#development or smth WITHOUT HER PRESENT…
latinokaeya-moving · 2 years
scouring several different genshin tags on diff social medias over the last week looking for ANY kind of content with both kazuha and xinyan bc their interactions have been sooo cute this event and i love that they’ve made them canonical good friends and i thought usually this fandom eats that kind of shit up but i guess that’s not the case when it comes to xinyan and their shipping fodder fave soft boy
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worflesbian · 10 months
I'm literally gonna be saying nothing new here but anyway. pausing the current ep to talk again about juggernaut bc smth @trillscienceofficer said made me think like. the portrayal and discussion of b'elanna's anger as a defensive instinct or a response to childhood bullying or a symptom of trauma in this episode is undercut by the bioessentialism present in the writing of b'elanna and klingons in general. although i noticed this episode barely mentions her "Klingon side" when talking about her temper, the point has been laboured enough in previous episodes that the idea of her anger as inherent to her biology rather than a developed threat response is kind of incontrovertible at this point without openly condemning established canon as "wrong".
which is frustrating for a number of reasons but one of them is the way this episode shows b'elanna as in conflict about her own capacity for reactionary violence - both in the story about getting revenge on her bully and when she defends herself from the irradiated malon, her anger is framed as a powerful tool for self-defence and as something that scares her in its intensity. i can relate to that, pretty deeply! but i know that my anger comes from issues in my childhood, whereas b'elannas's anger can't be meaningfully addressed in the same way while skirting around the established fact that it comes from her "Klingon biology".
on top of this is the disparity between how the crew treat b'elanna's anger vs what we actually see on screen: she is often shown making threats or mean comments but we rarely see her actually lose her temper, instead we're told about it by other characters who's testimony we have to rely on to believe b'elanna's anger is actually "uncontrolled". compare that to faith from btvs for example (my go-to) who in her very first episode is shown failing to kill a vampire (her job) instead letting the fight continue and escalate until she's uncontrollably beating on him in a clear state of distress. obviously voyager is a very different show, but the point stands that there's a difference between showing a character lose their temper vs consistently having it discussed in anecdotes, especially when considering the dual racial biases applied to b'elanna: her fictional Klingon identity (Klingons have been consistently coded as non-White and racialised in deeply harmful ways) and her very real latina identity (none of the people shown condemning b'elanna's anger are other women of colour).
so like obviously this has all been said before but yeah I think the idea of b'elanna having an inherent rage belonging to her "Klingon side" really frustrates the attempts made later in the show to make meaningful investigations into this aspect of her character and it's a huge shame because this could have been a Brilliant episode otherwise
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gubbles-owo · 7 months
Contingency Contract is upon us! It's designed to be fully modular, so just pick which risks you feel comfortable with and have a go. Don't get discouraged by how overwhelming it can be at first. It can be quite fun to make the perfect match between the risks you pick and the operators you go with.
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babey's first CC clear... It took me a few tries to clear without any risks, albeit with the "no guards or supporters" thing already in mind. Once I finally cleared it, realized I could add on three risks ($$$ guards and supporters, max squad size 10, 1 base health) without changing up my strategy at all.
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Later I did a similar run with the class toggle flipped (aka the Gubbles Learn Not to Over-Rely on Manticore Challenge™). This was woefully scuffed. The first attempt was ended prematurely when the battery in my mouse died partway through, and the second had a number of egregious tactical errors. I know how to better pull it off, but I somehow managed to clear it on try 2 so fuck it I'll take it
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I was also able to pull off one of the early challenge missions (smth like "ur attack suck" and "edgy slicey boi have more hp" combo). From that I finally learned how powerful the combined slow from Manticore + Suzu really is, it's like. TURBO SLOW. er, um. extra slow. jumbo slow. molasses. paint dry. whatever u get the picture For all of em I had to borrow a friend's Kyato, and ngl I still kinda feel like I cheated? But when presented with the choice of dual-bladed delete cannon or literally not being able to clear the base stage at all... I suppose I'll take the victory supported by friends >w>`
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This is the highest amount of contingency bucks I will ever possess, and of course with such a limited sum of funds and an exclusive pool of things with which to purchase with such funds, it's paramount I take the time to really consider all of my options, carefully make an informed and calculated decision on what would best be wor--
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or I could immediately just manticore outfit. It's okay she's worth it So @lilyblackdrawside, I know you sent this ask much earlier on in the event, and I intended to attempt it earlier, but for a while I just... didn't feel much up for it? Hard content is hard, babey player is babey, and life always finds a way to intervene. Lack of interest, hyperfocus on N64 development, hyperfocus on beating Perfect Dark for the first time, chronic illness, mental illness, going outside for walks on the precious two (2) days it didn't feel like instant heatdeath outside. Y'know, the usual. But given that this is the last CC-- and also the first CC I was even able to participate in-- I gotta say, I wish I got to it sooner. Generally speaking, challenging content usually ain't my thing unless I'm really interested in taking it on. And in the context of arknights, I've been burned out enough by the difficulty curve of the events and complexity of managing a ton of ops to really seek any of it out. But while even the risk 3 CC was difficult... I had fun! Eliminating certain classes got me to better think of how to get the most of what ops I had available. A stronger boss and squishier ops got me to think more critically about how to keep my ops alive through the onslaught, and to discover a pretty powerful combination of slows to crank the most out of what DPS I could manage. I bet I could've managed to squeeze in a risk 4, even, if I hadn't taken it all on in the last two days of the very last CC. Not recognizing an appreciation or enjoyment of something until it's just about gone... kind of an ongoing theme with my life lately, eh? It was my first real CC, but I'm gonna miss it. Oh also the music. The music straight up kicks ass.
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Also someone borrowed my Vulcan a bunch fsr?? I know who took out Manticore that one time, but as for Vulcan's eight excursions up to risk fucking ten, I've no clue who brought her along for that ride. First time Anyone has used my support units, really, so I'm glad they could be useful!! anyway everyone look at my (virtual) (anime) (adopted) daughter, she's so cool and confident and she's grown so much and im lov her
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torchiiko · 5 months
Talk to me about your funny little guy I am listening intently
teehee well if u insist!! i uh. ended up goin on a bit of a ramble
first,, bonus flicker lore: As my self insert they take after me a lot & part of that is definitely social anxiety, so upon popping into the circus the scariest part was suddenly being around a bunch of strangers lol
i think ragatha generally takes the role of guide for the newbies so she probably tried to get flicker to be more social & not hide in her box so much bc shutting yourself away is Not Good especially in the circus! ragatha finds out flicker likes art & pairs em up with gangle & from there they become friends :3
flicker then starts hanging around gangle & since gangle seems to be close with kinger it was inevitable flicker would interact with him. perhaps he sits in while gangle & flicker draw & they chat to fill the silence! i like to think flicker draws a bug pokemon or smth & kinger gets interested & starts asking abt other bug mons :)
flicker, obviously, loves having an excuse to talk abt pokemon so depending on how foggy their memory is they tell kinger everything they know! and i think itd be rlly cute if kinger started trying to draw bug mons too 🥺
idk who would develop a crush first?? but i think kinger would rlly like that flicker humors him & answers all his questions without ever being annoyed!! she apologizes for startling him even if she didnt actually Do anything, she also plays into the idea of him being royalty in a sincere way & it touches him bc hes probably gotten sarcastic remarks abt it from jax before. whether he actually believes himself to be a king or is playing into the role is up for debate i think :p
flicker likes that kinger engages in her interests & seeks her out to talk abt smth shes passionate abt! she also loves that hes gotten into art & constantly encourages him bc he praises her art too!! kinger definitely endears himself to her Fast & she simply cannot help but fall for him, hes so silly & polite!!!
im obsessed with the idea that he confesses via a drawing,,,, he spends so long trying to get better at art bc he wants it to be special & Good!! he thinks abt what to say over & over but holds off a little longer bc hes still nervous,,, he talks to gangle abt it, perhaps ragatha too, & once he finally works up the nerve he takes her into the pillow fort & sorta stumbles thru his confession But flicker loves it!! shes practically in tears & when he presents the drawing (its of the 2 of them holding hands <3) she just Cries
at first kinger thinks he did smth wrong but then he notices her tail wagging a mile a minute & hes like "d, do u like it..." n she goes "waauauuugghhh i love it,,...!!!! im so happy!!! are we like,... dating now,,???" and thats how they started dating i think :3
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 3 months
The reincarnation shenanigans!
Aka the Au which was inspired by this post, but make it Floyd x Riddle :3
Now, knowing that in the previous au with gods(the godly roommate).... Well one of them was actually planned to hit the bucket... I need smth worse -3-
Now sum important trigger warnings: we have a lot of murder in here so if it isn't your cup of tea, sorry :'3
Heck yeah! Let's get into it! :3
We will split this whole thing into 3 parts: contemporary adventure, the post return of the said diety and the past that led up to everything. This way it will be easier to see the tone shift in everything and why certain things played that way. :3
Now, as a starter base: Imagine twst(without NRC and the great 7 shit), but gods were heavily worshipped. Like it wasn't unusual for a lot of churches to hold holy ceremonies, in search for divine blessings. Unfortunately, very few cases were given an answer.
Now you had Riddle, whom his mother discovered early on that he was special. He was an obedient child and he did everything he could to please his mother, yet never did he get that approval from her.
Because he had a mark on his arm. If people were to see it, they would assume this child had a tattoo. Riddle himself didn't understand the circumstances that the mark put him in. He thought it was pretty, but his mother didn't think that way, hence there were various attempts at trying to 'erase' it.
Attempts, which fortunately caught the eyes of the Clover parents. At that time, little Riddle was Sneaking out to play with the kids in the neighborhood. Trey, Che'nya and Floyd, the 4 of them usually being supervised by an adult a bit further. One day, the Clover parents saw Riddle's injured arm and immediately demanded to give the boy proper care, to which he denied, because his mother told him that he should erase the mark on his arm.
Yes, people, we get a trial and Riddle is taken into custody by the Clovers, who are ACTUALLY capable of raising a healthy child. There were months of doctor visits and bandages, along with a long awkward time for everyone, but gradually, things were better. Trey was more than happy that he had Riddle as a little brother. And Riddle was also happy with having a bigger and smaller siblings.
Now fast forward to the time both Riddle and Trey are teens. Trey was preparing for his 18th birthday, which ofc it was a big thing in the family. Everyone was all happy about it.
You also have Che'nya and Floyd, who were also happy for their friend turning 18. Che'nya already was 18 and at first he was very excited about the fact that he was considered an adult. So Trey pretty much got hyped by everyone around to plan a party and enjoy his sweet 18.
There's also a romantic development in between Riddle and Floyd, but the 2 keep beating around the bush, which is frustrating af. Che'nya has tried, multiple times, to set the 2 up and Trey, always, gave to his catboi buddy a pat and consolation pastries post failed attempt. :'3
Unfortunately, Trey doesn't catch that party.
Because some more dedicated cultists came one day and straight up made a genocide in the bakery. Trey and Riddle tried their utter best to protect their little siblings, armed with cooking tools.
That's when Riddle discovers that his mark wasn't just a wierd thing on his arm. It allowed the redhead to summon a sword and already he somehow knew how to use it, which gave them a small advantage.
They get saved by Jade, who presents himself as the God of prophecies and rumors. He proves his godhood by literally knocking out the enemies with a finger snap. :3
Jade himself admits that he was in a hurry, since it seems that the 'God slayer' found its wielder after thousands of years of being dormant. He says that Riddle, as a wielder, has a responsibility: prevent judgement day from coming upon humans.
Trey, as the oldest of the Clovers that was well... Alive... Says that it's absolutely bullshit. Jade only adds that since humans commited a grave sin many centuries ago,they were damned since start by the judgement day. This got lost in translation and as such, humans believed that if they allow the God of passion and emotion to be brought back to the living, they would be blessed and as such survive judgement day.
To prove his 'good nature' Jade offers to Riddle a deal: Fulfill his role and during this time, Jade will protect Trey and the little 2 Clovers from anymore dangers. He adds that since the cult traced the whereabouts of the sword, it would be inevitable for them to try and now use Riddle's other siblings as a bargain token.
Despite Trey's insistences to not do such thing, Riddle accepts the deal. His reasoning was that he felt guilty for everything. The Clover parents raised him right and gave him a loving place to call home. To be able to avenge their unfair deaths would be the best Riddle could do. And he wants to do that, to protect the rest of his family.
But first is the funeral. Since it took place post Trey's 18th birthday, at least he was eligible to take in the bakery and his younger siblings. Despite the begging from both family and friends, Riddle still packed up a small bag and off he was to fulfill his mission.
What he didn't expect tho, was for Floyd to insist to go with him. He and Che'nya made a plan of helping when they heard about the whole ordeal. Floyd was strong and much more capable of fighting than Che'nya was, so he will go with Riddle, while the latter will help Trey out at the bakery. Jade seemed to not mind this, rather he encouraged it.
Once the 2 were gone, Trey brings up to Che'nya that Jade looks awfully a lot like Floyd. The diety in question reasons that he can take many forms, as such he presented in something almost familiar, something that would prevent unwanted fear from mortals.
