#dottore is the best
rexd1z · 6 months
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idk what the fuck is this.
drabble? headcanons? oneshot? I have no idea, I just wrote it.
Dottore is Zandik!!!
Mentions of corpses, cutting open a living person, removing entrails, blood, obsessive and stalker behavior.
pink is reader and porpol is dottore 🥺
GN! reader ig
English isn't my first language (I'm Chilean) so sorry if there are grammatical errors or something is not understood.
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The first time he saw you, it was in the library and for him it was like love at first sight.
You met Zandik at the Akademiya, he studied in Haravatat and you in Vahumana.
you didn't even notice him staring at you with that crazy look of him.
He learned your routine and the places you go, even your favorite food and your favorite color.
He started following you everywhere from a considerable distance
Zandik draws horrible but he still made little sketches of you in the corners of his notebook
You ALWAYS noticed Zandik stalking you but you couldn't care less, you thought it was cute in a way.
After a few months of dating as "friends" (your dates were in the library or the Akademiya laboratory 💀), Zandik finally confessed to you.
He approached you thanks to Sohreh because she happened to be a friend of yours.
It was strange, he basically made you a poem talking about how he wants you to cut out his heart and eat his insides 💀💀💀💀💀
You accepted, you always thought Zandik was cute so, why not?
After joining the fatui, Zandik Dottore, dragged you with him and made the condition that you must be his personal assistant and be with him 24/7.
And Pierro accepted.
"-Zandik, what the hell are you doing? -you told him as you watched Dottore cut a a LIVING man in half and start injecting him with things that not even God knows what they are.
It was strange for you to have to start calling him Dottore, so in private you kept calling him Zandik.
-I am not Zandik anymore, darling -he said with his disgusting smile.
-Okay Zandik."
He always gets nervous around you even if he doesn't want to admit it, to the rest he must have an image of a hard, serious and cold man, but to you? It's another story.
but we must not forget that he is completely crazy, many times he did experiments with you (nothing totally risky) and he is so protective that he could kill someone if he lays a finger on you 💀
At some point he tried to take out his own heart to give it to you, you obviously interrupted his actions.
He's crazy, completely crazy and insane.
Somehow or another he managed to make you both immortal, so you will stay with him forever.
After creating his clones, he realized that everyone had a special affection for you, and those who didn't know you began to have the same obsession that he had with you at the Akademiya.
He tries to keep you away from his clones as much as possible, he is a very jealous man.
In short words, Dottore is really jealous and possessive, but he loves you with all his soul and even in death he will not leave you <3
Omega is the only clone he lets near you.
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I literally wrote this at 3 in the morning and I'm dying of sleep plus I have school tomorrow
It's been a while since the last time i wrote something so it's weird to me😥😥😥
btw dottore is so babygirl I lovw him hes sosilly
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yandere-wishes · 6 months
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If evil why 😍 HUSBAND 😍. If evil why 😍HUSBAND MATERIAL😍. If evil why 😍MARRIABLE😍.
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in-halingstardust · 6 months
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[A/N: Yes. Yes and YES. This is pretty sloppy prepare yourself anon. I went all out, trust me. ]
˚₊· ➳❥ There is a reason why you're his assistant. You're not the best at numbers, and sure there is a reason why the budget is 7% higher than usual- due to the fact you keep botching up experiments- But no; the reason why you're his assistant is because your cute little mouth, that is always painted red with the cherry lipstick, keeps him satisfied in more way than one. That no matter how difficult his day is, no matter how many people piss him off you are there ready in the bedroom.
˚₊· ➳❥ Its a special night tonight, usually you are the one to apply your own makeup, but today Dottore holds your chin with his gloved hand. The other meticulously applying yet another layer of matte, red lip stick. Corners not as neat as the beginning of the night. It does complimented the inside of your mouth as you hold his cum- still waiting for him to let you swallow.
˚₊· ➳❥ "Pucker your lips out more darling." He says and you do. Some cum dribbles out of your mouth. You are about to swipe your tongue out in order to catch the gooey essence but Dottore stops you. He uses this thumb to wipe away the droplet. You whine.
