#do more than just look at them then making snap judgements I'm begging
nozomijoestar · 2 months
I think it's so funny people perceive Lili as the type to throw a fit over not getting what she wants or being shown a level of attention she believes she deserves, which are all true just not as exaggerated as people make them and actually rather context dependant, when Asuka does the exact same thing via her anger and temper yet is seen as de-facto incapable of also throwing tantrums over not getting her way
Her animation if she loses a round has Asuka throwing literal, physical tantrum fits stomping the ground and everything, her responses to people (6 & 8) asking her even basic questions about herself are downright sarcastic at best and berating or degrading the other person at worst because they aren't giving her answers she wants and talking about something she doesn't give a fuck about by comparison (herself and her feelings/thoughts)- they have to discuss what SHE wants not the other way around with rare exception
The entire reason she does what she does fighting punks at it's core is trying to forcefully make people behave the way she thinks they should, she's also generally dismissive often unless things are going her way, and even when she gets something she consented to if it embarrasses her she has to complain (literally complaining to Lili that Lili's jet is embarrassing and they should've used something else in 8, probably other examples i could dig for later)
I'm tired and I don't say this to say Lili is better by comparison but that they're so alike in enough ways that you can't convince me they weren't created using a venn diagram somewhere in the concept files; these bitches are a flat circle and being visual opposites I think is playing a role in why they aren't so often seen for their similarities
EDIT: In 5 when Feng beats her in his route she complains that he should have gone easier on her because she's a girl and whines about it, to which he says that would have been disrespectful implying he sees her as a fighter but Asuka's mad she lost and didn't get her way, that he didn't simply Let Her Win
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Can I request Mordecai with a dead gn crush who can visit him in his dreams and can appear as a ghost if he's near/in a near death situation?
And let's say he's in a situation where he would have died but then the reader is like "You're not supposed to be here, I'm sending you back." And he wakes up alive. I think that'd be pretty cool
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I wound up putting these two together. I hope neither of you mind.
TW for described gore and brief character death
"MERDE!" Serafine slammed the driver's side door shut and threw the clutch into reverse, the screeching of tires making her pin her ears back against her skull."Merde, merde, MERDE!!"
A large paw gripped Mordecai's own when he tried to speak, to ask her to stay quiet. "Shhh, cher," Nico whispered. "You're gonna be alright."
The constant pain in his abdomen begged to differ. Against his better judgement, he looked down at his stomach—or what was left of it—and groaned as it churned when he was met with the bloody mess of his innards. Nico's paw tightened on his own and the tomcat had a rigid set to his jaw when Mordecai looked to him again, though he still managed an easygoing smile.
"Keep 'im talking!" Serafine snapped. "We all know it's what he likes to do. Ask 'im about 'is—ah...His—'is home life!"
"I'll keep 'im going." Nico's voice was surprisingly level. "You focus on getting us back home."
The car ran over a bump in the road. Mordecai ground his teeth and hissed in anger and pain. Nico steadied him with his free hand, let Mordecai let go of his paw and almost pulled him into his lap.
The car was either much more steady on this side or this cat had enough body mass to make up for the pitiful amount of shock absorbers in the vehicle. Mordecai raised his head and made it onto Nico's shoulder to look out the window. "Where 're we...?"
"Home, cher." Nico's bandaged paw stroked Mordecai's head like he was a frightened kitten. "We're takin' you home to patch you up some. Sit tight, okay?"
Another bump in the road. Mordecai's confused brain tried to grab on to his stomach, to literally hold it in. He moved his head off Nico's shoulder just to lean against it. Everything felt heavy. He was so tired.
"Don't close those green eyes!" Nico's harsh pinch made him flinch. "You stay awake! We're almost there!"
"Wake m' up when we arrive."
"Serafine, pull over! We're losing 'im faster than you can drive!"
Car tires screeched again, this time to a stop. The lights started going out as Nico gathered him into his arms and tried to open the door with his elbow.
Mordecai made it to the grass outside before the world around him disappeared.
He wasn't sure what he was expecting, but it wasn't to just suddenly exist in a white void. He could see his paws in front of him, he could feel his cufflinks when he adjusted them, but that was about it: this place was as empty as empty could get.
At least he wasn't in pain anymore. What a way to go; gored and confused. What an ending. Embarrassing.
"Fancy meeting you here."
He glanced around at the familiar voice, his eyes finally landing on a H/C cat standing with their arms crossed. "Y/N?"
"Hey, Heller. What're you doing here?"
Mordecai cleared his throat, then winced and rubbed it. Funny how that started hurting. "Yes, well...Ahem. I had—unfortunate and unforeseen circumstances arise-"
"You died."
"Yes. Like I said, unfortunate and unforeseen circumstances."
Y/N chuckled and walked closer to him, running their claws through their fur in playful exasperation. "Still talkin' like a dictionary, eh?"
"You can still "decode" what I say, it seems."
Y/N shook their head with a smile. For a moment they stood merely eyeing him, a mixture of nostalgia and sorrow in their expression. They looked much more lively from the last time he had seen them in person.
Probably because the last time, they weren't actually alive.
"You're not supposed to be here," they said with a shake of their head. "It's too early. Way, way too early."
"What are you going on about?"
"Your death, Morde." Y/N heaved an exasperated sigh and rubbed their temples. "Augh, I'm getting such a headache just talkin' to you. He's not gonna like this."
"What is—"
"I'm sending you back."
Back? Back to the bloodthirsty Savoy twins who would throw him under a train for a dollar? Back to walking on eggshells, trying to rein those two in with a roll of his eyes and sarcastic quip?
Back to his background mission. Y/N was right, he had to go back.
But first...
"Y/N. May I speak with you for another min—"
"Later." Y/N grabbed his upper arm and almost yanked him off his paws. "Come. Now."
Their no-nonsense tone told him this was not negotiable. The two walked in a hurry, Y/N sometimes glancing off to the side at something Mordecai couldn't see. What where they so afraid of?
They stopped suddenly, making the Tuxedo cat bump into them. They heaved a sigh and turned to him. "There's your way out. Go. Now!"
"I don't see anything."
"Of course you don't. Because why would he make this easy?"
Y/N shoved him ahead of them. His paw caught a doorframe and he braced against it. "Just one more moment! I need to ask you something."
"You're sister's not here, no. You're in Limbo, the in-between bit. Now please would you-"
"Before you passed on," Mordecai spoke over them. "Before the accident. You pulled me aside, you told me there was something urgent that needed my attention. What was it?"
Y/N hesitated. Their ears moved about like little radars before they sighed and folded them back.
"I love you, Mordecai." Their voice was low. "I had for a long time. At that point I finally worked up the nerve to tell you this, but, well...I died before I could. I spent a year waiting for us to meet again, even too early like now; but it's not there anymore, so don't worry about it. Now go home, I'll be watching over you."
They stepped forward and gave him a shove, making him stumble back through the invisible-to-him doorway and start falling.
Good lord, everything hurt. Everything from the abdomen up pounded, throbbed or crackled like electricity. His chest and stomach felt particularly weird, though considering he had died for an unknown amount of time there was small wonder as to why.
Mordecai carefully moved his left arm underneath him and pushed himself up, wincing and biting back a hiss at the discomfort rippling through his stomach when it squished. He rubbed his eyes to get read of the fog clouding his vision, finding himself in a familiar hotel room. A chicken clucked it's way past him, bones hanging from the ceiling glinted in the early-morning lighting and the smell of something he couldn't place was strong enough to make him sneeze.
The Savoys brought him to their apartment. The thought gave him a single drop of relief before he was gripped with fear. What the Hell had Serafine done to him while he was gone?
A fuzzy head suddenly poked into the room from the doorway. Nico gave him an easy smile and opened the door all the way. "Ah, cher, you're awake. How you feel?"
"Fine." Mordecai roughly cleared his throat. Talking was a chore all of a sudden. "Where are my things? I am heading home now."
"Oh no you are not, mon ami." Nico made his way further into the room, closing the door slowly and shoving the chicken away from it with his paw. "You die for twenty minutes, sleep for hours and think you can just leave?"
Mordecai felt his ears press against his head. Nico took a step back, so he either looked like he was going to bite him if he got closer or fearful for his life. The larger tomcat raised his paws in an "I'm innocent" gesture, so Mordecai pinned his hopes on the former.
"Settle down now, cher." Nico moved across from him to sit on the arm of the couch Mordecai was currently taking up residence in. "I am over de moon that you're feelin' fiery, but there is no need to try an' take my head off. My work is around your body, after all. Your filling is nice and snug now."
'My filling?'
Nico smiled wider. His smile faltered when Mordecai's eyes rolled back in his head and he hit the couch again.
Maybe it was a bit too soon to start teasing him about his brush with the maiden of death.
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xiaos-eclair · 2 years
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warnings: solo masturbation(m.) , angst, post break up, ruined orgasm
lil commission i finally managed to finish!
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He's sure it's been over an hour, his wrist ached and his muscles were slowly getting tired, flexing and tensing just to fail him over and over again.
He was in nothing short of an agony, his cock red and still stiff in his fist. He tried everything. His nipples sore from how much he pulled on them, balls stained in his own spit, the gooey liquid pooling and dripping between his legs.
Xiao wasn't used to having someone clouding his mind, not like this. It's the way your eyes would watch him with adoration, the way your fingers worked with care each time you stripped him down and out of his clothes, the way every night with you felt like everything but a quick fuck.
But you're not his. And he's not yours. And most importantly, you're not here.
Somehow he fucked up again, it's not a surprise. It's what he does best, push and move on. It's been months and he was as good as new as soon as it happened. But this is the first time he ended up alone in his room, with nothing else but the guilt and selfishness clawing it's way up his throat. He sees now that he managed to keep himself busy for a long time.
He's stubborn, hot headed and would never call for you again. He did what he had to do, he reasons.
He snaps out of it, focusing on the slick pumps of his fist. He's doing great...he can feel it again, the warm coil in his belly that makes his knees spread and his hips slam into his own hand, feet digging into the bed.
And then he closes his eyes, a vivid image of your face inches away from his lips becoming so clear and it's the best thing he felt in a while. He can feel your breath on his tongue, the pressure on his skin and the praise that you said all too often repeating in his ear. He can smell you and taste you. And then he can taste something wet and salty, dripping into his mouth and staining both of your tongues. It makes him sit up, breath knocked out of his lungs, his eyes now wide open as he adjusts to the faintly lit room.
His heart pulls at his chest and grips around his throat.
His brain often graced him with a few oh so dear sceneries, whether it was you getting fucked by another man or screaming at him, leaving, slamming the door shut or his absolute favorite, you crying.
You knew exactly why he did what he did, and you screamed it at his face, begging and wailing for him to think and to just let it happen. And after he sadistically watched you from the other corner of the room, you stopped crying. Swallowing your tears you looked at his cold expression, accepting your faith. You chose this and you knew the outcome, after all you weren't as special as you hoped you were. Your hand reached the door, silencing the last cry in your chest. And against better judgement you said the words you still curse yourself for. A promise you hope he'll hold you to.
"If you ever need a friend...I'm here"
And just like that, you were gone.
It was a sick way of him proving to himself that he's not worth your kindness and your heart. Only a monster would do this to someone they are supposed to love. Someone they do love.
It was pitiful, questioning his life choices with his dick limp between his legs, reliving one of his biggest regrets. What would he even say? "Hey so I couldn't cum and now I realize I regret it, I'm sorry, take me back?" He grimaces to himself, laying back down, staring at the ceiling.
You deserve more than he can give, that's for sure.
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Ko-Fi <- if you like what I do and you don't know what to do with your cash 😌💙
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sofiiel · 1 year
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Chapter One : 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐝
Summary: Eddie is face with a crashing reminder of weight and potential cost of fame.
Warning: chapter contains gun violence and bloody imagery.
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Gareth gave his head a shake as shouting came from the far right corner of the Green Room. Eddie's hands flew about as animated as ever as he tried to explain himself at the top of his lungs.
Your eyes looked up at Eddie as if pleading for the fight to be over. This had become tiring. All you could do now was hug yourself and try to make yourself louder, just to be heard.
"That's not what I'm trying to say. All I'm saying is-"
Eddie cut you off with a scowl, shrugging his shoulders, "That you don't trust me." he snapped.
Your eyes fell into a needled glare, "You're the only one I do trust in all of this." finally your arms flail out in frustration, flapping down at your side.
With a sharp turn to leave Eddie to the corner, you seethe the words "The only god-damn one. I'm not continuing this if you won't want to listen, Edward."
Eddie stood up straight, "shit." he thought. His eyes sliding over to the guys as the Green Room door slammed. "She called me Edward." he muttered.
"Of course she did, man. That's the ninth fuck up in three days." Jeff sighed.
"I didn't fuck up!" Eddie's eye twitched slightly as he wandered over to join the boy's game of spades. "I just, I've never been invited to a private after party before, how was I supposed to know that lady wasn't being friendly?" he said.
"I mean, if Lou Diamond Phillips, or Phil Demmel invited y/n off to lunch, she wouldn't guess why. She'd go! As she should." Eddie vented.
Gareth chuckled and looked at Grant, "Yeah, but it wasn't Lou Diamond or Demmel that invited you; was it?" Gareth said. "It was that seedy nightclub owner, Rebelle Stark."
"She's only been in the tabloids for five months trying to lure rising stars into her bed for the publicity." Grant muttered.
Eddie leaned back in his chair and leaned his head back. "Make up sex, I'll let her angry fuck me and it'll be fine. It always works." Eddie spoke under his breath.
"Dude, they got pictures of you leaving out the back door, with her shirt on." Jeff sighed.
"I was drunkenly trying on clothes, I didn't know they were Rebelle's. I was fleeing because she was being handsy not sneaking out." Eddie corrected them, voice slightly raised.
"We know that, don't we? The media don't. Y/n knows that too, that's what she was tryin' to tell you." Gareth stressed.
"You don't listen when you panic." Grant lulled dryly pulling a card from the stack.
"And you just shout. If you'd shut up, you would have heard her when she said she was concerned for you, and not what everyone thinks you did." said Jeff.
Eddie groaned and looked down at the cards on the table. "So, flowers and begging?" He asked.
"On both knees, and probably bring something shinny." Gareth said.
"I can ask Steve about what I should do." Eddie sighed.
"We're ok, it's gonna take more than bad media and spotlight starved desperate to ruin nearly a decade of awesome." Eddie said. Looking off, though, he had to wonder, Jeff wasn't wrong. It'd be one of many screw-ups.
Worse, he'd been the one jumping to conclusions more than Y/n had. Mistaking her tone for judgement or resentment.
Eddie sighed inwardly, "You know better than that." he thought. "I'll fix this tonight."
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You hovered over the small kitchenette in your hotel room. The scent of caramelized bacon, stunning the senses. Eggs sizzled lightly, being slipped onto a slice of toast.
"God, let me hire you." Chrissy moaned as she held her twinkling finger out towards the plate.
You giggle, but those words make you want to cry. She'd come so far in her recovery.
Noticing your silence, Chrissy flashed you a smile, "oh come on, no." she said, "Don't you make this about me. You call me over to vent about you, remember?"
With a chuckle, you nod, "fine, fine." you sighed, taking a seat across from her at the table. Chrissy wiggled happily in her chair before taking a tiny bit of her egg on toast.
You'd yet to speak, so she looked you up and down and with a wave of her hand said, "well, on with it."
"Eddie and I had another fight..." you confessed.
"Shock and awe!" Chrissy gasped, hiding her mouth as she chewed. "I mean that's obvious, that's the sole reason you call me sounding like a lost kid in a mall." she hummed.
"It's fine, he'll show up with that 'oh no, I step on my cat's tail' look on his face and bang you into oblivion-"
"Chris!" you gasped.
She rolled her eyes, "and then all will be fine again for the next few days. It's just stardom, Nums. You two will be fine." Chrissy smiled.
You muttered under your breath, "Nums," in irritation. Ever since Eddie'd taken to calling you Num-nums in interviews, your whole circle had decided to use it.
"It gets better, if you tough it out. Trust me." Chrissy offered.
"You say that, but..." You eyed the grinning woman up and down cautiously, "You've been through six boyfriends, official 'yeah we're exclusive' boyfriends in three months. Six."
Chrissy shrugged and licked the bacon sugar off her fingers, "it's the NFL, what do you expect? None of them want to be tied down when they're wandering around looking like Adonis." she giggled.
"Two of them were writers. Chrissy, writers, the most hopless romantic romance starved creatures alive." you stressed.
Chrissy rolled her eyes, "yep, it happens. Jealousy, exhaustion, lack of time, conflicting careers. This is hard, Y/n." her words came out carefully.
"Its hard. But it what you wanted for him, isn't it?" asked Chrissy.
You bit your lip, "of course it is." you said. Chrissy smiled gently, "Then you'll be fine. This will all calm down, just let him learn how to handle it all."
"Y right." you exhaled. "You're right, I should learn to stop panicking after every fight."
"Of course I am." Chrissy chimed. "Besides, it's just what you two do. You ruffle each other's feathers like some weird mating dance, and then become the most sickeningly sweet creature anyone's ever seen afterward." she snickered.
Reaching across the table to give Chrissy's shoulder a playful shove, "shut up!" you giggle.
"Well, someone had to turn that frown upside down!" she giggled back.
The door knob clicked and clunking boots entered in.
"Babe? You here?" Eddie's voice called out.
Your body tensed for a moment as you glanced at the clock. You'd been sure it would take him longer to get back.
Chrissy flashed you a grin and took her plate with her as she stood up, "I'm stealing the plate! I'll see you tomorrow Nums!" she called, stepping around Eddie, she gave him a cheeky smirk.
"That is, providing you can get out of bed tomorrow." she hummed before exiting.
You sighed, running a hand down your face.
Eddie bit his lip, it was a call to Chrissy and not Nancy, so that had to be a good sign. With cautious steps, he inched towards you, the plastic of the store bought flowers rustling against his leather jacket.
"I um...about earlier..." Eddie fumbled. He was never good at saying 'I'm sorry' as many words always wanted to rush out instead.
"It's fine, Eddie. Really, I'll make you something to eat, and I'll go to bed." You sighed, turning around in your chair. "I'm sure you're tired, we can talk in the mor-"
Eddie dropped to one knee and for a moment you panicked. "It's, it's not what it looks like. I promise I'm dumb enough to try to pop THE question while you're pissed off." Eddie chuckled dryly.
He nestled the cone of flowers in your lap. A bushel of pale roses. "I'm sorry I never let you actual talk and just panic shout." Eddie murmured.
"Panic shout?" You asked him, a smile threatening to tick onto your face.
Eddie side glanced, rubbing the tip of his nose, "yeah, that's what the boys call it." he said.
Taking the flowers in your hand, you got to your feet and went to place them in water.
"I'm um sorry I screwed up again. I know I need to be more careful and think things through better." Eddie continued.
Going to the couch, he sat and started to exchange his boots for his worn white sneakers. "I'm sorry I accused you of being jealous and unreasonable... I know that's not you." sighed Eddie.