Meanwhile, we have Floyd and Riddle on their little adventure. :D
The thing was that Floyd was more of a guide. His parents took him on a lot of trips, as such he knew a lot of places around and overall was a great asset in orientation. Floyd was capable of a lot of things Riddle didn't expect the latter to know, then again, according to everyone else, Floyd came from a wealthy family, just how Riddle initially did. Surely he could learn anything if he wanted.
As such, things led up to discovering that the cultists were on the hunt for Riddle because they needed him in order to awaken their leader diety. The redhead didn't know what they needed of him, nonetheless he was sure that this won't happen, for during all this adventure, he trained in combat much more.
The finale would be finding the cultists's headquarters along the ceremony room. Being at the end, on an empty hall, Riddle was very on edge. He asked of Floyd to stay here, behind the big doors, as this was only in between him and this messed up people. Floyd wanted to protest against it, but Riddle told him that he wishes that because he loves him and doesn't want to risk losing smeoone he loves again. In the end, the taller complies, before making Riddle promise that he will be alright in there, promise which gets sealed with a kiss.
The whole ceremony room was big, but also empty. Riddle was very much preparing for an ambush.
Except he gets startled by the doors closing with a loud bang and Floyd standing in front of them, with a very apologetic look. The latter wanted to go to him and nag him for breaking their promise.
Except that this moment of weakness is enough for someone else to attack from behind and stab Riddle. The redhead wasn't feeling pain from the wound, but rather from the realisation that came once the cult members were cheering and didn't attack Floyd, the latter only walking towards Riddle. Smearing his fingers with the redhead's blood and then putting in his mouth the said blood, Riddle could only hear the cult members cheering, saying that finally the God of passion was back and thus they were spared from judgement day.
Floyd was the said God of Passion. And Riddle failed to prevent him from returning to his real nature.
So he accepted his fate, succumbing to his wounds once he heard the other humans in the room wanting to kill him and finish off this whole thing. Except that Floyd has none of it and takes Riddle in his arms, using his powers to heal the redhead after he used the same powers to get rid of the cult members, leaving only their leader alive, saying that it will come handy later.
When Riddle wakes up, he immediately puts distance in between him and Floyd once everything sinks in. He accuses the latter of betrayal, to which Floyd admits that since start, Riddle was set up for failure. Riddle tho, does inquire to know why did he keep him alive, if now most likely Floyd would cause a new regime altogether.
The latter says that he didn't want that, that he only wanted back to his godhood. Jade was his brother and the latter always blessed Floyd with his past memories. Every time Floyd would get reincarnated, his memories from past lives will always haunt him. Jade gve out the prophecy of judgement day. What Jade didn't share with the humans were 2 things: 1. His prophecies were always coming true.
And 2. Riddle was the one who brings judgement day, not Floyd or any other diety.
The redhead still refuses to believe or even get close to the latter. And Floyd indulges in this, saying that he wants to see Jade and talk with him. He told Riddle that Jade held up his end of the bargain, so he expects for Riddle to hold up his.
Before Floyd could actually leave, Riddle grabs his arm and asks to know one thing: if Floyd tampered with his emotions. He was the God of passion and emotion after all. Riddle wanted to know if his feelings were a lie too or not.
Floyd admits that he knows why Riddle would ask this, but he denies ever tampering with his feelings. He can only tamper with the mortals directly, a thing which Riddle was at the moment, but wasn't supposed to be. So even if he did tamper with his emotions, it will wear off the second Riddle accepts his godhood back.
The redhead finally indulges in it and asks what he should do to find the whole truth. He doesn't want to be bamboozled and used anymore because he doesn't know information.
And Floyd gladly presents him with the solution: kill the cult leader. Kill the one who lead this whole thing. Avenge his adoptive parents and finally settle in this injustice. He even summons in the said person, all immobilised and just begging at this point to end their suffering.
And Riddle, overcomed by rage, cuts off the head of the leader, assuring an instant death. With this, it assures that Riddle filled his purpose and slowly, his old self was coming back along the memories of his previous lives.
His first life, the one which started all, was during the age of gods, an era where divine help was more often practiced, as gods were comfortable roaming around the humans.
Amongst those, there was the god of justice, who persecuted any abuse of power amongst deities. He was one of the more worshipped gods, known for his chase after the god of passion, who often stirred conflicts in between humans. Many assumed the 2 hated each other, hence the endless chase.
But when the humans saw their opportunity and attempted to kill the said passion god, the latter was devastated and called upon him as his one and only lover, who now was on the deathbed because of punny humans bamboozling them.
As such, the god of justice used his blade, the famous 'god slayer', to pierce both of their hearts and thus kill both of them in each other's arms. The sword was crafted by Floyd initially, as a courting gift and Riddle used it to execute justice among the deities, yet that wasn't known by hoomans. With this, the god of justice plants a curse: they will get reincarnated again and if the humans drive both of them to the same situation as now, a calamity will hit humanity, as punishment. The cycle will repeat endlessly and to make matters worse, any other diety that will die will also be subjected to the very same curse. Repeat this endless cycle and bring the judgement day again and again until the humans learn their lesson.
And he had many lives: some were better, some were worse, but all ended up with him and Floyd in each other's arms as the sword was plunged through both of them.
But now, the cycle was broken. Both were back to their original forms and Floyd has never been happier.
Riddle tho, wasn't as happy as the latter. He insisted to tell Trey nothing about this. He feared the resentment the other may have. Floyd said that he could easily change that outcome, but Riddle didn't want that. He wanted Trey's true emotions, as such he wanted to still charade as a human until his mortal life would've dictated his end. After that, he will gladly go away with Floyd and enjoy his immortality. The latter wasn't that pleased, but he had to indulge if he wanted forgiveness for his 'betrayal'.
Damn does Trey feel so fucking relieved to see Riddle back. Jade told him everything that went on, to which Riddle's initial plan of lying was off the window. He still insists that he only wants a normal life for as long as this family lives. Trey is just happy his younger brother was back and alright. They will figure things out in the end.
Che'nya is also alright. Although he initially wasn't included in the bargain, Jade felt as if he will have to answer if the cat Boi was hurt in any way, shape or form. Ya know things were good when Che'nya was cheering for his ship finally sailing. Man has waited years for that, even if it came with the price of a cult's lives. :'D
But we have a happy ending at least. :3
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msommers · 7 months
1, 9, 16 for riya/victor, and bonus 3 for riya/leroux :)
i give u a kees on the nose muah thank u // development questions for couples
What, specifically, was the catalyst for their physical attraction (if applicable) to the other character? In other words, what in particular had them like “Oh, they’re...hot...”
it's cheating if i just put "lust at first sight" as the answer, i know it, but i do believe in my heart that it's absolutely true for victor lmao. how is he (a simple spoiled rich boy) supposed to see her (a beautiful girl in a striking dress) walk by giving him an overt once-over and a wink while attending a fête or smth, and not immediately be a goner? impossible. alexa play sucker by jonas brothers. on riya’s end, without a doubt it happened the first time she saw him spellcasting. whether it was during the previous tourney or simply catching a glimpse of him practicing some spell or other, he was a showman who knew he was hot shit and she ate that spectacle right up. mages are incredibly sexy in action and both riya and i will die on that hill
What do they think about commitment? Is a long-term partnership the goal? Are they thinking about building a life with their partner, or are they focused on the present?
neither of them were particularly focused on the Big Picture and that was part of why they worked so well together, much to the disappointment of parents on both sides. they could see into the future so far as their grand plans of exciting and romantic adventures, but most of their focus was on enjoying their time in the present to the fullest without worries of what was to come later. which is entirely why long-term commitment was never discussed between them, though it was probably assumed?? given how deep their feelings were. 
If they had the ability to just spend free time with their partner, what would they do? Would they go out or stay inside?
mmmmm i think 9/10 times they would choose to go out, which shows how hilariously privileged they were before things went downhill. they'd get up to a lot of things but their favorites would have been dancing, walking the markets, and frequenting their favored meal spots. the kinda couple that were always in contact of some kind while out together, but it was hard to tell if that was fully motivated by affection alone or if they also wanted to be a little obnoxious and in-your-face about their happiness and attraction to each other. (it was for sure both.)
By contrast, what was the moment that first made their ~heart~ Soft for the other person? Not necessarily a conscious realization of “I love this person,” but a moment that had them like “Oh...I adore them...”
hmm. i don't know if riya's reached an Adoration level with him. the closest thing i can think of here (so i can give an actual answer) would be closer to a moment of Appreciation. my memory won’t provide what scene was going down when it happened, but i do remember there being a moment during a session where as a player i realized oh, this guy is the only one here who is actively going through something similar to riya. because while everybody else in the party has already been exposed to such things through their own varied experiences, riya was having her worldviews torn apart piece by piece with each revelation of how bad things are with the templars and the circle (and the world outside of her tiny view in general tbh) beyond cumberland and she was not doing great. so yeah it sucks leroux had to confront that the system he’s trusted and worked in for however long was allowing—and even encouraging!!—terrible things to happen right under his nose, but it gave riya a moment of being able to recognize that she wasn’t alone in having her views and faith flipped on their head. and as a lil extent of that, his commitment to taking action after the revelations helped influence her own attitude towards the entire white spire magebreak :) 
on the other side, clearly leroux was besotted at first meeting. duh. just look @ that smile of hers, how could he not be (aka i won’t make assumptions on his end lmao)
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virtuissimo · 8 months
Talking abt myself, on my own blog???
Also I haven't talked to my mother about this but I might as well talk about it with all of you
Its so weird the way my brain worked growing up. Like, personally I think having my early education in homeschool did a lot of good for my love of learning and gave me a head start on a lot of things, but also, I absolutely bought all my mom's propaganda hook line and sinker until I was halfway through high school.
The outside world is full of temptation, and i need to hold true to my (read: her) values. I need to be hyper-selective of my friends, and if they lack XYZ character traits then I don't need them in my life. Shit like that. And , I always just believed her! Even when I disobeyed, it was bc I was purposefully doing smth wrong, but that still legitimized the "wrongness" of the thing
Not to mention , in a car-centric city and her being pretty overprotective (have never been to a sleepover, have never visited someone else's home without my parents period, not until high school did I go to an activity that wasn't organized by the school with school admin present, etc) , there was no real avenue for me to do anything outside of what she specifically approved.
So . Yea when my mom repeatedly said I wasn't going to date anyone until I'm 30? The joke-not-joke every parent says but fully doesn't expect to come true? I fully accepted it and didn't even really grieve that. Like, ok. Dating and romance is something other families are allowed to do. It's not for me. Like a box of pizza that says "for staff only" or smth, sure it would be nice to have pizza but I'm not gona cry and scream about it bc it's not for me.
Every crush iv had, that was it's own conclusion. It was it's own resolution. It didn't require any further action, because what further action was there? Dating them? That's not for me! The clearest example was in school when I'd have a crush on someone, usually a close friend, and then it would casually come up in conversation, "oh yea and also iv been in love with you, I thought you already knew that?" And then neither of us would take any further action. On one occasion, they reciprocated my feelings, and I STILL didn't think there was any need for further action. Great! We are aware that we like each other! Case closed!
And inevitably they'd be weirded out by my behavior and move on/like someone else and I'd get briefly sad and then move on myself. Or id continue to like them for a year. Either way, didn't bother me none!
Been working thru it. Haven't had an Actionable crush on anyone in years (Mar is my perma-crush ❤️❤️) , so not rly anything I can do about the situation, but I suspect even when I do end up in a situation with a close friend, I'll mostly develop feelings for them in a "this is the first human contact iv had in 10 years" kind of way rather than actual love, or at least it'll be difficult to disentangle the two.
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time-is-restored · 11 months
do u guys think it maybe says smth that im currently getting more narrative + emotional fulfilment from dostoevsky that Hates You as compared to the fucking football sitcom.
anyway patho au thoughts below <3 <- (it actually turned into a manifesto abt my thoughts abt Original flavour pathologic. will add au thoughts in a reblog otherwise this is gonna be unconscionably long LMAO)
the thing about the Macro Metaphor™ (oh yeah baby this is gonna be a POST) in pathologic is like. at least w how i experienced it pathologic had to be a video game because it had to give its players the closest thing to free will that is possible in a world that has been crafted from the ground up to give you An Experience™.
and the fact that what little free will we APPEAR to have is largely an illusion cast by various dialogue trees stating that we are doing something unexpected is . very much the point! to get anything out of pathologic you have to 100% buy into the fiction as presented to you. bc the game is incredibly meta, that includes buying into the idea that what u are playing IS at its core a video game made by ppl w a very specific and esoteric mission statement, who are doing their level best to funnel u towards the themes + questions that they find most important within this narrative.
. okay ive gotta talk about The Loop actually strap the fuck in (note: a lot of what follows is copied + pasted from me explaining my feelings abt pathologic to someone who Has Not Played pathologic, so sorry if im being over explanatory at points!)
so in clara's route there's a specific bit of dialogue u can get w the developers where they say clara is 'the only one out of the three [protagonists] that could accomplish a True miracle. who could break the loop.'
the 'loop' in question is. kind of hard to pin down. but its basically referring to the inherent contradiction at the heart of pathologic existing as a game: the developers wanted to explore how it is impossible for a miracle to exist in anything other than a temporary moment of spontaneity. if you try to cage it, it is no longer a miracle, it is a process which has consequences (in the game, this consequence is - at least according to some povs - the plague):
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SO they give the player a closed system of a world, in which free will is By Definition impossible (you can't do anything the developers haven't explicitly programmed in), and essentially ask you to perform a miracle. on one hand, they admit to hoping that you can do it. on the other, they acknowledge it's impossible, without some Other miracle interceding.
thats why, in this same conversation w the developers, they talk abt the other healers' endings like they are simultaneously predestined, and like they can be changed after all! like here:
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^ put a pin in that 'except for a lapse of judgement, but we're not concerned with that' comment!
