#did they get greener as he got older?
getvalentined · 9 months
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Ever Crisis: The First SOLDIER [September 7, 2023]
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janearts · 5 months
Hey, so you got to act 3 in the Astarion romance, right? How did Roisa feel about the romance scene in the graveyard?
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I did! I finished the game back in September and played out the epilogue patch more recently. Roisia was happy to bear witness to Astarion mourning his past and celebrating a future of his choosing. However, she did take umbrage at Astarion's phrasing that he would be open to having sex that evening. Knowing his history and his relationship with sex, Roisia was really looking for more clear intent, more barefaced desire. I think his wording, "I could be persuaded", would've really bothered her even though she knew he meant it cheekily (e.g., a stupid easy persuasion check, if you will).
I've included a more thorough analysis of her feelings under the cut.
Ultimately, that night poked and prodded at deeper fears and insecurities. Roisia has been left before at the end of a grand adventure wondering how she could have missed the signs that the person she adored did not quite adore her back with the same ardour. Now, older and believing herself to be wiser, she is wary and this time, she tells herself, she will keep herself in check. She will be rational, level-headed, and even-keeled. She will not let herself get swept away by irrational desire, and her love of Astarion is a very irrational, incompatible, unwise desire.
When Astarion said that he wanted her, that she stood by him through bloodlust and pain and misery, that she had been patient, caring, and trusting, that he felt safe and seen with her, and that he didn't want to lose all of that, Roisia felt a sinking unease. A queasy sort of disquiet in her gut. Because she realised that everything he described, everything about her that he praised or acknowledged or thanked, was nothing particularly special in her eyes. As a [former] Cleric of Kelemvor, as an undertaker, as a professional mourner, she has done all of the above and more with the loved ones of decedents as part of her job. It's her sacred duty to stand by people at a low and loathsome point in their lives, through their pain and misery, with patience, compassion, and an extended hand. Hell, that's just another Tuesday!
Roisia couldn't help but feel that Astarion really only loved the things that she could do for him rather than her as a person outside of those acts of service. And those things he described could have easily been done by any Mortarch worth their salt in her place. So does he truly care for her? Or is he really just thankful for the things she's done for him? Those things that really anyone could do? It does not plant a seed, exactly, but it germinates a seed that was already present in her mind, a nasty little thought that she is not special and, therefore, not truly loved in the way that she so very much wants to be loved. That, sure, Astarion cares about her, but only because she just happened to be there and has assisted people in different stages of grief since she was a child. She is fundamentally, inescapably replaceable and it's only a matter of time until Astarion realises that and does what Eustace did: clap her on the back, thank her for her time, and move on to greener pastures whatever or wherever they may be.
It was hard for Roisia to hear Astarion say things like "I want you" and "I love you" when there is a part of herself that deeply, deeply doubts that. That thinks he is wrong even if he is not yet aware that he is wrong. She is torn between taking his words at face value, the words that her heart wants to hear, or reading between the lines, which is what the parts of herself that she calls Logic and Reason call out for her to do. I think in the moment she yields to the former, but after that night, leans towards the latter.
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generic-sonic-fan · 3 months
The Sonic Crew, 40 Years Later-
Just one of many possibilities, of course, but I challenged myself to imagine what Sonic's crew and Team Dark might look like when they're older. Long post beneath the cut:
The one who changed the least
Still an absolute daredevil with a heart of gold
All that running and frequent injuries did a number on his knees and he started using knee braces and a cane/crutches in his late 20s
(it took him a while to be okay with this, but he's over that now)
(He can still run if needed, but he'll be hurting for a few days after.)
Gets his need for speed by racing cars, motorcycles, the Tornado, and by skydiving
Still LOVES helping people and spends a lot of time volunteering
Yes, he's still signing autographs
He's got a permanent home now, mostly to store the Tornado and his other vehicles. He took over Tails' workshop when the fox left for greener pastures and likes keeping the place fixed up.
He's been reading a lot more. Now that he's got a permanent place, his library collection is massive
He's just taking it one day at a time, man. Always has, always will
The one who changed the most
He owns a garage in the city now, with a sign on the door that says "Prower's inventions and tinker shop"
He always knew that he wanted to sell the things he made, but he had absolutely zero interest in the business side of things outside of running social media accounts
So he's gone indie! He's almost more of an artist and influencer than a world-class inventor, but don't let that fool you
He's still selling his patents to top companies and making a crapton of money
(he's the second most well-off of the friend group aside from Rouge.)
So how's he changed?
He's lost a lot of his childlike innocence, become increasingly more focused on people's perception of him and making online content
and ultimately, he chose technology over the outdoors
Sonic kinda knew that sort of thing was inevitable, but it still hurt when Tails decided to move to the big city and stop exercising as much
But he's very happy where he is and how he's living, and he and Sonic still catch up with each other frequently
Still guarding the Master Emerald!
But he's really learned how to do more with his life despite staying on one island for most of his time
Tails finally convinced him to install enough technology to keep him connected to the world below
Since then, Knuckles has become the number one expert on Echidna anthropology/archaeology in the world
He's written several books using speech-to-text technology
(it's been difficult work- he's not the best reader or writer, but he put the effort in and now he's a published author!)
When he's not writing or giving talks on Echidna culture over video call, he's still taking care of Angel Island, growing his own food, and making more discoveries about ancient Echidna culture. That much hasn't changed
Ever since the defeat of Eggman, he's more willing to take vacations off of Angel Island, but it's still a rare occurence
He usually notifies the friend group via group chat whenever he plans on coming down for a visit, often resulting in reunions
Amy absolutely "settled down" and opened the bakery she's always wanted to open
Unlike Tails, she LOVES the business side of things along with the actual baking
Her bakery is one of the most famous in the city she lives in now
She loves the thrill of commanding the kitchen staff and managing all the tasks that go into producing good pastries!
She also developed a love for children, and spoils any child in her vicinity rotten
And she has kids of her own, duh
She helps organize and moderate the group chat for the old friend group
And she loves coordinating visits/reunions
Her house is always open to anybody and everybody. She loves entertaining guests, especially if they're old friends
Her house is SO cute and homey it's almost overbearing
When her kids have kids she is going to be the sweetest grandma ever
Already detailed in this post here!
He's matured a lot, finally having enough wisdom to act as "the wise immortal"
He's become a nomad, sort of like how Sonic used to be, except he takes things at a much slower pace
(he retired from GUN and absolutely had a midlife crisis. this is the result)
He keeps diligent journals of every place he visits, food he tries, people he meets, and so on
He's picked up on Sonic's hobby of learning languages due to his travels
He's gotten much better at socializing with strangers but still prefers solitude
. . . but he still carries a phone on him and participates (albeit rarely) in the old friend group chat
(Rouge and Omega have him on speed dial, of course. He'll drop everything at their beck and call, even if it's a simple "I miss you")
He's gotten more interested in some more esoteric stuff that would've made his younger self cringe, like poetry and spirituality
The world knows him as a bit of cryptid, lol
Unlike Shadow, he's not retired!
He left GUN and became a freelance operator. Kind of a mercenary, except he has just a touch more discretion than that
(His version of a midlife crisis happened when he finally killed Eggman circa 30 or so years ago. Those were some messy, messy times, but since then he's made peace with his continued existence)
He is still Angry, of course, but he's a lot more chill than he used to be. Sometimes this throws Shadow for a loop.
His ego, though ever-present, has been tempered by age
Mostly because he kinda thinks his younger self was a bit cringe??
Mention the word "Meatbag" and he'll get stoically embarrassed about it
Anyways, he's also a nomad, traveling the world to do jobs and stopping by Tails' garage for repairs
He stops by Rouge's house often, and meets up with Shadow at least once a month
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drvirgus · 6 months
The Idol who cant Smile
Minji X Fem! Reader
Description: You are the oldest Member of New Jeans, but Fans Never saw you Smile once. Why don't you Smile? Who's the Person that can bring back a smile to your Face?
Chapter 15:
"Baby?" I said softly into the phone. A yawn escaped me as I continued to push my suitcase ahead of me. I had a mask on my face and a cap pulled low over my face. I recognized Minji on my phone and immediately smiled. Minji was in our bed, her face nestled in the pillow, and her eyes only half open.
"I miss you," Minji said as she looked at me, still half-asleep. I smiled and replied, "I miss you too." My AirPods were in my ears as I followed my manager. However, I stopped in my tracks when my manager did. I furrowed my brow in confusion. The older man gestured towards the crowd of people in front of the airport.
I sighed and looked back at my phone. Minji was nearly half-asleep, and I said, "I have to hang up. I'll text you when I'm at the hotel." I heard Minji start to mumble sleepily, and I chuckled softly before ending the call. I put my phone in my pocket and removed my mask. My manager immediately grabbed my suitcase.
With a smile on my face, I walked out of the airport. The cold wind enveloped me, but I didn't mind because, as usual, I was wearing a sweater. I smiled and greeted a few fans as I made my way to them. Some of them spoke in German, but it didn't bother me since I could also speak some German.
Apparently, my mother had grown up in Germany, so I was determined to learn the language as a child. I waved to my German fans with raised arms and took some photos with them, signing autographs. I had some free time despite having landed in Germany, but I didn't want to disappoint my fans.
There was only one good reason for my visit to Germany. It turned out... I had an aunt. A maternal aunt... My father had confessed this to me on my last visit. He even gave me her email address. I had written to her right away, and now I was standing here.
My manager quickly got us a car as I communicated with my fans. A smile played on my lips. It seemed that not many idols came to Germany. After saying goodbye to the fans with a wave, I got into the car my manager had arranged for us.
I immediately fastened my seatbelt. My manager drove out of the airport. "First, we'll check you into your hotel. You have a few interviews tomorrow and the day after, but overall, you'll have a lot of free time, as agreed," my manager said. I nodded in agreement.
"Could we go to a specific address afterward?" I asked. My manager glanced in the rearview mirror to look at me. He hesitated noticeably. "You look tired. You should rest for today," the older man advised, but this time, I shook my head.
"I'm fine," I replied, which made the older man sigh and focus his eyes on the road. Soft music was playing in the background. I looked at my manager curiously, wondering what he was getting at. "I've been your manager since your debut," the older man began. He occasionally glanced at me in the rearview mirror. "But I still know nothing about you," he said with a sigh. He looked at me repeatedly through the mirror.
I opened my mouth to speak. "It's not that you don't tell me enough... I'm just... I find it a shame. I hope to continue being your manager for the next few years," he said. A smile formed on my lips. To be honest, I was quite cautious with him. I'd heard stories about managers selling photos, information, or who knows what else. Perhaps... I was being a bit too cautious.
