#don't you see. don't you see. don't you seeeee
sanguith · 1 year
"enjoy the freedom of having everything in your phone!" , "get rid of all that stuff lying around and get this app that does this thing!" , "gather all your things needed to live right in your pocket!"
no i refuse to have all my entertainment and tools in my phone. i refuse to live in a small apartment surrounded by minimalist decor and nothing to look at or work with or use, with empty bookshelves and sterile-looking surroundings. i refuse to sit there idle during a power-out on my sofa in the dim candlelight without anything to do or lost in the woods without a physical compass, emergency whistle, kinetic-generator flashlight or any idea of how to do anything survival-based, watching as my phone battery dies and the clock inevitably ticks down until i'm as isolated and helpless as i could be. my phone and all its compact functions, though an invaluable tool in itself if used properly during ideal conditions, i regard as a second-hand backup for other primary tools, used only when i have no other option or when things actually break. sorry for the rant lmfao but i've been thinking a lot about these things and how reliant on one single rectangular piece of often internet-reliant technology i'm becoming.
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keeps-ache · 5 days
thinking of fairies that look like ferret + mourning doves. uh huh yep :>
#just me hi#ferret + seagull. otter + sparrow. snake + goose#give those wiggly creatures some more wiggle room hfbvsh :3#wouldn't they be neat!!#giving the snake goose parts because geese are cool. yea :>>#specifically canadian geese because they are some of my favorite bird lol#not for any good reason but i grew up with them and they are cool :D#mouse + pigeon. it would be so precious man [<- tears in eyes]#what other animals do i know? uuhmm#electric eel + american eagle. all for the worst reasons hgbfhshv#i don't know if electric eels are so mean but it would be funny finding out that way lmao :3#/NAH but a teeny mouse with a teeny frock with teeny pigeon wings. she has a little basket of bread crumbs. are you seeing it#pigeons <333#/giraffe + swan. they shall soar like none before hbsh#hmmm. humphead fish + hummingbird. i believe in him. he would do so well hfsvhhfs#wonder what kinda magic they would all do !#//anywho i have my things and stuffs i should be doing lol </3#recently i've been consistently overjoyed with remembering that i have something to work on hfsh#but it all feels like a lot rn. ooh well! i think i'll work on my panels :>#that or watch a movie. depends which one will tire me out faster lol#i need to. find an hour+ long video to listen to. ouhg#i haven't finished one playlist i was listening to but i wiped my yt history so i don't know where i was hhhhhh#there are lik 8 videos and they're all a little over an hour long#a refresher wouldn't hurt but ourh. ouuhrrh. hfbhs#//i'm gonna try to get to it then !! :)#i always end up reblogging like a thousand things before i ever get to anything though lmao - let's seeeee#toodles pool noodles :>
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lux-astrorum · 2 years
i got an interview on Monday for a salaried office job at my airlineヾ⁠(⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠*⁠)⁠ノ
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exhaslo · 4 months
Corruption Ch5
(Villain!Miguel x F!Hero!Reader)
Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4
Warning: Minors DNI, smut, mentions of sex, violence, blood, murder, twisted thoughts, experimentation, language, wannabe fluff, established friendship?
Four months, eight days until D-Day
Your body was sore and exhausted. The amount of second guessing you had towards this Super Hero gig was high. This was not something you were used too. What were you thinking when you decided to fight straight up crooks on the street?
You barely survived a roach crawling in front of you. All of this crime fighting was taking a toll on your physical and mental health. You were so tired that you were worried someone would catch on. This secret life of yours needed to be worked on better.
What's worse? Actually villains are starting to pop up! Who the hell would have thought that there was a Vulture in this day and age. Nothing like the one from the great hero age, but goddamn, enough to make you want to cry.
"You look like shit," Miguel grunted as he entered your office. You replied with a whimper as you rubbed your eyes, "This is exactly why my experiments will-"
"Better humanity," You whispered, finishing his sentence. Miguel just gave you a quiet glare before taking a seat on your couch,
"You know what to do. I got knots from dealing with the idiots down in lab two."
"When am I ever going to get repaid this wonderful favor?" You asked with a tease, approaching him from behind.
"When you do as much work as me," Miguel scoffed in response.
You just chuckled weakly towards him as you massaged his shoulders. Thanks to your night life, you were too tired to argue or complain with Miguel during the day. You weren't sure if Miguel liked that or not yet.
Dozing off as you pinched Miguel's shoulders, you tried to focus on your main task. You needed to find a good time to approach Miguel as Spider Woman. You needed him to listen to you. To answer your questions.
Miguel had closed his eyes for a moment as you relaxed his tense muscles. It wasn't long for him to feel your touch soften that he regained his senses. Right as he went to complain, Miguel felt your head rest against his neck.
Confused, he glanced towards you, finding you asleep. Your breathing was soft as your hands still rested against his back. This would drive any man crazy, but not Miguel. Getting up, Miguel was careful to lay you against the couch.
"What's got her this tired?" He muttered under his breathe, "Lyla-"
"Let's see. (Y/N) recently signed up gym membership, telling her friends that she feels like she's too fat. Oh, she's also being flirted with by the new IT guy. Let's seeeee-"
"I didn't ask for all that," Miguel rolled his eyes before glancing back down at you, "If she had Spider Woman's strength, she wouldn't be this tired...but I wouldn't know that until I get a blood sample from that hero."
"Don't say that too loud or poor (Y/N) might cry in her sleep," Lyla teased as Miguel started to leave the office.
With a quick lock behind him, Miguel ignored his AI-whom was having fun with the situation. In order to stop hearing his AI, Miguel requested Lyla to set an alarm for you. Today was the day that the last prisoner was going to be tested.
Miguel needed you there.
"Oh, and Lyla, have that new IT guy join us for our experiment today. We could always use more...witnesses."
You gasped and shot up from your slumber to the sound of a roaring alarm. Attempting to calm your racing heart, you spotted Lyla in the corner of your eyes. She gave you a simple wave and informed you of Miguel's experiment that was starting soon. Your fave turned a million shades of red once you recalled what happened before you slept.
"Lyla! Is Miguel angry with me?!" You panicked, trying to fix yourself up. Lyla smiled as she appeared before you,
"Miguel can never be angry at you!"
"Trust me!"
As much as you wanted to doubt Lyla's words, you knew that Miguel has done worse for smaller things. Perks of being his only friend here...if that was even safe to call yourselves. It were moments like these that really made you wonder what Miguel was thinking.
If he didn't like you, then what were you to him? The thoughts sometimes made you go insane. Most of the time it just led you to crying when you were alone, wishing that Miguel would just show you some affection.