"It's never been you." He repeated.
Gently petting the petals of the roses, you turned to smile at him. "Really, Eddie, it's ok."
"No it's not, it's been like this for the past two weeks and I-" Eddie huffed, "Let me take you to dinner tonight?" He asked, a half-hearted smirk curving onto his lips, "let me use this new power for good instead of evil? Feed my girl instead of stomping on her last nerve?" He asked.
Eddie smiled at the sound of your soft laughter.
"Where'd you have in mind?" you asked.
He shrugged his shoulders, "Steve said anywhere that's not just pizza, so..." Eddie murmured.
"Aw, you went to Steve?" You sang, voice laced with withheld laughter.
"Yeah, yuck it up. But that guy is the master of escaping the dog house." Eddie mused.
He walked over to you, resting his hands on your shoulders, "am I allowed to kiss you, or?" he asked in a whisper.
The moment you nod your head, Eddie's warm lips press lightly against your forehead. Leaving to repeat against the corner of your eye before he stole your mouth.
It's a soft kiss, his hand cradling your jawline.
"Let's go eat," Eddie said, pulling away, "before I get carried away." he hummed.
You give his bottom lip a nip and turn to the flowers, "I'm taking a few with me." you said.
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Eddie held the door open for you as you stepped into the night. This felt right again, he held that beautiful wide smile. The one that crinkled his eyes and his arm draped around your shoulder as he talked.
"Jeff brought a fan on stage and the girl ran straight for Gareth." Eddie laughed at his retelling of the show that evening.
"Eddie fucking Munson?" a voice called with a hint of a snarl.
Your eyes wandered to a man dressed in torn jeans and a Corroded Coffin Tee. You smiled at the fan as Eddie removed his arm from your shoulder, reaching into his pocket for a pen.
It had to be an autograph, that what the man must have wanted; or a picture.
"Yeah, man. What can I do for you?" asked Eddie.
"Not a damn thing, you fucking sell out." the man growled.
Eddie's gaze hardened, "Excuse me?" he asked.
"You heard me. You've led your band down the path of ass-kissery. You made us all believe that a real metal band would finally make it. Now look at you! Face all over commercials for big brands, playing in a venue that wouldn't give other musicians in the genre the time of day. Grinning at the worst rumor spreading brainrot TV hosts around." The man ranted.
Eddie placed himself in front of you. "Look, I don't know what you've read, but that not me. I'll gladly talk to you, man. But I'm with my girl." he tried to explain. Eddie tried hard to remain calm, thought a bitter anger started to boil.
The man reached under his shirt, "I used to be one of your biggest fans. Never missed a show, got all the tour shirts...you sighed my guitar." He rambled.
"Signed you guit-" Eddie exhaled as he peered at the man's face, "shit, I do know your face," Eddie whispered.
"Stuck up for you when my friends and band members dragged your name through the mud. Now I look like an idiot, and they kicked me out the band." the man raged.
Eddie's arms flung out, pushing you further behind him. "Wait, wait, wait!" Eddie urged.
"You ruined my dream!" The man shouted.
"That's not Eddie's fault! Please sir, put that away!" you cried out. Your eyes staring down the barrel of the gun.
"Ok, I'm sorry. Ok, we can talk. All you want, I swear, just put it away." Eddie tried to speak calmly, though his outstretch hand trembled.
"I'm done talking, You think you're the first? Many of my idols turned out to be nothing but trash, You're just the worst of them! You made us believe you!" the man raged.
Each word drew his tiger finger a little bit closer.
"Eddie." you whispered.
Eddie's jaw clenched tight as he held his breath.
"HEY!" Chrissy shouted, her heels clicking as she ran, holding a whistle to her lips she filled the night with a shrill sound.
"Chris!" You gasped, watching the small woman grab hold of the man's arms. "Leave them alone!" she shouted.
A crackling pop caused the world to pause. The second it sounded, your body moved without your knowledge, pushing forward. Heat tore into your chest.
Breathing became hard and beyond the heat in your chest was a sharp radiating pain.
Chrissy continued to struggled against the man, filling his eyes with pepper spray as she screamed for helped.
Eddie's hands supported your body as your legs gave way. "No, no. It's ok, I’ve got you." Eddie's voice shivered. Lifting you slightly, he used his body to hold you upright, backing away towards the wall.
"Hold on, I'll set you down and call-"
Another shot fired, It came paired with a cry before a numbing pain rattled your head. Your body fell limp and your vision faded. Everything hurt and yet everything was stuck, unmoving, unfeeling.
Nothing was hot or cold, soft or rough. There wasn't a loudness to the world, no weight. Just pain and a persistent ringing in your ears, drowning out desperate yelling.
"What did you do!" Eddie shouted, crumpling with you as he broke your fall, arms and legs wrapping his body around yours. "What'd the fuck did you do!" he cried out, tearing his eyes away from the struggle.
Chrissy sprayed the last of her bottle into the shooter's eyes, running to you and Eddie while the man fled.
"Oh my god, Y/n!" she whimpered, hovering above the two of her. "Go call somebody!" Eddie urged, laying you gently onto your back. His fingertips gentle touching the blood from the tunnel carved along the side of your head.
Chrissy's knees shook.
"Go, Chrissy, go call somebody!" Eddie shouted, pointing down the street to the phone booth.
With a nod, Chrissy ran for it.
Eddie removed his jacket, balling it up he pressed it against your chest. "You're going to be fine, babe. I swear to you, you will." Eddie whispered, watching his tear drops slash against your cheek.
His eyes lingering on the few roses that'd fallen from your hands, pale pink and white petals painted red.
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The sirens and the ride to the emergency was a distant blur in Eddie's mind.
He could vaguely remember furiously yelling at the paramedics, the nurses, and the doctors.
He could remember chucking all of his new shinny credit cards onto the hospital floor.
Chrissy desperately trying to pull him away from the doctor, who wasn't having his frenzied demands.
"I just want to see her." Eddie muttered for the hundredth time. His leg bouncing endlessly in his seat.
"I know you do big guy. But they're working on her now. Let them work." Steve said, his hand clamped firmly onto Eddie's shoulder.
Steve was waiting at the Steakhouse, He was supposed to help Eddie tonight with a surprise for Y/n. Then he got the call and was the first one there.
Steve glanced at Chrissy, who's red eyes watched Eddie with concern.
"I didn't know that guy from Adam and he just-" Eddie squinted, "had the nerve to, fucking - what the fuck gave him the right to-" He couldn't find or keep his words.
"I know, I know. Don't think too much on it. We trust the doctors. Yeah?" Steve tried his best to calm the flustered man.
Feet rushed into the E.R in a chaotic shuffle.
"What the hell happened?" Grant asked.
"Did-is she ok? What's going on?" Jeff questioned.
Gareth stood with his mouth opening and closing, unsure of what to ask or what to say. His face pale. "Is she...is she?" he stammered.
"No!" Eddie shouted, eyes shut tight, "no," he repeated quietly.
"No, no she's not. They're operating." Chrissy managed, lightly rubbing Eddie's back. "She'll be fine." she soothed.
"Did they get the guy?" Jonathan asked, going unnoticed behind the band. " I tried to leave a report with the police." Chrissy answered. Her eyes stuck on Eddie, "It wasn't a full statement, they want to speak to Eddie when he's...able." she said.
"If he's ever able." Steve murmured, giving Eddie's shoulder and squeeze.
With a lost daze in his eyes, Eddie fiddled with a small box in his hands, turning it round and round between his fingers.
"I need to try to call Y/n's family. I know it's...touchy, but they need to know." Chrissy sighed.
"You should probably contact your manager, let him know what's happened and that the band may need to drop the tour." Steve said to the boys.
"Someone should call Wayne, Eddie's gonna need 'im." said Gareth.
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Morning rose over the city, passed out across the many chairs in the waiting room where various persons. A magazine lay draped over Grant's face while he slept. Gareth calling hogs while he used Jeff's shoulder as a pillow.
Steve's eyes fluttered open and shut as he nodded in and out, eyes trying to focus on the muted news on the TV. Luckily, what happened had not hit the media, yet.
Chrissy slept curled in her hair, trying her best to use her arms as a pillow. Mascara running and smudge onto the sleeve of her shirt. With a jolt, she awoke, fearful eyes glancing around the room.
She heaved a large sigh and bit her lip, fighting tears. "It's not a dream." she thought, settling down into place.
Steve sat up in his seat, "any news?" Chrissy asked him, voice hoarse.
"Not yet, a few alarms sounded back there but, they brought in at least three more people via ambulance." Steve explained.
"Could have been any of them." Chrissy added.
"Yeah totally." Steve said quickly.
Chrissy rubbed her sore neck, her eyes falling on Eddie, who'd also curled into his seat, his face knotted in that same distressed expression.
"How's he doing?" Chrissy asked.
"He's...um, doing? I guess. Only been sleep about two hours or so. Went mental on some poor guy who was star struck at so many famous faces in the lobby." said Steve.
"Can you blame him?" Chrissy asked, hugging herself. "It's how this all started, some fan out of nowhere." she sighed.
Chrissy and Steve simultaneously looked towards the box clutched in Eddie's hands.
"Please tell me that's not-"
Steve exhaled a shaky breath, "yeah," he lulled, sucking in his lips. "It is, it was." he said.
"Even after a fight?' Chrissy asked.
A failed chuckle exited Steve's throat, "Because of the fight. Eddie doesn't know what to do with how his life is changing. Idiot's doing his best, but he's shitting himself on a daily basis. He's the face of Corroded Coffin no matter how much he tries not to be. He's been thrown into the favor of most of the world after being a great big nobody, and he's doing it with who'd he'd easily call the girl of his dreams." Steve stated.
"And he's terrified that one wrong move will fuck everything up forever. Yeah, he's falling for some stupid shit, like real stupid shit - but, he's trying to push those wax wings to their limit. He bought a new house for Wayne, got his dad a new lawyer, paid for Y/n's business he'd always dreamed of. He wants to keep all that ~ but he's seen what can happen to couples who are unevenly balanced in this life." Steve sighed.
Chrissy frowned, "now you're making me nervous." she said.
Steve tilted his head, "why?" he asked.
"Your attitude has dropped from one thousand to sixty-five, and your face is way too serious." said Chrissy.
Steve frowned, " Yeah, well, I know what it's like to lose hold of the person you thought you'd marry one day." he said. "Fortunately for me, it wasn't like this."
Chrissy chewed her lip, "Do you think?" she asked, voice shaken.
"No, hell no. Y/n's always been a stubborn little shit," Steve chuckled. "Probably just taking time to plot her revenge in her head. She's totally going after that guy when she's better."
"I'm here! W-we're here! Where is she? He?" Robin's panic rambling filled the waiting room as she rushed in ahead of Nancy and Jonathan.
"Robin?" Steve questioned, brows raised high.
"Aren't you," Chrissy asked squinting, "Aren't you supposed to be in Italy?" she asked.
"Honeymoon got pushed back because I got a call regarding my client. There was a change in his case, so I've got another trial ahead of me." Nancy explained.
"Our plan stopped here, and I remembered that Jonathan was in town because of the tour, gave him a call for a ride to the hotel and..." Nancy's brows knitted together, "heard the news." she murmured.
"Damn, Byers you became everyone driver tonight, eh..day." Steve said.
"It's nothing new," Jonathan sighed, "and this time I'm happy to do it."
In one arm, Jonathan held a giant paper bag, and in the other hand a drink holder. "I pick up breakfast for everyone, and coffee. Nobody really slept last night and I spent it all explaining about the tour..." he said.
"Double shot?" Steve asked.
Jonathan laughed dryly, "Triple shots." he said.
Chrissy hoped up, "Oh, you're an actual angel." she sighed, rushing towards him and taking a cup.
"Did they catch the guy? Is anyone looking for him?" asked Robin.
"The police are out looking, yeah. No word on how that's going." Yawned Jeff, his eyes opening slowly.
"I smell Coffee." Grant muttered as Jonathan passed the cups around.
The doors to the Emergency room opened and out stepped the doctor Eddie'd threatened. He looked at the group, and the frown on his face was worrying.
"Doctor Jenner?" Chrissy questioned going to meet him with nervous steps.
"You're Ms. Cunningham? Listed on her file?" Jenner asked.
Chrissy fumbled around in her purse, "Y-yes, um," she pulled out her driver license and handed it over. Jenner looked the tiny card over and lead Chrissy away from the others.
Looking Chrissy dead in the eyes, Jenner spoke quietly and clearly, "Y/n is stable for the moment. It was touch and go. It's still touch and go. The first bullet collapsed the left lung, but it could have been worse. We've removed the bullet and fragments. There's currently a chest tube in place." He explained.
Chrissy nodded her head absently, blinking away the water in her eyes.
"We've moved her to a private room and have gotten her as comfortable as we are able." Jenner added.
"So, can we see her now?" Chrissy asked hopefully.
Jenner exhaled, "she may receive visitors in around thirty to forty-five minutes, yes." He paused, "but you should know..."
After bidding goodbye to Jenner, Chrissy stumbled back to the group. Shaking her head lightly and ruffling her hair.
"Chrissy?" asked Jonathan, as no one seemed to want to break the silence.
"We um...we can see her in about thirty to forty-five minutes, they moved her to a room." Chrissy spoke in a daze.
Eddie's eyes opened as he slowly pushed himself up in his seat. He watched the water droplets hang from Chrissy's eyes lashes. "But" he lulled with caution.
Chrissy gave her head another shake, "They induced her. So..." Chrissy said.
"Well, that's good, right. That's a good thing that usually helps." Robin stammered.
"The second bullet fractured her skull, she had swelling and um, she needs about three more operations to fix that and one to assess just how band things are. They want to keep her out until then but, the chest tube needs to do it work." Chrissy continued on.
"Jenner doesn't want to risk putting her under with one lung down." she said.
Eddie exhaled long and slow, "fff-fucking christ..." he whispered, pulling his hair back.
"It went through though, clipped her skull rather than...you know." said Chrissy.
Nancy looked at Eddie with concern. "How are you feeling?" She asked him carefully.
Eddie bowed his head, eyes looking down at the blood crusted on his shoes. His shoulder began to shiver.
"Oh," Nancy exhaled, "oh no, hey," she hummed going to him with quick steps. Nancy lightly rubbed his back. "It's ok, right? The doctor would have told us if it was bad." she said.
"Come on, Eddie." Gareth said going to him as well.
Chrissy bit her lip, "Nancy's right, Eddie. Don't make yourself sick just yet."
Eddie stooped, squatting near the ground, he pawed at his eyes. "Just tell them to fix it. I don't give a shit what it costs, they can have my left and right arm, just....tell them to fix it." Eddie murmured.
He held his stomach, "I think I'm gonna be sick." he said.
"Hey! Can we get a bucket or something!" Steve called out, turning towards the front desk.
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devouredher · 1 year
@thebestorworstofit cont. from here
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“easy there tiger, no one called you a slut - and why would i? not our sweet big sister who knows just how jealous i’d be - we’d be, if someone else was making you cum.” carson’s words were maniacal in how he delivered them; in how he looked over lola with a primal glint in his eyes. His dimples in clear view to match his brother’s as they both wore the same smug grin. He knew his sister lived a life outside of them; as did carson, but this was the one the two of them enjoyed. The one where they towered over their older sister as she stood between them, where she couldn’t escape from their… attention.
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christian watched the way she snapped back, watching how she turned and spoke with a disdain he certainly didn’t approve of her using. while carson had always been the more blunt of the two; christian had always carried a natural dominance which was exactly what encouraged his next swift action as he pulled a hand from her thigh and curled it around her jaw, guiding her attention back to him as he let out a “tsk tsk tsk” as if the sounds showed the disapproval of her attitude - warning for the way he was about to speak to her in return. “you…” his head shook, using his firm hold against her cheeks to turn her to face him entirely while backing her into carson making sure she was fully pressed against his twin, “you know that you’re a choice, lols… tell either one of us to go fuck someone again and it’ll happen with you sat in the same room, watching one of us fill someone else’s holes with the same cum we’ve both heard you beg for - consider yourself lucky that you’re the one we want to be inside of.. i think we both know you’re not going to like when that stops.” he spoke without so much as a stuttered word, eyes locked on her features while his other hand moves between her thighs to let his knuckles drag between her glossed pussy lips.
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she should keep her mouth shut. she knew better than to think that she would win an argument against her two brothers. but the alcohol still in her system clearly clouding her better judgement. she was the oldest. she needed to be the bigger person. tonight, she just can't seem to be that. "you two are a real hypocrite. so what, you can fuck around with other girls, but the second i do it with one guy, i'm a slut?" her voice raising in frustration. only then realizing that she had told on herself and she couldn't take it back. not that she wanted to. "you know what, i don't need to listen to this bullshit from the two of you, so you both can leave--" she was stopped in her tracks at the rough hand to her jaw. forcing her to turn her attention back to christian as her heartbeat started to speed up inside her chest. so fast that if he came any closer, she was sure he could feel. lola tried to keep her eyes anywhere but his, not wanting to give him the satisfaction but christian has a way of making her heed. her jaw tensed under his hold as she shot daggers towards his direction as he manhandles her backwards to carson. "you are unbelievable." she let out a scoff, shaking her head before looking down at the hand already snaking its way under her dress. "you two forget that i was the one that let you touch me first. even now you can't stop yourself from doing it." her fingers wrapped around his wrist, stopping his hand from moving any further. "you wanna blame someone for me fucking another guy tonight. blame yourselves. it's not like you two have been paying any attention to me in the last few weeks. not with the new girls around, right? big sis isn't needed anymore."
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casspurrjoybell-28 · 3 months
The Alpha's Addiction - Chapter 30a
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*Warning Adult Content*
Risk - Part 1 - Kao
"Moon Goddess, Koa," Morgan exclaims, pushing up from his seat.
"You should have smacked that little..."
I look around, face coloring seeing those who have turned to look at us.
We're in a public setting, after all... one of the popular pack taverns.
I didn't have the chance to ask if it was the same one Morgan performed oral sex on Xavier outside of.
"Well, you really should have."
He sits back down with a huff.
"Acting all high and mighty like that. As if Cyrus would ever have eyes for anyone other than you," I sigh.
"I know, I know. But there's also the problem that everyone in this Pack is expecting Cyrus to take a Luna. They blame me and I really have no defense against it. Their judgement isn't totally unfounded..."
"Listen, your relationship with your mate isn't anyone's business... and definitely not that bratty pipsqueak's, for that matter," he rolls his eyes.
I laugh at his nickname for Beau, though his reassurance does little to quell the turmoil inside me.
To be honest, Beau's presence really, really bothers me.
I don't want him around Cyrus.
Around what is mine.
But being unable to accept the mate bond, do I even have a claim to Cyrus?
He's free to do whatever he pleases.
And while I don't think he's interested in Beau... a part of me doubts that I'm enough for him.