SO. this is what's so interesting about CLARA being (apparently!) able to break the loop
bc the only thing that concretely sets clara apart from the others (they all have a bunch of superficial differences, but im pretty sure its not bc she's a girl, or a child, for example) is that she has no backstory.
she wakes up with no memory of her life, no real understanding of herself outside of what she is being accused of being (a thief, and a plague bearer). she is able to lie (state something about herself that has nothing in the game supporting it) without lying (state something about herself that has nothing in the game contradicting it).
due to pathologic's own rules (in this case, im literally just referring to it being a video game that was coded by a team and then released on steam), there is no way for a character to truly do something unexpected. clara acknowledges this specifically and gets rlly morbid abt it here:
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however! because pathologic is inherently a conversation between the developers and the players, and the developers can't actually control OR react to the completely internal experience the player has while playing the game, there is a level of free will here that can't actually be eroded!
the game can TRY to account for as many different dialogue options, quests, endings, general opinions abt the world + its characters, but bc the total amount of code has to stop somewhere before infinity, it can't get it 100% right. there are emotions + opinions abt pathologic that u are going to experience as a player that pathologic itself cannot or has not accounted for!
clara's miracle is that she's (in universe) as unrestrained by the programmers as the player is (out of universe). she can't be caged any more than u can! YOU can't be caged bc u literally don't exist in the world that the developers have 100% control over, even while they spend several hundred hours of gameplay trying to convince u that u do. and CLARA can't be caged bc there's literally nothing to tie her down! she has no degree of verisimilitude that she has to stick to, no bounds on what is reasonable vs unreasonable for her to do. we ultimately don't know enough about her for her to ever be 'out of character'.
pathologic is inherently a role playing game, but when clara (or, technically, you AS clara) rejects the role she is given, you break from one of the most restrictive shackles the game has had weighing u down in the past two playthroughs. daniils often a prick to ppl he shouldn't be, burakh can't be neutral about His Fucking Town Dying, etc. if u took those things away from the characters just to give the player more freedom AS a player, the game would be compromising with you - something that pathologic explicitly refuses to do (14% of ppl who play the game ever beating n1, etc).
but clara can say fucking ANYTHING!! like. i cannot emphasise enough that you, as the player, as clara, lie about the fact that you have an identical twin, and then summon this twin into existence. its literally the first thing you do in the whole game!
because that's the rule!!! the player cannot be allowed to say something about the world that isn't true, without the explicit and recognisable intent of telling a falsehood! but NOTHING that clara says can be demonstrated to be false, bc there's nothing to check against!!! the executors EVEN imply that the version of clara you meet throughout the game (the one u call the 'evil twin'), IS actually clara, and those conversations are the PLAYER talking to the 'original' clara. which means that by PLAYING the game, you are in equal parts replacing + rewriting clara!
again, this isn't even CLOSE to the degree ur able to transform the other protagonists - the opinions they do/don't have abt their own fate + endings are explicitly laid out to u in black and white. daniil can think the polyhedron is beautiful, OR he can be afraid of it, etc. while you can CHOOSE to change ur mind between each conversation, there is no 'both' or 'neither' option at any point. you have to pick from what ur given.
like . this is the dialogue u get after asking abt what the haruspex's route was 'about'. the line before this says 'Executor: Diverging branches. He was the only one who could attain true freedom. He wasn't facing the kind of dilemma that the ever-deceived Bachelor found so dismal.'
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its like. this is simultaneously the most obtuse thing these fuckers say in the whole game but also!!! there were feelings involved!!!!!!!!!
the 'loop' is that there is no freedom, and yet there is love. the game is not real but you get attached to the player characters as if it is. you see things through their eyes, and start to agree that these pre-determined, tragic resolutions to an explicitly harsh binary choice are correct, for the characters enacting them (HENCE THE 'except for a lapse of judgement' comment! pull that pin back out! yes, anyone who plays the bachelor's route is able to CHOOSE to guide him towards another ending. but how many of those players are able to genuinely sit with the bachelor's ideals + fears, and convince themselves that that is an action he himself would take! not you, but dankovsky! the developer's aren't concerned with any given instance of the player abusing their authority over the healers' lives. they're INTERESTED in taking that authority and choosing not to abuse it. to commit to the world as written. to make the impossible choice).
clara's route is like yes obviously there is a journey programmed in here there is an ending just like there is for every other character, and clara (the npc, when you don't play as her) argues for it just as strongly as you do when ur playing her + taking her over. but what's JUST as inevitable is that someone will push past that, will play through her route, will separate her out from the developer's (admitted!) confusion + rush + muddled intentions, and make a true miracle happen! its a loop! but its a miraculous one! the miracle is that you played the game at all!!
look at this! look at clara staring her fate as written in the eye, and saying 'fuck off, im busy!'
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the miracle is the fact that the developers, while making a game about how you cannot cage a miracle/force one to persist, gave the player enough freedom to prove them wrong. the miracle is the fact that clara rejects her fate-as-written, to be the plague bearer, to destroy the game and everyone involved in it, and instead DEMANDS to be a miracle-worker who can and will save the town and all the lives within it. the miracle is that you save everyone that it is possible to save. the miracle is that you want to save them at all. the miracle is that the player finishes all three routes of pathologic. the miracle is that anyone who experiences this game, first-hand or second-hand, whether they finished it or not, now has a totally unique experience w and interpretation of that game. freedom clawed from the jaws of a closed system.....
the miracle! is art!!!!! is the inherent flimsiness of communication, both symbolic and written and visual and auditory and!!!!!!!! the miracle is that you're playing a game made two decades again written in RUSSIAN while the game developers pull out literally every trick in the book to make you have a TERRIBLE time and want to give up and you DON'T!!!! you refuse to give up on what they're telling you! you refuse to not let this experience matter, in however small a way!!!!!!!!!
the miracle is that the game devolpers could not build a tomb foreboding enough to keep the players from diving in head first, crashing face first into spice traps and vats of acid and plague bearing rats and fucking homing-missile knives and. idk. mummies or some shit what the hell do you find in a cursed tomb
the miracle is that the game means something to you even when the game is actively trying to force u to give up + let go of any sense of agency and control. 'your actions are meaningless, you are helping no one, this bloodshed is inevitable and in many concrete ways you are making it worse' -> 'OH BOY DAY FIVE <3'
the miracle is also that clara convinces like seven fucking people to die for her but. y'know. this might as well happen.jpg
like . this is the dialogue u get after asking abt what the haruspex's route was 'about'. the line before this says 'Executor: Diverging branches. He was the only one who could attain true freedom. He wasn't facing the kind of dilemma that the ever-deceived Bachelor found so dismal.'
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its like. this is simultanoeusly the most obtuse thing these fuckers say in the whole game but also!!! there were feelings involved!!!!!!!!!
the 'loop' is that there is no freedom, and yet there is love. the game is not real but you get attached to the player characters as if it is. you see things through their eyes, and start to agree that these pre-determined, tragic resolutions to an explicitly harsh binary choice are correct, for the characters enacting them (HENCE THE 'except for a lapse of judgement' comment! yes, anyone who plays the bachelor's route is able to CHOOSE to guide him towards another ending. but how many of those players are able to genuinely sit with the bachelor's ideals + fears, and convince themselves that that is an action he himself would take! the developer's aren't concerned with any given instance of the player abusing their authority over the healers' lives. they're INTERESTED in taking that authority and choosing not to abuse it. to commit to the world as written. to make the impossible choice).
clara's route is like yes obviously there is a journey programmed in here there is an ending just like there is for every other character, and clara (the npc, when you don't play as her) argues for it just as strongly as you do when ur playing her + taking her over. but what's JUST as inevitable is that someone will push past that, will play through her route, will separate her out from what the developers wanted from her, and make a true miracle happen! its a loop! but its a miraculous one! the miracle is that you played the game at all!!
0 notes
thepremedthatwrites · 3 years
Insufferable (pt.2)
request: Hi lovely, can you do Peter pevensie x reader imagine, please? The reader meets Pevensies in Narnia, but from the beginning she and Peter can't get along together, lots of arguments, while secretly and slowly developing feelings towards each other they don't want to admit, lot of sexual tension before smth happens but eventually they'll end up together. you can include some smut stuff. Thanks xx
part 1 | part 3
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I woke with a start as someone pulled back the blanket.  A pair of warm brown eyes were looking back at me, a soft smile on their face and their curly brown hair hanging down freely.  “Who are you?” I asked, pushing myself up and away from the person.  As I took them in, my eyes caught sight of two small horns sprouting on top of their head and just peeking out of their hair.  “What are you?” I added, my eyes now wide in shock.
“I am Daisy, a faun,” she said, a soft smile on her face.  “High King Peter has requested that I prepare you for breakfast today.”  She put out her hand and I slowly took it as she led me out of my bed and towards another section of the room closed off by deep red curtains.  My shock grew as I saw a pair of goat legs attached to Daisy’s human-like top, her hooves clicking on the stone floor.  The faun grabbed a bucket of water that sat next to a tub that was already halfway filled with water.  “Get undressed,” she commanded as she poured the rest of the water into the tub.
I hesitated, not wanting to expose myself to a complete stranger, especially a stranger that wasn’t human.  “No,” I said, crossing my arms.  The faun let out a sigh as she put the bucket back on the floor.  “I can wash myself.”
“That is not what the high king wants.  He specifically ordered that I wash and dress you.”
“Then I will take it up with him,” I said before turning around and making my way to the door.  Daisy hurried to follow me as I entered the hallway, trying my best to remember the way to King Peter’s room.  
“Miss, you don’t want to do this.  The high king will be very upset,” Daisy started as I reached the double doors that were guarded by two men.  The guards watched the scene unfold as I banged on the wooden door.
“I don’t care how he may feel.  He has no right making me get naked in front of a complete stranger,” I replied.  The door swung open to reveal King Peter who was only wearing brown pants, his top half naked.  I did my best to avoid his toned body, but my brain still subconsciously noticed his strong arms and tight abs.  I focused my eyes on his blue ones as I spoke, doing my best to concentrate on my anger.
“How dare you!”
“How dare I what?” he asked, an amused smile pulling at his lips as his eyes studied my face.
“Do you really think that I would be willing to undress in front of a complete stranger when I hardly even know where I am?  I can take care of myself, thank you very much.”
“There’s no need to be so angry, darling.  This is only routine for visitors of the royal family.  And if your hair is any indication of how you take care of yourself, I do not think your claim is as true as you believe it to be.”  My hands flew to my hair, combing my fingers through the knotted locks.  King Peter let out a chuckle at this before leaning on the side of the doorway, his arms crossed.  We were only inches away now and I could feel his body heat radiating off of his bare skin.
“Well I,” I started, getting slightly distracted as I felt his eyes watch me intensely.  “I don’t need someone to help me take a bath.  At least let me do that by myself.”
“Alright,” he said to my surprise.  “You can do that by yourself.  But let the faun dress you at least.  You need to look somewhat presentable in public.”
“Fine,” I said.  I turned around to face Daisy, taking a few steps toward her before stopping.  “Daisy,” I said, turning my head to face King Peter.
“What?” he asked, his eyebrows furrowing together.
“The faun’s name is Daisy,” I explained.  “It might do you some good to know the names of those who serve you, your majesty.”  I turned my head back around before following Daisy back to my room.
Daisy waited in the area of the room with the bed as I bathed behind the curtain.  It felt nice to wash off the dirt and grime that had accumulated from the night before.  As I got out, I grabbed the robe Daisy had laid out for me, tying it tightly around my body as I emerged from behind the curtain.
“You didn’t have to do that,” Daisy said as she brushed my hair.
“Do what?”
“Tell King Peter my name.  I’m not important enough for him to know my name.”
“That’s nonsense,” I said as Daisy put down the brush, her fingers working on putting my hair into an intricate braid.  She would pause every now and then to weave white flowers in with my hair before continuing with the process.  “You are just as important as a guard or even King Peter himself.  Without you, the castle wouldn’t function as smoothly as it does.  Just because you don’t wear a crown doesn’t mean you’re less than.”
“Thank you, miss,” Daisy said.
“Please, call me (y/n).”
“Of course, (y/n).”  Daisy stepped back, handing me a handheld mirror so that I could get a good look at her work.
“Oh Daisy, it’s beautiful,” I said, my voice soft as I admired my hair.  Daisy only nodded, walking over to the wardrobe where I had grabbed the robe the night before and pulling out a purple dress.  
“I’ll wait by the bath while you put it on,” Daisy said, already making her way towards the curtain.
“Thank you.”  I waited till she was behind the curtain to take off the robe and put on the dress.  It hugged my curves before falling down to the floor.  The material was so soft and light that it barely even felt like I was wearing anything.  I let out a small grunt as I tried, and failed, to tie the strings on the back.  “Daisy,” I called out.  She peeked her head from behind the curtain.  “Could you help me tie the strings on the back?”  