"Darling, swallow." You do. You feel parched as his lips turn into a devious smile. "One drop will be nothing compared to the end of tonight." He whispers releasing your chin to push your head down towards his dick. Your nose is pressed against the side. His dark blue hair sticky with pre-cum/saliva from earlier His eyes harden. "Now suck."
˚₊· ➳❥ You open your cherry red lips and take him whole. You feel him in the back of your throat, the feeling of discomfort doesn't stop you from bobbing your head up and down, saliva trickling past the gapping noise you make. For the rest of his length, you used your hands to stroke him in rhythm of your bobs leading to a chorus of moans coming from the Doctor himself as his fingers snake into your hair to grip against you.
˚₊· ➳❥ It's messy, its sloppy, buts its him as cum shoots deep into your throat you gulping it down. There is no need to swallow if he is already that deep in you after all.
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fatuismooches · 6 months
Dottore trivia night but it's just the segments arguing over facts about their spouse and which one of them knows more, one of them is yapping about the width of reader's wrist and one of them is spouting the exact hex-code for the shade of reader's eyes, and it's not one code either it's like twenty taking into account every hue of the irises
Prime doesn't even instigate this, it just happens
Though the segments aren't human and don't need basic human necessities, they still get annoyed and stressed out like any normal person would. The problem is that they don't have good coping mechanisms and always end up working themselves into a more irritable mood until you manage to soothe them with your touch. So you introduce them to the tradition of a silly little game night! With lots of card and board games that you've been hoarding in your room! It's a healthy way for them to destress and let their anger out when they get +4-ed or sent to jail!
However, these nights evolve into something... different when you're not around. Instead, the game is "How much do you know about [Name]?" and the stakes are the highest they could ever be - the segments decide who gets to spend time with you. (Although it never stays consistent. The segments, mostly the older ones, always end up breaking it because of their "authority.")
The questions are not things like "What is [Name]'s favorite food/color/show/book?", no, those questions are laughably child's play to them (like, that stuff is so obvious, as your partners that is common knowledge to them!) Instead, you have a segment proudly declaring he measured the length and width of each of your fingernails and didn't share the answers with anyone, while another is blathering on about the longest strand of hair on your head. When one segment announces all the hex codes of your eyes in one breath, another one tries to one-up him by replying with the hex codes of your favorite outfit. He doesn't finish though because another segment is already trying to push in his little piece of information.
Trivia nights also tend to end in jealousy because sometimes you tell certain segments things but not other ones, simply because the situation called for that piece of information. And those segments rub it in their faces. But although the segments don't get along too well with each other, and their relationship isn't the best, the one thing they find themselves agreeing on is you. Their perfect darling.
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dottores · 2 years
summary: a failed mission sets dottore off, just not in the way you might’ve expected--the doctor cares for no one but himself and his research, not even his own segments, so why was he so incensed at the fact that you were hurt?
warnings: no warnings, really, reader a bit anxious over just failing a mission and a small wound. just some hurt/comfort (??) with dottore. not rlly sure what to label it.
notes: man ik dottore isn't rlly the hurt/comfort man but i think i kept this rlly well in character im lowkey proud i even had tee n eris double check 4 me <3 i wrote this during my breakdown friday adfijaiosdfjia LMAO @tweris @dxlucs @7rkx @mxnjiros @hanmas @albedophoria @tokyometronetwork @manjiroscum @dynalite @niicevibe
wordcount: 1.5k
“You’re upset.”
You looked away at the statement--there was no sort of empathy or worry behind his words, it was a simple observation, a fact, nothing more, nothing less. He barely bothered to look at you as he spoke, engrossed with the vial in his hands. If you didn’t know any better, you would say he didn’t care at all. 
If you didn’t know any better.
He wouldn’t have acknowledged it at all if that were the case.
“I’m not,” you said after a moment, clearing your throat and smoothing your palms over your pants twice before picking at your cuticles, a nervous habit that you couldn’t seem to break. 
“... and now you are lying.”
You grit your teeth together, ignoring Dottore’s words as you became frustrated with one cuticle that would just not peel off. You let out a shaky breath, bringing your finger to your mouth, going to rip it off with your teeth instead, but a hand curled around your wrist before you could--grip firm and unmoving even as you tried to pull your hand away. 
