: that Allen either gets erased by Nea, or that he dies, sacrificing himself for everyone's sake in the ensuing battle against the Earl that is possibly bound to happen. I can easily picture Allen doing the latter, but the latest chapters gave us something else to consider: Apocryphos' meddling.
We still don't know the full details as to why, but Allen is both deemed as an angel as well as a lamb of sacrifice to the Heart. Something makes me think Apocryphos might be trying to 'craft' the perfect host for the Heart by making use of Allen.
It just aligns with everything we know about Apocryphos as an entity: for someone that is a sentient Innocence whose existence gravitates around the sole purpose of protecting the Heart, why is it so obsessed with a specific accommodator, to the point it even quite literally turned Allen into a blank slate (Nea has confirmed so)?
I'm led to believe Allen is not the Heart, that would be far too easy and predictable. But that's not to say he can't become the Heart. We don't know if the Heart is sentient (all Innocence seem to have sentience to an extent regardless) or if it has an accommodator, and if there is one, if this person isn't out there waiting for the perfect candidate to pass the Heart on to.
This is all just speculation, of course. But it's something that's been on my mind for a while, as I've tried to understand Apocryphos' end goal.
And in the end, if Allen and Nea have become allies due to their shared goal (ending the war and saving Mana), that could also mean that they both die together, as that would be the reunion of Mana and Nea as one, as well as the reunion of Allen with the Mana he so loved.
But then comes in another valuable variable that is Link. It's highly likely that he might sacrifice himself and bring Allen back if he falls, but because of how Atuuda works, that would mean exchanging his own life for Allen's.
There are just a lot of things that could go either way, and that's how Hoshino is so good at keeping us guessing. I often say that I find theorizing anything that goes too far into the future of DGM to be pointless because of how sharply a new, unseen reveal might shift the current scenario.
The latest chapter is building up the expectation that Allen will meet his end soon, especially since the Zoogle Bookstore entered the picture. And that is exactly what's keeping me from being able to predict anything worthy of note; because what they unravel there will very likely be a major game changer not only to Allen but to all involved - which means, by extension, everyone involved in the Holy War.
Another thing keeping me from theorizing anything more solid is Lavi. As a Bookman, he's a witness to history itself, and his whereabouts/status are extremely relevant to map out an end game. The most popular theory is that he's the one telling Allen's story, as it seems the D. in the title refers to "Dear Gray Man".
I can, however, also see Allen as the potential narrator of this story. As for whomst this Gray Man is, only time will tell.
I could go on and on with this, and not get anywhere near what'll truly happen. It's difficult to reach a conclusion in what will happen at the very end for the aforementioned reasons, but if there's one thing I can say, is that this current universe's loop will be the one to end the Holy War, so the Black Order and the Clan of Noah should cease existing as organizations.
Innocence would very likely cease existing as well, having fulfilled its purpose, so all accommodators would be freed. With the end of the war, also comes peace for the Memory of Noah, freeing its hosts from the millenia-old anguish that bound them to a perpetually-destroying world. That would leave the remaining survivors free to do as they please with their lives, away from the war, at last.
First and foremost, DGM is a story about love and hope, even in the darkest of times, and most fans can resonate with such - it's not rare to hear from a fan how this series has helped them hang on when things were looking rather dim in their personal lives. DGM's story is a tragedy, but a beautiful, bittersweet one, just like real life. Thus while I don't see it having a perfect, neatly sanitized ending, I don't see it having a kind of overly dramatic 'everyone dies and the planet explodes' kind of ending either. It would go against everything Hoshino has built all along, after all.
I apologize if, in the end, this wasn't the kind of answer you were hoping for, especially with how long it got - and I did keep it brief, really! But thanks to you and whoever may be reading until here. ❤️
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triviareads · 4 months
Idk if you have watched the tv show Miss Scarlet and The Duke but if you have...could you recommend HR like that? 🤭
I watched a couple episodes! I think I got discouraged because everyone kept telling me how slow-burn it was, but I might pick it back up when I have time and emotional capacity for anything other than Jeopardy. I have some recs that fall under the general investigator/cop/mystery boat:
Bombshell by Sarah MacLean: Probably the one that fits your ask the most, and it's not just because Tommy Peck is a cop whose physical description sounds very similar to William Wellington's. He's also a gruff, no-nonsense hero paired with a loud and proud, somewhat messy heroine with a penchant for explosives and he's OBSESSED and also very exasperated for a lot of the book.