Daisy made her way to me, expertly tying the strings, her fingers brushing my bare skin every now and then.  “Thank you,” I said as she stepped back.  “Do I go to join the royal family now?”
“Yes, I’ll lead you to the pavilion.”  I followed Daisy down the hall and out of a door that led out to a beautiful garden.  Butterflies hovered over flowers and green foliage spilled out onto the stone path that led to a small pavilion where a round table sat.  The table was small, only allowing around five people to sit comfortably at it.  I saw Edmund and King Peter sitting there, along with two girls.  Daisy led me down the path.  We came to a halt as we reached the pavilion.
“Thank you for bringing her, Daisy,” Peter said.  I felt my heart warm as I walked to the empty seat between Peter and the girl with long, brown hair.
“It’s my pleasure, your majesty,” Daisy replied, a large grin on her face as she curtseyed before turning around and making her way back to the castle.
“I was starting to worry you weren’t coming,” Edmund said, a large grin on his face.
“I would never offend his majesty like that,” I replied, matching his grin.
“I hope there weren’t any other complications with getting dressed this morning,” King Peter interjected.  I felt my face warm as the grin fell from my face.
“No, there weren’t.”  Edmund looked at both King Peter and I quizzically, but didn’t say anything.
“I’m Susan,” the girl I was sitting next to offered.
“And I’m Lucy,” the other girl said.  “It’s so nice to see that you’re okay.  I was picking flowers in the meadow to make flower crowns and found you laying in the grass.  I was afraid you were dead and ran to get Peter who carried you to the castle.  I apologize for not checking in on you last night.  I was waiting with Peter for you to wake up, but it was getting late and Peter made me go to bed.”
“Thank you for finding me,” I said, offering a small smile.  “And there is no need to apologize, I would hate to have been the reason for you staying up so late.”
“Peter said you are from Earth, is that true?” Susan questioned before taking a bite of a strawberry.
“Yes,” I replied, stealing a glance at Peter who was watching me.  “I didn’t realize you were all talking about me.”
“You are all Peter has been talking about,” Edmund said.  Peter shot him a look before turning to me again.
“I wanted to assure them that you aren’t a threat,” he explained.  I nodded.
“Peter, the king of Telmar is visiting next month.  I have been writing to him for a while, but it seems he does not want an alliance with us.  Perhaps you could talk to him for us and convince him,” Susan said.  I was thankful that the conversation had turned away from me.
“Yes,” Peter said.  “I’ve been thinking of what to do with Telmar.  Maybe a marriage would be the best chance of peace with them.”
“You mean an arranged marriage?” I interjected.  I wanted to laugh at the idea.  “Surely you are joking.”
“Why would I joke about that?”
“Because marriage is supposed to be the joining of two people who are in love, not some political power move between two nations.”
“It’s politics (y/n).  Not everything is going to be pretty in politics,” Peter said.
“It’s stupid is what it is,” I mumbled, playing with the food on my plate.
“Well then, let’s all be grateful that you aren’t a queen.”  I glared at Peter who stared back at me.  His bright blue eyes were slightly narrowed and a hint of amusement shone in them.  Behind that amusement there seemed to be something else, though I wasn’t sure what it was.  At first I thought it may be fear but that wasn’t it.  No, it was curiosity.  As a high king, nobody questioned him so now that there was a random girl in his castle questioning his every move he seemed intrigued, curious.  
I looked away from his eyes as they had become too intense for me.  My heart seemed to be pounding in my chest as my eyes flickered to his nose which was slightly flared, before traveling down to his full lips.  They were a luscious pink and I subconsciously licked my own lips as I looked at his.  I could feel his eyes tracing my own features as well, and I knew his siblings were still there but for a moment it was only me and him.  
It was when I heard a fork clatter with a plate that I broke from the spell, ripping my eyes off of him, instead looking around the table to see both Susan and Edmund wearing large grins on their faces.  “What is it?” Peter asked both of them.  I turned to Peter to see his cheeks were a light pink.  I then turned to Edmund and Susan, Edmund shaking his head as Susan took a long sip of her tea, her eyes darting between Peter and me.
“Nothing,” Susan finally said as she placed the teacup delicately onto the saucer.
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wouldpollyapprove · 4 years
Holding Hands
Request: can i request smth for finn shelby with the prompts for humor 7 & 12 fluff 7 & 10 ?? Maybe theyre childhood buddies everyone knows they like each other except themselves😳👉👈 tysm
Requested by @asianbuttcheek
Finn Shelby x Reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: Blood
A/n: I have been struggling with this one for over a week and I’m so happy to have it done. If the ending seems kinda rushed, I’d like you guys to know that it is. I was inspired to write the beginning and knew exactly what I wanted to write but then halfway through I was lost. So, yeah. I also want to say happy birthday to Kendall! I know it’s a little late, but I hope you enjoy this! 
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Her breathes came in ragged intervals, feet bounding against the cobblestone as she raced to Polly Shelby’s house. Minutes before, Y/n had been peacefully helping her mother with the wash when the phone by the kitchen stove rang. Lucky enough to be the one to pick it up, unlucky enough to be the one the caller was looking for. Her mother was barely able to catch sight of her daughter before the door shut behind her. And now, she was navigating the streets of Small Heath, trying not to get caught on a loose stone and fall on her face.
Y/n slowed her pace to keep from hitting the front door and wiped her palms along the skirt of her dress. Without hesitation, she twisted the knob and entered the house. Shouts rang through the hall as blood slithered through the air. Quietly, Y/n made her way to the parlor, where all the chaos was seeping out of. Freezing in the doorway, careful eyes watched Tommy enter from the kitchen with a bottle of whiskey and Isaiah hold Finn against the sofa by the shoulders. The rest of the boy’s family were littered around him, trying to keep him still before his older brother knelt in front of him, Arthur force-feeding Finn the whiskey, and began to search for what could only be a bullet in his shoulder. 
Screams filled the room, whiskey doing nothing to numb the pain. Y/n wanted to turn away, shield her eyes from the pain in Finn’s own, but that couldn’t be done once she locked eyes with his aunt. 
Rushing from his side, Polly gently reached out for Y/n, rubbing her arm as she pulled her close. “He needs you, dear.” A lump formed in her throat at the older woman’s words. Catching the fear in her eyes, Polly flashed her a soft smile, “Hold his hand, Y/n, he needs you there.”
She nodded, trying to find the confidence to be his strength. 
The two had been friends for years, doing everything together. If this were a few years prior, Y/n would have no issue right beside him, but they weren’t kids anymore. Maturing and finding their place in the world, somewhere along the line, Y/n had developed feelings for her friend. It was dumb, unfair to both of them. To keep from trying to mend a broken heart, Y/n had never said anything, there was no chance Finn would feel the same. 
So, standing there, she didn’t want her actions to mimic her feelings. But hearing his screams of pain, Y/n knew she couldn’t just stand there.
Sitting by his side, Y/n grabbed his hand and tried not to think too much about how he’d gotten himself shot. “Hey, hey, Finn, look at me.” Bringing a finger to his chin, she guided his eyes to her. “There ya go,” Y/n cooed. “Just focus on me.”
“It hurts,” he muttered between gritted teeth, a few strands of hair falling in front of his eyes. 
“I know, I know.” Witha gentle touch, she brushed the hair out of his eyes. At his brother’s words, John shoved a new bottle of whiskey into her hands. Words didn’t to be exchanged for her to know what she was to do with it. “Here, Finn-” Y/n brought the bottle to his lips, tilting it to allow the liquid to run into his mouth. “-you need to drink this.” Finn didn’t hesitate to drink up as much of the alcohol as he could. 
After a while, Finn was drunk and Tommy had retrieved the bullet. Everyone was finally able to breathe once the blood-covered metal glistened in the light. 
“Let him rest,” Polly said, coming to stand behind her nephew. “He needs it.”
Tommy nodded as John and Arthur were already making their way into the kitchen. As much as it hurt them to see their little brother in pain, they knew their aunt was right. All Finn needed now was time and rest. Y/n stood to join them in the next room when a hand landed on her shoulder. “Not you,” Tommy gently pushed her back into the cushions. “Finn needs you.”
Opening her mouth to protest, Polly quickly added, “It’s alright, dear, just sit with him.”
She nodded, watching the pair disappear into the kitchen. Glancing at the man sitting next to her, Y/n couldn’t believe he had been stupid enough to get shot.
“You’re staring,” he grumbled, half-closed eyes looking back at her. “It’s because I’m so attractive, isn’t it?” 
Y/n rolled her eyes playfully. “I say this, and I cannot stress this enough, I find you completely repulsive,” she answered with a grin.
He raised a brow, “Repulsive… I’m not- maybe I am.” Finn stared straight ahead, deep in thought. Tilting his head back and forth, Y/n smiled in amusement at what might have been going through his head. “You’re being extra sweet today,” he muttered after a while.
“That’s because you were shot,” she lied. Now wasn’t the time to expose herself. “Try not to say everything that pops into your head.” With that, Y/n pulled him close, allowing her friend to rest his head on her shoulder.
There would never be a right time to tell Finn, not with all the fear that came with it. It was like stepping into a dark cave, you never knew what you would come upon. Y/n didn’t want to step into the unknown and risk a broken heart and a destroyed friendship. Even if Finn didn’t feel the same but wanted to remain friends, she knew it wouldn’t be the same. So, silence was the best option. 
After a while, the pair fell asleep. Y/n had shifted, resting against the armrest with Finn’s head in her lap. Polly went to check on them once no one could hear even the faintest whisper. A smile spread across her lips at the sight in front of her. It was obvious to see that the pair were in love, but neither seemed to know it. One day they would, she hoped. One day they would and her nephew would finally have the steady structure that his family struggled to give him. The older woman went back to the kitchen, closing the parlor doors behind her so no one could disturb them.
With a few hours of sleep and the alcohol slowly draining from his system, Finn woke up. He couldn’t remember much that had happened after being shot, the adrenaline and alcohol acting as a wonder drug. Lifting his head, Finn glanced up at Y/n, who was still asleep. He couldn’t help but smile at her. Even though he was still in some pain, he couldn’t deny that she was beautiful. 
The shoulder he was shot in ached and Finn knew better than to try and sit up. Without assistance, it would be a nightmare. So, he laid his head back down and traced the veins in the hand that was resting against his chest. It didn’t take long for Y/n to stir from the action, slowly blinking her eyes open.
“Look who’s finally awake?” Finn teased, taking her hand in his.
Grumbling, she said, “Shouldn’t you still be asleep? You got shot, ya know?” She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes with her free hand before she froze, realizing her other hand was held tightly in Finn’s grasp. 
Don’t read into it. Don’t read into it. Like a chant Y/n said those four words, trying to keep the heat from rising to her cheeks. It was nothing. Perhaps it had happened while they slept. It couldn’t be anything more than that, right? No matter what it meant, her skin quickly turned a shake of red and there was no way for her to tell if it was noticeable or not. It clearly was, though, when Finn asked, “Are you… blushing?”
She wanted to laugh it off, get up and walk out of sight, but there was no way she could do that with his weight against her. “Um… no,” she answered.
Unconvinced, her friend raised a brow. “Okay,” he drawled. “I don’t believe you, but okay.”
“Just drop it, Finn,” Y/n sighed, not wanting this to be the moment when everything fell apart.
Pushing himself up with one hand, he turned to look at her, eyes full of concern. If Y/n didn’t want to talk about it, he knew it was best to drop it as she asked, but he couldn’t stop himself from asking, “Why?”
Avoiding eye contact, her eyes bounced around the room. Maybe if they didn’t lock eyes, if she didn’t see his concern filled eyes, then she wouldn’t have to say a thing. But even that didn’t work as she could feel his gaze drilling into her. “It doesn’t matter, really.”
“I don’t believe that. It must matter if you’re this focused on not talking about it.”
Breaking her gaze from a vase at the far end of the room, she met his eyes. Whether to keep her feelings quiet or not no longer matter. If nothing was said, Finn wouldn’t stop bothering her about it in the days to come. But, if she said something, he may never speak to her again. “I...I,” she wrung her hands together, glancing at the rug below. It was now or never, wasn’t it? Taking a deep breath, she started over. “I liked you. I really like you as more than a friend.” Y/n nodded, agreeing with herself that this is what she wanted to say. “It’s fine if you don’t feel the same, I’ve never expected y-” The sentence was cut off when Finn tugged her arm.
Turning her attention to him, the smile present on his face made her blush even harder. That wasn’t what she was expecting to see. “I like you, too.” A chuckle vibrated his chest as her mouth hung open, unsure of what to say. “When I’m all healed up, perhaps I can take you on a date.”
Finally, Y/n nodded, “Yes, yes, I would love that and I’ll make sure you’re taken care of until then.”
Let me know if you would liked to be added to either taglist.
