#do you inject ink into marble?!
tilthedayidice · 1 year
I was wondering if youd be willing to help me find gift dive for my players, we're starting a campaign and I thought it'd be cool to give them dice based on their characters and I figure who knows dice better than you? The campaign takes place in the future and in space!
There's a cyborg druid artificer who loves plants and is a mechanic, they've got memory issues and don't remember a whole lot about their past
The pilot is a robot ranger who's a really good sniper and loves exploring humanity
The captain is a hare race cleric and loves cozy vibes and laughter
Thank you in advance for reading and any assistance you're able to and willing to provide
Hi sugar I'm so sorry it took me so long to get to this, this is one of the things I do on desktop, and I've been avoiding my computer......
I hope some of these work for you!!!!
Cyborg Druid Artificer:
Dice Envy Merry Mint 10pcs ($20)- Translucent Green/White/Red (i personally see it more as a nice burnt orange) with Gold ink
Q-Workshop Green Forest 7pcs ($19)- Opaque Green with Forest inspired etching and Black Shading
Little Dragon Corp Peach Wedding 7pcs ($12)- Translucent Peach with Gold Flakes and Glitter with Gold ink. (this onbe might be a stretch but i think it would go really well)
Chessex Jade Scarab 7pcs ($12)- Deep Green/Blue Marble with Light Gold ink (these sound basic but in person they-re stunning)
Robot Sniper Ranger
Dicebound Noir 7pcs ($16USD/ $22CAD)- Black and Grey semi opaque alternating layers with Silver glitter and White ink
FennekAndFinch Black Fog 8pcs ($15)- Saemi Opaque Black with White marble and Iridescent glitter and foils with White ink
Dice Envy Prismatic Storm 10pcs ($19)- Semi Translcuent Iridescent Rainbow Marbling with glitter and shimmer and Gold ink
Chessex Speckled Volcano 7pcs ($8)- Now hear me out, I know people hate the speckled series but I really really love it, Opaque Red with Black Speckling and Silver ink
Cozy Hare Cleric
FennekAndFinch Rose Candies 8pcs ($14)- Alternating Opaque and Translucent Pastel Pink with Silver ink (i have these and i adore them)
Little Dragon Corp Chalcedony Silver 7pcs ($12)- Very Light Semi Opaque Purple with White and Purple Injections and Silver ink
HD Dice Translucent Glitter Yellow 7pcs ($9)- Semi Opaque Pastel Yellow with Silver glitter and ink (I have these too and I adore them)
Chessex Gemini White/Teal 7pcs ($11)- Opaque White with Translucent Teal Marbling and Black Ink
I hope your games are going well hun :)
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nonsupe-a · 2 years
theres something about this simple life he doesn’t wish to leave.      he wants to stay here,      tucked in this ever present reminder that,      in spite of all that they have been through,     the unspeakable things that were done to them either by volition or unknowingly,     they’re both still human.      something about the blinking clock on the other side of the room that flashes the time:  1:30.    the way the house smells lightly of cinnamon and vanilla.      the way beaus laugh immediately fills and brightens a room.      something about the mountains in the distance and watching the sunrise with him,      beau.      about the way this calm montana life feels deep in his bones,     like he can breathe steadily again.     like he’s settled and he finds comfort in something vaguely familiar about it:   lush green grass and a breeze that gently sweeps by and tussles beaus floppy hair in the funniest ways.     he doesn’t want to leave it behind for anything,    especially not some wild goose chase where some if not any answers may never be found or given.     here he knows he’s safe.     he knows peace.     he found a presence that keeps him anchored,     who maybe even   ...   loves him.     crazy a concept that may be.
he doesn’t want to leave it behind but they can’t sit idly by and allow these things to go unchecked.      shiloh can’t.      he understands that his situation is different than beaus   -   he volunteered for the program,      for changes in him that were brought on by cv-a.      he knew exactly what he signed on for when he set ink to paper and put name to dotted line,      signing away his soul.      beau didn’t ask for this   ...   he never signed his life away like shiloh did.     there was no deal for him,     no waiver,     nothing that would help him understand the toll that it would take on him nor the price that was to be paid.      a life gone,      stuck in a battle for yourself.      a battle to survive,      a battle for control.      and someone has to pay   --   for bringing this curse upon him unknowingly,      for taking his life away from him.      if its happened to beau   ...   who else ?      and who’s to stop them from doing it again if they aren’t stopped ?      who else would bring the battle to them but shiloh warren himself ?
maybe he shouldn’t.      maybe they shouldn’t.      maybe they should rest here in the mountains instead and live out the rest of their lives here,      maybe it should be like this where they find a way to be content and isolated but free.     because at least they have that;   at least they’re free.     in a basic sense of the word.     it will always be far more complicated than that.    they’re always in someones line of sight,      thats just how it is after something like this,      how it was told to him when he’d received the injection on day one.    and he knows better than to think they were bluffing their asses off.    maybe they should take what they have and consider themselves lucky.
no,      a stronger part counters.      no,      they have to answer for this.     they have to pay for what they have done.      they have to burn for the wrongs they have caused,      the lives they have ruined.      for beaus life.      you owe him that much,      he thinks.      owe him   --   no,     promised that he would help him find the answers,      those responsible for inflicting this torture upon him.
but he can’t let those thoughts cloud.     especially not now   ..   not when he wants his focus to be on beau and beau alone.      the way his skin feels against his,      touch smoothing over the scarred pieces of him as if he were sculpted of marble:   admiring,   adorning him with kisses.      mouth fitting to parts of him he never thought would be kissed,      and shiloh returning each as he can.      the way his hands fall over the other man,      how hot to touch beaus skin was as he guides him ever closer,      skin flush with skin.      relishing the way beaus hands fell through his hair after he trailed kisses down his chest,     leaving marks in his wake;   fingers knotting,      tugging just enough to elicit a moan or a low growl in response.      each moan from the other man adored;   soft murmurs of his name earning him more kisses.      taking their time in this,      memorizing each other in touch,      mapping out each others body with kisses.      shiloh is sure that he could recognize him by touch alone.      hands fit perfectly in his,      perfectly to the curve of his hip and the soft curve of his back.
never wants this moment to end,      almost dares to wish again to stay upon the cusp of these last seconds.      one of beaus arms around his middle,      other to allow him to anchor him in a kiss.     their skin is flushed,      both hot to the touch now.     red hot and still it doesn’t stop them   ...   nothing could.     shilohs thrusts become slower but snapped,      can feel it when beau presses his body into him and the way back arches off the mattress for a finish.     his mouth falls open to a soundless orgasm,      holding shiloh still captive in that kiss.      chest heaves in hitched breaths,      some catching his throat as his own finish follows suit.      a moment that crashes over him in a sweet end to intimacy.      like beau,     mouth falls open but a groan escapes him.      beau seizes the moment once more and captures it all in one last kiss,      the noise swallowed by him as climax is ridden through.      neither of them closed their eyes.      