Her Protector's Pleasure by Grace Callaway: Grace Callaway in general will fit this vibe because they're very mystery/crime forward. This book's hero is then-cop Ambrose Kent (an Honorable cop, but don't worry he quits afterwards and opens his own detective agency; honestly, Grace Callaway was ahead of her time), a very unlikely hero considering he's POOR and BUILT LIKE A SCARECROW (but a hot one obvi). He's investigating society lady Marianne Draven (who is also doing some investigating of her own, and both their investigations collide).
The Duke Who Knew Too Much by Grace Callaway: The heroine is Ambrose Kent's sister and a plucky amateur (emphasis on the amateur; Emma accidentally almost sold her virginity at a brothel while investigating) investigator, while the hero is suspected of killing his paramour and keeps chasing after the heroine going "GODDAMMIT Emma".
Olivia and the Masked Duke by Grace Callaway: So this heroine is Emma's daughter, Livvy, and she's secretly an investigator who's a part of the HR version of Charlie's Angels. She's hopelessly in love/chasing after much-older friend Hadleigh all while hiding the fact that she's an investigator. This also has an element of him being annoyed for her safety while she investigates around London but the difference is a) she's a lot more qualified than her mom and b) this man's "punishment" (funishment?) includes spanking.
Fiona and the Enigmatic Earl by Grace Callaway: They're both investigators, well, he's a spy, but both Hawk and Fiona have secret jobs and both end up investigating the same situation, all while being in a marriage of convenience while hiding their secret identities
I feel like a lot of Elizabeth Hoyt's Maiden Lane books could qualify because even if they don't have the exact dynamic, a lot of them are set in the gritty underworld of London (St. Giles!), there's mystery subplots that deal with some pretty dark stuff, but there's a lot of vigilante justice going on (see: The Ghost of St. Giles). I'd strongly recommend the series as a whole if you're into any of this.
Lisa Kleypas wrote a cop series (her Bow Street Runners series) but none of them are very standout to me. I think Lady Sophia's Lover was good from what I remember, because Sophia is out for *revenge* and trying to seduce honorable? magistrate? Sir Ross Cannon.
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lokiforever · 10 months
New teachers at school!!!!
Chapter 10
Series Masterlist
A/N: Greetings,midgardians!So,my lovely mortals as many of you know, following the results of the poll JK's role is now officially switched to a student. Tom will be teaching History and English.....
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Y/N : Stay, please!
You said in a low, meek voice. His heart clenched at the sight of you so sad and troubled.
Tom : I'm right here, sweetheart.
He said and sat back down on the bed and once he was one hundred percent sure that you're back in your slumber , he got up and laid on the couch in the room . Just in case you get another nightmare, though he sincerely hoped you don't .
He had to admit ,this nightmare got him wondering that what so bad happened to you because of which you get those awful nightmares. He was pretty sure about the fact that they're connected.
You woke up by your mobile alarm, only to find ,Tom, peacefully sleeping on the couch. Always a gentleman. You didn't exactly remember what happened last night....but he was there with you,that much you could recall. You felt a bit bashful, now that you think of it ....he was your professor afterall 🤷🏻.
There was a text from Y/B/F/N....
" Hey!! I'll be staying at Jungkook's ..."
"Hey! Amazing!Sorry for replying late, At Tom's ..... 😅". You replied
You got up , as quietly as you could, didn't want to wake your professor up from his deep, peaceful slumber . As you tip-toed your way towards the door, you decided to make some breakfast for you two . So, you went down to the kitchen and started cooking.
You decided to make a proper English Breakfast with a cup of Earl grey. Humming a tune to yourself , you started cooking.
*After 20 minutes*
You felt a pair of hands on your waist and if it wasn't for the fact that you could recognise him just by his scent you'd have beaten the man up . 😅 Just a reflex after that incident because of which you get the nightmares.
