#ddda bbi
vorpalfae · 6 months
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i made me & my bf in dragon's dogma dark arisen lol🖤
we always make each other in our games cause we're geeks okay 🥰🐉⚔️
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beastren · 2 months
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i miss him
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themanwhomadeamonster · 8 months
oh ok so the horror elements of pitch black night in dragon's dogma were intentional and itsuno doubled down on it in dd2. that explains the no lantern mechanic in bbi 🥲
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eolande · 2 months
dd2 beastren bbi crossover lady's name is nehanshika after the deino3330 song. she will be a tiger and have black hair and wear the stargazers robes bc i think it'd be fun to contrast with the ddda berserkin. they're the same but also have interesting differences. she'll be a trickster.... she'll be taller and not completely flat chested like the rest of my ocs cause i have repetitive habits. her pawn will be a guy.... i'm thinking his name will be something epic and funny like wormwood or some kind of crystal. it'd be funny if he had glasses.... it'd also be interesting if he was maybe like a midnight blue/black type of deal bc they do let u do that with beastren fur. idk abt his class yet.... can a pawn be a mystic knight for fun please. maybe he learns it when he comes to bbi since mystic knight isn't in dd2 world.... on bbi anything is possible and that's why life is beautiful
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lacquerware · 7 years
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Scenes from Bitterblack Isle
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Anyone play Dragon's Dogma on PS4?
I really need Rift Crystals. Can you use my pawn? He's a level 200 Sorcerer with good end game gear.. Just add my psn: AzlynnKoal
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sushiramenoodle · 5 years
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When you don’t need a healer because your team can go through bbi without getting hit.. ☺️✌🏼 #capcom #dragonsdogma #dragonsdogmadarkarisen #darkarisen #ddda #playstation #playstation4 #ps4 #videogames #rpg https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx-kmmWgkPp/?igshid=1p680ti66ez2s
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themanwhomadeamonster · 2 months
Arisen & Pawn character introductions!
AND SINCE WE'RE DOING MEMES I MIGHT AS WELL FILL THIS OUT TOO!! Original template by @arisenreborn
Long post so below the read more! Featuring Carwyn and Seresa :>
NAME: Carwyn AGE: 28 in DDDA, 35 in DD2 RACE: Human/ex-Pawn PRONOUNS: he/him PREFERRED VOCATION: Magick Archer FAVORED GIFTS: fancy things, adorable things FAMILY: none LOL, he let his Arisen die in BBI if that counts
POSITIVE TRAITS: headstrong, independent, cautious NEGATIVE TRAITS: a bit of a shitcunt most of the time LIKES: rabbits DISLIKES: Dragonsplague, the entire cycle even before finding out what was beyond Seneschalhood, Saurians
1. What was their life like before becoming Arisen?
Carwyn was once a Pawn to someone who loved him very much, but in a very hurtful way. He left that Arisen to die in BBI thinking it was a mercy kill but it haunted him until he started to become a Corrupted Pawn/Necrophage; he originally had brown hair and brown eyes resembling his Arisen's old flame until the stress and curse of the Isle whitened his hair and changed his eyes. Was nicknamed the Carrion Bladewitch by passersby for being a MA Pawn that hung around corpses a lot. Was barred from the world of Gransys in DD1 since his ties there had been cut, so he ended up in a world without a current Arisen at the time: DD2. Underwent a Bestowal of Spirit upon setting foot on land on Vermund. Emotions suddenly felt less cloudy, and he realised he held a great deal of grief, guilt, and resentment for his Arisen. Carrion's last direction from his Arisen was to help her which he disobeyed, leaving him even more confused and aimless.
Settled down to become a woodworker in Harve Village since the place reminded him of Cassardis. Introduced himself as Carrion, which over time became understood as Carwyn which he graciously accepted, seeing it as one more step away from his former ties.
