#dont get me started on the sonadow stuff
phoe-ix · 2 months
Uh my adhd got the best of me and I got carried away while yapping so. somewhat long post incoming. TL;DR at bottom of cut.
in a decision fueled by the amount of sleep I got the night before last night being half the amount I normally get and my definitely not (lie) falling into the grasp of the Sonic the Hedgehog fandom, I drew Sonic and Shadow making out like the attached picture at around 10:30 at night (today is a school day and I have important testing stuff going on) If anyone makes the horrid decision to ask to see the picture, I will add it. But I am currently on the school bus and I left the drawing at home. I forgot to take a picture of it before I left. I feel very scared about posting this, as its likely the most embarrassing thing I’ve ever had any part in creating (outside of whatever the heck I did back when I was in my gacha life/club phase back in around 2022. That stuff scares me.) So have mercy on me please. I am not very good at mimicking the proportions of Sonic the Hedgehog at this moment, but I’m working on it, and the drawing is a shitpost anyways so it doesn’t really matter how well I draw it as long as the characters are recognizable. Cough cough i need to get the games so badly 😭😭😭 I dont think I have the attention span to watch any playthroughs right now😭
TL;DR.) I drew sonic and shadow making out like the picture attached because I was really tired and I accidentally got myself into the Sonic fandom/Started shipping Sonadow
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heliianth · 1 year
hey um you should totally talk abt ships that piss you off hahahahaha
akfaj i dont rlly hate any specific ships on their own (& if i do, i started out not caring and i couldnt escape content for it so i decided spite was the better option lol) a lot of the things that get me annoyed is either fandom misogyny™ or just blatant mischaracterization for the sake of Ship Tropes & if i was gonna list all of that we'd be here all fucking day man .
i guess the 2 that currently just bug me the most are silvaze (bc sometimes its so clearly just "girl and boy stand next to each other ohhh man theres no way they dont kiss" <- zelink also feels like this frequently and thats a ship i actually really enjoy. sometimes im also a hater abt it bc the botw fandom loves devaluing other types of relationships as if romance is the pinnacle of human emotion So Fucking ANnoyingg) and the way some ppl do sonadow is like . feels so mean to say this but why are u here bc it dont feel like its for the actual characters <- but this is expected its a popular mlm ship literally every one of those will be like that at some point. also sonic as a character is very prone to fanon characterizations i think are kind of irritating Just IMO
i generally dont see lots of this ^ stuff bc i dont go out of my way to look at tags & i follow ppl whose portrayals i enjoy if there is shipposting but sometimes u just cannot escape stuff on ao3 yk
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sonadink · 2 years
As a veteran Sonic fan that’s been around the drive-thru a few times, it is so refreshing to see how all the different and nuanced ways the fandom treats the characters now compared to when I first joined. Idk if that’s because we’re all older and hopefully have wisdom teeth, idk if maybe I just wasn’t around the correct group of people online (it just didn’t seem that big back on deviantart/fanfiction.net??? and i was active for YEARS mind you and had a decent following) but now it is SO COOL like! look:
The exploration of Sonic’s trauma in general///TONS of Fleetaway Sonic/Dark Sonic which yes, it was a thing and there were the few that did but I had never seen it explored tHIS muCH in the fandom where like--I’m seeing my mans going apeshit in fanwork daily 
Shadow FINALLY being more recognized as the short-ass, tiny-ass, elf-ass, munchkin-ass, petite-ass king that he is i swEAr I was one of the few who headcannoned him being shorter than Sonic back then 
Also the flexibility with Shadow’s character and that he is no longer just the emo/edgelord?? overly dominant/aggressive lover???of the group???  he is just simply a fluffy Dumb of Ass Alien Freak™ creature who smells like a natural Sleep Aid and raws coffee beans 
In fact, seeing Shadow’s alien biology explored more outside of the naughty parts of fandom has been very fun and interesting to see and you all are very creative 
Rouge!! Being!!! the babysitter/mom!!! of the group!! because she is one of the oldest!! and most empathetic of all the characters!! 
