deadincel · 1 year
hello fellow chadthan lover 🫶🏽
whats your fav hc or hc you think should be canon? :)
before the movie came out i had seen the leaks so i knew ethan was ghostface (my bad) and i REALLY wanted his motive to be that he was hunting down tara because he was in love with chad but she was in his way?! obviously we now know thats NOT the motive however i keep it on the back burner of my brain whenever i think about the ending scene like . “ive always wanted to stick something in you tara” being him making fun of their relationship?? making fun of chad?? i just love ethan being maniacal over love . just a sick little freak because he has a boy crush.
a more domestic non creepy normal headcanon? chad makes ethan watch football games with him and ethan makes chad watch star wars with him and they both find each other’s media SO BORING
chad “explain the jedi system in sports terms” meeks-martin and ethan “so the team YOU’RE rooting for is obi-wan and the other team is anakin?” landry
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cometcrystal · 2 years
sorry but if your takeaway from cleo’s haunt couture diary is not:
“this diary was written by someone with a VERY poor grasp on why the g1 cleuce breakups happened to begin with, so instead of giving us something that made an ounce of sense, they gave us a shitty re-hash of the ghouls rule breakup without any of the emotion or in-character reasoning for cleo’s arc. this ESPECIALLY doesn’t make any sense if these diaries are supposed to take place in g1 (as evidenced by them all saying ‘it’s been so long since i wrote!’ and the mention of cleo and clawd’s prior relationship) because cleo’s already developed in her character enough to not break up with the person she loves because she thinks she has to focus on “duty”. because this already HAPPENED. so why is it happening again in the same timeline. cleo is not a real person she is a fictional character and she is written here by someone who did a very bad job at keeping her in line with everything else leading up to this. also bringing up rochelle is just adding insult to injury”
and is instead:
“cleo is a toxic girlfriend and deuce needs to leave her for good because she keeps dumping him (ignoring the fact that the second time they broke it was HIM breaking up with HER) and also medusa (who is ALSO an abused and traumatized woman) hates cleo now”
You have completely missed the point! Congratulations
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nixotinix · 10 months
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Some colourized refs for the normie squad!! I've been thinkin a whole lot about this AU over the past week or so and i've decided that it's something I need in my life. So, as the humble messenger I am, I've taken it upon myself to deliver a semi-regular supply of these little guys for however long i feel motivated to. So keep an eye out!
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muralmxse · 1 year
👫 - for Draculaura and Clawd
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For @strcngered || Clawed Hearts (Clawd x Draculaura)
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Clawd is a good listener. And not just for his high senses. He always made sure to remember important things the best to his abilities. He always listens to Draculaura whether she's rambling about her day or more important things such as her allergy to garlic and phobia to meat.
Draculaura didn't quit playing SKRM. She was eager to play as a substitute cause she enjoyed the game despite her timid start. Clawd always made sure to help her out with new techniques, especially when she gets her powers.
Since the Valentine incident, Clawd knows now that sentimental gifts are more meaningful that what was on sale. He also made sure to not let anyone's approval get to him because it's about what Draculaura thought of him.
Surprisingly, Clawd and Laura's parents get along very well... too well at times that it freaks them out. But it was better than have them fighting.
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dead-lights · 20 days
back in my day // the vatore family
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Philip and Lila Vatore were devoted parents who did their best to insulate their children from the darkness of the world. Unfortunately, this meant that Caleb and Lilith were completely unprepared when it was their time to face that darkness.
cc below the cut
lila's hair and pants from the forties film noir set by @gilded-ghosts
lila's shirt: penelope blouse by @sentate
philip's hair: kendall by @okruee
philip's outfit: 1930s male sportswear 01 by @happylifesims
picnic blanket from the mystical picnic collection by @mel-bennett
pose by @simmerianne93
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xhanisai · 9 months
Me when I pick and choose what happened in canon and what didn't according to my tastes:
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Me when other people do the same except it's not exactly like mine and not according to my tastes:
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cowboylexapro · 1 year
When it comes to pet names, neil is the one who pulls most of them, calling todd anything from baby boy, sunshine, darling, pumpkin, to daddy if he wants to make him blush. But todd is a different can of worms. He might call neil mr darcy or romeo jokingly, but he really just calls him by his name. Until one day, he found a pet name that stuck. Lovie. The first time he called neil that, he simply responded with “please tell me you’ll call me that a lot”
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gaydeadpoets · 10 months
Dead Poets Society alternate universe where Todd gets kinda into poetry then discovers rap. He goes on to become a rapper like NF and Charlie is super jealous so he releases a rap about donkeys and it goes semiviral on TikTok
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13xwishes · 1 year
👫 - for Adrien and Gigi
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For @strcngered || Miraculous Verse!Gigi & Adrien (Family)
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Now that Adrien knows Gigi is a genie, she's allowed to tell him more about the monster world and she shares as much as she could. Due to Scaris being one of the hybrid places for human and monster interaction, Gigi takes him around Scaris as much as he could.
