#dilfy dilf dILF!
valsnotgothstuff · 3 months
missing duke leto atreides on this day :(
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tojisun · 1 year
thinking about toji being the type to part his legs a fraction more when he sees you walking in because he knows your eyes always happen to flit to his lap :((
he does it to tease you but also to show off. “all yours,” he seems to say every time he shifts on his seat, his chin propped up on his fist to hide a satisfied smirk.
toji pretends he doesn’t notice the way your eyes narrow in desire, your pearly teeth nipping your glossed lips in thinly veiled suppression of overflowing desire. he pretends he doesn’t notice the way your thighs are rubbing against each other when you’re sat down, occasionally batting your eyes at him as though it’ll distract him from the way you look overtaken with hunger. toji has to bite the inside of his cheeks not to burst out in a fond chuckle when he sees you like this—you’re not really subtle when you’re horny.
so, one day, when you’ve just returned from a night out with your friends and he sees you with that short dress you rarely put on because of how much it clings to your curves and edges, looking so beautiful and delicious, toji finally pulls you to his lap.
“c’mere, sweetheart,” he murmurs, his rough and wide palm warm around your wrist. “lemme feel you.” he kisses your shoulder and places his head on the crook of your neck, his fingers tickling the hem of your dress before dipping in, sliding along your smooth skin.
you shiver, goosebumps rising, as you shift on his lap. you gasp when toji’s hands grip your thighs, his fingers dimpling your skin. “shh,” toji whispers, his voice a muffled rumble from where his lips are pressed on your neck. “i’ve got you.”
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killerqueenhetfield · 10 months
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pyotrkochetkov · 1 year
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panthers @ islanders | december 23, 2022
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sincericida · 2 years
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Andrew Garfield and your pirouette at the 74th Primetime Emmy Awards (September 12, 2022)
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lytorika · 3 months
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yes this is a dilf gijinka no I didn't name him yet
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hinaypod · 9 months
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Who is he?
Wrong guesses only
(right ones if you're nasty)
This perfectly rendered sketch is by the fantastic @azreto, and he's an intriguing character you may have met before.
If you've listened to Hi Nay. Which you definitely should ;)
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heavnlyhetfield · 1 year
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he’s looking at me here actually
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evansbby · 1 month
honestly I regret ever losing my virginity like that because he really was a loser 😭😭😭 dilfs are nice in fantasy but irl they make me wanna run away lol😭 like why are you into me are you a pervert?!!!!!!
literally me in a nutshell lmao!!!
like I’m into YOU but lowkey why are you into ME!!?!?? perv behaviour fr 😭😭😭
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frauleinsmaria · 10 months
Murder by Decree (1979) starring Christopher Plummer as the superior Sherlock Holmes. (I will hear no arguments.)
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cool-abed-filmz · 2 months
pok gukgak comes home this wednesday hopefully, god please
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Remember the random guy doodle? This is him now.
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I decided to push him inside of Rylan's (made by @probably-a-plant-thing ) gang along with Randy (made by @bluecoolr ) and age him down a little.
Another random guy joins the ranks. :)c
He is emotionally detached, cold, a bit of a dick but when he speaks, he speaks the truth and is biting. Doesn't hold his opinions and doesn't coddle others. However, he has a strong set of values and keeps his promises.
(I also forgot to add that he changes his hair color constantly lmao. He sticks to a burnt red, but he can randomly appear with green hair.)
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turtlemagnum · 11 days
warning, long, spoilers
ok so, now that i've slept on it i think i can formulate thoughts on episode 1 in more depth. first of all, there's the good:
i liked the actors for the most part. the kid that played anakin, while admittedly not a spectacular actor, was also a little kid so i can't hold it against him. in terms of visual casting, i'd say he was about perfect, you can really see a resemblance between him and a young mark hamill, so whoever picked him out did a good job. the guy who played qui-gon and obi-wan were also pretty good, and they played off of darth maul really well in their fight. i'd honestly say it was one of the best parts of the movie, at least partially due to the fact that it was an almost completely nonverbal sequence with really good choreography. realistically i know that a double bladed sword is stupid, but they did a really good job of making it look plausibly capable in the fight. both the fake padme and real padme had good actresses, and all of these guys playing off one another in various ways really highlighted the best parts of the movie imo. shmi's actress was also really damn good, had an excellent way of portraying the weariness in her eyes, and when anakin left you could really feel like she was happy for him to be free but sad that she wouldn't be able to come with him. if there's any bad in the movie, the actors aren't remotely to blame. and that's without even mentioning how fantastic palpatine's actor was, really convincing as both a cunning yet outwardly honest appearing politician and a sith lord pulling the strings behind everything. 10/10 cast, really
i touched on this, but i honestly really liked the fight choreography for the most part. at least with the stuff with actual human actors, i'd put it all at about on par with the original trilogy. i will admit that jarjar bumblefucking around accidentally killing droids was, at time, pretty funny.
