#don't live in darkness
messrsbyler · 1 year
you. yes you, person with rejection sensitive dysphoria. this message is for you. your friends DON'T hate you. they aren't mad at you. they aren't talking behind your back or wished to cut their friendship with you. they love you and treasure you and they are good people who wouldn't hurt you like that! ok, that's all. have a nice day.
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zokenyu · 9 months
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goryhorroor · 19 days
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horror sub-genres: mythological
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soaked-ghost · 21 days
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rewrote ink's backstory for funsies (part 1/2)
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little-pup-pip · 7 months
Nighttime with Bluey!!
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anonymouscreampuff · 7 days
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the original title for this was "you're not a monster" <3
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shakingparadigm · 21 days
what is the theory that ivan manipulated the event where till and mizi met the wagyein?
It's not a theory, actually! It's confirmed that Ivan orchestrated the whole event. The true reason as to why however is still unknown. The information provides more context to this scene, though:
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During the earlier times of ALNST the most rational explanation for this scene was that Till ran after a flower crown (presumably Mizi's) and Ivan followed him in out of curiosity. Now we know that Ivan was conveniently just standing there because he was waiting.
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Side note, I find it heartbreaking (and maybe a little funny, sorry) that Till most likely didn't notice Ivan in this scene. That's just like him, isn't it. Always too busy running after Mizi while Ivan trails behind, an ever-present shadow.
I'm not sure how Ivan manipulated the circumstances for both of them to end up there, but it is confirmed that everything was intentional. What strikes me most is how they describe this particular scene:
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I can't copy down what they said word-for-word (Patreon info), but they described Ivan watching "creepily" as Till and Mizi are faced with danger. We know that Ivan was familiar with the Cerberus wagyein beforehand, enough to touch its teeth and even to rest himself inside its maw. To Ivan, the wagyein is not dangerous, but to Till and Mizi, it could be. Ivan prepared the wagyein, led them there, and watched "creepily" from afar as Till fell on his knees, seemingly injured.
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The closest I can get to making sense of Ivan's "scheme" is that he wanted to see how other children would react in a dangerous situation. Ivan's always been an observer, after all, and he's learned to survive by copying the more "normal" behaviors of his peers. This situation occured when Ivan was still young and had not yet developed his more charming mask, so perhaps he staged this encounter to study a situational response, to learn and mimic the emotion of fear. And what better subjects for the experiment than two of the most expressive and reactive humans of their batch? It helps that he was already fixated on Till beforehand, too. I think Ivan became irreversibly obssessed after this incident, especially since it's framed as a turning point in Ivan's life, comparing Till to the stars.
This is just my attempt at an interpretation, though. It could very well be for another reason. He most likely chose Till and Mizi specifically for personal reasons, not just for reaction. I'm still not sure on the purpose behind the whole thing.
The team wanted to capture Ivan's "dark emotions" through the shot of his stalking, which could relate to his more sinister intentions. His gaze can be read in a few different ways, though. Curiosity, interest, fear, etc. Maybe that's why they decided to redraw the shot in ROUND 6.
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I think this better sells the feeling they were trying to convey.
