#digital team collaboration
drjuliedonley · 4 months
Dr. Julie Donley Coaching for Healthcare Leaders
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Website: https://www.drjuliedonley.com
Address: Greater Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Dr. Julie Donley offers a range of services focused on leadership coaching, primarily for healthcare professionals. Services include individual leadership coaching via phone or Zoom, emotional intelligence assessments, leadership development, group coaching, and keynote speaking. Her approach integrates compassionate leadership with business objectives, aiming to create a culture of appreciation, psychological safety, and high-performing teams in healthcare settings.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/virtualassistantlori/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_oUnKYA7Ky0GGeD5UkcdCA
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drjuliedonley/
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techdriveplay · 4 months
Beyond the Boardroom: Mixing Business with Pleasure
Mixing business and pleasure is not a fleeting trend but a comprehensive strategy that can lead to productivity and improved well-being.
In the modern business landscape, the age-old adage of “never mix business with pleasure” seems to be undergoing a significant transformation. As the lines between professional and personal lives increasingly blur, a new paradigm emerges, advocating for a harmonious blend of business activities with leisure pursuits. This approach, often encapsulated in the phrase “mixing business and pleasure,”…
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crazydiscostu · 2 months
Google Assistant Tips For Audio/Smart Glasses
There’s no end to the resources online for getting to grips with Google Assistant. We should know, we’ve authored a few! But it’s time we highlighted a game-changer within this space – the integration of Bluetooth Audio Glasses! Wearable tech is changing the way we interact with the world around us. We’ll make suggestions and provide top tips for getting the most out of this powerful…
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webglazeservices · 2 months
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gatewayofhealing92 · 3 months
Money Coach: An Ultimate Guide to Personal Finance Management
Discover the ultimate productivity companion with our innovative digital task management app. Seamlessly organize your to-dos, set priorities, and collaborate effortlessly with team members. With intuitive features and customizable settings, stay focused and achieve your goals with ease. Try our app today and revolutionize the way you work!
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ranajaydeo · 5 months
Transforming Creativity with BeGenieUs – AI Integration for 2024 Success
As technology undergoes constant evolution, artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping the landscape of creative processes and digital collaboration in unprecedented ways.
As 2023 fades into the rear view mirror, BeGenieUs is revving up for 2024!
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Approaching the year 2024, one of the most thrilling advancements in the creative domain is the emergence of Generative AI. Now step into the forefront of the AI revolution with BeGenieUs leading the way.
Introducing BeGenieUs — Powered by Open AI chatGPT, Google Bard, h2oGPT. Your all-in-one AI playground where ideas become reality in a snap. To read more…
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To explore more Agami blogs
To know more about Agami Technologies
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neosciencehub · 7 months
The Ultimate Virtual Whiteboard App
The Ultimate Virtual Whiteboard App for Apple Users. Freeform isn’t just another app - it's a versatile companion for various tasks. @neosciencehub #neosciencehub #science #app #Freeform #freeformApp #applefreeform #virtualwhiteboard #designtool #NSH
In the dynamic world of digital creativity and collaboration, Freeform stands out as a revolutionary virtual whiteboard app. Catering to the needs of iOS 16.2 users and beyond, Freeform is more than just an app—it’s a gateway to unfettered creativity and seamless teamwork. Integrated with FaceTime and Messages, it transforms the way we share and develop ideas in the digital space. Getting…
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How Do You Manage Screen Time for Yourself? Strategies for Construction Safety Professionals
How do you manage screen time for yourself? Effective screen time management for construction safety professionals is a balancing act between staying informed and avoiding digital distractions. Staying connected with the latest safety updates and communications is essential, yet it’s equally important not to be overwhelmed by the constant flow of information. This balance ensures that safety…
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its-one-ace · 1 year
The Remote Revolution: How Remote Work is Reshaping the Future of Workforce
Remote work has become increasingly popular in recent years, and the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated this trend significantly. As a result, businesses across industries have been forced to adapt to remote work practices in order to maintain their operations. However, remote work is not just a temporary solution to a crisis; it has the potential to become the future of workforce. In this…
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weconnectintranet · 2 years
How To Buy A Digital Workplace Tools On A tight Budget.
