#dw i got my heart checked today to be safe
beesinspades · 4 months
very happy to be a little over two months on T but boi despite no changes the hormonal mess it's causing has been taking me on a RIDE and next time is my first shot by myself i totally expect to either chicken out or suck it up and feel sick af afterwards
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traumxrei-archive · 1 year
【 death scares 】
prompt #6: Oh, Great Seven, he thought they were going to die. Please don’t ever scare him like that again (ft. sebek zigvolt, jade leech, leona kingscholar)
gn! prefect (you/yours), drabbles, word count: 1.6k
a/n: hello, i finished my research proposal so i have time before my next deadline to post this >:DD it's angsty asf, but i made sure that it was hurt/comfort so dw i gotchu guys ^^
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Sebek Zigvolt
Sebek wasn't someone who usually got scared. He knew better than to succumb to such feelings that all but interfered with one's ability to act. It was one of the things he learned when he was training to be one of the Young Master's guards.
But when he saw you dangling from a broom midair, Sebek felt all the hairs on his arms raise. You were barely holding on, and he could see everyone shouting in alarm from where you were.
If you fell, then you would...
Sebek gritted his teeth, "Give me one of your brooms, humans!" His voice boomed over all the commotion, turning heads.
The person nearest to him stuttered, "But brooms are only meant to hold one perso—"
"Does that matter?" Sebek grabbed the broom out of the other's hands. "If you don't do anything, that human is going to fall!"
He hopped onto the broom, flying to where you were before shouting, "Human! You need to let go and get on my broom!"
"I can't!" You cried, your arms shaking with effort. "You'll get hurt, Sebek!"
"Human, I am ten times more durable than you," Sebek said as calmly as he could, bringing his broom closer to yours. "If I fell from this height and got hurt, it'd be an insult to the Young Master!"
"What is it?"
"Promise you won't get mad?"
"I can't," Sebek watched as your fingers started to slip. "But I'll promise we won't fall."
It was at that moment when you fell. He felt his broom shift under your weight, and he strained to reinforce it with magic.
But you were here.
You were safe, and that was all that mattered to Sebek. He could feel the pounding of your heart against his back where you clutched onto his uniform.
"What were you thinking?" Sebek ranted, his anger finally surfacing as they made their way to the ground. "Human, I'll have you know that you could've died or been seriously injured!"
"Not only that," Sebek turned to face you. "The fact that— You're...crying...?"
You held on to one of his sleeves, the tears dripping onto the grass below, "I'm s-sorry, Sebek, I didn't mean to...to do that, it just—"
Sebek sighed, resting a hand on your shoulder, "It is alright. You are safe now, human, I was just—" Worried...? Worried? The Sebek Zigvolt, worried about a mere human? But really, who was he kidding? You weren't just a mere human to Sebek, were you?
"I didn't want to see you hurt, is all," He finished lamely. And he could see your eyes sparkling— this time not with unshed tears. Great Sevens, what kind of feeling was currently strangling his heart? Was it...fondness?
Sebek felt his ears warm, quickly brushing off the blooming feelings in his heart, "I-It would be best to get your hands checked out, I shall take you to the nurse!"
You smiled at that. A small smile, but to Sebek it meant the world. He continued on, rambling about broom safety as he led you to the infirmary. If it meant that you were smiling and not crying anymore, then Sebek would more than gladly fill up the silence with his voice.
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Jade Leech
Of all the things to happen today, he didn't think watching you put yourself in mortal peril was going to be one of them. Jade swallowed, trying to clear the stuffy feeling that seemed to sufuse his whole body.
He was waiting for you outside of the infirmary, the initial shock after the accident having finally subsided. Still, he couldn't get the picture of your body lying prone on the ground out of his mind.
"It was due to incorrect ratios," The nurse had said. "The alchemy potion had turned into a potent airborne poison. And if you had arrived any later..."
Jade didn't want to think about that part.
But soon enough, the nurse called him in. As he walked up to your bed, he couldn't bring himself to speak first. You weren't watching him, clearly focused on trying to open your water bottle.
"Let me," Jade's voice escaped him, and he saw your eyes widen when you saw him. He opened the bottle, handing it back to you without another word.
"Thank you."
Jade didn't know what else to say, his eyes following you as you drank. His mind brought back the image of you being unnaturally still. It was morbid. The thought made him sick, yet he couldn't stop thinking about it.
"Jade-senpai," You met his gaze and he felt his throat constrict. "Are you...mad at me?"
Jade felt his lips twitch, "Why, pray tell, would I be mad?"
"I...I'm sorry, I wasn't being careful enough," You bit your lip, and he couldn't bear to be upset with you any longer. He sighed, taking a seat beside you.
He very slowly slipped off his glove, talking all the while, "Next time you find yourself having to do an alchemy assignment alone, do invite me."
"But you're busy," There was clear hesitation in your voice, even as his hand tentatively held yours.
"Kind to a fault," Jade said shakily, feeling unsteady now that he could feel the warmth of your skin against his own. "There's no need for that. Your safety is more important, and I would gladly spend time with you. At least next time take one of your friends with you just...just in case." Jade pressed his lips together. He didn't mean to nag. He didn't mean to talk much at all, but the sight of you pried all his feelings out him so effortlessly. He really couldn't win against you.
And like you knew exactly what he wanted to hear, you smiled, "I'm okay now. See?" Your palm cupped over his, bringing his fingers to rest against your neck. And sure enough, he could feel your pulse thrumming under his fingers.
Jade closed his eyes before opening them again, "Right. Now then, I will be overseeing your recovery from now on." He clapped, his magic swirling through the air to tug your blankets into a more acceptable state.
"Wait, what–"
"I'll contact your friends to let you rest for now."
"No, senpai, wait–"
"Surely you aren't objecting to rest, Prefect?" Jade smiled as politely as he could and he watched as you shuddered. "After all you almost di–"
"I'll be in your care then," You huffed, before patting his arm. "Just make sure you don't over do it."
"I won't. I'll be taking very good care of you."
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Leona Kingscholar
"The Prefect got into an accident."
Leona couldn't understand how those words filled him with such dread. He couldn't even wait for Ruggie to finish, he was already rushing to the infirmary.
What did Ruggie mean by you got into an accident? What kind of accident was it? Were you okay? Sevens forbid that you were...
Leona gritted his teeth as he arrived. Irrational anger and worry wasn't like him. He took a deep breath, schooling his emotions before knocking on the door.
"Kingscholar," The nurse acknowledged. "To what do I–"
"The Prefect."
"...Right," They nodded before leading him toward where you were. The curtains were drawn and he couldn't...see you. "Don't do anything too rash."
Leona nodded, drawing back the curtain. His stomach dropped at the sight of you, your head wrapped up in bandages, and plasters covering your arms and legs.
You were awake, and you blinked as he stood there, "Leona-senpai..."
Leona heaved out a harsh breath, sitting at the edge of the bed. He didn't know what to do. Not when that ugly mix of anger and worry was bubbling at the base of his throat. Instead all he did was stare, as if any second an ugly red would mar the bandage on your head.
"I, uhm," You spoke first, your head turned downward. "It wasn't anyone's fault. We...had some rain at Ramshackle, and it leaked inside... The staircase, it... Ramshackle's old, so..."
"You're telling me the staircase fell in on you?" There was a surprised look on your face as he spoke. Even he couldn't understand the flatness of his voice.
"I...yeah," You clenched your fists. "Grim's okay, he was at the foyer when it happened, but..."
"So you almost died," At your nod, Leona felt the anger morph straight into fear. Died? The herbivore? You almost died?
He scowled at the thought as he pried your hands from the sheets, "Stop that. You're gonna make your injuries worse." His eyes met yours, and he could see the fear there too— in the way you trembled despite the day being warm.
"Herbivore..." He muttered before moving closer to you. He was mindful of your bandages as he held you, trying to ease your shaking.
"I was scared," You murmured into his shoulder. "I thought that it was the end, and—"
"You're here now," Leona soothed, and he wasn't sure who he was trying to comfort. "You'll be alright, herbivore." You pulled away with a weak smile and it took all of Leona's self control not to pull you back to him.
He sighed, hanging his head, "You...you drive me crazy. Really, do I have to cast protective spells on you to keep you safe?"
Your hand settled over his, "I won't object if you do. It might come in handy sometime."
"That's not the point. And you should sleep," Leona gently pushed you against the pillows. "How are you gonna get better enough to ask Crowley for more budget if you don't rest?"
"And..." Your voice was quiet; inquisitive. "You'll stay?"
"I wasn't planning on leaving," Leona braced his head against his arm. "Now sleep." That seemed to appease you, and soon enough, he could hear the steady sound of your breathing fill the room. And in the quiet of the room, Leona vowed never to let you fall into danger again. Not if he could do something about it.
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ty for reading the hurt/comfort !! i hope that it uh, appeased your angst chasing for now, and if you'd like to read more of my stuff, check out my masterlist <3
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puckrmn · 4 years
Nobody Actually Likes Salads || Peychuck
tagging: @thepuckrmn & @peytonhudson
location: Joe’s
time frame: April 22, lunch
warnings: some light salad bashing (dw i actually like salad sometimes)
This has been the longest Peyton had gone not seeing Puck since they’d started sleeping together. He was becoming such a constant in her life that when he was gone it took everything in her not to reach out, and not to randomly show up in his bedroom the same way he used to show up in hers. But proving to herself and to him that she did believe the best in him meant trusting him when he told her he was doing it for her. That he wasn’t going anywhere. She’d spent the morning in class, and as she walked into Joes she was silently cursing the fact that she didn’t put more effort into her appearance before she took Lexi to school — Mornings were hectic. Jeans and an oversized sweater would have to do. It had been a while since her heart raced like it was right now, and the butterflies in her stomach fluttered somewhere between excitement and nervousness. All their text conversations hadn’t helped the latter. Spotting him at a booth she couldn’t stop herself smiling even if she wanted to, “Hey... You waiting for someone?” She says quietly, sliding in across from him. “I was meant to be meeting a potato, but I don’t see any soooo can I sit here while I wait?”
Puck leaned back in his seat as he watched people walk by the window of the restaurant. A night out with Kitty and still not completely ventilated apartment had him feeling tired and hungover. He chuckled to himself when he realized he was still wearing his sunglasses inside. Pulling them off, he tucked them in the front of his shirt before grabbing a menu off the table. He was looking over his options when he heard a familiar voice in front of him. Looking up, he smiled at his lunch date. “Think you need to get your eyes check because I’m looking extra potato today.” Leaning across the table, he pressed a kiss to her cheek in greeting. He sat back down and took a sip of his soda. “How were your classes? Finals are right around the corner huh?”