#ivan u fucked up little guy.#also okay i just wanna clear this up#i know i make a lot of posts about ivans darker side and his more problematic traits#but this isn't me trying to villainize him or reduce him down to “toxic yaoi”#I HOPE YOU GUYS KNOW ALL MY TOXIC YAOI POSTS ARE LIGHTHEARTED.#i just want to clarify that ivan was always intended to be a darker and complicated character. even since his debut in round 3#the way i refer to ivan (“twisted” “creepy” “obssessive” etc) are literally the direct words used by q and v themselves to describe him#but despite that id like to emphasize that i don't see ivan as a villain or a completely bad person. hes complicated#there is no normalcy in this world they are living in. none of the characters know what being truly normal is#this isn't me condoning his actions#but it has to be acknowledged that alnst is fucked up in nature. we can't expect perfect relationships from people who are born to die#plus ivan has a lot more layers past the “dark” parts. he's constantly battling himself and his desires#especially at the end of round 6 where he performs a myriad of conflicting actions (kiss strangle peck smile)#thanks to the r6 production notes we now know that ivan was going through a rapid internal conflict#“sure and unsure at the same time”#there is sooo much to ivan. his low self-esteem. his desire and possessiveness despite knowing till will never love him#his VEHEMENT insistence that till will never love him vs his desperate persistence in trying anyway#uh i need to shut up i think#anyways sorry. just wanted to clarify my thoughts on him in case people think im. yk.#in short. hes a fucked up little freak and he fascinates me. this poor tragic child. i love him.#SORRY I GOT CARRIED AWAY#alnst#alien stage#alien stage ivan#alnst ivan#asks
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hellenhighwater · 3 months
I can see everyone except Larceny. What are you doing, Larceny????
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titanic-1997 · 11 months
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Jack Dawson + accepting his fate in Titanic (1997)
After Jack fails to stay on the wooden paneling with Rose, his expression indicates that he's accepted his fate. He knows he is going to die so she can live.
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krirebr · 7 months
Don't Touch Me, I'm a Real Live Wire
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Pairing: Dark!Ransom Drysdale x Dark!Female Reader, past Andy Barber x Reader
Word Count: ~1.9k
Summary: You take a trip to Boston - A sequel to We Are Vain and We Are Blind
Warnings: Horror elements, lots of discussion of murder, a little gore, discussion of past cheating, Ransom and Reader being generally creepy and gross, mind control - All of my work is 18+ - Minors DNI
Divider by @saradika
A/N: Surprise, they're back! I just could not get these two out of my head, so here we are with a little Halloween treat. If you haven't read We Are Vain & We Are Blind, this has massive spoilers for how that ends, so you'll want to read it first. Otherwise, enjoy and happy Halloween!
As always, any comments or reblogs are very appreciated. I'm so obsessed with these two, so if you have any questions or thots about their further adventures, please send them my way!
All titles for this AU come from Psycho Killer by The Talking Heads
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“Andrew, it’s time to wake up.��
His eyelids fluttered and you saw his eyeballs move, but he didn’t fully wake, so you brushed the hair off his forehead and said, a little bit louder now, “Andrew, sweetheart, wake up.”
He let out a happy, sleepy little hum as he opened his eyes and smiled to see you lying next to him. You smiled back, excitement thrumming through you, as his smile gave way to confusion. You didn’t move, just watched eagerly as his brain slowly caught up. When it finally did, he pushed away from you. “What the fuck? What are– You can’t be here!”
“That’s where you’re wrong, buddy,” Ransom said from his place at the foot of the bed.
Andy surged up, getting out of bed and to the other side of the room as fast as he could go. You got up much more slowly, unhurried, and placed yourself in front of Ransom as he continued. “If you’d been smart, we wouldn’t have been able to get in. But you left her name on the lease, didn’t you? Stupid boy.” He pulled you flush to him and splayed a possessive hand across your stomach, hooking his chin over your shoulder.
“Who the fu– Wha– Why–” Andy spluttered.
“Oh poor baby,” you cooed. “You’ve always been so useless before your second cup of coffee, huh?” Ransom’s chuckle huffed against your neck.
Andy took a deep breath and pulled himself up straight. He called your name, sternly. You hadn’t missed that. “You and your fuck boy need to get the fuck out of my house.” 
You could feel Ransom roll his eyes. His whole body moved with it. You were smiling still. You hadn’t stopped since you’d opened the bedroom window and slipped through. 
“We’ve already been over this,” Ransom said. “You were lazy and left her name on the lease, so in the eyes of any laws that matter to us,” he grinned, “she has every right to be here and we don’t need an invitation.” 
You watched Andy’s eyes flit to his phone plugged in to charge on his bedside table. “I’m serious,” he said in his lawyer voice, “you need to leave right now or I’m calling the cops.”