minutes pass and still they hold onto each other,      heaving chests coming to a slowed pace in recovery.      shiloh peppers kisses to beaus jaw,      over both of his cheeks and those soft freckles that dot his nose,     sweeping a hand through his hair as they lie there,      still.
this is the peace you want to trade ?      a voice asks him.      to which he answers without hesitation,      for @ichormotel ?      yes.
he doesn’t like to smoke in beaus house.      so he rises from the bed once he’s sure that beaus fallen asleep,      even just enough that the absence of him won’t be noticed,    and slides into loose fitting pajamas to quietly wander through the home and step out through the back door.      seats himself in one of the chairs opposite another,      propping his feet up on the stone firepit in the middle.      a half-smoked cigarette pulled from a pack,   lighter from his pocket,   met tobacco with flame and breathes in deep.      smoke dances into the night sky as shiloh looks up,      finding big dipper and scorpio in the constellations above him.
again   ...   are you sure this is the life that you want to trade ?      you have it good here.      its peaceful and you have everything you could ask for.      you even have him.
door behind him opens and catches his attention before he can allow his mind to drift too far.      beau.      supposes his absence was felt more than he thought.         “   i’m sorry.      i thought you were asleep.   ”         he takes another drag of the cigarette before he snuffs it out in the ash of the firepit.      no words come from the other man yet.      instead he stands there,      bordering the threshold of his home.     he looks stuck for a moment,     or maybe that was shiloh reading into it when he shifts in his seat,      bringing his feet to the ground again and allowing himself to shift more towards him.      and he’s sure concern stitches his brows together.
“   it wasn’t just about needing someone tonight.   it was you i needed.   ”
heart thuds in his chest,    almost like it stopped and started again.     it was you i needed.      you.
compelled up from his seat,      shiloh steps to him and gently cradles his face in both hands.      leans for a kiss to the corner of his mouth,      parting just enough from him to speak,          “   i needed you too.   ”        before guiding him closer to him,      chests together,      skin with skin,      as he kisses him deeply.      fire in him returns,      churning over again like an inferno anew.      and before he can get too lost in him,      he parts once more to correct himself:          “   need.      i need you too.   ”
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gay-impressionist · 2 years
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116 notes • Posted 2021-11-29 20:21:36 GMT
in french we don't say "i love you ❤️" we say "t'es con" and i think that's beautiful
155 notes • Posted 2021-05-25 10:50:02 GMT
from @mattxiv's insta
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190 notes • Posted 2021-11-19 13:17:40 GMT
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i think we owe someone an apology... so sorry king for thinking you were a boring straight man in a suit :( you did make a statement after all
from @mattxiv's instagram
7351 notes • Posted 2021-09-14 18:22:33 GMT
Obsessed by this statue I saw today in Le Havre (France) from the Italian sculptor Fabio Viale. The design isn't painted on... The ink is injected inside the marble like a real tattoo. And if I remember correctly what the guide said, it took the artist three weeks to do just that.
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How stunning is this
66967 notes • Posted 2021-09-18 20:47:34 GMT
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suckerforsmylex · 3 years
Ripe Peach Pt. 9
Peaches was exhausted and despite her best efforts, fell fast asleep in the passenger seat of the speeding car, buckled up and naked, save for The Joker’s blazer. He had drained every last drop of energy from her and a wave unshakable sleepiness hung thick and heavy, until slumber finally enveloped her completely. It was as if he had given her a strong sedative, despite him swerving all over the road and driving with his usual, unfettered zeal. Each jerky motion felt like being rocked as she slept. Her sleep was so deep, that she eventually would only recall pieces of the night they returned to the hideout.
She heard the pop of the car door being opened as J came around to coax her out of it. She heard the clacking of his expensive dress shoes, and felt the cool marble on the pads of her feet as he led her, like a foolish girl who had drank too much, up the staircase. It smelled of summer lilac, honeyed peaches and amber in the expansive master bedroom, where Nico’s candles lay burning.
Instinctively, Peaches inhaled deeply as her nose grazed the inside of The Joker’s neck, his skin cool and smelling of gun powder and bergamot and musk. It was the only thing that woke her for more than a couple of seconds, her eyes darting over him and then getting heavy again as her grinned down into her soft, sweet face. She lay, seemingly lifeless, on the plush comforter beneath her, the silky pillow easing her into a peaceful and profound obscurity. And then she woke up.
Peaches eyes fluttered open to find herself in a pitch-black room. The candles that were previously burning, had been extinguished and the entire room was draped in heavy, black-out curtains. She lay in the opulent bed and stretched her entire body, starting from her toes, all the way to her outstretched fingertips and then sat up and flipped on a small lamp on the end table beside her. Immerging out of the indulgent coverlet, she found herself completely nude and illuminated by the soft light.
Rich, purple tapestries covered almost every surface, accented by gold-leaf and a perfectly polished marble floor. She tried to ascertain the time, but there were no clocks in the room. Her purse and wallet had been placed neatly on an adjacent dresser, alongside a bottle of fancy water, but she couldn’t find her phone anywhere. Peaches cracked the bottle open, chugged it greedily and then tip-toed out of the room. She wasn’t inherently sure why she was being so cautious; it just felt like the right thing to do. Now, the marble floor was bitterly cold against her bare feet as she walked softly down a dimly lit, extensive corridor, in the silky bedsheet she had slept in, to the nearest bathroom.
Unsurprisingly, the Joker had spared no expense in this in room as well, and it was a luxurious, spa-like experience once she entered. The entire hideout was an extravagant, Russian design and the bathroom not unlike the bedroom, was one of its jewels. The heated floor was a welcomed respite and led into a spacious room, complete with an enormous soaking tub and solid, gold fixtures against the marble ivory and gold covered walls.
She decided to take a long, hot shower and as she stepped inside the large compartment, she realized that it was probably half the size of her own apartment. Encased in thick tempered glass, the shower was equipped with wide, double rain shower heads, warm, wrap-around teak benches and what looked like a sound system or control panel. Every luxury soap, cleanser or moisturizer she could dream of, lined the walls and she exited, feeling fresh and smelling expensive. She wrapped herself in a fluffy “J” monogramed towel and went back into the bedroom to rummage through the drawers for something to wear.
Nico had prepared a couple of outfits just for Peaches, anticipating her stay and ensuring enough appropriate attire to not disturb the daytime help unless absolutely necessary. Peaches put on an oversized, long-sleeve, black, knit sweater, a pair of black panties and some long, black knee-high socks. She sat down and combed out her damp hair and tried to decide if she should go looking for him.