"Good morning, darling!" You heard Tom's angelic voice, it sounded deeper as he just woke up.
He placed a kiss on your neck which made you smile.
"Good morning, sweetheart! Breakfast is almost done!"
His heart skipped a beat at the name , you never call him that.
"Mmmm.....I can already smell the delicacy you're whipping up ! What's on the menu?" " Classic english breakfast with a cup of your favourite Earl Grey tea !" you replied. "That sounds wonderful!! Let me help you set the table!" he offered politely. "Sure, thanks!"
As he helped you set the table up, you plated the breakfast.
"Bon appétit !!"
A contented moan escaped his lips as he took the first bite and hell if you wouldn't kill to hear that sound again....
" Mmmm ....you are an amazing cook , darling!! It's the best breakfast I've ever had! Scrumptious!!" He praised you with a heart warming smile.
" I'm glad you like it, Tom !! But hey - you yourself are a great cook !" you said . "Not as good as you!" He protested "Oh, come on!" you chuckled , a blush rising up your cheeks.
"Holy Shit!!! WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE !!!!!" you said as you looked at the time. "Late to what, darling?" He said, totally clueless. "COLLEGE!" You replied. For some reason, he started laughing. " Why . Are. You. Laughing. Tom !!????" Somehow, this made him laugh even harder. " You didn't check the emails , did you?? " He said.
As you picked up the phone, you saw an email from your college informing that all the classes are cancelled for this week. "Ohh.......... sorry" you said , completely crimson from blushing. "It's perfectly fine, dear! Plus, do you know that you look cute when you're angry?"
This made you blush even harder, if that was possible......."Come on !!!" you said.."I'm merely stating what's true" said he . This made you chuckle, "Thank you, sweetheart!"
*After the breakfast*
"Y/N ??" He said while you were making a presentation on your laptop for a project ...so, you hummed in response. "Uhh.... If you don't mind me asking......" he trailed off, so you looked him in the eye and asked - " What is it that's bothering you, Tom ?" " It's just.....last night......as you were having that nightmare, you were asking me to tell someone to stay away....... who's that ?" he inquired, his voice full of concern.
You felt like your heart has stopped beating, your face went pale and you started sweating. "Uhh..........unmm...I-I .......i-it....." you tried to say something but failed as you felt a lump in your throat.
"Hey - Hey , it's fine, darling! You don't need to tell me if it troubles you ! " He got up and brought some water for you . "Here, have some water " ......
"I'm so sorry for the sudden outburst..... it's just - " you tried to explain, only to be interrupted by him "It's okay sweetheart, you don't need to explain!" He softly stated. "Wanna watch a movie?" he asked to distract you from that grief of the nightmare.
"Sure!" you said. Both of you then proceed towards the home theatre he had.
"Choose the genre, dear " he said. "Umm ....... what about a thriller or maybe even horror?" you suggested. "Up for a thrill , are we ?" said he .
You guys decided to go with "The Shining" a classic. He even made some popcorn and got a few cans of cold-drinks .
*Sometime into the movie*
You clutched onto Tom for dear life and hid your face against him as one of the scariest scenes came . The fact that you were watching it for the first time didn't help at all . "Do you want me to put something else?" He cooed slowly. "No, it's fine, thank you for asking!'
*After the movie*
"Good Lord , that was amazing, awfully scary.... but amazing!" You chimed in to which he chuckled, "I'm glad you like it, darling!" He said and kissed you on the cheeks which made you blush. You did not see that coming.
"Oh my ! It's 12:30pm !! I must go now!" you exclaimed. "Please stay for lunch..." said Tom. "Trust me, Tom ... I'd love to but I really have to go..." ofcourse, he did try to make you stay but you had to go .... " ........fine ! Let me drop you, at least!" "That would be a great help!" you said. " Oh come on, darling!"
*After the he dropped you off*
You were still sitting in his car , in front of your apartment...... which was apparently locked . Y/B/F/N must still be with JK.....
"Tom?" "Yes, darling.." "Would like to join me for lunch, please?" "I'd love to, darling, but as you know the weather conditions are rather.... harsh. I better get going before it gets worse." He said refering to the windy weather.. "But-" you were interrupted by his lips on yours ...."Some other day, darling, I promise" he said.