A digital workplace tools is a consistently associated climate that gives moment admittance to all that representatives need to finish their errands. A comprehension work is currently an area freethinker occasion that can occur whenever on any gadget. digital workplace tools drives are about how innovation is changing the sort of work representatives perform, as well as where and how work finishes.
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All that You Really want to Be familiar with Computerized Work area digital workplace platform
Outline of Advanced Work environment
Advantages of the advanced work environment
How Advanced work environments assist with further developing representative involvement with associations?
The Computerized working environment structure
What are the different Computerized working environment parts?
Top Motivations to construct a Computerized Working environment
Difficulties of a Computerized Work environment
Why pick Whatfix as your computerized work environment arrangement?
Practically 86% of representatives and chiefs fault the absence of coordinated effort and correspondence for work environment disappointments.
 Since correspondence and joint effort assume a significant part in finishing work across an association like clockwork, computerized working environment drives give a virtual business space to your colleagues to know about what's happening in the organization. It permits colleagues to stay in contact with one another consistently in any event, when they are outside the workplace.
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A digital workplace solutions utilizes programming like information the board frameworks that permit associations to safeguard this important information and experience of ranking directors even after they are presently not a piece of the association. With these frameworks, your representatives can undoubtedly get to this data during the period of scarcity and keep working according to plan.
A digital workplace tools are essentially the different devices and innovations that your association use. The make-up of computerized working environment instruments will be different for each association and driven by various variables. It's vital to guarantee that every one has a reason and that there isn't pointless hybrid with different instruments. Arrangement is significant yet duplication and get over, albeit frequently undeniable, causes fracture, shortcoming and in the long run 'weariness' in the labor force.
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tstorymedia · 2 years
Besides sharing work-related content, also are generated sales and marketing collateral. It includes company logos, social media images, articles, blog posts, videos, infographics, podcasts, etc. This is to ensure the social media platforms are always fed with new content. But contents shared every day in huge numbers are sure to make businesses and its employees face lots of hassle. The fact is that it is quite obvious for all businesses to generate and share content. The question is where to store or simply find this huge amount of developed content.
Top 8 Content Collaboration Platforms
1. Google Drive:
This cloud storage solution is powered by Google allowing you to store videos, audios, files, documents, etc. Files stored in Google Drive can be accessed using any device and from anywhere. It provides cloud storage of 15GB along with diverse control options on who can edit, comment and/or view your files.
2. ai:
This cloud-based document content and document collaboration tool allows team to track documents and store digital assets. Teams can work collaboratively at a single place while improving their Workflow management. Interactive documents may include spreadsheets, audios, videos, cloud files, PDF, etc. Teams can easily get access to all desired information without bothering about sharing permissions.
3. Dropbox:
This cloud storage Marketing automation tool allows you store your important files at a single place. Using mobile and desktop apps, users may sync all files and keep them within easy reach. Furthermore, it provides free synchronization between mobile, cloud and desktop. It is also possible to send folders or files quickly with shared links to those outside or inside the organization.
4. ProofHub:
This cloud-based project management and team collaboration tool provides built-in File Management software. Using this Business plan tool, you can create, collaborate, organize and upload all documents and files within a centralized location. Documents and files can be attached to notes, chats and discussions whenever desired. Unauthorized access can also be restricted to files simply by sharing links with those preferred to be shared.
5. BoostHQ:
It is another Workflow management tool that allows you to create, centralize and share internal content and knowledge. Moreover, company knowledge can be organized in the form of tags, categories and groups. This, in turn, makes the entire process involving information retrieval and search becoming easy and quick.
6. Confluence:
Using content collaboration platform, teams can create, share or store documents from a single dashboard. You may even access, organize and publish vital company information at a central location. This way, your customers will be able to assist themselves. Moreover, it is possible to store content like images, docs, PDFs as well as track very change and/or version introduced in any page.
7. Alfresco:
This popular Enterprise Document Management is designed to streamline and smoothen workflow. Its core Marketing automation enables developing of viable modern solutions to ensure efficient workflow and boost productivity. All essential features are offered by this tool to create, store and edit documents. Version control feature allows easy viewing and accessing of previous and recent document versions.