The Exposure of Miles Prower as the manipulative and borderline *dr.eggman voice* we aren’t that different you and i little son of a biscotti that he is
Blazamy just. getting all the flowers. It existed then, yes of course but I see it more nowadays and it’s what we deserve
Tikal just. Swole as hell. What a beautiful concept. 
I’m sure there is more I’m missing but that’s just what I first noticed when I hopped back into the pool recently. And it’s a very different, very comfortable and fun pool now too
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un-pearable · 3 years
1:30 am ask game love that, perhaps sonic fandom?
alright, fandom questions time :D
The first character I first fell in love with: as of my first time interacting with the fandom? 100% tails, between the movie and just. you know his whole adorable amazing vibe, you can’t not love him, but knux quickly joined him as soon as i started sonic x c:
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: uhhh probably amy? i really disliked her as a kid on principle bc i was one of Those insecure middle school girls but between fandom and idw she’s really won me over
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: ,, probably shadow? i still like and appreciate him a whole ton, just not my cup of tea 😅 i get why he’s so popular though!! i just latched onto the classic quartet too quickly and don’t really have the same nostalgia for sa2 sadly,, i’m certain if i’d decided to play the games instead of reading the comics or watching sonic x i’d be a huge huge fan, he’s popular for a reason!!
The character I love that everyone else hates: considering the tumblr side of fandom’s tendency to latch onto every minor character and give them much deserved love, there’s very few characters that are unduly hated? amy’s unpopular in some circles obviously,, but i usually ignore that stuff so i don’t really know 😅 the closest i would say is prolly amy, most hate worthy characters i like is ironic
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: i don’t really burnout on characters bc i latch on Very Fast lmao,, maybe team chaotix? (they’re a package deal) i ranked them a lot higher on my faves when i first started getting invested again (and their resolution in the metal virus arc got me to finally read IDW) but atm they’re not quite as high,, still love them v much though
The character I would totally smooch: :/
The character I’d want to be like: ,, probably amy again. i love her being one of the most grounded of all the characters,, she goes off and saves the world but she’s still just. a gal who wants to be kind and help people more than anything. she’s sonic’s foil where the responsibility side of heroism is dialed up to 11 but is still consistently one of the sweetest + passionate people in hard situations,, i admire it a lot
The character I’d slap: see the entire keysmash portion of my tier list agshdjdkd (and idw shadow. boy get your ass into a character arc already come ON (evan i know and love what you’re trying to do ty))
A pairing that I love: ,, sonknux c: i’m predictable, but as much as i get why sonadow’s so big i am a little sad that it definitely influenced sonknux’s drop in popularity,, i don’t blame it or anything!! i’m mostly just interested in how the fandom trends shifted over time ‘n stuff, they’re both valid and adorable ships!! just wish there was a little more content
A pairing that I despise: don’t really have strong opinions on most ships i dislike (that aren’t like. obviously gross and concerning) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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idontworkforsega · 5 years
Wow, how many did I scavenged?