You and Ransom just stood there and waited. The second you saw Andy decide to go for his phone, you were across the room in a blink. You locked eyes with his. You’d been practicing for this. “Stop,” you compelled, feeling your voice vibrate with it. He froze and you felt high off of it. “Stay,” you added and when he didn’t move, you patted his head and said, “Good boy.”
“What is happening, why can’t I move?” he asked, panicked, as you turned your back on him. “What did you do to me?”
You ignored him and returned to where Ransom was intently looking through the room.
“So this is where you lived,” Ransom said, looking around with his hands on his hips. 
“Mhmm,” you answered. 
“It doesn’t suit you,” he said. “So small.”
You let out a little laugh. “There are other rooms.”
He rolled his eyes. “You know what I mean.” You did and you had to agree with him. You hadn’t been sure what to expect coming back here. A pang of longing maybe. Some sort of homesickness. But you felt nothing. This was someone else’s home from someone else’s life.
Andy was still carrying on in the background, getting louder now that he was being ignored. You turned to look at him and Ransom wrapped his arms around your stomach, lightly nipping at your neck. “That,” he said, nodding to Andy, “is a choice I’ll never understand.”
You shrugged. “It made sense at the time.” 
He hummed into your neck, placing a hungry kiss there. “Only because I hadn’t shown you what you could be, yet,” he sighed. “What was hiding inside of you this whole time.” You pushed yourself back into him, grasping his hands where they met on your stomach. “Poor little thing,” he continued, “desperately needing something without knowing what. No wonder you came running right to me.” Your eyes fluttered shut, as one of his hands slowly traveled up your abdomen to the space between your breasts. “Look at you now, all this power–”
Andy yelled your name and you looked up at him. “Everyone’s searching for you! Your parents are worried sick. They won’t stop calling to see if I’ve seen you. Tineka’s convinced I’ve buried your body somewhere. And this whole time, you’ve just been what? Fucking some guy?”
You frowned at the mention of your parents. You felt something at that. Sadness maybe, but it was so far away. Like you were experiencing someone else’s memories. 
“Shut up,” Ransom said calmly, but you could feel the power in the command. Andy immediately went silent.  
Ransom walked you over to the bed without giving up his grip on you. “So this is where the magic happened?” You snorted. “How many other women did he fuck in your bed?”
“Three,” you snarled. “That I know of.”
He ran a hand over your hair as he looked over at Andy. “I don’t know why you had to go looking elsewhere when you had such a perfect grade-A pussy waiting for you at home,” he said and ran his nose up the column of your throat. Your want thrummed through your entire body—every part of you. There hadn’t been a single second of a day that you hadn’t needed him since he turned you. You were always hungry for him. He’d told you it would calm down once you’d had more time to adjust. You weren’t sure you wanted it to.
“I’m thinking you just didn’t know how to use it,” he continued, talking to Andy but letting his hands roam all over you. “You know, the first time I went down on her, she acted like she’d never had a real orgasm before. I had to be the one to unlock all her power after you’d tamped it down. To show her how good she could feel and be all the time. Forever.”
At that, you craned your head back to catch Ransom’s lips in a passionate kiss. His hands wandered up to your breasts, squeezing just right. You moaned into his mouth. You were so tempted to push him down on the bed, take him right there, but that wasn’t what you'd come here for. Wasn’t what you were starving for.  
You broke the kiss and looked back at Andy. He was furious but mingled with that, you could also see fear. It made you gleeful. You wanted more. You locked eyes with him and let your fangs drop. There was the briefest moment of confusion on his face, but then the penny dropped and he finally understood what was happening. Still held in place by your command, he couldn’t cower, but you could see how much he wanted to. 
Ransom was still pawing away at you, but you were getting tired of the foreplay. “I’m hungry,” you whined.
He laughed, “You’re always hungry, my insatiable little thing.”
“I’m ready. Let me bite him.”
Ransom hummed into your neck. “You gonna play with him a little before you kill him?”