"I'm going to meet my aunt," I said after a short pause. My manager's eyes widened. We were stopped at a red light, and he turned his head to look at me. He seemed surprised. After a car honked at us, we saw it overtake us. "It won't get any greener!" the driver shouted in German as he passed us.
My manager shifted gears and started driving again. "On your mother's side?" I nodded in response. My manager nodded in understanding. "Does she know you're coming?" he asked, and I made an affirmative noise. My manager smiled. "Okay. We'll check you into your hotel, drop off your suitcase in your room, and then I'll take you to her," the older man said, his voice gentle.
I smiled and said, "Thank you," quietly, but my manager immediately shook his head. "No. Thank you," he replied and laughed nervously. "Thank you for trusting me. I know it's difficult for you," he added with a smile. I simply chuckled.
"Oh my God," I heard in German. My aunt's eyes widened as she held her hands in front of her mouth. Her hands began to tremble as she looked at me. I smiled as I looked at the older woman. "Hello, I'm Y/n L/n," I said in German, bowing out of habit.
My aunt awkwardly imitated my bow. "Oh, um, yes. Come in, dear," she said as she opened the door a bit wider for me to enter. I nodded and took off my shoes before stepping into the apartment. I followed my aunt into the living room.
There, I spotted another person, seemingly around my age, sitting on the couch. The girl briefly looked at me, then back at her phone. A moment later, her head snapped back towards me, and her mouth dropped open. "MOM!" she practically yelled when she turned to her mother, my aunt.
My aunt looked confused. "What's going on? Why are you shouting?" she asked. The girl, my cousin, was clearly shocked to see me. She knew exactly who I was. "What? What's Y/n doing here?" she asked, her voice trembling as her eyes remained wide open.
My aunt turned to me and then back to my cousin. "Oh, you already know each other?" she asked, making me chuckle. My cousin, however, shook her head, rolled her eyes, and answered, "No, Mom. This is Y/n from Newjeans. K-pop, remember?"
My aunt made a noise and looked at me. Luckily, I could understand German, as this whole conversation had been in German from the beginning. "So, you're a pop star?" she asked, which made me laugh. My cousin approached me and started to nervously laugh. "Um, I'm Lena. Nice to meet you," my cousin introduced herself in English. My aunt looked at her daughter, clearly baffled. I chuckled and nodded my head.
"Nice to meet you, Lena. I'm Y/n," I replied in German, which seemed to shock Lena. My aunt let out a sigh and explained, "This is your cousin, Lena. Your Aunt Michelle's daughter."
"In Korea, my mother's name was Ji-a," I added with a grin as my aunt attempted to pronounce the name, and it didn't sound quite right.
"Here, have a seat," Lena said, using both hands to gesture toward the couch. I smiled and thanked her as I took a seat. My aunt went into the kitchen, leaving Lena to observe my every move.
"So... you're my cousin?" Lena asked nervously. I smiled and nodded, and she followed with another question, "Can I tell others about it?" I couldn't help but laugh. It was sweet that she asked instead of just doing it. I nodded, which seemed to relieve her.
"What's it like being an idol?" Lena asked, clearly interested. Her blue eyes were locked onto me. I smiled and replied, "Hard, but at the same time, it's beautiful. If you don't love what you do, it's just hard for you."
"How is Minji?" Lena asked, her cheeks turning slightly red. I raised an eyebrow and teased her, "What? Is she your bias?" Lena laughed and said, "Well, to be honest, it's Haerin, but... I might have a little crush on Minji."
I immediately pulled out my phone to check the time. Minji should be awake by now. "Should I call her?" I asked, which only made Lena grin even more, her cheeks now completely red. It seemed that my cousin had a crush on my girlfriend.
I chuckled and called Minji, turning my phone away from Lena for security reasons, and she understood. After a few rings, Minji answered, and I greeted her. However, instead of calling her "baby," I addressed her by her name, "Minji-ah." Minji furrowed her brow, noticing the change. I chuckled and explained, "My cousin wants to meet you. Do you have time?"
Minji's expression changed, and she smiled and nodded. I turned the camera towards my cousin, and they began communicating in English. I smiled broadly. After a short while, my aunt emerged from the kitchen with some snacks and tea. I introduced Minji to my aunt as well, but my aunt didn't seem to understand any English, so I translated everything for her.
After a brief conversation, I turned the phone back to face me. "I'm flying to Paris today. I'll be with you tomorrow," Minji said in Korean. My eyes widened in surprise. "What?" I asked, and Minji just smiled and hung up.
So, Minji was coming to Germany?
I watched as my aunt took a seat across from me, handing me one of the cups, which I graciously accepted. There was a hint of laughter in her eyes as she examined my entire face. "You look so much like your mother, Michelle," she said with a gentle, somewhat sad smile, her voice soft and tinged with sorrow.
I chuckled and nodded, "Yes, I've been told that before," I replied, smiling at my aunt. My gaze remained fixed on her, though I refrained from mentioning that my father often used this resemblance as a means of torment and emotional abuse.
Lena turned to her mother, then back to me, her curiosity apparent. "Aunt Michelle's real name is Michelle too?" she asked.
I couldn't help but smile as my aunt nodded in response. "Well, in Korea, she went by Ji-a. I, for example, have both an English and a Korean name. Don't ask me why, honestly," I added with a laugh, and Lena joined in the laughter.
Taking another sip of my tea, I turned my attention back to my aunt. "Tell me more about her," I whispered. My aunt smiled wistfully, and she seemed lost in thought. Evidently, she was reminiscing about the past. "Your mother was an amazing woman. She had this incredible passion for music, just like you, Y/n. She was a talented pianist, and her voice... it was like an angel's," she said with a smile.
My eyes widened in surprise, and I remained silent, my curiosity piqued. My hand cradled the teacup as I took another sip. Beside me, Lena seemed equally absorbed in learning more about her aunt, someone she had never met.
"Aunt Michelle was a bit of a mystery. I remember, back when we were young, we'd sit together at the piano for hours, making music. Her laughter was infectious, and her presence lit up any room she entered," my aunt continued, laughing softly. There was a sweet smile on her lips as she looked at me. It seemed like I reminded her a lot of my mother.
Lena smiled too, taking a small sip of her tea. "That sounds wonderful," she said softly. She looked at me with a smile on her face and then back to her mother. Her mother's gaze, however, held a tinge of sadness. The moment seemed bittersweet. "It was. We had dreams of pursuing music together, but life took us on different paths. She moved to Korea, and I stayed here. We lost touch over the years."
My eyes dropped to the floor, and I could feel my heart racing. I took a deep breath and said, "I wish I could've known her better," a faint smile playing on my lips. I swallowed hard, feeling a lump in my throat. My aunt smiled at me, her eyes shining.
"She'd be so proud of the person you've become, Y/n. You carry her spirit with you," she reassured me, and I couldn't help but be moved by her words.
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avida-heidia-5 · 5 months
While we wait for the 2024 Formula 1 season to arrive, I thought I’d entertain myself by playing a little tag game I’ve just created. Feel free to participate if you have the time to do it. 😊
1. Who or what got you into F1?
2. Who was the very first F1 driver you supported? Do you support them now? Have your opinions on them differed or stayed the same since then?
3. Who’s your current favourite F1 driver?
4. Is there a driver pairing or pairings you support? What made you attracted to that pairing in the first place?
5. Do your parents, siblings or relatives have a favourite team and/or favourite driver(s)?
6. Do you have any favourite races? Are there any that stand out to you the most?
7. Do you have a favourite circuit? Can be from the past or from the current calendar.
8. Have you ever been to an F1 race in real life? Feel free to tell us your experience going to one if you like.
9. Have you ever met an F1 driver in real life?
10. Do you have a favourite F1 car? If so, what is it?
11. Do you have a favourite one win wonder?
12. Do you have any favourite quotes from the F1 world? This can either be inspirational or hilarious.
(This is all the questions I could come up with, I’m afraid! My brain is absolutely worn to a frazzle! 😮‍💨)
Now tag as many people as you like! I tag the following peeps: @kaossbells, @argentinagp, @hurricane-heatt, @skitskatdacat63, @racingliners, @formulaes5, @princemick, @4xmulti21champion, @schumigrace, @hungriestheidi, @ellalovesvettel, @twinkodium, and @wanderingblindly. Feel free to participate if you would like to. No pressure! 😊
If I haven’t tagged you in this but you want to participate, you have my permission. Go absolutely wild!
Now here are my answers below the cut! Warning: I can be a touch rambly!
1. Who or what got you into F1?
My parents introduced me to F1 in 2004 when I was around 4 or 5 years old. I vividly remember watching pretty much the whole of the 2005 season on the telly and how amazing a lot of the races were back then. 😍 Since then, we’ve been keeping up with watching races, following the news, and visiting Silverstone for Free Practice sessions and fun events like the Classic Weekend and the Lap Of Lights whenever possible.
2. Who was the very first F1 driver you supported? Do you support them now? Have your opinions on them differed or stayed the same since then?
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I was drawn to Kimi Räikkönen when I was young because I found him attractive. 😳 This was before I knew anything about F1. 😅 Once I got into the habit of watching the sport regularly, I was happily cheering him on. That McLaren was a BEAST…when it was reliable. 😬
I didn’t know much about Kimi’s story back then. As I grew older though, I did some research on him and came to understand why fans love him so much. He kept a cool head during qualifying and race days (He’s called The Iceman for a reason!) and I just love his personality in general: Quiet, composed, honest, and straightforward. And who could forget the memes that spawned during Kimi’s return to F1?
Even though Kimi’s retired from the sport (seemingly for good 😢), I still love and support him with all my heart, whatever he gets up to. 💙❄️
3. Who’s your current favourite F1 driver?
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Sebastian Vettel. Oooooh Sebastian Vettel! Where do I even start? 🥰
I have an insane adoration for this man, even more than Kimi admittedly. Seb is just…on another level to me. 😍😍😍
He’s the sweetest, most loveliest man on the planet. He’s kind, generous, talented, and cultured. He’s also an environmentalist, and I fully support his journey to try and make our planet a greener, tidier, happier, and healthier place. 🌎🌱 I’m always fascinated with what he has to say; whether it’s something positive or negative. He has a ridiculous knowledge of everything related to F1 and our environment, and I love him even more for it.
