whumpsday · 2 months
Conflict Whump Challenge
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A whump challenge based on this comic by Grant Snider. The prompts are the conflicts listed in the comic!
Here are some ideas to get you started, but you can do anything the prompts from the comic inspire in you--these are only suggestions!
Man vs. Nature - Environmental whump, Animal attack, Sickfic
Man vs. Society - Dystopian society, Institutionalized whump, Fugitive
Man vs. Technology - Sci-fi whump, Robots, Shock collar
Man vs. man - Kidnapping, Defiant whumpee, Forced to hurt
Man vs. Self - Struggling with recovery, Slowed down by injuries, Evil clone
Man vs. Reality - Transported to another realm, Reality-altering powers, Facing reality
Man vs. God - Cults, Deity whumper, Deity whumpee
Man vs. No God - Crisis of faith, Demons, False god
Man vs. Author - Whumpee becomes self-aware about being a character in a whump story, You wake up inside your own story, Misery situation
In this context, "man" is gender-neutral (as in "mankind") and the whumpee can be any gender.
The challenge is bingo-style: create three pieces to fill any one row, column, or diagonal arrangement to complete the challenge! If you want to go the extra mile, you could even go for filling all nine prompts.
There is no time limit on this challenge, it can be completed at any time at your own pace.
Tag your work #conflictwhumpchallenge or #conflict whump challenge so others can find it!
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demondamage · 2 months
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Haziel knew he was guilty of course. He had done- unforgivable things. Unspeakable things. And he knew that no matter what was done to him he would not be any bit closer to forgiveness.
But why was he the only one paying for it?
Everyone wanted their vengeance. Aziphem for- obvious reasons. His master for those same reasons, even if Kotarou was not the one who had suffered because of it. The council, stripping him of his apprenticeship, his weapons, and now his clothes as their act of punishment. Everyone felt entitled to their retribution.
And yeah. He deserved it. Every moment of agony and more. But he had been just one of the many aggressors. Kotarou had lead the project and Aziphem's final escape. Alejo had worked from the shadows to make everything possible. The various researchers had passed around Aziphem like a lab animal. A million hands had touched this atrocity. But when blood had to be paid, only his wrists were slit. It was easier to blame the hot headed apprentice. He could be a willing accomplice or a disobedient violent aggressor depending on what he was charged with. And every dirty hand could consider itself cleansed from his torment. This was retribution, reparation, and repentance all in one, even if it did nothing to fix any damage done.
But they needed a scapegoat; everyone demanded their pound of flesh. And as the icy desert night descended, even the coyotes would get it.
For @whumpsday 's new challenge! This is the Man vs Nature entry!!
Art Tag: @whump-tr0pes @whump-queen @whumpsday @kixngiggles @onlywhumpcomments @project-xiii @ka1imba @suspicious-whumping-egg @cyborg0109 @whatwhumpcomments @whumpcomica @i-eat-worlds @blood-and-regrets @dont-look-me-in-the-eye @burnticedlatte @lonesome--hunter @whumpifi @oddsconvert @painsandconfusion @whumpasaurus101 @sadcatjae @kiratheperson @studyofwhump @sunshiline-writes @emmettverse @just-a-silly-little-whumper @chaotic---calm @ladyjaye13 @befuddled-calico-whump @safetypinflavouredgrass @mottinthemainpot @to-be-a-bee
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tired-of-being-nice · 2 months
taking a quick pause from febuwhump and starting on @whumpsday's conflict whump challenge!!!! i was VERY excited about the man vs. society prompt in particular, as it gives me an excuse to do some proper expositing for the story i've been posting
content: dystopia, systemic whump (i think that's the right term?), brief reference to brainwashing and violence, really unhealthy workplace culture, sleep deprivation, forgetting to eat, general Man I Hate Capitalism vibes
Life is simple. You're born. You grow up. You choose which company to stake your life to. You pick the one you think will exploit you the least. You realize you were wrong. You keep your head down and try to be obedient and hope no one notices you. You look away and don't complain and try to find little bright spots here and there, just enough to keep you going until you die. 
Of course, some people aren't satisfied with this. Some people try to fight it. Some people have stupid hopes and idealistic dreams about taking down the system from the inside. Some people are very, very wrong, and look where it gets them.
Supposedly, Milo is doing very well for themself. Supposedly, they're the top employee at their company. In actuality, all that really means is an excuse to keep piling more work on them, a bunch of coworkers who hate them, getting dizzy from exhaustion every time they stand up, and...
(You can't take down the system by yourself, of course. Milo had a friend—a best friend, even. Now, all that remains of it is a brainwashed shell, who out of what Milo can only assume is some sick sense of dramatic irony is tasked with hunting down anyone who tries to fight or flee the Company, or really anyone it feels like. Now, the only times they interact are when it's trying to hunt Milo for sport or when it's sobbing in an alleyway somewhere because it's employers don't mind letting it bleed and bruise and break as long as it keeps anyone from running.
Even so, Milo envies it sometimes. At least it doesn't remember everything it's lost.)
Milo's stomach growls, snapping them out of their brief reverie. Hm. That's right, they didn't have time for dinner today, and they spent their whole lunch break trying to stop crying. They never eat breakfast anymore, either, so...oh, that's not good. Maybe they should—
There's a chime from their email inbox, and Milo sighs and pulls it up. It's a very politely worded request for them to do just one more thing before clocking out for the night.
Milo glances at the clock. It's 2:49 AM. Their vision is blurry and their wrists ache from typing. They barely remember what sleep in their own bed feels like.
They send a reply in the affirmative. No rest for the wicked, it seems. They'll work here until sleep overwhelms them and hope that when it does, they'll dream about the good old days, of having Coren by their side, ready to take on the world. Back when they thought happiness was possible.
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