And also, I should’ve done this in the first place (silly me)
“Sonic!Boom head canon: Sonic, with Valentines’ Day approaching, asks Sticks if Amy has mentioned anything to her about wanting Sonic to do something for her (and of course she has). Sticks, however, mixes up what Amy has said, and chaos ensues. (What do you think?)” | “Could you do a knuckles-and-sticks headcanon: possibly sticks needs someone to go on a hunt/chase after something whacky, and the others are too grounded to believe her? I’m intrigued as to how sticks will get along with the others ;) thanks!” | “For the prompt meme: #1 with SonAmy, please? And could I please have it in the cyborg Sonic AU I explained to you in message? Thank you <3” | “for a promp, how about the Sonic Boom Picnic? How did Amy convince Sonic(or maybe Sonic was the one to ask but wanted to act cool about it) to go on it? What happened before Orbot ruined it and after?” | “May I request something like Boom!Amy on the spotlight? Or anything that involves Amy taking the attention away. Believe me, we all had that phase where we want a character to be on the center stage. Your fics are awesome btw! :-)” | “Hi! I have a prompt, however it’s a little different than the ones you have been given. Here it goes: Sonic, Knuckles, Tails, and Amy venture to Blaze’s world to help her and Silver with something (you can feel free to be creative in regards to what this something is) It isn’t necessarily a SonAmy prompt, but some hints would be appreciated ;) Have fun with it! 😊” | “Oh, you’re doing a prompt! It’s really hard to choose, but I would ask for sonamy in #4 (amy is the angry one ofc haha) or #5 (sonic is saying that)? I can imagine a situation like those! :D and thanks!” | “Soooo I was wondering, maybe you could write a kinda story about Sonic and Amy being a lil bit older (so amy is not 12 lol, maybe shes 16?) and being secret lovers? I dont mind if they’re actually dating or not, but it would be so cool if they had these "make up sessions” in secret or something. If you can set it up in Modern, please? Thanks!“ | "ok ok hun, sweetie, you… you have to continue that prompt! please!!! you know the one with the new character in Sonic Forces and is evil and Amy Rose and Sonic coming for her BUT SHE IS NOT THERE HE TOOK HER WAY omg I need more of that!!! PLEASE I’LL GIVE YOU ANYTHING </3” | “What’s your ideal Sonamy hint that could be in Forces? Not like a love confession, something that is actually somewhat feasible to see in a Sonic game. Love your blog!” | “Can you do a boom sonamy prompt? Like sonic realizing he likes amy? And she is kinda like "whaaaats goin on?” just a collection of sonic acting adorable and embarassed around her is good for me :)“ | "I’ve had this idea for a while but imagine a more mature sonamy (& by mature i mean older like in their early adulthood or something xD) , like sonic coming to terms with his feelings for amy and deciding to do something about it perhaps? i trust you fully with this and your amazing capability to write! (You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to but i would just loveeeee to see it) You’re the best my pal !” | “Hi! If you aren’t too busy, would you mind writing a modern or classic (your pick) sonamy prompt? So, a new hedgehog arrives, and *somehow* falls madly in love with Amy. And Amy, being the person she is, is flustered, but is still loyal to Sonic. You know. 😅 And during this, Sonic is annoyed and maybe even a biy jelly. Again, please write this whenever you feel like, because I wouldn’t mind, and don’t want to be a burden. Thank you! :)” | “Ok, are you still doing Sonamy prompts? ‘cause if you are, here’s a 'silly’ one: Remember how you said you wanted to do an actual GOOD SonamyShad love triangle? Ok. Now, have you heard 'Satisfied’ from the Hamilton musical? There, see. Eliza is Amy, but if you want to, you can switch Sonic and Shadow for Alexander or Angelica, you can make Shadow the outcast or you can do a platonic/romantic Sonamy where he is the outcast! (not sonadow) IDK, I just love the feels. :’) You’re the best!” | “Hey this is kinda random, but how would Amy react to the custom character asking for love advice or something?” | “Here’s a sad Sonamy AU: Years later, Amy has move on from Sonic and only sees him as a close friend. While he just does his own thing, he ends up falling for her, but nobody knows this and he fakes his way through. He helps Amy and she ends up marrying, He’s sad but still can pull off a smile. She