As she curled up on a sumptuous, violet chaise lounge, she started to ruminate on him, allowing her mind to wander freely and without judgment for the way he made her feel. She thought about the way his slick, chartreuse hair fell into his eyes when he got excited, and about how the dark ink of his tattoos contrasted beautifully against his near translucent skin. She thought about his long fingers, like that of a pianist, and felt overcome with hot emotion.
It was simultaneously sexy and embarrassing to think of him. Every interaction with The Joker had been lust-filled and tumultuous. He was able to completely exert his dominance and ownership over her and she couldn’t explain why. He was a criminal of the worst kind, yet it only served to turn her on even more when she thought about the things, he might have done and the crimes he might have committed.
Her whole body flushed as she thought about the previous night and how he’d ravaged her inside and on top of the car, amidst the passing cars on the highway. She thought about all of the things he said and did to her. She thought about the cane. These were things that she’d allowed and she was humiliated to admit to herself that she had enjoyed them. Not only had she enjoyed them, but she now found herself craving these things. Up until recently, her body was not a positive in her life. It was a sign of her failures or at best, a hope or an opportunity for improvement. The Joker left no room for any of those perceptions. His thoughts, words and actions took over everything he laid his stony blue eyes on, including her.
All that thinking had left her skin warm to the touch and she swallowed thickly, feeling thirsty and a little hungry. She tread softly, out of the room and downstairs, looking for the kitchen to get a glass of water and something to nibble on. The loft was enormous, quiet and dusky and she made her way through the living room gingerly, not wanting to knock over anything or walk into any walls. She peeked her head to the left noticing a glowing light, coming from beyond a closed door.
Turning the knob, she found a narrow stairwell and started to descend it, too curious to stop herself as her feet moved quickly down the glass stairs. The lights shone a bright blue as she continued down the spiral staircase and she finally stopped at the bottom to take in the enormity of the room. It was wall-to-wall steel, glass and equipped with a full sink, white countertops, rolling chairs, an examination chair and an immaculate, sparkling white floor. It was a sterile and cold environment. The table tops were filled with Bunsen burners, heavy beakers, flasks, test tubes and cylinders in various states of use. Adjacent to the tops were trays with forceps, scoopulas and stirring rods.
This was the Joker’s personal laboratory. Peaches walked around, hesitantly snooping, and reading the labels on the concoctions lining the walls. Countless injectables, pills and gasses, filled the sleek, meticulously labeled cases, penned with the names of poisons and weapons he had developed and tested himself here in the lab. She ran her fingers along the glass as she read the names to herself and walked along leisurely:
Smylex #3. Smylex Bombs. Joker Toxin. Joker Venom. Joker Gas #1. Acid Cheer. ‘Happy Gas.’
“Hello, my little peach. I see you’re busy putting your fingers in places where they don’t belong again.”
His voice was a dusky, velvety surprise and she jumped, shrieking and knocking into a wall of glass tubes, toppling them over and breaking them all over the pristine ground. “Oh my God J, I’m so sorry, I….I…was just looking for the kitchen and I…” The Joker stepped forward aggressively.
“What did you just call me?”
His eyes were cold as she stood there with her mouth agape. “Uhh...I’m sorry, Daddy? I meant to say Daddy.” He continued to stand there, glaring and breathing heavily and she quickly dropped down to her hands and knees to try to scoop up the glass. In her haste, she sliced a deep gash into her middle finger with a thick, broken shard. “Tssss…Ouch!” The blood spattered onto the floor and she quickly gripped the gash with her other hand and looked up at him with a worried look.
“Come and sit here, so Daddy can patch you up.”
He stood there, next to a leather examination chair and patted the seat firmly. Peaches gulped and scooted into the chair, drinking him in as he turned to open a first aid kit and get out the necessary bandages and antiseptic. He was dressed in his usual kind of attire, a white button down, dress pants and those expensive shoes she adored, with the usual, slicked back hair, however his gold chains were tucked and his shirt was buttoned to the top. He wore a white lab coat, thick black glasses and purple latex gloves. He rapidly turned to face her and when he caught her looking at him, he grinned wide and gave her a devilish grin until she blushed profusely.
“Give me your hand, naughty girl.”
She extended her hand reluctantly, revealing that the fresh cut was deep and still producing droplets of deep, red blood. Without a word, The Joker inserted her finger into his mouth, suckling the blood off of it slowly. She instantly gasped and squeezed her eyes shut, overwhelmed by the feeling of the pink muscle against her injured digit. Encouraged by her reaction, he ran her entire hand under the faucet of the lab sink, never taking his eyes off his task, even as Peached watched him intently. He lathered her hand up with soap and carefully rinsed it off, drying it with a hand towel.
“This is going to sting, baby,” he said, with a wide grin that reached his bright eyes.
He took a cotton ball steeped in alcohol and pressed it into her raw wound, rubbing up and down, with an aggressive motion. “Owwww!” Peaches let out a helpless whimper as her nipples hardened beneath her sweater and then he was blowing cool air on her finger; his crimson lips pursed, as his eyes bore into hers. Lastly, he rubbed an ointment onto the cut and wrapped a bandage around it.
“What do you say peaches?” The Joker chided, as he smoothed the band-aid onto her finger with his thumb. “Thank you, Daddy.” Peaches blushed again as she thanked him and as she did, he gripped her chin in his palm and places a series of kissed on her open mouth. Suddenly, J slammed his fist on a button she hadn’t seen before and her embarrassment and arousal turned to sheer terror as metal clamps rose out of the chair at the ankles and wrists and bound her to it, fastening her in, helpless and confused.
“What are you doing?!” Her eyes darted around the room and she plead for him to respond as he paced towards the case with the toxins inside of it and removed a vile of Smylex #3 and a syringe. “Daddy, please, please, please! I’m sorry! I won’t break any more of your things again. Please, I’ll do anything you ask!” The very last statement made The Joker lift his head and throw it back on his shoulders as her began laughing maniacally. The sound of his cackle reverberated against the walls as her entire life flashed before her eyes.
He began drawing a quantity of the Smylex formula in the needle, stopping to show her his metal-toothed grin, as a green bead of toxin dribbled from its tip.
Was I just a toy for him to play with? Am I just an experiment? Oh my God he’s going to kill me!
Peaches gripped the arms of the chair as he wiped her inner arm down with alcohol, and then injected the needle rapidly, drawing the plunger out and then pushing it back down, until all the Smylex was discharged.
“Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!”
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The fall from Heaven seemed a never ending one. As God pushed him off the sky with all of his strength, Joshua couldn’t help but smirk directly at him, penetrating his eyes with his blue icy gaze as he fell like a comet. That was his last revenge to that who called himself God, worshipped around the world and over, but so weak that he couldn’t stand someone threatening his power and beauty. Just as his foot slipped off the edge of that golden cloud and his wings started to painfully lose their feathers and crushing until they became dust, he grabbed Virgo’s wrist from God’s side.