My subconscious seems to want to find all the reasons that Beau is better and I absolutely hate this... being made to feel so insecure.
I feel pathetic that one bitchy Omega is making me have these doubts.
It doesn't help that he's beautiful, either.
My brain relentlessly produces unwanted images of Beau in Cyrus's arms... of my Alpha looking at him the way he looks at me.
Of Cyrus showering him in the compliments that he gives me.
Even calling Beau 'My Moon.'
I get so angry at these imaginary scenarios I can barely take it.
My wolf hates it too, constantly at the mercy of rage-inducing thoughts.
His possessiveness over our mate is so intensified that he's anxious whenever Cyrus is not in our line of sight.
Even when we're with him, the uneasiness is present.
I know there's a solution.
But my mind isn't capable of considering all of that yet.
With Oliver dropped off at school, I head to the training field.
Cyrus is waiting for me, handsome as ever.
He's talking with Xavier, a slight sheen of sweat coating his face.
He's radiant in the sunlight and my wolf practically begs to let him bend us over right here and now.
The horny thoughts are becoming more and more relentless since the day he fingered me to orgasm over his desk and it's become almost unbearable.
Ignoring the arousal the sight of him creates between my thighs, I approach normally.
Xavier gives me a polite nod but his smiles and verbal greetings are reserved for Morgan only.
I don't know how my friend can't see how head over heels this Alpha is for him.
The Beta still denies any 'serious' factor to their relationship, claiming that Xavier has never actually expressed his feelings.
Which I guess is something I'd probably consider as well, seeing how insecure I've become when it comes to the man I'm interested in.
We start off with a demonstration that Xavier and Cyrus perform for me so I can properly comprehend the moves before I do them myself.
Cyrus shows me how to unhand my opponent of their weapon in this manner.
I try to keep focused on the lesson but all I can think about is that fucking Beau and what went on with Cyrus the other day.
The whole thing pisses me off...
"Koa, are you even listening?" Cyrus breaks me out of my daze and I snap my gaze to his.
He looks... ticked off and I don't know why that turns me on.
"I am," I say, crossing my arms.
"Then what did I just instruct you to do once you have the weapon in your hands?"
"Um... throw it?"
He sighs, shaking his head.
"Why do you lie to me?"
Oh, that's rich, coming from him.
"I don't know, maybe to give someone a taste of their own medicine?"
He frowns in annoyance.
"I have never lied to you."
"Oh but omitting the truth is just fine?"
"I was protecting your peace of mind. And you... you keep plenty from me."
And now he's bringing up my unspeakable past.
"That's not fair. It's different..."
"Excuse me," Xavier cuts in.
"As much as I'd like to stand here and listen to you two argue, someone is waiting on me."
We both turn to him and I color, embarrassed that I let loose in front of him.
He's so stoic and quiet it's easy to forget he's there.
"You may go," Cyrus inclines his head.
"Enjoy your... lovers spat," Xavier remarks before leaving, increasing my mortification by tenfold.
When he's gone, I clench my fists, turning away from Cyrus with a huff.
"So you've been bitter... I won't tell you about my past?"
"I only wish that you would trust me," he comes up behind me but I move away stubbornly.
"There are things you don't want to know... things that I can't ever say."
"There is nothing about you I would not want to know," he grasps my hand successfully this time and I reluctantly let him pull me to him.
"I am your mate, Koa."
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bokuroskitten · 4 years
Hey love your content I'm about to binge read all of it!! Could I possibly request smut prompt 145 with poly Iwaio x reader. I totally understand if not. Thanks for all your hard work!! 💕💕💕💕
Your kindness is much appreciated, lovely. I hope you enjoy this piece as much as you’ve enjoyed everything else. ❦
145. You look a bit tied up, want me to come back later?
➤Genre: NSFW 18+ ➤warnings: Poly Relationships, Dom!/Sub! Dynamics (Daddy & King titles), Bondage, Gags, Degradation, Dumbification, Dacryphilia, Overstimulation, Blowjob, Vaginal Penetration. ➤Character(s): Hajime Iwaizumi x Toru Oikawa x Fem!Reader ➤Word Count: 2.8k
✯The key to these dynamics is TRUST & CONSENT✯
“Princess... I told you to stop with the squirming.”
“B-But Toru...” Your pleas fell upon deaf ears as the click of the handcuffs to the bed frame signal you were trapped. You gave a tug on your arms, knowing they weren’t going to go anywhere but wanting to give Oikawa a bit of a hard time. 
You knew Iwaizumi would NOT be happy to see the two of you at home, playing with the toys without his permission. But Oikawa was feeling frisky to say the least, from the way he had roughly tugged your ass to the bedroom, to the way he currently stared at you with a predatory like gaze that had a blush rising to the tips of your ears. 
“Hmmm, what else does Iwa-Chan usually use to keep you from squirming...~” The brunette pondered out loud , a certain playfulness to his tone as his fingers brushed over the contents held in the shared box usually only Iwaziumi had the pleasure of going through. “Oh~ He always has to use this one on me!” He pulled out the all too familiar ball gag, dangling it by the leather strap as the light from a candle caused the red rubber to glisten. Your thighs clenched up at the sight of it, memories of previous scenes and fun encounters with your boyfriends clouding your judgement way too quickly. 
“King, bunny. C’mon you know how to address me.”
You had to swallow a lump in your throat. “King... you know that Hajime doesn’t like when we play without him...” Another thing they had learned very well from past experiences that had left both of them unable to sit for days. Oikawa had to pout at such a remark, fingers absentmindedly rubbing along the leather within his palm. His eyes wandered to you then, seeing ever so subtle rise of goosebumps on your skin, the way your eyes still stayed glue to the toy in his hand despite the warning you just gave. 
It made his pout fade into a knowing little grin. 
“But you want Hajime to come home and see us misbehaving, don’t you Princess?”
“You want him to come home and punish us for being such bad babies hm~” The patronizing tone that dripped from his lips only made your thighs clench harder as he crawled towards you, licking along his lower lip as you began to squirm once more. Easily taking hold of your jaw he slowly dragged the rubber of the ball along your lower lip, watched the way your mouth easily went slack at such an action. “Maybe he’ll be happy to see you all tied up for him anyway~ We both think you look so pretty like this~”
“King~” You breathed, cheeks brightening at such a comment.
“Open up bunny, do it for me.” His voice was nothing more than a purr as he squeezed your jaw a little tighter, urged you to open your mouth wide enough that he could slip the gag between your lips and you did just that, your desire to please Oikawa much higher right now than your fear of Iwaizumi. He let out a hum of approval as the ball popped in snug between your lips, long fingers quick to easily secure it behind your head. As he pulled back to get a good look he saw the way your eyes glistened with the idea of being caught. 
“Feel okay Princess? Not too tight is it?” That soft tone of his made a little flutter vibrate in your chest. You were quick to shake your head no, teeth digging into the rubber some as drool already threatened to slip past your stretched lips. Oikawa returned a nod of approval before he was back to the box, eyes scanning the contents once more to land on the item he wanted. Devious fingers tugged out two vibrators, one a little bigger than the other that you assumed only meant trouble. Your back arched a bit as he crawled back between your legs, a mewl escaping you as you attempted to close your thighs.
“Ah ah~” He gave gentle slaps along the skin of your tights as a warning, the contact easily making your legs to slack on his sides. “Don’t make tie your legs up too Princess, thats just too much work for me...” His brow was cocked as he ran the tip of the smaller vibrator over your panties, right where he knew your clit was hiding underneath. “Plus I wanna see you drooling around that gag already.” 
You weren’t given time to react as the little device was turned on, your body jolting from the sudden pleasure that shot directly into your bundle of nerves. Your arms strained a bit against the cuffs as you let your head lull to the side, muffled pleas leaving you as your hips twitched to the rythme of the vibrations. Oikawa watched with wide eyes, his own arousal growing in size fast at the way you were so reactive, at the sound of your pretty muffled noises. He pressed the toy further against the flimsy fabric, groaning when your back arched off the mattress. 
“That’s it bunny... Wanna see you cum just like this.” His voice dripped with desire as he watched you crumble fast, skin already beginning to tremble from the vibrations being pressed into your clit. Wanting to put the second toy to use Oikawa took advantage of the fact that you were still wearing panties, slipping the little device beneath the fabric so it could do his job and hold it right up against your clit.
The feeling of the toy on your bare flesh had you mewling, thighs going weak at your sides as they opened up further. Vibration after vibration was sent straight into the knot that formed in your core and you could feel your own arousal begin to soak your panties, looking up to Oikawa desperately for more.
He could only chuckle softly at such a look, his palm smoothing over your cheek. “You already look so desperate Princess...~ No wonder Iwa-Chan keeps you like this.”
You wanted to beg him for more, to get the teasing to stop as your hips rose off the mattress, attempted to find any more relief. But with the cuffs keeping your wrists in place and the gag held securely between your lips you would only muffle your desires at him. Oikawa had to chuckle again, a sense of power flowing through as he watched you crumble under his touch. He wasn’t used to being the dominate one but it was something he certainly could get used to. 
Slowly sliding the now dampened fabric of your panties to the side he stared as your pussy with a lust filled gaze, his grin growing as he pressed the tip of the toy to your slit. This earned a pleased little mewl from you, the reaction he was hoping for as he cooed, rubbed the rubber tip along your slit to collect your juices there.
“Want me to put it in don’t you Bunny? Wouldn’t it feel so nice to have this pretty pussy filled...”
And he was going to too, he was ready to plunge the toy into your throbbing hole before the creak of the bedroom door shook him out of his trance. Quickly the brunette snapped his head towards the door, minimal panic filling him at the sudden intrusion before he met the familiar green eyes that belonged to Iwaizumi. 
Green eyes that were currently not happy at all. 
“So this is what I’m coming home too, huh? You look a bit tied up (Y/N). Want me to come back later or?” His tone also, wasn’t very happy.
Oikawa on the other hand was thrilled, his playful grin from before coming back as he leaned into your bound form, his breath trailing over your already bare chest to have you squirming even more. “Hi Daddy~ How long were you watching hm? Bet this is such a pretty thing to come home too after a long day of work-”
“Better shut it, Toru.” Iwaizumi interrupted his partner, a sigh slipping past his lips when he received a laugh in return. He was quick to enter the room, sleeves of his button up already rolled to his elbows as he walked right up to the bed, his eyes meeting yours to see how far the two of you had gotten. 
You whined at him, your eyes fluttering when they met that of green that was laced with not only disappointment, but a predatory gaze. He almost let a smirk twitch on his lips then, almost. Instead he took Oikawa by the throat, enjoy the sound of the breathy little gasp that bubbled past his boyfriends lips. 
“You know how I feel when my babies play without me, right Toru.”
It took him a second to respond, his breath getting caught behind a tanned hand.”Y-Yes Daddy...”
“So tell me why, you’re not only playing with Princess without me, but also using MY toys without permission hm?”
Oikawa tried to use that pretty voice he used on Iwaizumi when he really wanted something, his fingers curling around his boyfriends wrist in an attempt to gain his affections. “I thought you’d wanna join Daddy~”
“But you didn’t Ask. Neither of you did.”
When Oikawa didn’t answer Iwa snorted out a laugh, releasing the males neck with enough force that he stumbled back a bit on the bed, flush rising to his cheeks as he caught his breath. “My stupid, slutty babies.” Iwaizumi murmured, his hand traveling to your face where he easily unlatched the gag he was so used to doing up. When the ball popped free of your lips lines of drool followed, only for Iwaizumi to smudge it across your cheek before you could respond to him. “So horny you couldn’t wait for Daddy to come home... or use some fucking manners.” He spit out the last phrase, which had excitement flowing through both you and Oikawa. 
“Toru, since you think you can just stick your hand in the toy box whenever you want, grab another pair of cuffs.” He spoke in a tone he knew Oikawa would follow, and that he did, scrambling to grab the closet pair of cuffs. Iwaizumi leaned into you then, unclasping your wrists from the headboard. When you moved up to kiss him he took hold of your jaw, shaking his head ever so slightly. 
“Tsk. As if. The cuffs are staying on since the two of you can’t control yourselves.” His other hand was quick to remove the little vibrator from your panties and easily throw the little device away. The sudden lose had you whining, your core now throbbing for any sort of attention. 
That made Iwaizumi laugh, releasing your jaw to stand at the edge of the bed. “Strip fully. Both of you. Against the headboard Toru, and on your knees before him (Y/N)”
“But Daddy.” Oikawa attempted to interject, but Iwaizumi’s palm was quick to swat against his cheek. The action had both you and Oikawa groaning, the males usually pale cheek turning a bright pink from the impact. “I’ve already had enough of your shit. Don’t make me repeat myself.”
And he didn’t You and Oikawa were stripped naked and in your respective positions before Iwaizumi could make another command. He had been preparing a punishment all the while, low hums escaping him as he collected what he needed from the toy chest. By the time it was tucked back beneath the bed he eyed the two of you. He watched the way you stared desperately at Oikawa’s naked form, at his length which currently stood tall and dripped a little bead of precum. Oikawa hand a teasing hand over his length, biting his lip as he also couldn’t keep his eyes off your naked form. 
It made Iwaizumi’s eyes roll.
“Such desperate whores. Both of you.” He spoke as he yanked Oikawa’s hands away from him, ignored his whining as he cuffed his hands to the head board instead. “I didn’t know you two were so stupid horny that couldn’t wait a couple hours till I got home.”
When he was kneeling behind you, you spoke softly, blush rising to your cheeks as you felt him secure your two wrists behind your back. “W-We’re sorry Daddy...”
“Aw baby...” Iwaizumi murmured, bringing his lips close to your ear as his palm smoothed up your naked spine, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its path. “You’re really gunna be sorry when I’m done with the two of you.” His fingers were at the nap of your neck when he gripped a hand full of hair, roughly pushed your face down until it was dangerously close to Oikawa’s cock. 
“Open that pretty mouth Princess, since you were so eager to have to stuffed before.” 
“Oh fuck yea.” Oikawa groaned softly, his thighs falling opening further, hips pushing forward a bit so his tip could brush along your cheek. Iwaizumi sent a glare his way. “Don’t too excited. You can only cum when I tell you too.”
“B-But--” Oikawa was cut off when Iwaizumi grabbed hold of your jaw, forcing your lips open and pushing your mouth far enough down on Oikawa’s cock that your nose brushed the skin of his pelvis. You gagged softly around his length, throat clenching up from the way his tip pushed on the back of your throat. 
Iwaizumi smirked, watching the way your back tensed up and the fluttered of Oikawa’s lashes as his arms strained against the handcuffs. “Don’t make me get the cock ring, or you won’t be able to enjoy our pretty girls mouth.” Oikawa could only nod, biting hard on his lip as your warm mouth held his cock, feeling droplets of drool already begin to pool between his thighs. 
Slowly Iwaizumi loosened his grip in your hair, his hand slow travel back up the length of your spine to your perched ass. He gave it a playful swat, and although you let out a muffled yelp around Oikawa you still stayed down, making Iwaizumi hum in approval. “Good girl Bunny... keep King’s cock warm while I fuck this pretty pussy.” His fingers trailed your lower lips then, smirk growing as the subtle touch covered his finger tips in your arousal. 
Oikawa was having a hard time keeping himself still as Iwaizumi pulled off his belt and unzipped his pants, positioning himself behind you. Letting out a little whine his hips twitched, thrusting into your throat to have you gagging. Iwaizumi shot him a look, the smallest of growls escaping the back of his throat. “Don’t be stupid, Toru.”
“S-Sorry Daddy...” He barely breathed out, letting out a keep sigh to try and calm himself as your throat constricted around his cock once more, sending a pleasurable wave all the way up his spine. Iwaizumi brought his focus back down to your clenching core, slowly rubbing his tip along your slit. He grabbed at the back of your neck again to pull you off Oikawa, grinning when you took in a large breath and drool bubbled off your lips. Oikawa’s dripping cock stayed slick against your cheek, begging for more attention. “Ready Princess?” Iwaizumi asked, waiting for you to blink the tears out of your eyes and give him a nod. 
As soon as that was done he slowly pushed into you, silencing your moans of delight by pushing your lips back around Oikawa’s cock. Iwaizumi and Oikawa moaned in unison, filling you up on both ends. 
“Look at you, being stuffed by two cocks. Isn’t this what you wanted my little whore.” Iwaizumi’s voice was low as he spoke, a pleasurable glaze coming over his usually green eyes as he began to thrust his hips, watching the way your throat would bulge around Oikawa with each push into your pussy. You choked out sobs around Oikawa, new tears spilling from your eyes as both of your boys cock’s made your head spin. 
“Fuck... fuck~” Oikawa was panting as Iwaizumi continued to thrust, his cock being hugged in all the right places by your throat. He kept his eyes glued to Iwaizumi, watched the way the muscles in his arms tensed up as he fucked into you, gripped your hip tight enough that there would certainly be bruises. How badly he wanted to touch him, if only his arms weren’t bound above his head. 
“Daddy.” Oikawa breathed out through a moan, his hips trembling to stay still as your mouth made him feel light headed. Iwaizumi ignored him completely, instead thrusting into you rougher. The action had you gagging roughly on Oikawa, the vibrations traveling straight into the males core and making his own eyes water. Having to hold back his release made him whimper again. 
“Look at my stupid babies, crying over a little punishment.” Iwaizumi licked his lips, groaned when your pussy clenched around his cock at that statement. “When I’m done with the two of you, you’ll be sobbing like the bitches you are.”
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cottoncandy-jester · 4 years
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✨Lie down darling, it's time for a dream✨
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Stuffed (incubus!nishinoya x reader x priest!asahi)
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Okay so for the longest time i didn't know what to write for them but after listening to three yagami yato audios back to back I realized Im a sinner..so yeah have this
This story contains: nasty unprotected sex, Double penetration, aheago, feral nishinoya, breeding kink,asahi losing his shit during sex, asahi calls you mommy a few times, light degrading, preluding to semnophilia
As much as I adore male reader cause I'm a boy but, this will be a female reader worry not I'll be spamming out some male reader stuff after this for a bit
"father, I have done a terrible thing.. something horrible"
The sound of your voice from the other side of the confessional made asahi twitch slightly before he calmly leaned back to listen to you. You were innocent, sweet and pure but lately he's noticed changes that worried him greatly, your clothes that usually were modest now revealed a teasing amount of your thighs or chest so of course when he heard your words he was alert yet calm..just what did you do?
"this is a judgement free zone, speak your mind"
"I've let a sinful demon tempt me.."
You what?
Hearing your words made the priest grip the white beaded cross necklace hanging around his neck as his mind started to get foggy at the thought of a demon hurting you in any way, you were too sweet and adorable for this!
"tell me, what has this demon done to you? Has he hurt you?"
Asahi's voice was laced with worry that quickly turned into fear when he heard a small embarrassed whimper from the other side. After a few seconds he heard your quivering voice
"E-Every night the demon comes into my window, he touches me in ways that I've never been touched, every night he-"
"has he fucked you? Does he fill you up? have you kissed him?"
