#arisen and pawn
vorpalfae · 6 months
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i made me & my bf in dragon's dogma dark arisen lol🖤
we always make each other in our games cause we're geeks okay 🥰🐉⚔️
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soloavengers · 2 months
Arisen & Pawn Info
Using @arisenreborn’s template, this was fun to fill out.
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NAME: Sylvas AGE: 20 RACE: Human PRONOUNS: He/him ALIGNMENT: Chaotic good PREFERRED VOCATION: Mystic spearhand FAVORED GIFTS: Cloaks, curatives, anything interesting FAMILY: Deceased parents. (But Winterheart, really)
POSITIVE TRAITS: He’s helpful and kind, perhaps he has difficulty saying no when someone asks for help or a favor. It doesn’t mean he’s dependable, but he ALWAYS tries his very best. Ready to jump into the fray of any battle if someone needs a hand, like wandering pawns. He’s gentle, compassionate and easy to talk to. Very excitable, curious and energetic (would remind one of a Simple pawn). He’s friendly, in his own way.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Overconfident and reckless, you’d often see him rushing into a fight by throwing himself in the middle of a group of enemies (much to Winnie’s dismay and careful planning). He doesn’t see the fault in himself when it comes to such flaws, even when he’s disheartened after a bad battle caused by these actions, while Winterheart gently scolds him. He can be too blunt and impulsive when interacting with people, breaking social norms despite how hard he tries not to. Easily distracted, too curious it gets him in awful situations. He’s awful at talking about his own feelings.
LIKES: Animals, adventuring, monster culling, heights, treasure, Winterheart’s paintings, forests and camping. The color green. Regentkin Sven.
DISLIKES: Rattlers. (& Disappointing others. The overwhelming uncertainty of what his future holds. The odd feeling he gets after defeating a drake. The empty feeling in his chest intensifies every day. Why?)
What was their life like before becoming Arisen?
His veteran father moved himself and little Syl out of their village in northern Vermund to a cottage in a forest nearby for a ranger job, after his mother’s death. He raised Sylvas and trained him in the use of melee weapons and archery, taught him hunting for sport and (after a certain age,) hunting monsters. He nursed a wolf pup with pale fur to health, she was their protector and Syl’s best friend growing up. He never allowed Syl to explore the forest without her. Monsters became more and more frequent as the dragon’s coming neared. He lost his father little over a year prior to becoming the Arisen, grief drove him away from the forest like it drove his father away from the village. He recovered his love for nature, exploring and battling monsters after losing his memories.
How do they handle being Arisen, and the responsibilities that come with it?
After remembering the events in Melve, he couldn’t deny it and grew quite interested in the Dragon and his connection to it (and the drakes). In a somewhat innocent way, he always longed to have some sort of connection to a beast, so he may be glorifying it. The responsibility, the charge… He doesn’t understand it, but suppose if he does what people he trusts want of him (to become Sovran), and leads the pawns well he’s doing alright. Surely this path will lead to getting his heart back. 
What are their thoughts on Pawns in general?
Syl grew up with Very little human contact outside of his father, making him shy and awkward when people visit. However he knew pawns, as there were times his father hired sellsword pawns to help with monster hunting. He found them easier to interact with than humans for some reason. Later, it’s the presence of his pawns that helped him come out of his shell. As they're less like the pawns he knew growing up and more like humans, that are still oddly easier to talk to. He’d always tell them he’s lucky to have them, and tends to rehire pawns he likes quite a lot.
What's their relationship like with their main Pawn?
He loves Winterheart, she’s become his family like Winterheart the wolf was. He’d often grumble and say she isn’t “a fun sort” for caring about silly things like strategy and planning, but he realizes that her strictness keeps him alive. He cares for her beyond words. A partner like her is what he needs to keep going, to put it simply. He tries his best to take her input before a fight despite that comment, and her opinion before a decision, and tries harder to keep to it. 
Do they have any interest in being Sovran? What are their opinions on the politics of the world in general?
Not at first, but early enough into the journey he remembered how he felt like he lost his life even before the Dragon, and he grew to accept that his path as the Arisen will lead to a new life as Sovran. He grew to understand that it’s a necessity and not simply a privilege he didn’t ask for, as well as feeling himself grow more and more responsible. Captain Brant and Sven’s help gives him a lot of confidence, and there’s little he wouldn’t do to make them proud. During his travels he began writing a journal to keep track of things he plans to take action against or in favor of as Sovran. He tries his best to understand the politics of the world, and he has gathered many historical books (though reading them is another matter.) So, suppose he does have interest, if only for the sake of Vermund and having something to live for. And, well… he can’t be worse than a false Sovran puppet of a tyrant, can he?
