leviismybby · 1 month
(y/n) gets drunk while patrolling the walls with Levi
(y/n): "I wonder how you would taste if I put honey all over you and licked you up and down."
Levi: "Oh my godness girl."
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levilxvr · 5 months
aot men dick analysis
ft. levi, erwin, armin, eren
realistically i’d say he’s a solid 5 inches, 5.5 when hard. He’s not that big of a grower but definitely knows how to use his cock in all the right ways to make you cum. He’s got a single vein going down the right side of his shaft as well, and when he gets hard the tip tends to get really red and swollen. Thickness wise it’s just nice, kinda average.
Oh yeah he’s got the softest balls too, and they’re extremely sensitive. just ghosting your fingers over them makes him shiver with pleasure while they contract in your hand. In terms of his cum, it’s more on the thicker side, but usually his load isn’t that much unless he’s been pent up for weeks.
Lord every time I look at him the first thing that comes to my mind is big dick energy. Erwin’s about 6 inches when soft, but when he gets hard it can go up to 7.5. It’s more on the straight side but there’s a slight curve towards his abdomen. And it’s THICK.
He’s a little embarrassed about it bc he’s so big and thinks it’s too much, but every time you guys have sex you prove him wrong. The slit on the head of his cock is basically his weak spot btw. Rub your thumb over it, spread the precum leaking out and his legs instantly turn to jelly.
he’s about 5 inches but the girth of his cock makes up for the length. His cock has a really nice upward curve, tbh out of all of them i’d say he’s got the prettiest dick. It’s cute, and every time he gets hard theres a soft pinkish flush on the upper part of the shaft that matches the blush on his cheeks.
He’s got a really sensitive head as well. No actually his whole cock is super sensitive- even the feeling of the cold air hitting the skin when you pull down his pants makes him bite his lower lip to stop himself from moaning.
man’s got a huge dick and he’s proud of it. He doesn’t need to grow any balls either because they’re also big, at least that’s what he says whenever connie taunts him. Eren isn’t much of a grower- I feel like his cock is around 7 inches? Idk I can imagine him with both a big dick and a scrawny pp.
Ok it’s slightly more on the thinner side in terms of thickness, but that doesn’t matter because it’s long enough to make you feel so full every time he’s inside you. And if theres one thing more impressive than his size, it’s the amount of veins lining his shaft from the base all the way up, fading off near the tip. He’s so veiny and loves when you trace those lines while stroking him off.
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blithesharem · 8 months
Drunk Levi getting needy and grinding against you in the dark hallway of the club you all dragged him to.
Pouting and whining until you promise to take him home early and take good care of him.
Practically crawling into your lap on the ride home because he can’t get close enough, everything outside is too loud and fast and he just wants to be pressed into your neck breathing in your scent.
Pulling at your clothes and nipping at your lips, mewling that he’s too hot and he needs you to help him, please, he’s just a gross pervert, can you please help him out? He’ll do anything so long as you touch him again.
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skybear007 · 8 months
Drinking with post war levi on the balcony of his apartment. Neither of you understood that his infamous liquor tolerance was tied to his ackerman bloodline, so he is buzzed after yall share half a bottle of whiskey.
It's quiet for a moment, you're staring at the stars reminiscing about how you two used to sit on rooftops and imagine what the world was like outside the walls.
You turn to face levi, who has been staring at you this whole time, and he gives you the biggest, dopiest grin you've ever seen him wear. His cheeks are flushed pink! And he's sunken back into his chair, legs spread like he doesn't have a care in the world.
You smile!! A little confused and flustered yourself, and ask what he's staring at.
"You," he says. "You're pretty."