Asahi spoke in a low tone with a shaky breath. He should feel worry for you but instead a feeling of pure jealousy burned through him, the thought of someone seeing your face twist with pleasure or the thought of someone kissing your soft skin while pounding you made him see red.
"yes father, am i too late to be saved?"
Your soft helpless tone made asahi shudder as his mind drifted to unholy thoughts. How would you look sucking him off? What face would you make when he eats you out til you are shaking? How would you taste against his tongue?
"father asahi?"
"ah you're not! Its never too late to be saved! You said it comes every night? How about I spend the night in your home so when the demon comes I'll deal with it"
His plan made you smile brightly before you let out a joyful giggle. You couldn't help but sound so cute as you thanked him before leaving the wooden box.
So day soon turns to night, asahi laid on your couch asleep before a creaking sound stirred him awake. He checked the time only to see that it was two in the morning, the male let's out a low sigh as he stretched before going to your room to check on you only to hear sounds of a creaking bed along with voices.
"oooh [y/n] your nipples are so hard and perked for me, hehehe do you like it when I flick them like this?
Asahi couldn't recognize that voice so he softly opened the door and peeked inside only to see you tied with your hands above your head and your clothes completely ripped off with an incubus straddling your hips. Asahi should burst in there, he should be slamming the door open and throwing that demon off you but he couldnt help but watch as this demon leaned his head down to lick and suck your nipples
"this is the first time you called out to me like that..do it again"
So the demon's name was nishinoya? Why did you know that? How did you know that? Asahi was curious about such details but his mind blanked when he heard a loud whimper escape your lips, when he turned his attention back to you the demon in question has his face shoved in between your legs licking and sucking at your clit as if his life depended on it.
Asahi felt his cock twitch in his pants as your lewd moans ringed through his ears. His entire body started to shake as he bit his bottom lip roughly. He wanted to be the one to make you moan like that, he wanted to be the one making you screaming his name.
Just as asahi was going to burst in he watched as the demon pull back and both his and asahi's eyes locked before nishinoya gave a sly smirk while licking his lips.
"her pussy tastes like whip cream, so sweet and yummy so why don't you come and get a taste instead of watching like a pervert or are all preists this sinful?"
Asahi tensed up at his remark before standing up straight before opening the door and closing it behind him. His eyes travelled to you who couodnt even look him in the eyes.
Nishinoya shoved his demon tail down your throat with a light shudder. He gazed at you with a sadistic gleam before a sly smile was on his face.
"hush babe, the grown up are talking so just be a good girl and suck on my tail like it's a nice juicy cock okay? If you promise not to bite I'll fuck you extra hard tonight"
His words shook both you and asahi but you did as he said and started to suck his tail which filled your mouth nicely while nishinoya tried not to shudder and show just how good that felt.
"d-demon! I've come to exorcise you! P-prepare to go back to hell where you belong!"
"funny how you say that but where's your Bible? Your holy water? Holy items? not even a single talisman..all you brought is a big bulge so let's just be honest here hmm?"
Asahi felt a wave of embarrassment wash over him as he glanced down only to see that he was fully hard, he took a step forward his mind clouding with lust as he watched you suck and moan against that filthy demon's tail.
"A-as a priest I'm supposed to take you down, I'll warn you once to release her from your captivity and surrender"
Asahi's shaky words were met with nishinoya letting out a loud chuckle before his eyes travelled to you before he reached our and trailed his finger along your drenched slit which made you shudder with bliss before he decided to stick two fingers inside your sopping wet hole.
"listen here, father she let's me do this cause she wants to, hell she would die without my cock stretching her wall each night. Ive cummed inside her so much It would be no surprise if she was pregnant"
His words made your walls clench around his fingers which cause the male to release a low growl, he definitely needed to fuck you soon or else he was gonna lose his mind.
"Ooh she likes to think of being pregnant, how about instead of trying to fight let's share this night hmm? Come onnn look at her she's just begging for a cock to fuck her so two would drive her absolutely insane. Give into your urges"
Asahi didn't know if it was demonic magic or his mind just snapping but before he knew it he was stripping down while walking towards you and nishinoya. His eyes were clouding with lust as he left himself in only his boxers
Nishinoya licked his lips before simply took his tail out your mouth before feeling you of your binds. You sat up now looking at the two men with a look of worry, you could barley take nishinoya and his thick cock but now two of them?
"alright pretty girl! Here's what's gonna happen, me and Mr holy over here are gonna fuck your brains out until the smell of cock and cum become your natural scent okay? Okay!"
Nishinoya and his cheerful tone made you shiver as you watched his tail wag side to side like he was some excited puppy. Asahi looked confused on what to do so he gave nishinoya a panicked gaze which made the demon burst out laughing
"are you a virgin?! Pfffft! Hahahah! Oh my! Okay, I'll tell you what to do only cause you look so cute! Lay down on the bed and princess here will get on top"
Just explaining what will happen made asahi blush before he gulped harshly and did as he was told. What was this going to feel like? He wasn't sure but he knew it would be better than touch himself in the late hours of the night.
"n-nishinoya I don't know about this, I mean-" you were cut off by the demon's loud whistling as he yanked asahi's boxers down only to see his çock spring up.
"talk about a long boy! Sorry I got you beat in girth though, but I guess it's not bad right princess?"
Nishinoya turned to you who was just staring with a look drowning with lust. Nishinoya knew that look on your face and moved to you only to lick the drool dribbling down your chin
"now now you hungry slut, you can choke on his cock next round but for now let's fuck that cute pussy to oblivion"
His words made you whine before he gave your ass a hard slap before pointing to a nervous looking asahi
"now, hands and knees above him don't you dare put him in you without me saying so, or else I'll have to break you even more than I already am about to"
Nishinoya watched as you crawled into of asahi before shakily looking down at him. You've had sex many many times next to nishinoya but also fucking asahi scared you since he was your priest.
"so fragile, you're shaking lets not be scared alright?"
Asahi's soft words made you melt as you felt him reach up to touch your cheek. You leaned down and gave him a soft kiss only to moan harshly against his lips as something thick slammed into you. With a shaky breath you pulled away only to glance back to see nishinoya on his knees behind you with a fake innocent grin.
"oops- sorry did I ruin your moment?"
Asahi looked at your face only to feel something snap in his mind, the way your face became flushed and your eyes tightly closed made him shudder before his body moved on its own. He wrapped his arms around you before pulling you against his chest only to shove himself inside you along with nishinoya.
You let out a loud shocked gasp our reaction was nothing compared to asahi who was gritting his teeth with eyes rolling back slightly, how could someone be so tight?!
"feels good huh? Oh this is nothing..come now father, can you really not move? Well if you're not gonna move I will"
Nishinoya started to thrust roughly in and out of you with a shaky sigh as he felt his and asahi's cock rubbing against each other, not only that but you were clenching so tight that he could swear he could see stars.
"ngh- demon.. you're rubbing against me like that"
Asahi's choked words were followed by his thrusts, he wasn't as rough as nishinoya but he was thrusting quite fast. he just couldn't stop his body from thrusting up against you over and over again. You both were slowing becoming a mess, drooling and whining came from you both as you two locked eyes
"[y/n]! So tight! Your pussy is so tight and wet I just can't take it! Do you hear it? That wet sound? Ahh it's so lewd! This is so lewd! [Y/n]! I cant stop- don't make me stop please please please!"
Asahi was losing his mind while he slammed his hips wildly and to make it worse this chaotic energy was only riling nishinoya up to the point where he was a snarling mess now digging his nails Into your hips while slamming in and out of you
"fuck! You are so good! Such a good girl..the way your pussy is miking me, beg for me princess beg for my demon seed come now beg for it already or I'll fucking stop"
The utter thought of stopping made you whine louder than you already were and you wiggled your hips desperately like a bitch in heat
"please! Noya! Asahi! Fuck me more! Ahh- please please! Breed me so good!"
Just like that your words caused the two men to lose their sanity even more. Asahi was in tears as he rapidly thrusts in and out of you like a rabbit now having breeding on his mind. He forced you to look at him as he gave you a sloppy messy kiss that left saliva on you both
"m-my baby! Have my baby! My baby mine not that demon's but mine! Ahh- please [y/n]! Bear my children!"
His whining sobbing pleas seemed to annoy nishinoya who pulled you back against him while his hand gripped your throat. He thrusted deep inside you while licking your neck along with biting at it.
"his baby? Fuck no. Have mine. My demon spawn would look so cute growing in your tummy, fuck princess it's gonna be me who gets your pregnant okay?"
Your mind was starting to go blank as your climax was coming close and just as you were were gonna turn to kiss nishinoya you felt hands cupping your breasts. You turn to face asahi who now sat up to hold you as well his mouth drooling and slobbering all over your breasts as he felt close. His hair was a mess but the look in his eyes was that of a desperate needy man losing his mind.
"be the mommy to my baby, you right that right? Mommy..please please please! Ah I can't wait to see your breasts swell with milk so please..ah! Please I'm gonna cum!"
His loud whines and use of the word mommy did something to you that you didn't know could happen to you but you felt your climax building up but before you can announce it nishinoya simply grunted lowly in your ear as his grip around your throat tightened.
"I can feel it, cum already cum around our cocks like I know you want to, you want us to fill up your needy pussy, you're so desperate for cum that your drooling and sticking your tongue out like a bitch so cum already"
His harsh words were the last thing you needed before your walls tightened and you climaxed with a loud screaming moan.
"yes, yes yes yes yes! [Y/n]! Yes! It feels..so good!"
"hah- ah, damn priest you moan like a little whore..it's so fucking hot!"
As the two cummed inside you at the same time you felt your mind breaking and it left you twitching and shaking in their arms.
When you three laid down on the bed nishinoya glanced at you and asahi who were both making such a lewd face that his cock twitched. He honestly wasn't even close to being finished but it seems that humans get tired so he was greatly annoyed to see you both start to fall asleep.
Nishinoya sighs as a smile graced his face before he cracked his neck while hovering over you and asahi's cuddling bodies.
"sorry sweeties I'm not done yet, but don't worry you can enjoy your nap"
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gingerwritess · 4 years
hey so it's november 1 and I put up our Christmas tree already so I'm ready for... chRisTmAs FicS
it is most definitely no longer november 1st, but alas, i just now got around to posting it so here we are, pretending it’s the first :))
just a lil something to tide y’all over until i get back to really writing! (and answering asks oml i’ll be there soon i promise i’m not ignoring you)
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“Forgot my keys!”
You’re too cheery, brighter than the twinkling lights strung wall to wall.
“Don’t mind me,” you chirp, skipping past him, “just gotta go get ‘em from my office.”
And as expected, you turn and prance right back over to Loki’s room.
“Just say you’re going back to Loki’s,” Tony calls out after you. “You’re not fooling anyone! Own up to it!”
Loki’s door opens, a pale hand shoots out to grab your wrist, and you disappear through the doorway with a giggle.
You’re awfully forgetful today, already having had to return twice before this time to get…your wallet? Your water bottle, maybe?
Doesn’t matter. You just went back to Loki each time anyways.
Tony’s not mad about it, you’re free to roam about the tower as you please, free to see whoever you wish to see. Plus, it’s comforting to see the bitter god all happy and giggly and flustered some times; reassures the rest of them that he’s…alright.
Not that he’s seen any of that, though. He just assumes.
The door opens again and Loki’s laughing, a surprisingly warm sound rolling out into the hallway as you jingle your keys and blow him a kiss.
Tony, lounging on one of the couches in the main lounge, lowers his tablet just a tad.
Only half-disinterested, he keeps a wary eye on you as Loki leans in behind you to murmur something in your ear. You, a bit to his surprise, only laugh, turn around, and kiss Loki on the cheek.
So the god of mischief does blush.
“Get a room,” Tony drones, quickly hiding behind his tablet again. “I don’t need to see this.”
Loki narrows his eyes. “I have a room. We have a room, clearly—”
You hurriedly whisper to him something about it being an expression, and Loki’s voice stops.
“Oh, well, in that case…”
“I have to go,” you laugh, no doubt pushing away the god’s reinvigorated, shameless advances. “C’mon, you already called me back here three times, lemme go…”
Ah, Tony notes silently, biting back his grin. He called you. Busted.
Loki, from what he can hear, has now resorted to making excuses—not quite pleading, though an argument could be made for…almost sort of begging.
“It’s too cold,” he argues, grabbing you around the waist when you try again to walk away, stifling your laughter in your hand. “I can’t let you leave in this weather, I can’t.”
“Give me one of your coats, then.” You smile and cross your arms in the doorway, intent on not going back—well, pretty intent. Not completely sold, though.
Loki heaves a great sigh before sulking back into his room, grabbing his coat off a chair. “Here.” Holding it for you, he helps you slip into the thick felted fabric, then he steps back and stares.
“Well, there’s no way you’re leaving looking like this.”
“Watch me,” you grin.
You move to walk away, getting about two steps away…only to be grabbed by the hand and twirled back to the doorway.
“You forgot something.”
Tony blanches.
“Very cliché, Rudolph.”
“Stark,” Loki snaps, his hold on you still tight, “feel free to leave.”
Tony just rolls his eyes and goes back to his tablet—starting to wish Pepper were here to cuddle up with him.
There’s a few whispered words and quiet giggles from the doorway until you, wrought with laughter and clearly not having much luck actually leaving, double over with a snort.
“Mistletoe, Loki??”
A grin tugs at Tony’s face, but he doesn’t look up. Let him have his moment, he’s trying.
“You big dork,” you laugh, ignoring Loki’s stammered attempts to backtrack. “Just kiss me, okay?
“Well, it’s tradition,” he grumbles. “I’m sorry for trying to conform to your holiday standards, I thought you would want this!”
“It’s very cute and unlike you, and I absolutely do want this,” you assure him, taking his face in your hands with a grin. “But…”
Tony cranes his neck, against his better judgement still wanting to hear this interaction when you lower your voice.
First, though, you kiss him, hard and on the mouth and Loki flushes a deep red, mumbling something about Tony still watching like a perverted Midgardian—not that you seem to mind, surging forward to deepen the kiss to a damn near unholy level before pulling away with a smack.
“Norns, that was…”
“Hey,” you laugh, patting his cool cheek, “the first mistletoe kiss of the season has to be good.”
Then you turn and prance out the door, beaming, jingling your keys in your hand as you wave goodbye to him.
Loki’s a bit stunned, Tony can safely say.
He clicks off the tablet and stands to stretch with a sigh, grinning over at the god still staring in the doorway.
“You alright there, Rudolph?”
Loki swallows thickly, tongue quickly darting out to whet his lips. “Y-yes.”
Tony nods, trying but failing not to laugh at the god’s wide, shocked eyes staring after you. “It’s good to see you blush, bud. In the most un-creepy way possibly, that was really sweet to watch.”
“You disgust me, Stark.”
“There he is.” Tony grins and claps a hand on Loki’s shoulder—which he promptly smacks away, so Tony takes his hint to leave.
But Loki calls out to him before he’s reached the elevator.
“She laughed,” he blurts, and Tony turns around with raised eyebrows.
“Yeah? That’s a good thing.”
Loki grabs the small clump of mistletoe hanging from his doorway, his cheeks nearly as red as the bow tied around the leaves, and holds it up for Tony to see.
“Which part of this did I do wrong?”
Tony can’t help but laugh, quickly waving away Loki’s concern before it becomes anger at even more mockery.
“No, you didn’t do anything wrong,” he snorts. “I think…well, it’s only November first.”
“Yes, and??”
“You nailed the mistletoe,” Tony reassures him. “I think she was just a little surprised at how early you played the mistletoe card, but for the record, I’m really, really impressed by your enthusiasm.”
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fuel the writer?
feel free to send me ideas!!
~ masterlist link in my bio ~
taglists will now be done through reblogs right after it’s posted!
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somepinkthing · 5 years
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@angstymdzsthoughts because tumblr still won't lemme reblog correctly
"He was such a tiny baby. Almost a month early and had trouble breathing. He was nearly half a year old before we felt safe letting him breathe the cold, mountain air for more than a few minutes at a time. I hated how my parents all paid him so much mind and I hated how he could break all our hearts in one fell swoop. They had already had one stillborn, I didn't think their hearts could take another dead child. So I swaddled him and prayed for him, and, lo and behold, he lived. He made it past his first year, then his second. And before I knew it, I was a man grown and he was a healthy brat with no breathing troubles to speak of and playing in the snow right where you're kneeling."
Nie Mingjue had never been a man of words. Jin Guangyao hadn't known he had this kind of eloquence in him, especially given the smell of alcohol permeating the room.
It felt like a funeral rite coming from the man seated above him.
Jin Guangyao swallowed nervously and shifted on his knees, not daring to move from his prostrate position on the ground. He had no doubt in his mind that he was no match for his eldest brother, however inebriated the man may be. Escape was futile, begging for mercy was his only hope. Slim hope that it was.
Suddenly, something heavy pressed down on Jin Guangyao's lowered head. Nie Mingjue's boot. Lan Xichen made an aborted move to help before squaring his features and stepping down.
"DaGe, we need him," was all the protest Lan Xichen put up. Guangyao felt his heart and eyes sting at the indifference from the First Jade.
The boot pressed heavier against the back of Guangyao's head, grinding his forehead into the ground hard. He grit his teeth against the pain and bore it in silence, not wanting his pathetic whimpers to set the man off. Nie Mingjue's emotions were already on high alert. Not that he could be blamed, Guangyao supposed. Even with Lan Xichen playing Clarity for two and a half weeks for him non-stop, there was a lot of damage to undo if he did say so himself. And besides that...
Nie Mingjue picked up where he left off.
"He was still so tiny when I became his guardian. He hugged me at the funeral and told me he wasn't gonna let me go too. I told him that I'd be around to watch out for him."
Nie Mingjue stopped short and choked on his breath. The body standing on Guangyao shook and trembled--yet another display of emotion Jin Guangyao hadn't previously believed Nie Mingjue to be capable of.
"He was still so tiny when I buried him..."
Out of the corner of his eye he saw Er-Ge step over, presumably to provide comfort and stable qi, to soothe the overflow of grief. It didn't work.
"I am the oldest!" Nie Mingjue roared with a sob, shaking Xichen off, "I am the oldest son, I was-was the older brother! I am larger and stronger and I was meant to use that to protect my sect, my family, my brother! So, Jin Guangyao!"
Guangyao couldn't help the scream of pain when the boot lifted up only to come crashing back down on his head, stomping him into the unforgiving Qinghe dirt.
"Tell me why I am here alone! Tell me why I am the last Nie! Tell me why I am alive and Huaisang is dead!"
With every demand, he stomped down harder and harder until Jin Guangyao was certain his face had made a true imprint in the semi-frozen ground.
"Tell me why I heard my brother wheeze out his dying breath when he stopped having breathing problems when he was five."
Jin Guangyao could only whimper, face too far into the ground to give a proper reply. This was unfair! What did this monster expect him to say?! He already knew all the answers, why torture him? He knew for whom Guangyao had done this, it wasn't like it was all his fault!