Reluctantly, your gaze drew upward to where Dottore was now standing in front of you, staring down at you unamused and unimpressed. “What happened?” he asked again, and you noticed that he had placed the vial down, averting all of his attention to you as he waited for you to explain. 
And you wanted to explain, you really did, but you couldn’t. You couldn’t bring yourself to admit that you had failed the one mission that you had been given, not to Dottore. You were already trying to brace yourself for the punishment that would come from Pantalone at your failure. So you kept your mouth shut, turning your face away from him as you waited for him to lose interest and go back to his research.
You should have known better.
You felt two fingers grab your chin, not hard enough to bruise by any means but also not gently. Dottore turned your head back toward him, tilting your face up and forcing you to look at him. You kept your gaze averted but you could feel the way he was searching your face for answers, trying to piece together on his own what happened. Sometimes you really hated how smart he was. 
“Your mission went poorly,” Dottore finally spoke up--it was a statement but also a question, he was waiting for your reaction to see if he had deduced it correctly. And you couldn’t help the way your throat spasmed as you tried to swallow back the sob--you had never been one to handle failure well, ever since you were a kid. “I see.”
Dottore let go of your face and you snapped your head to the side, turning away as you tried to blink back the tears that were building too rapidly for you to control. He didn’t speak again as he moved back to his lab table, picking the vial back up and watching it absently before placing it on a burner. 
“What happened?” he questioned as he put away some of his tools, walking to the other side of the room where he had several other vials displayed.
Breathe in, breathe out.
“Pantalone sent me to the Natlan border--to Apavny--to pick up some materials for Sandrone. It was, um, supposed to be a simple mission, not even leaving the homeland-” your voice cracked, your hand went to your side as pain shot through your abdomen at the reminder. You noticed how Dottore was now looking at you sharply from the corner of his eye, waiting for you to continue--you tried to hide the way you were holding your side, “Natlan has been getting more aggressive, we knew that, I just didn’t think-”
“They attacked you,” there was an odd tone to his voice, tight and unfriendly, as he placed the final vial back in the burner and turned to look at you. You weren’t sure you had ever heard him take a tone other than the low drawl he usually spoke in. 
“They got the materials-” you tried to continue, confirming his suspicions that you had failed the mission, but apparently that hadn’t been what he was leading to.
“You’re hurt.”
You faltered as you forced yourself to look back up at him, catching the way his jaw was taut and the way his eyes were trained solely on you, waiting for you to speak but you weren’t sure what he wanted you to say. Instead, you only shook your head.
“It’s only a flesh wound,” you said quietly. “It’ll be-”
Your voice hung off when you noticed the livid expression that had crossed Dottore’s face, it was only for half a second but you had caught it and you couldn’t help the way you hesitated. He was angry? But why?
Dottore didn’t speak again, returning his attention to the lab table, and you noted that instead of moving to continue his research, he was now putting the vials and materials away. His movements were still as smooth and graceful as usual, but each time he shut one of his drawers, it was a bit harder than necessary, the bang nearly making you flinch.
Was he mad at you? You couldn’t tell and any question you might’ve had to ask him died on the tip of your tongue as soon as you opened your mouth to ask him. The moments he spent putting away his tools and materials were long and agonizing, an anxiety building in you that you had never felt before. Dottore wouldn’t hurt you, you knew that--he might not care for anybody but himself but he had always favored you the most of everyone within the Fatui, even above the other Harbingers and his own segments.
What if your failure ruined it? The disappointment enough reason for him to cast you aside? You had never understood why he favored you, you figured it was because he saw potential in you and now, with your failure, you-
You hadn’t even realized he had come to stand in front of you, lifting one hand to your jaw again to tilt your face up toward his. Your cheeks were wet, you hadn’t even realized you were crying and Dottore hated weakness, any sign or mention of it had him mocking and cruel. “I’m sor-” you tried to say, voice cracking despite your strongest attempts to keep it steady.
“You said this happened in Apavny?” he asked, voice low and quiet and tense, but the grip he had on your jaw was gentle this time--he was never gentle with you, not while he was training you, now while he was trying to teach you about his research, he was always cold and sharp and unforgiving.
You nodded as best you could with the grip on his jaw. 
“You did the best you could,” he said after a moment. “I’ll take care of it from here.”