Hurrying to the lab, you grabbed your tablet and readied for the notes. You could still feel your heart aching as you wondered the look Miguel was going to give you. As you arrived, you noticed a few different and new faces.
"Hey, (Y/N)!" The new IT guy waved to you.
"Oh...Hey, Aaron. Um, what are you doing here?" You asked.
"Mr. O'Hara said something about wanting to have someone ready to fix the machine if it broke down."
Ohhhhh, Miguel had something up his leave. You just gave Aaron and innocent smile since you didn't have the heart to tell him that he is being played. Though, you never took Miguel as one to hate any of the IT people. He let them work since they were the only ones aside from him who could fix his stuff.
"So, (Y/N), if it isn't too much trouble, I was wondering if I could take you out-"
"(Y/N), did you get enough rest?" Miguel hummed lowly as he approached you from behind.
You could feel your body warm up as Miguel pressed his weight against your back. This was the closest Miguel had ever been to you! Hesitating, you turned to face him, almost feeling hazy from the direct contact.
"S-Sorry, Miguel. I...I didn't mean to fall asleep," You apologized. Your breathing hitched as Miguel placed his hand against your cheek,
"It's fine. I've been working you too hard," His voice was low and sweet, turning you into putty.
Miguel hid his smirk as he watched poor little Aaron shake in anger. Oh, the joy in taking away one's love interest. It was Aaron's fault. How dare he have eyes on you. Didn't he know better? You belonged to Miguel.
Miguel was a selfish man. While he may never make a move on you, it was still fun to show off that you belonged to him. Even now, just a few sweet words of concern and a small touch of affection nearly brought you to your knees. Now, Miguel couldn't lie, that look you were giving him was tempting.
"Let's start the experiment. (Y/N), watch closely."
"Yes, Miguel," You cooed, running off to your usual spot.
Miguel chuckled darkly before he turned to face Aaron. The poor man was holding back so much.
"Aaron, thanks for coming. Do make yourself useful."
"Yes, sir."
The anger in his voice was hilarious to Miguel. Before Miguel started, he reviewed everything once more. This was the last prisoner. This one had to succeed. It just had too! Miguel was going to resort to desperate measures if nothing came out of this.
Growling in anger at the thought, Miguel told everyone to start the experiment.
If it were possible, hearts would be floating above your head. You couldn't hide your smile as you started to take notes. Perhaps Miguel did have a heart inside him! His touch was so gentle and warm. You had wanted to melt right into his palm.
Gasping lowly, you came back to your senses as the poor prisoner screamed in agony. This was cruel. Glancing at Miguel, you saw his face twist with pleasure. How could someone be so heartless? No, you had to see the light in him.
Miguel can still be saved!
"I'LL KILL YOU!" The prisoner screamed.
You shivered as you felt your spider senses go haywire. Something was wrong, but you couldn't act. Not here. After another moment, the prisoner broke free from the chains-his body now morphed into a half spider.
Eyes widening in horror, you watched as the scientists tried to restrain the prisoner. Miguel, on the other hand, was laughing. Finally, he had a success. Although, this was still far from what he was looking for. This was still far from him cloning you.
Once again, your spider senses went crazy. You returned your attention to the prisoner and gasped as he charged towards you. You needed to move, but like how you used too. You couldn't move like you do now.
This was great. Perfect even. Finally, Miguel had something successful! Although, this wasn't exactly what he was hoping for, but anything at this point is a win. Miguel could just keep testing on the prisoner to see what helped make this time different.
Hearing the pathetic attempts of his coworkers to subdue the prisoner, Miguel hissed as he had Lyla get security. Why was it so hard to find good help?
Miguel let out, yet another, sigh as he turned his attention to the feral prisoner. His brows furrowed since the idiot was charging straight towards you.
You, frozen like a deer in headlights. Miguel wasn't sure what this feeling was inside his chest, but he dashed towards you. Lord, you were dumb, but move!
"(Y/N)!" Miguel roared out.
Why wasn't he fast enough? Miguel cussed as you screamed, rolling onto the floor as the prisoner dashed into the bench you were sitting. Finally reaching you, Miguel picked you up and hurried out of the lab. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you started to sob.
"Get back here!!!" The prisoner screamed.
"Tch, worked better than I expected." Miguel hissed before coming to a halt.
His wonderful test subject had crawled on the ceiling and landed right in front of the exit. Your grip tighten around Miguel as the two of you stared at the fearsome beast before you. Unable to hide his displeasure, Miguel scoffed,
"Killing me is too dull, why don't you have some more fun with it?" He spoke to the beast.
"Oh? I'd have you strapped on that table, screaming and dying like all the others." The prisoner hissed as acid dropped from him mouth. You tugged against Miguel's lab coat,
"M-Miguel, what are-"
"Fine, but let this little lamb leave. You can kill the lot of us after," Miguel offered, placing you on your feet.
"Miguel, no-"
"Deal, but only to give her a running start. I'll devour her after I'm done with you all."
Miguel chuckled lowly before turning towards you. You trembled slightly, not wanting to let go, but Miguel gave you a push towards the door.
You nearly held you breathe as you stepped out of the lab. Once the door shut, you dashed towards the closest closet with no camera. Miguel was trusting you to get Spider Woman, that or he actually had a death wish.
Either way, he saved you....so now you were going to do the same.
"I'm coming, Miguel."
Next Chapter
@tojishugetiddies @miguelsfavwife @foulsharkheart @club-danger-zone @ivkygirly @jollystrawberrycycle @amber-content @weirdothatwritess @smartyren @mangoslushcrush @nyxzoldyck6 @migueloharastruelove @chaoticlovingdreamer @sukioyakio @killjoy-nightshadow @heyohalie @the-pan-liquid @bokutosprettylittlebimbo @kpopscoups17130000 @pochapo @killerwendigo @barbiecrocs @miss-galaxy-turtle @oscarissac2099 @lazy-idate @lauraolar14 @migueloharacumslut @straw-berry-ghoul @daisy-artfield @sukunash0e @undf-stuff @iamperson12280 @nightingale1011
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mintytealfox · 2 months
*carb walks in*
*holds up a question*
What the au where norton is big and alice(and melly) are tiny like did they found kurt book but don't know how long it last and norton is now stuck being the babysitter till the their normal size again or is it drugs?