"Okay......." you said, not fully agreed. "Come on, like I said, it's a promise!" he said and chuckled. "Fine. I must go, then..." you replied. "What if you grab your essentials and stay at mine?" he suggested.
Chuckling, you said, "Tom, I..umm...you know, I....I can't...plus Y/B/F/N would be alone if I do so.... thanks though " you smiled ... "Okay......but text me if you need anything, no need to go out in this wheather" 'Okay, so it's official. He is the sweetest man in the universe.' you thought.
"You're so sweet !!!!!!!" you said, placing a kiss on his cheeks and you could swear you saw him blush. 'and the cutest too' you continued your previous thought.
"I'll get going, now . Bye, Tom" "Goodbye , darling!" You opened the gate of his car and stepped out, waving to him one last time before making your way towards the door of your apartment.
After a few minutes your best friend also returned.
"Y/N , I'm home !" she called out . "Oh, hey !! How did it go ?" you said. "AMAZING!!!!" She exclaimed. "Well, that's great. But I need the whole story" you said and chuckled. "Done!" said your best friend, chuckling.
The next few days went normally.
Time skip......
You were qurrently getting ready for the classes and the first one was English.
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Outfit of the day👆🏻
You paired your dress with a black overcoat as it was cold outside.
"Let's go, shall we?" you asked your best friend. "Totally" she replied.
On your way, you guys grabbed a cup of coffee and headed towards your destination...
English Lecture
You sitting on one of the front benches with your best friend. You both were a bit early so no one else was there yet .....as you took a sip of your coffee, you heard the door open and what you saw made you choke on your drink.....
"Good morning, professor" said your best friend. "Good morning, Miss Carter. Um, Y/N you okay?"
You could almost sense a smirk on his face at your obvious reaction.
Okay!? The man literally changed his hair colour and then he's asking you if you're 'okay' ? As if he wasn't already enough he had to change his hair to Black didn't he? And the cherry on top was the outfit he chose.....a blue knitted sweater with a pair of black slacks.
( they could've been a bit less 'tight')
Holy Fuck.
" Y-yes I'm good, thanks!" you reply not so 'swiftly' . "Oh, that's better"....
"Mornin', d- Miss Y/L/N" he said after a slightly awkward stop....and you could tell that Y/B/F/N was trying her best not to laugh, roll her eyes or even grin.
"Good morning, professor!" you said blushing
You couldn't have been more grateful for the lack of audience .
As the students started entering and the class begun, you tired your best to not be distracted by the new change.
*Later in Tom's office*
"You seem to like this, huh?" he said refering to his new hair colour which was totally unexpected as he was the ever subtle one.
"I-I.....uhh...." you were more blushing than talking, earning a chuckle from him.
"Don't worry darling, I won't bite...... unless you ask me to, ofcourse" he said with a smirk and you could swear he winked.
Ok, so now it's official. He is acting a bit different today. You quite liked it, tbh.
You gulped. You just gulped.
"Anyways, my beloved what are your plans for Christmas?" he asked switching the topic like a light switch. "Uh....umm..well, Y/B/F/N is going out with her family so I guess I'll have to either go with her or spend it alone"
"You're not spending it with your family?" he asked "I never met my actual parents.....my aunt brought me up and she too passed a few years ago" you said, tears welling in your eyes but you quickly hide them. "...... I'm so sorry...... What if you stay with me?For Christmas?" he asked "Um...I beg your pardon"
"How about you spend Christmas with me?"
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A/N : Hey mortals!! I know this chapter is a bit short.... sorry....I have a news for you guys,I won't be writing or posting anything for the next one month as I have a lot to work on...... again, I apologise.
Taglist: @holdmytesseract @dishahaldar @lotsoflokilove23 @jennyggggrrr @imlokisgloriouspurpose
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alicehattera03 · 8 months
Alice you're the only person I've been able to find who enjoys athykiel as much as I do that's why I wanted to ask if you have any headcanons for ijekiel like his routine, tastes, anything.