You were at a loss for words as you stared up at him but Dottore didn’t linger. His hand dropped from your face, the cold expression returning as he turned to grab his cloak from where it was hanging several feet away, shrugging it on before fastening his mask on. 
“Dottore, they’re probably long gone,” you tried to tell him, taking a few steps toward him but you froze when he turned his head over his shoulder to look at you--you couldn’t see his eyes from behind his mask and it had always unnerved you because you could never how he was feeling.
He didn’t even bother to respond to you, pushing the doors to the lab open and leaving without another word, leaving you standing there reeling, trying to figure out what had just happened.
Hours later, he returned, blood still splattered on his cloak and face, the box of materials you had failed to retrieve snug in his arms. His lips were tight and flat, and his eyes were still covered by the mask, you couldn’t tell what he was thinking. 
He didn’t speak as he pushed the box into your own arms, not until he had already passed by you. “Bring it to Pantalone, tell him you retrieved it.”
Your mouth was dry as you stared down at the box, confused and trying to push away the rising emotions. You spun around to look at him but he didn’t even bother to look back as he walked back down the hall toward his lab.
“Dottore,” you called, watching as he paused midstep, waiting for you to continue. “Why?”
He didn’t answer, and you supposed you should have expected that. Instead, he waited for a moment before continuing down the hall, leaving your question hanging heavy in the air between the two of you as you stared down at the box with an oddly warm feeling in your chest, wondering what this all meant.
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arienic · 2 years
Can I request a Dottore x reader fic where reader says that they’ve contracted ligma and he genuinely ask “what is ligma?” ?
I DON’T USUALLY WRITE CRACK BUT U KNOW WHAT . anon i like ur style so. here u go! if u ever see this then i hope u enjoy!!! this is set when dottore’s still a student at the akademiya i hope u don’t mind 😭 <333 
SPOILERS: Dottore’s real name (heavily implied by interactibles across Sumeru)
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Your lover startles, gloved hand snapping away from the Khaenri’ahn machine sample he was about to begin tinkering with. His jaw clenches, irritation rushing over him, because every time he tells you not to interrupt him while he’s working, and still you continue to do so. Do you test him on purpose? Do you want him to snap?
(Do you not know of the horrible temper he possesses and how badly he wishes to keep it away from you, a person who chose to love him despite the repercussions—disapproving looks from Akademiya staff and students because of him, snide comments about your character because of him, dozens of relationships lost because of him—a person undeserving of the sharp words that will leave his lips when he does lose control?)
Zandik’s lips part, a request for you to ‘leave him be so he can focus’ already on the tip of his tongue. Hopefully this time, you will listen, he thinks, fingers tightening ’round the wrench in his hand. Hopefully this time, you will get it. Hopefully this time, you’ll stay away. 
When you rush into the room however, clothes wrinkled and red in the face, his mouth snaps shut and he sets the tool down immediately.
Your name comes out in a breath as you come to a stop in front of him, his hands hovering over your sides. “What happened? Are you alright? Why are you—why are you in such a rush? Is everything okay?”
“Zandik,” you start, eyes locked with his—then immediately fall into a coughing fit. You fan at your face, bent at the knees. “Sorry—sorry—just give it a moment—”
“Why’re you in such a rush?” he means to ask in a worried tone, but it comes out in a snap instead. He winces. You ignore it. “What’s going on?”
A finger raises above your hunched form. “One moment please. Just”—you cough again, wave him away when he steps forward—“one. Give it a second.”
He gives it a second. He gives it two seconds. You’re still coughing up your lungs by the fifth second. Zandik decides enough is enough and moves for the glass of water on his table, but you put up your hand again, give one last pathetic wheeze, then clear your throat and straighten up.
“I should join you on your runs,” is the first thing you say.
He rolls his eyes. “Why were you in such a hurry?”
You blink at him, unresponsive for at least three moments, then drop your shoulders. You look almost defeated, he thinks with a frown. He doesn’t like it when you’re sad—defeated. The same thing, really. Point is: why do you look like that?
“Zandik,” you say for the third time. “I was just at the healer’s—”
He frowns. “Sadiki?”
“Who else? But yes, so I was just—”
“Why were you at Sadiki’s? [Name], are you hurt? You look fine. Are you sick? What’s going on?”