asks him to dance but he despises slow dances, she offers to teach him and he gives up. Some blushy moments later and he accidently confesses his love for her. What’s next is up to you. ;) (Not Boom)” | “Do you know that thing where people say if you ignore a guy they’ll notice you more? Do you think you could do a prompt of someone telling Amy that and she attempts it on Sonic, only to take it too far and have Sonic go in a downward spiral of longing?” | “Hey! I really love your prompts! They make my day! I was thinking…have you seen that boom!sonamy comic where they’re in a cave on a mission and Sonic is expecting Amy to maybe try to flirt with him? Could it be something along those lines? It’s ok if you don’t do this, I’m sure you have plenty other requests too lol I’ve been craving some good sonamy fics and who better to go to than you? ;)” | “If you’re still doing prompts off of pictures I was wondering if you could do one with this? It doesn’t have to follow it exactly, just the idea of Amy going super would be great ^^” (Art Prompt Trade from @mangaanonymous) | “OK so I need you to find some prompt memes that I can pick from for you to write shadamy and sonamy to cuz I got a craving now thanks to you 😃” | “Amy kicked and squirmed, being held perfectly horizontal in the clutches of the giant robot…” <- first sentence of the prompt | “Tryin’ to keep it Canon” | “Can I have some more jealous boom!Sonic please? I like seeing him fuss over Amy, it’s quite adorable xD (btw your Sly Cooper au’s are the best things to happen to me :D)” | “Can you do a boom!sonamy prompt about sonic and amy raising a child? I don’t think you have done this before, have you?” | “Modern Amy: Just tell me! ~ Boom!Amy: I-pfft! I have no idea what you’re even talking about! -shifts in seat-” Does chats like this also counts? | “Could you maybe write a Boom!sonamy prompt where Sonic and Amy are flirting or arguing and knuckles and Tails are getting quite annoyed and so one of them yells "just start dating already” and things get awkward? Thank you!!“ | "Sonic: Tails? What even is Sonamy, anyway?” | “Maybe you could do a prompt of everyone playing a board game that Amy has." 
That’s all I got…
~For now *sneers
Stay awesome Miss Marya <3
My dear, you are amazing, thank you!
However, can you please send me these in small turns? I’m afraid it’s too much and I can’t just go through Mayra’s stuff and find all these prompts and come back to this and remember which ones I have found and which I haven’t... I lose my spot.
If any of you wonderful Cuties (What Mayra call her followers) find any of these prompts and check the notes to see that ‘Idontworkforsega’ (Me) hasn’t reblogged them yet, could you please send a link or a way to search the prompt to me? I would be very grateful!
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I know there are many prompts out there I haven’t gotten to yet, and your help means the world to me and Cutegirlmayra! But I just need help in sorting these out in smaller submissions or asks instead of all at once. And an easier way to find them would be appreciated!
Thank you for your hard work, you’re amazing, it truly shows we all want Mayra’s handiwork safe and sound somewhere. I’m hard at work right there with you!
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zonerz · 7 years
All of the questions for the shipping thing 😈
AAAAAAAAA Im gonna d i e I hope ur happy abt this long post u dork
Talk about the first ship you ever had.Dang dude,,,,,,, makin me think,,,,,, I suppose it was Jay and Nya from Ninjago?? I thought they were cute but wasnt like SUPER into it, the other one that I was into was me shipping an “OC” with Lloyd L m a oTalk about three of the most important ships throughout your life.Three most important? Uhhhh idk abt important exactly, like idk what the whole requirements for one being more important than another would be. Though, the main one that always makes me happy, no matter the circumstance, is McHanzo. Idk what it is about it but it always makes me smile and helped cheer me up plenty of times throughout the year hahaWhat’s your current OTP?McHanzo or Sonadow tbhWhat’s your current NOTP?shi//ma//da//cestDo you have any poly ships?Yes with some of my OCs!!How do you feel about love triangles?They CAN be done right but most of the time im just over here like, ‘UGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH No one c a r e s’How do you feel about RPF?Idk what that stands for 3Have you ever