“A slightly tired potato maybe?” she teased, smiling softly as he kissed her cheek. There was so much she wanted to say to him, but for a moment she just wanted to look at him. She’d missed that face. Peyton nodded at the question, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “Yup, next week. I’m pretty sure I’ve got this now... I dream about flash cards, my entire living room is full of post it notes to remind me of things I need to know, and Lexi has heard so many random facts I’m fairly sure even she could sit my finals for me.” She chuckled, and picked up the menu from the table, twirling it in her fingers. She’d lived in Doveport her whole life, she didn’t really need to see what they had. “How have you been? Besides the turning into a potato thing.” She asked, placing the menu to the side and resting her arms on the table in front of her.
He chuckled as he listened to her, remember how wound up she got before her final exams the previous semester. “You’re gonna kill it. You’re literally the smartest person I know. And you already know everything there is to know about animals. Dr. Peyton Hudson. Has a good ring to it,” he said as he dropped his gaze to look over the menu once more. “I’ve been chill. The studio has been slammed lately. I think I’ve tattooed half the town in the last two weeks. Everyone must be bored or something. Turning into a potato was also fun though. Apartment still smells like weed,” he commented with a shrug. Puck glanced over the menu once more before looking up at Peyton. “I’m thinking the chicken sammie. What about you?”
Dr. Peyton Hudson. With graduation so close and a job offer sitting in her emails, the reality of that title seemed to be closer in reach than ever before. She also wasn’t too proud to admit she liked the way it fell from his lips. “As long as no one asks me for medical advice on a plane, I think I’m pretty excited to be a doctor,” she quips, chewing at the inside of her lip as she listened to him talk about his life. “Yeah, I had a few people come and ask me for ink, but unfortunately with finals I had to send them all your way... you can thank me later.” Peyton joked, looking down at briefly at the menu and nodding. “As lame as it sounds, I think I have to eat a salad... and cheese fries. You know, on the side?” She chuckled. “The nutritional value of one outweighs the other, obviously, and if I don’t eat a vegetable sometime soon, my body may rebel.” She should really make note of that later when it came time to feed Lexi and she has pizza for the third time in five days. When the waitress comes to the table, Peyton ordered politely and handed the menu back to her before turning her gaze back to Puck. There’s silence for a second as she found the words, trying not to ramble for once. “Thank you, Puck... I mean, for the space. I didn’t love it all the time,” she admitted, ducking her head. “But I think I needed it. So, thank you.”
“Oh yea. My biggest tattoo competition in this town. No wonder I was mostly only doing finger letters these past couple of weeks.” Puck shrugged at her lunch choices. “Not judging. Salads can be not boring some times.” He ordered his food when the waitress arrived and asked for a refill on his soda, needing as much caffeine as possible to get through the rest of the day. As a comfortable silence fell over the table, he returned his focus on people watching outside. He was about to point out something funny when he heard her speak up once more. Puck fiddled with his straw wrapper as she thanked him for the space. Shrugging slightly, he glanced up at her. “I was just trying to do what was best for you. It’s obvious that we kinda lost ourselves for a bit there. And if we just kept going like nothing was wrong we would’ve ended up breaking up completely instead of just taking a break. But I’m glad things are working out for you. You found someone to talk to about everything?”
Biting at the inside of her cheek nervously, Peyton nodded. She didn’t need Puck to know everything she’d done over the past couple of weeks to move past what happened with their non-pregnancy, but she needed him to know she was okay. “Yeah... I did,” she mumbles, momentarily distracted when the waitress returns with the soda and the coffee. Coffee was essential pre-exams seeing that sleep was almost non-existent. After quietly thanking her, she brings the hot drink to her lips and lifts her shoulder in tiny shrug. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.” She commented, still looking down at her drink. “I guess I just really wanted it more than I thought I did. The timing was awful, but... it would have been ours. And then I blamed myself... and my body.” Her lips twist and she finally looked up at him with a small smile. “I’m okay though. I know these things happen... I mean, I’m going to be a doctor in a week so it’s basically my job to know the science.” Peyton held the coffee in her hands, wishing she was able to nudge him or touch him somehow. Why are tables so big? “I have missed you though, Puck.” A lot. But bringing too much sappy out at Puck all at once was never a good thing. Unless they were naked. Which, unfortunately, was not the case.
His fingers tapped the side of his glass as he listened to her explain what happened between them. “I know you didn’t mean to hurt me. None of this was or is your fault. Shit happens. Life isn’t fair sometimes. When it’s the right time…it’ll happen. It just wasn’t the right time for us. I’m not going to hold it against you, Peyton,” he said with a shrug. His life had been full of bad luck and shitty situations, so he was unfortunately used to things going wrong for him. He would never blame Peyton for something that was out of his control. His issue was with how she acted towards him after all was said and done. Reaching across the table with both hands, his fingers ran down her forearms slowly before grabbing her hands with his. “I’ve missed you too, Peyton.” He squeezed her hands softly and looked up at her. “I really am glad you’re doing better.”
Peyton shook her head slowly, “That’s not exactly what I meant. I’ve come far enough to know that what happened wasn’t actually my fault. Or anyones. But at the time... I didn’t believe that. I kind of have this bad habit of not asking for help when I need it. So I started to believe that you were seeing me the way I was seeing me. Or I was scared that you were going to? Which don’t worry, I don’t believe anymore, but you were right. I got insecure. I mean, more than the normal occasional Peyton insecure moments, and I took it out on you. So... I didn’t mean to hurt you. I guess I just need you to know that it wasn’t you, it was me. And I’m sorry for making you believe that I don’t think the best in you.” So much for not rambling. She sighed quietly, and lifted her gaze to Puck for a beat. When he leaned forward and ran his finger tips down her arms to her hands, she finally let out the breath she didn’t know she’d been holding since she got here. “Me too,” She murmured, squeezing his hand back tighter than she’d meant to. “That’s all the deep things I had to say today. Oh! and Lexi says hi. She drew on the wall the other day and told me she was tattooing the house, safe to say she also misses you.”
He listened to her ramble away quietly. It was a bummer that she had been struggling for that long and he hadn’t even noticed. Sighing, he squeezed her hands softly. “Hey it’s chill. You can stop apologizing. At some point we gotta like…put this stuff behind us so we can move forward or we’re always going be stuck,” he shrugged. Puck played with her fingers for a moment. Chuckling at her Lexi story, he nodded his head in understanding. “I drew on SO many walls when I was a kid. My mom would whoop my ass every time. She obviously didn’t appreciate my budding artistic talent.” Puck let go of her hands and leaned back as the waiter came by and placed Peyton’s cheese fries on the table between them. “Don’t let Devon know that you’re cheating on his cheese fries.”
“If only she knew you’d grow up to be the second best tattoo artist in the state,” she smiled softly, looking down at their fingers for a moment before the waitress returned. There were two things she wanted right now more than anything: to pass her exams and become a vet, and to not be “stuck” in pause with the person she loves. Oh, and for Lexi to stop using the word ‘fuck’ at school. She chuckled as he spoke, reaching for a cheese fry and placing it in her mouth. “You know I’m terrible at keeping secrets, the likelihood of me blurting it out the next time I see him — which will probably be tonight, because what is cooking? — is incredibly high. I’ll just tell him his are better. Devon is understanding, everything will brie alright.” Peyton didn’t want to push Puck. With him she’d learned that sometimes it’s better for him to do things in his own time and his own way. If keeping things light was what what was needed right now for their whatevership, then she could do just that. “Cheese fry?” She offered, leaning over to hold the fry up to him. “Don’t expect mind blowing.”
“Don’t think about it as keeping a secret…think about it as lying to protect poor little Devon’s feelings.” He couldn’t help but roll his eyes and chuckle at her cheese pun. “You dork,” he commented softly. Puck glanced from her face down to the fry she was offering him. Leaning forward, he grabbed the fry with his mouth, making sure to press his lips to her fingertips before pulling away. He pretended to be deep in thought as he chewed and swallowed the cheese fry. “Devon’s are still better. Maybe it’s because I only call him when I’m drunk or high…but his are just better.” Taking a sip of his soda, he leaned back as the water came by with the rest of their food. “How’s studying going? I heard McKenna came up with a pretty interesting incentive program to help you out,” he said with a smirk.
“Whatever the reason, he knows his cheese fries. I’m not sure how I survived without him for so long,” she chuckled, still feeling her fingertips tingle from where his lips had pressed against them. When the food comes, Peyton looked down at the salad and pushed it around on her plate for a second before take a bite. Next to cheese fries, salads aren’t nearly as exciting. With his next question, Peyton had to swallow quickly to stop herself from choking slightly. “Oh my god,” She murmured, bringing her hands to her face to hide the way her cheeks were blushing underneath them. “Of course she did.” Dropping her hands, she glanced up at him returning the smirk on his lips. “Strip studying. It’s the new and improved studying technique to ensure you ace your finals. Very effective. Wanna take part?”
Puck laughed loudly at her reaction to him knowing about the strip studying shenanigans the girls got into. His kept laughing as her face turned red. Smirking, he took a bite from his chicken sandwich as she calmed down. His smirk grew at her offer to take part. “Mmmm…I dunno. I don’t think I’d look as good in that lingerie as McKenna did. You’d probably wanna do whatever you can do to keep my clothes on,” he joked. Puck took a couple more bites of his food. “You know…I am a little disappointed in you. I mean I’m impressed that you had the will power to see McKenna in that outfit and not rip it off of her…but a little disappointed that you didn’t take advantage of the situation.”
She laughed quietly, biting down hard on her bottom lip and silently urging her cheeks to stop blushing. “You’re right, I’m not sure you could pull off the lingerie she did. It’s your lack of butt, sorry. But I am rather partial to seeing you without clothes on... and it’s all about incentive to get questions right”. With this particular conversation, she momentarily ditched the salad and turned her attention back to the fries. Comfort food also included embarrassment food, right? “Hey! I stripped too when I got answers wrong,” she replied, holding out a defensive finger to Puck. “I mean, it was hard. McKenna is perfect and I will watch her strip any day of the week, but... I guess my body still wants something else. And I’ve become pretty great at making it work by myself until I get it.” She shrugged slightly, cocking her head with a half smile. “How do you know what outfit she was wearing? Do I need to be concerned you’re peeping in my living room windows, Puck Puckerman?”