8. Box:
This cloud service is designed exclusively for the IT sector and businesses. It allows securing, editing and sharing of files and documents over the cloud. Also is allowed seamless data transfer to Box Cloud from desktops. It encourages team collaboration, edit files or join any conversation together.
Therefore, getting to know the top Content Collaboration Platforms will be essential to make the right pick for your business.
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nanowrimo · 8 months
Write Smarter, Not Harder: 5 Ways to Conquer Chaotic Writing
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Every year, we’re lucky to have great sponsors for our nonprofit events. ButterDocs, a 2023 NaNoWriMo sponsor, is an all-in-one writing app built for productivity, collaboration, and a more joyful writing experience. Today, the folks at ButterDocs share a few tips on organizing your writing to meet your goals:
NaNoWriMo is about to start, and you're champing at the bit to get to 50,000 words. But that's no easy feat! Because life doesn't stop when NaNoWriMo starts.
You're still going to have climb a mountain of chaos to reach your goal: Chaos like not being able to find your notes and outlines when you need them since they're scattered across multiple apps, or the constant lure of internet distractions.
And of course, once NaNoWriMo ends, the writing process continues. You'll need to get feedback, be able to actually easily take advantage of that feedback, and make revisions (especially if your ultimate goal isn't just a rough draft, but a polished novel).
Here are five tips from ButterDocs to beat the chaos and make your writing workflow less work and more flow.
1. Know what you're about to do.
We know you want to start maximizing your word count from Day One, but you'll thank yourself on Day Twenty if you lay the groundwork for yourself. Take some time to organize your research, develop your characters, lay out your major plot points, and consider your themes.
You don't need to buy and learn advanced plotting software. A digital whiteboard can be as intuitive as pinning index cards to a cork board.
2. Write in the best environment for you.
You're about to spend a lot of time writing. It's a good idea to get comfortable.
Think about what environment you write best in. Do you need the hubbub and energy of a busy coffee shop? Or the serenity of a cozy nook?
Once you find the right place, put the same effort into finding a writing app you'll actually enjoy writing in.
3. Stay in your writing flow.
Focus and dedication during NaNoWriMo is the whole ball game. Lose either, and your chances of hitting 50,000 words are harder.
Whatever your NaNoWriMo goals are, give yourself the best chances to succeed with tools that will help you get and stay focused. A timer, word counter, and goal tracker will help you with timed writing sprints and hitting daily writing goals.
4. Recover from distractions.
Distractions will happen. Chaotic writing aside, the human brain wants to wander for dopamine. And life inevitably gets in the way.
What's important is how you recover. Don't let one distraction or missed writing day snowball into another and another. Give yourself tools that help you get back on track. A simple notification to come back to your writing can be a big help.
5. Pull others in to help you move forward.
You may be participating in NaNoWriMo as an individual, but know this: you are not alone.
You have the entire NaNoWriMo community, among many other writing communities and groups you can turn to for any genre of writing.
When you feel stuck or need feedback on a draft, don't be afraid to ask for help. Just be sure to invite people into a writing app where you have control over the collaboration.
ButterDocs Early Access + NaNoWriMo Resources
Conquer chaotic writing by using a writing app built for exactly that. With ButterDocs, you can plan, write, share, and edit your writing all in one place, without the chaos. It's by the team that built Arc Studio, a leading screenwriting app with hundreds of thousands of users.
ButterDocs launches today in early access and we'd love to invite you to check it out for NaNoWriMo.
All NaNoWriMo participants can receive a free year of ButterDocs if you sign up by December 1st, 2023.
We're running a free online event on October 25th for everyone who signs up: "Getting (and Staying) in Your Creative Writing Zone During NaNoWriMo." with Grant Faulkner (Executive Director of NaNoWrimo), Matt Trinetti (founder of London Writers' Salon), and Allison Trowbridge (founder of CopperBooks). If you can't make it, we'll email ButterDocs users the recording afterward.
Visit https://butterdocs.com/NaNoWriMo to learn more about ButterDocs, claim your free account, and enter an exclusive sweepstakes giveaway for NaNoWriMo participants!
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hotguycomiczine · 6 months
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🧡 HOTGUY COMICS Zine Interest Check is now officially open until January 5th!