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Perfect timing too honestly cause I was feeling sad about Netease being emo as frick with the Norton stuff lol (there is an ask in the inbox about it and I am gonna go so wild once I collect my thoughts 👀)
-rubs hands togetherrrrrr-
so this one with Melly:
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was a little one off thing cause I love Navi from Legend of Zelda and I imagine she is so tired of Link and I had Da Capo on the brain and was like 'aw yea these two' LOOOOOOOOOOOL
The other one with this stuff:
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is super MaCross coded 👀🤌 if you are familiar with Zentraedi then you got a gist of what is going on here lol but here is a link to a intro to the au: here Then this one has the links to everything I have written for it so far: here
I am more of a report writer rather than creative writer anymore these days. So, if its bad then my bad LOOOOOL! If you don't want to read all that then here is this to get the gist of what is up with the world
"Some background:
Two species of humanoid now inhabit the same planet. One from another dead planet and seeking refuge and a new place to live (the humans). This was met with hostility from the original habitants (the larger one). A war broke out for 10 years, for the humans to come on top in the end. The larger species are now used as a sort of work horse in most cases. Some manual labor, others protecting the area and hunting, etc. there are still Nobels and high ups in politics but the less well-off tend to be put to difficult work and conditions. Even though the humans have the tech to make it easier, just don’t want to waste resources.  It’s a political way to keep them down, busy and obedient basically. 🙃
Norton, of course, works in the mines." ----------- BUT I LIKE WHERE YOUR BRAIN IS GOING -rubs hands together- a thiirrdddd au cookin I seeeee~ LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
Knowing Alice, its probably DRUGS that did it -WHEEEZE- Then Melly having to get involved trying to be like "oh my gosh stop sniffin D R U G S" and tries to take it away but it just gets all over~ nice and cliche 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
But I can see Melly having fun with the size change cause talk about an entire new perspective for her research of insects lol -can pet beetle like dog- "who would have thought they liked little pats on the head" So much new research to be done 🤣🤣🤣 Her command of insects is broadening LOOK OUT -WHEEZE-
Now for Alice, there is no stopping her now, every nook; every cranny is now hers to explore LOL no locks can keep her out now!! No document/letter/sensitive information can hide from her -WHEEZE- No drawer or box left un-sifted through PFF No conversation left un-eavesdropped! She is more of a danger to society's secrets now than she was before IM DYING LOOOOL
Yea Norton is definitely gonna have to babysit these two MY GOSH! Good L U C K BRO LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
(THANK YOU FOR THE ASK!! I L O V E talking about this stuff HA! And needed the distraction honestly SO THANK YOOUUU)
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rorimoon9597 · 4 months
So uh- I've started making a fic where Jason ends up the MHA universe as a Quirkless kid and he's taken in by Aizawa and Hizashi, and then he attends UA for like, three years? And the three years pass in the DC universe but some things are gonna change. The fic will probably go through all three of those years and how Jason grows in the MHA universe and shit. Is anyone interested in reading it? It'll probably be on my AO3 account, and I don't know much of the plot of the comics so uhhhhh that's probably going to be fucked up but hey! AU time!
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tillthelandslide · 1 year
Insufferable Arsehole Part 6: Inside Your Mind Instagram AU - Matty Healy Series
A/n: so I'm introducing some more characters in the upcoming chapters so please don't be confused as one is referenced in this. Hope you like it. P.s I got the box tattooed today so yes that is my arm
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thisislou where's the fun in doing what your told?
Liked by trumanblack, bedforddanes75, rass1975, charli_xcx and 689,739 others
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bedforddanes75 excuse me? Please stop. I'm scared my girlfriend is going to leave me for you
charli_xcx fuck me
-> bedforddanes75 seeeee @thisislou
-> thisislou sorry? 🤷‍♀️
trumanblack who took this wonderful picture? Think they deserve some credit don't you love? Also heard they're a pretty cool person
-> thisislou 🙄
rass1975 I am looking respectfully 🫣
-> thisislou aren't you nice?
-> rass1975 I try, I try 🙌
loufanpage slay
fan1 wish I was you
-> thisislou dream bigger ❤️
lou75fan so y'all just going to ignore Matty's comment... The comment that makes it obvious that he took this picture⁉️⁉️
75fan Matty has the hots that's for sure
bandmate I miss you
-> thisislou miss you more
fan3 slut
-> thisislou how very kind of you 🙏
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thisislou backstage shenanigans @trumanblack thanks for being my model 🖤
Liked by bedforddanes75, bandmate and 762,891 others
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bedforddanes75 he looks happy 😂
-> thisislou what a grump aye?
trumanblack I swear I was happy... Don't know why my face is doing that
-> thisislou grumpy Matty 😠
-> trumanblack you bully me
-> thisislou just the way you like it 😚
-> trumanblack 🤫🖤
jordhughesphoto might as well take my job at this rate
-> thisislou what a compliment 🥹 there's no one quite as good as you though I'm afraid
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trumanblack she makes me look quite cool 📸@thisislou 🖤
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thisislou stealing my photo I see
-> trumanblack THANK YOUUUUU 😁😁😁😁😁
-> thisislou you're lucky you're cute
75fan omg cute
loufanpage i ship them so hard i actually cant take this torture anymore haha
rass1975 excuse me why dont you take cool pictures like this of me
-> trumanblack you're not her fave anymore
-> rass1975 ouch... fair though
-> thisislou i mean... if anyone is my fave is obviously george just saying
-> trumanblack ouch
-> rass1975 ouch
-> bedforddanes haha! suck on that @trumanblack @rassthe1975
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thisislou Part of the band 🖤
📸 @jordhughesphoto
Liked by bedforddanes75, trumanblack, rass1975, 1975adam and 673,122 others
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trumanblack part of the band 🖤
bedforddanes75 part of the band 🖤
rass1975 part of the band 🖤
1975adam part of the band 🖤
-> thisislou @trumanblack @bedforddanes @rass1975 @1975adam 😭🖤🖤
fan1 omg
loufanpage they all commented the same thing that's adorable 🥹
jordhughesphoto 😊😊
75fan guys... If Matty and Lou hold hands their boxes would touch 🥹🥹
Liked by thisislou
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the1975updates fans from today's show could've sworn they heard Matty say "Lou" when touching himself on stage.... What is going on?
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fan1 I could've sworn I heard it!!
fan2 I hope they confirm whether they're dating
fan3 think he deserves better tbh
-> the1975updates don't understand how he could deserve better tbh... She's amazing and kind and they seem like they bring the best out in each other
Liked by trumanblack
-> loufanpage couldn't agree more @the1975updates
75fan @the1975updates me and my friends were standing at barrier on Lou's side of the stage and we swear she was wearing a "M" necklace... could also be for her sister bc her name is mia but... could also be for matty?
