#die hard verse
drawnfamiliarfaces · 1 month
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is that disney-esque artstyle, peter parker look alike PILOT RANDY CUNNINGHAM???
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also ngl i kinda dig Viceroy II and Deputy Mayor Kranski
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+bonus Bible designs
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livwritesstuff · 1 month
new d&d lego sets!! you just know steve and ed would be sooo into it!
Ohhhh yes. 100%
I feel like Legos might be more Steve's thing than Eddie's (because Steve deserves some hobbies and Eddie's undiagnosed ADHD probably intervenes before he can really focus on a set), but they still occasionally partake together.
Eddie definitely got Steve the big Millennium Falcon set (which has a whopping 7500 pieces) for a milestone anniversary because he loves Steve very much and he'd wanted it for such a long time and he deserves it. Steve loved it, obviously. The only problem was he loved it so much that Eddie didn't seem him for about a week while he was working on it.
After that, Eddie tried to avoid buying Steve any of the really big sets, because he sort of gets tunnel vision over it and it cuts into Eddie's Steve-time (unacceptable, obviously).
The D&D set is also a biggun (not quite as big as the Falcon -- it's got about half as many pieces which is still *a lot*). Steve flips out when he catches wind of the collab, and Eddie is totally into the novelty of it, so he's all over it too.
What Eddie is forgetting in the initial excitement is that his stamina for Lego-building is pretty abysmal. They bought the set to build together, but Steve's twenty-plus years of avid building has made him pretty damn efficient and Eddie's attention span isn't anything to write home about, so he ends up just popping in and out while Steve does the bulk of the work (he generously allows Eddie to build the dragon even though he usually is a bit sneaky about building all the the best parts while Eddie is distracted by something else).
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cherrywhite · 7 months
Congratulations hayward and carpenter for doing absolutely nothing this episode. I think it's high time THEY get to be silly while other characters get to go through the worst experience of their lives. You know, as a treat
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lilmeowmrow · 11 months
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apple cider
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ragnarokhound · 8 months
Happy Halloween! Trick or treat?
Hee hoo thanks for the ask, anon! Happy Halloween :3 A silly supernatural jaytim 3 sentence paragraph (lol) fic for you:
"For the last time, I am not getting in the damn coffin with you," Jason huffs.
Tim leans out over the polished wood and satin lining, his fangs flashing as he pouts, winding his arms lazily around Jason's neck and burying his fingertips in Jason's hair-- because he's a dirty cheater and he knows that Jason's willpower is brittle as old bone this close to the full moon. He resolves to stay strong, because if you give Tim an inch then he'll take the whole damn continent.
"You don't have to, I suppose," Tim sighs, red eyes flashing from under his eyelashes. "I'll just be here...cold. Lonely. Wanting." He breathes the words against Jason's lips, and Jason whines. Christ. The things he does for this bloodsucker.
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strebcr · 2 months
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disneydatass · 4 months
If y’all kataang fans begin to ship that actual child w a teen I’m going to go insane!!
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12romy · 6 months
Fic announcement!
So, I've decided to start publishing the second part of A Change of Habits on Decembre 31st! Just because it will be exactly one year after I published A Change of Habits ;)
The name of the fic is "Old Habits Die Hard," and it will happen during 2024! I can promise you an exciting 2024 season (unlike the real one will be lol), with lots of drama, and chaos, and most of all, fluff!!
Stay tuned, I'll see you guys at the end of the month~
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pocket-notebook · 9 months
Ugh I wish I could edit videos
Because "In the End" by Linkin Park would make such a good Saw edit song?????
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You know??!?!?!?!?!?!?
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ejunkiet · 2 years
wip wednesday~
on an actual wednesday!! tagged by (and tagging back!!) the wonderful @devilbunnyking <33
this is a snippet from a fic in the pre-canon imperium au verse!
redacted asmr: david/angel, rated teen.
The hiss of his earpiece distracts him from the awkward silence that's fallen between them, and he lifts his hand to activate the mic. It takes him a moment to finding his voice.
“Ash. Report.”
A crackle of static, before his voice comes through. “Building secure. We counted three.”
“Four. One got past the perimeter.” Asher curses sharply, and David knows that his reaction will be threefold when he learns who was behind the breach, if he hadn’t guessed already. “I handled it.”
“The asset?” In the corner of his eye, he can see the way their lips twist at the title, the hard line of their mouth as they glance away. Their hands are fidgeting in their lap, picking at their nail beds, and this close to a shift, he can sense the way their emotions are whirling inside of them - want, anxiety, fear.
Fuck. It isn’t directed at him, although he can guess the cause. 
