my favorite color is purple and my best friends’ favorite color is green. this will never not be funny to me
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hambor12 · 4 months
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The Imp and The Unspeakable Horror
Comm for MaskedImpDrazi featuring Deepcolor Spade. A comically lopsided tag-team duo consisting of Drazi and an eldritch ink-beast-sorceror
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kbnarts · 9 months
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summer commission 3: Relaxation
commission for MaskedImpDrazi
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oldschoolfrp · 2 years
(Don’t be a Drazi.  Know the real issues.)
(The fall at the end was added to explain why Ivanova was in a cast for the rest of the episode.  Claudia actually broke her foot at home before filming any of this.)
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mayhaps-a-blog · 8 months
Clearing out my WIPs, here's another Babylon 5 fic, starring Commander Ivanova and some Drazi worldbuilding.
The elevator let out a cheerful “ding!” as it disgorged its contents. Sheridan opened his mouth. “Don’t even ask,” his commander, wearing a cheerful green scarf and covered in glitter, grunted as her cane clacked its way down the hallway, leaving the unconscious Drazi to sleep it off on whatever floor the elevator took him to next. 4 hours ago:
Enjoy :)
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alphamecha-mkii · 2 years
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Drazi Sunhawk by Emi Martinez
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that-dinopunk-guy · 1 year
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While watching the season premier of the Mandalorian last night the Nikto pirate Vane really reminded me of something, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it at the time. Then, tonight at work, it hit me: a reptilian alien portrayed with prosthetics that cover the actor's nose, whose whole characterization is basically "unnecessarily belligerent dumbass"? The dude's basically a Drazi from Babylon 5.
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antigne · 5 months
“it doesn’t have to be a thing you know… that you hugged me” THERE IS ONLY ONE PERSON WHO IS MAKING IT A THING GUESS WHO IT IS
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porcupine-girl · 4 months
I have identified one thing that has been bugging me about Babylon 5: How are Sheridan and Delenn the ONLY interspecies relationship???
We haven't seen a single other one that I can remember - not just marriages, but like dating or hookups or anything. (We are NOT going to count the time that G'Kar, the moral philosopher of entire show, basically drooled over the idea of Lyta prostituting herself out of desperation. That was creepy and unnecessary and pointless and nothing happened between them anyhow.)
Am I wrong? Am I forgetting something?
The Centauri are, visually at least, basically humans with funny hairdos. You can't tell me that Londo would be disgusted by the idea of sleeping with a bald human lady. There's zero reason the two species wouldn't be attracted to each other.
The Narn are a step or two further away from us, but still close enough that you cannot tell me that humans and Narns can't fall in love. They're similar to the species from Alien Nation, and there was interspecies dating there. We are fine with bald and spotted.
Then we get to things like the Drazi, but look. Tumblr of all places knows that there would be alienfuckers lining up.
No, we don't have Star Trek's retcon that allows all the major sentient species in the quadrant to interbreed, but who needs interbreeding? Since when does that determine who anyone is attracted to? And it would deter very few people from dating or sleeping with someone. Hell, if it's just a hookup it'd probably be a PLUS.
Oh wait! I did forget someone. The Lumati were very, very open to fucking humans. Ivanova uh... did stuff with them. She sure did do something with them. I'm only counting that on their end because that guy thought he was fucking a human, so we've got another half of an instance to go with Delenn's Minbari half.
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applejuiceyjuice-art · 2 months
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you’re gonna have to kiss those tights goodbye
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babylon6comic · 1 year
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brightlotusmoon · 1 year
Somebody sent me a message with "Purple Drazi 😤" so now it's on.
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kbnarts · 1 year
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Comm: Star Dog (Jetstream) Getting Ready
Illustration Commission for maskedimpdrazi on twitter 
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branmer · 1 year
imo the b5 reboot should add a regular alien telepath character to the cast because i think it's honestly really weird that the human telepaths never seem interested in interacting with or finding allies among the alien telepaths and it could be an interesting way to explore human xenophobia post-em war and how the psycorps exploits it to prevent human telepaths from learning how telepaths from other races are treated. the only times we really see a human-alien telepath interactions is when they're being used against each other as weapons. the one exception i can think of is alisa beldon's plot and she never actually meets a minbari telepath on screen - just gets told what their lives are like by delenn. it's just such a missed opportunity especially as we get further into the shadow war when they are actively recruiting telepaths from across all the races like cmon are you really trying to tell me there wasn't any interaction between them alksdjksadj
anyway what im saying is that i think a nice drazi telepath should have befriended talia or lyta
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taswel · 1 year
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what do yall think the possum squad sound like? i have a few voice ideas for some of em, but i wanna know how they sound to u guys ! >w>
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girlballs · 4 months
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shoutout to this one random green drazi leaping off the council room desks in s2e3. physically cannot wait to beat the shit out of a new purple guy
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