-> the1975updates omg if thats for matty thats adorable
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thisislou the first a gift from @trumanblack... The second a gift from @charli_xcx don't know which one I prefer
Liked by trumanblack, charli_xcx, bedforddanes75 and 467,189 others
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trumanblack the second one isn't true though is it?
-> thisislou 🤫
charli_xcx looks good big tits
-> thisislou fucking love you
fan3 slag
-> thisislou awe thanks boo 😘🖕
bedforddanes75 smoking kills
-> thisislou you're one to talk dickhead
75fan "people write songs about girls like you" he's in loveeeee
lou75fan I know they've done it but I can't prove it
thisislou via stories:
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life-winners-liveblog · 3 months
The other side from the greatest showman for tritons duet -Marigold
Scott: Oh let's see...here!
Scott: 🎶Right here, right now, I put the offer out I don't wanna chase you down but I know you see it! You run with me and I can cut you free out of the drudgery and walls you keep in! 🎶*Does a weird pose*
Martyn: What????? What are you doing???
Scott: 🎵So trade that typical for something colorful. And if it's crazy, live a little crazy!🎵
Martyn: Already there buddy.
Scott: *shushes Martyn* 🎶You can play it sensible, a king of conventional or you can risk it all and seeeee~ Don't you wanna get away from the same old part you gotta play 'cause I got what you need, so come with me and take the ride, it'll take you to the other side' cause you can do like you do or you can do like me stay in the cage, or you'll finally take the key.🎵
Martyn: This is so Scar coded I swear.
Scott: 🎵Oh, damn, suddenly you're free to flyyyyy~ It'll take you to the other side.🎶
Martyn: My turn then. 🎶Okay, my friend, you want to cut me in? Well, I hate to tell you, but it just won't happen! So thanks, but no, I think I'm good to go' cause I quite enjoy the life you say I'm trapped in.🎶
Scott: I always forget how good at singing you are.
Martyn: ... I ...🎵Now I admire you, and that whole show you do. You're onto something, really it's something but I live among the swells, and we don't pick up peanut shells, I'll have to leave that up to youuu~ 🎵
Scott: Ironic.
Martyn: 🎶Don't you know that I'm okay with this uptown part I get to play' cause I got what I need and I don't want to take the ride, I don't need to see the other side. So go and do like you do, I'm good to do like me. Ain't in a cage, so I don't need to take the key, Oh, damn, can't you see I'm doing fine! I don't need to see the other side.🎵
Scott: 🎵Now is this really how you like to spend your days? Whiskey and misery, and parties and plays.🎶
Martyn: 🎵If I were mixed up with you, I'd be the talk of the town: Disgraced and disowned, another one of the clowns!🎵
Scott: 🎶But you would finally live a little, finally laugh a little...Just let me give you the freedom to dream and it'll wake you up and cure your aching, take your walls and start 'em breaking! Now that's a deal that seems worth taking...But I guess I'll leave that up to youuu~🎶
Martyn: Really getting into the part Scott...🎵Well, it's intriguing, but to go would cost me greatly, so what percentage of the show would I be taking?🎶
Scott: *nods*🎶 Well, fair enough, you'd want a piece of all the action. I'd give you seven, we could shake and make it happen!🎵
Martyn: Definitely Scar coded 🎶I wasn't born this morning, eighteen would be just fine!🎶
Scott: 🎵Why not just go ahead and ask for nickels on the dime?🎵
Martyn: Fifteen.
Scott: I'd do eight.
Martyn: Twelve.
Scott: Maybe nine.
Scott/Martyn: Ten.
Scott/Martyn: 🎵🎶Don't you wanna get away to a whole new part you're gonna play'cause I got what you need, so come with me and take the ride to the other side so if you do like I do, so if you do like me. Forget the cage, 'cause we know how to make the key Oh, damn, suddenly we're free to fly! We're going to the other side. So if you do like I do, so if you do like me'cause if we do we're going to the other side. We're going to the other side!🎶🎵
Scott: That was...fun!
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twst-drabbles · 7 months
Oooo to revel in joy at your take on House Pet AU!Rollo ~I cannot begin to say how much I love it when people delve a bit more into his hatred for magic/magic-relayed things!!
That is to say, regardless of AUs, how would you view his possible infatuation with the prefect? I always viewed it as plaguing as Esmeralda's presence if it is to relate it to Glorious Masquerade event: haunting to be more precise, the smoke of the fireplace dances in his tired vision to emulate their walk and dance, the light of the candle trembles and flickers like their gaze when they tried to take in the view of City of Flowers for the first time and whenever he hears a gleeful laugh lost in a crowd he almost wants to run to them and greet them, before remembering . . .
Ah, they are not here. They are forever lost across a sea on a stranded island. In that gilded cage of magic and wonder.
That's just how I view it!! What do you think of it?
Hmmm let's see let's seeeee, I actually might have it where the relationship the Caretaker has with Rollo is a bit different depending if it's the Sanctuary AU or the House Pet AU.
Also, man I love it when any of you come and ramble in my inbox. I love people rambling at me. Please, don't hesitate to do so, it makes me so happy.
House Pet AU, being as lighthearted as it is, it's mostly just hi-jinks. Caretaker goes with Mozus to check out the college and the city as a potential move-in target and their pets were supposed to stay behind and be cared for by the others, buuuuuuut...
Yeah, the house pets somehow managed to follow and the Caretaker's phone was dead so any and all messages and calls just don't go through.
The bell ends up ringing and spreading its magic, and the house pets, being magical creatures themselves, end up mystified by the bell and just rush up to it to get as close to the magical source as possible.
So one can imagine why Rollo was having a near meltdown when he goes up there to see the bell sullied and a fuckton of pets drunk out of their minds on the magic the bell produces. It was a party up there.
Safe to say, Caretaker looks up and sees bursts of magic that is suspiciously familiar to their own pets magic casting patterns and just rushes in. Caretaker, being the Caretaker, manages to corral the pets together in record time and Rollo has never been more thankful. He would've been more angry, and kind of is honestly, but that command the Caretaker held over these wretched magical creatures caught his attention. Much like the bell, the Caretaker can order the little pets to start or stop their magic with just a word or a snap of the fingers.
So, in a hilarious fashion, Rollo has to grit his teeth and tolerate these energetic and troublesome pets because he wants to get along with the Caretaker.
Now the Sanctuary AU, Rollo gets a little... weirder, as one would expect. He's almost... eager, in a way, to reestablish the connection he lost with the Caretaker, like he's trying to find or coax out a kindred spirit in them.
It's a "distance makes the heart grow fonder," or more fixated in this case because the Caretaker has experienced a horrid tragedy at the hands of magic users. But then the Caretaker basically vanishes after news of the fire and kidnapping reach his ears and while he didn't rush to try and get in contact them, the fact that nothing he's doing is reaching them is causes this fixation to continue to grow. It's on the cusp of an obsession.