 Virgo, the favourite at God’s court, was the most beautiful and lovely of all angels. She had all the colours, shapes and perfumes of Earth, and God, who secretly envied that far away planet which he could only admire, kind of thought of her as if she was part of it. Silky dark hair waved down her sinuous body covering her marble sweet smelling skin, only wrapped in the lightest golden threaded cloth that God himself could have made especially for her. Her eyes, green as those leaves up high on the trees that draw incomprehensible shapes on the sky that’s the only thing above them, were even bigger than usual, puzzled and scared as she lost her wings during the fall.
 When they finally touched Earth, both were surprised to see that their fall wasn’t anywhere close to the end. As he felt the raw rocks and roots scratching and whipping his spine, Joshua pulled Virgo closer to his chest, holding her tightly to protect her. As he pushed her against himself, he realised how their skins and features were becoming different as they distanced themselves from Heaven. He was getting darker, his skin wrinkly and dirty with that ink that they observed humans injecting in their own skin for fun or for what they called beauty. His hair got shorter and of a fire burning red, and he looked way older than he did in Heaven. The girl – since she was not an angel anymore – on the other hand, looked exactly the same. And he could realise from their bodies touching, that she was still light and perfect, her lips still softly pink curved in a timid smile as she raised her head to talk to him, taking pity in the pain he was inflicting himself to protect her during the fall.
«… Thank you.»
 The thud when they soon enough reached the destination echoed in that desolated red clearing with the sound of Josh’s spine cracking against the dusty pavement. That land around them looked infinite, just a red, melting-hot, dusty desert that surrounded them with hopelessness. The air was humid and burnt Joshua’s lungs, as he was frenetically trying to catch his breath, but it didn’t have the same effect on the girl. She was perfectly fine, at least physically. She was desperately trying to reach the scars behind her back where her beautiful ivory wings once were, but found nothing but clear skin. That was even worse than she would thought it was. She had lost every sign of her heavenly nature, including the proof that she once was part of God’s angels court. Her eyes were filled with tears that immediately vaporised as they touched the malign ground.
 She soon stopped her desperate sighing when her noise had been covered by Joshua’s interrupted, hysterical, painful breathing. He started spitting blood from his mouth as he only tried to breathe and he kept scratching his eyes as he felt them as if they were melting at the contact with the hot steam that made the air of that dreadful place. Virgo suddenly forgot her pain, her heart almost exploding in fear in front of that show. With her cheeks still wet from her tears, she passed her fingers over her face to gather them, and immediately put her fingers on the fallen angel’s eyes.
«Please, stay still for a second and keep your eyes closed.»
She could see him grinding his teeth and closing his fists so hard to stay put that he almost slayed his palms with his nails. She hurried to untie her golden tunic to cover his shoulders and wounded back and tying it like a cloak around his neck. As soon as he felt that burning feeling leaving his shaking body, he opened his eyes, which had turned into a liquid, transparent golden shade from the shock, and immediately grabbed Virgo’s hips pushing her against himself and starting to almost devouring her lips. The fire in his lungs extinguished, his lips rehydrated against those fresh and sweet pale rosebuds that he was craving more each second that he tasted them. The girl, shook and shivery, helpless in his arms, totally succumbed to that rush, feeling Joshua’s lips burning her as she couldn’t help but enjoy that kiss.
 They only looked at each other when his pain had been completely relieved and he was satisfied, his mouth full of her taste.
«Thank you, little angel.»
He grinned at her, sliding the back of his now rough hands to follow the curves of her body through her back. She shook in his arms, surprised by that never felt warmth that his touch gave her. Being that far from Heaven, seeing just darkness, doom and dust around them, and Joshua’s now weirdly magnetic golden eyes, made it impossible for her to resist to his voice pouring honey-liquid words into her ears.
«Just give up to me now, trust me, you’re so much more from what He convinced you. You’re raw and rough and wild, just as much as you are perfect and sweet… And you know it. Because you liked it. I saw it, sweet thing. He wanted to keep you restrained, as He did with me, but He can’t here.»
 As he whispered in her ear, he brought his fingers to firmly grab her tights, keeping her against his body, while she looked at the dim light filtering from the far away hole they made on the Earth’s surface with her head backwards, knowing that was the only way she would ever see Heaven again once she would have gave in to Joshua’s words, rolling her eyes at the feeling of his steamy breath on her neck and unconsciously bringing her arms around his neck, gently moaning as her legs tighten up around his hips. She couldn’t explain her actions, it all came naturally, or more, it seemed like she had absolutely no control over her actions, helplessly attracted to that devilish man, once God’s favourite as well. - What if he was right? - She thought, those words spinning like a hurricane in her head – What if I would have been just the next? – What if we really are the same? –
 Those thoughts were covered by the drunken steam she was feeling reaching her head as she felt Joshua’s hands slowly moving up to grab her round, ivory bottom cheeks, pushing her against his swollen, burning sex. Although up in Heaven, all angels lived together, she never thought of that part of the male body as something that could gave her that much irrational and uncontrollable appetite. Her hips followed the guide of his hands with no difficulty whatsoever, sensually swinging over his cock as if she knew exactly what to do. She felt her eyes steadily attached to the fallen angel’s, completely stolen by the hungry and predator look on his face. He was smirking with no shame at all, feeling all the length of his cock relieve from the burning air around them, as it got wet between the girl’s dripping, peachy creases. While Virgo couldn’t help but keep moving over him, Joshua brought a hand to her lips, sliding two fingers in her mouth and keeping her head still forcing her to look at him.
«Suck my fingers.»
He kept smiling at her while she couldn’t help but obey to his orders, her cheeks getting red as she felt his fingers burning hot on her tongue, a feeling that she found herself craving more and more, leaving them with a wet pop as he took them out, to reach her entrance and push them inside her with no regard. The angel girl stuck her nails in Joshua’s shoulders, scratching her old tunic and bending backwards as she felt his rough fingers burning her insides and making her shiver. She wouldn’t have expected that pleasing addictive feeling, as these practices simply were inexistent in Heaven. She rolled her eyes backwards as Joshua brought his thumb on her clitoris, following her hips movements and exhaling completely satisfied while his and forearm found refreshment with Virgo’s sweetest humours.
 «Spit on it, c’mon, angel.»