Who are their love interest(s) and/or closest friends?
His closest friend is his loyal pawn. He got better at making friends by way of helping, and when a couple of his new friendships seemed to develop into something more, he’d feel he isn’t good enough. Yet, oddly he didn’t feel that way with Sven, perhaps because he cannot be with him even if he wanted to. His feelings are known and returned, but it’s no more than little visits to the castle for quiet talks. Sven might have gone to his dwelling once or twice, as the rumor goes.
What drew them to their preferred vocation? Do they have history with it? 
His father trained him with regular spears, along with swords and bows. So before meeting Sigurd he preferred to be a fighter or an archer. Then learning the skills of a mystic spearhand he found, is a thrill. It’s the amount of magic he’s comfortable using, and it’s a weapon he was already a little familiar with. And despite Sigurd being a mystery, he feels kinship with the man and wishes to make him proud.
Do they have any hobbies? Any way of relaxing between all that monster-slaying and traveling?
Monster slaying and travel is his joy, but yes, he likes carving wood. He gifts them to friends and hired pawns, often a carving of their favorite animal or monster. He enjoys collecting little things that catch his eyes, and experimenting with ingredients more than necessary.
NAME: Winterheart AGE: ??? RACE: Half-elf PRONOUNS: She/her ALIGNMENT: Neutral good PREFERRED VOCATION: Warrior FAVORED GIFTS: Flowers, swords, paint, and anything Syl gives her. INCLINATION: Calm.
POSITIVE TRAITS: She’s caring and gentle, she seems to always know the best thing to do or say when someone (especially her Arisen) is struggling in almost any situation. She’s observant and quick to act in battles, would rather she didn’t have to have to be, if only all their battles were carefully planned.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Passive aggressive when in a bad mood. Overprotective of Sylvas even outside of battles, her opinion of a person would change entirely if they as much as made him frown, no matter the context. Too quiet (according to Syl). Too careful (also according to Syl). Overexerts herself often in fights, be it in defense of the Arisen and their companions or as she tries to take most foes down so they wouldn’t have to. 
LIKES: Her Gryphic Victory greatsword, beautiful sights, Vernworth, children, days spent in towns and villages, well planned battles. The lightest pink color. Ser Ulrika.
DISLIKES: Bandits. Syl’s inability to learn not to rush headfirst into battle. The emptiness of her past. Plans getting ignored, strategies overlooked. Raspberries. Rainy weather.
What was their life like prior to being summoned by their Arisen?
Long ago Winterheart was formed by an Arisen that didn’t live long enough for them to be well connected, she hardly remembers them. She wandered the rift and has done her duties in different worlds, often for humans as a sellsword. She was summoned for Sylvas for her similarity to the wolf his father had adopted, whose detachment to a pack was akin to her detachment to her Arisen. As well as her calm yet overprotective personality. In short, her past was a stretch of longing for what she finally has. 
What is their opinion on the Arisen? How do they view their relationship?
She’s very fond of Syl, she thinks the world of him, for all his flaws. Winnie thinks that as long as he has her, he will make it (really, there are no doubts anymore… only fear. Lots of fear.) It took her a while to accept that she was summoned, chosen again, and longer to believe that it might just last. At first she was bitter when she saw how reckless her Arisen is, believing this long awaited gift will be taken from her because he’s young and fearless, then she realized it doesn’t have to be that way if she protects him well. She helps him stay alive and he helps her feel alive, that’s how she views it.
Is there anything about the Arisen they find troublesome? Be it a small quirk or bad habit? (Or are they obviously flawless?)
What is their specialization and is there any story behind how they cultivated that skill set? 
Chirurgeon. It was simply learned, and she’s glad of it. It’s what Syl needs most, even outside of battles (is it so hard to estimate a fall, or how hot the water is?) It’s a comfort for her to be specialized in healing, there were times where Sylvas didn’t notice he was poisoned!
Do they have any thoughts on the politics of the world and their place in it as a Pawn - or how Pawns are treated? 
It does put her down at times, and she would like to see anyone who’s wrongfully controlling pawns Dead. But she’s in the world to do her duty, politics don’t matter next to it. She’s however pleased her Arisen is doing something about it, and she’s there to help when she can.
