marvelousbelladonna · 3 months
Some dreams are a little NSFW
What dreams are you embarrassed about Imogen? 😏
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cleverclovers · 2 months
I have enough funds RN to cover rent but not enough to get food to make it to food stamps pay out on the 8th. I'm having bad back spasms, so even if I had the funds to spare I can't leave the house to get anything. There's nothing in the house that I can just eat like this. So. I'm. Once again asking for help with food. I can do art from bed. I can do however many sketches or drawings it takes to get food between now and food stamps.
I just. Can't handle things by myself at the moment
The temptation to dip into the rent money to get food and groceries delivered is. Terribly strong
Really wishing I could physically work a normal job.
Food is roughly $20 for a meal. After checking the grocery delivery app, anything I order won't be here until tomorrow morning, and enough groceries to last from now until the 8th would cost me 150$
So, this is a reminder that my comms are open as always, and this is the link to my costs and payment method information
Here's Jerry being a goofy goober as a thank you for your time
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chibelial · 1 year
Hey everybody, I’m currently out of work for an undetermined amount of time due to disability, and I’ve run my savings dry. And of course, I’ve got regular psychiatric appointments and medications I can’t miss. So as embarrassed as I am to ask for help, it’d be stupid to not accept any potential help if it’s there. If anybody is able to donate anything at all so I can cover my med/appt costs sometimes instead of relying on family for every bill I’d deeply appreciate it. Maybe I could draw somethin fun for you? Asks and dms are open. And of course if you can’t spare any change please reblog, and thanks to anybody who’s reading. Tip option is above, links are below -
PayPal - here
Cashapp - here
Venmo - here
Looking for work really just wasn’t, well, working. So now, I’m selling art online alongside my mother. We’ve done art together for years so, one day we thought what the hell, let’s try our hand at it. So we’ve got an Instagram if you’d like to see our stuff, and everything’s available on our Site as prints on multiple medias and even on some items like mugs!
As always I appreciate you taking the time to read my personal posts, means a lot. My income is still wildly spotty at best, so I’d like to ask anybody reading to reblog this or give the Instagram a follow? It’d mean a lot. Dono links are still active, I’ll probably take them down and update this post further soon, once this generates some consistent revenue. Thanks again for reading♥️
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crows-father · 5 months
L + Thanks for the dono + you gotta move on its getting sad. It's been a year man she's not coming back. You'll find love somewhere else I promise there's plenty of crows in the sky
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softieburz · 1 year
Hello Noah o/ :D I hope you're doing alright :( we're here for you if you need anything
hi wilbur !! :D o/ lovely talking to u again!! im uhm well i am very Scared you see but i am being so brave about the horrors i am facing (scareyness) . you guys r sweet :DD we’re here if u need anything too ! mwah 💛
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theautisticgamer · 1 year
The Problem With YouTube's "Dono" Culture
I had plans to write about other things, but this is pressing my conscience and I would like to bring awareness to it.
YouTube allows their YouTubers to collect Donations, referred to by the YouTube community simply as "Dono's." This allows viewers to tip their favorite channels as a way of thanking them and funding more content, and YouTube collects a small portion of the profit. It is the equivalent of tipping a street performer, or perhaps tipping your waiter/waitress at a local restaurant.
Harmless, right?
Well...no. While I've always had a problem with tipping culture in the United States, this article won't be addressing that. Rather, I'll be addressing how tipping/donating on YouTube can endanger minors and affect their families.
When a user donates money on a YouTuber's stream, the YouTuber(s) will immediately praise the donor and give them lots of attention for the next 2-3 minutes. While it is important to show gratitude for donations, these are done in such a way that it triggers a release of dopamine, which causes a donor to associate donating their money as a rewarding experience. Dopamine can also be released in a similar way during gambling or substance abuse. It inspires addictive behavior. For the majority of users on YouTube, this wouldn't be a problem, but it's children, especially preteens and teenagers more than younger children, that are at risk for a spending addiction in the form of donos (similar to gambling addiction).
Human beings do not develop a complete sense of 'good judgement' until age 25. Preteens and teenagers believe they have good judgement because of all they have learned so far and quickly underestimate their limits. This incomplete sense of good judgement is why addictive substances are restricted to be used by adults only, and why citizens must be at least 18 years old in the United States to vote, with many debating that the minimum age limit should be increased further.