2. How do they handle being Arisen, and the responsibilities that come with it?
When news that a Dragon had finally confronted Vermund, a spark lit in his heart - this was his chance to die on his own terms. His Bestowed soul was tied to someone he so resented, and he lived in a world that he was unfit for. The Dragon's Dogma would be a test for Carwyn to prove to himself that his life and choices were his own, and not that he wanted to die because his Arisen's soul wished him to. There were two options from here: he would die at the hand of the Dragon as a pathetic vessel of man, at least as dictated by the Dogma rather than by his own Arisen, or he bests the Dragon and proves that his will was his own, so he can die knowing that it wasn't his Arisen driving him to do so.
Based on what happened in BBI, he came to hate the Eternal Cycle. As the story of DD2 progresses, he hates it even more upon realising the Pathfinder's role
3. What are their thoughts on Pawns in general?
Being an ex-Pawn he knows their experiences both good and bad first-hand. Carwyn's in a bit of an awkward spot though because he tries to relate to Pawns but he's developed too much as a human for them to understand some of his experiences, but he also hadn't grown up like a human and lacks many key experiences in that regard too. He also notes that in this world, Pawns seem more open with trying to be expressive compared to the Pawns he encountered in Gransys. He thinks that Pawns here are more expressive because they're more accepted, but can tell that such personalities are still constructed.
Carwyn does miss being able to travel the Rift and see new things, but he doesn't miss the empty feeling in his chest that he feels now as an Arisen, and before as a Pawn.
4. What's their relationship like with their main Pawn?
Carwyn summons his own Pawn, Seresa, a Beastren gleeful like he was when he was first summoned. He only did so at the insistence of other Pawns, though he felt in him a drive and yearning to do so as well. He at first tries to dismiss her back to the Rift, but she stays put, believing her presence was important for her Arisen as it was Carwyn's reason why she was summoned in the first place. Over time, he begins to see Seresa as a little sister to protect (and she later sees him as a brother), maybe a misguided desire reflecting what he wished of himself, but undoubtedly he comes to love her no matter what.
He feels envious and bitter hearing Pawns talk greatly of their own Arisen, so hearing that Seresa say that he's been a good Arisen to her made him start to take his journey as the Arisen more seriously, if at least to keep her safe.
With the return of the Dragonsplague, Carwyn's fears of his experiences in Bitterblack Isle are resurrected, and he becomes more adamant to keep Seresa safe against the Plague's influence upon her. While Seresa knows about what the Dragonsplague is, she's not aware of Carwyn's history in the Isle though can sense that something's off with how keeps avoiding the topic.
5. Do they have any interest in being Sovran? What are their opinions on the politics of the world in general?
Not at all, he thinks the role of Sovran is beyond is scope of knowledge and ability having only lived as a human in Vermund for around 7 years. Carwyn plans to abdicate the position to Regentkin Sven if he ends up slaying the Dragon.
6. Who are their love interest(s) and/or closest friends?
He was excited to see Rook again at the Excavation Site and just as distraught to see him be swallowed by the Brine. Though he knew as a Pawn what awaited beyond the Brine, being a human gave him a newfound fear for it.
Carwyn struggled to befriend anyone particularly closely due to being unfriendly and keeping to himself. Fyoran was the only one who put up with him in Harve Village, so he reciprocates that and treats him favourably.
In Vermund, he grows close with Glenna who keeps him company to pass the time as well as Klaus who he shares experiences with from on the road. He tried to grow close to Beren out of admiration for his skill but Beren found him dishonourable.
7. What drew them to their preferred vocation? Do they have history with it?
Carwyn's Arisen was a Sorcerer, and he was later hired by an Assassin in Bitterblack Isle before that one died too. Blue + Yellow vocation = Magick Archer. When he reaches the Unmoored World, he becomes desperate to keep Seresa safe after the scare when she wouldn't wake up, so he changes his role from being a damage dealer like in DDDA to being supportive. In the Unmoored World, his abilities now feature Recovery Arrow, Fortalice, Martyr's Bolt, and Soporific Arrow.
8. Do they have any hobbies? Any way of relaxing between all that monster-slaying and traveling?
Carwyn took up woodworking and has a hobby of sculpting rabbits. He also likes petting and feeding wild rabbits in the vicinity. He'll hunt other animals, just not them.