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starrylevi · 1 year
Levi taking care of his drunk SO
“Hi,” you say all smiley. “Hi.” He answers back with a hint of a smirk. It’s clear you’re absolutely plastered but you still manage to look incredibly adorable to him. “Do you love me?” Levi rolls his eyes at that. “Come on, humor me” you whine to him. “Yes, I love you.” He huffs, a bit annoyed he’s giving into your drunk demands. “Do I annoy you?” Levi already sees where this is going, and he is not for it. “Let’s drink some water, hm?” He cups your cheek, and you visibly brighten at the touch. “You love me lots.” You giggle and it takes all of him not to giggle with you. Your laugh is just so infectious. “I do.” He says softly. “Now it’s time for water.” He gets up to get the liquid. “Wait, don’t go. Don’t leave me.” You grab him as you pout, your eyes pleading with him. He sighs before answering you. He knows where this is coming from, you need to feel reassured, to know that you are loved by him and that he won’t abandon you. “I’m not leaving, brat. I’m going to get you water.” He says it in a light tone, so you won’t take it the wrong way. “Okayyyy but come back fast.” Levi grabs a bottle of water from your shared fridge and then grabs some Advil before he gets back to you. He’s not gone for long but when he gets back you react as if you haven’t seen him in weeks. “I missed you!” He chuckles, shaking his head as he hands you the water and the pills. “I missed you too,” He says as you accept them. “Now drink.” He gestures to the water bottle in your hand. You stick out your tongue at him before washing the pills down with water. “Done.” You smile. “Good. Time for bed.” He declares as he gently takes the water bottle and sets it down on the nightstand. You pout at the statement, but Levi doesn’t react; he kneels down in front of you before taking off your shoes, looking up at you with a small smirk. “You’ll thank me tomorrow.” He gets back up and gently puts his hands on your shoulders. “Now be a good girl and lie down.” You do exactly what he says but not without a huff. Levi lets out a small chuckle at your reaction, shaking his head before turning the light off. You sigh to yourself as Levi settles in behind you, pulling you into his arms. “I love you.” He murmurs, placing a soft kiss behind your ear. “I love you more.” You say playfully. “Never.” He responds, gripping you tightly as you let out a small giggle. “Now sleep, my love.”
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What's your most unhinged Levi headcannon!
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hi tobbi!! can’t deny it, it’s gotta be the breeding kink 🙂‍↕️ like the idea of filling you to the brink with his cum and watching it drip out of you is enough for him to want to drop everything and fuck you stupid on the spot. the image of your knees pressed against your chest, with his cock buried deep into your pussy drives him crazy with need
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sixpennydame · 1 year
16 is my favorite number and it just happened to have the perfect prompt for Levi 🤭 may I request that one?
Thank you & love you 💘
Dee, I love you and I will happily write this Drabble just for you. I hope you like it. 😘
16. You’re getting crumbs all over my bed
Characters: Levi and pregnant!reader (again)
Word count: 396
Y’all. When I tell you I have brain rot right now for cute, fluffy stories about having a baby with Levi…..apparently this is all I can write now. 😬 (Am I writing a Dad!Levi drabble series?)
The first trimester of pregnancy was rough. First, it was feeling nauseous and throwing up every morning. Then, you couldn’t stand the smell of any cooked meat and bananas, of all things. You didn’t want to eat anything because you feared you would just throw it all up later.
Levi was so concerned. He went to all the specialty tea shops and natural health food stores around town and bought you teas to help with morning sickness and nausea. He stopped cooking meat. Hell, he even stopped buying bananas. He hated to see you so miserable.
And then you entered your fourth month and it all just…went away. The nausea, the sensitivities to foods and smells. But now you were hungry.
All the time.
Levi never knew when your pregnancy munchies would hit. Sometimes he’d be driving back from work and he’d get a text from you:
“Babe, I really want some garlic bread sticks from The Olive Garden. Can you get some on the way home? Oh, and some ice cream. Love you!”
Or at 9:00 in the evening, while watching TV together:
“Babe….can you get the cookies in the kitchen?”
He goes to check. “I think you ate them all last night.”
You give him an innocent smile.
He looks at you sitting on the sofa, your hand resting on your small baby bump, which seems to be growing every day. Of course he’s going to go buy you cookies at 9:00 at night. He’d do anything for you.
One evening, Levi had to work late and by the time he got home, you were already in bed, reading a book and waiting up for him. He stood at the door, just staring at you. He’d always thought you were beautiful, but lately….you just had this glow.
He starts taking off his clothes to join you in bed, but as he pulls down the covers, he sees it. Something he cannot abide.
“Darling….you’re getting crumbs all over our bed.”