“Zandik, he says I’ve contracted something.”
His heart drops into his stomach. No. “What? But it’s—it’s nothing serious though, right? You’re not going to—it’s not terminal?”
You bite your lip and duck your head away from his sight, hands twisting together.
“He says…” You pause, and he tenses, preparing himself. “Sadiki says I’ve contracted ligma.”
Zandik's frown deepens. Ligma? He’s never—is it terminal?
“What is that?” he asks. “Is it terminal? I’ve never heard of it, but if it is—is there any cure? I’ll find a cure. I’ll make you a cure, I swear—[Name], is it terminal?”
Your shoulders are shaking, face still turned away from him. Are you crying? No—but that would mean—
“Zandik,” you say shakily, and he takes your shoulders in his hands so he can pull you into a hug, “ligma balls.”
Ligma balls? He frowns. Ligma—ligma balls.
Ligma balls.
It hits him.
Ligma balls.
He forces you into his arms, turns you, and finally sees your face. It’s pinched. Scrunched up. 
In laughter.
You’re not crying. You’re laughing. Your shoulders are shaking because you’re laughing.
He shoves you away.
“Zandik,” you laugh, keeling over, “lovely—”
“Don’t lovely me,” he snaps. You laugh harder. “You—you fucking—”
“My sweetest darling—”
“Fuck you, [Name]!”
“Any time,” you only just manage to say between wheezes. He goes beet fucking red.
“Get out of my damn room!”
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gum-iie · 1 month
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i think the segments just steal each other's ugly ass clothes when they don't do laundry
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chibittore · 2 months
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There are reasons why Tau is generally disliked amongst the other segments. For example, only a scant few of them appreciated his approach to The Major General's Song.
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glvssviscera · 1 year
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I’m all for tragic villain backstories but I think it’s funnier if he just had supportive ass parents 🧪
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watchmakermori · 2 years
i finished the sumeru archon quest and I have SO many thoughts but for now: watching scaramouche claw his way out of the robot trying to get the gnosis back, to the point of breaking his own puppet strings, begging not to return to how he was before because if he isn’t divinity then he has no worth at all....i am so normal about this character. I promise I am totally normal
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incorrectfatui · 12 days
*At the police station*  Crucabena: Hi, I’m here for Dottore.  Police officer: Who’s Dottore?  Crucabena: Ah, you must be new.
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pizzapasta23045 · 1 month
Why I imagine Dottore wasn't in the Arlecchino short despite already being an harbinger:
Scaramouche: So are you gonna change? We have like, a whole trial for the murder of an Habinger to get to? Dottore: SCARA FUCK OFF I'M BUSY! I'M BUSY I'M DOING A MALPRACTICE. LET ME FUCKING DO HUMAN EXPERIMENTS IN PEACE I DON'T GIVE A SINGLE SHIT ABOUT THAT TRIAL.
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localplaguenurse · 1 year
Another dumb dottolone fic idea: secret dating where they're trying not to get caught by HR because technically their relationship could be seen as abuse of authority.
The thing is they don't know which of them would be the authority: Dottore, as he is higher ranking than Pantalone, or Pantalone, because he's literally in charge of finances up to and including paychecks and funding for Dottore's projects.
Eventually they come clean because they know they'll be in much deeper shit the longer they keep sneaking around like this, only to get a resounding "we know and we don't really care" from the rest of the harbingers. They're both grown ass men in a consensual relationship, as long as it doesn't impact their work then they're free to continue.
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lovesickeros · 9 months
thought abt focalors + tsaritsa sagau fic bc it'd be funny as hell to throw them in a room together but now its actually got me thinking a little too much.......similar but only in the barest sense and complete opposites..one of them fearing celestia and the other trying to bring celestia down.