You let yourself relish the abject terror on Andy’s face before you answered. “I’m not going to kill him.”
Ransom’s hands fell to your hips as he took a step back and turned you around to face him. “What do you mean you aren’t going to kill him?”
“I want to taste him, feed on him, and then make sure he’ll never tell anyone he saw us, and leave. I want him to know that I can come back any time I want. I want him to go crazy with it. I want to make him feel the way you made me feel.”
“Baby,” he said, his tone slightly cajoling, “you know why I had to do that.”
You nodded. You did. He’d explained it to you and you’d understood. He had to break you down before he could build you back up—before he could make you into what you were always meant to be. You reached out to him and grazed your fingertips over his cheek. “I know,” you said, “and you know I’m so grateful for it. But it doesn’t change how scared I was. And that’s how I want him to feel. For the rest of his life.”
Ransom sighed. “You’re still so young, honey. You haven’t shown the best restraint so far. Are you sure you’ll be able to stop?”
“I’m getting better,” you pouted.
“You are,” he agreed, “but remember how upset you were after that waitress? I just don’t want you to be disappointed in yourself if this doesn’t go how you’d planned, little rabbit.”
“I can do it,” you said firmly. “And you’ll help me.”
He rolled his eyes fondly. “Yeah, I’ll help you. But I still say we should just kill him and be done with it.”
“Noted,” you said with a gentle smile and a quick peck to his lips. You turned back to Andy and slowly erased the distance between you. You traced his cheekbone with a sharp fingernail and gave a feral grin as you watched him do what he could to flinch away from you. “I want to hear him beg,” you said, without breaking eye contact with him.
Ransom groaned behind you. “It’s going to be annoying.”
“No, it’ll be good. He’ll beg so pretty, won’t you, darling?”
“Fine,” Ransom sighed behind you. You could just imagine his irritated face as he grasped your waist and sandwiched you between the two men. “You may speak,” he said over your shoulder.
Andy breathed your name. Once, twice. “I don’t know what’s happened to you, but you don’t have to do this. Whatever he’s making you– This isn’t you. I know it isn’t. I know you. You don’t want to do this, you don’t. Listen, listen, I– I still love you. I do.” He was frantic, babbling. It was incredible. “Come on! It’s me. I know I hurt you, and, and I’m sorry. But you still love me, I know you do. Don’t do this. Please. Please, you can’t do this. You can’t fucking do this!”   
“I’ll tell you one thing, bud,” Ransom said, his mouth so close to your ear, every inch of him pressed up against your back. “You never fucking knew her.” He squeezed your waist. “Come on, baby, let’s do what we came here for.”
You pressed back into Ransom for the briefest moment and then lunged forward latching onto Andy’s neck, holding him close in your arms. As his blood filled your mouth, you groaned in pleasure. He was so fucking good, everything you dreamed. You sucked hard, feeling him losing strength beneath you when Ransom suddenly pulled you back.
“Pace yourself, little rabbit,” he said. 
You looked down at Andy, quickly losing color. “But he’s so good,” you whined. “I want more.”
“I know you do, and you’ll have it. But first, give me a taste.” He forced you to let go of Andy, who collapsed onto the floor and turned you around. He licked Andy’s blood off your lips. “Mmm,” he hummed in consideration. “He’s fine I guess. Nothing compared to you.” You smiled into it as he kissed you again. “Come on, let’s get him on the bed. We still have all night.”
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awakefor48hours · 7 months
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vagueconfusion · 1 month
Dark Signs from the Albuquerque ritual
Sacred moment captured by reluctant_potato on tiktok
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archer-kacey · 3 months
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Problems with erasing Bendy Book canon:
With the FNAF books, we were told they were canon-divergent fairly early on. For Bendy, this was never specified, leading many to believe this was all just straight-up canon information that they were running with for theorycrafting. For a long time.
Why the hell would you de-canonize the ENTIRE origin story of Boris? He's a central character to Bendy and the Ink Machine.