He nodded his head in agreement to her statement. “No butt would be an issue. I also don’t know if I’d be able to fit the little general in those panties. And accidentally nuttage is not sexy,” he joked before taking a bite out of a french fry. “Okay so both of you were pretty much almost naked and you guys didn’t fuck?? Come on, Hudson. I thought you were better than that.” He raised his eyebrow at her following statement. “Been putting that bottom drawer vibrator to good use?” He ran his hand through his hair as he pictured it for a moment. A laugh from his lips at her accusation. “No no. She pulled a Peyton and wrong number texted me the previews that were meant for you.”
She couldn’t help but roll her eyes at his comment, chuckling softly to herself. This disappointment she could deal with. Peyton was a lot of things, but her heart — and her body, apparently — were both stubbornly loyal. “It’s been moved to the top draw.” She quipped simply, the smirk growing on her lips. “Easier access that way.” Peyton took a few more bites of the salad, now thinking about the pizza she was definitely going to be ordering tonight. “Wow, I’m hurt I never got the previews. But the real thing was better.” Peyton teased, leaning back into the chair and running her fingers through her hair. It was nice to talk to him like this. Sex is nothing short of amazing, but Puck was also one of her best friends before this. And contrary to what a lot of people believe, their whatever ship was more being together than just hot sex. “I may regret the salad.”
“It’s like a minor league player being called up to the majors. Time for his big debut,” he joked. He smirked and pulled out his phone, pulling up the photos that McKenna sent him. “The black looked pretty damn good. But I think she made the right move going with the white,” he said as he slid his phone across the table for her to look at. Grabbing his knife, he cut his chicken sandwich in half. He took the untouched half and placed it on Peyton’s plate. “I won’t tell if you don’t tell. There’s lettuce and tomato on it so it’s like…kinda healthy.” Leaning back in his seat, he popped a couple of fries into his mouth.
She raised a brow as she looked down at the photos, nodding to herself and agreeing in Puck’s assessment. “I can’t argue with that. The white was really hot... Best wrong text you’ve ever received?” She laughed and slid the phone back to Puck across the table. Her eyes widened when half of the sandwich was placed on her plate, and it was yet another thing she wasn’t going to argue with. “It can be our secret,” she muttered, reaching down to take a bite of food that didn’t taste like rabbits food and humming contently as it hits her mouth. “I take back everything I said about wanting to eat healthy. I’ll just stick to running and pacing nervously through my house.” Peyton picked up the coffee cup, holding it firmly between her hands as she let the last couple of sips of caffeine get into her. “Thanks for agreeing to meet with me today,” she said quietly, placing it down and brushing her hair behind her ear. In habit more than anything else.
Puck looked at her and shook his head. “Studying burns a shit ton of calories or something like that. I dunno. I never really studied so I always had to go to the gym,” he joked as he finished the rest of his food. Pushing the plate away from him, he leaned back in his chair and gestured for the check from the passing waiter. “You don’t gotta make it sound like this was pure torture for me. I like seeing you. This wasn’t a business meeting. It was just us hanging out,” he replied. Puck pulled out his wallet to pay for their lunch, giving the waiter his credit card and waving him off before Peyton could try to pay for herself. “Next time we should hang when neither of us have to go back to work or studying.” He thanked the waiter and signed the receipt before pocketing his card. Standing up, he offered her his hand. “Ready to roll?”
Peyton sighed softly, really wishing he didn’t read into everything she said like that. It was just a thank you. She might have been okay, but it seemed like he was still waiting for her to say the wrong thing. “I invited you out to lunch. And I ate half of your food... I really should have paid for lunch,” she pointed out with an eye roll. Accepting his hand, she stood up from the booth and followed him out of the restaurant. “Can we not go this long again without seeing each other?” She asked once outside, reaching her free hand up and brushing her thumb over his cheek gently. “I guess I should go back to studying,” she muttered as she stood to her toes and pressed her lips against his cheek lovingly. “Don’t be a stranger, Puck.”
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cythoughtsnmemories · 2 years
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Good times always past fast. Did not meet with my cousin w my family cos I'm too lazy to travel, after waking up at 7.30 today to go for morning walk w bf.
Work isn't busy but it's slightly stressful due to there's a few resignee who break bond and their liquidated damages to pay is pretty huge. They can't pay, so I'm d chaser. I really hate this. Okay, I'm grateful my manager did initiate to have zoom meeting to discuss w those resignee on how they are settling the LD.
Anw, I'm so happy to meet bf on Tue for dinner. Cos it's a busy wk for him, and thought we might not be meeting until wkend.
Met Grace for dinner on Fri. She was craving for cafe food, so I suggested to go Lola's cafe. Finally she tendered after 6 years. I hope she will learn more at the new centre. Felt sad for her that d current centre didn't really appreciate her hard work. Will see how long the centre can survive w/o Grace. Not say she is perfect, but she carried so much responsibility and nobody help her but still mgmt is complaining.
Woke up early yesterday too. I'm so light sleeper that I could hear my mum's phone vibration in her room while I was on my bed. So I just wake up, went to the temple, then to d market w sis, before I meet my bf for lunch. Mum is going for heart surgery this mth end and I really pray she will recover well after surgery and everything will be smooth. Bf meet me a little later for lunch but we were quite chill. He took a short nap while I prep those sushi ingredients. Then we nap tgt hahaha~ It was a tiring week for him. Poor bf. I didn't have any craving, so bf make d decision for dinner place and he picked Korean BBQ (Seoul Kitchen). It's perfect cos it's just a few bus stops away and the price is so worth it, $19.90++ per adult (Unlimited 90 mins bbq & it's on a wkend!). Will return if I want to have Korean BBQ and dw to travel far! Came back after 2hrs of dinner, shower and Netflix.
I couldn't sleep again, and bf is so nice to wake up to have Ya Kun w me before we go for a walk at Labrador park. Spot kingfisher for the 1st time haha. It's an easy 1hr walk. Bf had stomachache after the walk and I tease him w d pic of him walking faster to the toilet saying "bf dw me liao. I stuck at shopping mall entrance cos safe entry app wasn't working well and he nvr check and wait for me". After he was done, he texted me and ask me not to hide, but I was sitting on d toilet bowl to feel if I wanna shit 😂. After I came out, I replied we had our last meal this morning as gf/bf (inside joke) then he saw me walking out of the toilet. I purposely walk straight to d mall exit, then he purposely walk towards me and shouted my name, "CY where r u?" Omg 😂 I quickly run towards him and hold his hand and shhh him. I asked him if he wants d whole mall to know my name, he replied gf lost liao, must find. I say "u dw gf liao" He say oh then is find my wife back. Some how I felt touched by this action. We managed to reach tiong bahru market by 11.30. Weee~ I got to eat my lor mee! Shared char kway teow too. We nap on our way back in d train. Bf con't to nap after shower, while I cook the rice for sushi.
We woke up after a short nap to make the sushi. Made a mistake for leaving the seaweed expose to air, it became not crispy. Thank God my bf is not picky.
Alone at home now, feeling a little tired but I'm not gonna nap anymore. Maybe sleeping early at 11.15 tonight. Shall enjoy my me time before my family comes back. It's a happy wkend spent!
0 notes
Regenerate Nine Day: Bring me to life
Volume: 1.
Number of parts: 8/?.
Pairings: Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler.
Synopsis: "And the Doctor had been there, sat next to her, holding her hand and waiting for her to wake up. They had just landed on Earth when he found out that something was wrong, that Rose wasn’t waking up."
A/N: Today is Regenerate Nine Day (9/9) and so I've decided to repost all the one-shots I've written about the Ninth Doctor, whether they are DW verse or not to celebrate this fantastic Doctor. The first shot to be post is a rewriting of Journey's end.
“A hero is somebody who is selfless, who is generous in spirit, who just tries to give back as much as possible and help people. A hero to me is someone who saves people and who really cares.” - Debi Mazar.