He whispered to her, without changing his authoritarian tone, and rubbing his wet hand on the tip of his dick, grabbing her face downwards and slapping one of her butt cheeks violently. Virgo looked scared at first, completely helpless in his firm grip. She obeyed – her face blushing and her eyes getting liquid with pleasure as she couldn’t hold back a light and surprised moan at his smack on her bottom. After leaving a trickle of saliva sliding down to the red, hairy base of his now fat and pulsing dick, she raised her big, liquid eyes, her lips still open, and she tried to move over him, pushing the tip of his cock against her warm, wet opening.
 «You’re going to love it, trust me. Sit on me.»
She smiled, surprised by her own initiative – a weird golden light sparkling in her eyes, a feeling completely new, like if something unleashed inside her. She put her hands on his shoulders, under the golden cloth, and passed them through his chest as she let Joshua’s rock-hard cock completely inside her, exhaling a sweet moan with her head backwards, her hair waving almost touching her soft, pale bottom pressed against the fallen angel’s hips. Joshua looked surprised, seeing Virgo’s nature changing at each inch of her flesh being penetrated by him. He couldn’t help to give up to the lust at the feeling of her warm, tight body welcoming his cock and sweetly wrapping around it and moving sensually, firmly grabbing her cheeks to follow her movements over him, uncaring of the red marks that he was leaving on her marble delicate skin. He then took advantage of her moans and her bent spine to take one of her nipples between his teeth, hungrily sucking and biting it, charmed by the taste of her skin, which seemed glowing more and more as it turned red for the pleasure running through her body. To him, for being in that desperate land, being inside that beauty seemed the most heavenly feeling ever, whose only thought was to take her as deep and rough as he could, as if that was his only source of air.
She pushed him backwards, laying on the burning ground, his still hurting back only protected by the golden cloth still tied around his neck. Once seated on him, she could admire his new figure, completely changed after their fall. Nothing seemed more beautiful at her eyes than his new colours, his imperfect skin, his vibrant hungry honey eyes burning the edges of all of her round sinuous shapes as they locked on her, moving on top of Joshua’s now sweating body. She passed her days in Heaven since God created her admiring those far away little dots that are humans, envying their nature. The same nature that she now saw in Joshua, and that she felt stealing her body, at each drop of their fluids that mixed within her. The girl kept moving on him with her hands on his stomach, more and more hungry for the feeling of her new nature pervading her flesh, feeling Joshua’s cock pulsing harder against her warm creases as she can’t help but fasten her movements, craving for that new feeling of pleasure. Joshua followed her rhythm pushing inside her with his hips as her humours dripping down his skin relieved him from the pain of the burning air and Earth of that evil desert and the pleasure couldn’t stop raising inside him, making him rolling his eyes backwards, moaning her name helplessly. Their pleasure exploded almost at the same time, their liquids mixing on their sexes in their first orgasm, making Virgo collapse on her lover, shivering as her skin lost its shine, its heavenly nature, corrupted by Joshua’s new nature, but still as clear and soft as it had always been. With her insides still contracting, she felt Joshua’s cock slowly sliding out of her, making his warm cum drizzle down her thighs. He rounded her waist with his arm, wrapping her within the golden, now scratched tunic, and caressing her back as he felt her nature changed as well. None of them had any trace left of their heavenly nature anymore, but they were not hurt by that place anymore either.
 Virgo stood up after a while, raising her head one more time to the light way up above them, smiling and helping Joshua’s standing up as well, still a bit sore from their fall, but regenerated from their union. The girl untied her old cloth from the man’s neck, leaving them both naked in that desolation, looking around and seeing the place slowly changing around them, a new strange sort of dark garden blooming around them, a new kingdom, as Virgo saw it, was the result of that union.
«Look, Joshua. You were right. We must be unrestrained here, my lover. We can have a new reign of our own making, and this is how it will be.»
  Innocence, once lost, can never be regained.
Darkness, once gazed upon, can never be lost.
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After an attack, Klaus needs to be reassured that Caroline is okay. Smut ensues 😊
this turned out a bit long (around 2.6K). and guess who wrote smut for the first time ever. i hope it didn’t turn out too awkward or strange. 
Say Yes To This
After her high school graduation and Silas’s defeat,everything quiets down in Mystic Falls. It’s not perfect, but it’s relativelymore peaceful than it has been in the last few years since Stefan and Damonwaltzed into town.
Caroline attends Whitmore for four years, and Klaus staysin New Orleans. It’s not an easy separation, but the winter, spring, and summerbreaks she spends with him makes the pining more tolerable. Even with theMikaelson home empty, Klaus’s siblings having moved around the world to createtheir own lives, and Klaus and Caroline doing practically everything together,she still doesn’t manage to confess her feelings to him.
She doesn’t understand why. There’s nothing stopping her,nothing stopping them.
Either way, once she graduates Whitmore, she says goodbyeto Bonnie and Elena and buys a one-way ticket to New Orleans, moving intoKlaus’s house and getting a job as an intern at a nearby broadcasting station.
Still, then, not everything is perfect, which Carolinelearns the hard way when a coven of witches kidnaps her from a party that Klausthrows a month after she moves.
When Klaus storms into the abandoned mansion that they’veimprisoned her in and slaughters all the witches in a blur of blond and amber eyes,she raises her perfectly-shaped eyebrows at him in apprehension. “Really?” sheasks in her trade-marked tone of sarcasm.  “That was a gorgeous Armanisuit that you just ruined with all that blood.”
“Considering that I just saved your pretty blond head,sweetheart,” Klaus shoots back, “I don’t think you have a right to becomplaining.”
Caroline rolls her eyes in response, standing up andbrushing the dust off her clothes once Klaus snaps the chains that are now freeof the witches’ magic. “They wanted to use me as bait for you, so I cancomplain all I want.”
Klaus scowls, no matching quip ready on his tongue, and itis only then Caroline realizes how panicked he looks. Only a person who trulyknew Klaus would know to look for his slightly widened eyes, the whiteness ofhis knuckles, the flaring of his nostrils.
“Klaus,” she begins reassuringly, “I’m fine. You saved me.The witches couldn’t do me too much harm anyways.”
“If I had gotten here one moment too late,” Klaus statesblandly, “it’d have been a different story.”
He’s right, and Caroline knows that.
Caroline had been drifting through the crowd all evening,at the center of the party, conversing with guests and sipping champagne, allwhile remaining under Klaus’s vigilant eye. The moment he turned even theslightest, the coven pounced, injecting Caroline with a syringe of vervain thatthey’d mixed with a sedative before cloaking her and dragging her away. Theonly way they’d gotten in was because of a loophole they’d found in theMikaelson home’s wards.
They’d been in and out, and none of Klaus’s witches haddetected a thing, so, indeed, Caroline was very lucky that Klaus found her.
She stares at Klaus, really looks at him and seesthe beauty of his face, like the Greek gods carved his features from marble,and how the blood plasters his white dress shirt to his chest, revealing theripples of his muscular abdomen.