And the thing is, you can't really blame him for being like this, the Caretaker was so focused on getting their pets back that they basically let any other connection go cold beyond the most immediate people that are assisting in the search.
And, eventually, Rollo goes to the Caretaker's neighborhood, to the site where everything started, to the charred remains of their house.
The fire, Rollo can imagine it so clearly. Replays it as though a horrid, tragic record.
I think that would probably be the catalyst of Rollo going from unnerving to downright creepy.
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I think a continuation of the shrimp mer reader x Floyd would be super interesting, where Floyd finally takes them out and they’re kinda broken but still have this dependency and attachment to Floyd and when everyone else at school sees them they’re like “where have you been?” But the reader doesn’t recognize them
Here's part 1, shrimple as that
Warning(s): dissociative amnesia(?), yandere floyd
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"Shrimpy, you there?" Floyd asked, tapping the glass of the fish bowl.
You came out from your little hiding spot, and you saw his eyes. You can't remember his name, but you know he's important... he'll give you food, he'll pat your head, he'll let you grab onto his hand and lift you out of the water...
He was so nice to you... he loved you.
"I think you've spent long enough in there. Do ya wanna come to class with me today?" He asked. "C'mon, let's get you outta there."
He dipped his hand into the water, and you immediately latched onto him.
He lifted you out of the water, and placed you down on his desk. He placed down a little medicine cup full of a colourful liquid, and pushed it towards you. Does he want you to drink it?
You drank it. It tasted terrible... but it's probably something that will help you! After all, he wouldn't give you something that would hurt you... would he...?
No. No he wouldn't.
"Aha! Look at you, Shrimpy! You're not shrimp sized anymore!" He happily said. "You sit tight for a sec, alright? I'll go get some clothes for ya~!"
He left his room and left you alone for a while.
You looked to the desk that your little glass bowl was sat upon. Were you really that small before? It's kind of weird to think about...
Eventually he came back with clothes for you. They were your exact size, which you thought was strange... did he have these prepared? Have you been this size before?
"Come on, stand up~!"
You stood up, your legs shaking. You thought you'd have a hard time walking like he does, but... you didn't. You knew how to walk on two legs.
How... strange.
"What's... your name...?" You asked him.
"Ohhhhh no." He said. "Um. Do you, uh, know your name...?"
"It's Shrimpy, right?"
"Fuck. No no no, Shrimpy, your name is (Y/N), got it? I just call you Shrimpy because you're small and... well, a shrimp." He explained. "Alright? So when someone says '(Y/N)', they're talking about you. And my name's Floyd, ok?"
You stayed close to Floyd the whole day. He's the only thing you know.
You heard someone gasp.
"(Y/N)!! There you are!" The person said. "Where've you been? Cay-Cay here's been suuuper worried about you, ya know?" The person had orange hair and green eyes, and a diamond painted under his right eye.
"Um.... w-who are you...?" You asked him.
"...what are you talking about, (Y/N)? You know who I am! Cay-Cay! Cater Diamond! Your friend and classmate!"
"I don't know who you are, I-I'm sorry." You said.
"Uh, Floyd, what's going on with them?"
"Nothing, don't worry about them. C'mon, Shrimpy, let's get to class!"
"No, wait a sec." Cater said. "(Y/N), is everything ok with you? Did you hit your head or something? You're not usually like this..."
"THEY'RE FINE, SEABREAM." Floyd angrily told Cater.
"Alright, I believe ya." Cater sighed. "At least lemme tag along with you for today!"
"Pfft, tag along? Didja forget we're in different classes, Seabream?" Floyd laughed.
"Oh that's no problem at all!" Cater said, pulling out his magic pen. "See? Split Card!"
You watched in amazement as Cater summoned an identical copy of himself.
"Woah! No way!" You said, excited.
"Cay-Cay #2 will go to my class, and I'll follow you two along! No trouble at all!"
"Seabream. It doesn't matter what fancy tricks you pull, you're not following us."
"Why not?" You asked. "He seems fun!!"
"Wha- No, Shrimpy, you-"
"Seeeee, Floyd? (Y/N) wants me to stay~" Cater winked.
"Huh?! No! You can't just-!" Floyd looked back and forth between you and Cater. Your super excited face, and Cater's- who looked like he knew exactly what he had done. "UGH, FINE. But don't you try ANYTHING, Seabream."
You felt like you knew who Cater was for some reason...
And he was so nice to you too...
But... Floyd was getting increasingly more upset.
Thankfully, it was the end of the day.
"Today was fun!" You happily said.
"Well, who says the fun has to end~?" Cater asked. "Why don't you come back to my dorm with me and we can-"
"NO. Sorry, but we've had enough of you for today. Isn't that right, Shrimpy?" Floyd asked, his hands on your shoulders.
"Oh. Um, y-yeah, that's right." You responded. "Sorry Cater."
Cater knew something was wrong. You were acting strange, you claimed to not remember who he was, you were amazed over his unique spell even though you've seen him do it multiple times before, not to mention you've never been around Floyd willingly before.
But Cater also knew there was nothing he could do about it.
All Cater could do was hope that you could save yourself.
But let's be real here, there's no way that's happening.
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beanghostprincess · 3 months
Sanji: oh so when were you going to tell me you had a boyfriend!? When did you even get a boyfriend!?
Zeff: after you left
Sanji: after you left so it's like....1...2...3- That's like almost three fucking years!!!
Zeff: so
Sanji: SO???? You just kept this from me!!
Zeff: I don't need to tell you anything about my personal life and why do you care? It's not like it affects your life?
Sanji: it does affect my life!
Zeff: how does it affect your life? You're acting ridiculous hehehehehe. What you don't like the thought of your dad kissing
Sanji: stop
Zeff: holding hands..... cuddling
Sanji: stop! please stop!
Zeff: having seeeee
Sanji: noooooo
Zeff: sex
Sanji: AHHHHHHH I'm gonna jump!! I swear to God I'm going to jump off this fucking boat and never going to see me again!!!!?
Zeff: hahahahahahaha you're funny eggplant
Usopp: did mom know?
Yasopp: yeah she knew..... she knew for years
Usopp: oh ....how did that work?
Yasopp: *sigh*..... It worked out well enough for us for a time...... We loved each other. I don't want you to think that we didn't. It was just...... It wasn't..... it was more ........... Platonic??......I guess.... If you can call what we had platonic...