However, age is not the only reason that preteens/teenagers are particularly more vulnerable to a spending addiction to donos. This a time when individuals begin to experience a lot of loneliness in their lives, being ostracized by their peers in the classroom or feeling their efforts aren't being recognized. They are craving attention and praise, perhaps more than they realize, and this is why we see people in these age groups with a heightened presence on social media. But posting on a social media page has no guarantee of finding friends. Meanwhile spending on a dono immediately gratifies the individual with the attention and praise they are seeking. That praise is short lived, causing these individuals to begin spending money half-hazardly and in down-spiraling cycle.
Even worse is that some YouTube Channels have recognized this and capitalized on it. They don't discourage minors from donating, in fact they only encourage it more in addition to the praise/attention. Viewers who point out the wrongness of the situation tend to be scolded by the Channels/streamers who participate in this.
This week alone I watched a minor donate $100, every penny of their birthday money, to two channels. These channels do YouTube as a side-gig and work full time jobs, and had no scruples in baiting this boy with praise and attention until that birthday money was spent, which was probably all the boy owned since he was too young to legally work. (I am not mentioning the boy's names nor the YouTubers' names for the sake of this boy's privacy). It is fortunate that this is the only damage that had been done. What if a minor stole their parents' credit card to fuel their addiction to spending on donos? A whole family could be devastated by these actions.
I won't pretend to ignore that the boy had poor judgement and that he can reap what he sowed. The problem is that a corporation like YouTube, who claims to want to protect minors on their website, can't allow Dono Culture to continue in the way that is operating now. Better policies could have prevented this boy, and others I've seen on YouTube like him, from making such terrible decisions until they were old enough to understand frugality and wise spending.
MY CALL TO ACTION, at a minimum, is that viewers on YouTube should be 18 or older to donate. I think it's only fair that someone who is old enough to vote would be old to evaluate their decision to donate money, and by that age they are probably earning/spending their own money.
If YouTube would be willing to take it farther than that, I think it is safest for Donations to be removed entirely (this does not count when a YouTuber sponsors a collection for a charity of choice via YouTube's charity system) and to forbid donations through third-party software like CashApp or Paypal (which YouTubers are doing to avoid having to pay YouTube their cut of donation profits) in order to prevent minors from finding alternative ways to donating. Funds could still be raised for both YouTubers/YouTube by raising the prices of channel memberships, so I don't think donations are necessary in order for channels to profit.
I would appreciate that anyone who reads this could raise awareness to this issue in whatever way they can. Even simply reblogging this article will help a ton.
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whenwolvescryout · 2 years
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Donation Doodles: August 2022
PWYW Doodles from this weekend's stream! 
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enderamethyst · 2 months
This is a longshot, would you be willing to help me get my insulin? I'm down to my last pen and its pretty much close to being empty.Nt asking for much only need $370 rn to save my blood sugar. please help me with a small donation or share, reblog my pinned any help can save my life.Please help & Blessings ❤
I personally don’t have the funds atm to donate, but I can absolutely share your post around/reblog it!
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ocombatenterondonia · 3 months
Prefeitura alerta donos de pets que violência e maus-tratos aos animais são crimes
Veterinário informa canais para denúncia, cuidados com os animais e legislação Com o intuito de evitar que as pessoas pratiquem maus-tratos contra os animais de estimação, especialmente neste período do ano, quando muitos costumam viajar de férias, a Prefeitura de Porto Velho presta orientações à população. Há poucos dias um caminhoneiro foi preso pela Polícia Rodoviária Federal em Ji-Paraná,…
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blogwelberfotos-blog · 8 months
ANO 2023.