The events of the Satellite 5 were still running through his head now that he was back on Earth. Just like he had promised so many times, he had brought Rose back to her mother. Her mother who had helped her going back to him though the Doctor was pretty sure Jackie hated him. And now, she was going hate him even more because of a decision he hadn’t even taken. He had sent Rose back on Earth when the Daleks threat became out of control, when he knew for sure that he was going to die that day. He had fulfilled his promise. He had protected her and sent her back to her mother when things went deadly dangerous. However, Rose had come back. Rose had absorbed the whole Vortex and had come back to save him because she couldn’t bear the idea of losing him when he had sent her away so she wouldn’t die in a war that wasn’t hers. She had become the Bad Wolf, a goddess of time and space, an entity more powerful than the Time Lords all together. He hadn’t known that seeing the heart of the TARDIS being ripped open by Margaret Blaine would give Rose the idea of doing so. Hadn’t he warned her how dangerous it was to look into the Vortex? Hadn’t he told her that she would burn if she did so? Why his companions never listened to what he was saying? She had done it whatever he could have said about it and the power of the Vortex had slowly burned through her veins and brain. Oh, she had been so beautiful and so powerful his Rose. Her action had been so pure, so selfless. A simple human sacrificing her life for him. He had wanted to return the favour, to pull the Vortex out of her body but before he could do a thing, she had let go. The Vortex had gone back in the TARDIS’ heart and Rose had lost consciousness. The Daleks were gone; people were dead and he got to get out of the situation. Alive, once again. The Time War had ended a second time and he was alive because a human he loved dearly had given everything for him to stay alive. He had gathered her in his arms and had carried her back into the TARDIS, carefully laying her down on the grating. He had entered the coordinates of planet Earth, 2005. He had needed to bring Rose back to Jackie, leaving Jack behind them because he was now a mistake, something that shouldn’t exist. And the Doctor had been there, sat next to her, holding her hand and waiting for her to wake up. They had just landed on Earth when he found out that something was wrong, that Rose wasn’t waking up. He had brought her back to Jackie’s flat and accepted all the anger Jackie had for him, especially he had told her that Rose Tyler was slowly dying and he didn’t know why. “I promise to do anything in my power to help her!” he cried out in pain after Jackie had slapped him. “She wouldn’t be dying if he wasn’t for you!” “I brought her home before anything could happen. She’s the one who came back!” “She wanted to save you! She loves you for God’s sake!” The words cracked in the air and hit the Doctor straight in the hearts who beat a bit faster than usual. He didn’t reply though. He already knew it was true. He had seen it. He had seen all the signals she tried to hide the best she could. She hadn’t wanted him to know about it, had been afraid of him sending her back on Earth if he knew. So she had bottled them up and kept them secret. Except he had known it all along. He hadn’t wanted that to happen at all and Jackie could go away with all her insinuations like he was the one responsible for turning her head. Rose had wanted to see the stars. She had told him so the first time they talked together. He had promised her he would take her to the stars and when he did, she had wanted to stay and he had accepted because he liked her. Rose Tyler was strong and sassy, and compassionate. She had helped him heal and didn’t even know it. But then again, those feelings she had for him had made her flout the laws he had given her the first time she stepped in the TARDIS. He had kept his word, sending Rose back home to her mother, safe and sound, but she had chosen to look into the TARDIS’ heart and absorbed the whole Vortex just to save him while he had told her and Jack that they should never do such a thing, that even him couldn’t do it without dying. She had just wanted to save him, and now she was dying. All because of him. “I’ll do everything I can to heal her. I promise.” “You better do that!” “When it’ll be done, I’ll disappear from your lives. You’ll tell her whatever you want, that I’m dead or anything. She must never know what she really had done. She must never remember what she had seen.” That was his last words before he left Jackie’s flat to go back to the TARDIS. He sat for a long moment staring at the console, not really knowing where to go and what to do. He had promised Jackie he would do something to help Rose but he actually had no idea what he could possibly do. He suddenly got up and entered coordinates. Satellite 5. Where everything had gone wrong. Maybe there were some answers back there. The TARDIS landed to the exact same place she was when Rose had come back for him. The Doctor walked out and looked around. Everything was so peaceful now. The Satellite had been abandoned after the mess they had left there. No one had come here in ages. The weapon he’d created was still there. No one had touched it. No one had stripped it down. In a move of pure anger, he destroyed the whole thing. If he hadn’t been a coward, Rose would have been perfectly fine. He sat down on the ground and took his head in his hands. He was living the last few hours once again, as the memories flowed into his mind. He stayed that way for a long moment. The place was a total no man’s land. No one would disturb him there. That’s why he had come there in the first place. But now, his thoughts were driving him crazy. How was he supposed to heal Rose from the disease killing her? She had had so many months and years to live and the Vortex had burned all those chances for her to have a decent life. He sighed deeply. He was guilty for this all down the line. The calm around him was helping him thinking but that didn’t bring him any answers. It was insane! How did all of this happen? How could he have let this happen? He was focused on his questions but clearly heard some noise which caught his attention. He raised his head. He was supposed to be alone there. “Who’s there?” he asked. No one showed up but the Doctor knew someone was there. He could sense it. Plus, that someone wasn’t very quiet. Whoever it was, he probably thought he was alone and maybe deaf, considering the fact that the Doctor calling him hadn’t made him stop whatever he was doing. Or she. The Doctor pulled his sonic screwdriver out of his pocket and went to check the surroundings. Something was weird. His mind, usually full of emptiness and loneliness, had now some voice speaking in his back, just like it was when Time Lords were still alive. He tried not to hope too much. That couldn’t be possible. No Time Lords had survived the Time War. He had tried and tried to contact them but none had ever answered. He was alone. The presence he was feeling in his mind at the present moment couldn’t be a Time Lord one. It was some other telepathic species for sure. The Satellite was desert. There was no sign of life anywhere. The sonic didn’t seem to find anything either, but the Doctor was convinced there was something or someone with him, something or someone who was filling the emptiness of his mind. When he realised there was nothing around, he got confused and was about to give up when he heard the noise again. His eyes caught the outline of someone running away. A thin brown-haired guy with a long coat. The Doctor immediately ran after him. He had to catch him and to ask him why he was around that no man’s land and why he was watching him. No one was supposed to be there. He had chosen that specific date so no one would come and disturb him while he was trying to find a solution for Rose. He ran until he could catch the guy who had no chance to run away with him. That other man raised his hands when the Doctor pinned him to the wall, showing him that he wouldn’t flee from him. “Who are you?” “You’re not supposed to see me, nor talk to me,” replied the thin brown-haired guy. He was speaking with a strong Eastern accent and the Doctor had to hold back a smile. When she had learned that he was an alien, Rose, had asked how it was possible that he sounded like he’d come from the North. “Lots of planets have a North” he had replied offended. Obviously, lots of planets did also have an East, because that guy he was holding was clearly not human, according to the signals he was producing. The signals were confusing though. The man seemed to be a strong telepathic since he could get in the Doctor’s head but everything else was blurred. As if he was trying to hide who he really was with a perception filter. The filter would have prevented the Doctor from seeing the guy though. So, who was he? And what was he doing there, on a no man’s land where no one was even allowed to come? The Doctor looked closely at the strange man. He was wearing a brown pinstriped suit, white shirt and a tie with blue patterns. With that suit, he was wearing beige Converses – Converses with a suit, wherever that man came from, he had no sense of fashion! – and a brown trench coat. His hair was a real mess, defying the gravity – he was probably using some hair gel or something, thinking it made him look cool – and his face was one of the most expressive the Doctor had ever seen. The guy was clearly showing that he wasn’t happy that the Doctor had found him there. It looked like it wasn’t a good thing for them to be there together at the same time, as if they weren’t supposed to see each other, nor to talk to each other. Even though that feeling of forbidden, the Doctor didn’t let him go. He had the feeling in his guts that the guy knew something about his Rose. “You’re not supposed to be here. This is a sealed place. No one can come in.” “You did. I did.” “What the hell are you doing here?” “If you told you, I would be force to erase your memories right after.” The Doctor started to become impatient and his anger was burning through his veins. He had no time to waste with some idiot who was traveling to places he shouldn’t be. He had to find a solution for Rose and if that guy did have answer, he would give them to him. But who was he to threaten him? Didn’t his travels teach him that he was the Oncoming Storm, the Bringer of Darkness? Didn’t he ever hear about the Time War and how he was the only survivor? Better not mess up with him. If he kept speaking to him that way, someone would be hurt and the Doctor knew it wouldn’t be him for sure. “Who do you think you are to threaten me that way? You obviously don’t know me. I could kill you right now.” “I know what you’re capable of more than anyone. You don’t kill people, you save them. You’re the Doctor.” “…” “Never cruel or cowardly. Never give up, never give in.” “It was before the War. Everything changed with the War.” His tone was bitter. The guy obviously knew who he was and why he had chosen this name. He certainly knew about the Time War too but that didn’t explain why he was here and now. His icy blue eyes locked with the hazel brown ones. So much sadness, so much despair in there. It was like looking in the mirror, except they were both different. The Doctor was a warrior, a survivor and that pretty guy probably was the popular guy on his planet, somewhere in the galaxy. He probably had no reason to feel so much pain. But who was he to judge anyway? “I came here to help you with Rose. I came here to help you saving her before it’s too late, but you weren’t supposed to see me.” While saying that, he pulled out a paper from his pocket and gave it to the Doctor. The Doctor took it, not understanding what that meant. He let go of the guy but kept him in his sight. He unfolded the paper and started reading the small letter. His eyes kept going between the written words and the guy. He couldn’t believe what was written. It was unbelievable. He would have known. He would have known if something so big had been happening right under his nose. “How do you know all of this?” “How do you know all the things you know?” “Don’t answer me with another question!” “I forgot how full of rage I was!” “Don’ push me!” “Rose was already sick when she started travelling with you.” That was the second time in a few hours that words cracked in the air and smacked him across the face, and clutched his hearts. A silence followed the sentence. The man was just repeating what he had written in the letter. Was it true? If it was, why Jackie would blame him for it? He felt guilty, but what if it wasn’t his fault? What if Rose had really been sick before he even met her? And how could he have not noticed it in any way? The letter was saying she had been suffering from that disease ever since she was seven, that Jackie had given everything they had to have her treated, that she had given a chance to every single cure the doctors had told her about, but none ever worked. Rose had been fighting for her life for almost thirteen years now, and the Doctor couldn’t believe that was even true, that she would have been sick all along and that he wouldn’t have seen a thing. “Is that even possible?” “Yes. Remember that time she answered your message? She has just gotten home after a few days at the hospital where she almost died. You gave her as much hope as she has given you. When it felt hard for her, she held on to the hope of meeting you someday. And it happened. You travelled together and she never felt so alive.” The Doctor listened to the words of the other man. He didn’t cut him off. He thought quickly. That guy wasn’t supposed to know all those things. There was only one way for him to know those things and that was explaining why he didn’t want to be seen. “That’s why she absorbed the Time Vortex,” The Doctor suddenly said. “She knew that she could die, but that didn’t matter because she was already dying. She thought her life wasn’t worth it and chose to save mine.” “She did the only thing she thought was right. She decided to give her life to save the one of the men who was everything to her eyes. Dying to save you was her way to thank you for everything you’ve done for her.” “Why would Jackie put the blame on me?” “She likes you more than she would ever admit it. She thinks you’re the only one able to save her daughter.” “But I don’t know what to do!” That was the truth. He had absolutely no idea of how he was going to help the woman he loved, even if he could never admit it. After all, he was a nine hundred years old alien who had seen and done things she couldn’t even imagine and she was just a tiny little human, a human who had jumped into his box, into his life and who had healed him from the wounds he had had when they met. He still had them but they had started to heal thanks to her love and compassion and smiles. She would never know what she’d done for him, because he never had never told her how he felt for her, how much she had helped him. And that was destroying him inside down. He couldn’t let her die, not after everything they’d lived together. He had to save her, even if that meant disappearing from her life forever without telling her how he felt and how fantastic she was. “Actually, you do. I’m the future you, you have guessed it by now.” “What happened?” “You gave her your life. Enough regenerative energy to heal her and kill you. You struggled until you learned that she was going to live. Then, you left and allowed the regeneration.” “Where is she now?” The future Doctor didn’t answer his question. That was part of the future, of his own future. He had already crossed his own timeline and created a real mess by making himself seen by his old self. He would have to erase their memories to heal the wound in their timeline. His old self couldn’t remember that day, the day they would save Rose Tyler from a certain death. The tenth bit his lower lip. He had to say it, but what he had to say would certainly not please the ninth. “I’m so sorry. I’m so so sorry.” That simple sentence meant everything. The Doctor knew and it made his hearts sink into his chest. By the sad look on his future self, by the sad tone of his voice, by the apologies he had made, the Doctor knew that his life hadn’t been enough. “How?” “I respected your promise and left their lives. I erased Rose’s memories of us but not Jackie’s. She has kept me updated, told me everything about Rose, about her new life, about her health. Everything was good. She was fine and living the life we wanted her to live but… About a year later, Jackie told me Rose did a violent relapse. She was at the hospital when I came back. I overheard the doctors about her health. They said… They said it was over. And I held Jackie against me when Rose left.” He wanted to add something but the violence of the memory left him speechless and he couldn’t prevent the tears from falling as the pain crushed his hearts once again. The ninth felt his own throat being knotted. He didn’t want this to happen. Was Rose timeline set or could he rewrite her history?