"Tell me why I'm here and he's not."
Finally, Nie Mingjue picked his foot up and stepped back. Guangyao couldn't help it--he whipped his head up, forgoing decorum, and took in large gulps of air while cursing Nie Mingjue's brute force out in the safety of his own mind.
Lan Xichen watched as Jin Guangyao became angrier and angrier. Er-Ge watched his twisted face judgementally, as if he knew what he was thinking and it disgusted him.
"You don't think this is your fault," he accused, "You truly believe you're a victim, don't you?"
Jin Guanyao's heart dropped at the tone Lan Xichen took.
"Er-Ge, if you could just hear me out--"
"I cannot. I have heard enough out of you these past few weeks. All we are here to do is ask one question, was your father involved? Did he sanction this?"
Jin Guangyao nodded eagerly. This was what he needed! An opening to explain!
"Yes! It was all my father! I was but a tool! Please, my brothers, you have to believe me!"
Lan Xichen closed his eyes and sighed. Disappointment was painful thing to see marring his features.
"You plan on dying like a lying dog, huh? Not even going to spare some dignity in death?"
Nie Mingjue drew Baxia and began stalking towards his two sworn brothers as he spoke. "We know your moronic father couldn't have come up with this intricate of a plan. We know you've been playing with Qi since the day Xichen taught you that song! We checked the damage to my core and estimated the timeframe!"
Nie Mingjue stopped right in front of Jin Guangyao.
"Tell the truth. Did your father get involved?" His grip on Baxia tightened.
"Y-yes. He knew and-and he encouraged it," Guangyao choked out. If he couldn't lie his way out compeltely then he could at least make sure his father took equal heat. His sworn brothers were righteous men, they'd never be able to justify killing him if there was another who commited the same crime. That would be unfair!
"And has he done other things in the same vein?" Nie Mingjue demanded.
Jin Guangyao bit his lip. His hesitation pissed Nie Mingjue off.
Jin Guangyao jumped in fright.
"Of all of all the times to decide to protect others, it's now?!" Nie Mingjue growled, rolling his eyes, "Do you have any idea how fast and how gleefully your father sold you to me?!"
Jin Guangyao's blood ran cold. "W-what?"
Nie Mingjue scoffed and replied, "You're just Meng Yao again technically. Tomorrow your father said he intends to strip you of your name officially and have you striken from the records."
"He's all yours, the evil lout. Do as you wish, take your vengeance," Nie Mingjue said in a poor imitation of Jin Guangshan, distaste for the man rolling off of him in waves. Meng Yao suddenly felt sick.
"My father sanctioned everything," Meng Yao stated. Little by little the whole story came out. His father's ambitions, his lies, his machinations, his work camps the truth about Wei Wuxian and the siege, and how he had his willing, naive son doing all the heavylifting. Meng Yao carefully skimmed around the parts where he, technically, came up with some of the ideas and crafted those plans. These two... they wouldn't understand his reasons. They wouldn't understand how much his father's spproval meant to someone as lowly as him. He couldn't risk telling them the whole truth. But the sneer on Nie Mingjue's face and the bitter dissappointment on Lan Xichen's whenever his story hit a purposeful hole made him feel that perhaps they could somehow see through him now.
When Meng Yao finished his tale, he looked up just in time to see the other two share a nod. Then, to his shock, Nie Mingjue sheathed his saber and handed him a glass of water.
"Drink it."
Meng Yao did so obediently . He felt his body start tingling with mild numbness immediately. Since when did Nie Mingjue drug people?!
"Xichen insisted, to help you stay alive. I would have just snapped them and let you suffer all the pain of it."
Perhaps it was the drugs but Meng Yao could swear he was missing something important. Before he could try to figure it out, Shuoyue's sheath slip between his lips.
"Bite down," Lan Xichen commanded sounding resolute but... sad?
It wasn't until Nie Mingjue grabbed his lower leg and started twisting experimentally that Meng Yao began to understand.
"We need you to help us get your father," Lan Xichen said, grabbing Meng Yao as he started to struggle, " But we can't trust you. You cannot be allowed to run free after what you've done.... We'll need to take an arm too. You're too dangerous."
"This is for Huaisang, for my baby brother who I'll never see walk again. I hope the medicine hasn't kicked in completely, Meng Yao. I want you to remember this."
"Wait! Please!"
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targaryenimagines · 5 years
Daenerys Targaryen x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3,022
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Warnings: None
A/N: This is Dany's side of the story.
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"Khaleesi it isn't safe," Tyrion pleads, his desperate voice bouncing off the stone walls of the hall. 
"I never believed that it was," Daenerys says, coolly, her voice coming out with perfect disinterest. "But, I need allies and the Island of Videvik is the most powerful army we could have by our side."
Tyrion sighs despondent at the words that ring softly down the hall. "They're the most powerful, Daenerys, but they're also the most dangerous. There is a reason that they've been left alone for so long. They don't want any outsiders coming in, and they make sure to keep it that way." 
"I know you think me a fool Tyrion, but please believe me when I say that I'm not going there blindly or without protection. My children will be by my side throughout it all, and you know how Drogon gets when he perceives any danger that could be a potential threat to me," Daenerys says as she stops in front of the council rooms door. Turning towards her dear friend and advisor who was still nervously fidgeting. She could tell that he was clearly displeased by her lack of caution when it came to her safety. Offering a slight smile she rests her hand on his shoulder. Trying to show him without words that there was nothing to be afraid of. Her faith in her children and the men she was taken was unwavering, and she hopes Tyrion will see that. 
Bowing his head Tyrion speaks with resignation laced within his tone. “Of course, Khaleesi, I will trust your judgement and try not to interfere too much.” Daenerys allows a warm smile to spread across her lips at his acceptance, but as she moves to step into the council room Tyrion grabs her arm. His hold gentle but an underlying tone of urgency made it like iron. His words only showing what his grip was trying to keep hidden. The fear that he had for her and the worry that came with it. “Please be careful, Dany.”
The wind is like a siren song against her ears. The sound only being able to come to fruition when on dragon back. When a person was high enough in the heavens to feel like they were apart of it. The sweet whistling tone was melodic in its embrace. It was like a fine wine that only got better with time. The sound was the sound of home and it filled her with a sense of belonging. A feeling that she hadn’t had for a very long time. 
A small smile curls her lips when Drogon gives a soft hum. The sound seamlessly joining the beautiful song that wrapped around her. Rhaegal and Viserion soon joining their brother in the music only they could hear. The air was starting to come alive with dragon song, and it was a beautiful thing to behold. For so long the world had been deprived of it and now it was getting to hear it once more. Something that fills her heart with a sense of warmth and happiness. A feeling that only her children could ever invoke in her. 
Turning her head she looks down at the ground below her. The sparkling water of the Narrow Sea shining underneath the sun. Causing the blues and greys to glow with an ethereal light. It was a sight that took her breath away for she had never seen such a sight before. A thought that causes a fond feeling to wash over her body as it reminds her of Tyrion. The man who had teased her about getting lost in her observations of the world. Saying that she was in her head more than any scholar and that she had to be careful about it. Stating that she should never be distracted in public because the moment her guard was down someone would strike. That no matter what she should always be somewhat wary of people that she is not familiar with. 
It was advice that he kept reminding her of as she was getting ready for this trip. His worry and overall fear for her driving him to nag her, and if he was anyone else she would have snapped at him. However, he was not anyone else he was her Hand and one of her most trusted advisers. She could tell that he was nagging her because he was worried. A fact that warms her heart because Viserys never worried about her in the sense of her actual wellbeing. He cared what she was doing because she was an integral part in his plan to get back the throne. It had nothing to do with his brotherly bond to her or his fear for her safety. So having Tyrion actually worry about her filled her with warmth, which is why she didn’t care that he was nagging her. He was doing it because he cares for her and that is all she could ever ask for. Not that Missandei was any better when she learned about the planned trip, but she was much more soft-spoken about it. A thought that causes her smile to have a softer edge. 
She wishes that her best friend was able to make the trip with her, but Daenerys knows how dangerous it is. She had no other preconceived notion than that. There was a reason why no one ever returned from Videvik. She knows that many believe her impaired by wanting to go there, but she needs the allies. She needs to have people that she can trust, and she knows that the inhabitants of Videvik are strong and hardy people. However they were, more importantly, loyal to anyone that gained their trust. Something that Daenerys wants nothing more than to earn. 
She had to earn it because if she didn't… she has no idea what will happen to her and her men. 
There could be no other alternative. If not for her for the people she brought along. She refuses to let them die for her like this. Against their will and without any idea that it was about to befall them. She had a duty as their leader to protect them.
By the Seven Hells she was going to, or die trying. 
Daenerys paces the length of the hall she had been told to wait in. Her nerves causing her hands to fidget by her side. Something she tries to rectify by clenching them, but soon her fists started bouncing on her thighs. Finally, with a sigh, Daenerys sits down on one of the chairs against the wall. Her eyes trained on the window opposite her. Trying desperately to not think about the potential executioner that could be heading her way. 
She isn't always old fashioned, but Daenerys does prefer her head when it's attached to her body. A thought that brings amusement rushing through her body. Tyrion would be proud of her cynicism in the face of this danger. Though he would probably be angry at her for getting herself in this situation to begin with. 
A feeling that comes to a screeching halt as the door swings open. A woman stepping through in a floor length dress that reminds her of Valyrian fashion. Daenerys meets the woman's intense gaze and tries not to fidget.
Instead Daenerys stands with her back straight and a charming smile on her lips. Trying to show that while she is trying to be cordial she was also there on business. Meaning that although she didn't want to be disrespectful towards the woman before her she couldn't allow herself to appear weak. 
To appear complacent in the face of adversity. 
No, that was something she had to be with Viserys. She refuses to be so again and she will try her best to never be again. Daenerys believes that she can be polite and courteous without bending over backwards for them. If she had to do that she would let herself be killed. 
A Khaleesi doesn't beg or plead, but she does make allies and that's exactly what she was going to do. 
"So you're the Breaker of Chains?" the woman asks, her voice bouncing off the walls. Her gaze still leveled with Daenerys's own. As if she was assessing her and Daenerys had to fight the urge to once again fidget. Instead she opts to respond to the question that was given to her. 
"I am."
At her confirmation Daenerys watches as something relaxes in the woman. Her eyes turning soft and a small smile curling at her lips. With a few graceful strides the woman is suddenly in front of Daenerys. Her scent washing over her in an intoxicating cloud. Daenerys has to fight herself from inhaling too deeply at the scent. 
However, despite being relaxed by the woman's scent, Daenerys still tenses when her soft hand touches her bare shoulder. Not used to being touched in such a manner without proper warning or foresight. Something that the woman seems to be aware of by the way her smile grows. 
With a warm squeeze the woman speaks. Her eyes sparkling with warmth and happiness. Both of which exude into her tone causing Daenerys to liken it to honey. "Then, your grace, welcome to Videvik. How can we help you?"
The question only causes Daenerys's own smile to appear. Her shoulders sagging in relief at the words. Thanking the gods that this didn't end in disaster. 
Daenerys opens her eyes and stares at the throne with a soft smile. Her eyes sparkling with happiness at the sight. She couldn't believe that was in front of her. After so long of fighting and surviving she was finally here. She was standing in front of the throne her family had built. 
A founder smile pulls at her lips as she thinks of the reason. It was all because of her love and her army. Once Videvik had joined her ranks none of her enemies stood a chance. The alliance between the queen of Videvik and Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen was a sight to behold. Not that many lived to tell the tale of it. 
However, her army wasn't the only thing she earned from the alliance. She found her true love in every way in the queen. Her love, her mate was everything to her. For she was kind and caring to those she protected and cared for, but fierce and cold to those she didn't. She was compassionate and loving without being too overbearing. She was everything and more to Daenerys, and the Khaleesi felt so lucky to have her in her life. Daenerys couldn't think of a better person to rule by her side.
She just wishes that the start of her reign started better. The thought of it brings a pit of despair back into fruition. Daenerys wishes that she had realized what was happening before it was too late, but she hadn't and because of her mistake hundreds of innocent people were killed. Daenerys closes her eyes and wishes that she would have noticed the barrels. The barrels that contained something more volatile than dragon fire. 
Daenerys can still see the green flames tearing through King's Landing. She can still hear the screams of her people as they were engulfed by it. She can still feel the heat of the flames on her skin as she tried to rescue people. She can still smell the ash that clogs the air. She can still feel the despair and anguish that permeated the air. All because she hadn't noticed the barrels. 
With a sigh Daenerys opens her eyes once more and tries to control her grief. She was going to honor all of the people that died, and make sure their families were taken care of. It was the least she could do for what she did. 
Approaching footsteps pulls Daenerys out of her thoughts. Turning she can see the burly figure of Jon Snow approaching her. Allowing a small smile to appear on her lips Daenerys approaches the man. Her eyes sparkling with warmth at the sight of the man. 
"Jon I'm glad to see that you weren't hurt," she says as she stops in front of him. Her eyes assessing him, despite her words, for any injuries however small. 
She watches as a small grimace makes its way onto his face, and couldn't help the frown that flashes across her own. She watches as his eyes flash conflicting emotions. As if he was trying to decide something, and Daenerys watches with horror beginning to spread across her body as his hand drop to his side. 
Backing up Daenerys stares at Jon with an aghast expression. Her eyes not believing what she was seeing. The man she considered a close friend was planning to kill her, and she knows that she doesn't have a chance. She's unarmed and alone in the throne room. Drogon was resting after the day's event, and she knows he won't be able to get to her in time. 
She meets Jon's gaze and can see the pain that's starting to grow in them. She can see the way his hand trembles slightly with the weight of his emotions. It was a sight that gave Daenerys hope that he may not do it. That he may talk to her instead of killing her. That they would be able to get through this without bloodshed. 
Taking another step back, towards the throne, Daenerys raises her hands. Trying to show Jon that she wasn't a threat. While desperately trying to figure out what to do. In the back of her mind she can feel Drogon's shifting emotions. She can tell that he was waking up and was becoming aware of what was happening. She could feel the fear he had for her. The worry that was festering inside of him, and she knows she has to stay breathing for just a little longer. Drogon would be by her and she would be protected. She knows that her son would never let anything harm her. 
Focusing her gaze back on Jon she knows what she has to do. She has to keep him occupied at least until Drogon arrived. Daenerys begins to speak her words coming out in a soft whisper. 
"Jon you don't have to do this. Please think about the repercussions that this will cause," she says, her voice taking a begging lilt despite herself. Though she couldn't bring herself to care. All she could think about was the fact that she would be leaving her son and love. That the man she entrusted her life with was going to kill her. 
"I'm sorry, Dany, but there is no other way," Jon responds, his own words softer than Daenerys ever thought possible. They hit her in the chest all the same. The weight of them crushing her. Daenerys could feel tears starting to prick her eyes. Assassin's have been around her for her entire life. She had been fearful for her life for as long as she could remember, but she's never reacted like this before. She's never felt as crushed as she does now, because Jon Snow wasn't some hired mercenary. He was her friend, she trusted him and this was how he repaid her. With a knife figuratively in her back and literally in her heart. 
Taking another step back Daenerys tries to find her words, but none come to her. Everything leaving her in the moment she needs them the most. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest. Blood rushing in her ears at a deafening rate. She could feel the soft touch of the wind against her skin. Can feel the way the stone of the dais underneath her shift. She can feel the moment her heart breaks as Jon begins to move towards her. His eyes showing his remorse but his movements fluid as he pulls out his dagger. The metal shining in the dying light of the day. 
Daenerys feels her heart stutter as Jon stops in front of her. His brown eyes leveled with her violet and she wishes that it was someone else. That Jon wasn't the one doing this. She wishes that her love was with her. That she could hold her one last time. Daenerys wishes that she was able to say goodbye to Drogon. That she was able to hold him one last time because she wasn't able to do that with either Viserion or Rhaegal. 
She wishes that she had more time. 
Staring in brown orbs Daenerys allows her eyes to slip shut. Not wanting to look at the executioner standing in front of her. She doesn't want to see the face of her friend as he killed her. With a deep breath Daenerys prepares herself for the pain. The burning hot feeling as the knife goes into her, but nothing happens. 
Instead the heavy presence in front of her is replaced by a much lighter one. Feeling a soft hand against her cheek causes Daenerys to open her eyes. Her gaze taking in the most beautiful sight she's ever seen. Her love was standing before her with ash covering her body, but a smile on her face. Daenerys could see the worry in her gaze but she doesn't do anything as Daenerys launches herself into a warm embrace. 
Both women holding onto each other as tightly as they could. Knowing that they very nearly lost one another, and Daenerys drops her gaze to the floor. Seeing the still form of Jon Snow laying before her fills her with grief, but she can't help but be happy that she was still breathing. That she was able to be in her loves arms once more. 
That her mistake didn't kill her. That everything was righting itself in the world, and that would be able to begin her reign with the woman she loved. 
For Fire and Blood may have come to Westeros. Peace and mercy was staying, and the reign of Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen was just beginning. 
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La Pomme ~ Chapter 15
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Pairing: Sam x OC (eventual Dean x OC and Dean x Castiel. And I mean eventual.)
Series summary: George is a casual French-Mistake-universe Supernatural fan living in no-COVID 2020, who's life is upended when she's suddenly launched between realities, two years into the boys' past (S13E22). What begins as an insane, immersive fan experience turns into more when Jack goes missing and George offers up her AU information to help track him down. Soon it's discovered that she and Sam may actually have history. But that's impossible, right?
Word Count: 4,900
Warnings: {smut, fluff, angst, show level violence, swearing, mentions of suicide} ***Detailed warnings will be tagged for specific chapters.
A/N: Following the events of my prequel Paradise and second story From My Eyes Off. Reading those first gives context but isn’t necessary to start this one.
George was jolted out of her unconsciousness by dropping face first down on the pine needle covered ground. Letting out a startled, painful groan she lay still for a moment, trying to pull herself out of her stupor and gather her bearings. The atmosphere was chilly and caused goosebumps on her skin, so she knew she was outside still. From listening, she could tell that there were multiple people in the same area as her; presumably more of her captures. While she could hear the faint sounds of people talking, she couldn't discern what they were saying.
She thought she heard a strained, quiet voice nearby speak to her, "George? Is that you?"
Quickly scanning for injuries, she began at her toes and mentally swept her body for pain. From being tossed on the ground like a ragdoll, her left arm and hip were painfully sore and bruised, her left cheek was sliced open under her eye, and her bottom lip was split from hitting her teeth on impact. She began to slowly pick herself up off the ground, spitting blood out as it pooled unpleasantly in her mouth. Without opening her eyes, she leaned herself up against the tree she'd landed near. Her head was throbbing and her body was sore. She opened her eyes slowly and tried to find something to focus on to prevent passing out.
She heard the faint voice again, "George, are you OK? Can you hear me?"