You look up at him with guilty eyes. “I was just so hungry..” you say with a half eaten cracker in your mouth. He crosses his arms and you finish the cracker quickly.
He sighs. “It’s a good thing I love you so damn much.” Then he smiles. “Now get up for a moment, so I can clean this up.”
Send me a Drabble Challenge!
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magicxc · 4 months
Drunk In Love
Pairings: Survey Corps x Black!Reader
Word Count: 435
Warnings: none
A/N: Get me to my bed and I’ll love you forever. Alcohol is literally melatonin for me loll. What do you want when you’re drunk?
Eren  - the hungry drunk. Hide ya kids, hide ya wives….no mf hide ya snacks. This man will get drunk and grow three separate stomachs. He legit once ran through y’alls entire kitchen one night. Now, when he gets drunk you lock up everything and leave him about 3-4 designated snacks. And if he runs through those, which he will, he’ll just have to sleep it off. 
Levi - the friendly drunk. Levi legit has an alter ego cause who is this man? He’s complimenting outfits, dapping up strangers, and buying rounds for the bar. Can we keep him drunk?
Erwin - the sassy drunk. Erwin is actually a really good time when teetering the edge of sobriety. But that fun gets multiplied by twice the frustration when he gets inebriated. As soon as he gets to saying “ohhh? So mfs can’t say excuse me?” Yeahhh, it’s time to wrap it up. 
Connie - sleepy drunk. Get him to the nearest mattress and he’ll love you forever. Mans just wants a good nap after a good time.
Jean - the caller. You now know to send Jean straight to voicemail at this point which doesn’t help much cause all he’ll do is clog your voicemail. Normally you don’t mind entertaining his drunk shenanigans but after the third phone call, your phone gets put on do not disturb.
Onyankopon - the not drunk, drunk. His eyes are bloodshot red, he’s slurring his words, and can’t walk in a straight line. But best believe he can gather his wits enough to down another shot and fuck up the dance floor. Ony is the drunk that never wants to leave and is always looking for the next move. 
Reiner - texter drunk. Someone take his phone away cause all he’ll do is blow yours up to smithereens. He’ll start to text you play by play moments of the night, none of which you can decipher by the fifth text message. 
Armin - cuddly drunk. When the liquor gets to pouring all he wants to do is be up under you. Legit flesh to flesh. You once woke up to your body on fire after he’d caught a fever after a bois night out. Since then, you’ve made sure to have two separate sheets for you both and the fan set on high.
Floch - the loud drunk. Floch goes from 0 to 100 once that bottle gets to flowing. It's like when you’re wearing headphones and don’t realise how much louder you’re speaking to someone. This is only fun in loud environments. Once he gets home, you very strongly consider making him sleep outside. You’ve also since invested in noise canceling headphones.
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dont-f-with-moogles · 2 months
Dialogue prompt for you:
"Are you flirting with me?" "Well... Is it working?"
kith 😘
Never Bring Your Charm to a Knife Fight Characters: Levi x Erwin Word count: 118 words
As the shadows of their cloaked adversaries stretched beyond the alleyway into the street, Levi grounded himself with one arm outstretched. Just as he raised his knife, a large hand claimed his wrist.
For a moment, his eyes locked with the enemy.
“Now, now…” Erwin’s mouth curled into a slow smile. “It’s futile to resist me, Levi…”
A husky cough escaped the underground vagabond. The way this guy was sizing him up… the way his eyes drifted up and down his stature… the way his breath trembled in anticipation…
“Are you- are you… flirting with me?” Levi interrupted their knife fight.
“That depends…” Erwin raised his dark brows. “…is it working?”
“Then no,” the man answered fluidly.
👉 Drunk Drabbles?
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happybird16 · 10 months
Levi x reader
Tw; alcohol
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“Whatcha doin’?”
The only response you get is an uneven shrug. The man doesn’t even turn towards you to respond. With the loud music thumping through the house, you figure he must not have actually heard you. The light is low too—the only real light in the whole house is the fairy lights blinking colorfully where they’re strung up along the ceiling of the living room.