– Flashback –
  The tenth was on his way back to the TARDIS after defeating a whole army of Cybermen once again when the bad feeling hit, clutching his hearts and taking away his breath with a sudden unbearable pain. He stumbled back to his box, threw his coat on a coral strut and let himself fall on the jump seat. That was when the TARDIS’ phone rang. He looked at it, not moving because he knew that if he picked up the phone the news he would get would be an awful one. Only one person had that number and if she was calling it, that meant something had happened. And that also explained why he had that bad feeling ruining him. The symptoms were telling him that he was kinda having a panic attack, because he knew what it meant. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before picking up the phone. Jackie was hysterical. More than usual.   “You need to come back now! She yelled at him through the phone. “What’s going on?”   He couldn’t prevent his voice from trembling. The question was stupid. He knew. It was about Rose. It was always about Rose. If It hadn’t been for Rose, Jackie would never have called him. She once again got into a long and hysterical speech. He didn’t even understand a word coming from her, but he could clearly hear the tears, the pain and the despair in her voice. Something had happened to Rose.   “Stop, Jackie! I know it’s about Rose! Just tell me what happened to her!”   His voice was still trembling and the pain in hers was echoing the one he was feeling. He knew that was something serious, something serious enough for Jackie to lose her calm. Only one thing. Only one thing could make her go hysterical. But that couldn’t be. He had made sure of it, but what if that hadn’t been enough? What if the disease had come back?   “She looked tired this morning. She looked peaky. She just said that she must have caught some cold, what else could it be anyway? She was cured, Doctor! You cured her and now, everything is starting all over again!” “What?”   He had given his ninth life for her. He used all the regenerative energy of his past body to heal her. The disease was gone. Fully gone. It shouldn’t have come back, not ever.   “Her boss called me a few hours after she started working. Said she was having troubles breathing, that she was coughing blood. They called an ambulance. She was admitted into intensive care unit before I could be there. They told me she did a relapse.”   She took a break and the Doctor could tell she was crying. He himself had some troubles breathing. He couldn’t believe that was true. How a relapse could have happened? With his regenerative energy running in her veins – even with a very small amount of it – it shouldn’t have happened.   “She is in the coma, Doctor. They don’t know if she’s gonna wake up.” She sniffled. “I need you here. She needs you here.” “On my way.” He managed to mutter though his throat was knotted.   It only took a few minutes before the TARDIS landed in a small closet of the hospital, close to Rose’s room. The Doctor came out quietly, being careful not to be seen by anyone, and walked to the room. He hadn’t needed to ask where the room was. The TARDIS always knew how to bring him close to Rose. The Doctor saw Jackie. She was outside the room and speaking with a black woman with a white smock. He stopped and listened to the conversation.   “We did a PET scan and further exams to be sure. There’s no doubt. It’s back, and it’s everywhere.” “Can’t you do something?” “No.” The doctor shook her head lightly. “I’m sorry. It’s over. The only thing we can do is ease her pain until she let go. It won’t take very long. You should say goodbye to your daughter.”   The doctor was truly sorry for Jackie. She put a hand on her shoulder and gave her a sad look. The tenth felt his hearts sink in his chest. It was over. His life hadn’t been enough to save her, and Rose was dying right there, behind the door of that sad hospital room. He was shaking when he walked to the room and opened it without a word for Jackie. He was unable to speak anyway. He swallowed thickly. Rose looked so small and so pale in that bed. There were too many tubs linked to her body. Pain medicine, liquid food, oxygen. Rose couldn’t breathe by herself anymore. A machine was doing it for her. Another one was showing her regular heartbeats, the blood oxygen saturation and the frequency of her breathing. The two machines were the producing the only noise in the room. It was quiet, too quiet. The absence of life was unbearable. The Doctor sat down on the edge of the bed and slowly stroked her face, tucking her hair between her ear. Tears were running down his cheeks. She was cold already. He knew it was because of the under oxygenation of her body and he also knew that was because her death was dangerously close. He pressed his lips against her forehead softly. His hearts were hurting so much right now. He would have given them to her if he had been able to, but he couldn’t give her new lungs. His regenerative energy wouldn’t be enough to cure her this time. What she needed was a new body. If only she could regenerate. After all she had had the Vortex in her once. She also had had his energy in her once. It could have been possible, but it wasn’t. The disease had eroded the energy as well as her immune system so suddenly. It didn’t give her any chance of survival, and that hurt.   “You overheard?” asked the teary voice of Jackie behind him. “Yeah.” He replied, his voice not sounding better.   He didn’t want to believe that it was over, that it was the last time he would see Rose. He remembered her being so full of life when she was travelling with him, when he was secretly watching over her during the last year. Of course he had promised Jackie to disappear from their lives and he had been thankful for Jackie giving him news but he hadn’t been able to stay away. He had to see it with his own eyes. It was only a matter of minutes and Rose had never seen him, and it had always warmed his hearts to see her so full of life. She was living a normal life day after day, and she was happy. That was all that mattered. Even though she had no memories of him at all, she was happy. None of them had ever thought that this would happen, that the disease would come back and kill her in a few hours. That was so unfair.   “Thank you. For coming.” “I couldn’t let her go without saying goodbye.”   But he hated endings. Oh, he really hated endings and that was why he always ripped the last page of a book when he was reading one. That was why it hurt so much to be here, ready to say goodbye to the love of his life without her even knowing about his feelings. He took her hand and kissed it softly. He looked at Jackie. She needed to say goodbye too. He stood up and withdrew, looking by the window. A rainy day. The sky was matching his emotions. He put his hands in his pockets. He overheard Jackie’s words and the amount of his tears doubled.   “You can let go now, Rose. It’s okay sweetheart.” Said Jackie, stroking her head softly. “You won’t have to fight anymore. You’ll be free.”   That was the truth. When she would let go, when she would give up on life, she wouldn’t have to fight anymore. She would be free from the disease, from the pain, from everything. The Doctor leaned his forehead against the window and closed his eyes. It shouldn’t be happening. He had looked into Rose’s future. She shouldn’t have died that way. Her death wasn’t a fixed point. He could change it. A hint of hope pierced through the deep sadness clutching his hearts. He could go back in time and save her. He couldn’t leave now. He would stay until the end to never forget why he was doing so.   “Doctor?” “Hm?” He said turning back to face Jackie. “There’s something you can do.” “To save her?” “No.” Jackie shook her head. “I want her to go peacefully.” “You want me to…” He asked incredulous. “Give her her memories back, Doctor. Make her remember everything you’ve lived together.”   The Doctor nodded. This was something he could do. He walked to the bed and sat down next to Jackie. He placed his hands on Rose’s temples and closed his eyes. He created a bound between their two minds and walked into hers. He slowly unlocked the memories he had locked one year ago. He watched the memories as they flooded into her mind again, as the happiness invaded her thoughts, and slowly pulled out of her mind. He could have sworn he had seen a smile on her face. He quietly took Jackie in his arms. They were both holding Rose’s hand, and none of them let it go until it was over for real. The Doctor held Jackie tight against him while she was sobbing. He was crying too. He didn’t move for a long moment. He was unable to move anyway. They stayed in each other’s arms until the Doctor found the courage to stand up.   “Where are you going?” “Find a way to save her before it’s too late.” “But…” “I’ll find it!”   That’s when he left. He travelled far in the future, making stops to see where the science where concerning Rose’s disease. He knew someone had found the cure but he didn’t remember the year or the planet. That’s why it took him so much time to find it, but when he did find it, when he was sure Rose would be totally cured, that the disease wouldn’t come back if he gave her that cure, he went back in time, crossing his own timeline even though the TARDIS didn’t really like it. However, she wanted to save Rose as much as he wanted it and brought him back to Satellite 5 where he remembered going after learning that Rose was dying, and before he took the decision of giving his life for her.
– End –
“Could we… Could we change all of this?” the tenth heard his old self asking him. The tenth pushed away the memory and simply nodded. That was why he was there. Once again, he put his hand in the pocket of his trench coat. Bigger on the inside pocket of course. He pulled out a little bottle filled with a green fluid. The cure. A cure which would be created in a certain number of years. “That’s why I’m here. I spent a lot of time looking for a cure and I finally ended up finding one. This is from a far future but this is the only thing that would save her. And you. Give this to her and never, never leave her.” The ninth took the bottle he was given and put it in his own pocket, sealing it with the sonic so it wouldn’t fall until he was back to the Powell Estate to give it to Rose. The tenth erased the memories of their meeting from the ninth’s memory and just let him know that he had the cure in his pocket and that he had to go back to Rose. The tenth quickly disappeared while the ninth took his own TARDIS and flew back to the Jackie’s. He didn’t say anything to Jackie and just rushed to Rose’s side. He pulled the green fluid out of his pocket. He didn’t remember where he had gotten it but he knew that would save Rose. He made her drink it. The most difficult part now would be waiting. “Are you really gonna disappear from our lives?” asked Jackie behind him. “That’s what you want.” he simply replied, not taking his eyes off of Rose. “No. Of course, not. I said it because I was mad but you’re the best thing that ever happened to Rose. You can’t just leave her.” “…” “I don’t know who you are for real, but I know you do a lot of good to her and that’s all I could ever ask for.” Jackie kept on talking to him, on telling him how Rose was before she met him, how she was after their first meeting. She told him about the hope he had created in Rose’s life after that message she heard on the radio. Jackie had overheard some of their talks but never said a thing about how weird he sounded. She had just listened to Rose being happy and curious, getting interesting in something in life instead of just living as much as she could before the disease hit again and forced her back to the hospital. She wasn’t supposed to live so long and it was a miracle for her to have survived until now, but for a mother, it was never enough. As tough as he was, the Doctor couldn’t help but cry. He didn’t push Jackie away when she took him in her arms. That was more because she needed comfort than to comfort him. She had fought with Rose for so many years now and she was exhausted. That’s why he didn’t push her away. That’s why he comforted her. That’s why he stayed with her as long as she needed him around. The wait was unbearable and the Doctor thought that the cure wasn’t working at all, that he had been fooled by whoever had given it to him. He didn’t remember how he had gotten it but that didn’t matter. He just wanted it to work, but he had to be patient, really patient, and watched as the time went. Two weeks passed by that way. He lived like a freaking little human for two weeks and that was making him go mad. However, he couldn’t leave his Rose, his precious Rose, who didn’t wake up though her face wasn’t deathly pale anymore. Colours were coming back on her cheeks. But she wasn’t coming back to them. It took her some more days to finally open her eyes and a few more days to remember who was who and what had happened. She was happy that the Doctor was still there, that he had been waiting for her to feel better. He told her that she was healed for good, that the disease would never come back, that he had made sure of it. He also told her that he would never leave her because she was the most precious thing he had in life. Oh, she cried when he heard those words she had dreamt about for so long. It was relief and happiness, and she just couldn’t ask for more. The Doctor promised her that he would wait until she felt better and then, he would take her back into the stars and she thanked him with a smile he would die for every day…
Chronicles of a better man © | 2016 - 2018 | Tous droits réservés.
