#depression SUCKS
gildedoak · 29 days
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Episode 7: Beignets!
I rewatched S2E2 of Helluva Boss ("Seeing Stars") and got hit with that BANGER of a line from Loona about dads having issues and messing up all the time but still caring. VIVZIE, I am sensing a THEMEEEEEEE.
And thank you for all the lovely comments thus far! I'm so tickled to see how many folks connect with this, whether you're from the American South or not. Food is such a core love language for so many people.
SOUTHERN COMFORT FOOD SERIES Chicken and Waffles Sweet Tea Peach Cobbler Hushpuppies Crab/Crawfish Boil Gumbo (plus character notes!) Beignets Part 2 Shrimp and Grits Fried Catfish Cornbread Pecan Pie Biscuits and Gravy
Description under the cut!
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Radioapple comic
PANEL 1: (Lucifer sits atop a barstool-like chair on his balcony at the hotel. He's curled up in on himself, quietly crying with his head in his arms as he slumps over the marble balustrade and his tail curled around his ankles.)
PANEL 2: (Alastor gently sets a large platter of fresh beignets next to Lucifer's arm, and Lucifer glances up, looking miserable.) Alastor: (offscreen) You're not a bad father, you know.
PANEL 3: (Alastor strikes a jazz-hands pose as a canned laugh track emanates from his cane.) Alastor: Granted, YES you did fail spectacularly! You fail A LOT. But...
PANEL 4: (Closeup of the lower half of Lucifer's face as more tears fall down his cheeks.) Alastor: (offscreen) ...you're consistently, SINCERELY trying. And that is incredibly important.
PANEL 5: (closeup of Alastor's right eye in profile) Alastor: It's certainly more than my father ever did.
PANEL 6: (Alastor reaches over and places a hand on Lucifer's, which is still clutching at his upper arm. Though we can't see Lucifer's face, he's sitting a little straighter, looking up at Alastor.) Alastor: (offscreen) Or yours, for that matter.
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notarakhae · 7 months
I'm not dead, guys! I'm just a mentally unstable adult who decided that making a cute davekat lyric video would be a good idea 🤠
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It'll take time... But I'll finish it
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Depression go brrrrrr so yall get some Peng comfort cause I’m struggling with bedrot!
(Also, this is mostly just for me, but mental health is important! Take care of yourselves and stay safe!)
🪶 - Peng’s would gladly drag your ass outta bed the minute they see you bedrotting.
🪶- But, that doesn’t mean they’re gonna be nice about it! They’re insulting you the whole time they’re making sure you’re taking care of yourself.
🪶- If you need sunlight, they’re opening the blinds or taking you out for a walk. If you haven’t drank water, they’re tilting your head back to make you drink some. And if you haven’t eaten, you better believe they’re stealing your phone to order dinner and scaring off the delivery driver so they don’t have to pay.
🪶- And once all that’s done, they’ll drag you to the couch and cuddle up with you. You’ll have to work the TV, (mostly because they don’t know how) but they’ll let you pick the movie.
🪶- And even though they don’t show it in a normal way, you can tell Peng cares about you. Every insult is accompanied by a caring act, and once you’re curled into their side, their arm is wrapped around you protectively.
🪶- Don’t say anything, though. Because they’ll deny it no matter what.
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macsoul · 2 months
Adormeci sonhando e minha mente se perdeu em pesadelos confusos, acordei na realidade que me sinto mais impotente que tudo, parece que tudo que permanece é o pior, as piores experiências, memórias, sentimentos, não sei como me livrar do peso invisível que minha mente acumula e arrasta sem cessar e isso é exaustivo, sufocante, de vez em quando desesperador. . .
parece não haver saída.
- mas é só um sentimento, eu sei
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Seeing an image from Dreamscapers, where you see Stan's mind scape is both enlightening and heartbreaking at the same time.
Overall, the landscape is grey, while various memories behind the doors are all in color. I can promise you, as someone diagnosed with severe depression, this is probably the first to second most accurate description of depression I've ever seen portrayed in animated form.
At least my experience with it is an overall grey mind scape, with both dark corners I try to keep myself from going into, and bright moments I keep "behind closed doors" to retain as best I can. Giving it a little bit of a blurry resolution also is very accurate, as in my case, my memory is really bad.
Another little piece of this show, and Stan I hold close to me now 🥺🥹🥺
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I couldn’t sleep last night and thought it was a good idea around 4:00am to walk around my empty and dark house listening to Routines In The Night.
10/10 would recommend 👍
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miaucha89 · 4 months
My psicologist teared up for me during our session because she said "Someone with a mind like yours must feel so lonely. Not ever feeling understood. You must have been so lonely.".
I felt a twinge in my chest because she is right: all the years of being called weird, quirky, strange, odd. The difficulty in finding someone that just GETS you. The people I have lost because I was too intense, felt too much or clinged too hard to that connection. The not trusting people. The masking. The constant need for validation. The overachivements. The solace found in art, literature, games or role plays that aligned with my mind. The fear to just BE.
But I could only smile and say "Yes."
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sixgunluvr · 2 months
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When depression hits you like a brick wall and you have to hide it 😥
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amelia-raiher · 1 year
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🦋 My Sylvari Mesmer 🦋
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lostinadrama · 1 month
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 (2024)
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fellthemarvelous · 2 months
I'm so tired of this fucking whatever the hell is wrong with me. I can't stop crying. I can't get my life together. I can't make myself do anything.