Usopp: that makes sense.....a lot of sense actually
Yasopp: yeah....... I'm gonna be honest I don't know what I'm doing I've never had a real relationship. Not saying that what me and your mom had wasn't real it was it was-
Usopp: I get what you mean
Yasopp: ok............ You probably already figured out that your dad's not the coolest person in the world.
Usopp: That's fine. It's actually perfect knowing that my dad is a dork I don't feel so bad being one either
Yasopp: dork?
This is so perfect and hilarious to me because you have Yasopp and Usopp being all emotional and having a deep conversation about Banchina and how Yasopp is dealing with the new relationship and then you have Sanji fucking panicking because the mere image of his father having sex is so unbearable to him he has to stop himself from visibly cringing.
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safetycar-restart · 9 months
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i found it absolutely adorable how he literally just forgot how to speak english and started stuttering and giggling it's so ☹️☹️☹️ he loves ferrari so much it's concerning 🙁
but he's so so happy and he has every reason to be and i'm really happy to see him like this especially considering the weekend he had in zandvoort like what the fuck was that shitstorm
but after this he definitely deserves all the kisses!!! all the kisses and hugs he can get, he needs them nd he deserves them all!!!
i can totally just imagine meeting him halfway when he's on his way back to the garage with arms wide open and a big smile and he just runs into them, almost knocking you both over with the force of his hug, and it makes you wonder how happy he'd be if he got pole today.
and then literally while you're hugging him, you manage to put his collar on and he's just the happiest little boy ever right now, he's with his mommy and he has a sea of tifosi cheering him on and it's making him so happy and flustered and shy!!! he honestly just feels like the luckiest boy in the universe
and then the kisses ensue!!! you kiss all over his face, just attacking him and peppering his entire face with kisses – his cheeks, his nose, his forehead, his lips, his jaw, his dimples, absolutely everywhere, and he's just. he's so happy. soso happy like do not tell him anything bad like don't touch him don't ruin his strategy or forget his tires let him stay happy pls.
Listen I know he didn’t win but I don’t care I love this ask and I’m gonna answer it anyway. I’m also gonna do this in the D/S au because it makes sense to put a collar on Charles then, I’m assuming this is supposed to be that AU :))
Firstly, I think your sweet sub would have been so scared to actually go to Monza? He knows they aren’t performing well, and he knows there will be so much more pressure at their home race. He just…. He’s so tired. He’s so fucking tired.
So you’re very worried about him that weekend, and you try to stay as close as you can, maybe even recruiting all of Charles’s support people? You decide a giant cuddle pile with Andrea and Joris and arthur is required every night of the Monza race weekend.
However, you needn’t have worried.
Because the moment charles arrives and sees the sea of red, instantly his mood is lifted. It’s not pressure, it’s support and he needed it so so bad.
He absolutely thrives, stopping for everyone and taking pictures and listening to everyone say they support him because he needs to hear it so badly. He wears his formal red collar the entire weekend, getting support from you and from the fans and it’s truly incredible.
It’s revitalising. Like he can finally see a way he can finish the season.
And then he qualifies third!! And Carlos is on pole!! Ferrari on pole!! He doesn’t care if it isn’t him, not when it’s in front of the Tifosi.
He’s truly so so happy. And it only gets better when he spots you!! You’ve got his red collar in your hand and your smiling so wide and you’re his mommy!!!
He sprints into your arms, holding you extra tight. He nearly knocks you over and you can feel him pressing kisses to your neck. He’s so so happy!! His mommy and his tifosi!!
Maybe this happens in the pitlane? And so the crowd can actually see the two of you? Obviously they cheer even louder when they see you and Charles hug and Charles genuinely can’t remember a time where he’s ever felt so supported and loved.
You put his collar on for him then, and then you just HAVE to give him all the kisses in the world. You pepper kisses all over his face, making him smile so wide his cheeks hurt. He doesn’t even know what to do with himself.
And then… then you turn him to face the crowd and motion towards him, making the crowd cheer even louder and Charles is just giggling and crying and he can’t believe he’s so lucky.
Yes he’s struggled so much and felt so hopeless and lost but this… this makes it all worth it.
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Azul Ashengrotto Tsumsitter Personal Story: Part 2
"A Moment with Azultsum II"
(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)
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[Mostro Lounge]
Azul: You wish to see the Tsum as the Lounge's owner? What do you think you're saying, Jade?
Floyd: An owner takeover bid. Basically, you're being let go, Azul.
Azul: Don't be ridiculous. There's no way I would let that happen.
Jade: You may say that, but in the business world, the only thing that matters is results…
Jade: Are you saying that you would be able to generate even more profit than the Tsum has in this short period of time?
Azul: Of course. Besides, I cannot allow such a pushy and classless method to continue.
Floyd: Huuuh? You sure you can call someone else pushy and classless?
Jade: If anything, I do believe that is entirely your brand, wouldn't you say?
Azul: I don't understand how you could possibly think that thing could resemble me…
[Azultsum presses a menu against another student]
[Azultsum continues pressing more menus]
Floyd: Seeeee? The way it just keeps on pressuring them with that shady grin,
Floyd: It's just like you usually are.
Azul: I'm afraid I have no idea what you're talking about.
Jade: Returning to the point at hand, I see no issue with the method it uses.
Jade: The most important aspect to keep in mind is that the Tsum has garnered more sales than Azul.
Jade: As someone who has the Mostro Lounge's best interests at heart…
Jade: I have no choice but to propose a refresh by transferring the ownership to new hands.
Azul: You say you have the Mostro Lounge's best interests at heart? Of course you would lie so brazenly about that.
Azul: You've just found something to tease me about and are simply thoroughly enjoying yourselves.
Azul: You brushed it off as "only" a suggestion earlier, but essentially you two seem to be asking me to leave.
Azul: I emphatically refuse. I have no intention of going along with your tasteless games.
Jade: We aren't playing any sort of game. We simply made this suggestion after serious consideration.
Azul: Oh, is that so… I see.
Azul: Well, if you are going to insist that much, then allow me to show you why I am the more suitable owner.
Azul: I challenge you, Tsum. We shall compete for ownership of the Mostro Lounge!
[Azultsum gives serious look]
Floyd: Oooh, looks like the Tsum's raring to go. So, how're you gonna do this?
Azul: We'll split the Lounge into two, and I shall be the owner of one half.
Azul: The Tsum will take ownership of the other half, and we will see who makes more sales.
Azul: The winner is the undisputed superior owner and will take over Mostro Lounge from there on out.
Azul: Well, I'll be the one to win, of course.
Jade: So you plan on settling things once and for all with a head-to-head battle, I see. What an interesting concept you've concocted.