Permanent Taglist: @amirahiddleston​ @haphazardhufflepuff​ @woahitslucyylu​ @mzcrazy2​ @lovemissyhoneybee​ @multi-fandom-iimagines​ @tarafaithe​ @jenepleurepasbaby​ @fernweh-fangirl​ @the-anxious-youth​ @theshelbyclan​ @wtfdanness​ @chloeforde​ @futuristicslimemongerbanana​ @lucillethings​ @nemesis729​ @sirkekselord​ @princesscornbread​ @i-volunteer-for-finnick​ @iwillboilyourteeth​ @anyasthoughts​ @ellieemais​
Peaky Blinders: @simonsbluee
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staysuki · 3 years
OKAY AH! ok. i pressed read more before starting the last paragraph so LMAO AND what in the world do you mean by they dont end up together? i mean, they technically dont, but yeah. they are a couple that arent at the same time 😌👌 basically MU, no labels. by your they don’t., i thought the story ended with them on bad terms or smth. by how much you voiced out you resentment on this specific story, i thought that it was THAT bad. bruh it was still your typical good read, xd ka ba lods. considering it in a readers point of view. i guess as the writer, you really hated that their romance was rushed BUT STILL, IT BE GOOOOOOOOD. im currently typing this ask out like half a day after i read it, since i started it like, 2 hours after sending my previous ask lol. i couldnt help myself after reading the spoiler and because i cant trust tumblr in sending asks in mobile anymore 🤥 so, expect an understandable ask, an ask that finally presented itself as organized after a very long time 😌
initially, i thought that y/n really liked changbin as seen how she noticed his loneliness from his job. or she s just another one of those detective conans, we would never know. i got very confused and curious when changbin stated that he went along seungmins shenanigans. at that time, it got me thinking deeply. does he really like her or was it also a joke? anyways, i kinda expected as much that whatever their feelings for each other were, it would end as them being friends ✨ you could really smell the platonic atmosphere that the dinner had.
next is the drunk call. THAT SCENE WAS CUTE ok? plus seungmins “don t go falling in love with me now” -> ok fine. all my reactions at that part were all "y/n sus" "rupok ni ate gurl" "TAMA KA HAECHAN, Y/N SO SUS". for some reason i keep on chanting that all throughout. but like, i GAVE her the benefit of the doubt kasi ekis sa mga marupok, CHAROT LANG. my literal feedbacks while reading:
- https://ibb.co/JrGmbgK
looking closely at all they went through, the pace of their love story was mediocre (??) in my opinion that is. maybe the feelings started blooming at the time when seungmin bought cupcakes. weird af i know. bUT love works in mysterious ways ✨ above all, i doubt that the whole series covered all their message exchanges. if you look at it outside of the box, im sure there are still one of those behind-the-scenes moments. and seungmin being there for y/n s anxiety attack can really increase her affection for him. maybe at first it was curiosity about seungmin, he s the dorky type naman e HAHAHHAAHA then maybe it developed into fondness 🤷 i think its maybe because you werent able to elaborate more of their love story and that s why i love how open-ended it was. i hope you find the motivation to continue its season 2 bc i really enjoyed reading it 🤪 i ll just be here, waiting for the sequel but also take your time hehe 😗✌
I KNOW RIGHT! LIKE every seungmin as side character has the most male-lead in a romance story vibe. AND I DIDNT THINK OF A seungmin x jeongin competition! that s smart Lovegame anon. and the extra cred dilemma 🤔 YOU are the detective conan, not YHM y/n LMAOO and yes pls drop all those thoughts of yours <333 pick this up ->👑
ohhh, then i ll be waiting for halloween ash 👀
- ␈
yeah but that i meant that it’s not ur typical “uwu ily so much mwah mwah” ending 🤧😭 i do really love the ending though, like it’s open-ended in a nice way that they’re on their way to start a new page of their life together but not really ~together~. like all y/n wanted was to have some friends that isn’t haechan (and find out who she really is outside the city) while seungmin wants to pursue his passions without the barrier of him being poor and they were both able to give it to each other, intentionally or not. i love the ending, i just don’t like HOW i got there, i.e. rushed af. that’s why y/n seems so marupok, das my fault, but blame seungmin, he’s too hot 🤧.
also perhaps y/n and changbin’s feelings for each other moreso simmered down to mutual respect towards a person within the same industry. y/n loved being behind the scenes and she liked what she saw in changbin’s works, meanwhile changbin met y/n through haechan, someone who’s pursuing the career that he wanted all along so yeah. they both just confused it with romantic “like”. they are dumdums ig. makes sense for y/n though bc she’s never left her circle, and once she was able to meet new people, she realized what true like feels like. anyway idk why i keep talking about it, ig i’m just forcing myself to like it idk 😭
and yeah let’s just pass it off to behind the scenes interactions, that’s definitely it 🤪🤪🤪. i WISH i’d get the motivation for season 2 but idk, i’ll think about it.
seungmin x jeongin sounds like you’re shipping them together pls 😭😭 friends to enemies to lovers???? also i’m excited about what you’ll think about seungmin in SLC 🙈🙈🙈
and yes, wait for that halloween special, it’s something VERY VERY special and meaningful ehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehheheehehehehehe
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bnhaficsforthesoul · 4 years
yoo, okay this is a bit of an angsty request but i NEED this !! essentially, the reader loves midoriya (or anyone of your choosing, really) yet its unrequited ^^ maybe a popular ship or smth is real in ur writing, like tododeku and reader is all "oh heckles, midoriya doesn't love me" and just,, sad stuff ?? maybe even a hanahaki disease au if you'd like!!! i want it as a n g s t y as possible with no happy ending jksdhgjdsghjdsjgk thank you sm ily
Of course I had to take the chance to write a hanahaki au - idk if this is angsty enough - im bad at angst lol, but here ya go anon
No - this couldn’t be happening. You didn’t love him, you couldn’t. But - the bloody flower petal in your hand spoke otherwise. You felt the world spiraling around you, yet you were frozen. 
Midoriya Izuku - your best friend who had stolen your heart and given his to another. Of course, there was no chance of Izuku returning your love, he was dating Shouto. You remember the excitement in his eyes when he first told you they were together - and the excitement you had reciprocated for your friend. If only you knew the suffering you would later go through because of him.
Of course, there is no knowing whether Izuku would have loved you if he wasn’t with Shouto - but it seemed the possibility was nonexistent at this point. So, you had 3 choices. You could muster up the money for surgery and lose all your feelings for Izuku, get lucky and make yourself fall out of love with him, or die. And right now, you desperately hoped you were lucky.
Quickly grabbing your phone off of its nightstand, you opened your messages, sighing softly at Izuku’s contact near the top of your messages, and found Momo. She’s vice class rep - so she’s probably the best person to ask to get your homework without getting scolded, and you texted her “I don’t think I’ll be able to make it to school tomorrow Momo, I’m feeling pretty sick. Could you tell me the homework so I don’t fall behind?”
It was late, so you didn’t expect a reply. But you didn’t need one - you weren’t going to school. If you weren’t around Izuku, maybe you would forget about your feelings for him and be cured. You were hoping, anyways.
You woke up the next day late in the afternoon - it’s not often you get to stay home from school -  to a text from Momo, saying “Oh no! I hope you feel better, I’ll send you the notes and homework after school. Get some rest!” You smiled at her kindness and laid back on your bed. But then, you noticed the other messages in your notifications. A few on the groupchat, with little “get betters” - which you were expecting. This class treats itself like a family, people are gonna worry if you’re sick. There were also more personal messages from Eijirou, Tenya, and - Shouto and Izuku. 
Shouto had also become a close friend of yours in the time you’ve known him, the two of you always being around Izuku allowed you to develop a bond yourself. So it was no surprise that he texted you, but all you felt was anger towards his “How are you feeling? Do you want me to bring you some soba? I’ll even warm it up for you.” There was a small twinge of guilt in your stomach, he obviously didn’t deserve your anger, but you couldn’t even spare him a response.
Then Izuku - how were you supposed to forget about your feelings when he was constantly so perfect? You found yourself smiling at his message, a “Good morning y/n! I hope you’re feeling better today! I’ll come by and check on you after I finish my homework :)” Sitting up, you went to respond - but you were interrupted by a sharp pain in your throat before you began coughing, and you covered your mouth with your hands only to feel the light touch of petals fall into them.
There were more than last night.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you stared at your hands once again. It hadn’t even been a full day, but already the flowers were growing rapidly. With shaky hands, you shook off the petals and returned your phone, quickly messaging “Don’t worry about me, I’m fine. You don’t need to come by either, I don’t want you getting sick and I’ll probably be sleeping.” 
The seriousness of your situation finally set in - last night you hadn’t seemed to fully grasp that if you didn’t do something to stop this, you would literally die. A few choked sobs escaped your lips, and you winced in pain. 
You roughly fell back down onto the bed - frantically wondering what to do. Would Recovery Girl be able to cure you? Would the disease go away if you just forgot about Izuku? You grabbed your phone and started searching for answers. Articles upon articles on the disease, talking about what the misfortunate people who contract it can do to save themselves. 
What you found was disappointing - there are no accounts of people being able to overcome the disease on their own, and always had to resort to surgery or death. You didn’t have the money for surgery, and you didn’t want to bring your friends into this and ask for help - but you didn’t want to die.
“What am I gonna do…” You threw your phone onto the bed and put your hands over your face, holding back your tears. As much as you simply wanted to avoid Izuku until you didn’t love him anymore, it was impossible. Sweet Izuku, who deems it his responsibility to be the most caring person on earth, would be devastated if you were to suddenly cut off ties with him. Besides, how could you when you were forced to see him everyday at school regardless. There was only so long you could feign being sick - you doubted the school wouldn’t do anything to help you. 
The rest of the week was spent in the comfort of your own room - you had managed to convince your friends that you were too sick for school, and for anyone to visit. Researching options had been your top priority, mainly what the surgery entails, but everything you found made you less and less optimistic. 
The surgery costs thousands of dollars, money that no average high school student would have - meaning unless you were to ask for help there would be no way to get the surgery in the first place. And even if you could, there were no certain results. With how rare Hanahaki is, there aren’t enough accounts of successful operations to rely on. Well - they all worked, those who got the surgery were alive. But some had results more drastic than others.
From the result you were hoping for - being you would simply lose feelings for Izuku and live on - to people who had completely forgotten about the person they loved all together. As much as you didn’t want to die, how would you live on without remembering Izuku? Your best friend. He’s been there for you through so much, the thought of living on without him was terrifying.
Yet, everyday you were reminded with the inevitable coming of your death. The itching in your lungs grew everyday, as did the amount of petals you were coughing out. It wouldn’t be long until your lungs were full of flowers - and you suffocated. 
“Y/n! Are you feeling better?” Eijirou smiled brightly at you as you walked into the classroom, and you returned a soft smile before sitting in your desk. “I guess.” All you could do was be optimistic, at least in front of your friends. After a week of practically being MIA, you decided you wouldn’t worry them anymore. Besides, if you waited any longer, you’d probably wake up to Katsuki blowing down your door with 15 people behind him. 
Everything was as normal, you talked with Denki and Mina as you waited for class to start, Katsu gave you a “look who finally decided to show up,” - which you knew meant he was glad you were okay - and you even managed to be happy when Izuku ran in and gave you a hug. Your smile strained when Shouto said hi to you however, both because you felt bad for having ignored his texts all week, and because you just didn’t want to be around him. At least not yet. 
Aizawa soon walked into class, and everyone hurried to their seats so that class could start. It wasn’t anything special today - just some more basic hero instruction, and you were happy that you could take it easy as to hopefully not trigger your coughing. You’d be able to tell him about it after class - maybe he could find a way to let you stay out of school until you figured this out.
Still - class was especially long today. Having not been present for a few days seemingly made the period feel much longer than it truly was. And just as luck would have it, an itch began to grow in the back of your throat, and you panicked. You didn’t want anyone else knowing - you didn’t want that kind of attention on you. To be the poor soul of 1A who might die 
You raised your hand, wanting to use the restroom as an excuse to get out of there.
“Yes, y/l/n?”
“Can I-”
Speaking apparently only made it worse, and before you could even finish your sentence you hunched over - beginning to cough up a multitude of flower petals. However, this time was a lot worse than the previous ones, your coughing not letting up until you were choking on petals - likely due to your forcing yourself not to cough for so long. Petals were overflowing from your hands as you attempted to cover your mouth, falling onto your desk and down to the ground. 
Everyone’s attention had already been on you, and with the surprised expression on Aizawa’s face as he ran over to you - they all saw the dark red blood dripping out of your hands and the soft pink petals blanketing your desk. Your attempt at hiding your sickness had only pushed it forward, and now there was nothing you could do. 
Aizawa rubbed your back until you calmed down, and you looked up from your hands to the horrified looks on your friends’ faces. Your face was covered in blood and tears - you looked a mess. 
“Let’s get you to Recovery Girl, okay? Can you stand?”
You nodded, but Aizawa still made sure to hold onto your arm just in case. The room was silent as he led you out, all eyes stuck on you. As you looked back - you were met with the wide eyes of Izuku, and you quickly looked away.
Aizawa had left right after dropping you off at Recovery Girl’s, ruffling your hair a bit and giving you a soft smile in an attempt to cheer you up. 
“Hanahaki disease… I don’t think I’ve ever seen this personally. I can’t promise I’ll be able to help you, but we can try.”
You sat on one of the beds as she walked around the room, grabbing a washcloth and wetting it before bringing it over to you. 
“You probably want to wash all the blood off.”