Seb is also retired from F1 and I still miss him dearly, but that doesn’t stop me from loving and supporting this man. I adore him to absolute BITS! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
4. Is there a driver pairing or pairings you support? What made you attracted to that pairing in the first place?
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Sebastian Vettel and Mark Webber have an interesting dynamic to me. I’ve enjoyed seeing their relationship develop and fall apart and repair themselves back together on track, from when the two were teammates at Red Bull all the way up to today. It’s good that they can laugh about their mishaps and misfortunes afterwards. I don’t know, these two just fascinate me. 💜
Other favourite driver pairings include (in no particular order): Seb and Kimi, Seb and Charles Leclerc, Fernando Alonso and Giancarlo Fisichella, Fernando Alonso and Lance Stroll, Lando Norris and Carlos Sainz Jr., Lando Norris and Daniel Ricciardo, Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz Jr., and FINALLY, Alex Albon and Logan Sargeant.
5. Do your parents, siblings or relatives have a favourite team and/or favourite driver(s)?
We’re happy to support any team, but we’re primarily McLaren supporters in this household. 🧡 As for drivers, my mum loves Jenson Button and my dad is a Nigel Mansell and Fernando Alonso supporter. My sister just recently started getting into F1 and she supports Lando Norris. We never have any complaints or disputes over our choices, which is nice. 😊
6. Do you have any favourite races? Are there any that stand out to you the most?
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There’s quite a lot of races I’ve enjoyed watching over the years. I don’t like the current races that much; I’m more of a 2000’s & 2010’s grid enjoyer. My favourite race of all time has got to be the 2012 Brazilian GP. It was the most nail-biting race I have ever watched! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time! 😱 To me, nothing can top it!
However, the race that stood out to me the most – and the race that firmly cemented my enjoyment for the sport – was the 2005 Japanese Grand Prix. Kimi was a BEAST in that McLaren! From starting dead last on the grid to snatching victory on the final lap. What a show he put on! 🤩👏🏻
7. Do you have a favourite circuit? Can be from the past or from the current calendar.
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Spa-Francorchamps will forever be my favourite circuit. It’s home to one of the most iconic battles in history. (“BUT HERE COMES SEBASTIAN VETTEL!!!!”) Plus the foresty backdrop is absolutely stunning. 😍 One of my dream goals is to visit this iconic circuit and watch a race in person one day. 🙏🏻
I also love Silverstone, Hockenheim, Monza, Sepang, Interlagos, and the Nürburgring.
8. Have you ever been to an F1 race in real life? Feel free to tell us your experience going to one if you like.
No, I’ve never been to a race before. Not yet, at least. I would really love to go to one with my family and friends though. 🤩🙏🏻
9. Have you ever met an F1 driver in real life?
Unfortunately, as of writing, no. We’ve taken many pictures of drivers, but I’ve yet to actually come face-to-face with them and take their autographs and have pictures with them. 🙁 One day, I’m hoping this will all come true. 🤞🏻
My parents briefly talked to Esteban Ocon when he was a reserve driver. (They don’t know which team he was in at the time and I don’t know either. This was around 2015, if that helps. 🤷🏻‍♀️) My mum was extremely lucky to talk to and get an autograph from Jenson Button’s dad John when he was alive. I believe this was around the time before Jenson won the World Championship. They’ve yet to get Jenson’s autograph. Again, one day! 🤞🏻
10. Do you have a favourite F1 car? If so, what is it?
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I don’t have many favourite cars, and I’m not a car nerd like my dad is. However, the McLaren MP4/20 is a certified favourite of mine. The black and white West McLaren livery in general looked very smart. I’m happy it lasted a very long time from 1997 to 2005. 😍 I wish they brought those colours back in modern races, like for special occasions or something. 😭
I also love the blue and yellow Mild Seven Renault livery from 2005, followed by McLaren’s delightfully retro Gulf livery from 2021, and Hungry Heidi herself: the Red Bull RB9 from 2013.
11. Do you have a favourite one win wonder?
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Robert Kubica. This man went from having his horrific accident during the 2007 Canadian GP to winning the race a year later at the same circuit. What a legend! 🤍
12. Do you have any favourite quotes from the F1 world? This can either be inspirational or hilarious.
Let’s start with my favourite hilarious quote: Kimi’s got hundreds of iconic moments during his time in F1. I actually use his infamous quote “Just leave me alone! I know what I’m doing!” quite often in normal conversations, so…I’ll go with that! 🤣🤣🤣
As for inspirational quotes, hmmm, that’s a lot harder. The one that came to my head first was Daniel Ricciardo’s “Enjoy the butterflies” quote. I also love Sebastian Vettel’s “You can’t always be the best, but you can do your best.” and his retirement speech, among others. If I had to choose one….uhhhhh, let’s go with Daniel! I love them all equally though. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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blankalisek · 15 days
Hey cotl fandom am I cooking
(beggining for my upcoming fanfic under the cut haha) (Ajal is my lamb's name obv)
5 bishops defeated. 5 crown taken, 1 in use, 4 on display. Once symbols of great power, now reduced to mere relics, decorations, in the cult of the Lamb God, the one and only God of Death. Lamb never thought about keeping the crowns safe. After all, the crowns themselves choose their owner. If a too curious follower or a foolish traitor were to try and steal them, they would go insane, for the crown does not find them worthy. Many has suffered this fate in the past, despite Ajal’s many warnings and rules. For the past few decades however, no one dared to touch the crowns, admiring them from a distance. Ajal was sure that the crowns would not harm nobody, in the next few decades at least.
Imagine you’re rescued and taken to a cult by a lamb, who you were sure was executed that day, just as you’re about to be sacrificed. Only for the lamb to end up naming you „Peanut”. That was the fate of Lamb’s dear husband and disciple, who was unfortunate enough to be named that.
The gentle brown deer with a scar over his eye from when he almost got sacrificed, clad in a purple ceremonial robe, was Ajal’s first follower, first lover, and first disciple. Also a great farmer. He has seen everything, watched many followers and friends die along the way. One could say it’s a sad existence, but Peanut was happy with his life. He loves the Lamb dearly, and recently, he has been very specially rewarded.
A necklace, made out of a golden skull. Lamb only has a few, so receiving one is a big honor. Peanut couldn’t contain his excitement when Ajal gave it to them. It felt like getting married all over again, but now, even death won’t separate them. Not that it ever did, the deer always getting ressurected as soon as he died, but now there was no way for him to die.
The deer never was a jealous type. However when Lamb started marrying the former bishops, something changed. Especially towards Leshy, the former God of Chaos. It’s not that Peanut hated him, not at all, they were close friends even, bonding over being the youngest sibling. There was just something… deeper inside, this weird and yet curious feeling of disdain towards him. Peanut brushed it off as jealousy after Ajal married all the bishops. But deep inside, he knew there’s a different reason. And lately, the eye on the old decoration, the crown of Chaos, seemed just a bit more greener…
„There you go. Please eat, my child”
„Thank you my Lamb!”
Ajal smiled as they gave a meal to a follower, a brown rabbit. They have accepted 3 starving followers into the cult today. A young rabbit named Jana, an older black cat named Fibre, and a green pig named Fian. The cult grew everyday, and Lamb was very happy with that.
„I have a name, Narinder”
„Whatever. I need to talk to you”
„In private, Lamb„
Ajal was confused, and a little concerned. Narinder wanting to talk with them was rare, and in private? Whatever happened cannot be good. But either way, Lamb is very happy to spend some time with his favorite lover.
Ah yes, favorite. Lamb always pretends to not favoritize their followers, as to not hurt their feelings, but they do, they really do. Their favorites are Peanut and Narinder, of course. They are the 2 that were always there with them, ever since the beggining. How can you not favoritize that?
Either way, it was not the time to think about that now. Narinder looked very serious, which never means anything good.
Ajal and Narinder sat inside Lamb’s tent.
„So” the Lamb started, their tone playfull and nonserious „what do you need Nari?~”
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thevioletcaptain · 10 months
I have my first class in the writer's program today!
It's just a short, free, single day seminar that isn't for credit, but seeing as it's been so long since I went to university I decided it would be a good way to ease back into things before my actual graded classes start next month.
I know I already posted a thank you to everyone who chipped in, shared my fundraising post, or messaged me with encouragement a couple of weeks ago when I was trying to add a class to my schedule, but I just wanted to say it again:
Thank youuuu 💚
I really can't overstate how much it meant to me. Beyond just helping me scrape the cash together in time to enrol in the extra class, just seeing your kind words about my writing gave a huge boost to my creative energy.
Because of that... I posted two >10k oneshots and completed one long-standing WIP yesterday. And I've got more that I'm hoping to post in the next few days. I'll make actual rebloggable promos for each of the things tonight after I get back from the class, and I'm going to go in and edit the older chapters of the longfic soon, seeing as I wrote them... uh... nine years ago.
In the meantime, you can find the fics here:
Humble (formerly titled "Risen") Rule!63 DeanCas Pastry Chef AU | 38k | E
When she hangs the help wanted sign in the front window of her cafe, the last thing Deanna expects is to end up employing an inexperienced, socially inept ex-actuary as her new pastry chef. Or maybe that's the second-last thing. She absolutely doesn't expect to fall head over heels.
Frisky Business Established Relationship Casefic with a side of Dom!Cas | 13k | E
In which Cas makes an observation, and Dean's just along for the ride.
Kind of a Buddy of Mine Canonverse Crack Treated Seriously | 14k | M
It’s been sixty-five days since they left Alliance, and Cas is still seven inches tall. He's the one thing that Jesse Turner didn't put back to normal before he took off for greener pastures, and Dean figures he's holding a grudge. On some level, he can’t really blame him. Cas did try to kill the kid, after all. Still, it does seem kinda harsh to have left Cas looking like G.I. Joe’s Corporate Cousin for the rest of forever. With the apocalypse looming, Dean is determined to find a solution.
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Marieltober - Picnic
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Day 31 - Picnic
For the Marieltober in 2023 by @irenea666
warning : fluff, kissing, gabriel in his early 40s and marinette in her early 20s
Info : I'm so happy that I found this event and a big Thank you to @irenea666 for doing this :) Oh and check out her blog @irena19irena
Ps : This should have been ready at Halloween but I did not had the time so here it is. Have fun reading!
After the cold winter came the spring in which gradually some things blossomed. The flowers became more colorful, the trees greener and the birds began to chirp. A time in which one could not yet go out in T-shirts and wait eagerly for the summer.
The summer that was also for Gabriel agreste and Marinette dupain-cheng the time in which they would not only work on the joint summer collection but also spend time outside. A time for two in the great parls of Paris and their own garden of worship. But this was yet to come, first something had to be done. Something loving.
Marinette was still lying in bed, her blue hair slightly tousled from the crazy dream that was still going through her head. She had hugged the pillow and mumbled the name of her love more than once.