HOTGUY COMICS is a digital, free to download, and collaborative zine that centers on the characters Hotguy, and his sidekick, Cuteguy.
This zine will be looking for artists, writers, and beta readers to come together and build snapshots into the lives and adventures of Hotguy and Cuteguy, over the course of their superhero careers. More detail about the project can be found at our ABOUT on the carrd!
alternative link: https://forms.gle/5x4533kCLKrTPGt49
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m4sonn · 30 days
✧*̥˚ The outsiders Modern AU Headcanons *̥˚✧
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- Credits to @stevelovbot on Tumblr for the inspo for this post! And also credits to my friend @peachyponyboyy who I collaborate with for these!! :3
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Ponyboy
• Is a big fan of the Simpsons and can quote almost any episode word by word.
• Says that The Godfather is his favorite movie ever but it’s actually Mamma Mia. He secretly loves musicals.
• Is the only one with a Tumblr account and he’s pretty active in there.
• Definitely writes fan fiction or character studies in AO3.
•The only person that knows about that and gets to read them is Johnny.
• His pfp always matches Johnny’s in any social media platform.
• When he feels annoyed/pissed by his brothers, he likes signing them up for random ass newsletters and whatnot, making sure they get spammed constantly.
• He loves digital books and owns a Kindle but he feels like nothing compares to real books.
• His bi awakening was watching hunger games with dally and seeing peeta, made things worse when he saw the fnaf movie, he’s just a wh0re for josh hutcherson. (He would’ve made the whistle baby edit /j 😣😣🔥🔥)
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Sodapop
• Is the only one who can actually use TikTok and he’s pretty popular. He loves doing trends with the gang, probably forcing them to do the cinnamon challenge. (they agree bc they're all stupid)
• Loves avocados a lot and gets teased for posting pictures of his meals.
• His favorite game is Assassins Creed but isn’t a big fan of the community and fandom around the game. He just wants to play it and have fun.
•Facetimes the rest of the group whenever he wants, specially Ponyboy and Darry.
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Darry
•He’s the owner of the only Netflix and/or any other streaming accounts of the group and is the one who pays for it. The rest of the gang add their own profiles and watch everything they want. (Or they share one account, there is no inbetween)
• Likes to keep up with the news and current affairs, so he follows a lot of reporters and activists on Twitter and Facebook. He’s subscribed to lots of newsletters for sure.
• Was the biggest football star of his school and got a scholarship thanks to it. He went to college but had to stop playing football eventually due to a freak accident on the field. However, this didn’t sadden him, since he got his diploma and works in things related to football anyways, he works as a coach for the local youth football team.
• His phone password is Ponyboy and soda’s birthdays mixed together.
• He is a big fan of No Doubt, when he found out that they were performing at Coachella, he absolutely lost it and started saving for a ticket immediately. When he went and saw them in the front row he cried, absolutely WEEPED.
• Constant listener of destiny’s child and connects with survivor on a personal level and he’s not scared to admit, you’ll sometimes hear him singing it while he’s doing stuff around the house while listening to music
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Dally
•Has been blocked by multiple celebrities on Twitter AND instagram, on various occasions.
•Is a very big fan of The Hunger Games and one of his favorite characters is Peeta.
•Makes sure to be the first one to text Johnny on his birthday, even if they’re standing next to each other.
•Loves crime/serial killer podcasts and has good knowledge about these topics.
•Hates going to the dentist. There is a very embarrassing video of him being out of it after getting one of his wisdom teeth removed that Johnny recorded (Dally forced Johnny to take him since he was scared).
•Is always listening to music and doesn’t like sharing his earphones unless it’s Johnny.
•Has practiced a lot of sports during his life and his favorite one so far is boxing.
•Got drunk one New Year’s Eve and confessed that Darry was like the brother he wished he had had, and that his New Years Resolution was to make it up to Darry (He never did, since he had forgotten). and nobody has ever let him live it down.
•Secret fanboy of the neighborhood, one time he thought nobody was home and started singing daddy issues at the top of his lungs, two-bit has it on video and never lets him hear the end of it about it.