In the next shot:
Oh, it was his fault without a doubt. Entirely his fault. His curiosity was to blame, and he was cursing himself for being so curious. That was a default that always led him head first into troubles. Now was another demonstration of this statement. He was quietly traveling through the Vortex wondering where to stop and reading a very fascinating book about a wolf named Bad Wolf just hours ago. The book was telling the whole story behind the legend – because the Bad Wolf had never existed, it was just legends based on hearsay from people who’d gotten lost in the forest and heard the cry of a wolf – and the testimonies of some people had been written down to feed the legends. One of them had caught the Doctor’s attention though – the others were just making him laugh – and had gotten him really curious to know if it was real or not.
Buy me a coffee?
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imagine-wannaone · 6 years
Lee Daehwi Super Powers Au
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Waddup So this was written yesterday and idk whether to do a powers au so I guess this is just a try??
In other news I got Seventeens new album for my bday today and got The8 i am blessed. Anywhere, here we go. also pls tell me if I need to tag any triggers, I’m not great at this stuff whoops.
 • Lemme get one thing straight, you didn’t want to use your ability for bad,  • It just kinda happened that you became a theif,  • You were trapped,  • You were a teen when you got dragged into a whole mess of a gang, when you went to take out a loan to pay for treatment for your brother’s illness,  • Because your brother was the most important thing to you but your family couldn’t afford his treatment,  • But you didn’t realise the loan company was actually kinda not a company and you had just officially ruined your life,
 • With gastronomic Interest, you had to pay them back the money with no way of being able to do it,  • Read the small print y'all,  • So they offered you another option: you hated it but there was no other way to help your brother, and they threatened to cut your brother’s treatment if you stepped out of line,  • And in a world made with certain people who had abilities, they made sure to utilize yours,  • Aka the ability to change your appearance and voice to fit it,  • They had you as a thief, and with your skill and ability you quickly became notorious around the city,  • Which made you extremely paranoid, causing you to constantly switch appearances,  • I don’t mean switching looks every minute or something bizarre,  • I mean you never showed your true appearance anymore, you were always someone else and started to panic at the thought of people seeing the real you,  • So you stayed in your place by day planning heists the gang had sent you to do, and went on the missions by night,  • And you hated everything about the way you lived, but you knew your brother was getting better, so you kept at it,  • The gang sent you a particularly dangerous heist one night, and you did not think it was a wise idea at all,  • Like there were shit tonnes of guards and cameras and the switch overs were smooth and the codes hard to crack,  • As a thief, you were known to be able to go in and out before anyone would even realise anything was gone, shifting into guards or ceo’s or customers,  • And you trained your ability to perfection, having no flaws in your transformation and being able to quickly switch features,  • A master™  • But you plan this near impossible heist anyway because you have to, you have everything to lose,  • And while bits of the heist are a bit by chance or freestyle,  • You hate yourself for being quite confidant, as always,  • But heists had started going wrong lately,  • A guard unconvinced and almost omniscient,  • Or the whole place closed for a day as if they already knew,  • Little things going wrong preventing the heists and causing them to go wrong,  • You didn’t know how because they were all planned to perfection, but something was happening,  • You heard whispers of a mole but no one ever told you anything so you had no idea really,  • So you’re dropped off by the usual gruff looking men who are going to wait down the street, safe for them,  • You where dressed as a medium height middle aged woman with brown hair, trying to blend in with the people around you,
 • Like a chameleon damn,  • You float into the bank and act naturally, milling around the atm’s and looking at posters,  • A boy around your actual age seems to keep glancing at you, which sets your nerves off,  • Not only is he cute, it’d be insanely weird for someone his age to be staring at a middle aged lady,  • You try to sway away from his prying eyes and keep your heart at normal pace and prevent your hands shaking,  • You always got nerves before a heist and this dude really wasn’t helping,  • At all,  • Smh doesn’t he know it’s rude to stare?  • You’re nearly set on going over there and telling him yourself, but with your ‘can I see the manager’ hair style you play your role and send him a disapproving mum glare and shake you head, moving on,  • Perfect, v realistic,  • But the dude doesn’t stop sending u shady side eyes, so you decide to get the hell on with it,  • So your eyes scan the floor before slipping into a side door,  • Smooth as always, might I add,  • You change your appearance quickly into a guard and take out a hand mirror quickly to check that you’re perfect,  • Indeed you are perfect,
 •You were about to take off down the hall when the door slides open again,  • You’re about to get into character when the boy from earlier locks eyes with you and lunges,  • You dodge as quick as a whippet and a fight™ ensues,  • You can tell idk how to write a fight omg,  • DW I’ll get better,  • You’re both incredibly good to the point you defo know this ain’t just a usual kid who’s taken some martial arts classes,  • Because as soon as you dodge one punch and throw your own, he’s dodged that and is launching another assault with a knee or elbow,
 • He keeps saying something along the line of 'Stop I’m trying to help’ but you ain’t buying no shady nonsense,  • And you’re both getting pretty beaten, bruises and small cuts appearing, a bloody nose or a broken finger,  • But shit really hits the fan when a guard comes round the corner and then you’re both in for it,  • You’re internally having a meltdown you’ve never had to deal with this before,  • And then your tryna fight the boy and the guards and - shit,  • A bullet grazes your leg but it instantly burns and shocks you to hell,  • Your appearance flickers before returning to the middle aged lady aka the wrong disguise, who0ps,  • Your leg burns and the shock throws you off balance long enough for the boy to wrap an arm around your shoulder and have you against a wall in a second,  • You’re about to swing your leg back to hit him when chloroform and damn you’re out cold,  • Actually outraged in your knocked out state,  • Who DaRe?  • Like you don’t blame them, you’re a damn thief, tbh you’d probs knock yourself out if you were in their situation,  • but hOw DaRe tHey?  • And you’re defo worried about who just chloroformed you but whatever,  • Idek if you can think all this while passed out but you find a way,  • You wake up with someone’s hand on your forehead and you stay still, trying to gather your bearings and figure stuff out before you let them know you’re awake,  • I mean the hand thing is so weird but you deal with it you til you gather that your head’s also in someone’s lap and your skin is tingling and you decide this is very weird,  • I mean not a hard conclusion to come to but a conclusion all the same,  • You slowly open one eye and wow,  • Bright lights,  • But you soldier through it and stare straight ahead at the face of the boy ahead of you,  • You’re about to jump out of your skin but the boys eyes are closed and he looks so peaceful with flawless skin and a slight frown, his brow creased in concentration,  • And then you realise your leg doesn’t burn and your hand and knuckles don’t scream like they did before you dropped,  • And you realise he’s someone like you, he’s a healer,  • And it makes your heart fly with joy, you’ve found someone else with an ability and all of a sudden you feel safer,  • Especially because he’s a healer,  • But then your eyes trail to your arm and your body and all the safety is thrown away,  • You have no disguise, no fake face or fake voice; it’s purely you and it makes you dizzy and sick,  • He must sense your panic because his eyes crack open and he smiles widely at you, removing his hand from your forehead,  • Wow his smile settles your heart and warms your cheeks,  • A million questions run through your foggy brain, where are we and what happened? Who is he and why is he so cute? Where’s the boy from before and what’s going to happen when your former gang know you’re not with them?  • “Y/N, right? I’m Daehwi, and give me a sec and I’ll tell you all the gossip,”  • While his soft voice is calming when you sit up, a wave of dizziness hits you like a wrecking ball ridden by Miley cirus  • (Wow my pop culture references about 5 years too late),  •But despite your swimming head you quickly change your skin, opting for the first thing you can think of, which happens to be Daehwi,  • You change your hair quickly and alter your face and body to match his within seconds,  • You’re kinda embarrassed that you just changed into him but you’re panicking,  • While the boy next to you may have seen your face, you’d prefer if no one else would,  • “That’s increadible,”  • The look on Daehwi’s face, as well has his bubbly laugh, makes you flush but you’re heart is still beating a mile a minute and your chest feels a little too tight,  • “While that’s really cool, and I’m really flattered, I thought your natural face was much prettier,”  • Your face (or is it Daehwi’s?) blushes violently at the comment but the fact you don’t look like yourself calms you a little,  • “A healer, then?”  • You ask simply to change the subject, although it’s pretty obvious at this point,  • “Yep, not one of the coolest abilities but pretty handy. You’re obviously a shape shifter, damn the whole city knows you’re a shape shifter, but seeing it myself, damn, it’s way cooler than I thought”  • He talks in such a laid back manner, leaning back onto his hands, his whole presence relaxing,  • He really suits his ability,  • “I think healing’s the best ability, you get to help,”  • Your voice is quiet but your words are the truth, and you can see Daehwi’s about to reply when the door swings open and the boy from earlier wonders in, doing a double take at the two Daehwi’s sat on the bed and sighing before dropping down into a nearby chair,  • He’s hardly met you and he’s already done with your shit lmao,  • But you’re eyeing him suspiciously because this guy FRICKEN chloroformed you and you still have no answers as to what the hell is going when he launched into a Hella Long explanation,  • To put it simply,
 • Daehwi and the boy, Guanlin, are part of an organisation that rescue abilities from sticky situations and tries to stop the people with abilities for using them nastily,  • (Avengers who?)  • There was indeed a mole in your gang as they planned to rescue you whilst intercepting a heist of yours,  • They didn’t expect you to fight so defiantly back but I mean,  • So then you explain that you’re really not nasty, I mean you used to put milk in before your cereal but yOu’vE cHanGeD,  • You explain your situation and they agreed  that they’ll see what they can do for your brother and you feel like you might cry because this is too good to be true,  • Half convinced this is some awful experiment or teasing you,  • So you spend a few days in the room you wake up in, just in case, in which you discover is actually Daehwi’s room,  • Which is kinda awkward,  • But you honestly can’t ask for a better first friend in the base they have there,  • Daehwi is oh so patient, painfully so, encouraging you to take your time and helps introduce you to the many people in the base, most of which have powers themselves which blows your mind a little