shipped yourself with a character?Not myself, but my OCs. Tho I suppose my first ever OC was very similar in looks so I suppose partiallyDo you have many ships that never got together at all?Lmao yeah man, most people seem to forget that McHanzo started out as a crack ship hahaDo you ship any characters that have never met?See the previous statementTalk about your favorite first kiss.Wonderbat in the Starcrossed episode. It was gr8 man. Kissing to blend in with the crowd.Have you ever been disappointed when your ship finally got together?The Nya-Jay-Cole love triangle was forced and stupid. LETTHEMBEHAPPY–Has a ship ever broken your heart?HAVE YOU EVER READ UNDER THE WISTERIA TREE? IVE NEVER BEEN SO EMOTIONAL OVER A FIC. I SOBBED FOR A GOOD HOUR AFTERWARDS MANHow do you feel about will they/won’t they?I think it depends on the material, like Wonderbat in JL was a good one cause we still got content for it here and there but it was never ‘official’ but it wasnt relentlessly teased at teither, it wasnt a main focus nor dragged down the show. It was acceptable cuz they were also, yknow superheroes and Bruce isnt the type of character to just suddenly settle down
But otherwise I think it can get really annoying and unnecessary if done wrongHave you ever “shipped at first sight”?Yeah lolTalk about a ship you initially disliked.Im p sure I used to be p decently opposed to Sonadow at first, because at the time I was super into Sonamy (which I’ll talk abt laterrr) though I learned more of the reasoning behind it and was like ‘oh! This is p decent’ and since Ive re-entered the Snoc fandom, Ive sorta reanalyzed my ships and looked into what real chemistry co9uld be there and frankly I just think that Sonadow has a lot of working potential, it reminds me of how I felt about McHanzo at first; They have a lot of working potential and thats what I love building off of. They have the potential to work really well together because the balance each other’s personalities and senses out (Shads bringing a sense of realism and Sonic bringing a lightheartedness) and neither has to worry about the other getting into trouble/hurt/being used against them because they’re both extremely capable of handling themselves. The difference between them and a ship like Mchanzo though is that they’ve already previously worked together and interacted on multiple occasions.
Im sorry I just have a LOT to say abt the ships I love ha h a–Also Ive noticed I have a tendacy to like ships where the partners balance each other?? God im predictableTalk about a pairing you’ve stopped shipping romantically.Sonamy has sort’ve dropped off the radar for me (except in Boom and maybe in X) at least in a more serious regard. Idk how to quite get how I feel into words r i pTalk about a moment which made you question an entire ship.I was actually watching a DHT (I think thats his name idk im tired lol) Top ten abt his personal opinions on ships? Cuz I like hearing other people’s opinions and point of views!! And I mean idk his points with Sonamy were really true and while I still think Sonamy is really cute and has gotten a bit less violent in recent years, the negatives at this point are sortve outweighing the positives atm imo? So it was just kinda like ‘huh. Thats tru’Have you ever shipped something despite yourself?No..? Idk if Im exactly understanding the question but if its asking if I still shipped smth even if it was against my morals? Then a definite no, if its nasty, its nasty imoTalk about a ship you feel alone in shipping.Wonderbat fandom where r u??Is there a ship you just don’t get, but have nothing against?The only ones I can really think of are Shadilver and Sonouge?? :00 Im just curious as to like the origin or reasoning behind the ships! I love hearing people’s reasons beyond “They look nice together” yknow? HahaWhich of your ships have the best chemistry?WONDERBATWONDERBATWONDERBATWONDERBAT–Which of your ships deserve better writing?Sonamy,,,, Jaya,,, //criesDo you mostly ship canon pairings?It depends! But a lot of times I end up soHave you ever shipped a pairing before you even started watching the show/movie simply because of gifs and graphics or similar?I probably have LMAOHave you noticed a pattern in your shipping? Is there a romantic dynamic you’re more drawn to?yEAHI like the dark broody one and the lighthearted cheery one where theyre opposite but not so much that they never get along. I like ones where its like sun and moon, where they balance each other out and