Much to the amusement of Gabriel who watched his love. Since he had gotten up exra earlier, he had prepared something with the help of Nathalie. He sat down on the bed with Marinette, his eyes filled with amusement and love as he watched his wife. Wiped a few strands of hair from her face and left a gentle kiss on her forehead.
,,Wake up, Marinette," he murmured, watching her protest as she pulled the covers over her head and hid from the light he had turned on. ,,Come on my love" he murmured again and kissed her head and slowly took the blanket from her.
He looked into the tired face and kissed her again and saw a beaten look. ,,Good morning," she yawned and ran through her tangled hair, which was amused by Gabriel.
,,I have a surprise for you... you just have to get ready and we can go" he said as he got up from the bed and stood in the doorway watching her take a few seconds before she curiously got up and disappeared into the bathroom and stood in front of him in the kitchen only half an hour later.
Still not quite understood what was now this big announcement of which he spoke. ,,A summer surprise, my dear," he said, watching the cogs in her head before he took her by the hand and drove her to the elevator. Luckily for him she hadn't seen the basket he took with him and seemed to still be thinking about what would happen now.
The car ride, even if it was short, Marinette still seemed to be thinking. ,,A zoo? An exhibition?..or the museum?" she asked and looked helplessly at the older one who just giggled and put a hand on hers.
He stroked her fingers and saw her calm down a little, ,,Not quite, it's a little more open and calm the two of us," he said and saw how she liked the idea. She squeezed his hand and looked happily out the window before leaning slightly against him. The ride was over after a few more glances and they arrived in front of the big park in Paris.
He got out with her and now held the picnic basket in front of her face and handed her a blanket. ,,A picnic! Oh Gabriel how sweet of you!" she exclaimed and pulled him into a hug before the younger girl walked into the park with the blanket over her arm and a smiling Gabriel behind her. The two of them searched for a place for a few minutes before sitting down under one of the big trees.
Spreading out the blanket they settled on it before he opened the basket and took out the small pastries and sandwitches for them both to eat. She leaned against her husband enjoying his warmth and enjoyed how he kept playing with a strand of her hair while Marinette enjoyed a macaron.
After some time Gabriel took out a book and left it for both of them, his calm voice Marinette still enjoyed and then at some point slowly got tired. ,,My little Ladybug," he murmured as he felt her yawn slightly and tried to concentrate further.
She leaned against him and laid her head on his lap while he covered her lightly with his jacket and continued to read his book in silence.
The two stayed there the day until afternoon and he gently woke a once again tired Marinette and carried her back to the limo he had called. But the picnic was a time out that they both enjoyed.
@a-reading-dreamer , @vavandeveresfan
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Part 2 of The Gotham Puddle Boy: Danny Fenton
Danny wasn't too concerned about getting in a car with a stranger in what may well be the crime capital of the world. 
If he got weirdo - or Dash-like - vibes he could just slip out of sight and vanish into the wind. Being half ghost made a lot of human dangers less so.
Plus, perks of being a Fenton: riding in the car with a stranger wouldn't make him nervous about their driving. No one in the world was worse at it than his dad.
So a few minutes of trading jokes and a promise of video games was all it really took to get Danny to say "sure" to going back to Tim's house. 
The car was nice, at least, and they bantered over music even as they left city limits, which Danny chose to ignore for the time being.
Around 10 minutes later they turned to approach the gates of a veritable mansion that unfortunately brought forth the memory of his first time approaching Vlad's house. 
He was silent as Tim buzzed them in, and as they crawled slowly up the driveway he took the opportunity to ask.
"You live here?”
“Yep! Bruce Wayne is my adoptive father. Welcome to Wayne Manor!"
Not long after the building’s front door was opening before they could touch the handle, with an older man in a suit greeting them. "Master Tim, welcome home. I see you've brought a guest."
A hand clapped down on his shoulder as he was introduced, "Danny this is Alfred, Alfred this is Danny. We'll be in my room playing Damned."
"It is a pleasure to meet a friend of Tim, Mister Danny."
"Ah, you too. And just Danny is fine, Mister Alfred."
Alfred smiled and secured a promise that they'd be down to at least stretch their legs and eat something after an hour had passed before Tim was ushering them through the building to his room.
Sam was a good person, but also openly hated rich people despite technically being one. Her parents, however, were a nightmare hidden behind a thin facade of civility when in public. Vlad was also a nightmare. Axion labs had been run by some tycoon and they killed their innocent dogs. Lex Luthor openly hated Superman - which would be totally understandable if it were because he never so much as glanced at Amity Park’s issues instead of because of his incredibly Xenophobic stance on any and all non-humans. All told, Danny didn’t have a good track record with -illionaires - not the adults, at least.
'...Okay, maybe I should just avoid Bruce,' he thought, settling on the floor at the foot of the bed in the enormous room they'd entered to face the gloriously massive TV while Tim booted it up.
An hour later, Alfred was knocking on the door to herd them to the dining room where he'd prepared "refreshments." It was nice to enjoy homemade food that didn't fight back for once - he hadn't eaten at Sam or Tucker's house in a while and takeout wasn't quite the same. Even if they were unfortunately healthy snacks - the strange slices he'd learned were apricot were surprisingly good.
Alfred had them stretch their legs again two hours later - this time snackless - and Tim decided to give him a tour. The house was immaculate and the kitchen would have made the Lunch Lady greener than normal with envy.
It was also empty.
"Don't you have a bunch of siblings?" he asked on the way back to the room.
"Yeah, but they're all out doing their own things until lunch." He stopped just after closing the door behind him to grin at him. "Speaking of which. Can you stay for lunch?"
Danny blinked at the sudden manic energy starkly contrasting with the incredibly normal question. 
"Uh, I don't have to be back at the hotel until like 5, so, sure?"
"How do you feel about playing a little prank?"
Danny grinned, "What did you have in mind?"
POV Jason
Jason’s patience was running incredibly thin. He had been looking at tubes of water for hours while Bruce kept asking variations of the same question. His only consolation was that Duke took up half of the attention or he might have punched him by now.
The only reason he even showed up was that he’d been told there was potential Lazarus water in Gotham - or something similar. But after hours upon hours of tests by the computer and him and Duke staring at it he was certain; that was water. Bruce had lost it.
Just as he braced himself to try and knock some sense into Bruce, Alfred came to fetch them to lunch. 
‘Finally,’ he thought, power-walking to the exit.
“I’ll be up in a minute, I want to set up one more scan to run while we’re eating,” Bruce threw after them.
“It had better only be a minute.” He paused to glower ominously over his shoulder, simmering with rage at all of the wasted time - and using that to smother the concern trying to bubble up.
“Finally,” Duke said once they were out of the batcave. “I thought we were going to be in there forever!”
Jason ignored him as he fished out his phone.
“Oh hey, group text from Tim; he has a guest that fits the family theme so he’s going to try and prank Bruce to see if he’s actually ‘lost the plot.’”
Jason grimaced, “Great, so instead of a productive lunch we’ll be playing house plus ‘guest that definitely isn’t the former Jason Todd, just a very similarly looking friend of the family’ for an hour.” He ran a hand down his face, sighing in frustration. “Count me ou-”
He froze in place, every muscle flinching to a stop. 
“Uh, Jason?”
“Quiet.” He hissed, eyes darting to the stairs as voices began to drift their way. 
Every hair stood on end as he stood there, something in his blood echoing dissonant signals of danger-run-hide-flee-don’t move-stay still-stop-stop-stop even as his conscious mind demanded he confront the problem head-on. But he couldn’t move - frozen as surely as if he’d been hit by one of Freeze’s ice rays.
As the stranger came into view his mind gave up on the danger signals, finally settling on don’t move don’t move don’t move even as near-unbearable levels of anxiety bubbled up in his gut. He barely registered Tim standing next to the guy as his head turned to stare him down, Jason’s eyes widening and shoulders hunching now that this… person’s full attention was on him.
The person hesitated a moment at the top of the stairs before smiling.
“Hi! I’m Danny, you must be Tim’s brothers?” he chirped, voice friendly enough that the anxiety uncurled just a bit. Just enough for Jason to register Tim staring at him oddly and Duke looking between the two of them.
Tim descended the stairs, done waiting for “Danny” to take the initiative, perhaps, while Duke took his silence as a cue to give the guy his cover story.
“Just me, actually,” he said. “The name’s Duke. J here is a friend of the family.” 
“Oh, uh, nice to meet you both anyway. Sorry for crashing you guys’ lunch,” he rubbed a hand over the back of his neck sheepishly before following Tim down to their level, still smiling calmly. “My parents are in town for some engineering convention and Tim kind of rescued me from dying of boredom.”
Abruptly, Jason found himself completely calm - relaxed, even. Suspiciously so; all of the rage and frustration he’d felt ever since emerging from the Lazarus Pit was suddenly swapped out for a level of relaxation he could nearly call “Zen.” 
He would nearly suspect a meta had broken Bruce’s rules, but he was the only one to react. Tim and Duke were clearly unaffected and the guy was either one hell of an actor or had genuinely only noticed him when he saw him. 
Meaning this was potentially Lazarus related - and even that thought could not cut through the sheer tranquility he was feeling to cause panic. His thoughts, at least, were unaffected.
Also, he kind of just wanted to enjoy not being angry for the first time in ages. Sue him.
So he plastered on a Wayne-family PR smile and ended the second awkward silence of the day. 
“Don’t worry about it; any friend of Tim’s is a friend of ours, at any rate. We have maybe two more minutes before Alfred actually manages to wrangle Bruce out of his study, why don’t you fill me in on this prank.”
#I guess there will be a part 3 too#Not me rapidly spiraling out of control#and writing way more than intended#oop#Also not me just stealing various headcannons I've seen other people post for the crossover for myself#Danny's one braincell is dedicated to suspecting rich people of doing something fishy#The Justice League doesn't know about Amity bc the first message got dismissed as a prank#And the GIW suppressed info after that#up until Amity tech upgraded in a weird & self-isolating manner bc of changes made to avoid being hacked by Technus#They don’t assume he’s a meta bc Batman tracks all the registered metas#or something#he has a system#and he has a no metas in Gotham rule and fought Superman once so people tend to respect that#Also they’re all incredibly sleep deprived at this point so#Jason is liminal not a halfa#but like if he were a halfa he’d only be strong enough to turn into a blob ghost#Yes I gave Jason blob ghost instincts#very small therefore very angry at everything ever#(I know the feeling)#also very scared of stronger ghosts (read: all of them)#until proven friendly#because then hey free friend/safety#ghosts eat other ghosts but only when hostilely territorial/power hunger not bc they actually need to eat au#but blob ghosts don't have lairs so they tend to wander/be more at risk until a ghost with a layer adopts them#at which point they're kind of like guard blobs#intruder alert system blob ghosts#anyway#dp x dc crossover#danny phantom au#dp x dc crossovers are my only source of knowledge on dcu characters outside of like
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pocketramblr · 1 year
En AU donde izuku es una version rebobinada de all for one, y second se ve obligado a cuidarlo con yoichi, no quieren encariñarse con el, por si recupera sus recuerdos.