 • You’ve never seen so many abilities,  • And it takes you a while to trust Guanlin, but as soon as you do you realise he’s just a goof and you apologise endlessly for hurting him,  • And you start helping out at the base, doing small missions to help others by using your ability,  • And it feels good,  • Especially when you can come back to Daehwi at the end of the day and laugh and relax into the night,  • And you visit your brother for a very emotional reunion and he’s getting better and life just seems to be good,
 • And in the middle of it all is Daehwi, who you would trust with your life,  • I mean he is a healer many people trust him with their lives,
 • So you’re sat in his room (or your now shared one - you refuse to sleep anywhere else, feeling unsafe) chatting into the night,  • When you both reach a lull in conversation,  • “Y/N, why do you never walk, or sleep, or eat, or live in your normal skin?”  • The question is so out of the blue that your eyes snap to his,  • Which rest on you,  • They always rest on you,  • And you try to figure out a way to say it without feeling stupid,  • Because in your mind it is a whole concept and fear, but there aren’t enough words to describe how you feel, and to condense your thoughts into words belittles them endlessly,  • “It’s scary, showing your true self. I used to fear people would recognise me and arrest me, for being a thief, but nowadays it’s almost as if I don’t trust people enough. Enough to see my face,”  • You pick your words carefully but still feel as if it’s a weak excuse,  • “You don’t trust me, y/n?”  • His words shock you, make you question yourself, and you look into those soft, open eyes and brace yourself,  •You know he’s right as you relax, completely relax for the first time in years, letting all of your facade melt away to show your true skin, your true eyes, your true being,  • And there’s something in Daehwi’s eyes that you love as he looks at your pure self,
 • You feel insanely exposed but Daehwi himself settles you,  • And you know you no longer need to hide yourself from Daehwi anymore when he leans over, wrapping an arm around your real hips,  • Cups the back of your head,  • And gently smiles and he places his lips on your real ones,
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imaginingit · 7 years
i suck balls at science and can’t remember anything at all from any of my classes but i think it’s one of the most interesting and unfathomable concepts in the world - and in my world, so does wonu so enJOY
wonwoo and his specs gave me this idea and it ki l l ed m e
so i knew i had to write a lil something abt it :-)
ok where do we start
remembered his mama camping out in the kitchen all the time and then heard the occasional “ah!” as she nipped her finger cutting some onions
and raced like usain freaking bolt to the medicine cabinet to reach the bandaids
and the look in her eyes when he quickly patched it onto her
it was just a bit of blood, but 4 year old!wonwoo was still hopped up on the high kitchen counter with one hand on his hip, the other wiping an imaginary sweat drop from his head, and gave a nice long “phew! you’re ok, ma! scared me there”
then proceeded to yell at her with his extremely not-deep-yet voice (om g can u imagine) for not being careful enough and interrupting his power ranger episode
but a few nipped fingers and a million thank-you smooches (“eW MOM gEt awAY i’m 4, i’m too old for kisses) later, jeon wonwoo decided to become a surgeon
bc how is it not cool to sew severed fingers back together???
so through elementary and junior high, he walked into science class everyday with a little hop in his step for his favourite subject and ready to learn about cells and mitochondrial functions and enigmas of the muscle and much more
until he discovered more than just sewing severed toes and ears back together
he remembered his 7th grade teacher talking about how the brain is the most powerful thing in the world, and just a simple nug to the head can send it all crashing down
he also went on to explain that the brain will never be a mystery solved, but those who try will never be short of acclaim
and since then, he delved into the world of neurology
by delved, i mean, dove the fuck into it, then drowned, then woke, then dove some more
through high school, he topped every single one of his bio classes and won every single science award in the school board
and also stays in on sunday afternoons to read his bio 4.6 textbook instead of sushi with friends
leading to best friend mingyu’s endless grumbling and whining that they never get to hang out anymore
meanwhile mingyu has his socks and sweaters and clothes all at wonwoo’s place; has a toothbrush there, buys food for his parents, uses the stove at wonwoo’s more than wonwoo does the pOINT IS HE BASICALLY LIVES WITH WONWOO
but everyone around wonwoo knows how much it means to him to be able to make this work
he marvels about science bc it’s a practicality but finds beauty in its enigma and endless endeavours of research and study
(jeon wonwoo is basically a nerd)
(but a hot one)
but yes, all his life, books, textbooks, textbooks, and books are all he’s known
so with all this accumulated knowledge he literally fucking powers through his undergrad and masters programs like.  .. … bruh
he then gets accepted into the second top med school in the country boY
and this was such an eye opening experience for him because as much as his undergrad and masters did for him with theoretical aspects of science, he finally got to do hands on experiments and witness clinical trials and watched a live!! open!! brain!! surgery!!
so finally he goes through his internship and residency for a few years at this amazing hospital in the heart of the city and has already become most renown neurosurgeon the hospital has seen in years despite his age
imagine little wonu in faded green scrubs, with a tiny notepad in his hand and occasionally pushing his glasses up his nose, as he scurries around with his resident trying to take notes during rounds
to this hot-ass, confident, head of neurosurgery surgeon that has nurses and residents (even interns and PATIENTS) slipping on their drool for him in his white coat and cerulean blue dress shirt, the top button left untouched (seungcheol had to slap his hand away multiple times during breakfast to keep him from trying to button it again)
but lbr he still trips over his laces bc he forgot to tie them before he left in the morning and buttons his dress shirt wrong under his white coat when coups doesn’t come in the morning to check up on his wardrobe choices for the day 
one time, accidentally brought mingyu’s grocery shopping list from his briefcase to the pharmacy rather than the prescription for ibruprofen for his patient jesus christ wonwoo
the point is, knowledge has always come easy for him, the other stuff have not 
,,,,,,and then there’s u
oh boy
science is ur nemesis
ultimate. nemesis.
the first time you ever stepped foot into your science class in the sixth grade, every word that came out of ur teacher’s mouth, to you, was just a complete ,,,, , , ,what??
and ur not stupid (actually very completely opposite), ur brain just physically, literally, cannot comprehend the concept of science
even if it may be so extremely fascinating to u, chem!!! physics!!!! and bio!!! are allergic to sticking to ur brain so u just learn to avoid science at. all. costs.
remember when i said that jeon wonwoo was a classic genius and a social termite like he’s so shy and weird around new people that he just deflects it at all costs?
so u went into journalism bc instead of memorizing formulas and using every unit of area in ur brain, ur communication is ur best friend
through high school and university, you were the campus butterfly
you knew everyone and everyone knew you, and any event that needed an mc? a motivational speaker? a presenter? that’s you!
you and best friend soonyoung always do those stuff together and you fell in love with the art of communicating, articulating, and analyzing information, all the while keeping the listeners intrigued and focused the entire time
but unfortunately the years after ur undergrad trying to look for gigs with ur firm has been extremely unsuccessful and it was to the point where u didn’t know if u wanted to stop this or continue bc it was just too low of a demand
until one day!
u come into ur office and find a piece of paper on the bulletin board talking about the new neural clinical trial happening at this huge hospital near u, and they were looking for someone to cover it!
and at first u were like um kk clinic? try? what?
but .2 seconds later it hits you that thERE’S AN OPEN OPPORTUNITY
and u vow to plow through it as boring as it may be, bc it’s been just sitting there and people haven’t signed up probably cause medical cases are usually a failure and such a bore to talk abt
you need this
so u quickly apply with all the info you need to and two days later, you’re stepping foot into this huge hospital and escorted to the neuro ward to get things started
when u get to the floor ur led by nurse!jeonghan to the head surgeon on this case
i think y’all know where this ish is going 
and jeonghan begins asking u a few questions abt the case, trying to gauge where you are with the info, and its safe to say u have nada dirt on this
so he laughs and begins to explain
this was the first clinical trial this hospital has done in 14 years, and despite being a renown teaching and surgical hospital, it has never quite reached its potential on the research aspect 
so the new head of neuro, dr. jeON, has decided to go forth with the new clinical trial (an experiment where those with the sickness subjected to the study will volunteer to be apart of the research, using themselves as a way to find a cure) for huntington’s disease, an inherited brain disorder that slowly deteriorates one’s ability to move, speak, function, as brain cells being to die off
he’s already got you so hooked on the case that you begin to wonder why no one at ur firm did an extra bit of research in the first place to snatch this gig 
but ur glad anyway CAUSE ITS NOW URS
u probably looked so flabbergasted and numbly excited that jeonghan mistook it for ur cluelessness and nerves, so he goes
“dw, it’ll be fine! dr. jeon here will walk through everything with you anyway, and you’ll basically be with him for the entire course of this trial to document everything, so tomorrow, just immediately head up here”
and knocks on the door labeled “dr. jeon wonwoo, ph.d, m.d., head of neurosurgery”
and for the head of neuro, for someone taking forth in an idea that hasn’t been touched in over a dozen years in such a renown hospital, you did not expect the door to be opened by a 
human being 
his glasses sat perfectly atop his face as his sharp yet kind eyes rested upon urs 
and his white coat and black dress shirt today and nice slim pants and a pair of $200 light brown dress shoes bOI
and when he opens the door and finds ur mouth agape and eyes shining with excitement he feels like a leap in his chest 
like who is this beautiful person 
and he scolds himself, no wonwoo stop this nOW 
and he doesn’t know if it’s bc he hasn’t been on a date in like forever or if it was simply u
answer: it was simply u 
but we’ll get to that 
and jeonghan notices the tension so begins giggling and retreating from the scene
so wonwoo clears his throat when it’s just the two of you left
introduces himself and you m e l t bc
and you stutter ur name and in his head he’s like o h m g what a pretty name what do i do with myself
so you enter his office and its surprisingly extremely tidy and put together for someone that probably has to worry about so much in a day 
and begins to talk about the case with you 
and remember the cute and stuttery person that opened the door to see u like 2 minutes ago
bc here’s jeon wonwoo talking about science and his eyes light up brighter than anything you’ve ever seen
he talks about huntington’s first to give you a bit of background as to what it is, and then delves right into his plan
his hands begin to move with his words and he smiles when he begins to talk about how no one has attempted this before and maybe this could make a difference in this hospital, his career, and even medical history!!