• Still enjoys stealing and robbing old ladies and young children and still enjoys annoying random pretty girls on the street (so basically still and ahole)
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Johnny
• Wears denim overalls with cute sweaters and loves jackets with lots of pockets.
• Loves spicy food and is the only one in the group who can actually eat it without any problem.
• Has always wanted a puppy or any kind of pet but his situation at home always made it impossible. Because of this, Pony gifted him a goldfish one Christmas and they set the fish tank at the Curtis’ so Johnny could visit it as much as he wanted without risking getting his parents angry.
• He gets really attached to that fish pretty fast and treasures the gesture behind it. Pony and him name is Frost.
• Pony and him use Twitter DM’s just to send memes to each other and store them.
• He has a private Twitter account that only Pony gets to follow.
• Can speak Spanish and French.
•Owns a leather jacket that had been Dally’s a couple of years ago and takes care of it as if it was made of gold.
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Two-Bit
• He’s the reason why Darry had to get a Disney+ account.
• Knows all the songs from Frozen I.
• Wanted to have a mouse as a pet (since…mickey mouse, duh.) for a while but Darry refused.
• He doesn’t admit it, but he loves sweet drinks made of fruits and cocktails more than beer.
• His socks never match and they all have at least one hole in them.
• Is the one that gets the most excited about Christmas. He’s not particularly religious but he loves the decorations, and the lights, and the whole mood in general. He’s the one that always makes sure the rest of the boys have presents, even if it’s something small.
• His first time going to disney world he bawled his eyes out, like full on mental breakdown inside the park, Ponyboy and Sodapop saved up all their birthday money, allowance, and paycheck money for about a year and a half to buy the tickets. (they wanted to get a fast pass and like the entire deluxe trip for him, that's why it took so long.) Ponyboy was SO embarrassed from two-bits crying, “You’re 22, Stop. Crying. Over. Mickey.” but still was happy for him.
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Steve
• He tells everyone his top artist is Limp Bizkit but it's actually Queen, his top song was good old fashioned lover boy.
• Wakes up early to watch the F1 races and has never missed a season of Top Gear since he was little. His favorite was Hamilton, but ever since he saw that race with verstappen vs hamilton, his opinions have changed…
• He’s the best at playing video games, and he especially likes horror ones like Resident Evil. (absolute wh0re for Leon Kennedy, i am too tho so no shame)
• Sodapop and him are always playing online together and they sometimes let Ponyboy join them. Him and Sodapop gave ponyboy an unplugged controller once and said it was wireless (for the shitz and giggles and to see how long it took for him to notice), he realized half way through the game and told Darry who then yelled at them for 5 minutes.
• Doesn’t like TikTok and is always going about how Vine was just much better. (He’s stuck in 2014..)
• Gets angry when his texts go unanswered in the group chat (they do it on purpose since they know it pisses him off.)
• He listens to cotton eye joe on repeat, change my mind.
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drarry-mini-bang · 5 months
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Fest rules
What is this fest about?
Drarry Mini Bang is a collaborative fest in which writers and artists come together to create fanwork. The writers will submit their detailed concept for a fic, and artists will claim one or several (up to you!) to create an art piece.
Who can participate?
You must be at least 18 years old at time of signing up.
We also expect you to treat everyone taking part, including the mods, with respect. 
All work must be your own, and we do not allow any kind of fic or art produced with AI.
You may register as both a writer and an artist, but due to the collaborative nature of this event, you cannot make art for your own fic. All the matching will be done through the claiming process, therefore we will not allow pre-made collabs between artists and writers.
What are the requirements for writers? 
Writers will need to write an original fic of at least 10k.
The fic needs to be a stand-alone, unpublished fic. You will be asked to submit your fic concept with an estimated word count, a list of tags and possible warnings/triggers and the rating of your fic. If any of these details change after you’ve submitted your concept and before preview day, you need to let the mods know asap. If something changes after the teams have been announced, please talk to your partner and let the mods know if there are any issues.
Please do not share details of your fic before you are matched with an artist. You can share small snippets and talk about your story after the teams have been formed.
Your fic must be complete and has to be beta read before the submission deadline. Should you need an extension, please let us know as soon as you can.