the soundtrack was good. it was a star wars movie, that's like saying your steak is good at a gordon ramsey restaurant, enough said
i honestly really liked the aesthetics of a lot of the world design. it's probably at least partially because i first became Burdened By The Curse by the kotor games which themselves heavily took from prequel era aesthetics, but overall i'd say most environments look nice.
i really liked any and all political aspects to the whole thing. from what i understand that's something a lot of people didn't like, but personally i'm not one of those Capital G Gamer types who thinks politics in media is a bad thing. it's really lovely seeing the flaws of the republic on full display, and you can really tell how they're gonna get exploited by palpatine in his ascent to emperorhood. i honestly really like what i've seen so far of the overarching plot of a liberal democracy slowly descending into the depths of fascism, weimar republic style.
i honestly really like all the foreshadow-y bits sprinkled throughout. the scene panning to palpatine at the end when yoda openly wonders if maul was the apprentice or the master, the jedi order being acutely aware of the dark trajectory of anakins future, it's all just so... mmm, chef's kiss. they really took advantage of the fact that we know where all the pieces are eventually gonna fall, some cosmic irony shit right there.
and now... The Bad;
ok so easily the worst goddamn thing about the movie was the racist shit in it, right? what with the whole greedy alien bug men with vaguely japanese accents, the large snouted, greedy, desert dwelling little freak with patchy facial hair and a vaguely jewish accent, the gungans speaking with a vaguely jamaican patois (couldn't tell you how many times they said "ting"), all of these were very easily the most uncomfortable parts of the whole damn thing, like holy shit george. i'd need a fucking crowbar to properly unpack all of that shit
springing from that, the gungans in general. aside from the racist shit they mostly weren't that bad, but i will say that specifically any time boss nass was on screen i wasn't having a good time. jarjar wasn't that annoying, but i do think that the movie would've been better either without him or with him written completely differently.
some of the CGI looks janky. i will say that unlike the stuff retroactively added to the original trilogy, it tends to look a lot more "natural", which is to say it looks like it was designed to be as such from the beginning. frankly, i find there to be a certain charm to the jankass CGI, but at the same time if it were shot with practical effects i probably wouldn't be like "hmm, this would've looked better with CGI", y'know?
the dialogue was, at times, rather clumsy. the whole "are you an angel?" thing gets memed a lot (with good reason), and frankly i think the movie would've been better without it, but it's not movie ruining or anything.
honestly, aside from our First Point here, i think the most egregious thing was the fucking pod-racing part. a complete lack of visual clarity, was mostly just CGI and noise, terrible section. i've heard people talk about how some movies will have sections that are there for the audience to leave for sustenance refills/bathroom breaks as to not miss anything important, and i think this is likely a peak example of that. absolutely wretched, pacebreaking, with barely anything remotely interesting happening
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is-he-a-dilf · 3 months
Albatross from Wings of Fire please.
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Albatross from Wings of Fire: DILF
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sincericida · 1 year
About the plot of "We Live In Time":
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(hot DILF) History teacher called Tom, 41-year-old teacher, okayyy!?
But, i read the whole description this not so a romcom at all. I think we’ll cry again.
(the plot can be based on book "How To Stop Time" , by Matt Haig)
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death-rebirth-senshi · 4 months
The thing about my being a girl feelings is it's an age old thing that has less to do with becoming a girl and more wishing I was born a girl because then all the ways I'm bad at being a man would be okay. And I was deep in my feels late last night/early this morning.
Funny to think I've fantasized more about being a straight woman than a straight man though. Prefer to keep my attraction to men.
That and "well if I was a girl I could wear dresses and make up without bringing attention to myself"
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