(And before it's pointed out, no, we don't "need" Illusion of Living for "gay evidence." The point here is y'all released an autobiography for one of your two main characters and you're saying it's not canon. That's ludicrous.)
Things that were explained/brought up in the novels that apparently "aren't canon anymore": how Sammy got infected, Thomas's conflicting feelings about the machine he created, the origin of Boris the wolf, several instances of Joey's gaslighting and manipulative behavior and his slow descent into madness after Henry's departure, a look into Gent technology and the Gent experiments that took place after they switched over to "research", Abby Lambert (who SHOULD be in the mainline games all things considered), Joey Drew's ENTIRE AUTOBIOGRAPHY including his PHILOSOPHIES AND REAL ASS LIFE, ANDDD the themes of classism, racism, and sexism that were VERY present at that time in history. Among other things.
You're taking out several new characters for no reason. I'm not saying they all need to return, but it makes zero sense to introduce a bunch of new guys and then immediately abandon them...only to introduce a bunch of OTHER new guys.
I've seen a few comments in response to Mike that go along the lines of "oh thank goodness now I don't need to read the books to understand the lore!" No disrespect, but I think that's a fundamental misunderstanding of what the books do. They enhance your understanding of all the background plot. You don't need to read the books to understand the games. But that shouldn't mean erasing the existing information's canonicity because not everyone wants to read it.
Bendy isn't FNAF. Bendy has a much more streamlined plot. Not everything fits perfectly of course, but to take out such a large chunk of what we THOUGHT was the plot (or plot-adjacent) is headscratching to me. You claim to care about the plot, characters and worldbuilding and then you decide that some of the BEST written interpretations of these characters and their world just aren't "legitimate" now? .......All of a sudden?
I want to punch something
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shamythelazypotato · 1 month
What would've happened if Chosen went back to live with the CG after the Showdown?
Chosen doesn't know how long he's been standing there, nor why he was standing there in the first place. It's not like he can't leave; he could easily fly and run away from this unpleasant place. Yet his feet seem to be rotting from being in the same spot for a long time.
Why is he here?
Was it because of loneliness? Regret? Guilt? Or maybe something akin to revenge?
No, it can't be.
He promised he wouldn't end up like him, let alone someone like Noogai. Guess that's the weight he has to carry for being the Chosen One. Again, something else to blame his creator for.
This inexplicable need to feel responsible for everything that happens around him, to be worthy of an imposed and painful title he didn't ask for. Maybe if he was called "normal" or "Regular" as a stickfigure, everything would be easier for him, something that could show he's only the victim in all of this. Because that would mean it isn't, and it won't be, and it's not his fault, no matter what he does.
He's only defending himself, surviving, yes, surviving, as always.
And now it seems like fate forces him to also protect them
Because they have no idea whose PC they've been living with and Chosen does, so if something happened to those kids, Chosen isn't sure if he would be able to sleep at night again. Just because of the knowledge of the past.
No matter how much he changes his name, to Chosen, he's still the selfish creator he used to be.
Behind those glasses that reveal nothing of his true intentions.
Or how the kids call him.
«What a stupid name» Chosen thinks bitterly
"Hey!, You okay?" Suddenly, a worried voice snaps him out of his thoughts— that orange kid who refuses to accept he saved them all. He was standing a few feet away from him, while his other friends were hovering nearby but not interacting directly yet.
Chosen sighs again
«What did I get myself into?»
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wesavegotham · 7 days
These fanon Tim Drake takes/fanfictions that paint him as the ultimate victim during the Morrrison era were always annoying, but if you're looking for a character to write fix it fanfictions about because they got abandoned by their family when they went through a lot of losses and lost themselves in the process, ran away from everything and only had the batfamily try to bring them back home ages after they had already run away and only after first blaming the kid and then not prioritizing bringing that kid back, then Damian from 2018 to 2020 is right there?
Where are my 1000+ fanfictions about that?
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