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okay everyone take ur t shirts now
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egobrazil · 1 year
Os sertanejos Marrone e Gusttavo Lima são donos de empresa e você nem sabe
Gusttavo Lima é um dos cantores mais ouvidos da atualidade, mas se engana quem pensa que o sertanejo vive da música. O fato é que assim como outros famosos, Gusttavo investiu parte do dinheiro que ganhou com a carreira e hoje é dono ou sócio de algumas empresas. Bastante amigo de Marrone, dupla de Bruno, o marido de Andressa Suíta fez uma sociedade com o famoso e lançou o Coronel’s Bar &…
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gdanskstrefa · 1 year
Kardynał Sapieha – Pomorze, księża „patrioci” i Overbeek
Postawa kardynała Adama Stefana Sapiehy – jednej z najważniejszych postaci w historii polskiego Kościoła, stała się przedmiotem analizy na łamach książki „Maxima Culpa…” Ekke Overbeeka. Autor – na podstawie donosów księdza „patrioty” Anatola Boczka – twierdzi, że metropolita krakowski był seksualnym drapieżcą. Kategoryczne stwierdzenie łączy przy tym z osobą Karola Wojtyły, przyszłego papieża…
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wilbursootirl · 1 year
my posts: #william laments
about our system: #look at the sky i'm still here / i'll be alive next year
about me: #who lives‚ who dies‚ who tells your story
vent: #i lost the passion that comes with living
music spam: #lyricposting
interactions: #adoring fans
asks: #donos
videos: #videoshare
audio: #audioshare
images: #photo gallery
music: #vinyls
movies: #dvds
art: #art gallery
poetry: #journal
fics/writing: #bookshelf
source fanart: #scrapbook
source: #defying the script
source neg: #but if i gave up on being pretty‚ i wouldn't know how to be alive / i should move to a brand new city / and teach myself how to die
source tags under the cut
sbi: #soldier‚ poet‚ king
tommy/crimeboys: #and it was not your fault but mine / and it was your heart on the line / i really fucked it up this time / didn't i‚ my dear?
techno/twinsduo: #though we don't share the same blood / you're my brother and i love you‚ that's the truth
phil/sandduo: #i'm the child you just didn't have time to conceive
phil crit/neg memories: #i hate you for what you did‚ and i miss you like a little kid
kristen/mumza: #i wanna help mother up an orchard / from a seed up through sapling / mother phoenix‚ rise
fundy/funboys?: #i used to hear a simple song / that was until you came along / now in it's place is something new / i hear it when i look at you
tubbo: #you got the same eyes as your father / and you carry the same kind of temper‚ too
ranboo: #you understand mechanical hands / are the ruler of everything
niki: #in the back of my mind / you died / and i didn't even cry / no‚ not a single tear
jack manifold: #why you? why did you get to come back?
eret: #what for d'you yearn? / watch that butcher burn
sally: #you're pouting in your sleep / i'm waking still yawning / we're proving to each other / that romance is boring
quackity: #how's it feel? how's it feel to be so loved? how's it feel to be so loved‚ yet so alone?
schlatt: #and we can argue semantics over who left who first / but one thing's for sure‚ i needed you most
dream: #thus always to tyrants
l'manbur: #icarus is flying too close to the sun / and icarus' life has only just begun
vilbur/pogbur: #'cause i went downhill at such steep incline / that my rear view mirror showed only the sky
ghostbur: #what's the softest way to say / you took away my friend‚ my buddy?
revived/utah arc: #she said‚ one day to leave her / sand up to her shoulders‚ waiting for the tide / to drag her to the ocean‚ to another sea's shore
other assorted tags:
l'manberg: #i heard there was a simple place
pogtopia/manberg: #to destroy oneself and everything you love
las nevadas: #city of smoke and mirrors
limbo: #spend some time away / getting ready for the day you're born again
exile: #god stood me up / and i don't know why
passerine: #you'll bury me beneath the tree i climbed when i was a child
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softieburz · 1 year
hi softie!!! hru ^^ hope you feel better if you're hurting
HI NYM… SORRY FOR THE SPAM REBLOGGING…. im okaysies ig i am very Hurts bc of my Leg and well we shouldbget rid of legs really we dont need them. and my friggin tummy hurts so i cant sleep on my stomach tonight :/ nauseous… OTHER THAN THAT IM FINE! front is la croix and we’re hyper and probably wont be able to fall asleep ^_^ prepare 2 deal with uhm. yknow how it is when its latw for us. ty for the well wish btw ur sweet 😭
HOW R U !! :3 i dobt think we personally have spoken and if we have im so sorry ny memmory is bad snnddhdjhdje
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whenwolvescryout · 2 years
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Donation Doodles: 9/2022 Extra
Did an extra set of Donation Doodles this month to try and help with the collections that came up at the same time as the big move. Had quite a few of them, done over a few streams. 
If you like my art, you can support me on Patreon or Ko-fi
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