both bring something to the table. Where its mutual.Is there a ship you’ve shipped for most of your life?Idk man, I didnt really have ships before I was 10 so like–Does shipping come easily to you?Somewhat, I need some good and moral reasons to ship two ppl before I turn into shipping puddy–Do you need to ship something to really enjoy a movie/book/tv show/comic?No, but if there’s a rlly good ship that I enjoy in the content then it definitely boosts how much enjoyment I get out of it hahaName a couple of fandoms in which you have no ships.I can only rlly say that for rlly obscure fandoms, like Ranger’s Apprentice. There’s also the FNAF book-verseTalk about one of your favorite headcanons for a ship you love.For Sonic and Shads I read this one thing ages ago abt Sonic teaching Shadow all the meanings each flower type and color portrays so them giving each other meaningful bouquets n shit is RLLY CUTE AND I LOVE THAT KIND OF STUFF OKAY,,,,,,Share five must-read fics.UNDER THE WISTERIA TREE IS EQUAL TO FIVE MUST READS! gO READ IT! (BUT BE PREPARED FOR TEARS AND LOTS OF THEM)Name your favorite fanartist(s).uHHHH @ludwigplayingthetrombone (Their expression are so soft,,,, n sweet,,, its so fluffy n good,,,) Share your favorite fanmix for your OTP.I dont have a favorite so just go look up some Everytime we touch PMVRecommend 1-5 shipper blogs.¯\_(ツ)_/¯Do you create fanmixes/gif sets/fanart/fic/fanvids and so on for you ships?I draw,,,, every once in a blue moon,,,,Do you have a favorite trope and/or AU for your OTP?Mutual pining and dorky fluffDo you like and use ship names?Yes!!!Is there a fictional relationship you’d really want for yourself?Nah boi Im ace lolIf you could change one thing about your OTP, what would that be?More interactions,,,, pl z ,,,,(diduknow that the “Pretty handy with that bow!” vl came out on my birthday last year?? Best gift man, thanks Blizzard, love ya)
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sonicshank · 7 years
1-5 with the ship prompt lol
Uhh this is gonna be kinda long bc I dont get many asks and I love talking about stuff I like lol 
Answers under the cut!
what is your absolute favorite ship?
I’m kinda a messy multi-shipper who jumps from place to place but I guess uh my top favs include classics like sonadow and knuxouge but I also rlly rlly like rouge/topaz 
I’m gonna go ahead and say my favorite is blazamy  because I think I have drawn the most fanart for that
what ship do you hate most?
I don’t really *hate* any ship per say, but uh I rlly don’t feel comfortable shipping son/ails or shadow/tikal. I see Sonic and Tails more as bros and they’re not rlly in the same age group. I don’t rlly like Shadow/Tikal for personal reasons tbh lol (mainly because of that weird future arc from the Archie comics left a bad taste in my mouth when I first read it and kinda ruined their dynamic for me which sucks) 
also any incest/pedophilia is no from me but that should honestly go without saying cmon 
what was your first ship, and what fandom is it from?
I don’t really remember my first ever ship but my first ship from the sonic fandom was probably sonic/amy just because that was what was marketed to me.
I then started doing the thing six year olds do and shipped my oc, who was this purple squirrel, with Sonic lol. I should redraw her and make some self insert ship art to make my six y/o self happy pff no one is stopping me
UUhhh h my main ship that lasted for a few years in my life that I obsessed over was **shadamy** though!! I filled up a lot of sketchbooks with illustrated fanfiction it’s kinda embarassing hahaha... I could post some but it’s,,, rlly crudely drawn I was learning...  so I guess I’ll count that as my first real ship
explain why do/don’t ship [pairing]
man i rlly wish you sent me the name of a pairing or something for these bc Im p sure that’s what these r for but it’s all gucci I’m just gonna use blazamy for these mk? 
I ship blazamy because I love pastel colors and Amy deserves so much better tbh their interactions together are really cute!! Blaze is kinda the Sonic of her dimension anyway so I like to believe it’s a more plausible ship lol. They just kinda look nice together and have great chemistry I guess. ALSO I LOVE them in the Sonic Universe comics!!
And their special M&S Olympic victory pose is adorable 
how did you start shipping [pairing]?
man. i don’t know. these things just happen. that’s how it be on this bitch of an earth. 
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