#deity whumper
Divinity part ten
TW: religion, cult recruitment, referenced murder, referenced deforestation and pollution, human whumpees, deity whumper
Mary brought Wren to her knitting club, so he could proselytize to the other old women, and maybe whatever grandchildren they occasionally brought along.
She introduced Wren, and gave him everyone else's names. They seemed happy enough to see him, despite the fact that he didn't know how to knit. He never had the dexterity for such things.
"I met a god," Mary said nonchalantly, working on a purple blanket for her soon to be born great-grandchild. "In Wren's basement."
"What kind of a god?" Gloria asked, as though there was nothing out of the ordinary about Mary's statement.
"Made all the animals," Mary said. "You know, like Noah."
"Noah didn't make animals," Bella argued, setting down her half-finished scarf out of frustration from a dropped row of stitches. "He put 'em all on a big old boat."
"Vo'ki is the god of animals," Wren interjected, trying to avoid a pointless debate. "Nothing to do with Judaism, I assure you. I'm his high priest."
"He made all the animals?" Gloria asked. "That's impressive. I bet he has pretty big stables."
"The animals roam the earth, except when humans put them in stables. Vo'ki takes care of them. But he can't always control human hunting and deforestation."
Wren was so happy to be believed right off the bat. He may have missed a trick at the library, but now he had three possible devotees paying heed to his every word. If it weren't for his devout faith, he would have thanked God Himself.
"Oh!" Barbara exclaimed. "You're trying to save the forests. I'm glad your generation is finally doing something about the environment. I used to protest nuclear energy, but nobody told me oil was the worse deal. Pushing back against the oil companies will really save the animals."
"I intend to," Wren decided. "During my prayers over the natural world, I received the knowledge of how deeply human destruction of the natural world distressed Vo'ki. He cares far more for animals than he does for people. Honestly, I don't blame him."
"I never liked people either," Bella said. "That's why I have cats. No husband, you hear me? Just cats."
"Husbands are fine," Gloria said. "Not as great as people say. But still fine."
"You say that like you didn't murder yours," Mary said dryly. "Yeah, well, he was sleeping with the lady next door. What else was I supposed to do?"
Wren tried to process the casual admission to murder. Hanging out with older women was always like this, but he still wasn't sure how to react. At least they trusted him not to call the cops.
"I never wanted to get married either," Wren said, trying to get off the topic of murder. "Obviously I'm transgender, so it was hard enough to find anyone who respected that. And I value my privacy a bit too much."
"Oh, my little sister is a transgender," Barbara said, clearly excited to know what Wren was talking about. "But she's got a very pretty wife."
Wren smiled. "How lovely. But now I'm in a union with my patron god."
"Are you and Vo'ki an item then?" Gloria asked.
"Erm, sort of." Wren fidgeted with one of his rings. "The typical union between priests and gods was usually a-romantic. It was more than romance. It was more than friendship. Vo'ki has chosen to pursue me in a way I consider to be romantic, at least by modern standards. But it's far, far more than that."
"I'm happy for you," Gloria said. "I always wish God would talk to me, and here you are with god as your boyfriend."
"I would love to introduce you all to Vo'ki," Wren said cautiously. "And I know he would love to meet all of you."
"Does he really live in your basement?" Bella asked. "Seems a weird spot for a god."
"He lives in the… spirit world. Or something like that. I just set up an altar for him in my basement. So he appears there to accept my offerings."
"Can we meet him tomorrow?" Gloria asked. "I'm going to my grandson's Little League game this afternoon."
"I have a birthday party to go to in the morning," Barbara said. "Let's do it afterward."
"How does three o'clock sound?" Wren asked. "I live in Mary's neighborhood. She has my address."
A murmur of agreement met his ears, and he smiled with satisfaction. At long last, he was serving Vo'ki exactly as he has always deserved. It was only a matter of time until this movement blossomed into a proper religion.
Taglist: @hugh-lauries-bald-spot @whumpsday @whumpshaped @kira-the-whump-enthusiast @hearse-song @heavenlyeden @nyoom @suck-my-clit-loser @enbygesserit @be-gay-do-crime-ahaha @whumpytine
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For the wholesome whump prompt: Eldritch deity whumper?
hmm, let's see...