Later, he will blame it on the blood loss that is making his head spin when he reaches out to take their hand, squeezing until some of that unease settles. “They’re fine. They’re with me.”
tagging- you, reading this! also (no pressure!):
@chroniclesinlacuna @glassbearclock @colloquialcolival @dominimoonbeam @slushrottweiler @taelonsamada @romirola @sealriously-sealrious @horrorscoupes @carry-the-sky @starrypawz and you, honestly, TAG ME <3
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timewontwait · 4 months
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" You sure do get around, eh Doc'? "
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chibi-pix · 10 months
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Never have I ever in my years of OC making and utilizing them in stories/RPs with fandoms and canon characters have I ever thought I would be led to potential shipping. Anyway, a few times now, I had dreams where Hobie showed up. Logically, I would think they would involve Eli, my spider OC. But no. Instead, they involve Lucian, a mage OC I had for a while. And. It often depicts Hobie just sleeping on top of Lucian, not caring that he's taller than the mage. And oh yeah, the dreams definitely ship them because they do kiss. Anyway, after having the sort of dreaming enough times, I finally got myself to draw them, all snuggled up and sleeping on a couch. So, here they are. Also. Hobie hates the AM. And the PM. They're gonna sleep all day, aren't they?
Anyway! I hope y'all enjoy this one! Until next time!
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deathfavor · 5 months
@ashrifts said: ‘Help…’ for izana :^)
send 'Help...' for my muse's reaction to finding yours injured
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   Ran Haitani is not someone who is easily taken down. The brothers are stronger as a team, but Ran is perfectly capable on his own. There are very few who could land strikes on him, much less beat him to a point of significant injury, and even fewer to the point where Ran seems to simply be taking a break to recover from it. It’s wrong.  
   Izana stares down at the injured form of Ran without any visible reaction for a few seconds. The reborn king takes in the injuries and bruises with a calculating stare. ( A stare that is the first warning sign of something bad. Izana usually brute forced matters – calculating meant the worst sides of him were coming out to play. ) He finally crouches down in front of Ran so he can look at him eye to eye, but still does not speak. It’s an eerie, ominous silence. 
   He lifts his hand, and the touch is gentle when he wipes away a drop of crimson from Ran’s face. It’s a gentleness that sharply contrasts the visible rage in his eyes. Ran is his and he doesn’t like when people mess with his things. Even if Ran isn’t technically part of his gang yet, even if he’s part of a rival’s gang, it makes no difference. Not really. Not to Izana. There are those who are his, and then there is everyone else. Ran is one of his despite the years. And to know someone did this to Ran makes white hot fury surge in his veins, and revenge make his teeth ache to draw blood.  
   “  Who did it, Ran? “ 
   A simple question that carries the weight of life and death behind it. Kakucho once said he doesn’t know when to stop. That might be true, at least when his ugliest side came to play. Izana thinks its more of a mix of not knowing and not caring. Murderous rage sits brewing in his mind the same way it had right before he was sent to juvie after his attacks. It is not the kind of rage that makes him blindly rampage, it’s the kind of rage that wants to see the one responsible break and hurt in the worst way before he sends them off to a permanent demise. 
  But for all that rage and murderous intent, Izana’s touch is still surprisingly gentle as he brushes his fingers over Ran’s uninjured cheek. Sorry. I promised you this wouldn’t happen again. Ran had been right when Izana had proposed that naïve promise made in a jail cell. Not even Izana could control every aspect of fate. Ran doesn’t need his pity and Izana has no intentions of giving it.  
   “ Was it South ? “ But Ran was smart and wanted to survive, even Izana can’t particularly fathom what could make Ran do something to provoke South unless it had to do with Rindou. Then again, maybe South doesn’t need a reason. 
   He needs to focus not on what he might do in an hour, but the right now.  “ Can you stand up? “ He asks instead, assessing the damage from what he can see. Either way, being out here wasn’t going to help. “ Let’s get you cleaned up. “ It was a statement, not an offer or question. Ran wasn't getting out of Izana's help and watchful eye.  
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markrus · 2 years
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And there I wailed, And there I wailed,
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lightrookie · 8 months
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( i gotta write out aka plan my kh verse for elena - i'd do other games but idk what's popular for tumblr rp nowadays )
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ohhmydyosfics · 2 years
(Nomin) i won't give you up (old habits die hard)
“It’s okay. You’re just looking out for me because I’m your friend.” Jaemin clears his throat, and Jeno finally sits up. A friend. Right. That’s all it is.
Jeno can smell his emotional turmoil again, but not the cause, so he rubs his cheek against Jaemin’s, scent like apples and pumpkin patches and fall leaves, but instead of peace it just brings Jaemin more anxiety. Anxiety because he doesn’t want to ever lose this, because he loves it so much.
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