This is such...this is SUCH A GOOD ASK O M G hello fellow athykieler!!! <333 Welcome to my headcanons~!! (Along with some Athykiel!!) ^^ I do hope you see this when I post it and I hope you like them as much as I enjoyed writing them!!! 🥰
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Routine-wise, he'd be meticulous as he had been brought up as such. Having a cup of tea in the morning while reading a book or two, learning head-of-the-house duties as the heir, learning royal etiquette on the side partially because his father wants him to become Emperor consort but also because Ijekiel himself wants to be Athy's husband.
He would drink black tea/earl grey tea in public spaces but really he likes to indulge in slightly sweeter teas like Roobios or Osmanthus.
His favorite food could possibly be vanilla or strawberry desserts in contrast to Athy's chocolate loving soul. (How perfect that her husband doesn't share her taste so she can have it all for herself!)
I think of him as a hot bath at night, cold shower in the morning type of person.
His taste has always been someone intelligent, someone more free since he was never allowed to be more open with his feelings as a duke's heir. Someone as bright as the sun, but someone who could also be as dark as the moon when they needed to be. Someone who could wield power that would swallow all others, but could be benevolent and caring and kind. Someone like... Princess Athanasia.
He's probably tried on a robe like Claude's just to see why his majesty always wore one and instantly got embarrassed seeing himself in the mirror. (turning red all the way up to his ears would be so cute!!)
It's canon that he went back to the meadow- where they first met- a lot, every time he came back from the academy and I headcanon that he picked up the feathers that fell off from her dress that day and placed them between the pages of a book along with a flower each time he visits.
He feels a bit bare if his collar is unbuttoned more than one but oftentimes meetings are too long, or too many people trying to get in his good graces are getting on his nerves and he just has to get away from all that.
He got mad at his father when he came back that day and said Ijekiel wouldn't be Princess Athanasia's playmate. It was the first time ever since he was very young that he had gotten mad and shown it to his father so outwardly that Roger got very surprised and wasn't able to pay attention to J for a couple of days. Ijekiel would have balled up his fists and being all surly, "I wish I didn't look like you. The reason her highness didn't want me was because I look like you. If I looked like mother, this wouldn't have happened. It's your fault I can't be next to her highness!" and stormed out, locking himself in his room for a week or two. (painful!!!)
He has a fondness for animals, particularly ones with wings(because it reminds him of how he mistook Athy as an angel when they first met with her falling out of the sky) but he has vague memories of asking his father if they could take care of a puppy he had found but his father tells him it's too boisterous and would scare J- Ijekiel never really found the heart to care for her much after that.
He has a drawer dedicated to gifts he has never given(or possibly planning!) to give Athy, because something always catches his eye when he goes out- perhaps a sparkling blue brooch or earrings shaped like flowers. One time, J mistakes a gift for hers as Ijekiel hadn't put it into the drawer yet and she opens it. A beautiful parasol. He snatches it away from her and coldly snaps it in half before handing it to the butler to burn.
He would like to take a small boat out onto the lake with Athy, pointing out the geese that have their heads pointed towards each other in the shape of a heart, or the way a fish leaps out of the water and splashes the both of them as they laugh.
He didn't need much motivation to study when he was young, he just enjoyed how the knowledge he knew grew larger each time he read new books and he wanted to learn new things. He went through teachers like clothes and by the time he went to the academy and came back, "There was nothing left for us to teach him."
He doesn't particularly like horse-riding, he only does it sometimes because Athy finds him handsome when he does, calling him a "Prince on a white horse".
He likes being dressed up and having Athy choose his clothes for him, it makes his heart skip a beat more than once when he catches her looking at him with unspoken words that he knew all too well because he feels the same.
He doesn't really like Obelia's hot weather, he would ideally like to live in a climate that is right in the middle between hot and cold, a perpetual Autumn-like country that has short summers.
He enjoys live orchestra but when he's tired, he does fall asleep when at a concert and wakes up to applause, Athy laughing beside him. "You could have told me you were tired tonight. I wouldn't have said anything." And he would kiss the back of her hand, leaning onto her shoulder as he holds it tight. "I didn't want you to go without me, who else would be next to you- you know I get jealous of your guards when you spend more time with them than me." She would laugh and press a chaste kiss to his temple, fingers carding through his hair. "You're the only one I love."
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