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nescaveckdaily · 2 months
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I could use a few of these hugs lately, like damn 🥺
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piercethebrittany- · 2 months
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I live in the vacant and the dark
spaces in between beats of your heart
Hiding in the places that you thought
were empty
The Jaws Of Life — Pierce The Veil
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lxkeee · 2 months
The Cupid reader was so good 😭😭 I would love a part 2 if you want to make it 🙏🙏
Hmmm really? I'm glad it was despite being so short. Hopefully in the future I can write it. For now, I'll focus on my active series.
Though, I do apologize to my readers for not being able to update much. I've been losing so much energy and motivation lately so it's hard to do anything that interests me. I'm trying my best not to lose my passion in writing again:)
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Let's talk SH
Content Warning. Major Discussions of S*lf H*rm mostly the context of alternatives (descriptions kept to a minimum). Please be mindful of your own triggers, and read at your own pace, look after yourselves, that kind of thing. Please. 💜
Many of my councillors, therapists, and psychologists have told me to 'just do it in red pen' instead of doing it with a blade, this is a great idea. If and only if, you have broken the original desire for pain. We really want to be finding options that distract our brains rather than giving them time to ruminate.
So let's jump right into some of our most effective alternative options.
(Please be aware, we do not condone starting to SH if you can avoid it, there are better options. This list is intended for those of us who already have issues with SH)
If you're struggling, please reach out.
Global Suicide Hotlines: https://faq.whatsapp.com/1417269125743673
distraction based solutions
Make a playlist. Jump into Spotify, Apple Music, YT music, burn a CD, just Collect Music That Fits Your Feelings in the moment.
Crack open that recorder you haven't touched since your first year of school, bang on the pots and pans... make a racket, scream to the heavens.
I mean in this in 100% seriousness: if you have a video game that you like, play it. No ones care if you're playing Roblox, blowing up TNT in Minecraft (extremely satisfying), stealing cars in GTA, whacking up a storm in Wii Sports Resort Swordfighting, playing Fireboy & Watergirl on CoolMathGames, solving puzzles in the Legend of Zelda, do the wordle, code something on Scratch, or playing some random game you installed yesterday; get your brain busy and get it occupied. Especially if you can beat up on something (mass murdering bokoblins in LoZ AoC, anyone?)
Play with the ✨bored button✨ https://www.boredbutton.com/
Video games not your thing? How about Sodoku? Solitaire? Word find?
Read a book
Call or text a friend. Easier said than done, especially if you feel like you're burdening them, but this can really help. You don't even have to talk to them about what you're going through. Ring up your local autistic or ADHD friend; ask them about their current hyperfixation, by the time they're done, there's a good chance you'll have forgotten everything.
Find a new research topic. Open Wikipedia to a random page (just type "Special:Random" in the general search box or click that link), spend the next several hours learning about it and following all the hyperlinks.
Get your body moving, YouTube workouts can be great for this if you're confined.
some kind of pain w/o pain
Make a character. Write about them. Hurt them. Put them through hell and back again. Write someone else's pain. Even if your character is hurting themselves, it's better than hurting you. Even if it's absolutely terrible writing. We're not looking for the next best-selling novel here (most likely no one else will even see it), we're only looking for someway for you to externalise your hurt.
Find a book or fan fiction. There are plenty of books out there with scenes where someone's in pain. Alternatively, jump onto A03, find a fandom you like, pop 's*lf h*rm' into the tags, most fandoms there's at least one. (Please be mindful of trigger warnings here and whether seeing characters in pain makes it worse).
Write out every single reason you want to hurt yourself on your skin. Leave it until the urge dies down. Wash it off.
Run a blunt object over your hands. I find thumb stones super helpful. Fidget with a fidget toy, keep your hands busy.
If you can sing, sing. Scream in the shower.
Paint, draw, colour. Scribble everywhere. D r a w. Draw an arm, and draw yourself bleeding if it helps.
Write terrible poetry. This is the main thing that's helped me.
pain without injury (not ideal)
rubber band around your wrist, snap it a lot.
suck on an ice cube
eat something super sour (or super spicy!)
run something pointed (not sharp) against your skin
draw on yourself with henna, or make up
speaking of, SFX wounds made of makeup? amazing.
have a very hot, or absolutely freezing shower
If you're up to figuring out why you want to hurt, sometimes this can help too. And ofc, I always suggest journalling out your thoughts.
And here's a website with some more
Please add your own suggestions in the comments! I'd love to hear what helps
Genuinely, the main goal here is to keep your body unhurt in someway. Stay safe out there <3
We needed somewhere to collect viable self harm alternatives because yk, mental illness is as mental illness does.
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w0lvesxpaws · 4 months
howdy y'all,
if you haven't noticed, i deleted my nsfw blog, i have been struggling with mental health a lot since the beginning of January. I will probably make a new account to replace this one. (still keeping the account just less active on it) i'll still be reblogging posts, i just won't be creating my own personal posts.
my instagram will also have no posts/new posts until i feel ready.
during this time, i will be starting my healing journey.
love you all and see you soon 🖤
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