Azul: Jade, Floyd, you can join the Tsum's side. I have no need for your assistance.
Jade: Oh, are you sure? Do you truly think you will be able to garner more sales than the Tsum without our help?
Floyd: If you reeeeally beg for it, I'll help you~ C'mon, c'mon, y'don't wanna grovel for me even a little bit?
Azul: Don't make me repeat myself. Even if I were to keep you by my side, you would only get in my way.
Jade: So untrusting of your employees, what a horrid manager… Ah, my mistake, former manager…
Floyd: Guess that kind and charming Tsum really is more suited to be the owner of the Mostro Lounge, huh.
Azul: Yes, yes, alright. Then please, go ahead and play manservants to that Tsum.
Jade: Now then, we shall call the side where the Tsum is the owner the "Mostro Lounge First Branch."
Jade: And the side where Azul is the owner can be the "Mostro Lounge Second Branch."
Azul: Wait a moment! Why am I the second branch?
Floyd: 'Cause me n' Jade're over here, and it's just you over there.
Floyd: If you think about what's closer to the original Lounge structure, that's totally this side.
Azul: … Well, whatever. Everything will be made clear soon enough.
Azul: I shall show you that no one other than me is capable of being the owner of the Mostro Lounge.
[Azultsum jumps for joy]
Floyd: Looks like the Tsum's all excited too.
Azul: I hold no grudges against the Tsum, but I shall have no mercy. Allow me to show you all the proper way to run a Lounge like this.
(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)
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citrus-simp · 1 year
Can I get a headcanon of reader playfully calls Levi “My man” even thought they aren’t together but secretly Levi likes it
{A/N:} I'm really happy to be writing again :,)
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warnings: None!
Everyone always teased you both. You just seemed to be that couples! and everyone wants to dee it happen
Sometimes you'd take it to your advantage. Like on a mission you may pose as husband and wife and surpass an obstacle.
Sometimes he's tease you because of how much you played into the role
"Oh yes my husband is a great soldier and captain, I knew I married the right man!" he'd mock you after you faked a story
"Oh you wish that were true!" you'd laugh at him while slapping his shoulder. Even though you both kind of, maybe, possibly wanted it to happen...
there just so happened to be a day where the new recruits were hitting on you. So, you had a bright idea to use your teasing to your advantage.
"Please...leave me alone, I'm not interested or available to you or anyone" you state with a straight face.
"Oh really? I don't see him around, or a ring on that pretty finger"
"Oh he so happened to be your captain and MY MAN would not be pleased to hear this!" you exclaimed as loud as you could to get said captains attention
This indeed get the man's attention. You LOVED the look on his face, it was a mix of:
Shit, not again
who me?? 0////0
why me?
In the end he came and played the role of 'your man' and shooed off the young recruits.
In a way he liked the fact that you referred to him as your man...did her...did he actually want that?
to be your man..?
When he really looked at you, you were gorgeous and brave, and considerate, strong and funny.....
"Ooooooo Levi is that blush I seeeee? Did Y/N do that????" Hange teased him and he simply tsked and walked away but...
it was a nice thought...and maybe it won't be a thought one day...
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missamyrisa2 · 10 months
Literally drooling to your latest milking post I wanna do that to a sweet boy… and yes all us girlies are very VERY interested in what you’ll do to our lovely mounds.. and our sweet flower… please enlighten us with your torture
How utterly perfect it will be to wreck an adorably sweet boy together ~ letting him struggle so adorably in his girly bonds while we divvy up that blushing sensitive body and orchestrate the milking ~ I can work those hip dips with my thumbs making him buck and pelvic thrust right to your milking hand ~ get him all worked up while we coo and fawn over every sound so that we can introduce our sweet dear to a venus milking machine, sliding his royal rod into that soft teasing trembling sleeve ~ and take turns holding the device in place and operating it while we surround the royal area with pinchy graspy spidery tickles ~ when using a milking device the key is to augment and support, making sure every tickle serves the milking so that he'll never be able to control one bit of what we're doing to his body ~ every sensation urging him along the edge comes from us ~ and we ensure it takes as long as possible of course, because we want the most tickled soft milkygasm ever~<3
And while he gasps and tingles into fuzzy madness in the aftermath, we can giggle over postorgasm tickles ~ skittering nails on his underarms, taunting those muscles which were of no use to resist the bullying we just gave him ~ until you see that little sneer forming on my lips. Ooh yes darling, my lust for tickle milking is not satiated yet ~ and you're next on my list.
Oh yes, this list of tickle milkees which I just happen to have in my shorts pocket and ooh look, it has your name next ~! Mmmhmm ~ sooo if you're just cooperate with me, I'm going to tackle you with tickles as you try to slip away, laughing and squeezing you affectionately as I tickle your belly and sides with my rubbing thumbs ~ then down to those hips and thighs ~ ooh yes, we have to work all that resistance out of you my girly girl ~ and looook I've just hooked your top and now it went flying. What a funny thing ~ is your cute chest undie going next? Yeahhh? Ooh I think it is ~ time for your inspection girly ~ let's see those royal buttons ~ don't fight me ~ I'll tickle your armpits until you squeal and give up ~ and guess what? I'm gonna do it anyway~ let's get you good and giggle weak, ohh yes~
Mmhmmm just as I thought two, gorgeous girly buttons on this chest ~ let's seeeee mmmh ~ that doesn't tickle does it, that feels gooood ~ little kissess on this button ~ and ooh yes, that one ~ little brushessss from my lip and tongue ~ mmhmm get them niiice and stiff for me dear ~ we have work to do here. Let me just grasp this one gently and we'll rub it with my fingers ever soooo lightly ~ oooh, are your buttons a bit ticklish? Little ticklish nipples? Let's see how bothered we can get them. I have this fluffffy fluffy brush just perfect for naughty girly buttons. Oh yes, that one tooo but let's see hereee~ brushy brushy booooo~ right on that girly button on the left, and yes, on the right. Don't struggleee ~ I'll kiss your buttons until you moan ~
There we gooo, look at thatttt soooo hot and bothered here. Does it feel so good? Is that waking up your girly pearl too? I think you neeed some ~ cupping~ oh yes. Naughty cute girls get their buttons milked, that's the rule. I have two delightful little flowery buds here ~ see? They're like little buds that open up and I can place one right here on this regal nubbin and then we pump it like soooo ~ ooh yes, just feel that delightful tightness it's like a lover's mouth mmmh~ and I have one for your other nubbin toooo~ pumpy pumpy ~ don't fight it ~ that's just gonna make it worse ~ we'll get you alllll gently squeezed up and worked up so I can milk every sensation from you ~
And while the flowers love on your chest buttons I think we need to get these bottoms off. Ooh still feisty? Maybe? Yeah? Let's tickle your waist ~ mmhm I can trace that lovely waist while your buttons get their milking and~~ uh oh! all your motions can just make it ever sooo much worse up there. You can't not laugh, you can't not squirm ~ I knowwww yeahh it's sooo bad ~ oooh sooo bad, tickles soo badd. And looook now your bottoms are being tugged down. Such a naughty girl. Almost as naughty as our boy over there ~ look he's still writhing soo sweetly ~ wasn't that fun? Almost as fun as it's going to be taking my lovely nail here to your sweet girly pearl ~