There’s a stray drop of blood smeared along the sharp ofhis jawline, and she wants to lick it off.
“Klaus,” Caroline gasps suddenly, struck by how much she wantsKlaus.
“Did I tell you,” Klaus murmurs, the rasp of his voicecausing wetness to pool from her pussy and dampen her panties, “how ravishingyou looked tonight?”
“No,” Caroline says, her breath catching. “Why don’t youtell me?” She moves backwards, away from the iron bedposts she was chained toand more towards the dusty bed itself, thoroughly aware of every movement andshifting of her body.
“You’ve always been brighter than the sun, but, tonight,you were irresistible. No one could draw their eyes from you,” Klaus drawls ashe stalks forwards, following Caroline. “Every time you moved, your dress wouldshift, and I would catch a glimpse of your panties. I wanted to pull them offwith my teeth. My cock has been perpetually hard all evening.”
“I could give you a hand with that,” Caroline repliessolemnly.
She tugs at the silk ties of her dress that are knotted atthe nap of her neck, and they give way. The dress plunges to the dirt-streakedfloor, pooling around her bare feet.
Klaus lets out a sudden rush of breath as his eyes feast onher blond curls knotted up in a bun, the graceful curve of her bare neck, theswell of her breasts beneath the black laciness of her bra, the smooth flatnessof her stomach but still with the faint stretch marks from her chubbier yearsas a human, the tiny black panties that cover her pussy, and then the miles ofthe porcelain skin of her shapely legs.
Caroline reaches a swift hand to pluck the pins from herhair, which falls to curtain her exposed throat and brush against the hollowsof her collarbone. “Your turn,” she tells Klaus, punctuating her statement witha crude thrust of her chin towards the clothed and prominent bulge between hislegs.
“I wasn’t aware we were playing strip poker, sweetheart,”Klaus comments with unreadable eyes, his pronunciation of sweetheart onlymaking her wetter. Still, when she levels him with a stare, he begrudginglycomplies.
First, he shucks off the black coat and tosses it behindhim. Then, he undoes the buttons of his dress shirt at an agonizing pace atwhich Caroline nearly complains until she notices the mischievous quirk of hislips.
“I’m surprised you haven’t died of blue balls by now,”Caroline remarks stalely, conveying just how unimpressed she is withKlaus’s little show.
His smirk widens as he finally, finally, speeds up.
Klaus allows his shirt to slip backwards and fall into aheap behind him. Then, in true dramatic Klaus fashion, he tears his dressslacks off until they’re joined by only a few threads. He kicks off his leathershoes and stands in front of Caroline buck-nude.
His chest is lean but still shaped with enough muscle tolet onlookers realize that Klaus is formidable enough in a fight. The familiarfeather tattoo is inked on the corner of his left shoulder. Towards the slopeof his hips, a trail of fine brown-blond hairs leads downwards, and Carolinefollows that trail with her gaze until her cerulean eyes land on Klaus’s cock,hard and red and already dripping precome, nestled between his muscular legs.
Her mouth waters, and her pussy clenches around air as sheimagines running her hands over his member and taking it inside her.
She can feel more slick gathering along the crotch of herunderwear, releasing a sharp, earthy scent that Klaus sniffs at and smilesviciously.
A cool breeze filters its way into the room, likely throughthe cracks in the roof, and her nipples pebble under the thin lace of her bra.
If possible, Klaus’s cock swells even more, to the pointwhere Caroline briefly wonders if it’ll even fit inside her.
“Now, what?” he demands with eyes that are hooded withlust, lashes fluttering slightly as he blinks.
She doesn’t reply, only reaches around herself to unhookher bra and drop it to the ground and then slowly and seductively ease herpanties off her hips.
Caroline takes a steady step towards Klaus, and he growls,his eyes immediately glued to her creamy breasts that sway hypnotically as shewalks.
She wants to keep on this teasing façade, but she can’ttake it anymore! She needs to run her hands over Klaus’s shoulders andabdomen, needs his cock in her, needs his lips on hers.
With a blur of speed, she collides into him, her nipplesbrushing against his skin as their bodies mold together. His lips descendroughly onto hers, and she rises onto her tiptoes to thread a harsh handthrough his already ruffled curls.
His kiss is dirty but oh so sinfully hot as histongue roughly fucks into the warm and wet depths of her mouth, tracing overher teeth. She nips at his bottom lip, and he growls menacingly into her mouth,trailing a hand around her hip and over her ass. The same hand squeezes her asscheeks tightly together, tracing a finger lightly over the tight furl of herass, before continuing to flick elegant fingers against the lips of her pussyand press briefly against her clit.
Her knees buckle slightly, and she keens, but, just asimmediately, the hand is gone from where she wants it the most.
Klaus snakes the same hand between them to roughly clutchat her breast, smearing the wetness from her pussy everywhere, and pinch hernipple. Caroline hisses and retaliates by hooking a leg over his hip andgrinding the warmth and slick center of her pussy against the velvety,unrelenting hardness of his cock.
Klaus tears their lips apart. “Don’t tempt me, love,”he warns.
Caroline snorts. “You know, for all your reputation, youturned out to be all talk and no actual action.”
He freezes in place, and Caroline watches his eyes darkenwith lust until the pupil is no longer visible. She worries at her lower lipwith her teeth as he clenches his teeth and harshly breathes out.
Then she squeals in surprise as Klaus hoists her up andtosses her abruptly onto the bed, the momentum stunning her enough that for amoment she stares up at the broken ceiling.
Just as she recovers, he crawls on top of her and snarls,“I’ll show you action.” It sounds cheesy enough that she would havegiggled, but then he ducks his head and mouths at her breast and swirls histongue around her nipple. She throws back her head and moans.
Klaus takes his time, lavishing her breasts with his tongueand tracing patterns into the skin of her stomach with his fingers. Helanguidly trails his mouth lower and lower, sucking bruises into her porcelainskin that heal and quickly disappear.
He’s teasing her, and it’s killing her. He’ll move hisfingers and mouth near and around her pussy but never actually touch heraching, dripping center.
The asshole is playing a manipulative, psychological catand mouse game!
“That’s it!” Caroline finally snaps when the lust and needis too much for her to bear. She shoves up at him, using the leverage ofher legs around his waist to climb on him and straddle him.
“You likely expect me to complain,” Klaus says coyly, “butI like this view just as much as the last one.” Predictably, his eyes arenarrowed and focused on her chest.
She rolls her eyes and looks down to see Klaus’s cock,still hard and weeping drops of precome . “Aww,” she says to it in a falselysaccharine tone. “Does somebody feel a little neglected?” She bends overto press a kiss to its head, and Klaus grits his teeth audibly. Caroline licksthe sharp, bitter taste of Klaus’s precome from her lips, and he watches themotion with rapid eyes.