"I'm getting there," She replied slowly. She'd chosen a picnic table about 15 yards away, across a circular clearing in the woods, to focus on and it was starting to work. When she finally only saw one, stationary table, she began allowing herself to consider her peripheral.
She saw that she was against a tree at the edge of a small circular clearing attached to a trail that led off into the woods in either direction. There were a few picnic tables in the area, an unused fire pit, and nothing else but trees around. At one of the picnic tables she saw a small group of decidedly boring looking people, all dressed head to toe in white, gathered around, talking in hushed tones. She noticed the woman from earlier--Duma--walking quickly away from her, toward the grouping. George still hadn't remembered if she was angel, demon, or other but from watching the show she knew it truly didn't matter; she was most likely in serious danger either way.
It was a few minutes before she remembered the voice coming from next to her and turned her head to find a familiar, smooth, 90s-male-model face staring back at her. Jack was about five feet away, also leaning up against a tree trunk. When she made eye contact, he smiled weakly, a peculiar look on his face.
"Jack!" She grinned, elated that she'd found him, as the pounding in her head eased.
"George. How did you get here?" He asked, curiously. He tried to sit up more, excited to see her, and that's when she noticed he was badly injured. From what she could see, he had a large gash on the right side of his head, his ear was covered in blood from it. His ankle looked swollen and purple, possibly broken, and the whole bottom half of his shirt was soaked from blood pouring out of a stab wound in his gut.
"Jesus Christ, Jack! What happened?!" She forced herself onto her hands and knees with a soft groan of pain and crawled the short distance to him.
"Just the usual angel hospitality," he replied weakly.
"Angels; figures. OK, Jack, you've lost a lot of blood but I need you to stay awake and focus on helping me stop the bleeding. Sam and Dean are on their way--"
"Sam and Dean are with you?" At the mention of their name, he grabbed her arm and held on tight, giving her a desperate look.
"Of course," she assured, suddenly having to swallow back tears as a rush of emotions hit her. Gently removing his hand from her arm and looking him in the eyes, she promised, "They're coming to get you, okay? We just have to try and stop the bleeding 'till they get here, that's all." She quickly yanked her Friends hoodie off, ignoring the chill that consumed her as soon as she did, and pressed it gently but firmly against his stomach wound. He let out a strangled yell and she shushed him softly.
"It's okay, you'll be okay. Dean and Sam are coming." Quickly, I hope, she added in her head.
He did not look good and she wasn't sure what to do other than apply pressure. She looked around the area futilely, knowing there was really nothing out in the middle of the redwoods she could use to help him in this situation. She froze when she noticed the group of angels staring at her intently.
"Oh, great," she muttered when one of them began walking toward her and Jack. "Don't move!" She held him down when he started trying to get up as the man approached.
"Run!" He begged with hushed urgency.
"I'm not leaving you, you nut." She grabbed his limp, cold hand and placed it on the sweater-turned-bandage pressed against his wound. "Focus, Jack. Try to put pressure on this, okay? Hey, focus!" She could tell he was in trouble. Once she got him to hold the sweater, she stood up slowly, facing the man who'd walked over. She prayed she didn't seem as nervous as she definitely was.
"What the fuck did you do to him?" She spat out uncontrollably at the smug look on the angel's face.
"Sorry about that. He struggled a bit and… well, as you humans like to say, accidents happen." The arrogant, coiffed angel stopped six feet from her and smiled. It was a fake, customer service smile that nowhere near reached his eyes, which were wide and frighteningly blank of emotion. He was about 5'11, had heavily gelled, short, black hair and a thin, perfectly shaped mustache, with tanned skin and piercing blue eyes. His stark white business suit was crisp and fashionable. "Would you like me to heal him for you?" He offered with a hint of sarcasm.
"Do not touch him." She took a shaky step toward him and tried to puff herself up a little, taking up space and making sure she was standing as much between him and Jack as she could.
"It seems my colleague was right, you certainly are an interesting… what exactly are you?" He inquired, looking her up and down.
"If you say so. But he may not have much time." He was far too happy about that and she sneered at him. She just needed to stall long enough for Sam and Dean to find them. The place had a familiar feel and with all the picnic tables and the clearly defined path, she had to assume they were still at the Trees of Enigma attraction; it couldn't be long before the brother's were able to track Jack down as they'd started to do before she got kidnapped.
"Oh you angels are real subtle with the judgement. Sorry, I'm not dressed as fancily as you, pretty boy," She crossed her arms.
"It hasn't nothing to do with the way you look, you ignorant ape," his fake initial kindness was fading fast. "I can't sense you. Why not?"
"Uh, maybe because sensing people is really fucking creepy? If any of these other angels were really your friend, they'd tell you that."
"Now you listen to me," the angel seemed a bit irritated now, and began walking briskly toward her. She stumbled several steps back before his large hand wrapped tightly around her throat. As he lifted her barely off the ground. "I'm not here for your entertainment, child. Tell me what you are and why you're here with the Winchesters before I kill you."
Ok, make that a lot irritated. George gasped for air and clawed at his arm, trying to choke out an answer. When he couldn't understand her, he set her down and momentarily loosened his grip.
"Yes?" He asked patiently.
"My… my name-" She coughed and gulped in air. He allowed her to wrench out of his grip and she bent at the waist. Waiting until she could get a slow and steady flow of air, before looking up at him slowly, she said, "My name… is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, now prepare to die."
The angel huffed like an angry bull before back handing her so hard she fell to the ground, landing across Jack's outstretched legs. When he had no reaction to her body crashing on top of him, her neck snapped up and she saw he'd passed out.
"Jack!" She whispered nervously, trying to pull herself up. "Ah!" The angel grabbed a fistful of her long blonde hair and yanked up hard, preventing her from moving.
"Just so you know!" Everyone turned and looked at the voice that had just shouted at them from the west, 50 yards away. George visibly relaxed when she saw it was coming from Dean Winchester. "Whoever the fuck you are?"
Sam, who was close by near a tree trunk, slowly pointed a bloody finger directly at the angel who'd hit George and promised "You're gonna pay for that." He then slammed his hand down on the angel banishing sigil that was drawn in his blood on the trunk next to him. With a bright blinding blast of energy, the small cluster of angels was gone. George dropped back down, using her hands to catch herself. She, Jack, Sam, and Dean were the only ones left in the clearing.
"You GUYS!" George shouted. "He's hurt bad." Ignoring the white hot throbbing on the right side of her face, she'd crawled up to Jack's torso and pressed the fallen away sweatshirt back against his wound. It began drizzling as Sam and Dean sprinted toward them and came to a skid on their knees on either side of Jack. They both frantically began checking him over.
Sam happened to glance at George's wounds as he was maneuvering around Jack and instinctively reached out towards her in concern. She locked eyes with him and stopped him in his tracks, "Don't even think about it; he could die." She was absolutely right and he yanked his phone out of his pocket, dialing Castiel.
"He's lost a lot of blood, damnit!" Dean was seeing red; those angels were going to die if Jack did.
"He needs medical attention now. The nearest hospital is 20 minutes away and it's going to take us about that long to get to the car if we're lucky." Sam sounded scared but tried to keep it together. "And Castiel's not answering his phone!"
"He's so cold," George whimpered uncontrollably, her tears beginning to fall.
"It's just freezing out here!" Dean shouted in anger, and she could see his breath in the air for emphasis. George winced when she could hear the undeniable fear in his voice as well. If Dean was worried enough not to hide it, things were dire.
"What do we do?!" Sam nearly screamed, redialing Cas pointlessly once again.
George sat back on her heels and tried to think, but she could barely even breathe. Her stomach was twisting into nauseating knots and she felt her heart pounding. A panic attack was coming on, the intensity of which genuinely made her feel like her heart was going to explode. Her vision began to tunnel and she felt ringing in her ears. She closed her eyes so that she didn't fall over from dizziness and forced herself to take the deepest breath she possibly could. She held the breath for just a moment too long before a sharp pain in her chest caused her to release with a hiss.
Suddenly she knew where they should go.
"If you guys can get him to the car, I might know somewhere nearby we can try for help." The second George had said the words, she'd regretted it. They had almost no other choice, though, so she just prayed to whomever that they'd get lucky, just this once. Dean and Sam didn't need to be told twice. Bracing themselves in the now muddy ground, they picked Jack up gently, one brother at either end of him.
They had prepared themselves to begin the long and arduous trek back toward the car, yet when they rounded their first corner they found themselves standing in front of the emergency exit, which just so happened to lead them to the end of the parking lot closest to where they'd parked. It nearly stopped them all in their tracks but they knew Jack had very little time to survive, so they launched themselves out of the gate and across the asphalt about 50 feet to their parked car. Luckily the park closed an hour ago, so there was no one around to see the two men carrying a half dead person and a beat up George following fast behind.
When they reached the car, Sam got in the backseat with Jack carefully. George tore into the passenger's side knees first, in order to face them and help hold pressure on his stomach wound. Dean jumped in the driver's seat and roared the engine on.
"Nice job with the tire," Dean practically shouted in appreciation at her as he peeled out of the parking lot, headed in the direction she ordered.
"Be careful, Dean, it's still a donut!" Sam warned angrily.
They'd just pulled out onto the highway and Dean was gunning it, "How far?"
"Not far at all, slow down! Take the exit up ahead, to the left." She gestured in the general direction.
"Yeah. Then take the second right. Third house, at the end of the court." In two minutes Dean had screeched the Impala to a halt in front of a large home on half an acre in Klamath. George almost cried with relief when she saw the small, stout woman with reddish blonde hair standing out front in her garden watering the plants.
"Aunt Lorna!" She leapt from the car and ran over to her, throwing her arms around the stunned woman before she could stop herself. "My God, it's a miracle!"
"I'm sorry, who are you?" The woman ripped herself away from George and took a few steps back, clutching the hose she'd had in her hand like a weapon. George kicked herself for scaring her and stepped back with her hands up.
"I'm sorry. You don't know me, obviously, but I know you. You're Lorna Iris, right? You're a nurse in Gibbousville? My friends and I need your help, one of them is hurt pretty bad."
"Worse than you?" The woman asked, looking over her bruised and bloodied face suspiciously.
"Much worse. He needs help and I don't think he'll make it to a hospital." By this time, Dean had pulled their medical supplies out of the car and was now helping Sam pull Jack out gently.
"Holy God," Lorna said, seeing the state he was in and taking a step toward him before pausing. She looked again at George. "Who are you?"
"Someone who needs your help. Please?" George begged.
Stacey, the cute library clerk, was standing in front of her, eyes cast downward. When she held her slender hands up in inquiry, George bit her lip, considering it for a moment before eventually nodding slowly. The beautiful bookworm stepped closer and gently placed her cool, silky smooth hands up under George's breasts. After attempting to cup them and failing because of their size, Stacey decided instead to rub her hands in slow circles over the soft, pale globes.
Lorna stared at her for a moment before looking back at Jack's unconscious body and then to Sam and Dean who were both looking at her with pleading eyes. She let out an exasperated breath and then nodded, motioning for them to come inside. They went with her into the house while George grabbed their medical bag and followed close behind.
George was inside the small library office, sitting up on the desk, back straight, chest out. Her thumbs were hooked into the fabric of her white cotton bra and black henley shirt, raising them up to her throat.
George groaned a bit; her nipples hardened under Stacey's touch. She hadn't anticipated things going this far when she agreed to flashing, but Stacey was beautiful and charming, putting her at ease quickly. There was something incredibly erotic about the whole thing, so George closed her eyes and let herself enjoy the thrill.
Her eyes flew open again in surprise when she felt a sudden, dramatic drop in temperature as Stacey's hands disappeared. George could see her breath, like a lame dragon, as she gasped in air and goosebumps covered her body. Looking around frantically, she realized she was now kneeling on the ground in some brush at the bottom of a tall, bloody redwood tree. When she lowered her shirt, she noticed on the ground in front of her was Jack. He was deathly pale, his lips were blue, and there was a large pool of blood underneath him.
"Jack?!" She gasped, reaching down to him. His skin was freezing to the touch, causing her to shiver. There was so much blood, but she touched his neck to feel for a pulse anyway. Her eyes filled with tears when she couldn't find one and she sniffled, "Jack!"
George jumped and gasped loudly as Jack's hands suddenly darted up and wrapped tightly around her throat. His eyes flew open and emitted a bright white light. A loud shushing noise filled her ears and the sound of someone shouting behind plate glass was booming in the distance. George opened her mouth to scream but stopped when Jack's face began distorting, melting and swirling grotesquely.
"WherrrRE ARe youuu?" Came a garbled call from the general location of Jack's mouth. Suddenly the fingers on her throat tightened on her windpipe when she heard a beckoning, "Georgia! GEORGIA!"
"Georgia. Georgia!" Her eyes snapped open to see Sam gently shaking her awake.
Thankful to be out of her terrifying dream, George realized she must have accidentally passed out on the couch while the boys were helping Lorna work on Jack. They'd been lucky--once again--that Lorna happened to have a small store of helpful medical supplies in house to put Jack back together and stabilize him. She didn't have any blood bags on hand but she'd been able to provide fluids and meds to help his body relax and heal.
"Your turn," He ordered, then moved over so that Lorna could sit down in front of her.
"That's not necessary. I'm fine," George lied, shaking the fog of her nightmare away quickly. She actually hurt like hell all over, but it was mostly bumps and bruises; nothing some painkillers and time wouldn't heal eventually. The dream was bothering her more than her aches at the moment.
"You need stitches on your cheek and potentially some in your lip," Lorna wasn't one for bullshit and had a strong, authoritative presence. People listened to her because she always spoke like she knew exactly what she was talking about (and 99% of the time, she truly did). Lorna held out a glass and two pills, ordering, "Take two of these, turn your head to the left, and don't argue."
"Good luck with that." Sam teased, quietly. George shot him a dirty look and took the medicine and water glass from her alt-reality aunt's outstretched hand, downing them. She then turned her head to look out her aunt's large bay window into the murky darkness of the night.
"How's Jack?" She asked, straining her eyeballs to look between them as Lorna began examining and cleaning the cut on her cheek.
"He's stable but critical. I honestly didn't know if I could do much without some blood, which is what he really needs, but I got him leveled out at least. It'll probably be rough going for a few hours; the longer he makes it without coding, the better his chances of pulling through." She spoke with a kind, but matter of fact tone that one develops the longer they're a nurse.
"Thank God," George closed her eyes and allowed a few tears of relief to roll down her cheeks. Her alt-aunt kindly, yet nonchalantly wiped them away with a cotton ball and then gently turned her head back to facing forward. George could feel her cleaning the cut on her lip now and she took a deep breath to gather herself.
When she opened her eyes again, she was looking right into Sam's beautiful hazel green ones, which had been watching her with concern. Her cheeks burned red and more tears welled up. She felt she didn't deserve his concern. She'd risked Jack's life by telling that asshole angel not to heal him and having them come here: her aunt Lorna's home. In an alternate reality. There were a thousand different reasons why Lorna shouldn't have still been in the exact same house in this Supernatural reality. They'd gotten so, so lucky and it made George feel incredibly guilty.
Lorna finished cleaning and checking George's bloody lip, and explained, "good news is your lip won't need stitches. Bad news is it's gonna be irritated for a few days while it heals. Be careful when you eat that you don't bite the cut accidently because that would really hurt. Still need to stitch up that cheek." As she set to work giving George three small stitches, she also warned her and Sam that she really couldn't identify internal injuries this way and that they should go to a hospital ASAP to be safe. It was the exact same spiel she'd given Sam and Dean regarding Jack when she finished tending to him, so she knew it was falling on deaf ears but she had to try. She got up and left the room, leaving Sam and George alone for now.
"Sam, I'm so sorry." George put her head in her hands and a few more fat tears escaped.
"What do you have to be sorry for?" He was incredibly confused at her reaction. She'd handled herself insanely well considering the situation and they might not have been able to save Jack without her.
"Jack was dying and I brought you to my aunt's house. My aunt, who is a person in real life and does not exist on Supernatural the television show!" She'd dropped her hands and looked up at him with an ashamed look on her face. Her words stung him, as though she didn't consider him a real person, but he began to understand why she was feeling so guilty.
"Except she does exist here, whether 'here' is a television show or somewhere else; you saw the article about the fire. Your grandparents died after she was born. So, she exists, just not as your aunt." From Sam's perspective, she'd saved Jack's life and without her, who knows what would have happened to him; death or worse if the angels had gotten a hold of him permanently.
George got up and started pacing. "But still as a nurse? With the same married last name? Living in the same house she's had since I was 8?" George shook her head, getting angrier with herself. "What is going on? No fucking way should this have worked and you know it, Sam. What was I thinking? He could have DIED!"
"You weren't thinking," Sam grabbed her hands, squeezing them gently and stopping her anxious motion. "It was a terrifying situation--for us all--and you acted on your instincts. And they turned out to be right." He tugged on her arms just enough to force her to look up at him and he said sincerely, "just like they have been since you got here."
"Damn right." Dean had entered the room, wiping the blood from his hands with a rag. When she turned toward him, he looked her right in the eye. "I just got off the phone with Cas. The whole thing in Montana had been a trap for me and Sam. The demons found the team before Cas got there. Suzie and Garth are in the hospital, but expected to recover. Carol's dead," Dean paused in a moment of respect for a fellow fallen hunter and then stuffed the dirty rag in his pocket and walked closer to her. "You were right about it being a trap. You were right about where to find Jack. And you were right about being able to change a tire." The tears she'd been shakily holding back fell all at once as she let out an emotional laugh and closed her eyes.
They popped open again in surprise as she felt thick, strong arms wrap tightly around her. She, herself, wasn't used to a lot of hugging and she never expected Dean would be very comfortable with it, but the whole thing felt weirdly natural to her. Hugging him back timidly, she drew a familial sense of comfort from him.
"Thank you," He breathed, allowing himself a rare moment of genuine gratitude. He pulled back out of the hug and gave her a playful slug on the shoulder. "So, stop beating yourself up; you saved him, George. And you got your ass kicked doing it. I promise you now, whoever that angel fuck is, he will pay for that." Sam nodded in agreement and George squirmed uncomfortably, not used to people looking out for her like this.
Before she could argue, Lorna came back into the room with a laundry basket full of bloody sheets and rags. "Listen folks, the main house is too small for you all to sleep here. So the three of you might as well set up shop in my converted garage apartment for the time being."
Sam moved over to her and took the basket from her hands, silently offering his assistance. "Thank you. What a gentleman." She gave him a look of careful consideration. She then turned back to address them all, "I usually AirBNB it but it's empty at the moment. There's only one bedroom upstairs but it has two beds and there's a pull out couch downstairs, so it should do nicely. Enough beds not to share but if you do, I just ask that you change and wash the sheets afterwards." The three of them shared a confused, yet amused look at her nonchalant instruction. "If one of you boys wants to move the recliners here into your friend's room, you can have something comfy to sit in while you hover." She pointed to the leather rocking chairs she had in her living room as an offering and then looked at Sam again, "laundry's this way, Hon. Let's go."