Whumper doesn't realize how fragile Whumpee is compared to them. What should've been a gentle hug with their tentacles...may or may not have broken a rib. Not to worry! Whumper can fix it! Hmm, bandages, those are what mortals use these days isn't it? Well, they tried that, but now their little Whumpee looks like a cocooned caterpillar... wasn't Whumper supposed to use the whole roll though? Whumpee probably just needs to sleep it off- and Whumper can help! They probably should've told Whumpee what was in their dinner before feeding it to them, but they only panicked for a couple seconds before they fell asleep. Phew, keeping a mortal human is harder than it looks.
tl;dr? Whumper tries to be a Caretaker but fails spectacularly.
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redd956 · 1 year
Divine/Deity Whump Ideas
Another personal fave of mine
Whumpee having lost their powers/or being turned mortal, and is now in more trouble then ever
Getting sick for the first time, not knowing how to take care of themselves
Not knowing they lost their powers, until it’s too late
The shock of Whumpee experiencing a genuine brush with death
Being attacked by their religious followers for being a “sham”
Being treated as if they’ve gone insane
Being weak/ill without their divine magic
Being harmed by something originally related to their divinity (storm god shocked by electricity, sea god almost drowns, etc.)
Finally being affected ailments and conditions such as alcohol, sleep, hunger, and etc.
Whumpee being brought down in order to be exploited
Being locked up in terrible conditions, vowing that once they’re lose everyone will see the wrath of a god
Whumper constantly reminding them of their vulnerability by hurting them or increasing their worse living conditions
Being sick and treated by Whumper because they cannot lose something so valuable
Only being brought out to use their powers, and punished when they fail to meet expectations
Being kept at a weakened state so that they cannot use their magic to their full extent
Being shown off as a great marvel, and grand god
Captured by their own religious followers, and treated both as an idle and prisoner
Whumpee starting to doubt their own divine status
Whumpee being taken out by another divine entity
Mortal caretaker coming across an injured person, not knowing they’ve just accidentally begun their journey of nursing a god back to life (bonus points if Whumpee is a god of something negative or evil)
Whumpee assuming the form of a weaker creature in order to heal
Having to keep up a disguise or lay low otherwise their enemy will return to finish the job
Whumpee obviously keeps little traits relating to what they are the god of (might make a posts of those later)
Whumpee having a dangerously high ego, or is crippled as an effect of a shattered one
Caretaker constantly being blessed, and always baffled at their own luck
Whumpee isn’t the only divine entity to have fallen
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spookyboywhump · 1 year
I don’t want to make new OC’s I just want to create various AU’s to put my treasured OC’s into new situations not possible in their current universe
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Whumpee is an ancient deity with the mind and mannerisms of a child, but great powers. Whumper manipulates Whumpee, agreeing to play with them in exchange for their usage of their powers for their needs, regardless of Whumpee's feelings. However, Whumper isn't keen on holding up their end of the bargain.
BONUS: What happens when Whumpee finds out? Do the roles flip?
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whumpsday · 2 months
Conflict Whump Challenge
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A whump challenge based on this comic by Grant Snider. The prompts are the conflicts listed in the comic!
Here are some ideas to get you started, but you can do anything the prompts from the comic inspire in you--these are only suggestions!
Man vs. Nature - Environmental whump, Animal attack, Sickfic
Man vs. Society - Dystopian society, Institutionalized whump, Fugitive
Man vs. Technology - Sci-fi whump, Robots, Shock collar
Man vs. man - Kidnapping, Defiant whumpee, Forced to hurt
Man vs. Self - Struggling with recovery, Slowed down by injuries, Evil clone
Man vs. Reality - Transported to another realm, Reality-altering powers, Facing reality
Man vs. God - Cults, Deity whumper, Deity whumpee
Man vs. No God - Crisis of faith, Demons, False god
Man vs. Author - Whumpee becomes self-aware about being a character in a whump story, You wake up inside your own story, Misery situation
In this context, "man" is gender-neutral (as in "mankind") and the whumpee can be any gender.
The challenge is bingo-style: create three pieces to fill any one row, column, or diagonal arrangement to complete the challenge! If you want to go the extra mile, you could even go for filling all nine prompts.
There is no time limit on this challenge, it can be completed at any time at your own pace.
Tag your work #conflictwhumpchallenge or #conflict whump challenge so others can find it!
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whumperfultime · 4 months
Tarot-Inspired Whump Prompts
I'm enthusiastic about both whump and tarot and those interests were bound to collide at some point. So I wrote a list of writing prompts inspired by the Major Arcana! Five prompts for each card, so there should be something for everyone. Enjoy!