Then she reaches down and firmly grips his cock in herright hand, squeezing slightly, and he throws back his head and groans.
Caroline smirks, realizing that she has found one ofKlaus’s most sensitive points.
With quick movements, Caroline shifts onto her knees andpositions her pussy over Klaus’s cock. Slowly, she brushes the head against herfolds, ghosting it over her clit. She relishes in the fact that Klaus’sexpression has become agonized.
She’d tease him more, but she can’t no longer tolerate herown lust, which has only been growing.
Carefully, Caroline sinks down, the walls of her pussystretching to fit gradually expanding to accommodate his length, which reachesspots that no man has ever before and presses everywhere.
“Huh,” she remarks simply, glancing down to where they arejoined. “That went well.”
Klaus groans in response. “Sweetheart,” he manages to say.“Move.”
“Alright, alright,” she says hastily. “Impatient,” shemurmurs under her breath, knowing quite well that he can hear her.
If having Klaus inside her felt amazing, thenactually moving is heaven on earth.
She rides him swiftly and mercilessly, moving up and downin sharp, jerky motion while her breasts jolt in rhythm. With each movement,the head of his cock is shoved up inside her, and she bites her lip out ofpleasure.
Klaus can only keep his head thrown back, expressionwrecked, and eyes closed, his neck curved alluringly.
“Who knew that Klaus Mikaelson was so submissive in bed?”Caroline remarks sharply, surprised that she can still string words togetherdespite how overcome she feels.
Riding Klaus’s cock is a thousand times better than fuckingherself with her largest dildo, especially since she can feel Klaus like ironrebar in her but pulsing and warm.
Klaus’s eyes flutter open, and he smiles crookedly. “Iassure you, I can be quite dominating when I want to, but I enjoy all kinds ofsex.”
Caroline hums and briefly wonders what it would be like tostraddle his head with her thighs and shove her pussy into his face until hehas no option but to eat her out.
That idea sends a thrill through her spine as she realizessex with Klaus bring out her kinky side in a way that no sex has before.
She moans enthusiastically, steadying one hand against theplanes of his chest and using the other to cup her breasts and massage andsqueeze.
“Enjoying yourself?” Klaus asks dryly, but then she slamsdown on him, and he’s back to being at a loss of words.
Beneath her, the muscles of Klaus’s legs draw up tighterand tighter as his spine begins to lift off the bed. He worries at his lip.
“Close?” Caroline asks, and, when Klaus confirms it with ashaky nod, she reaches down to rub at her clit furiously.
Moments later, she moves one last time on Klaus’s cock,which combined with the friction on her clit is enough to send her over, andthen he stiffens and comes inside her in a flood of warmth, his spine archingeven more of the bed.
He cries out her name when he comes.
She pants and then lifts off Klaus’s cock. Both of theireyes wander to her pussy, and they watch curiously as his come sticks to herthighs. She lifts her eyes and meets Klaus’s before he surges forward.
He flips them over and shoves three fingers into her pussy,fingering her roughly enough that in a matter of seconds her walls tightenaround him and she comes a second time, blacking out for a minute.
When she rouses, Klaus has wiped their come with his suitjacket and is smirking at her. “That was satisfying,” he says dirtily.
She eyes scratches near his collarbone that are healing andrealizes that she left them there in the chaos of her second orgasm; sheflushes red. “If you insist,” she shoots back, still blushing.
“Round two?” he questions.
She shakes her head. “I will definitely say yes, seeingthat you gave me two more orgasms than most men do during the first time.But…just not here.” Caroline casts a wary look at their battered surroundingsbefore staring at the dirty bed they had just defiled and the bodies scatteredaround it. “I could use a blood bag, actually.”
Klaus must really be satisfied if he doesn’t teasinglyoffer her blood from one of the willing humans they keep on retainer. “I coulduse some refreshments,” he agrees.
“Good,” Caroline says as she slips off the bed. “But, nexttime we start with you eating me out until my legs collapse under me. Capiche?”
He nods. “Of course, sweetheart.”
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addicted-to-dc · 7 years
Jason Todd/Red Hood X ArkhamKnight!Reader- Set Your Demons Free (Part 7)
This is the last part to this series!!!!  I absolutely enjoyed writing this and I’m actually happy with the ending.  Ending stories has never been my specialty, but this ending is perfect to me.  Enjoy!!!
Set Your Demons Free, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 
Warning: Angst, fighting, etc.
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When you found out Bruce was captured by Crane, you and Jason knew that you had to help him.  You could still hear Joker whispering in your head, urging you to finish the job, to kill Bruce.  His empty promises and threats would make you forget what happened, tearing down the resilience you worked tirelessly to build up.  Whenever you saw Jason, his voice would shut up.  Jason may regret not killing Joker, but he’s the one who silences his voices in your head.
“Where’s Bruce?” you asked, pulling your sniper rifle from the duffle bag.
“He’s in the building, strapped to a vertical table,” Jason responded, peering through binoculars.  “Crane, Gordon and the replacement are with him.”
You slung the rifle over your shoulder, grasping your grappling hook and firing it, “After we save him, what do we do next?”
“We leave Gotham, find a place to say while the city is rebuilt,” he answered, placing the binoculars in the bag, “or we find a place here and kick some criminal ass.  I’m open to ideas.”
“We’ll figure it out soon,” you said, jumping off from the roof.
“I’m thinking a penthouse,” Jason called out from behind you, landing next to you on a wall, “something that’s roomy.”
“Shush,” you said, pulling a vent cover down, hesitating to enter.
“What’s wrong?” he asked you.
You gulped, looking into the vent, “I hate this place.”
“I’ll go in first,” Jason stated, pulling himself in and holding a hand out to you.  “He’s dead, (Y/N), and he’s never going to hurt you again.”
“I know that,” you whispered, taking his hand, “it’s the memories of this place that haunts me.”
He pulled you in the vent, “We won’t come here again.”
You nodded and began to move, “Let’s get this over with.”
“That’s the spirit,” Jason smirked, moving forward.  “I wonder if there’s any apartment realtors around.”
“Will you quit it?” you whispered, following him through the vents.  “We’ll talk about this later.”
“I’m just trying to start a conversation,” Jason grunted, sliding down.
“Well, it’s a conversation I want to start later,” you retorted.  “Turn left, not right.”
Jason did as you said, taking the vent to the left.  He remained quiet the rest of the way, making you wonder if you pissed him off.  When you finally reached the end of the vent, Jason quietly removed the cover and jumped down.  You did the same, scanning the room as you moved to your sniping position.  Removing it from your shoulder, you placed it on a ledge and peered through the scope.  Crane was speaking to the camera, Bruce’s cowl removed from his face.  