As you slowly rubbed the washcloth over your mouth, Recovery Girl grabbed your hand and kissed it. Normally, you’d immediately feel better. But other than the scratchy feeling in your throat - nothing changed. You could still feel the slowly growing flowers filling your lungs, they hadn’t gone away.
“How do you feel?”
“The flowers are still there… I can feel them.”
Recovery Girl sighed, “What about your throat? I’m sure all that coughing must have hurt - does your throat feel better?”
Nodding slowly, you felt tears forming in your eyes. So she couldn’t heal you.
“I’m sorry sweetie, I’ve tried all I can. All I can do is heal the physical damage - but no matter what I do, the flowers will keep growing. And if they keep increasing their growth at this rate, soon that won’t even be enough.” 
With all the luck you’ve been having lately, it wasn’t surprising that this was the outcome. But that didn’t mean you weren’t disappointed. Before you could let your emotions overcome you and start crying in front of her, you jumped off the bed and began making your way out. 
“Oh - I understand… thanks anyways.”
With a forced smile to Recovery Girl - who’s worried expression only served to make you feel worse -  you trudged out of her office and into the long hallway. 
“Y/n! Wait up! What happened?”
Izuku chased you down the hall as you left Recovery Girl’s office, a hopeful smile on his face. Apparently he had made his way down there as soon as class ended, wanting to make sure that you were okay. That smile disappeared as he saw your face, contorted in distress as a few tears escaped your eyes. “She wasn’t able to help you, was she?”
He took your silence as a no, but still tried to be optimistic, “Well, there has to be something we can do!”
With all the pain you were in, you’d think that your main worry would be yourself. But no - that hopeless look on Izuku’s face was where your worry had settled. He obviously felt that it was his duty to help you, even if there was nothing he could do.
“There’s surgery, and there’s dying.”
Izuku’s eyes glossed over and he grabbed your wrist, pulling you close.
“You gotta get the surgery y/n! Please - I don’t want you to die.”
If only he knew what he was asking of you. Would he tell you to get the surgery even if he knew he was the one you loved? Would he let you risk forgetting about him - and all the memories you had formed together?
“I don’t have that kind of money, Izuku. And I’m not going to bother anyone with my problem.”
His frown deepened, and his eyes shot around the floor as if he was looking for an answer, “But - I’m sure everyone would help out-”
“No - Izuku. I’ll figure it out. Don’t worry about it, please. It’s not your problem, it’s mine. Let me figure this out on my own.”
With your words, his grip on your wrist loosened in shock, and you used that as an opportunity to pull your hand away. 
“I’ll be fine Izuku, what ever happens, just let me figure it out.”
You left him standing there, worried and hurt as you ran back to your dorm room - just wanting to be alone to process the events of today.
A constant knocking at your door drew you awake. As soon as you arrived in your dorm, you found yourself especially drained of energy, and quickly fell asleep. You desperately wanted to just ignore the thumping, but whoever it was wasn’t going to let up, so you sighed and slowly sat up and made your way to the door.
“Shouto? What’s up?”
When you opened the door, you were surprised to see Shouto standing there. He asked if he could come in, and you reluctantly agreed. As soon as you closed the door, he started talking.
“Izuku told me about what happened. Are you really planning on doing this yourself?”
It was hard to read his expression. On one hand he looked worried, but the sharp look in his eyes proved his frustration.
“You’re really going to let yourself die - just so you don’t get anyone else involved?”
His sharp gaze made you feel almost ashamed, as if your decision was completely idiotic - although you supposed it was. But you couldn’t bring yourself to reply, you’ve already caused enough trouble as it is, you don’t want to make others fix your problem.
Shouto sighed and placed his hand on your shoulder, “I’m paying for your surgery. We’ll schedule it for this weekend, can you hold out for that long?”
Your eyes shot to his, the sharp look continuing to tell you he was serious. Even so, you gave him a light glare, crossing your arms as you replied, “What? No - you’re not! You heard it from Izuku, I’m not asking for anyone’s help.”
“Then you’ll die.”
That made you pause. It wasn’t like Shouto to be so blunt, at least not anymore, but he really was serious. 
“I - … I don’t know… I don’t know what I’ll do.”
“Y/n, let me do this. I know you don’t want my help, but I don’t want you to die. No one wants you to die, and you don’t want to die.”
He wasn’t going to take no for an answer, so with a heavy sigh you nodded, “Fine… but - I’ll owe you something. Anything.”
Shouto chuckled lightly at that, and nodded, finally taking his hand off your shoulder as he spoke “Deal. Actually, I know what I want. Hanahaki happens when you love someone that doesn’t love you, right? So - who do you love? I’m just curious.”
Fuck. Of course he would ask that. You forced a smile, “Ah - I don’t wanna talk about that… Isn’t there something else you could ask, or that I could do for you? There’s gotta be something.”
“I don’t have anything else in mind, this is all I wanna know right now. Are you embarrassed by who it is? Or is it me?”
He laughed when he mentioned himself, but he was still looking at you expectantly. If Shouto was anything, apparently it was persistent.
“If I tell you, you have to promise not to get upset.”
“I promise.”
With a deep breath, you looked at the ground and muttered, “Izuku.”
Shouto’s face fell from a soft smile to a painfully neutral expression. The room was silent, except for your slight coughing - all the talking had edged you closer to another coughing fit, and you wanted him out before it happened.
“I’ll call the doctor tomorrow.” Shouto walked to the door and opened it, but paused before he could walk out, “And don’t worry about it y/n. It’s not your fault, I’m not mad.” At that, he fully left, closing the door behind him and leaving you alone once again. At least he understood.
The school had allowed you to take the rest of the week off under the suggestion of Aizawa and Recovery Girl, not wanting a repeat of last time. This time, however, you weren’t allowed to stay holed up in your room, as the class forced you out after school to spend time with them. It was times like this that you really appreciated your friends - they would help comfort you when you started coughing up more flowers, and made it their mission to cheer you up. 
The weekend came soon, and Saturday morning you were met once again with Shouto knocking at your door. 
Bouncing on your heels, you tried to relax your panicky brain. You’d be fine. The operation would go by smoothly, and you’ll be fine. Nothing to worry about.
“Yup! Let’s go.”
The trip there was fairly quiet, you were too busy thinking about the possible outcomes of the operation - and of Izuku. It would hurt to lose these feelings for him, as much as you hated them. To suddenly not love someone anymore sounded terrible. But, you’d still be friends - and that was all that mattered. 
It didn’t take too long to arrive at the hospital, only about a 30 minute train ride, and soon you were waiting in the doctor’s office to go back. It seemed it was a good day to get the surgery done too, as your breathing had gotten worse and worse by the day. You were nowhere near suffocating quite yet, but another week and you just might be.
“Y/l/n-san, you can come back now.”
You followed the nurse into the back room, Shouto following close behind you.
“So, you got Hanahaki disease, huh? That’s real unlucky, but at least there’s surgery. Now, you do understand that other than the removal of the flowers, we can’t be certain of the actual effect the surgery will have on you mentally.”
“I know, I’ve done a lot of research. Whatever happens, I’m ready.”
The nurse nodded, and smiled at you, “Alright - then just sit down right there and relax. I’ll be back in a minute, and we can get started.”
She left to grab the doctors, and you waited for them to return.
“Are you scared?”
“Just of the uncertainty. I know it’ll work, but I’ve read a bunch of articles on how the whole emotional process can go wrong.”
Shouto sat next to you on the bed, “Don’t worry, I’m sure it’ll go fine.”
It wasn’t too long until the doctors came back into the room, dressed and ready for surgery. Shouto was forced to leave the room, and he promised to be right there when you woke up. Once he was gone, the doctors finished their final preparations and the lead surgeon came to prepare you.
“I’m going to put you under now. Are you ready?”
You nodded shakily - both excited and scared to see what would come. 
“Alright, just relax. It’ll be over before you know it.”
He put the mask on your face, and your eyes fluttered shut into a deep sleep.
The doctor called Shouto in as soon as you woke up, wanting you to have a familiar face to help adjust while the anaesthesia worked its way out of your system.
“Everything seems to have gone great, the flowers are gone and they’ll live.”
Shouto thanked the doctor, and went into the room. You were still a bit dopey from the anesthesia however, so he let you be, wanting you to rest, and went to call Izuku.
“Shouto! How’d the surgery go? Is y/n okay?”
Shouto couldn’t help but chuckle at Izuku’s enthusiasm. Other than you, Izuku had been the most worried about the surgery - he wouldn’t be able to handle it if something went wrong and he lost you. 
“Yes, they’re okay. They’re still waking up, but once the doctor says it’s okay for visitors to come I’ll text you.”
“Ah! I’m so glad! Okay, I’ll bring everyone with me!”
It was a while later when you fully woke up, finally aware of what was going on as you looked around the white room. 
“Shouto? What time is it? Did the surgery go alright?”
“Around noon, and yes - you’re perfectly fine. Are you hungry? I can go grab you some food.”
You nodded, having not eaten all day, “Yes please. Oh, and could you grab me my phone? Momo said to call her after the surgery.”
Shouto went to grab your bag and began searching through it for your phone, but decided you’d want to know that your friends would be coming soon as well. 
“I’m sure she’ll be coming over soon, Izuku said he’s gonna bring everyone to come visit in a bit”
He expected for you to be happy at the news, but instead your face contorted in confusion, and to Shouto’s horror - you asked, “Who’s Izuku?”
As everyone from 1A flooded into the room, you broke out into a bright smile. They all circled around the bed, spouting random comments about how happy they were that you were okay and that the surgery was a success. You excitedly listened to all of them, happy to hear that your friends cared about you so much.
“Y/n! I’m so glad you’re okay! I was so worried!”
Izuku, finally being able to push his way through everyone and up to you, had latched himself onto you, throwing his arms around your shoulders and pulling you into a tight hug. However, you began pushing him off of you, not wanting some stranger to be touching you so closely.
“Uh, I’m sorry, but who are you?”
Izuku’s eyes widened as you said this - and everyone else in the room turned quiet. Your confused expression as you eyed him carefully further emphasized your seriousness. Why didn’t you remember him?
“I’m… I’m Izuku. Don’t you remember me?”
You gave him an overly kind smile, and Izuku had a glimpse of hope as you seemed to have a revelation, but instead, “Oh! You’re the person Shouto was talking to earlier! Nice to meet you!” 
You seemed to recognize everyone else in the room, as you happily turned to Denki who started telling you about something that happened at school to ease the tension. 
Confused, Izuku shakily grabbed his boyfriend’s hand - who’s pained expression worried him more - and pulled him to the corner of the room.
“Shouto… what happened? I thought you said the surgery worked.”
He was quiet for a moment, trying to decide how to word the news in a way that Izuku would understand, “Well… It did. Y/n’s cured. But - Hanahaki is such a rare occurrence, doctors don’t know all the technicalities of it yet. They can’t assure results, and sometimes, the patient ends up forgetting about the person they loved all together rather than just losing their feelings.”
Suddenly, Izuku went numb. That would have to mean - that meant you loved him. 
You loved him. 
It was his fault you went through all that pain. 
Flashes of you coughing up blood and petals in class flooded his brain - and the pain on your face as you looked at him - he caused that. And now, he couldn’t even apologize. You had no idea who he was.
“I’m sorry Izuku.”
He barely noticed as Shouto pulled him into his chest, and he cried softly. As he looked over Shouto’s shoulder, he saw you laughing happily with the others - a sight that should make him smile. 
But all he felt was pain - even though you were right there, he had lost you.
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seungnoir · 3 years
My Current top 10 favorite Miraculous Ladybug Episodes and why (+analysis)
1. timetagger - the amount of possibilities this brings to the plot and insight is so fun. also, it’s one of the few things of writing and planning i appreciate in this series because it was hinted in the very beginning of s1 that alix’s watch was a miraculous, but now we get to see that connection. Seeing things that were hinted long ago end up having substance makes it more interesting. Also, I do thoroughly Alix as a character and loved to see her and see that she will have a bigger role in the future. This episode alone leads to so many theories and things that can be analyzed and makes it so fun - such as the idea that there is someone (besides master fu) that knows about their identities, and even further, about what happens in the future. The idea of a new hawk moth also comes to play. The akumatized villain from the future proves that there is a hawk moth in the future, but that it isn’t gabriel agreste. This brings into question of what happened to Gabriel and the current Hawk Moth? How did someone else of ill-intention end up the miraculous after hawk moth? Who is this new Hawk Moth? This brings so many theories and possibilities to where the show is heading. We also see chat noir and ladybug do still exist in the future as adults. We can only wonder and theorize about how theyve developed between present and future, though. Another small detail at the end that was interesting is i’m pretty sure chat broke the fourth wall?? At the end of the episode, chat is talking to ladybug and about what alix said about the future as they walk away, and started saying “maybe in the future you might even agree to see a movie with me. Hey, what if it was in the very near future? Like, the next show...”