You don’t know why you’re here, not really. It’s barely been an hour, but you already feel out of place. The cup in your hand feels awkward, the music is far too loud, making your ears throb and your chest ache with the deep bass. But it’s part of the college experience, so you were forced into this stupid frat house and even managed to drag Levi along.
Speaking louder this time, it’s still hard to hear your own voice, “Levi?”
This time, your boyfriend actually turns from where he’s crouched in front of the frat’s kitchen closet. Spotting you, his face lights up, a wide and dopey smile spreading across his lips. “You! Hey you! Hi!”
“Someone’s been drinking,” you note playfully. Levi rarely drinks, but when he does, he’s a special kind of dopey and goofy. It’s not a side of him you get to see often, this almost silly and love-struck version of your boyfriend, with wide goofy smiles and round flushed cheeks. It's something you almost wish you could bottle up and save for when things get rough. He reaches out, tugging at the hem of your shorts like a small toddler, and you allow him to pull you just a tad closer. “You wandered off?”
Levi blinks slowly, like your words take a moment to process. “You were busy talking to—I don’t remember their name.”
“More like they were talking at me—I don’t remember their name either.” You haven’t drunk nearly as much as Levi—apparently—but already the night’s starting to get kind of fuzzy. “Thought you were getting more beer? Why are you in their closet?”
Swaying heavily, Levi turns and gestures frustratedly at an odd pile along the doorway to the closet. “Pizza boxes aren’t recyclable. They’re corrugated cardboard—yeah, but the grease satura—” he hiccups, struggling with the word “—soaking it disqualifies them.”
Now it’s your turn to blink at him dumbly. “You’re sorting their recyclables?”
Suddenly incensed, your boyfriend nods and points towards a stack of cans by his knee, “They barely wash out their cans too!”
“They’re frat kids, they’re probably just lazy.” The fact that there are at least six pizza boxes in the stack is evidence enough of that. You doubt any of those are even from this party.
Levi points at you assertively, the effect squashed by another loud hiccup. “Exactly.” Happy having his point seemingly validated, Levi turns his back to you yet again, beginning to pull more trash out from the blue bin.
Reaching out, you tug his shoulder and try to draw him up and away from the mess. “Hey, come on. I think it’s time to go. I’ll call an Uber.”
Levi turns again, smiling up at you with that wide and goofy smile. “You’re so tall! When did you get so tall?”
You laugh, successfully tugging him up to his feet. “Come on, goofball. It’s time to go home.”
After several steps, Levi suddenly twists in your grip to look back at the stacks of garbage laid out on the tile in front of the closet. “But the cans…”
“That’s their problem.” His cute defeated pout almost makes you laugh. “Come on, I think it’s time for bed. You can try to tell me why you drank so much in the morning. If you remember.”
He lifts his head from your shoulder, his goofy smile making a reappearance. “I’m an environmental crusader!”
Now you have to laugh, struggling to hold the both of you up as you waddle out of the kitchen. “That you are,” you reply with a fond smile. It’s endearing to see this side of him, even if it’s brought about by a bit too much alcohol.
Suddenly Levi frowns, swaying hard against you and bringing your progress to a standstill in front of the frats dirty cup and bowl filled sink. Staring down at his splayed palms, Levi suddenly sound startlingly serious, “Can I at least wash my hands?”
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iddytheimp · 4 months
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I...drew all these quick sketches last year??? I was cleaning out files and I saw this and realized I've never posted them lol
But, here are all the boys <3
(Mammon is bathing in a pool of money...don't know why I drew him like that LOL)
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8aylee8 · 1 year
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He's in a good mood.:)
The original
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avesque · 2 years
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under the streetlight | eddie munson
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fluff, alcohol intoxication. 0.8k words.
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the cold winds nip at your face immediately when you push open the door of the hideout with eddie nearly slumped over your body. the sounds inside the pub slowly drifts off as you drag him across the street to where his van is parked.
“honey, i need you to cooperate,” you chide lightly when he plants his feet in the concrete. it’s a good thing the roads are deserted.
eddie slurs something unintelligible, head lolling on your shoulder. you feel his arm tighten around your shoulder before he steps around you, wrapping his other arm on you and nuzzling his face on the crook of your neck.
you shiver at the feel of his breath on your skin.