We're standing our ground here with "a quirk did it" who's quirk? How? Why? Doesn't matter. A quirk did it.
1- Yoichi is in the chaotic attack, his brother searching for him as he tries to stay out of sight and still help and avoid falling rubble, but he hears his name from his brother and looks back just to see a blast of light hit AFO and he just vanishes.
2- Yoichi runs toward him, sure it's a trap but he has to see- and instead, tangled up in the clothes and admittedly fabulous coat, is a toddler with bright green eyes and even greener hair.
It's been a while since Yoichi saw that color- his brother had been born with green hair but it has turned white slowly with each quirk he stole and used. Not like Yoichi's, which went white so quick as a sick little baby. And their eyes were the same again- gone was the quirk AfO took to make them glow red in intimidation
3- Yoichi bundles up the baby and flees as the chaos changes to wonder where AfO is- his men looking for their leader, his enemies terrified for a sneak attack. Second and Third regroup with Yoichi, and ask where he found a baby. Yoichi evades, saying he heard him crying in the rubble, but both know there shouldn't be any children that young on the base. But they can discuss it later, after they get to a safe little hideaway
Yoichi admits it to Second once they're alone, but begs him not to hurt his brother- he's just a child now, innocent, hasn't done anything. Second isn't so sure it's not a disguise and a trap, but agrees that if it's real he won't hurt the kid. He couldn't bring himself to hurt Yoichi either, after all.
4- Yoichi calls him Izuku- it's AfO's actual name, though Yoichi is the only person alive to know that, and he isn't going to take that name from his brother. He makes sure Izuku grows up with stories of heroes, and generally does everything he can to make sure he's good. He did almost have a panic attack once when Izuku told him he hadn't finished a story he previously enjoyed, until Third reminded him that Izuku probably just got distracted like all kids do and would finish it later once he remembered. Second made sure there was always someone watching him for months, worried about the kids suddenly transforming back and killing them, but after he was injured woke up to see Izuku asleep, holding his hand, tear tracks on his cheeks he figured there was no way AfO would go that far, even for a trap. They stop worrying about Izuku remembering being evil and focus on trying to limit the chances he'll go all demon lord again.
5- all's well until Izuku's about nine years old, when he rushes home with a white streak in his hair and panic on his face and Second drops the plate he was washing and Yoichi drops the knife he was sharpening- he rambles to say that he saw an older kid in the park having an anxiety attack, and tried to help him and felt like he could remove something, so he reached out his hand on instinct and took Danger Sense that was overwhelming the teenager, and he was better for all of one minute before he panicked again at all the dangers he wouldn't sense coming now first, and Izuku gave him the meta-power back but he was still scared and other people were going to come see and Izuku ran home as far as he could and he didn't know he had a meta power too! Can he be a hero with it?
Third faints dead away at that, and neither Yoichi nor Second help him up as they both hurry over to Izuku instead, reassurances and questions and plans to get out of town immediately tumbling over each other and culminating in a very tear, shakey hug.
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fervency-if · 9 months
Can you tell us some Lore about the ROs first romantic relationship? What kind of person their partner are? How and why did it end?
The Physician met a boy her age when they were seventeen, and they fell for one another. He was a nice, warm, and friendly person, and they had a good and trusting relationship until the last months, when things got more complicated. They were together for about five years, loved one another deeply, and planned to get married one day. This obviously didn't happen, though - despite his love for her, he got 'cold feet' - commitment started to scare him. There are so many people in the world, and she had been his first partner. Is the grass greener on the other side, perhaps? She was very hurt by this, feeling betrayed.
Aubrey was with a young man from his village. Aubrey was eighteen, and he was twenty. He was a sweet and soft man, very altruistic and always put other people's needs before his own, even the needs of strangers, something Aubrey couldn't quite understand. The relationship ended on a rather casual note - it simply didn't work out, and they weren't compatible. Aubrey realised that he wasn't really in love for real, it had just been a quick, strong infatuation, and they broke up in a friendly way - the man felt quite similar, it had all moved a tad too quickly. They weren't together for a long time, not more than a few months. They didn't really stay friends afterwards, but there weren't any hard feelings.
Vesa's first relationship was when she was somewhere in her older teens. It was a young woman she met by pure chance, and to her, it felt like destiny. She was, just like Vesa, optimistic and fun-loving, so they were quite compatible in that sense. They felt like they were crazy in love and wanted to move in together as soon as possible. They didn't have time to do that, though - both of them realised that it had all gone too quickly, they believed themselves to have been in love, not just wildly infatuated. Suddenly, it wasn't so exciting anymore. The breakup was rather awkward. Vesa didn't learn anything from this experience.
Narciso fell for a wealthy woman, a Baroness, who often visited the opera house to see and hear him sing. He was twenty-eight years old, and she was about a decade older. This was the first time he ever felt ready for a romantic relationship, he had avoided them in the past for a few different reasons. The woman was flirty, extroverted, and outgoing, and their relationship was very fun and lighthearted. She was married already, but she neglected to mention that little detail. Had her husband actually been fine with it, Narciso wouldn't have minded that she was married, but he didn't like when he realised that she had lied about it. The relationship ended because her husband found out, he did not like it, and the Baroness prioritised him, wanting to save their marriage instead of breaking up to be with Narciso.
Roswhen's relationship was with a person they met when travelling from place to place to make money playing the flute. Roswhen was in their older teens or early twenties, their partner just a tad older. They had a steady home, unlike Roswhen, and Roswhen always decided to return to them after travelling for a while. Roswhen's partner was responsible, mature, and quite mild-mannered. It was a pleasant and loving relationship, they were both very happy with one another, but eventually, Roswhen's partner grew tired of the former's lifestyle, wanting them to settle down properly. Roswhen wasn't ready for that - they wanted to keep travelling, to see the world more, so their desires clashed. Both of them were quite sad about breaking up, but got over it, and cherish the nice memories they had together.
This question doesn't apply to Elan, having had no experience.
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asukaskerian · 1 year
monthly word count - december
Monthly word count - DecemberTOTAL: 5 467 POSTED: nope IN PROGRESS -Bleach: suburban OT4 (4 024 words) -Naruto: cherry wine - madatobiizu ABO (1 438 words) -Bleach : pack fuckening ABO (5 words =_= BUT! i plotted things out. why is getting grimmjow dicked down so complicated.) qsdgnbsghhh.
Suburban OT4 -- "Oh, oh, I almost forgot, give me the little brush, I've got to touch up my eyebrows." "Oh! You do your eyebrows too! That must make your eyes look so much greener!" Orihime peers at her face as Nelliel cautiously applies brush to brow, leaning close. "They're already somewhat green--" "Green-gray-hazel-whatever," Nelliel replies, and then -- she can't help it, she smirks. "Usually I also dye downstairs but considering I can't see it right now--" "Nel-chan!" Orihime splutters, cheeks blooming a beautiful coral pink. Nelliel doesn't know how she does it, how she looks so adorable -- so ravishable -- the more flustered she is, but... "--I'm not gonna ask you to dive down and do it for me," Nel finishes, just for the pleasure of seeing her lower lip jut out with a tremble in pouty, embarrassed protest. -- Ichigo has had a very long day at school. His kids were demons, he had to supervise two after-class clubs unexpectedly, and the director made unsatisfied little hums every other sentence during their noon meeting. He has had a long day, he is sweaty, he is grumpy, and he is very glad that Orihime and Nel have decided to take Kazui to the park, because it means nobody will barge in when he sets up camp under the shower and simmers down for a half-hour or so. Okay, maybe just ten minutes, because the water pipes situation is still shit and the leaks and the guests have already made their bill skyrocket. But fuck it. It's that or smoking a joint, and he hasn't had access to that stuff since college, or whenever the last time Rukia visited was. He gets rid of his shoes, his jacket, his socks, his button-up shirt, and marches up to the bathroom in shorts and a tanktop, towel at the ready. He yanks open the door to find a naked man sitting on a stool, stained towel draped over his shoulders and falling down his back so that Ichigo only sees, oh, maybe an inch and a half of ass crack in between the bottom of the towel and the stool. The gluey-blue, slick mess on his bowed head and the shoulders-waist ratio indicate that this is Grimmjow and not a random stranger come to indecently expose himself to Ichigo's faucets, so he doesn't screech somehow. The way Grimmjow curls forwards, back rounded under the towel, head bowed-- "What the hell are you doing?" Grimmjow doesn't even bother to straighten up, just sneaks him a glance from the very corner of his eye over his toweled shoulder. "What, did you think my pubes were blue naturally?" Ichigo might, perhaps, screech a little bit. Or choke. Or something. He's sure it doesn't warrant that fucking look. "I never saw your pubes! How the hell should I know?!" "Oh right," the man muses, finally deigning to tilt his head back, neck arched, to look at him with perfect unconcern. His eyebrows are glued together by dye too, and he should look ridiculous, but his lack of concern is so total that he actually-- "You wanna?" Ichigo slams the door so hard when he storms out of the bathroom that it bounces off and opens wide again, so he has the great fortune of being able to hear, before he locks himself away inside his room, that fucking asshole Grimmjow go "Hehehe" to himself like a smug tool. -- Naruto - Cherry Wine - ABO -- "Izuna?" "When I mentioned the two attacks didn't fit together," Izuna said, staring down at the rather simple knot he was fiddling with. "Yes?" "He implied he didn't understand why I thought so." "Hm?" "He was lying." Izuna looked up to meet his eyes, red and whirling; tugged him into a quick flash of a genjutsu, perfect memory of every twitch and tell, highlighted with echoes and echoes of older, similar memories. "And nervous about it." "...Ah." Madara's pleasant mood started to sink. Their omega was gone now, too far to hunt down and demand answers out of. "He knows more than he shared," Izuna concluded, tssking in annoyance. "Not like he did it, but--" "Knows who did -- suspects who did, and won't share that." Madara scowled. The token was tied securely and didn't fall after an annoyed tug; he took in a deep breath of that scent, reminding himself of... pleasure, touching, so much skin-to-skin contact. It wasn't like he'd forgotten Tobirama was a Senju, with different allegiances. He didn't owe them the truth in full. Madara could want to fuck him and not trust him. "Let's go," he ordered, straightening his back, letting a scowl settle on his face. Izuna fell into step with him, and they went.