NAME: Seresa AGE: 22 RACE: Beastren PRONOUNS: she/her PREFERRED VOCATION: Fighter FAVORED GIFTS: beautiful things, food lol INCLINATION: simple
POSITIVE TRAITS: righteous, optimistic, curious NEGATIVE TRAITS: impulsive, single-minded, easily distracted LIKES: exploring, flowers, food DISLIKES: slimes
1. What was their life like prior to being summoned by their Arisen?
Asleep, dreaming. In Seresa's case, Carwyn is her main/first Arisen so she was one of the dreaming consciences of the Rift. She was born from Carwyn's desire to have companionship in his journey, someone who would be able to guide him the right direction. Seresa was summoned as someone with a sense of justice, an optimistic outlook, and an eagerness to explore the world to help Carwyn open up to his new world.
2. What is their opinion on the Arisen? How do they view their relationship?
Overall she thinks fondly of Carwyn! He can be frustrating at times but she doesn't have to take much effort to convince him to listen to his gut to do the right thing. She doesn't find out that Carwyn used to be a Pawn until after the Coronation ceremony since his Pawn Print had disappeared by then, and starts to be more patient with him from then on. Likewise, she begins to understand why Carwyn is so sympathetic to her and her fellow Pawns.
Seresa knows that Carwyn loves her very much and isn't ashamed to remind him that whenever he feels self-conscious about his treatment of her. She similarly sees him as a big brother who she tags along with.
3. Is there anything about the Arisen they find troublesome? Be it a small quirk or bad habit? (Or are they obviously flawless?)
Seresa finds him stubborn and abrasive but recognises that part of it is because he doesn't know how to deal with other people. She also knows that Carwyn is hiding more than just the fact that he used to be a Pawn and she thinks it would do the both of them good for him to spill it, but it seems to be a sore spot so she leaves the topic alone.
4. What is their specialization and is there any story behind how they cultivated that skill set?
Seresa often talks about wanting to eat and be comfortable, so Carwyn taught her to be a Logistician - she can make and eat as much food as she wants and he wouldn't bother her about it. It only becomes an issue when she insists that expired food can still be salvaged LOL
5. Do they have any thoughts on the politics of the world and their place in it as a Pawn - or how Pawns are treated?
She feels a little more safe socially in her status as a Pawn knowing that Carwyn is very protective of Pawns (and comes to fully trust him when he admits that he used to be a Pawn as well). But Seresa develops very mixed feelings upon entering Battahl as a Beastren Pawn, seeing scornful eyes from people who are supposed to resemble her and were subject to discrimination back in Vermund. She feels a bit of solidarity with Carwyn when even Battahli people treat him like a Pawn due to his muted behaviours.
6. Does their journey with the Arisen change them in any significant way and how?
After the Coronation ceremony when Seresa felt that great pain in her chest and head, Carwyn immediately freaks out and makes her take time off to rest despite her insistence that they have to move quickly to figure out what's going on. The sudden open display of concern and care for her, felt very out of character, and she prodded for an answer until Carwyn admitted that he used to be a Pawn, and felt too scared to grow close in case he'd turn out like his Arisen, but he didn't want to similarly neglect her in a time like this either. After he apologised for being so distant, the pieces came together for her, and she reassures him that he's not as bad as his former Arisen; they vowed to look after each other. When Seresa pleads - not asks - him not to face the Dragon to die, Carwyn realises she knew all along and is also beginning to undergo Bestowal, so he promises not to do so anymore.
From that point, Seresa begins to mature a bit more emotionally, becomes more in tune with Carwyn's rhythm, and the tips of her mane begin to adopt a white tint.
7. Is there a reason they chose their preferred vocation?
When Carwyn summoned a Pawn, he wanted someone who would protect him not just in battle but as a person. Seresa approached him as a Fighter.
8. Do they have any hobbies or preferred past-times?
Carwyn teaches her how to cook and she discovers a fluttery feeling in her chest! - he tells her that it's pride. While Seresa insists on hanging onto expired food that it may have a use for something later, she finds it disgusting that Carwyn would actually eat it without cooking it if given the chance.
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