“eddie, we’re in the middle of the street.” you gaze longingly at his van a few feet away. “come on, just a little more and then you can rest, okay?”
eddie grunts again. his hold on you tightens.
you release a dejected yet fond sigh, embracing him too and rubbing your palms down his back. his alcohol tolerance is pretty high but a few shots gets him clingier than usual.
“you okay there?” you murmur. his hair is tickling your face so you smooth it down. eddie nods, still hiding in your neck.
“you wanna move now?” he grunts. “we’ll stay here a little more?” he nods again.
you stand there in the middle of the street, arms around each other. the only source of light is the distant florescents of the pub and the lamppost ahead of you, bathing you both in an incandescent glow.
eddie shifts. he pulls away though his arms stay around you. his brown eyes are hooded, a little droopy. you give him a puzzled look as he continues to stare at you.
“m’gonna marry you someday,” he says, slurring over his words. your heart jumps at his confession. you’ve been together for nearly 2 years but the prospect of getting married never really came up. until right now.
“someday?” you parrot quietly.
“mhm.” his hands move up from your waist to your arms, then your neck, gently cupping your jaw. his touch is soft, thumbs running back and forth against your skin. “someday,” he promises.
he leans down then and you think he’d kiss you but eddie’s lips are on your forehead. he moves down, warm against your cheek, and stays there, his cheek against your temple. his fingers gingerly crawl down your arms before he’s twining his right hand with your left. he’s so tender it almost makes you want to cry.
it starts as a quiet rumble in his chest before you realize what it really was. he’s humming to the tune of berlin’s take my breath away. and before you know it, he’s slowly swaying you side by side.
“eddie?” you ask, laced with laughter, though you follow his lead.
“s’your favorite song, right?” he murmurs.
it is. if your little walkman can talk, you’re a hundred percent sure it would have complained three weeks ago about your constant replays of that song.
“watching every motion in my foolish lover’s game.”
oh, your heart might burst right here, right now. eddie’s voice is rough, a little scratchy. deeper than his usual tone.
it’s perfect.
you close your eyes, feeling the warmth creep in your eyes, unshed tears pooling behind your eyelids. you don’t know why you’re crying, can’t put your finger to a certain reason why, but you know it has something to do with the way he’s holding you in the middle of a deserted street, quiet and alone and he’s so soft on you, so tender, so loving. you fear you won’t get the same treatment from other people and that was okay because eddie would. eddie will.
“watching in slow motion as you turn around and say.” and he’s pulling away, raising your clasped hands above your head and you spin, a watery laugh bubbling out of you. eddie tugs you back toward him, still spinning.
“take my breath away,” he croons just as you your back hits his chest and his arms are around you again.
it feels nice. you can stay right here forever, perfectly content and happy your heart almost sings along with him.
back and forth, back and forth you go, your head resting on his chest. you feel him duck down and place a kiss on the top of your head. you tilt your head back up at him and he’s looking down at you.
“gonna dance like this too on our wedding?” you ask, half joking.
“every day for the rest of our lives.”
it’s a promise.
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mawu-yama · 4 months
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levyfox drinking save me......
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roughridingrednecks · 5 months
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Hi, could you write headcanons for varia getting drunk?
-Levi becomes a bit of a philosopher when he’s drunk. He wonders what’s beyond space, questions the meaning of existence, and waxes terrible poetry with his musings
-If you thought Squalo couldn’t get any louder, you haven’t seen him drunk. His decibel level is off the charts, and some have to resort to wearing ear plugs when he starts slinging back the alcohol. He rants and raves, darting from topic to topic, and will stand in a corner talking to no one for hours
-Belphegor gets a bit touchy-feely when he’s drunk. Arms and legs will be draped over any family member within sight, and his grip is like that of an anaconda
-Lussuria is also a very noisy drunk, and tends to tell his most harrowing and inappropriate of childhood tales to a not so appropriate audience
-Xanxus is a quiet drunk. This is dangerous, because he does not exhibit his usual signals of becoming peeved off, and many use those warning signs to dodge a bullet or two
-Mammon and Fran, who can’t drink, film and record the antics of their families, for their own personal amusement and for blackmail material
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