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jimothy-hopkins · 1 year
All Yours.
Cause we all need the horse boy lore.
It was late evening, and the fading winter brought greener grass and longer days to the farm. Gary liked it this way. He could stay out longer, and it was around this time the mares would give birth. Gary loved the foals. Although, he couldn’t say the same for his older brother, Leroy, nicknamed Leo.
Leo never held an interest in horses as Gary did. Sure, he killed at polo and jockeyed well, but that was about as far as his equestrian career went. He was way older than Gary, which made it hard for them to connect. What did an 11-year-old kid and a 20-something college guy have in common? Barely anything. The only thing Gary’s parents needed from them both was a free horse jockey.
Currently, Gary and Leo were bringing in and feeding the broodmares. Gary poured the grain while Leo went and caught them from the pasture. It was also routine for them to check for signs of foaling as they were nearing due dates. Gary had been anticipating the last few days but was disappointed when the mares showed no signs of waxing or dropping. Every year it was a gamble. Some mares were right on time, others had foals early, and a few kept them in a little longer.
Gary grabbed one of the buckets, approaching a mare’s stall. She was named Devil’s Dance and affectionately nicknamed Dancey. She was quiet and had a silky black coat with four socks and a star on her head.
“Hey, you heifer,” Gary reached to pet her forehead and poured her feed into the trough.
As Dancey ate, Gary ran a hand along her side and knelt. He noticed her stomach had dropped a lot, and her udder had waxed! A grin spread to Gary’s face, and the boy slowly came to stand. He cautiously walked to her back end. He felt the area around her tail, the flesh rippling like a plate of Jell-O. His ambitions were further confirmed when Dancey’s tail bent back to her spine. Dancey was going to foal in a matter of days, hours even.
Gary let out a small squee and patted the mare.
“You’re such a good girl, mama!” He said as he gave her kisses.
Dancey snorted and pushed against his face. She loved attention when she could get it, especially when it was from Gary.
The young boy exited the stall and ran to meet his older brother.
“Leo! I think Dancey’s going to have her baby soon>’ He breathed.
“She’s not due for another week, Gary.” The man scoffed as he parked the last of the broodmares into her stall.
“But she was all squishy! She had wax and all that!” Gary insisted.
“Fleabag did the same thing last year, and we had to wait a whole week til her little rat popped out,” Leo grumbled.
Gary rolled his eyes and continued his chores until they got done and could head inside.
All Gary could think f was Dancey’s foal. From dinner until bed, the unborn foal was the only thing on Gary’s mind. The adults had their kick about it, but it didn’t dissuade him. Gary could hardly sleep, and when he finally fell asleep, he woke up not long after.
Looking at his clock, it was around three in the morning. He sat up and looked around for a moment. He listened for any maids or other staff. The halls were quiet, and that meant he could make his move. Gary quickly got out of bed and pulled on some slippers. He made his way to the door and quietly exited his room. Once in the hall, he made a mad dash outside and into the stables.
Once inside, he turned on the lights. A few mares peered out from their stalls but turned back to lay down and sleep again. However, he did hear something that was off. He walked down the aisle, stopping at Dancey’s stall.
He looked over, and just as he’d said, she was in labor and ready to foal. He panicked, unsure what to do, he wanted to tell his parents, but he also wanted to watch the birth. Gary opened her stall and slipped inside.
“Hey Dancey, it’s ok, girl. It’s ok,” He whispered.
The mare groaned and stumbled around to find a comfortable place to lie down. Gary sidestepped to give her as much room as possible. His eyes never left the mare.
With a heavy breath, she flopped down. Gary knelt close by and watched as the mare had contractions. He wasn’t a stranger to foaling, but this time it felt different. As if Gary needed to be here. Gary made sure to help soothe the mare best he could from a distance, assuring Dancey that she was indeed a good girl and that she could do it.
Gary watched as she gave birth to a beautiful foal. The newborn was massive with a bold chestnut coat. Like its mother, it had four socks. Dancey’s baby also had a broad blaze that covered its face. When Gary got a better look at it, he could tell that the foal was a little colt.
Only after she passed the placenta did Gary run to wake his family. As expected, his father was irritated that Gary didn't alert him when Dancey was in labor, but he woke his wife and eldest after he heard the news.
Back down at the barn, the Smiths watched from outside the stall as the colt attempted to stand.
“He’s quite big,” Gary’s mother commented.
“Bigger the horse the faster the stride. Bet you he’s gonna make us some money,” Mr. Smith nodded.
“You said that last year too, and those rats can barely clock a minute,” Leo spat.
“You hush, now Gary. What do you wanna name your horse?” His father asked as he grabbed his shoulder.
“My horse? He’s mine!?” Gary said in disbelief.
“He’s all yours, son.” The man nodded.
Gary thought for a moment.
“Dignified Devil.” He answered with a nod.
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analtyranny · 1 year
let’s play gore screaming show (part 1)
so i’ve been curious about this game since...before i was old enough to play it, probably. i listened to the OP pretty frequently and would try looking up info on the story now and again. problem is, it came out 16 years ago with no sign of an english release. i’d also heard rumors that black cyc games are programmed weird and impossible to insert text into, or something? so basically i gave up on it and moved on to greener more euphoric pastures
it FINALLY got an english release in november 2022, and i found this out...on the last day of a JAST sale. so i figured, fuck it, no time like the present
which brings us here today. is this game good? no clue! is it gory? most likely! but nothing can faze me after euphoria, right? ......r-right?
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due to tumblr’s bullshit TOS im gonna be heavily censoring scenes. you’ll have to play it yourself to get those. but also it should be fine if i post just certain key phrases from them. it wouldn’t be an eroge playthrough without “The meatus...!” after all
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this OP kicks ass, highly recommended. 18+ warning though for some of the included CGs. ...not sure how it survived on youtube for 14 years
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okay before i start im just gonna talk about what i know about the story, i.e. what little information i’ve gleaned from my “research”
so the plot is this dude moves back to the town he grew up in and lives with his hot older cousin. he will probably fuck her. sorry. don’t kill the messenger. he reunites with his childhood friends who are all girls with color-coded names. he will probably fuck them. for some reason there's an ossan with a gun. he will probably fuck him?
so whoever you try to date, you get harassed by this purple-haired little girl and her creepy murder clown buddy and you have to stop them from killing your three weed-smoking girlfriends
also that caution tape says "delicious"
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this boob lady’s in the OP too but idk who she is
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then there’s a scene of a little girl going home. it goes back and forth between this and boob lady telling the story
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oh, there's the clown guy
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hey it’s the groupchat
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so boob lady’s going "ohh everyone's looking at me im getting fucked by eyeballs" while the little girl talks to clown guy. who then eats her. cronch
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hey look, it's our protagonist...'s POV!
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...or not? looks like the actual narration is in 3rd person instead of 1st, like most VNs ive played. huh.
also, only three years? i got the impression it was longer than that
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this road sure looks familiar. any little girl bones around here? conspicuous bloodstains?
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h-haha, you sure it's supposed to be red-brown?
i missed capping it but he crashes into purple girl on his bike and she says "welcome home :)" but when he tries to apologize she's not there
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and suddenly he's in a different place... and then he gets a flat tire
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AND he's late for high sch--COLLEGE
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on his first day, too
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his teacher's like "how tf did you get lost when you used to live here?" it's those damn warp panels, man
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all my teachers just talked to me like i was braindead and/or a toddler
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he will probably fuck him
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short king
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red one sighted!!!
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here's the blue one but kyoji doesn't remember her name
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and finally, the yellow one. apparently she has huge boobs. i guess she's not a childhood friend but used to live where he went before, and conveniently also transferred here
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it's normal for legal adults to live alone
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school sux, come get some yoofies
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we've got our...awkwardly shoehorned first choice! from top to bottom, it's: 
blue (first playthrough) 
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bluiex · 1 year
tw: major character death hello bluie i do not like this At All but goddammit i wrote it and someone else might enjoy it so. eh
(if any of y'all know the vocaloid song leia, then y'all already know what this is about lmao) _______________ "One day at a time. Take it one day at a time."
Loss isn't something that you set aside time for. It's never anticipated, never given its due time; rather, it takes what you cannot afford to spare. It reaches into the gentlest crevasses of your heart, curls its fingers tight, and rips it out instead.
After that, all you're left with is grief. That empty, endless feeling that spreads like a virus through your blood and bones until you turn to ash, and are reborn a better person. Grian didn't have time for burning. He didn't make room for loss, or the grief that followed, so he wouldn't make time for healing.
There was no repairing what he felt, anyways. That endless void would live within him for the rest of his days, surely, because there was no one to fill the space that remained. And life would carry on, with or without him. Grian chose to keep moving.
Like clockwork, he would drag himself out of bed (it's colder now, he noticed) and make his way downstairs. (Make his way past the kitchen— there was no one to wake him with breakfast anymore.)
The stairs were coated with a thin film of dust, but there was no reason to clean anymore. (No one else would be coming home. It wasn't home anymore.) He would make his way into his little paradise, a nursery-turned-art studio, cramped as it was. (Once upon a time they thought kids would be a lofty order, but maybe now it would ease the pain a little. To have someone to share the grief with.)
The room was a mess, filled with scattered projects in all states of complete; that is to say, none of them were. Grian tried as hard as he could to come up with a new muse, but whenever he picked up his palette, it was the same face he found gazing back from the canvas.
Day in, day out, Grian painted the same face over and over and over again. Some days the grief turned to weeping, paint staining his face that shined with tears. Some days it became anger instead, and brushes turned to daggers in his fists, cutting and tearing through weeks worth of work.
Most days he felt nothing, painting only to keep his body moving.
Grian felt like he was running out of time, though no one called to commission pieces anymore. There was no point to what he was doing, locking his friends and family away in favor of breathing in paint fumes and letting the dizziness carry him away somewhere warmer. But he did it regardless, because to speak to anyone would force the ugly truth right in front of his eyes.
That Scar was dead. And that there was nothing left to do about it.
But maybe, maybe this time it would be different. Maybe, if he got the lighting just right, the pose perfect, the smile pristine, he would come back to life. That this portrait could bring him back, if only he could get it right.
Grian failed and and again, and it felt like this was his punishment from the universe: to be trapped in this little room, in a house that was no longer a home, and try to revive that which was rotting away in the cold dirt. There was a madness to his work, that some days he couldn't tell if he even recognized the man in the paintings anymore, that photographs failed him too, because no still image could truly capture his Scar.