“Do you understand, Gotham?  You have no savior.  No more hope,” he said, turning around to inject Bruce, “no more Batman.  I’ve won.”
You couldn’t get a clear shot at Bruce’s restraints, not even bothering to aim at Crane.  This was Bruce’s fight to finish, and you knew he wanted to bring him in and have him punished for his crimes.
“I’m not afraid, Crane,” Bruce stated, making him shake his head.
“Impossible,” Crane growled, removing his needles from Bruce’s chest and pulling a pistol from his belt.  “Without fear, life is meaningless.”
Once he cocked the gun and placed it near Bruce’s forehead, you took aim and fired.  Reloading your gun, you watched Crane back away from Bruce, firing at one of Bruce’s restraints.  He caughts Crane’s fist, breaking his hand from the last restraint and using it to grasp his neck.  
“No!” Crane screamed as Bruce forced the needles into his neck.
“What’s wrong, scared?” Bruce asked, pushing him into the camera.
“Let’s go,” you said to Jason, slinging the sniper over your shoulder.
“Now can we talk about getting an apartment?”
You did talk about that apartment, and eventually did buy the penthouse Jason had mentioned.  After the manor had been destroyed, you and Jason quickly made yourselves known as the new vigilantes of Gotham.  The Red Hood and (Y/H/N) struck crime in the face, killing anyone who ruined Gotham’s name.  When the masks were off, you wrote stories like your father had when you were younger.  Jason took a job at the bank, using his powers of intimidation for good as a security guard.
“You look good in a uniform,” you smiled, fixing his dark blue tie, “but you gotta get used to the tie.”
“It’s choking me,” he complained, yanking at the collar.
You laughed, loosening the tie a bit, “You have to keep it on, Jay, it’s required.”
Jason groaned, gesturing to his shoes, “How am I supposed to run in these?”
“I highly doubt you’re going to have to run,” you snorted, hitting his chest lightly.  “Stop complaining and let’s go!  I need to grab more ink for the printer.”
He smiled, pecking your lips, “Fine, but we’re eating breakfast at the diner before my shift.”
“Why do you think I woke you up so early?” you asked, shoving your phone and wallet into your jacket pocket.
“I love you so much,” Jason whispered, pecking your cheek.  “Oh, don’t let me forget to check the mail before we go.”
“Love you, too,” you said, opening the door. “What’s in the mail?”
“We haven’t checked it in a few days,” he responded, walking through the door.  “I don’t want to piss off Debbie again, that old lady is scary when she wants to be.”
“Who knew Jason Todd would be scared of an elderly woman,” you laughed, locking the door and joining him in the elevator.
“She doesn’t scare you?” Jason asked, pressing the button for the ground floor.  
“Okay, maybe when she strokes her cat like Doctor Evil, that’s when she scares me,” you shivered.  “I swear she’s plotting her husband’s death or something.”
“Debbie is going to kill us all with all of the spite she has in her frail body,” he whispered into your ear, making you flinch away.
“I’m going to be the one who kills you if you do that again,” you grumbled, covering your ear.  “Seriously, were you trying to shove your tongue into my ear?”
“Well, if you’re into that-”
“Don’t finish that sentence,” you punched his arm, walking out of the elevator when it reached the ground floor.
“You wound me,” Jason said, placing an arm over his heart.
You rolled your eyes, walking to the mail slot and unlocking it, “There’s a package in here, did you order something?”
“For once I didn’t,” he stated, taking the box out of the slot.  “Do you want to open it?”
“Sure,”’ you said, cutting the tape with your keys.
You frowned when you saw a book in it and took it out, gasping when you saw the cover.  The box was dropped onto the floor, making a quiet thump on the marble floor.
“What is it?” Jason asked worriedly.
“It’s my father’s story,” you replied quietly, your eyes already forming tears.  “H-how did it get published?”
Jason took the book from your grasp, flipping through the pages until he found a folded envelope in the middle, “There’s a letter.”
“Let me see it,” you took the book back, grasping the envelope.
You handed the book back to Jason, tearing open the envelope and reading the letter:
My dearest (Y/N),
I don’t know when this will get to you, and I hope this hasn’t arrived too late.  You always said you wanted to read my stories to your children and now you can.  I know that I have told you that my story wasn’t ready for the world, but I was wrong and you were right.  I sent it in and the publishing company loved it!  I owe it to you, (Y/N), you made the dreams I gave up on come true and helped me make new ones.  Now I can dream about your future, and know this:  No matter what you do, I will always love and support you.  Nothing can make me any less proud of you than I am now.  
If you have found your one and only, tell that punk that I’ll be kicking some ass as a ghost.  Whoever you choose better take care of you or they’ll have to deal with me.  I know I’ll be long gone when you get this, but know that my death isn’t your fault.  Yeah, I knew those assholes dressed in suits would do something to get what they want, but I’m at peace with that.  To be honest, I wrote this because I have some hope that I’ll live to see you grow, but I couldn’t let myself sleep at night without writing this.
I gave you my world, (Y/N), and now you can create your own.  You might not care about money, fame or any of that jazz, but I left you something that I thought would help you in life.  I give you everything I have, my love and my possessions.  It is and always will be yours.
Your amazing and awesome father
P.S. You better name a kid after me.
You let out a strange combination of a sob and a laugh, tears falling onto the paper as you finished reading it.  Looking at the envelope, you smiled when you saw Bruce’s handwriting.
I thought it was time for you to have this- B.W.
“Dad says he’ll kick your ass,” you laughed, wiping your tears away.
“This is from him?” Jason asked, looking at the book.  “I thought you said everything was destroyed in the fire.”
“I thought it was,” you said, hugging the letter, “but he published it without telling me, that secretive bastard.”
Jason picked up the box and looked inside, taking a piece of paper out of it, “This is from the publication company, apparently you’re rich.”
You folded the letter and placed it in the book, “We’ll talk to them later, let’s go get some breakfast.”
“What else did he say?” Jason asked, throwing the box in the trash.
“To name a kid after him,” you chuckled.
“What’s your dad’s name?” he asked, opening the door for you.
“(Y/D/N),” you answered, walking outside.
“Yeah, we’ll name our kid that.  You want to make one when I get home tonight?”
“You’re such a romantic,” you snorted, smiling when he wrapped his arm around your waist.
Opening the book, you saw a photograph of you and your father.  You remembered when he took this one, saying that he wanted a picture to frame.  It was taken the night he read you the last chapter of his story, only a month before the fire.  The last few pages were nothing but bullet points.  Your eyes landed on one in the middle of the left page, making you finally understand the words you lived by for so many years.
Set your demons free, conquer them until you find peace.  Peace can only be found when we deal with the monsters inside of us, not the ones who plague the world.
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