Yessss little nail tickles right through your soft panties. I see you're already worked up huh? Is it just sooo bad, having your girly buttons loved on like that while I taunt your most royal button through this soft material? You want it sooo bad but nnnope unnh uhhh~ you don't get to gigglecum yet ~ just fuzzy milkings for my girl ~ Liiight little scratches up and down until you're nothing but squeaks and weak squirms ~ and then we'll tug these cute undies down and away they go into my pile of prizes from my milkeees ~
Ahh what a sweet pearl, all worked up and volunteering for her milking. I have the perfect tool for such a lovely clitty ~ ooh yes, look at this slender vibe ~ and why yes, that tube tip is a suction device ~ it's going to snugly hug your button and give so many delightful tickly sensations. It's like an excited friend who just wants to hug on your girly part sooo tightly ~ and she can't be deterred oooh noooo ~ just light touches on each side of your pearl, we're gonna coax it out oh yes. Draw out all your tickly arousal you naughty dolll ~
And with your buttons all being worked overrr I think it's time for the mound milking~! You didn't think I'd forget about all that cute wetness did you? Oh yes, I think we're going innnnn ~ and you know, I love these devices and such but there really is no substitute for the hand milking, is there? Or should I say ~ the finger milking ~ did you ever notice how long my fingers are? You will now~ loook how long and wriggly this issss~
There we goooo tickly wiggly finger through your curtain and we go exploring now ~ I know your most ticklish silly hidden girly button is in here ~ and I will find it oooh yes, I have my Gee seeker on ~ mmhmm beeep beeeeeep beeeep ooh up here maybe? Quiet, quiet now ~ you'll interrupt the mission. No gigglemoans on this channel ~ this is a secure channel, a very ~ serious ~ mission ~ ahhh bzzzzttt yesss we've found it, the buttony tickly treasure ~ and you know what we do with ticklish hidden buttons right? We milk them for all they're worth ~
How many gigglemoans are you worth mmm? How does that feel, the little buds squeezing and milking your royal chest buttons, my adorable buzzy friend keeping your pearl all hot and bothered, and now my wiggly finger strumming that delightful gee to pieces ~ Does it tickle?
Oh you can gigglecum whenever you want darling ~ just know I'm not going anywhere, and the moment you do I'm going to tickle your button all the way through before popping those chest milkers off and then we'll get to explore how very incredibly sensitive you've become up there ~ with kisses and licks and suckling on each one while my fingers rub your hips to your sides and ribs and armpits all the way through ~ you have sooo many giggles and moans we need to milk out ~ and our boy can just enjoy the show now as you are paid back in full for all the teasing you gave him ~<3
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callmearcturus · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
tagged by @lo-fi-charming
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 82, 83 if you include the one I wish I hadn't orphaned.
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 2,721,477 words
3. What fandoms do you write for? Oh boy. Homestuck, The Magnus Archives, Mission Impossible, Borderlands, Welcome to Night Vale. Some one-offs in other fandoms. First really cut my teeth on The Dresden Files.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? Let's seeeee.
dustsceawung (The Magnus Archives) with 4,600 kudos
a steady hand, a delicate man (The Magnus Archives) with 3,316 kudos
dripping with alchemy (Borderlands) with 2,663 kudos
The Eurydice Suite (Homestuck) with 2,164 kudos
I'll bring the motion (The Magnus Archives) with 2,163 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments? When I have something fun or interesting to say, yeah. I don't wanna just say "thanks!" on every comment so I tend to try to repay the comment with a tidbit or something?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Hmmm. See I'm a Happy Ending Guaranteed kind of writer so I don't know. Maybe we float before the sea at dusk because it's technically a bad end?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? GOD that's hard... I think maybe all the world is earth and water or the Five Years Later ending of The Eurydice Suite.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not anymore. 8)
9. Do you write smut? what's smut never heard of her
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I'm going to choose to interpret this as "fusions" instead of "crossovers" and in that case I have written....
Homestuck/Inception (The Eurydice Suite), Homestuck/Kinda Sorta John Wick (so we don't kill the ones we love), Homestuck/Fallout New Vegas (out here the good girls die), and WTNV/Good Omens (all plans are golden in your hands)
Out of those, I think the New Vegas one is the most out-of-left-field.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? By now, at least 10 times that I'm aware or.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? A few times, yep! Russian and Ukrainian I think.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? BOY HAVE I.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? I despise this question and if this question had a face, I would punch it. I assume this has to be a ship I have written since this is a writing questionnaire.
In my heart of hearts, it's Karkat and Kanaya. I enjoy their platonic love more than any romance pairing....
SEE THE PROBLEM WITH THIS QUESTION is that I... think for me personally, the pairing is a vehicle of the wider story/themes, so I can't say "Oh its DirkJake" because to me the KTOWL DirkJake is wildly different from, like, TES DirkJake.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? The barely-inspired-by-Hellboy AU that I should probably just write as an original story. But I won't because I'm a coward, lmao.
16. What are your writing strengths? Consistency and structure, I think. I'm a tradesperson, not an artist.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I feel like I lack a lot of foundational material that other artists have due to my lack of education and just generally not knowing things. Like, the kind of works I personally admire and learn the most from, I lack the toolset to create myself, which is constantly frustrating.
Structure is sometimes a shackle, and I often feel like I can't execute something truly Artistic because to me, writing is a trade, not an art.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I do this sometimes and lemme tell you, every single fucking time I do, I rigorously check everything.
Like, I recently agonized over whether a character would use Verzeihung versus Entschuldigung in a fic, and that was a solid hour of research. Worth it tho!
I'm of the opinion that if you're just going to use google translate or something, then I would elect to write it as ["Excuse me," he said in overly-polite German as he passed], but that's me.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Uuuuuuuuh ppppppprobably Gundam Wing or something? Way back in the era when you could post smut on FF.Net.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? Could it be anything other than KTOWL? Honestly.
I am taggingggggg @arquiving and @interropunct
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