The painting wouldn't tell you that he crinkled his nose when he frowned, or wrung his hair out when he was excited. It wouldn't tell you how he would rock on his heels when he wasn't listening, or counted out change using his fingers. You wouldn't know that his eyes used to be hazel, but became greener as he got older, or about the scar on his neck, or how much newborn kittens made him cry.
None of this a simple painting could portray. And Grian was going mad from trying. He painted day in, and day out, his largest portrait so far.
The canvas brushed against the ceiling and took up nearly half of the wall width-wise, and it still wasn't enough. It would never be enough. Grian was drowning in oil pastels, and acrylic paint, and spray paint, and charcoal sticks, and he would never be able to say he was sorry. He would never be able to say how much he missed those stupid little things about Scar to his face, or how much he needed him back, how empty the bed was without him, how empty his heart was now.
He wouldn't get one last "I love you", one last kiss good night.
When the light bulbs burnt out, Grian didn't bother with replacing them. He fetched a few candles from the kitchen, and carried on, because by stopping for only a second, he was already years behind pace. He painted by candle light, streaks of moon light cutting across the floor in an uneven pattern. His eyes burned, whether from the paint fumes or exhaustion, it was hard to tell.
Not that he cared. Grian didn't care about anything anymore.
"Time of death, 3:34 a.m. Cause of death, asphyxiation from carbon monoxide, victim showed signs of second degree burns across his upper torso and facial area." The detective flipped their notebook shut, readjusting their mask. With the fire put out, they were finally able to enter the crime scene and investigate the body, but there was no cutting the rancid odor of burnt hair and flesh.
"We'll have to wait for forensics to confirm the monoxide idea though, but the general physical indicates he was probably already dead when the fire was just getting started," the secondary replied, shining a flashlight across the partially destroyed room. "Passed out from it, most likely."
"Why the hell was he working in a room like this anyways? Place is a mess, it's a miracle he wasn't crushed alive by all the junk piled up in here." The primary poked at the ruined canvases, most of them burnt beyond recognition. "Doubt it matters much, anyways. There's no sign of a struggle, victim had been totally isolated for the past few months. It's open and shut."
As they shuffled around the room, the secondary noticed a small scrap that managed to survive, a photograph. They picked it up to glance it over, and there, perfectly preserved, was the last moments of a happy couple, both smiling with all their teeth, the corners of the photo stained with ash.
"I guess you're right," they said, staring at the unfamiliar faces. "It's a miracle he lasted this long alone."
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afieldforustospar · 9 months
A field for us to spar
[WIP for first chapter!!!!!!]
   Green fields as far as the eye could see filled Craig's eyes, just like every other day in the village. The grass was starting to get even more greener by the day as spring was approaching, flowers blooming all around. Beautiful, from cowslips and primroses to lilies of the valley, forget-me-nots and wild daffodils. The trees were getting taller every night and more and more bugs were coming out from their hidden places. 
   As much as Craig liked spring since it meant harvest season, the bugs were something he wasn't looking forward to. They always bother him during sleep, either because of their constant noise or the fact that they seek refuge on his bed that he's already sharing with his sister.
   They would hide inside the hay of his bed, crawling on him when he was sleeping, getting into his hair and so much more. During spring, before bed, Craig would always fruitlessly try to get all the bugs out of his bed, yet it never worked, no matter how long he stayed there, shooing them away.
   His sister was too young to understand what he was doing, after all, when she slept, she felt nothing, no bugs crawling or the hay poking her skin. So, she just saw her brother's weird behaviour as a ritual he does every night during spring.
   "Craig!" his father called out, snapping the boy from his previous train of thought, "come on son," he said as Craig turned his attention towards the other, "today is a big day remember?" he asked, "you're finally gonna help me with the crops!"
   His father stood tall, taller than every man in his village. His pumpkin-like coloured hair lost its vibrance as the years went by and more and more hair started falling out. Wrinkles and laugh lines were visible on his face as his green eyes shined. They looked tired but oh-so full of love.
   His outfit was similar to Craig's, but much more 'adult-like'. He wore a white shirt and on top a dark blue tunic, both had long lost their colour from much use and wash, a bit of tearing everywhere. His black pants were a bit short on him, stopping at the ankle. They can never find tall enough pants for him sadly.
   Rolling up his sleeves, the young raven-haired boy nodded enthusiastically, running towards his father. His skin was a bit tanner than his parents, 'sun-kissed' his mother would call it, full of birthmarks and moles. His sister would sometimes attempt to count all of them, she, however, quickly gave up after she hit one hundred. His inky-coloured hair was messy for they didn't have a comb to fix it, fingers did just fine. His golden eyes looked like they were filled with stars inside of a honey bottle with hints of stardust as they scanned the scenery before him.
   The clothes his mother picked for him for the day were light. A white long-sleeved shirt and a baby blue sleeveless jacket on top that he hastily up on. They were messy, filled with unwashable dirt stains and a few rips here and there, Craig's pretty sure it was a hand-me-down from one of their neighbours whose kid is a few years older than him. His dark brown shorts were also hand-me-downs he's pretty sure, although he's failing to place from whom he got them.
   "I still think he's too young for that Thomas," his mother said as she exited the small hut they used to call home, "he's barely seven, don't you think we should wait another year or two?" she asked, her golden hair swaying to the left thanks to the wind, the sun's light falling just perfectly to make her hair look as if it's shining. Craig sometimes wondered if she was a lost princess or something because a selfer like them has no business being this beautiful.
   Her cinnamon-coloured eyes laced with worry as she looked at her son. She too, like his father, had wrinkles and laugh lines on her face.
   "Mum!" Craig whined as he grabbed his mother's long olive-coloured dirty dress, filled with stains from all the work in the fields, "you promised I could help dad when I become six! I'm basically an adult now! I want to help!"
   "Come on Laura, how can you say no to that face, huh?" his father laughed, walking towards his wife, "besides," he said, "you're knees are getting weak, you know you're getting too weak to continue working and we can't disappoint the Grand Wizard, our village won't be able to afford it," he continues as he takes his wifes hands into his own, kissing her knuckles, "just focus on Tricia and Craig will cover for you, alright love?"
   "Thomas," Laura sighed in return, clearly unhappy, "I told you not to mention it in front of the kids."
   "Right," the ginger laughed awkwardly, "shall we go Craig?" he turned towards his son, ruffling up his hair.
   "Dad!" the golden-eyed boy complained as he tried to sway away his father's hands from his hair, desperately trying to make it look more presentable. Once Thomas let go and started walking towards the fields, Craig rushed after him, glancing back for a second to wave goodbye to his mother, "bye mum!"
   "Be careful you too!" she called out before going back inside the hut.
   "Alright son, listen up," his father said as they continued their walk, "this is going to be very tiring, okay? So I don't want to hear any complaining. Remember, it's you who insisted on coming."
   "I know," the kid rolled his eyes, "I'm not like Tricia, I don't complain!" he said, trying to catch up to his father once more.
   "Right," Thomas laughed, "that's why you complained the other day that Tricia threw your wood carving in the fireplace."
   "Because she did!" Craig answered, stomping his foot momentarily.
   "Craig you know lying is bad," his father said matter of factly, "I saw you throwing it into the fire because you didn't like how it turned out."
   "That was another one!" the boy insisted as he crossed his arms, looking anywhere but his guardian.
   "Craig..." Thomas said again, side-eyeing his son.
   "Okay fine!" the other finally admitted defeat, "I didn't like it and blamed it on Tricia! Happy?" he said, pouting as he looked at his father angrily, "I just couldn't get it right, like, at all! I can't do it like you do it!"
   "Because you're still young, son," the ginger reminded, opening the small gate to their field of crops, "you'll get it eventually."
   "Uh-huh," Craig rolled his eyes once again, "when pigs fly."
   "Don't be so hard on yourself sprout," his father said, entering the shed with the tools, his son as always following behind, "not your fault the chisel is bigger than your hand," then, he turned his attention towards the kid, handing him a sickle, "here," he said, "this is the smallest one, specifically for you."
   As they exited the shed, Thomas went on explaining and showing how to use the tool and soon enough, Craig found himself working in the field with his father until dawn.
   It was tiring and more than once the boy found himself wanting to complain about the workload, but every time he felt like that, he quickly stopped that train of thought. His father did warn him that it was going to be exhausting.
   By the time they went home, Craig was a dirty, filthy, mess drenched in sweat, much like his father. His whole body felt sore and he found himself wondering how do his parents cope with such a workload every day. Maybe that's why his mum was sick.
   "You're back," his mother smiled at the two, "I was starting to get worried. Dinner is ready, wash your faces and come eat, I and Tricia were waiting for you."
   "Feel free to get started eating," Thomas smiled at his wife, "I and Craig don't mind, right son?" he turned towards his kid.
   Too tired to formulate words, the inky-haired boy just nodded, heading outside towards the huge four barrels, spotting his, he grabbed some water and splashed himself with it, sighing happily as the cold liquid hit his face.
   "Tired, huh?" his father laughed from behind, making the boy flinch, "I was halfway expecting you to leave once you got too tired."
   In return, all the man earned as a response was an unhappy scoff.
   "You did well Craig," Thomas continued, patting his son's head, "you don't have to come tomorrow, I hate seeing you all silent like that."
   The boy didn't respond, too tired to even properly open his mouth. All that was on his mind was sleep. He couldn't wait to just collapse on his bed made of hay, no matter how many bugs crawled on him or how much the hay was poking his skin uncomfortably.
   As they entered the hut, they sat at the small table, ready to eat whatever it was that his mum cooked. After uttering a small prayer to the Hydro Archon, they dug in, eating in relative silence.
   After that, Craig immediately fell on his bed, getting comfortable and not caring about the bugs. As he closed his eyes, he felt the bed shift a bit, meaning his sister got to bed as well.
   "Where were you?" she asked, keeping her voice a whisper, "I was bored all day, I thought we were going to play with the flowers!"
   Her hair was a few shades lighter than his father's, being more strawberry blonde, at least that's what their mother called it. It was tied up in two ponytails so it didn't get too matted while she's sleeping. Her eyes were a pretty shade of green, just like their father's, but in the centre, closer to the pupil, it had hints of their mother's soft brown.
   "I was helping dad," Craig answered in a small voice, finding it hard to find the strength to engage in the conversation his sister was seeking.
   "I know that!" Tricia answered, pouting, "I mean what did you do? You look like you're ready to pass out any moment for at least a few months."
   In response, the boy raised his middle finger weakly, saying, "we were working on the field, what else would we be doing?"