(Also, if you happen to write anything based on any of these, feel free to tag me! I'd be honored to read it.)
The Fool: Accidental whump. Misplaced trust. Leap of faith. Taking a risk. Falling from a high place.
The Magician: Magical whump. Manipulation. Mind control. A charismatic and confident character. A table full of tools for inflicting pain.
The High Priestess: Keeping secrets. Blindfolded whumpee relying on their other senses. Guarding something or someone. Intuitively noticing when something or someone has changed. Cult setting/dynamics.
The Empress: Gilded cage. Lady whump (if you're into that). Comfort in material things. Gentle caretaker. Whumpee not used to experiencing abundance and safety.
The Emperor: Strict whumper and/or strict rules. Royal whump. Wartime. Stoic leader trying to remain calm for the sake of their team. High security.
The Hierophant: Religious whump. Institutionalized whump. Punished for questioning authority. Pressure to conform. Power leading to corruption.
The Lovers: Yandere whump. Sadistic choice. Forced to watch. Protectiveness. Multiple whumpees, whumpers, caretakers, etc.
The Chariot: Car crash. On the run. Kidnapped and forced into a vehicle. Lost and stranded. Unwanted and distressing thoughts.
Strength: Whumpee turned caretaker or whumper. Monster character. Patient caretaker. Animal attack. Emotional support animal.
The Hermit: Isolation. Sensory deprivation. Neglect. Feeling like an outcast. Going into hiding.
Wheel of Fortune: Bad luck. Time heals all wounds. Long-term captivity. Painful anniversaries. Wrong place, wrong time.
Justice: Whumper being arrested. Detached/indifferent whumper or caretaker. Wrongful imprisonment. Privileges vs. punishments. Shutting off emotions so logic can take over.
The Hanged Man: Stress position. Caught in a net. Restrained and abandoned. Hanging. Standing cuffs.
Death: Grief. Recovery milestones. Immortal whumpee dying over and over. Left behind. Visiting a grave.
Temperance: Drugged whumpee. Personality changes due to trauma. Angel character. Poisoning. Mad scientist whumper.
The Devil: Demon character. Sadistic whumper. Addiction and unhealthy coping mechanisms. Pet whump. Collared.
The Tower: Building collapse. Struck by lightning. Drastic change. A character being overpowered. Shocking revelation or betrayal.
The Star: Bathing (whether this is peaceful or whumpy is up to you). Drowning. Finally being able to rest. Anything having to do with recovery. Dehydration.
The Moon: Nightmares. Lost in the woods. Werewolf character. Illusions or hallucinations. Running on pure survival instinct.
The Sun: Sunburn. Public figure whumpee. Forced to perform. First time outside after being held captive. Heatstroke.
Judgement: Revenge. Sound torture. Deity character. Punishment. Resurrected from the dead.
The World: Endings (positive or negative). Breaking the cycle of abuse. Overwhelmed by choices. Regaining personal autonomy. Closure and acceptance (or lack thereof).
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writingphoenix · 2 months
Religious Whumpee
-a religious whumpee who is kidnapped and can't do their prayers and rituals like they are supposed to.
-religious whumpee trying to keep up their prayers at certain times but they can't because they don't know what time it is.
-religious whumpee feeling guilty over not being able to keep up with it even though they know their god(s) will understand
-or maybe the god(s) won't and they are scared of that too
-religious whumpee's only comfort are the prayers they know by heart and say over and over, focusing on them through the pain.
-religious whumpee who is comforted by their deity but the deity can't do anything more to help
-religious whumpee being rescued but struggles to return to their church/place of worship because of all the people
=maybe whumper was a part of their religious community and now they have religious trauma because of that
I feel like religion and faith is such an integral part of many people's lives and I would love to see that woven into more stories, whether it's a fantasy setting or something more normal.