After the reveal (both hero and monster side), Gigi teaches Adrien how to ride his magic carpet she gave him and gives him a lantern charm necklace in case of emergency. It will summon her at an instant when rubbed three times.
Gigi is neutral to Gabriel Agreste. She doesn't approve of his harsh treatment of Adrien but he is reasonable to her when she speaks to him. Gigi takes advantage to give Adrien a more lax schedule and breaks every time she could.
Scorpina is normally serious in battle, but she finds Chat's puns humorous as they give her a sense of comfort and abnormality. She also has the feeling Chat makes the puns so he'd feel okay in battle as well as a way to keep himself and others from panicking or assuming the worst.
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👫 - for Neighthan
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For @strcngered || Main Verse/Monster High
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Like to most monsters, Deuce does his best to warm up to Neighthan so he didn't feel left out or isolated. It was the same as when Jackson first came to Monster High. He was far from judging the hybrid.
Talking to Neighthan also allowed Deuce to open up more about himself personally, confiding to Neighthan about things he was never able to tell his other friends about. Not even Cleo.
Deuce did his best to coach Neighthan when playing Foot-ball with the other mansters. He strategized his klutziness so it would effect the other team.
Neighthan was also surprisingly good at relationship advice, even though he was still looking to find a manster of his own. The gorgon wasn't the best of matchmaking, but he secretly asked around the school and kept his eyes open. Figuratively, not literally!
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perfectlynormalbooks · 10 months
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The Strange Mixtape by @deadcanons. MCU, 64k, casebound at quarto size. Two copies - one for me, one for the author! Plus a funky slipcase to keep it safe in the mail.
The bookcloth and endpapers I both found while on vacation last month. The cloth reminded me a lot of the Aaron Bachalo run of Strange comics, which the author mentioned in the notes as visual inspiration - and I just thought the endpapers looked funky and chaotic and magical in general. The cutouts on the front and the back have a magic circle and a spiderweb vellum underlay, respectively! I always like using this technique on covers, and it felts especially good here.
The slipcase - pulling it together was tricky enough that I only made one of them, and that one's going to the author. There's so much comics inspiration in this fic that I liked the idea of using comics collages to decorate them. I found some nice free wallpaper online for both Strange and Spidey, and I think it brings the whole thing together. There's a New York skyline on the top, a pair of dangling headphones down the spine, and a functional Spotify code for the overall fic playlist on the bottom.
Typeset in Georgia, with Dr.Charmed used for titles and chapter headers, and OCR A Extended for the song tabs. Every chapter has a corresponding song, which is named and cited at the start, with a QR code and a Spotify link so you can listen along while reading!
I was so delighted with this fic when I first read it that I immediately began typesetting it for binding. That was a few months ago, so pulling it together like this is unimaginably satisfying. It's delightful, punchy, and - most importantly to me - every song on the playlist is an absolute banger. Highly recommend checking it out, and please remember to give the author some love!
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deadincel · 1 year
How do you think Chad (in a better reality where they actually got together) would react to Ethan being Ghostface? How would he react to his death? How would he react if Ethan was still alive?
oooo this is the angst i love (thanks for the ask friend 🫶)
for our sake lets just say that chad is with sam and tara for the reveal, no fatal 80 stabs wounds, no kissing tara. he trusted that ethan was at the hospital with mindy because, yknow, he should be able to trust his boyfriend won’t kill his twin sister. or him.
because i think even with mindy’s constant nagging of “never trust the love interest!” chad can’t help but trust ethan, especially after he was the one who called for help when mindy got stabbed on the train, even if mindy really didn’t like him too much.
i think chad’s initial thought when ethan takes off the mask is something along the lines of ‘this is a joke.’ like up until ethan actually speaks he has convinced himself that theres no way this is actually fucking happening im dreaming and he doesnt even feel his heart actually sink until he gets over the shock.