2. sandboy - there are many reasons i enjoy this episode. first, i love the kwamis and i love learning more about them and having some focus on them. We learned more about background and history of the kwamis as well as see more than we had before. In addition, I think it brought good development to character, particularly for adrien/chat noir. Marinette’s and ladybug’s biggest nightmares weren’t too much of a surprise, and neither was adrien and chat noir’s when you think about it but foes bring more insight to him as a character and helps set up ideas for his character and things later. As adrien, his biggest nightmare was being trapped and cornered, obviously a result of how he’s treated by his father. While adrien tends to always seem chill and nice around people and like everything’s always fine, it shows there’s more we don’t see. Then, as chat noir, his biggest nightmare was that ladybug hated him. It was important to show how much chat noir really cares about his relationship with her, and not just romantically. It shows us this not only as a watcher, but so that ladybug sees too. This sets up well for the ny special, where ladybug gets upset with chat and says she can’t trust him. While not exactly like his nightmare where she despises him, it is parallel to his literal biggest nightmare and shows why he reacted the way he did and shows just how much ladybug saying that would affect him. I also very thoroughly enjoy the moment where adrien sees the sock plagg left when he sneaked out and he went “Plagg! who turned you into a sock!” i think i find it funnier than i should. 
3. heroes day p2 - not to be a ladynoir stan but that’s a big reason i enjoy this episode. When the other heroes they recruited fall, Ladybug gets worried and begins to lose hope. This isn’t very common for her, but it shows she’s not some perfect hero, she has times where she has doubts. However, chat noir was right there for her. He was able to encourage her and get her back into the spirit. I think this is important to show their relationship without thinking about it in a romantic way. It shows chat noirs full trust in ladybug, and how even if ladybug doesn’t always express it, it shows how she does appreciate and trust chat noir and that he is able to help her when she’s down, it’s a balance. Also, when chat noir is encouraging ladybug, one thing he says “let’s go back to what always worked - you and me against the world, m’lady.” In my eyes, this reinforces the “soulmate” idea and the importance of the two. Don’t get me wrong, I love the other heroes and miraculouses being used, and maybe its just me, but I think it’s important that despite the other heroes being helpful, chat noir and ladybug are the core, and that reinforces that. Also I honestly love that adrien was detransformed at the time of saying that line. In addition to ladynoir, there’s the plot and villain progression of hawk moth and nathalie, which sparks the plot to really start picking up after this event. 
4. reverser - I love marc a lot, i relate to his character a lot so i enjoyed having him and I wish we had more outside of this episode. There are also other fun characters we get to see that we don’t see as much (Alex and nathaniel). I also like the akumartizaion set up, i think it’s a very realistic situation in which misunderstanding takes over and there’s no specific person to blame, and i appreciate the demonstration of that. Not to be a chat noir stan, but him being a “scaredy cat” after getting hit by the reverser was so cute and funny and i enjoyed that. Again, back to the other characters, as i mentioned before i like alix a lot. i enjoyed her mocking chloe in the episode and then not caring when the teacher tried to say she should be nice. and then i liked the moment she scared chat noir. and then i enjoyed seeing her role in helping the duo in defeating reverser. also, there was a moment on the beginning of the episode where adrien teased marinette and any moment where adriens chat noir side comes out is my favorite. in conclusion, i love seeing the characters we see in this episode and chat noir was cute. 
5. puppeteer 2 - as much as the wax statue scene gives me the worst second hand embarrassment of my entire life, the episode gave us a clearer insight to adriens perspective on his relation with marinette, which i enjoyed, and made me like him as a character even more. while i love a good “she’s just a friend” joke, it is confirmed in this episode he’s genuinely oblivious - which he shouldn’t be perceived as dumb for. social cues are harder for some people and can cause problems but it’s not smth people can help, we also have to remember he has very limited experience with people. anyway, it gives us that insight and i believe it’s important. he even expressed acknowledgment of how he doesn’t pick these things up sometimes. so he interpreted marinettes reaction wrong, and he believed marinette even didn’t like him. it distressed him so much to think that was the case. this was the insight we needed to see how adrien perceives their relationship and how much it really developed. even if he doesn’t have a crush on her, it introduces the idea that he still genuinely cares about her and having a relationship with her - parallel to us seeing ladybug see that with chat, which i believe is very important for the development of lovesquare and the plot. not to mention the frusturation of dramatic irony at the end when adrien, seemingly for the first time we’ve seen him as adrien, mention to someone else how he DOES love someone. while painful for marinette, i do think it’s interested because i don’t even think he’s mentioned the fact he loves someone to nino, showing how he still considers marinette as someone he can be close too. 
6. ikari gozen - I love Kagami and I appreciated this kind of redemption arc. I wasn’t sure how I felt about her at first, but after this episode she’s one of the most relatable characters, personally. In turn, it also helps Marinette learn a good lesson. So yeah, the main reason i enjoy this episode is Kagami’s character development and her character. Ryuko is also so cool.
7. kwamibuster - i mentioned this before but i love the kwamis a lot and i love getting to see them in episodes. in this episode we got to see not only interactions between plagg and tikki, but get a chance to meet other kwamis and see their miraculous jewelry and some of their abilities. we also see that marinette and adrien are not incapable of connecting dots, realizing both plagg and tikki were in the same school. however, plagg and tikki try to reason them out of it and they both did things to throw the other of their track, so they didn’t keep their theories - but it does show they’re not Completely Oblivious. 
8. troublemaker - there’s a lot of small things and moments that make me appreciate this episode rather than one big thing. to start, i enjoy penny’s character a lot and this is one the few episodes we really get to see her and the only one where we get focus on her. in addition, she was a good villain and arguably the closest a villain got to taking ladybug’s miraculous, taking an earring. then theres marinettes adrien photo collection being exposed, and adriens facial expressions in reaction to it made me laugh. and then of course, the scene following the fight, adrien talks to marinette. one noticeable thing is that marinette didnt stutter as much as she had and got out full thoughts. good for her ! and it shows that she is slowly beginning to be more comfortable with him. then of course, adrien. he starts by asking if she was okay since the fight happened at her house (even though he was literally there and knows damn well marinette wasn’t even there, kinda anyway). and then, as i mentioned before, my favorite thing ever is adriens chat noir side coming out, which is exactly what happened. he teased marinette for the photos, both asking if she was lying and then the “even in the most unlikely places” line. the thing about this is that this is something we barely see happen with adrien as adrien, yet it happened with marinette, which shows he’s comfortable enough with her to do that. and then of course the sincere moment of him saying he’s glad she’s her fan, he’s just so sweet good for him i love him. 
9. origins - a classic. provides us background we needed on how things start and characters meant. there’s so much things to take from origins about their characters and the story in general. for one, marinette not even wanting to be ladybug. i feel this fit her character and was more realistic than if she accepted it right away. and then her being a bit of a mess the first time and not even capturing the akuma. i think that was important; to show ladybug and marinette are not perfect, but that’s what makes her a better and more relatable character. it wouldn’t be fun if she were perfect from the beginning. and then chat noir, who was a lot less reluctant. in contrast to marinette. he had been isolated his whole life and forced to try to fit a perfect mold. this gave him not only physical freedom he always desired but also the personal freedom to be able to be who he wanted. it of course also shows the balance of the two heroes. ladybug was nervous and had no hope at the beginning, but was able to get though with chat noirs encouragement - which is something that comes up every so often, but shows their balance and dynamic. and then of course . the umbrella scene. one of the most iconic moments, and also one thing i’ve noted is that we barely ever seeadrien laugh like he did in that scene, and it makes me treasure that moment more. and despite the whole “she’s just a friend” thing, it was important in that moment and you can see how important it is to him that he has a friend, and probably establishes the trust and appreciation for marinette we see as the show progresses as she was very important to him being kind of his first friend and that it holds a different kind of importance to him. 
10. glaciator - an iconic episode of course. while marichat is probably my least favorite in terms of love square ships, i think marichat moments are some of the best. i think it’s where the two are more showing themselves to each other than in any other way. chat gets to see truly marinette in which she isn’t a nervous mess and is actually acting like herself, and marinette gets to see chat has more to him than she saw previously as ladybug. with his constant flirting and joking with her, it seemed that she interpreted this as this is just his personality and it didn’t mean much, that maybe he acted the same with anyone. but with the interactions of this episode, she learns that’s not the case, he genuinely and truly loves and cares and about ladybug, it was more than just joking around. this realization is big for marinette and she even comments that she misjudged him. this episode allows eachother to rlly learn more about eachother. and then it helps ladybug be honest. she’s completely honest with chat after that, saying there’s someone else and she doesn’t want to lead him on, but that sets the stage for them to still grow on their platonic relationship, which is still important. ladybug for the seemingly first time directly tells chat how he’s important to her, and chat admits that his friendship with her is the most important thing to him, showing us more about adrien/chats character, as well as demonstrates despite his love for ladybug the platonic relationship still holds great importance with seems to contrast how marinette views adrien at this moment. 
honorable mentions: 
reflekdoll - this was almost in the top 10 but i changed it last minute. i appreciate learning more about juleka and hope we get more to grown on that later. and not to be an adrien stan but he looked really pretty with his outfit for marinettes shoot. one thing i feel is also important to notice is how easily he was willing to take off his miraculous for the sake of marinettes shoot. he didn’t even really hesitate? that wasn’t really surprising for marinette to do, but for adrien it again represents a small thing that shows he really appreciates and cares about her (whether it’s romantic or not). the concept of them switching miraculouses were also fun, and seeing a little bit of tikki and plagg interactions again. the reason that it didn’t end up in the top 10 was because i think the execution of their miraculous switch should’ve been done much better. i feel like the writing made chat look dumber than he is and made ladybug look more bossy than she is. while i feel part of this was meant to demonstrate they’re truly made for their own miraculous, it could’ve been demonstrated without making the character look worse. 
startrain - i don’t mean to be basic but the adrinette in this episode was super cute. however that’s not the only reason this episode stood out. hawk moth rlly sent his own son into space, u know as one does. and then the irony of him saying “how ironic i have to depend on my enemies (ladybug and chat noir) to save my son” like if you think that’s ironic then… but anyway . i also enjoyed seeing more max in the episode. his transformation is fun and i think we deserved a max based episode where he (or markov) didn’t have to get akumatized. also i feel like in the beginning of the episode, i like how adrien flat out decided to go to london without even asking his dad. i think he’s slowly stopping to care so much about his fathers rules and realizing what he needs for himself and this shows that. 
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astro-break · 3 years
Thoughts on the 8th ep of Hypmic Rhyme Anima. Spoilers beware
Ep.1 | Ep.2 | Ep.3 | Ep.4 & 5 | Ep. 6 | Ep. 7
Love that every time its a MTC centric episode im so busy that i can’t watch it the day it airs
I like how the beginning of the episode kinda mirrors the events in MTC’s story in ARB
hey hypmic you wanna try making it Less obvious who the culprit is? like damn you’re just giving away secrets like its candy. First Ramuda, the Ruikawa and now these two assholes. Might wanna keep your cards close before you spoil the ending of the anime oh wait they already did that nvm :p
Samatoki please have some sense of self preservation and ask what its about before accepting something. but I guess it also speaks to how trusting he is of those he lets close to him which also explains a bit more as to why he hates Ichirou’s guts
Love that Jyuto is actually choking the information out of someone and Samatoki is actually gathering intelligence and creating boards out of it. Most people expect the opposite from their characters and it such a great dynamic
I find it hilarious that Rio uses older computers but that brings up the question of “How far into the future really is hypmic?” bc those computers look to be from early 2000′s which would be A N C I E N T and completely unusable for hacking come a time when WWIII happens
Iris on a bike has no rights looking as hot as she does. The vehicle CGI is really nice too and so is her character model on top of the bike. Loving how Iris completely owns the two cops
The MTC love here is jsut. through the roof i can die happy now that i’ve seen Samatoki aggressively caring for his teammates animated and voiced. like, please. just. help. I can.t/ MTC care so much for each other I would hug them all and tell them good work, you can finally go rest now uughghghgh MTC guys. MTC
But mannn Iris is so cool, approaching MTC without any fear
I find it hilarious that Saburo would pose as a game dev from dubai which yknow doesn’t make any sense if you think about it. but whatever it just makes me laugh at how easy it is to fake a lot about yourself because yeah! it is easy! 
The whole conversation about cops and good cops seems a bit off considering ACAB but considering Japan who has largely swept both BLM and ACAB under the rug it isn’t surprising. That isn’t to say that Japan doesn’t care, its just that these movements aren’t on the spotlight so topics like these don’t carry as much weight
lol yeah he should have expected to be stabbed from the front lol
SRKHFSKJD Rio please stop living in the water, i can’t believe he did that lol
Love the SamaJyuto subtext in the translation lol
Jyuto’s sequence is kinda cute in a way ahaha
The kurosawa-esque b&w screens are a nice touch to the song as well as the MC Name drops and hypnosis speaker drops. Idk about Rio’s 2DIE4 reference though since it doesn’t really rhyme nor does it add much to the rap itself
The song itself is pretty nice but it isn’t a bop like Fallin’ was. It has a different more gritty feel to it that i don’t hate but isn’t my style
Of course Iruma pulls this situation into his favor, its so typical of him.