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whumpwillow · 10 months
Types of whumpees, a comprehensive list
this is really more for my own personal reference since I need to write everything down because my brain is made of smashed banana and cannot remember anything ever. 🍌
species / role:
mortal whumpee, the average human being
immortal whumpee
vampire whumpee
demon whumpee
angel whumpee
phoenix whumpee
elf whumpee
faery whumpee
tiny whumpee
giant whumpee
android whumpee
cyborg whumpee
robot whumpee
draconic whumpee
mer whumpee
dryad / plant-person whumpee
mage whumpee
royal whumpee
bodyguard whumpee
knight whumpee
naga whumpee
werewolf whumpee
dhampir whumpee
genie / djinn whumpee
ghost whumpee
zombie whumpee
undead whumpee
selkie whumpee
pet / box boy whumpee
guard dog whumpee
living weapon whumpee
assassin whumpee
spy whumpee
rebel whumpee
deity whumpee
slave whumpee
mafia boss whumpee
CEO whumpee
villain whumpee
superhero whumpee
sidekick whumpee
civilian whumpee
famous whumpee
known whumpee
returner / regressor whumpee
monster hunter whumpee
defiant whumpee
stoic whumpee
weak whumpee
cowardly whumpee
pathetic whumpee
obedient whumpee
prideful whumpee
detached whumpee
enduring whumpee
feral whumpee
vicious whumpee
powerful whumpee
bargaining whumpee
disbelieving whumpee
hopeful whumpee
hopeless whumpee
self-loathing whumpee
regretful whumpee
conditioned whumpee
Feel free to add on to this post if you think of any more!
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Divinity part eight
TW: cult recruitment, emotional whump, human whumpee, devotee whumpee, referenced deity whumper
Wren covered his mouth, his hand tucked under his veil, not wanting passersby to hear his sobs.
How long could he continue doing this for? At every turn he was denied and called insane.
He would never gain any followers. He would never do his patron god's will. How had he ever thought himself capable of restarting an ancient religion, dead for millenia upon millenia?
"Are you alright dearie?" an old woman asked.
Wren nodded, but the tears streaming down his the exposed part of his face betrayed him.
"What are you doing out in this cold?"
"I-" Wren choked down another sob. "I'm trying to get converts for this religion I'm in. But no one wants to listen."
"I'll listen," the woman offered. "My name is Mary."
"Wren." He wiped the tears from his eyes. "Thank you."
"What is your religion called?"
"It doesn't have a name. It's based on an ancient pantheon of deities from Keudera. I'm a worshipper of Vo'ki, god of animals."
Wren took a few deep breaths, glad to have a chance, even if it was only bestowed upon him from a pitied heart.
"Is that why you're wearing that lovely veil of yours?" Mary asked. "It suits you."
"Thank you. And yes. Vo'ki requires a great deal of modesty. It's a show of respect, both to him and myself."
Mary nodded. "That's a nice thought. Kids these days tend to be too promiscuous. I'm glad you're taking care of yourself."
"Finally someone understands. People keep saying how horrible it is that I have to dress in a particular way. But it feels wonderful not having to put my body and face on display for strangers."
"I've always been the modest sort," Mary agreed. "Is there anyone else in your religion?"
Wren shook his head shamefully. "Vo'ki once had an entire civilization of followers, but I'm the only one who still believes in him. His memory is kept alive by atheists in museums. It's a horrible fate, for a god to lose their devotees. Almost worse than being fully forgotten."
"I've always believed that all gods and spirits are real, in their own ways. Even if we don't really understand them. I can't imagine what you've been going through, being rejected over and over again."
"It's really hard to difficult with. But I know that my faith is worth more than my pain."
"It's nice to see such devotion in today's secular world. I'm a member of the church of mother nature, which isn't really a church, just me trying to stay in touch with nature and my own soul."
"Vo'ki would like that." Wren paused, digging up his nerve. "Do you want to come worship at his altar? It isn't much, just something I built in my home. But it would mean the world."
"Of course dearie. I wouldn't leave you hanging after all this conversing. Say, does this Vo'ki of yours accept offerings?"
"Yes. Food and incense mostly. Sometimes herbs and spices. I doubt you're up for animal sacrifices, which is fine. He won't mind. But it all has to be natural."
"Then how's this? I'll swing home and get my incense and some fruit, then come and join you in your ceremony, or worship, or whatever it is you have in mind."
"Thank you," Wren said, his eyes once again filling with tears. "For not thinking I'm crazy."
"Dearie, I lived through the sixties. I met plenty of young souls like you. In fact, I was one of them."
Wren's mother said so many similar things during his childhood, and Wren was suddenly struck with gratitude for all her encouragement and approval.
He would have never made it this far without her, the only person who had ever truly care about him.
Wren nodded and handed Mary one of the papers with his address. "This is my home. When do you want to come over?"
Mary smiled. "Looks like we're neighbors. I live right down the block from this adress. If we both leave for home right now, we can get there at about the same time."
"Vo'ki will be so pleased."
"I hope so."