Sam followed her from the room with a nod and George and Dean grabbed one of the recliners together, moving it to Jack's room. When George finally turned to look at Jack for the first time, she winced and placed a hand over her mouth. He looked like a fake cadaver you'd see on some true crime show and it startled her. She held her breath until she was sure she could see his chest moving. She gently touched his hand and was thankful to feel warmth there, calming her paranoid mind. Her heart thumped in her chest and she started crying silently again. She was just so relieved he was alive.
"Why don't you go get some sleep and I'll take first watch?" Dean placed a gentle, supportive hand on her shoulder and squeezed.
"No," She said determinedly. She just needed to be around Jack right now to feel assured that everything was OK. And sleep was not anything she was interested in after her earlier dream. "I just had a catnap, I'm good. I'm gonna stay and watch over him for a while." She gave Dean a look that told him it was pointless to argue, so he went off in search of Sam and Lorna to be shown their temporary digs.
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cherrystreet · 7 years
hey! i was just thinking, that i've been listening to the songs harry requested on radio 1 and they've been stuck in my head for so long omg. and like, i'm not connecting the songs he requested to larry, but with each song a little scenario ab them plays in my head! was wondering if you could write little snippets based on a couple of the songs? sweetest devotion by adele and issues by julia michaels!
I got really carried away with this; I combined both of these songs and very subtly put a few of the lyrics into a mess of 3k. I hope this works for you xx
Louis watches the build up and break over a period of months. Years, even. Harry’s tired. They both are, but Harry’s exceptionally so. He’s been working nonstop on his album, his photography, himself, and now that he’s back in the limelight all day, everyday, it’s taking a serious toll. Louis doesn’t say anything or imply that Harry needs to slow down, but he wants to, just isn’t quite sure how. Harry’s been a little moodier, a little more on edge, and the whole time Louis is trying to figure out a way to approach the subject lightly, it seems that Harry has already given it just as much thought as Louis has, if not more.
“I think I wanna take some time off,” he says one night just before bed. He’s in the middle of changing his pants, tripping into them like he always does. “Like, hide, maybe?” The way he says it makes it sound like he’s asking for permission from Louis, just to make sure they’re currently at the same level.
Louis raises a brow from his position in bed and looks up, relieved, worried. “Yeah? Like go on an extended holiday?”
“Mmm, something like that.”
“Care to elaborate?”
Harry crawls into bed beside him, shirtless and shoulders pink from his sunburn. The weather was mild and about 10 degrees today - typical for January - but they spent the majority of the day outside, anyway, Harry lounging in the backyard, ignoring Louis’ request to venture out. Paps, he said simply, going back to shielding his eyes from the LA sun.
“I rented out a place in Maine,” he says, reaching for his reading glasses on the bedside table. He doesn’t really need them, but no matter how much Louis teases him about it, he continues to wear them, squinting without them. Dramatic. “I’m not even really sure where it is, but I know it’s right on a lake, it’s in the woods, it’s secluded, it’s…” He sighs. “Not here.”
Louis’ stomach tightens. “You trying to get away from me, Styles?”
“No, God no.” Harry shakes his head, curls finally grown back in and bouncing. “I’m trying to take a break from everything, but that doesn’t include you. You can come with me, if you want. But don’t feel obligated to. I know how much you love it here. And that you like writing here best.”
I love it here because you’re here. “I’m comin’ with,” he replies eventually.
“You want to?”
“Yes. You’re a bit strange for wanting to fuck off to the middle of nowhere but. I’m used to your weirdness by this point. No judgement here. I’ll come with.”
Harry smirks, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose like Louis always does. Copy cat. “Good.”
“So, when’re we leaving?”
“Thursday morning.”
“Christ, you’re an impulsive lad, aren’t you?”
“I suppose.”
“Makes life interesting.”
Harry nods, reaching for the remote for the telly, then setting it back down. “I’m very happy. I really am. I just need a change, yeah?”
“It’s okay to, like, want to step back,” Louis says softly. “You don’t have to be grateful and positive every second of the day. Wanting to escape is probably the most normal thing I can think of.”
He’s quiet for a moment, probably thinking. He purses his lips when he looks at Louis. “Thank you.”
“And you’re gonna escape with me? Until you’re tired of me?”
Louis smiles, turning off his bedside light. “Absolutely.”
Maine is fucking cold. Painfully cold. Being on the water does nothing to help that, and Louis spends the first week inside, wrapped in blankets and jumpers, the tip of his nose now permanently red. Harry makes him tea, all the while repeatedly saying, “It’s so gorgeous out here. The water seems so still under the ice. Look at all the snow. The trees. There are so many.”
Louis just rolls his eyes, jamming his toes under Harry’s thighs. “Yes, yes, nature is amazing. Would be more appreciative if it wasn’t so bloody freezing.”
The cabin is nothing to brag about. The kitchen is far from gourmet, the appliances old and creaky, and though there are three bedrooms, they’re all small, cramped. The living space offers next to nothing other than an old wood stove (which quickly becomes Louis’ best friend), and the entire space is outdated, in desperate need of some serious love. Louis keeps his mouth shut, though, because Harry is the happiest Louis has seen him since he got back from touring. He’s lounging, he’s playing his guitar, he’s fucking smiling, and Louis can’t stop staring at him, not worried for the first time in ages.
January ticks by quickly, the silence around them both calming and unnerving. It takes a while to get used to not having an agenda, not mapping out their day according to where paparazzi and nosy fans are, but once they figure out how to appreciate the new environment, Louis feels light. He turns off his phone for the majority of the day, the owls hooting and coyotes howling the soundtrack to their nights instead of constant beeping and ringing, and even though he gives Harry shit for essentially writing love songs about all that Maine has to offer, he’s finding himself embracing the change, too. He sleeps better than he has in months, the cold air numbing his lungs, his mind, dead tired by the time he slides under the duvet cover beside Harry each night. And though Louis knew Harry had been tense in months prior, he hadn’t realized how stressed he’d actually been. He has a comparison now, though, can see the way the bags under Harry’s eyes are clearing up, can see the brightness back in his grin, isn’t blind to the way he seems to be a little touchier than usual, fumbling into bed with Louis before it’s dark out, his hands restless and his mouth hot. On Harry’s birthday, they get stuck at the cabin, snowed in, but it doesn’t matter. Louis wakes him up slowly, Harry whining low in his throat the whole time, and when Louis does his best to make breakfast in bed with the limited ingredients they have in the kitchen, Harry acts like it’s the best gift he’s ever received. Louis almost believes him.
The shadows outside from the trees are long, ominous, and beg to be touched. Pine trees, oak trees; they’re all strong and sturdy and bare, the tops of them disappearing against the inky black sky, stars bright and unclouded by smog like in the city. The firewood snaps, the steam from mugs swirl up, their breath comes out like smoke in wisps. Heavy blankets feel like weights, heavy and safe. The yard is white. The lake is frozen. Sometimes, when Harry is finally fast asleep, his breathing even and his mind finally shut off, Louis will sneak out and stand out on the back deck, shaking in the cold, numb, could scream if his lungs would work, but it wouldn’t matter because no one is around to hear him.
It’s rejuvenating, it’s the best therapy he’s ever had, and damn Harry for knowing exactly what they both needed, somehow. Louis hadn’t realized how stuffed up he was, too, was so focused on Harry’s well being that he hadn’t realized he was also under the pressure of it all.
They’re incognito. Anonymous. Louis has never felt so exposed, so secluded. He never wants to go back.
Spring rolls in from out of nowhere; Louis has flown back to LA four times, home to his family twice, and to Miami once for a promise to record with a new group of people. When he’s gone, he misses the cabin, misses Harry, but finds himself feeling refreshed when he’s back to work, back with his people. It’s a nice balance for once.
Harry only leaves Maine twice, though, seemingly happy to stay locked away, exploring the woods, hiking and creating his own paths up and down muddy walkways. Louis invites him to come away with him but Harry just shrugs and says, “I’m good, baby, thank you.”
The ice melts away, the flowers emerge. It’s cooler in the mornings and evenings, afternoon temperatures comfortable with a light jacket on. They make dinner together and eat out on the back deck, watching the waves lap up against the dock, and they talk about their writing, what’s going on in their heads. Harry doesn’t tense up like he has over the course of the past year when Louis asks what he’s worked on today, and instead, lights up when he passes Louis his leather bound notebook across the table. His handwriting is messy but precise as always, and Louis nods along as he reads through the second verse.
“This,” he says. “This part is great.”
“Yeah,” Louis confirms. “Phenomenal, really. Jealous I didn’t think of it first.”
Harry smirks, dimple poking out, and Louis wants to stick his finger in it. “Could’ve, if you spent more than ten minutes sitting still.”
“Hey, I do.”
“Sleeping doesn’t count.”
Louis shrugs. “Whatever. As long as you’re feeling good about where you are right now.”
“I am.”
“I’m glad.”
Spring in Maine is different than spring anywhere else Louis has lived. The leaves seem to bloom all at once, the branches grey and bare on Wednesday, green and thick by Thursday. The ground smells like dirt and wildflowers and new. The rain sweeps in every other day out of nowhere. It coats the pavement and grass, beading against the blades, sounds like pop rocks across the lake. It lulls Louis to sleep almost every time.
At the end of May, Harry has 18 songs complete, sings them so often that Louis has them memorized. Louis asks Harry if he’s ready to get back to LA and record, or maybe find some remote location somewhere to set up, like Juneau or the Keys or a tiny island off the coast of Ireland. Harry shakes his head.
“Nope. I’m good. Still want to be here.”
Louis just nods antsy.
June, July, and August are bloody hot, the humidity stifling. Louis wakes up with Harry plastered to his back every morning, stuck together from sweat, and he feels like he can’t breathe, suffocating in more ways than one. There’s no air conditioning, so Louis spends the majority of his time in the water, hissing from the shock of it when he dives into the wake. Harry typically joins him, ducking down to lick the water droplets off his collarbone, his neck. It feels good, being in their bubble, Harry’s hands wandering without consequences.
The lightning bugs come out half nine every night, mirroring the lightning streaking across the sky, and Harry says it’s for them, their own private show. Louis murmurs under his breath, “Well, no one’s here, Harry, who else would it be for?” Harry doesn’t answer that, just pulls Louis in closer, eyelashes sweeping across his cheekbones.
“You don’t have to stay,” he whispers.
“You don’t, either,” Louis counters.
“I’m just not ready to jump back into the speed of what used to be. I feel like I’m being more productive now than I’ve ever been, while I’m unwinding. Simultaneously.”
He gets that, understands completely. But. “It’s been awhile, love.”
“Okay, yeah, I know.”
Louis waits for Harry to say something else, but he doesn’t, just clinks his ice around in his glass, water sloshing over the side. The frogs are croaking, the crickets are chirping, and it’s the first time that Louis wants to shut it all off.
He heads back to LA for good just before the leaves start to transform into golds, reds, oranges, yellows, browns. Harry sends him pictures every morning, telling Louis he’s missing the views, followed by, I’m missing the views, too, if you know what I mean. Louis rolls his eyes at that and replies with, Come to LA and you can get a full show. Harry doesn’t come back, though, and Louis doesn’t expect him to.
It’s hard, missing Harry this much for the first time in ages, especially when he knows Harry still isn’t quite right. He can’t halt his life, though, can’t hole up in the woods forever, touching and kissing and listening to Harry’s pen scrawl across paper at three in the morning. It’s not realistic to continue to hide away, not when they both have so much waiting for them.
“We both clearly have some issues,” Louis says through the phone late one night in October. LA was hot today, but Harry told him he’s comfortable in a jumper and trackies, a little chilly, even. It feels like they’re worlds away, and not just on opposite ends of the country. “But you can’t keep yourself off the grid. Not forever.”
“I didn’t say it was forever,” Harry argues. “It’s not like I’ve been glued to this house. I’ve been home to see my mum and Gemma. I went to Sydney last month. I’ve been back to LA with you.”
“Yeah, once.”
“Lou, I need to do this for me. I did it for us, really, but now you’re gone and you’ve figured out how to settle but I haven’t. Not quite yet. You’re always one step ahead and I’m just trying to catch up.”
Louis swallows, picking at a scab on his knee. He has no idea where it came from. “See, that’s funny, because I always feel like we’re on exactly the same page.”
“You know what I mean.”
“I’m not sure I do.” He pauses to clench and unclench his jaw. “I love you. And I hope you’re feeling the way you want to feel. I’m trying to be supportive but I also want to slap you and, like, I haven’t seen you in six weeks and it’s just. Come home.”
“Baby, when I come home, I’m heading straight for you. First thing.” Harry breathes through the phone for a beat. “I miss you. So much. Stepping away from the public was exactly what I needed. I know you can tell how much better I sound. How much healthier.”
Louis nods, because it’s true. “Yeah.”
“The next step would have been stepping away from. Everything.” He doesn’t have to explain further for Louis to know he’s implying breakup. “I had to. And guess what.”
He pauses to exhale. “What.”
“I’ve written another album. Like, 53 songs that I’m trying to sort though. I’ve never felt more at peace with myself. With you. I haven’t missed you like this in ages. I forgot what it felt like to love this hard. And, like, I don’t want us to be tired of one another. Tell me if you are.” His voice wavers, just slightly. “Because I feel like now I’m on my way to being fixed, and in turn, that fixed everything else. Even things that didn’t need major repairs. Like us.”
Louis squeezes his eyes shut. “Never gonna be tired of you.”
“Thank God,” Harry whispers. “Hey, Lou.”
“I had to use the heated blanket last night.”
“Was it really that cold?”
“No, but usually I have someone in bed with me and he’s pretty warm. Felt lonely.”
Louis smiles, shaking his head. “Put on wool socks next time.”
“Good advice.”
Over the course of the next month, Louis isn’t sure where they stand. They’re together, but Harry isn’t as communicative, and nothing feels reassuring anymore. Louis has to resist the urge to call and fight with him, just to put his negative energy somewhere, unsure of where else to put it, and he can’t believe he’s jealous of a Goddamn cabin. Louis has never been as devoted to anything in his entire life, nothing more than Harry, but he doesn’t know how to figure it all out on his own.
Turns out, he doesn’t have to.
He comes home to his boy lounging on their couch on a Tuesday night in November. He looks like he never left, bag of crisps on his lap, fucking wool socks covering his feet. He tips his head back and looks over the back of the couch when he hears Louis walk in.
“Hi, baby,” he says, the look on his face evident that he’s pleased with himself, sneaking through LAX without being seen, without Louis knowing. “‘m back.”
“I can see that.” Louis saunters over, not thinking about it as he carefully climbs astride Harry’s hips. He looks so good, smiling in that Harry way of his. “Decided to show up with no warning?”
Harry drops the bag onto the coffee table in favor of sliding his hands up and down Louis’ back. “Wanted to be a surprise.”
“I’ll say.”
“A good one, I hope.”
“Still thinking about it.”
He smirks, hands still moving. “You look gorgeous.”
Harry snorts and rolls his eyes. “Wish you’d seen some of autumn. Best season, by far. I swear, the lake looks orange from the reflection of the leaves. You’d love it. Gonna have to go back with you there someday.” He backtracks when he sees the look on Louis’ face. “For, like, a long weekend.”
He laughs, pressing his forehead to Harry’s. “Don’t think I’d love it as much as I love having you back here.”
“You and my manager.”
Louis needs to make sure: “You didn’t come back here for him, though, right.”
“No. I didn’t. Being away… It didn’t feel like home anymore. I needed time to refocus and recenter. I missed.” Harry looks up. He looks young, like the Harry Louis fell in love with so many moons ago. “A lot of things. But mostly you. Can’t wait to get you in the studio with me and show you what I have so far. And just can’t wait to start living again, yeah? You know what I mean? I’m ready to do this.”
Louis doesn’t have to ask what ‘this’ is. He knows. He feels it.
And maybe they are on the same page.
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forkanna · 6 years
NOTE: Life is terrible sometimes. And wonderful sometimes. I've just been going through a few months of "terrible" and am trying to claw my way through to the wonderful side. Thanks for your patience if you're still reading.
                                               CHAPTER ELEVEN
Half an hour passed. In that time, Glinda had taken Nessarose inside to get a bracing cup of tea to help soothe her jitters over being attacked. Elphaba spoke with the Monkeys, helped them come to an understanding; they would stay on and try to help to repay her for their freedom. She made it clear it was not required, but that she would be appreciative. From what she could puzzle out of their responses, they considered themselves honour-bound; to them, it was not a matter of opinion. They owed a debt and they would pay it.
Then horrible news came to Elphaba through her eye patch. Her sister and friend looked on anxiously as she stood stock still, letting out horrible, wailing sounds. When they could finally rouse her back to them, she had very little to say.
"All the crows… Draven… dead."
Some time passed as they got yet another cup of tea into Elphaba's hands. Nessa stayed well away from the Monkeys, but Glinda had an easier time steering her to a bench closer to the door inside. Once her sister had a few gulps of the steaming liquid inside of herself, she was a bit more open to speaking.
"The man of straw did it," Elphaba said hoarsely, tears clinging to her cheeks. It was odd how Glinda had never seen her cry much back at Shiz, and now it seemed to be happening on such a regular basis. "Murdered my murder! They scarcely… had called out to them to halt, and he started scooping them out of the air, twisting their n-necks… I'm…"
Again, Glinda held her close, pressing her lips into her cheek now and again to show comfort. After a moment, Nessa picked up one of her hands and began to pet it, and Elphaba didn't even have the heart to snap at her or wave her off.
"They must pay. All four of them — and their little dog-cat, too! I'll see to it personally!"
"Elphie," Glinda warned her, tone becoming a little firmer but still more or less gentle as a babbling brook. "You can't just… just pay them back, an eye for an eye! Isn't our entire goal here to be kind to Animals? Doesn't it seem kind of contrarious to go around passing judgement on these strangers?"
When Elphaba turned her glittering eyes upon Glinda, wild and dangerous, Glinda felt a couple of different emotions well up. Though the first and largest was fear, followed by concern, deep down, buried beneath the ones she knew were acceptable… was excitement. Seeing her friend so passionate made her heart beat so fast, and to deny she wanted to see what she might do with that passion was difficult, indeed. But somehow, she managed.
"We can't let this go on," she snapped, rising from the bench. "One way or the other."
By the time the three women reached the Monkeys, Nessa's hand was in Glinda's for comfort. Elphaba wasted no time clapping for their attention. "Yes?" asked Chistery, creeping closer on all four limbs.
"Go and find Dorothy and her thugs! Bring them here! I'll have them stopped or die in the attempt!" When they merely blinked up at her, concerned and vaguely confused, she waved her arms and shouted, "FLY!"
They flew.
"At least there's that," Nessa breathed when the square was empty, sinking down to her knees as she finally let her adrenaline ebb away. "Must we deal with such foul beasts?!"
"They aren't foul," Elphaba said, voice still strained from having been so upset before. "They're just as entitled to be who they are as you or I! Without b-being… being decapitated!"