and he wants to kill him and wants to feel angry but he feels so stupid that he fell for it and feels so embarrassed for being vulnerable with him and letting ethan into his life and ethan was just using him the entire time to avenge his shitty brother.
not only does he feel betrayed by ethan, but he feels like he himself betrayed mindy for ever doubting her and ever picking ethan over her BUT hes so torn because ethan was the first person he could get close with after the events in woodsboro. and ethan is just standing there with a huge shit eating grin on his face and chad wants to lunge over and choke him out and beg him for reasons but he is so stuck in surprise that he cant move.
when ethan gets his throat shred by a knife? i dont think chad gets emotional until DAYS later. i think he spends the week after the event in sheer agony just unable to forgive himself for letting that happen. i think the sadness comes later, seemingly out of nowhere, maybe while hes in the shower or eating breakfast or getting ready for bed and it hits him unbelievably hard that his boyfriend is fucking dead and he will never come back and that everything that happened in the shrine was REAL. ethan was dead and gone and he knows he SHOULD be happy about it but he isn’t.
if ethan happened to survive? i really don’t think he would believe it. even if ethan walked up into his room bloody and on the brink of death and stood over his bed like frankenstein’s monster he still wouldn’t believe it. he doesn’t think he can trust anything or anyone after what happened. its so different to him than from the woodsboro killings because he wasnt as close with amber and he barely knew richie, but he shared things with ethan that he hadn’t shared with anybody else and it hurts so much worse. there, of course, would be a very small part of him that was wishing it to be true, but he ultimately would feel guilty for wanting his serial killer dead boyfriend to be back.
hes too good of a person for the bullshit i put him through . #youdeservebetterchad
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cometcrystal · 2 years
i’ve realized what a good litmus test is for the quality of a branch of monster high media: HOW WELL IS CLEO WRITTEN? her character’s writing is a great litmus test for the rest of the writing.
g1 diaries - give cleo the most nuance, is one of the most well-beloved mh canon sources that has super fun worldbuilding, character development, and lore not seen in the animated stuff
g1 webisodes - cleo starts off pretty shallow in s1 (the worst season) but she’s more fleshed out by the time season 2 comes around. another well-done series that is fun to watch
g1 movies - cleo’s 2nd most sympathetic portrayal that has some of her best character moments of all time. these are the Classics of mh. these are the big guns.
g1 ghoulfriends books - cleo is very one-note. not a huge fan of this cleo because im 100% certain the author has a deuchelle agenda. all this cleo does is scream and complain about things. but the books are pretty simple overall. a few interesting things happen but they’re easily skippable if you’re not a completionist
g1 lisi harrison books - the 2nd worst cleo. has her moments of depth but it’s all for naught when she is just straight-up cruel to people she cares about. reflects how the rest of the series has so many moments that COULD be something better but it’s overall just a bad, BAD series for innumerable reasons.
g2 movies - the #1 most sympathetic portrayal. she’s really not that mean she’s just kinda impatient. very enthusiastic. reflects how g2 was less edgy overall but still had lots of heart. iEnjoy
g2 ghoul squad - cleo’s fun but kinda bland. same as the series. nothing to report on either of them
g3 live action - the #1 worst cleo. whitewashed and not written with a single ounce of nuance. not even deuce wants to talk to her. frustrating on all accounts. both her and the movie itself have one saving grace. cleo’s is her pajamas with the scarab brooch, and the movie’s is Frankie’s Existence
g3 nick show - the kookiest cleo yet. love that for her. she’s got the most monstery traits/abilities out of all the cleos, showing how mh is branching out of its normal comfort zone to make something fun. give her some convos with deuce and this might be A Favorite Cleo for me. i’m liking the show a lot too, it’s fun!
g1/g3?? haunt couture diaries - this is a cleo written by someone who has taken 1 feminism class in their entire life and didn’t do any prior research before writing these stupid things. hollow and doesn’t match g3 canon, but also falls out of line with g1, where i think it’s supposed to be. stop giving cleo (and monster high in general) to people who can’t write beyond a “tween drama movie aimed at 12 year olds who think they’re outgrowing dcoms” level
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nixotinix · 10 months
Had a super busy day today and am due for an even busier one tomorrow, so, to hold you fiends over, here is:
Miscellaneous Jackson Jekyll/Holt Hyde headcanons Part 2: Electric Boogaloo
-Starting out with a few headcanons about Jax's time on the casketball team. Jax is much more athletic than Holt thanks to his time on the team and the fact that he cares about his physical health a lot more than Holt does.