Does their journey with the Arisen change them in any significant way and how? 
It got her out of the shell losing her former Arisen and wandering had shoved her in. She’s a lot more confident in her abilities and place, and in Sylvas as well. Winterheart is aware of more… integral changes, and while they make her feel alive, she instead feels dreadful when she notices Syl changing. But it’s the way of the Arisen and Pawn relationship, it’s out of her hands. She tries to remind him of who he is and what he loves most when it looks like his mind and soul is elsewhere.
Is there a reason they chose their preferred vocation? 
It was the vocation she used during her travels before Sylvas summoned her as an archer. In a distant past she was a mage, though she doesn’t remember having had enough time to perfect her skills as a mage. She misses being a warrior whenever she isn’t.
Do they have any hobbies or preferred past-times?
She likes painting scenery! Often while camping, she loses sleep just to stay up painting their surroundings on paper. When traveling with other Arisen, she likes for them to keep a painting. However if their world is so different, she would take one for Syl.
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koyoriin · 3 months
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been enjoying dragon's dogma 2 lately, so here's a sketch of my arisen and her pawn!
https://twitter.com/koyoriin https://patreon.com/koyorin https://instagram.com/koyori_n https://bsky.app/profile/koyorin.bsky.social
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ksilberne · 2 months
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I had to throw her into the soup :(
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princessmelinoe · 3 months
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Dragon's Dogma II - Elmira
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elluvians · 3 months
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Saga - Main Pawn
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halichor · 2 months
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I spent an unholy amount of time on this sketch dump, but I got a little too attached to Jehan and Karythos in this au 😔✊
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frostllamzon · 1 month
All my Dragons Dogma 2 Arisen and Pawn Fan Art
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surelyspacejunk · 1 month
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dragon dogma's 2 arisen & pawn headcanons.
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fizzyghosts · 2 months
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If my pawn sleeps on the ground then I will too
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apollos2 · 2 months
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more details about the job switch lol
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I knew we'd not be long apart, Arisen!
In honor of Rook's return in Dragon's Dogma 2, I comm'd the wonderful @verkomy for a piece of my Arisen, Dyraen and Rook as they appear in Dragon's Dogma 1 and 2. :) I was so happy to see Rook again and verkomy did a beautiful job with my blorbos!!
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wormsermonizer · 1 year
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dreammie · 3 months
Remember to play catch with your pawns!
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ritens · 2 months
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letting pawns sleep on the ground out in the rain should be a crime. my guys are sharing the hammock, bye.
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olessan · 2 months
Disappointed that DD2 has no canonical male romance options? HELP FIX IT!
In Dragon's Dogma 2 you can choose almost any NPC to be your beloved/romance option, like in the first game. You can literally pick anyone, including random road guards, to shower gifts upon and raise their affinity.
However. Only two NPCs are canonical romances.
Ulrika and Wilhelmina, both human women, have unique romance quests and scenes that conclude intimately (without any platonic option). Those are the only NPCs in the entire game that have them.
No hate on the girls, they're among my arisen's best buds, but having them be the only two with fully fledged romance arcs in the entire game is a bit absurd.
Pre-release marketing highlighted Ulra, Wil, as well as Guard-Captain Brant, Prince Sven (who tbf seems pretty young), elven siblings Glyndwr and Doirieann, and Empress Nadinia of Battahl and her Guard-captain Menella (who I assumed were a couple). Any of those characters should also have had unique scenes like Wil and Ulra, but they don't. That effectively makes Ulra/Wil the canonical options.
None of the npcs care about the arisen's gender. The main issue is that there are no male options with equivalent romance quest. There's nothing but crumbs for the guy enjoyers, which is somehow a step back from the first game where there was at least Julian.
There are three dudes who would have been strong candidates according to their plot importance:
Brant is the arisen's first and most important ally in Vernworth,
Sven could have been DD2's Aelinore (young noble in need of help) and could've caused loads of plot drama,
and Glyndwr is your introduction to the elf culture through his curiosity.
Do they get unique quests beyond their initial ones? Nope.
Anyway, we can potentially influence some getting added officially instead of as mods:
Capcom has released a player feedback survey.
The survey has questions on what you like, dislike, and would like to see in future content updates. It runs until April 21 and may well influence the future additions to the game.
I laid it on thick about them adding more quests and romance quests, and also about a Bitterblack Isle-type expansion.The more people that bring it up these issues the better.
Go forth, arisen <3
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