Glinda stood and patted her on the shoulder. "They have every right to get ahead in life, it's true!" When Elphaba glared daggers at her, she whispered, "What? What'd I say?"
The now-useless eye patch was discarded once they returned inside to make preparations. Likely, she would try to bespell it again, perhaps to see through Chistery's eyes. But Glinda would not have been surprised if she instead buried it in honour of her fallen feathered friends. They had not been together long or for very often at a time, yet she knew the Crows were good friends of hers; Glinda herself had also come to think of them as allies, even if they made her mildly uncomfortable. She only hoped they would find time to mourn them once they had tended more pressing matters.
Though Nessa seemed the least desirous of defending herself, a long poker from the kitchen fires was in her hands by the time they gathered on a parapet walkway, facing the direction in which the Crows and Monkeys had departed. Glinda had her wand out, hanging loosely at her side with a small bag of red powder clutched in the other hand, while Elphaba had her broom nearby as she paged through the Grimmerie, looking for any last-minute aides to their situation.
And then the time was at hand. The creatures circled above them before diving low, bringing five squirming forms within reach. Glinda's heart leapt into her throat, but she knew all was not lost; after all, they might have been outnumbered before, but with the Monkeys on their side…
"Elphie, I'm afraid," Glinda whispered. "I'm tired of confronting people!"
"Stand your ground."
"But what if that straw-man twists my neck?! That doesn't sound like any fun, not any fun at all!"
Gripping her shoulder, Elphaba spun her just enough to look her in the eyes before whispering, "I will die before I let anyone harm a curly hair on your head."
Again, her heart thundered so much within her breast that she thought it might explode.
"Let me go!" begged Dorothy as she was lowered to the ground before them by the Monkeys. "P-please! You can't be- what do you want with us?!"
But around that time, the thrashing girl's dark eyes settled upon the firm, severe features of Elphaba. She stilled when they were being lowered to the ground, completely captivated by the murderous glare from the witch, unable to reply right away. Nessa's eyes were only for the tin woodman, but the other two were fixated on the foreigner to their land.
"Well?" Elphaba demanded as the others were brought in for a landing, thrashing about as they were.
"W-Well, what?" she whispered hoarsely.
"You have killed my friends. Family. And you come now here to kill me." Striding forward, Elphaba raised both arms and grasped the girl's shoulders, bringing her in to growl, "I should snap you in half like you've done to the Crows!"
"They attacked us!" she squeaked. Spotting a flash of the lion's mane, she turned toward her travelling troupe, desperately demanding, "Didn't they? Gosh, weren't we only protecting ourselves? Haven't we any right to do that?!"
Shaking her briefly, Elphaba spat, "You killed them all! Give me one good reason I shouldn't do the same to you before you've got a chance to do it to us!"
Before Dorothy could reply, the lion sprang from the Monkeys, paws extended and jaws wide, roaring for all it was worth. However, Glinda had been ready for this. Shaking open the pouch, she tossed it directly into his face, watching the great cloud of dust swirl around his muzzle as he shook his mighty head to and fro. Of course, he still ended up knocking her off her feet, but as she scrambled back from her he sagged to the ground.
"NO!" Dorothy screeched. "What have you done to him?!"
"Be more concerned about what I'm going to do to you!" Elphaba snarled.
"Do what you want!" the weird little tin soldier shouted. "This one is mine!" And with no further ado, he jerked from the Monkeys' heedless grasp, able to stay one step ahead of their attempts to catch him up again as he flew not at Elphaba… but at Nessa.
"AH!" she gasped, staggering back as the blade of his axe rang out against her poker. "STOP! You don't have to- wh-why attack me?! I'm h-hardly any threat!"
"You're the only threat that concerns me!"
While Nessa was still struggling with him, Glinda pushed to her feet and away from the beast who had taken a snoutful of her poppy-powder, stirring restlessly but unable to rouse himself. Then she glared down the only one who had yet to attack them, other than the useless black dog.
"Well? Are you next? Do I have to show you what this wand can do?!"
"Not me," the scarecrow said with an odd, carefree chuckle. For that was what he was: a scarecrow. She hadn't quite put it together before seeing him up close. Definitely a man made of straw, with painted eyes and mouth, and a large-brimmed hat perched on top of his straw-stuffed head. The laugh was charming… and vaguely familiar, but she wasn't sure why. "But you might have to if you lay a hand on Dorothy. She doesn't deserve to be punished, and I won't let you harm her!"
"You all deserve to be punished!" Elphaba screamed out. "And you will be — right now! Come on, let's go! Come along!"
The Monkeys helped to hoist the lion up and drag him along, but a few more were needed to prise the tin man off Nessa. She gratefully followed, pointing both his axe and her poker at him in case he managed to give his captors the slip again.
"Come to my castle," Elphaba muttered under her breath as they descended deeper and deeper into the castle, conjuring a flame when it grew too dark to see. Glinda noticed Dorothy flinch in sheer terror when this happened. "Drop a house on my beloved, kill my Crows, come to my castle and try to kill me! And you claim you aren't even from Oz! What liberties you from the Northern Kingdoms take with everyone! Well, I won't have it. I won't!"
A little "hmm" floated out of the scarecrow, but that was the only reaction from the companions. For her own part, Dorothy began to plead with them, voice shaking, eyes and nose streaming. "Please! W-we had no choice, we- I didn't even want to be here, but-"
"Do you ever SHUT UP?!"
Laying a hand on Elphaba's arm as they finally reached the lowest floor of all, Glinda whispered, "Maybe we should listen to her, Elphie. I don't really get what's going on, and I'm sorry about Draven and the others, but… I think we have ourselves in the middle of a misunderstanditude."
"Well, I do not," she snapped as she lit a few of the torches in the wall sconces with an idle gesture. "I think they must be locked up for what they've tried to do here today! They can rot in these dungeons for eternity, and I won't care one thin whit about it!"
"I agree," Nessa breathed warily, eyes still on the thrashing of her assailant. "Whatever th-they're doing here, however they think we've wronged them in the past… they obviously mean us harm. Incarceration seems wise, does it not?"
"You'll pay for this," the tin-plated assailant growled, again trying to lurch away from the Monkeys. It seemed they learned from their previous lapse, catching him up easily and holding him in check. "I'LL PART YOUR PRETTY HEAD FROM YOUR SHOULDERS!"
"Shame on you!" Glinda spat at the man. For whatever reason, this cowed him instantly, and he fell limp and silent. "Thank goodness — there's an echo down here, and all that noise…!"
The lion was the first to be locked away, easy as that was while he was almost entirely comatose. The scarecrow went willingly when he saw they only meant to lock them up, which then left them to wrestle the tin man into a cell, clap him in irons so that he wouldn't run back out again, shove a length of chain between his jaws to keep him quiet, and shut the door.
"There," Nessa sighed in relief, finally lowering her two weapons. "Now it's just the girl."
"Very well," Dorothy said in a prim and proper voice that didn't seem to befit her, shaking as she was. Glinda narrowed her eyes at her, a little surprised at this odd attitude. "I'll… I'll go in, I'll be good, if you promise not to forget about me! Th-this can't be forever, alright? Please don't say it is, you mustn't!"
Waving one of her hands as if batting aside the words, Elphaba snapped, "Very well, very well. Just go in and give me time to-"
But she hadn't noticed the plot the girl was hatching. Sometime while begging for her life, or perhaps before that, she had produced a large jug from within her ever-present wicker basket, uncorked it, and the instant Elphaba seemed distracted enough for her to act, she hurled its contents upon the witch.
And nothing happened.
That isn't quite true; something did happen. Elphaba spluttered and shook her head, startled out of whatever she had been saying previously. Then she blinked down at the girl in wonderment.
"What… I… what is this?" Raising a hand to her cheek, she rubbed her fingers back and forth and sniffed. "It's… just water. Is this water?"
Glinda hesitantly approached as the others who were more or less lucid looked on, the Monkeys having recaptured Dorothy after their lapse. Feeling oddly brave, perhaps because they had successfully captured the intruders, she pressed a finger to Elphaba's hand, then raised it to her own lips, darting the tip of her tongue down to retrieve a single droplet.
"Good water, too! Not like that murky muck we have at Shiz, oh no; this is pure Gillikinese mountain springwater, or I'm not an Upperupland!"
By the time they returned their attentions to Dorothy, it was to see she was slack-jawed and staring at Elphaba, as if she had just appeared from within the jug herself. A moment later, when she registered their glares, she began to shake and whimper.
"What… precisely is the meaning of this?" Elphaba asked in a strangely mild tone.
"Oh… oh, I didn't… they said it would work, th-that it was the only way, and I kn- I knew I could never- but it didn't work, and now I'm done for! Wh-why did I ever think I had a chance?! Ever since I f-first saw all these witches, and the Lollipop Guild, I should have known th-that I-"
"The what guild?" Nessa asked in confusion. "Where was this?"
"Where my house landed! They were with you, weren't they? Carrying those spears! O-only now Madame Morrible said she's in charge of the Guild with you gone from the East!"
Grasping her shoulder and shaking her again, Elphaba demanded, "What didn't work, you stupid child?! Speak up! What's the purpose in throwing water on me? Did you think I was on fire? Did you think me an enormous plant and you were going to make me sprout flower petals?!"
Glinda noticed Nessa straining not to comment on that last question.
"WAIT! P-please, I'll be good, I'll g-go into the hoosegow, I promise, I w-was only doing as I w-was told, Uncle Henry and Aunt Em alw-ways told m-me to do as I'm told or I'll be- I'm sorry, you'll never know how sorry!"
"What did you mean to DO with that water?!"
"OW! You're hurting me!"
"I'll hurt you worse if you don't-"
"ELPHIE!" When Elphaba rounded on her, eyes wild, Glinda hissed, "Look at the girl for a twigging second, will you?"
"I am looking at her!"
"No, you're looking past her to how much you want revenge! Really look this time!"
Grumbling all the while, Elphaba turned her eyes down. What she saw was a sobbing girl, even younger than they had been when starting at Shiz. Her white linen dress was grimy and ripped in a few places, her arms bruised, nails filthy. The dirt on her cheeks had been cut through by tracks of tears, and her hair was disheveled so badly that it would need to be well-combed before it could be put right again. The only part of her that remained much as it was the last time they had seen her were the shimmering golden shoes, standing out oddly against her pleasant-but-plain looks and her humble manner.
"Come now," Glinda said in a more reasonable tone, taking the girl's other shoulder. The way she flinched away spoke volumes to her state of mind, but Glinda tried again, whispering, "Why did you throw that water?"
"Th-the Wizard… he s-said if I killed the witch, I c-could… I could go home… to Kansas, b-but I didn't want to, I don't know how to kill anybody! Th-then I heard down in the square of the Green City-"
"Emerald City," Glinda corrected automatically without thinking about it.
"Y-yes," she said, before falling to a coughing fit. A growl of impatience sounded deep in Elphaba's throat, but Glinda swatted her on the shoulder with her wand to keep her from interrupting. "I overheard some of the queer little folk there s-saying that… that pure water might melt the Wicked Witch, s-so I figured… I might manage that! I hadn't any other plan, you know? If she r-really was wicked, then she'd have deserved it, a-and if not, th-then nothing would happen! Besides, I can't take up a sword or a pistol, I don't know a lick about such things, and I c-couldn't make myself do it if I did know how!"
Having absorbed this revelation with lightning speed, Elphaba sighed, "How idiotic the citizens of Oz are now that they can believe something like that. Incredible!"
"That's what I said," the scarecrow scoffed from behind his bars. "And I don't have any brains!"
While Glinda was squinting over at him, trying to summon something from the depths of her memory, Elphaba remained focused on the girl. "So. You meant to kill me, after all. Watching you crying and carrying on like that, I was starting to think maybe this had all been a simple mistake. But here you are, admitting that you just attempted to end my life."
Dorothy gaped up at her again. "B-but… they said you were wicked and horrible! That you were terrorising everyone in the whole land of Oz, and th-that… I'd be doing them all a favour if I got rid of you! And his secretary was so nice to me, that I thought it must… must be true…"
"That sounds extremely familiar," Glinda murmured out the side of her mouth.
"Maybe you are wicked! I don't know, I don't know anything! All I know is r-raising crops and milking cows, I'm… I'm nothing but a homesick girl, so when he said it was important, th-that I had to do it if I wanted to go home… what else could I do?!"
"You could have not tried to commit murder yet again! My crows are dead, my Fiyero is dead, and you've just admitted I was next on your assassination list! Even if you were coerced and lied to, it doesn't make any difference!" Pushing her into the waiting arms of the monkeys, she snapped, "Throw her in a cell!"
"Elphie!" Glinda gasped.
"I said to put her in a cell, not hang her from a tower!" she snapped right back as they locked her up. "I'm… I'll have to think about what to do with her! Aren't I allowed to think?"
At that, Glinda couldn't argue. On the one hand, she thought Dorothy sweet and sad, a tragic figure. On the other, she didn't trust her any more than Elphaba did. At a loss, she looked over toward Nessarose.
"Don't ask me," she said flatly, dropping the poker now that danger had passed. "All of this is… I'm simply exhausted from all the walking. The magic of the shoes might help my legs move, but they still get tired, and so does the rest of me."
"Let's leave them to rot while we discuss the matter," Elphaba bade them. "We… can speak more freely when we're not in front of the prisoners."
As they filed out, Glinda caught the scarecrow gazing balefully at the three of them, as if having a very private, very intense thought. She quirked an eyebrow, but all he did was flash back a silly little smile that had her rolling her eyes as they filed up the stairs.
                                                                    ~ o ~
"They can stay down there forever."
Nessarose nodded her agreement as they gathered again in the throne room. Though it was not a location with anything they might find useful, it seemed somewhat appropriate that they use it when discussing the fate of their new prisoners. "I wouldn't shed any tears if they did."
"You only think that because you don't want to deal with Boq," Elphaba sighed. "Though I'm glad you're in agreement."
"The girl… I really can't be sure," Nessa sighed as Glinda looked back and forth between them. "I want to believe her, but after what she did to the Crows, and having Boq along… how can we take her at her word?"
"Wait, wait," Glinda said with a raise of her hand. "What's this about Boq?" They both simply stared at her. "What?"
"You really didn't recognise him?" Elphaba said in stunned disbelief.
"No! I was too busy worrying about Dorothy, and that crazy ranting… the… oh no." Hand flying to her mouth, she breathed, "He's the tin man! Isn't he?!"
Nodding, Nessa turned away to pace toward one of the windows. "I knew it was him at once, but he tried to kill me almost immediately so I had no chance to mention it. You two probably didn't notice, but even the girl was shocked by how violent he was. And… and so was I."
"And I was not," Elphaba put in. "If I didn't have a reason to hate Boq before — which I didn't, not really — I most certainly do now."
"Why?" Nessa snapped suddenly, voice boiling with acid. "As you're so fond of reminding me, it's my fault he turned out this way. Right? I drove him to this by trapping him in Munchkinland, then almost killing him, and… and I'm no better than you, or Dorothy, or anyone else who's tried to kill someone the past few weeks."
They were all silent for a moment as they absorbed that statement, and all its accompanying implications. It was Glinda who cleared her throat to say, "Maybe so, Nessie. But what I got out of just now was… Elphie has a reason to hate Boq, and that reason is…?"
Sufficiently prodded, Elphaba rolled her eyes. Maybe Glinda was being painfully obvious about what she was getting at, but she had no valid reason to sidestep her efforts. "That he attacked my sister. No one gets to do that but me." When they both turned shocked expressions on her, she ducked her head and added, "Not in the way he did, of course!"
"Of course," Glinda harrumphed, though she was smiling. It might have been a small victory, but she would take it and run with it.
"Now we have a problem," Nessa sighed, brow furrowed as she stared out the window. Too distracted to have fully realised what Elphaba said. "My ex-paramour and a strange girl from the Kingdom of Kansas, and her other weird accomplices… what are we supposed to do with them all?"
"Tin Man can stay locked down there until he rusts for all I care," Elphaba announced. "But you're right, the others… is it strange that I feel it difficult to hold a grudge against the girl, even though this is her third attempt at murder?"
Nodding, Glinda prodded at her chin with the tip of her wand. "Yeah… she really does seem to be a victim of circumstance. She claims that she has no powers, and if that's the truth, then there would be no way for her to drop an entire house on Fiyero, would there?"
"There's still the Crows to answer for," she said firmly. "Though I can see how an entire murder of crows swarming them all at once would be intimidating, they killed every last one. That's quite an overreaction!"
"As for throwing water on you, my sister… you heard what the Wizard told her." Nessa looked apologetic as she finally turned to look at them again. "He had us all fooled before he turned on us, with his promises of prosperity and apprenticeship, and so on. We were supposed to have an alliance, he and I… and then betrayal, just because the Munchkinlanders stopped approving of my policies! I find it pretty easy to believe that if he swore to send her back to her home if she took care of a witch that was 'wicked and horrible', it would be easy to justify… you know."
"Wait," Glinda said as she took a step toward her. "An alliance? You and His Wizliness? When did this happen?"
"While you two were off 'finding yourselves'. It wasn't a very close alliance; he merely visited to make sure I was settling in as Eminent Thropp, and… well, and he asked me to report to him if I had any contact with you." When she saw two sets of eyes widen in her direction, she held up a hand and said, "But I didn't! I… well, I wasn't sure what to think between you giving me the shoes, a-and what happened with Boq… so I just stayed silent. I figured if you really were as wicked as he believed, you wouldn't have helped me, and… and he'd track you down eventually, anyway."
"Why didn't you help us in return for helping you?"
Her narrow shoulders shrugged. "Despite what they said about me… I'm no witch. What could I have done?"
"She's right." Unexpectedly, this admission came from a very weary Elphaba. "As much as I don't approve of her methods of presiding over Munchkinland…"
"Tell her, not me," Glinda said. "She's right here in the room, you know."
"Fine. Nessa… I'm…" Sweeping her hat from her head, she turned it between her fingers for a moment. "I'm sorry I've been so harsh on you, even if you have deserved it. You're my sister, and… and family is supposed to get second chances. And third… and fourth…"
Though she was smiling, what Nessa said was, "This does not sound like much of an apology, but I think I understand. Just promise me that you understand that, whatever our problems were, you're always going to be my Fabala."
"I promise I'll try not to hate you calling me that," Elphaba said through clenched teeth. They nodded to each other. "But I think we should table that and our worries about the past until after we deal with the present."
"Right," Glinda said, tapping her chin. "The queer quintet who came calling."
"Er… yes." Elphaba shot her a mildly confused look before turning to look in the general direction of the doors. "What ever are we going to do with them?"
"I have an idea. You and Nessa should look through the book, see if you can find something to take a little of the tension out of the tin boy. Maybe a magical muzzle for the mangy beast. As for me…" Pursing her lips, she paced back and forth for a few seconds before asking, "Do you either of you have some rope to spare?"
                                                                 To Be Continued…
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