Taglist: @elim-flower @devourerofcheesecake @whumpsday @whumpshaped @kira-the-whump-enthusiast @hearse-song @heavenly-whumper @nyooom @suck-my-clit-loser @enbygesserit
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t0rture-me · 4 months
immortal whumpee who quite literally gets forgotten if not actively observed. of course, if you're looking right at them, you can remember everything you already know, but the second you turn away it's like they never even existed. the epitome of out of sight out of mind.
maybe they used to be treated like a deity. using their curse to garner a following. if no one really remembers them, they can control the narrative, right? tell eveyrone they have special powers instead of just being forgotten. hell, they can do just about whatever they want. how do you catch a bank robber if you don't remember getting stuck up in the first place?
but it's fuckin lonely. no one invites them anywhere. remembers their birthday. no one reaches out to even ask how their day was. nothing. if they want interaction, they have to go get it. it's fucking exhausting having to reinsert themself into the lives of the people who supposedly care about them. having to constantly remind people that they exist. but it's not your fault you can't remember. it's not their fault either.
then maybe whumper finds them. gives them an opportunity to never be forgotten. a trap, of course. maybe some sort of streaming set up? something where there's always eyes on whumpee, someone always there to remember and record as whumper tortures them for countless to see. or whumper finds a way around the curse, but in turn makes whumpee entirely dependent on their interactions. 'i'm the only one that actually remembers you, after all. i'm the only person capable of caring for you.' or maybe whumper leaves them alone in a room to rot until someone happens to stumble upon a starving, weak whumpee. they promise to come back with help, but no one ever comes. who would? as far as anyone remembers, no one needs help.
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whumper who manipulated whumpee into believing that they're family, they care, and that everything is okay. that whumpee's pain is for the greater good, and that everything will be okay in the end.
caretaker stumbles upon whumpee being hurt by whumper, and immediately goes to save whumpee, being a caring and compassionate person.
whumpee has known nothing but pain and whumper's "love" (anger) for the majority of their life, and don't know what to do upon being saved.
whumper, pissed off at whumpee being frozen in place in confusion and fear at the situation, curses at them and chooses to leave them by themselves for a while. whumpee will come crawling home, they always do.
caretaker helps whumpee and gives them a place to stay. whumpee has no clue how to respond to any of caretaker's nice gestures or gifts.
over time, whumper grows frustrated that their little pet hasn't come running up to their doorstep begging for another chance, so they take matters into their own hands and go track down whumpee.
our poor little whumpee is forced to make the choice between caretaker, the only one who's ever treated them with such respect and kindness, and whumper, who is so, so important, practically a deity in whumpee's eyes – one who hurts them, but of course, it's only because they love and care for whumpee.
so, what does whumpee choose? to stay with caretaker and to feel guilty for years to come for choosing someone they met on the street over the very one who raised them, who taught them to be strong and to fight? or to go home with whumper, to go back to the cycle of hurt and pain, hurting worse now because they've known real love and miss it?
this right here. 100/100 🤤🥹🫠 the whumperflies. what a brilliant prompt for your blorbos. absolutely perfect. nothing more to add
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bltzgore · 1 month
TW: lovecraftian deities, broken bone, tiny whumpee
Alright! I've got something. Whumpee, a human, accidentially begins tredding in territory they don't understand in the realms of lovecraftian gods. Whumper and caretaker are such entities, and we go from there:
The astral plane is not one ever meant to fall into human eyes, but it wasn't exactly whumpee's choice, now was it? Whumper had simply reached through the rift and snatched them like a ripe fruit. Now whumpee found whumper looking at them with dangerous interest. Whumpee wasn't sure what non-dangerous interest looked like on the "face" of something like that.
Whumper looked down, studying the thing in their hand, "Well well, you are certainly something different, I'll give caretaker that."
Whumpee struggled, clawing at whumper's fingers, kicking, they would have tried biting if they thought it would do anything. "Let go of me!"
Whumper just laughed, "You're a fisty little insect. We'll see if you can make such an annoyance of yourself when you don't have any working limbs." Without further notice they grabbed whumpee's arm with two of the fingers on their free hand and began both lift them up by it and crush.
Whumpee shrieked, their arm seeming to give no real resistance to the deity, crunching. The added pressure of whumpee's body weight jammed tears through their eyes as the pain fell hammering down through the rest of their body. It stunned them, but only for a moment before spurring them to reach with the other arm, scrambling for somewhere to grab and distribute the weight.