-Though, out of all the casketball team members, Jackson is the most likely to foul out. On one particular occasion, he was just about to foul out and asked if he could "throatslam player 8" instead of "fouling out in a lame way". Clawd okay-ed this.
-During the casketball national tournament, on the first night, Granite High stole the hubcaps from the Monster High school bus. In retaliation, Jackson and Deuce formulated a plan to siphon the gas from the Granite High bus. They were never caught.
-Jackson can hold his own rather well in fights, even though he isn't as aggressive or reckless as Holt, especially when it comes to physical altercations. Though, even still, Jax usually loses his fights thanks to the fact that most people that pick fights with him are full-blood monsters.
-Holt's eyesight is just about as bad, if not worse than Jackson's. He absolutely refuses to wear contacts or glasses for fear of looking like a "total nerd". He also refuses to wear his fearing aids.
-Holt's voice always sounds like there's just a little bit of autotune on it. Not much, but enough to be noticable.
-Holt carries around a kazoo everywhere he goes. "For emergencies".
-Jackson can stomach almost anything. Sweet, sour, spicy, you name it. Holt, on the other hand, is severely lactose intolerant and deathly allergic to raspberries.
-Catty Noir, Operetta, and Holt all have a group chat. Holt has lovingly titled it "Sax on the Beach" thanks to the jazz-rock album they're working on together.
-Deuce once mistook Holt's cork grease (for his saxophone) as chapstick. Holt tried to warn him. It was too late.
-Thats it! Expect me to update this post every now and then with newer headcanons. And feel free to add your own headcanons in replies or reblogs!
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muralmxse · 1 year
👫 - for Neighthan and Andy
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For @strcngered || Clumsy Beasts (Neighthan x Andy)
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Andy can easily protect Neighthan, even from himself. He knows Neighthan is clumsy so he would be there to catch they hybrid manster should he fall or to keep stuff from falling on him. And he would DEFINITELY protect him from others who try to mock or hurt him. By now the school is well aware of what happens when Andy gets 'angry'.
Neighthan is really good at talking to people and keep them calm. Should Andy ever get agitated or upset, Neighthan can prevent Andy from going beast mode by distracting him or keeping him calm.
Both Andy and Neighthan have a history of being isolated from either normies or other monsters, so they share the struggle of trying to fit in or trying to block out the hate.
Andy also often uses Neighthan as a muse in his sculpting. Sometimes just having the unicorn-zombie makes him feel calm and creative. Though he tries to make sure to focus on sculpting other subjects and NOT just of Neighthan.
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dead-lights · 4 months
hc: caleb's birthday portraits
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When Caleb was born, Lilith received a box of crayons and a ream of paper from their father, who instructed her to draw the baby. He explained that they needed pictures to send to her grandparents so they’d know what her new brother looked like. It was a very important responsibility, one he urged her to take seriously, so she got to work.
Lilith was two and a half years old at the time. Those drawings didn’t clarify a thing for her grandparents, but they kept her occupied while her mother, exhausted after a difficult labor, got a bit of rest.
A year later, while Lilith’s mother was busy preparing Caleb’s birthday celebration, her father once again approached her, this time with even more crayons and paper, and told her to draw her brother so their grandparents could see how he'd grown. These ones were a little better, but the grandparents probably got a bit more out of the actual photographs mailed along with the drawings. It became a yearly tradition, and she kept it up even after Caleb stopped aging. She still has almost all of the portraits, except the ones from his 4th, 7th, 29th, and 56th birthdays. There are so many now that storing them is a logistical challenge.
Caleb thinks that the collection is a fascinating representation of the vampiric existence. He, the subject, does not meaningfully change portrait to portrait, year to year. He knows that he hasn’t, but there’s something about the sheer size of the collection - literally dozens of paintings, all with the same face - that really drives that point home. On the other hand, they’re a detailed record of Lilith’s evolution as an artist. Caleb looks the same in every painting, but no two paintings look alike. She has changed and grown, though she looks the same as she always has. He's grown too.
There’s something meaningful about that, so every year, he agrees to another portrait. Thankfully, Lilith paints quickly and vampires can hold a pose.
Also, March 23rd feels like a good birthday for Caleb. I think that'd be right around Spring 1, if we take the equinox to be the beginning of spring.
lilth's pose, easel, palette/brush accessory by @pandorassims4cc caleb's pose by @ratboysims
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