When you fill in your sign up form, you will be given a chance to decide what type of art you would like to receive for your story.
We will cap writers at 25 participants, but we will open sign ups for pinch hitters. We will try our best to find everyone an artist to work with, but due to the collaborative nature of this event, should we not have enough artists, the people whose fics have not been picked might have to be dropped.
What are the requirements for artists?
You can create a variety of original fan work based on the story your writer is working on:
- illustrations, both digital and traditional (they don’t need to be in colour) 
- moodboards (at least 6 elements)
- plastic arts (including embroidery and origami)
- playlists (a minimum of 10 songs)
- fic binding
- podfic
We will ask you to create a minimum of one art piece based on the story your writer is working on. If you would like to work with more than one writer (which would make us extremely happy), please let us know in your sign-up form.
There is no cap for artists.
What kind of rating is allowed?
Any rating is allowed for both art and fics, but please tag your work appropriately. 
We support SALS (ship and let ship) YKINMKBYKIO (your kink is not my kink, but your kink is okay) and DLDR (don’t like – don’t read), so we will not tolerate any shaming. 
For this fest, we will not accept any works that contain darker themes or tropes that are usually covered by the "Dead Dove" tag. If you have any doubts about specific content and would like to know if it will be accepted, please do not hesitate to contact us.
If your work is rated Mature or Explicit, the characters involved must be at least 18 years old (Hogwarts 8th year fic are therefore acceptable with any rating).
What is the schedule for posting?
Sign ups open for writers and artists: 20th January
Sign ups close: 18th February
Deadline for fic concepts and details to be submitted by writers: 18th February
Fic concepts sent to artists: 24th February
Artists claim: 27th February
Teams announced: 2nd-6th March 
First check-in: 6th April
Second check-in: 11th May
Last check-in: 8th June 
Submissions due: 2nd July 
Posting begins: August 
Do I need to keep my creation secret?
You can share your WIPs only after the teams have been announced.
This fest is not anonymous.
What if my partner ghosts me or is being rude?
Please let us know and we’ll speak to them. This is a collaborative event - ignoring your partner causes unnecessary stress and anxiety, and we will not tolerate any rudeness or abuse.
We also ask that you stick to deadlines, because we don’t want anyone to be let down and end up without a partner. If you think at any point during the fest that you need to drop out, please please please let us know as soon as you can, so that we can find someone to replace you.
I still have a lot of questions about this, how can I contact you?
Send us an ask, a DM or contact us at  and we will gladly answer.
Your mods @orange-peony, @pato-roldnart, @bubble-gumhead
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snaccpopstudios · 3 months
WIP: A Date With Prince Blossom!
Oh, it's been a long time coming hasn't it~?
🎨: Kandi_Bat on Twitter
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Back in the day we asked all of you some of the things that you'd like to see. Digital wallpapers have been checked out, Project DramaBoy has had an amazing amount of support and our Guest Artists of the Month (Look for the future ones!) Have been amazing as well! But what about mini games for you to enjoy? Well, we are here to deliver!
We've assembled a small team, separate from our main studio so as to not halt or slow down production on any of our other projects at all, and we are more than ready too start showing results! You can find the list of our team right at the very bottom of this post
We collaborated with Kandi_Bat, an amazing artist from the Sunny Day Jack community, to be our main artist for this game! And we have more to show than just this main menu and test screen to show! The script is fully ready and edited, every CG has been done! And now we are ironing out some of the smaller details to create a short and sweet experience for you to enjoy this upcoming march!
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The game will be available for all of our $12+ tier patrons as all of our other game content! If you are not part of the tier, the game will be on sale through our itch.io and steam pages, further confirmation of the price will be given later.
We wanted to create a short and sweet experience to experiment with, and this game will be the perfect way to do just that! If enough support is given you might see more of these, with even more original characters even~?
Thanks to all of you, and standby for more sneak peeks at the content for this little project of ours!
Producer, Editor: Biscuwuit Programmer: something_unholy Main Artist: Kandi_Bat (https://twitter.com/Kandi_Bat) Writer: Sam Rose ( You can find some of their work here: https://residentrabbit.itch.io/repurpose ) Background Artist: Kyotemeru GUI Artist: Ghost Sharky
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