and he kinda noticed you blanking when he talked about the logistics of the science so he kinda laughs to himself, knowing that science might not be ur thing
but for some reason, ur ok with science if u have this man talking to u abt it 24/7 ;)))))))
and u take notes on this and he notices ur pretty handwriting so gathers up his GODDAMN COURAGE to ask u a simple question
“so you’re a journalist?”
and u begin to tell him that you loved being able to tlak about something that reflected on someone’s experiences and share them with the world, just liek this one 
and he smiles and thanks u, knowing that it must have been difficult to agree to a medical case 
u assure him its no problem, meanwhile swooning over his s m i l e
and it’s only been like 30 minutes but u’ve already developed a crush like wow 
so for the first week, your conversations are a wholesome mixture of science, stutters, facepalming when u say something cringey and accidentally, and hoping to make the other laugh 
in the second week, you begin to meet the patients coming in, taking each of their stories and details with huntington’s 
and for the first time, you see how wonwoo interacts with his patients
and that crush that you developed become sso much more - you have this whole new found respect for him as a doctor
with care and intent, he asks his patients abt their day before going right into details of the treatment, knowing that all these people are doing his career a favour and the least he can do before they risk their lives into this experiment is at least be their friend
and even 70 year old women that can barely move anymore still manage to blush at the sound of his voice 
u see the way he holds their hand when he’s explaining the process and the courteous nod of his head as they talk to him and u know this man is more than just a surgeon and that he’s just an amazing human 
by the third week, your conversations have now transitioned to telling each other what u did last night and what ur planning for dinner tonight 
and u know to bring him coffee every morning now
the first time u did it, he legit had STARS in his eyes bc o mg u r so cute 
and u guessed it right the first time, that he liked his coffee black with just a dash of sugar
by the end of the month, the more you learn about him, the more you’re amazed
you guys become closer and share the passion of wanting to help ppl in some way
and ur relationship now has become a complete budding and teasing relationship and there’s literally never a dull moment with u 
ur fav thing to do together is to do acrostic poems
u also take bets on who’s sleeping with who in the hospital
he always wins 
“its not fair u OBVIOUSLY know more abt them than i do!!!”
“hey babe, dont hate the player, hate the game”
and then u have to keep ur knees from buckling bc bABE ? ?? ? ?
the nurses always comment on how you’ve brought him so far out of his shell and he never really used to talk to anyone besides his patients, but he’s been treating his residents to dinner, helping the nurses out with the paperwork, and it’s only been happening since u came
and u r like
. . ,,, ?? me?
and they’re like yes! do u not notice how red he turns everytime u walk into the room?
you soon learn his favourite colour is blue
his favourite band is my chemical romance 
im kiddin g 
his best friend is mingyu and he’s a chef 
you learn that he has a younger brother and his first ever splurge was buying him and his parents a cottage by the ocean
also that he never really eats at home and he barely ever gets to go home bc of the gruelling hours and so he tends to just eat in his office before he checks up on his patients during night rounds 
you also learn that he’s having a housewarming party for his new condo this saturday and was wondering if yoU’D LIKE TO COME ALONG???
by this point, your research was mainly complete and you were a third finished with ur piece on this
so ur like y know what? SURE
and u try ur fucking best not to blush, but as you leave for the night, jeon wonu does a HUGE happy dance in his office before realizing that his walls and doors are glass and peopLE CAN SEE U WONWOO GODDAMn
but he texts u his address with a smirky face 
“jeon wonwoo why are u sending me a text w a smirky face” 
“idk that was my attempt to be cool did it work” 
so it was ur day off on the day of his party and u know wonwoo doesn’t really throw stuff like this cause he only has a "small” group of friends
“it’s only gonna be u and my small group of friends”
“how small”
“well i grew up with these guys, there are abt 13 of us”
and usually you’d be fine bc u have no problem meeting ppl but like these are wonwoo’s brothers???
you wanna try so hard to impress these people bc--
wait wonu isn’t ur bf??? WYD
so u slap urself and then take like four hours to find the right outfit and do ur hair nicely 
and u show up in ur fav outfit and look bomb asf yas 
and he opens the door after u knock
he’s wearing a simple white t-shirt and ripped jeans 
jeon wonwoo
head of neurosurgery 
in ripped jeans 
rip reader
so he snaps out of it bc yes i’m hosting this party thts right, and brings u inside 
you hear a bunch of exclaiming and hushing from inside the rooms and a lot of limbs knocking into the walls as 13 human beings sprint from inside of the condo to mEET THE JOURNALIST THAT JEON WONWOO HASN’T SHUT UP ABOUT IN TWO MONTHS 
and they all rush out and ur a bit overwhelmed but introduce urself and then scan through all the faces
you notice nurse!jeonghan, head of pediatrics!chan, his best friend, mingyu, and--
yes ur best friend from uni also happens to have grown up in the same neighbourhood as surgeon jeon and u cant believe ur luck
so hoshi jumps out from the herd of men and tackles you with a hug and u can’t believe this until wonwoo explained he didn’t tell them ur name bc they would go crazy stalker-bitch mode, hence why they were so excited to meet u today 
so the rest of the night was spent with everyone being completely loud and tipsy and pushing the two of u together in an attempt to be slick they’re not 
and u see the bond that all the boys have and how boisterous wonwoo is around them too and u feel so lucky and ur heart is so full to witness a group of people truly in love and as close with one another 
so by the end of the night, as they all leave, soonyoung stops u at the door before he goes and tells u how happy he is that after losing touch post-uni, u’ve managed to bump into each other today again
but he also hugs u and tells u that wonwoo hasn’t shut up abt u 
and that he hasn’t been in touch with his brothers in a rlly long time bc of stress and anticipation with this new project
and that although wonwoo doesn’t do this much, he can tell that he’s super comfortable around u and that he seems to glow when he talks abt u 
and ur like omg s o noyougn  st op po
so after he leaves, you stay behind to help clean up 
but you’ve also decided
to confess
bc ur project is almost over and the paper is almost finished and ur ok with leaving on this note, regardless of if he reciprocates the feelings or not 
u just had to tell him, it was in ur nature to 
and u almsot back out but at the door, just as ur about to leave 
you were gonna say it 
and then 
his lips are on urs and god they’re soft and ur eyes just close immediately and his two hands cup ur face, intensifying the kiss, holding u up and taking up ur space as if he owns it and wow, it does things to u 
after what feels like an eternity, you part and u look at him with his swollen lips and rosy cheeks and glistening eyes and u almost cried right then adn there
bc wow ur in love with jeon wonwoo and u can’t believe u haven’t even told him that 
“i’ve been waiting to do that for so long”
“idiot, i was gonna confess first”
shrugs “i guess i just beat u in everything then”
that gets a smack on the head
until he asks u to stay the night and he can drive u both to work in the morning tomorrow and u agree bc how can u say no and so u end up staying over and wearing his sweater to bed and he lies there in bed literally hyperventilating bc SWEATERS ARE HIS WEAKNESS LIKE WHAT
so u drive into work the next morning with ur hands intertwined and in the corner of ur eye as ur walking in, u see head of pediatrics!chan slap a fifty dollar bill into nurse!jeonghan’s hands
so the rest of that month is spent going through with each patient and stealing chaste kisses in the x-ray viewing rooms and getting teased by everyone in the hospital 
even the patients 
until by the third month, the trial hits its first roadblock 
patient 04 had died on the table just as jeon wonwoo was inserting the second tube, and as surprised as u are that this was the first malfunction with the trial, it hits u nonetheless
hearing the news, u drop everything and go to his office after the surgery
this was the first taste of adversity in ur relationship too and u were curious to see as to how you guys were going to deal with this, esp since ur work was integrated into ur personal life 
but u walk in and there he is 
eating a freaking popsicle 
jeon wonwoo’s patient just died on the table and he’s in here eating ice cream
and u didn’t know if u were confused? angry? horrified?
and u close the door behind u as u walk in and draw the blinds for the glass walls and windows 
and as u turn around from doing that, he chucks the popsicle into the bin, walks up to you slowly and drops his head onto ur shoulder
you freeze, unsure if he’s crying or not, but u hear steady breathing and his arms slowly creeping around u and ur sure he isn’t 
but u can tell that he’s exhausted and scared, even if no words are shared between the two of u 
so you both stand there for god knows how long, holding each other, breathing each other in, releasing all tension and heartache from the day without a single word, just the sound of heartbeats and breathing 
until finally he lifts his head, eyes droopy and a small smile on his face, arms still around you, when u cup his face and tell him that ur so damn proud of him 
everything is going to hit a roadblock at some point, and this was bound to happen. we entered this knowing that it was science; anything can happen. just hang in there, wonu, we can do it 
and that was the first time wonu said i love u out loud 
and for all the people that doubted he was going to ever get a girlfriend with his head stuck in so many textbooks, it was the head stuck in the textbook method that even got him here to meet u in the first place SO SUCK IT
and so by the time u finish ur paper and the trial is reaching its end, there was a mixture of patients that successfully responded to the trial and those that didn’t make it 
but ur paper gets high acclaim from hospitals across the province for its research and editorial skills
and wonwoo received the highest achievement award from the board for his endeavours with the trial 
and after many long and gruelling months filled with work and chaste kisses here and there
you finally have time to take a seat and take in everything 
and marvel at wonu as a surgeon and as a human
bc how in the damn world did u ever get so lucky with science??
this,, ,, ,, is so long but enjoy bc i love jeon wonwoo 
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