   Silence settled between the two siblings, but only for a few moments, for Tricia broke it again. "Will you go tomorrow as well?" she asked.
   "Dad says I can stay home," Craig started, "but I'm not gonna. I'll go help him."
   "Why?" his sister whined, clearly displeased with her answer, "the flowers are blooming and all of them are white, yellow and blue, I want to see you make them pink again!"
   Craig sat up, sighing tiredly as he did so. Every bone and muscle in his body was protesting to that action but he simply ignored his body's demands.
   Wrapping his arm around his sibling, he ever so carefully said, "mum is sick, and her not wanting to talk about it in front of us doesn't make her any less sick. I overheard dad mention that she can't help in the field, you know what that means, right? If someone doesn't replace mum we might get killed or sent to the workforce because we aren't productive enough. So I'm taking mum's place for now, at least until she gets better."
   "I wish we weren't selfers," she grumbled, shifting closer towards her brother in an attempt to hug him, "I wish we were nobles. I wish I and mum could wear pretty dresses and go to balls. I wish dad could pick up woodcarving again. I wish you could study magic," she said, burying her face in the crook of her brother's neck, "it's unfair," she mumbled.
   Craig didn't respond, he just laid down and held his sister tighter, slowly letting the unconsciousness take him away for another sleepless night.
   Morning came all too soon, making Craig wish the night lasted longer so that he could sleep at least a few hours more. His body felt too sore, like he was a rag doll for an aggressive dog or something. Still, muttering all the strength he could, he got out of bed, ready for another day in the field.
   "Craig?" his mother said once she saw him, "what are you doing here so early? I just finished making bread."
   Just finished making bread? It must be really early then, or his mother slept in, one of the two.
   "Has dad left?" is all the boy asks, straight to the point. Truly, one of his virtuous.
   "No sweetie, he hasn't left yet," Laura answered, "why? Did you want to ask him something?"
   "I'm going to help him today," Craig answered as he sat on his designed seat on the table.
   "Craig, your dad already said you don't need to," his mother reassured him, "you can go ahead and play with your sister."
   "I want to," her son answered, looking more sleepy than usual.
   Laura hesitated, examining her son and his tired and sleepy demeanour. "Are you sure honey?" she asks again.
   "Yeah," the golden-eyed boy answers, "can I eat now or do I have to wait for dad?" he goes on, finally looking up at the concerned expression.
   "He's washing his face," the mother answers, "he's gonna come in a few minutes, why don't you go wash your face too?"
   The boy nodded mutely, getting off the chair and walking outside their home and to his own barrel. As he was about to leave through the door, his mother's voice rang once more, "don't forget today is shower day! I and Tricia will go to the river to get some fresh water."
   Once again, her only response was a nod from the raven-haired boy who went outside, ready to join his father.
   As he approached the four barrels, he spotted his father in front of him, splashing water on his face and sighing happily. As Craig neared his own barrel, Thomas finally noticed him, his eyes widening a bit.
   "Craig?" he asked, "what are you doing here son?"
   "I'm gonna help you at the field again," the young boy stated as he sprayed some water on his face.
   "Sprout, I told you," his father starts, "you don't need to help me today, you can go play with Tricia, I'm sure you want to."
   "I want to help you," Craig answers as he dries his face with his shirt, "I'll play with Tricia some other time."
   "Are you sure?" the other asks again.
   "If I wasn't I wouldn't be here," the golden-eyed boy answered, "now let's go, mum made breakfast."
   Sighing in defeat, his father followed along, going back to their hut. There they saw Laura setting up the table.
   They ate in silence and afterwards went to the field, just like the day before. Now that the field was empty from yesterday, they had to plant new seeds and everything. Unlike the first day, today it was easier and less taxing. Also unlike the first day, the two men were done early, coming home once evening started.
   Going through their usual routine. Come home, eat, take a shower and then do whatever you please.
   "Can we play now?" Tricia asked, tugging Craig's clean sleeve. He was wearing one of the more clean clothes he owns, sitting on the dinner table, trying to carve a small figure of a farmer with a hoe.
   His mother was in the kitchen, cocking whatever she was cocking. The golden-eyed boy looked over at Laura, silently asking permission. The sun hadn't set yet since the days were longer now, so it should be fine.
   Once his mother noticed his silent permission, she nodded, smiling warmly at him.
   Getting up from his chair, he turned to his sister, "alright, let's go Trish," he said.
   The smile he received from his sibling almost feel guilty for not playing with his sister the day before.
   As the two kids left their house, they made their way to their favourite spot at an empty field just outside the small village they lived in. Close to the field was a small pond that, sometimes, during the summer, the two siblings, and sometimes the parents, would swim in. Now, the field was covered in all kinds of flowers, yet all of them were either white blue or yellow.
   "Come on!" Tricia exclaimed happily as she ran towards the centre of the field, "hurry up!"
   Once Craig caught up to his sister he couldn't help but smile. She sat in the middle, waiting for her brother to join. So the inky-haired boy sat next to her.
   "Do the thing!" Patricia flapped her hands, "do the thing!"
   Sighing tiredly, Craig put his palm against the ground and closed his eyes. The feeling of the ground beneath him was relaxing, as if feeling someone breathe while hugging them. Then, he felt an energy, magic, in his veins as he shared his power with the ground.
   He heard Tricia gasp in excitement, he could already imagine the smile on her face. He felt the wind caress his skin as if encouraging him to use his magic more and more.
   As he slowly opened his eyes, he was met with a similar yet different sight. The previously white flowers turned into a soft and pastel baby pink, the yellow ones were now orange and the blue ones turned purple. The wind still blew, yet from a gentle breeze it turned harsher, making leaves float through the air.
   "I've been thinking," his sister spoke up once more, making her brother turn his attention to her, "you can make plants change colour, right?"
   "Yeah?" Craig answered dumbfounded, "I did that literally a few seconds ago."
   "Can you grow plants though?" Tricia asked, "like, can you at least make a small plant?"
  The golden-eyed boy didn't answer right away, mulling the question over, "...I don't know," he finally answered, "I've never tried."
   "Try now!" the other encouraged, "maybe you can start making plants and make our village the best!"
   Craig thought for a bit. While the idea of being able to create plants using magic could be useful for the village since it means less labour and taking a lot of work off his parent's shoulders, there is one downside. Being on the Grand Wizard's radar is not something anyone would want. He would get suspicious at the sudden rise of productivity and profit their village got in such a short time and, sooner or later, would launch an investigation on them.
   Plus, guards would be added to their village, a double-edged sword if you asked him. On one hand, they would be protected from dangers such as attacks from the Elves but, on the other hand, that would mean that they would be watched constantly which would mean they would be told on almost immediately.
   Either way, he should probably try his sister's suggestion. Even if it doesn't work, he would still know what his limits are.
   "Alright," he finally says, sighing in defeat, "let's try it."
   As he sits up, his hand finds its place on the ground. He's not sure how exactly he's supposed to grow a plant out of nothing. There's no handbook that he could open, read carefully through the soft crinkly paper pages and try to copy the spell.
   Sighing deeply again, he attempts to reverse engineer the spell for his new spell. As the wheels in his head started spinning, he felt a similar power buzzing through his veins. It should be easy, just give power to the land like before, just focus it on one object instead of the entire field.
   Just like before, his veins buzzed with energy. Slowly, he opened his eyes, lifting his hand slowly as he saw a small plant growing under his palm. As the small plant grew, it turned into a small five-petaled flower. Four of the petals were as white as the moonlight and one light blue, reminiscent of the daytime sky, the carpels and stamens of the flower are yellow, almost gold while the stems are a slightly darker purplish-blue. The petals looked as if they were glowing slightly.
   He heard an excited gasp from his sister, as she smiled happily and exclaimed, "it's so pretty!" and the golden-eyed boy couldn't help but smile at his accomplishment. It was an actual flower! One that he made with nothing but his magic! 
   However, once Craig stopped the spell, the plant immediately wilted and turned to dust, the wind taking it away from the two siblings. Immediately, the young boy's smile fell as he faced his failure.
   Tricia also stared at the empty place that once was a flower she would never know the name of. "I mean, at least you made it...?" she started, "that means there's still a chance to practice and get better!"
   "... I guess," the inky-haired boy sighed, feeling tired all of a sudden. Guess using this one magic at once didn't do him any favours.
   "Kids!" Laura suddenly shouted, catching the kids' attention, "Craig! Tricia! Dinner's ready!"
   Sighing tiredly, Craig struggled a bit to get up, but as he did he extended his hand to his sister, "let's go Trish," he simply said, helping her stand up.
   "Are you okay?" the other asked in return as the siblings started walking towards their home, "are you sad cause the flower wilted? It's okay. I'm sure you'll get it right after enough practice."
   "I'm not sad," her brother answered, "it was unrealistic to think someone my age could make a plant out of nothing. I'm just tired."
   Tricia didn't answer, simply walking towards the house, hand in hand with her brother.
   Once they finally arrived at their hut, they were met with the smell of whatever meal his mother cooked. Their father was seat on the dinner table, looking over one of Craig's failed wood carvings.
  "There you are!" Laura said as she looked at her two children, "I was worried something happened to you," then, she looked over at Craig, concern laced in her stare, "Craig, honey, are you feeling okay? You look a little pale."
   "I'm fine," the boy answered.
   His mother didn't answer, just stared concerned at her son.
   "Sprout, can you come here for a second?" his father asked, looking up from the long-abandoned carving.
   Doing as told, the golden-eyed boy went towards his father, taking a seat next to him. "What is it?" he asked.
   "What were you trying to do with this?" Thomas questioned, handing the failed carving to his son.
   The image was supposed to be one of a sad farmer, one that worked and worked with no sign of stopping anytime soon. The vision was to have a man leaning on his shovel, his back hunched with a longing and tired expression.
   The end result, however, was wonky, it's proportions wrong. One hand was longer than the other and the other was thicker, the lines were uneven and the face didn't have an expression. It was chipped in places from inexperience and the shovel of the little statue was disproportioned.
   Examining his failed work, Craig answered, "I was trying to make a sad farmer."
   To that the red-head just hummed, "do you want to try again?" he asked.
   Immediately, the young boy's eyes lighted up, excitement clear in his expression. He absolutely adored it when his father helped him carve. The end product always looked better than any visions the raven-haired boy had and it exceeded his expectations wonderfully.
   So nodding enthusiastically, he left his chair to fetch a piece of wood and the necessary tools, quickly coming back and moving his chair closer to his father's. And just like that, Craig spent the whole evening carving with his father who gave him tips and showed him tricks on how to improve his skills to perfect them.
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