#sagau#did someone say rarepair?? freeze team queens#its abt the ideals of justice and how they are both rlly similar and different in both characters#focalors who adheres to justice as a general concept. she wants to do right by her people and her nation. literally the god of justice#she was genuinely upset w herself fr falsely accusing lyney of murdering his assistant#she was very obviously shaken by that in the next trial and was notably acting different#she is trying her best to save her people#whereas the tsaritsa's ideals of justice are more complicated and narrowed.#she is willing to do unjust things for a greater justice (destroying celestia)#because to her its worth the sacrifice in order to bring down celestia. her harbingers r like#not typically good ppl!! but they are powerful. they are useful. ie dottore#its abt the two archons who are fighting so hard to save their ppl (teyvat in tsaritsa's case) that they have lost even themselves#in the process yknow.#furina is not respected by her ppl. they treat her like a glorified mascot. but she still cares abt her ppl is trying her best#the tsaritsa is obvs speculation but she is trying to destroy celestia for the greater good of teyvat even if she does evil things to do so#its the contrast of two people wearing masks to hide themselves from their people for different reasons while also being so similar....#do u see the vision............#also furina is dramatic and all abt theatrics her playing it up fr her ppl aside#she would LOVE the silly little clowns and their theme since its based off a play#was this an excuse 2 talk abt my fav characters?? yeah :]#incredibly funny in sagau bc their personality clash so horribly and also fit together so well u know#that meme thats like shut the fuck up + u wanna kiss me so bad u look stupid or whatever....yeah thats them#tsaritsa contemplates murder far too many times bc why are there two venti's. who invited her#also group crying sessions but its just furina crying bc the tsaritsa cant. furina can cry enough for them both bless#also smth smth archons and their tired old men who work fr them and are undoubtedly loyal#maybe pierro and neuvi should kiss too damn. emotionally stunted old men get some therapy maybe. make out. idk#this isnt coherent in the slightest im sleep deprived and running on one (1) scrambled egg#i need to be put down like a rabid dog lord.#there wasnt enough unhinged eros posting around here i had 2 fix it
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fatuismooches · 6 months
Babey Zandy not knowing fragile reader is so precious.
He hears all about this mysterious person that all of his older versions adore, but he has no clue what they are going on about. He tends to avoid the mystery person's room to avoid tripping on something, so he's never seen them. He's never heard their voice. What's so great about some sleeping grown up?
But then he sees them. The one time he's allowed to go into the room, he's instantly starstruck. He's reminded of the fairytale he'd read about a royal that was cursed to sleep for a thousand years, and he figures that this person was what that royal must have looked like.
A few of the segments chuckle at the reaction the child has. Wide eyes, slack jaw, it's cute. But then Zandy turns and asks,
"This is who we marry when we grow up? Did we finally do something good?"
The segments collectively think that no, they hadn't done anything good. Not enough to deserve their lover, anyway. But the sleeping beauty still chose to love them. That was more than enough for the blue haired maniacs.
Little Zandy tends to be left out of the loop quite often. It's due to various reasons - the older segments not wanting to have to deal with him, or having to take the time to explain, or perhaps the topic matter isn't very kid-friendly (considering the kind of work they do). So, the little one is used to finding out things after the fact, unfortunately. You happen to be one of these topics.
What really interests Zandy is how the segments say your name. The boy is used to hearing them speak about others in contempt (that damn Regrator, wicked Damslette) or with no regard/care at all (test subjects) but you? You don't get either of those. Rather, you get your name spoken with affection. Like how his parents spoke to each other (only that he wasn't afforded that same treatment). So naturally he's intrigued, but confused. You've been sleeping for so long! How could someone who's sleeping be interesting? You can't even talk! But it seems that the segments don't mind, although they are quite sad, they're willing to wait, which is strange. And Prime is willing to talk enough for the two of you. Zandy hears him from the room sometimes. Still, the boy fails to understand what sort of appeal you have. But he is a curious one, so he begs and begs to be able to see you. And when he does, well, everything makes sense.
You're just so pretty! Right of out a fairytale! He can't help but run up to you and hold your hand, in awe. And though normally the segments would scold him for "getting in their way" but they don't this time. Because even though the brat can be annoying his reaction is rather amusing. And they don't want to raise their voices in your presence.
I imagine, when you do finally wake up, he begs for you to read that story for him 😭💗 he definitely reads the voice for the prince that saves the sleeping royal (you) and beats up the bad guys (celestia) 🥺
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sokkas-art-corner · 10 months
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tfw you let your boyfriend's kid finally braid your hair, but it's been 3 whole hours and she keeps repeating step 2. you don't blame the undead child, however.
you blame that damn snake.
a little (implied) Dottozhu piece that got away from me!
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