Whumper watched them thrash for a moment, then gave something that probably was their interperatation of grinning. Well as close as the mandibles, eyes, and tendrils would allow them to get anyway. "If you really want me to let go I suppose I could oblidge you."
And just like that the strain left, but not the agony, with a sqeak of shock whumpee was falling. The terror spread through their chest like ice water, and they screamed the only name that came to mind, "Caretaker!"
Whumpee never hit the ground. Something enveloped their back, and slowed their fall gently enough to even avoid whiplash. As caretaker had learned by now, humans were such fragile things.
Whumper grinned, "Ah, I see you've finally managed to join us."
Caretaker gave whumpee a glance, then closed their hand slightly and straighed up, "It would not be wise to break my favorite toy."
Whumper shook their head, "Aw, we were just playing."
Caretaker bared their teeth, or what passed for teeth, "Well you play too rough. Apologize. And if you ever go near them again," In one stride caretaker was eye to eye with whumper, "I'm going to teach you the meaning of my name."
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marvel-ous-whump · 9 months
Team whump Idea
A team of heroes hunted down one by one, held in seperate cells. but cells all in a line. Communicating while captured is something akin to Chinese whispers. At one point, the only two not captured are youngest, and Leader. The entire team prays to whatever deity that they believe in that youngest keeps managing to elude the Whumpers. Leader on the other hand?
Well, they all know Leader isn't coming for them. Leader is presumed dead, and has been for over a year.
One day, Medic is dragged from their cell and never brought back. The Team doesn't know what happened and can only speculate. Some hope that Medic found a way out. Others say that death would have been kinder. And then, Just when they've nearly all given up hope. who should burst in to the rescue? Leader! with Youngest and Medic in tow. Battered and Battle-Hardened, Leader thoroughly kicks Whumper's ass to the whooping, cheering and applause of the others. That's their team. their Family that Whumper's held in cages for nearly two years and Leader is one ticked-off Parental figure.
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whumpshaped · 11 months
tw death via huge crowd, gore
"Finally. Finally!" Whumper rubbed their eyes, making sure the sight was real; after several sleepless nights, this wouldn't have been the first of their hallucinations. "I did it!"
In the corner of the room, the glass container that had stood empty for months on end now housed a small, seemingly unbothered creature. The deity of prizes and rewards. It was a bit... underwhelming in appearance, even more so than the illustrations had suggested. But if the sources had been correct in their other information, Whumper couldn't have cared less about looks.
"Give me my prize!" they demanded with all the intensity of a powerful, entitled mage who had spent the past year working towards a single goal, day in, day out. "I summoned you! You owe me! You owe me the prize I want for besting you! I caught you, I win, so give me the prize."
The creature blinked at them. "Can't you hear it?" it asked calmly.
"What?" Whumper looked around, searching for some sort of sound that was out of the ordinary. "I don't hear anything. Don't try to trick me. Do not try to trick me, because I swear-"
Thud. Thud. Thud.
Whumper looked towards the door of their workspace, now with fear written all over their face. "What is that? What did you do?" The steps seemed to multiply and get louder, and they backed away. "What is that?"
"Your prize," came the passive reply.
A moment later, the door was broken down entirely, and a huge crowd of people swarmed inside. They were all chanting Whumper's name, seemingly overcome with such immense adoration that they just couldn't contain themselves.
Whumper's eyes widened, and they tried to get away, but multiple sets of hands grabbed them from all sides, all angles, pulling them back, as if the crowd was one huge entity, swallowing them whole. Hands, hands, hands everywhere, touching, feeling, groping, trying to tear them apart, to get a part of them to take home as a souvenir. They cried out, but the sound was drowned out by the excited screams.
The deity didn't stay for long enough to see Whumper's body be ripped to shreds by their devoted admirers. It slipped out of the glass prison and left the mortal plane once more, leaving the foolish mage to be devoured by their own vanity.
@ashh-ed @whumpsday @whump-queen @the-scrapegoat @hidden-dreamland @rosewriteswhump
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Whump Prompt
cw: divine whumper, creepy whumper
The deity forced whumpee’s chin up with a vicious twist of their hand.
“Have you forgotten your purpose, best beloved?” The deity’s words were gold-tinged, as mocking as they were sincere. A double-edged sword.
The deity let go of whumpee’s chin and pressed a kiss to the top of their head. Their smile was bright— teeth sharp and pointed—dripping sunlight.
“Let me remind you.”
Fear, crimson and warped, exploded in whumpee’s chest.
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