Rio didn’t speak much here and took a general backseat to everything. I wonder if it was because during the time of recording this episode, Rio’s VA, Kamio Shinichiro, went down with The Virus (you know the one) so he couldn’t record much. Who knows but best boy. just let me hear best boy’s voice please
Ramuda’s phone vibrate actively annoys me oh my god it makes my skin crawl
If Ramuda’s sleeping on the couch then that really does confirm that Ramuda lives in his studio. Not surprising considering everything we know about Ramuda but at the same time, please get like a futon or smth sleeping on a couch will only hurt your back
Ramuda just busting in is fun
but im not sure how to feel about two divisions shoved into one. like this is basically telling us who is the important divisions, Ikebukuro and Shinjuku. Obviously BB are the protagonists of the series what with the staff coming out to even say that Ichirou is the hero, and if you know what happens then you know why Shinjuku is also highlighted which. also gives away the ending of the anime. again. I’m just glad that the team decided to stick with the irl results bc if they didn’t, they’d have a lot of angry fans
Back to my main point tho, this just. pisses me off. I love FP and MTC and to see them sidelined like this doesn’t feel fair. they deserve full eps to themselves bc if I’m being honest, these two teams have some of the best inter team dynamics out of the current cast. I understand that budget issues and episode constraints exist but this is just kinda frustrating that my main division has been tossed aside and the team that gets the most overall development gets thrown away too
Im not surprised that they cheated because gambling anime is about who can outcheat the other and the mind games played. thats the thrill of gambling series is the psychological factors in it
Ramuda emulating Gentaro’s speech is cute
The mindgames are not present at all and I expected that lol
thats.... midly gay gentaro lol do you always go around pressing shit into people’s mouths while leaning in close? thats pretty gay lol i love the homoerotic subtext present in this episode. First SamaJyuto and now GenDice
no speaker summon sequence? thats slightly disappointing but whatever. the anime is really doing FP dirty by cutting a lot of corners with their episodes
I never noticed that Ramuda and Gentaro hold their mics in their left hand while Dice holds it with his right. neat detail
I love how even in a battle FP still keeps their preppy attitude
Gentaro looks so awkward to the little sway and kick thing in the song lolol
This is probably one of the songs that I like the least. Jackpost is a very Dice song and not really fitting for either Ramuda and Genaro. I think i’d like it more if it was a dice solo or dice centric but the emphasis was pretty cleanly spread so that makes it pretty hard to enjoy
Oh hell yeah FP meshing as a team is just, so cute. Though that foreshadowing with Ramuda and his candy is just. wow
Yup they kept the og brackets so I think the anime’s going to stick with the IRL results. Which means that any tension they try and build won’t work for ppl who are already familiar with the series but I hope they don’t take that fact as an excuse to slack off
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gayregis · 4 years
which characters are trans this is a scientific inquiry
all of them except vilgefortz and leo bonhart
ok ok jokes, ill go more in depth... some of this is taken from things ive written before but not posted. also for anyone reading this im non bee nary so know that im not trying to describe the experiences of different identities in first-person, i’m basing this off of both my own and my friends’ experiences... none of this is “OMG YES CHARACTER ANGST >:))” but rather depicting personal struggles in fictional characters, so just know that  the more difficult subjects that may be covered are not there just to see the character in pain, but rather to think about their eventual resilience against it and development afterwards
for geralt and yennefer i have more specific reasons why i think being transgender actually fits with their canonical characters & related story arcs, and then for the rest i have headcanons and maybe some reasoning but not a lot.
geralt: geralt already represents how a struggle with toxic masculinity and expectations of masculinity can influence one who wants to be seen as masculine to deny and bury their emotions. him being trans develops upon the aspect of his struggle with emotions, ive seen my friends who are transmasculine / myself when i used to ID as transmasculine struggle with showing emotions bc of feeling like you’re going to be misgendered if you shed a single tear. in canon, we already learn that kaer morhen has a bit of a macho culture (just fyi eskel and lambert and coen are trans too now, don’t go getting any idea that those guys are cis) and i believe that the “witchers have no emotions” thing is like 5% actual biology and 95% being raised to fight and not to feel. vesemir is a good father but he just wasn’t very emotionally nurturing, it’s the caste’s way of raising kids that geralt breaks out of.
i think geralt’s self-image also speaks a lot to the feelings of harsh internal transphobia. he constantly others himself from others and feels like people view him as different, which is metaphorical for any marginalized group under the sun, but also is very common for lgbt ppl. again this is smth ive really struggled with within the past few years so im just projecting/know what it feels like and feel that how geralt sees himself in canon is similar to a view suffering from internalized transphobia.
geralt's character already redefines manhood because he has to learn what it means to be a good father. and i think him being trans would be representative of his constant learning and growth as a person, yet also somewhat involved with his self loathing and feeling like just Him Existing is an affront ... but of course he unlearns this with time and love from others and all of his character development
yennefer: yennefer’s whole backstory revolves around defining who she is and defying the people who mistreated her and told her she was nothing. canonically yennefer of vengerberg is the story of the successful self-made woman... her life as janka she would rather forget, no one calls her by that name, and no one ever would because its not who she is nor who i think she ever was. 
shes incredibly strong-willed and knows what she wanted from life but some things are terrifying to reach out for, like love and acceptance. yennefer has a conflict with love and being loved because that was never a safe topic for her ... (also sapkowski handled this specifically poorly imo, but:) yennefer canonically struggles with being loved for who she is. i think she deals so much with her previous abuse and again, expectations from parents, and coming to terms with the fact that she survived it all. also this isnt even touching upon her arc regarding motherhood. wanting to give a child your everything and everything that you never had... the love and kindness that no one gave you...
ciri: ciri hesitated to ever identify with “girl” or “boy,” she’s also i think the representation of childhood in general, she’s naturally curious about gender presentation as she ages and just never really cares to commit to gender. i think she’d say she was a girl but only reluctantly bc she just doesn’t care much.
dandelion: [from his TV Tropes page:]
Tumblr media
he’s an artist and a musician, he’s not gonna be cishet...
ok in a more serious context i think he’s a nonbinary guy, i think him being trans might explain why he has way more friendships than relationships with family members. dandelion, like yennefer, is also someone that had to define who he was for himself, i mean for one his stage persona of dandelion is entirely an artist’s creation/hyperbole of himself, i think he also had to think abt his inner identity too
his gender is also just “your friend that comes to your house and eats all ur chips and drinks all ur beer and passes out on top of you on the couch”
milva: ok unfortunately i currently think milva is the token non-trans friend (she’s nonbinary just doesnt think of herself as trans) but it’s only because her major arc in baptism of fire revolves around her pregnancy and miscarriage and just bc she is not trans doesn’t mean she doesn’t go through her own difficult struggling process surrounding her womanhood. she struggles enormously throughout the series and in her backstory with defining herself between two rigid identities: the feminine maria and the cutthroat milva. in her talk with geralt, she reveals how she feels trapped between these two identities and feels like they cannot coexist. i feel like she’s a nonbinary/gender non-conforming butch* lesbian whose struggles with sexuality intersect her struggles with gender and what it means to her to be a gnc woman. also you have to consider that milva was raised in a small village in lower sodden so she understood gender in the very strict roles ascribed to men and women, so she felt like she couldn’t be a woman unless she was this very traditional idea of what a woman is “supposed to be like,” which she’s both been trying to shape herself to be and also running away from simultaneously. she learns to accept herself within the hansa bc they love and support her for who she is, and she doesn’t need to be strictly feminine or masculine to be understood by them
* i know the terms nonbinary and gnc and butch didn’t exist in the 1260s tyvm, i’m just saying this as how i interpret her in a modern context
regis: gender is a human sociological construct so basically don’t ask him unless you’re prepared to listen for 20 minutes. vampires can exist noncorporeally so they can exist without gender, also i hc the telepathic vampiric language is nongendered as it’s a transmission of pure thought, will, and force, so it doesn’t even use any grammar. i also hc that vampires just appear the way they feel in terms of appearance and age (e.g., regis at around 300 when he died still looked 25 bc he was as stupid as a 25 year old, now he’s calmer and understands more, so he looks middle-aged). when chilling out with humans regis will be referred to as a man bc that’s just how he appears but it’s an identity he had to learn about and adopt, not something he was assigned. most vampires look androgynous anyways bc they just feel androgynous, how are you gonna feel a gender when you don’t know what a gender is... if you HAD to understand him with human labels / put it in a modern context (like if i was making an modern real life AU) i’d say he’s a nonbinary trans man. 
cahir: much like geralt i think cahir’s story is one of living up to expectations, but cahir’s actually takes it a step further because his major motivation in his backstory is trying to prove to his mother that he can be a good son that will make her proud and gain honor for the family... he seeks validation from external sources but faces ruin when he learns that war is not the way to prove one’s prowess and skill
angouleme: shes trans and i simply say so bc shes very cool and funny and i dont think a cis person could be this cool and funny. also i think the story of a runaway teen who was abandoned by her biological family and found solace in a new family is both very good and featured in a lot of trans ppl’s narratives. she kind of exudes this “im finally at a point in my life where i’m safe and cared for, i can start HRT now, let’s gooOOoooOOooo” energy. 
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zettaiunmeis · 4 years
as much as i love this relationship between z 2.0 and ava, i kind of wish legends had developed the friendships between zari 1.0 and some of the time bureau ladies a bit more last season. bc like, maybe its just me, but i always kind of wanted zari to be that one person that sara and ava find themselves lowkey relying on, talking to when they can’t talk to each other. like, yes, i loved the friendships that zari 1.0 developed w sara and amaya and charlie but??? think of the potential she had with nora or ava or mona.
more below the cut because this got heated and long
(i know they sort of did that last one in 4x11, but it didnt feel like a very consistent thing, like. the charlie/mona relationship from that episode was far better fleshed out than zari 1.0 and mona’s and as much as i like that relationship, i feel that in a ep that focused specifically on z1.0 and mona, those two should be the ones who develop a strong foundation for a relationship, and that should have been really, pulled out through the season.)
and i guess that was my biggest problem w the nate/z1 storyline last season? while, yes, i liked their development, i felt like it took a lot of time away from z1’s relationships with other members of the team. 
i’d have really liked to see ava and z1 interacting and her sort of being both ava and sara’s go-to person when they needed something/someone to take charge or smth bc i can definitely see ava really respecting zari’s no-nonsense approach to the task at hand, and her ability to sympathise with others well.
and nora and zari was an interaction ive been hoping for since the very beginning of s4 bc that was how they seemed to set up the storyline: for zari to be ray’s voice of caution when it came to nora. like, i do love darhkatom, and i loved ray’s sort of “ill believe in your ability to be a good person even if you’re not sure you can be” attitude, i still feel like it should have been tempered by at least some other character’s caution about nora. and zari was the person that they clearly set up for that role. without that, frankly, the darhkatom plot seemed lowkey flat to me, because there was no one to be like, “i know i was always unsure about her, but i also thought she was trying to be better” after nora was accused of killing hank, and that made it kind of. idk like the darhkatom plot (and really all of ray’s storylines in s4) really kind of disconnected with the rest of the season.
and on a lighter note, nora and zari were the only two zoomers of the ensemble, and i really wanted to interact for the pure reason of future shenanigans. like, nora or zari saying shit like, “damn life was fucking schway when they still had sugar in candy” and the other just nodding like that makes perfect sense while the rest of the crew is like, “what is a schway??? what happened to sugar in candy??” and like. their shared future-present sort of gives them the ability to say like, “hey remember that one thing that happened?” and sort of process trauma that they might have both gone through because of the anti-meta laws and stuff.
and i guess mona and zari’s thing is what really kind of pissed me off bc. zari never really had a surrogate younger sibling friend on the waverider. (you can make the argument for wally or jax but jax already had his own established place in the ship and it really felt more like he was the older brother indulging his younger sister by letting her distract him with video games, and wally and zari were only developed for one ep before it was go time to throw the legends into season finale development.) 
with mona, their relationship was established, early on, as mona being the hopeful/cheerful one, and with zari being the cynic, much in the same vein as zari and ray. however, the key difference between zari and ray and mona and zari is the difference in character development between mona and ray, as of when they are developing their respective relationships with zari. ray is an already established character in phone home, and so, zari’s character arc uses him as a sort of,,, like those cages that they make for vines to grow onto. mona, on the other hand, uses the more turbulent character of zari to try and have them both grow together, in seance and sensibility. this more parallels the arc of sara and zari’s relationship, where zari acts as a sort of a younger sibling to sara. the whole development of mona and zari lends itself to a mona being the slightly annoying sunshine younger sibling and zari being the cynical if-you-hurt-her-you-die older sibling, and then,,, it just doesn’t deliver. instead, you get occasional annoying shipper mona, and irritated zari, and tbh thats just highkey disappointing.
and you can say that it isnt all about zari or that im being dramatic or that they just had a lot of storylines and not a lot of time but,,, frankly, id say youre wrong and making excuses. because the way the season ended, with zari being the one to give herself up, makes it fucking imperative that they try to get that goddamn emotion across to the viewers. and while they got plenty of emotion, it was solely because of the fact that people related to zari. instead, if they had spent zari 1.0′s last season developing all those relationships, instead of just nate and a little bit of charlie and john, they would have brought such a heavy emotional impact because holy shit she impacted every single one of these people, and not one of them even remember her.
im not saying that they shouldn’t have written steelhacker, or anything like that. hell, im glad they developed zari and nates relationship past the point they got it to in 3x11. but at the same time, if they truly wanted the most emotional impact out of the s4 finale, they should have had her be the fucking center of the team, not just nate’s girlfriend and charlie, john, ray, and sara’s friend.
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